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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05
-At the abandoned McCluer home, Jack arrives with Billie. Greta and Frankie follow. The home is still a mess from the brutal murders that took place there only a month ago. Billie feels uneasy being back there but Jack insists that they may find something in the home to help them possibly find James. He believes James is the key to breaking the MCF mystery wide open and possibly tracking the MCF down. The four of them search the house. Billie heads upstairs with Jack to search the bedrooms. They rummage through closets and drawers, most of which the police already searched. Billie then finds something behind a dresser. It's a matchbook from a place called "Bullseye." It appears to be a bar. Jack thinks it may be a hangout for James and thinks they should check it out undercover. Billie is skeptical. Jack and Billie go downstairs and share their intentions with Frankie and Greta. Jack thinks Frankie and Greta should continue to search the home and let him know later if they find anything. Billie is still uneasy about going undercover but Jack says he has a plan and races out at Billie rolls her eyes. -At University Hospital, Hope and Alice arrive in Maggie's room and are embraced by Julie and Maggie. They all comfort each other over Marie's death. Alice says that the arrangements are already being made thanks to Hope. Julie tells Alice she will help too. Maggie then asks out loud how much the family can take. First, Mickey. Then, Jennifer. Now, Marie. Doug is in a coma. It's just too much. She looks at Alice and Hope and says that she knows they know the truth about the fire and that it was her fault. Julie looks on, worried. She tells Maggie not to blame herself. She was upset over Victor and there was nothing she could've done. Her mind was elsewhere so it would've been hard to hear someone else in the restaurant. Maggie looks at Julie and asks what she is doiing. Julie whispers in Maggie's ear and reminds her of what she said earlier...don't say anything about the fire yet. Maggie understands and agrees but knows that the truth will come out soon enough. Alice and Hope assure Maggie they don't blame her for anything and know that she would never go so far over the edge that she would start a fire like that. They don't think she did anything at all and they are happy she is ok. Maggie feels guilty and looks at an even guiltier Julie. -Chelsea arrives at Max's garage and finds him in his office alone. Max tells Chelsea he doesn't feel like company but Chelsea says she heard about what happened with him and Abby. She admits she is shocked that even after Cassie's lies were exposed, Abby and him didn't get back together. Max says he isn't. He treated her horrible. He knows her and he should've never even considered that she could do something that horrible. Max admits to Chelsea he thinks it's hopeless. He has no clue what he can do. Chelsea tells him not to look at her. Abby didn't even want to talk to her. She advises Max to give her time and says she will try talking with Abby. Hopefully, she will come around. She is being released today so maybe that will help. Max is happy she is being released and thank Chelsea for the help but thinks it won't make a difference. Abby and him appear to be through. Chelsea puts her arm around him and comforts him, feeling horrible about the role she played in all this. -Back at the Hospital, Cassie enters Stefano's room. She tells him how much she misses him and how much she needs him right now. She fills him in on what has happened in her life with losing the baby, trying to break up Max and Abby, and her lies being exposed. She knows he would not be happy about some of what she did as he only wanted her involved with Max to further his plans. She wishes he were here to help her but knows he would want her to act like a Dimera and a Dimera would seek out revenge. A Dimera never loses and she vows not to lose. She tells her grandfather that she will find out how called Chelsea and, therefore, exposed her lies and she will see Max and Abby pay. She assures him she is done going after Max and that she wants revenge. She will get to work on that now but promises him that she will be right by his side when he awakens so they can stand together against Max and Abby, as well as all the Dimera family enemies. She kisses him and begs him to get better and come back to them. -Cal and Katherine are in bed, kissing, at their cabin in the mountains. Katherine admits to Cal how wodnerful there time together has been but asks if he is sure he doesn't want to go back to hynosis and therapy sessions. Cal says he is sure. He is leaving his past in the past and wants to start anew with her. Katherine asks Cal that there is something she wants to talk to him about. She says they have grown alot closer in recent weeks but she wants to know where they are headed. Cal wonders why she would ask that. Katherine insists she loves him and is happy to be with him but wonders if they are moving too fast or if there is going to move further forward. Cal understands and thinks they should just keep spending time together and see where things end up. Katherine appears frustrated, which Cal picks up on. He tries to make her feel better by kissing her. Katherine admits that she feels they have alot to discuss. Cal says he knows but right now he only wants to kiss her and make love to her. They then kiss and begin to make love. -Back at the hospital, Hope wheels Abby into Maggie's room and announces she has been officially released. Abby says it feels good to be going home and continuing her physical therapy there. Alice reminds her to have faith and everything will work out in the end. Abby says maybe but she can't help but wonder. Between being paralyzed and her heart being broken, she isn't too optimistic. She then tells everyone that she wants to be there for them. The family is going through such a rough time and they don't need her dumping on them. She is being selfish. Hope says it's alright and tells her not to worry. They will all get through this together. Just like they always do. Alice agrees and says that the Horton's always overcome whatever is thrown at them and this time will be no different. Alice, Hope, Julie, Abby, and Maggie all embrace in a group hug. -Back at the McCluer home, Frankie and Greta continue their search. Greta hopes Jack and Billie are successful and that they are careful. Frankie reminds Greta they both have experience in things like this. They will be fine. Greta just hopes this investigation will be successful and that no one else, including themselves, gets hurt. They then hear a noise, prompting s frightened Greta to jump into Frankie's arms. They share a close moment. Greta pulls away and says she feels silly for being so jumpy. Frankie says it was fine and he didn't mind it. Greta then mentions there is something on her mind. She wonders what Frankie thinks of their relationship and asks if he feels there is something more developing between them then being friends. Frankie stays silent, contemplating what Greta just asked him. -A disguised Jack and Billie arrive at "Bullseye Bar" on the east side of Salem. Jack is wearing a long-haired, dark blark wig and is dressed in a leather jacket and jeans. He also is wearing a faux beard. Billie is wearing a long-haired blond wig and is dressed in a silver halter top and a short black mini-skirt. She is also wearing lots of eyeshadow and makeup to cover her face. Billie: I can't beleive you talked me into this. Jack: We have to do what we have to do. Billie (Hits Jack): Yeah, well, your not the one showing more cleavage then Dolly Parton. Jack then suggests they act like a couple and make small talk with the bartender and patrons to be convincing. Billie agrees. They walk over to the bar and the bartender mentions never seeing them there before. Jack says that he and his girl are new to Salem and this was the first place they came across. The bartender asks what they are drinking and gets them their drinks. Bartender: So, you two hot for each other? Billie: Us?! Jack: Oh, come now, sugarlips. Don't act so surprised. Yeah. I have had many girls but this honey here is my favorite. Bartender: Oh, so this is your bitch, right? Jack: Right! This is my whore. Billie (spits out drink and looks at Jack): Yeah...and (pointing at Jack) this is my pimp. Jack (looking at Billie): Yep. Bartender: So, you two going to be regulars around here now. I could use the business. Things have been slow and I am always looking for new blood. Jack: Maybe. Depends on good the experience here. Bartender: Well, I'm Jed. Yell if you need anything. What do you two call yourselves? I like to be on a first name basis with my customers. Makes them feel at home, in a way. Jack: Uh...uh...my girl here is Dena....Dena Higley. I'm....Tom. Tom Langan. Bartender: Hmm...never would have thought you two were a Dena and a Tom but whatever. I mean, I assume your girl here gets paid by the hour. Usually, girls like that have names like...uh...Willow. Well, let me know if you need me. Bartender leaves. Billie: What kind of names are those? Jack: Sorry. I had to think fast. Tom Langan was the name of this marketer I met once. That guy was obsessed with the young demographics, boy. His obsessions with teenagers was kind of creepy. Dena Higley was a writer from one of my favorite shows and boy did she ever trash the show. Little did I know the writer that returned after her would be worst. Man, that writer had an obsession with killing my favorite character over and over and bringing him back. It was horrible. Then, he kept forcing triangle after triangle... Billie: Jack!!! Jack: Sorry. You asked where I got the names from so I... Billie: Jack look!! (turns Jack around to see James on the other end of the bar) Jack: Well, looks like we hit pay dirt, Dena. What do you say we go in for the kill? Billie: I say...let's do it. The screen then fades out on Jack and Billie watching James at the bar. On the Next Salem Lives... Will to Sami: How did you get over it? How did you get over your rape? Lucas to Kate: It's done. You can't stop it, mom. Kayla to Steve: I am here with you. Every step of the way. Nicole: Finally! I am going to have everything I want. James to Billie: You look familiar.
-At the Brady Pub, an angry Kayla is still in shock upon hearing about Bo's molestation and Kim and Roman hiding the truth for all these years. Kayla lashes out at them and asks both Roman and Kim why they would do such a thing. A crying Kim insists that they were merely trying to protect Bo. He had blocked it out and he was so traumatized that they thought it was best since mom and pop had enough problems. Roman agrees and tells Kayla they were doing what they thought best. Kayla disagrees and says that by doing what they did they let all the pain, anger, and hurt fester in Bo and now there is no telling what he might do. They made a bad situation worse and now more people will suffer for it. Shane tries to calm Kayla down but Kayla tells him she heard about how he lied about Carrie's whereabouts and isn't too happy with him either. Shane backs off and tries to calm Kimberly. Kim and Roman beg Kayla to understand and to forgive them. Kayla says she isn't sure if she can ever forget this or forgive it. She knows that Bo may never. Kayla asks Caroline if she is ok. Caroline says she is handling this as best she can. Kayla realizes her and Steve have to go for his appointment with Dr. Barbara Harris so she says goodbye to Caroline and tells her to call if she needs her or if she has news on Bo. Kayla looks at Roman and Kim on the way out coldly. Roman tries to reach out to her but Kayla rebuffs him and pulls her arm away. She tells Roman not right now and leaves with Steve as Roman stands silent and Shane comforts a crying Kim. -At the hospital, Julie is visiting Doug and is feeling guilty about how she convinced Victor to return to Salem behind Doug's back and now how she is covering up for Maggie setting the fire. She feels horrible but feels she has to protect her family and Maggie is her aunt. She also knows how upset Doug would be if he ever found any of this out. Meanwhile, Victor is with a sleeping Maggie, vowing to protect her. Maggie then slowly opens her eyes and asks why Victor is there. She reminds him that she doesn't want to see him. Victor apologizes. Maggie orders him to leave. Victor gets up and apologizes again, saying he didn't want to upset her. He does truly care about her and he hopes she knows that. Maggie orders him out again and he finally leaves. Outside, Victor looks in at her, clearly upset by how angry Maggie is with him. He walks away. He bumps into Julie outside of Maggie's room and informs her that Maggie threw him out. Julie admits that she can't say she blames Maggie. Victor tells Julie to make sure Maggie keeps her mouth shut about the fire until they can find a way of convincing her that she had no role in it and that Marlena did. Julie agrees to do her best. Victor is pleased and says he will be in touch and leaves as Julie goes in to see Maggie. Victor then passes by Stefano's room and bumps into Lexie leaving Stefano. Victor asks how Stefano is and she says the same. She tells Victor she is glad to see him because she has a favor to ask him. -At the Horton House, Hope comforts a devestated Alice. Both women are crying their eyes out in each other's arms in the aftermath of hearing about Marie's death on top of everything else they are going through. Hope tells her gran that everything will be ok. Alice says they need to inform the rest of the family. Hope promises to help her do that and to make funeral arrangements as she embraces her once more, telling Alice she is there for her. -At the Carver house, Abe asks Celeste if she is all finished packing. She says she is. Abe informs her that he has put a tail on Lexie and they will know where she is when they touch down. It seems she is landing in Paris. He is just worried a Dimera henchmen will catch on to them having a tail on Lexie. Celeste is hopeful that won't be the case. Later, she brings Theo downstairs and both Abe and Celeste say goodbye to him. Abe tells Theo he will be staying with the Franklins next door and they are nice people. He also tells Theo he is doing this to save his mommy and also to protect him and their family, as well as all those they care about. Celeste smiles at this scene. Abe realizes they must go and collects the luggage and Theo's things, telling Celeste they will just walk Theo next door and be on their way. Celeste reminds Abe that there is no telling the danger that they may face. Abe understands and says he is prepared. This is a shot they have to take to bring down the Dimera's and save Lexie. They then leave the house with Theo. -Back at the hospital, Victor asks Lexie what the favor is. Lexie fills Victor in on her trip to Europe and says that she needs Victor to make sure her father is looked after. She needs some of his men to guard her father. She also tells him to find out from her father when he wakes up what the MCF said to him and to call her with the information as it may be useful in some way to her. Victor doesn't like all this and says that Stefano wouldn't either. Lexie explains she needs to do this for her father. The MCF shot him and has something he wants and it could very well be Tony. Victor thinks it's too dangerous and says he can send his men but Lexie insists she do it with her father's people. Victor realizes there is no dissuading Lexie and agrees to her request...just as long as she updates him on her findings as he and her father are in an alliance on this along with Roman and the police. Lexie agrees and also asks Victor not to tell her father what she is up to when he wakes up. Victor agrees and wishes her luck...she will need it. Lexie says she knows. -Julie is with Maggie in her room, reminding her not to say a word about the fire yet. Maggie blames herself and says she knows she started out. Julie insists she doesn't know for sure and tells her to remain silent. The police aren't going to question any of them until things quiet down as their family is so well-respected the police have agreed to back off for now. The phone in Maggie's room rings and Julie answers. It's Hope, with Alice, and she tells Julie she has bad news. Hope tells her about Marie's death and Julie is heartbroken. Maggie asks what is wrong. Julie hates to tell her with everything going on but informs her of Marie's death. Maggie breaks down, asking how much can their family take. Hope says her and Alice are on their way over. Julie says ok and hangs up, She then turns to Maggie and the two embrace and break down in tears upon hearing this news coupled with everything else they are dealing with. -Back at the Pub, Kim wonders if Kayla or Bo will ever forgive her or Roman. Roman thinks all they need is time. Caroline isn't so sure and says she feels like there have been too many lies. Her affair with Victor and Shawn Sr's death, Roman and Bo's undercover operation and lies, and now Roman and Kim lying about Bo. it may be too much and there family may never be the same. This may have been the final straw. Caroline goes into the kitchen as Shane comforts an upset Kim and Roman contemplates Caroline's words. Outside the Pub, Steve tells Kayla he is nervous about this appointment. Kayla promises him she will be right there with him and they will get to the bottom of his memory lapses. They will get their life back. He hopes she's right. They both leave...not seeing someone watching from the shadows... IT'S THE MCF!! MCF (via voice changer): You will find out what you want to know when I say you do, Kayla and Steve. I still have much more planned for both of you. The MCF then laughs and walks off in the same direction as Steve and Kayla as the screen fades out. On the Next Salem Lives... Alice to Abby: You will come out of this alot stronger. Just like we all we will come out of this heartache alot stronger. Max to Chelsea: What am I going to do? Cassie to Stefano: I need you help, grandfather. Maggie to Hope and Alice: I know that you know the truth. About the fire. (Julie looks on, worried) Cal to Katherine: I feel we have reached a crossroads and I need to know what happens now. Jack to Billie, Greta, and Frankie: This may be the break we need.
***NOTE: THIS IS THE SAME AS THE SNEAK PREVIEW VENDETTA CLIP. IT HAS A FEW THINGS ADDED BUT ALSO GIVES GAME PLAYERS AND READERS SOME CLUES AS TO THE MCF'S PLAN AND POSSIBLE IDENTITY SO REUSING IT AS THE FIRST CLIP IS A GOOD IDEA TO START THINGS EASY. THE VENDETTA GAME IS UNDERWAY!!!*** The MCF is in a wooded area, talking to his/her associate via cell phone. MCF (with voice changer): You understand your instructions, right? Associate: Yes. Our prisoners are doing just fine at the moment. MCF: Excellent. The time has come to put the big parts of the plan in motion. Everything up until now has been child's play. Blowing up Samantha Brady's apartment, shooting Roman Brady, giving out Bo Brady and Victor Kiriakis's whereabouts...no more of that. Associate: Why did you do all that anyway if it accomplished very little? MCF: Oh, it accomplished alot. I struck the fear of God into all of Salem and my enemies. They needed to feel my presence and now that they have, the game can begin. Associate: So, that is why you had Alan Harris pull Samantha away before the bomb went off. You didn't want her to die. MCF: Oh, but I did. Same goes for Roman, Bo, and Victor. If any of them died, it would've been a bonus. Sadly, none of them did but I am pleased in a way. My plans are now on a larger scale. No more thinking small. It's time to destroy my enemies all in one swoop. We must set the stage for what will be a grand event that will rock Salem to it's core. My enemies and all who associate with them won't know what hit them. The MCF laughs as the scene shifts to Tony and Anna, still imprisoned in the cell that the MCF's associate is monitoring. Tony and Anna are now awake and are trying to look outside the cell to see what is going on. Anna: Who do you think did this? Tony: I don't know. I have been trying to figure it out for some time. Everyone around here wears masks. If I didn't know any better, I would think... Anna: It was Stefano. Tony: He wouldn't do this. This is someone else. Whoever they are, they have alot of minions. I just don't know why they want you. Anna: Well, why do you think they want you? Tony: Well, possibly because of who I am. Anna: You think someone wants revenge on you or Stefano? Tony: There is no telling. All I know is I have this feeling...this feeling that whoever is behind this isn't playing around. They mean business and somehow we play a big role in whatever he or she is planning. Anna: I'm scared, Tony. Tony takes Anna in his arms. Tony: I know. We will find out what is going on. We will help each other through this. The scene shifts to The Spectator where Jack, Billie, Greta, and Frankie are hard at work researching James McCluer in hopes of finding clues to his whereabouts. Jack: I feel like McCluer is the key. We know he is in league with the cloaked one and we know he probably did this for his family. Billie: And is probably in so deep now he can't get out. Frankie: Either that or this cloaked person is manipulating him. I mean, he is probably distraught over his family's death and this the cloaked person may be using that to his or her advantage as a way of getting James to do what they want. Greta: Are we sure that James didn't kill his family? I mean, do we know if he is as good as we think? Jack: From what JJ and Angel told Billie and I...I don't see this man killing his family in a bloodbath. I think James is are only shot of tracking this cloaked one down. I mean, it's hard to pick up on his or her movements. Billie: You know what they say...you can't stop what you can't catch. What about Marlena? This cloaked figure obviously hung her out to dry and we know she was involved with him or her. Frankie: Yeah but Marlena is not in the state of mind to give us anything worthwhile right now. Besides, no one can visit her and she probably wouldn't give this person up anyway. She is probably hoping the cloaked one or someone that works for him or her will come for her. Greta: Do we know for sure if Marlena set that fire at Chez Rouge? Billie: It looks that way but she hasn't actually confessed. I think she did though. Abe got a call from someone with the same mechanized voice as the person that called him to tip him off to Victor and Bo's whereabouts tow months ago. It was probably the cloaked figure and he or she was probably ticked off at Marlena. Maybe he or she didn't want the fire set and Marlena acted against his or her orders. Whatever the case, it's pretty clear the cloaked figure turned her in for some reason. Jack: Yeah...well, let's keep working. Hopefully, we can come up with something to find James. God knows if we don't stop this cloaked nutjob before he or she strike again...there is no telling what they will do next. The scene then shifts back to the MCF. The MCF is in a warehouse district and enters a warehouse. He or she goes all the way to the back of the abandoned building to an office. The MCF opens the doors and turns on the lights. The MCF goes over to the desk and opens one of the drawers, revealing listening devices, bugs, and other spy gadgets. The MCF then gets up and opens a closet near to the desk, revealing a shrine featuring pictures of many Salemites. The camera pans over all the pictures. We see pictures of Roman, Sami, Lucas, Will, Carrie, Austin, Eric, Nicole, Steve, Kayla, Bo, Victor, Caroline, Maggie, Marlena, Shane, Kimberly, Hope, Belle, Philip, Abe, Lexie, Stefano, Tony, Anna, Jack, Billie, Max, Abby, Cassie, Chelsea, Cal, Doug, and Julie. We then see in the center of all the pictures the word... REVENGE. The MCF points towards the pictures and laughs, saying: MCF: Soon, dear friends. Revenge will be achieved. The game has begun...a game you all will, unfortunately, lose. The MCF laughs sadistically as the screen fades out to... Here is the list of VENDETTA Game Players so far: Rick Hoganstays DH23 Tishy Ryan Chandler psychofan daysfan I have PM's out to some more people and new players are being accepted until Thursday, when the second clip will be posted. Please PM me by then and you will be added to the list. Thursday is the latest to join so spread the word and get more people involved. I know there are some out there still interested so get back to me please. The game is underway. ENJOY!!
