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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05
The Phoenix Rising reference was all Roman Tishy. He threw that in and it made me laugh to when I read it. As for Katherine, that will be answered on Monday .
-Cal grabs his head as Jed tries to help him calm down. Jed then lets Cal lay on his bed, groaning from his recent memory flashes, and runs to the door, yelling down the hallway for help. When he gets back by Cal’s side, Cal has started to calm down and slowly sits up in his bed. Jed steadies him and asks him if he is ok and Cal says that all of these sudden memory flashes are starting to get overwhelming. He wishes they would just come more slowly so that he can deal with them. Cal slowly stands up, with Jed’s help, and walks into his bathroom. He splashes cold water on his face and looks at himself in the mirror, grateful that his past is returning but scared to death of what it all means. He then gets a towel and walks back into his bedroom as he tells Jed that maybe it isn’t such a good idea to marry Katherine in the state that his mind is in. Jed reminds him that that is what marriage is. For better or worse. Cal listens as Jed also says that if this is his thinking now, what will he do when things really get tough? Cal turns and looks at Jed, half smiling at his attempt at logic. But, Cal is also very grateful for his friendship. He puts his hand on Jed’s shoulder, telling him that he and Katherine have come too far to give up now. It’s time to do this thing. And, for better or worse, let the chips fall where they may. At that moment, Nora comes into Cal’s room and asks to speak with Jed. Outside. Jed leaves Cal for a moment and walks out into the hallway, long enough for Nora to whisper to him that she thinks Katherine is having second thoughts. When Jed reacts, he turns around to see Cal standing there, shocked. Cal asks where Katherine is and all three go down to her room. As Katherine stands in front of her mirror, she is now in her regular clothes. She turns and walks to her bed, gently putting her wedding dress on the bed, as tears start to flow from her eyes. She has decided that everything has went way too fast, after lying dormant for so long, and this is just not the time to marry Cal even though she loves him with all of her heart and soul. She writes a brief note and lays it on top of her wedding dress and, after packing up her things, walks to the door. She turns to look at her wedding dress once more and silently asks Cal and God to forgive her as she quietly walks out of the door. As the door to the elevator closes, Cal, Jed and Nora round the corner and race into Katherine’s room. Cal searches the room and bathroom looking for her but doesn’t find anything. All he does see is the note that Jed hands him from Katherine telling him that even though he touched the deepest part of her soul with pure love and that she knows he’s the finest man she has, or ever will know, that she just can’t do this to him. She loves him enough to leave him and asks that he doesn’t try and find her. She wishes him all the best, and signs it..... I Love You Forever. K. Cal takes the note and all he can do is walk to the window and look out over the river. A single tear falls from his eyes and then he suddenly wipes his face. He turns and tells Nora and Jed that she isn’t walking out on what they have that easy and runs out of the room after her. Jed and Nora look at each other and then race off after him as the scene fades to black on the door closing shut. -At the Deveraux house, Billie looks through the ransacked house as Jack comes from upstairs. He tells her that the upstairs is pretty much left alone, even though someone went through his things in his room. Billie says that they must have been looking for his files on the MCF case they are working on. Jack agrees and says that he knows that they weren’t found. Well, Billie says that she doesn’t give one tinker’s damn. Her child is missing and it may be because of that. She pulls out her phone and starts dialing. When Jack asks her who she is calling, Billie stares at him. Jack then says that she can’t call the police. When Billie demands to know why not, Jack says that if the I.S.A. or Roman and Abe get wind of what they were doing, that could blow their whole investigation and they will never find the MCF. Billie says that she really doesn’t give a sh*t. Chelsea is gone and it is now her life’s mission to find her. A moment later, after thinking about it, Jack agrees and tells Billie to call Roman, which she does. Thirty minutes later, Roman arrives at Jack’s and tells them both that nothing has turned up. Jack disagrees and tells Roman that something has turned up. Jack then hands Roman a leather bound folder that has two pictures on it. Both are of Roman, before and after his reconstructive surgery. When he opens the folder, he, Billie and Jack ans stunned to see.... A two page picture, with a burning Phoenix Rising on it. Roman calls in one of the cops and tells him to take that folder down to headquarters and have it checked out. When Billie asks him if this ties in with him, Roman says that someone is just trying to cover up the fact that this may be a kidnapping. He is not worried about it and tells them both that he will do everything possible to find out what happened and bring their daughters home. Jack and Billie thank him and Roman says that he and his boys will look around some more. When Roman walks off, Billie pulls Jack to the side and show’s her a letter Abby left. When Jack asks how did she find it in all that mess, Billie says that is just lucky, she guesses. Jack gives a smart ass smile and tells Billie to open the letter, which says that after having a party and trashing the place, Chelsea and Abby decided to leave town. They felt bad and Abby says she just couldn't get past what happened with Max and her condition. She decided to just leave town for awhile with Chelsea to get away and relax. She says they will be in touch. Both Jack and Billie look at each other and Jack says that has to be the dumbest thing he has ever read. They have a party, wreck the place, and then decided to leave town?! Billie agrees, saying that whoever is behind this, more than likely knew this wouldn’t fly. Plus, Billie says, with their conditions there is no way they could leave town and take care of themselves. Jack agrees and when Roman walks back in, he turns and faces him, but hides the note behind his back. He keeps motioning for Billie to take it and she finally catches on, taking the letter and putting it in her purse. Roman asks them if everything is ok with them as he looks at them strangely. They both say, considering what has happened, that they are fine. Roman turns to leave but then Billie suddenly has a change of heart and, against Jack’s protests, takes the letter out of her purse and gives it to Roman. He looks at both of them with a frown but thanks Billie for handing over evidence. Billie says that it may be a clue to finding out what happened. Roman calls in another one of his men, and while he is giving the letter to his officer, Jack takes Billie by the arm and asks her what did she think she was doing? Billie says helping to find their children as she jerks her arm away and stares at Jack. When Roman returns once again, Billie asks him if the letter gave him any clues. Roman tells them that with Jack ID’ing Abby’s handwriting, they know she wrote it but it also may rule out foul play. Roman tells them that he will find them and will keep them updated. Billie leans in and kisses Roman on the cheek, making Jack slightly jealous, and Jack shakes his hand as Roman and his men leave for the night. Max then shows up and runs into the house. Jack walks up to him and demands to know what he thinks he’s doing there. Max says he just wants to help. Jack says that he can help by getting the hell out of there. Jack blames him for all of this and he will hold him personally responsible of Abby doesn’t come back alive and well. Billie tries to calm Jack down and tells Max that she thinks it would be best if he left, which he does. -Meanwhile, on the pier,Cassie feels guilty about her role in the kidnapping and worries about what the MCF and his or her men may do to Chelsea and Abby. Max soon arrives and sees her. He grabs her arm and lashes out at her for manipulating her fall to make it look like Abby was responsible. He blames Abby leaving on her. Cassie fires back, telling Max he didn't trust Abby enough to believe her and that is his fault. She tells him to lay off as she feels guilty enough. He asks what she means by that and she says it's nothing and leaves. Max thinks she is hiding something and wonders what it is. He promises to find Abby. He says he just can't lose her. -Awhile later, back at the Deveraux house, Jack and Billie are still looking for any evidence that may lead them to Chelsea and Abby when he spots some paper in his trash can. When he pulls it out, he and Billie look at it and Jack sees that it looks like several notes that were started but weren’t finished. Jack thinks it proves the note was a forgery. They also are in Abby’s handwriting, which now proves that someone went to great lengths to make it look like those two girls had left on their own. Jack is now convinced that it was a kidnapping and Billie looks at him with deep concern. When she starts to panic, Jack tries to calm her down by sitting her in a chair. The doorbell then rings and Jack races to the door to get it. When he opens it, no one is there but a note is left behind. The note finally confirms that Chelsea and Abby have been kidnapped. Billie stands next to Jack reading the note as well. The person who left says that they will be in touch to negotiate the return of both girls. And, if they don’t want them sent back one body part at a time, they need to stop the investigation, once and for all. The note is only signed.... The Cloaked One. Jack holds Billie as she hugs him tightly and starts crying as Jack holds her closely, while he looks around the neighborhood for any signs of who could have left this calling card. Meanwhile, from behind the person’s shoulder, the MCF stands off in the distance, watching both Jack and Billie silently, as the scene freeze-frames and then slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Billie (with Jack) to Frankie, Greta, Victor, and Shane: Our children were kidnapped by that monster. Now, not only do I want this person found, I want this cloaked one dead!!! Max to Frankie: I want in on this. If this cloaked person has Abby, U want to help bring him or her down and bring Abby home. Katherine to Cal: I can't do it!! Don't you understand!! I can't marry you!! Belle (with Sami and Carrie) to Philip: You will never see your daughter again!!
-At the Deveraux house, Abby and Chelsea are watching ER. Abby thanks Chelsea for staying with her again. She just doesn't want to be alone with her father working late again and JJ being with her grandma Jo. Chelsea knows the feeling, saying Billie is working late with Jack again too. Chelsea asks Abby if she is still going back and forth about Max. Abby says she is. She thought she had her mind made up but she keeps wavering. She tells Chelsea she is leaning towards giving him another chance. Chelsea is happy she is and says it's the right thing. They then go back to watching ER and are stunned to find out Luka is resigning as ER chief. Meanwhile, Cassie is hiding the bushes outside. She isn't sure she wants to do this. She then then gets a call from the MCF, who reminds her of the consequences of not cooperating will be. The MCF tells her that he or she is near the hospital and can get there right away to finish off her grandfather. He or she tells Cassie that she is getting her revenge and to just keep thinking that tonight. The MCF wishes her luck and hangs up. Two masked men show up and tell Cassie they were assigned to help her. Cassie says she was expecting them and asks what she needs to do. One of the men tells her to listen up and he will tell her exactly what she should do. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor invites Shane up to the secret surveilance room he has set up. Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, and Nick are also there. Victor explains how everything is nearly set and almost all the public places in Salem are covered. Billie thanks Shane for getting them the large amounts of camera and surveilance equipment they needed. Shane says it's no problem. Jack begs Shane again to keep this private. The SPD and ISA would shut this operation down. Shane says he will. He knows an under the radar investigation and operation like this is more likely to work. He just reminds them to inform them of any updates. Victor says that by morning everything should be set up and they should be able to catch the MCF and his or her allies on one of the cameras or bugs they have set up. Victor then says: Victor: This person can't terrorize the people of Salem anymore. It's time the mysterious cloaked figure gets what is coming to him or her. -Back at the Deveraux house, Cassie is outside and again says she can't do this. One of the masked men is on his way around the house and reminds her again of what will happen if she doesn't. Cassie begins to break down in tears but quickly collects herself. Inside, Abby and Chelsea hear a noise. Abby asks Chelsea if she thinks someone is breaking in. Chelsea grabs a vase to use for protection and heads for the door. She opens it and sees Cassie there in tears. She begs them to let her in. Cassie then lets herself in when Chelsea hesistates. Cassie runs to Abby and apologizes for everything she has done to her. She apologizes to Chelsea too. She just doesn't want people to hate her. Abby and Chelsea are speechless. Abby asks where this is all coming from. Cassie notices two bottled waters on the table. Cassie then says she just felt so horrible and it's probably because of her time with the Brady's. They made her want to be a good person when she thought she was one of them. The lights then go out and Abby and Chelsea wonder what is going on. They come on after a few seconds. Abby wonders what that is about and says she will have to tell her dad. Meanwhile, Cassie secretly puts a bottle of pills in her pocket and closes the top as she does so. -In a Paris Hotel, Lexie is with Hector and her team of henchmen. Lexie has just gotten off the phone with the hospital and says Abe and her mother are fine. Hector says that's good because they need to move on...to Italy. Their first stop will be Milan. Lexie remarks on how they would be returning to the land her father called home. Hector says that Stefano had many lairs and hideaways there so there is much to check out. Lexie understands. Hector tells Lexie that her personal feelings for Abe and Celeste must not get in the way anymore like they did in those tunnels. He explains how Stefano thought she moved on from them due to her feeling of being betrayed. Lexie says she thought she had to. Hector explains to her that her father won't be pleased. The people that she thought loved her betrayed her and now she is giving them another chance. He reminds her that Abe took Theo from her and that Celeste stood by him. Lexie, with tears in her eyes, agrees that Hector is right. She tells Hector that it's time to head to Italy and to move on...in more ways then one. Meanwhile, Steve is in a hotel room nearby and is listening in as he bugged the room when he arrived in Paris, on the MCF's orders. Steve hears that Lexie and her team are moving on to Italy and says he guesses it's time that he does as well...since it is his job to follow them. Whether he likes it or not. The MCF then calls him to check in and Steve fills him or her in. The MCF tells Steve to just follow them and keep him or her updated on the situation. Steve reluctantly agrees, remembering what is at stake. Steve hangs up and, after he does, the MCF clenches his or her fist with glee over all of his or her plans being on track. -In a Paris hospital, Celeste wakes up to a smiling Abe. He asks her how she is doing. She says she is sore. Abe says that she is doing well and that the concussion and mild ankle sprain and bruised ribs will get better. She is lucky. Celeste says she knows. Abe tells Celeste he doesn't know what he would have done if he lost her ass Celeste smiles. She has been there for him and Theo through the last few difficult months and she has become very important to both of them. Celeste says she feels the same. Abe is told by a nurse he has a phone call so he goes to take it. He later returns, saying it was the tail he put on Lexie. He explains that Lexie and her team are headed for Italy next. Celeste says it's to Stefano's home and Abe says he is aware. Abe tells Celeste he will continue to follow Lexie but says that she is going home. He can't risk her getting hurt again or worse. Besides, Theo needs her and he doesn't want his whole family away for long. If something happens, he can't lose them all. Celeste refuses to go home, reminding Abe they had a deal to do this together. She says Theo is fine and that he needs her. Her visions and vibes may help and she is knowledgeable on the Dimera's and their secret lairs and such. She tells Abe she isn't budging so, whether he likes it or lets her go or not, she is going with him. Abe realizes he has no choice and reluctantly agrees, reminding her to listen to what he tells her to do. Celeste agrees and thanks him. Abe says that it looks like they are off to Milan since that seems to be Lexie's first stop. Celeste says to bring it on and says she hopes they can accomplish their mission. Abe agrees. -At the Deveraux house, Cassie continues to ramble on and on about her change of heart. She begs Abby and Chelsea to help her change, just like they did from their corrupt ways. Abby and Chelsea just keep listening and wondering what they should do as she is still crying and rambling. Abby and Chelsea begin to feel sleepy and remark on how strange they feel. They soon pass out, Cassie touches both to make sure they are out and then signals to the two masked men to enter. They enter and tell Cassie to get to work on forging Abby's handwriting and writing a letter. They commend her on her efforts. Cassie just hopes the drugs don't bother Abby, who is on meds for her paralysis. One of the men assures her she will be fine as they took that factor into account. Cassie goes up to Abby's room and finds a school notebook. She brings it down and then uses soem paper, trying to replicate Abby's writing. The two masked men pick both Abby and Chelsea up and take Abby's wheelchair. They load then and the wheelchair into a a grey van and then go back to the house and begin to ranshack it from top to bottom. Cassie asks why they are doing that. The masked men say they need to send a message. Cassie thinks she can know copy Abby's writing and forge the note and begins to write a fake note. Once the masked men are done trashing the house, they tell Cassie it's time to go. Cassie finishes the note and gives it to one of the masked men, who says he will put it in the kitchen so that it's not too obvious right away to Jack and Billie. Cassie is sickened that the men are making this out to be torture or some sort of game. She says that Jack and Billie will be hurting enough. The man puts the note in the kitchen and tells Cassie it's time to go. Cassie says she needs to pick up all the papers she used to help her forge the note. The men toss the pieces of paper in the trash and tell her to come on. Cassie is worried that Jack and Billie will find the pieces of paper and track it to her somehow and that they will realize it's a kidnapping. One of the men tells her to calm down and says that they won't even bother to examine it. Even if they do, it won't mean squat to them. They will just think nothing of it. They pull Cassie out with them and leave the door open behind them as they leave the house. -Meanwhile, Billie realizes the time and says to Jack they should be getting back to his house. While the rest of the survielance is being finalized, she would like to spend time with Chelsea. She hasn't in so long. Jack says he feels the same. JJ is at Jo's but he would like to spend time with Abby. They are both just glad their investigation hasn;t resulted in their children ebing targeted by the MCF. Hopefully, he or she is caught before they are. They tell Victor, Shane, Frankie, and Greta they will be back in the morning and to update them if anything happens. They all agree. Victor then tells Shane, Frankie, and Greta that they could finally have this menace caught if everything works out the way it should. There is no way they can miss the MCF or his or her allies with so much surveilance around town. Shane, Frankie, and Greta agree and hope it works out and ends with the result they all want. -On the pier, Cassie is following the masked men and asks where they are going and what they are going to do with Abby and Chelsea. One of the men is wheeling Abby in her chair and the other is carrying Chelsea. One of the men tells Cassie they promised her that neither girl will get hurt. They will just be out of the picture for awhile, like their boss told her. Cassie asks both men why should trust them or the MCF. One of the men says she has no other choice. He tells her to just stay silent and enjoy this. She is getting her revenge afterall. They then run off into the fog with the two girls as Cassie says she has an awful feeling about this. Her guilty causes her to break down in tears as she wonders what may happen to Chelsea and Abby and hopes and prays they don't get hurt. She would never want that, even after everything that has happened. She then wonders what she has gotten herself into and involved in. Meanwhile, Jack and Billie arrive at the Deveraux house and find the door open and the house ranshacked. Billie panics. Billie: What happened Jack?! Where are the girls?! Jack races through the house as Billie looks around as well. She looks outside and then comes back in as Jack comes back from upstairs. Jack: They're gone. Abby and Chelsea...they're gone. Billie: No...Jack. The cloaked...no...NO!!! Jack takes Billie in his arms and comforts her as she breaks down and the screen fades out. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Cal to Jed: I can't marry Katherine. Katherine: I can't marry you Cal. Max to Cassie: This is all your fault!! Billie to Jack: I don't give a damn about our investigation!! That monster may have our girls and we need to find them so call the police NOW!!!
