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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05
That is very bold, King, I applaud you for it. This definitely made things more emotional and life changing, which is exactly how you want a storyline climax to be. Good work.
Yep, Drew. It will be COD-like but it will have a much different spin on it.
NOTE: THE SL INSIDER FOR THIS WEEK WILL BE POSTED TOMARROW SO THAT I CAN MAKE THE TWO BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS IN THAT EDITION. TOMARROW NIGHT'S EDITION WILL ALSO INCLUDE THE VENDETTA GAME COMMENT SCORES FOR WEEK 10. A REMINDER THAT THERE IS NO VENDETTA TRIVIA THIS MONDAY DUE TO THE HOLIDAY. MORE ON THAT TOMARROW NIGHT. BELOW IS THE PROMO FOR THIS WEEK. ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES... A WEEK OF MAYHEM COMES TO END... WITH A BANG!! THE PAYOFFS YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ARE HERE!!! FIVE... Kate to Alan: Did you just say you molested my grandson? BIG Carrie to Eric and Belle: Evan is mine!! REVEALS Austin to Carrie: How could you do this? Carrie (crying) to Austin: I'm sorry!!! AND Hope to Bo: Please tell me. Bo (fighting back tears): I was...when I was a young boy...I was... TWISTS Clip of Marlena dressed as a orderly and leaving the psych ward. Marlena: I have to get out of here. AND Celeste: Dear God...it can't be!! MORE!! Cal to Katherine: What does this all mean? PLUS... A BIG REVEAL YOU NEVER SAW COMING...ONE THAT WILL... Clip of Bo and Hope. CHANGE Clip of Kayla and Steve. THESE Clip of Chelsea. LIVES Clip of Billie. FOREVER!! IT ALL LEADS TO A FANTASTIC FRIDAY!!! THE EPISODES YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR ARE HERE...DON'T MISS THE FIRST OF MANY MUST SEE WEEKS!!! MISS A DAY, MISS ALOT!!! THE FINAL WEEKS OF...
SALEM HARBOR -The MCF arrives at the Salem Harbor and sees that the cruise ship has arrived. Ernesto slowly makes his descent off the ship. MCF (via voice changer): WELCOME TO SALEM!! Ernesto: Thanks. It's been a long time coming. Is it really necessary for you to wear that damn cloak? Aren't you hot? MCF: I need to conceal my identity until tonight. That is also why I still use my voice changer at all times. You never know, Ernesto. Ernesto: I guess. Sorry about having you come all the way to the harbor. This ship is so big that there is no way it would fit in at the pier so I had the harbormaster pull some strings and get us here. MCF: It's no matter. You let me know ahead. The harbormaster is still in our employ, I trust? Ernesto: Yes. No problems. MCF: Good. Well, now that your here, monitor the guests and make sure there are no problems. I must go take care of some last minute business to make sure our guests arrive here tonight. They may not fall right into our hands so I may have to force the issue. Ernesto: Do what you must. I will be here, preparing the ship for our guests' arrival. MCF: Good. Oh, and how is Steven? Ernesto: Well, he is aware we are in Salem but I have guards outside his room on the boat. I didn't want him going anywhere unless it's with our instructions. MCF: Good. Keep it that way. Now, I must go. Time is of the essence. I will be back soon. The MCF leaves as Ernesto returns to the ship. The scene then shifts to Steve, who is sitting in his room on the ship. His guilt over having to help kidnap Lexie. Abe, and Celeste is eating away at him. He knows he is in Salem and that the MCF is going to do something big. He need to warn everyone. He looks outside his room and sees the guards still there. He looks around for another way out but can't find any. He wonders what he is going to do. Lives are in danger and he may be the only one who can stop it but he can't if he can't get out of his room. Meanwhile, Lexie is looking out the window of her, Abe, and Celeste's cell. Her face turns to one of shock as she says that the area they are in looks familiar. She realizes it's Salem. Abe and Celeste take a look and realize she is right. Celeste then gets a strange vibe and says that she feels this is where it all begins. The horror...terror...tragedy. They must warn there loved ones in Salem. Lexie tries to calm Celeste as a worried Abe looks on. The scene then shifts to Tony and Anna. Both are silent until Tony finally says: Tony: This is ridiculous. You haven't said anything in a few days. DAMNIT!! Talk to me, will ya? Anna is silent. Tony walks over to her and grabs her. Tony: Anna...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just felt... Anna: What, Tony? Did you you expect me to admit my love for you too? What did you expect? After all these years, did you think you saying you still loved me would mean we could just reunite like nothing ever happened? Alot happened, Tony. Just because we have been locked up together for months and had to rely on each other does not mean we are close enough to ever be like we were. Tony: I didn't expect anything. i just wanted to get my feelings out for you. Anna: Tony, we both know what you expected. You thought I felt the same way. Tony: And you don't? Anna is silent. She turns away, fighting back tears and has been clearly affected by Tony's declaration of love. Anna: I'm not saying anything. I don't want to talk about this. I will make you a deal. I will talk but not about this. Let's drop the issue. Ok? Tony: Whatever you wish. Anna: Good. Anna turns her back and walks away as Tony looks on, contemplating what exactly Anna does and does not feel for him. Meanwhile, Chelsea is looking out the window of their cell/estate room and says she can't beleive they are in Salem. Forrest remarks on how he can only imagine what is in store for them. He wonders why they were brought to Salem. Abby notices that Forrest looks a little unnerved about being in Salem and asks if he is ok. Forrest says it's just hard to imagine being here. He never wanted to be in Salem. Lawrence had spend so much time there and there is so much history. There is just some things he doesn't want to deal with. Chelsea asks what those are. Abby tells her that Forrest has some things he doesn't wish to discuss and his past is one of them. Chelsea asks Abby how they are supposed to be able to trust him and get to know him. They told him all about them or, at least, Abby did. Abby points out they have nothing to hide and that Forrest maybe had to deal with alot in his life. She advises Chelsea to stop being so rude to Forrest. He has been nothing but a good friend to both of them since they got there. Abby insists she owes him an apology. Forrest tells both girls to calm down and tells Abby he understands where Chelsea is coming from. There is no need for an apology. Forrest tells Abby that Chelsea is only looking out for her best friend. She is very lucky and he doesn't blame her. He is a stranger to them and he apologizes for not being able to share more. He just can't right now. There are just some things he doesn't want to relive or share. All he can assure them of is he has no intention of hurting them or manipulating them. He is being held captive for unknown reasons just like them. Abby thanks him for being so kind and understanding. They both smile as a worried Chelsea watches, bothered by the growing bond between Abby and Forrest. -On the pier, Kate searches for the MCF. She checks her purse and reveals a gun that she just recently purchased. She says she will do whatever is necessary to end the recent sufferings of her family. She vows that the MCF's games end now. She then sets off in search of the MCF. -Eric is walking through Salem Place and comments on how he can't beleive all the fighting at the Brady family Memorial Day picnic. He shows up late to all that and it's a shock. He is glad he wasn't there for the beginning and that he didn't stay. His Grandma Caroline could've used him but she has Hope comforting her. Besides, he needs to get to the bottom of whatever secrets are being kept between Carrie, Kate, Nicole, and Victor. He knows Sami know of nothing because she would've told him. He remembers Belle was in the bridal party and wonders if she knows anything that can help. He decides to head over to see her and to see if she knows anything. -At the penthouse, Belle is checking Claire's temperature and telling Caroline she is so sorry for not being able to come. Claire had a high fever and she couldn't take a chance. She asks her if she is sure she is ok. Belle tells her if she needs anything to call her. She is sorry the picnic seemed to upset her and not go as planned. She tells Caroline that her and Claire will stop over as soon as she feels better. Belle bids her goodbye as there is a knock at the door. Belle answers it to find Philip there. Philip tells Belle he would like very much to talk to her about Claire. He wants to apologize for his actions of late and to work out a compromise. He knows he needs help for his recent drinking troubles and for his temper. He will comply with her rules but he doesn't want to never see Claire. She is his world and he needs to see her. Belle reminds Philip of all the chances she gave him and he messed up on every one of them. She can't trust him. The man she cared about is gone. He has been gone since the island mess last summer and he isn't coming back. Philip promises Belle he will get better but she won't hear of it. She has heard it before and is finished. She is filing papers tomorrow to have him removed from Claire's life for good and he can't stop her. He isn't fit to be a father to her. She slams the door in his face. Once inside, she takes a deep breath and goes upstairs to get some medicine for Claire. Outside the penthouse, Philip is distraught. He can't lose Claire. He has already lost everything. His cell phone then rings. Philip: Hello? MCF (via voice changer): It's time, Philip. Tonight...you take action. Philip: What? MCF: The plan...the deal we had you imbecile!! Go down to your car and stay on the line. Philip gets in the elevator, while still on the phone. The scene then shifts outside to Philip's car. He arrives at it. Philip: Ok. MCF: Open the door. Philip: My doors are locked. MCF: Not your driver's side. Philip opens the driver's side door and finds a brown envelope. Philip: How did you break in without setting off... MCF: I have my ways. Open the envelope Philip opens it to find a bottle of pills. MCF: Those are mild sedatives to knock your pops out. They won't hurt him. You can look up the drop to make sure or even try it on someone. Tonight at 8:00 PM you will give him 2 pills. They will knock Victor out promptly. Then, you will get your father out of the house and into your car. Only you can do this due to your father's state of the art security. Bring him to the Salem Harbor-Port 9. I will be there when you arrive and we will go from there. Philip: Look...I don't want to hurt him. I'm not sure I can do this. MCF: You want power, don't you? You want to keep Belle and Claire...right? You need all the power and influence you had while Victor was presumed dead. The power he is denying you. You will be able to prove yourself, Philip. By the time we let your father go, you will have shown you ability and he will let you have more responsibility and influence. You will have Belle and Claire. You will have it all, Philip. You have to do this. I promise you I will hold to the deal. You can even be with us and watch over me and my men. Your father will not be harmed. Philip: I still don't know. MCF: Let me also remind you that you don't have a choice, Philip. Whether you agree or not, you are doing this or I will make sure you lose everything anyway. I need your father out of the way for a bit. Philip: Why? What is... MCF: Nevermind. Just think of all the benefits this will provide for you in the long run. This is for both of us, Philip. It's a win-win and your father won't be hurt. Philip thinks about the MCF's words. Philip: Alright but I don't want him hurt and I want to be around alot to make sure you hold to the deal. MCF: Very well. I will be in touch later tonight to make sure all is going well. Just follow instructions and you will be fine. Until later. Philip: Bye. Philip hangs up, wondering if he is doing the right thing. He realizes he really has no choice and that as long as his father isn't harmed, it may very well work out for the best. He sets out for the mansion to prepare to do something he thought he would never do...drugging his own father and having him kidnapped. -At the Salem Inn, Austin and Carrie are continuing their honeymoon and are kissing in a hot tub in their room. Carrie tells Austin this couldn't get any better and that for the first time in months, she feels like all her troubles are miles away. Austin says that's good as it seems he is doing his job. They kiss. Carrie says she feels that they are missing her family's picnic but it is their honeymoon. Austin assures her they understand and wouldn't want her to interupt her honeymoon. Besides, they were supposed to be in Aruba by now if not for a storm in that area. As far as her family knows, they aren't in Salem. Carrie says he is right and that it's fine. They will take a flight out in the morning and it will all work out. The hotel knows anyway. They then go back to making love in the hot tub. Meanwhile, the MCF hides behind some crates on the pier. Alan arrives. The MCF peers behind the crates and motions to him. Alan asks what is going and why he wanted to meet him. The MCF says that tonight is the big night and he needs Alan to make sure that all of the guests they need make their way to the ship. He urges him to pass the message on to James. Alan asks why he just didn't call and give directions. The MCF says he or she feels it's better in person so that Alan takes this seriously. God knows he screwed up enough. Alan says he knows he made mistakes but that he has been effective for the most part. The MCF reminds him of his molesting Will and how that wasn't part of the plan. He did right by kidnapping Will to keep him silent but he could've found some other way to frighten him into keeping his mouth shut. Alan says he knows that but he also had a chance to inflict his own revenge on Sami and Lucas through Will. The MCF says that there are other ways and that he was supposed to wait until tonight to get any revenge. The MCF reminds Alan he or she promised that everyone involved in this operation would have their chance for payback but they needed to have patience. Alan jumped the gun but it's no matter now. Will is keeping his mouth shut and it puts the Brady, Horton, and Roberts families through more hell. Just then, Kate shows up. The MCF and Alan are stunned. Kate: Well, hello there. Hope I'm not interupting. MCF (via voice changer): Kate... Kate: You know Alan...I knew something was off about you when you returned and boy was I right. I had the rumblings that you were in with the cloaked one so I'm not surprised. MCF: Kate, what do you want? Kate: Answers. I know you have Chelsea. You have been manipulating me and Carrie into keeping Evan with Nicole. Now, I hear that your cohort, Alan, here did something to Will. Alan: I don't... Kate: NO!! Don't deny it because I just heard it being talked about between you two. Very sloppy of you two, I must say. All these months of secret planning and so on and it was so easy to find you both and overhear your talk. I'm disappointed. I wanted a challenge. MCF: Alright. ENOUGH!! Kate then pulls out a gun and aims it at Alan and the MCF. Kate: You got that right. ENOUGH!! I've had enough of you making me and my family suffer, along with so many of your other victims here in Salem. It ends now. I was afraid before but you know I'm not now. I showed you that last night when you kidnapped me. MCF: Well, bravo to you. Now, put the gun down and... Kate: No. Not until I get what I want. MCF: And that is? Kate: What I just asked for. I want answers...now!! The MCF and Alan look at each other as a determined Kate holds them at gunpoint. -Back at the Salem Inn, Austin and Carrie are both relaxing in the tub. Carrie's mind is drifting and she once again finds herself thinking about her secrets. She recalls getting the DNA tests and learning Evan is her son. She opens her eyes and, as tears stream down her face, she whispers she is sorry to Austin but that she has no choice. Austin slowly stirs and asks what she said. Carrie says she was just talking to herself. Austin notices that she seems nervous or worried and asks her what is wrong and why she is acting like that. She was just fine a minute ago. Carrie assures Austin she is fine. She just needs his arms around her to know that this is only the beginning of the good times for them. Austin promises her it is. Meanwhile, at the penthouse, Belle exits the bathroom with the medicine for Claire. She walls by the guest room Carrie stayed in the night before the wedding and sees something that catches her eye. She looks between the nightstand and the bed and finds a piece of paper. She wonders if it is important and sees it is part of her a Universtity Hospital Lan test. She sees the nightstand drawer slightly open and opens it completely. She finds a large envelope with University Hospital on it and wonders if the paper fell out of it. She wonders why that would be there and recalls Carrie being the only one in there unless Sami dropped something. She then notices the paper says DNA testing on it. She is reluctant to look because it isn't her business. She decides to put it away and just ask Carrie when she returns but something catches her eye as she tries to put it away. The paper has the name "Evan" on it. Recalling that is the name of Nicole's adopted son, Belle looks at the paper further and sees Carrie's name on the paper too. Belle: What the hell is this? There is then a knock on the door downstairs. It's Eric, who calls out to Belle and asks if she is home. Belle is reading the paper and decides she has to look inside the envelope for the rest now that she has read the loose paper. She reads it over and says: Belle: Oh my God...Evan is Carrie's son?! She then hears Eric calling to her but is so stunned she can't move as the screen freezes on her shocked face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Roman to Marlena: Talk to me. Please!! Marlena to Roman: I hate you!! Hope to Caroline: I am going to go after Bo and get the truth. Tonight! Kim to Shane: It's no use. My family will hate me...and that will never change. Kate to the MCF: You tell me everything now or I blow your brains out!! Carrie: Oh my God...the labe results!! Eric to Belle (who is holding the DNA test results): What do you have there?