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
MCF: APPEARANCE LIST This is to help fans follow the trail of the MCF from his/her very first appearance and will be especially helpful to those who participate in the VENDETTA game beginning on March 21. There is links to every episode the MCF appeared in so click on the link and find the MCF in the episode. It will help provide clues to the mystery and will be updated each time the MCF appears from now on. Remember you have until March 11 to join the VENDETTA game. For more info on VENDETTA and the game, check out the VENDETTA category on the right side of the blog or the SALEM LIVES: VENDETTA thread in the SONBC forums on the main boards. Keep an eye out for more info on VENDETTA in the specifed locations mentioned above and don't forget to check out the special VENDETTA preview clip posted beneath this list. Keep in mind that all VENDETTA related posts will be posted on the main page of the blog first before being moved to the VENDETTA category to the right side of the page. You can find the sneak preview clip there as well as all other VENDETTA INFO AND POSTS. HAVE FUN!!! APPEARANCE #1: 10/30/06 APPEARANCE #2: 11/3/06 APPEARANCE #3: 11/10/06 APPEARANCE #4: 11/22/06 APPEARANCE #5: 12/6/06 APPEARANCE #6: 12/28/06 APPEARANCE #7: 12/29/06 APPEARANCE #8: 1/3/07 APPEARANCE #9 (IN CAMERA FOOTAGE): 1/4/07 APPEARANCE #10: 1/12/07 APPEARANCE #11: 1/18/07 APPEARANCE #12: 1/24/07 APPEARANCE #13: 2/2/07 APPEARANCE #14: 2/5/07 APPEARANCE #15: 2/8/07 APPEARANCE #16: 2/9/07 APPEARANCE #17: 2/15/07 APPEARANCE #18: 2/20/07 APPEARANCE #19: 2/21/07 APPEARANCE #20: 2/22/07 APPEARANCE #21: 2/23/07 APPEARANCE #22: 2/26/07 APPEARANCE #23: 2/27/07 APPEARANCE #24: 2/28/07 APPERANCE #25: 3/1/07 (VENDETTA BEGINS) APPEARANCE #26: 3/5/07 APPEARANCE #27: 3/6/07 APPERANCE #28: 3/7/07 APPEARANCE #29: 3/8/07 APPEARANCE #30: 3/9/07 APPEARANCE #31: 3/12/07 APPEARANCE #32: 3/16/07 -
-At the Brady Pub, Kim is with Caroline, begging her not to tell Kayla about Bo's molestation and her and Roman keeping it a secret. Caroline tells Kim it must be done. Kim notices that Caroline is still mad at her. Caroline reminds Kim that she has a right to be mad at her after what her and Roman did. Shane then arrives and Kim admits she is happy to see him. Caroline gives him the cold shoulder when he says hello to her. Kim asks Caroline if she is still mad about Shane lying concerning Carrie's whereabouts. Caroline says of course she is still mad. Carrie was left alone with Alan for months and she doesn't buy for a minute that Alan has changed. Carrie's baby ended up "dead." She has a right to be mad at him too. Kim asks Caroline if she is ever going to forgive her, Roman, or Shane. Just as Caroline is about the respond. Kayla walks in with Steve. Kim and Shane embrace and greet Steve and Kayla, happy to see them home and well. They talk about the fire at Chez Rouge and Kayla says all is well with them but Doug and Maggie need their prayers. Shane asks Steve about his condition and Kayla and him fill everyone in on his laspes of memory. Steve mentions he has an appointment with Dr. Barbara Harris this afternoon. Kim tells Steve that is good and that it will all come back to him eventually. Kayla tells Caroline she is there to hear what Caroline wanted to tell her. Kim looks at Caroline and then turns to Shane. Shane smiles and says he is there for her, just like she is there for him. They will get through this together. -At the Horton House, Hope is with Alice and asks if she needs anything. Alice says she is fine and asks how she is. Hope breaks down in tears. She is worried about Bo since he is still missing and her father being in a coma is just too much. She needs him and she needs Bo. Alice tells her to have faith. She did see Bo at the bar last night and she made the right decision leaving to help rescue her father. Bo is still around and he will come back to her or they will find him. Hope thanks Alice for always knowing what to say. They hold hands and say a prayer together in hopes for everything to work out. -At University Hospital, Victor and Julie discuss their plan to protect Maggie by pinning the fire on Marlena. Julie says they can start by making sure no on reads Maggie's medical chart, which has her blood alcohol level on it. Rich walks by and Victor goes over to him with Julie, telling Rich they need to talk about a great matter of concern. Meanwhile, in the hospital psych ward, Roman is holding a crying Marlena, grateful that he has finally reached the REAL Marlena. Marlena tells Roman she is so glad to be back with him. Roman promises her that he will stand by her and that they will help her. They will make her all better. Marlena then pulls away. She gives Roman a cold and evil look before pushing him away with her body. She continues to scream and push him away with her body, despite the straightjacket she is in, saying: Marlena: I DON'T NEED HELP!!! I DON'T NEED YOU!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!! GET OUT OF HERE!! Roman: Doc...I love you. Where did you go? Where is the real Marlena? Marlena: I AM NOT MARLENA!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! I AM SAMANTHA!!! SAMANTHA!! Roman looks on stunned. Barbara comes in with an orderly upon hearing the screams and orders Roman out. The orderly restrains Marlena. Barbara asks Roman what happened and he fills her in on finally reaching the real Marlena and then her snapping and calling herself her dead sister's name "Samantha." Barbara explains to Roman that Marlena's alters fluctuate and that her "Samantha" personality is her dark, evil, dangerous side. The other personality that they know about, "Marcy," is more of a wild, sexy, playful side. That side is still trouble but not really too dangerous and out of control. She expects a more calm, subdued personality to develop eventually as well, since that usually happens in cases like this. Roman asks if Barbara can help her. She says she will try her best but no more visitors for the time being. She tells Roman to tell the rest of the family that before going back inside Marlena's padded cell. Roman looks in and sees Barbara and the orderly trying to calm a screaming Marlena down. A single tear drops down Roman's face as he walks away as Marlena's screams for them to "LET HER GO!" can be heard. Elsewhere, in the hospital, Lexie arrives to visit a comatose Stefano. She is unaware that Celeste has been trailing her. Lexie tells Stefano that she has been working with people in his organization and has determined she is going to Europe with a team of his men to find Tony or clues that may help them learn if the MCF has Tony or not. She tells Stefano that she will learn what the MCF has that he wants and she will make the MCF pay for shooting him. She kisses him and says a loving goodbye to him, asking him to wish her luck. Meanwhile, Celeste is listening and calls Abe. Abe soon arrives and asks what she is doing. Celeste explains that Lexie is going to Europe and they need to follow her. Abe is fine with that if they are going to put their plans into action to destroy the Dimera's to prevent their hold over Lexie. Celeste also tells Abe he will need to put a tail on Lexie so they know where she is when they get to Europe. He says he will get on that and will book a flight. Celeste tells Abe she really hopes this works. This is the only way to end the Dimera reign and end their hold over Lexie. Tony was always trying to change the face of the Dimera's and finding him could be the key to doing all that. Abe says that this may in some way play into the MCF mystery as Lexie is doing this for Stefano and something the MCF told hin before the shooting. Abe and Celeste are both hopeful. Abe leaves to make the arrangements as Celeste watches Lexie with Stefano, vowing to save her daughter from his clutches. -At the Pub, Caroline explains to Kayla how hard this is. Kayla takes her hand and tells her to just say it. Caroline finally lets it out and explains how Bo was molested by Uncle Eric as a child. Kayla is shocked and says she can't beleive he got to Bo and Kim all those years ago. Caroline explains that it happened while her and Shawn Sr were away. Kayla is horrified. Caroline explains that Bo was so traumatized he blocked it out and began to remember it after being shot in Sydney. Kayla realizes that was why Bo was going into those violent states in the warehouse with Hope and at the hospital. Caroline adds that Bo remembered in hynosis and lashed out afterwards and is now pushing everyone, including Hope away. Kayla says they need to find him and Caroline agrees but admits Bo is in such a bad state...she is almost afraid of what they will find. Kayla asks if Roman has men out looking for Bo. Caroline says he does and adds that she has more to tell her. Kayla asks what more could there be. Caroline says that two people knew all these years about Bo and what happened to him but stayed silent. They wanted to protect him and since he blocked it out let it go in hopes he would never remember. They didn't want to burden her or Shawn Sr. Kayla asks who would possibly know and hide that from all of them for all these years, even if they had good intentions. Meanwhile, Kim begins to shake and tears stream down her face in response to the impending reaction from Kayla. Shane comforts her and says he is there and it's alright. Caroline looks at Kim and then at Kayla and says that it was her brother and sister. Roman and Kim knew all those years and never told anyone. Kayla is shocked and looks at a crying Kim, just as Roman enters the Pub. Caroline, Steve, Shane, Kim, and Kayla all turn towards Roman. Roman looks at Kim, Caroline, and Kayla and realizes what has happened. Kayla looks at Kim and Roman and says: Kayla: How could you? How could you do this to Bo? How could you keep this from us? Shane comforts Kim as Roman remains silent and looks into an angry and horrified Kayla's eyes. -Back at the hospital, Rich asks what Victor and Julie are concerned about. Victor explains that it appears that Marlena is the person behind the fire at Chez Rouge and they are concerned that someone will get a hold of Maggie's blood alcohol level and suggest that she had a role in it. Julie adds that her family is worried about bad publicity for them and for Maggie if word gets out she was drunk last night. Rich assures them there is nothing to worry about. Medical records are confidential and if Marlena is the arsonist then they have nothing to worry about. The police are already probably proving it or getting a confession. Rich leaves as Victor tells Julie he isn't leaving things to change. Julie figures out he is going to have someone change Maggie't chart. Victor nods and tells Julie that there is something she needs to do. When the police question her, she is to say that Marlena was at the scene when she arrives at Chez Rouge. She is to say that she saw Marlena leave out the back right before the fire. He adds that they will have to somehow convince Maggie to go along with this and say that she heard a noise and that someone could've been inside the restaurant with her. Julie says she doesn't like lying, especially in this case with lying to the police. It's breaking the law. Victor reminds her they are doing this for Maggie. To protect her. He reminds her of Doug and her family. This is for them too. Julie understands and says she is doing what she has to do. Victor tells her he will be in touch and leaves. Later, Julie goes to visit a comatose Doug and tells him she is sorry for everything she has done and everything she is going to do. She begs him to come back to her. She needs him. She then breaks down as she lies near him. Meanwhile, Victor visits a sleeping Maggie and vows to protect her and do whatever it takes to help her. He cares too much to see her suffer because of him. He then cresses her cheek and kisses her hand lovingly. -Back at the Horton House, Hope goes to the kitchen to get more tea. The phone rings and Alice picks up the cordless and says hello. Hope is getting the tea when she hears Alice scream "No!! I can't be true!" Hope races back in the room to find Alice upset, tears welling in her eyes. Alice tells the person on the other end of the phone call if they are sure. She then says ok and that she will call them later and hangs up. Hope asks what is wrong and if she is ok. Alice: That was...something terrible has happened Hope. Hope: What is it Gran? More bad news? How much more can we take? Alice: It's...Marie. She's left us...she's passed. Hope: You mean...Marie died? Alice: Yes...yes she... Alice then breaks down as Hope takes her in her arms, cries right along with her, and comforts her as the screen fades out. On the Next Salem Lives... Abe to Celeste: There is no telling the danger we may be getting into. Lexie to Victor: I need a favor. Hope to Alice: It's going to be ok Gran. (Hope hugs Alice) Julie to Doug: If you ever found out what I did and what I am going to do...you and me would be through. Maggie to Victor: I don't want you here. Leave! Caroline to Kim and Roman: Are family will never be the same again. Kayla to Steve: We will get to the bottom of this. I promise you.
***ALL INTERESTED POSTERS AND READERS PLEASE READ THIS!!! MAJOR CHANGES TO THE VENDETTA GAME ARE NOTED WITH ASTERISKS AND ARE IN RED!!!*** On Thursday March 1, Salem Lives unveiled it's biggest event to date: SALEM LIVES: VENDETTA. This interactive fan event is pulling readers into Salem's biggest mystery yet. A category titled "VENDETTA" has been created on the right side of the blog. Entries will begin to be posted in that category in the weeks leading to VENDETTA to keep readers and fans well-informed of what is to come. There will also be a short post made on the main page of the Salem Lives blog to inform readers of there being a new entry in the VENDETTA area of the blog so they can go check it out. This process has already begun with the sneak preview VENDETTA clip that was posted on March 1 and the MCF appearances list, which has also been posted. As far as the story purposes behind VENDETTA, check out the VENDETTA page of the blog for info on that when it comes available. I can tell you that the story has been happening for quite sometime as the Mysterious Cloaked Figure (MCF) has been lurking around Salem since early Fall. Only now we are building to the real story, which is finding out this person's plan and what the residents of Salem will be up against. In the weeks to come, fans will be seeing the buildup to all this. Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta are at the heart of the action as the four of them team up to piece together this mystery as the police and ISA are having a hard time figuring out what this cloaked figure is all about. The readers will be taken on a journey with these four characters and the police and they will help investigate the mystery on their own. How will the fans be a part of this? Well, it's up to them. Readers will be given the opportunity to get involved in the story in a way never done before. Readers will be given the chance to play the VENDETTA GAME. The official VENDETTA event began on March 1 with a post recapping all the MCF's appearances thus far and citing the actual episode dates so now readers are able go back and look at them for clues. There is also a VENDETTA SNEAK PREVIEW clip posted for clues and to setup this event. Readers can PM me (Phoenix) or comment in the blog whether or not they want to participate in the official VENDETTA GAME. The deadline to inform me of the your participation isMarch 20 as the game is starting on Tuesday March 20. The game has similarities to Passions' online VENDETTA event from last year. Every Tuesday and Thursday a short scene will be posted. The scene will have to do with the MCF or Jack, Billie, Greta, Frankie, or the Salem Police or ISA investigating the MCF. It will be like cutting a small piece off a full episode and posting it separate from a full episode. These short scenes are very much like the clips from the Passions online events and will show the characters working through the mystery and this will help readers gain clues and hints to the MCF mystery. Some of these scenes may also contain the MCF committing certain acts. The first scene in conjunction with the game will be posted Tuesday March 20, the first day of the game. However, the VENDETTA event officially was underway on March 1 so there was a special short scene posted to officially begin VENDETTA, as previously mentioned. The idea is to look back at the appearances, read the short scenes, and keep up with reading the normal episodes to collect clues. The reason doing all that is important is where the main part of the game comes in. ***Due to the fact that many are busy and the original way of doing this game was very time-consuming for all involved, the game has been changed. Ten players is the limit for this gane so please do let me know ASAP. The way the game will be played now is those readers who choose to participate in the game will have to comment as much as they can in the blog. The more a reader comments, the better. Why? Well, the reason is simple. The 5 top commenters during a period of Sunday-Saturday will get the upper hand in recieving clues to the MCF's identity and plan. They will also recieve points. The top commenter gets 5 points, the second 4, the third 3, the fourth 2, and the fifth 1. There will also be an opportunity to answer 3-5 trivia questions every week as a way of getting bonus points to help game players catch up to the pack and maybe even move up in the standings. The questions will be based on the Salem Lives episodes from the week that just ended and will be posted every Saturday night in the SL INSIDER. The answers will be due every Tuesday as that is the day the first short scene of the week is posted. The game players will be judged on correct answers and how fast they PM me the answers. The game player with the most correct answers and who submitted in the quickest time will be given additional points to add to their overall score. The highest amount of points possible are 10 points so the winner of the trivia challenge for the week will get the ten points and since there are ten players the 9th place finisher in the challenge will get 9 points, the 8th place player will get 8, and so on. Right before the next Tuesday clip is revealed, I will post the overall scores for the game. This will the comments score and the trivia score combined. The overal first place winner for that week will recieve a level one clue by PM. The 2nd and 3rd place winners for the week will be given Level 2 and 3 clues. There are 3 levels of clues in the game. Level 1= Major clue (as in short clip scene, MCF letter written to a character, etc). Level 2= Big clue (as in picture of a character, past episode clip, etc) Level 3= Minor Clue (as in a riddle, something vague) The goal is to get to first place every week as it gives you the best clue or, at least get in the top 3 each week to get a clue. Clues will be PMed to the top 3 winners every Tuesday. The game will work by this system until June 3. On that date, the game will take a one week break and will return for the second half of the game on June 14. The game will reach a new level as some game players with low total scores will be eliminated and the 5 finalists decided. Scores will be posted in the SL Insider every Saturday. The second part of the game will focus on the buildup to the grand finale of the MCF mystery. More info on that as that time draws near.*** Now why would anyone want to be a part of this? Well, on June 3, the top 5 players in terms of score will be announced as being written into the blog as minor characters during a big event. The portrayers of the characters will be decided by Roman and I but the 5 finalists will be asked for input. The higher your score, the bigger your character's involvement in the event. You will be given the chance to name your character as well. Then, when the game reaches it's end in summer, the overall winner will be revealed in the final Trivia Challenge which will ask the game finalists to reveal their guess for who the MCF is. The overall winner in terms of score will then be able to decide who the character created in their honor will interact with, some of what the character does, and will see their character play a part in a story that will be featured in the aftermath of the VENDETTA event. The winner will also be given a big surprise that will be revealed at the end of the game. More updates and details will be posted in the blog, in the VENDETTA SONBC THREAD, and in the VENDETTA area of the blog as we go along. REMEMBER, THE VENDETTA GAME BEGINS MARCH 20. YOU MUST LET ME KNOW VIA PM OR COMMENTING IN THIS BLOG IF YOU WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN THE VENDETTA GAME AND TRIVIA CHALLENGE BY MARCH 20. Also, be on the lookout for more VENDETTA info and story info pertaining to VENDETTA in the VENDETTA blog category. Again, I will post on the main page of the Salem Lives blog and in the SONBC discussion thread whenever new info is on the VENDETTA area so you all can go into the blog and into the category to read it. If you have any questions, please comment in the blog or PM me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I know some may sound complicated here but I think this is fun and a great way to get readers involved in the action. Oh, and a note to readers of Salem Lives who end up not playing the game, YOU CAN STILL BE INVOLVED BY READING THE VENDETTA INFO AND SHORT SCENES IN THE VENDETTA AREA OF THE BLOG. REMEMBER, THE SHORT SCENES ARE BASICALLY SCENES TO FILL IN THE BLANKS LEFT DURING THE NORMAL DAILY EPISODES AND TO HELP THE MYSTERY ALONG FOR EVERYONE, NOT JUST GAME PLAYERS. JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT SO THOSE THAT DON'T PLAY DON'T GET LEFT OUT.
Announcer: THIS WEEK...SALEM LIVES VENDETTA OFFICIALLY BEGINS.... AN UNDERCOVER OPERATION... Clip of Jack and Billie at a bar, disguised with Billie in a blonde wig and halter top and Jack in a leather jacket and wearing a faux beard. WHERE UNDENIABLE ATTRACTION SURFACES!!! Clip of Jack and Billie dancing in a sexy way and then moving close together and looking into each other's eyes. A MAN TAKES ACTION... Clip of Steve in Barbara's office, lying on her couch. TO PIECE TOGETHER HIS PAST AND CONDITION... Steve: I have to find out what is wrong with me and I think the answers are in my past. WITH A TWIST YOU WON'T BELIEVE!!! Steve (on the pier, turning around): What the hell? A FAMILY TORN APART... Roman to Kim: What we did is destroying our family. BY A SIN OF OMISSION!!! Kayla: I can't beleive this. Kayla to Roman and Kim: How could you do this to yoru brother? To our family? AND!! A COVERUP BEGINS... Julie to Victor: We have to do this...for Maggie. Marlena is our best option. Clip of Marlena in her straightjacket and in her padded cell. Julie to Doug: I am so sorry. I have to do this...for Maggie...for us. Victor to Maggie: I will do everything in my power to protect you. PLUS!! Alice: No... BAD NEWS FOR THE HORTONS... A crying Hope to an emotional Alice: It's going to be ok, Gran. Hope then embraces Alice. ONE BIG WEEK!! VENDETTA IS UNDERWAY!!!
