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-Eric and Nicole return to their suite at the Salem Inn after their stay at Green Mountain. Nicole is still angry they left and reminds Eric of his promise to do everything he can to make sure they gain custody of the child they found. Eric tells Nicole he will do what he can but can't guarantee anything. He then checks his messages and is stunned to learn about Will missing and being found and about Carrie being found and her baby "dying." He is angry with himself for not checking his messages but he wanted a quiet vacation with her and with everything going on he just forgot to check his mailbox. Nicole tells him it's ok. He also has a call from Kate, telling him he is needed at the office, which upsets Nicole yet again due to Eric having a job and she not having one. Eric says he needs to go see his family and then needs to stop by the office. Nicole tells him to go ahead. He asks if she wants to come with him but she opts not to, saying her presence won't help much and she wouldn't be of any help when he goes to the office. He kisses her goodbye and promises her everything will work out. They will have the life they dreamed of. Eric leaves and, after he leaves, Nicole says: Nicole: You bet we will, Eric. All I know is I already gave up my job to stay with you and now you have a job and I am sitting around. I want the life you promised me...the life we dreamed of and I am going to get it. That baby we found is meant to be our's and you can say all you want that you will do your best to make it happen but your best isn't good enough. We need help...I need help and I think I know who to go to. The question is, will he help me? Hell, it's worth a shot. I will do whatever I have to do to have that baby. He is meant to be our child and I won't stop until he is. Nicole gets her coat and purse and leaves. -At University Hospital, Roman goes over to Lexie and asks her what her father told her when she visited with him before he went up to the OR. Lexie, realizing that it still isn't clear what is meant by what her father said and that this is a very dangerous situation, says: Lexie: Roman, he said nothing. He just told me he loved me. Roman: Are you sure? You looked upset. Lexie: I'm sure. Now, please, leave me alone. I am upset enough. Roman walks away to talk to Shane as Abe and Celeste walk over to Lexie. Abe: Are you that was it? You seemed really upset. Lexie: Well, of course I am upset. My father was shot by this cloaked maniac and may die. What do you want me to be? Happy? Abe: Lexie... Lexie: Abe...just shutup. I don't want to answer anymore questions. I told you all what I know and I just want to be alone. Besides, I have no interest talking to a bunch of backstabbing traitors anyway. Abe: Lexie... Celeste: Alexandra, please. Don't push us away. We love you. Lexie: You have a funny way of showing it. You both and all of my former friends here in Salem. You are united together and stood by as Theo was taken from me. Now, I can't even see him. Abe: Lexie, you can always see Theo. I just want him around the Dimera influence or your father. Lexie: Well, I am a Dimera and so is Theo. Stefano is his grandfather and I am not going to close Theo off from that side of his family. Mark my words, Abe. I will get my son back and he will grow up a Dimera heir, as he should. I will have my revenge on you and all of Salem. Consider yourself warned. Lexie walks away as a stunned and horrified Abe and Celeste look on. Meanwhile, Victor decides to go back the mansion and get the ball rolling on unraveling the MCF mystery. Victor tells Roman that he is leaving and tells him to call if there is any word on Stefano and if he says anything. Frankie, Greta, Jack, and Billie are nearby. Shane comes over to them and says they all four should go home. There is no sense them being there as Stefano could be in surgery for hours and they aren't supposed to be investigating anymore. Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta lie and say they know, even though they know full well they are still going to investigate on their own. Frankie thinks leaving is a good idea. There is really nothing they can do now. Shane leaves. Frankie offers to take Greta home. She thanks him and both of them tell Jack and Billie to call them if there is an update. They remind them not to investigate on their own. The four of them are a team now. Jack and Billie agree to do all that and bid them good night. -At the Horton house, Doug is sitting with Julie and Alice. They are getting ready to watch the late local news and are discussing the murders at the McCluer home. Alice: It's so horrible. The McCluer's use to go to St. Luke's every Sunday. Caroline and I knew them well. Poor Renee went through so much pain when James was in jail all those years. She was so hoping things would get better when he was released and came home. Now...look at what's happened. Julie: Do you think James killed his family, Grandma? Alice: No, dear. I do think James was involved with the wrong people and those people may be behind it. James loved his family and sometimes that love drove him to make poor choices. He would do anything for his family and he may have been so desperate to give them a better life that he made the wrong choices and, sadly, here we are. Doug: It's just so horrible. I mean, whoever did this is sick. To butcher a wife and mother along with her three children. What is this world coming to. That's why I thank God everyday for my blessings and that all of you, including you my lady (looks at Julie), are safe and sound. Julie: I feel the same way. Alice: I agree. Doug: I worry about all of you everytime you are all out of sight. Like when you were gone, sweetheart. I mean, you were only gone for a day but it felt like an eternity. I couldn't help but worry about what could happen. Julie: Doug, I only went away with a day with a few friends. It was nothing. Stop being such a worrier. Doug: Oh, I know that. I need to relax but I can't help it. The worst case scenarios just pop into my head, especially after all our family has been through. Hey...by the way, you never did tell me what you did on your little trip, darling. Julie is silent, not knowing what to say. She knows telling Doug that she learned Victor was alive and that she tracked him down to convince him to return to Salem would make him very angry, especially since he was so enraged over her support of Victor's relationship with Maggie and was clearly jealous of Victor due to her past relationship with him. Julie decides she must lie so she tells Doug that she and a few friends just spent the day shopping at a fancy mall a few miles outside of Salem. They had heard good things about it so they went to check it out for themselves. Alice says she has heard of that mall. Julie says it was quite nice but there wasn't a whole lot of buys for her. Doug says he is sorry about that. Julie says it's fine and sarcastically says she saved money. They both laugh and embrace each other as Alice smiles. The news then begins and the McCluer murders is the lead story. Alice, Doug, and Julie are focused on the TV when, suddenly, their faces turn to faces of shock when they see Victor, Stefano, and Lexie at the crime scene. Julie realizes Victor must have decided to return. Doug is wondering why Stefano and Victor are roaming free and worries about what will happen when Maggie learns Victor is back. Julie worries about the same thing and tells Doug she is going to head over there to make sure she is ok if she saw Victor on the news. Doug offers to go with her but Julie insists he stay with Alice. She can handle Maggie on her own. Meanwhile, at Maggie's home, Maggie is pouring herself a a drink out of the vodka bottle that is on her living room table. She can't help but think of Victor and where he is right now. She misses him terribly. She knows he wouldn't be happy with her drinking, nor would Mickey who is probably looking down on her with shame. She just can't find another way to deal with the pain. Maggie continues sipping her drink and turns on the TV. She turns to NBC to watch the news and sees the McCluer murders being covered. She is then stunned to see Stefano, Victor, and Lexie at the scene. She wonders why all three haven't been arrested and why they have come back. She wonders, in particular, about Victor and is happy he is back. She decides she must see him. She gets her coat and opens the door to find Julie right behind it, asking where she is going. Maggie is silent. Julie tells Maggie she already knows the answer...she is going to see Victor. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor arrives home and fills Nico in on the events of the evening. Nico asks if Victor thinks Stefano found out something about the MCF. Victor thinks Stefano learned something and that is probably why he was shot but they will see providing he wakes up. Nico tells Victor that the McCluer murders are all over the news and asks how they should handle James McCluer given that he worked for them on the side. Victor tells Nico that he wants James found. He may know about about the MCF and could be the key to getting to the bottom of this mystery. Nico also asks him what he will do when Maggie sees him on TV, as she is bound to with so much coverage. Victor assures Nico that he knows he has to handle the Maggie situation and he already has a plan in mind to help deal with her. He doesn't want to hurt her but he has no choice. The doorbell then rings. Nico tells Victor that Henderson went home for the evening. Victor agrees to answer the door. He answers it to find Nicole waiting for him. Nicole: Hello, Victor. (walks in to the mansion without being invited in) I was with Eric at Green Mountain and heard you were alive when Eric was downstairs packing the car. Never thought you were dead but I digress. Look...I hate to ask this and I know it's a long shot based on our history but...I need your help. Victor: You know what, Nicole? I need your help too. Perhaps we can make a deal. Nicole looks at Victor with confusion, wondering what he could be thinking. -Back at the hospital, Roman and Eric are catching up. Roman has filled Eric in on Will going missing and returning and on Carrie being found and her baby "dying.". Eric can't believe all that has happened and apologizes for not answering his phone or messages. Roman says it's fine. He says they really need him right now and Eric says he knows. He promises to be there for them to help them through all this. He then fills Roman in on the baby Nicole and him found at Green Mountain. Eric tells Roman how Nicole thinks it was fate and how much she wants custody. Roman remarks that it's strange how they found a baby on the same night as Carrie's "died." he says if he didn't know any better, he would think the baby they found was Carrie's but that can't be the case. Roman gets paged and says he has to go. Eric tells Roman he will go visit his sisters. Roman thinks that is a good idea and he and Eric embrace before going their separate ways. Nearby, Abe is with Celeste and he asks her if she thinks Stefano told Lexie more then she is saying. Celeste thinks he did but has no clue what. Celeste worries that if Stefano told Lexie something he knew about the MCF, she could be in great danger, especially if she pursues the MCF now that he shot her father. Celeste tells Abe she has this horrible feeling that there is great danger and tragedy in store for all of Salem thanks to this MCF. Meanwhile, Lexie is by herself and thinking about Stefano's words. She wonders why the MCF would tell Stefano that he/she had something of his that he had been searching for for some time. Lexie contemplates the words and then comes to a shocking realization: Lexie: Oh my...father had his people looking for him for so long and nothing. Could that be it? Could the cloaked figure have...Tony? The scene the shifts to a secret hideaway and focuses on a cell. Tony and Anna are walking around the cell in frustration. Anna: Why are we here? When will this be over? Tony: I have no answers. I have been here for months. I was held held in a dungeon for years by my cousin Andre and then, I believe it was last summer since being imprisoned so long can confuse the time frame, these masked men broke into the dungeon. They blindfolded me and I ended up here. Anna: And I had just finished work on a fashion show in Milan when I recieved a letter from Carrie. She hardly ever contacts me and she said she was in trouble and to meet her at a local restaurant. I knew she had gone missing in Salem so I figured she had tracked me down so I went to meet her. I waited for so long at the restraurant and she never showed. I was grabbed on my way to my car, blindfolded, and brought here. God...why is this happening? We have compared notes about all this so many times and none of it makes sense. Tony: Anna, we will get out of here. We will find out what is going. I promise you. They embrace, both having looks of worry on their faces. -Frankie drops Greta off at her new apartment near the Salem Towers. He says the building is beautiful. She agrees. She admits to Frankie she is a little worried about what is to come. She really wants to get to the bottom of this mystery with the MCF because she took over The Spectator to make a difference. This is part of the territory. However, she doesn't want anyone else to get hurt. Frankie says there is no way of preventing that. There is no telling what this MCF might do. They just have to hope they or the police can break the case open before it's too late. Greta thanks him. He always makes her feel better. She says she looks forward to working with him on the case, along with Jack and Billie. Frankie feels the same but warns they have to proceed with caution. Greta agrees and says they will all just have to watch each other's back. They both smile and say goodnight. Greta enters her apartment and closes the door, praying to God to help all of them stop this MCF. -Jack is driving Billie and she mentions to him that she doesn't want to go home tonight. Her mother is there and she just can't deal with her after everything that happened. Jack tells her she is free to stay at his house tonight if she doesn't mind a screaming baby from time to time. She smiles and thanks him for the offer but refuses. Jack insists and she gives in. They arrive at the Deveraux home. Jack pays the sitter and goes to call Abby to check on her. While alone, Billie thinks about JJ and Angel. She turns the news on and sees coverage of the McCluer murders. Tears well up in her eyes and begin to stream down her cheeks as Jack returns to the room: Jack: Hey...no tears. Come on. I thought you were past this. Billie (crying): It's my fault, Jack. JJ and Angel came to me for help. They wanted their father investigated. I should've known they would go off and do things on their own. I knew how dangerous the situation was. I should've told the police. Jack: Billie...your a private investigator. Your job is to take on cases and... Billie: But this was different. These kids...they didn't know what they were getting into. They meant well but they had no idea how dangerous and...I just handled it all wrong. Their poor mother and brother. They had to tell them the truth and that signed their death warrants too...GOD, JACK!!! I SCREWED UP!! WHAT HAVE I DONE?! Jack (grabs Billie tightly): YOU DID NOTHING WRONG!!! YOU DID YOUR JOB!! Billie: Yeah but... Jack: No. No buts. There wasn't much evidence. We only had the little bit JJ and Angel told us and how they saw the cloaked person with Marlena and their father. Sure, we knew it could and probablt was dangerous but...we didn't know that something like this would happen...at least not this quickly. Plus, it may have happened anyway. This cloaked person seems to know everything. He or she would've known if we called the police and would've found some way to get to them and off them... Billie: YOU DON'T KNOW THAT, JACK!! THOSE KIDS TRUSTED US!!! THEY TRUSTED ME!!! I FAILED!!! IT'S MY FAULT!!! WHY DIDN'T THEY KILL US!! WHY DID THEY KILL RENEE, JJ, JONATHAN, AND ANGEL AND LEAVE US!!! WE KNEW THINGS TOO!! DID THIS PERSON WANT US TO FEEL GUILTY BECAUSE I DO!!! Jack: BILLIE...WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WOULD'VE HAPPENED. THERE WAS NO WAY OF STOPPING IT!!! LISTEN TO ME!!! I HAVE NO IDEA WHY WE WEREN'T KILLED IN THAT HOUSE BUT I DO KNOW YOU DIDN'T FAIL. DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOU DIDN'T FAIL!! Billie: YEAH I DID. IT'S ALL MY FAULT. I SHOULD BE DEAD!!! Jack (grabs Billie tighter and tries to shake some sense into her): NO, DON'T SAY THAT. DAMNIT BILLIE!!! YOU HANDLED IT HOW YOU SHOULD AND THE BEST YOU COULD!!! Billie: I WISH I HAD DIED!!! IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!! THEY WERE ALL SO YOUNG AND THEIR MOTHER!!! IT'S MY FAULT, JACK!!! I DID THIS!!! IT'S MY FAULT!!! Jack: NO!!! NO, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DIED!! STOP THIS!! JUST CALM DOWN!!! IT HAPPENED AND IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!! Billie: YES IT IS!!! Jack: DAMNIT, BILLIE (turns away from her and lets go of her in frustration)...JUST SHUTUP AND LISTEN!!! Billie: NO!!! I KNOW THE TRUTH...I KNOW WHAT I... Jack then turns back towards her, takes her in his arms and kisses her passionately. Billie then pulls away, her tear stroked face looking into his eyes, and then leans in and kisses him again as the screen slowly fades to black on an overhead shot of them kissing. On the Next Salem Lives... Celeste to Abe: I think I may have some answers that you are looking for. Lexie to Stefano: You saved my life and I promise you I will catch the person that did this and make them pay. Nicole to Victor: Ok, Victor. Let's hear what you have in mind. Eric to Austin: Nicole and I found this baby... Austin to Eric: wait, you found a baby on the same night Carrie's died? Julie to Maggie: I think you and Victor should end things once and for all. ***DON'T FORGET TO READ THE EXCLUSIVE VENDETTA SNEAK PREVIEW CLIP BELOW THIS EPISODE!!!***
EXCLUSIVE VENDETTA SNEAK PREVIEW CLIP!!! The MCF is still in a wooded area, talking to his/her associate via cell phone. MCF (with voice changer): You understand your instructions, right? Associate: Yes. Our prisoners are doing just fine at the moment. MCF: Excellent. The time has come to put the big parts of the plan in motion. Everything up until now has been child's play. Blowing up Samantha Brady's apartment, shooting Roman Brady, giving out Bo Brady and Victor Kiriakis's whereabouts...no more of that. Associate: Why did you do all that anyway if it accomplished very little? MCF: Oh, it accomplished alot. I struck the fear of God into all of Salem and my enemies. They needed to feel my presence and now that they have, the game can begin. Associate: So, that is why you had Alan Harris pull Samantha away before the bomb went off. You didn't want her to die. MCF: Oh, but I did. Same goes for Roman, Bo, and Victor. If any of them died, it would've been a bonus. Sadly, none of them did but I am pleased in a way. My plans are now on a larger scale. No more thinking small. It's time to destroy my enemies all in one swoop. We must set the stage for what will be a grand event that will rock Salem to it's core. My enemies and all who associate with them won't know what hit them. The MCF laughs as the scene shifts to Tony and Anna, still imprisoned in the cell that the MCF's associate is monitoring. Tony and Anna are now awake and are trying to look outside the cell to see what is going on. Anna: Who do you think did this? Tony: I don't know. I have been trying to figure it out for some time. Everyone around here wears masks. If I didn't know any better, I would think... Anna: It was Stefano. Tony: He wouldn't do this. This is someone else. Whoever they are, they have alot of minions. I just don't know why they want you. Anna: Well, why do you think they want you? Tony: Well, possibly because of who I am. Anna: You think someone wants revenge on you or Stefano? Tony: There is no telling. All I know is I have this feeling...this feeling that whoever is behind this isn't playing around. They mean business and somehow we play a big role in whatever he or she is planning. Anna: I'm scared, Tony. Tony takes Anna in his arms. Tony: I know. We will find out what is going on. We will help each other through this. The scene then shifts back to the MCF. The MCF is in a warehouse district and enters a warehouse. He or she goes all the way to the back of the abandoned building to an office. The MCF opens the doors and turns on the lights. The MCF goes over to the desk and opens one of the drawers, revealing listening devices, bugs, and other spy gadgets. The MCF then gets up and opens a closet near to the desk, revealing a shrine featuring pictures of many Salemites. The camera pans over all the pictures. We see pictures of Roman, Sami, Lucas, Will, Carrie, Austin, Eric, Nicole, Steve, Kayla, Bo, Victor, Caroline, Maggie, Marlena, Shane, Kimberly, Hope, Belle, Philip, Abe, Lexie, Stefano, Tony, Anna, Jack, Billie, Max, Abby, Cassie, Chelsea, Cal, Doug, and Julie. We then see in the center of all the pictures the word... REVENGE. The MCF points towards the pictures and laughs, saying: MCF: Soon, dear friends. Revenge will be achieved. The game will begin...a game you all will, unfortunately, lose. The MCF laughs sadistically as the screen fades out to... FOR MORE ON VENDETTA AND THE VENDETTA GAME AND RULES, CHECK OUT THE VENDETTA CATEGORY ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BLOG. ALSO, CHECK OUT THE THREAD IN THE SONBC FORUM. THE VENDETTA GAME BEGINS ON MARCH 21 AND YOU NOW HAVE UNTIL MARCH 11 TO JOIN THE GAME. PM ME, PHOENIXRISING05 OR COMMENT HERE IN THE BLOG IF YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THE VENDETTA GAME. THE FIRST OFFICIAL VENDETTA CLIP (WHICH WILL BE A PART OF THE VENDETTA GAME) WILL BE POSTED ON MARCH 21 AND THEN A NEW CLIP WILL BE POSTED EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTER THAT. AGAIN, YOU HAVE UNTIL MARCH 11 TO JOIN. LOOK OUT FOR MORE PREVIEWS OF VENDETTA THIS WEEKEND HERE IN THE BLOG. PLUS, A LISTING OF THE MCF APPEARANCES SO FAR WILL BE POSTED THIS WEEKEND IN THE VENDETTA CATEGORY OF THE BLOG FOR READER AND GAME PLAYER'S USE. LOOK OUT FOR ALL THAT AND MORE!!! BE A PART OF A SALEM LIVES EVENT!!! VENDETTA HAD OFFICIALLY BEGUN!!!!
