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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05
-At the Horton house, Julie is already dressed for the funeral and heading out. Maggie is sitting with Alice and asks what her rush is. Julie says she is going to church early so she light a candle and pray for Sami and Eric's souls and to also light another candle to save her marriage. Maggie tells Julie to just give it time. Julie doesn't think she can because a part of her knows it's probably over and another part of her doesn't think it is and is trying to hang on to hope. Maggie urges her to listen to that side. Alice agrees. Julie embraces Maggie and Alice and thanks them for their help. She says she will see them at the church. Julie leaves. -Kate arrives at the crematorium and sees Carrie there with Belle. Evan is in his carrier. Kate walks up and says she is surprised Carrie called her with all that has happened. Carrie reminds Kate they are both partially to blame and that she is Austin's mother. She should be at her son's cremation. Kate asks where Lucas and Will are. Belle says that Will called and said that Lucas wasn't up yet. He is finally talking some but is still depressed and hasn't woke from bed yet. Kate is worried about him falling off the wagon. Carrie urges Kate not to think like that and to just pray for Lucas and Will. Belle adds that they all need all the prayers they can get. Philip then arrives, shocking everyone. Philip tells them that Austin was his brother and, despite his current feelings toward his mother, he knows she has no one else to be with her right now so he is here for her. Kate thanks him. The funeral home director tells Carrie everything is ready and asks if there is anyone else coming. She shakes her head, saying they all have another funeral to go too. Carrie and the others take their seats and watch as Austin's coffin is rolled into the flames ahead of it. Carrie breaks down, taking Evan in her arms and telling him to say goodbye to daddy. Belle comforts Carrie as Kate begins to break down as well, saying she can't believe she lost her son. Philip hesitantly reaches out to her and embraces her, telling his mother that Austin is at peace. Meanwhile, at Sami's apartment, Will walks out of his bedroom and notices that his dad is still in bed. Realizing that the funeral is only hours away, Will thinks about waking Lucas but opts to wait a little while longer. While in bed, Lucas keeps seeing Sami's death play back in the form of nightmares over and over. He quickly opens his eyes and wipes the sweat off his forehead. He looks at his alarm clock and realizes the funeral is only hours away and that he already missed Austin's cremation, which he regrets. Lucas isn't sure if he can do this. He looks above and tells Sami he is falling apart without her. He doesn't even want to live. Everything feels dead to him, including himself. Lucas then looks at a picture of Sami and sees Will walk by on his way to the bathroom. Lucas realizes Sami needs him to go on...for Will's sake. He needs to be at the funeral and needs to start taking care of his son, something he hasn't been doing much of lately. Lucas gets out of bed and begins to get his clothes ready for the funeral, saying: Lucas: It's going to take every ounce of strength to get through this but I have to. For Will...and for me... -Back at the Horton house, the doorbell rings. Maggie answers to see Bill Horton, Mike Horton, and Don Craig on the doorstep. An emotional reunion ensues as the three men then come in and reunite with Alice. Bill says that Tommy sends his best regards and was unable to make it to support Lucas. Don is happy to see that Maggie has come a long way and seems to be in a much better state. Maggie says she made alot of mistakes. Don says he knows all about them and tells her he knows she is sorry. He asks if she is happy. Maggie smiles and says very. Bill tells Maggie that they all have regrets and have made mistakes but it's how you deal with them and learn from them that matters. Maggie agrees. Mike feels horrible about what happened to Carrie and asks when Austin's funeral is. Alice says that Austin is being cremated this morning. Mike feels horrible as he wanted to be there. Maggie says he may still be able to make it if he goes now. Mike tells everyone he will meet them at the church and races off. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor is looking out the window in deep thought when the doorbell rings. Henderson moves to answer it but Victor insists he knows who it is. Victor opens the door to reveal Bo, who promptly walks in. Victor tells Henderson to leave them and he obliges. Victor tells Bo he could sense the urgency in his voice when he called earlier this morning and asks what is going on. Bo: Things are out of hand, Victor. My family...everyone in Salem...we've all suffered enough at the hands of madmen like Stefano and Orpheus. It needs to stop. Victor: I agree and, as always, I am monitoring things and contemplating taking my own action. Bo: Well, that is what I am here to talk about. I may be back on the force but we both know doing it by the book is not going to accomplish anything. The system is a mess and even Roman has now come to realize this after what has happened. Victor: I see. So, how do I fit into this? Bo: Well, don't worry because I'm not scamming you again. This isn't an undercover ISA operation. It's just me seeking your help to protect all of those who are near and dear to us. I know you have sent men out to protect some of our loved ones but we need to take more action then that. Victor: I intend to. Do you have anything in mind? Bo: Not at the moment but I was hoping we could meet later and discuss it as I have to go get Hope and get to the Pub before the services. Victor: Alright. So, can I assume we are in an alliance then? Bo: Yes. I would think. Victor: Only this time we are on equal ground. There is no hidden agendas. We both have our cards lying on the table. Bo: Yep. That's right. Victor: Oh, one more thing. Are you going to get Roman in on this as well? You mentioned he has begun to realize that my way isn't exactly the wrong way. Bo: I don't know. Roman is a mess right now. We'll see. I'll see you at the church. Later. Victor: Goodbye, son. As Bo leaves, Victor smiles and says that it will be great working alongside his son again. Meanwhile, Bo gets a call as he is leaving from Kayla, who is at the Pub and tells Bo that some guests are arriving already and asks when he and Hope will be there. Bo says he is leaving Victor's now and going to get Hope so they will be there shortly. Kayla asks why he was at Victor's as Steve overhears from behind Kayla. Bo says he had some things to discuss with him and it's no big deal. Kayla hopes he isn't lying and that he isn't getting involved in Victor's business again. Bo says he isn't and that nothing is going on. He just had to see him. He says he and Hope will be there soon and hangs up. Meanwhile, a curious Steve asks why Bo was at Victor's. Kayla smiles and asks why he was eavesdropping. Steve smiles and admits he was checking her out from behind and just happened to overhear. Kayla chuckles and says that Bo told her it was nothing but she has a feeling it was something. She just hates to think of him getting involved with Victor, especially if it's not for investigative purposes. He has already been through enough. Steve, who still seems intrigued by Bo being with Victor, embraces Kayla and tells her that Bo will be just fine. Just then, Stephanie arrives and races into her parents' arms. Steve and Kayla are both glad to see her. Caroline, Shane and Kim then greet her. Stephanie says she is going to stay for a bit after the funerals for a brief visit, which makes everyone happy. She admits that it's horrible what has happened to their family. The Pub doors then open again to reveal Andrew and Jeannie Donovan. They race over to Kim and Shane and a happy reunion ensues. Andrew and Jeannie are then greeted by everyone else and Caroline remarks on how good it is that most of the family is going to be present. They will need all the love they can get today. Love is the only thing that will keep them strong and help them through this difficult time. -Back at the crematorium, Mike arrives and sees that he is too late. Carrie and Kate are now crying over the urn containing Austin's ashes. Carrie looks at Evan and says that Austin will live on...through his son. She explains that the ashes are his bodily remains but that all that made him who he was lies within Evan. Belle agrees. Carrie sees Mike, who approaches her and apologizes for her loss. They embrace. Carrie thanks him for coming. Mike says he came for Lucas but also for her. He still cares about her. Carrie admits feeling the same way. She hates that she hurt him though. Mike says it's in the past. They have both been through alot, especially her. Belle says they need to get going so they be at the Pub for the procession. Carrie agrees. Mike says he will go with them. Carrie says he doesn't have to but Mike insists. Kate and Philip are then left alone. Philip tells Kate he will see her around. Kate begs Philip to stay so they can talk. Philip says he needs to get to the church for the funeral and he really has nothing to say to her. He only came for Austin and because she had no one else to help her through this. Kate says she is sorry. Philip tells Kate it's going to take alot more then that. He tells her to stay strong and take care of herself. She is still his mother and he cares about her. He just can't stand to look at her right now. Kate begins to cry. Philip says goodbye to her and leaves. Kate then decides to call Lucas and check on him since he won't let her in if she visits. She calls the house. Will is in the bathroom and Lucas doesn't pick up the phone, letting the machine get it. Lucas overhears Kate say that Austin has been cremated and that everyone understands his not being there. She knows he is in pain and she says she will be at the church to support him and Will. Lucas becomes enraged and picks up the phone, telling Kate she is not wanted at the church. He wants her to stay away from him and Will and to stay out of their lives. She is no longer his mother. She is nothing to him. Lucas hangs up as a stunned Kate breaks down in tears, dropping her cell phone on the ground and proclaiming she deserves this for what she has done. She has lost all her children. She has lost everything. Kate collapses to the crematorium floor, crying hysterically. -At the Pub, Carrie arrives with Mike and Belle. They are greeted by those already there. Carrie introduces Evan to those who haven't met him. Frankie and Greta (who has come to support Frankie) have arrived. Belle asks Frankie where Max is. He tells her Max went ahead to the church to handle some last minute things. Cal and Katherine also are there. Katherine thanks Cal for being civil when they arrived to everyone. Cal says it's not the type of day to cause tension. He admits still being upset about being left out lately but today he vows to be on his best behavior. Katherine thanks him. Her phone rings. She excuses herself and takes the call. She seems stunned by what she is hearing and asks if the offer is legit. Just then, Frank and Martha Evans arrive. Belle embraces them, happy to see her grandparents. Martha explains they were going to stop to see Marlena but thought it best not to. Frank and Martha embrace Carrie as well while Rex arrives with Jonathan and Chloe. Everyone is happy to see them, especially Belle. She asks about Mimi. Rex says she has opened her own hair salon and is doing good. They are planning to wed in a year or so. He says she came down with the flu and couldn't make it. Jonathan asks Belle how their father is. Belle says it isn't good but it's good to have mom back to help. Jonathan agrees that Marlena being back is a big help and that she is needed. He just hopes their father is alright and that they can all make it through this. -At St. Luke's, Julie is there lighting candles when Don and Bill show up. They all share an emotional reunion. Bill says they went up ahead because Alice can't sit long in church so she is going to come at the last minute. They are just going to hold the seats. Julie says she could've done that. Don and Bill look at each other. Julie realizes Maggie and Alice sent them to check on her. Julie says she is fine. Don tells her to just give it time. Doug loves her. He will come around. Julie's eyes well with tears as she nods. Meanwhile, Max finishes a discussion with Fr. Jansen and thanks him for all he is doing. He then walks down the main aisle of the church and sees Forrest wheeling Abby in while Abe and Celeste are walking in with Theo. Max gets upset and frustrated as he doesn't know what to do to help Abby. The scene then shifts outside where Nicole shows up dressed in black. She pulls out a picture of Eric and fights back tears, saying she didn't plan on coming but she is doing this for him. Despite everything. she did love him and still does. She knows he would want her to be at his funeral and she wants to be there too. She wipes her tears and approaches the door. Just then, two men in suits pull her away from the door. A stunned and confused Nicole asks what is going on. The two men introduce themselves as security and say she is not welcome at the funerals today. She can either leaving willingly or face arrest but she is not going to be allowed into St. Luke's. Nicole says that she is Eric's widow. She belongs in there. The two men ignore her pleas and walk away, leaving a shocked and heartbroken Nicole behind as tears well up her eyes as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... SALEM MOURNS ERIC AND SAMI IN TWO VERY EMOTIONAL BACK-TO BACK EPISODES. DON'T MISS PART 1 OF THE MEMORIAL TOMORROW!!