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
It's short for the Mysterious Cloaked figure that has been lurking around Salem since October. This person is the focal point of the VENDETTA story. Glad you like it. Be sure to check out the Vendetta info on the right side of the page. As a reader, you may want to play the game if you so choose. -
WEEK OF MARCH 19, 2007 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SALEM LIVES' REAL-LIFE GOLDEN COUPLE BILL AND SUSAN SEAFORTH HAYES DISH ABOUT BEING BACK ON THE FRONTBURNER AND WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR THEM. Interviewer (I): Hello there. It's great to have you with us. Bill Hayes (BH): Great to be here. Susan Seaforth Hayes (SSH): Thanks for the invite. It's not often we do interviews for story purposes. It's been so long since we have had a story (laughs). I: Well, since you mentioned it, how do you two feel about being back on the frontburner and what are your thoughts on your current story: BH: Well, it's funny because Tim (Lowery, EP/HW) brought us back right when his reign began and we were tossed right into the island story. That felt like been there, done that because of the island story before. I understood where we were going with it and I loved it because it repaired alot of damage done to the show and started so many new stories. Then, Susan and I were used in family scenes and as supporting characters. SSH: That is a role we have come to accept. People our age don't get much more then that anymore so it was great to just be used. We were a big part of the Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) story and I was pleased with the amount of airtime we were getting. We were used quite a bit in addition to the family events we always were used for. I remember telling Bill that it it was the most we were used in decades. Little did we know we had our own story coming. BH: Tim called us in before the Christmas break and told us we were going to have our own story that would be spun off the Victor/Maggie story. We would still be recurring but we would have more screentime. He said Francis (Reid, Alice) would be onscreen more too. Susan and I were stunned. We didn't know what to say when we heard the story. It's the happiest we have been in years. SSH: I remember telling Tim thank you and that I admire him and his team. You just don't see people our age in stories like we are. On Salem Lives you have Suzanne, Peggy (McCay, Caroline), John (Aniston, Victor), and Francis frontburner and now add us to the mix. It's unheard of in today's soap world. I also like that this story is rich in history. Tim told us he wanted to utilize Julie and Victor's past relationship and it's fun because we have brought up Doug's past as a con-artist too. Now we have Julie being driven to keep secrets and it's for good reasons. She took action to help her Aunt Maggie but her history with Victor set the stage for her lying to Doug and I just think it's wonderful. It's a good conflict and it's true to character. Julie has always had that wild, scheming side and it's making a bit of a comeback due to her wanting to help her aunt. I don't know if Doug and Julie will have an estrangement or even breakup but it creates good conflict and we have an actual story so Bill and I are happier then we have been in years. I: It sounds like you are. Anything you can tell us about what is coming? BH: Not really. We are being told to be tight-lipped about things. The whole show is being tight-lipped about everything. SSH: All I can say is we both have lots of stuff coming and we will play a pivotal role in VENDETTA. I will leave it at that for fear of getting in trouble (laughs). I: One thing I want to mention before you go...can you give us your thoughts on the death of Lanna Saunders (ex-Marie)? BH: It's horrible. She was just a lovely person. Terrific actress. She will truly be missed. SSH: I was shocked and I know she will be missed by all of us. I know we will be doing a special tribute to her coming up and that the show decided to have the character of Marie pass away (see article below). They want to honor Lanna and that will begin to be seen this week. Marie Cheathem did play the role as well but Lanna played it during a pivotal time in the character's existence. That is why I think we all feel the need to honor her and her memory in the weeks ahead. I: Thank you so much for talking with us. Hope to continue to see more of you. BH: Thank you. It was a delight. SSH: Thanks. We look forward to continuing to deliver for the fans. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: LANNA SAUNDERS TRIBUTE Salem Lives will dedicate two episodes to the memory of Lanna Saunders, who played the role of Marie Horton from 1979-1985. She was stricken with multiple sclerosis that progressed to the point where she was forced to end her run on Days in 1985. She passed away at 65. Salem Lives has also decided to have the character of Marie Horton pass away. This will be revealed on the March 19, 2007 episode when Alice (Francis Reid) recieves word that Marie has passed. "It was a decision that was hard to make but we wanted to honor Lanna," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "My co-Ep/HW, Patrick L Ewing, and I talked at length and thought this best. Marie Cheathem originated the role but Lanna played Marie during the character's glory days and during a very pivotal time for the character where marie was featured in stories that were considered by many to be the best stories she was ever featured in. We feel this is right." The special tribute episodes will be posted on Thursday April 5 and Friday April 6. The episodes will center on Marie Horton's funeral and fans will see the return of many Horton's for this event. "We will be bringing back many of those who returned last year for Mickey's (John Clarke) funeral," says Lowery. "It will be nostalgic and done with great respect." More information on this will be forthcoming. VENDETTA GAME DEADLINE MARCH 20!!! Reminder: For those wanting to join in the VENDETTA game, the deadline for players is March 20. You must PM me or comment in the blog to let me know if you are joining. We need ten players. The first official VENDETTA clip will be posted on Tuesday March 20. Please let me know. This is a fun event and only requires that you read the blog everyday. For more info, check out the VENDETTA thread in the SONBC forums and the VENDETTA category to the right on the blog page. You can also PM me or ask a question via comment. TIME IS RUNNING OUT!! Previews and Peeks into Wk of 3/19/07 -Alice gets bad news. -Roman tries to reach Marlena. -Kayla learns the truth. -Julie and Victor take action to cover for Maggie. -Steve tries to learn what is going on with him. -Lexie decides to go to Europe. -The Horton's mourn the loss of a loved one. -Frankie and Greta evaluate their relationship. -Jack and Billie get up close and personal on an undercover mission. -Max seeks help from Chelsea. -Abby is released. -Cassie visits Stefano. -Sami and Lucas take a new approach with Will. -Cal and Katherine reach a turning point. -Lucas and Will make a change. -Nicole gets what she wants. -Kate is warned by Lucas and later comes across a shocking scene. -Philip goes too far with Belle. -Lexie asks Victor for a favor. -Eric and Nicole's marriage begins to crumble. -Steve has a shocking meeting. Red Letter Days!!! Monday March 19: Kayla learns the truth!!! Thursday March 22: Jack and Billie find their attraction hard to fight. Friday March 23: Eric and Nicole's relationship begins to crumble. Meanwhile, Steve meets with a shocking person on the pier. Next Week: Cassie's mysterious meeting takes a shocking turn. Lexie, Abe, and Celeste head for Europe. Steve learns the truth behind his lapses. Cal looks to the future and makes plans for Katherine. Nicole leaves Eric. James lures Jack and Billie into a trap. Philip lashes out at Kate as Belle gets the upper hand. Abe and Celeste bond.
LOVE IT KING!! I should hire you to do promos for our blog when you are done with yours
DEAR LORD KING!!! YOU DECAPTITATED HER?! Is it wrong that I enjoyed it? Can't wait to find out who this is.
-At the abandoned former Salem Bus Station, James is walking down the block, drinking a beer, as tears stream down his face. He stops off in the station and sits down. As he mourns the loss of his entire family, he doesn’t hear the cloaked figure walking up behind him. When the MCF taps James on his shoulder, James turns around, stands up, and takes a swing at this person. The MCF ducks out of the way, telling James that he is misplacing his anger. Marlena is the one he wants to kill. James then says that Marlena is the one who killed his people? The MCF says yes. Her and the rest of Salem destroyed his family and his life. Not just Marlena but Billie Reed and Jack Deveraux as well. If those two had not been sticking their noses where it didn’t belong, Marlena may not have went psychotic and committed murder. All the problems with her family and friends led her to this. James doesn’t believe it and the MCF tells him that it really doesn’t matter what he does or doesn’t believe. It happens to be the truth. But, the MCF tells him, if their plans are completed, that will be the sweetest revenge. Getting back at Marlena’s friends and family will be just enough to avenge his family and make things right. James stares at this person for quite some time but then agrees to continue on. He has nothing else, he says, so why not bring pain to those who brought pain to him. Both James and the MCF walk off into the night. -Once again at the hospital psych ward, Roman is trying to ask Marlena one question..... Roman: Did you start the fire at Chez Rouge, Doc? Marlena: (Laughing) What do you think? Roman: Doc, I don’t know what to think anymore. All I’m trying to do is reach you. Marlena: Oh, so now I’m so damn crazy that I need you to reach me? Get the hell out of here. Roman: That I won’t do. No matter what you say, I’m going to stand by you, no matter how you treat me. Marlena: You’re not hearing me, cop. I don’t feel anything for you! You don’t mean one damn thing to me, ok?! Why is that so hard for you to understand?! Roman: Because you were right there for me when I came back home not knowing who I was. Even though I look completely different, you never stopped loving me. Marlena: Oh, but you had no problem turning to Isabella when it was convenient, didn’t you? Roman is silent. Marlena: Oh, cat got your tongue? Now you don’t have anything to say. You don’t get it. I’m sick of being there for everyone. When has someone been there for me, huh? Roman: I was there for you when Samantha was killed. I was there for you when our twins were kidnapped by Stefano. I’ve been there each and every time you needed me, so stop with the guilty crap, ok?! Marlena: (Crying) Ok. Roman is shocked and then rushes over to Marlena, who seems to have broken through for just one brief moment...... Marlena: It’s so hard, Roman. All these voices. And feelings. (Crying harder) I can’t make them stop, Roman. I just can’t make them stop. Roman holds Marlena as she slowly crumbles into his arms, crying hysterically. -Maggie is beyond heartbroken when she realizes that she was the one who set the fire. She is almost unconsolable, telling Julie over and over again how sorry she is for what she has done. She knows how many of her loved ones could have died because of her foolish action. She doesn’t know how she can face anyone. As Victor watches from outside, Julie comforts her. He is determined to get Maggie out of this somehow. Back inside her room, a nurse comes and checks on Maggie. Julie tells her that she will be there for her and for Maggie to hang in there. Julie also tells Maggie one more thing... Don’t say one word about the fire. Maggie silently shakes her head in approval as Julie exits her room. -Outside Maggie's room, Victor asks Julie how Maggie is. Even though she is still very upset with him, she tells Victor that Maggie now remembers starting the fire. She also tells him that he is lucky no one else was hurt or killed. Victor agrees and also tells Julie that he will help in any way possible. Julie is relieved to hear this and then tells Victor that it is simple. They both know what must be done. When Victor asks what, Julie walks past him and whispers that they have to pin this whole thing on someone else. Someone who was already there and, based on their condition right now, would do nicely. Victor asks Julie if she is talking about......and before he can finish, Julie stops him. She says yes, of course, she is talking about Marlena. No one, not even her family, would not believe right now that she is innocent after the way she’s been acting. Victor agrees. They both stare at each other and then look in on a now sleeping Maggie as the scene fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Julie to Doug: I am so sorry. Sorry for everything I have done and everything I have to do. Victor to Maggie: I am going to protect you. No matter what the cost. Julie to Rich: I need you to do something for me. Alice to Hope: Something horrible has happened. Roman to Marlena: I love you and no matter how much you fight me, I am not going anywhere. Caroline to Kayla (as Kim, Steve, and Shane watch): It's time you know what is going on.
-At University Hospital, Victor returns to visit Maggie. He sits down at her bedside. Victor: I just hope you can forgive me, my dear. I only did what was right. I needed to cut ties to you. I couldn't have you around. It's too dangerous and...if anything ever happened to you. God help me. Maggie then begins to slowly wake up. Victor is pleased and smiles, welcoming her back. Maggie looks at Victor and coldly asks what he is doing there. She doesn't want him anywhere near her. She tells him to go back to his whore. Meanwhile, Hope and Alice are in the chapel with Julie. They are saying some prayers for Doug's recovery. Julie decides to go up and see Maggie since she has yet to go up to see her. It may help her keep her mind off things. Hope asks if she wants her to come with her. Julie says she will be fine on her own. -In the hospital psychiatric ward, Barbara has just finished updating Roman on Marlena's condition. Roman then talks with Belle and Sami. Roman tells Sami she can go home if she wants since Will is having issues. Sami says it's fine. Besides, Lucas told her that Will refuses to come out of his room and he can't get through to him. They will just need to give him time. Carrie arrives with Austin and Eric. Roman is pleased to see her, as is Sami and Belle. Carrie admits it feels great to be up and around after being in the hospital for so long. She asks Roman how Marlena is. Roman explains that Marlena has MPD and that her personalites fluctuate. It seems what she was dealing with on the island before her "death" only worsened with time. Roman adds that they wish they knew where she was all those months. It might help explain what happened. Carrie notes that they found Marlena near Chez Rouge and asks if Marlena had any role in the fire. Roman says he beleives she may have caused it. -Back in Maggie's room, Victor tries to calm Maggie down as she is growing more and more agitated. Maggie: You made me think you cared but you didn't. All this time...you were shacking up with that little whore, weren't you?! Victor: Maggie...it's not... Maggie: I don't want to hear it. Leave. I don't want you here. Wait...how did I get here? Why am I on the hospital? Victor: There was a fire at your restaurant and... Maggie: Wha...yes. I remember now. Victor: Do you know who started it? Maggie: I... Maggie then sees Nicole roaming around outside. Maggie: Speaking of your whole, here she is now. Victor looks outside and is clearly angry. Victor: I don't know why she is here. Maggie... Maggie: Get out!!! I don't care. Just get out!! Victor: Mag... Maggie (crying): Go! Please!! Victor: Very well. I never meant to hurt you. I am always here for... Maggie: Go! Victor: Goodbye Maggie. Victor leaves as Maggie breaks down in tears. Victor goes outside and demands Nicole tell him why she is there. She wants to make sure Victor will come through for her. Victor tells her Nico is working on it and to leave him alone. Julie then arrives and wants to know why they are there. Victor explains he came to see Maggie. Julie blames the fire all on them and warns that they will pay for what they did!!! -Belle finds it hard to beleive that Marlena would start the fire but Sami reminds Marlena that this isn't their mother. She is fighting within herself and she isn't in full control of her mind. Roman agrees and says that Barbara has granted him special permission to go in and see her. However, none of them can go in yet but they will be able to soon. Roman tells them all that he will need them. Marlena will need them if she is going to beat this and come back to them. They will have to all fight together...as a family. Barbara tells Roman that he can come in now. Roman goes with Barbara into Marlena's room. -Back outside Maggie's room, Victor tells Julie to calm down. He feels terrible about Doug and everything else that happened. Julie says he should be and adds that she also blames Nicole too. Nicole reminds Julie that the plan was Victor's idea and begs Julie not to tell Eric or anyone else. Julie says why should she. Victor tells Julie it's not the time or place to go running her mouth off about any of this. Plus, Nicole and him never really had sex and Julie was the one that suggested he cut ties to Maggie. Julie admits he is right and also says that she never thought Victor would go this far. Victor also reminds Julie that he has the goods on her as Doug would not be happy to learn that she came to see him and convinced him to come home to Salem. Julie asks if he is blackmailing her. Victor tells her to keep her mouth shut about him and Nicole and their plan. Julie agrees and then goes in to see Maggie. Victor asks if Nicole is pleased. She smiles and says very. Victor asks Nicole if it's all been worth it. She asks what he means. He reminds her of how she changed and stuck by Eric's side and married him on his deathbed. He notes how she seems to be showing her true colors now and is reverting back to the Nicole that he knows all too well. Nicole says that she is just doing what she has to to get she wants. She wants to succeed and she wants that baby and Victor can get her both. She loves Eric and doesn't regret a thing. Victor smiles and says goodbye to Nicole. After Victor leaves, Nicole thinks about what he said and begins to rethink her marriage to Eric and wonders if she rushed into it due to him dying. -Meanwhile, in Maggie's room, Julie has filled Maggie in on the fire. Maggie is horrified that Hope, Roman, Steve, and Billie nearly died. She apologizes to Julie about Doug. Julie says she is more scared then she has ever been in her life. Maggie hates that it all happened because Doug and the others were trying to rescue her. She just wonders who caused it. Julie then looks down, knowing what shape Maggie was in prior to the fire and knowing she had a drinking problem, and pretty much gives away her suspicious as to who did this. Maggie looks at her and asks what is wrong. -Back in the psych ward, Belle reminds Sami, Eric, Carrie, and Austin of what Roman just said. They need to band together as a family so they can help mom fight this. Mom and dad need them more then ever. Sami and Eric agree, as do Carrie and Austin. Nicole then arrives and asks Eric how his mother is. He fills her in and asks where she has been. She explains she went to see Maggie and was helping Julie, who is a wreck. Eric is proud of her for helping those affected by the fire like she has. They embrace as Nicole looks on, feeling the burden of the lies she continues to tell. In Marlena's padded cell, Roman enters. Barbara says she and an orderly will be outside if he needs them. Marlena just smiles at him and stays silent. Roman: Marlena...I can't be in here long. I just need to ask you a few questions and then I have to leave. I would like to stay longer but I am told it's not good for you. Marlena: Your right. I can't stand to look at you (laughs). Roman (clearly hurt by those words): Marlena...I am just going to come out and say it. Did you cause the fire at Chez Rouge? Marlena looks at him and begins to laugh as Roman looks on, wondering what she is thinking in that deranged mind of hers. -Back in Maggie's room, Maggie asks Julie why she looked so upset when she asked about who started the fire. Maggie asks if it was someone they know. Julie looks at her, eyes welling with tears. Maggie then turns away and begins to have a series of blurred flashbacks to her drinking binge following finding Victor and Nicole together and then knocking over the candle in disgust and telling the restaurant to burn. Maggie is appalled and begins to scream out in pain. Julie asks what is wrong. Maggie admits that she remembers. Maggie: I remember!!! I did it!! I am not the one that started the fire. I caused all this pain and misery! Dear God!!! It was me!!! Julie tries to clam a hysterical Maggie down as Victor watches from outside, clearly affected by the scene, as the screen fades out on Maggie's devestated face. On the Next Salem Lives... MCF (via voice changer) to James: You and me need to talk. Roman to Marlena: COME BACK TO ME, DOC!! PLEASE!!I KNOW YOU ARE THERE!! Maggie to Julie: I did this. I did this to all of you. Dear God, help me!! Victor to Julie: We need to make sure Maggie doesn't go down for this. Julie to Victor: I know what we must do.
