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March 21, 2007




-At the abandoned McCluer home, Jack arrives with Billie. Greta and Frankie follow. The home is still a mess from the brutal murders that took place there only a month ago. Billie feels uneasy being back there but Jack insists that they may find something in the home to help them possibly find James. He believes James is the key to breaking the MCF mystery wide open and possibly tracking the MCF down.

The four of them search the house. Billie heads upstairs with Jack to search the bedrooms. They rummage through closets and drawers, most of which the police already searched. Billie then finds something behind a dresser. It's a matchbook from a place called "Bullseye." It appears to be a bar. Jack thinks it may be a hangout for James and thinks they should check it out undercover. Billie is skeptical.

Jack and Billie go downstairs and share their intentions with Frankie and Greta. Jack thinks Frankie and Greta should continue to search the home and let him know later if they find anything. Billie is still uneasy about going undercover but Jack says he has a plan and races out at Billie rolls her eyes.

-At University Hospital, Hope and Alice arrive in Maggie's room and are embraced by Julie and Maggie. They all comfort each other over Marie's death. Alice says that the arrangements are already being made thanks to Hope. Julie tells Alice she will help too. Maggie then asks out loud how much the family can take. First, Mickey. Then, Jennifer. Now, Marie. Doug is in a coma. It's just too much. She looks at Alice and Hope and says that she knows they know the truth about the fire and that it was her fault.

Julie looks on, worried. She tells Maggie not to blame herself. She was upset over Victor and there was nothing she could've done. Her mind was elsewhere so it would've been hard to hear someone else in the restaurant. Maggie looks at Julie and asks what she is doiing. Julie whispers in Maggie's ear and reminds her of what she said earlier...don't say anything about the fire yet. Maggie understands and agrees but knows that the truth will come out soon enough.

Alice and Hope assure Maggie they don't blame her for anything and know that she would never go so far over the edge that she would start a fire like that. They don't think she did anything at all and they are happy she is ok. Maggie feels guilty and looks at an even guiltier Julie.

-Chelsea arrives at Max's garage and finds him in his office alone. Max tells Chelsea he doesn't feel like company but Chelsea says she heard about what happened with him and Abby. She admits she is shocked that even after Cassie's lies were exposed, Abby and him didn't get back together. Max says he isn't. He treated her horrible. He knows her and he should've never even considered that she could do something that horrible.

Max admits to Chelsea he thinks it's hopeless. He has no clue what he can do. Chelsea tells him not to look at her. Abby didn't even want to talk to her. She advises Max to give her time and says she will try talking with Abby. Hopefully, she will come around. She is being released today so maybe that will help. Max is happy she is being released and thank Chelsea for the help but thinks it won't make a difference. Abby and him appear to be through. Chelsea puts her arm around him and comforts him, feeling horrible about the role she played in all this.

-Back at the Hospital, Cassie enters Stefano's room. She tells him how much she misses him and how much she needs him right now. She fills him in on what has happened in her life with losing the baby, trying to break up Max and Abby, and her lies being exposed. She knows he would not be happy about some of what she did as he only wanted her involved with Max to further his plans. She wishes he were here to help her but knows he would want her to act like a Dimera and a Dimera would seek out revenge. A Dimera never loses and she vows not to lose.

She tells her grandfather that she will find out how called Chelsea and, therefore, exposed her lies and she will see Max and Abby pay. She assures him she is done going after Max and that she wants revenge. She will get to work on that now but promises him that she will be right by his side when he awakens so they can stand together against Max and Abby, as well as all the Dimera family enemies. She kisses him and begs him to get better and come back to them.

-Cal and Katherine are in bed, kissing, at their cabin in the mountains. Katherine admits to Cal how wodnerful there time together has been but asks if he is sure he doesn't want to go back to hynosis and therapy sessions. Cal says he is sure. He is leaving his past in the past and wants to start anew with her. Katherine asks Cal that there is something she wants to talk to him about.

She says they have grown alot closer in recent weeks but she wants to know where they are headed. Cal wonders why she would ask that. Katherine insists she loves him and is happy to be with him but wonders if they are moving too fast or if there is going to move further forward. Cal understands and thinks they should just keep spending time together and see where things end up.

Katherine appears frustrated, which Cal picks up on. He tries to make her feel better by kissing her. Katherine admits that she feels they have alot to discuss. Cal says he knows but right now he only wants to kiss her and make love to her. They then kiss and begin to make love.

