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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Eccleston talks with the Radio Times some more about why he quit DW in Series 1 and how it destroyed his relationship with Russell T. Davies.

    It’s amazing that he did as good of a job he did under the circumstances. I thought he handled the lighter material just fine, even if it wasn’t as second nature as it was for Tennant or Smith.

  2. The producers never should have made this public, embarrassing their cast. Salary is just not something they should be discussing. But if anything should be done to remedy it after the fact, I agree that Claire Foy should get a check. Matt Smith shouldn’t be shamed because of this. I get that protests often work better when they target the most public figures, but he and his agents did nothing wrong.

  3. 6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I know. I was agreeing with you.


    It's just so blatantly crass, to the point where at first I thought Nixon must have originally said something about her being a lesbian. But, no - she's just that crass.

    Not a good look for CQ. Why even go there? 




  4. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I remember a lot of talk at the time of the NYC mayor race (which she and others seemed to think she was owed) about her nasty personality. 



    Oh I know. I was being a bit sarcastic. 


    She’s so salty about Nixon being cozy with de Blasio.

  5. I found this interesting from a similar NPR piece about the research:



    The results are also gendered. The income gap between black and white Americans, the study finds, is almost entirely driven by differences in earnings between black and white men. When the researchers controlled for parental income, they found black women earn slightly more than white women. Meanwhile, white men are far out-earning black men, even when they start out in families with similar income levels.


    Also, from my family’s home state:




  6. 25 minutes ago, Khan said:


    I've said this before, but one negative trait that characterizes MMT's first run for me is scenes where characters are yelling at and being uncivil toward each other.  That was VERY off-putting to me, because I'd never known AMC to be the kind of soap where people were often confrontational.

    That’s an interesting point that never stood out to me, maybe because I only started watching around 1991 (I started really with the Emily Ann story). My experience of AMC before then has only been through clips and retrospectives, but I think I would have had a closer bond to the show if I’d been watching in the ‘80s. The family and community feeling just felt much stronger to me, which was what drew me to the P&G shows.

  7. In hindsight, I gotta agree there was a lot of garbage during McTavish’s heralded first run even though there was a lot that was compulsively watchable. I never really go back to that era when I’m viewing clips on YouTube. I really thought the show caught fire during late ‘95, early ‘96 before going off the rails like almost every other show around that time.

  8. 52 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    The Miami draw is out....




    For some reason the draw seems so lackluster.....


    And Novak is playing ....lawd....he looked downright awful this past week. I thought for sure he'd pull out.

    That is a meh draw for sure. I don’t get Novak’s thinking, but Schwartzman will be a good test to see where his game is. He does need match play. Nishikori and Kyrgios are also playing, I see.

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