Don't forget Sam, Venus . The Marlena story and now Vendetta can be hard to follow but there are great payoffs and much drama ahead.
-Lying on the ground barely conscious and breathing shallowly, Stefano drifts in and out of consciousness. He drifts back to yesterdays past..........his childhood at his parents’ estate, life with his brothers, when his older brother was killed in an ambush, when he took over his father’s businesses and became the head of the family, his first meeting with Roman Brady, his battles over the years, his children.......Antony, Megan, Renee, Alexandra, Kristen, Peter & Benjamin. And his undying affection for his Queen Of The Night, Marlena. His love for her has ended but he will always respect her and admire her, even if this is his last day on Earth. His mind continues to cycle though all of this as his eyes slowly close. He can barely hear Roman calling his name as he slips into unconsciousness once again. Victor, Abe and Shane run from behind Roman as he bends down over Stefano, checking his pulse as Abe calls for EMTs and back-up. Other officers run up in the night and Abe orders them to fan out and find the gunman/woman who did this. Victor slowly bends down and takes Stefano’s hand, looking at his former friend and mafia brother, and hoping that if this is the end for him, he gave as good as he got. Celeste and Alexandra now run up with a police escort, having just heard about Stefano’s shooting. Celeste watches as Lexie slowly walks over and takes Victor’s place next to her father’s side. Stefano is being worked on by the EMT team as he slightly regains consciousness. He slowly looks over to Roman, as he holds up his head, cradling it in his left hand. Stefano struggles to speak. He looks at him and, with one last breath, deeply says one word........ Cloak. His head slumps to one side slowly as Roman looks at him in shock and places his head on the thin pillow that it was resting on. Roman then looks at a determined Abe as Shane stands next to him. Lexie cries out and is consoled by her mother. Celeste holds Lexie in her arms and rocks her back and forth as she tries to calm her down, every now and then taking a glance at this man who once loved so very deeply. Frankie, Jack, Billie & Greta now walk up quickly and survey the grisly scene. Greta gasps in horror as she is consoled by Frankie as he, Billie and Jack look on. None of them will admit it but they are not upset to see this scene........after everything The Phoenix has put them through. And then...........as one of the EMTs shocks Stefano’s chest once again............Stefano takes one deep breath. His eyes open wide and he breaths deeply again. His eyes then close and his breathing is very shallow and slow but steady. Everyone looks on shocked. His family, and his enemies. They have now witnessed what many have wondered. They all cannot believe that........ Abe: The Phoenix Has Risen......... Jack: AGAIN!!! Everyone watches on as the EMTs load Stefano into the back of an ambulance as Celeste and Lexie jump in and they all watch it speed off into the night. -In the hospital hallway, Austin is helping Carrie walk back to her room after loosening up her legs. Carrie sits down slowly on her bed and takes Austin’s hand, apologizing for all the bad mistakes she’s made since late last year. Austin tells her to calm down and sits next to her on her bed. He tells her that he loves her very much and that they will get through all of this together....... No matter how long it takes. He then leans and kisses her on the hand and they both smile deeply at each other as the moonlight shines in on their darkened room. -A mile in the other direction from the McCluer crime scene, James asks Alan if MPD is what is happening with Marlena. He says it could be. James then remarks that he is in so much pain he can’t even think straight. He doesn’t want to believe that this good woman would murder his people in such a manner. He then walks over to her and looks at her as Alan asks if she has been acting weird. James tells him that other than being a go-go dancer at the Cheatin’ Heart, trying to kill Roman in his hospital room, and saying that she is her dead sister, she’s just fine. He then turns back to her and asks if she is ok. When he says her name, she looks disgusted, saying that her name is Marcy, not Marlena, and for him to get it right. She then tells them both that they are giving her the creeps and that she really doesn’t want to be around them right now while they ask her all these questions. She looks at them frightfully as she slowly starts to walk away. As she runs off, James tries to stop her but Alan grabs hin, telling him to just let her go. They have bigger problems. James says he doesn’t have any problems. He needs to talk to their boss....... And get to the bottom of who killed his poor family. -The EMTs wheel Stefano into the emergency room as everyone follows closely behind. Lexie demands to get in to see her father but is being held back as she is reminded that she is no longer on staff there. All everyone can do is look through the window as they work on Stefano before they close the drape. Celeste leaves Lexie in the care of Frankie as she walks to the other side of the waiting room to talk to Abe and they both hope that this is the end for Stefano. Celeste feels his influence will be over when he dies, to which Abe concurs. Roman, Victor and Shane also feel that it would be best if this is Stefano’s final day. Victor remarks that even though they started out as friends and comrades, he doesn’t know what happened to Stefano that has turned him to this point in his life. Shane says that maybe if that was known, the rest of this madness from him and his family would be put to rest. Roman agrees, saying that between this and the MCF running loose.......... There is no telling who is next on the list.........to die. They all turn around when one of Lexie’s nurse friends comes out with news on her father. Greta, Frankie and Billie listen as Jack wonders why the MCF would target him, of all people. Does this person realize who they are picking a fight with? Billie doesn’t think so. To also go after Victor, which makes Greta grimace, is shocking as well. Frankie wonders if Stefano has maybe stumbled on to something to become a target of this psychopath. Billie says she was thinking the same thing....... And hopes he doesn’t die before he tells someone what that may be. They stop talking as Lexie and Celeste listen to the update. The doctor joins them, telling his family and everyone else that Stefano has a collapsed lung and has lost a lot of blood. He is holding on but his blood is so rare that they are having trouble getting more. Lexie steps forward, as Celeste looks on in worry, and everyone is shocked when Roman steps forward and also volunteers to give blood.......to save his greatest enemy’s life. Roman says as much as he would like to see him die, he needs him alive in case he knows something about the MCF. Lexie is then allowed to see Stefano and the doctor reminds her that she doesn’t have long. He is on his way to surgery. She walks into a slightly darkened room and sees her barely conscious father fighting for every single breath. She slowly walks over to him as he holds his hand out. She takes it and starts crying, telling him how glad and happy she is that he is not gone just yet. He smiles ever so slightly and then, softly, speaks to her. He tells her that she has to know that........ It was the MCF who did this. And the person also told him that they have something that belongs to him. She gasps in horror. When she clutches his hand tighter and asks him who this person is.......Stefano slowly loses consciousness and the medical team rushes in, with Celeste and Victor coming in behind them. Alexandra breaks down as they wheel her father out past her and everyone in the outer room. Roman comes and stands at the door, looking in on the scene as Celeste and Victor try to calm Lexie down. Victor asks her what did she ask Stefano. Lexie is unconsolable at this point as everyone reacts to what has happened. The scene goes to a reaction shot of each and every person and when the scene reaches Victor, Celeste and a crying Alexandra...the scene slowly fades to black. The scene slowly fades back in. We are now in a wooded area. Someone opens up a cell phone and calls an associate. The caller...............The Mysterious Cloaked Figure. The person being called is only being seen by the very expensive cufflinks they have on their suit coat. The MCF wants to know......... MCF: How are they? Associate: Resting comfortably. No problems at all. The scene shifts to a darkened cell room where the Associate is communicating with the MCF. The Associate turns around and faces the glass on the cell surrounding it....... MCF: That is excellent. No need to reveal what is at stake until the right time. Associate: I agree. MCF: Make sure they are comfortable and at peace........until the time...... That I want to make their presence known. The Associate takes his orders and, as the camera watches him, he stares at these two sleeping people. A man and a woman. Lying in two very comfortable beds, unconscious and breathing quietly. The Associate walks into the cell room and stands at the feet on the beds holding both people Shocking Two Prisoners as he starts to chuckle in glee. The scene freeze frames on these two captives as the scene slowly fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Victor to Nico: I think I know what I have to do. Even if it hurts Maggie. I have no choice. Maggie (watching TV): Oh my God...Victor!! Doug to Julie: You never did tell me what you did on your little trip. Nicole: I can't depend on you, Eric. I will have to go to an old friend for help. Greta to Frankie: I am worried. Worried about what is to come. Roman to Lexie: What did your father tell you in there? Billie (crying) to Jack: It's all my fault!! Jack to Billie: No, it's not. You did nothing wrong. You understand?
Chelsea/Georgia ran down and killed Zack now Georgia runs down JT in your blog. These girls needs to be off the road. Nice job. Peyton would've totally rocked the scenes. I miss that girl.
At Salem University Hospital, Carrie sees Alan walk on to the hospital floor through her window. As he looks into her room, he sees her wave him in. After he slowly makes his way in, she starts getting upset, begging him to bring her baby to her. Alan tries to calm her down, reminding her that for one, CPS may have him by now. And two, her mental state isn’t the greatest, so he is doubtful that they would give her back custody after everything she has been through. He also tells her that with his history, there is no way anyone will give him temporary custody of any baby, much less hers. He probably can't even obtain information on the child from CPS because of his past so she needs to just let go of that thought entirely. Carrie, through her medication, tells Alan that all she was trying to do was protect everyone. But a voice from the doorway tells her that it was not her call. When Alan turns around and Carrie looks up, they come face to face with Austin, who wants to know what Alan is doing there. He then asks him if he still remembers him telling Alan to stay the hell away from not only her but all the Bradys. Carrie tells Austin to leave Alan alone. She is convinced that he has changed for the better. Austin tells her if that is true, where is her child? That's right. Their child is gone. She needs to stop being so damn trusting all the time. He doesn’t mean to say that to make her upset. Just to open her eyes. She knows that and Austin says he knows that too. Now, it’s time for Alan to leave. Austin stands up and faces off with Alan, with their noses not even an inch away from each other's. Carrie sees where this is headed and tells Alan that she is ok. He can leave. Alan gives Austin a once over, chuckles, and leaves silently as Austin watches him walk out, seething. She then tells Austin she can’t believe he did that. Austin is trying to hold it in, telling Carrie that he has not changed one bit. And he can’t understand why she doesn’t see that. Carrie says he didn’t see what type of man he was in that cabin, taking care of her. He wouldn’t be asking that if he had. Austin responds by saying that she always demands that her family show her the utmost trust and loyalty but she apparently has no problem giving it to the man who raped her sister. She does realize that and says that he has to trust her. Austin then says like he trusted her to be honest when she was carrying the baby. She grows silent as Austin sees what he has said has hurt her deeply. He bends down towards her once again, saying that all he is trying to do is get through to her. That man is dangerous and he still doesn’t trust the fact that he was working alone during that whole episode. Maybe, he tells her, if she was really with her mother, Anna, none of this would have happened. She silently agrees and then after a few moments, speaks up. She says that the last time she spoke with her was last August and that she has been on the run ever since then. She gets the occasional message but that’s it. She would really like to speak with her right now. When Austin says he’ll call her, Carrie gives him the number and he dials. When he reaches someone at the hotel that she is supposed to be staying at, that person tells Austin that she hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Austin thanks the person and then hangs up. He relays the news to Carrie, who tells him how weird that is, but they both hope that she is ok. -Back at the McCluer crime scene, half of the city is now standing outside the crime scene, and it's becoming harder and harder for the S.P.D. to keep order. Frankie and Greta now join everyone else and start talking about how they are going to pool their resources to find out who did this. Abe was walking back towards the house when he overheard this statement and pulls them over to the side. He then reminds them in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t need any John Steeds, Mrs. Peels, or any other super spies on this case. An entire family has been slaughtered and he and the department will find out who did it, why they did it.......and bring them to justice. Period. He then quickly walks off in anger as he leaves the group standing there looking at each other in silence. As they watch Shane walk back into the house behind Abe, Jack turns back around and tells them that they are not dropping one damn thing. Two of the kids who came to him for help are now lying on gurneys........dead. Their lives will not have ended in vain. Billie, Greta, and Frankie shake their heads in agreement and then stand back and watch everything unfold. Nearby, Celeste sees Alexandra slowly pacing back and forth, waiting for her father to say it's time to leave. When Celeste takes a step towards her to go up to Lexie, she spots her mother, turns, and walks right past her, not even acknowledging her. Celeste then has another feeling of dread and tragedy coming to Salem. -Victor is stunned that Philip is not all that happy to see him. He thought he would be so grateful to know that his father is alive......unless he started getting drunk with power before he thought what was left of his body was cold. Philip says that he is so very happy that his father is well but he must understand that all that money and power is quite tempting. Victor tells him that one of his old mentors told him the same thing that he taught his two sons about being in any business..... Nobody gives you power. Real power is something you take. Philip says that no matter what, he’ll remember that in the future. Victor tells him good. The name he has still wields scaring influence around the world and that is something that he should be grateful for. When Philip tells him that he can’t feel that way with Victor belittling him every chance he gets, Victor says he only does that because he doesn’t think he’s ready for this right now. The men in his family have lost so very, very much to be made men. His face is different and he lost a leg. That is a deep, personal loss that none of them can feel. But, in the context of a mafia family..... What does it mean? So far, all Philip has shown is that it means treating the household staff and his wife like garbage. How does that garner respect from the men he hopes to lead one day? Philip says nothing. Victor tells him that in order for a man to kill.....or die for you, in this world, they must first give you total control of their lives. And they gladly will....when he has earned. But, not now. Victor walks away, leaving Philip standing there to say to himself, that he needs that kind of power, and he’ll have it........ No matter how he has to get it. On the other side of the house, Roman slowly walks back over to Stefano and a now returning Victor. They both ask him what his decision is and, he says, for the safety of the people in this city, he’ll do what he has to do. And if that means making a pack with them.... Then so be it. Both men smile at each other and now no one knows what tomorrow may bring. -A few miles away, James has slowly picked himself up off of the ground. He wipes his face of the tears but knows his life is over, no matter how anything turns out. He holds himself responsible for the deaths of his entire family, even though he had nothing to do with it directly. He also holds two other people at fault..... Marlena.....and the MCF, who watches Marlena walk up to James and observes the angry exchange between them. James grabs her and asks if she is the one who killed his people and she says no. He tells her to wake up but she doesn’t know why he is referring to her by the name Marlena. Her name...... Is Samantha. Marlena is dead. James can’t believe what he’s hearing but then notices the MCF has suddenly vanished. He asks Marlena where their boss went to, to which she can’t reply. James grabs her and starts shaking her, demanding to know what the hell is going on. Before he shakes her out of skin, Alan shows up and pulls James off of Marlena, asking where their boss is. James says ask her. She has all the answers, even if she can’t tell him what they are. Alan says he has issues that need to be dealt with and asks Marlena again where the boss is. Marlena: I'm not Marlena. Marlena is gone. She isn't coming back. James: What the hell? Marlena? What is...why are you saying that? Why did you say your name was Sam and... Marlena: I'm not Sam. My name is Marcy. That is my name. Use it. James (looking at Alan): What the hell? Why is she... Alan: I think I know. I noticed her clutching her head when I got here. I also saw the look in her eyes shift. Before she said call her Sam and then, again, after that, right before she said her name is Marcy. James: What are you saying? Alan: I think it could be multiple personality disorder. James look at Alan and then at a confused Marlena, wondering if what Alan is suggesting could be the case. -Back at the crime scene, Stefano is about go get Lexie so they can leave when he notices something strange in the wooded area nearby. He slowly approaches it. The MCF is hiding. He then hears someone approaching but it's too late as Stefano has grabbed him. The MCF breaks free and pulls a gun on Stefano. MCF (through a voice changer): It's not that easy. I should say you came closer then anyone else has to catching me. Stefano: Returning to the scene of the crime I see. Not too smart. I like the voice changer. Clever. Theatrical, as well. MCF: Thank you. Stefano: So...did you kill those 4 people in there. I mean, they were on to you and it seems the family patriarch is involved in your scheme. MCF: Well, you already know so much. What do you think? Stefano: Haha...I don't know. It's possible you had one of your minions do it since you clearly can't be carrying all this out in your own. I don't think James McCluer Sr would do this so, maybe, Marlena. I hear she is in league with you. Did you take advantage of her poor mental state? MCF: Enough. I don't have time to waste playing 20 questions. I can't be seen so it looks like the great Stefano Dimera will have to die. And, this time, I mean actually die. Stefano: Oh, but don't you know, I don't die. So, tell me, why are you doing this? You first known act was blowing up Sami Brady's apartment. Then, you infiltrated by operation, as well as Kiriakis's. I also hear that you tipped the SPD, Hope Brady, and Caroline Brady off to Bo Brady and Victor Kiriakis's whereabouts when they were in hiding. Were you hoping for a massacre? Who are you targeting? The Brady's? MCF: Too many questions. That is all for me to know and, sadly, for you not to find out. But, since you are so interested in my plans, I suppose I can give you a little hint of what I am up to. Just a small one that you can think about as you go to your grave. Stefano: What's that? MCF: I have something you want. Stefano: What could you possible have that I... MCF: I have something that you have been searching for...for quite some time. Stefano: What... MCF: Think, Mr. Dimera. Stefano: I...have everything I want so...oh my...you have one of my children? Stefano looks at the MCF and his face turns to one of terror. Stefano: Tell me!!! Do you have one of my children? MCF: I really must be going but you can think about my words on your way to hell!! The MCF then pulls the trigger and fires two shots. Stefano is hit and falls to the ground. Everyone at the crime scene nearby hears the gunshots and races for the wooded area. The MCF goes over to Stefano, who is still conscious: Stefano (whispering): Why....are you...for what purpose are you doing all...this? MCF: I believe it's called a VENDETTA, Mr. Dimera. Something I would think you know all too well. The MCF then races off after hearing people approaching. Victor, Roman, Abe, and Shane arrive first and are shocked to see Stefano lying there, bleeding. The MCF watches nearby, saying: MCF: May you burn in hell, Stefano Dimera. One less problem for me to deal with. The MCF snickers quietly as the screen fades out on a split screen of the MCF and Stefano lying on the ground. On the Next Salem Lives... VENDETTA BEGINS WITH A HUGE TWIST AND AN ENDING YOU CAN'T MISS!! DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT ALL THE VENDETTA INFO IN THE BLOG CATEGORY TO THE RIGHT OR IN THE SONBC THREAD IN THE SONBC FORUMS!!!