-At the pier, Tony tries to calm both Cassie and Lexie down. Cassie tells Lexie she is no longer the front-runner to lead the Dimera family after grandfather's passing. She gave up her opportunity when she told Stefano on the cruise ship she was done with the family. Lexie insists she was angry and wasn't in her right mind. She plans to talk to her father and set things straight. Cassie says it's not that easy and that grandfather will not be taken in by a lame excuse like that. Just then, Stefano appears. He asks Cassie where she has been as he has been waiting for her in the limo at the park but she never showed. He tracked her down at the pier and asks if everything is ok. Tony says that everything is just peachy, except for the fact that Cassie and Lexie have declared war on each other for the chance to lead the Dimera empire. Stefano is confused and says there is no need for any war. He isn't going anywhere and there is no open competition. Cassie reminds him of what he told her earlier about testing her. Stefano says that's right but that is more to see if she is capable of being at his side and involved in his plans. He is not ready to begin seeking out successors to him right now. Stefano looks at Lexie and asks why she all of a sudden is interested in leading the Dimera family when she was so set on turning her back on her own father and the family. Lexie tells Stefano she was upset and she lost it. She has been hurt and betrayed so much. She has lost her son and they all nearly died on that ship. She just needed to cool off and realizes she owes him an apology for her behavior. Stefano says he owes her one too. He went too far and vows to let nature take it's course from now on. He will not force her into anything she doesn't wish to do. No more grooming or molding. She will make her own choices from now on. Lexie appreciates that. Stefano asks Lexie if they can just start again and give their relationship another chance. Lexie thinks they can, as long as they listen to each other and are honest with each other. Stefano thinks that is fair and they embrace as he comments on how good it is to have her in his arms again as a jealous Cassie watches. Stefano asks Lexie if she is going to be coming back to the mansion with him. Lexie shakes her head and says she thinks it's best if she doesn't. Moving back in with him may be too much and they want to make their relationship work. Stefano agrees to go along with whatever she would like to do. He then remembers that Tony is still there and asks why he is there. Tony says he happened to bump into Lexie and tells Stefano they were getting re-aqquainted. Stefano then takes Lexie aside and advises her to be careful around Tony. His goal is to destroy what he has built and to mold it into something so unrecognizable that his father would turn over in his grave. Lexie says she will watch out for him. Stefano nods. -Elsewhere on the pier, Marlena is following Roman as they have made their way to the marina now. She tells Roman he hasn't said a word since he broke down awhile ago. Roman tells her to just leave him alone. Marlena asks him to just come home with her so they can grieve. Roman is adamant that Marlena just leave him and go back to the family. They need her. They don't need him. He's a failure. Marlena denies that. Just then. Barbara shows up, saying she heard Marlena was there. She demands Marlena return to the hospital. Marlena refuses, saying her children are dead and her family needs her. Sami and Eric's funerals are tomorrow. She is well enough to be released and promises to schedule sessions with her ASAP. Barbara tells Marlena she has already put her recovery at risk by leaving the hospital so soon after all she has been through. She is already in emotional turmoil on top of the mental disorder she is still trying to come back from. She needs more treatment to fully recover. Marlena says she will seek out further treatment but her family is her first and only priority right now. She promises to call Barbara in a few days. Barbara realizes she is fighting a losing battle and orders Marlena to keep her word and to call her. Marlena says she will. Barbara asks her they will take care of everything later then. She orders her to take her meds and to stay as a calm as possible while also not internalizing. Marlena agrees to do all that and thanks Barbara. Barbara leaves but not before apologizing for their loss again and telling both Roman and Marlena she hopes things get better for them. Marlena thanks her. Barbara leaves. Marlena begs Roman to just come home. She promises she will let him be. She just can't deal with him being out and about in the state he is in and not knowing where he is. Roman is silent. Marlena realizes it's no use and tells Roman she will leave him but warns him not to do anything stupid and also tells him he better be at the church tomorrow for his children and his family. Roman doesn't answer and simply looks out on the water. Marlena goes up to him, kisses his cheek, and says she loves him before walking off. After she is gone, a single tear rolls down Roman's face as he says he loves her too. -At University Hospital, Carrie arrives with Evan and sees her Aunt Kayla at the Nurses station. She walks up to her and they both greet each other. Kayla remarks on how big Evan is getting. Caqrrie nods and smiles, saying she had missed so much time with him and now the fact that he will never know his father makes it even worse. Kayla embraces Carrie, telling her it's going to be alright. Time heals all wounds and, while she will never forget, she will move on. Carrie asks Kayla how she was able to move on after Uncle Steve "died." Kayla says it was hard and she never truly got over it, hence why she never married again. She is grateful to have him back but admits she may have spent the rest of her life alone if he hadn't returned. Carrie thinks she will suffer that fate. Kayla encourages her not to think that way. She is a beautiful, loving woman and Austin would want her to find love again. Carrie agrees but doesn't think she will. She loved Austin so much and he was the only man that truly owned her heart, even through her other relationships. Kayla tells her to take it one step at a time. She needs time to grief and care for her son. The rest will fall into place when the time comes. Carrie thanks Kayla for her advice and embraces her. She asks where the others are. Kayla says they are in the waiting room around the corner. Roman and Marlena both have been found and Bo, Hope, Shane, and Kim are coming to the hospital. Kayla tells Carrie she will take Carrie to them. Carrie follows her with Evan, who begins to cry. Carrie realizes Evan needs a change and tells Kayla she will be along in a few minutes. Kayla smiles and tells her to take her time. Carrie heads for the restrooms but ends up bumping into Anna. Carrie rolls her eyes and threatens to get a restraining order if this continues. Anna apologizes and says she didn't come to see her. She didn't even know Carrie was there. She heard about Marlena being missing and wanted to help so she came back to the hospital. Carrie fills Anna in on Marlena being found. Anna is relieved and asks how Carrie is doing. Carrie tells Anna that she feels horrible and her constantly stalking her and pushing her resurrected maternal feelings on her is making it worse. She is going through hell right now, as is her family, and the last thing they all need is her trying to make up for all her mistakes now after all these years. Anna: I know I can't make up for what has happened but I want to just be there for you in some way. It breaks my heart to see you like this. Carrie (eyes welling with tears): Where were you when my face was scarred with acid? Where were you when I almost married Austin and when I did marry him? There have been so many times I have needed you over the years and you were nowhere to be found. It's too late to make up for all that now. I gave up on you years ago and I don't intend on opening my heart to you again only to get it broken yet again. I have already lost enough and I will not go through the pain of losing my mother again. Anna: You never lost me, Carrie. Carrie (crying): Your right. You never were a mother to me in the first place. I'm through with this. Just stay away from me and my family. Go back to your life of luxury and leave us all the hell alone. We have enough to deal with. Anna (crying): Carrie...PLEASE!! Carrie: I mean it! BACK OFF!! Carrie walks off with Evan, leaving a devestated Anna behind. Meanwhile, in the hospital waiting area, Caroline wonders what is taking Belle so long as she only went out to try to get a hold of Shawn. Just then, Belle returns and seems upset. Caroline asks what is wrong. Belle says she spoke with Shawn's commanding officer and he said that Shawn was off on his first dangerous mission. Caroline comforts her just as Bo and Hope walk in with Shawn wheeling Kimberly close behind. Belle fills them all in and says that it looks like Shawn won't be making it back for the funeral and it seems they won't here from him for awhile. Hope says he last called her at Easter and he told her he would be going into those kind of missions now. A worried Hope is comforted by Bo, who tells her it's going to be alright. Their son is smart and a fighter. He will get through this. Kim tells Shane it must be hell having your child in the service and never knowing if he or she will come back. Shane agrees and admits being happy Andrew and Jeannie are in London. Kim says she can't wait to see them tomorrow and asks what he is going to tell about his having to back to London. Shane tells Kim he hasn't thought about it. Kim reminds Shane they do have to discuss what is going to happen with his having to go. Shane thinks it's best if they put that off until after the funeral services tomorrow. It's not really the time or place right now to be discussing such trivia matters. Kim agrees and says they will put it off. -Back at the pier, Cassie comes over and asks Stefano if he is ready for their carriage ride as it's getting late. Stefano says he is and apologizes for keeping her waiting. He tells Lexie to stop over for breakfast in the morning. Lexie says she will try but, if not tomorrow, she will definitely stop in the morning after. Stefano smiles and admits it's good to have her back. Lexie smiles as Stefano walks off with Cassie, who turns around and gives Lexie a threatening look. Tony admits to Lexie he is worried about Cassie. She is getting involved way too much with Stefano and his plans and she thinks this is all a competition. She is a loose cannon and there is no telling what she might do. Lexie tells Tony he can worry about his daughter. Her focus is on Stefano and doing what she has to do to make their plan a success. -At Roman's house, Marlena opens the doors and walks in and is shocked to find Roman laying on the couch, staring at a picture of Sami and Eric as babies. Marlena sits down by him and puts her arm around him as she bursts into tears. Roman then puts his arm around her to comfort her as they both stare at the picture. They hold each other in each other's arms as the scene shifts to... ...the hospital yet again as Kayla has joined the group. Bo is filling Caroline and Belle in on what happened at the pier. Caroline is overjoyed that Bo has forgiven Kim and Roman. Bo says life is too short and the family needs to be united right now, not coming apart. Kim thanks Bo again for forgiving her. Bo says it's in the past. They all make mistakes and have regrets, including himself. Caroline takes Kim's hand and says she told her it would work out. Kim smiles. Carrie then comes in with Evan and is filled in on what happened on the pier when her father was found. Carrie is glad he and Marlena are both ok. Caroline asks if she is sure she doesn't want them to be at Austin's cremation. Carrie says he wanted it private and Belle is coming with her. She also adds she invited Lucas and Will and that she had to invite Kate. It would be wrong not to. Hope asks if all is set for Sami and Eric's funeral. Kayla says she talked to Stephanie and she is coming home tomorrow. Caroline chimes in and says that Brady's from all over will be coming home for this and they need every bit of love and comfort they can get tomorrow. -At the pier, Tony is on his way back to the Salem Inn when he sees Anna crying on a bench. He approaches her and asks if she is ok. Anna tells him to leave her alone. Tony sits down and puts his arm around her, assuring her it's ok. She pulls his arm off her and tells him to take his charm and use it on someone else. She doesn't want to see him or anyone else right now. She orders him to leave her alone before getting up and walking off. Tony wonders why she was so upset and what is going on. -At the park, Stefano escorts Cassie to their carriage and helps her up. Cassie thanks her grandfather for this and says he always has a way of making her wildest fantasties come true. He smiles and says her smile makes it all worth it. Cassie vows to make him smile by showing him she is a true Dimera, one he can be proud of and one that will make his own fantasies a reality. Stefano laughs and says he marvels at her determination. He then boards the carriage as Lexie watches nearby, saying: Lexie: I won't let you stand in the way of our plans, Cassie. Tony and I have a mission and we will complete it. You may be Tony's daughter but I will do what I must to accomplish what I have to. If it's a war you want, it's a war you'll get! The scene then freezes on Lexie's face and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CARRIE MOURNS AUSTIN...KATE FALLS APART...BO NEEDS VICTOR'S HELP...NICOLE LASHES OUT!!!