VENDETTA CLIP #12 The MCF is in his or her warehouse hideaway. He or she is at the desk sitting, almost in deep thought. MCF (via voice changer): I am on the verge of witnessing everything I have wanted to happen for years...everything that I have dreamed of. Payback...what a beautiful thing. All these years...they say good things come to those who wait...it feels unreal to think that it is really about to happen. The MCF then gets up and looks at his or her wall of pictures and moves his or her hand over them one by one starting with Roman and then he or she strokes the hand over the rest of the pictures, ending with Victor. MCF: My enemies...and those related and affiliated with them. Poor you...it's a pity that so many of you have to suffer by association but it's necessary. It's necessary if I am to have complete revenge on those who wronged me. The MCF then sits back down and pulls some sort of picture out of his or her pocket. He or she then seems to put there head down in shame and the MCF's changer begins to pick up on what sounds like heavy breathing and crying. The MCF takes a napkin off the table and puts it under his or her cloak. The MCF seems to be using it and, when pulling the napkin out from under the cloak, it is a little wet. The MCF continues to look at the picture and seems to be fascinated by it. MCF: This all started with you. All those years ago. What was done to you... The MCF seems emotionally affected and chokes up again. MCF: What happened to you was heinous and I will never forget it. I never did get to truly avenge you...I never got to...make him hurt as much as you did...as much as I did. I promise you...now I will. And it won't just be him. Everyone he loves...everyone he cares about. All of them will feel what I felt...they will suffer a fate worse then yours. And that is only the beginning...there are more fish to fry then him. The MCF then puts the picture back in his or her pocket. MCF: I won't fail. Not again. Not this time. The scene then focuses on the MCF and then fades into...
-Sami and Lucas walk back in the front door of their apartment. They flop down on the couch and take deep breaths. It is then when they notice music coming from Will’s bedroom. When they both stand up to walk towards his room, he comes out, with headphones on his head. They look at each other and then at Will, who goes to the fridge to get something to eat and then starts heading back to his room, completely ignoring his parents. Sami walks over to Will before he can go back into his room, and yells... Sami: HELLO! HOW ARE YOU? Will: (Taking off headphones) Fine. I heard you. You don’t have to scream. Sami: Oh. Sorry. Thought maybe you didn’t hear me. Will: A dead man could hear you, Mom. Lucas steps up to Will and tells him.... Lucas: Don’t get smart with your mother, ok? Will: Sorry, Dad. My bad, Mom. I’m sorry. Sami: No problem, baby. (Patting his chest) So, how was school? I didn’t embarrass you by coming up there the other day, did I? Will: Thankfully, no. Just, please, don’t do it again, ok? Sami: Fine, dear. No problem. Sami follows Will into his room as Lucas goes to start dinner. She starts cleaning up his room when she asks him if he is feeling alright. She tells him that he knows he can tell her anything. He knows that and, as he gets back up from his seat, he also tells her that this con job she is doing won’t make him say a word. She needs to leave it alone. Will walks into his room, followed closely by Sami, who is trying to get some answers.... Sami: Look, I’m sorry about that, ok? I just want to help you. You’re my child and I feel I have the right to know what is bothering you. Will: (Turning around) Damnit, Mom! You sound just like Kate! No wonder you two can’t stand each other. She doesn’t know when to leave stuff alone any more than you do. Sami looks at Will brokenhearted. She fights back tears of pain, not believing what Will just said to her. She turns away so he can’t see her crying and Will knows he went too far. This is the moment when Lucas jumps up in his face and tells him.... Lucas: If you EVER speak to her like that again, that will be your last moment in this house, understand me, kid? Will: Yes, sir. I’m sorry. I just...... Will walks off to his room and slams the door. When Sami tries to follow, Lucas stops her, telling her that pushing him is not the way. They need to just leave him alone and he’ll come to them when he is ready. Sami wipes away her tears as Lucas holds out his arms. She steps forward and rests her head on his chest as he comforts her. The scene then fades to Will’s bedroom as he sits in front of his computer, looking at phone numbers for rape/abuse hotlines and counseling centers. He picks up the phone and calls one and announces that his name is Will and that he would like to speak with someone. The scene then slowly fades to black. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Belle walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. Philip comes to the door, with Claire in his arms, and welcomes Belle in. She says hello to Philip and asks if he could get Claire ready to go home. Henderson walks in and Philip asks him to get Claire’s things. She is leaving. Henderson takes Claire away while Philip and Belle walk into the living room and Philip asks her a question. He asks her if he has been improving, to which Belle says yes. So, he wonders, can he see more of Claire. He feels that he has earned it. Belle walks past him and stops, long enough to turn and tell him that even though he has shown signs of improvement, there are things she just can’t forget. His temper being one of those things. And, if she can’t forget it, then there is no way that he will have more time with Claire until he can prove that she will be safe with him. Philip stares at her as Henderson brings Claire back in, almost unable to keep his rage in check. Belle tells Claire to tell Daddy bye-bye, which she does, and then Belle wishes Philip a good day as she walks out of the mansion with Claire in her arms. Henderson excuses himself after they leave and Philip now takes this time to hit the roof, letting his anger boil over while he throws chairs and pictures all over the living room. Victor comes in long enough to ask him..... Victor: What in the hell is the matter with you?! Philip: Oh nothing......DAD. Victor: And you wonder why Belle has turned against you. Philip: She has turned against me because I have a father who cares more about his bastard son than he does about me! Victor: What did you just say to me, boy? Philip: You heard me, Pops. Bo gets a hangnail and you run off to find him. I need you too but all I ever get to see is the back of you as you are leaving the house......to find your precious Bo, probably. Victor walks up to Philip and gets in his face, telling him..... Victor: You know, I am really just about sick and tired of hearing what I thought was a grown man acting like a little bitch...... Philip looks at Victor stunned. Victor: And that is not going to continue. So, I’m going to say this once. Clean the wax out of your ears and listen. Philip: Oh, I’m all ears, old man. Victor grabs Philip by his collar and lifts him slightly off of the floor, telling him, in no uncertain terms.... Victor: You want to win Claire back? You want to be in Belle’s good graces? Then stop acting like a MF’ing child and grow the hell up!! There is some nutcase running around Salem terrorizing friends and family left and right but, once again, all you care about is yourself!!! Victor pushes Philip away as he lets him down and Philip bumps up against Victor’s desk. Philip stares at Victor....and then one tear comes down his face. Victor sees this and walks back over to Philip. When he asks what is wrong, Philip looks at him with disgust, saying.... Philip: I wish you had stayed dead. Victor is heartbroken to hear these words but he won’t give Philip the satisfaction of seeing that. Victor stares at him coldly, saying to him in a calm, yet chilling voice..... Victor: You have just messed up big, son. This is the reason why I always told you that you couldn’t get involved in that war. Because of what you just said. That little taste of power has made you crazed with a lust for more. But, that will not happen. Victor points his finger in Philip’s face.... Victor: So, since you have decided to wish death on me, I now know what to do. Oh, don’t look so scared, son. You won’t find out now......but it will become crystal clear. One day. Very soon. With those last haunting words, Victor turns and walks out on his son. Philip’s rage boils over once again as he screams that he doesn’t care about Victor, his mother, or anyone. As he continues to throw expensive items around the living room, he suddenly calms down and, while breathing heavy and in a very calm voice, makes a solemn promise.... Philip: They will all pay. Every last one of them. The scene closes in on his face at it slowly goes to black. -At the Green Mountain Lodge, Katherine is getting dressed but is still not sure if this is the proper time for her and Cal to get married. She feels that since everything has been so rushed, they should hold off. She talks to Nora Montana, Jed's wife and her bridesmaid, and asks her what she thinks. She tells Katherine that it is ultimately her decision. But, Cal seems like a really good guy, and she would be a fool to let him go. As Katherine sits at her dresser, looking into her mirror, the scene fades into..... Cal’s room, where he is putting on his vest. Jed looks at him and congratulates him on finding such a beautiful lady, to which Cal concurs but, is wondering, just as Katherine is down the hall, if they shouldn’t put this wedding off until he can give her a proper last name. He thought that would have been Brady but, since it won’t be, he can’t ask her to commit to a man with no past. He doesn’t even know if he has been married before, if he has another family out there, or if...... Just then, more memories hit him like a wave. A beautiful woman, smiling at him.......a older man who is grabbing him by the arm, begging him not to leave.....another man, around his age, as they share a laugh........being shot on a cliff by Stefano DiMera.......more sounds of gunfire.......and people screaming his name........ Cal collapses on his bed, as Jed grabs him and steadies him. He looks up at Jed and tells him, through a groggy voice..... Cal: I don’t know if there will be a wedding today. They scene closes in on his face and, as he closes his eyes while laying on the bed, the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Victor to Jack (with Billie, Frankie, Greta, and Shane): This person can't terrorize the people of Salem anymore. It's time the mysterious cloaked figure gets what is coming to him or her. Cassie to two masked men: I can't do this. MCF to Cassie (on the phone): Remember what happens if you don't cooperate. Chelsea to Abby: Do you hear something? Abby to Chelsea: Do you think someone is breaking in? Lexie to Hector: I guess it's time to move on...in more ways then one. Abe to Celeste: I don't know what I would have done if I lost you. (Celeste smiles)
-Nicole is cutting through the park on her way back from delivering the MCF's envelope to Marlena. She calls Austin and asks where he and Carrie have Evan. Austin says they are still at the Pub. Nicole says she is on her way to pick him up and that she is at the park now so it should only be a few minutes. Austin tells Nicole they can keep him for a bit longer. Nicole thanks him but says it's ok. She is ready to come and get him. Austin understands and says they will have him ready. He hangs up and then wonders where Carrie is. Meanwhile, Carrie tries to come up with a way to get to the hospital. She already swabbed her and Evan's cheek but she also wants a blood test too so no stone is left unturned. Austin comes into the kitchen and asks Carrie what she is doing. Carrie says she was just walking Evan around and adds that she was just talking to her grandmother about the wedding. Austin says that's funny because he just saw Caroline go around back to sign for a delivery. He asks Carrie what is going on and why she really wanted them to have Evan today. -Back at the park, Nicole is on her way to the Pub when Eric stops her. He tells her long time no see and asks why she never called him. Nicole says she isn't ready to speak about their marriage yet. Eric asks her if she is ever going to be ready. Nicole is silent. Eric then asks her if she is ever going to be ready to give him answers too...like about her and Victor and what made him help her with Evan and getting her job at Titan. Eric asks her why doesn't she just make this easy and give him the answers he wants. -At the hospital, Maggie is outside Doug's room talking to Alice on payphone. Alice is overjoyed about Doug and tells Maggie to give Doug and Julie her best. Maggie says she will. Hope then arrives, dragging Bo in by hand, and races into her father's room. Doug is telling Julie how great it is to be back with her when he locks eyes with Hope. Both Hope and Doug's eyes well with tears and Hope runs into her father's arms. Julie begins to cry and comments to Bo how emotional this is. Bo shrhugs his shoulders and says it is. Julie notices how cold and unfeeling he is and asks if he is ok. Bo says he is fine. Julie says she just wonders how he can't show any emotional response to what he is seeing. Bo says it's not his father that just woke up and he just doesn't feel anything for it. He then snaps and tells Julie to back off and walks out as Maggie walks in. Hope overhears this and turns around, telling Julie that she is sorry for that. Something is wrong with him and has been for some time and she has no idea what it is. Julie says it's fine. -Back at the Pub, Carrie tells Austin that he caught her. She was getting emotional holding Evan and she went into the kitchen to try to control herself. She is fine now. Austin says he knew this was a bad idea. Carrie says she is fine. She just had to get used to Evan and to the fact that her baby is gone and not coming back. She assures Austin she is fine. Austin looks at his watch and wonders where Nicole is. She said she was at the park and it doesn't take that long. Carrie comes up with an idea and suggests to Austin that she take Evan to the park to meet Nicole. He can call her and say that she is on her way. She can meet them at the hot dog stand near the stream. Austin says that's fine but says he is going with her. Carrie insists that she go alone. She can't keep leaning on him and she needs to control her emotions on her own. She begs Austin to stay here and help her grandmother and to let her do this on her own. Austin reluctantly agrees. Carrie takes Evan and tells Austin she will be back as Austin worries about Carrie's emotional state being alone with Evan. Austin then calls Nicole and tells her that Carrie is on her way and to meet her at the hot dog stand near the stream. Nicole answers the phone in an angry fashion due to her arguement with Eric and Austin asks if she is ok. Nicole says she is fine and that she will meet Carrie. She thanks him again and hangs up. Eric tells Nicole he just wants answers. Nicole then tells Eric she just wants him off her back...NOW!! She tells Eric she has to go and that he better leave her alone. She then walks off as Eric vows to find out whatever secrets Nicole is keeping, since it's painfully obvious she has some, no matter what it takes. Meanwhile, Carrie races into University Hospital and asks a nurse at the nurses station if nurse Jean is on. She says she is and Carrie asks to have her paged. Nurse Jean soon arrives and embraces Carrie. Carrie says it's been a long time. Nurse Jean says the hospital misses her from her time as PR director. Everyone on staff misses her and Mike. Carrie says she misses the hospital too. Nurse Jean tells Carrie she will never be able to thank her and Mike enough for helping her with her promotion to Nurse Manager. Carrie says that she earned it. Carrie then tells Jean she needs a favor and it needs to be kept hush hush. Jean says anything for her. Carrie reminds her of the baby she recently lost. Jean apologizes for her loss. Carrie thanks her and says she got her card. Anyway, Carrie says she has reason to beleive this baby may be hers so she needs a blood test on her and Evan done and she needs it compared to Austin and Lucas's blood types too since either one could be the father. She then gives Jean the Q-Tips containing the DNA she swabbed from her mouth and Evan's and says she needs that tested and crossed-checked with Austin and Lucas's too. She begs Jean to help. She needs to know if Evan is hers. She just knows he is and needs proof to get her child back. Jean can tell she is sincere and says she will pull some strings and make it happen, especially since she and Mike did so much for her. Carrie embraces her and thanks her. She tells her so he owes her big time. Jean says they will be even and that she can tell Carrie really believes Evan to be hers. She says to come with her to do the test and they will tell the lab to put a rush on it. Carrie follows her with Evan and thanks her again. -Back at Doug's room, Hope and him are talking and laughing. Hope tells Doug how happy she is to have him back. He smiles and says it's good to see her too. They hug. He then tells her she better go after Bo. She has lost enough time with him as it is. She reminds Doug she lost alot of time with him too. Doug says they will make it up. She needs to talk to her husband. Hope smiles and tells him welcome back again. They kiss and embrace