February Episode Counts (Total for Year Included)
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
February 2007 Episodes: 20 Days: 3 January 31-February 12, 2007 February 13-February 20, 2007 February 21- 1.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-17 2.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-15 *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-15 4.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-14 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-14 6.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-13 *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-13 *Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-13 9.) Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-12 *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-12 11.) Roscoe Born (James McClure)-10 *Michael Trucco (James McClure Jr)-10 =Last aired on 2/26/07 *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-10 =Last aired on 2/26/07 *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-10 15.) Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-9 16.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-8 *Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-8 *Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-8 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-8 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-8 21.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-7 *Sharon Wyatt (Renee McClure)-7 =Last aired on 2/26/07 *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McClure)-7 =Last aired on 2/26/07 24.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-6 25.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-5 *Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-5 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-5 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-5 *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-5 30.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-4 *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-4 *Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-4 33.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-3 *Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-3 *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-3 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-3 *Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-3 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-3 *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-3 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-3 41.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-2 *Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-2 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-2 *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-2 *Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-2 *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-2 47.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-1 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine C. Harcourt)-1 *Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-1 *Ron Leath (Henderson)-1 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-1 CONTRACT AND RECURRING ACTORS NOT APPEARING THIS MONTH James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen) Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.) Arloa Reton (Joelle) TOTAL EPISODE COUNTS FOR THE YEAR PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.) Episodes: 41 Days: 6 New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007) January 9-January 23, 2007 January 24-January 30, 2007 January 31-February 12, 2007 February 13-February 20, 2007 February 21- 1.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-28 2.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-26 3.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-23 4.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-22 *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-22 *Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-22 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-22 8.) Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-21 9.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-20 *Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-20 *Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-20 *James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-20 13.) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-19 14.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-17 *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-17 16.) Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-16 *Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-16 =Last aired on 2/26/07 *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-16 =Last aired on 2/26/07 *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-16 *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-16 21.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-15 22.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-14 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-14 *John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-14 25.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-13 *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-13 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-13 *Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-13 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-13 30.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-12 *Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-12 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-12 *Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-12 =Last aired on 2/26/07 *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-12 =Last aired on 2/26/07 35.) Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-10 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-10 37.) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-9 38.) Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-8 *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-8 40.) Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-7 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-7 *Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-7 43.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-5 44.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-4 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-4 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-4 47.) Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-2 *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-2 *Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-2 50.) Arloa Reton (Joelle)-1 *Ron Leath (Henderson)-1 *Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-1 Contract and Recurring actors not appearing this year: RECURRING James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen) Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.) -
-At Marlena and Roman's penthouse, Belle is trying to get a crying Claire to calm down. There is a knock on the door. It's Philip and Belle tries to close it but he forces his way in. Philip wants to see his daughter and asks to hold her. Belle refuses and a fight ensues as Philip tells Belle he knows she is scared of him. She proved that when she ran away the last time they were together at the mansion. Belle puts Claire in her playpen and says to Philip: Belle: I'm not scared of you. You may think that now that you have all your father's power and money you can push your weight around but you don't worry me or anyone else. You may think you are threatening but your not. I will never let you have Claire. I don't want her following the wrong path like you did. You used to be such a great guy. What happened, Philip? Philip: You know what happened? First, I lost Chloe to your brother, which led me to join the Marines. Then, I fall in love with you and we have Claire but I find out you still love Shawn and that you went behind my back with him...I don't want to rehash this. You betrayed me, Belle, You hurt me!! All I wanted was to be a family with you and Claire. What is so wrong with that? I have been through hell and you can't even grant me... Belle: Grant you what? I am not a genie, Philip. Even after everything, I still care about you. I want you to be a part of Claire's life but the way you are doing this...it's not right. Now with all this power...you have become a monster. Someone I definitely don't want near my daughter. Philip: She's our daughter, Belle. Remember that. Also, remember our deal. Philip coldly stares at Belle and grins. He then slowly grips her arm and then begins to tighten his grip. Philip: You know...the deal we made in San Francisco while I was recovering from my coma and injuries. The one you agreed to. Belle: Yeah because you forced me, you bastard, Argh...you're hurting me. Philip: Oh, that pain is nothing Belle. That is nothing compared to the pain and suffering I will inflect upon you if you don't agree to my demands. You know the deal, Belle!!! The terms were made very clear in San Francisco. Belle (tears welling in her eyes): You forced me to agree. You know that. I had no choice. Philip: Whatever the case, the deal was made. You need to keep your end of it, Izzy. Or else. Come on...you know what will happen. Say it!! Say it!! Belle (crying and shaking): Stop...please!!! You will scare Claire. Philip: Ok. Fine. I will say it for you. The deal, my beloved, was for you to live with me. You, Claire, and I spend our lives together as a family. We put up the appearance that we are the happiest family in the world for the good of the Kiriakis empire and name. No one knows the wiser. In return, I don't use the Kiriakis power and name to take Claire away from you and destroy your life. Now that my father is dead, I now have unlimited resources so I am an even bigger threat. You know that, Izzy. Does all this ring a bell? Huh?! Belle: It's all a joke. All of it. The whole deal. People already suspect we are hiding something from our time in San Francisco. Philip: Well, that is because you did a horrible acting job, my dear. Maybe you need to be more convincing (he grips her arm tighter). Belle: PHILIP!!! Please stop!! Philip: I will when you obide by the terms of the deal. Leave the penthouse right now and move into the mansion with me. I will give you and Claire everything you need. I don't get it, Belle. You will get the world being the wife of the head of the Kiriakis empire. This is an easy choice. Why do you make it so difficult? Belle: I'm not going anywhere. I came here with Claire because I wanted to be away from you. I still want to be away from you and I don't want you near Claire... Philip then throws Belle to the ground and takes Claire out of her playpen. Philip: You decide what you want. Either way, Claire is coming with me. -At the Green Mountain Lodge, Nicole returns to her and Eric's room and is shocked to see him packing. She asks what he is doing. Eric says he checked them out of the lodge. They have been there long enough. He needs to get back to work and they need to return to their lives in Salem. Nicole, clearly still upset that he is working and not her, reminds him that he promised they would stay until the baby issue was resolved. Eric promises her that they can handle it from Salem. There is no need to stay there. The baby is already in the care of CPS. They can't do anything until they are called to meet with them. Nicole tells Eric she isn't leaving without the baby. Eric reminds her that they don't even know if they will get the baby. There will be many that want the child. Nicole says she knows that the baby they found is a miracle baby for them. He is meant to be with them and she isn't leaving until she knows one way or the other. Eric shakes his head in frustration. -At The Spectator, Greta is in the editor's room working on some things when Frankie rushes in. He asks if she heard the news. Greta says no. Frankie turns the TV on and the murders at the McClure home are being featured. There is then a camera shot of Jack and Billie at the scene being tended to by EMT's. Frankie tells Greta that Jack and Billie were found unconscious in the house. Greta tells Frankie they have to get to them and find out what happened. She grabs her coat and races out with him. -At the McClure home, Abe and Roman are conversing with officers. Shane reminds one of the officers to keep an eye on Stefano and Victor. He also tells the officer to keep everyone behind the yellow tape, except for SPD and other officials. Stefano tells Victor that Roman needs to make a decision soon before this MCF strikes again. They must put a stop to the threat now. Victor agrees. Jack and Billie are being examined and tended to by the EMT's. Billie feels guilty over what happened. Jack comforts her saying that Mrs. McCluer and those kids may have been doomed no matter what. Lexie then arrives at the McClure home to be with her father after parking her car. She is behind the yellow crime scene tape. Abe is on the other side and turns and catches a glimpse of her. Abe is stunned. He walks over to the yellow tape and crosses it to meet with Lexie. Lexie simply says, "Hello, Abe." Meanwhile, Celeste is at home reading to Theo as she watches the news, stunned at the McClure home murders. She had a feeling there would be great danger and terror in Salem and she was proven right. She then sees Lexie in the background of a camera shot of the scene. Celeste is stunned and immediately gets up to call a sitter for Theo. -Back at the Green Mountain Lodge, Eric tries to get Nicole to listen to reason but she won't. She orders him to go downstairs and tell them they are staying. Eric refuses and tells Nicole that if he doesn't get back to Salem, he will lose his job. Eric notes that he knows Nicole hates he is working and she isn't, especially since she gave her Highstyle for him, but losing his job will pretty much end any chance they have of ending up with the child. They both can't be out of work. Nicole realizes he is right but asks if he can possibly get a few moredays off. Eric shakes his head and says he just started working at Roberts and Co. and taking so much time off early would not be good, even if he has close relations to Kate, Lucas, and Austin. Nicole finally agrees to go home but tells Eric he better mean what he says about doing everything he can to obtain custody of the baby. Eric says he knows he promised her and he will do his best to follow through. He kisses her and thanks her for listening to reason. He promises it will all be ok. Eric leaves to start putting their bags in the car. While alone, Nicole tells herself that Eric's promises aren't good enough and that "doing everything he can" isn't good enough. She will have to seek out someone else's help. Someone with influence. She then gets an idea but isn't sure if it will work but thinks it is worth a try. She vows to do whatever it takes to obtain custody of the child. - Back at the Penthouse, Belle has the TV on with the volume low while her and Philip continue to fight. Their fight is interrupted by news of what is happening at the McCluer home. Belle is horrified at the news of the murders. They both then see Victor at the scene alive and well. Belle laughs and tells Philip it looks like he isn't the head of the empire and not so powerful anymore. Philip puts Claire down in her playpen, gives Belle a defiant stare, and races out of the Penthouse. Belle watches him leave with a sarcastic smile on her face before turning her attention to Claire in the playpen, vowing to her that she will never leave her or let her daddy take her away. She will do everything she can to give her daughter the best life possible. -Back outside the McCluer home, Abe asks Lexie how she has been. Lexie says she has recovered finally from the gunshot wound she sustained in Sydney but it was painful. Abe is pleased and says he and so many others were so worried. Lexie tells Abe to cut the bull. She knows he and the rest of Salem don't give a damn about her. She reminds him that she saw where his and everyone else's loyalties lied at Theo's custody hearing when all of her beloved friends and loved ones turned on her and supported Abe. All she had was her father. Celeste then arrives and goes to embrace her daugher but she pushes her away, saying that she is no mother to her. She didn't support her at Theo's custody hearing. She betrayed her, just like everyone else but her father. She admits she was wrong to turn her back on the Dimera's years ago. They will stick by her through everything, unlike her husband and mother and the rest of her so called good friends in Salem. Abe asks Lexie why she is lashing out and being so cold. He saw the Lexie he knows and loves coming out in Sydney. He saw her conflicted and feeling guilt over what was happening to him and her friends. He knows the Lexie he knows and loves is still there. Celeste agrees and tells Lexie that Abe is willing to give her another chance now. Lexie looks at Abe and says she isn't interested. That part of her life is done. Her only family is the Dimera's. Everyone else turned their backs on her and now she is doing the same. Abe and Celeste try to get through to her and beg her to just come home with them and try to work through everything. Lexie won't listen and says that all she wants is revenge on all those who turned their backs on her and stabbed her in the back and says they are all her enemies now. She wants revenge on all of them and won't stop until she gets it. Lexie then walks away as a devestated Celeste and stunned Abe look on, wondering what they can do next. Stefano, who just witnessed the entire scene, walks over to Lexie and tells her he is proud of her. He vows to support her and help her in any way he can so she can have her revenge and get her son back. Lexie thanks him and embraces him as a horrified Abe and Celeste, who saw and heard the exchange, look on. -Frankie and Greta arrive at the scene. Jack and Billie see them and cross over the crime scene tape to fill them in on what happened. Greta and Frankie agree with Jack and tell Billie there was nothing she could do. Billie says that they should've let the cops in on it. She made a dire mistake and now has to live with it for the rest of her life. She wonders if she should close down her PI business. Jack, Greta, and Frankie try to convince her otherwise but Billie's feels heavily responsibly. Greta asks Jack why he never told her about his working with Billie and the investigation. Jack says it was too dangerous and the less that knew, the better. Greta says that she wants in now. Jack asks what she means. Greta knows that Jack is no way going to give up on this case now, especially with the murders. This is a big story and she knows Billie and him will want to make it up to JJ and Angel and their family by catching the MCF and ending this nightmare so she wants in too. She became editor of the paper to help influence society and this gives her a chance to solve this mystery and get this person off the streets. Jack laughs, saying Greta knows him all too well. He just warns Greta that no police can be involved. If they are going to catch this person, it needs to be on their own. The police will only drive the person away. Billie overhears and reminds Jack how not telling the police is what caused the murders. Jack says that it probably would've happened anyway. Billie is stilll confused as to why her and Jack weren't killed and Jack says that is what he wants to find out. Jack tells Billie that maybe if she helps break this case wide open, it will make her feel better. She would avenge the deaths of JJ and Angel and their brother and mother. Billie agrees and says she needs to do something and now, more then ever, she wants to bring this MCF to justice before the person hurts anyone else. They need to pay. Frankie overhears and says he wants in as well. He has some CIA and FBI contacts that may be able to help without tipping off the police or anyone they don't want on their tail. Jack likes that idea and says it looks like it will be the four of them together now. Hopefully, they can bust the case wide open and put this MCF behind bars before it's too late. -Philip then arrives outside the crime scene and Victor turns to see him. He is happy to see his son and goes to embrace him. Philip backs away and says "Your alive." Victor nods. Philip asks him, "What the hell, dad?" Victor is stunned by this reaction. -Stefano motions for Roman to come over to him behind the yellow tape. Roman asks what he wants. Stefano says the clock is ticking and that Victor and him need an answer concerning the deal now. Roman looks at the crime scene, contemplating what to do. -A few miles down the road, James is crying out in grief and pain over the loss of his family. Marlena and the MCF continue to watch him. Marlena then begins to clutch her head and walks away. The MCF looks at her as she leaves. However, as she leaves, she steps on the tree branch, creating a large noise. James hears it and asks who's there? The MCF and Marlena race to hide but James reaches them before they are out of sight. James: Hey!!! What are both of you...oh wait. I know. You are watching me grieve. You are happy about this, aren't you? DO YOU GET CHEERS OUT OF SAVAGELY KILLING 4 PEOPLE?!! Three people in the prime of their life!!! My children!! My wife!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH BOTH OF YOU?!! SO, WHICH ONE OF YOU DID IT? HUH?! WHICH ONE OF YOU!! The MCF and Marlena looks into an enraged and grief-stricken James's eyes as the screen fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Alan to Carrie: I'm sorry. I just don't think I can get your baby back. Abe to Jack: You four stay out of it before more innocent people die, understand? Roman to Victor and Stefano: I have made my decision. Philip to Victor: Why did you have to come back? Why did you have to ruin everything? James to Marlena (with MCF): You did it didn't you? You followed orders and killed my family.
-At the Salem Police Department, Victor and Stefano have been escorted to another office and guard as Roman thinks about what he should do about their offer. Both men can see Roman from across the hall and they stand there, looking at him. Then, moments later, Stefano silently turns and looks at Victor, who is staring at him. They know that they are doing what they have to do but they also know that they are taking a huge risk. Stefano finally speaks to his fellow godfather and remarks...... Stefano: It hasn’t been this interesting since we were in the family together, hasn’t it? Victor: Yes. Those were some exciting days and nights. I’m just glad we lived through it. Stefano: As am I, old friend. So......do you think Roman will take our deal? Victor: No idea. As far as I’m concerned, staying out of prison is the by product. Someone out there is taking aim against the people of Salem and using our families to get the job done. And I’m not about to take the blame for something I didn’t do. Stefano: Agreed. This person must be stopped. And, when they are..... Victor: Then WE settle our business, once and for all. Agreed? Stefano: Agreed. Both men smile slightly and then give each other a gentleman’s handshake, knowing that when the capture of the MCF is completed........ They will settle their old debts, once and for all. Meanwhile, back in Roman’s office, Roman sits at his desk, mulling over this offer. He fears what may happen if he were to recommend to Abe and the prosecuting attorney to let them off the hook for what they’ve done for the past six months if they could stop this MCF from doing more damage. Roman asks himself the ultimate question..... Roman: Can I really give my two greatest enemies a complete pardon in exchange for their help? Roman then drops his pen on the desk not knowing what to do. But then, one of his officers runs into the office, telling him about the scene at the McCluer home. Roman sighs deeply, thinking that his decision might just have been made for him. -At the deadly crime scene, Abe finds a woozy Jack trying to wake up an unconscious Billie. It takes a few moments but she starts to stir and then comes to. Jack and Abe pick her up off of the floor and stand her up, asking her if she is alright. She says that her head is killing her but, other than that, she’s fine. Abe then starts filling them in on the grisly crime scene, telling them that the entire family, with the exception of the father, were brutally murdered. Knife wounds and gunshot wounds are on the bodies and they looked like they all suffered before they were killed. The person who did this was sending a message. Then, Jack and Billie fill Abe in on what they have found out about James Sr. They tell him that he was turning his life around and that he was also doing some work for Victor under the table, to which Abe says is there any other kind of work to do for that man? Jack feels that there really isn’t any way he would do this to his family. Abe then says that he is the police officer here, not Jack. He’ll make that determination, thank you. Billie is silent and devastated, feeling like she added to what happened because she waited to tell the police about what she and Jack knew before it was too late. Jack tells her not to blame anyone but one person...... The MCF. So, Abe asks, is there anything else he needs to know? Jack says that they spied Marlena and James in a meeting with the MCF. Abe drops his head in dread, hoping that this isn’t the beginning of another serial killing spree in Salem. Meanwhile, still behind his house, James is still grilling Marlena on why she has blood on her person and why does she have a bloody knife in her jacket. Before she can answer, James hears someone in the bushes behind him and ducks back into them for cover. After a few moments, he comes back out, only to find Marlena gone. He then decides, silently, to disguise himself and enter his home to find out what is going on...... And what has happened to his family. At the cop shop, both Stefano and Victor overhear a cop talking about the latest murders at the McCluer home. They look at each other and then walk across the hallway into Roman’s office, asking that since this involves them both, they should be allowed to go along and see what’s happening. Roman says on a police investigation? For all he knows, they may have set the whole thing up. Stefano, for revenge against the father of the family for going against him and, Victor, for maybe betraying him in some fashion. They both say that he is wrong. That is not their style. Roman may have believed that to have been true once...... But, after New Years’ Eve, not anymore. Victor agrees that neither of them have any right to ask for this but...... Victor: After what the three of us have been through over the years, maybe this will go some way to putting that in the past. Stefano remains silent. Roman: I don’t know about that. But I’m sick of this city being some murdering ground for anyone who wants to settle some old grudge or who wants to take over behind the scenes. Ok. Fine. After some thought......you two can come. Both men smile again. Roman: But.......you will be watched at all times by my officers. And, if at anytime you want to step one inch out of line......this truce goes out the window..... And you two spend the rest of your unholy lives behind bars. Roman gets several officers and orders them to keep an eye on these two men as they head to the McCluer crime scene. When Alexandra says that she wants to join them, Roman tells her no. It’s more than enough to have Stefano and Victor there. Lord knows what she would do. Stefano shakes his head in agreement slowly, calming Lexie down. She wonders, as they all head out, if this is some plan of her father’s..... Or is he really going to help out the man he hates most in the world. Much later, back at the McCluer home once again, Roman walks up to the crime scene with Stefano and a very much alive Victor. They join Abe and Shane, with Shane remarking can anyone stay dead in this damn town? No one laughs at the irony of that statement. When Abe asks how in the hell did Victor survive this time, Roman says he’ll explain everything later. Victor does say that James Sr. worked for him when Shane asks him what was his involvement with his family. Victor then says that he never got to know his family. Abe then tells Roman that he better talk to him later so they can get to the bottom of everything. When Victor says that they now know who did this, he says that for right now, all differences need to be put to the side, for the betterment of the people of Salem. This MCF is now wreaking havoc and they need to pool all of their resources if they want to bring this person to justice. Roman says nothing and turns and walks away silently. Victor turns and looks at Stefano, hoping that Roman takes their deal..... Before it’s too late. Meanwhile, at the very same moment, James Sr. walks into his blood soaked home under disguise. He is dressed as a police officer and can’t believe what he is seeing. He then slowly walks around the corner and then stops dead in his tracks. He slowly walks up to a gurney and slowly pulls back the covering.... To see the body of his dead wife, Renee. She has a deep slash on her throat and a gunshot would to her head. James then slowly bends down and, while starting to cry, kisses his wife on her forehead and tells her how sorry he is for everything. He then recovers her and looks over at the other three gurneys that are in the same fashion. He walks from gurney to gurney, bidding his children goodbye and promising that he will make the person who did this pay.......with their life if necessary. He stumbles against the nearest wall, almost unable to recover from his grief. His entire family is now dead and he feels it may be because of who he got involved with. He runs from the house in anger and grief, not stopping until he gets a half mile down the road. He is trying to outrun his pain but knows he can’t. He then slowly slows down and stops when he is near exhaustion, collapsing to the ground. What James doesn’t even notice in his grief is that Marlena now watches him from the dense bushes. She then hears someone walk up behind her and, when she turns, she comes face to face......with the MCF, who uses the voice changer to ask what she is doing there. Marlena then asks him/her the same thing. The MCF says it doesn’t matter and Marlena agrees, saying that they both just might be in the clear. They then turn and look at a deeply grieving James Sr. as the scene slowly fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Philip to Belle: Claire is mine. I think it's time you remember our little deal, Belle. Lexie to Abe: Hello, Abe. Victor (with Stefano) to Roman: It's decision time. What's it going to be? Billie to Jack: It's all my fault. Eric to Nicole: We have to go. Nicole to Eric: I'm not going anywhere without the baby.