-At the Carver house, Celeste is sitting with Theo on the couch as he watches "Sesame Street." Celeste is worried about Lexie and is still trying to figure out why she has stayed away from Theo since they returned and why she seems upset with her and Abe. Celeste decides to consult her cards and walks over to the dining room table. She then fiddles through her cards and stops when she has a vision of Lexie asking how she could do this to her own daughter while also telling both her and Abe that she hopes they burn in hell for their betrayal. Celeste is shaken by the vision and begins to wonder what it could be about. She then thinks back to the cruise ship when Lexie began acting how she is and realizes it was right after Abe and her kissed. Celeste also recalls that Lexie was outside the cabin room when Cal and Katherine let them out of the room. Celeste panics and fears Lexie saw her and Abe kiss. She calls Abe, who is on the pier. Celeste tells him she needs him to come home. It's an emergency but she assures him Theo is ok. Abe tells her he is on his way. -On the pier, Lexie is asking Tony if she is sure his plan will work. Tony says that as long as she plays her role well it will. Lexie nods and tells Tony she is ready to hit Stefano where it hurts and to change the direction of the Dimera empire. Tony is glad. Lexie tells Tony she needs to get her life together and this may help her do it. Meanwhile, Cassie is walking the pier and sees Tony and Lexie sitting together. She notes that they seem very serious and wonders what they are talking about. -At the Dimera mansion, Stefano is having a glass of Brandi and turns on his TV for the news. He sees a report on the charges against Maggie and Julie being dropped and another report on Chelsea's arraignment. Stefano makes note of how happy Victor and the Horton's must be and how worried the Brady's are on the flip side. Stefano hears that Chelsea pleaded not guilty for reasons of temporary insanity and seems intrigued. Stefano: Hmm....interesting. Father always said to look for the perfect opportunity and to seize it when it arrives. Stefano then recalls how he left Victor and Maggie to die on the cruise ship and how Victor refused to help him when he was struggling to swim after the ship sank and the lifeboats tipped over. Stefano recalls how both he and Victor declared the truce over. Stefano laughs and then picks up his phone to make a call. Stefano asks for Judge Fitzpatrick. The Judge soon comes to the phone and asks who is calling. Stefano introduces himself and assumes she knows who he is. Judge Fitzpatrick says she knows all about him and his list of criminal accomplishments. She asks him why he is calling her. Stefano: I need a favor, your honor. Now, before rejecting me, which you most likely will, I urge you to think about your family. Your loved ones. You mentioned how you know of me and the man that I am. That means you know what I am capable of. I'm a man of action, your honor. I also urge you to think about the lovely career and life you have built for yourself and how it can come crashing down if the truth came out about how you lied and back stabbed your way into your position. Your reputation would be forever scarred. Judge Fitzpatrick: How did you know about all that? Are you threatening me and my family? Stefano: I did my research when you handled my grandson, Theo's, custody case. Your honor, please let it be known these aren't threats. They are promises. I need you to do this favor for me. No questions asked. I need you to make sure Chelsea Brady ends up in a psychiatric institution. No prison...no freedom at all. Do you understand? Judge Fitzpatrick: I...I won't... Stefano: You really don't have a choice, judge. Do it and your life remains as is. If you refuse, you lose everything and I will see to it that you and your family are destroyed. It would be very unwise to call my bluff, judge. You think about that and have a good night. A pleased Stefano hangs up and shows an evil grin before picking up the phone again and asking for the DA. -On the pier, Shane is shocked to see his former ISA agent partner in crime Miranda Grey standing before him. He embraces her. Shane: I can't believe this. What are you doing here? Miranda: I'm afraid I can't tell you that. Shane: But I'm... Miranda: Shane....because of your current status I can't discuss ongoing cases with you. I'm sorry. I know you are going through a rough time. The guys in charge would not be happy knowing I even made contact with you. They were urging me to avoid you but I told them it would be hard. Shane: It's not your fault. It's the bed I made for myself. I must deal with the repercussions of my actions. Miranda: I vouched for you with the investigative committee. You did so much for me, Shane. We were partners for so long and I can't even count the times you saved my ass. Shane: Probably just as much as you saved mine. Miranda: I'm not so sure. Anyways, I know you only did what you did to help someone. Carrie Brady, right? Shane: Yeah. Miranda: The Brady's are good people. Roman is well-known around the ISA organization. What you did was wrong but you had good intentions and I am sure you will be reinstated. Shane: Thanks for your vote of confidence. Miranda tells Shane he is welcome. They both remark on how good it is to see each other again and then embrace as Kim arrives. Shane sees her and asks how long she has been there. Kim says only a few seconds. She went to look for him as Bo and Hope are ready to get going. She asks Shane who his friend is. Shane introduces Kim and Miranda. Miranda: So, this is the lovely Kimberly Brady? The woman who holds Donovan's heart. It's nice to meet you. Kim: Likewise. Shane mentioned you as his partner before and the many wild adventures you had together. Miranda: Wild is an understatement. The sound of a cell phone alarm goes off. Miranda checks her phone and says she has to get going, sadly. She tells both Kim and Shane to give her a call as she would like to meet them both for dinner. Kim says she would like that. Shane agrees, saying they could catch up on old times. Miranda tells Kim it was nice to meet her and embraces Shane again, telling him it was good seeing him again. Shane agrees. Miranda then walks off. Kim comments on how Miranda seemed nice. Shane says she is a wonderful spirit and very adventurous. Kim asks Shane if he is ready to talk about his leaving town. Shane thinks it would be best to leave that alone until after the funerals tomorrow. Kim nods but tells Shane they do need to talk about that and other things. Shane agrees and then begins to wheel her, saying they should get back to Bo and Hope so they can get going. Kim agrees. Shane wheels her off. Meanwhile, Miranda reappears on her cell phone. Miranda: Yeah. I will continue to follow Shane. Don't worry. The guy is suspended from the ISA. He doesn't know anything right now and it will stay that way, as long as he is kept out of ISA matters. Again, don't worry...I will keep an eye on him and the SPD in case they catch on. It's all under control. -Back at the Dimera mansion, Stefano is listening to opera music and is at his chess board when DA Patricia Cromwell enters the living room. Patricia: Well, Stefano Dimera. Snazzy place you have here. To what do I owe the honor of this pleasure? Stefano: The pleasure is truly mine, my dear (kisses her hand). Can I get you a drink? Patricia: How do I know it's not laced with something? Stefano: Ha! I don't know if I should be offended or insulted. On the phone, you claim to know the type of man I am. If you truly did, you would understand that I'm not a man of such cheap theatrics. Patricia: Believe me, Mr. Dimera. I know what type of man you are (gently caresses Stefano's face). Now, you mentioned on the phone me helping you make sure Chelsea Brady is institutionalized? Stefano: Yes. I already spoke with Judge Fitzpatrick. Your job, my dear, is to make sure it all goes smoothly. No questions asked. Chelsea gets no prison...no freedom! Send her off for counseling or psychiatric care of some sort. Patricia: Why would you... Stefano: No questions, Ms. Cromwell. Just make sure Judge Fitzpatrick stays on task and that this all goes smoothly. As a reward for your trouble, I will aid you in a possible promotion along with giving you the contents of that briefcase. Patricia looks at the case. Stefano: Open it. Patricia (Opening the case): My...it's full of money. Stefano: You will be given an additional 2 more cases. Just be silent about this and a word of warning. Do not come back to me for further benefits. Stefano Dimera will not be blackmailed. If you unwisely choose to do that, you will suffer a not so pleasant fate. Understood? Patricia: Yes, Mr. Dimera. Stefano: Please. Call me Stefano. Patricia: Stefano. Well, I must get back to the office. It was nice doing business with you. Please remember to call me for all of your legal system corruption needs. You have a good night (picks up cases and starts to leave). Stefano: You too, Ms. Cromwell. Patricia leaves as Stefano moves a pawn on his chessboard and says "checkmate." -At the Carver house, Abe arrives and asks what is wrong. Celeste tells him about her vision and about her realization that Lexie may have seen their kiss on the ship. Abe thinks she is panicking but Celeste lays her case out to him, reminding him Lexie got upset with them after their kiss and she was right outside the cabin room when they emerged. Abe begins to realize Celeste may have a point and says that they really need to talk to Lexie to get to the bottom of this. Celeste says she isn't answering. Abe thinks they will have to talk to her in person. It will be better that way and the sooner they talk...the better. -On the pier, Cassie approaches Tony and Lexie and says she hopes she isn't interrupting. Tony says she isn't and embraces her, saying it's always good to see his daughter. He asks where she has been. Cassie says she ate with grandfather and she is going to wait for him at Salem Park as they will be taking a carriage ride together to relax. Tony notes that Cassie has been spending alot of time with Stefano and adds he would like to bond as father and daughter. He doesn't have Rex so he would like to be with her. Cassie says that he hasn't called or came to see her since they returned from the airport. Tony says that works both ways. Tony advises Cassie that getting too close to Stefano is not to her benefit. He knows and so does Lexie. Cassie says she loves her grandfather and he is ready to test her to prove if she is worthy of leading the empire after he passes on, even if she isn't a blood Dimera, Thinking about her and Tony's plan, Lexie tells Cassie that Stefano will never leave his empire to someone who doesn't have Dimera blood in their veins. Cassie says he can and will. She just needs to prove herself and she will vows that she will. Lexie tells Cassie she is being naive if she thinks she will inherit the Dimera empire. Cassie grabs Lexie's arm and says she is wrong. The Dimera empire will be hers. It's her destiny and she will crush whoever is in her way. She reminds Lexie that she hurt Stefano on the ship and claimed to want nothing to do with him so she is out of the running. Lexie says she has cooled down a bit and tells Cassie that Stefano will begin grooming her again the minute she apologizes and talks to him. Cassie is nothing to him but she is his daughter. A furious Cassie warns Lexie that if she takes her on for the empire she is in for a hell of a fight. Underestimating her could be deadly. Lexie tells Cassie she doesn't scare her. Tony senses the tension and tries to calm the ladies as Cassie gets in Lexie's face and defiantly says: Cassie: Well, if that is how you want it. Fine. This means....WAR!!! The scene then freezes on a Cassie/Lexie stare-down as Tony watches and the scene then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... ANNA AND CARRIE GO AT IT...THE BRADY'S UNITE...AND BELLE GETS BAD NEWS!!
Glad you liked it. The Dimera story should be something you will enjoy! We have already dealt a great deal with the grieving process of those characters and we will continue to do so going forward. It's crucial to our stories so you will see it.
ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK... Clip of St. Luke's decorated for a funeral with two caskets at the altar that have a picture of Eric and a picture of Sami in front of them. A WEEK OF MOURNING... Marlena to Roman: Our babies are gone! A WEEK OF REMINISCING... Will: I will miss your ranting and raving, mom! A TEAR-FILLED WEEK... Carrie: How am I going to get through this? BUT...THERE'S STILL HOPE.... Caroline to Belle and Carrie (while holding Evan): We all need to go on...for the children. They need to know it's all going to be ok. IT'S AN EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL WEEK...WITH A BIG SURPRISE!!! Clip of everyone at St. Luke's being led by Fr. Jansen during the funeral. Roman: I can't believe I let this happen. IT'S ALL PART OF AN AMAZING AUGUST!!! SEISMIC SUMMER!!!
WK OF 8/5/07 EDITION BIG RETURNS FOR SAMI AND ERIC'S FUNERAL!! PLUS, TWO MORE EXITS!!! It's yet another guest star filled funeral for Salem Lives this week when 10 stars make brief returns to Salem to help mourn the deaths of Eric (Jensen Ackles) and Sami Brady (Alison Sweeney). "Much like the previous funerals we have done, we wanted everyone who should be back to be back," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "I am thankful B&B loaned us Kyle for a few days. You could say this was to make up for the Koslow/Mascolo trade that never went both ways. It's exciting to have these characters back because they add alot to the event and are needed for this story to be fulfilling." Salem Lives contemplated bringing back Farah Fath (ex-Mimi) but opted not to at the last minute. "We felt it wasn't needed," admits Lowery. "We needed Rex because he is Marlena's son. Mimi's absence will be explained so it's no big deal." Here are the returning stars: Jed Allen (Don Craig) Kyle Lowder (Jonathan Brady) Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe Brady) Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton) Kale Browne (Bill Horton) Larry Hagman (Frank Evans) Barbara Eden (Martha Evans) Michelle Williams (Jeannie Donovon) Tom Welling (Andrew Donovon) Eric Winter (Rex Dimera) Fans can expect to see the majority of these guest stars to air for 4 episodes beginning on Wednesday August 8. One exception, however, is Shayna Rose (Stephanie). "Shayna will be staying with us on recurring for a bit," previews Lowery. "We have some things coming up with her and her parents and she will be involved quite a bit in the Forrest/Abby/Max story that is heating up. We felt she added some presence to that story, especially with the departure of Chelsea." Now that takes us to the opposite side of the spectrum as the cast cuts continue at Salem Lives. So far, 10 actors have gotten the boot. Jensen Ackles (Eric), Paul Kersey (Alan), Patrick Muldoon (Austin), Charles Cioffi (Ernesto), Roscoe Born (James), Josh Taylor (Cal), Terri Garber (Katherine), Patsy Pease (Kimberly), and Charles Shaughnessy (Shane) have all been released this summer in addition to the ever popular Alison Sweeney (Sami). Last week, it was reported that there would be two more exits by summer's end and those exits have been revealed to be that of Rachel Melvin (Chelsea) and Christie Clark (Carrie). "The exits are storyline-dictated," admits Lowery. "We feel that both characters need a rest and we aren't going to keep people around and not use them. Carrie will be back very soon. Alot has happened and she just needs to go away for a bit and get her life together. We have ample story for her upon her return. It's just like how we wrote out Martha Madison (Belle) last year. After a few months, she was back. As for Rachel, she will be basically on recurring. She needs to pay for her crimes and we have nothing of importance for her right now. That played into our decision to bring Shayna back as Stephanie. She will fill the void left by Chelsea for a bit. Both characters will be back, as will some of the others we have let go. We just need to do this." For an update on the last airdates for some of these impending exits, see next week's Insider. WHO'S IN/WHO'S OUT IN FUNERAL GUEST STARS (Various stars): See above for the complete list of guest stars that will air from August 8-13 during Sami and Eric's funeral. OUT Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady): Melvin, who began playing Chelsea in 2005, is out. She will last air in late August. Sources say she will make periodic appearances after her departure, however. See above for more. Christie Clark (Carrie Brady-Reed): The beloved Days vet will once again be making an exit from Salem in late August. Sources believe the character will be back rather soon after a "small rest." See above for more. STAYING Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson): Rose, who is returning with many other guest stars for the funeral event this week, will remain after the proceedings for an indefinite period. Rose is said to be on recurring. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WK OF 8/6/07 -Celeste has a shocking vision. -Miranda and Shane reconnect. -Lexie and Cassie declare war on each other. -Katherine gets a interesting offer. -Stefano makes a subtle strike. -Anna strikes out again. -Nicole lashes out. -Kate falls apart. -Hope and Kayla continue to be puzzled by Steve's behavior. -Salem mourns Eric and Sami. -DON'T MISS A SURPRISE!! HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: THURSDAY AUGUST 9 AND FRIDAY AUGUST 10 SALEM MOURNS ERIC AND SAMI. PLUS, DON'T MISS A BIG SURPRISE!! NEXT WEEK: Loved ones try to get Doug and Julie back together. Chelsea's loved ones get a shock. Stefano changes gears. Romance is in the air in Salem. Carrie makes a huge decision. Kim shocks Shane. Tony's attempt to help Anna backfires. Max enlists Stephanie's help. Steve books a flight. Lucas throws himself into his work.
Great to see you commenting, Tishy. Things have been dead lately so I was pleasantly surprised to see a comment. This episode was written by Roman and I thought he did a superb job with expressing Roman's anguish and feelings. This whole episode really tapped well into character's emotions. Glad you liked it. Hope others did too.