as Hope then kisses Maggie and Julie as she goes after Bo. Doug then says it's nice to have such a nice welcome back to the world from everyone. Julie tells him he was missed. Doug mentions how he has so much to get caught up on, even after Julie filled him on already on so much. He mentions to Julie that she never did mention earlier who caused the fire at Chez Rouge. He asks her who started it. Julie then looks at Maggie across the room and says it was Marlena. Maggie tries to hold back the tears as Julie tells Doug about how Marlena was found outside Chez Rouge and how she never denied the claims. Maggie then watches as Julie says she saw Marlena leave Chez Rouge shortly after Doug went in after Maggie. Doug is shocked but Julie then explains she has MPD and is working with the MCF. She tells Doug she will fill him in on all that later. She tells him that she just wants to enjoy being back with him right now. He agrees. A nurse then comes in to check on him and asks Julie and Maggie to step up. Julie kisses Doug and says she will be right back. Outside his room, Maggie finally breaks down, telling Julie she barely held it together in there and that she still wants to confess. Julie reminds her of what will happen if she does. Maggie says she doesn't know what to do. Julie warns her to just stay quiet. She feels the guilt too but it's what they have to do for the family...for everyone. Maggie admits how hard it is to keep this all inside. JUlie tells her to get used to it. They will have to do it for the rest of her life. Maggie breaks down again as Julie comforts her. Meanwhile, Hope finds Bo outside the hospital and asks what his problem was in her father's room. Bo says he was fine until Julie had to start asking questions. Bo says he is just sick of all the questions. That is why he was gone so long. He didn't want to deal with all that. He doesn't feel like talking and he doesn't feel like weeping just because Hope reunited with Doug. Hope looks at Bo and says he has changed. Bo: What? Don't like what you see? Hope: No...just don't recognize who is in front of me. What is going on, Bo? Bo: Leave it alone, Hope. If Julie, you...if everyone just backed off, I wouldn't go off on anyone and things would be better. I don't...I can't deal with questions and people all over me right now. Ok? I didn't come back here for that. I came because my family and my kids needed me. Hope: Otherwise, you would've stayed in hiding? What about me? What about us? You wanted to work things out back in January and now what? I just don't understand... Bo: You don't have to. Just leave it be. These are my decisions to make, Hope. If I want to tell you more or open up or whatever, I will when I am ready. Just, please...leave it...leave me alone. Spread the word to everyone. That's all I want is to be left alone right now. I am going back to the Pub. See ya. Hope looks on stoicly as Bo leaves, vowing not to give up on him...and on their marriage. She promises to learn his secret and to put their lives and marriage back together. She says, with tears welling in her eyes, that it can't end like this. She won't let it and she isn't ready for it to end. -At the park, Nicole is at the hog dog stand waiting fort Carrie and wondering what is taking her. Carrie then arrives with Evan, out of breath and apologizing to Nicole for beint late. She tells Nicole that Austin and her got stuck handling something. Nicole says it's fine. Nicole notices a little bandage on Evan's arm. Carrie realizes she forgot to take it off after the blood test and says that she noticed Evan had a scratch on his arm so she bandaged it to avoid infection. Nicole wonders where that came from as she didn't see one earlier. She wonders if it happened on the way to dropping him off at the Pub. Carrie says that could be it. Carrie tells Nicole she wants to apologize again for what happened at Salem Place. Nicole smiles and says it's ok. She thanks her and Austin for watching Evan. Carrie says anytime. Nicole tells Carrie she is glad to see her better. Carrie smiles back and says thanks. Nicole bids her goodbye and then leaves with Evan. Carrie then says that if things go the way she thinks, those tests will prove Evan is hers and then she will be the one walking off with Evan and not Nicole. Just as it should be. The screen then fades out on a determined Carrie's face. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Sami (with Lucas) to Will: Are you sure your ok? Will to Sami: I'm fine. Ok? Just stop asking and leave me alone. Katherine (looking at her wedding dress): Can I do this? Is marrying Cal the right thing to do? Jed to Cal (who is holding his head in pain): Are you ok? Cal to Jed: No. I don't think I can go through with this wedding. Philip to Victor: Why don't you start acting like my father and help me!!
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Honestly, I didn't know who to cast really. I was looking for a a hillbilly/country guy and he popped into mind. Keep in mind, I made this decision like right after DWTS. He is only in like 6 episodes so it's no big deal. I had a few other ideas but he came to mind first and it wasn't a big enough role worth recasting sp I let it be. -
VENDETTA CLIP #11 The MCF is in her or her secret hideaway in the warehouse office. He or she is monitoring the happens in Salem via the surveilance center. His or her cell phone rings. MCF (via voice changer): Yes? James: It's me. Just wanted to make sure everything is on track. MCF: Should be. Cassie has her orders. She will meet you at the Deveraux house this evening. Remember to make sure to have her write the note and leave it. Also, make sure Alan and yourself are wearing those masks. Cassie is a loose cannon and we shouldn't take chances on her IDing you or Alan. James: Fair enough. I will contact you when we arrive at the house. MCF: Very well. Make sure the house is completely ranshacked. We need to send a message to Jack and Billie...one that will make them realize how serious the situation is. One that will make them back off. If they still choose to pursue destroying our operation. then we will have to seek more extreme measures. James: Will do. We will speak later. James hangs up as the MCF turns her or her attention to the surveilance monitors. One monitor catches the interest of the MCF...and that one is the one of the Kiriakis Mansion. Philip is there alone. The MCF turns the volume up and listens in. Philip: Some father...I know mom doesn't have what is needed to help me but he could. All he is worried about is Maggie and that damn cloaked person. It's always something else with him. What else do I have to do to prove I am worthy to have more power. I mean, he doesn't let me do anything else. He won't let me help with his business dealings. He may have helped me out of some scrapes in the past but now when I really need him...when my daughter needs him...he abandons us. Here I am trying to be a family with my daughter and my wife...something that will make our family look good...and he completely disregards my pleas and requests. Well, father, I guess I know where we stand. The MCF is watching a frustrated Philip talk to himself and then sees him throw a picture of him and his father to the ground. MCF: Interesting...I was going to go in another direction when it came to Victor but this may be better. Philip may be of big help to me. So much anger in him...so much that I can manipulate to my advantage. Hmm...what better way to get revenge on Victor then to use his own son to do it. It couldn't be more perfect. The MCF laughs as the screen fades into... WEEK 5 VENDETTA SCORES VENDETTA WEEK FIVE RESULTS!!! 1.) Tishy Comment Score: 10 pts (5 comments) Trivia Score: 10 pts (all correct, only one to submit) Week Five Total: 20 pts 2.) daysfan Comment Score: 9 pts (3 comments) Trivia Score: 0 pts (nothing submitted) Week Five Total: 9 pts 3.) psychofan Comment Score: 8 pts (1 comment) Trivia Score: 0 pts (nothing submitted) Week Five Total: 8 pts 4.) DH23, Ryan Chandler, Mason, and Rick Comment Score: 0 pts (0 comments) Trivia Score: 0 pts (nothing submitted) Week Five Total: 0 pts Therefore, after week FIVE, the total standings are as follows: 1.) Tishy (77 pts) 2.) DH23 (48 pts) 3.) psychofan (41 pts) 4.) daysfan (34 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (14 pts) 6.) Rick and Hoganstays (0 pts) Tishy, daysfan, and psychofan were the top 3 scorers for Week Five so be sure to check your PM box. Clues will be going out sometime tonight and i hope to have them to each of you by 11PM. If they aren't there by then, you will be sure to have them by morning so keep checking the PM boxes!! Also, make sure to keep commenting and to those who keep forgetting to submit trivia---I am sending them to you now via PM so forgetting is no longer an excuse . This game is going to be a landslide if others don't start submitting so PLEASE SUBMIT TRIVIA AND KEEP COMMENTING!! I understand things come up but things have bee relatively dead in regards to the game since early April and only Tishy seems to be keeping up so if anyone has a problem please PM me and we will make adjustments as needed.
-At the Pub, Austin asks Carrie what she is up to. Carrie says she feel horrible about her actions at Salem Place the other day and wants to make it up to Nicole by watching Evan. She points out that it will be good for her as she needs to move on and it will prove she can be around Evan without problems. Austin isn't so sure it's a good idea given what Carrie's been through but she begs him to let her do this. She feels she is up to it and that it will be good for her. Austin finally gives in and says he will call Nicole. Carrie thanks him and embraces him. -In her Salem Inn suite, Nicole is feeding Evan when her cell rings. She answers it and is shocked to hear the MCF on the other end. The MCF tells Nicole that he or she has a request for her. Nicole is reluctant but the MCF reminds her of the consequences of her defiance. Nicole agrees to do what he or she asks. There is then a knock at the door. The MCF tells Nicole to answer the door. Nicole gets up with Evan and answers the door to find a Salem Inn employee there. The employee tells Nicole a messae just came for her and hands her the envelope. Nicole tips the employee as he then leaves. Nicole asks the MCF what's in the envelope. The MCF tells her to open it so she does...and finds another envelope only with Marlena's name on it and not hers. Nicole asks what gives. The MCF gives her instructions to find a way into the psych ward to deliver that envelope to Marlena. Nicole asks how she is supposed to do that. The MCF tells her to figure it out herself using her crafty mind and then reminds her of what will happen if she doesn't do as instructed. Nicole says she knows. The MCF is pleased and then hangs up. Moments later, Nicole gets a call from Austin. Austin explains that Carrie and himself would like to babysit Evan. He tells Nicole that Carrie feels bad for what happened at Salem Place and Austin admits he still feels bad for interrogating her. They want to make it up to her so he begs her to let them. He feels it will be good for all of them to lift the tension between them. Nicole, realizing saying no may make people suspicious and realizing she needs a sitter so she can deliver the envelope, agrees despite knowing Carrie is Evan's real mother. Nicole asks where Austin is. Austin says he will meet her outside the Pub. This way she doesn't have to run into Eric inside the Pub. Nicole thanks him for considering that and says she will be right over. They both hang up and Austin tells Carrie it's a go. Carrie thanks him again and they kiss. Meanwhile, Lucas and Sami are with Eric talking at the Pub. Sami is still concerned over Will. Lucas promises her that they will find out everything and that they will protect their son. If Alan hurt him, they will both make him pay. Eric thinks about Nicole and thinks that may be it's time he stepped up his game and began to look into what she may be up to and the suspicious surrounding her. At the bar, Kayla walks up and shows a cold look to Roman. Caroline notices it and tells them to cut it out. She is sick of all this tension. Caroline says it's a time of forgiveness and she thinks they all need to start following that before it's too late. Kayla isn't sure they can happen now...or, maybe, ever. Caroline's eyes light up as she says she has an idea. Hope sees Bo outside the Pub and goes outside. She asks if he is ok. He says he is fine. He asks where JT is. Hope says he is coloring at one of the tables. Hope seems to have something on her mind but is hesistant until she finally decides to come out with it. Hope tells Bo that she noticed a whole lot of tension in the Pub, just like she did the day he disappeared. Hope notes that Caroline is acting something is tearing the family apart. If there is, Hope tells Bo she wants to know and has the right to know what it is. Bo is silent. -At Univeristy Hospital, Julie is visiting a comatose Doug. She is saying a prayer, begging God to forgive her sins and bring her husband back to her. Maggie shows up and has overheard. She tells Julie she says that same prayer everyday. They embrace as Julie asks her how she is. Maggie says she can't take the guilt. It's eating away at her. Julie says she knows the feeling. It's been tough with all these lies and deciets on top of Marie's death and Doug being comatose. Maggie thinks all the bad things happening is an omen. She can't take it anymore and tells Julie she needs to confess!! They both do!! Julie is stunned. -Austin is waiting outside the Pub when Nicole arrives with Evan. She gives Austin a diaper bag and the stoller and says everything is there. She thanks him as she has many errands to run. Austin thanks her as well. He tells Nicole that Carrie and him just wanted to make it up to her. Nicole appreciates that and says she must go. She thanks Austin again and leaves. Austin enters the Pub with Evan. Eric comes over and greets him. Eric asks if Nicole was there. Austin explains that Carrie and him are babysitting while Nicole runs errands. They are just trying to make it up to her for the way they treated her. Carrie sees Evan and smiles at him. She walks over and picks him up. Carrie then lovingly embraces him as Austin asks if she is ok. Carrie says she is fine. She then takes Evan and walks around the Pub with him. Eric asks Austin if he really thinks she is ok. Austin says he isn't sure. Meanwhile, Nicole arrives at the Univeristy Hospital psych ward and says she is there to visit Marlena Evans. The nurse tells her that Dr. Evans is under a "No Visitor" order right now. Barbara comes out and asks Nicole who she is. Nicole explains she is her daughter in law and just wanted to see her and tell her about her son and the goings on in their lives. Barbara says that Marlena isn't supposed to see anyone but not many have been coming to see her since visitors weren't encouraged. Barbara explains that only Roman has been coming alot so, given all that, Barbara tells Nicole she is welcome to come in but not for long. Nicole thanks her and follows her down a long, dimly lit hallway. They stop at Marlena's padded cell. Nicole notices Barbara isn't leaving and asks for some time alone with Marlena. Nicole says she doesn't feel comfortable talking about her and Eric's business in front of a stranger. Barbara asks Nicole what she is going to talk about with Marlena. Nicole says that she is only discussing her and Eric's marriage, the child they adopted, and so on. Barbara tells her to keep it short and to only mention what she just ran by her. Marlena must not get agitated. Nicole agrees. Barbara leaves as Nicole looks in to see Marlena, in a straightjacket, coldly staring at her. A evil grin then graces her face as she says, "Hello, Nicole." -Back at the Pub, Caroline suggests to Roman and Kayla that maybe they should forgive Shane and Kim. If they set an example, others might follow. Roman tells Caroline this isn't second grade. Kayla agrees and says there is just too much lies and deceit to deal with. First, Roman and Bo, along with Shane, lie about an ISA investigation that put their family through hell. Secondly, Shane exposed Carrie and Will to Alan, whom they aren't sure has changed. Thirdly, Kim and Roman kept the truth about Bo's molestation hidden from Bo and the family for years. It's just too much. Caroline mentioned her secret being exposed last summer and how it killed Shawn Sr. Roman tells her not to blame herself. Caroline says she does and that she set a poor example for all of them. Even if one's children are adults, you still have to set examples for them. Kayla agrees with Caroline but just isn't sure if she can forgive and forget any of what Shane, Kim, and Roman did. Kayla then walks over to talk to JT as a frustrated Caroline and Roman look at each other, solemnly. Meanwhile, at Salem University Hospital, Julie tries to calm Maggie. She tells Maggie she can't confess. No one can know about anything. It would destroy their family and themselves. It would cause more pain to those they love. They have no choice. Maggie reluctantly agrees, despite still feeling that the truth may be the better route to go. Julie then sits down by Doug and sees his hand moving. Julie is stunned. She then sees his eyes slowly fluttering open. Julie begins to cry in joy as Maggie watches in tears, happy to see Doug has woke up. Doug then looks at Julie and says: Doug: Hello again, my lady. Julie: Hello, yourself, Welcome back and please don't ever leave me again, darling. Doug: I don't plan to, my dear. I don't plan to. They then lovingly embrace as Maggie watches in tears. -Back at the Pub, Bo and Hope are still outside. Bo tells Hope that what is going on with the family is nothing to be concerned about. Things will be fine and taken care of. Hope points out to Bo she has never seen so much tension in the Brady family. She is his wife and a Brady by marriage. Her children are Brady's so she has a right to know. Her cell then rings. It's Maggie, telling Hope her father has woke up. An overjoyed Hope says she will be right there. She hangs up and tells Bo her father woke up. Bo says that's great. Hope then grabs his hand and says, "Let's go.". They both run off to get to the hospital. Meanwhile, insider the Pub, Sami and Lucas tells Eric and Austin they are heading home but tell them to let them know about the wedding and the planning. Austin says that he and Carrie will get in touch with them within the next few hours. Sami and Lucas then leave. Eric says he has to go too but tells Austin to let him know if he and Carrie need any help with the wedding. Austin says he will. Eric leaves as Austin looks around, wondering where Carrie went with Evan. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Carrie is swabbing Evan's cheek with a Q-Tip and then uses another to swab hers. She then tells Evan she is taking him to the hospital too for blood tests. The more credible proof she has, the better. She then places the Q-Tips in a baggle and pulls her rubbler gloves off. She now says she needs another plan...to get Evan to the hospital to be tested and back without anyone noticing. She contemplates her next move as Austin enters the kitchen and asks Carrie what she is doing. -At the psych ward. a creeped out Nicole tells Marlena she has a message for her...from the MCF. Marlena walks over and tells Nicole to open it and place the contents of the envelope in her mouth. Nicole agrees. Marlena then walks back to her chair in her cell and places a note, which was in the envelope, on the ground. Marlena struggles to read with the dim light and then realizes Nicole is still there. She tells Nicole she isn't in the mood to talk and torture and orders her to leave. Nicole says gladly and walks off. Marlena opens the letter and reads it, which leads her to get upset. A angry Marlena kicks the chair over and begins to kick and scream uncontrollably. Barbara and an orderly ask if everything is alright. Marlena says all is fine and they leave. Marlena then looks at the MCF's note again and says: Marlena: You...you betrayed me. You set me up to get caught and now you...you send me this? You will pay...they will all suffer. All my enemies....it's time that I get out of her. No more sitting around and contemplating. It's time for some action....it's time to blow this popsicle stant. Marlena then laughs hysterically as the screen fades out with her demented laughing continuing to be heard in the background. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Austin to Carrie: What is going on? Why did you really want to have Evan with us today? Eric to Nicole: I want answers. Why don't you just make this easy and give them to me? Doug to Julie: So, how did the fire start? (Julie looks at Maggie) Hope to Bo: You've changed... Bo to Hope: What? Don't like what you see?
ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES... A BELOVED HUSBAND AND FATHER WAKES UP... Doug to Julie (at the hospital): Hello, my lady... AND THERE IS ONLY ONE PROBLEM... Maggie to Julie (at the hospital): How are we going to live like this?! HIS WIFE AND HER AUNT HAVE A SECRET!! Julie to Maggie: No one can learn you started the fire. No one can find out anything. Understand? THEN... A DESPERATE MOTHER'S ACT TO LEARN THE TRUTH BEGINS.... Carrie to Baby Evan: I'm going to find out if I'm your mommy. Clip of Carrie swabbing Evan's cheek at the Pub and of her taking Evan in to draw blood. Carrie to Baby Evan: If your my baby, I will do whatever it takes to make sure you and me are never separated again. PLUS... THE PLOT TO TAKE OUT A CRIMINAL MASTERMIND IS SET... Victor to Jack (and Billie): Everything is set. Jack: Good. With any luck, the mysterious cloaked figure will off the streets in no time. BUT... Clip of Jack and Billie walking into a ranshacked Deveraux house. Jack: What the... WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE MASTERMIND HOLDS ALL THE CARDS? Billie to Jack: Oh my God... Jack: What the hell do we do now? AND...NEXT WEEK!!! Clip of Cal fixing his bowtie on his tuxedo and Katherine in her hotel suite looking at her dress. Katherine: Can I really do this? Clip of Carrie in Austin's arms. Austin: This time it's forever. Carrie: I wouldn't want it any other way. THE MAY WEDDINGS BEGIN!! WILL THEY GO OFF WITHOUT A HITCH?! IT'S ALL A PART OF...
WEEK OF 4/22/07 EDITION WEEK 5 VENDETTA TRIVIA QUESTIONS ***NOTE: I WILL ALWAYS POST THE QUESTIONS IN THE INSIDER BUT I WILL ALSO PM YOU THE QUESTIONS JUST SO YOU ALL DON'T FORGET. REMEMBER, ANSWERS ARE DUE BY TUESDAY AT 4PM AND THE QUICKER YOU ANSWER AND THE MORE YOU GET RIGHT, THE MORE POINTS YOU GET. THESE QUESTIONS FOCUS ON EPISODES POSTED THIS PAST WEEK.*** 1.) What was the name of Will's principal? 2.) Where was Cassie when the MCF called her to give her orders? 3.) When Sami asked where Will was, where did Lucas say he went? WEEK 5 VENDETTA COMMENT SCORES (BASED ON COMMENTS POSTED FROM 4/15/07-4/21/07) 1.) Tishy (5 comments)- 10 pts 2.) daysfan (3 comments) - 9 pts 3.) psychofan (1 comment)- 8 pts 4.) Rick, DH23, and Mason (0 comments)- 0 pts COMPLETE STANDINGS FOR VENDETTA THUS FAR: 1.) Tishy (67 pts) 2.) DH23 (48 pts) 3.) psychofan (33 pts) 4.) daysfan (25 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (14 pts) 6.) Rick and Hoganstays (0 pts) INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: CAL AND KATHERINE'S WEDDING GOES COUNTRY!!! As Salem Lives fans already know, Billy Ray Cyrus has been portraying the role of Jed Montana and, this week, Martina McBride begins her guest apperances as Jed's wife, Nora. It's all part of the Salem Lives May Weddings event. We sat down with Cyrus and McBride, as well as with Josh Taylor (Cal) and Terri Garber (Katherine) to talk about the big wedding event. For more info on the wedding and the rest of May's big sweeps events, check out next week's exclusive May Sweeps Edition of the SL Insider. Interviewer (I): Thanks for joining us to talk about the big wedding. I will start with Josh and Terri. Josh, you went from Roman Brady to Cal Winters and then Terro was brought on as your love interest. You guys got a fair amount of airtime in the Fall and into January but it then seemed to drop off until now. Why? Josh Taylor (JT): Well, it was expected. We have a big cast and we were told that after the first half of January we would see very little airtime until spring. It was ok by me. I had been working quite a bit until then and I am just thankful to be here. They could have just let me go last summer but they held on to me and gave me great story to play with Terri. I know what is coming up and it's very good so being MIA the past few months was worth it to get to all this. Terri Garber (TG): I agree. They prepared us for it and we both knew where the story was going. It's not like they told us nothing and we were unsure if we were returning or if we were going off-contract or something. We always knew our story would get picked up in spring and here we are. I: It seems like Cal and Katherine have moved rather fast in this relationship. They are getting married having only known each other since November. What is your take? JT: Well, it happens in this day and age. Katherine has never found love and sometimes that makes you want to keep it and do what it takes to hold on to it so I think that drives why Katherine has taken to the feelings she has for Cal. In Cal's case, he has had his heart broken as Roman and I think he just wants to start fresh with someone he thinks is the person he wants to spend the love of his life with. I think they both beleive they are ready. TG: They are adults and no one is drunk so I think it's fine (laughs). The one problem with the backburnering the past few months was that alot of their bonding took place offscreen. We saw them get close after the holidays and then we had the Valentines's show where they made love. The next time you see them they are happy and, two weeks later, they get engaged. Then, a week later, the wedding arrives. It's been fast but it does happen, especially to two people who are desperate to have someone to be with. They have both been looking for love and have it now. They share a strong bond based on their time together. Katherine helped Cal through a period of uncertainly and torment and that has brought them closer and formed a strong bond. I: What about Cal's sudden change of heart in response to his past? He is having memories too, isn't he? JT: We started getting into the memories last week and that will be a main focus in May and during the wedding. Cal was afraid of what to find out in his past. He was afraid of the unknown and that fear built up to a moment in January where Cal decided to let the past go and move on into the future. When Cal and Katherine returned to the forefront in March, we played that as a source of tension, which I liked. Katherine didn't want to be his distraction and she realizes that he could never be truly a full person without at least trying to piece his past together. Cal would regret not attempting to learn about his past and she knew that and recognized that she needed to push him to go into his past for his own good. TG: Cal was afraid and I think Katherine was too. She was afraid he was using her or maybe even was pretending to love her so she wouldn't force treatment on him. A number of things went through her mind and that created tension. She did get through to him and he promised her when he proposed that he would pick up with his treatment so that problem was worked out. Now they have doubts to work out. JT: Yeah and that plays into the next two weeks big time. Katherine is having second thoughts because she has never been in love before and is afraid her feelings for Cal are not the real thing. She is just all over the place and now even Cal is having doubts. He is fearing his past again and worried about it affecting Katherine or even hurting her. Those emotions have alot of play this week. TG: Katherine is a wreck and you wonder if the wedding will even happen. I: Will it? JT: Can't tell you (laughs). TG: The fans will have to wait and see. I: Ok. Well, we do know that regardless if the wedding goes off without a hitch, you both will be there. Right Billy and Martina? Billy Ray Cyrus (BRC): Right. I have been on quite a few times already so I will be there. I'm not performing though. I am just there as a witness and to support Cal, who has become friendly with Jed. This was hard with DWTS and my already busy schedule but I'm here (laughs). Martina McBride (MM): Yeah. I had a busy schedule with my tour and all but I was happy to do it. I just show up because my character's husband, Jed (looks at Billy), asked me to. I am going to be a second witness and I am going to sing at the wedding. I was so excited to take this role when I heard Billy was doing this. It's short-term and fun. I kept asking for a duet but Billy didn't want to sing. BRC: That was part of the deal. I really didn't want to sing. I mean, if they asked and I felt it worked for what they were doing it would be fine. When they called me about the part, they told me that I was coming on to help facilitate the engagement and wedding of Cal and Katherine and romance was being emphasized. A good deal of my music wouldn't have fit so I told them not to have me sing. I didn't want it to sound forced or like I did this to plug an album or something. I thought it would be fun and a change from Hanna Montana. I was happy when they called me. They wanted someone with a hillbilly look and I fit the bill (laughs). MM: Yeah. I feel the same way as Billy. I am only singing because they asked me to. They wanted to add to the wedding and I think it did so I was happy to do it. Billy could have sang with me but oh well. The song I sing is fitting and the audience will like it, I think. The wedding is just full of romance and should be a delight for fans. I had a ball. I had never cameoed on a soap or even acted really in anything. I mean, usually you end up playing yourself but I didn't hear so it was fun. BRC: I would've totally bothed your song, Martina (laughs). It's better just you singing. Gotta emphasize that romance (laughs). Seriously, I had a blast and the fans will love this. I: Thanks to you all for joining is. It sounds great but, before we go, I have one more for Josh and Terri. Can you give us anymore about the wedding? JT: Whether they marry or not, it's still romantic and classic soap. TG: Exactly. It's everything you want in a soap wedding minus someone returning from the dead. It's going to be great for fans regardless of the outcome. COMINGS AND GOINGS COMING Franc Ross (Rev. Frank Stewart): Ross, who fans know currently as Duck on Days, appears as the priest presiding over Cal (Josh Taylor) and Katherine's (Terri Garber) nuptials. He first appears on April 25. Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano): The actor, who last appeared in July 2006, returnedin Vendetta clip #10 and his first episode appearance was on April 19. "It was funny because until we revealed the mysterious associate as Ernesto we had to have a guy acting just like him and dressing like him with the mannerisms and all," laughs EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We even had a guy that sounded like Charles would with a low voice. It's great to have him back." ERNESTO IS BACK!!! CAST CUTS COMING?! BIG NAME ON THE WAY!!! The casting buzz around Salem Lives lately is huge and EP/HW Tim Lowery has the scoop on all the rumors flying around: Interviewer (I): Ok. Ernesto is back. Why and for how long? Tim Lowery (TL): It was always the plan. His exit in July was open-ended. He was actually going to return sooner but things changed and we pushed it back. It couldn't be forced and it had to make sense and it does. I was happy we revealed it first in Vendetta Clip #10 and then picked up on it in the next episode. I think it really gave it a nice impact. Ernesto will be around for awhile. He plays a big part in Vendetta and the big climax. I: What about Tony and Anna? Are they contract? TL: They are on short-term contract. They may stay or go. Depends on where we are later this summer. Alot is going on. I was pleased with fan response to their return. We wanted to surprise everyone and make it the official first big shock of Vendetta and it looks like the fans liked it. We are pleased. I: It was announced a few weeks ago that a big name was joining Salem Lives beginning on May 1. Is that still happening and any hints? TL: It's our big 1 year anniversary surprise. Fans will be thrown. It's a big name and it won't be revealed ahead. People will have to wait until May 1. It's a biggie and it won't be revaled in the Vendetta clip. It will be in the actual episode that day so people should mark that day on their calendar. We have some anniversary stuff planned. There will be more on that in May. We are actually dedicating May and the summer to the fans and thanking them for their support during our first year. More on the anniversary will be coming. Just because it's May 1 doesn't mean we have to celebrate only on that day or before it. Most of the special 1 year anniversary events happen after that day. I: Last but not least...rumors are flying about cast cuts. You have a huge cast that continues to grow. Are the rumors true? TL: All I will say is there are cast changes ahead. There will be additions and subtractions. There will be some new faces and some old faces. I won't say how many are going or coming because this summer is going to be one that is can't miss and I want fans on pins and needles. We aren't afraid to take risks. The fans know that and anyone can come and anyone can go. Stick with us and see. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WK OF 4/23/07 -Maggie and Julie's guilt eats away at them. -Nicole does a favor for the MCF. -Carrie takes action. -Hope vows to find out Bo's big secret. -Caroline begs Roman and Kayla to set an example and help bring peace to their family. -Marlena receives a message and then plots her escape. -Doug wakes up. -Julie lies to Doug. -Hope is stunned by how much Bo has changed. -Carrie accomplishes her mission. -Will tries to keep the truth buried for everyone's sake. -Cal and Katherine begin to have doubts about their wedding. -Lexie and her henchmen move on...to Italy with Abe, Celeste, and Steve on their heels. -Philip and Victor get into it. -The plan to bust the MCF is put into action. -The Deveraux house is ransacked. -Jack and Billie come to a horrifying realization. -Cassie finds herself on the other side of Max's rage. RED LETTER DAYS!!! Monday April 23: Marlena recieved a message and then plots her escape. Tuesday April 24: Doug wakes up. Friday April 27: The Deveraux house is ranshacked and Jack and Billie come to a horrifying realization. Next Week: Stefano awakens. The MCF tempts Philip. Will Cal and Katherine wed? Carrie gets the answers she has been waiting for. Eric tries to find out what Nicole is up to. Chelsea is worried about Abby, who is drawn into a mystery. Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Max, Shane, and Victor set a trap for the MCF. Greta warns Hope to tell Bo the truth.