Announcer: THIS WEEK... A FANTASTIC FEBRUARY CONCLUDES... WITH SEVERAL HUGE TWISTS!!! FIRST... A GRUESOME MURDER ROCKS SALEM!! Clips of Billie, Jack, Renee, JJ, Jonathan, and Angel. WHO WAS KILLED? Clip of the MCF, Marlena, and James. WHO IS THE KILLER? Abe: Dear God... THEN... A HUGE DECISION... Stefano (with Victor): Our immunity and freedom for our unlimited resources and assistance in catching this cloaked figure. Sounds like a fair deal, Roman. IS MADE! Roman: What the hell do I do? PLUS... Clip of Philip grabbing Belle and holding her tight. Philip: Don't you remember what happened in San Francisco, my beloved. THE TRUTH ABOUT BELLE AND PHILIP IS REVEALED... AND... THE BIGGEST REVEAL SO FAR THIS YEAR... Clip of Marlena dancing at a bar and trying to smother Roman. FOR WEEKS FANS ASKED ONE QUESTION... Clip of Marlena with the MCF and aiming a gun at Roman. "WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MARLENA?" Marlena: No one can learn the truth. THIS WEEK...THE QUESTION IS ANSWERED!!! Marlena: They won't know what hit them. THE TRUTH ABOUT MARLENA REVEALED!! OH, AND, THAT'S NOT ALL!!! Clip of the MCF lurking on the pier. THURSDAY...SALEM LIVES VENDETTA BEGINS!! DON'T MISS BEING A PART OF SALEM'S GREATEST MYSTERY YET!! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. MISS A DAY, MISS ALOT. FANTASTIC FEBRUARY!!!
It's The End Of 'The World'!
PhoenixRising05 commented on Actor87's blog entry in ANWT: A New World Turns
Aww...how sad but I understand. Everyone needs a break and you could use a much needed rest I'm sure. I look forward to whatever you have planned for the future. You are definitely talented and The World of Oakdale was a great accomplishment and very well-done. -
YAY!! Love Harper. I am also going to be looking into adding some PSNS alums in the near future.
WEEK OF 2/26/07 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: PETER RECKELL (BO) AND JEREMY SUMPTER (WILL) DISH ON THEIR CONTROVERSIAL NEW STORIES AND WHY THEY FEEL IT IS PERFECT TIMING. Interviewer (I): Hey guys. Peter Reckell (PR) and Jeremy Sumpter (JS): Hey. I: Thank you for joining me to talk about your hot new stories. Now, both of you are involved in a similar story only, Peter, in your case, your character was molested in the past and it is only being brought to light now, correct? PR: Yes. None of this was known or even hinted at until after Bo's shooting in Sydney. In the aftermath of that, he began having flashes to a traumatic event from his childhood. He wasn't sure if he was having nightmares or memories. They kept going on for awhile and then went away, only to come back after the explosion that "killed" Victor. He then realized he had to find out what was happening because he was going into a trance and becoming violent. He needed to do it for himself and for his loved ones so he underwent hypnosis and remembered he was molested by the same person who traumatized his sister, Kimberly. I: And, Jeremy, your character was just molested by the same man who raped your character's mother, Sami, correct? JS: Yeah. Will finally learned that the man he knew of as "Ace" was none other then his mom's rapist. He had just learned of his mom's rape before he was born and it all hit him hard. Alan kidnapped him to shut him up because Will was becoming clued in to his plans. He then decided that molesting Will was a way to get his revenge on Sami and his enemies so he went ahead with it. I also think it was a way of hurting Will enough to make him remain silent. It was a scare tactic to convince him that he was serious. Now, Will knows what Alan can and will do and it keeps Will busy dealing with what has happened. I: Jeremy, you aren't new to acting but you are new to Salem Lives. Will had been sparingly used in the past and in your first few months up until this point. Did they tell you that you were going to have this story and were you aware that your character would end up gay? Does any of this bother you or make you uncomfortable? JS: No. I'm cool with it. It makes the role meaty. I was told about everything beforehand. Tim (Lowery, EP/HW) felt I should know because I am young and he wanted to make sure I was ok with it and that everyone involved was. I love the way the writers have handled it. There had been rumors I guess for years about Will ending up being gay and I think it was a matter of timing because it seemed like it was well thought out. I love the story. I absolutely loved the scenes right after what happened where Will is trying to sleep and can't. Then, he tries to keep his composure and can't. Later, he tries to shower and tries to wash his body but keeps scrubbing harder and harder remembering what Alan did to him. That is powerful stuff. Sure, some of the molestation scenes and the aftermath were hard to play. It's very difficult to get myself into the same mindset as someone who has been through that but I do my best. Same for playing a gay character. I want to make sure I do it right because this is serious stuff and we are trying to do a good story here with a nice message. I: Peter, how do you feel about this twist in your story and are you uncomfortable with it? PR: Love it. The writers had lots of wiggle room in Bo's backstory. I mean, we hear about how Bo grew up but the audience never saw it. There was room to create things since he only showed up in the early 80's. Tim Lowery told me about it in September. He said it was Co-EP/HW Patrick L. Ewing's idea to go ahead with this. I heard the story and loved it. It's powerful and very emotional. There is a great message to it. It is my challenge to do right by it and make it an accurate portrayal. The scenes where Bo remembers and the aftermath scenes were intense. Bringing Kim and Roman into it as the ones that knew and kept it hidden for years was a great touch. Good family drama and especially ironic considering Kim was also victimized by the same man as Bo. The setup and buildup was great. I couldn't ask for a better story. It's nice to get away from the mafia and cop stuff for a bit. I: It seems both of you guys' stories will parallel each other. Tim Lowery mentioned that last week. Does this mean Will and Bo will be interacting alot? PR: Yes. That was actually mentioned as an integral part of the story. Tim, Patrick, and TPTB want to start interacting other family members. It is vital to Salem Lives to do that. However, they don't just want to put people in scenes without purpose and Will and Bo will have scenes filled with meaning and emotion. They will forge a deep bond from all this. They are vulnerable and need someone for support and fate brings them together. I am pleased that they have Bo interacting with that part of his family. JS: Yeah. It's great to work with Peter and it is going to be happening alot. The interaction makes the story that much better and is great for long time fans. They love Bo and it may help them get use to me as Will and get better invested in my character. I: Can you guys offer up any previews of what is to come? PR: Ummm... (Laughs)everything is very close to the vest right now. All I can say is Bo and Will will interact quite a bit and they are both pivotal to story and the upcoming VENDETTA event. I can also tell you that Bo's issues will have a huge impact on Hope. He will push his loved ones away again, including her. It's a very difficult time for all involved but it's worth it. There is great reward and payoff for the fans if they stick with us on this emotional journey. JS: I will echo what Peter said. Also, look for Will to be pivotal to the Alan story. Sami and Lucas will try to reach Will and get to the truth of what is going on with him. I think we are seeing the journey to Will and his parents coming together, understanding each other, and coming full circle as a family. I: Sounds great. Thanks guys for talking about this. PR: No problem. We hope the fans love what is coming. JS: Yep. We hope they are happy with what will happen. Bye! Previews and Peeks for Wk of 2/26/07 -Murder sends shockwaves through Salem. -The truth about Belle and Philip is revealed. -Lexie has a not so happy reunion with Abe and Celeste. -Philip has an interesting reaction to Victor's return. -Julie lies to Doug. -Eric and Nicole have hope. -Roman makes his decision. -Victor seeks out an old flame for help. -Lexie vows revenge. -The truth about Marlena is revealed. -Salem learns of Victor and Stefano's returns. -Nicole reverts to old ways. -Maggie believes she has a chance with Victor. -VENDETTA begins with several huge twists. RED LETTER DAYS!!! Monday February 26: Murder rocks Salem!!! Also, the truth about Belle and Philip is revealed. Wednesday February 28: The truth about Marlena is revealed. Meanwhile, Stefano is involved in a shocking face off. Thursday March 1: VENDETTA begins with HUGE twists. Next Week: Victor's plan backfires. Maggie goes over the edge. There is hope for Max and Abby. Bo spirals out of control. Will falls apart and makes a disturbing discovery. Sami, Lucas, Carrie, and Austin bury the hatchet. Steve has a setback. SALEM LIVES VENDETTA BEGINS THURSDAY!!! On Thursday March 1, Salem Lives will unveil it's biggest event to date: SALEM LIVES: VENDETTA. This interactive fan event will pull readers into Salem's biggest mystery yet. A category titled "VENDETTA" has been created on the right side of the blog. Entries will begin to be posted in that category in the weeks leading to VENDETTA to keep readers and fans well-informed of what is to come. There will also be a short post made on the main page of the Salem Lives blog to inform readers of there being a new entry in the VENDETTA area of the blog so they can go check it out. As far as the story purposes behind VENDETTA, check out the VENDETTA page of the blog for info on that when it comes available. I can tell you that the story has been happening for quite sometime as the Mysterious Cloaked Figure (MCF) has been lurking around Salem since early Fall. Only now we are building to the real story, which is finding out this person's plan and what the residents of Salem will be up against. In the weeks to come, fans will be seeing the buildup to all this. Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta are at the heart of the action as the four of them team up to piece together this mystery as the police and ISA are having a hard time figuring out what this cloaked figure is all about. The readers will be taken on a journey with these four characters and the police and they will help investigate the mystery on their own. How will the fans be a part of this? Well, it's up to them. Readers will be given the opportunity to get involved in the story in a way never done before. Readers will be given the chance to play the VENDETTA GAME. When the official VENDETTA event begins on March 1, a post will be made recapping all the MCF's appearances thus far and citing the actual episode dates so readers can go back and look at them for clues. At that time, readers can then PM me (Phoenix) or comment in the blog whether or not they want to participate in the official VENDETTA GAME. The deadline to inform me of the your participation will be March 11. The game will being Tuesday March 20. The game has similarities to Passions' online VENDETTA event from last year. Every Tuesday and Thursday a short scene will be posted. The scene will have to do with the MCF or Jack, Billie, Greta, Frankie, or the Salem Police or ISA investigating the MCF. It will be like cutting a small piece off a full episode and posting it separate from a full episode. These short scenes are very much like the clips from the Passions online events and will show the characters working through the mystery and this will help readers gain clues and hints to the MCF mystery. Some of these scenes may also contain the MCF committing certain acts. The first scene in conjunction with the game will be posted Tuesday March 20, the first day of the game. However, when the VENDETTA event officially gets underway on March 1, there will be a special short scene posted to officially begin VENDETTA. The idea is to look back at the appearances, read the short scenes, and keep up with reading the normal episodes to collect clues. The reason doing all that is important is where the main part of the game comes in. Those readers who choose to participate in the game will have to answer 3-5 trivia questions every week. The questions will be based on the Salem Lives episodes from the week that just ended and will be posted every Saturday night in the SL INSIDER. The answers will be due every Tuesday as that is the day the first short scene of the week is posted. The game players will be judged on correct answers and how fast they PM me the answers. The game player with the most correct answers and who submitted in the quickest time will be given a level one clue by PM. The 2nd and 3rd place trivia winners for the week will be given Level 2 and 3 clues. There are 3 levels of clues in the game. Level 1= Major clue (as in short clip scene, MCF letter written to a character, etc). Level 2= Big clue (as in picture of a character, past episode clip, etc) Level 3= Minor Clue (as in a riddle, something vague) The goal is to get to first place every week as it gives you the best clue or, at least get in the top 3 each week to get a clue. Clues will be PMed to the top 3 trivia winners every Tuesday. The game will work by this system until June 3. On that date, the game will take a one week break and will return for the second half of the game on June 12. The game will reach a new level as some game players with low total trivia scores will be eliminated and the 5 finalists decided. Trivia scores will be posted in the SL Insider every Saturday. The second part of the game will focus on the buildup to the grand finale of the MCF mystery. More info on that as this point in the game grows near. Now why would anyone want to be a part of this? Well, on June 3, the top 5 trivia players in terms of score will be written into the blog as minor characters during a big event. The portrayers of the characters will be decided by Roman and I but the 5 finalists will be asked for input. The higher your score, the bigger your character's involvement in the event. You will be given the chance to name your character as well. Then, when the game reaches it's end in summer, the overall winner will be revealed in the final Trivia Challenge which will ask the game finalists to reveal their guess for who the MCF is. The overall winner in terms of score will then be able to decide who the character created in their honor will interact with, some of what the character does, and will see their character play a part in a story that will be featured in the aftermath of the VENDETTA event. The winner will also be given a big surprise that will be revealed at the end of the game. Game rules and details will be posted in the VENDETTA area of the blog in the weeks to come. REMEMBER, THE VENDETTA EVENT BEGINS MARCH 1 AND THE GAME BEGINS MARCH 20. YOU MUST LET ME KNOW VIA PM OR COMMENTING IN THIS BLOG IF YOU WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN THE VENDETTA GAME AND TRIVIA CHALLENGE BY MARCH 11. DO NOT START LETTING ME KNOW UNTIL BEGINNING ON MARCH 1. Also, be on the lookout for more VENDETTA info and story info pertaining to VENDETTA in the VENDETTA blog category. Again, I will post on the main page of the Salem Lives blog and in the SONBC discussion thread whenever new info is on the VENDETTA area so you all can go into the blog and into the category to read it. If you have any questions, please comment in the blog or PM me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I know some may sound complicated here but I think this is fun and a great way to get readers involved in the action. Oh, and a note to readers of Salem Lives who end up not playing the game, YOU CAN STILL BE INVOLVED BY READING THE VENDETTA INFO AND SHORT SCENES IN THE VENDETTA AREA OF THE BLOG. REMEMBER, THE SHORT SCENES ARE BASICALLY SCENES TO FILL IN THE BLANKS LEFT DURING THE NORMAL DAILY EPISODES AND TO HELP THE MYSTERY ALONG FOR EVERYONE, NOT JUST GAME PLAYERS. JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT SO THOSE THAT DON'T PLAY DON'T GET LEFT OUT. So, be there when VENDETTA officially begins March 1 and look out for more info on this as we approach the launch date.
Thanks Tishy. Keep in mind Jack and Billie were also in the home so they are potential victims too.