-At the pier, the mysterious person who was stalking Shane at the courthouse is watching him again. Shane feels himself being watched but thinks it's his imagination. Kim then shows up and wheels over. Bo asks what she is doing there. Kim explains that Shane called her. She is so relieved about Roman. Hope says they all are. Kim explains that she heard from Shane that Roman is a mess. She is so worried about him. Abe then turns around and notices Marlena is gone. Hope says that means Marlena went after Roman. Bo worries as that may cause even more problems. Meanwhile, Roman is making his way down the west side of the pier when Marlena races up in front of him, saying there is more then one way to get around the pier. Roman tells Marlena to go home and to leave him along, like he said. Marlena says she knows better. He is a mess and she begs him to come home with her so they can talk. They need each other to get through this. Roman shakes his head and says she doesn't need him. No one does. He's a failure to all of them and doesn't deserve their love. -At the Dimera mansion, Cassie arrives home from a day of shopping and tells Stefano she is glad that she was able to make it home in time for dinner. He laughs and asks how much she spent. She says enough. Stefano admits he is surprised she didn't go and see Marlena. She is her mother, afterall. Cassie says she feels like she isn't as they been apart so much, especially with her illness. Cassie adds that Marlena is going through alot and that she, personally, doesn't think she fits in with that side. She loves the Dimera life, even if she isn't a blood Dimera. Stefano chuckles and says she has proven herself to have the makings of a great Dimera. Cassie asks if that means she is going to be by his side in all of his plans for his enemies. Stefano smiles and tells Cassie she has much to learn. Cassie pledges her loyalty to Stefano and says she will do anything for him. She knows what life is like as a Brady. That was never her and being good never suited her or got her anywhere. She wants a life of prestige and greatness. She wants to be the person he can count on. Stefano seems pleased and admits those words warn his heart. Stefano foresees a great future for Cassie but informs her that she has many tests to pass before he can be sure that she has what it takes to be involved actively in his plans. He needs someone to leave control of the empire to and he is not opposed to giving it to a woman. Cassie asks if he would consider her if she proves herself. Stefano nods and says he would for sure. He gently stokes Cassie's cheek and tells her he thinks she has what it takes and that she will succeed. All she needs to do is confirm it to him by showing him. Cassie vows that she will as she embraces her grandfather, who smiles proudly. -At the pier, Tony arrives to meet Lexie, telling her he got her call. They embrace as Tony remarks how it feels nice to hold her again and how this will be the first time in a long time that they have sat and talked. He tells Lexie he wants to have a fresh start. Lexie says she wants to as well but needs his help in doing that. She asks him to not share any of what she is about to tell him. He agrees. Lexie fills Tony in on catching Abe and Celeste kissing on the ship and all that happened in his absence, including how Stefano hired Tek to seduce her away from Abe and proceeded to expose her on the island last summer. He wanted her to lose Abe. She also explains to him how Stefano used her desire to fight for Theo to mold her into the perfect Dimera. Tony: That's what Stefano does. He tried to do it to me but realized he couldn't. That is where Andre came in. Lexie: He told me he made sure the judge would rule in our favor but he did nothing, knowing full well we would lose and I would have to depend even more on him to help me get my son. All he wanted was me to be another one of his soldiers, all so he can get his revenge on his enemies. Tony: Sadly, yes. It's good that you have realized this now, Alexandra. I know you gave him another chance but I hope you realize now what he is truly about. Lexie: I do. The problem is that it wasn't just him that betrayed me. All the people I thought were my friends turned on me. Abe and my mother didn't even side with me. Of course, I was drifting towards father and my Dimera heritage and Abe was still upset over Tek. Tony: Alexandra, it seems to me so many of them turned on you because you weren't yourself. You were allowing father to mold you and make him into what he wants, not what you truly are. Lexie: I just don't know what to do now. I can't even see Theo. I was supposed to see him yesterday but I am such a mess. I just don't want him to see me like this. I don't know what to do or how to live. Stefano betrayed me and so many others did as well. Your the only one that understands this feeling, Tony. Tony: All too well. My advice to you, Alexandra, is to do what is best for you. You know...this brings to mind an interesting thought. I'm not a Dimera by blood but I still maintain a desire to improve the family image. I want to make the Dimera name one that is not associated with evil. I want to be proud of it and want future Dimera's to be too. That is something I have desired for many years. I can't do it alone and I have been wondering who could help me and I think you are perfect. Lexie: Me? Tony: Your a Dimera by blood. Alexandra, if you and I partner together we can change the course of our family. We can make this family one of honor, strength, and good will. One that we can both be proud of. You can get to Stefano. You seem to have a way with him. You can make yourself appear to be on his side and, in reality, you and I can work together on ending the reign of terror associated with this family so we can rebuild it and it's image. What do you say? Lexie: Father is too smart, Tony. He will catch on and then what? He will release an onslaught of evil the likes of which none of us have seen. Tony: You can do it, Alexandra. I will help you along the way. All you need to do is present yourself and act like you did in the past year with him. Make yourself the perfect daughter to him and strive to please him. You know how... Lexie: Yes. I do. You really think this is something that could work? Tony: Yes and, if you think about it, it could help you get back into the good graces of so many loved ones that lost their faith in you. You can prove yourself, Alexandra. Together, we can remake the Dimera family image and bring forth a new era. One that won't cast a pall on all that currently stands against it. (holds out his hand) Are you with me? Lexie looks at Tony's hand and, after a moment of hesitation, takes it and they shake. Lexie: Ok. This seems right. This seems like what is right for me right now. If you really think we can make this family better for the present and the future, then I am with you. Let's do this. A pleased Tony smiles and thanks Lexie while embracing her. -Back at the pier, Hope mentions to Bo that he should talk to Kim. He already told Roman he forgave her so he should tell Kim the same. Bo agrees and goes over to Kim, telling her he would like to speak with her. Kim nods and they move a short distance away to talk alone. Bo tells Kim that he told Roman tonight he had forgiven him for keeping the truth about his molestation for all those years. He tells Kim he just wants to tell her he forgives her too. Life is too short and their family is in enough pain. They don't need anymore. They all need to be there for each other, now more then ever. He adds that he is more understanding now of the reasons for what she and Roman did. Time heals all wounds and he wants to put the past behind them all and just look to the future. Kim is pleased and tells Bo she really is sorry. Bo says he knows they both are and embraces her, saying it's time to just focus on each other and to work on getting through all this together. Kim agrees. Hope asks Abe if he thinks men should be sent out to find Marlena. Abe shakes his head, saying that Marlena may be able to help Roman if she finds him. Hope says that normally she would think so but Roman is starting to sound like Bo did last year when he sided with Victor, only this time it's not an undercover mission. Abe tells Hope they just need to pray that Roman comes out of this somehow. Shane still has the feeling he is being watched. He turns and sees the shadow of what looks like a woman running away. He slowly sneaks out so no one notices and so the person doesn't get scared off. He draws his gun and gives chase. He races down the pier a ways and doesn't see or hear anything. Just then, he hears a slight movement behind him and slowly creeps over. He lunges behind a crate and is able to grab the hand of a woman. He is shocked when he sees the face of this woman (PLAYED BY FAMKE JANSSEN). Shane asks what she is doing in Salem. Woman: Oh, come on, Donovan. You don't remember me? Agent Miranda Grey, your former partner in crime? It hasn't been that long. Don't tell me you forget so easily! A stunned Shane is speechless. Meanwhile, Marlena tells Roman he is not a failure and that his family loves him. She loves him. They all need him right now. Marlena: We all need to be together right now, not apart!! We're all hurting, Roman!! Don't make it worse!! Come home and let's just hold each other. Come home so we can all be there for each other. Roman: You should be recovering at the hospital. The family will need you. Marlena: Nevermind me. We all need you too. (grabs Roman and turns him around, grasping his face tightly) You didn't give up on me!!! You fought for me to come back!! I'm not giving up either. Never. Those words you said earlier...that wasn't you. That goes against all you believe in!! Your losing yourself!! Don't let that happen....let me give you strength to fight that urge for revenge! Let all of us give you strength. Please...please (as tears well in her eyes). Roman: I am sick of our family being targets. I am sick of losing people we love. Two of our children are dead!! They will be avenged!! Anyone who has ever hurt our family...I will see to it they suffer just as much as we have all been made to suffer. No more of this by the book crap...NO MORE!! THAT ROMAN IS GONE!!! Marlena (crying): Please... Roman: Go home, Marlena. Go home or wherever. Just stay away from me. I have business to tend to. I have to do this. For all of those we lost...for our loved ones...for you...for me. Marlena: NO!! I WON'T LET YOU!! A crying Marlena forcefully embraces Roman and holds him tightly in her arms. Marlena: It will all only lead to more pain. This isn't you!! Please!! Come home!! Don't do this!! Roman: I have.... Marlena: No...we all won't let you. I won't let you!! NO!! NO!! Marlena then breaks down in Roman's arms as Roman's reserve breaks down as well. Roman then begins to cry as the scene pans up overheard and freezes on Roman and Marlena crying in each other's arms and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... IT'S LEXIE VS CASSIE!! PLUS, CAN MARLENA GET THROUGH TO ROMAN AND WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH MIRANDA GREY (FAMKE JANSSEN)? COME BACK MONDAY TO FIND OUT!!
-Will walks into the hallway at Salem University Hospital and goes towards Marlena’s room. Right before he places his hand on the doorknob, Caroline and Belle see him from across the hall and call out to him. Will turns and spots them and then tentatively walks over to them. He tells both of them that Lucas has just about given up. He hardly talks to him, he doesn’t eat, and feels that without Sami life just isn’t worth living for him anymore. Caroline steps up slowly and hugs Will, looking at him in the eyes and telling him that Lucas will be fine. He just has to once again find the reason to go on and she feels that reason is him. Belle agrees, saying that her mother went through the very same thing almost twenty five years ago with her father and she found the will to go on, even though she thought she had lost the love of her life. Will agrees with them both but that is the reason why he came to see Marlena. He knows about what happened when Roman disappeared and wanted to find out from her how she dealt with it and finally moved on. Caroline and Belle look at each other and then Caroline speaks, saying that she doesn’t feel that it is a good time to ask her such questions. Will shakes his head and Belle suggests that he speak with Marlena’s doctor. Will agrees with this. As the three of them start to walk off and find Barbara, a nurse comes running from Marlena’s room and past the small group. She runs to the security station and hits the alarm and, when the group goes up to the nurse, she tells them that Marlena is gone. The nurse runs up to a security guard and fills him in as Caroline, Belle, and Will look on in disbelief. -Maggie walks up to Lucas' apartment and starts knocking on the door. She calls out to Lucas and gets no response. She then starts knocking harder and starts demanding that Lucas answer the door. She quiets down for a few seconds and then hears a slam inside the apartment. Inside, Lucas walks slowly to the door, looking disheveled. He hasn’t slept since Sami’s death and seems to be holding a wine bottle in his hand. Lucas tells Maggie to go away. Maggie refuses, saying that he needs the support of his family. Lucas tells her that the only person who mattered to him is gone, therefore he has no other family. Maggie is silent, pained by how far Lucas has fallen. She says to Lucas, in a loving tone, that she is there for him when he needs her. Lucas responds, saying that all that matters is that he is left alone.... With his Sami. Lucas looks straight ahead and sees, in a drunken haze, a beautiful vision of Sami, smiling at him, and surrounded by bright light. All he can keep repeating is.... Lucas: My Sami. My precious Sami. Maggie places her hand on the door and then turns. She starts to cry as she walks away, leaving a destroyed Lucas all by himself.......with his vision of Sami. -At the pier, Bo walks down the steps and looks out into the river. After a few moments, he gets a phone call from a very important man, telling him...... Man: He’s on the pier right now. Bo: Good, good. Excellent work, as usual. Man: Yeah, well, didn’t have much to do. Just sitting at home watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Bo: Man, you love that show. Man: Sure do. So.......what are you going to say to him? Bo: I don’t know. Maybe him and I can get past all of this, you know? Man: I think so. Stop being so damn hard headed and except that people make mistakes. Bo: I know. (Looking to his left) He’s coming. Once again, thanks for the help, my friend. I’ll be in touch. Man: Solid. Later on. Bo hangs up and is joined by Hope and Shane. Bo remarks how Shane always seems to be around but not enough to keep his people safe. Shane says nothing and Hope scolds Bo for his words. All she wants to know is.......can he forgive his brother and Kim for keeping the secret about his past from him. Bo tells her that he doesn’t know but is willing to try. Shane says that is a good start, to which Bo agrees with him. Bo hopes Shane can understand where his remarks came from and Shane says he does. He would feel the same way if the situation was reversed. Shane walks over to Bo and both men shake hands, promising to try and put the past behind them. At that moment, a depressed and disheveled Roman walks from out of the shadows. All three people look at him in shock, surprised at how far Roman has fallen. Bo walks over to his brother and looks at him, telling him.... Bo: Man, what is going on? You alright? Roman: What do you think? How happy go lucky were you after Zack died? Bo: About the same as you. Roman: Well, then. You’ve answered your own question. Bo: Look. All I want to do is put everything behind us and move on from here. You need your family, Roman. Roman: What family? (Leaning into Bo) You know........you have been right, all this time. Bo: About what? Hope and Shane look on in sadness at this once proud man and don’t even realize that another person is also watching what is taking place....... Roman: You have told me for years that the law won’t stop people like Orpheus and Stefano because they don’t follow the rules. Eric and Sami were kidnapped by Stefano when they were born........and I didn’t listen. I had my face changed and my memory wiped clean........still didn’t listen. Orpheus blew up my house, Stefano held Marlena for all those years, I was framed for murder, and then.......I had my life stolen from me for 16 years.........and, I still didn’t listen. Bo sadly looks at this broken man as Roman continues........ Roman: Well, I think I’ll listen now. My two babies.........(Starts to cry)........are dead. Gone. And I got them killed. If I just would have aimed for his head instead of his chest, Orpheus would be out of our lives and we would be safe. Woman: So, you now feel that killing people will stop all of this pain? Everyone turns and looks, only to see Marlena walk out of the fog and shadows and towards Roman, saying to him........ Marlena: You can’t become that man. You can’t become so cold and callous that you don’t give a damn about life. Even for someone as evil as Orpheus. She walks right up to him and all Roman can do is look at her with sadness and shame. He tries to turn away but Marlena grabs his arm. He can’t even face her as tears run down his cheeks but Marlena, wiping tears from her face and showing that trademark strength, tells Roman...... Marlena: You are a much better man than they are. The Stefanos, Orpheuses and Victors of this world don’t hold a candle to you. Your compassion for people and belief in the law is why I fell in love with you all those years ago and it’s why I stand by your side now, even as you try and push me away. Roman still doesn’t look at her but does respond, saying...... Roman: Victor is right, as far as I’m concerned. And eye for an eye. I have never doubted your love for me but it won’t stop me from doing what I have to do. The group look at each other as Bo steps forward and stands by Marlena as Roman finally turns and faces them all, saying....... Roman: No more doing the good deed. To hell with that. And.......to hell with the law. Me following the law has gotten too many people hurt.......and killed. And, I promise you..... Roman stands upright and gets the look of the devil himself in his eyes....... Roman: I will NEVER, EVER.........make that mistake again. Marlena looks at Roman and grabs his shirt, saying..... Marlena: If you feel that way, then you truly are lost. Don’t do this. Please. I’m begging you, my love. Don’t become what you hate. Roman: I DON’T HAVE A CHOICE!!!!!! Roman scares Marlena and Bo, Hope, and Shane look on in shock........ Roman: Just stay away from me, ok? I don’t want any of you involved. These [!@#$%^&*] bastards want a war, so....... That’s EXACTLY what I’ll give them!!!! Roman walks away and into the night as Marlena starts after him. Bo stops her, saying..... Bo: Don’t worry. I have a trusted friend on this. He’ll be safe. Marlena turns and looks at Bo, saying......... Marlena: I pray that someone can save Roman from himself........before he destroys everything. Marlena hugs Bo as Hope walks over and places her hand on Bo’s shoulder. They look at each other as Shane makes a private phone call, as the scene pans up............ And slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... SHANE GETS A SHOCK...TONY HAS A PROPOSAL FOR LEXIE...CELESTE PANICS...FAMKE JANSSEN DEBUTS!!