-It is a new day in Salem as Lucas and Eric arrive back at Lucas's apartment, frustrated that they couldn't find Sami. Lucas thanks Eric again for helping him. He is worried about the way Sami went after Alan. Eric understands and admits he is worried too. Austin and Carrie then arrive and say they just got Lucas's message. They apologize for getting there so late but they weren't taking any calls and they just learned of the messages Lucas left. Lucas says it's ok as he knows Carrie has been going through a rough time. He then fills Austin and Carrie in on what Sami learned from Shane and Will's principal the night before. Carrie is stunned that Shane would like that, especially after helping to cover for her, and is equally stunned about the accusation concerning Alan. She doesn't beleive he would ever hurt Will. Sami then enters and says that Carrie is naive if she thinks that. Sami says she knows Alan hurt Will and, when she finds him, she will make him pay. Lucas and Eric embrace her, happy to see her. Sami is angry she couldn't find Alan. Lucas begs her not to do that again and makes Sami promise that they act together from now on. If Alan hurt Will, he wants to make him pay too. Sami agrees and thanks him. She asks where Will is. Lucas says he went over to Jake's house this morning and is still there. He doesn't know about Sami taking off. Sami is glad as she doesn't want him being dragged into all this. Carrie still refuses to beleive Alan would hurt Will. He was so kind and caring to her and she is convinced he has changed. Sami says she doesn't want to argue and says that they will get proof soon and Carrie will see the truth. Sami then notices a ring on Carrie's finger and asks if that is what she thinks it is. Carrie smiles and says it is...her and Austin got engaged last night. Sami, Lucas, and Eric embrace both Carrie and Austin and extend warn wishes. Carrie says that there is something her and Austin should ask while on the subject. She just hopes it isn't insensitive given everything going on. Sami tells her to go ahead. Carrie tells Sami that she would like her to be her maid of honor and Austin wants Lucas to be his best man. She asks Sami and Lucas what they think. Sami and Lucas both stand silent. -At the Brady Pub, Caroline and Kayla are talking and she is glad Bo was able to convince her to stay in Salem until they know about Steve. Kayla insists she is only doing it for Bo and she realized the family does need her here. Roman arrives and agrees with that. Kayla coldly stares at him and Caroline picks up on the tension. Kim and Shane then arrive too as Kayla turns around in disgust. Caroline begs them all to get along. Kim says she only came by because she wanted to see Bo and heard he was back. Shane came with her for support because she knew she would have to deal with the cold shoulder. Kayla says that it always seems like liars like to stick together. Shane tells Kayla to back off. He knows him and Kayla both made mistakes but their comes a time to forgive and forget. Kayla admits she doesn't know if she can, especially in Kim and Roman's case. Roman admits he is having trouble even looking at Shane after he exposed Carrie to Alan for months and now after he heard that he saw Alan with Will and never said anything. Shane says he just felt like it was nothing and Will said he was fine. Roman says that means nothing. Will could be lying. Shane reminds Roman that alot was going on and it just kind of got pushed aside. Caroline begs everyone to stop fighting, saying she knows there are problems but Bo has come home. She begs them to try to get along. Bo then arrives with Hope and JT. Caroline runs to him and embraces him. She takes his bags and says she will have them put upstairs. He thanks her. Kayla embraces him again and Shane shakes his hand. Bo tells Shane he heard about his covering for Carrie. He tells Shane that he has a thing lately about people who hide things so he doesn't really want to look at him right now. Bo then coldly stands at KIm and Roman. Hope notices all the tension and asks what is going on. She says that the family is hiding something and has been for weeks, even since before Bo left. She wants to know what they are all hiding right now. -At The Spectator, Victor and Nico arrive to meet with Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta. Victor explains how his tails have come up with nothing in searching for James, Alan, or the MCF. Jack and Billie explain their futile visit to Marlena and Frankie and Greta remind everyone of learning about the MCF being the one who blew up Sami's apartment and Alan's involvement with the MCF. Victor says that enough is enough. This lack of progress and sluggish investigation is getting them nowhere. Victor says they need to take action against the MCF and his or her allies now before it's too lare. Jack agrees. They can't screw around and take it one step at a time. The time is now and it's time to go from breaking the case open to catching the MCF and putting an end to his or her reign of terror. Billie's eyes light up and she says she has an idea. -Back at Lucas's apartment, Sami and Lucas agree to Carrie and Austin's requests. Carrie and Austin both thank them and inform them that the wedding is in two days. Sami, Lucas, and Eric are stunned. Carrie says she can really use something positive like this and they don't want to wait. It's been long enough and they've been married before. Sami says she understands. Carrie tells them that she was on her way to the Pub to tells the rest of the family as Uncle Bo has come home but she got Lucas's message first. Lucas says everything is fine now for the moment so they can go to the Pub and handle their wedding business. Sami tells Carrie she would like to go with her and Austin as she needs to talk to dad anyway and they can work on the wedding. Lucas and Eric agree to go too and they all take off for the Pub. -At the Pub, Hope demands the truth as Caroline enters the room. Bo looks at Kim and Roman and says there is no secret. He tells Hope to just leave it alone. They all just had a minor argument and they don't wish to get into it right now. Caroline goes up to Hope and takes her aside. She begs her to just let her suspicions go. The family has enough troubles and they don't need anymore stress. Hope says she is really concerned but Caroline tells her everything is fine. Meanwhile, Roman and Kim ask Kayla and Bo if they will ever forgive them. Bo and Kayla coldly stare at them and stay silent. Kim fights back tears as Shane comforts her. Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, and Eric arrive and they are greeted by everyone. Sami, Carrie, and Eric welcome their Uncle Bo back. Hope notices Carrie's ring and then Carrie makes the announcement. Everyone is stunned that the wedding is in two days but understand given what Carrie has been through. Roman hugs Carrie and says he is so happy for her. Sami comes over and says she needs to talk to Roman. He follows her to the back of the Pub. Sami fills Roman in on what she learned the previous day. Roman says that, in addition to that, there is evidence that Alan is working with the MCF. Lucas overhears and comforts an alarmed Sami. Kim and Shane see that they are outcasts and that they are being ignored so they opt to leave. Caroline sees them leave and vows not to let her family fall apart like this. Outside. Kim asks Shane if it will ever get better. Shane hugs her and says he hopes so. Hope goes over to Bo at the bar and asks if he is ok. He nods and then goes to sit with JT as Hope continues to wonder what the big secret is that everyone in the immediate Brady family seem to know. Kayla and Carrie are talking and Kayla says she heard about her hard time dealing with the loss of her baby. Kayla apologizes. Carrie says it's fine. She wishes her baby would somehow return to her. Kayla says she can understand that but tells Carrie that is impossible. Carrie knows and says she wasn't thinking when she thought Nicole's baby, Evan, was hers. Kayla tells Carrie that she needs to just give things time. She needs to heal. If she rushes it and doesn't try to move on, she will spend the rest of her life wondering if every baby born around the same time as hers is hers. She may even run around and do DNA tests on every baby, that is if she lets herself go crazy enough. Kayla words strike a chord in Carrie and she thanks her aunt. Kayla embraces her and says your welcome. Carrie realizes there is a way to tell if she is right about Evan. She can have a DNA test done. All she needs is to get a hold of Evan and get a sample of his DNA and she will hit pay dirt. Austin comes over and asks if she is ok. Carrie smiles and says she is great and asks Austin to do her a favor. She needs him to convince Nicole to let them babysit Evan. Austin is confused by her request. -Back at the Spectator, Jack asks Billie what her idea is. Billie tells him, Greta, Frankie, Nico, and Victor that they know the MCF is hard to catch but with Shane and the ISA's high-tech surveillance equipment and if Victor can use his money and power to allow them access and permission to do this...they may have something that can catch this person. Billie reminds them of how they collected surveillance camera footage and says that the MCF and his or her accomplices only got caught on cameras that were new or that they didn't realize were there. All they need to do is plant mini-bugs or spy cameras all over Salem in random public spots and they can possibly track the MCF and his or her accomplices and catch them. Victor thinks that may work and everyone else agrees. Frankie thinks they have nothing to lose and it's worth a shot. Billie says that the ISA has state of the art technology that has bugs and mini-cameras so small that the MCF will never see them. They just need to set up a surveillance center somewhere. Victor offers up his secret room. Billie thinks that will do. Victor says he will use his power and influence to get them access and permission to do what they must. Frankie volunteers to call Shane and get the surveillance equipment they need. Billie says that's great. They finally have a way to bust the MCF and put an end to his or her reign...before it's too late for all of them. The screen then fades out on a determined Billie's face. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Austin to Carrie: What are you up to? Lucas to Sami (with Eric): It will be ok. We will find out everything. I promise you. Nicole to MCF: What do you need me to do? Caroline to Kayla and Roman: It's time for forgiveness. Shane, Kim...please. Let's save our family before it's too late. Hope to Bo: Your mother is acting like something is tearing the family apart and I want to know what it is. Maggie to Julie: I can't do this anymore. I need to confess!!