-Driving down the highway towards the SPD, Abe is listening to the radio when he gets a call from headquarters. It’s a message from Billie, telling him to call her back ASAP. He pulls off the highway and uses his cell phone to get in contact with her. Billie then tells Abe to get over to the McCluer home as quickly as he can. Something may be going down. He thanks her and hangs up, quickly calling into the station to get the address. When he hears that the family lives at 729 Coleman Ave., he realizes how close that is to the more working class district in Salem. He hopes that everyone is ok and orders men to get out to that address. Now. He jumps back into his car and speeds off into the fresh daylight. -Meanwhile, at the cop shop, Roman has overheard the message that Abe has gotten. He walks back into his office and grabs his jacket so he can go join him but, when he turns around, he stops dead in his tracks. A mix of seething anger and excitement goes through his system and registers on his face because the people standing before him are Alexandra DiMera....... And her father, Stefano. He stands silent in front of Roman as Shane walks in behind them. Roman just looks at Shane as he walks past all of them and orders some officers to cuff Stefano and take him downstairs for booking. Stefano remains silent as some of Salem’s Finest take him to the outer office. Roman stops Lexie and tells her how happy he is to see her. Lexie looks at Roman and tells him his happiness no longer matters to her. In fact, she says, no one in Salem really registers on her radar anymore. She then turns and leaves Roman shaking his head slowly. He puts his coat down and walks past Shane once again, asking what the hell does he want. Shane wants to know when they can discuss Carrie’s situation like adults. Roman tells him that he really has some nerve. He keeps all of the information from him for all this time and now he sounds like he is trying to tell him that he doesn’t have the right to be upset. Shane says if it were Jeanne, he would be livid as well. He just wants to sit down and discuss it like gentlemen. Roman tells him that that went out the door when being a spy was more important than protecting family. Roman also tells him that he’s lucky that he is still speaking with him after the last time he made a decision like that. Shane says that was a long time ago and that he had to leave him under Stefano’s thumb. His brother’s life was at stake and, if it were Bo, can he honestly say he wouldn’t have done the same thing? Roman takes a step towards him and tells him that he may just have a point. But, that was between men. This has to do with Carrie, his child. He tells him that he was wrong for what he did and that he just doesn’t know if they can get past it. Shane says they can if, for once, he would stop being the high and mighty supercop and just be a father for once. Roman grows angrier at this tone as Shane continues, telling him that he is so busy being a superhero that Carrie didn’t feel like she COULD come to him. So, why doesn’t he consider that before he once again goes placing blame, acting like he’s never done anything wrong in his life. Roman grabs his collar and gets ready to hit him when one of his officers says that DiMera would like to speak with him. Roman just looks at Shane and lets him go. Shane straightens himself up as Stefano walks in. Shane stands near the window and observes Stefano smiling at Roman, telling him that....... Stefano: My, my Roman. I see that you and your agent friend here are at odds. Anything I can help with? Roman: No, Stefano. You’ve done quite enough, thank you. What do you want? I’m busy. Stefano: I see. (Sitting down) I guess it’s time to get down to business. Stefano stares at Roman and remarks..... Stefano: You know, Roman, you should thank me. That face that my doctors gave you all those years ago seems to be holding up quite nicely. Roman: Thank you for the complimen, Stefano. You’re taking up my time. If you have nothing to say but smart-ass remarks, then.......... Stefano: Ok, ok Roman. (Laughing) I still can’t see what Marlena saw in you all those years ago. Roman: And you don’t need to. Stefano: Fair enough......for now. I have a proposal for you, Roman. Roman: Oh. You want to skip the trial and just have me shoot you right here, right now? Stefano: You still have that sense of humor, my friend. I’m glad. But for right now, why don’t you put that on hold while I offer you this deal. Roman: What deal? Stefano: There is someone who is using my family as a means of carrying out whatever plan they have in mind. I’m sick of it. And I was offering this. If we can pool our resources and bring this person out into the light of day, I think it will go a long way in bringing some peace back to your little town. Roman: And it would get you off the hook for all the crimes you have committed, right? Stefano: Roman, think what you want. But I have evidence that will prove that the same person who almost killed your daughter Samantha..... Roman: What?! Stefano:.......is the same person who has used not only me............. Victor: But me as well. Victor walks in right before Stefano can finish his sentence. Victor: Good to see....(Looking at Stefano)....most of you. I think the same person that DiMera wants dealt with is also the person who is using my family as well. I’ve had it. And, I’m here to offer the very same deal Stefano is alluding to. Roman: You two kill me. Both men smile. Roman: Anyway........you want me to give you both a free ride after all the blood and dead bodies that have been left behind by you both? Are you nuts?! Victor: Not nuts, Roman. Just looking out for the greater interest. This person needs to be brought to justice and, if you don’t want to do it....... Stefano: Then I guess we’ll have to. Victor: You know it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to do whatever it took to stop the madness, Roman. Or you either, Stefano. Stefano: As do you, Victor. So Roman, what will it be? Will Victor and I have to take care of this matter by ourselves....... Victor: Or is it time to make a deal with two devils? Both godfathers stand side by side as Roman stares back and forth at both of them with Shane and a few officers looking on, wondering what decision he will make. -The MCF and another lurking cloaked figure are stalking around the McCluer home separately, looking for the family......and brandishing huge butcher knives and handguns. While they look for the members of James’s family...... JJ has them all barricaded in the basement. None of them know that Billie and Jack are outside and that they have seen the MCF and the other dark figure lurking about their home. Jonathan is beyond terrified, saying that he can’t believe it has come to this. He doesn’t know what their father has gotten them into. J.J. says that it truly is not the time for any of that. They need to be quiet before either of those two figures find out that they all are down there. Angel is in her mother’s arms sitting on the couch as Renee prays to herself for someone to come and help them. Jonathan looks over at his mother and sister and starts breaking down, apologizing for his attitude as of late. He can’t believe he has been acting like that. Renee tells him that he has got his father’s temper. She hopes that James hasn’t gotten them into something that they wish they weren’t involved in. J.J. hopes the same thing, as she tells everyone to be quiet. She hears someone trashing the upstairs. Meanwhile, outside the house, both Jack and Billie see a dark figure come out to the bushes, looking for something. When the person looks up and spots them both, the person runs off, with Jack and Billie looking at each other and then giving chase. On the outskirts of Salem, James Sr. is looking for Marlena. He hopes that he can find her before she does anything stupid or causes harm to anyone. He drives up and down the highway and side streets, looks in the park, and starts over again. After 3 and ½ hours of looking for her, he throws up his hands in defeat and decides to go home. Once again back at the McCluer home, the family is now terrified because it now sounds like someone is getting close to finding them all. Then, all of a sudden, they hear the door open and close quietly. Renee realizes that the phones are upstairs and Jonathan volunteers to go up and get it and call for help. He looks at his family and then up the stairs and then slowly walks up to the top. When he is there, he slowly opens the door and looks around the corner with one eye. He then slowly and quietly walks through the kitchen and into the living room. He sees that the home has been trashed and then he calls out for the others to come upstairs as well. After the family walks upstairs, they see that their home is in complete disarray. No one can believe what has happened and want to know what is going on. It is at that moment that Angel hears something behind them, and tells everyone to be quiet. When Jonathan and J.J. go to see what it is, they slowly walk into the back hallway......and then the scene switches to their P.O.V., as they slowly walk backwards in complete terror. On the outside of the house, Jack has finally returned having been outran by Billie. He goes up to the backdoor and notices that it is open. He also sees that it is trashed and when he goes to look in the kitchen, he hears screams coming from downstairs. The scene then shifts once again to the outside of the house but a violent struggle can be heard on the inside. Billie then runs up to the house looking for Jack and hears the screams herself. She pulls her gun and goes racing inside, with the view once again returning to the outside of the home. The scene fades out and back in sometime later as Abe and Shane arrive. A police officer runs up to both men, telling them that screams were heard coming from the residence. All the officers surround the house and, on Abe and Shane’s orders, move in. When they break into the house with guns drawn, everyone is aghast at the trails of blood that has covered the entire home. On the outside, James walks through the bushes silently to avoid being seen and sees his home surrounded by police. He then hears something in the bushes and sneaks up on a mysterious cloaked figure. When he jerks the person around and snatches off the hood, it shows...... Marlena, who is standing there shocked and shaken. When a very surprised James asks her what she is doing, she responds, saying that she did what she had to do. He looks down to see blood on her hands and, when inspecting her closer, sees that there is something sticking out of her cloak pocket. He pulls out the item, which is revealed to be a huge knife covered in blood. He then is terrified of what she may have done, staring at her with abject fear. Meanwhile, back in the house, Abe walks slowly into the back room and, when he opens the door, he is left speechless by what he sees. He recovers long enough to order one of his officers to get EMTs and other officers out there and to canvas the area right now. When Shane walks down the hallway and looks at what Abe has seen, he can’t speak either. They just look at other and then back at the scene. The screen then slowly fades to black. On the next Salem Lives... FIND OUT WHO HAS BEEN MURDERED... AND DID MARLENA REALLY DO IT...OR DID THE INFAMOUS MCF STRIKE AGAIN? OR IS IT SOMEONE ELSE? BE HERE MONDAY FOR ALL THE ANSWERS!!!
-At the Carver house, Abe rushes downstairs to see Celeste and Theo at the dinner table. Celeste asks how his shower was. Abe says it was good and that now he has to go back to the station. Celeste says there is something they need to discuss first. It's about Alexandra. -At the McCluer home, Renee confirms to James that she knows he had a meeting with some cloaked person and Dr. Marlena Evans. She tells him she wants answers. Their family deserves answers. JJ and Angel begin to fill him in on how they found out but he stops them and says he knows all about it. He just didn't know that Renee and Jonathan found out. JJ says they just told them because they were beginning to figure it out. A frustrated James reaches for his head and begins to pull on his hair. He tells them he wishes they had just stayed out of it. Renee says she is sick of all the secrets. They deserve the truth. James says he can't tell them anything. They already know enough and now that they even know what they know, they have alot of problems. James says they are all now in grave danger. -At University Hospital, Billie is with Abby in her hospital room. Abby: I'm sorry I threw Chelsea out. I was just upset and... Billie: She said the wrong thing. It happens alot. It's fine. Abby: You know...you don't have to be in here with me just because my dad is gone and no one else is. Billie: I want to be in here with you. It's fine. Abby: Even after the horrible way I have treated you in the past. Billie: It's forgotten. We have a clean slate. (smiles) Is there anything I can get you? Abby: I wish you could turn back time or be a miracle worker so I wouldn't have to be paralyzed and Cassie wouldn't have fallen down the stairs. Billie: We can't turn back time. You can't give up. Fight for Max. Fight to beat your paralysis. Don't give up a chance at happiness and a good life like I did. Abby: Yeah but you have another one don't you. With my father. Billie: Abby...we are just friends. Good friends. Abby: I know but you were also good friends with mom. It's different with you and dad. You guys are best friends but, lately, you two seem alot closer. I just feel bad for being so mean before and trying to mess with you both. Billie: It's in the past, like I said. As for me and your father, we will always be close but there is nothing but friendship between us. We spend alot of time together on cases and stuff but that's it. Abby: For now. It could always end up being more. Mom and dad started out working together and they slowly fell in love. You and dad are already close and now working together can only bring you closer. Billie, I can see it in your eyes everytime you look at dad. You care about him more then you say. Don't you? Billie is silent. -In Cassie's room, Cassie is caressing her stomach. Cassie: I am so sorry little one. I may not have been ready to be a mother but I would've loved you. I feel horrible but your death was just the thing I needed. Now, Max and Abby are falling apart and, with Chelsea's help, it's only a matter of time. Chelsea (walking in to the room): The hell it is. Cassie: Chelsea, how nice to see you. Chelsea: Shutup. Do you know what you are doing to Max and Abby? God, you don't even give a damn about the child you lost or what this is doing to both of them? Your just happy that this gives you what you need to break Max and Abby up, aren't you? Cassie: I loved that baby. I would never wish harm upon any child, let alone my own, just for a guy. I didn't want this to happen but, now that it has, you better believe I am going to use it to my advantage. Now, kindly be quiet because you and me have to talk about the next step of the plan. Chelsea: I am not doing anymore for you. I killed me having to make Abby feel so guilty. I am not helping you anymore. They are my friends and... Cassie: Tell me, Chelsea. Do you feel like destroying so many lives, including your own? That is what will happen if your little secrets come out. Bo, Billie, and so many others will be devestated by the fact that Hope and some unknown guy are your parents. You will go to jail for murdering your rapists and your family will have to deal with that black eye forever. You don't want that so just cooperate. Otherwise, you and your loved ones pay the consquences. Chelsea: I hate you. Cassie: Beleive me, darling, the feeling is mutual. Now that we understanding each other, on to the next step. We do understand each other, right? Chelsea (after a long pause): Whatever. Cassie (smiling): Knew you would see it my way. -In another part of the hospital, Max is on his way back to Cassie's room with a juice drink for her when he is stopped by Jack, who says they have to talk. Max says he really needs to get back to Cassie. Jack: Oh, yes. Everything is about Cassie these days. What about Abby? You know, the girl you said you cared about? The one that is paralyzed and was promised by you that you would be by her side no matter what. Max: Look, Jack. I know all that. I don't need to be reminded nor do I need a lecture from you. I just lost my child and the mother of my child needs me. Jack: I get that Max. I know how much you loved the child. I know because of the childhood you had you wanted to give it a good life. But, don't you see, Cassie is using that to manipulate you. I know Cassie. We spent months in captivity together. She cares about others but not before herself. All that time on the island and in the castle she kept talking about how she missed the mall and all these material things. It was all about her and not about seeing loved ones again. They were second. It's always about her first. Now, I know she loved that child but a big part of that love was that it gave her a hold over you. I know she feels horrible about losing it but it also gives her what she wanted. She needed something, Max. Something that could take you away from Abby and something she could mainpulate so you would be by her side. This was it. She is using the death of your child. She knows about your childhood and how you wanted better for the child and she knows damn well that Abby is so good-hearted and caring that she would feel guilty as hell. She knows she can get you by her side now and manipulate you. Open your eyes, Max. Max: Look, I don't know what to believe. One thing I know is that I would now if I was being manipulated and, while I know Cassie is a Dimera and was diificult to deal with in the past, I can't see her using our baby's death like that. Jack: Then you are naive and stupid. You know Abby...she wouldn't force her to fall. Yes, Abby played a part in this but Cassie could have walked away too. Neither of them did, Max. You can't put this all on my daughter. You promised her that you would be by her side. She needs you. You gave her hope when she was giving up. Without you, she has nothing to keep her going right now. Max: Jack, this is not the time for this. I don't know what to think or believe. It's been really rough. I know Abby is hurting but I can't deal with her right now. I think it's for the best that I avoid her for awhile until things settle and we know more. Jack: You shouldn't have to know more. You know my daughter. What the hell is your problem, Max? -Back at the Carver home, Celeste and Abe sit down. Abe tells Celeste he thinks about Lexie everyday and wonders if she survived that gunshot wound in Sydney. Celeste says she has visions of Lexie and she believes she has. Celeste asks Abe what would happen if and when Lexie came back. Would he take her back? Abe stops to think and says that he isn't sure. Her betrayal with Tek hurt him so bad but, over time, he realized he still loved her and wanted to be with her. Everything that happened in Sydney made him see that. Even after everything that went down at Theo's custody hearing, he still loved her. Celeste reminds Abe that he told her that Alexandra showed signs of her old self down in Sydney and asks if that is correct. Abe says that's true. She seemed conflicted over what her father was doing to him and all of their friends. She was trying to hide the fact that it upset her but he saw that it did. Celeste says that there is hope they can save her from the Dimera curse. It would be even easier if she was there with them. Abe agrees and says he thinks the only way to save Lexie from her family and becoming one of them is to destroy the Dimera's. Celeste agrees and says she has wanted to destory them for many years. Abe admits that he can only do so much in his role in the SPD but he really feels like he should start doing some investigating under the radar. It may make it easier to find something to bring the Dimera's down. Celeste says that is a good idea and that she can help. She knows the Dimera family and organization. She was a part of it and knows all the inner workings. She suggests they work together on their own to find something that can help them stop Stefano and the Dimera's for good. Abe agrees but says they need to keep it quiet. He is not a supporter of off the record investigations like this but he feels it is something that could work. Celeste agrees and says she will start jotting down some notes about the Dimera's that may help them investigate. Abe says that is a good idea and then says he really has to be getting going and gets up to leave. Celeste tells Abe she needs to ask him something before he goes. She asks him if he would give Alexandra another chancer if and when she came back. She begs him to consider giving her another chance to work things out. She thinks that another chance to be a family with him and Theo could be the thing to pull her away from the Dimera's and Stefano. Abe thinks for a moment and says he will think it over but thinks she is right. It may be what is needed so giving her another chance to try to work things out may be a good idea. He then agrees that if and when Lexie returns, he will talk to her and they will try to work things out. However, he still wants to go ahead with the secret investigation. Celeste agrees and thanks him, saying he won't be sorry, as he leaves for the station. -Back at the McClure home, everyone is clearly upset. Renee (crying): We have been through this before. All the lies and deciet. You ended up in jail and now here we go again. What the hell is your problem? Why are you putting us through this again? When I married you, you were a kind and thoughful man. What has happened to you? James then grabs his life and grips her tight. James (right in her face): You know I care about you. (looks at JJ, Jonathan, and Angel) I care about all of you. Everything I do is for you. For a better life...to protect you. Please, you all already know too much. I can't tell you anymore about anything. Please...all of you. Listen to me. This is a matter of life and death. This is serious. You have already put yourselves in danger. You are targets. Renee: Oh, great. That makes me feel better. Where did all this start? Does this have to do with you working for Victor? James: I can't talk about anything, Renee. Don't you understand? This is dangerous!! You are all in danger now. If you open your mouths to anyone, you are all dead. Do you hear me? I'm not kidding. This is why I don't tell you!!! Renee: Then why did you get involved!!! James: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE OUR FAMILY!!! ALL THIS IS FOR YOU!! DAMNIT!! WHY COULDN'T YOU ALL JUST STAY OUT OF IT!! JJ: Dad...we just wanted to prove that you weren't doing anything bad and... James: I know, son. I appreciate it. You too, Angel. Jonathan: Oh please. dad, you are just mad you got caught. All this talk about us being in danger and as good as dead. Give me a break. James: I am sorry you feel that way, son. I know you have a problem with me because of the way I have hurt your mother but I am being serious. I need all of you to promise me..promise me you will stay quiet about what you know. Please!!! JJ: Yeah, dad. Angel: Yeah. Jack and Billie already warned us. Renee: I don't want to be a part of this. James (holding Renee in his arms): Renee...please. Do it to protect the kids. Look, trust me. I know that is hard to do but this is the right thing. Please stay silent. Renee: Fine. Fine. Whatever. James: Jon... Jonathan: No!! I am telling the police. I am sick and tired of you messing up this family. I want you to pay and wheover you are involved with to pay. I am reporting everything I know and then you can just burn in hell, pops. Meanwhile, outside, the MCF is watching. MCF (with voice changer): Not the right thing to say, kid Marlena then arrives, dressed in a black cloak as well. MCF: What the hell are you wearing? Marlena: Upset I stole your look. So, the kid doesn't want to keep his mouth shut...oh well. I wasn't on board with letting James try to keep them quiet. I knew that action needed to be taken and now I know it has to be. MCF: You don't do anything without my permission. I am in charge here. Marlena: I am not standing by and letting everything be shot to hell. I have come too far. I am not going to see my plans... MCF: Ah, always about you and your plans. Remember, we have to complete my plans dear. That was the deal. Me first and then you are free to do your thing. Marlena: Yeah, well, I am out for me. All I know is I am not letting Jimmy boy's family blow this. I am going to do something....tonight. MCF: Yeah, you will do something. You will follow Jack and Billie around and make sure they don''t find out anything else. Marlena: I have to take care of them too. They are loose cannons, just like the McClure's. MCF: You won't do anything but follow Jack and Billie and report to me. If I see that you do anything else, then you will pay the consequences of defying me. Understood? Marlena (snidely): Understood. MCF: Good. Now go find Jack and Billie and report to me later. Marlena: Yeah. Fine. Marlena walks away and then pulls out a knife, saying: Marlena: I am not going to see my plans go down the tubes. The loose cannons need to be taken care of and I will do it my way. People are going to die tonight...it's the only way. Back inside the McCluer home, James continues to beg Jonathan to be like the rest of the family and stay quiet. James then embraces Jonathan, telling him he loves him. He knows that he is disappointed in him but he wants him to know he loves him and just wants to protect him. Jonathan says he doesn't need it but James says he does. Renee jumps in and says she will make sure Jonathan says quiet. She will make sure they all will...for now. James says thanks her but says they need to stay silent until he says otherwise. He begs them to trust him on this. James then sees the MCF outside the house and says he has to go. He embraces his three children and tells him he loves them. JJ and Angel say they love him too...no matter what he has done. James then looks at Renee and asks her if she knows how much he loves her. Renee says sometimes she wonders. He then kisses her passionately and says there will never be another woman for him. Renee's eyes well up with tears as Jonathan turns away in disgust. James tells them all goodbye and warns them to remain silent and to be careful. Outside, James meets the MCF in the bushes and asks: James: What do you want? MCF: I need you to go and find Marlena. She may be up to something and I need you to keep an eye on her. I sent her to watch Jack and Billie until you take over. James: Fine. Why are you here? MCF: Just making sure it went well with your family. Your wife and the other kid knowing is disturbing but good job. I am satisfied but I will be watching them. Nothing happens to them unless they break their silence. James: They won't. MCF: They better not. Now, go find Marlena. James: Fine. James leaves as the MCF watches Jonathan argue with JJ, Angel, and Renee about keeping what they know to themselves. The MCF then approaches the house, as does another cloaked figure as night falls on Salem. Jonathan continues to stand by his stance of calling the police but Renee. JJ, and Angel beg him to reconsider. Renee says she has never saw the fear in their father's eyes that she saw tonight. They need to take this seriously. Jonathan shrugs it off and says it's dad's fault that their family keeps getting put through the ringer. He needs to pay so why not turn him in and get the cops on his ass. Nothing is going to happen to them. The lights then go off. Renee, JJ, and Angel huddle together as Jonathan looks around and is then pulled into the huddle by Renee. They are all scared and wonder if someone could be there as the MCF and another cloaked figure lurk around separately outside. -Back at the hospital, Max tells Jack he doesn't have time for this. Jack then takes him by the shirt and throws him against the wall. He tells Max to make time and warns him that if he keeps hurting his daughter like this, he will feel pay. He lets go of Max and walks away as Max looks on, somewhat frightened and confused over what is going on. Meanwhile, Cassie has finished telling Chelsea about the next step of the plan and she is appalled. She refuses to do it but Cassie reminds her what will happen if she doesn't and says: Cassie: You do as I say or you lose everything. Easy concept, Chelsea. Chelsea then walks out, angry and in tears, as Cassie smiles and sadistically laughs . She doesn't want to do this to her friends but feels she has no choice. Only two people get hurt this way but many get hurt if her secrets come out. In Abby's room, Billie tells Abby again that nothing is going on with her father and her. Abby reluctantly agrees to change the subject, even though it helps her keep her mind off of things, and says she is worried about her father. She hopes he didn't go to talk to Max as that could turn ugly. Billie says she told Jack not to get involved heavily but Abby mentions that he never did heed words of warning. Billie agrees and offers to go and find him to make sure everything is ok. Abby thanks her. As Billie leaves, her cell rings. She realizes her mistake in not turning it off in a hospital and answers it. It's JJ and he says: JJ: Billie, it's JJ. Something is wrong. Billie: Hey, are you ok? You sound upset? JJ: Look...my mom and brother know everything. We had to tell them. Our father came home and warned us to stay silent if we wanted to protect ourselves. Billie: Oh, God. Ok. Well, it seems everything is fine other then your father knowing and... JJ: It's not fine, Billie. Shortly after my dad left, the lights went out. Everyone else's lights on the street are on but our's. Someone must have cut the power. Billie: Is someone there? Do you hear... JJ: We heard something outside. There isn't any wind tonight but we may just be hearing things and... Billie: Ok. Look, sit tight. I will be right there and I think I will need to bring some help. Just stay put and be careful. JJ: Ok, thanks. Billie: Hey, JJ. Say a prayer or two. ok. JJ: Yeah. Billie: Bye. JJ: Bye. Billie hangs up just as Jack shows up. Jack: Hey, everything ok? Billie: No. We need to get over to the McClure's. JJ just called and all hell may be about to break loose. Him and his family may be in alot of danger. I think it's time we bring in the police. Jack: Billie, I... Billie: I know but we may need reinforcements, Jack. This could be serious. It's about people's lives. We have to. Tell Abby we are leaving and l will call the police so we can go. Jack: Ok. Jack goes to Abby as Billie dials her cell. Billie: I just hope this is nothing but, if it's something, I hope we aren't too late. The screen then fades out on Billie's worried face. On the Next Salem Lives... DON'T MISS ONE OF THE MOST GRIPPING, SUSPENSEFUL EPISODES OF SALEM LIVES EVER!! MURDER HITS SALEM!!! YOU WON'T BELIEVE HOW IT ALL HAPPENS!!! DON'T MISS THE LAST FANTASTIC FEBRUARY FRIDAY!!!