EPISODE COUNTS VET-LADEN JULY!!! SWEENEY AND HOGESTYN HOLD ON TO 2007 LEAD!! PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.), June 4-8 and June 11-15 (two week hiatus), July 5-6 (two day hiatus) Episodes: 138 Days: 19 New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007) January 9-January 23, 2007 January 24-January 30, 2007 January 31-February 12, 2007 February 13-February 20, 2007 February 21-March 2, 2007 March 5-March 13, 2007 March 14-March 27, 2007 March 28-April 3, 2007 April 4-April 10, 2007 April 11-April 19, 2007 April 20-April 27, 2007 April 30-May 9, 2007 May 10-May 21, 2007 May 22-June 21, 2007 June 22-July 16, 2007 July 17 July 18-July 25, 2007 July 26- JULY 2007 (20 episodes) 1.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-19 *Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-19 *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-19 4.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-18 5.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-17 *James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-17 *Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-17 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-17 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-17 *Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-17 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-17 12.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-16 *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-16 14.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-15 *Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-15 *Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-15 *Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-15 *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-15 *Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-15 20.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-14 *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-14 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine C. Harcourt)-14 *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-14 24.) Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-13 *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-13 *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-13 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-13 28.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-12 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-12 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-12 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-12 32.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-11 *Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-11 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-11 *Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-11 *Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-11 *George Delhoyo (Orpheus)-11 *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-11 39.) Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-10 40.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-8 *Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-8 42.) Roscoe Born (James McClure)-5-last aired on 7/10/07 *Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-5-last aired on 7/10/07 44.) Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-4-last aired on 7/9/07 45.) Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-3-last aired on 7/4/07 *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-3-last aired on 7/4/07 *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-3 48.) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-1 *Sharon Wyatt (Renee McClure)-1(brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Michael Trucco (James McClure Jr)-1(brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McClure)-1(brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-1(brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing)-1 *Marcia Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick)-1 *Kristina Wagner (DA Patricia Cromwell)-1 CONTRACT AND RECURRING ACTORS NOT APPEARING THIS MONTH: RECURRING Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen) Ron Leath (Henderson) Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.) Arloa Reton (Joelle) Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy) TOTAL EPISODE COUNTS FOR 2007 1.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-88 *Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-88 3.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-87 4.) Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-83 5.) Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-78 *Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-78 7.) Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-76 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-76 *John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-76 10.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-75 *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-75 12.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-73 13.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-72 14.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-71 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-71 16.) Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-67-last aired on 7/9/07 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-67 18.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-65 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-65 20.) Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-63 21.) Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-62-last aired on 7/4/07 *James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-62 23.) Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-60 24.) Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-59 25.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-57 26.) Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-55 27.) Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-53 *Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-53 29.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-51 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-51 *Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-51 32.) Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-48-last aired on 7/10/07 33.) Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-47 34.) Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-45-last aired on 7/4/07 *Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-45 36.) Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-44 37.) Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-42 38.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-41 39.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-40 40.) Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-37 41.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-36 42.) Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-30 43.) LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-27 44.) Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-25 45.) Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-18-last aired on 7/10/07 46.) Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-17=Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-17 =Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance on 7/10/07) 48.) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-15 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-15 50.) Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-13 =Last aired on 2/26/07(brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-13 =Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-13 53.) George Delhoyo (Orpheus)-12 54.) Ron Leath (Henderson)-10 *Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-10 56.) Billy Ray Cyrus (Jed Montana)-8=Last aired on 5/2/07 57.) Martina McBride (Nora Montana)-4=Last aired on 5/2/07 *James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-4 *Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-4 60.) Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton)-3=Last aired on 4/9/07 *Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing)-3 (Recurring guest star) 62.) Arloa Reton (Joelle)-2 *Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)-2 *Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *David Tom (Jeremy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Alli Brown (Sarah Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Michael Leon (Pete Jannings)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jed Allen (Don Craig)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Blake Berris (Nick Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 Franc Ross (Rev. Frank Stewart)-2=last aired on 5/2/07 79.) Marcia Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick)-1 *Kristina Wagner (DA Patricia Cromwell)-1
-At Sami's apartment, Will is making a sandwich and asks if Lucas wants one. Lucas is still by the fireplace and is now looking at an album full of pictures of Sami. Will worries when Lucas doesn't respond to his voice after he has called to him several times. He goes over to his father, who doesn't even glance up at him. He asks Lucas if he is ok. Lucas still doesn't answer as he stares at the photo album and turns the page. A worried Will walks off and then realizes his father needs help. He doesn't want him to snap or retreat from reality. He realizes he needs his grandmother, Marlena, and hopes she is strong enough to help. He knows she is upset and that it's a bad time but he has no choice as he has no other ideas as to how to help his father. Will realizes he is better off going to see his grandma Marlena as Lucas may stop him if he calls. He quietly sneaks off and leaves the apartment while Lucas isn't even phased. -At the Horton house, Alice and Maggie sit with Julie over some coffee and dough nuts. Julie comments on how Alice's dough nuts always seem to make things better but they aren't working today. She has lost Doug forever because of her actions. Maggie is sure Doug just needs some time. Alice agrees and adds that she has already spoken with Doug. She knows he still loves Julie. He just needs time to heal and then they can work things out. Julie isn't so sure and adds that she has never seen Doug so angry. She just has a feeling it's over this time. Meanwhile, at University Hospital, Marlena is trying to get a hold of Roman on her room phone but fails. Doug enters, asking Marlena if she is up for visitors. Marlena is happy to see him and tells him to please come in. Doug apologizes for her losses. Marlena thanks him and they embrace. Marlena asks how he is holding up. Doug says it's hard coming to terms with what Maggie and Julie did. He apologizes to Marlena for the fire being pinned on her. Marlena says it's nothing. Everything was crazy at that time. She assures Doug there are bigger problems. She also adds that Julie loves him and people make mistakes. She is sure both Maggie and Julie are sorry. Doug admits he knows that they feel remorse but Julie deliberately disobeyed him and she helped Victor with covering up the details of the fire. Marlena asks Doug if Julie's involvement with Victor is the real issue for him based on Julie's history with Victor. Doug tells Marlena that Julie called him on that and he told her that had no influence on his thinking. Marlena looks at him and asks if he lied to Julie. Doug reluctantly admits it bothered him a bit but he just thinks Victor is dangerous, now more then ever with his war with Stefano. He doesn't want Maggie or Julie around him. -At the Kiriakis mansion, Victor comes downstairs as Greta is waiting for him on the couch. Henderson has just brought her some tea. Greta thanks him, as does Victor. Victor thanks Greta for coming and waiting. It's been such a busy day and he was needed at the courthouse. Greta understands. She was busy at The Spectator too. She feels horrible for Chelsea but is happy for Maggie and Julie. Victor agrees. He then says it's time to get down to business. He asks Greta if she is ready to tell him everything. Greta nods and first shows Victor the lab tests she had done last summer proving her to be his daughter. Greta explains that Stefano told her on the island last summer and she had it checked out when she returned home to Salem. Victor believes it's legit and asks for the whole story. Greta tells Victor she found an excerpt from her mother's diary in Stefano's lair on the island. He had a file on her and her mother. She shows Victor the copy of the excerpt. Greta assumes Stefano kept it to use it for some purpose. Victor thinks she is right as he could hold it over his head. Greta: Anyway, the story goes that my mother went to the Grand Duchess Broudeux's ball. Stefano and you were there. My mother had been having an affair with John, who was then Stefano's mercenary. Stefano had not known but he was starting to get suspicious. John wanted to end the affair as he was worried about my mother getting hurt by Stefano. My mother would not have it. She loved John and knew he loved her. John would not back down either so my mother decided she had to figure out a way to hold on to John at all costs. She came up with the idea to get pregnant. See...she had been using protection to preserve her reputation as the princess. She went off the protection a few days before the ball as her plan was to meet John before the ball. However, John did not come and meet her. He had taken on a mission for Stefano and did not know when he would return. He wrote her a letter saying he may never return anyway. He explained that he might just work for Stefano from afar. Victor: So, she could not meet with John. How did she end up with me? Greta: Her presence was needed at the ball and my mother was determined not to lose John. Stefano's suspicions had also become worse. He confronted her that day after learning of John staying in her room one night and was quite upset. My mother was worried for what he may do so she came up with this idea. At the ball, she would find a man to spend the night with in hopes of conceiving a child. It would be a man she took advantage of and there would be no strings attached. First, though, she had to sleep with Stefano since she had already been sleeping with John. Victor: Why? Greta: Because her plan was to get pregnant that day while off her protection ASAP. She was hoping to conceive a child at the ball. Her plan was to act as if the baby could be both Stefano's or John. She would tell Stefano it was his and write to John, saying it is his but that she is lying about it being Stefano's to force him off their backs. She would be protected and would have a hold over John. Hours before the ball, she flirted with Stefano and knew exactly what he liked. She knew she could work her magic on him after he had a few glasses of Brandi. It always relaxed him, she said. She seduced Stefano, who always had a thing for my mother. He was fascinated by her beauty and elegance. Later that night, she went to the ball. She had nearly completed her task and was searching for the perfect man. Many men were intimidated by her because of her being seen with Stefano, who was feared by many. She found one guy and opted to select him. Victor: What happened? Greta: She slipped him a mickey but you drank the glass by mistake. You had been sitting at the table near this man. He put his drink down on your table. I guess he wasn't thinking or something. My mother saw what was happening but couldn't stop it. She tried to get over to you but the crowd got in her way and, by time she did, you had drank the whole glass. She realized it would have to be you. She described you as being completely out of it and she didn't walk over to meet you until, as she says, your eyes were half shut. She took you to a hotel suite nearby and that is how I was conceived. She left after the deed was done and paid someone to take your passed out body back to the ball. You were left on a lounge chair outside the hotel where the ball was being held. Victor is looking at the excerpt from Gina's diary and realizes it falls in line with what Greta told him. Victor is stunned and says he doesn't remember any of that. Greta asks if he is saying he doesn't believe her. Meanwhile, Philip is upstairs in his room. He thinks about his helping Orpheus kidnap Victor and how his father and so many others nearly died on the ship. He also recalls his father being suspicious of him afterwards. Philip worries about his father or anyone else finding out and begins to contemplate leaving Salem. -Back at the Horton house, Alice tells Julie to just have faith and to pray. It will all work out if she just believes it will and if she believes in the love between Doug and herself. Maggie agrees. Julie begins to cry as she says she wishes she could do that but she can't. She just has this feeling it's over this time...for good. Maggie embraces her as a sympathetic Alice looks on. -Back at the Kiriakis mansion, Philip realizes it will be too obvious if he leaves Salem. He has to think of something else. He brainstorms for awhile and comes up with an idea. He decides to kiss up to Victor and make himself into the perfect son. He needs to get back into his father's good graces, forcing him to not even think about his involvement with Orpheus. He admits Victor may think his change of heart means he is guilty of something but thinks this is the best way to go. He decides to go downstairs and get to work right away on convincing his father that he is ready to be a true and worthy son to him again. Meanwhile, Victor tells Greta he believes her. It's just all overwhelming. Greta is glad. She stands up and asks if she should call him father now. Victor asks what she wants. Greta admits she isn't sure she is ready to let this out publicly, especially with her being a princess and his business dealings. Victor understands. Greta adds that she doesn't want any part of Victor mafia life. Victor understands again and says he is happy to oblige. He feels like he is getting a second chance at raising a daughter. He never really got the chance with Isabella and, even when he did, he ended up making promises he couldn't keep. He doesn't want to fail this time. Greta smiles and says they will both make it work. She is sure they will get along fine as long as they both understand each other. Greta tells Victor she needs to get going. He thanks her for coming over and explaining everything and asks if she would be available for lunch tomorrow. He would like to start bonding with her. Greta says she will have to see and tells Victor she will call him. Victor nods and then holds out his arms, asking her for a hug. Greta smiles and hesitantly embraces him. They then say their goodbyes as she leaves. Outside, Greta smiles and admits that went well and start to believe things could work out with her and Victor. Back inside the mansion, Victor asks Henderson where Philip is. Henderson says he is up in his room. Victor thanks him as Philip comes downstairs, saying he heard Victor asking about him. Victor says he just wanted to know where he was. Philip nods and then says he does have something he has to say. Philip apologizes to Victor for all the mistakes he made after returning from San Francisco. He was just bitter and angry. He also apologizes for the harsh things he said to him. He promises not to embarrass him or the family name again and insists he will follow his every instruction. He will prove to him that he is worthy of being his son and the future leader of the Kiriakis empire. Victor is impressed and suspicious and asks why Philip is having this change of heart. Philip admits that the near-death experience on the ship changed him for the better. He just wants to make amends and get his life on track. He tells Victor he is being legit and he will prove himself. He tells Victor he will see. Philip gives his dad a hug and says he will see him later as he has an appointment to go to for his leg. Victor nods and says they will talk later. Philip leaves as a suspicious Victor wonders what Philip is up to. -Back at University Hospital, Marlena understands what Doug is saying but urges him to give it some time and to not make any rash decisions. Doug insists he won't and tells Marlena he has intruded on her enough. He thanks her for talking to him and trying to help him with all she is going through. Marlena says they go back a long time and it's no problem. Doug tells Marlena he is happy to have her back. They embrace as he tells her to be strong and to call him if she needs anything. Marlena tells him to do the same. Doug smiles as he says goodbye and leaves. Meanwhile, Abe is leading a team of men down by the pier and tells them to spread out and canvas the area. Abe radios to Shane, who is searching the park and says he has nothing. Abe then radios to Bo and Hope, who are searching Salem Place and the surrounding area. Bo says they have nothing and tell Abe that Steve is searching on the west side of Salem and has nothing. Abe tells Bo they are running out of places to look and he is beginning to get very worried about Roman, especially with the state he is in. Bo agrees and just prays that Roman is ok as there is no telling what he is capable of when he like this. -Back at the hospital, Marlena tries calling Roman again but fails. She then thinks about calling Bo and checking on the search but decides she is sick of sitting around and waiting. It's time she does something as it isn't like she is recovering from something physically. She remembers she has a session with Barbara soon but insists that will have to wait. She needs to find her husband. The family needs him. She needs him. Marlena gets out of bed and begins getting dressed, telling Roman she is coming and that she will find him. Then, they can help each other mourn their lost children. The scene then fades out on Marlena's determined face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WILL ROMAN BE FOUND? CAN WILL HELP LUCAS? DON'T MISS A VERY EMOTIONAL EPISODE...TOMORROW!!