-At her office at University Hospital, Katherine helps Cal deal with what he remembered while under hypnosis. Katherine tells Cal he is making more progress quicker then they both had hoped. Cal is pleased but then complains of a headache, much like he had at Carrie and Austin's wedding. Cal says he needs to get up and walk around. When Cal gets up from the couch, he goes over to the window. He looks out of it and starts to get more flashes of memory. It is at this point that he sees the face of the man who he now realizes is behind much of the pain that he has been going through. When Katherine goes over to comfort him, he then admits that he saw the face..... Of Ernesto Toscano! Katherine holds Cal in her loving arms as he cries deeply and the scene slowly fades to black. -At the Brady family picnic at Salem Park, Lucas walks around, trying to find Sami. He spots Frankie, who is talking to Greta, and walks over, asking them both if they had seen Sami. Frankie says that the last time he saw her she was with Hope, playing with JT. Lucas thanks them both, and rushes off to find her. Greta remarks how much of a positive influence Lucas has been on Sami. Frankie concurs, saying that if it wasn’t for his love for her, no telling where she would be right now. They both walk to the buffet table and walk right past..... Roman, who is looking around at all of the security men. He turns to Kimberly, telling her that he knows there has never been a time when this picnic was loaded for bear like this. Not even when Stefano was up to his usual tricks. Kimberly tells him that these are different times now. Stefano isn’t the only problem. This nutcase running around has destroyed families, ruined lives. He's just doing what he has his whole life.......protecting and serving. Roman smiles and happens to look over at Bo, who stares daggers into him, then turns, and walks away. Roman tells Kimberly that he doesn’t feel like much of a protector. This reminds him of when he thought Marlena had been killed by the Salem Strangler. He felt just as guilty then as he does now. He never should have kept that from Bo. Kimberly tells him that she is just as guilty as he is and, besides, they both thought they were doing the right thing. Roman agrees but says this is not like rescuing Marlena from Stefano or Bo and him going off on some wild adventure with the fate of the free world hanging in the balance. This makes them both laugh. This is their brother. And he failed him. More than he ever has. Kimberly sees Kayla, who turns her head sharply and walks away, and then turns back to Roman, telling him that no one is perfect. All they can do is the best they can do. And let them be found guilty of only one thing.....caring and protecting their loved ones. Roman smiles at Kimberly and then receives a phone call. He tells her he must take this and Shane walks up to see Kimberly. She says that she is going to get something to eat and Roman kindly asks Shane to look after her. When Kimberly says that she can take care of herself, Roman and Shane smile and Shane wheels Kimberly over to the table. Roman then steps off to the side, and starts his conversation.... Roman: It’s good to hear from you. Man: Likewise. Look, Roman, I tried my best to find out anything on this person that you are looking for but without a positive I.D., nothing is going to come up. Roman: I don’t want to hear that. Do you know the hell he or she has caused here? Man: Aye. I’m used to hell, brother. All I could find out is that Kiriakis and DiMera are just as big heavy hitters out here as they are in your neck of the woods. Besides, if they can’t find this cat, what makes you think I can help you out? Roman: I know that neither of their empires are just contained here in Salem. They must stretch to the corners of the country. I’ve got to find out something, anything on this MCF. My family is at stake. Man: I hear ya on that. Look, I’ll keep digging and, when I turn something up, I’ll let you know. Roman: Thanks, man. I owe you one. Man: No problem. And, one more thing. Roman: Shoot. Detective Vic Mackey (Michael Chicklis): If you need anyone to bust this cat’s head down to the fat meat, just let me know, deal? Roman: Deal. Later on. Roman hangs up the phone and turns around, long enough to see Bo standing right there. Bo tells him that he looks like he’s playing cop again. Lord Knows that he hasn’t done that recently. Roman tells Bo that he is sorry for what has happened to him but he is starting to really get sick and tired of his childish attitude. Bo takes one step forward and tells Roman that if he is having a hard time trusting him Roman shouldn’t wonder why. Roman stands face to face with Bo, telling him in a louder voice that he is still acting like the same spoiled punk that he was when he was a teenager. Sami walks up with Hope and Kayla as Shane wheels Kimberly over to the argument and Frankie, Greta and Max watch on, helplessly. Frankie tries to intervene but Bo tells him to stay out of it. This has been going on for far too long. Bo tells Roman that he has done a rotten job being the “head” of the family since Pop died. Roman stares at Bo as he tells Roman that no matter how he looks, he’s still the same bastard that he hated for all those years. Roman is stung. Hate, Roman says. He asks Bo if he hates him. Bo pauses and backs off on that but he says to Roman how does he expect him to react? Bo tells him that when others keep secrets from him he feels he has the right to get on his high horse and preach to everyone but, when he does the very same thing, everyone should just deal and understand. This makes Shane smile slightly. Bo tells him that he needs to stop acting like he’s judge and jury around here. Bo then walks off and Roman starts to follow him but Kayla stands in his way, telling him to back off and leave Bo alone. When Roman says that he and Bo are not finished, Kayla says that he should have thought about that years ago. Kimberly then jumps in, saying that this is no way for family to behave. Kayla snickers, saying that’s rich coming from an ex-hooker. Kimberly is stunned as is Caroline and Sami, who tells Kayla that she was way out of line. Kayla says this can’t be coming from the same girl who drugged Austin, slept with him, and then lied to him about Will being his son. She asks Sami........is she preaching to her? Lucas steps in and says to Kayla that that will be enough. Family or not, she doesn’t have the right to just start jumping down everyone’s throat. Kayla tells Lucas to stay out of it but then Frankie speaks up, saying that for someone who didn’t bother coming home for 15 years, she sure is one to talk about family. Caroline then steps up and shouts that this whining will stop right now! This is her picnic and she was doing this long before any of them were born. The lack of respect that was shown today by everyone sickens her and it is time that this family gets back on track. Bo walks back up and announces that they all can get back on track without him. Everyone looks at him with stunned silence. He says that this family makes him sick and it’s about time that he got on with his life, away from all of them. So, as far as he is concerned, this will be the last time any of them sees him ever again. He says goodbye and good riddance. With that, Bo storms off and leaves his family shattered behind him. The scene then shifts from one Brady to another and ends on Caroline’s face as she breaks down crying. Hope runs over and takes her into her arms, holding her tightly and rocking her back and forth, as the episode slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Kate to MCF: I want answers...now!! Austin to Carrie: What's wrong? Why are you so nervous? Belle (looking at a file): What the hell is this? Tony to Anna: DAMNIT!! Talk to me, will ya? Lexie to Abe and Celeste: Oh my God...we're in Salem. Forrest to Abby and Chelsea: I can only imagine what is in store for us. MCF to Ernesto: WELCOME TO SALEM!! We then see a clip of this...
VENDETTA CLIP #20 The MCF is in a dark alley on Salem's west side when he or she recieves a phone call. MCF (via voice changer): Yes? Ernesto: Yes. I have an update. We are approximately 25 minutes away from arrival in Salem. We will be docking in at the far north side of the pier...pier 56. Not many people walk towards that end and the harbormaster I had bought off said it would be better suited. MCF: Excellent. I was getting sick of lurking around now that I don't have a base of operations. I will begin to make my way over there now. Ernesto: I can't beleive the day is finally here, my friend. Tonight is the big night. MCF: yes and let's just hope everything comes together and things go smoothly. If they do, we will see our mission finally accomplished. Ernesto: I truly can't wait. I will see you within the hour. MCF: Yes...within the hour. The MCF hangs up and then pulls out a gun and loads it. MCF: Too bad you won't be able to share in all the glory of this evening, Ernesto. However, you have nearly fulfilled your purpose. Once all of our guests are in attendance, it will be time for you to take your final bow you naive, old fool!! The MCF then puts the gun away and walks away, beginning his or her trek to the pier as the scene fades into... VENDETTA TRIVIA SCORES FOR WEEK 9 1.) Tishy (all right, did not answer bonus): 10 pts. 2.) daysfan, psychofan, Ryan Chandler, Rick, DH23 (did not submit): 0 pts. Therefore, here are the current standings (including the above comment scores) through 5/12/07: 1.) Tishy (163 pts) 2.) daysfan (114 pts) 3.) DH23 (48 pts) 4.) psychofan (41 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (32 pts) 6.) Rick (0 pts) Tishy will get a level one clue for last week (week 9) since she had the most points when combining trivia and comments. Daysfan gets a level 2 clue and the rest of the players recieve nothing as they didn't comment or submit trivia. Clues will be sent this weekend so check your mailboxes Tishy and daysfan. They may not get there until late due to the holiday weekend but you will have them by Monday. If you don't, just remind me. Also, there will be a short SL Insider on Saturday and the promo will be posted Saturday too so that Sunday I can make two announcements in regards to SALEM LIVES AND VENDETTA. Look out for those this weekend!!
-Katherine places Cal under hypnosis. Before she does, she asks him if he is ready. Cal responds, saying that now is as good a time as any. She starts the process, slowly making Cal drift into a very deep, relaxing state. Once he is under, Cal starts to once again drift back to times years ago. He starts to remember things at a much more rapid rate. He sees his mother’s face......his brother’s face.....he remembers his rank as a Captain in the Army during Vietnam.....the friends that he lost during that war......The major fight he had with a man, right before he left home, for the last time.....and the battle wound that he got in the war, almost destroying his face. He then starts to remember a man who took him in and gave him a home. He worked for this man for many years, afterwards, and then became one of his top lieutenants. Cal remembers looking into the mirror and wondering why he looked so different. The man kept telling him that it was for a special assignment that he was sending him on. The man told Cal to learn all that he could about one single man..... Roman Augustus Brady, then Captain of the S.P.D. He was to learn about every single facet of this man’s existence and, when the moment drew, he would become Roman Brady. This entire plan, and his entire life, was now coming back to him in waves. Cal was thrashing back and forth and Katherine was yelling at him that she was going to bring him out of it. At that moment, he sees the face of the man who had affected his life more than any other person that he knew, and, it was at that moment..... That his eyes, suddenly flew open, and he sat straight up. Katherine looked at him and asked him if he was ok. Cal said, for the first time in a year, that he now has almost of the answers he was looking for. The one answer he now wants to know is.... Who was the man he saw in his memories? Katherine looks at Cal’s sweating face, and he stares out into the distance, as the scene slowly fades to black. -At the Brady's Memorial Day Picnic at Salem Park, Hope sees Bo and wants to walk over to him. Kayla, who has just arrived, sees Bo ignoring Hope, who is looking dead at him. What she also sees is all of the uniformed and undercover security men who are loaded with weapons. When she walks up to Hope and asks what’s going on, Hope replies that with this madman or woman running loose, it is a wonder that this scene hasn’t happened before now. Roman, Shane and Abe wanted everyone to be safe if the MCF tried something at the picnic. Kayla remarks that it’s about time her brother protected someone in the family and walks off, leaving Hope to react to her words. Roman and Kimberly then arrive at the picnic and the tension can be cut with a butcher knife. Bo sees Roman and, while holding JT in his arms, turns his back to him. All Kayla can do is walk away when Kimberly starts to wheel herself towards her. Caroline witnesses all of this and can’t stand to see her children at each other’s throats like this. Hope walks over to her and tells her that she can’t remember any other time when the family was split like this. Caroline says she can.....the time when everyone found out Bo was Victor’s son. Caroline didn’t know how the family would ever be the same after that. She then turns and looks at Hope, saying that it was the night of Roman’s welcome home party. Everyone was laughing, joking and celebrating. Her oldest boy had came home. Didn’t matter to her how different he looked. Caroline says she always knew, from the moment she met him, that there was something special about him. Bo and Roman always loved each other so much but never got along. There is nothing either of them wouldn’t do for the other but this whole thing has torn her four children apart and she doesn’t know what to do. When Hope asks her what has torn them apart, Caroline tells her that, with all due respect, she is starting to get tired of Hope always asking her that question. She tells Hope one more time that Bo will come around when he is ready. She needs to have faith in that and stop trying to force him to tell her something that he apparently is not ready to talk about with her. She tells Hope that if the only thing she has to talk about with Bo every time she sees him is asking him about what is wrong with him, one day she will push him so far from her that he will stay gone......forever. Caroline walks away after patting Hope on her cheek, leaving Hope to ponder her words as the scene slowly fades to black. -Meanwhile, at a huge ranch, two men are standing in a living room, discussing the latest proceedings that have been going on back in Salem.... Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy): I am really sick of hearing this from you. You act like, after all of these years, that I don’t now what the hell I’m doing. J.R. Ewing (Larry Hagman): I just can’t believe that you would let the man who killed Daddy get away. Bobby: I haven’t let him get away! My contacts in Salem are in close communications with Roman Brady, the Commander of the police force there. He has dealt with men like this before. J.R.: But what about Stefano DiMera? Daddy and him were business partners and it is not by accident that we have found out that Stefano was the one who engineered for Daddy to go to South America right before his death. For all we know, he was the one who not only had Daddy killed, but...... Bobby: He may have been responsible for sending Wes Parmelee here, making us think he was Daddy. He’s famous for that. From what I have gathered, Roman Brady looks completely different from how he looked twenty five years ago and that’s all due to Stefano DiMera. J.R.: So, then, maybe it’s time we head to Salem, find Stefano, and put an end to this man once and for all. Bobby: You know, for the very first time...... I think we both agree on something. Both men pick up two glasses, filled with the finest bourbon, and toast each other to the successful destruction of Stefano DiMera. -Meanwhile, back in Salem, Bo holds JT in his arms, and spots Hope looking off into the distance. He stares at her and thinks back to their life together - the moment where he saw her after she left boarding school, the kiss she gave him in a kissing booth, right after he saved her from marrying Larry Welch, her in the hospital after she was shot, their first wedding in England, her tragic “death” at the hands of Ernesto Toscano, and all of the times that he told her how much he loved her. Bo knew that he was treating her wrong but he just couldn’t bring himself to stop it. He was convinced that she would look at him as much less of a man if she found out. And that’s what he was worried about. Not the fact that he lied to her about his and Roman’s recent sting operation on Victor or any of the other things that he has kept from her in the past. But all he could think about now was this woman that he loved. So, he slowly walked over to Hope, and as she turned around to see him, not one word was spoken between them. All Bo did, was take her hand..... And kiss it lovingly. He then stepped forward and kissed her gently on her lips. They looked at each other lovingly as one tear came out of Hope’s eye. The scene and the episode ends with a freeze-frame on both Bo and Hope’s faces, as they look at each other for the first time in a long time, as two people..... Who deeply love each other. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Caroline to Hope: I just don't know what to do anymore. My family...it's in shambles. Bo to Roman: You and me?! There is no you and me! Sami to Lucas and Will: I don't know what is going on but this family picnic has more tension then waiting for a serious medical test. What the hell is going on? Cal to Katherine: What could this mean?