-It's a new day in Salem as Carrie opens her eyes at University Hospital to see Austin looking back at her. They both smile at each other as she asks him if he has been there with her all night. He nods and says there is no place he would rather be. He asks if she is ok and she says she is fine but could use a glass of water. He goes to pour some and accidentally knocks over a medical chart left on her nightstand. It falls on Carrie's legs and she picks it up and glances at it. Austin, knowing the information that is on the chart, tries to prevent her from reading it but fails as Carrie reads the doctor's notes on the bottom of the chart that read, "Be alert for signs of depression and other mental health risks due to loss of child." Carrie then recalls what happened the night she went into labor and how she lied about her baby being dead. She also recalls her asking Alan to find him and his informing her that he doesn't think he can. She realizes she was so upset fomr that news that she must have blocked everything out for awhile. Austin sees that she is upset and asks if she is ok. Carrie then tells him she remembers...her baby is gone. -Outside Carrie's room, Alan is looking in on Carrie and Austin when Kate walks up behind him. She scares him when she comes up behind him and asks him what he is so curious about. He composes himself and says nothing. He is merely concerned for Carrie and he cares about her. She is the only one that beleives he has changed. Kate then asks if he really has or if he is playing some sick game to get revenge on those that made him suffer. -At Lucas's apartment, Sami and Lucas are eating breakfast, worried that Will still hasn't come out of his room. He finally does a few moments later and Sami serves him some waffles. She asks if he is ok. Will, trying to keep his composure, nods and says he is still a bit tired. He had a hard time sleeping last night. Lucas asks if there is something they should know about. Will stays silent. Sami begs Will to tell them if something is wrong. They may be able to help. She asks him where he was when he was missing for a day. Will says he just had to get away for a bit. He has had a rough time in school and he just got really shaken up when he learned about her rape. Sami says she knew she shouldn't have told him. Lucas says it's not her fault and Will agrees. Will tells Sami that it was just a shock and he is glad they finally told him. It's just that finding that out on top of everything else was too much and he needed to go somewhere and just chill. Lucas asks where he went and with who. Will clams up. -At the McClure house, Jonathan and Renee are up and pacing in the kitchen. Renee can't believe how late JJ and Angel got in last night. It must have been after midnight as she never saw them return. Jonathan agrees and says that they need to figure this out as soon as JJ and Angel come downstairs. Renee wishes James Sr was there but he is gone yet again. She is at her wit's end and can't take any of this anymore. Jonathan comforts her as JJ and Angel come downstairs and ask what's for breakfast. Jonathan says nothing is until mom and him get what they want. JJ is confused. Jonathan says he wants the truth right now. Mom and him deserve to know what Angel and himself have been up to. JJ and Angel are speechless. Jonathan asks what they are waiting for. If they don't tell them, they will just find out on their own. Renee tries to calm him and tells JJ and Angel they deserve to know the truth and asks if this has anything to do with their father. Angel grabs JJ and takes him aside and, whispering, says: Angel: Maybe we should tell them. They will find out sooner or later. Jon is not going to stop pushing and, at least by telling them, we can make sure they stay quiet to protect themselves. JJ: Your right. This way, we can at least tell them in our own way rather then them finding out and everything getting twisted somehow. We don't want them to find out and so something stupid. Jonathan: Come on!! Talk to us. Mom and I noticed your strange behavior of late. The secrecy, racing to answer the phone so we don't answer it, going out late and being gone for hours, hanging up the phone when one of us picks up and your own the line...your hiding something. Tell us!! Angel (whispering to JJ): We have to tell them. He isn't going to give up on this. Who knows? Maybe they can help somehow. JJ: Yeah, maybe. Your right. This is best for their protection and at least they will hear it from us the right away and not the wrong way and on their own. JJ then tells Jonathan and his mother to sit down. Angel and him will tell them everything. Meanwhile, in an alley near pier 6, James emerges. He looks at his watch and turns to see the MCF. James tells him it's about time. The MCF (with the use of the voice changer) tells him to shutup so they can get down to business. MCF: Now...I hear you are not in agreement with an aspect of our plans. James: I know that you know about JJ and Angel helping out Jack and Billie. Marlena told me you want to take some sort of action to silence them all but I don't think extreme action is necessary. I can talk to them and tell them to remain silent for their protection. If Renee or Jonathan fidn out, I can do the same. MCF: I know you can, James. I have no intention of harming anyone in your family. In fact, I was counting on you to see to it that anyone in your family that knows anything about what we are doing, is kept silent. I am giving you one chance and any screwups will result in the most extreme measures being taken. Do you understand? James: Yes. I am pleased to hear that. From the way Marlena spoke, I was worried about them and... MCF: Marlena and I think differently. I am in charge so ignore her musings. James: What about Jack and Billie? You aren't going to harm them, are you? MCF: They will need to be dealt with. They are loose cannons and to smart for their own good. James: They have families. Can't we just kidnap them or blackmail them or something? I don't want to see anyone harmed or worse. MCF: That won't happen...yet. As long as range of knowledge in regards to us stays the same, there will be no need for those sort of measures. I have instructions for you. I need you to keep an eye on Jack and Billie and to report to me what you observe. This way we can be one step ahead and know if they are in line. Got it? James:Yes. Fine. Uh...I am going to talk to my family first, though. I think it would be a good idea to make sure JJ and Angel stay quiet and away from Jack and Billie. I will also find out what my wife and other kid know and do what is necessary on that end. After that, I will put my focus on Jack and Billie. You have nothing to worry about. MCF: I better not. I am glad we understand each other. James: So am I and thank you for not rushing into doing something extreme. I am sure we can take care of all this without anyone getting hurt. MCF: If all works out, then yes. Now...go do what you must. There is no time to waste. James leaves. The MCF then pulls out a knife. MCF: That bought me some time to take care of what needs to be. Ha...what a fool you are, James. Just because I may not cause harm to your family or Jack and Billie doesn't mean our friend Marlena won't to protect herself. Single-minded fool. As for me, I will watch closely and, if I feel it's necessary, I will do what must be done. The MCF then walks off. -Back at the hospital, Alice and Doug are visiting with Abby. Abby is depressed over her condition, which she feels is hopeless, and all that has happened with Cassie losing her baby and Max seemingly blaming her. Alice tells her to have faith that it will all work out. Abby says she isn't so sure she can have faith anymore with all that has gone on in her life recently. Doug reminds Abby that her mother and so many people that love her are watching over her. It will all be ok and Max will realize he is making a mistake by thinking she is responsible. Jack agrees and comes in and embraces his daughter. Abby says she hasn't seen Max in days and that makes her think that he really beleives she somehow forced Cassie down the stairs. Jack tells her that if he wants to think that, let him. That means he doesn't deserve you and that he isn't right for her if he can't even beleive in her. Meanwhile, outside Abby's room, Chelsea is torn up over Cassie blackmailing her into making Abby feel even more guilty about Cassie's accident. Chelsea is sure that Cassie will ask her yet again to help and she is worried about what she may ask this time. She wonders if Cassie will ask her to actually frame Abby for the incident. She just wishes she could refuse but she can't go to jail and no one can know Hope is her mother. Too many lives will be destroyed by both revelations. Billie arrives and asks if Chelsea is ok. She says she is just upset about Max and Abby and everything happening with them. Billie tells her that it will all work out. She tells Chelsea that Abby should be glad to have such a good best friend like her. It is clear that she really cares about Abby and Max. Billie embraces her as Chelsea's eyes well up with tears, in agony over what she is doing to her friends and what she may have to do next. -In Cassie's room, Max arrives with a piece of chocolate cake. He says he remembers her saying she loves it. Cassie thanks him and also thanks him for how good he has been treating her. She feels so bad for what happened and begins to break down over losing the baby. Max says it's not her fault. Cassie says she could've prevented it so she is somewhat at fault but, he's right, most of the blame is on Abby. Max's face turns somber as he turns away, clearly upset by that statement. -Back in Abby's room, Alice has asked Doug to call Maggie to see if she would like to meet for lunch. He calls Chez Rouge, using Abby's room phone, but is told by an employee that she didn't report for work this morning, citing that she felt under the weather. Doug calls Maggie's house. The scene then shifts to Maggie's home, where we see empty liquor bottles lying on the table next to Maggie, who is passed out on the couch. The phone rings and Maggie struggles to pick herself up to answer but she finally manages too. Doug is happy to hear her voice and asks if she is ok. He heard she is sick. Maggie says she is fine. It's probably just the beginning of a heavy cold or sinus infection. Doug can tell by her voice that she isn't feeling very well. He asks if she needs anything. Maggie says no. She just needs some rest. Doug understands and tells her that he or someone else will check in later to make sure she is ok. They bid each other goodbye and hangup. Maggie then lays back down. She holds her head and moans about a killer headache. She gets up for some apirin but opts against it, saying another drink might help the pain. She opens a bottle of Brandy, pours it into a glass, and begins to drink it. -Back at Carrie's room, Austin tries to comfort Carrie but she says she just wants to be alone right now. She thanks him for everything and for being with her. They will talk later. They kiss and bid each other goodbye. After Austin leaves, Carrie turns towards the window and is regretting what she did. She should've trusted that they could all work through it all. She should've never lied that her baby died and should've never given it up. Carrie begins to contemplate admitting everything, hoping that maybe Austin and everyone else knowing will help find her baby and get him back in some way. -Outside Carrie's room, Kate is still waiting for an answer from Alan. Alan says that he has changed but he doesn't expect anyone to beleive him. He only hopes that someday maybe others will but he isn't going to hold his breath. Austin comes out of Carrie's room. Alan asks how she is. Austin says it's none of his business but she is fine. He tells Alan that he should just leave. Carrie wants to be alone anyway and he doesn't feel comfortable having him around her. Alan reminds Austin that only Carrie can decide if she doesn't want him to see her anymore. Alan agrees to leave and says he will stop by soon to see Carrie. He says goodbye to Kate and Austin and leaves. Kate then turns to Austin and tells him that Will is back. Lucas called and says he is fine but they don't know where he went and why. Austin says he will watch up with Sami and Lucas later. Right now, he is worried about Carrie and how she is going to move on from the baby's "death." Kate comforts him. -Back at Lucas's apartment, Will still hasn't responded to Lucas' question. Finally, after a few moments of thinking, Will says he went to see an old friend of his in Chicago who tranferred out of Salem High. His parents were out of town and they just hung out and played video games and stuff. Sami asks Will if they can call this friend of his or if his parents even knew that Will was there. Will gets upset that Sami and Lucas don't trust him. Lucas urges Sami to lay off and tells Will they were really worried. He tells Will that he is going to be grounded for two months and to never run off like that again without letting them know what he is up to. Will understands and says he is happy he is grounded. He doesn't want to go out anyway. He also asks Sami and Lucas to trust him. He doesn't want to be interrogated anymore. What he told them was the truth. There is no more to it. Will then gets up and goes into the bathroom to shower. Sami asks Lucas if he bought all of that. Lucas says that something still isn't right. Sami agrees and adds that him being happy about being grounded was weird. He hates being grounded and being stuck in the house. Lucas agrees that something is definitely up with their son as he seems to upset about something. He is trying to hide it but he can see it. Lucas adds that they need to get to the bottom of this...fast. Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Will is showering and begins to recall Alan attacking him. He then begins to scrub his body harder and uses more soap. He repeatedly does this as he continues to repeatedly flash back to Alan's attack on him. Will: I got to get it off...got to get it off. He was all over me...I have to get it off...DAMNIT!! Will then stops scrubbing and leans against the wall in the shower. He crumples to the shower floor in tears, wondering why this had to happen. -Back at Abby's room, Doug returns and says he checked his cell messages and Julie called. She will be home in a matter of hours. Alice says then they must get home so they can greet her. Both wish Abby and Jack well and say they will be praying for them. Abby and Jack thank them and say goodbye as they leave. Jack asks Abby if she is ok. Abby says she doesn't know if she will be. She just can't believe Max would believe so easily that she would do this. Billie and Chelsea enter the room. Billie asks Abby how she is. Abby says she could be better if she didn't have to deal with all this. She just can't understand why Max doesn't believe her since everyone else that knows her does. Chelsea mentions that maybe it's for the best and maybe she is better off without Max, privately hoping to spare Abby more pain by getting her away from Max and Cassie's wrath. Abby gets upset and asks Chelsea how she could say that. She tells her to get out and leave her alone. -Back at Cassie's room, Cassie asks if Max is on her side. He seems bothered everytime she blames what happened on Abby. Max says it's just stunning to think about. He can't see Abby ever hurting anyone. Cassie insists she did and she will pay. Cassie admits she is partly responsible because she should have just walked away but Abby could've stopped the fight too and she kept it going and she forced her down the stairs. Cassie begins to break down in tears again, saying she just wants some peace and for their child to rest in peace and she knows it won't until Abby pays for this. She begs Max to stand by her and to support her on this. If not for her, then for their poor baby. Max takes a deep breath and agrees to stand by Cassie's side and their deceased child's. He promises her that he is here for her and isn't going anywhere. They embrace as she smiles, pleased with how things are progressing with Max and herself. -Back at the McCluer home, JJ and Angel have just finished telling Jonathan and Renee about their investigation of James Sr and what they saw in the park. Renee can't beleive her husband is somehow involved with this MCF and Dr. Marlena Evans. She doesn't understand any of this. JJ adds that they don't quite know what dad was doing for Victor yet but Jack and Billie are looking on everything. Renee is upset and says they should've come to her. JJ and Angel insist they were trying to help. There is so much tension in their family and they wanted to find out what dad was up to in hopes of clearing the air and them being a happy family again. Renee hugs them and thanks them but says this is dangerous. JJ asks Jonathan what he thinks. Jonathan says he could care less about their father and what he is up too. He is sick of it and sick of him weighing down their family. Jonathan adds that their father is better off dead for the hell he puts mom and all of them through. James Sr then walks in. Renee, JJ, Jonathan, and Angel all stare at him. James looks at Renee and Jonthan and says: James Sr: Dear God...you know too. Meanwhile, outside, the MCF is watching as he/she caresses their knife and the screen fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Celeste to Abe: Give her a chance, Abraham. Give Alexandra one more chance. Billie to Abby: Fight for Max and to beat your paralysis. Don't give up a chance at happiness like I did. Abby to Billie: Yeah but you have another one don't you. With my father. Cassie to Chelsea: You do as I say or you lose everything. Easy concept, Chelsea. Jack to Max: You and me have to talk. James: Please...all of you. Listen to me. This is a matter of life and death.