-Jack and Billie are on the beach, preparing the food they found which consists of fish and some berries they found. Billie tells Jack they will just have to make do with what they have. She notices him struggling to start a fire and begins to laugh at him. Jack tells her to give it a whirl if she thinks she can do better. She fiddles with the branches and rocks Jack found and starts the fire withing a minute. Jack is both impressed and embarrassed, wondering if she ever was a girl scout. Billie says it was her ISA training and she has also had to survive many ordeals that required skills like this. Jack calls her a "show off." Billie wonders why Jack has so much trouble with surviving on an island when he has been trapped on enough of him. Jack thinks it's his old age. It's bringing his memory down with it. Billie laughs and thinks they should just prepare their meal and enjoy. Jack agrees as they get to work on their makeshift meal. -At the Salem Inn, Katherine returns to her and Cal's suite and finds Cal about to rush out. She asks where he is going. Cal says he is going to the courthouse. Chelsea is being arraigned and he was once again not told when it was happening. Katherine asks what is going on with him and his behavior since they got back from the cruise ship debacle. Cal doesn't answer and reminds Katherine that Caroline promised to make sure she and the family kept him informed and that promise was told to him this morning. Katherine reminds Cal that Caroline is going through alot, as is her family. Cal defiantly states they are his family too, at least that is what they told him. They said blood didn't matter but he is beginning to think it does. Katherine tells him not to think like that. A fed up Cal says he has to go and walks out as a worried Katherine begs him not to go and make a scene. She then gives chase and follows him. -At the courthouse, Alice notices Doug seems rather upset seeing Victor and Maggie together and tells Doug that it's time to let go of the anger. Doug turns and tells Alice he knows what she is going to say. She is going to tell him to just have faith in his love for Julie and to just remember and focus on that love. She is going to advise him to sit down and work things out with Julie, Maggie, and Victor. Alice smiles, saying he knows her well. She insists it's the right thing to do. Doug tells Alice he isn't sure he can do that after all the lies. He has never felt this hurt. Alice understands and says that time heals all wounds. Doug tells Alice he must get going and needs to say goodbye to Hope. Alice urges him to remember what she said. Doug tells Alice he will. Meanwhile, Bo is with Hope. Steve and Kayla join them, along with Caroline and Kim. Kim tells them Shane left. Frankie also walks over. Caroline asks why Greta was not at the hearing. Frankie says she had to handle Spectator business and had to leave. Hope asks Bo what he thinks Chelsea's chances are. Bo shakes his head and says he thinks they aren't good with Patricia around. Plus, Orpheus already set this whole thing in motion by sending evidence in to make sure Chelsea was arrested so he could interfere again somehow. Steve tells Bo that they will all just have to keep an eye out. Kayla thinks they just have to pray and hope that the system gets it right. Bo says that having faith in the system is very hard to do with all that has happened to their family. Doug comes over and says he has to be going. Hope embraces him and tells him to call her later and tell her where he is staying so she can check on him when she wishes. Doug says that isn't necessary but he will call her and tell her his whereabouts. He promises Hope he is ok. Hope gives him another hug and kiss before he leaves. Nearby, Victor is on the phone with Greta and he tells her he should be back at the mansion within the hour. They can meet then. He tells her to bring the lab tests and any other proof she has. He then tells her he will see her soon and hangs up. Maggie comes over and Victor asks if she is ready to go. Maggie nods and tells Victor they just need to take Alice home. Victor and Maggie approach Bo, Hope, Caroline, Kim, Kayla, Frankie, and Steve and tell them all they are leaving. Victor tells Bo to call if he needs anything and he promises to do what he can to help Chelsea. Bo appreciates that. Victor and Maggie say their goodbyes and go to get Alice so they can leave. The scene then shifts to outside the courtroom where Abby is telling Alice that Forrest went to go get the car and then he will be bringing her home. Alice says she isn't so sure she likes Abby spending so much time with a man so much older them her that they don't know well. Abby assures her that "Fred" is a kind soul that has been nothing but generous and caring to her. Maggie and Victor then come to get Alice so they can go. They both greet Abby and ask how she is holding up. Abby says she is doing her best. Her brother needs her to be strong. Maggie is proud of her and asks if she has a ride home. Abby says she does. Alice tells Maggie "Fred" is taking Abby home. Maggie nods and tells Abby they will catch up later as she has a few questions about this "Fred." A sarcastic Abby tells Maggie she isn't the only one who has said that. Max sees Abby with Alice and Maggie and then sees them leave. He opts to take the opportunity to talk to her before Forrest returns. Max approaches, telling Abby that Mrs. Horton is right. Abby rolls her eyes and tells Max she is not his concern. Max tells her he cares about her and they really need to talk. Abby says she doesn't want to deal with him or the issues they have with each other right now. Her father is missing and she has been through hell, along with so many of her loved ones. She just wants to be left alone. Forrest returns and asks if there is a problem here. He then remembers that things seemed tense earlier between Max and Abby and he tells Max that he is clearly upsetting Abby and thinks it best for him to leave. Max looks Forrest in the eye and tells him he thinks HE should leave. Just then, Cal shows up with Katherine behind him. She begs him not to start anything. They learn the results of the arraignment and that it's over. Cal is upset that he missed it. Katherine tells him he can still help and encourages him to go see what he can do. Cal shakes his head and says he has no desire to. If they can't make the effort, he isn't going to either. Cal then says he is leaving and walks out of the courthouse as a confused and worried Katherine looks on and then follows. -Back on the island, Jack and Billie have finished their meal and are now lying on the beach, looking at the clear, star-lit sky. Billie tells Jack she hardly ever takes the time out to appreciate the stars and their beauty. Jack says it's hard to when life is so hectic. Billie just hopes they find a way to get home. Their families need them. Jack urges her to forget about her troubles and to just enjoy the surroundings at the moment. Billie smiles and agrees. They then see a shooting star. Billie says they should make a wish. Jack tells Billie he doesn't believe in that stuff. Billie says she does and thinks her wish may come true. She tells Jack she will make his wish for him. Jack doesn't think she can do that but Billie insists as she thinks she knows what he wants. She then moves in for a kiss but Jack once again backs away at the last moment, saying the fire is going out and needs more wood. Billie is put off by being rejected by Jack again. -At the Horton house, Victor and Maggie open the doors and tell Alice to take her time walking in. They both then see Julie on the floor, crying and looking at the shattered picture of her and Doug's first wedding. Maggie asks what happened. Julie tells Maggie she has lost Doug for good. Maggie comforts her as Alice makes her way in. Maggie tells Victor he can go and that she will call him later. She needs to help Julie right now. Victor understands and tells Alice, Julie, and Maggie to call him if they need anything. Maggie and Alice smile. Victor leaves as Maggie holds Julie in her arms as Alice gently strokes Julie's shoulder, both woman telling her that it's going to be ok. -At the courthouse, Frankie tells Kim he will run her home as Bo and Hope tell the group they are going to go help in the search for Roman. Caroline wants to help but Bo thinks she is more needed at the hospital with Marlena, Carrie, and Belle. He promises to keep her posted. Kayla and Steve want to help too but Kayla then realizes she has a shift at the hospital. Steve says he can go look and tells Kayla that the people at the hospital are counting on her. She can't let them down. Bo thinks that it would be great if Steve helped and tells Steve to check out a few bars and local hangouts and to just keep in touch. Steve promises to do what he can. Meanwhile, Forrest detects some tension and says that Abby and her loved ones don't need this right now. Abby tells Forrest to forget about Max and to just take her home. Forrest reluctantly agrees but warns Max to back off or he will have to deal with him. Max tells Forrest he is not Abby's keeper. Forrest begins to wheel Abby and coldly look at him as he wheels her away. Abby tells Max to just listen to Forrest because that is what she wants. Forrest wheels Abby out of the courthouse as Max worries that Abby may already have been dragged too far into Forrest's web. Outside, Forrest loads Abby into his rent-a-car and closes the door, putting her wheelchair in the trunk. As he walks around the car, he whispers: Forrest: Max Brady is clearly a threat and I will not let him stand in the way of what I must do...no matter what I have to do. The scene then freezes on Forrest's face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... MAGGIE AND ALICE COMFORT JULIE...VICTOR LEARNS THE TRUTH ABOUT HIM AND PRINCESS GINA...PHILIP CONSIDERS LEAVING SALEM...WILL WORRIES ABOUT LUCAS!!