-Sami and Kate are still going at it, blaming the other for Will’s disappearance. That is until Lucas and Eric step in and get both women to stop, pulling them apart as Lucas screams....... Lucas: I am sick of this [!@#$%^&*] with you two!! My son is missing, God knows where, and all you two can do is fight and bitch at each other! Eric: (Breathing heavy) Thank you, Lucas. Lucas: This makes no sense whatsoever. Mom, all you can do is point fingers. Nothing is ever your fault. Kate: Oh. So you blame me for this?! I guess once again you’ll let poor Sami off the hook, huh? Lucas: You’re damn right! Kate is shocked by her son’s tone. Lucas: Sami has screwed up more times than I care to count but you know something? At least she has admitted it and grown from it. The woman she is now is light years ahead of the person she used to be. Both Eric and Sami listen to Lucas as tears fall from Sami’s eyes. Lucas: What have you ever done that didn’t cause trouble or benefit anyone but yourself? Kate: Lucas...... Lucas: I spent my whole life thinking my father was dead. Because of you. On top of every dirty trick you have played on me, the Bradys, Victor, and God knows who else. You still do the same things you have always done and it ends for me right here. Kate: Lucas.........what are you saying? Lucas: That when I do find my son and help him through whatever is bothering him enough to make him run away, the first chance I get I’m going down to City Hall....... And having my last name changed to Horton. Everyone is stunned. Lucas: I’ve had it with you. I can’t believe that I even came from your body. You make me sick! Now, why don’t you stick that in a pipe and smoke it. And don’t you EVER come near me or my family again. If you do....... I won’t be responsible for my actions. Lucas turns and walks off, continuing to search for his son. All Sami and Eric can do is look at Kate sadly as they run off to catch up with Lucas, while Kate stands all alone on the pier...... With tears streaming down her face. -Walking down the road, Will and Bo have made good on their escape. Bo stops him and tells him that he knows that there is something bothering him and reminds Will they have a deal. Will says it’s something that he is too ashamed to talk about. Bo tells him that he knows a thing or two about being ashamed. When Will asks what he means, Bo says that if he tells him, it stays right there. It goes no farther. Will promises on everything that he will not say one word. He also tells Bo that he won’t judge him. Bo says good. That’s something he doesn’t need right now. Bo walks past Will and explains that he just remembered being molested by his Uncle Eric when he was a kid. Will is stunned. Bo goes on, saying that he feels so less than a man right now. He can’t even look his wife in the face anymore. He just knows she’ll blame him for what happened. Will hears Bo say what is on his mind and in his heart. Bo turns to him and tells him that it’s taking everything in him not to either jump off the Salem Bridge or blow his brains out. Will tells him that he knows exactly what he means. Will then informs Bo that he has just went through the very same thing. With Alan. Bo sighs deeply, telling his great nephew how sorry he is to hear that. No wonder he’s been acting like he has been. Bo also says he knew Alan was still up to no good. Will tells him that if anyone finds out, he doesn’t think he could live down the humiliation and pain it would cause. Then, Bo says, he can just trust him. Bo invites him to come stay with him at his motel room but since Will flashes back to that night, he declines. Bo says that’s fine but still gives him his room number in case he wants to talk things out. They both then promise to keep each other’s secrets...no matter what happens. They shake hands as they separate, going off to opposite directions into the cool night air. -At the hospital, Alice has just been brought in as Doug’s family awaits news of his condition. Julie tells Alice that he has been in surgery for quite some time and that she is sick of the waiting. Alice tells her to have faith as Hope stands off to the side, listening. She silently prays for her father’s recovery and for the safe return of her husband. Caroline comforts her. As the family waits, the Rich comes out to the waiting area. He tells everyone that Doug is alive but the news isn’t good. He is unconscious. His brain has lost a lot of oxygen and, therefore, there is now a strong chance that he may never regain consciousness. He maybe in a coma for the rest of his life. Everyone is stunned. Hope holds Julie as she sinks down to the floor, crying. Hope picks her up and sits her in a chair as Julie says she wants to see her husband. Rich says that is fine but only for a few moments. Hope stands her up as Caroline and Alice watch them walk slowly to Doug’s room. Once inside, they see that he is lying quietly in his bed. Machines are helping him breath and he looks as though he is sleeping. Julie takes his hands and tells him that she isn’t going anywhere. She will by his side no matter what. Hope wipes tears from her face as she bends down and kisses him on his forehead, as they both stand next to his bed crying at what has happened to him. Hope silently whispers that she wishes Bo was there with her. Sami, Lucas, and Eric arrive at Lucas's apartment. They hope to find Will there and are starting to consider bringing the police in to help. Lucas is stunned by something he sees in Will's bedroom and motions to Sami and Eric to come over. They do and are shocked to see Will asleep in his bed. Lucas is about to wake him but Sami tells him not to. She instructs Lucas to let him sleep and they can just keep an eye on him and find out why he ran and what is going on in the morning. -In the psychiatric department of the hospital, Marlena is freaking out. She is fluctuating between personalities. Barbara is trying to explain to Roman that she doesn’t know who she is right now. Her mind is all over the place. One minute she is calling herself Marcy and, the next, she claims to be Samantha. Roman wonders if that is because of her decesased twin sister, who held the same name. Belle arrives just in time to hear what is being said. Roman asks Barbara if Marlena will be ok and Barbara tells him that they will do the very best they can. Barbara then leaves to see to Marlena. Belle asks her father what happened and Roman fills her in on the previous night. Belle tries to call Sami but her phone is off. After a few more moments, Belle finally reaches Sami at Lucas's apartment. When she fills her in on what’s happening, Sami says she’ll be right over. Eric says he will come too as Lucas decides to stay put and make sure Will doesn't go anywhere. Meanwhile, Barbara rejoins Roman and Belle. Roman asks for an update. Barbara tells Roman that they know of three personalities that Marlena has...the normal Marlena (which she has yet to see), Marcy (who she thinks her to be now), and Samantha. She doesn't know the traits and representations of each personality but she will find out and warns that Marlena seems very ill and could be very dangerous. Roman, Belle, and Barbara then hear Marlena say she can hear them and that she will make them all pay. Marlena: Mark my words...all those who wronged me...I WILL MAKE SURE YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!! Marlena then laughs uncontrollably as a horrified Roman, Belle, and Barbara watch and the screen fades out on Marlena's demented face. On the Next Salem Lives... Roman to Marlena: Was it you? Did you cause the fire at Chez Rouge? Belle to Sami, Eric, and Carrie: We all have to band together. Mom and dad need us now more then ever. Victor to Maggie: I am here for you... Alice to a crying Hope: We just need to beleive Julie to Victor and Nicole: You two will pay for this!!!
-At University Hospital, Abby asks Max about the good news he has. Max fills her in on how he caught Cassie with the surveillance video. The truth is out and now everyone knows Abby didn't intentionally do anything. Max also mentions how he made a deal with Cassie and told her if she stayed away from all of them, he would keep from charges being brought against her. Max is shocked when Abby is silent and turns away from him in tears. He asks what is wrong. Abby says she shouldn't have to prove herself to him...THAT is the problem. Meanwhile, Chelsea explains to Cassie that she had no role in Max catching Cassie with the tape. She was paged to the nurses station for a phone call. Chelsea explains to Cassie that the person on the phone had a mechanized voice, like they were using a voice changer of some sort, and they said that all secrets come out and that sometimes you can control when they come out. Cassie is intrigued. Chelsea reminds Cassie that her life is at stake too as she doesn't want her secrets coming out so there is no way she would expose her. Cassie finally agrees and says that she needs to find out who called Chelsea and who exposed her. She wants revenge on that person and on Max and Abby. It's no longer about getting Max now...it's about destroying them and all they hold dear and she wants Chelsea to help her. Chelsea refuses. -On the pier, Will begs Bo to help him hide. Bo asks what is going on but Will won't tell him. He begs him to just help him hide before his parents find him or help him get away from here. Sami, Lucas, Kate, and Eric close in on them. Bo looks at Will and says that he can see that he is clearly hurting about something. Will puts his head down in shame. Bo tells him to come on...they are getting out of there. Bo begins to run off, with Will right behind him. -Back at the Hospital, Victor is with Nicole and Nico. He asks Rich about Maggie's condition and what the bad news is. Rich says that Maggie will make it. Her blood pressure was high so she is medicated and they sedated her. The bad news is she was heavily intoxicated and he is concerned that she may have a drinking problem of some sort since he has heard of her past history. Victor lies and says that she has been sober. She may have just fell off tonight because they had a fight. Rich understands and tells Victor that they will just have to keep an eye on her. Victor asks if he can visit. Rich says not right now. He doesn't want her having visitors until they can evaluate her burns and get her settled. Victor quickly goes over to her and says he hopes she understands. He also tells her he cares about her and that he never meant to hurt her. He begs her to come back to them soon and then leaves with Nico and Nicole. -Back at the Chex Rouge fire scene, Caroline and Julie panic over not being able to see Hope. Kayla is in shock with Steve still in there and now Hope as Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta watching in horror. They are then relieved to see Hope spring up with Steve. The flames are higher and Hope says she can't lift Steve out alone. The building begins to collapse some more, forcing the chief to hesistate to send men in. The firemen continue to hose down the flames, hoping to diminish them enough to get inside. Billie then tells Jack someone has to do something. She reminds him she has emergency training. Jack looks at her and begs her not to do what she is thinking. Billie takes his arm off her and races past the firemen and leaps through the flames as everyone screams out in horror and a horrified Jack looks on. Meanwhile, nearby, Roman asks Marlena what she means by that statement. Marlena doesn't answer. Abe says he has arranged for her to be taken to the psychiatric department of the hospital for evaluation. Marlena lashes out at Abe for calling her nuts and then asks why people keep calling her Marlena. She is Marcy. Roman, Abe, Shane, Lexie, and Celeste look on, confused. They then hand Marlena over to an officer and convene privately. Roman goes through everything that has happened with Marlena since she returned. Lexie reminds him of the island and how Marlena was fighting within herself and clearly had some sort of mental disorder. Now with everything he has told her with her mood swings, memory loss, out of character behavior, etc...on top of her calling herself "Marcy," it appears she has MPD. Roman looks over to her, seeing her give him a cold look back. They go back to Marlena. Lexie asks her if she is the one that shot her father or was it her associate, the MCF. Marlena doesn't answer and tells her she doesn't know what she is talking about. Roman tells the officer to just take her to the hospital. Caroline then races over and tells Roman what is happening with the fire. Roman and the others race to the scene as Shane and the officer take Marlena to the hospital. Back at the fire scene, Billie gets up and helps Hope carry Steve. They both realize they still can't leap through the flames together and carry Steve. Roman and the others arrive. Roman tells the fire chief to send some men in there. He says that the flames are too high and the building unstabile. Those three people shouldn't even be in there. Roman reminds him they wouldn't be in there if his men responded quicker and weren't so afraid to take a risk. The building begins to collapse. Roman sees it and realizes what he must do. Roman leaps through the flames as everyone watches horrified. He gets to Billie, Steve, and Hope. He tells them they are going to jump on the count of three. They don't have much time. They count to three and leap through, all three falling to the ground outside. Steve is placed on a gurney for Kayla to examine him. Hope, Billie, and Roman are treated for smoke inhalation and burns. Jack tells Billie never to do that again and embraces her. Frankie and Greta see it and Greta tells Billie don't put Jack through that. It is obvious he cares about you enough to give himself a heart attack over you. Billie shyly smiles, as does Jack. Hope tells Caroline she is heading for the hospital. Roman apologizes for taking off and fills them in on Marlena. Hope understands. They take off for the hospital along with Abe, Celeste, Lexie, Frankie, Greta, Jack, and Billie. Caroline asks if Kayla is coming. She says she will meet them there. She is going with Steve. While unconscious, Steve begins to have a series of flashbacks of marrying Kayla, Stephanie's birth, Benji, and his and Kayla's first kiss. His eyes then open and he tells Kayla, with a smile on his face, "I remember...everything." Kayla begins to cry tears of joy. An EMT then prepares a syringe and injects him. Steve sees the syringe and screams out "No!!!" and then goes into convulsions. The convulsions eventually end after Steve is giving an injection. Kayla asks Steve if he is alright. He begins to wake up again. Kayla asks what he remembers. Steve is confused and Kayla reminds him that he said he remembered everything after being brought out of the fire and before he went into convulsions. Steve says he doesn't remember anything. The last time he remembers being conscious is before trying to get out of the fire and getting knocked out. Kayla is perplexed. -Back at the hospital, a crying Abby tells Max to get out. He didn't beleive in her. He knows her and knows she would never do those things. She doesn't care what he says not or what he saw. The fact is he didn't beleive in her and didn't trust her. He betrayed her and she wants nothing to do with him. Max tries to explain but Abby orders him out. He leaves as Abby breaks down in tears. Outside her room, Max punches a wall and silently says he's sorry. Meanwhile, Cassie reminds Chelsea of what will happen if she doesn't cooperate. Chelsea turns away in disgust but realizes she has no choice and agrees. Cassie smiles and tells her she can go. She will be in touch. Chelsea leaves as Cassie vows revenge on Max, Abby, and the person who called Chelsea and did this to her. She is a Dimera and Dimera's don't lose and she will make sure that continues. -On the pier, a frustated Sami wonders what now as Will is nowhere to be found. Lucas comforts her as she continues to blame herself. Kate then agrees that it's Sami's fault and says that all her years of screwups and schemes led to this and now Will is missing and may never come back. Eric tells her to shutup but Kate lashes out at Sami and tells her this is all on her. A distraught Sami then lunges at Kate and a fight ensues. Meanwhile, Will and Bo end up in an alley. They try to catch their breath. Bo asks will if he feels like telling him why they had to run or hide and what is going on. Will mentions how Bo murmured something while unconscious about telling someone to stay away from him and how he said repeatedly "It didn't happen." He also mentions how Bo said that his brother and sister betrayed him. Will tells Bo why doesn't he tell him what is going on. Bo turns away and then turns back to Will, curious to find out his secret and also wanting to confide in someone himself, telling him he will tell him his secret if he tells him his. Will is hesistant and asks Bo to tell him his first, which Bo agrees to. Will makes him promise that he doesn't tell a soul, which Bo agrees to and then asks Will to keep his secret. He agrees and they shake on it. -Hope arrives at the hospital and asks how her father and Maggie are. Julie says that Maggie can't have visitors but she will make it and is asleep. Doug had some internal injuries and was deprived of oxygen for some time so they still don't know but Rich did say it doesn't look good. Hope tries to be strong and comforts a weeping Julie. Julie says she has to call grandma but isn't sure she can. Hope offers to as Caroline stays with Julie. Meanwhile, outside Maggie's room, Nico goes to get the car. Nicole remarks how for the first time she can see that Victor feels deeply for someone other then Caroline. Victor is silent. Nicole says she is leaving but reminds him of what he must do. Victor tells her to shutup and that he will take care of it. As she leaves, Victor tells her that it won't be long before everyone realizes she is still the same deceitful bitch she always was. He then asks her why even married Eric when she knew he couldn't give her everything she most desired in this world. Nicole contemplates that and says she made a choice and now she has to deal with it. She tells Victor goodnight and leaves. -Hope is using the hospital payphones and has just finished telling Alice what is going on. Alice says she wants to come down. Hope doesn't think it's a good idea but Alice insists...her family needs her. Hope says someone will be down to get her. As she hangs up, she can no longer fight back the tears and breaks down in tears, praying to God her father survives and wishing Bo were here with her. -In another part of the hospital, Steve is being released after being treated and examined. Kayla is outside talking to Jack, who tells Kayla that Maggie is going to be fine and that Doug is in surgery. Billie, Greta, and Frankie join them. They all agree to go home as there is nothing they can do for Doug or Maggie. Greta tells Frankie she offered to pick up Alice for Hope to bring her to the hospital. Frankie agrees to come with her. They leave and Jack and Billie follow as Jack tells Kayla to update him on Steve when anything develops. Kayla goes back to Steve as both of them can't make sense as to why he remembers everything and then forgets it soon after. Kayla mentions how the EMT simply used a syringe and he freaked and went into convulsions. Kayla then sees Dr. Barbara Harris. She calls out to her and fills her in on Steve's case. Barbara says she would love to see him and tells Kayla to call her office and make an appointment. Barbara says she has an emergency and has to go and leaves. Kayla returns to Steve and tells him about Barbara. She vows to help him get to the bottom of this so they can get their lives back. -Lexie enters Stefano's hospital room and sits by him. She tells him that the MCF may have struck again with the fire tonight but they aren't sure and that Marlena has been found. She puts her head on his stomach and promises him revenge for his shooting and that she will find out what is going on with this MCF. Meanwhile, Kayla goes to Caroline, who is with Julie, and tells her she is taking Steve home. Caroline nods and reminds Kayla that they do need to talk about what they discussed. Kayla assumes it has something to do with Bo, who she noticed is missing. Caroline nods. Kayla says they will talk in the morning and tells Julie to hang in there and to keep her updated on Doug. Kayla and Steve leave as Caroline comforts a devestated Julie. In the psychiatric ward, Barbara tells Roman that it will take all night to evaluate Marlena so it is best for him and Marlena's family to return in the morning. He understands and asks if he can just say goodnight. Roman goes in with her. Shane heads back to the station as Abe offers to take Celeste home. Celeste tells Abe as they leave that she feels a deep conflict within Marlena and that Roman and Marlena may be facing their biggest challenge yet. Roman goes over to Marlena, who is sitting in a chair in restraints. He tells her he will be back in the morning, probably with the kids. He tells her he loves her and that now she can get the help she needs. Marlena then spits on him and says: Marlena: I don't need no help or your love. (laughs) It's funny...how you all think you can stop it... Roman: Stop what? Marlena: It's too late, Roman. You have no idea...you have no idea what is upon us now...(laughs) Barbara then ushers Roman out as Roman says goodnight and the screen fades out on Marlena's sadistic laugh. On the Next Salem Lives... Lucas to Kate: Cut the crap or get out of my life. Your choice. Bo to Will: We will get through this together. Hope (with Julie, Alice, and Caroline holdings hands): Please, Lord. Let my father live. Marlena to Barbara: You keep Roman Brady out of here, do you hear me?
-At Univesity Hospital, Max finishes watching the surveillance tape of the night of Cassie's fall as a nervous Cassie watches. Chelsea watches from outside Cassie's room, worried that Cassie will expose her secrets now that her secrets have been exposed. Max turns the tape off after seeing Abby run into Cassie's leg by accident with her wheelchair and then seeing Cassie fall on her own a few minutes later. Cassie tells Max she can explain but he says it isn't necessary. Max gets in her face and says: Max: I should've never trusted you over her. I know her and...I care about her. I betrayed Abby and I will never forgive myself for that. Cassie (crying): Max! Please!! Max: I loved our baby and wanted to give it a good life. You were the mother of my baby and I was going to do right by you but, now, I can't even look at you. You disgust me!!! YOU MANIPULATIVE BITCH!! You tried to frame Abby an, boy, you had it all laid out. You knew she would feel guilty and her banging into your leg with her chair...it all lined up perfect to set her up. You only had to get your hands on the surveillance tapeand alter it, which is what you were planning, isn't it? ISN'T IT?! Cassie: Yes. Max: I overheard two nurses talking about a guard in the hospital security headquarters being knocked out. It must be some Dimera lackey you hired. I am sure the police will be very interested in your actions. Cassie: Max!! Please!! I need you to understand!! There is no need to bring the police into this or... Max: Make you a deal. You leave my family and friends...including Abby alone. You do that and I make sure no legal action is taken and that you don't have any charges brought against you. How's that sound? Cassie: Thank you, Max. I appreciate it but I need you to see where I was... Max: No buts. Take the deal and stay away from me, Abby, and all those we care about or I will make sure you end up in major trouble with the law. Understood? Cassie: Ye..yes. Max: Good. Goodbye. Max walks out as Chelsea races away from the door. Chelsea acts like she knows nothing and asks Max what happened. Max fills her in and says he screwed up and now Abby may never forgive him and he may never forgive himself. -On the pier, Lucas, Sami, Kate, and Eric are searching for Will. A worried Sami asks Lucas where he could be and why he keeps acting like this and running away. Lucas says he has no answer and he embraces her, trying to comfort her. Kate then whispers to Eric this is all Sami's fault. Her scheming ways had such a bad influence on Will and then telling him about her rape all thsoe years ago...she pushed the child over the edge. Eric warns her to back off and not make trouble...or he will toss her ass in the river. Meanwhile, further down the pier. Will is trying to wake a bruised and battered Bo up. Will begs him to wake up. Will hears Bo murmur something as Bo begins reliving the night his Uncle Eric molested him and then he recalls learning Kim and Roman knew and never told him. Bo screams out "Why?!" repeatedly as Will wonders what he is talking about. -Back at University Hospital, Victor and Nicole are with Nico in the waiting area awaiting news on Maggie. Victor keeps hoping she is alright and continues to blame himself. Nico tells him he was only doing what he thought was best. Nicole then makes a snide remark about how she can't be blamed and warns Victor he better come through for her on all ends of their deal. She is not taking the fall for any of this either. Victor tells her to shutup and be patient. He will take care of her needs once he knows Maggie is ok and things settle down. Nicole says he better. Victor turns around, giving her a cold and threatening look. He reminds her of who she is dealing with as Nicole's eyes widen and a look of fear becomes present on her face. -Back at the Chez Rouge fire scene, Caroline is wondering where Roman, Abe, and Shawn raced off too. Meanwhile, Roman and Abe are searching a nearby wooded area for Marlena. Shane then meets them, saying he couldn't find her. Abe says he knows he saw her and some person called using a voice distorter. It was the same person who tipped them off to Victor and Bo's whereabouts. Roman says it must be the MCF. Marlena is listening from some shrubbery nearby and places a call to the MCF. Marlena to MCF: You traitor!!! You betrayed me. This was all a setup. Getting me down here...I should've known. Why would you call me to an area full of people that could take me into custody unless you wanted to get rid of me? That's it, isn't it? MCF (via voice changer): Oh, Marlena. You already know the answer. You know as well as I sacrificed need to be made at times for the greater good. I think we can both agree we are both out for ourselves and I did what was best for my plans. You were a loose cannon and now you will be taken care of. It was fantastic to work with you and have fun when they take you to the loony bin, doc!!! Adios!! Marlena: You bastard!! The MCF hangs up as Roman hears Marlena nearby and calls to Marlena to come out. He knows she is there. Back at the fire scene, Hope and Julie continue to bed the fire chief to do something. He says he can't risk anymore lives. Hope insists that she just can't stand there and let father die. Julie begins to break down as Hope comforts her. Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Kayla, Steve, and Caroline watch the restaurant burning helplessly. Lexie and Celeste watch too and Lexie wonders where Abe raced off too. She goes off to look for him and Celeste follows, saying Lexie nor anyone should be alone with the MCF out there. Lexie rolls her eyes, reminding Celeste she no longer thinks of her as her mother, and walks off, with Celeste close behind. The fire chief goes over to talk to some of his men and orders some other men to keep an eye on Hope and the other bystanders to make sure they don't try anything. Hope then tells Caroline that Roman, Abe, and Shane took off and the fire department isn't doing a thing so she will has to do something. Julie begs her not to as the building is ready to completely collapse. Hope says she must. The fire department won't and she has emergency training. She needs to try to save her father. She could never live with herself if she just stood by and watched him burn to death in there. A crying Julie understands and embraces her, telling her she loves her and her father would appreciate what she is doing and be so proud. A tearful Hope thanks her and tells Julie to distract the firemen somehow. Julie nods in agreement and then stages a panic attack, getting a good deal of the EMT's, officers, and firemen's attention. Hope takes off in the distraction as the fire chief notices her go in through the service entrance. One of the fire men asks if they should give chase. The chief says no...it's too risky at this point and they need to minimize loss of life. The chief says that woman made a choice and if she chose to go on a suicide mission, it's her funeral and there is nothing they can do. Julie overhears as Greta comforts her. Kayla and Caroline are horrified at the thought Hope could die in there too. Meanwhile, Hope makes her way through the flames, calling out "Daddy!!" several times. She can barely see through the smoke and burning beams and debris are coming down all around her. She finally spots Doug and races over to him. She can't life the beam that is on top of him and wonders what she can do now. Outside, Steve is just roaming around as he has no stakes in this. He doesn't remember any of these people and only knows what he has learned about them since November. He then spots something interesting from the side terrace door...he sees Hope and Doug!!! Steve feels like he should do something but knows the fire department won't do anything. There are flames everywhere and now blocking the service entrance. He realizes there is only one way in...to jump through the terrace door and through the flames. Kayla looks for Steve and finds him just as he races back and jumps through the glass terrace door and the flames. Kayla screams out in horror. Caroline races to her along with a stunned Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, and Julie. Kayla cries out for Steve and is relieved when she seens him get up with only a few cuts and bruises. Steve makes his way over to Hope, who can't beleive what he just did. Hope mentions to him that he is more like the old Steve then he knows. Steve helps her life the beam off and helps her get Doug up. He tells Hope there is only one way out...the same way he came in. The fire department tries to bring down the flames a little lower. Hope tells Steve that there is no way they can jump through there with her father. Steve says it's their only shot and they will do it together. Hope prays it works, as does everyone outside. Hope counts to three and Steve and her hold on to Doug as they make a running start and jump through. As they jump through the flames, a part of the restaurant collapses. Hope ends up on the ground outside with Doug without Steve. Doug is put on a gurney as Kayla cries out for Steve. -Back at University Hospital, Chelsea tells Max to go to Abby and tell her what is in his heart. Hopefully, it will work. He thanks her and goes to Abby's room. Meanwhile, Chelsea goes in to Cassie's room. Cassie looks at Chelsea coldly and says she is going down now. Max gets to Abby's room and knocks as he enters. Abby turns and reminds him that she doesn't wish to see him or speak with him. Max says it's important. Something has happened. Something good. Abby looks on confused, wondering what he means. -On the pier, Will continues to try to wake Bo up and finally does. Bo is confused as to how he ended up there and figures it must have been the guys at the bar he fought with. He asks Will what he is doing there. Will tells Bo he found him. He then hears Sami, Lucas, Kate, and Eric calling for him. Bo asks what's going on. Will begs his Uncle Bo to help him hide and to not give him away. Bo is confused as to what is happening. -Back at Univeristy Hospital, Victor reminds Nicole never to mess with him. She should no better. Nico watches and smiles. Nicole gets in Victor's face and tells him he may have scared her before but not now. Nothing scares her and she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She warns him to come through for her...or else. Rich then comes out and Victor asks about Maggie. Rich, Nico, Victor, and Nicole all look in on Maggie in her room as Rich says that he has some bad news. -Back at the Chez Rouge fire scene, Doug is prepped and put in the ambulance. Hope tells Julie to go and she will meet her at the hospital. Julie says she will call Grandma and begs Hope not to go back in those flames after Steve. Hope smiles as Julie gets in the ambulance with Doug. Meanwhile, Frankie and Caroline comfort Kayla. The building begins to collapse as Hope says something needs to be done. The fire chief says that no one else is going in. Hope looks at a horrified Kayla and says, Hope: The hell their not. Hope then dives right back through the flames as the other watch in horror. Caroline and the others scream out for her but they can't see or hear her. Nearby, Roman and Abe continue to search for Marlena with Shane. Lexie and Celeste join them as Abe asks what they are doing there. This could be dangerous. Abe fills them in on what is happening. Celeste then gets a vibe and says she can feel a presence...a confused one. The presence is nearby. Marlena is listening and worried and decides she needs to make a break for it. Abe's phone rings. It's the MCF!!! The MCF tells Abe to look behind the shrubbery to his right and to be quiet about it. The MCF hangs up as Abe looks at his phone in bewilderment. Abe motions to Roman and Shane and sushes them. The three of them split up and surround the area the MCF hinted at. Marlena decides to make a run for it but, just as she does, she runs right into Shane's arms. He grabs hold of her as Abe, Celeste, Lexie, and Roman join them. Roman: Doc...it's good to see you. Finally... Marlena: Wish I shared those sentiments. Congrats Keystone cops. You caught me. Too bad your too late to stop hell from decending upon all of you. Roman, Abe, Shane, Lexie, and Celeste all look on confused as the screen fades out on Marlena's evil grin. On the Next Salem Lives... Max to Abby: We can be together now. You and me. Cassie to Chelsea: You find out who did this to me or I expose you. Bo to Will: What is really going on? Roman to Marlena: What are you feeling, doc? Tell me. Victor to Maggie: You stay with me. You hear me?! Kayla: Please God. Let Hope and Steve make it out. Please.