-At the Brady Pub, it's a new day as Kayla is helping Caroline prepare for the Memorial Day picnic. Caroline tells Kayla she hopes that this day will bring the familt together. Kayla promises Caroline that she will try to keep the peace and get along with Kim and Roman but she won't be forgiving them. Caroline says she knows it's going to be a long road to recovery for their family but them all just getting along for the day is a start. Caroline asks Kayla if there is any word on Steve. Kayla says not yet but she is frustrated and has had enough. She says she is giving the police and Roman 24 hours. That's it. Then, she has to go off and find Steve. Before it's too late. -At the MCF lair in the abandoned warehouse office, Roman and his SPD team are searching the premises still as Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta watch. Shane returns and tells them that the SPD has searched the rest of the warehouse district and the MCF is nowhere to be found. He asks where Victor and Max are. Frankie says Max went home to shower and Victor had business to tend to. They will be back and Frankie says they promised to call them with updates. Shane goes to update Roman as Greta asks Billie if she could talk to her for a minute. Her and Billie go off to talk as Jack wonders what that is about. Frankie says he thinks he knows. Jack asks what he meants. Frankie reminds Jack of how relieved he was to find Billie ok last night. Jack reminds Frankie that they are longtime friends so, of course, he was happy. He cares about her. Frankie: That was different Jack. Very different and you know it. You two have been through alot in the last year so it's no surprise you have gotten closer. Through good times and bad, you two have been there for each other. I can see it in both your eyes. Billie is more then a friend to you, huh? Meanwhile, Billie asks Greta what is wrong. Greta tells Billie she has known her for a bit, since her days in the swamp. She knows things were tense between them early on but she still thinks they are friends. Billie agrees, especially working together right now. Greta tells Billie she can confide in her and talk about anything. She cares about Jack too and he is a dear friend and she just felt like inviting Billie to open up to her. Billie is confused. Greta: I saw...look. You two have been through alot. The island, Jennifer's death, everything with your daughters, and now the cloaked figure...you two have grown closer then ever this past year. You helped each other through the dark times and enjoyed each other in the good times. Last night, the worry in Jack's eyes when you were missing and the relief when he found you...wow. Billie, I know you two have always been close but that was different. Then, your face. The comfort you showed on your face while in his arms. You seemed so...at home. The whole thing felt right. I just see how you look at hime and... Billie: Greta? What are you getting at? Greta: Ok I will just be blunt, I guess. Admit it. Your in love with Jack. -Back at the Brady Pub, Caroline advises Kayla not to do that but Kayla says she has waited long enough and she has this terrible feeling Steve is in trouble. They are both interupted by Kim's arrival. She wheels herself in. Caroline welcomes her with an embrace. She is so glad Kim made it. Kim says she didn't want to come and cause problems. Caroline says she belongs there. Kayla gives a cold look to Kim. Kim says hello to her, to which Kayla replies with a simple "Hello." Kayl then walks into the kitchen to check on some of the food. Kim gets upset and fights back tears, telling her mother she knew this would happen. She is ruining the picnic and should've just stayed away. Caroline says that is nonsense and this has to stop. She is a part of this family and Caroline vows to make sure the family is united together again, beginning today. -Back at the warehouse, Jack tells Frankie he and Billie are no more then really good friends. Frankie smiles and says if he says so. Jack reluctantly comes out and says: Jack: Fine. Off the record. I feel something more for her. I'm not sure if it's something even close to what I had for Jennifer. I am not sure how I feel right now nor do I care. I am only worried for my daughter and about catching this cloaked figure. Everything else takes a back seat. Frankie: That's fine, man. But...you have to deal with however you feel eventually. And, don't worry. I won't tell anyone about this discussion. Jack: I know and thanks. Meanwhile, Billie denies having strong feelings like that for Jack but Greta doesn't let up. She tells Billie it's ok to tell her. Billie says: Billie: Maybe I do feel something more for Jack but I don't have time to deal with that right now. My daughter has been kidnapped by this cloaked person. My main concern is that. I mean, Greta...I've been down the love road before and failed. I'm not even sure if I feel love for Jack. I'm not sure what I feel. I mean, if it is love, I'm not even sure if I will pursue it. I have been hurt too many times and I would hate to destroy a good friendship. Greta: You won't. You both would be ok in the end. Besides, life is about taking risks. Billie: Well, maybe. I just can't deal with all that now. Just promise me you will keep all this between us? Greta: Sure. But...I will hold you too what you said. As soon as the cloaked figure is busted and we save Chelsea and Abby from his or her clutches, you need to work through your feelings for Jack. Billie: Fine. I will. Now, on to more important matters, like finding Chelsea and Abby and getting them away from that cloaked creep. Roman then overhears and interupts, asking what they are talking about. Frankie, Jack, and Shane walk outside and hear what is going on and worry about what this means. Billie tries to think up a cover story but realizes it's no use. Roman will just see right through them. Billie admits to Roman Chelsea and Abby never ran away. She lied to him because she was afraid the MCF would hurt them. He or she threatened in the letter not to tell the police so she didn't. Roman is furious and says now this gets more serious. He knew something more was up and reminds Billie and Jack he told them their investigation would endanger lives. Jack says it would've happened anyway to someone else, even if it weren't for their investigation. Roman reminds them of what happened with the McCluer's and asks if they learned from that. Jack says they did and they feel awful but they couldn't just give up. Their investigation was effective and they are closer to the truth about the MCF then the SPD is. Shane tells Roman that Jack has a point. Roman says that even so, both girls are in danger because of the investigation. Jack says they will continue the investigation because they get more done then the SPD does. Roman waves his hand in frustration and says whatever. He can't stop them and he orders them to report to him their findings. He doesn't have the energy to fight. He has things to do and now he needs to make this MCF case into a kidnapping case. Billie begs him not to. The MCF may do something rash if he or she learns the SPD knows about the kidnappings. Shane agrees and Roman reluctantly agrees to keep it on the low profile and to tell his officers to do the same. Roman leaves. Kate then arrives and says she called around looking for Billie. The Spectator office said Jack was down there so she figured Billie was there. Billie is stunned to see her and asks what she wants. Kate says she needs to talk to her in private. Billie and he go back outside the warehouse and Kate says she just wanted to ask if Billie knows anything about what is going on with Will. Kate says she just wants to make sure Lucas didn't leave anything out. She figured since Billie is a PI that maybe Lucas and Sami came to her for help or something in finding Will. Billie says she knows nothing of it. Kate fills her in and Billie says they know for a fact Alan is linked to the MCF but she has no idea if something has happened to Will. If something did, it probably isn't good with the MCF involved. Kate says she knows. The MCF had her hostage last night. Billie is shocked and asks if she is ok. Kate says she is fine. He or she let her go and only used her as a sheild because he or she was being chased. Billie says that she was chasing him or her. She tells Kate to tell the police but Kate says there is no need. It won't help and they don't need the MCF getting angry and coming after their family anymore. Billie agrees, saying there has already been enough of that. Roman is then walking out of the warehouse when he whispers to Billie that he has his men looking out for any sign of Chelsea and Abby. Billie thanks him. Roman leaves and Kate says she heard a bit of that and asks what Roman said about Chelsea and why he felt the need to whisper. Billie looks down and Kate demands she tell her what is wrong. Billie realizes she may as well tell and warns Kate not to tell a soul. Kate promises. Billie fills her in on Abby and Chelsea being kidnapped. They didn't run away. It was to send a message to her and Jack since they had been investigating the MCF for months. Kate is stunned and asks if she is sure. Billie nods. Kate says she is sick of the MCF screwing with their family. She tells Billie she has to go. Billie begs her mom not to tell anyone or do anything stupid. Kate says she won't. Billie warns her that she better not be leaving now to plot something. She needs to leave the MCF to the SPD and those that have experience in dealing with situations like this. Kate says she knows. Billie hopes she isn't lying. Kate tells her goodbye and tells her they will talk later. Billie prays that Kate doesn't do anything stupid. She has seen that look before and it usually means she is up to something. She also wonders why the MCF look take Kate hostage. Maybe it was a coincidence but it's so random. She just hopes her mother isn't in any trouble and that she doesn't get into any. Meanwhile, Kate hangs up her cell phone after making a phone call and says she will make the MCF talk. It's about time she gets answers and makes the MCF pay for what he or she is doing to her family. This ends now...today. -Back at the Brady Pub, Caroline promises Kim it will all be ok. Kayla walks back in the room and ignores Kim. Caroline reminds Kayla of her promise to get along. Kayla says she is. It's better to not say anything then to say what she really wants to. Roman then walks in and apologizes for being late. He had police business and isn't sure how long he can stay. Kayal sees him and prepares to walk out of the room. Caroline grabs her and says enough. They can at least be in the same room together. She asks them all to show some maturity and thinks maybe it's time that they all vent and let everything out. It may help them work things out. Kayla doubts it. Not after all that Kim and Roman did. Hope walks in with JT and asks what exactly they did. Everyone clams up. Hope tells them she just wants to know what is going on. She has a right to know and she wonders why they won't just tell her. Bo then shows up right behind her and says it's because it's none of her business. Hope turns around and coldly looks at Bo as Caroline, Kayla, and Kim look on and the screen fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Hope to Bo: I am yoru wife. I have a right to know. Caroline to Hope, Bo, Kayla, Kim, and Roman: I want this family to be whole again and damnit it will be!! Katherine to Cal: Are you ready to get started? Cal to Katherine: As ready as I will ever be...
VENDETTA CLIP #19 It's late in the evening and the MCF enters an abandoned warehouse and looks around to make sure no one is there. He or she then breaks into a supply room and closes the door. MCF (via voice changer): Damnit!! I lost my damn hideaway and now I have to roam around aimlessly until the cruise ship gets here. Ugh...just need to calm down. The cruise ship will be here in a day. I will just need to keep a very low profile. Much more then usual. The MCF's cell vibrates and he or she answers it. MCF: Yes? Ernesto: It's me. We will be in Salem by sunset tomarrow. MCF: Excellent. Ernesto: I recieved the message you left. So, lost your lair, eh? MCF: Yeah. Reed, Deveraux, and their merry band of investigators caught up with me a bit. It's no matter. Tomarrow is the day we have been waiting for my friend. Tomarrow...is what all our planning was for. We will see our dreams finally realized. Ernesto: Are you sure everything will go according to plan? I mean, we are relying alot on people learnings things for themselves. MCF: If they end up not being smart enough to figure things out on their own, I will just send out little invites like I am to some of our friends. Either way, we will have our full guest list in attenance tomarrow night. One way or the other. Ernesto: Excellent. MCF: How are the prisoners? Ernesto: Fine. No problems. It seems the beautiful Anna is mad at the Count for something. I find that funny. MCF: Indeed. Quite humorous. Well, then I better get off. I don't need anyone hearing me and there is no telling if someone is around or not. The police are canvasing the area around my former hideaway and they very well may search where I am right now. Contact me as soon as you are in Salem waters. Ok? Ernesto: Will do. I can't wait until tomarrow night. I mean, it's been so long in the making. MCF: Yes. Indeed it has. Ernesto: We will both finally have the revenge we so crave. I guess I will see you tomarrow. MCF: Yes. Safe journeys. The MCF hangs up the phone and laughs. MCF: Correction, my friend. I will have the revenge I crave. You, on the other hand, will share your fate with the rest of our "friends." Once you fulfill your purpose to me, your on your own, dear Ernesto. The MCF hears police nearby and bolts for the back door out of the warehouse. MCF: I just need to make sure I don't get caught before tomarrow. I have waited too long and did far too much for it to end now. It won't end now. Not when I am so close. I won't let it. The MCF exits the back door of the warehouse as the screen fades out and into...