-At Billie's PI office, Jack and Billie are awaiting JJ and Angel's arrival for their meeting. They hope nothing has happened to them. JJ and Angel soon arrive and say they had a hard time finding the place. Billie tells them she thought it would be safer meeting at her office since it's new and not public. They all sit down. Meanwhile, James has followed them to the office and is eavesdropping through a small crack in the door. He tells himself he needs to find out how much they know so he can protect them. He needs to protect his family at all costs and make sure that none of the people he is involved with learns that they are on to them. Meanwhile, at the McClure house, Renee gets up to get a drink of water and runs into Jonathan. She asks why he is up. Jonathan says that JJ and Angel are gone and he wonders where they could possibly be at this hour on a school night. Renee isn't sure but given their behavior of late, she knows they are up to something and worries that it may have something to do with their father. Jonathan asks if dad has come home. Renee shakes her head and says she knows he came home breifly earlier but she never saw him and he left yet again. Jonathan comforts her and says it will all be ok. He tells her they need to fidn out what is going on with dad, JJ, and Angel as soon as they come home. It's time that the truth came out. Renee agrees. -At the Brady Pub, Hope asks Roman and Kim what made Bo so upset. Roman, Kim, and Caroline all look at each other. Roman says that he doesn't think he should tell her. Kim agrees and says that it may be best for Hope to find out from Bo himself when he is ready. Hope looks at Caroline, who agrees, remembering how Bo was afraid of how all this would affect Hope and their relationship. A frustrated Hope tells them that she will just go out and find Bo but warns that if he doesn't give her anything, she will let up and will be back to ask them again. She will find out what is going on. Hope leaves. Meanwhile, Bo is on the pier. With tears in his eyes and his rage apparent, he recalls what he remembered tonight and how Roman and Kim knew all along. He then throws a crate and breaks down in tears, looking up to the heavens and asking "Why??!!" repeatedly. Back at the Pub, Roman and Kim ask Caroline if she can ever forgive them. Caroline tells them both that she loves them and they are her children but there have been so many lies. From Roman and Bo's ruse to this, it's too much. It's going to be hard but, in time, she can forgive them. She can't say the same for Bo and everyone else and, even if they forgive, they may never forget, just like she might never. Caroline points out that it is understandable they wanted to protect their brother but it was bound to come out someday. Bo was going to remember. They also could've told her, Shawn Sr, or even Kayla. Someone could've helped. Roman explains they didn't want to put the whole ordeal on the family. Bo repressed the memory so they thought it best to leave it buried and give everyone one less thing to stress over. As time went on, it became easy because they both even forgot they were keeping the truth. Caroline looks down in shame and says she has had enough for the night. She hopes Bo will be ok and that they can get through this, together as a family. She is going upstairs to pray it all works out and that Bo comes home tonight safe. She tells them both to lock up when they leave and tells them to consider going out to look for Bo and bring him back to the Pub.. It's the least they can do. Caroline goes upstairs. Roman then gets up as Kim asks where he is going. Roman says he is going to send some men out to look for Bo and bring him home before he does something stupid. Roman also says he needs to check up on the search for Marlena. Kim asks if there is anything she can do for Bo or Marlena to help. Roman shakes his head and says thanks. He apologizes to her for what they are going through. Kim says it was her idea and most of the blame falls on her. She is sorry she brought him into it. Roman walks back and takes her hand, saying they will get through this together. They both smile as he leaves. Kim then looks at a Brady family photo of Shawn Sr, Caroline, herself, Roman, Bo, and Kayla. She breaks down in tears and repeatedly says she is sorry. She is then touched on the shoulder by someone and turns to see Shane looking at her. They then embrace as he tries to comfort her, telling her repeatedly that it's ok and that he is here for her. -At Lucas's apartment, Sami hangs up the phone after just calling the SPD to see if there was an update on Will. She is really worried now and a hysterical mess, asking Lucas what could have happened to him. She tells Lucas she has had this awful feeling all night and is now frightened that Victor, Stefano, or even Alan did something. Lucas comforts her. Meanwhile, outside, Will slowly walks up to the door. He wipes the tears from his face and eyes and tries to compose himself but can't help recalling all he has learned about the man he thought of as "Ace" and what he did to him on this night. Will remembers Alan's warning to stay silent or him and his family would suffer greatly. Will begins to tremble and cry but realizes he must compose himself before going inside. After a few moments, he feels ready enough to enter and knocks on the door. Lucas answers it and is shocked to see Will there. Lucas yells out his name, causing Sami to jump up. Lucas embraces his son, asking if he is ok. Will silently nods and says he is fine. Will then comes face to face with Sami and, remembering what Alan put her through and what he has now done to him, then breaks down in tears while running into his mother's arms. Sami begins to cry too as Lucas embraces the both of them and they reunite as a family. -Back at the Pub, Shane asks Kim what happened. Kim says she isn't sure she should tell him. Shane laughs and reminds her of all the years they have spent together and known each other. He promises her she can trust him. He admits to being worried about her lately as she has been lashing out alot and worried about something, like when Bo was at the hospital and she lashed out at him. He asks Kim if that has something to do with this and Kim nods. She makes Shane promise to keep what she is going to tell him a secret. He promises and she explains to him all about what Eric did to Bo and how Roman and her kept it a secret for years, with help from Bo repressing the memory. She explains how she and Roman were worried lately about Bo remembering with the memories and nightmares he was having and that is why she acted as she did. Kim explains that Bo remembered tonight and Roman and her told her mother. Now they all hate her and, once more family and friends learn the truth, they will hate her too. Shane doesn't think that is true. She was trying to protect her brother. Kim isn't so sure people will sympathize. She should know better but going through what she did with Eric added to her motivation for keeping the secret. Eric hurt her real bad and she was ashamed. She didn't want Bo to go through that or to have to deal with it publicly, especially with him being a guy. She knows that pain so that was a contributing factor to her motivation, in addition to protecting Bo. She feels like she will become the black sheep of the family now. Shane jokes and says that Sami or Chelsea may be that black sleep. Kim sarcastically laughs and says neither will be anymore. Shane says he has similar troubles and isn't sure if he will be forgiven. Kim asks him what he is talking about. Figuring she will know sooner or later as it's public knowledge, he fills her in on how he helped Carrie remain in hiding. He explains he knew Alan was with her but she claimed he changed and she wanted to do this because she had no idea who the father of her baby was. She did it to avoid huring Sami, Lucas, Austin, and others and she did it for her child. She didn't want her child to have all that tension around him or her when it was born. He fills her in on everything that has transpired with Carrie and how Roman, Caroline, Kate, Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Abe are all angry with him and probably will never forgive him. His job may even be on the line as a result as there is still no telling if Alan has really changed or if he is dangerous. Kim conforts him and says she is sure he will be fine, job-wise and with everyone else. He did it to help Carrie because she asked for his help. People will understand in time. Shane isn't so sure. Kim laughs, saying they are in the same boat. Shane smiles and says he is glad he isn't in the boat alone. They smile at each other and tenderly embrace. Shane says they will just have to be there for each other through all this. Kim agrees and says she thinks she is going to need him. They both promise to stand by each other and again lovingly embrace. Meanwhile, upstairs, Caroline is in her room, tearfully praying to God to give her family peace and to help them through this difficult time. She calls out to Shawn Sr to watch over their children and to bring Bo home safe and sound and to help him deal with what has happened. -On the pier, Bo tries to fight back the tears and then gets up, wandering aimlessly around with no sense where to go or what to do. He then begins to throw crates around and grabs on to the pier railing. He looks down at the water as Hope yells out his name: Hope: Bo!! You don't want to do that. Bo: I wasn't going to jump. Hope: I wasn't going to take any chances. (Looks at Bo and lovingly touches his face and turns it towards her) Bo...please. Let me in...let me help you. Tell me what is going on. I know that Caroline, Roman, and Kim know. I know something has been going on for weeks. (Looking at Bo, who is fighting back the tears and remains silent) Does this have something to do with those outbursts you had at the warehouse or in the hospital? DAMNIT BO!!! THERE HAVE BEEN ENOUGH LIES!!! You, Shane, and Roman lied to us for months because of that ISA operation and, just when things settle down, here we are again. I am trying to get something out of you AGAIN!! After all we have been through with Zach, the island, all the deaths, Victor and Stefano...BO, DAMNIT LET ME HELP YOU!!! TELL ME!! TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON!!! Bo: SHUTUP!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I CAN'T TELL YOU!! I CAN'T!!! WHY CAN YOU GET THAT? WHY CAN'T THAT THICK HEAD OF YOURS GET THAT!! GO HOME...GO HOME TO JT!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Bo then runs off as Hope gives chase. She chases him to a warehouse district before losing him. She then leans up against a wall and crumples to the floor, frustrated and wondering what is happening to her husband. Tears roll down her cheeks as she asks herself, "Why won't he let me help him? Why won't he tell me what is happening?" Bo is inside a abandoned warehouse. He runs into a back room and closes the door. He then slams his fists on a desk and breaks down in tears, saying: Bo: I'm sorry, Fancy Face. I can't tell you...I can't tell anyone. It's how it has to be. Damnit...I can't live like this. I can't live knowing this...remembering this. How am I...the images won't get out of my head. How am I going to deal with this? HOW DAMNIT???!!! TELL ME GOD!!! TELL ME!! THIS HAPPENED TO ME AND I DON'T KNOW WHY SO THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS TELL ME HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!! HASN'T MY FAMILY BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH??!!! HAVEN'T I??!! WHY DID I HAVE TO REMEMBER?! DAMNIT...SO STUPID...I SHOULD'VE LEFT IT ALL ALONE. DAMNIT...WHY?! GOD...WHY?!! WHY??! Bo, in tears, then crumples to the floor near the desk, repeatedly asking why all this has happened. -Back at Lucas's apartment, Sami sits Will down as they both dry their tears. She asks him where he has been and what happened. Will says he just needed to get away for a bit. Sami asks if it was because of what she told him...about her rape. Will then snaps and says to stop with the questions alright. Lucas and Sami stare at him. Feeling uncomfortable and worried he will admit all, Will gets up and runs to his room. Sami and Lucas chase after him and learn he has locked the door. They repeatedly ask him to open up but he just lays on his bed, quietly crying about what happened and how he can't tell anyone about it. Later, Sami has given up and then asks Will if he will at least answer them to make sure he is ok. Will says he is tired and wants to go to bed. Sami asks if he has eaten and Will lies, saying he has even though he is very hungry. Sami reluctantly gives up and tells Will they will discuss everything in the morning. She begs him not to run off again. Meanwhile, a crying Will continues to relive what happened and tries to close his eyes but can't. He keeps seeing Alan. He begins to tremble and prays that he can deal with this and that him and his family will be safe and protected. Outside Will's room, Lucas tells Sami that he has the security and some of the neighbors they know in the building next store watching the fire escape in case Will decides to run again. The security in their building also knows to look out for him and to make sure they are informed if he tries to leave. Sami thanks him and asks Lucas what he thinks is wrong with him and where he thinks Will went. Lucas doesn't know but says he is really worried. Sami says she is too. The way he broke down in tears when he saw her...something isn't right and she is going to find out what it is. Lucas agrees they need to find out ASAP so they can help him if he needs it, before it's too late. -Back at Billie's office, Jack and Billie are warning Angel and JJ of the danger they could be in if this MCF learns what they saw and that they are investigating him/her. They already know this person is a huge threat and very dangerous given what they did at the New Year's ball. Billie also mentions Marlena and how unstabile she was prior to her presumed death on the island and she could very well be unstabile now as she would never be involved with someone like this MCF if she was her normal self. JJ and Angel understand all that but they also know there is nothing to fear from their father, no matter what he is involved in. They know he will do anything for them and to protect them. Jack tells them he believes that is why their father is involved in this. JJ and Angel asks Jack and Billie how they will protect themself. Billie mentions she used to be ISA and Jack says he has been in dangerous situations before. He adds that they will be fine but they urge the both of them to be careful and to protect the rest of the family too, without telling them what they know or that they are helping him and Billie. They agree to do all that. JJ and Angel thank them for everything. Jack and Billie say it's no problem and it's all part of what they do. They tell each other to take care. Meanwhile, outside, James back away and hides when JJ and Angel leave. They enter the elevator and, as it closes, James comes out of hiding around the corner. Jack closes the office door so James knows he is in the clear. He sneaks past the door and is about to exit via the stairwell. He opens the door and is stunned to see....Marlena!!! James asks her what she is doing there. Marlena explains that she was instructed to keep an eye on him and his family. Their great leader knows someone is on to them and is feeding Jack Deveraux and Billie Reed information. Marlena: You should know by now, James. We are always being watched. Everyone in Salem right now that is of concern to what we are doing is being monitored. We need to be one step ahead of the game. No one can learn what we are up to or catch on to us. Unfortunately, some have. Action will need to be taken to prevent any more information from getting out. James: So you are implying that my family knows what is going on? Mar... Marlena: Oh please, James. Don't play dumb. Why else would I be here when you are? You know I know everything. Everyone involved knows. JJ and Angel saw us meeting in the park, which was a bad idea by our great leader in the first place but I digress, and they told Jack and Billie. All four have been working together and it needs to stop. The cloaked one is not happy and action is going to be taken. James: Marlena...look. This is my family. You have children, a husband...let me talk to JJ and Angel. I will talk to my whole family. I will keep them quiet...maybe you can help. We can tell the others that it as a mistake and... Marlena: Come on, James. No one will buy that. They saw it with their own two eyes. They know your kids saw us. They have been watching them for awhile now to make sure. They know your wife and middle child have no clue as to anything yet so, as of right now, they are in the clear, but JJ and Angel need to be taken care of. James: What do you mean by "taken care of?" Marlena: I don't know yet. Nothing has been decided. And if JJ and Angel tell your wife and your other kid, or if they find out something on their own, they will need to be taken care too. Just like anyone that gets in our way. James: Marlena...you can help me convince them. You can help me protect my family. You love your family, don't you? You see where I am coming from. I don't want them to be in harm's way. I... Marlena: It's not up to me and I would probably do the same thing if it was. Whatever is necessary must be done. James: How can you saw that? I know you are a kind, loving woman. You have changed but I still think you are like that deep down. Are you saying you would be ok with someone you love being in danger? If they came after your children or husband, you would stand by and let it happen? Marlena (coldly staring at James): Yes. Whatever is necessary. James: Wow...you really are nothing like the Marlena I heard about. The Marlena that Salem adores...she is gone isn't she? Marlena: I will just do anything to get what I want. I told you before that I am involved in this to further my own plans...to further my own agenda. As soon as I get what I want, I am done with this great plan we are involved in. James: I still don't understand what you are up to... Marlena: You don't have to. Just know...like I told you the morning after you got me out of that bar...I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. I will do whatever it takes to secure my freedom and to remain in the clear to do what I have to do. That means following instructions for the moment and I intend to do that because I must...if I want to do what I have to. No matter what I have to do. No matter who I have to hurt...family, friend, what. No matter what. No restrictions. Do you understand? James (looking into Marlena's cold stare): I see evil in your eyes. Evil, hate...you really would stand by and let them harm someone you love, wouldn't you? You would actually do it yourself...hell, you almost did. I almost forgot you tried to kill your own husband and you stood by when it was decided to blow up your daughter, Sami's, apartment. Why I am surprised? I haven't worked with you that long but...from what I have seen, I wonder if you are even Marlena Evans. You can't be the same Marlena that is beloved by Salem. She wasn't evil and cold-hearted like you. Marlena: Whatever. I am out of here beforev we get caught. Take care James and...a little warning. Don't get in the way. Marlena then leaves via the stairwell as James looks on, horrified at what was just discussed and the danger his family is in. James leaves through the stairwell. After he leaves, the MCF comes out of a janitor's closet nearby. The MCF, while using his/her voice changer, says: MCF: I should've known. I can't trust either of them. Good thing I never have. The MCF then pulls out a knife and looks in the direction of Billie's office. MCF: What must be done, will be done. Nothing will stop me. Nothing. The MCF then puts the knife away and leaves via the stairwell as the screen fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Carrie to Austin: I remember...my baby is gone!!! Kate to Alan: Have you really changed? Sami (with Lucas) to Will: If something is wrong, tell us. Please. Max to Cassie: I am here for you. I'm not going anywhere. Abby to Chelsea: Get out. Leave me alone. Jonathan to JJ: I want the truth.