WEEK OF MARCH 12, 2007 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SALEM LIVES' ARIANNE ZUKER (NICOLE) OPENS UP ABOUT HER LONGER THEN EXPECTED RETURN, THE STORY THAT NEVER ENDED, AND WORKING AGAIN WITH JOHN ANISTON (VICTOR). Interviewer (I): Hello! It's great to finally be able to talk to you! Arianne Zuker (AZ): Hey. I'm sorry. It's been so busy since I came back in May and between the show and my other projects it's been rough. I am here now so let's dish! (laughs). I: Ok so tell us how your return came about. You had only left last February and all of a sudden you were brought back in May. What gives? AZ: Well, when I left in February, James reilly was still writing and I was offscreen quite a bit. It was weird because I was in the Highstyle stuff and the minute Christie (Clark, Carrie) returns, I was on the outside looking in. I don't know what happened but I don't blame Christie (laughs). Anyway, I remember hearing about the new writing regime and Tim (Lowery, EP/HW) called me and said he wanted to bring Jensen (Ackles, Eric) and I back. He told me it was a limited run. I wasn't doing much so I came in for a meeting. I was surprised about Jensen considering it at the time because he had "Supernatural" on the WB but he was willing to work around it since it was summer hiatus time and all. Both he and I met with Tim and we inked a deal to return. It was pleasant and we were told it was about a 6 month arc. All we knew was they were going to re-establish us during the island story and hint at something being wrong with Eric. We knew nothing else but we figured Eric may be ill. We knew that as soon as they reunited us because Eric and Nicole had been apart for so long something had to give. I: Ok so that takes us into the "Eric is dying" stuff. Now, many fans felt that story dragged and didn't like it at all. What do you think? AZ: I heard and read some of the comments. It's funny because, as I said, Jensen and I knew a story like that was coming because of the hints and we were told exactly what was going to happen in August because Jensen and I had to be offscreen in September for his show and other projects I had to do. They said they were going to move the story back a bit because we had to be off. When we returned at the end of September, Jensen and I worked alot and so did Julianne (Morris, Greta). At times, it felt forced and rushed and we felt bad because it was a result of our time off in September. Tim then told Jensen, Julianne, and I that they were changing some things and were timing the story to climax around Christmas. They wanted Eric's issues to help move Sami (Alison Sweeney) and Roman (Drake Hogestyn) towards reconciliation. Towards the end of November, we got into Eric on his deathbed and I think that is when fans got tired because there was little movement until Christmas with our story. Everytime Eric was saved he took a turn for the worst so it was frustrating. Plus, I think fans thought it was a triangle and it wasn't. Eric loved Nicole and that was it. Greta only helped him keep the secret. I thought the story was fine but our little time off and I think a change of plans made it a little hard to swallow for some fans. I: Now, you were supposed to only stick around for 6 months and here you are today on recurring status with Jensen. How did that change occur? AZ: Well, once Tim realized the story with Eric dying wasn't working too well with some fans, he felt like he had to do something but the funny part is he already realized that there was more story for us. He told me that he kept pulling more and more ideas out so he asked if Jensen and I would stay. I was ok with it because I was available and Jensen was able to work it out. I like recurring because I can always do other things and Tim said that I can come and go when need be so I love it. I: I would think you would, especially with your current story. How do you feel about being tied to the Carrie baby plot? AZ: Love it. First off, I was very happy when Jensen and I were told by Tim what we were doing story-wise. This was when he asked us to stay and the story was really what forced us to stay. It was just too good to pass up. I also appreciate how the writers used what Eric and Nicole went through and now have Nicole regretting marrying him in a way. I mean, she gave up her dream job at Highstyle in LA to be by him on his deathbed and I think the story with Eric dying was a really good way of getting many fans who never sympathized with Nicole to sympathize with her. We saw her regret her past and all and, when Eric lived, she thought she would have it all. The dream life she wanted was right there but then reality hit. She remembered she can't have kids and we saw her try other means with no result. She was reminded she gave up her job and then Eric got a job with Kate (Lauren Koslow) while Nicole could find nothing even with all the experience she has. I mean, she would be more successful. She is an executive, afterall. We are seeing that the life with Eric she thought would be perfect isn't so it's interesting. The baby twist I never saw coming. We weren't told until it happened. Jensen was shocked. The MCF stuff is so hush-hush they don't say anything ahead. Even with all the baby talk with Eric and Nicole, we were surprised. I like that it ties us back in with sami (Alison Sweeney), Austin (Patrick Muldoon), Lucas (Bryan Dattilo), and those guys. Plus, we are tied to the MCF now. Love it and love the return of dark Nicole too. They built up some fan sympathy with the Eric dying story so now making her bad again can be good since the fans can root for her a bit like they do sami. I mean, she wants a child and a job and this perfect life so she is very rootable, especially with her past. I: How about working with John Aniston (Victor) again? AZ: Fantastic. John and I were so happy because we hadn't worked together in terms of being in a scene alone together since I returned. It's been awhile. As much as I like Jensen, he is really all I have worked with until recently. I had little scenes here and there with Ali, Christie, Austin Peck and Patrick Muldoon, Bryan, and Lauren. I worked alot with Julianne. Now I have John and I am also working a bit with a few others who I actually never have worked with. I love to branch out and Jensen is starting to as well. As I said, I just love how they used not having a job and the whole baby thing and dissatisfaction with her life with Eric to drive Nicole back to her dark side. It's natural and I still think she is rootable because of what the writers have done with me as a character. John and I had a blast with the bedroom scenes and we have some fantastic stuff coming up. I: Can you give us anymore tidbits story-wise? AZ: Not much. Everything is hush-hush with VENDETTA and the MCF. All I can say is there is a twists and turns every day and what is coming is just fantastic. The fans can't miss a day. I: Will Jensen and you stay on if you are asked to remain long-term? AZ: That is hard for Jensen because he has a show but who knows. He has worked around it thus far. Maybe if it stays recurring. As for me, it depends. Like I said, I like recurring because I can do other things but me staying here long-term would depend on timing and so many other factors. I would have to talk to my husband too. I love it here and love what I am doing but I would have to think it over. I: Thanks for joining us. Don't be such a stranger! AZ: Your welcome. I won't. Don't worry (laughs). VENDETTA Deadline Extended!!! The deadline to participate in the VENDETTA game has been extended. The original deadline was March 11 but the new deadline will be March 20, the day before the first official VENDETTA clip is posted. Do let me know if you want to participate. There is a thread in the SONBC forum and more information in the VENDETTA category to the right of the blog. We need game players so PM me, PhoenixRising05, or comment in this blog to announce your intention to play. Thanks. Previews and Peeks into Wk of 3/12/07 -The fire wreaks havoc!! -Marlena learns she has been betrayed. -Cassie is one-upped. -Hope risks it all for Doug. -Steve takes a leap. -Nicole rethinks her marriage to Eric. -Bo and Will bond. -Lexie decides to go to Europe. -Julie lashes out at Victor and Nicole. -Steve's condition confuses Kayla. -Kate blames Sami for Will's issues, forcing Lucas to tear into his mother. -Abby stuns Max. -Marlena vows revenge. -The MCF manipulates James. -Maggie comes clean. -Victor and Julie make a shocking decision. RED LETTER DAYS!!! Monday March 12: The Chez Rouge fire is out of control as Hope risks it all to save her father and a surprising hero emerges. Meanwhile, Marlena learns she has been betrayed as Roman and Co. close in on her. Wednesday March 14: The MCF manipulates James as Marlena vows revenge. Friday March 16: Maggie comes clean while Victor and Maggie make a shocking decision. Next Week: Cal and Katherine reach a turning point. Nicole gets what she wants. Roman tries to reach Marlena. Philip goes too far with Belle. Lexie asks Victor for a favor. Cassie's mysterious meeting takes a shocking turn. Steve tries to learn what is going on with him. Eric and Nicole's marriage begins to crumble. Lexie, Abe, and Celeste head for Europe.
-At University Hospital, a nurse leaves Cassie's room and Chelsea enters it. Cassie asks what took her so long. Chelsea reminds Cassie that a nurse was in her room so she couldn't just walk in and blow their cover. Cassie tells Chelsea she is smarter then she looks, which is no surprise since she is following instructions quite nicely. Cassie asks for the surveillance tape. Chelsea gives it to her reluctantly, knowing full well Cassie is going to use it somehow to destroy Max and Abby. Chelsea also tells Cassie that getting the tape was easy as the guard was knocked unconscious when she arrives. Cassie says that is odd and wonders what happened. Chelsea adds that the guard is fine and she heard that she ended up getting up thinking he fell out of his chair and hit his head. Cassie thinks that is probably the case as no one else had reason to be in there. She just hopes no one finds out the tape is missing until she can alter it and use it for her gains. Cassie then orders Chelsea to close the door and pop the tape into the TV/VCR combo on the wall in her room. She needs to take a look at it to see what sort of editing work needs to be done. Chelsea does just that as Cassie asks her to stand watch at the door to warn her when someone is coming so the tape isn't seen by anyone. Cassie begins to play the tape as Chelsea acts as lookout. Meanwhile, Abby tells Max she doesn't wish to speak with him. Max says he needs to tell her he was wrong. He should've never blamed her for what happened and he treated her horribly. Abby says he is right and also admits that she blames herself too and rightfully so. She did contribute to what happened to Cassi. However, he had no right to blame her and not even let her explain like he did. He knows her. They were good friends and on their way to even more. Max says that the fact it was his baby and it's mother and that he felt he failed is why he lashed out. He was just so emotional. Abby understands but asks about the days after the accident. He never came to see her and ignored her without even coming to apologize or talk things out. He didn't believe in her or have any faith in her and that is something she can't forgive or forget. She says she has nothing more to say to him and wants him to leave. Max tries to convince her to give him a chance to make it up to her but she tells him to either get out or she will have him thrown out. Max reluctantly leaves, saying he is sorry again as he leaves. While alone, Abby breaks down in tears over all she has lost. -At Lucas's apartment, Kate is still sitting on the couch and making sure Will doesn't go MIA again. She hopes he will eventually open up to her or, at least, come out of his room. Meanwhile, Will realizes he can't take it anymore and needs to get out. Mr. Slouse and some of the building security and other neighbors are watching on his parents' instructions to make sure he doesn't runaway again. Will realizes he needs a distraction. He sees Mr. Slouse reading his paper and sitting in the window directly across, making him able to see Will going out the fire escape. Will looks around his room and sees his baseball. He takes it and gets an idea. He goes to the window and tosses the ball at Mr. Slouse's other window, breaking the window and making a crashing noice. Mr. Slouse gets up and heads to where the ball went as Will uses this distraction to make his way down the fire escape and race off into the night. -Fire continues to engulf Chez Rouge. Hope and Julie continue to call for Doug and Maggie, with no response. Roman arrives and says the SPD and fire department are on their way with the EMT's. Hope and Julie fill him in on what is going on. Based on what he is told, Roman realizes Doug and Maggie have been in there too long and he can't afford to wait. He tells Hope he is going in. Hope says that the service entrance door is ajar enough to pull open slightly to enter. Roman says he will use that. Hope tells Julie she is going in too. Roman tries to discourage her but realizes he can't argue with his stubborn sister-in-law. Julie begs Hope again not to do this but a teary-eyed Hope grabs her intensely, telling her that her father and aunt are in there and she needs to help. Julie begins to get hysterical again and tells Hope they can't die. Hope says they won't and she embraces and kisses Julie, promising her it will be alright. Julie begs her to be safe. Hope tells her to say a few prayers. Hope then helps Roman pull open the service door and then she slips in behind him through the small gap they created by getting the door open wide enough. Julie starts to go after them but Victor and Nico arrive. Julie looks at him and says this is all his fault. Nicole soon arrives as well and says: Nicole: Figures. After months and months of not drinking, the one time I want and need a drink one of the most reasonable bars in Salem goes up in flames. Victor: Shutup Nicole. Julie fills Victor, Nico, and Nicole in on what is going on and points the finger at them. She tells Victor his little scheme to break all ties with Maggie by making her think he was having an affair with Nicole pushed her over the edge and now she and Doug may die. Victor turns away in disgust and then turns back, telling Julie now is not the time and place to argue and have this discussion. Sami and Lucas then arrive with Jack, Billie, Greta, and Frankie right behind them. Various media outlets are there now and Jack and Greta are covering for The Spectator. They all ask if there is anything they can do. Julie says they can pray. Jack and Billie look at each other and Billie tells Jack this fire has the MCF's name written all over it. Jack, Frankie, and Greta agree and say that this gives them all the more reason to continue to investigate and research so they can get to the bottom of the MCF mystery before it's too late. Jack, Greta, and Lucas comfort Julie. Meanwhile, the MCF is watching nearby when Marlena shows up. Marlena: What the hell is going on here? Why would you want me to meet you here with a fire going on and so many people around? MCF (via voice changer): Just listen. I need you to stay here and watch the happenings. I need to take care of something. Get as close as you can and see what you can overhear and report back later. Marlena: Whatever. I don't get why I must do... MCF: Just do it. The MCF leaves Marlena, who hides among the bushes outside Chez Rouge, observing all the action and drama. At Roberts & Associates, Eric is finishing up some photo assignments when Caroline shows up. She has a basket of homemade cookies for him as a celebratory gife for his new job. Caroline admits she isn't a big fan of Kate but she is happy her grandson has a new job. Eric thanks her. Just then, Joelle races in and calls out for Eric. She then puts on the TV and asks Eric if that is his wife on TV as it looks like her. Eric sees Nicole with Victor at the fire scene and says it is. They both see the fire is at Chez Rouge. Eric says he needs to get down there and find out what Nicole is doing there. Caroline says she is going with him and they race off. -Back at Lucas's apartment, Kate is reading a magazine when there is a knock on the door. She opens it and finds Mr Slouse. he tells Kate that Will threw a baseball through his window. Kate asks why he would do that. Mr. Slouse says it was a distraction so he could sneak out, only he managed to catch a glimpse of him as he was running down the alley. Kate calls out to Will in his room and he doesn't answer. She calls down to building security, who sends a guard up. The guard breaks down the door and Kate can see that Will is gone, like Mr. Slouse said. She tries calling Lucas but he can't hear his phone at the fire scene. Kate calls the hospital and then the office, where Joelle tells her there is a fire at Chez Rouge and that Lucas is there. Kate races off to get to Lucas and tell him about Will. -Back at the fire scene, Hope and Roman fight through the flames searching for Doug and Maggie. A fiery beam begins to come down from the roof above Roman. Hope calls out to him in the nick of time as he dives out of the way. Meanwhile, outside, the fire department and emergency units arrive with Abe and Shane in tow. Julie explains what is happening to Abe, Shane, and the fire cheif as Sami tries to calm her. Meanwhile, Nicole warns Victor that he better make sure he keeps Julie and Maggie's mouth shut about what she did for him. He tells her not to worry as he will come through on his end of the deal. Nicole warns he better. Victor notes how Nicole hasn't changed one bit. She is still the same conniving bitch she always was and he wonders how long it will be until Eric realizes it. Eric then arrives with Caroline. Eric kisses and embraces Nicole and asks what she is doing there. She says that she went out for a drink and found this scene. He kisses her and remarks how horrible this is as she worries Julie or Maggie will blow her secret. Caroline goes up to Victor and tells him it's been awhile. Victor remarks how Caroline isn't being so hostile towards him like she was prior to his "death." Caroline says alot changed. Victor asks if she was shocked he was alive. Caroline smiles and says that nothing shocks her anymore but she was a little stunned when she learned he was alive on TV and in the papers. Victor then looks at the fire and turns to Caroline, saying it's all his fault. He then looks ahead and hopes that Maggie makes it out of this, along with Doug and any others. Celeste shows up. Abe asks what she is doing there. She says she was on her way to pick up Theo from a playdate when she had a vision and it was of a fire like this one endangering many lives. It looks like she was too late to stop it. They both are stunned when Lexie shows up. Celeste asks her why she is there and she says that this fire could be something to do with the MCF and she wants to see what develops and if they get a lead. Meanwhile, Steve and Kayla show up on the scene. They reunite with everyone including Caroline, Jack, Shane, and Frankie. Kayla says they just got in and drove by and saw the fire. Caroline gets them up to speed. Kayla is worried about Hope and Roman in there and goes to see if she can help. Steve offers to help too but Kayla says no, not with his previous head conditions and memory problems. Steve stays back and tells Kayla to be careful as she goes to talk with the EMT's. -Back at University Hospital, we see a mysterious person stalking around near Cassie's room. The person then goes up the nurses station. All of a sudden there is a page for Chelsea to come to the nurses station for a phone call. Cassie is still playing the tape but tells Chelsea to go ahead. She is nearly finished looking at it and she will be done before anyone walks in. Chelsea says fine and leaves. Meanwhile, Max is on his way to the room. Chelsea goes to the nurses station and the nurse gives her the phone. We then see the mystery person that was near Cassie's room racing down the staircase. The person makes their way to an alley outside of the hospital. The camera then pans around to reveal the person...who is now clad in a black cloak. It's the MCF!!! Chelsea says "Hello" repeatedly on the phone with no answer until the MCF finally responds, via voice changer, with: MCF: The truth always comes out, young Chelsea. The scary part is sometimes you don't control when and where. This is one of those times. The MCF hangs up, leaving Chelsea wondering what is going on and worried that her secret is coming out. Meanwhile, Cassie is watching the tape of her fall as Max prepares to walk in. He then opens the door and catches a glimpse of the tape, shocking Cassie. She quickly turns it off but Max has seen enough to ask what it is and prompty grabs the