I knew you would and there is much more to come
***NOTE: THIS EPISODE PICKS UP ON EVENTS IN VENDETTA CLIP #10 SO YOU MAY WANT TO READ THAT BEFORE SO YOU CAN FOLLOW THE TONY/ANNA STUFF BETTER.*** -Tony and Anna are still talking with Ernesto while inside their cell. Tony says he knew it was Ernesto. He recognized his voice, even while he as whispering, based on the time he was held captive by Andre and Wendell and also because of the time that Ernesto was being cared for by Stefano after he "died" with "Hope" in he cage. Ernesto sarcastically comments on how smart Tony is. Anna asks him why he is doing this. Ernesto describes how he never truly got his revenge on his enemies last summer. Andre, Wendell, and then Stefano screwed with his plans. The island schemes were his ideas and they were ruined. Stefano made them his plans and, in Stefano's absence, Andre and Wendell messed with them too and made it all about them. Ernesto explains how he went into hiding following last year's island fiasco. Tony knows nothing of that but Anna explains to Tony what happened based on what she heard and read. Ernesto says he was presented with a deal a few weeks later. The deal was from a person with whom he shared some comment enemies. They agreed to team up and that is what led to this. Tony asks Ernesto who his boss is. Ernesto insists that it's a partnership. Tony laughs and says it's no partnership. He can sense Ernesto is just being used and informs Ernesto of something Stefano told him about Ernesto years ago. Tony says that Stefano told him: Tony: Ernesto is weak. He doesn't have what it takes to ever follow through. He can make all the threats he wants but, when it comes down to it, he can never finish the job. Ernesto fumes as Tony shows a devilsh grin. -At Salem University Hospital, Cassie is visting Stefano. She is telling her grandfather about the mess she is in with the MCF and how she doesn't know what to do about it. Her cell phone then rings and she realizes she forgot to turn it off. She looks to see if anyone is watching and answers it after not being able to recognize the phone number. She says "Hello" and received no answer. MCF (via voice changer): Hello, young Cassie. Cassie: You...what do you want? MCF: The time has come...it's time for you to recieve your orders. Meanwhile, in the psych ward, Jack and Billie are dressed like a doctor and a nurse. Both are wearing glasses with Billie in a red wig and Jack in a blond one. Bille is in a nurses uniform and Jack is wearing a lab coat. Billie tells Jack he better hope no one realizes that her uniform and his lab coat are stolen. Jack tells her to chill. Billie is worried about being caught but Jack says he knew it would be easier to do this at night during the late shift and shows Billie how far they have come. Billie tells him to shutup and to keep moving. They don't have time to inflate his ego. They reach Marlena's room and both take a deep breath as they enter. Marlena is in her strightjacket. She is looking right at Jack and Billie as they enter and laughs uncontrollably. Marlena: You call those disguised. Fools... Jack: You know... Marlena: Yes, Jackass. Only an idiot wouldn't. Billie: Fine. Look, Marlena, We need your help. Marlena: Good luck with that. Hate to break it to you but Marlena is gone and never coming back. Only Samantha is here and I have no interest in helping you. Jack: So that is who you are today? Who will you be tomarrow? Marcy? Martha? Someone else who isn't on your medical chart. Marlena: If I wasn't in a straightjacket and if the staff would listen to my ravings, I would call for security right now. Hey, Billie. How is that whore of a mother of yours? She make any moves on my so-called husband yet? God knows the last time I was locked in a prison and was out of the picture... Jack: I know the real Marlena is in there so, please, give us something...help us end this person's terrorizing and manipulation. Marlena: Ah...I see now. You want me to help you with the cloaked one. Not going to happen. Hey, when are all you idiots going to realize you can't stop this. The plan is in motion. You are all setup already to be sent to your complete and utter destruction. Jack and Billie look at each other, wondering what she is hinting at as Marlena shows an evil smirk. -Hope brings Bo back to their house and welcomes him home. Bo reminds Hope that this is only for one night and he is going to the Pub in the morning and staying there. Hope understands and says she already called his mother to tell her. Hope asks Bo where he would like to sleep. Bo thinks it's best if he sleeps on the couch. He doesn't want to push anything right now. Hope understands and says she will go get some pillows and blankets after she pays the babysitter. Hope goes into the kitchen to pay the sitter as there is a knock on the door. Bo answers it to find Kayla there. She is happy to see him and jumps into his arms, telling Bo long time, no see. -At their hotel suite. Cal is expressing his excitement over the wedding being tomarrow. He asks Katherine if she is excited. She nods and asks if he is sure he is ok to do this with his episode earlier. Cal insists he is fine. He has recovered from it and is actually happy to be having memories. He just has to accept that they are going to keep coming and overwhelming him. Cal realizes it's nearly midnight and tells Katherine he is going to his room now so he doesn't see the bride before the wedding. Katherine laughs and says she can't beleive he is into superstitious stuff like that. Cal thinks it makes it fun. He tells her he will be right next door and gives her a kiss, wishing her good night. She echoes his sentiment as he leaves. Katherine then pulls out her wedding dress and lets out a deep sigh. Later, Cal is asleep in his room and is reliving the memory flashes he had earlier. There are explosions, loud screams, him arguing with a man...and then he finally jumps up. He is sweating and is overcome by the intensity of the memories. He knows as Cal Winters he was an awful person to some like Kim and Kayla but these memories are of things he doesn't know. It's the unknown he fears he can't handle or control. He then wonders what will happen if his past comes back to haunt him and how it may affect him and Katherine. He thinks about the fact that something that he doesn't remember could prove dangerous or end up hurting Katherine and he contemplates whether he wants to marry her and put her through that. Meanwhile, Katherine is sleeping in her room and is having a nightmare about life after marrying Cal. Him and her are arguing and regretting getting married so fast because it's turned out to be a bad decision and a marriage full of fighting and tension. Katherine wakes up from the dream quickly and realizes she doesn't think she can do this. She had never felt love until Cal and she wonders if this is the real deal. She wonders if she is ready for marriage and a lifetime committment and begins to think she isn't. -Bo and Kayla catch up and she tells Bo how angry she is about Roman and Kim keeping the truth from him. Bo tells Kayla he doesn't want to be responsible for destroying the family. He tells Kayla it's ok for her to get along with Roman and Kim. Kayla says it was horrible what they did but Bo cuts her off, saying he doesn't want to talk about it nor does he want Hope to find out. Kayla understands. Bo says that Hope told him about Steve and her plan to go after hime. Kayla says she is going to. She promised that she would wait 24 hours but that is it. Bo reminds her that they only know he is in Europe and that is hardly anything to go on. Kayla understands that but thinks she can track him down. Bo shakes his head and laughs at her being his typical, stubborn sister again. Bo reminds her of her promise while they were talking a few minutes ago about how she would do anything for him and he asks if that still stands. Kayla says it does. Bo asks her if she will stay in Salem and wait to see if more turns up on Steve. He asks her to do it for him. He wouldn't be able to deal with her taking off with no specific location in Europe in mind and he has enough to work through. He begs her to take the sensible route and just let the SPD and the right people work on this and find out more specifics. He even agrees to help out. Kayla is reluctant, saying she feels he needs her. Bo tells Kayla he needs her here and the family does too, as well as her patients. Kayla agrees to stay but tells him that the minute they get an exact location on Steve, she is going to him. Bo agrees to that. Kayla stresses she is doing this for him. Bo tells her she is doing the right thing. Hope returns and says hi to Kayla while embracing her. Kayla says her and Bo were just catching up. Hope says that's good and then tells Bo there is someone who is still up and wants to see him. JT then comes running out and Bo greets him with hugs and kisses, saying he missed him. JT says he missed him more. JT asks if Bo is back to stay. Bo says he will be around now but he will be staying with grandma Caroline. There are some things he has to deal with. JT asks if he will come and see him. Bo smiles and says of course. Hope tells JT he is up way too late and to go upstairs. She will up in a second. JT kisses Bo and Hope, as well as his Aunt Kayla, goodnight and goes upstairs. Kayla says she has to go too but tells Bo she is happy to see him and to give her a call. She embraces both of them and leaves. Bo tells Hope he convinced Kayla to stay. She says that's good. Bo then says he is going to go take a shower and hit the hay. He tells her goodnight. She says the same as he goes upstairs to the bathroom. Hope then looks at a picture of their 1985 wedding and says to herself that they have alot to work through...but she isn't giving up. Never. -Ernesto tells Tony that he will show him and Stefano. Once this grand scheme reaches it's finale, they both will see. This time it will be a success. Ernesto then walks away, angry. Anna tells Tony she can't stand this. She can't take not knowing who is the top dog behind this and she can't take not knowing what will happen to them. She tells Tony it's hopeless. Whatever is in store, can't be good and they may never see the light of day again. Tony tells Anna he isn't giving up and either should she. They then lovingly embrace as she says she is glad she is being held captive with him...again. She beleives she could never get through this without him. They both laugh and he says he is pleased to be in her company too. -Back at University Hospital in Stefano's room, Cassie asks the MCF what she has to do. He or she tells her to be at the Deveraux house tomarrow night at 8:00 sharp. There will be two men there and they will tell her what to do. He or she orders her to follow instructions and there will be no problems. Cassiei s reluctant but, after the MCF reminds her what will happen if she defies orders, she agrees. The MCF is pleased and wishes her luck on the mission before hanging up. Cassie then looks at Stefano and begins to cry. She says she wanted revenge on Max, Abby, and Chelsea but not like this. She doesn't want to kidnap Abby and Chelsea but she has no choice. If she doesn't help, they are all in danger and the MCF might finish Stefano off. She hugs her grandfather and says she has to do this for him and their family. She kisses him and says she will be back soon to visit again. She confesses how much she misses him and how much she needs him here right now. She then leaves as Stefano's hand moves and begins to slightly close into a defiant fist. Meanwhile, in the psych ward, Jack asks Marlena what she is talking about. Marlena laughs and says wouldn't he like to know. Billie asks Marlena how often the MCF held meetings with her and his other accomplices. Marlena stays silent and then says that they aren't getting nothing out of her. However, Marlena tells them both she will give them something to take with them. Hell, they can even print it. Marlena: I WILL get out of here. And, when I do, the cloaked one...will look like child's play compared to me. Those that wronged me will be brought to their knees and that includes the mysterious cloaked figure. Take that with you and print it. Jack and Billie realize it's a hopeless cause and leave as Marlena laughs, sadistically. Marlena: You have been warned. The cloaked one may start the fun but I am going to finish it...by taking you all out...in a blaze of glory!!! My glory!! Marlena continues to laugh as the scene slowly fades to black as her evil, haunting laughs continue to be heard. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Caroline to Roman, Kayla, Kim, Bo, Hope, and Shane: I won't stand by and let this family fall apart!! Carrie (with Austin) to Eric, Sami, and Lucas: We're getting married...in two days. Billie to Jack, Greta, Frankie, Nico, and Victor: I have an idea. One that could finally trap our cloaked friend.
Yes it is but don't worry Tishy. It's only the MCF's partner and associate. The big thing is getting the MCF's identity right . Thanks daysfan. Glad you were surprised. We always knew he would return as we left it open last summer. There are many more surprises to come.
Yeah that's him Venus. He was also a part of the Captive Island Two story we did last summer.
VENDETTA CLIP #10 The MCF is examining his or her collage of pictures on the wall of the abandoned warehouse office closet. He or she points to and caresses a picture of Cassie. MCF (via voice changer): It's your time now, my dear. The MCF then examines the rest of the collage. MCF: The day is nearly here. Everyone is nearly in position. Soon, the ship will be here and the grand finale will commence. The day of reckoning is on the horizon...a day I have been waiting for and worked so hard for. I can only hope it satisfies my thirst for vengeance...for evening the score. Soon... The scene then shifts to Tony and Anna, who are still in their cell. Anna: I still can't beleive you were right about that person. Tony: Yeah but it's only the associate. If I could only find out who the ringleader of his circus is... Tony and Anna then hear someone coming and race to the cell door. They see the mysterious associate, who is wearing a suit yet again and has a black hood on again as well. Tony: Hey!!! Mysterious Associate (low and whispering tone): What? Tony: Is it really necessary to wear the hood? We know who you are. You also don't need to whisper Mysterious Associate: Hmm...your right. Force of habit. My apologies, Count. I am still quite upset with you pulling off my hood. The mysterious associate takes off his hood. Tony: Well, that's a shame but it's certainly is nice to look at you face to face. Now, why don't you tell us who your boss is? Afterall, we aren't going anywhere. The camera then pans up to reveal the identity of the mysterious associate as... THIS PERSON. Mysterious Associate: I can't do that, my friend. I am afraid you will just have to settle for knowing one half of the equation. The mysterious associate laughs sadistically as the screen fades into...
-In the Dimera underground Paris tunnels, Lexie is still in the secret room with Hector and her team of henchmen. She goes over to Hector and tells him that time is tunning out and that there is still a chance of saving Abe and her mother. Hector shakes his head at Lexie and tells her that he and the team aren't going out there and, even if they did, the chances of them surviving both blasts and the cave-ins that followed is very slim. Hector leaves as Lexie tries to hold back tears, hoping Hector is wrong. Meanwhile, Steve is with the Paris police. Two search and rescue officials are on the scene. A officer tells Steve that they couldn't use mechanicla equipment out of hear that it would cause another cave-in but admits they are close to breaking through the wall of debris. Steve is pleased to hear that. The officer adds that he will have to be questioned as to what he saw and heard. Steve nods in approval as the officer walks away and then realizes that if the cloaked one finds out what he is doing...he would hate to think about it. Steve determines that he can't answer any questions and needs to make a run for it, as it decreases the chance of the MCF finding out he helped Abe and Celeste and risked exposure. Behind the wall of debris and rubble, Abe is holding Celeste. Her breathing is faint and Abe is begging her to wake up. He says he can't lose her as she was the one constant in his and Theo's life these past few months. She kept him and Theo going and he doesn't know where they would be without her. He will always be eternally grateful and he then begs Celeste once again not to leave them. Celeste's eyes slowly flutter open as she tells Abe she feels the same way about him. It's him and Theo that have kept her going too. They both smile as Abe welcomes her back. -Katherine helps Cal to their bed in their hotel suite. She tells him that she can see he remembered something. She reminds Cal of his promise to be honest with her about this. Cal nods and says he was overcome with a blast of memories. He heard Jed's car backfiring and it was like a whirlwind. He then fills her in on his memories. Katherine is stunned, saying that those sound both intense and extreme. She can see why he is so affected. She suggests that maybe they should postpone the wedding. Cal says there is no need. He will be fine. He just needs to get a hold of himself. He is going to have to get used to having memory flashes like that. Katherine still thinks it may be best to put the wedding off. Cal then asks her what is going on as it seems she wants out of the wedding tomarrow. He asks if she is having second thoughts. Katherine is silent. -At Sami and Lucas' apartment, Sami begs Will to admit the truth. She asks him once again if Alan did something. Will recalls Alan's warning that if he said anything him and his family would suffer a fate worse then death. Will begins to tremble but hides it. He then says that Alan did nothing to him. Will admits that he befriended him and that Alan told him that his name was "Ace" but that's it. He never told anyone because people find it creepy when teenagers have older friends, especially one as old as Alan. Will says he only realized who "Ace" really was the night Shane found them together. Will admits being angry that Alan lied but says he understands given what he did. Will says that he told Alan that night he no longer wanted to see him again based on what he did to his mother. He just couldn't hang out with him after learning who he was and what he did to his mother. Sami asks Will if Alan was the one that got him out of trouble at school last May with the stink bomb. Will nods and says he just happened to be around. Will says he thinks it was a show of good will and that Alan was trying to convince people he changed by befriending him in hopes of convincing Sami and the rest of the family that he was on the up and up now. Lucas admits it does make sense. Will says that is all it is. Alan didn't hurt him or anything. Sami asks him if he is sure. She begs Will to be honest. Will is silent. -On the pier, Bo and Hope break from their loving embrace. They express joy for seeing each other for the first time in weeks. Bo apologizes for not being there for her with her father being in a coma and her Aunt Marie dying. Hope says it's ok. She is just happy to see him. She tells him she saw him at a bar the night of the fire at Chez Rouge but she had to go help save her father. She asks Bo where he has been. He doesn't answer and, before Hope can get out another question, he tells her no questions. He isn't going to tell her why he has been MIA and what he has been dealing with. Hope begs Bo to just come home and to let her in...to let everyone who loves him in. She tells Bo they all need him and that JT asks where his father is every day and night. She says that Shawn calls from overseas and she has to keep making up something. She knows Bo is going through some things but his family and friends need him. She needs him and he needs all of them too. Bo turns away, trying to resist Hope's emotional plea. Hope takes a picture of JT and various family members out. She tells Bo to look at the picture. She then forcefully turns Bo around and demands he look at it. She tells him they need him and then challenges him to finally do what is right...and come home where he belongs. Bo contemplates Hope's words and, realizing he is fighting a losing battle and that Hope is right, he agrees to come home. He admits it's time and that wandering around isn't doing anything. He does tell Hope there is one condition...and that is she doesn't ask any questions and doesn't push for him to open up to her about what is going on. That same rule applies to everyone else too. He doesn't feel like dealing with all that right now. Plus, he stays at the Pub with mom for now. Hope isn't crazy about the idea but agrees, saying it will just be good to know where he is. They embrace and she tells him he is doing the right thing. He nods and, when she hugs him again, looks on with worry that someone will find out his secret. -Back in Paris, Steve notices all the police and search and rescue officials busy and realizes this is his breaks. He then makes a run for it, hoping Abe and Celeste are alright and also hoping he dodged a bullet and that the MCF won't find out how his helping out put him in danger of exposure. The police and search and rescue dig through the wall and get to Abe and Celeste. Abe tells the EMT's, who race in, that Celeste may have some broken bones and a bad concussion. They insist on treating him too. He tells all the authorities who he is and why he was in the tunnels. The police then wonder where Steve went. Abe asks them how they knew that he and Celeste were down there. An officer explains how a man had heard screams and the explosion and led them to the tunnels. They give Abe a description and he realizes that it sounds alot like Steve. Meanwhile, Lexie hears alot of noise and looks out the secret room door. She sees the EMT's, rescue team, and police and then sees Abe leaving with Celeste for the hospital. She manages to hear that her mother is going to be fine too. She is pleased and she notices Hector seems disappointed. She smiles and tells him he lucked out because if her husband and mother were dead, regardless of how betrayed she feels by them still, she would've made sure he paid for his disobedience to her orders. She tells him to listen to her next time. She is in charge and, if he has a problem, he will no longer be a part of the organization. Hector rolls his eyes and pounds his fist in disgust as Lexie walks away. -Back at their hotel suite, Katherine assures Cal she wants to marry him and that she loves him but that postponing the wedding a few days won't hurt. Cal promises Katherine he is fine and that he wants nothing more then for them to get married tomarrow. He tells her everything is all set and he can't wait. Nothing will stand in the way of their day...not even the memories of his past. Not if he can help it. She smiles at him as he asks if they are ok and if everything is still on. Katherine agrees and they embrace as a bewildered Katherine looks on, contemplating whether she is doing the right thing or if it's simply too fast. -Back at Sami and Lucas', Will assures both Lucas and Sami that what he said was the truth. He then says he has homework to finish. Sami apologizes to Will for going behind his back and going to school. Will says he understands and that they should just drop it. She was only worried about him. Sami thanks him for his understanding. She tellls Will that she hated that he lied. He apologizes again. Will then goes to his room, closes his door, and breaks down in tears over having to lie to his parents. He keeps saying he had no choice and then he hopes to God that Alan doesn't find out how close his parents are to learning the truth or they may all be in trouble. Meanwhile, Lucas tells Sami that Will's story seems logical. Sami says she doesn't buy it. She then gets her coat on as Lucas asks where she is going. She says she is going to find Alan and he can't stop her. She then throws his arm off her and walks out as Lucas chases after her. Sami gets on the elevator, which shuts just as Lucas gets there. While in the elevator, Sami can hear Lucas banging on the elevator shaft door and yelling for her. She vows to find Alan and get the truth out of him. She promises that if he did hurt Will, he is a dead man as the screen fades out. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Kayla to Bo: It's so good to see you! Cassie to Stefano: I just don't know what to do. Tony to Anna: I'm not giving up and either should you. Hope to Bo: Welcome home... Katherine: I don't think I can do this. Cal: What if my past comes back to haunt me? Jack (with Billie) to Marlena: I know the real Marlena is in there so, please, give us something...help us end this person's terrorizing and manipulation.