-At the Salem Inn, Austin and Carrie are in their room asleep after a round of lovemaking on their wedding night. Carrie is tossing and turning while having a nightmare about Austin learning Carrie lied about her son being dead and that he is really Evan. the boy Nicole adopted. He is furious in the dream and feels that Carrie didn't trust him enough to get past the idea that Lucas could be the father and that he could help her deal with the MCF. Carrie begs Austin to understand that she had no choice as he says he can't look at her and walks out. Austin awakens upon hearing Carrie's cries in her sleep and wakes her up gently. She jumps up and is in tears. Austin asks if she is ok. An out of breath Carrie nods. Austin says she was having a nightmare and she said something about a secret. He asks her again if she is sure there is nothing she is hiding from him. -Will returns home and decides he should call his mom and dad, who are probably still out looking for him. Meanwhile, a worried Sami and Lucas are out looking for him when Sami's cell rings. It's Will. They are both happy to hear him and asks where he is. Will says he is at home. He apologizes about running off but he just needed to breathe and they were jumping all over him. Sami tells him they are on their way home to have a long talk. Will rolls her eyes and says ok and hangs up. An angry Sami says she has had enough and will get the truth out of Will even if she must strangle him. Lucas tries to calm her and says they can't interrogate him anymore. It won't work. He isn't going to admit anything and it only pushes him away from them. The next time he runs off he may not come back. Lucas tells Sami they can't sit around and wait but they can't also jump all over Will and try to force the truth out of him. They will have to find out on their own somehow. Lucas doesn't know how but it's all they can do. They need to go home and apologize and just try to be a family right now. They can find out what is going on without Will knowing and hopefully confront him with the truth when they learn it. Sami thinks Lucas is right. They have tried everything else, afterall. She just wants so bad to help him. Lucas says he does too but what they did earlier won't do anything. He reminds Sami tomarrow is her grandmother's picnic and he thinks it's a good idea that they not fight and just relax and have a good time. That may help Will and both of them alot. Sami agrees and tells Lucas she will be calm and not confrontational when they go home. They kiss and Lucas escorts her home. -In an abadoned warehouse in the warehouse district near the pier, Kate is still being held hostage by the MCF. Kate asks if the MCF can at least let go of her neck. The MCF obliges and warns her not to make any moves or noise as the gun is still on her. Kate: God...why did you take me hostage? MCF (via choice changer): You just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean, you did practically run right into me. Plus, we are technically in league with each other. You know the truth about Carrie and baby Evan so we are on the same team and team members help each other. Kate: That's a crock and you know it. You forced me to keep the truth, just like you did Carrie. Your awful. God...who the hell are you? MCF: Wouldn't you like to know? Kate: Piss me off enough and I will know because I will pull that damn cloak right off!! MCF: Wow...even with me holding a gun? Kate: I don't care anymore. Shoot me. It will be worth it to find out who the hell you are. Maybe I will survive and expose your ass. MCF: You got over your fear of me already? I remember the times we met before...you were so terrified. Even earlier tonight. Now...such strength and will. You always were a determined fighter. Kate: I will do anything when I'm desperate and need to survive. MCF: Yes. Always the survivor you were. Kate: Why are you talking like you know me personally? MCF: I don't know. Why am I? Kate: Your just one big puzzle, aren't you? MCF: Do you think you could put me together? Kate: I like challenges. MCF: I know. Kate: Damnit!! Stop talking like that...it bugs the hell out of me!! MCF: Why? Because I obviously know you. Because I keep dropping hints out to you or something. Quite frustrating, huh? Kate: When will this stop? This madness...why? You have been terrorizing so many here in Salem for months. You have been committing all sorts of crimes and...please. End all this. Leave us alone! MCF: Not until I finish my mission. Kate: Now, what is that? MCF: You'll see soon enough. The MCF then takes what looks like a pocket TV monitor out of his or her pocket. Kate: What is that? MCF: Nevermind and stay back (points gun at Kate). The MCF looks at the monitor to see if anyone is nearby to where he or she is and is stunned to see that his or her connection has been lost. MCF: Damnit!! Someone must have found my base of operations and shut off my surveilance equipment. Kate: What are you yammering about? Base of operations...surveilance equipment? MCF: Shutup and get out of here. Your free to go. I have business to tend to. Don't tell anyone about our little kidnapping encounter tonight or about the rest of the things you know? Got it? Kate: Do I have a choice? I sure as hell haven't so far. MCF: Good little Katey. Have a good night. Kate: Any chance of that was shot to hell after you took me hostage. MCF: Well, go watch a movie or something. Night. The MCF leaves Kate in the abadoned warehouse as she wonders why he or she just let her go all of a sudden. She contemplates following him or her but opts not to push her luck and risk getting caught. The MCF may do something to her if she was caught following. She decides to find out if Will was found and leaves. -At the MCF's hideaway in the adandoned warehouse office, Billie is examining the surroundings. She experiments with the surveilance center and sees that the MCF has cameras all over Salem and deduces that the MCF keeps track of everyone via that. Billie says she needs to call the others. She picks up her phone and calls Jack. Jack is with Max, Victor, Frankie, Greta, and Shane. Jack is relieved to hear from her. Billie tells him that he won't beleive what she found...the cloaked figure's hideout. Jack tells her they will be right there. Billie hangs up and then decides to turn off the surveilance center to prevent the MCF from learning anything more about his or her targets. She then checks the office for camera or bugs and also booby traps so she can make sure she isn't leading her and everyone else into a trap. -Back at the Salem Inn, Carrie tells Austin once again there is nothing to tell. Things have been going so bad for her lately that she keeps having dreams of even more bad yet to come. She tells Austin she was dreaming of things happening that could cause him to leave her. Austin tells Carrie to stop thinking so negatively. They are married now and he promised her that this time is forever and he meant it. He assures her that the worst is behind them. She has been through enough hell and a person will only have to deal with and go through so much. Even if something does happen, he is right by her side. They are a team now and they will deal with whatever comes their way together. Carrie embraces him, saying she doesn't know what she would do without him. Austin tells her she will never have to find out. He then proclaims it's time to get back to their wedding night and he kisses her. Carrie tells him that just like her wish is his command, his wish is her command. They continue to kiss passionately and make love. -Sami and Lucas come home. Will is sitting on the couch when Sami races to him and embraces him. Will tells her to calm down. He's ok. Sami says she knows but she was so worried. Lucas tells him this is the last time. No more running off. Will says he only runs off because he doesn't like being interrogated. Sami says they just want to help him. Will says they can help by just staying out of it. Sami says that they plan to from now on. He doesn't have to worry about them jumping on him. It gets none of them anywhere. She tells Will they just need to forget about everything and just relax. Tomarrow is Grandma Caroline's picnic and she thinks it will be nice if they just go and relax and have fun as a family. Will reminds them he isn't big on family gatherings like that. Sami reminds Will that her and Lucas are going to lay off him from now on so the least he can do is just be good and be with his family tomarrow. Will reluctantly agrees as long as Sami and Lucas keep their word and lay off him. Both Sami and Lucas nod. Will says he is heading to the bed. He says goodnight to both Sami and Lucas and goes to his room. Lucas assures Sami she did the right thing. She says she hopes so. There is then a knock on the door. It's Kate, who says she wanted to see if Will was found and thought about checking there first. Lucas says he came home on his own and let them know. Kate asks Lucas if he has any idea what is going on with him. Lucas says no but he plans to find out. Kate says it's probably due to all of Sami's past issues. Kate says she always knew they would affect Will negatively and it's finally happened. Sami tells Kate to shutup. Lucas says it has nothing to do with Sami. They beleive it may have something to do with Alan. Sami gives Lucas a look and he apologizes for blurting that out but says it's time his mother understands what is going on. Kate says that if Alan is doing anything to Will it's because of Sami. It's for revenge. Lucas says that Alan has been linked to the MCF by the police so if Alan did to do something to Will, he can be in alot of trouble. Kate recalls how Alan is involved in the giving Carrie's baby to Nicole and realizes there could be some truth to what Lucas is saying as Alan as reason for a grudge against both Brady girls. Lucas tells Kate it's late and they need to get to bed and asks that she not talk of what he told her around town. Kate says she will keep it to herself as it's a family matter. Lucas tells her goodnight and Kate tells him the same. Sami tells Lucas she wishes he would not have told Kate what he did but Lucas says he couldn't have her blaming Sami for everything. Plus, she is Will's grandmother and has a right to know. Meanwhile, Kate vows that if the MCF did do something to Will in addition to what he is doing to Carrie, all bets are off and she will make him or her pay, along with Alan and Nicole. -The MCF watches from outside the abandoned warehouse as Victor, Max, Frankie, Greta, Shane, and Jack arrive and race in to the abandoned warehouse office. Jack takes Billie in his arms and tells her that he was so worried about her. He tells her never to do anything like that again. Billie says it was their only shot and she had to take it. She tells Jack she is fine. Frankie, Greta, Victor, Shane, and Max see the closeness between Jack and Billie. Billie then shows them around the office and points out the surveilance center to them along with the picture collage of all the people they love and care about with the word "REVENGE" on it. They then look through the doors and discover all kinds of spy gadgets and newspapers clippings of happenings all around Salem like Carrie and Austin's wedding, the Halloween Ball, the New Year's Eve Ball, etc. Shane thinks this could be a big break. The others agree. They are then shocked when Roman arrives with the SPD, saying the harbormaster on pier 3 reported a disturbance in the area of the warehouse district. Roman asks what they are all doing there and what is this place. Billie tells Roman it's the MCF's hideaway and shows him and the police around. Roman asks how they found out. Jack, Billie, and the others are forced to come clean about the under the radar investigation they have been conducting. Roman is furious, reminding Jack that he warned him not to do this. Roman is stunned that Shane was involved. Shane tells Roman that he only supported it because it was more effective. The MCF had his or her eye on the SPD and this was all under the radar. They discovered more. Roman doesn't care and says it endangered lives. Billie reminds Roman that she is a trained ISA agent and so is Shane. Roman says he knows but the others have no business in this and it's too dangerous with this MCF involved. Roman notes how he knew something was up when Shane had found all this surveilance videos. Roman admits he didn't buy Shanw's story and realizes they must have come from Jack, Billie, and the others. Victor reminds Roman if their alliance and says he fully supported this. Shane fills Roman in on the cameras and bugs around town and how they trapped the MCF at Carrie and Austin's wedding. Roman isn't pleased and says this must end now. The SPD and ISA will take over, along with any other legal authorities. Billie reminds Roman that they discovered more then the SPD and that if he wanrs to bust this MCF, he will need them continuing this investigation. Shane supports Billie's position and tells Roman that she's right. He didn't agree before but it has been more a more effective means of investigating. Roman realizes they are right and reluctantly agrees, as long as everything is reported to him and Shanw. Billie tells him it must be kept off the record and on a low profile. Roman orders his officers to turn off the sirens and to keep things quiet on all fronts. Roman warns Billie, Jack, Greta, Frankie, Victor, and Max that if they do anything without his knowing or approval, they are done investigating and the next time they do that he will see to it they are arrested. They all agree to the terms. Roman returns to his officers. Jack thinks it's a bad deal but Billie says it's better then being shut out. He asks why she didn't tell Roman about the MCF having Chelsea and Abby. Billie says she he was already furious and she doesn't need the MCF finding out the SPD knows and doing something rash. Shane overhears and agrees, telling Billie to keep it to herself for now. Meanwhile, the MCF is nearby in the warehouse district but can't hear or see much of what is happening. He or she realizes that his or her "home" or lair is no longer available to him or her. The MCF says it's no matter. He or she won't need it. There is nothing in there to destroy him or her and the cruise ship will be in Salem within 24 hours. MCF: The time is near. It's too late for anyone or anything to stop this. Soon, they will all feel my wrath. Everything until now has been child's play compared to the horror that is about to befall all of them. They have no idea what they are about to deal with. No idea. The MCF snickers as he or she watches the SPD searching the warehouse area. The screen then freezes on the MCF and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Kayla to Caroline: That's it. I have to go off. I have to find Steve. Greta to Billie: Admit it. Your in love with Jack. Frankie to Jack: Billie is more then a friend to you, huh? Roman to Jack and Billie: That damn cloaked person has Chelsea and Abby and you didn't tell me!! What were you thinking? Kate to Billie: Your saying that the cloaked figure has my granddaughter, Chelsea? Hope to Caroline (with Kayla and Kim): I just want to know what is going on. Just tell me!
ANNOUNCER: A MONTH OF WEDDINGS AND MAYHEM CONTINUES... THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES... FOR MONTHS, A MYSTERIOUS THREAT HAS TERRORIZED SALEM... Clip of the MCF at his or her surveilance center, monitoring happenings in Salem. NOW...THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS... Clip of Billie and Jack in the MCF's hideaway. Billie: This is our big break. We are close...I can feel it. TO THE EVENT... Clip of the cruise ship arriving in a port in Salem. THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING!! Clip of Ernesto on the cruise ship. Ernesto: Our moment is nearly at hand. EVERY TWIST... EVERY TURN... EVERYTHING YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE PAST YEAR... Clip of Lexie, Abe, Celeste, Tony, Anna, Forest, Chelsea, and Abby imprisoned on the ship followed by a clip of a guilty Steve outside one of the cell's saying: Steve: What have I done. HAS... Clip of a crying Carrie. Carrie: He has to know. I can't keep this any longer. ALL... Eric: The jig is up Nicole. LED UP... Kate to MCF: You tell me right now what Alan did to Will!! WHAT DID HE DO TO MY GRANDSON??!! TO THIS!! Clip of the MCF watching the cruise ship arrive. MCF (via voice changer): Finally!! The time has come... THIS WEEK...THE BEGINNING OF THE BIGGEST EVENTS... Celeste to Abe and Lexie: This is all leading to something big...bigger then we all could ever imagine. AND... REVEALS IN SALEM LIVES HISTORY!!! Steve: I don't beleive this!! THE MOMENTS AND PAYOFFS YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR...ARE HERE!!! THE EXCITEMENT BEGINS THIS WEEK!!! MISS A DAY, MISS ALOT!! IT'S ALL A PART OF...
WEEK OF 5/20/07 EDITION WEEK 9 VENDETTA GAME COMMENT SCORES ***REMINDER: Trivia is posted on Mondays now and due on Thursdays (which is also approximately when clues will be sent to the 3 top scorers for the week). We are still looking for more players as we head for the end of the game so if you are interested in playing or if any current game players know someone who may be interested please let me know in a PM. Thanks. Here are the comment scores for Week 8 (5/6/07-5/12/07): 1.) daysfan- 20 pts (5 comments) 2.) Tishy- 18 pts (2 comments) 3.) psychofan, Rick, Ryan Chandler, DH23- 0 pts (0 comments) Therefore, here are the current standings (including the above comment scores) through 5/12/07: 1.) Tishy (153 pts) 2.) daysfan (114 pts) 3.) DH23 (48 pts) 4.) psychofan (41 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (32 pts) 6.) Rick (0 pts) THERE WILL BE NO INSIDER SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK. BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR SOME MAJOR SALEM LIVES ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK!!! PREVIEWS AND PEEKS FOR WEEK OF 5/21/07 -The MCF loses his or her "home." -Kate has a chilling encounter with the MCF. -Jack and Billie confide their true feelings in Frankie and Greta. -Chelsea worries about Abby and Forest's strengthening bond. -Cal goes under hypnosis and has a major breakthrough. -Philip gets his orders. -The cruise ship arrives in Salem. -Abe and Celeste see signs of the "old" Lexie. -Anna suppresses her feelings. -Kate demands the truth. -Many long held secrets in Salem begin to be unraveled. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: FRIDAY MAY 25: MANY LONG HELD SECRETS IN SALEM BEGIN TO BE UNRAVELED AS THE CRUISE SHIP ARRIVES IN SALEM!!. NEXT WEEK: Carrie comes clean. Kate comes to a horrifying realization. The walls close in on Alan and Nicole. Philip does the unthinkable. Belle comes across a stunning secret. Marlena makes her move. One of the most stunning reveals in Salem Lives history takes place.
You are contract and you will have frontburner story. Just have to get things in place to get it going. You are one of our faves to write for. You have nothing to worry about.