remote when Cassie tries to say it's nothing. He plays the tape and sees the whole argument between Abby and Cassie and how Cassie fell down the stairs on her own. He looks at her, his face showing he is clearly enraged, as Chelsea walks in and realizes the jig is up. -On the pier, Will is walking aimlessly with no idea where he is going. He is simply trying to clear his mind so he can stop thinking about Alan and what he did to him and what he threatened to do to him and his family. Will then sees something behind some crates that sparks his curiosity. He goes over and is stunned to find...a beaten and bloodied Bo lying there motionless. Will tries to wake his Uncle Bo up but he gets no response. -Kate arrives at the fire scene and races over to Sami and Lucas. She tells them about Will. Caroline tells Sami and Lucas they must go. Julie tells them to go deal with their son. Maggie and Doug would want that. She or someone in the family will call him later to let him know what is happening. Lucas and Sami embrace her and prepare to leave. Eric offers to go to help. Sami is reluctant to leave with Roman in the burning restuarant but realizes she has to go. Nicole, wanting to make sure Victor fulfills his promise and that no one finds out what she did, offers to stay back and tells Eric and Sami she will call them with news on Roman and others. They thank her and agree. Eric kisses her and says he loves her as he leaves with Sami, Kate, and Lucas. -Jack, Billie, Greta, Frankie, Lexie, Celeste, Nicole, Caroline, Steve, Kayla, Shane, Abe, Victor, Nico, and Julie all watch in horror as the fire deparment enters the building. Julie overhears a fireman say that it has been way too long and that those in there may already be lost. Julie breaks down. Greta comforts her. Celeste then has a vision of a man yelling and jumping through flames. She wonders what it means. Meanwhile, inside the burning Chez Rouge, Roman and Hope continue to search, covering their noses and mouths with the cloth napkins they found on the tables. Roman finally spots Maggie and races over to her. Hope helps him pull her up and they race to the service door. Dodging flames and falling beams, they get to the door and pull it open a little more to get Maggie out with them. They get Maggie over to Kayla and the EMT's. Victor is relieved to see Maggie out. Kayla says she needs to get to the hospital. Maggie is loaded into the ambulance and Victor says he will go with her. Julie seems against it but doesn't argue. Nicole tells Nico to take her to the hospital too since he is going there...she needs to discuss things with Victor. He reluctantly agrees. The EMT's tell Hope and Roman they need medical attention. Julie warns them both not to argue. Hope notices the fire department backing away from Chez Rouge and telling spectators to back away. She wonders what is going on. Hope tells the fire chief that her father is still in there. The fire chief says that the building is about to give way and they can't risk putting the men in that danger. Besides, as much as he hates to say it, anyone still in there after that long has nearly an impossible chance to survive. Julie breaks down and begins to hit the fire chief. Hope holds her back and gets in the chief's face, telling the chief he can't give up. Hope: My father is still in there!!! How can you just give up? They then hear one part of the building collapse. Julie goes running towards the building. Julie: DOUG! Hope: SOMEONE HAS GOT TO DO SOMETHING! MY FATHER IS IN THERE! ROMAN! SOMEONE! ABE...SHANE...SOMEONE!! PLEASE!! Roman looks at a desperate Hope and Julie. Meanwhile, Abe gets a call from someone with a altered voice. It's the MCF!! Abe notices this is the same voice as the person that tipped the SPD off to Bo and Victor's whereabouts a few months ago. MCF: I just thought I would let you know...you are being watched. Look to the right of your wife. Abe: How do you know my wife? MCF: Nevermind. Just do it. The MCF then hangs up. MCF: Sorry, Marlena. Sacrifices have to be made sometimes. Abe asks if the person is still there before hanging up. He then follows instructions and looks where he was told and is stunned to see...Marlena!!! Abe races to Roman and Shane and tells him who he sees. Roman is stunned to see her too and tells them both they need to sneak up or they will scare her off. Marlena then sees them looking at her and takes off. Roman gives chase, with Abe and Shane in tow. The fire chief turns around and Hope uses the moment to try to race into the building. She is held back by some firemen, screaming as Greta comforts a hysterical Julie: Hope (crying): LET ME GO!! LET ME FIND MY FATHER!!! DAMNIT! IF YOU WON'T DO SOMETHING, LET ME!! LET ME GO!! DADDY!! DADDY!! The screen then fades out on a split screen of Julie in tears being held by Greta and a desperate, crying Hope being held back by the firemen. On the Next Salem Lives... Roman (as Marlena watches in the shadows): Marlena! I know you are here. Nicole to Victor: I won't go down for you so you better come through for me or I will make you pay. Sami to Lucas: Where's our son? Will to Bo: Can you here me, Uncle Bo? Cassie (in tears) to Max: Let me make you understand. Please!! Hope to Julie: Roman, Abe, and Shane are gone and if the fire department won't do anything. I will have to...and they can't stop me.
-At Lucas’s apartment, Kate bangs on Will’s bedroom door, trying desperately to get him to come out. He sits on his bed, refusing to even acknowledge her. All he keeps telling her is for her to leave him alone. Kate doesn’t want to hear that. She loves him so very much and knows something is bothering him. It kills her to see him like this, all cut off from his family, so if nothing else, she wants him to open the door so she can at least see how he’s doing. Will slowly gets up, walks to the door, opening it up just enough for Kate to see his tear stained face. Now, he says, she saw him. Now he wants her and everyone to just leave him alone. He then slams the door in her face and she jumps back in surprise. Will then returns to his bed and Kate softly tells him, through the door, that when he is ready, she will be there, for him. Kate walks to the couch and sits down, leaving Will alone in his room to deal with his torment. -Eric is drying himself off after taking a shower and sees Nicole walk back into their suite. Eric is glad to see her and gives her a kiss on the cheek, which makes her a little ashamed to accept it after what happened. She asks him how he’s doing and he says that with everything his crazy family is going through, he’s doing just fine, thank you. That makes her chuckle. Then Eric asks her why she never told him where she was last night before she left the suite this morning. Nicole gets slightly defensive before saying that she just went for a walk to clear her head last night. He says he didn’t mean to accuse her. He just wanted to know if she was ok and if there was anything they needed to talk about. He doesn’t want her to worry about a thing. She says she won’t as he kisses her on her cheek and then goes into the bedroom to get dressed, saying that he has to run to work to handle something for Kate. She is left in the outer room to hope that everything will work out in the end. Eric comes out, kisses her goodbye and professes his love, and then leaves. Frustrated, she grabs her coat and decides to head out to Chez Rouge for a drink. -Sami and Lucas walk through the parking lot of the hospital. They are happy that they and Carrie and Austin have decided to leave the past in the past. Sami says that she now hopes that Will can open up about what is bothering him. Lucas says he just might do that if they stop constantly asking him what is wrong and let him open up when he is ready. He hugs her as they both walk to his car. -At Chez Rouge, Maggie is unconscious on the floor while Julie continues to scream for Maggie outisde the restuarant, in hopes that she is inside . When Julie sees smoke coming out of the windows, she gasps in horror and then tries to call for help. She throws her cell phone to the ground when she realizes that it is dead. She then looks inside the restuarant and around the outside, helplessly watching it burn. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Hope is looking for Maggie as well. She walks past one of the bars in the area and looks inside the window. She doesn’t find Maggie.....but does see Bo, who she hasn’t heard one thing from in quite some time. She watches him pour one drink after another down his throat, feeling like less of a man because of what he remembered happening to him and for being betrayed by his brother and sister. Hope realizes she is watching a man who is at war with the entire world. -Back at Chez Rouge, Maggie is starting to wake up and notices that flames are all around her. She realizes what she has done, especially when a flame catches her clothing and sets them on fire, causing her to scream in pain. Julie hears this as she is running up to the restaurant and yells inside for whoever is there. Maggie screams back that it is her, as she puts out her burning clothes with her hands. As Julie tries getting her phone to work, she is gratefully surprised to see Doug running up behind her. Julie tells him that Maggie is inside and that they need to get help to get her out before she dies. He pulls out his cell and throws it to Julie as he races around to the back door, trying to get it open. Julie yanks on the front door trying as well but both doors seem to be locked. As Julie follows Doug towards the back, he notices that the service entrance door seems to be ajar enouigh to pull open. Julie tries to stop him from going in but all Doug can say is.... Doug: If it were you in there, I would have just walked through the fire. Time is a wasting, my lady. Julie can only cry, touch Doug’s face and say...... Julie: Thank you, my darling, for just loving me. Doug smiles at Julie right before he disappears into the burning building. She tries to follow him once again but the door slams shut behind him. Julie screams out in desperation but then realizes that she must dial 911. Once again, back at the bar, Hope starts to walk up to Bo when she receives a call from Julie, telling her about her father and the fire. Hope knows she has to make a decision.....stay with her husband or race off to help her father. She pauses for a moment before hesitantly deciding to go help Julie and Doug at Chez Rouge. She looks at Bo desperately, hoping that he is still there, or at least in Salem, when she tries to find him again. She hangs up her cell phone on Julie and takes off towards the restaurant. What she doesn’t see is Bo’s manhood being challenged by some drunk regulars and Bo jumps up, breaking a beer bottle and trying to pick a fight with the men. All they keep calling him is a sissy boy for using a bottle, which makes Bo more and more angry. Bo says he will show them a sissy and throws the bottle down, right before hitting one of the patrons with a right cross. It is returned and soon five men are fighting toe-to-toe with Bo. The owner of the bar then runs around the counter and orders all the men outside, telling them that his place won’t be used for a fight club ring. When all the men get outside, Bo continues pushing the men until they all gang up on him and beat him to a bloody pulp, leaving him barely conscious on the ground. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor and Nico go over plans on how to capture the MCF. Nico notices that Victor’s mind is not on work and tells him that he did what he had to do concerning Maggie. Victor thanks Nico and does remind himself that it was for her benefit. As they are conversing, Henderson rushes in and tells them that there is breaking news on the television. When Nico turns it on, the report about the fire comes blaring across the screen. Both men look at each other and then Victor tells Henderson that they will be at Chez Rouge should anyone need him. Victor and Nico then race out into the night, hoping that Maggie is ok. Victor can’t get over the fact that there is a report of a woman trapped inside the building. Meanwhile, back in the Salem University Hospital parking lot, Lucas gets a phone call from Julie. She tells him that Maggie’s restaurant is on fire and that she is trapped inside. Lucas hangs up his phone in shock and tells Sami that they have to go. His Aunt Maggie is in danger. They jump into the car and speed off. At the restaurant, Hope has just ran up to her half sister/stepmother, begging to know what happened and where her father is. Julie is crying, saying that she saw him run into the building and hasn’t seen or heard him since. Hope tells her that it is up to her and that she is going after her father. Julie tells her that she can’t but Hope looks at her, telling her that her daddy has always been there for her........and now is the time to return the favor. Hope runs towards the back as Julie looks on, helpless. Julie is getting hysterical as she iswondering where the fire department is. Hope tries to calm her. Julie tries once again to convince Hope not to go in but she insists and goes around back to find a way in as Julie follows, horrified. The MCF is watching from the shadows, clearly pleased at what he or she is witnessing. The MCF then says: MCF (via voice changer): This gives me an idea. The MCF takes out his/her cell phone and dials it. MCF: Hello, Marlena. It's me. I need you to come down to Chez Rouge right away. Make sure you aren't spotted as something is going on here and there is likely to be alot of action. I will be around the area so just look for me. The MCF hangs up the phone, laughing about how prime opportunities keep presenting themselves. Meanwhile, Doug yells out for Maggie inside as the entire restaurant is an inferno. Maggie is trying to crawl her way to safety but finally succumbs to the smoke and passes out. Doug calls to her, with no response. He then hears Hope calling out repeatedly to him: Hope: DADDY! DADDY! CAN YOU HEAR ME?! ARE YOU OK?! Doug is about to answer when a fiery beam falls on him, pinning him to the ground and knocking him unconscious as Hope's screams: Hope: DADDY!? DADDY?! AUNT MAGGIE! CAN YOU HEAR ME?! ARE YOU OK?! Julie: DOUG! AUNT MAGGIE! PLEASE ANSWER US! Hope and Julie's screams and pleas can be heard as the screen fades out on a split screen of Maggie lying unconscious amid the flames and Doug's lifeless body under the beam with flames surrounding him. On the Next Salem Lives... Billie to Jack (watching the fire): This has our cloaked friend's name written all over it. Kate to Sami and Lucas: It's Will. He's gone. Will (looking at something on the pier): Oh my... Victor to Caroline: This is all my fault. Julie to Hope: He has to make it...they both have to. Roman (searching through the flames): Doug! Maggie! (a beam then begins to fall right above Roman)
-Hope and Doug are at Maggie's house after returning from searching for her all morning. Doug has no idea where Maggie could be and is really worried, as is Hope. Alice calls Hope on her cell and asks if there is any word. Hope apologizes saying there isn't but says she will let her known as soon as there is. Hope tells Alice to get some rest as she has been up all night with worry. Alice tells Hope not to worry and tells Hope to just pray and have faith that Maggie will be alright and to encourage others to do the same. Hope says she will and hangs up. Hope tells her father that she hopes Maggie is alright as she isn't sure any of them can take much more tragedy and turmoil. Meanwhile, Julie is searching Salem Park for Maggie and wonders where she could be. The scene then shifts to Chez Rouge. Maggie has locked all the doors and closed the restaurant for the day. She has all the light off so no one will know she is there and she has a single candle lit on the bar. There are empty liquor bottles lying around the bar area where she is sitting. She is disheveled and completely out of it. She is angry at the world and at God but says he is not completely at fault. She lost Mickey because she chose to stay back on the island and because she never reached for him before the explosion. Her other mistake was being naive in thinking she could find love again...a love like she had with Mickey. She bought Victor's act and he trampled all over her heart and then some. Maggie opens another bottle of whiskey and begins to down it. She says she no longer cares what happens to her anymore. She can't live like this...thinking about all that she has lost and how it's her fault and how she was so stupid in thinking Victor loved her. She should've saw it coming. He was probably using her for something. She then walks around the restaurant and has flashbacks to special times with Mickey and with Victor, including the romantic night they had when she opened Chez Rouge for him privately in December. She begins to break down and goes into a rage, throwing the bottle at the wall near the bar. -At Salem University Hospital, Abby is stunned when Greta comes to see her. They embrace and Greta says she just wanted to check in to see how she is doing. Abby says fine and asks how Greta is doing. She heard that she is the new Spectator editor and that she is her father's boss now. Greta says she loves it and feels like things are just about to get exciting. She tells Abby she is sorry for everything she is going through but encourages her to keep the faith. Abby says that it's getting harder and harder to do that. Meanwhile, Max is having coffee in the cafeteria when Frankie joins him, asking what he needed. Max says he called him because he has no idea what to do or who to beleive concerning Cassie's fall. Frankie says it's easy...he knows Abby. Abby has made mistakes behavior-wise recently but her mother had just died. She is paying for them now and the poor girl is suffering. Frankie asks Max if he really thinks Abby would deliberately hurt Cassie and his baby. Frankie reminds him that Abby is someone he knows and trusts. Cassie is a Dimera that has wanted him for some time now due to their one night stand. He asks him who he should beleive...someone from a family they know and trust or someone from the Dimera family who seems to care more about the hold the baby had on him rather then the baby itself. Max tells Frankie that Cassie isn't as bad as he says. Frankie says he knows she is bad news. Even when she was believed to be a Brady, she was never stopped being what she was. She is conniving, manipulative...it's who she is. Max is silent and Frankie tells Max that he knows the right answer deep down. It's no contest and the fact that he ever would side with Cassie is laughable as Abby would never lie about or do something like this. She feels guilty enough as it is. Max contemplates Frankie's words. -In Cassie's hospital room, Chelsea arrives and asks why Cassie had a nurse come get her. Cassie says she has another task for her...it's what they discussed before. If Chelsea chooses not to do it, she will go down in flames and see her two dirty secrets come out. Chelsea turns around in disgust and her eyes well up in tears as she begs Cassie to stop this. Cassie refuses saying she will stop when she gets what she wants and she wants Max and revenge on Abby for what happened to her child. Chelsea reminds Cassie that Abby did nothing to her but Cassie thinks otherwise. She should've just stepped aside and let her be with Max or, at the very least, should've bowed out of their argument before it reached the stairwell. Chelsea notes that Cassie could've stopped the argument too. Cassie quickly changes the subject and tells Chelsea to do what she asked of her...go to the hospital security headquarters and find a way to get the surveilance tape from the day of her fall. The headquarters is in the basement so all she has to do is create a diversion and take care of the security camera in that room so she doesn't get caught. The other cameras won't be a problem as no one would think that Chelsea is helping her. Cassie tells Chelsea that hospital security is holding on to the tape until they get word on whether she is going to seek an investigation and legal action against Abby in regards to her fall. Cassie can't be blamed for stealing the tape because she is in her room and the security cameras will show that. Chelsea asks what Cassie is going to do with it. Cassie tells her nevermind and to find a way to get the tape...now. -At Lucas's apartment, Sami is calling for Will and he tells Sami from his room that he doesn't feel good and has a headache. He just wants to be left alone. Sami continues to wonder what is wrong with him and vows to get to the bottom of it. Lucas arrives and tells Sami there is someplace he wants to go and he will tell her about it on the way. Sami doesn't want to leave Will right now but Lucas notes that he won't be alone. There is then a knock on the door. It's Kate. Sami rolls her eyes and tells Lucas that now is not the time to call her. Kate