-At Bo and Hope's house, Hope is with JT. She tells JT it's time to start getting ready for bed and his bath. JT asks Hope when he is going to see daddy again. Hope hesistates and realizes she must answer this question somehow. Hope tells JT she isn't sure when daddy will be home and then whispers under her breath that she isn't even sure if he will EVER come home. -At the Pier, Victor and Nico walk along the top level, looking for his men. The same men he hired to find James and that will hopefully lead him to the MCF. He also hopes to find Alan, who he now knows is connected to James and the MCF. While they walk down the stairs to the bottom level, Victor spots Bo, who is standing at the edge of the pier and looking out over the river. Nico also spots him and tells Victor that he will be back at the car. Victor thanks his trusted aide and, as Nico walks off, Victor walks over to Bo and says..... Victor: Hello, son. Bo: Victor. Good to see you. Victor: You as well. Where have you been? Bo: Here and there. Victor: Not much of an answer, son. Bo: All the answer you’re going to get. Victor: Why do you have to be so secretive? Bo: Look whose talking? Must be in the genes. Victor: Good answer. Bo: Besides, you must still be pissed about finding out I was working with the I.S.A. Victor: No more upset then when you did it 20 years ago. And, anyway, we had become very close. I know that those feelings and those times weren’t a lie. And, if I were in your shoes, son, I may have done the very same thing. Bo: Thank you. I appreciate that. But don’t think I’ll tell you what’s been up. Victor: Why won’t you trust me with this, Bo? Maybe I could help. Bo: Victor, this is none of you business, ok? Just leave it alone. Everything doesn’t always need that kind of touch. Victor: Don’t preach that crap to me, ok? All I know is that I have a child out here who is hurting and I want to help. Now why is that a crime? You won’t talk to your lady and your family is crazed with worry about you. Bo: I know that. But don’t preach to me about family. Some family I have. My brother and sister....... (Bo looks at Victor, and pauses) Just........just let me deal with this, ok? And if I need any help....... Victor: (Turning towards him) You come to me, son. Please. Bo: Ok. Deal. But for now....... Victor: For now, you have your space. You take care of yourself, son. Bo: You too...........Dad. It now takes everything Victor has not to let Bo see the tears that are welling up in his eyes. His oldest boy just called him Dad for the first time. Victor now knows that all the time they spent together did have a positive impact on him, even though it was the violent life they both now deal in. As Victor leaves Bo, he gets his phone and makes a phone call. The person who answers asks him....... Hope: Victor, why are you...Did you find him? Victor: Yes. Get down to pier 9. Now. Hope: On my way. As Hope races out of the house, Victor walks the short distance back to his car. When he gets there, he instructs Nico to....... Victor: Don't let Bo out of your sight until Hope gets here, understand? Nico: Understood, sir. Nico races off with several of Victor’s men as they still see Bo standing at the pier. As they position themselves to keep an eye on him, a car races up to the pier and slams on the breaks. Victor looks out his car window to see Hope race off towards the pier and smiles that, maybe, finally, Bo will open up to the one person who has always been there for him. Mind, body and soul. Bo gets ready to leave and, as he turns to walk away, he sees Hope standing there. One tear runs down her face as she slowly walks over to him. She can’t take her eyes of his and his anguished expression is a mix of relief, guilt, and deep sadness. Hope stands in front of him and then hugs him. Her eyes close as the tears flow and Bo returns this hug, resting his cheek against hers. They both just stand there, holding each other, and don’t say one word as the scene fades to black. -Cal and Jed help set up chairs for his wedding to Katherine. As they set the scene, which overlooks a cliff, Jed asks Cal if he is having any second thoughts about this. Cal looks out over the cliff and then at Jed, saying that this just feels right to him. She is one of the first people who has helped him and he just saw a side of her that he knows few see. She is one splendid lady, he tells Jed, and he is honored that she wants to spend her life with him. At her hotel suite, Katherine is readying herself for her big day. She lays out her dress on her bed and then walks to the window, where she sees Cal and Jed in the distance getting things ready. One of the hotel staff members comes in and asks her if everything is ok. She turns and tells the young lady, with a smile, that everything is fine. She just wonders, out loud, if everything is going a little to fast. Back at the cliff, Jed says that he is taking off to get some more things for the event. The men both shake hands as Jed leaves. Jed walks to his truck and starts it up but it ends up backfiring. Katherine looks out the window towards Cal, who barely heard Jed tell him that he is alright. Cal places his left hand on the side of his head, as sudden, powerful memories come rushing back. Everything is a blur, as he slumps down to one knee. Katherine races out her door as Cal remembers..... Telling an older man to “GO TO HELL!!”....... Gunshots all around him........screams of pain........... Jumping in a car and racing off........Kissing an older woman on her cheek and saying, “I Love You”....Shaking another man’s hand.........getting a medal pinned on his chest......... He now slumps to both knees as Katherine races towards him. She grabs him, screaming ........ Katherine: Cal!! Can you hear me?! Are you alright?! She holds him in her arms as he slumps unconscious into her lap. She rocks him back and forth as the scene fades upward before slowly fading to black. -Back at their apartment, Sami sees Lucas getting home from work and tells him what she learned at Will’s school earlier that day. She also tells him what Shane kept from them, which really ticks Lucas off. He says that he thought Shane would have learned something from the last time he pulled this crap. Sami says apparently not. But she wonders how they will handle Will. She then goes and sits on the couch, while Lucas comes to sit next to her. He tells her that all they can do is be there for him. Sami knows that but says that if Alan hurt her baby........to which Lucas cuts her off. He tells her that they will wait to hear what Will has to say about everything and then take it from there. But, he also tells her, if Alan DID harm Will, he’ll do things to him that will make the devil weep in agony. Sami actually smiles at that, knowing that Lucas means every word. She then tells him that he sounds like his grandfather. Lucas takes that as the highest compliment. Grandpa Tom, from what he heard, was always about family. Lucas says he is no different. Just as Sami leans in to pat Lucas’s cheek, Will comes home from school. Both parents jump up and tell Will that they are glad to see him. Will looks at each of them strangely and asks what is going on. Both of them look at each other and then back at Will, before Sami tells him that she talked to his principal today. Will gets upset, saying that she had no right. Lucas tells him that she had every single right and says that he would have done the very same thing. Will starts to walk away but Lucas gets in front of him and stops him. He tells him that Sami found some things out. Sami says yes to this and turns Will around, saying that they need to find out what is going on. She tells him what she found out from his principal and from Shane. This has went on long enough and they love him too much for him to go through this thing alone. So, he is not leaving until he opens up and that’s that. She asks him flat out if Alan did something to him. Will looks at both his parents and sighs very deeply as the scene closes in on his face before slowly fading to black. -At the hospital, Roman arrives to speak with Barbara. She once again tells him that she is still going back and forth between personalities. She then tells him that a new one, Martha, has emerged. This one seems to express remorse for what she has done while under the influence of her other personalities. The doctor knew that would happen. It is a person’s defense mechanism against what they have done. It helps them cope. She is concerned about the Samantha personality. That is the most dominant. When Roman asks her if she will recover from this, the doctor isn’t sure. Roman says she has enough personalities to fill a stadium. He then asks can he see her. The doctor agrees he can briefly and, when he walks into her room, she is in a straight jacket. She turns to look at him and then struggles to break free from her confinement. When Roman tells her that he loves her, she tells him that his precious Marlena is dead. Forever. Samantha is the woman he’ll be dealing with from now on. When Roman takes a step closer, Marlena lashes out, screaming uncontrollably at him and once again trying to break free from her jacket. The doctor ushers Roman out of the room as men rush in to restrain her. She screams that everyone will wish she were dead once she gets out of there and, as Roman watches the orderlies hold her down, he looks at her with a heartbroken expression as the scene, and the show, slowly fade to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Sami (with Lucas) to Will: Please, Will. Don't lie. We can deal with this together. Tell us the truth. Abe to Celeste: Don't die on me. You understand? Lexie to Hector: Time is running out. We can still save then. Please! Steve: If the cloaked one finds out what I am doing...I hate to think about it. Cal to Katherine: Your not having second thoughts are you? It sounds like you want out of this wedding. Hope to Bo: Please!! Come home. Let me in...let me...let all of us help you.
Tishy. You always send answers in and respond so I'm not worried about you. The associate is going to be revealed...keep an eye on the next clip and on this week's episodes.
VENDETTA CLIP #9 The MCF is monitoring happenings around Salem from the surveilance center in the abandoned warehouse office. His or her cell phone rings and the MCF turns on his or her voice changer and answers. MCF: Yes... Mysterious Associate (in low, whispering voice): It's me. MCF: Well, long time no chat. How is the Count and his little girlfriend doing? Mysterious Associate: Tony and Anna are fine and you will be happy to know that all the preparations have been made for the arrival of our newest guests. MCF: Ah, yes. Ms. Deveraux and Ms. Brady...I will be getting in touch with Cassie Dimera soon to get the ball rolling. Mysterious Associate: I am afraid both girls will have to share a cell with our other guest. We don't have much room. That isn't a problem, is it? MCF: No. Just as long as they don't share with Tony and Anna. I fear that would be asking for trouble. I think that arrangement will be fine. So, tell me, where are you? Mysterious Associate: We are in the middle of the Mediterranean somewhere. We will be heading back to Milan once you give me the go ahead. MCF: Yes, I have Steve Johnson watching over Lexie and company. As soon as they arrive in Milan, as I am sure they will given all the Dimera lairs in the area, I will let you know to put the plan in motion. Mysterious Associate: So, do you think that will be soon? Should I start preparing our last available cell? MCF: Yes...do that. It should be very soon. Remember, once you make that stop in Milan, you should begin your journey here to the states. Mysterious Associate: Ok. And you still plan to fly young Abigail and Chelsea out to Milan, right? MCF: Yes. I have made the proper arrangments. They will be put on a cargo plane and I will alert you once they arrive in Milan. I have our people taking care of it and they will bring them to you on the ship. Mysterious Associate: Excelllent. I hate talking in this low voice. MCF: You will be able to stop soon. Not to worry. We just can't have people figuring out our identities yet...I don't want to take any chances. I should've gave you a voice changer as well. Mysterious Associate: It's fine. I must go. Stay in touch as we go along. MCF: I will. Let me know if any problems erupt. The MCF hangs up and laughs. MCF: It's so easy to manipulate people. Once I am done using you for what I must, my esteemed partner in crime, I will toss you to the side like the garbage and failure that you are!! The scene then shifts back to the mysterious associate, who is wearing an expensive pair of cufflinks with his suit like always. He goes to check on Tony and Anna, who are pacing around in their cell. They notice the mysterious associate, who has now covered himself with a black hood, and race to the cell door. Tony: We're not going anywhere so give us some answers, damnit!! Anna: Please. Can you at least tell us what's going on...why you have us here? The mysterious associate remains silent. Tony: I know you aren't in charge. I just get that feeling from you. I know someone is overseeing this and you are somehow aiding him or her. I have a suspicion as to who you are....I recognized your voice quite a few times but couldn't place it. I doubted whether I was right or not but, after much thought, I think I may be right. We're locked in this cell and we are at your mercy so I just don't understand why you can't tell us anything. The mysterious associate is still silent until he says in a low tone: Mysterious Associate: Just so as your told and remain quiet, Mr. Dimera. You don't wany any trouble, beleive me. You will find out what we want you to find out...when we want you to find out. Got it? Now, I bid you good night. The mysterious associate turns around to leave as a frustrated Tony says: Tony: No! I don't "got it!" Tony then grabs the mysterious associate's hood and pulls it down. Anna is shocked and Tony doesn't look surprised. Anna: My...I never knew you personally but I know you from pictures and what I heard. Tony was right. He was right about who you are Tony: I knew it. The voice...so much makes sense now. Now that we know who you are now...why don't you give us the name of your boss... The screen then fades out on Tony's determined face and fades into... WEEK 4 VENDETTA SCORES VENDETTA WEEK FOUR RESULTS!!! 1.) Tishy Comment Score: 10 pts (5 comments) Trivia Score: 11 pts (all correct, only one to submit, half credit for the bonus question) Week Four Total: 21 pts 2.) DH23, daysfan, psychofan, Ryan Chandler, Hoganstays, and Rick Comment Score: 0 pts (0 comments) Trivia Score: 0 pts (nothing submitted) Week Four Total: 0 pts Therefore, after week FOUR, the total standings are as follows: 1.) Tishy (68 pts) 2.) DH23 (48 pts) 3.) psychofan (25 pts) 4.) daysfan (16 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (14 pts) 6.) Rick and Hoganstays (0 pts) DUE TO THE FACT THAT ONLY TISHY DID ANYTHING LAST WEEK , SHE IS THE ONLY GETTING A VENDETTA CLUE THIS WEEK SINCE I CAN'T REWARD CLUES FOR NOT COMMENTS OR TRIVIA ANSWERS. I ALSO NEED GAME PLAYERS' OPINION ON SOMETHING. WOULD IT HELP EVERYONE IF I STARTED PMING THE TRIVIA QUESTIONS TO YOU ON SATURDAY'S? I WILL STILL POST THEM IN THE INSIDER BUT IT JUST SEEMS LIKE PEOPLE ARE FORGETTING THE TRIVIA LATELY AND I HATE TO SEE SO MANY PEOPLE THAT SEEM TO BE OUT OF THE GAME LATELY. IS THERE ANYTHING THAT CAN BE DONE TO BETTER THIS GAME OR MAKE IT EASIER ON PEOPLE? PLEASE LET ME KNOW BECAUSE THERE IS HARDLY ANY COMMENTS AND I ONLY RECIEVED TRIVIA FROM ONE PERSON THIS WEEK. JUST WANT TO SEE IF THERE IS ANYTHING I CAN DO TO MAKE THINGS BETTER. TISHY...YOUR CLUE WILL BE SENT SOMETIME TONIGHT SO CHECK YOUR PM BOX TOMARROW MORNING AND IT SHOULD BE IN THERE. IT MAY BE IN THERE BEFORE THAT SO JUST KEEP CHECKING BUT, TRUST ME, IT WILL BE THERE