daysfan...these scores only have the trivia added. Your comments count towards the scores for week 9, which I will posting tonight. Remember, comment's scores are posted on Saturdays and since trivia is posted on Monday now I can't post the trivia scores for the week that just ended until Thursday's since that is when they are submitted. You will see that tonight's scores reflect your commenting this week. No worries
On the second floor of the Titan building, Jack calls out for Billie desperately. Victor and Max join Shane, Jack, Frankie, and Greta and learn of Billie jumping over the balcony to go after the MCF. Jack is relieved when he sees Billie on the ground. She yells out to him she is fine. It's a good thing she had ISA training. Jack yells at her for taking such a risk but Billie says this may be the only shot they get and she needs to go. The MCF is getting away. Billie takes off as Jack tells Victor, Max, Frankie, Greta, and Shane they have to get down there and follow. Billie will need them if she manages to catch up to the MCF. Meanwhile, Sami and Lucas are searching the streets of Salem for Will. Sami blames herself for Will running off again. Lucas tells her it's not her fault. She was frustrated and just wanted answers. He was about to do the same thing. Sami just hopes he is alright. Lucas looks around and asks where his mom is as she was close behind them when they left the Penthouse Grille. Sami says she doesn't know and doesn't care as she is blaming this all on her anyway. Lucas says that is unfair and tells Sami not to listen to her. Sami tells Lucas she is probably looking for Will on her own. The scene then shifts to Kate, who is searching for Will on the pier. She comments on how she couldn't bear to search with Sami and that this is all her fault. Whatever is going on with Will has to be her doing. God knows she has done enough to make that boy unstabile. Kate hears footsteps that sound like someone running. She calls out to Will and races around the corner to bump right into the MCF. Kate's face turns to one of terror as she asks what the MCF is doing there. The MCF turns to see if anyone is behind him or her. Knowing full well Billie and the others are on his or her tail, the MCF grabs Kate and tells her she is coming with him or her. She tells him or her to let her go. He or she pulls out a gun and tells her to shutup and come on. The MCF drags Kate off. The scene then shifts to Will, who is on another end of the pier. He sees Bo looking out over the pier at the water. Bo turns and is shocked to see Will. He asks him what he is doing out so late and on the pier, especially with the MCF on the loose. Will fills Bo in on how his parents interrogated him and he folded under all of it and ran out. He just couldn't take it. Will tells Bo he just doesn't know what to do. Bo tell him he needs to tell the truth. That is all he can do to make all this stop. -Back at the Penthouse Grille, Katherine gets Cal a glass of water and asks once more if he is ok. Cal tells her he is fine and that the headache has stopped for the moment. Katherine tells him that the headache, along with all of his memory flashes of late, may mean that it won't be long until he is whole again and remembers everything. Cal hopes she is right because the sooner that happens the sooner they can stop worrying about it and just focus on their new life together as husband and wife. Katherine smiles as Cal moves in and kisses her passionately. Meanwhile, Carrie tells Eric nothing is going on. She just keeps seeing Nicole with Evan that it reminds her of her child. She tell him that Nicole mentions him all the time and Kate took offense too it and that was why they all looked upset when Eric saw them. Carrie admits she thought Nicole was doing it on purpose so that is why she got upset and told her to leave last night. Carrie says she realizes that Nicole wasn't doing any of it on purpose. She is just a new mom and proud of it. She is doing what any new mom would do. Eric isn't so sure he buys Carrie's story and reminds her he is her brother and she can tell him what is going on. Carrie tells him nothing is as what she told him is the truth. She tells him her and Austin need to get going and that she will see him when they return from the honeymoon. She kisses him on the cheek and leaves as Eric shakes his head, saying there is definitely more going on and he will find out what it is. The scene the shifts to Nicole, who tells Austin that Carrie is naturally upset because she keeps seeing her hold Evan. It reminds her of her child that died. She explains how she constantly talks about Evan and it's not intentional but it happens as a new mom. She tells Austin that his mom took offense to it and that is why they ended up in a fight last night and Carrie thought it was on purpose too at first and got upset. Nicole says everything is ok now and everyone is fine. Carrie is going to get upset right now seeing any child because the death of her child is still fresh. Carrie overhears and says Nicole is right. She tells Austin they need to get going. Austin looks at his watch and agrees. He looks at both Carrie and Nicole and asks if that is all that is going on. Carrie nods and Nicole says that's it. Austin buys it and tells Carrie they can go. It's time to start their honeymoon. Nicole wishes then luck and good wishes. Austin thanks her as him and Carrie leave. Nicole then collects her things and prepares Evan to leave as Eric approaches her. Nicole rolls her eyes and asks what he wants now. Eric says nothing but he did want to give her a warning. He knows something big is going on and he isn't going to give up. He is going to find out what is really going on and, when he does, he won't show mercy on her. She will pay for whatever she did and it's obviously something. Nicole shakes her head as she tells Eric she can't beleive she ever loved him, let alone married him. Eric says the feeling is mutual. It's clear the cold-hearted, selfish woman that is in front of him is the real Nicole. Nothing but a total bitch. Nicole slaps him and tells him to burn in hell. She then pushes the stroller and leaves as Eric says he knows he is close and he will find out the truth. It's only a matter of time. -On the pier, Jack is searching for Billie desperately. Frankie, Greta, Shane Max, and Victor join him. No one has found her or the MCF. Jack is worried and says he can't lose Billie. He doesn't know what he would do if anything happened to her. They need to find her because, if she is with the MCF, there is no telling what might happen as she can't handle him or her on her own. They know what the MCF is capable of. Shane says they just need to continue searching. Jack says they need to hurry as time is running out. They all race off. Meanwhile, Billie calls Nico and asks if he has any updates on where the MCF is. Nico says that the MCF was last seen on the pier but they don't have enough cameras to cover everything. He or she was heading north. Billie says she is on the north end now and there is no sign of the MCF. Nico says the warehouse district is nearby so he or she may have headed there since he or she would have to pass Billie on the pier if he or she turned bac. Billie says she will go and search the warehouse district. It will be a pain to search all the warehouses but she has to do what she must. She tells Nico to update her if he sees anything on the monitors and hangs up. Billie says she won't give up until she catches this person. The scene then shifts to the MCF, who still has Kate. Kate asks why he or she is doing this. The MCF says he or she needs a hostage as some people are after him or her. It's just a precaution in case a human shield is needed. Kate asks if this is what she gets for following orders. The MCF notes that Kate has followed orders well and that this isn't personal. He or she takes her into a warehouse and says they can just hide in there for awhile as a terrified Kate wonders what the MCF may do to her as anything is possible with him or her. -Back at the Penthouse Grille, Katherine tells Cal they better get going or she just may have her way with him right there in public. Cal says he doesn't object. They both laugh. Katherine promises him that with all the progress he has made, it shouldn't take much to get him his whole memory back. Cal is happy to hear that. A few months ago, it seemed like he had no hope but now he is married, starting a new life, and also beginning to remember his old life and past. Things couldn't be better. Katherine says things could always be better and they will be. This is just the beginning for them. They kiss again and Cal tells her they better get home before he can't restrain himself. They both laugh and then head for the elevator. -Carrie and Austin return to their room at the Salem Inn. Austin carries her over the threhold and says it feels easier the second time. He jokingly asks if Carrie has lost weight. She laughs and slaps his shoulder. He lays her on the bed and then jumps on it with her, telling her this is just the beginning. He knows he promises this same thing to her the first time they married but this time it is forever. This is just the beginning of all the wonderful nights they will have together. The nights, days, months, year, etc. Carrie then stops him from going on with a kiss. Austin smiles and says he gets the feeling she wants him to shutup. Carrie smiles and then nods. She tells him to just kiss her and put his arms around her. He tells her he will be happy to oblige to his wife's first request as her wish is his command. They kiss and begin to make love. -On the pier, Will tells Bo that he knows that he can't tell the truth. Alan will do something to hurt his family. He already raped Sami and hurt him. There is no telling what he may do. Not to mention how the press and public would have a field day. He would love nothing more then putting Alan behind bars as it would make everyone safer but telling the truth could cause him to do something that hurts him and his family. Bo says he knows where he is coming from, only he only just remembered what happened to him. He can't get the images out of his mind. Will says he can't either. Bo admits that he is happy, in a way, he didn't remember until now. He may not have been able to live like he did. Although, now, he can't live remembering what happened to him. He can't even be with his family. He just feels like less of a man, He feels weak. Will says he knows the feeling and it seems they are both in the same boat. They don't want pity and they have circumstances which prevent them from just admitting all and making life easier. Will then hears Sami and Lucas yelling for him. Will tells Bo he has to go and thanks him for listening. He doesn't know what he would do without him. Bo says he feels the same. It helps to have someone. Will bids Bo goodnight and races off into the night as Bo wonders when both him and Will will find peace so they can get back to some kind of normalcy. On another end of the pier, the search for Billie continues. Jack is worried sick and has a bad feeling. Frankie tries to calm him. Victor interupts and says he just called Nico to check in. He talked to Billie and gave him a location of where she might be. She was heading for the warehouse district. Shane says they have to hurry and races off with Victor, Max, Frankie, Greta, and Jack. -In the warehouse district, the MCF and Kate continue to hide out in a warehouse. Kate asks the MCF how long they will be staying put. He or she tells her as long as need be. The MCF then wonders about his or her hideaway. If Jack, Billie, and others begin to search the warehouse district for him or her they may find his or her hideaway. The MCF isn't ready for that to happen. Kate can hear him or her mumbling due to the sound made by the voice changer and asks what he or she is muttering about. The MCF tells her to nevermind that and to just be quiet so no one hears them as he or she points the gun closer to a terrified Kate's head. Meanwhile, Billie has searched a few warehouses in the warehouse district and enters another run. It's abandoned, much like many of the surrounding ones. She searches the warehouse with a flashlight so she doesn't tip off the MCF by turning on a bright light. She opens closets and searches rooms. She enters the office of the warehouse she is in and looks around. She makes her way over to the closet in the back of the office behind the desk. She opens it to search it and is stunned by what she finds. Right in front of her is the MCF's collage of pictures on the closet wall, which contains pics of all of the Salemites Billie knows and loves. Billie notices the word REVENGE written in big red letters at the center of the collage. Still stunned, she opens the door on the left side of the office to reveal the MCF's surveilance center. A stunned Billie then realizes and finally concludes that...SHE IS IN THE MCF'S HIDEAWAY!!! The screen then fades out on a stunned Billie's face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Austin to Carrie: You had a nightmare. You said something about a secret or something. Are you sure you aren't keeping something from me? Sami to Will (with Lucas): We just want to help you. Will to Sami: You can help by just staying out of it!! Kate to MCF: Please...end all this. Leave us alone! MCF to Kate: Not until I finish my mission. Billie to Jack: You won't believe what I found. I found the cloaked figure's hideout!!
-Austin and Carrie's wedding reception is beginning to wind down at the Penthouse Grille. Hope notices JT is rubbing his eyes and tells Bo it looks like it's time to go. Bo tells Hope that he will call her and set up a schedule for him to come by and see JT. Hope asks if this is what it has come down to. Bo is about to answer when JT tells Bo he wants him to come home with them and read to him before bed. He says mommy does it every night but he wants him to do it. Hope looks at Bo, who looks at JT's innocent and eager face. Bo tells JT he will come home with them and read to him. JT is overjoyed and embraces Bo while a smiling Hope looks on. Kim looks at her watch and wonders where Shane is. She calls his cell but it's off so hse leaves a message saying she has gone home and he can just call her and tell her what happened to him. Kim now wonders how she will get home. She decides to ask Caroline for a ride. Caroline hesistates and then tells Kim she would love to but she is taking Kayla home. Kim agrees that it may stir up trouble. She will just go home with someone else. Caroline says that shouldn't ne necessary. They are family. Caroline motions for Kayla to come over there. She does and Caroline asks her if she is ok with them taking Kim home too. Kayla is hesistant and then says it's up to Caroline. Roman overhears and says he can take Kim home. He needs to go anyway as he is needed back at the station and the reception is all but over. He does needs to say goodbye to his girls first. Kim and Caroline thank him. When Roman leaves, Caroline tells Kim and Kayla this has to stop. She won't have their family acting like this and being so torn apart. They can't even be in the same room together. Kim says she is sorry as Kayla says she is too but she just doesn't know if she can ever get past the lies Kim and Roman told. They lied to all of them and made things even worse for Bo. Kim tells Kayla she is very sorry. Kayla looks at her and walks away. Roman is hugging Sami and tells her that the next wedding he goes to will be her's and he can't wait. Sami says he may be right as she caught the bouquet and Lucas caught the garter. Roman says he looks forward to the day he walks her down the aisle. They hug as he says he needs to say goodbye to Carrie. Sami and Lucas bid him goodbye and then, when he leaves, Sami tells Lucas they need to talk to Will right now. No more waiting around. They need the truth. Lucas agrees. Carrie is hugging Belle and Claire. She tells Claire thank you in a small and cheery voice and then thanks Belle for all she did for the wedding. Belle tells her that is what sisters are for. Austin then comes over dragging a drunk Philip. Belle is appalled. Austin tips a waiter and tells him to see to it that Mr. Kiriakis gets a cab home. The waiter obliges as Philip yells out if this is what he gets for standing up in his brother's wedding. Belle is disgusted and Austin apologizes for that. Belle tells him he did the right thing. He just keeps getting worse and worse. She tells them both she must go as Claire will be overtired if they don't get home soon. She wishes them both goodnight and is then caught by Roman on her way out, who says goodbye and embraces her. Austin then reminds Carrie she never did answer his question. Is there something she wants to tell him? Carrie is again silent. Sami and Lucas approach Will, who is all by himself at a table, and ask if he is ok. Will wishes they would stop asking him the same questions all the time. He just doesn't like things like this with so many people around. Sami says she has had enough. She tried being nice about it and them tried backing off but no more. She knows something is up and she wants to know what is going on...NOW!!! This time...she wants the TRUTH. Lucas tells Will to trust them. They can make whatever is wrong ok. Will is silent and seems conflicted. Carrie tells Austin there is nothing to tell him. She just has alot on her mind with everything that has happened in the past year with the baby and the island and all. Austin understands. Carrie says that so much went through her mind that she could't help but wonder if something else would happen to destroy there happiness so she was afraid. She apologizes to Austin for making him think something else was happeing. He tells her it's fine. He reminds her that she can always come to him with anything and confide in him. They are a team now. Roman then comes over and congratulates them both again, telling them that he needs to go. He embraces Carrie and wishes her every happiness. She deserves it. Carrie thanks him for everything. Roman asks if she is happy. Carrie nods. Roman shakes Austin's hand and tells him to take care of his daughter. Austin promises to do so. Roman leaves to say goodbye to Eric as Austin asks Carrie if she is ready to start their wedding night. Carrie tells him she is...but she wants one last dance with him first. Caroline tells Kim she knows she is sorry. She assures her that some day Bo and Kayla will understand. Kim isn't so sure. Roman comes over and tells her to listen to their mother. She knows best. He asks Kim if she is ready to go. Kim nods and he wheels her away, kissing Caroline before he leaves. Caroline then vows to unite her family and bring them back together again. A disguised James and Alan wonder what is going on as the MCF has yet to get in contact with them or appear at the reception. James says he has had a feeling all night something isn't right. Alan says they both have their cells off and perhaps they should put them on. James tells Alan that doing that may result in attracting unneeded attention. Alan says it may be worth it as they have no clue why they are there and what is going on. Meanwhile, on the second floor of the Titan building, many floors below the Penthouse Grille, Billie leads Jack and Greta through the halls. Frankie follows close behind as backup. Billie radios to Shane, who is leading Victor and Max and came in via the elevator while Billie and the others did via the stairs to trap the MCF, and asks if he has seen anything. Shane says nothing yet and Nico reported in saying the MCF seems to have vanished. Billie thinks may be they should split up individually. Shane thinks that is a good idea. Billie and Shane both ask the others if they all have their guns. Everyone nods and draws them as Billie and Shane give the orders to split up on the second floor. Shane tells Max and Victor to guard the elevator and staircase. Jack, Frankie, and Greta start searching the offices while Billie and Shane do the same. The MCF is holding up in one of the offices, realizing he or she is trapped unless they leap off the balcony of the office. The MCF notices his or her cell phone vibrating and realizes it is still on from waiting for contact from James or Alan. The MCF answers it. It's James, who is whispering and asking what is going on. An angry MCF, via voice changer, tells James that he and Alan were duped. Either Jack, Billie, or someone working with them used a voice changer and acted as their boss to lure them to the reception knowing it would draw him or her out as well.. James asks how does he know that he is talking with his real boss now. The MCF gets angry and reminds him that the voice changers don't sound the same. James recalls the other voice changer sounding different and the person telling him it was due to a cold. James realizes what he is hearing is the truth. The MCF tells James that he or she is trapped on the second floor. James asks if Alan and him should get down there. The MCF says no and tells them to just get out of the Penthouse Grille. He or she will take care of escaping. There has to be a way out somewhere. James agrees and says he will relay the instructions to Alan and they will be out of there ASAP. The MCF tells James that he or she will be in touch as soon as he or she can escape. The MCF hangs up and slowly opens the office door. Billie is walking down the hall and sees the door open. She races down the hall. The MCF sees this and closes the door, trying feverishly to lock it. Billie manages to open the door and push it open before it can be locked. The MCF heads for the balcony, realizing he or she has no choice. Billie aims her gun and says,"FREEZE!!" -Bo and Hope return to their house with JT. Hope tells him to get upstairs and get his PJ's on before daddy comes up to read to him. JT embraces her and gives her a kiss, telling her goodnight. Hope does the same as JT goes upstairs. Hope thanks Bo for a wonderful time at the wedding and tells him it was great to be together as a family again. Bo agrees and thanks Hope for not interrogating him. Hope knows it was part of the deal but she does tell Bo they have to talk. Bo tells her not tonight. A frustrated Hope asks him when. He is doing the same thing he lashed out at her for last summer. They need to communciate and talk about their relationship and marriage. Bo says JT is waiting. This will have to wait. Bo goes upstairs as Hope pulls at her hair and then looks at a wedding photo of her and Bo. Tears well in her eyes as she wonders if they will ever work things out. Back at the Penthouse Grille, Katherine and Cal are still dancing on the dance floor. She tells him she is having a great time and it was nice to be out together. Cal notes that the fesitivities are winding down and that they should say their goodbyes. Katherine agrees. Cal then grabs at his head in extreme pain. Katherine asks him what is wrong and if it's more memories. Cal says it just really hurts and he falls back as Katherine catches him. She gets him to a table and asks him if he is ok. Cal holds his head and grimaces in pain as a worried Katherine looks on. Carrie and Austin are finishing their last dance on the dance floor when she sees Nicole holding Evan and putting him in the stroller. She tries to fight back tears and begins to cry. Eric notices this and decides to talk to Carrie about what is going on with her, Kate, and Nicole. Eric interupts their dance and apologizes for doing so but he must talk to Carrie. Austin sees Carrie is upset and asks what is wrong. He tells Carrie he can see that something is wrong now and it's more then what she said. Eric tells Austin he will try to find out what is going on. He just needs a few minutes with her. Austin agrees and leaces. Austin notes that Carrie was facing Nicole while they were dancing and that she was fine before. He recalls how upset Carrie, Nicole, and his mother looked last night during their bachelor/bachelorette parties when they found the three of them alone. Austin approaches Nicole, who congratulates Austin on his marriage. She embraces him and wishes him the best. Austin thank her but says he needs to ask her something. Austin: Why does you being around lately seem to upset my wife so much? Nicole is silent. Meanwhile, Carrie tells Eric she is fine. Eric knows she isn't and tells her he saw how upset her, Kate, and Nicole were on the balcony and how upset she got with Nicole later on. Now, here she is crying on her wedding night while watching Nicole and Evan. He then asks her: Eric: What gives? What is going on with you, Nicole, and Kate? Sami and Lucas beg Will to let them help him but he rebuffs them and tells them to back off if they know what is good for them...for everyone. An upset Will runs off and right past Kate and out the service entrance. Sami tells Lucas to go after him. Kate asks Sami what she has done now. Sami tells Kate to shut it. She needs to go find Will. Kate follows as Sami follows after Lucas out the service entrance. Back on the second floor of the Titan building, Billie holds the MCF at gunpoint. Billie: At long last...face to face with the devil himself. Or is it herself? MCF: You tell me. You and Deveraux seem to always be on my trail. Good sleuths, you are. Just remember I have your daughters. Billie: Where are they? MCF: As I said in the letter, back off and you will get them back. Billie: I don't beleive you. MCF: Well, you will have to take a leap of faith then. You have no other choice. Billie: Sure I do. I arrest your ass and we interrogate you until you break. MCF: I will never break. Billie: Everyone breaks. MCF: I'm not everyone. Billie then hears Jack call for her, which gives the MCF the distraction he or she needs to bolt for the balcony. Billie gives chase as Jack arrives in the office with Frankie, Greta, and Shane. Billie sees the MCF jump off the balcony. Billie: I can't let you get away. This may be our only shot. Lives are on the line. My daughter's life...Abby...I have to do this. Billie looks over the balcony and then jumps over as Jack yells out: Jack: BILLIE!!! NO!!! The scene then fades out on Jack's shocked face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Eric to Carrie: I'm your brother. You can tell me what is going on. Austin to Nicole: If you are doing something to my wife, you better tell me right now. Will to Bo: I don't know what to do. Bo to Will: Tell the truth. Katherine to Cal: It may not be long until you are whole again. Jack to Frankie: I can't lose Billie. I can't.