-At one of Victor’s secret hideouts, Nico brings Julie in to see Victor, who is waiting for her in his study. Looking out his window, he turns to see Julie walk in and is still not very pleased with how she duped Nico into giving away his location. Julie tells him that she really doesn’t care about any of that. He left a troubled woman back home in Salem and it’s his duty to go to her and see her through what he put her through. Victor disagrees, saying that what Maggie got herself into was of her own choosing. He can’t count how many times he told her to stay out of everything, only for her to go off and do whatever she wanted to do, so if she wants to blame anyone....she can blame herself. Julie knows what Victor is trying to do. And she appreciates it. But, she knows that she and Maggie can use their Horton name to get leniency for him with all the charges he’s facing. Victor thanks her for that but he tells her that he got himself into this and he’ll get himself out of it. Julie asks him if he knows what the charges are that he’s facing. He says that he has a pretty good idea. Julie is glad that he does. She also tells him that Doug doesn’t have one clue about what she is doing. Victor is glad, saying that it would defeat the purpose of faking his death if everyone knew about it. He then gets back up, walking over to his desk and pulling out a file on the MCF. He tells Julie that this person was the reason why he went underground. This person is using both his operation and Stefano’s to infiltrate Salem and do as much damage as he/she can. That’s why he felt it was best to take Bo out of the equation. He loves his son very much and doesn’t want him to suffer for a life that Victor has lived since he can remember. Julie understands al of that and tells him how much she truly respects him. She also tells him that she knows he did what he did for Maggie as well, no matter what he says. Victor tells her it’s true but he also tells her that he must put this all to rest. Nothing is more important than that. Julie agrees and as they wish each other well, Julie is blindfolded and led out of the compound. Nico then steps into Victor’s study and stands by his godfather, telling him that now would be a good time to return to Salem, if for no other reason than to put an end to this MCF mess once and for all. Victor is sick of it, especially with the fact that this person used him to get what they wanted. Nico shakes his head in agreement, saying that he and his men will make the necessary arrangements. Nico leaves Victor to sip on his finest Brandy, looking out of the window into the ocean, and thinking to himself that the time is quickly approaching where sides will have to be chosen.... And also for revenge to be savored. -Meanwhile, a continent away, Bo can’t calm down in Dr. Harris’s office, having just remembered a tragic incident that happened when he was a boy. The doctor tries to calm him but Bo gets up from her couch, in a deep rage. He can’t believe that not only did his uncle molest him but that both Roman and Kimberly knew and said nothing. He really can’t believe his sister, he tells the doctor. She was also raped by this man and why she would decide to hide this from him is beyond his reasoning. The doctor walks over to him standing by a window, looking out and remembering everything....... How Roman pushed for him to go into the Merchant Marines later in his life. How he never saw his uncle again. How, when they were kids, Roman would never leave Bo alone with their uncle. Neither would Kimberly, even though this is when her tragedy began with their uncle Eric. How, after the first time it happened, Roman would not let Bo out of his sight for one moment. All of this now comes rushing back to him and he can’t believe that both of them would handle it in this fashion. The doctor tries to comfort Bo, who breaks down in anger and shame, as the scene slowly dissolves back to..... The Pub, where Roman and Kimberly have just told their mother what Eric did to Bo all those years ago and how they knew about it but said nothing. They explain they were trying to protect Bo, knowing full well how traumatized he was. Once he repressed the memory, they just went with it and never looked back, hoping he never remembered. Caroline is shocked at this confession and even more shocked at their behavior. Roman explains to Caroline that she and Pop were away and they didn't want to burden them with this when they returned home. They had enough issues with making a living for the family and all. Both Roman and Kimberly are having a hard time looking at Caroline, who just stares at them in anger. Not only for what they kept hidden but for what Eric did to another one of her children. She then says that she wishes Victor was alive so he could meet out the right form of payback to Eric. Roman and Kimberly can’t believe these words coming from the same woman who held Victor at gunpoint and wished him dead. Sometimes, Caroline says, that is the only type of justice certain people understand. Roman can’t believe his mother is talking like this. Caroline can’t believe her son would hold something back like that and she tells him to not judge her with what he’s done these past few months. Caroline walks past both her children and into the restaurant to calm down. Roman and Kimberly follow, trying to explain why they did what they did. Caroline doesn’t want to hear any of it, especially from Kimberly. She also tells her oldest daughter that she loves her so very much and understands and realizes the pain she went through at Eric’s hands. But......that does not excuse her from not telling her what had happened. Period. Kimberly shakes her head in shame before lowering it and Roman does the same. Caroline then tells him that all those years as a cop must have made him quite arrogant. He is shocked by this statement but Caroline tells him not to be. Apparently, battling men like Stefano and Victor his whole life has made him forget what is most important......... Family. That’s it, that’s all. Bo is his brother, she tells him, and he should have came first. Nothing else. She can’t understand how two men who once shared a bedroom together can’t look out for each other more. And they all know that Bo is the baby boy of this family. They should never forget that no matter how old he gets, he is still the same little brother who used to follow them to the corner store, wanting to do everything that Roman did, and worshiped the ground Kimberly walked on. And maybe that’s what it is......maybe all that damn hero-worship has gone to their heads. Roman and Kimberly are speechless. Roman can’t even look at Caroline and Kimberly wipes away tears. At that very moment, Bo walks through the door. Everyone turns to look at him and, without saying a single word, realize that he now knows everything. Roman starts to walk from the bar counter and towards Bo, trying to explain. But Bo, in a moment of seething rage, runs towards Roman......And hits him a very powerful right cross, sending Roman crashing over the dining room tables and into the counter behind him. Bo then runs past Caroline and Kimberly and grabs Roman, standing him up in one fell swoop and demanding to know one thing........ Bo: How in the HELL could you let that man do that to me and keep that from me?! (Crying) I loved you, man! You’re my brother. You’re supposed to protect me, no matter how much I screw up. What?! Cat got your tongue?! You can’t say anything?! Roman: What is there to say? I can’t excuse what I did anymore then you can. All I can say (Rubbing his jaw) is that I’m so, so sorry. I pray you find it in your heart to forgive me. Bo: Really. Well........keep waiting. After everything I’ve done for you. I left my wife....... Hope walks into the Pub, observing what is going on. She doesn’t say one word. She just watches.....and listens. Bo: Put my family in harms way, helped Victor in this stupid blood feud with Stefano and all for what? For an older brother who apparently loves his name in the PAPER more than he loves me! Kimberly tries to step in and calm Bo down but he’s not having any of it....... Bo: And what the hell do you have to add to this, Sis?! What......you want to tell me how you did this for me?! Then say it. SAY IT, SIS!! TELL ME HOW YOU DID THIS OUT OF LOVE FOR YOUR LITTLE STUPID BROTHER!! Caroline tries to stop Bo from getting violent again and Bo looks at her, with a pain she has never seen in his eyes. All he can say to her is..... Bo: How could they do this to me, Ma? How could they let me hurt like that? I feel so ashamed. You must hate me for letting it happen, don’t you? Caroline walks up to her baby boy and hugs him, telling him that....... Caroline: I could never hate my baby, ok? Don’t you ever think that. That man was sick. And......this is not your fault. Bo: But it feels like it is. I don’t know what to do. Hope will hate me when she finds out. Hope: No, I won’t. Hope stands in the background and slowly walks forward, asking that all she wants Bo to do is.... Hope: Just tell me what happened and we’ll get through this together. But, I can’t help you if you shut me out, Bo! Bo: I.......just.....I can’t right now, Hope. Please understand. But, I suggest that if you want to know....talk to these two. Because as far as I’m concerned...... I don’t have an older brother or sister anymore. Bo storms out of the Pub as Roman tries to follow but Caroline and Kimberly stop him. He’s still a little woozy from Bo’s massive punch and they tell him that Bo needs space. He’ll be back...... And together, they’ll get through this......as a family. The scene pans from Roman, Kimberly and Hope, who are not nearly as optimistic. -At Lucas’s apartment, Lucas brings Sami some hot cocoa to calm her down, telling her that it always does the trick. Sami thanks Lucas but she sits the cup down, saying that there is nothing that will calm her down.....accept her son coming home. She prays that he didn’t do this because of what she told him. Lucas doesn’t think so. He also wants to know if she is saying that he doesn’t love Will as much as she does. Sami insists that is not what she meant and she takes his hand as she tells him that she is just talking out the side of her head. All she hopes is that he is ok.......and Lucas turns to look at her, hoping that Victor or Stefano hasn’t done anything to their son as revenge. Sami picks up her cocoa and takes a sip, laying in Lucas’s arms as they both think about their son, who could be involved in God Knows what. -At the hotel, Will is laying there, unresponsive and trembling. Alan asks him why isn’t he saying anything. He thought he would enjoy what just happened. Alan fixes his clothes as Will speaks finally, saying that his mother was right the whole time. Alan is nothing but a sick, twisted bastard. He starts to cry again, saying that one day, Alan will get exactly what is coming to him. Alan takes him by the neck and tell him he will keep his mouth shut or him and his family will suffer a fate worst then death. A shaking Will nods slowly as Will forces him to promise to remain silent. Alan laughs and says that it must be in the genes. He is just as good as his mother was. Alan laughs again as Will lashes out, forgetting that he is still bound in place. He also tells Will that his aunt Carrie is just as dumb and stupid as his mother is. She still thinks he’s changed. Shee doesn’t know his true motives and, as far as he’s concerned, she never will. He then bends over and cuts Will loose. Will gets up with tears running down his face and rubs his wrists, looking at Alan with deep seated hatred and contempt. Alan then tells him that he can get dressed. He’s free to go. He reminds Will to remain silent about everything he knows and what happened here tonight or else. He then walks over to the window and says isn’t that something....... Two Bradys gotten by the same man. Will slowly gets dressed as Alan watches and laughs and then he slowly opens the door, stopping long enough to stare daggers into a beside-himself Alan. Will then walks outside...... And collapses on the ground, crying hysterically. The scene closes in on his tormented face as it slowly fades to black. Next Time, On Salem Lives..... Sami to Lucas: Something is wrong and I am going to find out. Hope to Bo: Tell me what is going on. Please!! Caroline to Kim and Roman: There are just too many lies. It's going to be very hard to get past this. Jack (with Billie) to JJ and Angel: If you aren't careful, you could be in real danger. James: I have to protect my family. No matter what I have to do.
Salem Lives's Monday episode will be delayed until tomarrow. Two episodes will be posted either tomarrow or Wednesday to catch up so that the rest of the week will be normal after Wednesday. Monday's episode will definitely be posted tomarrow though. We thank you for your patience and, trust me, you will not want to miss this episode when it gets posted. Monday's episode includes: -The fallout from Bo remembering and Alan's attack on Will. -Caroline learning the truth about Bo. -Julie trying to persuade Victor to return to Salem. So, in summary, look out tomarrow for two episodes to be posted. If not tomarrow, there will be two episodes posted Wednesday to catch up. Thanks. smile.
Announcer: A FANTASTIC FEBRUARY CONTINUES ON SALEM LIVES... FIRST... Clip of Bo in Dr. Harris' office. Bo: I remember!! A LONG BURIED SECRET IS REVEALED... Bo: This can't be true!!! LEADING TO A CONFRONTATION YOU CAN'T MISS!! Clip of Bo entering the Brady Pub, where Caroline, Kim, and Roman are. Bo (teary eyed) to Kim and Roman: I know the truth!! How could you do this to me??!! THEN... Clip of Will laying on the bed in Alan's hotel room. A HORRIFIC ACT... Will (crying) to Alan: Why??!! Why did you do this to me? Alan to Will: I had to. LEAVES A YOUNG TEEN TRAUMATIZED... Will (crying): What am I going to do? WILL HE ADMIT ALL? Will to Alan: Your not going to get away with this. Alan (while grabbing Will by the neck): You say a word about anything and you and your family will suffer a fate worst then death. PLUS... TWO BIG RETURNS... Clip of Stefano and Lexie walking into the Salem police station. Stefano: It's good to be back. Lexie: Time to get my revenge. AND TWO BIG DECISIONS!! Julie to Victor: Make the right choice. Come home Victor. Roman: What the hell am I going to do? AND... FRIDAY... MURDER HITS SALEM!!! IT ALL LEADS TO SALEM LIVES VENDETTA BEGINNING MARCH 1!!! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED, FANTASTIC FEBRUARY!!!
WEEK OF 2/19/07 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SALEM LIVES HW TIM LOWERY DISHES ON FEBRUARY SWEEPS THUS FAR, TWO CONTROVERSIAL STORYLINES, AND WHAT IS COMING UP NEXT. Interviewer (I): Hi again, Tim. Tim Lowery (TL): Hey. Nice to talk with you again. I: It's been a huge sweeps. Salem Lives is doing well in the ratings and things seem to be happening at a breakneck pace. TL: Yes. This is the best pace we have had since our regime took over. The island stuff was kind of like this but what is happening now is a little different. It's not all action and adventure. It's mostly emotional, dramatic kind of stuff. It's fun right now because alot of last Fall was building the stories and I think that took longer then any of us thought. Sure, we had the Sydney adventure and the stuff around the holidays but I really feel like we have hit our groove. I said that 2007 would be a HUGE year and, so far, I don't think we are disappointing. Things are happening every day, especially this sweeps, which is what was promised to the fans. I feel we are delivering and, judging by the ratings and comments, I think fans are satisfied. I: The Carrie baby story seems to have been the big focus this sweeps this far. It seems like the story has finally come along after being on the backburner for awhile. Obviously, it had been 9 months and Carrie as due to go into labor but it seems like the Alan part of the story has finally exploded too. Why choose Ferbruary sweeps for that? TL: Well, alot of what we wanted to do with Carrie, Alan, etc revolved around Carrie's labor. We also wanted to get the Stefano and Victor stuff and some of the other stories to a point where we could move them out for a bit to play other stories. That is why this sweeps has dealt with Carrie, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Alan, Will and with Max, Cassie, Abby, and Chelsea. Those stories have been off the stove for awhile. Sami was being featured but the other characters were being tossed in here and there just so we could remind fans that those stories were still around. We really wanted the beginning of this sweeps to be about those stories and setting them up for what will happen in those stories during VENDETTA. Now, the second half of sweeps will be focusing on Bo and the aftermath of what he remembered, the aftermath of Alan's attack on Will, the returns of Victor and Stefano, Lexie's return, and the MCF storyline. We still have some huge twists left to go and, at the same time, we are setting up for Vendetta and it's launch on March 1. We will save the Vendetta stuff for another time though (laughs). I: Ok. We will stop asking about the rest of sweeps and let the fans be surprised. I am sure you wet their appetites enough. Now, on to this past Friday's episode. You promoted it as a shocker and boy, was it ever. Can you tell us your feelings on the episode and what transpired with Bo, Will, and Alan? TL: Well, for starters, we wanted it to be powerful and emotional. Bo remembering what happened to him in the past was to parallel what was happening to Will in the present. I am glad the fans liked that and caught on to that because that is what makes it so powerful. It adds to the essence. We had alot of concerns about this and I need to give all the credit concerning this Bo story to my co-HW Patrick L. Ewing. Going back into Bo's past and bringing this issue to light with this character was his idea and this story was his brainchild. He wrote Friday's superb episode and I just want the fans to know that and credit him with that. I had this story in mind for Will since we recasted with Jeremy Sumpter so, when my co-HW pitched the story about Bo being molested in the past and blocking it out, I began to think about how we could parallel both stories. That is how we came up with the plan to have Bo remember as Alan carries out the very same horrible act on Will. It's powerful and emotional. Everything you could want in a drama. We were careful not to be too graphic. We didn't want to turn people off to the story or the issue at hand. I love every aspect of this story and I hope the fans stick with it and enjoy it because it has a powerful message and is just a good, solid story. I: Why write this for Bo and why have Alan do this? What was the motivation and where is this story going? TL: Bo has always had a temper and this anger inside him. He was always rebellious since the character appeared. He flies off the handle so much and doesn't care about rules or going by the book. My co-HW and I think this incident from his past is a good way of explain so much of the rage that Bo often feels. He always has this need to put criminals behind bars at any cost, especially if his family is in danger. He doesn't care about protocol and his only focus is on putting the person behind bars, whether it be on the right side of the law or not. Bo being molested in the past kind of is an underlying cause to alot of Bo's behavior and why he does what he does, even if he never remembered it until now. Roman and Kim were the only ones that knew and he blocked it out for years. He felt alone during and after the incident and was completely horrified. It's traumatizing for a child that young and, even if you have no memory of the incident, I think somehow it always stays with you and drives alot of your emotions and your actions. The aftermath of this is going to really affect the Brady's, especially given Kim and Roman knew and never told him. It's going to be really emotional and gut-wrenching. There is also Hope and his family with her. This will really affect them and Bo's relationship with Hope. His manhood comes into play and as does so many other issues. As for Will and Alan, the motivation behind doing this with them was to being the growth and maturation process of the Will character. We have been slowly doing that but now it ups the ante. We felt doing this was good because he is going through what his mother did in a way. She had just finally told him about Alan raping her and then this happens. It also ups the stakes in the Alan story and brings us full circle to when Alan raped Sami. The fallout from this is huge for Sami, Lucas, Will, Carrie, Austin, and so many others. It all ties together in a dramatic way. Sami and Lucas will have to come together for their son and we will see Will go through a long journey of self-discovery and we will see him grow up having to deal with what Alan did to him. His sexuality is big here as well. He was coming to accept being gay and was contemplating how to deal with that in regards to telling his family and so on and now this. Both stories will go in stunning directions from here. The parallels will continue as we see Bo and Will deal with what has happened to them. There will be some great interactions between them too and they will work to get through this together. I know the fans will love it. I: Sounds good. Can you tell anymore about what is coming up? TL: Not too much. In addition to what has already been said, this Friday will be the last in our 4 Fantastic February Fridays so don't miss that. There is a huge ending to that episode that will be stunning. The following week will deal with the aftermath of that episode and on February 28 we end sweeps in dramatic style with a big Marlena reveal and another huge twist that sets up for the first day of VENDETTA on March 1. The March 1 episode contains a huge twist to kick off VENDETTA too. Things aren't slowing down any time soon that's for sure. It's a mile a minute on Salem Lives and you just can't miss an episode, especially with VENDETTA coming up. Missing a day is definitely missing alot. I: It was nice talking with you again. We will do this again. TL: Definitely. Thanks for having me. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WK OF 2/19/07 -Bo confronts Kim and Roman. -Caroline learns the truth. -Will falls apart. -Sami and Lucas worry about Will. -Julie tries to persuade Victor to return to Salem. -Maggie's drinking becomes worse. -Billie and Jack issue a warning to JJ and Angel. -Carrie remembers and then contemplates telling the truth. -Abby lashes out at Chelsea. -Max vows to stand by Cassie. -Marlena threatens James. -Celeste tries to convince Abe to give Lexie another chance. -Lexie and Stefano return to Salem. -Victor makes his choice. -Roman is faced with a difficult decision. -Shane gets a frantic call for help. -The MCF takes action to cover his or her own tracks. -Murder rocks Salem. RED LETTER DAYS!!! Monday February 19: Bo confronts Kim and Roman as Caroline learns the truth. Meanwhile, Will deals with the aftermath of what Alan did to him. Tuesday Ferbruary 20: Julie tries to convince Victor to return to Salem. Friday February 23: Lexie and Stefano return to Salem as Roman is faced with a difficult choice. Also, murder rocks Salem. Next Week: Eric and Nicole have hope. Victor seeks out an old flame for help. Lexie vows revenge. The truth about Belle and Philip is revealed. Nicole reverts to old ways. Philip has an interesting reaction to Victor's return. Murder sends shockwaves through Salem. The truth about Marlena is revealed. VENDETTA begins with several huge twists.
I just liked the name Barbara Harris. There was no intention behind it. I knew Alan had the same name but it didn't care. People can have the same names in real life so it doesn't matter. I don't think about who has similar names/last names when naming a new character. I go with whatever fits and this seemed to fit. I like that you all are thinking about it though However, I don't want the name issue to overshadow what happened at the end of the episode.
No Tishy. Dr. Harris is a separate character who just happens to have the same name. Glad you all liked the twist. There is much more to come.
Thanks guys. This is going to be an emotional, powerful story and it will be discussed tonight in the SL Insider. This episode definitely changes things for many characters and stories and it's only just the beginning.