-In the Parisian tunnels, Lexie is in the secret room with Hector and her team. They pick themselves up and begin to come to terms with what happened. Lexie opens the secret room door and sees all the destruction left as a result of the explosions Hector set off. Lexie slaps Hector and tells him to look at what he has done. Hector says he did what he had to do and, if her father is upset about him blowing up half of the tunnels, he can always rebuild them like before. Lexie tells Hector that her father would have never allowed this. She tells Hector he is out of line and that he and the team are going out there to search for Abe and her mother. They may need medical attention or even a hospital. Hector laughs and says that there is no way they survived back to back blasts like that. He reminds Lexie they saw them both get crushed by debris and tells her she needs to accept they are gone. Lexie: If my husband and mother are dead, I will make sure that you suffer as much pain as they did! Now...you and the team get out there...NOW!!! MY HUSBAND AND MY MOTHER ARE OUT THERE, DAMNIT!!! Meanwhile, in a supply closet in the tunnels, Steve manages to push the closet door open through the rubble. He is amazed by all the destruction left in the wake of the explosions. He is right outside the secret room door and hears Lexie going off on Hector. Steve realizes that Abe and Celeste must have gotten caught in the blasts. He observes the large wall of debris in front of him and realizes there is nothing he can do...on his own. He will have to get help...even if it blows his cover and gets him in trouble with the boss. Steve turns around and walks through the tunnels, looking for a way to get back to the surface for help. Behind the massive wall of debris and rubble, Abe wakes up and manages to pull a beam and some rocks and rubble off him. Celeste is right under him since he was shielding her. He tries to get her to wake up but his efforts are futile. He then begins to cry out Celeste's name and begs her to wake up. He then realizes she isn't breathing and panics. He tries to control his emotions and tells himself she needs CPR and begins to administer it. -At the Spectator, Hope is with Frankie and Kayla. They are both trying to convince Kayla to reconsider going after Steve. Greta comes out of the media room to join them and says that Jack and Billie are still working. Frankie says good and gets back to Kayla. Hope asks Kayla how she expects to go after Steve without even knowing where he is. Kayla mentions how the MCF instructed Steve to go to Europe on the surveillance video. Frankie points out to Kayla that they have no idea where as they couldn't make out that much on the video. Kayla says she will track him down. Frankie laughs and tells Kayla she is being stupid. He is not going to let her do this as she has no idea where Steve is specifically and would be walking into danger. Greta and Hope both agree with Frankie. Kayla says she doesn't care what anyone says. She is going after Steve. She will find her husband. Meanwhile, in the media room, Jack and Billie are still finished some surveilance tapes. They are still shocked over Alan being in cahoots with the MCF and over the MCF blackmailing Steve. Jack says he just hopes Kayla doesn't go after Steve. That would be stupid and he wouldn't want that. He also hopes Steve is ok. Billie says this mess keeps going from bad to worse. First, Marlena and now, Steve. She tells Jack that these are people they know and that this is serious. Jack agrees. Billie tells Jack that Shane left a message for Roman at the SPD after he looked over the tape with them earlier to let Roman know that the MCF may be going after Lexie in Europe based on what the MCF told Steve. Jack asks Billie if she made sure to tell Shane to stay silent. Billie says he promised to as long as they keep him posted. He will just say that his ISA intel gave him the info. Billie wonders why Lexie is in Europe with a team of Dimera henchmen. Jack isn't sure but says they need to stop sitting around. He thinks they have gotten all they can from the survielance tapes. It's time to move on to something else. Jack thinks it's time to skip over collecting evidence and trying to bust the case open. It's gotten too personal and serious. Jack tells Billie it's time to lay a trap for the MCF. -On the pier, Kate is visibly shaken now that she is face to face with the MCF. MCF (via voice changer): It's ok, Katie girl. I won't bite. Kate: Why are you doing this? What do you want? You have been lurking for months. You shot Roman and Stefano...been torturing people...why? And that voice changer... MCF: I am getting really sick of answering that. I have my reasons. Let's leave it at that. The voice changer is used for obvious reasons. Kate: Why are you helping Nicole? Why do you want to keep that child away from... MCF: I have my reasons. Kate: You did it, didn't you? I overheard Nicole talking about a phone call she had gotten from someone claiming to be responsible for her and Eric finding the baby. You made sure they found Carrie's baby, didn't you? MCF: Sure did. I intercepted the child and made sure he went where I wanted him too. I had a little help but I did most of the work as usual. Kate: Who helped... MCF: Don't even ask because I won't tell. The MCF circles around Kate and stands behind her, gently caressing her neck and cheek. Kate: Why did you come to see me in person? You have only spoken to me on the phone until now. MCF: I didn't plan to meet you. I saw you walking and thought I would say hi. Just trying to be polite. Kate (shaking with tears streaming down her cheeks): My, how considerate. You must be a man. Touching a woman and making her unconfortable...feeling superior and invincible. Trying to force an attraction that just isn't there...you are definitely a man. MCF: Perhaps...but might I be a woman too? Women can be attracted to other women and those legs, Katie girl. Those luscious lips...you are just one vivacious package that any gender would be attracted too in my opinion. Kate: Go to hell!! Leave me alone!! The MCF turns Kate around and then tightly holds her in his or her arms. MCF: Not until I am finished with you!! -Shane is driving in his car, desperate to find Sami and Lucas to tell them that he saw Will with Alan and that Alan is in cahoots with the MCF. He can't get a hold of Lucas but is able to get to get Eric. He asks where Sami is and hears she is at Will's school for a meeting. Shane then makes a beeline for Salem High. -At Salem High, Sami is meeting with Will's principal. Principal Wexler tells Sami that Will's grades are good and that his teachers haven't noticed anything wrong. He is just as quiet as he ever was and still hangs around with the same few friends it seems. Sami says that sounds right. He never had many friends. She tells Principal Wexler that Will had a rough year and he was also disappointed with not making the basketball team. Principal Wexler understands but says there doesn't seem to be anything wrong that has been noted and Will hasn't even been in his office since last May when he got in trouble for a stink bomb. Sami is confused and says she doesn't recall that. Principal Wexler says it happened and he has the report in Will's file. He says that Will's uncle came because he was told that Will's parents were out of town. Sami says that is impossible. Mostly all of Will's uncles were on Morgan Island last May with her and Lucas dealing with a family situation. She asks Principal Wexler what this uncle looked like. Principal Wexler states that he called himself Uncle Eric and he was about 6'1', medium build, dirty blonde hair, and seemed nice and genuine. Sami says that her brother wasn't even in town but admits that description is very close to her brother's. She is confused and wonders what is going on. -Back in the Parison tunnels, Hector tells Lexie that he and the team can't do what she is asking. It's a hopeless mission. No one could've survived two successive blasts like that. Lexie refuses to beleive that and orders Hector to lead the team and to try. Hector refuses, saying he did what was best and that she is wrong in thinking her father wouldn't agree. He reminds Lexie that she didn't care for them anymore anyway...at least not from what Mr. Dimera said. Hector tells her to just let it go. They will have to lie low in the secret room just in case the authorites arrive but, after a day or so, they can move on. Hector returns to the team and Lexie is left alone in her thoughts. He eyes fill with tears as she recalls special moments with Abe and Celeste. She tells herself they can't be gone but looks out at the debris and rubble and breaks down in tears. Lexie: I never wanted this. I treated you both so horribly. Theo...his father and his grandmother...I am so sorry. Hector comes over and closes the secret room's door, telling Lexie to relax and just accept reality. It will help her move on. Lexie snarls at him as he walks away. She then covers her face with her hands as she breaks down in tears again. Meanwhile, Steve arrives with the French police. They ask Steve how he knows about the explosions and what he was doing down there. Steve explains that he heard the explosions and that the explosions opened a secret door on the side of the building. He adds that he could hear what sounded like two people screaming. Steve points to the building and the French police examine the door and see that it leads to the tunnels below Paris. They tell Steve to stay with them as they may have questions for him later. He agrees and says he planned on sticking with them. He wants to make sure those people in there are all right. Steve then follows the police down into the tunnels. Behind the wall of rubble and debris, Abe manages to get a pulse and is releived. He begs Celeste to wake up. Theo needs her. He needs her. He then holds her in his arms as tears well up in his eyes, praying to God that he doesn't lose her. -Back at The Spectator, Billie asks Jack what he is thinking. He says he thinks it's time to pay Marlena a visit. She may be able to tell them where the MCF lurks around or something that may lead to them. Billie doubts it but Jack thinks she may slip up, especially with her personality fluctuations. Billie reluctantly agrees to go along, warning Jack they better not get caught or they will be in alot of trouble. Jack says they are both experienced at undercover work so it should be ok. Billie reminds him of the undercover work they did at the bar and how bad that ended up. Jack says that won't happen again. Jack tells her they need to get going now as it's easier to go undercover with the night shift on. He drags Billie off with him as he exits the room. Meanwhile, Frankie and Hope are still trying to get true to Kayla. Hope tells her to at least wait to see if they get more information first. Greta tells Kayla that might be better then her going to Europe and not knowing where to look. Kayla reluctantly agrees, realizing that sounds sensible. She will wait 24 hours but no longer. She knows her husband needs her and she is going to go after hime. Jack and Billie come out and tell Frankie and Greta that they are off to handle something and that they will update them later as there is no time to waste. Frankie and Greta say ok and wonder what is going on. They yell out to them to be careful. Hope tells Kayla she is doing the right thing. Kayla reiterates she is only waiting 24 hours. No longer. She knows Steve needs her. She can feel it. -Back on the pier, the MCF reminds Kate of his or her words. If she tells anyone about their conversations or of their meeting, he or she will make sure her family is destroyed...or worse. He or she reminds Kate she should want to keep the truth anyway. The paternity of Carrie's baby will cause tension between Lucas and Austin and will force their siblings to take sides. It would be one big mess. Kate realizes it's true but still thinks this is wrong. The MCF doesn't care and tells Kate to do as she is told or face his or her wrath. That is her choice. The MCF then lets go of his or her grip on her and tells Kate to have a nice evening as he or she caresses her cheek. The MCF then leaves as Kate get a chill off her spine. She then breaks down in tears as she wonders how they all got into this mess and how they are all ever going to get out of it. -Sami is leaving Salem High and is racing to her car in the parking lot. She wants to get home to talk to Will and Lucas about her meeting with Principal Wexler as she is still confused and wants answers from Will. Shane's car pulls up and he races out. Sami sees him and asks what he is doing there. Shane says he has something important to tell her. Sami tells Shane she has no interesting speaking to him after the lies he told about Carrie. He exposed her to Alan for months and kept the fact that Alan was back from all of them. Shane apologizes but says this is important and he should've told her before. Sami tries to interupt again but Shane talks over her and says he saw Will with Alan. Sami's face turns pale as she asks him when. Shane says it was the night Carrie went into labor. Will was calling him "Ace" and had said it was nothing. That "Ace" was his friend and nothing more. He admits being suspicious of Alan and attacking him but says nothing seemed wrong. Sami goes off on Shane for not coming forward and for lying again, just like he did about Alan before and about Carrie being with him. Shane apologizes but says there is more. He explains that he just saw video evidence that Alan is working with the MCF. Sami: Wait...the same person who shot my father and Stefano? The same person who has been lurking around Salem and who manipulated my mother into working with him? The person suspected of blowing up my apartment? Shane: Yeah. I just found out tonight. Sami: Oh my God...damnit Shane. You should have told me about seeing Alan with Will sooner. With this latest information, don't you see how dangerous Alan is. You exposed Carrie and Will to him and lied and... Shane: I'm sorry, Sami. I didn't think the Will and Alan thing was big at the time. So much was happening that night with Carrie and all. Nothing seemed wron. It just seemed like Alan was going to use Will to get under your skin or something. Maybe by befriending and getting him to side with him over you...I mean, Alan dropped out of sight shortly after Carrie gave birth. Sami: Excuses...you screwed up again. Bottom line. Wait...Principal Wexler...the description of the person that came when Will got in trouble for the stink bomb. Shane: What are you... Sami: I was told in my meeting that Will got in trouble last May for a stink bomb. Principal Wexler told me that Will's Uncle Eric came to handle the problem. Only thing is...Eric wasn't in town then and we were all on Morgan Island. The description given was that the guy was about 6'1', medium build with dirty blonde hair. Shane: Alan... Sami: Oh my God...that's it. He did something to Will. That is what's going on with my son. That bastard did something. Sami then gets in her car as Shane asks where she is going. Sami: Just stay out of it, Shane. You've done enough to my family. Just stay out of it...stay out of my family's business. Sami then speeds off as Shane looks on, worried about where all this may be leading. While in her car, Sami says: Sami: I have to get home and tell Lucas what I learned. We have to get the truth out of Will once and for all. I just pray that I'm wrong because if Alan hurt my son...I will kill him. And that's a promise. The screen then fades out a determined Sami's face. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Victor to Bo: Long time, no see. Hope to JT: I'm not sure your daddy is ever coming home. Roman to Marlena (with Barbara): I'm not giving up on you. Katherine to Cal: You remembered something...didn't you? Sami (with Lucas) to Will: I want the truth, Will. Please. Did Alan hurt you?
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
daysfan, Just PM me your AIM screenname and be signed in to AIM at 8PM EST. I will then send you and everyone else an invite and all you have to do is accept and you will be in. Hopefully, we get some more people as you are the only one to respond -
ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES... DISASTER BRINGS ABE AND CELESTE TOGETHER.... Clip of Abe holding a lifeless Celeste amongst debris and rubble. Abe: Don't you dare leave me! AND LIGHTS A FIRE UNDER LEXIE!! Lexie to Hector: You send some people in there now!! That is my husband and mother in there!! THEN... Clip of Hope and Bo coming face to face with Victor in the background on the pier. AFTER WEEKS OF BEING APART...BO AND HOPE ARE FACE TO FACE. Hope: Bo!! An emotional Hope runs into Bo's arms. PLUS... Clip of Sami at Will's school with his principal. Sami: What are you talking about? SAMI MAKES A HORRIFYING DISCOVERY... Clip of Shane and Sami talking outside Will's school. Shane: I saw Will with Alan. Sami: Oh my God... [/i] Clip of Sami racing in to her and Lucas' apartment. Lucas: What's wrong? Sami: I know what is going on with Will...it was Alan!!! That bastard did something to him!! THAT LEADS TO A MOMENT OF TRUTH... Sami to Will: Tell us...Will. What did he do to you? AND...IN TWO WEEKS... Clip of Katherine and Carrie in wedding dresses with Cal and Austin putting the finishing touches on their tuxes. THE MAY WEDDINGS BEGIN!!! Katherine: This will be a day I never forget. Carrie: This time it's forever. WILL THERE BE ANY HITCHES? Cal: I can't let anything stand in the way. Austin: I am finally going to marry Carrie...for good this time. IT'S ALL A PART OF...