VENDETTA CLIP #18 On the cruise ship, Ernesto is sitting in the captain's quarters when a man walks in. Man: We should be in Salem by morning. Ernesto: Excellent. Everything is right on schedule. How are the prisoners? Man: Contained and on their best behavior, as of right now. Ernesto: Very good. How about Steve Johnson? Man: He is in a passanger cabin on the south side of the ship. He feels great guilt over his role in all this. He won't leave the ship. He feels obligated to stay on the ship to make sure Abe and Lexie Carver, as well as her mother, are not harmed. Ernesto: Sounds typical. He doesn't know anything about me, the big boss, or the other prisoners...correct? Man: Yes. You want it that way, right? Ernesto: Yes. Make sure he doesn't come anywhere near my vincinity. Can't take any chances...we are too close to seeing our plans fulfilled and the fruits of our labors. Seeing it come crashing down now...I don't know what I would do. It would probably be the death of me. The scene then shifts back to Salem and the MCF, who exits the Titan building staircase. He or she is on the 2nd floor of the Titan building where many offices are. MCF (via voice changer): Damn James and Alan. How could they fall for something...whatever. I just need to find a way to create a distraction or something so they can get out or I can get in there and get them out. They don't have their danm cells on so...damnit. How am I going to...the power. Maybe I could cut the power and get in there or something. The main power grid is said to be on the west side of this floor in the maintenance room. I need to get there. The MCF then hears talking. He or she peers around the corner and sees Shane leading Victor and Max off a elevator, followed closely by Billie, who is leading Jack, Frankie, and Greta out of the staircase. They are coming at him or her from different directions. The MCF realizes he or she is trapped and doesn't know where to turn. MCF: Deveraux or Reed...or someone working with them. They must have used a voice changer and pretended to be me. They used James and Alan to lure me here. It was all a trap. Damnit...I'm trapped. Cornered...what am I going to...how am I going to get out of here? Maybe, after all this time, my luck has run out. Damnit...I am so close to seeing my plans come to fruition. It can't end like this. It can't!! The MCF peers around and sees Shane, Victor, and Max coming at him or her from one direction and Billie, Jack, Frankie, and Greta from another. The MCF looks around desperately for a place to hide or escape as the scene slowly fades out and into... VENDETTA TRIVIA SCORES FOR WEEK 8 AND TOTAL SCORES OVERALL Here are the trivia scores for Week 8 (5/6/07-5/12/07): 1.) Tishy- 12 pts (all right including bonus, only one to submit) 2.) daysfan, psychofan, Rick, Ryan Chandler, DH23- 0 pts (did not submit) Therefore, here are the current standings (including the above comment scores) through 5/12/07: 1.) Tishy (147 pts) 2.) daysfan (94 pts) 3.) DH23 (48 pts) 4.) psychofan (41 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (32 pts) 6.) Rick (0 pts) ***TISHY GETS A LEVEL ONE CLUE FOR THIS WEEK DUE TO HER 1ST PLACE FINISH AND DAYSFAN GETS A LEVEL TWO. CLUES WILL BE SENT OUT SOMETIME TOMARROW OR, AT THE LATEST, BY SATURDAY NIGHT. CHECK YOUR PM BOXES YOU TWO!!!
-At the Penthouse Grille, Austin and Carrie's wedding reception continues. Doug goes to get some more drinks for everyone, leaving Alice with Julie and Maggie. Alice asks them if they are both ok. They seem like they have much on their mind. Julie lies says it's just that the wedding reminds her of all that she has been through with Doug and how close she came to losing Doug. Maggie lies and says that the wedding reminds her of Mickey. Alice explains how Doug had told her he was concerned about them since they have seemed rather different she he woke up. Alice notes how stressed they seem. Julie reminds Alice that it's been a rough few months. Alice understands that but says she and Doug can't help but wonder if it's something else. Maggie jumps in and says it's just everything they have been through this past year. That's all. Alice smiles and tells them both that things will get better. They already are. Doug returns with drinks and asks if everything is ok. Julie smiles and says they couldn't be better as she looks at a guilt-ridden Maggie. Max, Frankie, Greta, Victor, Shane, Jack, and Billie are all spread out around the Penthouse Grille. Billie recieves a call from Nico, who is monitoring the surveilance monitors at Victor's mansion. Nico tells Billie that Alan and James are at the reception. He IDed them. They are disguised as waiters. Nico directs Billie to them and she sees them, both wearing glasses. Alan is wearing a fake beard and wig while James is wearing a wig and false moustache. Billie then radios to Jack, Victor, Max, Frankie, and Greta they Alan and James are there. Billie tells Nico to let her or Shane know when the MCF arrivees. Nico agrees. Billie tells Jack through her radio that everything is on schedule. She just hopes things continue to go according to plan. Carrie and Austin are kissing as she is thanking him for her surprise. His having The Flamingos sing their song was so special. Sami and Lucas come over while they take a break from dancing and remark on how happy they are. Carrie tells Sami that her and Lucas will be this way soon. Sami says she hopes so. Hope and Bo are with JT, watching him eat some food. Hope asks Bo if he is enjoying himself. Bo reminds her that there was to be no questions tonight. Hope says she was only asking a general question that anyone would ask at a reception. Bo smiles and says it's ok so far. Hope smiles as Caroline and Kayla come over, remarking on how nice it is to see them together as a family. Bo is about to say something but stops himself when JT says he is glad that his daddy is back. It makes mommy happy. Hope smiles and looks at Bo, who looks back at her, not knowing what to say. Cal and Katherine are dancing. She tells him she is so happy to be out with him in public for the first time as husband and wife. She thinks they made the right choice coming back to Salem. He agrees. She reminds him that he picks up his therapy again tomarrow so he better not drink too much. Cal says he doesn't plan to. Roman comes over and tells them both again congratulations. Roman tells Cal he is glad things are going well for him. Cal thanks him and tells Roman he hopes things go better for "Doc." Roman thanks him as Caroline and Kayla come over and express warn wishes again to Cal and Katherine. Will is sitting all alone when Kim wheels over. She asks him why he is alone in a corner. Will says he is just bored and doesn't like big family things like this. Kim says she is sure there are some young girls there who would want to dance with him. Will looks down. Kim asks if she said something wrong. Will says she hasn't but he has to go to the bathroom. He excuses himself and leaves. Sami and Lucas see him fly right by them. Sami tells Lucas she is really worried about him. He is distant from everyone and she thinks they need to find out what is going on with him and if it has anything to do with Alan. Lucas agrees. There son has something in his mind and may be in alot of trouble. They need to get to the bottom of this and fast. Kim sees Shane in a corner and asks what he is doing. Shane tells Kim to go back to their table. He knows she is lonely but there is something he needs to take care. Kim says that she has hardly anyone to talk to without him, given nearly her whole family is upset with her. Shane tells her he will return to her as soon as he does what he needs to. Kim says ok and wheels back to her table, depressed about how isolated she is from everyone and wondering what Shane is up to. Eric approaches Victor again and tells Victor he knows that Nicole had to give him something in exchange for his giving her a job and helping her adopt Evan. Victor tells Eric to back off. He has something to handle and Eric needs to get out of his way. Eric asks Victor what he could possibly have to handle at a wedding reception. Nicole is walking by and watching this scene with great interest, hoping Victor stands his ground and doesn't drop so much as a hint about what she is hiding. Victor tells Eric what he does is none of Eric's business and to go mingle with his family and friends. Eric tries to stop Victor from leaving but Victor pulls Eric's arm off him and warns him to back off...or else. Eric backs off as Victor walks away. Eric promises that this isn't over yet as Nicole watches, pleased that Victor revealed nothing. Kate is congratulating Austin and Carrie. She tells them it's years overdue and that this time it will work out. They both thank her. Austin goes to get them more champaigne. While alone, Kate tells Carrie she made the right choice. Once the MCF is exposed, Nicole will be too and she can get Evan back. At least, now, her and Austin are married and they can all be a family again someday. Carrie says it's still hard, seeing Nicole walk around with Evan breaks her heart everytime sher looks at them. Kate tells Carrie not to worry. It will end sooner or later and then Nicole will lose everything and all will be right with the world. Belle is feeding Claire some crackers when Philip comes up. Belle can see he is drunk and tells Philip not to come near Claire. Philip stutters while saying she is his daughter and he wants to spend time with her too at her uncle Austin's wedding. Belle tells him to back off or she will scream and her dad and the rest of her family and friends will come to her defense. Philip laughs and tells Belle whatever. He will have Claire and everything he wants soon. He then walks away as Belle wonders what he blabbering about. Philip looks at his cell phone and sees there are no new calls. He wonders when the MCF will call him about the deal they had. He needs to get his dad out of the picture soon so he can get Belle and Claire back and acquire the power he so deserves. His time is now and he is not going to wait any longer. Sami comes over to Carrie and tells her it's time for the bouquet toss. Carrie gets up and tells all the single girls to line up. Maggie and Caroline don't get up but some convincing and forcing by Sami, Belle, and Hope gets them up. Billie and Greta try to monitor the happenings but Sami sees them and forces them to participate. Nicole puts Evan in his stroller and wheels him near the dance floor and tries to participate herself. Eric sees her and reminds her she is married. Nicole laughs and tells Eric he knows they are through so why deny it? Eric shakes his head and walks away. Carrie asks all the women if they are ready. They all scream they are as Carrie tosses it...to SAMI!! The crowd claps, except for Nicole who walks away mumbling under her breath it was fixed. Carrie hugs Sami and says she was aiming for her. Sami smiles and says she hopes it is a good omen. Carrie says it is and that she and Lucas will get it right this time too, just like her and Austin. Lucas announces it's time for the tossing of the garter. Austin comes over to get Carrie and sits her down. Shane, Victor, Max, Jack, and Frankie don't want to participate but Sami and Lucas push them to go out there and they oblige, knowing full well they won't give up unless they do. A drunk Philip even makes his way on to the floot. Austin then pulls the garter off with his teeth as sexy music plays and tosses the garter behind his back. It is caught by...LUCAS!!! Austin embraces him, saying it must be meant to be. Lucas looks at Sami and agrees. Carrie hugs him, saying she is so happy for them as a drunk Philip yells out that the game was fixed. The crowd laughs as Belle yells out to Philip to go home. Philip goes back to the bar as Victor shakes his head in disgust upon seeing that sight. The wedding cake is then wheeled out as the crowd gather around to see Carrie and Austin cut the cake. They each take a small piece and smile. Carrie begs Austin not to get any on the dress. He tells her not to get any on the suit. They both laugh and feed each other. A little drops on to Austin's shirt, who them makes sure a little drops on Carrie's dress. She's appalled and tells him he will have to pay for that. He asks her what she is going to do. She kisses him and tells him he will find out later. They then kiss passionately as they begin to dance. Doug thinks it's time for them to head home as it's been a long day. He goes to bring the car around while Julie and Maggie help Alice. Julie whispers to Maggie she is doing good. Maggie says she hates lying like this. Julie reminds her it's for the best. Carrie sees Evan with Nicole while she isa dancing with Austin. She longs to hold him in her arms and for the three of them to be a family, even if he really isn't Austin's baby. Austin can hear her crying and he asks if she is ok. Carrie says she is crying because of the wedding and her being so happy. It's so perfect. Austin is glad she is happy but wonders if she is crying because of another reason. Carrie admits thinking about her baby and what she has been going through but she hasn't been thinking of that during the reception much. Austin is happy to hear that and then says that he almost forgot but he did want to ask her something. He asks her why she hesistated and waited so long before walking down the aisle at St. Luke's. He thought she was just thinking of all the horrible things that happened but she seemed frozen, almost like she had done something wrong and felt bad or something. He adds how she seemed to be thinking alot and he couldn't help but think it seemed like she felt guilty about something. Austin: Anyway, is something wrong? Is there something you want to tell me? I mean, it just seemed like there was something when you were on your father's arm about to walk down to me. It's not like you to keep something from me or to go into a marriage with a secret but, if there is something, please tell me. Carrie is silent. Billie follows a disguised James and Alan around the restaurant. She overhears them talking about why the boss would have them go to the reception when it's a big risk of them getting caught. It's just confusing. James tells Alan they should know soon enough but something seemed weird with the phone call and with what they are being told to do. Meanwhile, Shane gets a phone call from Nico, telling Shane to spread the word. THE MCF IS THERE!! Shane asks where. Nico says that the MCF is on the second floor of the Titan building. He or she appears to be biding there time or waiting for something. Shane thanks Nico and says he will spread the word. Shane then radios to Max, Victor, Greta, Frankie, Jack, and Billie and tells them the target is there and it's gametime. They need to move in cautiously. Billie thinks Shane should lead Max and Victor in through the elevator and she, Jack, Frankie, and Greta will enter through the stairs so they can trap the MCF. Shane thinks that is a good idea and says they need to move now. Billie agrees and radios the instructions to everyone, telling them to make their move now. Billie: This is it. It could be our only chance. Let's make the most of it. It's make it or break it time! The screen then divides into a split-screen of Max, Victor, Frankie, Greta, Shane, Jack, and Billie all heading for the elevator and staircase as the MCF appears in the middle of the screen as the scene then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Eric to Carrie: What is going on with you and Kate? Austin to Nicole: Why does you being around upset my wife so much? Katherine to Cal: What's wrong? Is it more memories? Sami (with Lucas) to Will: What is going on?! Jack (with Frankie, Shane, and Greta): BILLIE!!! NO!!!