reminds Sami that Will is her grandson and she is worried about him too. Sami is upset that Lucas told her but Lucas insists she has a right to know. Lucas tells Sami he really wants to get going and tells Kate thank you for coming over. They don't want Will alone and are afraid he may run away again. Kate says it's no problem and says she will try to get him to talk to her. Sami says that won't be necessary. She can help her son. Lucas then ushers her out to prevent a fight, telling her they need to go. After they leave, Kate knocks on Will's door and asks if he is alright. There is no answer. Kate calls out to him and begs him to answer and to talk to her about what's going on. Meanwhile, in his room, Will is lying on his bed in tears as he is thinking about what Alan did to him and how he threatened to him and his family if he didn't remain silent. Will begins to shake and puts his head into his pillow so that Kate won't hear him crying. -At University Hospital, Austin is with Carrie. Carrie is very much contemplating telling Austin the truth about her baby in hopes that they can find him together. Austin mentions how much they have been through and hates that there has been so much hurt. Carrie feels the same and feels horrible that things are so tense with them and Sami and Lucas. Lucas then comes in and says they don't have to be that way. Sami adds that it's time they put the past behind them all and moved on. Lucas: I wanted to do this today, despite all of us having so much to deal with. It couldn't wait any longer. I don't want to live like this and I know none of us do. I don't condone what you two (looking at Carrie and Austin) did. You betrayed me and you hurt me. You keeping this from me hurt the most and, Carrie, you going into hiding with what could've been my baby...and considering what happened... Carrie: I know, Lucas. I am so sorry. I know I hurt you...all of you deeply. I have made so many mistakes in my life and it just seems like I keep making worse and worse ones. Lucas: We all made mistakes. All of us and I know we all regret them but that is all part of growing. Just look at Sami. After all she has done, she has finally grown up. She is finally the Sami we all knew she could be and I couldn'e be more proud. Austin: Either could I. Lucas: If Sami can change, we all can change and improve ourselves so it's time for a fresh start. For all of us. Sami: Lucas is right. We have all hurt each other and many others and rehashing everything and holding grudges isn't worth it. Life is too short. We are family and we need each other. Whatever it was...fate, destiny...for whatever reason we all ended up mix matched together but, deep down, we knew it wasn't right. I belong with Lucas and you guys belong together. I guess we were just meant to go through all this but, now, it's all been righted and I think moving on and just starting with a blank slate will maintain that and our happiness. So, what do you guys say? Lucas: No more rehashing. No more anger. It will be hard to forget but we all have things that we did that need forgiving. We all made mistakes so let's just leave them where they are and vow to always be honest with each other. Carrie begins to tear up and thinks about telling all about the baby but can bring herself to do it. Lucas: Let's just remember the good times and joke about the bad. Just as long as we don't mention the ugly we will be alright. They all laugh. Lucas: So, is that ok? Austin: Sounds great. Carrie: Fine by me. Lucas: Ok...so...friends again? Austin: Friends again. Carrie: Yep. Friends again. Sami: Friends and sisters again (smiles at Carrie). Austin and Lucas embrace and shake hands as Sami embraces both Carrie and Austin. Lucas gives Carrie a friendly kiss and hug. -Back in Cassie's room, Chelsea reluctantly agrees to go get the rape, remembering what her secrets coming out could do to her and her family. She leaves as Cassie look on, pleased that her plans are on track and promising that she will have Max and Abby will be destroyed. Meanwhile, Greta tells Abby to just have hope and pray that things work out. Max will come around. If not, he is stupid to let a girl like her go. Abby says she just doesn't want to end up alone. Greta looks down and Abby apologizes, realizing Greta has had trouble with her love life. Greta says it's ok. She tells Abby she needs to go and will see her later. Abby thanks her for stopping by and they embrace and promise to see each other soon. At that same moment, Frankie tells Max he has to go. Greta then walks by and says hello to both of them. She asks Frankie if he was just on his way to meet her, Jack, and Billie at The Spectator to start their research and investigation. He says he was. Frankie takes Max aside and tells him to go to Abby and make this right. Deep down, he knows that what he did was wrong and that Abby should not be treated like this by him. Frankie hugs him and wishes him luck as he leaves with Greta. Greta asks Frankie if he is ready to get going on this MCF stuff. He says he is as ready as he will ever be. -Max goes to Abby's room and paces back and forth outside it. He is hesistant to go in, realizing how much he probably has hurt her as it is just know setting in how awful he treated her. He understands now that he really screwed up. He realizes he just needs to go for it and make this right. He then walks into Abby's room, stunning Abby. Abby asks what he wants. Max says they have to talk. Meanwhile, in the basement of the hospital, a mysterious person is walking through the hospital security headquarters. It's the MCF!! The camera then pans around to reveal a guard on the floor unconscious. The MCF has a video in hand, that is dated 2/13/07 and says "SECURE AND HOLD IN LIEU OF POTENTIAL POLICE INVESTIGATION-CASSIE DIMERA FALL CASE." The MCF then walks out of the security headquarters, closing the door behind him or her. Chelsea then arrives and wonders how she is going to do this. She enters the headquarters and finds the guard knocked out, seeing this will be easier then she thought Chelsea looks around for awhile and finally finds a video dated 2/13/07 and with the same title "SECURE AND HOLD IN LIEU OF POTENTIAL POLICE INVESTIGATION-CASSIE DIMERA FALL CASE." She takes it and checks the security camera, noticing it's not on. She wonders what is going on and checks the guard's pulse. He is alive. She wonders what is going on here and leaves before she is blamed for it. As she leaves, the MCF steps out of the shadows, holding the video, saying: MCF (via voice changer): Sure you got the right video, young Chelsea? The MCF then laughs as he or she exits via a maintenance entrance. -Hope and Doug are on the peir searching for Maggie. They decide it's best to split up so they can cover more ground. Doug asks Hope if it's time to get the police involved. She says it's near that time and they should probably consider it if they don't find Maggie within the hour. They separate and Hope tells Doug she will call and check in with him in an hour. Meanwhile, Julie arrives at Chez Rouge. She tries to open the front door and, later, the side doors and employee entrance and learns they are all locked. She sees the lights off and wonders what is going on and why the place is closed during the day. She bangs on the front door and yells to Maggie if she is in there. Maggie, with tears streaming down her face and liquor still in hand, says: Maggie: I AM DONE!!! I AM DONE WITH EVERYONE!!! WITH ALL OF THIS!! NONE OF IT MEANS ANYTHING...I LOST MICKEY...VICTOR BETRAYED ME AND PLAYED ME FOR A DAMN FOOL!!! TO HELL WITH THE MEMORIES...THE FEELINGS...TO HELL WITH THIS PLACE, EVERYONE, AND EVERYTHING!!! Maggie, in her emotional drunken rage, intentially knocks over the candle. The area around the bar catches fire, with the broken liquor bottle on the floor and all the liquor behind the bar only enhancing the flames. Maggie (crying): Mickey gave me this...I don't deserve it or anything...or anyone. Let it burn...let it all burn. It doesn't matter...nothing matters. I destroyed everything including myself...I may as well destroy this place too. The flames consume the front end of the restaurant. Maggie walks away from the flames but trips and falls while in her drunken state, hitting her head on a table. She lies unconscious as the restaurant is engulfed in flames and Julie can be heard screaming outside "Maggie!!! Are you there?" as the screen fades out. On the Next Salem Lives... Eric to Nicole: You never did tell me where you went last night. Hope: Oh my God...Bo!! Kate to Will: Open this door now and tell me what the hell is going on!! Sami to Lucas: What's wrong? It's my Aunt Maggie. Victor to Nico (watching TV): Oh God... Julie to Doug: She's in there. Maggie is in the restaurant!! (as Maggie lies in the restaurant inferno). MCF (watching the fire): This gives me an idea.
-At the motel outside of Chicago, Kayla continues to be confused as to Steve forgetting the last two months. She asks him again if he is sure he doesn't remember anything since right before the shootout at the New Year's Eve Ball. Steve says he is sure...the last thing he remembers is Stefano and Victor's men, along with the SPD and ISA, all surrounding the room looking like they were going to open fire. He then remembers passing out and that is it. Kayla recalls hearing Steve scream a few minutes ago while she was in the shower and she wonders if maybe he had another traumatic memory of being tortured or something. That could cause him to block out some things but it wouldn't cause him to block out all the happy memories and all the progress they had made over the past few weeks while on their trip. Steve feels horrible that his condition has regressed and begins to break down. Kayla takes him in her arms and tells him it will be ok. They will figure this out and beat this together. They will go on another trip and help bring those memories back again. Kayla reminds Steve that if he remembered before, he can remember them again. Steve still feels bad hearing that he had made so much progress and that he and Kayla were close to getting their lives back. Kayla says they will find happiness and he will recover. She won't give up on him and she begs him not to give up on her. He says he won't and thanks her for supporting him. He can't remember much about her but he can see that she cares and loves him, although he doesn't think he deserves it. Kayla tells him not to say that and says he does deserve it. She promises him that he will get his memories back and be Steve again and that he will recover. She adds that they will find out what happened tonight to make him forget the past two months...that she promises him. -At Salem University Hospital, Lexie enters Stefano's room with Rich. Rich tells her that Stefano made it through surgery but is in a coma. It looks like he will recover but they don't know when he will wake up. Lexie thanks him and asks if she can be with her father alone. Rich leaves. Lexie sits down next to her father and takes his hand lovingly. She then breaks down in tears and begs her father to fight and come back to her. She needs him to help her get revenge and get her son back. She also needs him to tell her what the MCF said. They can never get rid of the MCF if he doesn't wake up. He may hold the key. She tells him that she doesn't understand what he told her before going to surgery. She says that she thought about Tony and him being what the MCF was talking about when he hinted at something to Stefano prior to being shot. Lexie notes that they have no idea where Tony is and that Stefano has had people looking for him since summer. That could very well fit in with what the MCF told Stefano about having "something he wanted" and something he had been "searching for." Lexie sees Stefano's heart rate go up on the monitor as she is mentioning this. She asks out loud if he thinks she should increase the search for Tony. She looks at Stefano and admits that she can feel that he would want that...that he would want to explore this to see if Tony is who the MCF is talking about. She needs to check this out and, if she checks out the obvious places that Andre or Ernesto would've kept him, then it would lead to the conclusion that the MCF has Tony. Lexie promises Stefano that will get revenge on the MCF for doing this to him and she will look into the Tony possibility. She kisses his hand and lays on his stomach. Meanwhile, outside Stefano's room, Celeste has overheard the whole exchange. She goes in search of Abe and finds him at the Nurses Station. He asks her if she is finally ready to go home. Celeste explains to Abe the conversation she heard Alexandra having with Stefano and she says she has an idea. She reminds Abe of their plan to do their own investigation to find a way to bring down Stefano and the Dimera's to stop their influence on Alexandra and to protect Theo. She tells Abe that Tony could be the key. He has always tried to give the Dimera name honor and respect. He would want to clean up the Dimera image so he may be willing to provide some sort of info to help them somehow bring down Stefano and the Dimera organization. This way, Tony could rebuild it in a more positive light. Abe likes the idea. Celeste explains that Lexie is going to be looking into the possibility that the MCF has Tony, based on what the MCF told Stefano before his shooting, so Celeste thinks they should monitor Lexie and tail her every move. Abe is hesistant at first, saying this may be a wild goose chase and could push Lexie further away from them, but agrees it could work out. He says it's worth a shot. Celeste thanks him and says she hopes this helps with getting the Lexie they know and love back and maybe with bringing down the MCF somehow. Abe hopes so too. -On another end of the hospital, Eric doesn't get what Austin is tyring to say. He asks Austin if he is suggesting that the baby he and Nicole found is Carrie's. Carrie overhears and is stunned. Eric whispers to Austin to cool it and not to give Carrie false hope. Austin tells Carrie that she misunderstood. They were just talking about how they need to watch her so she doesn't become delusional after all she has been through. Rich then comes by and tells Carrie she needs to be in bed if she wants to go home later today. He also reminds Eric and Austin visiting hours are over. Eric and Austin apologize. Austin kisses Carrie good night and Eric embraces her. Carrie goes back to her room, wondering if Eric and Austin lied and if they may be on to something in regards to her baby. Carrie begins to lean more and more towards admitting the truth...that her baby is still alive and she lied. She begins to beleive that may be the key to finding her baby. Outside the room, Eric tells Austin to be more careful. Carrie has been through enough. She doesn't need false hope. Austin apologizes. He just thinks it's weird that Nicole and him found a newborn child at Green Mountain on the same day as they found Carrie and learned that her baby had "died." Not to mention they found Carrie about 5 miles away from Green Mountain Lodge. Eric tells Austin it's nothing more then a coincidence. Nothing more. Carrie wouldn't lie about her baby dying and she certainly wouldn't give him or her up. Austin agrees that Eric is right. They shake hands and bid each other goodnight after admitting it's been a long day and night. Eric leaves while Austin continues to ponder what Eric told him. Austin thinks about how Carrie went into hiding and lied to all of them about being with her mother just because she didn't want to cause problems with those she cares about and she didn't want her baby to grow up around alot of tension due to the paternity. He wonders if it's possible Carrie lied again saying her baby died when it's actually alive and she only gave it up. He looks in on Carrie lying on her bed, wondering if his theory could be true. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Julie tries to comfort a devestated Maggie over the sight of Victor and Nicole in bed together. Victor and Nicole quickly collect themselves and leave the room to get dressed. Maggie asks Julie how he could do this to her. Victor and Nicole return fully dressed. Victor apologizes for them walking on on this. Maggie (crying): How could you do this???!!! I thought you cared about me!!! You were my friend and I thought we were turning into something more!!! Victor: I'm sorry, Maggie. I'm sorry if you misunderstood. I am still your friend and I do care about you but it was never anything more then that. I'm sorry. I will still be there for you... Maggie: You told me you loved me before you left. How and when in the hell did you hook up with this tramp? Nicole: Hey! Victor: It just happened. I have been gone for awhile and... Maggie: Don't tell me things chance. Julie tracked you down and met with you. She would've told me if you had intentions to... Victor: Well, there are things Julie doesn't have the right to know so I kept it to myself. Julie then recalls herself telling Victor to either settle things with Maggie or cut all ties to her. She figures he is cutting all ties to her right now and that this is all a setup with Henderson and Nico's help. She wonders what Nicole is getting out of this. Maggie: I can't beleive this. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!! Victor (puts head down): I'm sorry. I didn't want you to see this... Maggie (crying hysterically): Well, I am glad I did. Now I know the truth. I got played. Now I know Mickey is and was my only true love. I will never have anything close to that again. I had hope I found it with you but...you hurt me so much!!! Victor: I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. Maggie: Don't say anything. I'm through anyway. I'm not going to stand here and subject myself to looking at this disgusting display anymore. Maggie gets in Victor's face and says: Maggie: I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!! YOU BROKE MY HEART!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH!!! THE HEARTBREAKN, THE SUFFERING...HOW COULD YOU STEP ALL OVER ME LIKE THIS?! IT'S NOT RIGHT!!! I guess I deserve this...Mickey did die because of me so maybe it's payback. I chose to stay on the island and he stays back and BAM! He's gone and so is my life. I may be still living but, tonight I realize, I will never be as happy again as I was before that night Mickey died. Never. Thank you, Victor Kiriakis. Thank you for giving me hope and making me think everything could be ok again...and then ripping my heart out and walking all over it. I hope you burn in hell!! Maggie slaps Victor and then races out in tears with Julie behind her. Maggie races out of the mansion and Julie can't catch up. Julie reaches the car and notices that Maggie hasn't returned to it. She realizes Maggie has taken off on foot. Meanwhile, Victor tells Nicole her work is done. She can leave. Nicole wants Victor's assurance that no one else will find out about their ruse. She can't have Eric or anyone else find out that she had "sex" with Victor. Victor tells her not to worry. She also reminds Victor to take care of his end of the deal. He says he will. Nicole tells him he better and leaves. Julie returns to Victor and asks how he could do this. Victor reminds her of her saying that he needed to settle the Maggie situation. He just did...he cut ties to her. Julie asks if he had to be that extreme and that harsh. She warns Victor that if Maggie goes over the edge, he will be to blame. Julie leaves as Victor looks on, thinking and hoping he did the right thing and that it will all turn out for the best. Julie then calls Doug, who is still up in the the early morning hours with Alice as they were worried about her and Maggie. Julie tells Doug she will need his help and that maybe he should call Hope to help as something has happened and Maggie is missing. Doug says he will and that he will be right there. Julie hangs up and prays Maggie is ok. Meanwhile, Nicole gets in her car and hopes that Victor keeps his end of the bargain. She also hopes that he makes sure Julie, Maggie, and anyone else that knows she was with Victor will keep their mouth shut. She drives off in her car while, out of the shadows, the MCF emerges with a camcorder. The MCF presses play on the unit and it shows Nicole and Victor in bed and having "sex." The MCF stops it and says: MCF (via voice changer): Oh, don't worry Nicole. No one is going to say a word...they will be able to see what you did. The MCF then laughs as he or she walks away and the screen fades out. On the Next Salem Lives... Max to Abby: We need to talk. Cassie to Chelsea: I have another task for you and, if you refuse, you go down in flames. Sami (with Lucas) to Carrie and Austin: I think it's time we lay everything out and put the past in the past. Kate to Will: What is going on? Hope to Doug: I'm not sure any of us can take much more. Julie: Maggie!!! Are you in there? Maggie (crying): To hell with this place...to hell with everyone!!!