-Back at the hospital, Hope wheels Abby into Maggie's room and announces she has been officially released. Abby says it feels good to be going home and continuing her physical therapy there. Alice reminds her to have faith and everything will work out in the end. Abby says maybe but she can't help but wonder. Between being paralyzed and her heart being broken, she isn't too optimistic.

She then tells everyone that she wants to be there for them. The family is going through such a rough time and they don't need her dumping on them. She is being selfish. Hope says it's alright and tells her not to worry. They will all get through this together. Just like they always do. Alice agrees and says that the Horton's always overcome whatever is thrown at them and this time will be no different. Alice, Hope, Julie, Abby, and Maggie all embrace in a group hug.

-Back at the McCluer home, Frankie and Greta continue their search. Greta hopes Jack and Billie are successful and that they are careful. Frankie reminds Greta they both have experience in things like this. They will be fine. Greta just hopes this investigation will be successful and that no one else, including themselves, gets hurt. They then hear a noise, prompting s frightened Greta to jump into Frankie's arms. They share a close moment.

Greta pulls away and says she feels silly for being so jumpy. Frankie says it was fine and he didn't mind it. Greta then mentions there is something on her mind. She wonders what Frankie thinks of their relationship and asks if he feels there is something more developing between them then being friends. Frankie stays silent, contemplating what Greta just asked him.

-A disguised Jack and Billie arrive at "Bullseye Bar" on the east side of Salem. Jack is wearing a long-haired, dark blark wig and is dressed in a leather jacket and jeans. He also is wearing a faux beard. Billie is wearing a long-haired blond wig and is dressed in a silver halter top and a short black mini-skirt. She is also wearing lots of eyeshadow and makeup to cover her face.

Billie: I can't beleive you talked me into this.

Jack: We have to do what we have to do.

Billie (Hits Jack): Yeah, well, your not the one showing more cleavage then Dolly Parton.

Jack then suggests they act like a couple and make small talk with the bartender and patrons to be convincing. Billie agrees. They walk over to the bar and the bartender mentions never seeing them there before. Jack says that he and his girl are new to Salem and this was the first place they came across. The bartender asks what they are drinking and gets them their drinks.

Bartender: So, you two hot for each other?

Billie: Us?!

Jack: Oh, come now, sugarlips. Don't act so surprised. Yeah. I have had many girls but this honey here is my favorite.

Bartender: Oh, so this is your bitch, right?

Jack: Right! This is my whore.

Billie (spits out drink and looks at Jack): Yeah...and (pointing at Jack) this is my pimp.

Jack (looking at Billie): Yep.

Bartender: So, you two going to be regulars around here now. I could use the business. Things have been slow and I am always looking for new blood.

Jack: Maybe. Depends on good the experience here.

Bartender: Well, I'm Jed. Yell if you need anything. What do you two call yourselves? I like to be on a first name basis with my customers. Makes them feel at home, in a way.

Jack: Uh...uh...my girl here is Dena....Dena Higley. I'm....Tom. Tom Langan.

Bartender: Hmm...never would have thought you two were a Dena and a Tom but whatever. I mean, I assume your girl here gets paid by the hour. Usually, girls like that have names like...uh...Willow. Well, let me know if you need me.

Bartender leaves.

Billie: What kind of names are those?

Jack: Sorry. I had to think fast. Tom Langan was the name of this marketer I met once. That guy was obsessed with the young demographics, boy. His obsessions with teenagers was kind of creepy. Dena Higley was a writer from one of my favorite shows and boy did she ever trash the show. Little did I know the writer that returned after her would be worst. Man, that writer had an obsession with killing my favorite character over and over and bringing him back. It was horrible. Then, he kept forcing triangle after triangle...

Billie: Jack!!!

Jack: Sorry. You asked where I got the names from so I...

Billie: Jack look!! (turns Jack around to see James on the other end of the bar)

Jack: Well, looks like we hit pay dirt, Dena. What do you say we go in for the kill?

Billie: I say...let's do it.

The screen then fades out on Jack and Billie watching James at the bar.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Will to Sami: How did you get over it? How did you get over your rape?

Lucas to Kate: It's done. You can't stop it, mom.

Kayla to Steve: I am here with you. Every step of the way.

Nicole: Finally! I am going to have everything I want.

James to Billie: You look familiar.


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Love the Dena and TOm reference. It was great seeing some humor in there, as we always need something to laugh at. I almost spit my drink out. Billie getting paid by the hour, what if James wants to get to know her better? Also loved the Willow reference.

Glad to see everyone pulling together for Marie's funeral. The Horton's have faced a lot but are pulling together.

Katherine, I really don't know how to take her. I am a bit suspicious of her

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