VENDETTA CLIP #17 The MCF returns to his or her hideaway in the abandoned warehouse office after watching Carrie and Austin's wedding from outside St. Luke's. He or she opens the door to their surveilance center and sits down. MCF (via voice changer): So, Carrie married Austin? Even though she was keeping a secret...I would not expect that out of her. Samantha? Sure...but Carrie? Entering a marriage with a lie. Wow...I was happy to see her so tortured though. It's so wonderful to see so many of my friends being torn apart internally by secrets that I have the benefit of taking advantage of. It's so beautiful...how each and every one of them hands me what I need to destroy them. Fools... The MCF begins to look at the monitors and has them all focused on the Penthouse Grille, where the wedding reception is going on. First, he looks at Philip, who is drinking heavily. MCF: Have fun now, Philip. I will need you sharp for our plan, though. I can tell you are quite antsy to get your daddy out of the way so you can be in control. Not to worry. Patience is always rewarded. The MCF then switches from monitor to monitor and looks at Alice, Maggie, Julie, and Doug. MCF: Interesting...Maggie and Julie and all their lives. Lie after lie. What would Doug do if he learned Julie played a role in bringing Victor back to Salem? What would he do if he learned she helped cover up the truth about the fire and Maggie's role in it? Pinning it on Marlena...priceless!! I must focus on them more...I need to get them where I need them soon before my grand event. The MCF then focuses one monitor on Bo, who is with Hope and JT. MCF: How sweet...Bo finally came out of his bubble a bit. The worst is yet to come though for him and Hope-less. The MCF then looks at a sulking and alone Kimberly. MCF: Poor girl...she and Roman deserve it after what they did to Bo. The Brady's....supposed to be a good, moral family yet they have had so many lies told between them lately. Lookd are definitely decieving I guess. The MCF then observes Cal and Katherine. MCF: Lovely couple. It seems like the past is an afterthought but little does he know I have the answers. Ernesto and I have much fun planned for these two. Ha...it's like baiting fish!! The MCF then focuses two monitors which show Sami, Lucas, and Will. MCF: Ah...Samantha is finally happy and has matured. A bit boring for my taste but things should get exciting once she learns what happened to young William. The MCF then watches Austin and Carrie celebrate their wedding. MCF: Your happiness will be short-lived. Soon...secrets will unravel and all hell will break loose and I will be there with a front row seat to watch. The MCF then sees stunned by something he or she sees. MCF: WHAT THE...WHAT THE HELL?! The MCF sees Alan and James at the reception in waiter disguises. MCF: What are those two idiots thinking? I gave them orders not to go anywhere near the wedding or reception. They could get spotted or ruin everything!! The MCF tries to call both their cells but learns they have them off. MCF: They must have them off so they don't attract attention, which is stupid considering the risk they are taking being there. Damnit!! I need to get there and find some way to get them out. But how? How can I...I just need to figure something out and get to the Titan building. If those two ruin things for me, I will have their heads!! The MCF closes the door to the surveilance center and then turns the lights off and closes the door to his or her office hideout as the scene fades to black and then into...
***FOR THOSE WONDERING WHERE THE NEXT VENDETTA CLIP IS, IT WILL BE POSTED TOMARROW FOR CREATIVE REASONS. THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING .*** -The wedding has come to an end and the wedding guests have made their way over to the Penthouse Grille for the reception. Music is playing and people are dancing as the festivities are now officially underway. Jack is getting some champaigne when Billie comes up to him and says it's time to put this plan into motion. She tells Jack to spread the word to the others. He agrees and goes off to do just that as Billie goes to find Carrie to obtain Alan's cell number. Meanwhile, Victor sees Maggie helping herself to some food and approaches her. He asks her how she is doing. She looks at him and reminds him that she asked that he leave her alone. Victor says he was simply asking how she was and asks why they can't at least be friends. Maggie puts her head down and then lifts back up before telling Victor to have a nice evening as she walks away. Caroline then comes up from behind a frustrated Victor and asks if there is trouble in paradise. Victor says it's nothing he can't handle. Caroline smiles and says that is typical him. Victor turns away and does admit that it doesn't look good for him and Maggie. He messed up and he must live with it now. He tells Caroline that she must be happy with this as she never approved of their relationship. Caroline shocks him by saying that she isn't happy and hopes for the best for the two of them. She tells Victor that it's time to focus on the present and future and not dwell in the past. I can see the love between you two and I beleive it will work out in the end. Victor admits to Caroline a pieve of his heart will always belong to her. Caroline explains she feels the same way and that they have all been through alot. It's time to heal. Victor agrees. Jack then comes over and whispers something in his ear, causing Victor to say he must go. He thanks Caroline for the talk and tells her to take care as he leaves, leaving Caroline wondering what he is up to as she knows that look he gets when he is up to something. Maggie returns to her table. Alice asks her if she is ok. Maggie, who is fighting back tears, says she is fine. Doug and Julie return from the dance floor and ask Maggie the same question as they saw Victor with her. Maggie says she is fine. Victor is nothing to her. Not anymore. Doug smiles as Julie's guilt over knowing the truth about Victor and Nicole's "tryst" eats at her. Julie knows full well this is what is keeping Maggie and Victor apart but she also understands they have a bigger issue and, that is, keeping the truth about the fire under wraps. Julie pats Maggie on the back and tells her it's alright. It will all work out for the best. Cal and Katherine are taking a trip around the dance floor. He sees Kim in a corner, sulking. Katherine asks what is wrong with her. Cal goes to check and asks Kim if she is alright. Kim says she is fine. She just has alot on her mind. Cal admits he can't help wondering something happened in his absence. Kim admits alot happened but now is not the place to get into that. She excuses herself and wheels over to the appettizer table as Cal wonders what is going on. Bo sees Will by himself and asks how he is holding up. Will says he is the same. The images of Alan doing what he did to him aren't any better. They are worse. Bo says his memories are just bad. He can hardly sleep or stop thinking about it. Bo tries to convince Will once again to go to the police. He understands Will is scared and has a reason to be quiet but he thinks it needs to be done. Will says he can't deal with that and begs Bo not to say anything to the police or anyone. He has kept his secret to this point and he would like it if that continues for his sake and for the sake of everyone he cares about. Hope comes over with JT and asks if everything is ok. Bo smiles and says that everything is fine. He whispers to Will this isn't right but he knows where he is coming from, which is why he won't spill his secret. It goes against so much of what he beleives in but he will oblige with Will's request and continue to keep the secret. Will thanks him. Hope asks for what. Bo lies to Hope and says he helped keep a bored Will company. Hope buys it and says that JT needs to go to the bathroom and wants daddy to take him. Bo picks JT up and says ok as he puts JT down after a short distance and says he will race him to the men's room. Hope watches them race and smiles. Roman is trying to call to check on Marlena but there is no answer. He wonders how she is doing and when, or if, he will ever hold her in his arms again. He also wonders why he couldn't get a hold of Anna so she could call Carrie with congratulations and well-wishes. Roman admits he has a weird feeling...a bad one in regards to Anna. He hopes she hasn't gotten into a mess, just like the same old troublemaker she was years ago. Kayla comes over to ask Caroline where the bride and groom are. Sami, Lucas, and Belle (who is holding Claire) come over and explain that they are having some time to themselves first. Sami says she just hopes the dress doesn't get ripped or anything. Everyone laughs. Kate is getting some champaigne when Nicole comes up behind her, telling her how nice it is for her and her son to be at the reception. Kate orders Nicole to lay off and to stop twisting the knife. Nicole laughs and says she can't make her do anything but, her friend, the MCF, can. Kate: The minute that cloaked person is caught, it's curtains for you. You got that? Nicole: See you around, Kate. Nicole laughs as she walks away, leaving a determined Kate more obsessed then ever with putting an end to Nicole and the MCF's reign. Eric sees Victor and recalls that he has yet to really interogate him on whatever the deal Nicole made with him was. Eric approaches Victor and asks if they can talk. Victor, who is with Shane and Frankie, tells Eric it will have to wait. Eric says it can't wait. It's time that the truth comes out, before it's too late. Victor tells him to calm down and to explain what he wants from him. Eric: Simple...I would like to talk to you about Nicole (as a worried Nicole watches) Meanwhile, Austin and Carrie are downstairs in a Titan office. They begin to make love on a desk to celebrate their long awaited union as passion ignites. There is then a knock at the door, which panics them both. They collect themselves and try to hide, hoping they won't get arrested on their wedding day for being somewhere they shouldn't. The door opens to reveal Billie, who tells them both to calm down. Carrie and Austin are relieved to see her. Billie laughs at the scare she just gave them and then says she hates to interupt but they do have guests upstairs waiting and she needs a favor from Carrie. Billie asks Austin if he would wait outside while her and Carrie have girl talk. He agrees and leaves as Billie tells Carrie that she needs Alan's number. Carrie asks why. Billie lies and says she is helping the ISA on a case and they have reason to beleive they can help clear his name a bit from all the suspicious lately concerning his character and all. Carrie is glad to hear that, saying she knows he changed and that he would never hurt or harm her or anyone now, for that matter. Billie says they will find out. Carrie asks Billie if this is a trick. Billie rolls her eyes. Carrie tells Billie she trusts her but she just had to know for sure since this is random. Billie insists everything is on the up and up. Carrie goes to her bag and gets the number off her cell phone. She writes it on a piece of paper and gives it to Billie. Billie thanks her and Carrie says she is glad she can help and she is happy that Alan is beginning to be proven innocent. She just knows he is. Billie smiles and thanks her as she leaves. Upstairs, Billie signals to Jack she has the number and to tell everyone to get into positions. Max, Frankie, Greta, Victor, and Shane split up and spread out to differnt corners and areas of the restaurant. Meanwhile, Jack and Billie go in to the stairwell. Billie puts on a voice changer and says here they go. She dials the number and gets through to Alan, who is with James on the docks. Billie, acting as the MCF, orders Alan and James to get to the wedding reception and wait for a meeting with the MCF or face extreme punishment. Alan notices something odd about the MCF but Billie, as the MCF, tells Alan he or she has a cold and it's affecting the voice. Alan buys it and asks if this is really the plan. Billie says it is and Alan and James agree and say they will be right over. Alan hangs up and the two men think it's weird that the MCF changed plans but begin their walk to the Penthouse Grille anyway. Billie tells Jack it worked. Jack signals to Max, Frankie, Greta, Victor, and Shane. Jack radios Nico, who is at the Kiriakis Mansion monitoring the surveilance cameras and equipment, and updates him. Billie admits to Jack that this may work this time. They may have finally laid the perfect trap for the MCF. How ironic that his or her two lackeys is going to be what ends the MCF"s run. Jack tells Billie and Max, Frankie, Greta, Victor, and Shane that all they have to do now is wait and hope for the best. This may be the night they have waited and hoped for, if all goes well. Billie and the others hope so too. Victor tells Eric to just back off as Nicole notices Eric and Victor's exchange and watches, horrified, from nearby. Victor says he has things to handle. Victor excuses himself and promises this isn't over. Eric knows Victor knows alot and he needs to get it out of him somehow, even if it means pissing him off. Meanwhile, Philip watches from nearby. He is already a little shaky and near being a legal drunk. Philip wonders what Eric is trying to find out and get out of his father. At that moment, Lucas and Sami take control of the microphone and loudly and proudly introduce MR. AND MRS. AUSTIN REED!!! Carrie and Austin make their grand entrance into the Penthouse Grille as the guests applaud and cheer. Carrie and Austin are all smiles. Austin then tells Carrie if she thinks she is smiling now...wait until she sees the gift he has. Carrie gets excited and asks what it is. Austin explains how he was going to wait but thinks maybe this is the right way to do this. Austin: Now, Carrie. I want to make this day and the rest of our lives special. I want to make this a memorable day for everyone and a day you can look back on and enjoy fond memories of. So, now, without further adieu, this is my wedding gift to you, my bride. Austin, you already have done and do so much and... Carrie: Oh my God!! Carrie and everyone else at the reception is stunned to see...THE FLAMINGOS walk in and take to the small stage that was hidden behind a curtain so no one would see. Carrie admits thinking that was construction material or something since the Penthouse Grille is undergoing renovations soon but they also wouldn't leave things around for the wedding. Carrie smiles and says she should've known better. Austin says he just knew they would dance to this song. It was their song and he had to do this right so he got the people that sang it to come here for her. Carrie asks how he swung that. Austin admits using some of his mother's contacts. Austin then tells Carrie enough of that: Austin: May I have this dance, my bride? Carrie: Yes, you may. The Flamingos then begin to play (CLICK HERE TO PLAY I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU!!!) "I Only Have Eyes For You" as Carrie and Austin take to the dance floor for their first dance. As they dance, they recall their past together and how they got to this day. Carrie says: Carrie: Thank you, Austin. So far this is perfect. I couldn't ask for a better wedding, especially on short notice. Austin: Glad you are happy. Carrie: As long as I am with you, I am. And, this time, you and me will be together...forever this time. Austin: You got that right!! The guests all watch Carrie and Austin dance as the scene slowly fades to black with Austin and Carrie still dancing and "I Only Have Eyes For You" still playing as the screen now goes completely black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Eric to Victor: The truth Victor...now (as a horrified Nicole watches). Nico to Shane: The MCF is here. Shane to Billie (with Jack): The MCF has arrived. Looks like it's gametime. Austin to Carrie: Is something wrong? Id there something you want to tell me?