-It's past midnight in Salem and a new day is in it's early stages. Kayla and Steve are in a motel outside of Chicago after their return flight to Salem was grounded due to bad weather. Kayla apologizes to Steve for them having to make an unscheduled landing. She also apologizes that they had to cut their little trip down memory lane short. Her mother called and told her that there was issues with her family and that they needed her so she felt like this was right. Steve is ok with it and tells Kayla it's fine. He has already remembered so much and the memories of his being tortured have not surfaced in awhile. Kayla says they can pick up right where they left on on the trip once she handled what she must. She figures it will be good for him to get a break from putting pressure on himself to remember anyway. Steve agrees. Kayla goes to take shower and smiles at home before she enters the bathroom, saying that she feels like they are so close to getting their life back. Steve smiles back as Kayla closes the bathroom door. Steve decides to lay down on the bed and, as he watches TV, someone is watching him from outside the motel room. -Back in Salem at the Deveraux home, Billie pulls away from Jack and walks away from him. Jack kissing Billie and then Billie returning the kiss has clearly flustered both of them. Both are silent until Jack says: Jack: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I... Billie: No. It's...ok. I... Jack: I only did it because you were hysterical and upset. I just wanted for you to calm down and kissing you was the first thing that...I'm sorry. Billie: No. I'm sorry. I was irrational. I still blame myself and I feel guilty as hell but JJ, Angel, and their mother and brother...whoever killed them would've gotten to them anyway regardless if we told the police what we knew. I can't change what happened but I can avenge their deaths and make sure they don't die in vain. I can make sure we break this mystery open and catch this mysterious cloaked figure and whoever is working with him or her. Jack: Now that's the spirit. That's the Billie I know. The four of us...you, me, Frankie, and Greta. We will get to the bottom of this. God knows the police and ISA are having trouble. Billie: Yeah. Hey...Jack. Thanks. Thanks for being here and for listening and.... Jack: That's what friends are for. You did the same for me when Jennifer died and when our daughters nearly died. I'm just sorry I had to kiss you to shut you up. Billie: Yeah...well, it meant nothing. I mean, we're just good friends and, even if it did mean something, I have been hurt so many times and with so much going on...I'm not ready for another relationship right now. Not now...maybe not ever. Jack: Yeah. I'm not ready to move on either. Jennifer has only been gone for eight months and I have so much on my plate as it is. You don't have to worry. We are just good friends and that is all we will be. I'm sorry if I compromised our friendship. Billie: You did nothing wrong...just like you tell me. It's fine. They embrace, both clearly upset and both apparently still affected by all that has happened. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor tells Nicole to sit down. Nicole asks what Victor could possibly want from her. He says he has a proposal for her. He says he has a plan...a plan that will push Maggie out of his life. It's a little extreme but it's necessary. He needs to cut ties to her. It's simply too dangerous for her to be involved with him and he cares too much. Nicole asks what Victor needs her to do. He looks at her and says he just needs her to put on a show. Nicole looks at him, wondering what he means and her face then turns from one of confusion to one of shock. Nicole tells Victor that she can't do that, especially since she is married and she would lose everything if it ever got back to Eric, which it's bound to if Maggie and anyone else sees it. Victor assures her he will make sure everything works out. Nicole asks how. He asks for her to trust him. He says he will give her a great reward in return. Nicole suddenly has a look of contemplation on her face, which then turns to a devilish look. Victor says he knows that look and asks what Nicole has in mind. She fills him in on the baby she and Eric found at Green Mountain and how she wants to adopt him. She asks Victor to pull some strings and to make sure she gets custody of the child. Victor asks if that's all. Nicole thinks for a moment and then says no and adds: Nicole: There is something else I want. I gave up my job for my husband and now he is working and I will not be homemaker, even with a child. So...what I want from you is a job worthy of my talents. I want you to give me a high-ranking position at Titan. I know Philip fired Lucas while you were presumed dead so you have an executive position to fill. You know I do a good job and my track record speaks for itse... Victor: Shutup Nicole. So...you want this baby you found and Lucas's former job at Titan? Nicole: Yep. That's it. Oh, and your word that none of this gets back to Eric or anyone else that can ruin things for me. That's all. Victor: Yeah...that's all. Fine...Nicole. You have yourself a deal. Victor reaches out his hand and Nicole reaches back and they shake hands. -At Maggie's house, Julie tells Maggie she doesn't think it will be a good idea if she sees Victor. Maggie asks why. Julie explains that he just got back and it may be too soon. She also tells Maggie she knows Victor has alot to deal with. Maggie asks how she knows so much. Julie reminds her that, while she was drunk, Maggie let it slip that Victor was alive so she tracked him down and convinced him to come home. She saw Maggie falling apart and felt like she needed to do something. Maggie doesn't remember that and it makes her wonder who else she may have told about Victor. She embraces Julie and thanks her for helping to bring Victor back. Julie begs Maggie not to tell Doug. He would be furious. Maggie agrees. Maggie says she still wants to head for Victor's. They have alot to talk about afterall. Julie's cell phone rings. She excuses herself and answers it. It's Victor and he asks Julie where Maggie is. She explains that she is right there with her and that she wants to see him. Maggie tries to grab the phone once she hears it's Victor. Victor, figuring word of his return had spread, tries to tell Julie to bring Maggie over to the mansion with her as he doesn't want her to be alone. Julie can't hear him as Maggie tries to grab the phone. Julie drops her cell phone and loses the call. Maggie says to forget it...she will just head over to the mansion right now. Maggie races out with Julie behind her, wondering what Victor was trying to say to her. Julie reminds Maggie she had a few drinks and shouldn't drive. Maggie then asks Julie to drive. Julie gives in and agrees and they head for Victor's. Meanwhile, Victor tells Nicole it's showtime and then goes to give Nico and Henderson their instructions. -Back at the motel room where Steve and Kayla are staying, Steve's eye is closed and Kayla is enjoying her shower. Just then, the person watching Steve from outside picks the lock on the door and enters the room. The person walks over to the bed and watches over Steve. The person then pulls out a syringe and prepares to use it. The person is.... the MCF!!! Steve then opens his eye, feeling someone is watching him. He is stunned to see the MCF with the syringe and it reminds him of the memories he had of being tortured and of them drugging him with syringes and all sorts of needles. Steve tries to fight the MCF off but can't as the MCF shoves the syringe right into his leg. Steve then screams in pain, getting Kayla's attention in the shower. The MCF then kneels down next to Steve and says: MCF: You have been a naughty boy, haven't you? Leaving Salem like that...tsk tsk. Well, not to worry. The problem has been solved and all is right again. I must go...Patch. Can't be caught in here, you know. Don't worry, though. I will be in touch. The MCF then leaves as Steve's eye slowly closes and he begins to go into convulsions. -At Salem University Hospital, Eric is with Carrie in her room and they are catching up. He he apologizes for not being there for her when she needed him. Carrie says she understands. Austin comes in and hugs Eric and they shake hands. He asks how Nicole is. He says she is fine. A nurse comes in and tells Carrie it's time for bed and that visiting hours were over some time ago. Austin and Eric apologize. They say their goodbyes to Carrie with Austin giving her a kiss and Eric giving her a hug. They both leave. Outside Carrie's room, Austin and Eric talk about what happened while he was away. Eric feels horrible for Carrie and says that is why he didn't mention the baby he and Nicole found. Austin asks what baby. Eric tells him that he and Nicole found a newborb baby boy near Green Mountain Lodge. CPS now has control over the child but Nicole wants to adopt it. Austin's interest is piqued and asks when Eric and Nicole found the child. Eric says it was the first night they were at the lodge. Austin notes that that was the same night they found Carrie and she told them her baby "died." Austin asks Eric if he knows where the baby is. He says no and asks why. Austin tells Eric that he needs to see the child ASAP. -Back at the Deveraux house, Billie decides to go up to bed. Jack tells her that the guest room should be all set for her. She thanks him again for everything and they share an awkward embrace. She then smiles and turns and looks at him as she walks upstairs. After she leaves, Jack thinks about the kiss and notes that Billie kissed him back. He wonders if there really is more between them and if they are both just afraid to pursue it. Meanwhile, upstairs, Billie thinks about the kiss too and can't help but wonder the same as Jack. -Back at the motel room, Kayla races out of the shower and over to Steve, asking why he screamed. Steve doesn't respond and isn't waking up. Kayla begs him to wake up. She checks his pulse and notices his breathing is heavy and that his heart rate is high. She wonders what is going on. She is about to call 911 when Steve wakes up. Kayla asks if he is ok. Steve looks around confused and asks where they are. She reminds him of their trip but Steve is clueless as to what she is saying and simply asks: Steve: What happened at the Ball? Kayla (confused): What ball? Steve: New Year's Eve. There were guys with guns all over and they were ready to shoot. Is everyone ok? Kayla: Steve...what are you...is New Year's Eve the last thing you remember? Steve: Yeah...I think so. The last thing I remember is passing out in the middle of the ballroom as the shots were about to be fired. Other then that, I don't remember anything after that and I certainly don't remember how I got here. Kayla: Oh my...how did this happen? As a confused Steve and a bewildered Kayla try to figure out what is going on, the MCF watches outside and laughs, pleased at what he/she is seeing. -Maggie and Julie arrive at the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie is about to enter. Julie pulls her aside and, remembering Victor wanted to tell her something on the phone, says she doesn't think that this is a good idea. She just has a bad feeling. Maggie dismisses Julie's instincts. Julie says that maybe Maggie should just cut ties to Victor for awhile and focus on cleaning up her life. Maggie reminds Julie that she started drinking again when Victor left. Julie tells Maggie that she needs to be strong enough on her own to fight the temptation to drink and that she needs to get some help. Victor can't always be around. Maggie ignores her and rings the bell. Henderson answers and asks what Maggie is doing there. Maggie says she must see Victor. Henderson insists it's not a good time and that Mr. Kiriakis isn't there. Nico then comes downstairs and tells Henderson that he can go home as Mr. K doesn't need him the rest of the night. Nico doesn't see Maggie there. Maggie pushes past both of them and races upstairs to find Victor. Julie follows behind her while Henderson and Nico look at each other and smile. Nico says: Nico: Good job. It went just as planned. Henderson: I just hope this doesn't push Mrs. Horton over the edge. She is such a nice person. I would hate to see her... Nico: Mr. K knows what he is doing. Otherwise, he wouldn't be doing this. Maggie is now upstairs and is checking all the rooms. She is now outside Victor's bedroom. Julie advises her to knock first but Maggie is so excited to find Victor and reunite with him that she just opens the door and stops dead in her tracks, stunned by the scene she has come upon. The camera then pans across the room to reveal Nicole and Victor in bed together, kissing passionately. Tears stream down Maggie's face as she tries not to beleive what is right in front of her as Julie comforts her. Maggie (crying): No...No...it can't be. Julie: Aunt Mag... Maggie: NO!!!!!! Maggie's scream gets Nicole and Victor's attention as Victor and a devestated Maggie lock eyes as the screen fades out on her horrified face. On the Next Salem Lives... Celeste to Abe: I think I may have some answers that you are looking for. Lexie to Stefano: You saved my life and I promise you I will catch the person that did this and make them pay. Kayla to Steve: How could this happen? How could you just forget the last two months? Eric to Austin: What are you saying? Austin to Eric: That maybe there is a chance Carrie's baby is still alive and... Carrie: What?! Maggie to Victor: I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!
Announcer: VICTOR AND MAGGIE... Clip of Victor and Maggie sharing their kiss under the mistletoe. A BLOSSOMING ROMANCE THAT SEEMED DESTINED TO SURVIVE... BUT...THIS WEEK... Nicole to Victor: What do you propose? Victor to Nicole: I have a plan and I need your help. A PLAN TO PUSH THE WOMAN HE CARES ABOUT AWAY.... Clip of Maggie at the Kiriakis Mansion with Julie, breaking down in tears. BACKFIRES... Maggie: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!!! AND PUSHES HER OVER THE EDGE!! Clip of Maggie drinking and a candle falling over followed by a clip of flames consuming Chez Rouge and Maggie passing out on the floor. Victor: What have I done. THE QUESTION NOW IS... Clip of Roman entering the burning restaurant, Doug trying to enter the building, Hope comforting a screaming Julie with Caroline and Victor in the background, and Maggie lying on the floor of the burning restaurant. WHO WILL GO DOWN IN FLAMES? IT'S ALL PART OF.... ***DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE LIST OF MCF APPEARANCES UNDER THIS PROMO!!!***
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Thanks guys . I hope that you all will be participating in Vendetta too. -
Week of 3/5/07 Edition INSIDER FEATURE: SPRING PREVIEW!!! The NCAA basketball tournament isn't the only thing causing madness this March as an amazing Spring begins on Salem Lives with several huge twists and turns. It really is one shocker after another as SALEM LIVES VENDETTA begins. "It's our biggest event yet," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It's huge in that it's not something that lasts for a few weeks. This MCF mystery has been going on since Fall and now we are getting to what he or she wants to accomplish. That is what VENDETTA is about." VENDETTA begins on March 1 and will continue into the Summer. "It will reach it's dramatic climax in the summer," says Lowery. But, before we get to summer, we need to get through March and Spring so here is a sneak peek at what lies ahead for the people of Salem. VENDETTA: "VENDETTA began with a bang as James found his family savagely murdered, Stefano was shot, and it was revealed that the MCF is holding Tony and Anna hostage. Fans will see just how evil and diabolical the MCF is. He or she is pulling so many strings. It has already been revealed that Alan, James, and Marlena are working with the MCF and you can expect more Salemites to fall into he or she's web as they become allies of the MCF. The MCF offers them what they want and they all bite, not realizing the danger and risk they are taking. This MCF mystery builds to May sweeps and the summer. It's really full of shockers and big twists. You can't miss a day because this story is a classic umbrella story that focuses on everyone. The fans won't believe what is coming." Roman/Marlena: "Now that it has been revealed that Marlena has multiple personalities, we will start to go inside her mind a little bit. Fans will learn about each of her personalities in depth and all will be explained. Fans will see what caused all this and what each personality draws from. Roman and Marlena's family and friends will fight to reach the Marlena they know and love. The MCF sets Marlena up for a fall and she ends up in a virtual hell that only increases her inner rage. The real story here is about Marlena and her history and how we got to this point. That will be explored and her and Roman's love story will be pivotal to this plot." Sami/Lucas/Will: "Sami and Lucas try to get to the bottom of what is going on with Will. She gets interesting info from Shane and starts to think Alan did something to Will. The closer Sami and Lucas get to the truth, the more dangerous Alan becomes. The Will crisis brings Sami and Lucas closer together and gets them to a place where we see the solidifying of their family. Will is falling apart and look for him to forge a deep bond with Bo as they go through their pain and suffering together." Nicole/Eric/Carrie/Austin/Alan: "The bitch is back!!! Nicole revisits her old ways and strikes up some unlikely alliances to get what she wants...Carrie's baby. Nicole will do some things that will shock you and will come back haunt her. She begins to see that life with Eric isn't what she thought it would be and he becomes nothing but a nuisance to her. Meanwhile, Austin takes steps to have a future with Carrie as they finally put things in the past with Sami and Lucas. Carrie decides to tell Austin the truth, which will spark the unraveling of the mystery surrounding Carrie's baby. It sets the stage for a dramatic showdown as Alan will fight to keep things from falling apart and more and more people will be on his tail as the truth about Carrie's baby slowly filters out." Bo/Hope: "Bo deals with the discovery that he was molested. This is a huge issue for the Brady family. Hope tries to get the truth from Caroline and Kim but gets nothing. Bo goes MIA and we will see him go through a journey of self-discovery. He has alot ot work through and Will will be important to him in terms of his accepting what happened and coming to grips with it. Hope will have to deal with a family crisis and that will detract her attention for a bit. She isn't giving up on Bo that's for sure." Steve/Kayla: "Steve suffers a major setback. We begin to see that there is more going on with Steve then meet's the eye. Kayla will learn about what happened to Bo and how Roman and Kim hid the truth so she will deal with that. Steve is still her main focus. Meanwhile, Steve is dragged into something unwillingly and it becomes clear that there is a huge secret from his missing years that is among his lost memories. Expect that secret to be revealed towards the end of May and it will definitely have far reaching effects for many Salemites." Maggie/Victor/Caroline/Doug/Julie/Alice: "Victor has a plan but it spins out of control, setting up a tragic series of events. Maggie goes over the edge, endangering many lives and leaving a beloved character's life hanging by a thread. Julie digs a deeper hole for herself when she does something that only the old Julie would do. Alice will play a role in this story as well, along with Caroline who, along with her family issues stemming from what happened to Bo, will try to reach an understanding with Victor. Caroline and Victor will bury the hatchet in a way and that will give a ray of hope for a future between them. Expect Lucas to be a much bigger player in Maggie's story as we go along." Jack/Billie: "They will still deal with their children's problems but they will be pivotal to the VENDETTA plot. They, along with Frankie and Greta, are the under the radar investigators. The cops can catch the MCF and Jack and Billie feel obligated to get to the bottom of this because of what happened to JJ and Angel. As they try to piece together this mystery, their feelings for each other grow stronger. However, it's always one step forward and two steps back for them. Jack's fears of moving on and Billie's fear of committment and being hurt are big obstacles for them." Max/Abby/Cassie/Chelsea: "There is hope for Max and Abby yet but Max's lack of faith in Abby becomes a sore spot. Cassie gets one upped by a shocking person and it only increases her drive for revenge. It becomes more about revenge them about getting Max. She will seek out help from her family. Meanwhile, Chelsea can't seem to break off from Cassie's web and discovers that Cassie isn't the only one who knows her secrets. Look for something shocking to happen to Abby and Chelsea in April that really ups the ante for Jack, Billie, Max, Cassie, and others." Frankie/Greta: "They help Jack and Billie with the investigation of the MCF. We aren't really building them as a couple. We are putting them together in story and seeing what develops. It's more about developing them as characters with Greta's drive to make a difference and her job at The Spectator and Frankie gaining more of an edge and not being such a pushover." James: "He has his sights set in finding out who killed his family and getting revenge. He is manipulated big time by the MCF, who uses his rage to his or her's advantage. We start to see James lose his way a bit but, underneath it all, he is still a good guy. Just like he always was. The pain and agony of losing his family is driving him and that means he could be capable of anything." Kate: "Kate's meddling becomes a sore spot with her children, especially Philip. She begins to evaluate her parenting and her actions. She will come across a stunning secret and then get herself dragged into something bigger, forcing her to make a huge decision that will, ultimately, have tragic consequences, She will have to live with for the rest of her life." Belle/Philip: Now that we know what went down in San Francisco, Philip continues to force Belle to cooperate with him. He wants them to be this stand up family, for his sake and for the Kiriakis name. He seems very driven to impress his father. He wants more power and influence. He was hurt too many times and won't be anymore and that is what is pushing him the desire he has to do more. He thinks his father is holding him back and it becomes apparent how far Philip will go to have what he wants. he will take action against Belle and against his own father. One decision, in particular, that he makes will make it apparent how strong his obsessions with power and prestige are and how much Philip really has changed. Shane/Kim: "They help each other through the backlash they are getting from keeping the big secrets they kept. We see the bond still there and it becomes quite apparent that they may be on their way to something. Shane tries to piece together the MCF mystery with the SPD and will also worry about losing his job as a result of helping Carrie. Kim will be right by his side and we will get them to a point where they must evaluate if there is enough between them to give it another whirl." Cal/Katherine: "Cal has finally found happiness and is set to start this new life. The past is nothing but an afterthought. There is some great romance for them coming up and it all leads to them taking a big leap of faith. However, there is the matter of the MCF having that file on Cal's past. What will Cal do when the opportunity to learn about his past and, possibly, remember it, presents itself? That is the big question." Abe/Lexie/Stefano/Celeste: "Stefano is out of commission for awhile so Lexie takes over things. She thinks that Tony is who the MCF was talking about when he spoke with Stefano so she leads a search team to find him. Celeste and Abe get involved as they worry about Lexie being in danger from the MCF and they somehow think that finding Tony and interrogating him could help them bring down Stefano and end the Dimera influence on Lexie. Celeste begins to have strange visions that give her reason for concern about the future. Look for Stefano to take major action against the MCF once he is on his feet again." PENGHLIS AND HUNLEY RETURN!!!! MCCLUER FAMILY OUT!!! Fans were told the debut of VENDETTA would be a huge shock and it clearly didn't disappoint. On Thursday March 1, fans were shocked when it was revealed that the MCF was holding long missing Tony Dimera (Thaoo Penghlis) and Anna Fredericks (LeAnn Hunley) captive in an unknown location. "We kept both returns under wraps and thought it would be the perfect way to kick off VENDETTA," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We needed a huge twist and we thought it was best to use this reveal because it shows how far the MCF will go and also shows that the scope of this revenge plan the MCF has going reaches outside of Salem. We had talked to Thaoo before he finished playing Andre last summer and we told him he would be back in Spring. We talked to LeAnn in the Fall to get things in line and here we are. It was planned all along." As for how long both will stick around, Lowery is taking a wait and see approach. "They are pivotal to VENDETTA and their part of the story will be slow initially but will build over the Spring and into the summer. I think fans want to see some Anna and Carrie interaction and I also think they would like to see Tony with his daughter, Cassie, and to see him interact with Stefano and Lexie would be fun. We'll see." When asked if VENDETTA will bring more former favorites or new cast members to the canvas, Lowery is tight-lipped. "I am not going to comment because VENDETTA is such a huge event for us. All I can say is there are surprises everyday and I only hope the fans enjoy this ride," he says. In other news, all February fans heard that murder would strike Salem. Little did they know that it would be mass murder. On February 26, fans learned that Renee McCluer (Sharon Wyatt) and her three children James Jr aka JJ (Michael Trucco), Jonathan (Zachary Knighton), and Angelica aka Angel (Hayden Panettiere) were savagely killed. It is not yet clear who murdered the family in cold blood but the aftermath of the murder sent major shockwaves through Salem. "It was huge because everything the MCF did was child play compared to this," says Lowery. "Sure, we don't know if the MCF did it or Marlena or whomever but the MCF was still involved somehow. It ups the ante of the story and tells the fans how serious this story and it's situations are. It also adds to the character of James and helps to show the complexity and layers of his character. I can assure the fans that James isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He has great stuff coming up." Roscoe Born (James McCluer Sr) reveals that it was hard to play these scenes. "It was difficult but it was certainly meaty material," Born says. "I like what is coming and it really allows me to dig deep. I couldn't have asked for better onscreen children or a better onscreen wife. They were great and I only wish I had worked with them more." Lowery adds that the fact that these roles were always meant to be short term had a major impact on casting. "Alot of actors we wanted shied away because they knew it was like a 13-18 episode arc,"admits Lowery. "In Hayden's case, she could only take the role if it was short-term. Same goes for Sharon, who has to take care of her mother. I am grateful we had who we had because they did great. I only wished we could've kept them and used them more. They were wonderful keeping the details of the story private." There are rumors of major cast cuts yet to come for Salem Lives and that VENDETTA and it's climax will facilitate many exits. "I can't comment on all that," Lowery says. "It's too early and we are trying to limit spoilers and info on what is ahead with this story. It's too big of a story and too dramatic to just come right out and say that we are building to some mass exodus. I just want the fans to sit back and enjoy what is happening. It's going to be a huge spring and summer. That you can take to the bank." COMINGS AND GOINGS!!! COMING Thaoo Penghlis and LeAnn Hunley (Tony Dimera and Anna Fredericks): Both actors made surprise returns on March 1. The length of their stay is unknown but it's expected to be quite lengthy. GOING Sharon Wyatt, Michael Trucco, Zachary Knighton, and Hayden Panettiere (Renee, James Jr aka JJ, Jonathan, and Angelica aka Angel McClure): All four actors last appeared on February 26 when they were found brutally murdered. Previews and Peeks into Wk of 3/5/07 -Nicole and Victor make a deal. -It's one step forward, two steps back for Jack and Billie. -Lexie makes a promise to her father. -Celeste and Abe decide to trail Lexie. -Eric's story has Austin's interest piqued. -Sami, Lucas, Carrie, and Austin bury the hatchet. -There is hope for Max and Abby. -Cassie's latest request stuns Chelsea. -Steve has a setback. -Victor's plan backfires. -Maggie goes over the edge, putting the lives of some beloved characters in danger. -Bo spirals out of control. -Will falls apart and makes a disturbing discovery. -The MCF sets up Marlena for fall. RED LETTER DAYS!!! Tuesday March 6: Maggie gets a shock. Wednesday March 7: Victor's plan backfires as Maggie goes over the edge. Thursday March 8 and Friday March 9: The lives of some beloved Salemites are in danger!! Plus, the MCF sets up Marlena and Will makes a disturbing discovery. Next Week: Marlena learns she has been betrayed. Maggie comes clean. Nicole rethinks her marriage to Eric. Steve's condition confuses Kayla. Lexie decides to go to Europe. Cassie is one-upped.