-On the cruise ship, Lexie is still angry with Abe and Celeste for following her. Abe tells her lay off and worry about how they are going to escape and deal with their current situation. Lexie tells Abe it will be his fault that Theo has no family if something happens to all of them. This is why he shouldn't have custody. As Abe and Lexie bicker back and forth, Celeste shivers as more visions come to her. One is of flames and the sound of many agonizing screams. Then, soon after that one, Celeste has another run of the sound of rushing water and more agonizing screams. Celeste: These visions...DEAR GOD!! Lexie: Mom...what's wrong? Having visions again? Celeste: Yes, Alexandra. Of what is to come. It's not good...destruction, heartache, doom. Death. DEAR GOD!!! WE'RE ALL DOOMED!! A worried Lexie turns to look at an egually worried Abe. On another part of the ship, Tony is sitting with Anna as she is getting cabin fever. They have been locked up for months and she can't stand it. She just isn't the type to sit around for this long, especially not knowing why they are being held captive and what is going on. Tony smiles and says: Tony: Yes. You never were one to be that dull. Sitting around and doing nothing never suited you. Always on the go but still enjoying the finer things in life. Just one of the many things I love about you. Anna smiles and then, as her face turns to one of curiosity, asks: Anna: Wait...you said "love." Not loved. You said love in the present tense. Tony: Well, I suppose I did. Anna: What does that mean? Tony: What I said. Anna: Tony...I (turning away and then back towards him)... Tony: Ok, Anna. Enough of this beating around the bush. There is something I want to tell you. Something I need to tell you and should've a long time ago. The scene then shifts to another end of the ship where Forest is awake and lost in his thoughts. Abby and Chelsea are both asleep until Abby stirs and gets up, asking Forest if he is ok. Forest smiles, saying he is fine. He has slept enough and it seems all he does is sleep due to the lack of things to do. It's so hard to sleep now. Abby says she knows the feeling and she hasn't even been there that long. She still doesn't understand why her and Chelsea are there. Forest smiles and says he doesn't understand why he is there. No one even knows he is alive. Abby asks why that is. Forest smiles and says he would prefer not to get into his life story. Abby says she understands but she would like to know more about him. He is nice enough but she has told him so much about her already and all they have is time being locked up like they are. Forest says he just doesn't want to get into the life he has been leading. He has his reasons. Abby asks if he did something wrong or was arrested or something. Forest turns around and snaps, telling Abby to back off. Abby jumps back and apologizes. Forest apologizes too for snapping. There is just some things in his past he wants to leave alone. Abby says she is sorry again and she will leave it alone. She just wanted to learn some things so that she would know he isn't a serial killer or something. Forest laughs and asks where she would get that idea. She says Chelsea was worried about how much they were getting along and warned her that she hardly knew him. She just didn't want her to get hurt. Forrest (gently touching Abby's face): You have nothing to worry about. I would never think of hurting you. Abby (smiling): That's good to hear that and, somehow, I knew you wouldn't even before you said that. I just feel...comfortable...safe with you. If I have to be locked up God knows where with someone, I am glad it's with you and my best friend. Forest: Well, happy to be locked up with you two. It's good to have some company in here after being alone for however long I have been here. They both laugh and smile at each other as Chelsea wakes up and looks at them, showing a look of concern and dread over what she is seeing and what may be ahead yet. -Back in Salem, at St. Luke's, Carrie and Austin's wedding is underway. Alice, Maggie, Julie, Doug, Hope, Bo, JT, Caroline, Victor, Frankie, Greta, Shane, Kim, Kayla, Jack, Kate, Nicole, Cal, Katherine, and Max are all present with Belle (holding Claire), Billie, Sami, Will, Philip, and Lucas making up the wedding party. The bridal march (PLAY THIS TO PLAY THE BRIDAL MARCH SONG TO ENHANCE THE SCENE!!!) continues to play as Roman continues to ask Carrie if something is wrong. Carrie remains silent, staring down the aisle at Austin. Austin's face has gone from smiling to one of worry. Roman asks Carrie if she is ok and then says: Roman: Tell me, sweetheart. Do you want to marry Austin or not? Your hesistating and it seems like you have something on your mind. Like...you may have reservations about this. You love Austin. You always have. I thought this would be a happy day for you after everything you have been through. Carrie is still silent. Meanwhile, outside the church, in the bushes nearby, the MCF is lurking and watching the events, unaware of the cameras Shane set up around the outside of the church. MCF (with voice changer): This wedding may not happen afterall (laughs). Back inside, Austin and everyone in the church is wondering what is going on as Roman asks Carrie again if this is not what she wants to do. Carrie finally breaks from her stare at the altar and turns to Roman, apologizing. She says that she froze up and was thinking about her baby. Roman tells her to just think happy thoughts on this day. Her baby is looking down on her from heaven as an angel and would want her to be happy today. Carrie smiles. Roman asks if is ready to do this. Carrie smiles and looks ahead. She catches a glimpse of Kate, recalling what she said to her earlier. Kate nods at her as Carrie then turns towards Roman and tells him she wants to do this. She needs to and it's time for them to get going. Roman and Carrie then begin their march down the aisle, arm and arm. Everyone in the church is fixated on her. Austin's smile has returned. Upon reaching the aisle, Roman takes Carrie's hand and puts it in Austin's, saying: Roman: Love one another and be good to each other. Austin shakes Roman's hands and then Carrie gives him a kiss as Roman takes his seat. Fr. Jansen: Dearly beloved, we are gather here today, in the sight of God, to witness this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Now, I have seen Austin and Carrie go through this blessed sacrament before. While I am aware that their first attempt at marriage failed, I do know that they love each other and that it can't be a coincidence that these two found their way back to one another. They have been together for years and, sometimes in life, we must face great challenges brought on by our Lord. Those challenges make us stronger...our relationships stronger. That is what happened with Carrie and Austin. There love has grown with time, even in separation. It is a love that has survived over many years and many great trials and tribulations. They both stand here, today, in front of God and all of us, to profess this great love and to committ to one another once again in marriage. Hope springs enternal for them this time around. Now, Austin and Carrie, let's get right into it, per your instructions, and get started. Fr. Jansen points to a long, white candle. Fr. Jansen: This candle represents an enternal flame. A symbol...in this case, a symbol of your undying love. Fr. Jansen hands them both long matches. Fr. Jansen: Please, light the candle together to symbolize the great love you two share. Carrie and Austin light the candle and return to their spots. Fr. Jansen: Ok, before I go on, is there anyone here who knows any reason why these two should not be wed? Please speak now or forever hold your peace. No one in the congregation stands but they do look around to see if anyone stands or reacts. After a short time, Fr. Jansen says: Fr. Jansen: So be it. Now, I am told Austin has wrote his own vows. Carrie: You have? Austin (smiling): Surprise! Uh...the vows I have...well, it's a poem. It's actually a poem that I recited at our first wedding. Not the one where we actually got married but the one...uh, Sami interupted. Everyone in the congregation laughs. Sami smiles and chuckles. Austin: Well, that is in the past but I feel these words apply very much to today still. Even if it's more then a decade later. So, here goes: I love you. Not just for who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you. I love you. Not for what you've done with your life... ...but for what you're doing to mine. I love you for making me good...and happy. And whole. Because that is what you do, Carrie. Without a word. Without a gesture. Without a doubt. Just by being yourself. Such a simple thing... but no one else in the world could do it. Only you. Not many people get a second chance, and I just want you to know that I'm never going to take that for granite. I promise you I'll never let anyone come between us ever again. Here we are, finally going to begin our life together. I know we have been here before and said it but, this time, it's forever. We have been apart. We know this is where we both belong. I know I never stopped loving you. The years we were apart...my love grew stronger. I think our separation was actually a good thing. It taught me never to take our love for granted. To enjoy it and to hold on to it for the rest of my life. I learned that you and I are meant to be. There will never be anyone else for me but you, Carrie. You know if this was a movie or romance novel, we would know how it ends, how it works out. Life's not like that. I mean, I... I...I can't promise you a happy ending, or a long life, and I can't even promise you tomorrow. But no matter where we are, or what we're doin, and how long we have together, or if we lose our fortune or health.. or our way, I can promise you this: I will always love you, Carrie. I will always be by your side. No matter what. We have been through alot. You have been through alot, especially lately. I will be there. We will heal together. Our love is strong and, as long as we have it, we can get through anything. Carrie (in tears): Wow, how do I follow that? Everyone in the congregation laughs. Carrie: Do you know why I love you Austin? Because in your eyes, I always shine. You love me for me. I don't even have to do anything or be anything, I just have to get up in the morning. And that's an amazing gift to give someone and you give it to me everyday. And I want to give that gift to you. I want to be there for you, just like you have promised to be there for me. I've been through alot but so have you. This needs to be a two way street and it will be. During the years we were apart, my love for you only got stronger, much like yours did for me. I realized the mistakes I made and I realized there can and would be only one man for me...you. You own my heart. Always have and always will. I know that now. I appreciate it now. I want to spend the rest of my life being a good wife to you. Making it work this time. Trusting in our love. Being right there by your side. I want to make you just as happy as you promised to make me for the rest of our days. I love you, Austin. With all of my heart and soul. Carrie breaks down in tears, recalling the secret she is keeping but knowing she isn't doing it willingly and that marrying Austin is what she has to do. Austin: It's ok, baby. I love you too. With everything I am. Carrie and Austin then kiss as Fr. Jansen interupts, saying: Fr. Jansen: Hey now, save it until we are finished. The congregation laughs. Carrie and Austin apologize. Austin says he just couldn't wait. Carrie laughs. -Back on the cruise ship, Lexie tries to calm down Celeste. Celeste says she can't calm down. The visions won't stop. Not only are they in great danger but so is everyone they know and love. Lexie tells Abe that they need to get out of there. Abe agrees but doesn't have a clue how. Celeste says they need to figure out a way. Those they love and care about need to be warned...time is running out. Abe and Lexie both look at each other, horrified, as a trembling Celeste prays that she is wrong but feels that she isn't and that the worst is truly yet to come. On another end of the ship, Anna asks Tony what he has to tell her. Tony: I never stopped loving you, Anna. I know I sent you divorce papers years ago and...at that time, I thought. I don't know what I was thinking but being with you all these months, locked in here, it forced me to confront the feelings I seemed to have held within me for so long. They have reawakened in me and I guess I locked them away. Maybe I was protecting myself from being hurt or...whatever the case, I love you. I love you...Anna. Anna is silent. Tony: Anna, are you ok? Perhaps, saying something wasc a mistake but it's been on my mind for weeks and... Anna: Ok, so...what? I am assuming you expect me to confess my love for you too, right? Tony: I wasn't expect... Anna: You know what? Shutup!! I don't want to talk to you for the rest of the night. Actually, don't talk to me until I give you permission. I don't care if you die from boredom. No more love declarations...nothing. Just keep quiet. Tony: What's wrong? I'm afraid I'm not following. Anna: Tony!! Tony: Very well. Tony turns away from Anna and beings pacing the room as Anna looks at him lovingly, thinking about what he said and contemplating her feelings. -Back in Salem, at St. Luke's, the wedding continues. Fr. Jansen: Ok Austin, repeat after me...I, Austin, take you, Carrie, to be my wife... Austin: I, Austin, take you, Carrie, to be my wife... Fr. Jansen: To have and to hold from this day forward... Austin: To have and to hold from this day forward... Fr. Jansen: For better for worse, for richer for poorer... Austin: For better for worse, for richer for poorer... Fr. Jansen: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. Austin: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. Fr. Jansen: Carrie, repeat after me...I, Carrie, take you, Austin, to be my husband... Carrie: I, Carrie, take you, Austin, to be my husband... Fr. Jansen: To have and to hold from this day forward... Carrie: To have and to hold from this day forward... Fr. Jansen: For better for worse, for richer for poorer... Carrie: For better for worse, For richer for poorer... Fr. Jansen: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death do us part. Carrie: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death do us part. Fr. Jansen: Do you have the rings? Carrie: Yeah, we have em. Austin: Oh yeah...we better!! (Both chuckle as Carrie gets her ring for Austin from Sami and Austin gets his ring for Carrie from Lucas.) Austin: (sliding the ring on Carrie's finger) Carrie, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity...in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Carrie: (sliding a ring on Austin's finger) Austin, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity...in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Carrie and Austin both smile. Fr. Jansen: Austin and Carrie, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in matrimony yet again and, promised your love for each other by these vows, by the powers invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife...you may now kiss the bride. Austin: YES! (They kiss as Austin dips her and the congregation applauds) As they break from their kiss and Austin stands Carrie up, Fr. Jansen says: Fr. Jansen: I NOW GIVE YOU YET AGAIN....MR. AND MRS. AUSTING REED!!! The congregation continues to applaud as Austin and Carrie make their way down the aisle, greeting and kissing and embracing friends and family as the wedding party follows. Kate whispers to Carrie she did the right thing. Carrie smiles and nods. As she walks down the aisle, Carrie sees Nicole holding Evan and blows him a kiss as Nicole's face turns to one of annoyanace and disgust. Chursh bells can be heard, mixed in with joyous laughter and cheers. Hope goes over to Alice, who is deep in thought. She asks her if she is ok. Alice says she is fine and is just hoping things work out for Austin and Carrie this time. They are so in love. Hope agrees. Alice says that she always knew Carrie and Austin were meant to be, just like so many of the other great love stories Salem has seen. Hope: You mean...like your's and grandpa's? Alice: Well, yes. I was also thinking about others...like yours? You see, Hope, I thing love stories like you and Bo, Roman and Marlena, Kimberly and Shane, Steve and Kayla...they gave the young generation like Austin and Carrie hope? You all were the bridge to teaching them the same values we all instilled in you. Now, someday, they will pass it on. Such is life...ah...and destiny. A montage of several of Salem's greatest supercouples and love stories plays. Click on the link to play it=(SUPERCOUPLE MONTAGE) Hope: Yes, exactly. I am thankful everyday for all you taught me, Gran. You taught me how to love. Bo and I would've never been together if not for you. Alice: Oh, you would've managed. Your a smart girl. Plus, it was destiny. You two were written in the stars, much like many couples here in Salem. Hope: Well, I learned from the best and brightest. Alice: Oh dear, you will make me blush. They both laugh. In the back of the church, Carrie and Austin are kissing. Austin: Are you happy, Mrs. Reed? Carrie: Very, Mr. Reed. After all this time, after everything, finally. This time it will work...this time it's forever. Austin: AMEN!!! This time...nothing will come between us. It's you and me baby...to the end of time. Austin kisses Carrie and takes her in his arms, swinging her around as a Carrie/Austin montage plays (CLICK HERE TO PLAY IT!!) As the montage ends, the scene freezes on Austin and Carrie kissing and their family and friends throwing rice around them and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Austin to Carrie: This is my wedding gift to you, my bride. Carrie to Austin: Oh my God!! Billie to Jack: Time to put this plan into action. Kate to Nicole: The minute that cloaked person is caught, it's curtains for you. Eric to Victor: I would like to talk to you about Nicole (as a worried Nicole watches). ***CREDIT GOES TO BETH'S DAYS PAGE FOR AUSTIN'S POEM TO CARRIE AND FOR ALL THE GREAT INFO THEY PROVIDE.
VENDETTA TRIVIA FOR WEEK 8 (5/6/07-5/12/07) ***This trivia reflects episodes that aired from 5/7/07-5/11/07 and is due by Thursday at 4PM. 1.) What was Kate's special "gift" to Carrie? 2.) Where is Austin and Carrie's wedding being held? 3.) Name the members of Carrie and Austin's wedding party. BONUS (10 PTS): What gifts were given to Carrie as her something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Also, who gave her each gift?
ANNOUNCER: A MONTH OF WEDDINGS AND MAYHEM CONTINUES... THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES... IT'S CARRIE AND AUSTIN'S LONG-AWAITED WEDDING... Clip of Carrie at the back of the church with Roman, staring ahead at Austin at the altar. BUT THE BRIDE HAS A SECRET... Carrie: How can I marry him when I am lying to him...even if it's for a good reason? DON'T MISS A VERY SPECIAL AND EMOTIONAL MONDAY EPISODE... WILL CARRIE AND AUSTIN WED? Roman to Carrie: Carrie, are you sure you want to do this? ALSO, ALICE REMINISCES ABOUT SALEM'S GREATEST WEDDINGS AND LOVE STORIES!! Alice: Truly unforgettable. THEN...DURING THE REST OF THE WEEK... Clip of Billie, Jack, Frankie, and Greta racing through the Titan offices, chasing after the MCF. ONE WOMAN WILL RISK IT ALL...TO END A EVIL MASTERMINDS'S REIGN OF TERROR... Billie: I have to do this. Jack: Billie!!! Clip of Billie jumping off a balcony as Jack, Frankie, Shane, and Greta race to the balcony and look down below. MISS A DAY, MISS ALOT. IT'S ALL PART OF....