-At the Horton House, Doug tells Julie to go ahead and begin. Doug: Come on. Go on and give me your sob story again about how you did this for the good of your family and how you know what you did is wrong but you did it for the right reasons. Damn...it's remarkable. This is the way you used to be. Alice used to tell me how you were as a teen. Doing all these things and finding ways to justify them...what the hell happened to you? Julie: Doug...I lied to you. I broke the law. Look...I know what I did. Maggie and I both do. We were lucky to get away with it legally but we both realize we need to make amends. We appreciate you helping to... Doug: Get you off the hook? I did it for Alice and for the family. You two deserve what you would've gotten. Julie: Your right. I still appreciate it. Doug: All I asked of you was to stay out of it...to stay away from Victor and to not push the Maggie issue but you just couldn't do it. Instead, you lie to me and go off to find Victor to convince him to return... Julie: Maggie had fallen off the wagon again!! She was in limbo, Doug! She needed closure, one way or the other. Doug: And look what happened. You encourage Victor and he comes up with some messed up plan to push Maggie away by pretending to sleep with Nicole, causing Maggie to fall apart even more. The woman got drunk, torched her own restaurant, and nearly killed me and several others. I was in a coma for weeks, Julie!! You lied about it, damnit!! You helped Maggie and Victor cover it up!! You pinned it on Marlena!! I know the woman was nuts then but still. Julie: We're both sorry. I'm sorry!! It was wrong but Maggie needed my help. Things got out of control but there was no way of knowing that things would turn up how they did. Doug: With Victor, things always turn out ugly. Julie: You know...that is the attitude that caused all this. If you had just put aside your jealousy... Doug: Whoa...jealousy? I am not jealous of Victor. If this is about your past relationship with him, your wrong. I never felt threatened by him or your relationship. Never. I think the man is bad news. He is a criminal. I don't like you or Maggie getting involved with him. Julie: You were once a con artist and I got involved with you? How quickly you forget... Doug: That isn't the same. Victor brings violence with him. He brings danger and...he has this way going on with Stefano. I shouldn't even have to explain this. I can't believe your sticking up for him! I can't stand this. I'm out of here!! Julie: I'm not doing that! Doug! Please!! We can talk. We can work this out! Please!! Don't do this! Don't walk out on me!! An enraged Doug turns and begins to walk away but then stops and turns around to see Julie's eyes welling up with tears as she begs him to stay. Doug coldly looks at her and then turns around, shaking his head in shame, and then leaves. Upon the door slamming, a picture of Doug and Julie's wedding falls off the mantle and breaks just as Julie collapses on to the floor and breaks down. She looks at the shattered picture frame and the picture and says it's really over. She has lost Doug forever. -At the courthouse, Shane enters and takes his seat next to Kimberly. Kim asks where he has been. Shane tells her that he just received an important phone call with big news. Kim asks if it's good news. Shane shakes his head and tells her to keep this quiet for now. Kim agrees. Shane tells her the ISA has suspended him pending an investigation for his involvement in the Alan situation. He will need to receive Salem sometime in the next month for London to attend a meeting and doesn't know when he will return or if he will. Kim is shocked and says he was not to blame for what happened with Alan. He was just trying to help Carrie. Shane says he needs to own up to it and will have to go. He tells Kim they will discuss the matter later as he will be leaving after the arraignment to help find Roman. A somber Kim nods. Meanwhile, Frankie prepares Chelsea for the hearing. He tells her that going with the temporary insanity route is the best. Bo hopes that works, even though he doesn't like it but they don't have a choice. Hope tells Bo that she will just have to go away for awhile for counseling if it works. Bo and Hope tell Chelsea she will be fine just as Caroline comes in, saying she is happy to have made it. Bo tells her Abe and a team of men are out looking for Roman. Caroline thanks him and takes her seat with Victor, Maggie, Alice, Kim, Shane, Max, Steve, and Kayla. Just then, Salem's new DA, Patricia Cromwell, walks in. Patricia: Well, if it's not the Brady's. Pillars of Salem society. Quite amusing, if you think about it? Bo: Nice to meet you too, Ms. Cromwell. Frankie: Careful, Bo. This woman makes Nancy Grace look like a saint. She is ferocious and she has it in for Chelsea. Patricia: You bet I do!! You don't know how upset I am that the Maggie Horton and Julie Williams case got dropped. Two members of Salem's stories Horton family potentially going to prison? That would've been a major career coo for me! I guess I will just have to settle for a Brady brat, which is big enough in it's own right. Steve: My, my. Aren't you just a ray of sunshine? Patricia: Why, thank you! That means alot coming from a Pirates of the Caribbean wannabe like yourself. The cinemas is down the road, Sparrow. Kayla: Don't talk to my husband that way! Patricia: He's your husband? My apologies, Swiss Miss. Judge Fitzpatrick then enters the room and everyone takes their places. The judge states the premise of the case and then gives way to Frankie and Patricia's opening statements. Patricia states that the people are seeking the maximum sentence of 25-30 years in prison. Judge Fitzpatrick then asks Chelsea how she pleads. Chelsea rises and says not guilty by reasons of insanity. Patricia rolls her eyes and says: Patricia: This is double homicide!! Your honor, are we supposed to believe that this young woman, who has no history of psychiatric problems, just snapped for a few hours and recovered, never looking back? Frankie: It happens all the time. Your honor, in my report, it outlines the many traumatic experiences Chelsea has been through, as well as what her family has been through. She ran down her own little brother... Patricia: AH!! She has a record, your honor. That is my second point. Granted, she got off the hook when her stepmother, Hope Brady, dropped the charges, but the facts remain. The girl has a history of getting into trouble it seems and killing her little brother takes the cake. Frankie: It was an accident that she horrible regrets. I urge you, your honor, to consider what Chelsea has been through. She was raped last May and nearly killed on an island that featured a volcano erupting. For weeks, she thought most of her family was dead but they were really on an island. Then, she gets home and is raped by two men at once. They beat her senseless the day those two men were killed. She was in a horrible state of mind. All you need is to look at the medical report. She fell apart and reverted to bad habits. Patricia: Oh..how fun!! Please, tell us what these habits were? Judge Fitzpatrick: Ms. Cromwell, tone it down or shut up! You were saying, Mr. Brady. Frankie: I'm finished, your honor. You have everything you need. All I have left to say is that we request that Chelsea be released on bail until a court date can be set. Patricia: She's flight risk, your honor. She's young and... Frankie: I assure you. She won't run. Patricia: Your honor...this is a double homicide! Judge Fitzpatrick: I'm afraid ms. Cromwell is right. Regardless of the reasons for the crime, which we will not get into at this moment, I can not release Ms. Brady on bail for a case like this. My mind simply wouldn't be at ease and it would set a bad example for future cases of this nature. Due to the severity of the crime, bail is denied and a court date will be set ASAP. Good day!! Everyone rises as the judge exits. The bailiff returns to get Chelsea. Frankie apologizes. Chelsea tells him it's ok. Patricia walks by and says: Patricia: Round one...to me!! You may as well quit now, counselor. I haven't even dipped into my bag of tricks yet. Frankie: You have a good one, Patricia. Patricia: I will. Don't know about all of you, though. Good day! Patricia leaves. Bo and Hope give Chelsea a hug and tell her she will be fine. She's strong. They also promise to update her on her mother and Jack. She thanks them. She asks them to find her grandma Kate too and tell her. Hope says she hasn't been around but they will inform her. Caroline, Kim, Shane, Alice, Maggie, and Kayla embrace her too. Steve does so as well and assures her she will be fine and he will do whatever it takes to help. Hope overhears, along with Kayla and wonders why Steve keepings acting like he is closer to Chelsea then he is. Victor tells Bo he will do the best he can to help in any way he can. Bo thanks him for that. Abby gives Chelsea a hug from her wheelchair and tells her she will be praying for her. Forrest says that he has some contacts that may be able to help and he will use whatever means available to help Chelsea. Abby is impressed with him yet again and embraces him, saying he is doing enough already. Forrest says it's nothing as a worried Max looks on. Chelsea is worried and tells Abby to be careful. Abby says she is fine and tells Chelsea to keep praying for her dad and Billie. Max then embraces Chelsea, who whispers to him it's up to him now. He is the only one who can help Abby. She warns him there is no telling what Forrest is capable of. Max assures he knows as he looks at Forrest and Abby in an embrace. Chelsea is then led off in handcuffs as everyone wishes her luck. Doug then shows up, apologizing for being late and asking what happened. Hope fills him in. Doug is horrified and embraces Hope and tells Bo he is sorry. Bo says they just have to have faith that it will all work out in the end. Doug tells Bo sometimes that doesn't happen but they do need to be optimistic. Hope asks if he is ok. Doug nods and tells his "princess" he is fine now. Maggie thinks Victor is wonderful for wanting to help out. Victor says that Chelsea is his granddaughter and he will do anything for family. Maggie tells him that that is why she loves him so much. They kiss as Doug approaches, causing his face to turn to one of rage. Shane tells Kim he has to go and to tell the rest of the family he is leaving. Kim says she will and says she thinks Bo and Hope may be along to help in the search soon. Shane nods and says they will talk about his having to leave Salem later. He asks her again to keep it quiet. Kim says she will. Shane kisses her on the cheek and leaves as a heartbroken Kim tells herself she doesn't know where will be without Shane. Meanwhile, Shane exits the courthouse as a mysterious figure watches him and follows him out of the courthouse. Back inside the courthouse, Kayla asks Steve why he is acting so strange in regards to this Chelsea thing. He is acting like she is more then a niece through marriage to him. Steve says he just wants to be there for all of them. He missed so much time and just wants to prove he will always be there for them, just in case they have forgotten. Kayla smiles and says they haven't as they kiss and she embraces him. Steve then recalls remembering, while with Orpheus on the ship, being with Hope at Maison Blanche and them getting close, kissing, and possibly even making love. He remembers what Orpheus told him regarding that and how he told him Chelsea is his daughter with Hope. Kayla says she will be right back and goes over to Caroline. While alone, Steve decides he just can't sit around and think about what he learned. He has his life back and his past, with the exception of where he was while "dead" other then a few blurred memories. Steve vows to get the answers he needs to learn if it's all true about him and Hope and about Chelsea. He decides that the only way to do that...is to go to NEW ORLEANS!! The scene then freezes on Steve's face and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... ROMANCE FOR JACK AND BILLIE...MAX GROWS MORE DESPERATE...JULIE FALLS APART...AND CAL WORRIES KATHERINE.
ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK... AN AMAZING AUGUST BEGINS... AS A FAMILY IS TORN APART BY TRAGEDY... Bo to Roman: JUST LET ME HELP, MAN!! Marlena (crying) to Roman: I''M BEGGING YOU!!! DON'T SHUT ME OUT!! AN EMOTIONAL WEEK NO FAN SHOULD MISS!! Carrie to Anna: Just leave me alone! Maggie (while watching Lucas): He may never recover. AND... Clip of Victor sitting down with Greta followed by flashbacks of Princess Gina slipping something into Victor's drink. THE TRUTH ABOUT AN INFAMOUS NIGHT REVEALED!!! Greta: That's how I was conceived. Victor: My God... PLUS!!! THIS FRIDAY!! FAMKE JANSSEN DEBUTS!!! IT'S AN AMAZING AUGUST!! SEISMIC SUMMER!!
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
WEEK OF JULY 29, 2007 EDITION AMAZING AUGUST SNEAK PREVIEW "Things may be calming down but we certainly aren't slowing down," promises EP/HW Tim Lowery. "August was a huge month for us last year and is even bigger this year. It's the perfect time to set things up for Fall while also amazing fans with big twists and reveals. There will be lots of romance for our couples. It's also an action-packed month, even if ships aren't sinking." Roman/Marlena: "Grief is supposed to bring a family together but, instead, it's tearing the Brady's apart. Roman's guilt is pulling him away from Marlena and is leaving him in a dark place. Meanwhile, Marlena puts her own recovery at risk to be there for her family and for Roman. Fans will be shocked where all this ends up by month's end." Bo/Hope/Steve/Kayla: "Steve wants to find out if what Orpheus told him is for real so he heads to New Orleans to find out. He will make a ominous discovery there. Kayla and Hope are puzzled by Steve's recent behavior and expect Hope to get dragged into this more actively by month's end. This story is being built up to be huge in the Fall. Meanwhile, Bo tries to get his life back on track and strives to be there for his family. Look for Stephanie to return too for a little bit." Max/Abby/Forrest/Chelsea: "Forrest's agenda is not clear. Is he good or bad? Why is he so fascinated with Abby? Chelsea is unable to help so Max is on his own. Stephanie will come for a visit and will be drawn into this too, along with Frankie and Greta. The Horton's will get involved but, ultimately, Max is the only one who can save Abby. However, the harder Max tries, the more distance he puts between Abby and himself. Look for Abby and Max to confront their relationship problems, as well." Victor vs Stefano: "The war has been re-ignited and now what we have is both men seeing who acts first. Stefano will do something that is a little more subtle and, once Victor learns of his actions, the feud will really explode once again. Greta tries not to get involved but will be drawn into this in a HUGE way by month's end. Meanwhile, Philip has his own problems in trying to make sure his father doesn't learn of his actions. He will try to be the perfect son to Victor. Look for Victor to be puzzled by Philip's sudden change in behavior, only intensifying his suspicions of Philip." Tony/Anna/Carrie: "We know Tony wants Anna back. We also know that Anna still loves Tony but there is alot of inner conflict there. Anna tries to reach out to her daughter but that's easier said then done. Tony will try to prove his love to Anna by assisting with Carrie and ends up messing things up even more, which could cost him Anna forever. Tony will also be dragged into a mystery as the summer comes to a close while Carrie will make a major life decision that will shock her loved ones." Lexie/Abe/Celeste/Cassie: "Celeste has another vision that really shakes her up. She begins to believe that Lexie saw her and Abe's kiss on the ship. Abe and Celeste try to find out what is going on but Lexie is putting up this wall. Lexie and Cassie begin to battle for Stefano's attention and the right to control the Dimera empire. Lexie finds herself under the guidance of Tony, making Cassie jealous and causing tension between her and her father. Tony and Stefano will butt heads while Lexie and Cassie keep trying to one up each other. Look for one of the women to commit a shocking action by month's end." Lucas/Will: "Lucas falls into a deep pit of despair without Sami. He shuts out his family and friends and begins to even ignore his responsibility to Will, who needs him now more then ever. He is in his own little world. Maggie will snap him out of it somewhat. Lucas will also begin to throw himself into his work, where he will be tossed into a very troubling situation that sets the stage for his story this Fall." Victor/Maggie/Doug/Julie: "Maggie and Victor are in love and finally together. She promises to stay out of his business dealings and they begin to work out what issues they have to deal with. There will be a big romantic culmination for these two, as well as for many of our couples. Maggie tries to get her life back on track and will make a big purchase by month's end. Maggie and Victor, along with Alice and others, try to reunite Doug and Julie, but will they be able to? Sometimes love isn't enough and that may very well be the case for Doug and Julie." Cal/Katherine: "Katherine gets a big job offer but keeps it from Cal, whose behavior is worrying her more and more. Cal will begin to take his place as head of the Toscano empire and we will have him deal with all he has learned and all that has happened. There will also be some resentment towards the Brady's, especially Roman, that will be explored. We will bring some closure to their story but it's not a closed book. They just need to be rested for awhile but other doors will be opened." Kim/Shane: "Shane is forced to leave town. Kim decides to go with him but some big things happen before they leave. Expect some wonderful scenes of reconciliation between them and their loved ones. We are not closing the book on them either. We will leave fans of them in a nice place. They will be back." Kate/Nicole: "Both women find themselves in the same boat. They both are being shunned by everyone in Salem. This is their comeuppance and it's long overdue. Kate will be forced to deal with her actions and will also be faced by her troublesome past. Meanwhile, Nicole must decide which path to choose. She is conflicted by who the real Nicole is and that will be her issue to deal with going forward. The actions of others toward her may very well define what she ultimately becomes." Jack/Billie: "They are alive and on an island. They will rely on each other for survival, which will make the bond between them even stronger. This part of their story is very romantic and will solidify them as a couple. By month's end, they will be found and then there will be a HUGE twist in the story." Orpheus: "He isn't gone. He'll be around. Like always, he is just waiting to strike." New and Returning Faces: "There will be some returns for Eric and Sami's funeral during the week of 8/6. Stephanie is one of them and she will stick around for a bit. We will also introduce several new faces this month, as we previously announced. These new faces will really shake up the canvas as we go into Fall." MORE CAST CUTS!!! 4 STARS OUT!!! The cast cuts continue at SALEM LIVES. Four more stars are out and will see their characters last air before August is over while two more are also predicted to be axed and off the canvas by summer's end. The most recent castoffs are recurring players Charles Shaughnessy (Shane) and Patsy Pease (Kimberly) and longtime vet Josh Taylor (Cal) and his onscreen wife Terri Garber (Katherine), who only signed a one year contract that expires in November. "We've made no secret of the fact that we are cutting cast," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We have had a large cast for over a year and some characters just need a rest. We are also bringing some new faces in to invigorate things. We just want to have characters on here who aren't just going to be side pieces we trot out once in awhile or just to say we use them. This is something we need to do and it's not over. We love all these actors. Terri was only signed for a year anyway and we planned on resting her and Cal upon the end of their current story. We feel this is what is best for Salem Lives right now." Setsiders continue to report that even after the next two impending dismissals, the cuts aren't over. Sources hint more will come by year's end and early in 2008. For more on the next two upcoming cast cuts and on the big returns for the funeral of Eric and Sami Brady, check out next week's Insider. FORMER GH ACTRESS JOINS SALEM LIVES SALEM LIVES has snatched up another former GH vet. In a shocking move, Kristina Wagner has come on board to play the recurring role of Salem new DA Patricia Cromwell. The actress has been taping for weeks and first airs on July 30. However, Wagner somehow managed to work undetected for weeks. "We smuggled her in," laughs EP/HW Tim Lowery. "I will admit we were looking for a veteran actress and had others in mind but Kristina fits the role well. Patricia is somewhat like Nancy Grace. She is tough as nails and very annoying but still humorous. She has a sweet look to her, which is why I like her in this because she looks innocent but she is playing a character that isn't. The role is recurring and she will be a nice person to add some comic relief and to amp things up." COMINGS AND GOINGS COMING Famke Janssen (Miranda Grey): As previously reported, the popular TV and film actress debuts in the recurring role of Shane's (Charles Shaughnessy) ISA agent friend on August 3. Marcia Clark (Judge Fitzpatrick): Salem's favorite judge is back to preside over Chelsea's (Rachel Melvin) arraignment. She begins airing on July 30. Kristina Wagner (DA Patricia Cromwell): The GH-alum debuts in the recurring role of Salem's new DA with an ax to grind on July 30. GOING Charles Shaughnessy and Patsy Pease (Shane Donovon and Kimberly Brady): The beloved veteran supercouple are out. Shaughnessy had been recurring since June 2006 while Pease had been recurring since December 2006. Look for them to last air in late August. Josh Taylor and Terri Garber (Cal Winters and Katherine Harcourt-Winters): Taylor, who returned to the show in 1997, will exit in late August, along with his onscreen wife Terri Garber. Garber had only signed on for a year and debuted in November 2006. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 7/30/07 -Doug and Julie go at it. -Steve decides to take action. -Chelsea and her loved ones get bad news. -Shane has shocking news for Kim. -Jack and Billie share a romantic evening. -Max realizes he is Abby's only hope. -Greta tells Victor about him and her mother. -Philip perplexes Victor. -Marlena risks her own recovery for Roman. -Tony takes Lexie under his wing, making Cassie see red. -Roman breaks down. -Shane gets a shock. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1 GRETA TELLS VICTOR THE WHOLE STORY ABOUT HOW HIM AND HER MOTHER CONCEIVED HER. NEXT WEEK: Salem mourns Eric and Sami. Stefano makes a subtle strike. Lexie and Cassie declare war on each other. Loved ones try to get Doug and Julie back together. Celeste has a shocking vision. Hope and Kayla continue to be puzzled by Steve's behavior. Anna strikes out again. -
-At the courthouse, Victor tells Maggie and Julie that he found Doug and begged him to help and he did. He called the DA and made sure that no attempted murder charges were brought against Maggie. Since Chez Rouge was Maggie's, she is off the hook, along with Julie. Victor adds that Maggie will have to go to AA and counseling and will also be on a year's probation but that is it. Maggie and Julie are overjoyed and embrace. Alice embraces the both of them and tells them to always have faith that things will work out. She tells Julie to have faith in her and Doug's love. Julie nods and then asks Victor where Doug is. Victor tells he was leaving the pier the last time he saw him. Julie thanks him and tells Alice to tell everyone she left. Hope is angry with her anyway so it may be better she does leave. Alice says she will and Julie leaves. The scene then shifts to Max, who is about to talk to Chelsea but sees Abby alone and realizes this is his chance to talk to her alone. He approaches Abby, telling her he needs to talk to her. Abby tells Max it's been awhile and asks what took him so long. He said hardly anything to her on the ship or the way home nor did he stop by last night to talk to her. Max says there is alot going on with his family and he can never seem to get her alone with her bodyguard by her side. Abby insists he isn't her bodyguard. He is a friend who has been wonderful to her. Forrest then returns. He sees that Abby is upset and asks if there is a problem. Max realizes he can't talk to Abby in front of Forrest and says there is no problem. He tells Abby they do need to talk though and says he will see her later. Abby then watches as Max walks away. Forrest asks if she is sure she is ok. Abby smiles and says she is. It's nothing she can't handle. Meanwhile, Bo asks Chelsea if she is ok. She says she is the best she is going to be. Hope embraces her, telling her she will be fine. Steve echoes that sentiment, telling her he will help in any way he can. He then gives her a hug. Hope and Kayla both are puzzled by this. Steve sees their reactions and says she's family and he knows better then anyone a hug cam be very comforting. He then hugs both Hope and Kayla and asks Bo if he wants one too. Bo smiles and says no thanks. Kayla tells Steve they better go in and take their seats. As they leave, Bo sees Hope looking at Steve in a curious way and asks Hope if she is alright. Hope says she is just worried about Chelsea. Bo asks why she is looking at Steve. Hope tells Bo she wasn't. She was simply thinking about Billie and Jack and how much they are needed. Victor then approaches Bo, telling him that since things are settled with Maggie, he will do whatever he can to help Chelsea. Bo thanks him for that. -On the island, Jack is holding on for dear life. He screams desperately for help, thinking his luck has run out. Just then, he hears what sounds like someone running nearby. A hand then appears and Jack is shocked to look up and see...BILLIE!!! Billie tells Jack to take her hand. He does so and she tries with all her might to pull him up. After a short struggle, she manages to get him up, knocking herself to the ground in the process. Once they both recover, Jack looks at Billie, whose blouse and jeans are torn and her face and arms are both scratched up, and runs into her arms. They share an emotional reunion in which Billie moves in to kiss Jack and is shocked when he backs away. Jack then begins to ask about where she has been. Billie, still put off by Jack pulling away from kissing her, says that the last thing she remembers is them jumping ship right before it sank. Jack explains that he found her unconscious and gave her CPR. He got her back but the waves got higher and the storm worse. They were overcome by a wave and that is when they got separated. Jack adds that it got harder and harder to swim and he went under. That is all he remembers. Billie asks Jack if he is ok. Jack says he is fine but can't believe they somehow survived. Billie can't either. She tells Jack she woke up on the island and has been living off it and searching for inhabitants ever since. Jack tells her he has been doing the same until he nearly fell to his death in a pit. Billie: Just how many times is that going to happen Jack? Jack: I don't know. It's almost like some JERK is controlling me and making me look like a goofball by falling off cliffs and into pits. I have no explanation. Billie says she is hungry and says they can look for food together and build a fire. Jack agrees and tells Billie it's good to have her back. The company is much needed. Billie agrees and hopes they find someone on the island to help or, at the very least, that they can send smoke signals or something to get some help. Jack says they will just have to see what they can do and tells her to keep the faith that they will find a way off. She smiles and says she will...as long as he is with her. He smiles as they both walk off on their quest. -Back in Salem at University Hospital, Carrie is carrying Evan with her when Anna races up behind her, saying she has been calling her all night and wants to apologize for last night. She knows she came on strong but she loves her and just wants to help. Carrie asks Anna if she has been following her. Anna is hesitant to answer, leaving Carrie to assume she is right. Carrie is appalled by this and tells Anna to back off. She stopped considering her as her mother years ago and she won't accept her all of a sudden now. She tells Anna to get out of her way. She is here to see Marlena, someone who has been more of a mother to her then she ever will. Carrie walks off with Evan, leaving a heartbroken Anna behind. Caroline walks up to Anna, having witnessed the scene while getting coffee, and tells Anna she is going about this all wrong. Caroline warns her she has been absent for so many years of Carrie's life and really doesn't have any excuses for it. Anna understands. Caroline is glad but tells Anna that she just can't pop in now and expect to act as a mother, especially with all Carrie has lost and what she is dealing with. She also reminds Anna of how she never once acknowledged Carrie's existence on the cruise ship or way home. She only hung around with Tony. Anna realizes she has made mistakes and wants to rectify them. She also adds that she has been afraid to talk to Carrie because of her being MIA in her life and it appears she is right. Caroline tells her to take it slow and to back off a bit right now. Carrie needs time to heal and pushing hard right now will not help her or Anna. Anna agrees and thanks Caroline for the advice. Caroline smiles and tells Anna to be patient and, hopefully, the results she wants will come. Caroline walks off as Anna hopes that Caroline is right. Meanwhile, Belle is with Marlena in her room. Marlena is terribly worried about Roman and says the whole family is hurting right now. They all should be together and not apart. Belle tells Marlena that she is sure daddy is fine. Marlena tells Belle it's hard to be positive these days and she has a feeling Roman is in a bad way. Carrie then shows up with Evan. Belle and Marlena both embrace her and ask how she is holding up. Carrie's eyes well up with tears as she says it's hard but she has to go on because of her son and her family. She adds that she is having Austin cremated privately tomorrow, per his wishes. She then says she will keep the ashes to remember him. Marlena tells Carrie that Belle and Caroline are handling the arrangements for Eric and now Sami. She wants to help since it's for her children but with Roman missing right now and Barbara being on her case in regards to her treatment, her mind is elsewhere. She just can't believe they are gone. Marlena begins to break down as both Belle and Carrie comfort her. Caroline then arrives. Marlena asks if there has been any luck finding Roman. Caroline says she has called all over, including Roman's cell, and can't seem to find him. Marlena thinks she should call Bo or Abe and have them send some men out. There is no telling what Roman may do in the state he is in. Caroline agrees. Back at the courthouse, Bo's cell rings. He answers it. It's Marlena. She tells Bo that Caroline has tried all over and Roman is nowhere to be found since he left the hospital last night. She knows he is at Chelsea's arraignment but asks if he or Abe can have some men go out to find him. She is really worried. Bo says he will have it taken care of and admits he is worried too. Marlena thanks him and just prays he is ok. Bo says he will make sure she is contacted if anything happens. Marlena thanks him and then hangs up. Bo motions to Abe and asks him if he can send some men out for Roman. He is MIA and the family is worried about him. Abe says he will do that and will go out and look himself since he has no reason to stay really. Bo thanks him as Abe leaves. Marlena tells Belle, Carrie, and Caroline that it's being handled. She just prays nothing bad has happened. She can't take much more. Caroline says she is sure Roman is fine but they all just need to pray, just in case. Marlena, Belle, and Carrie agree. Marlena wonders if it's worth a shot to try calling Roman. Caroline says she has tried but calling Roman from a hospital phone may make him pick up if he isn't answering, given he doesn't know the number. Marlena decides to try and calls Roman's cell. The scene then shifts to a bar, where Roman is downing beer after beer. The bartender says he has been there for hours and says he is cutting him off. Roman's cell, which is laying on the bar rings. Roman doesn't pick it up. The bartender asks him what he is running from. Roman doesn't answer. The bartender answers the phone and puts it in Roman's ear, telling him to answer it. Roman hears Marlena saying "Hello" and asking if anyone is there. Marlena hears Roman breathing and begs for an answer. Roman is silent at first but then finally answers, telling Marlena he can't talk now...to her or anyone else. He then hangs up, stunning Marlena. Marlena tells Caroline, Belle, and Carrie what happened and says she is worried now then before. At the bar, Roman pays for his drinks, gets up, and walks out as the bartender says: Bartender: That man is a broken man. One that may never be whole again. -At the Horton house, Julie walks in and sees Doug in front of the fireplace. He hears her come in. Julie says she is shocked that he is home and adds that Victor said he found him so she looked all over and something told her to check at home. Doug is silent. Julie tells Doug they have to talk. Doug turns and says that's fine. He is looking to get this over with anyway. Doug tells her to go ahead and start. -Back at the courthouse, Max manages to get a moment with Chelsea and asks her if she knows anymore about Forrest. Chelsea tells Max she only knows what she told him. He is Forrest Alamain and he wants his identity kept a secret. One night he had nightmares and he seemed to want to stop someone or something and seemed very determined to go after someone or something. Frankie then emerges and tells Chelsea it's time. Max wishes her luck. Chelsea thanks him and wishes him luck with Abby. She tells him she thinks he is the only one who can help her. Chelsea goes into the courtroom with Frankie as Max watches Forrest wheel Abby into the courtroom, hoping he can find a way to help Abby before it's too late. Meanwhile, Shane is about to wheel Kim into the courthouse when his cell rings. Shane asks Hope if she would wheel Kim in. Hope says she will. Shane is now alone and answers his phone. He is shocked by who it is and tells the person he understands. He then hangs up. Bo is about to enter the courtroom and sees Shane's face. He asks if he is ok. Shane says he is but he just got some big news. Bo asks if it's good. Shane tells Bo he would rather not talk about now. Bo says that's fine and tells him the arraignment is about to begin. They both enter the courtroom as Maggie comes back from the ladies room. Victor is waiting for her and tells her the arraignment is about to begin. Maggie says she knows and hopes things work out like they did for her. Victor does too and says he will do what he can to help. Both Victor and Maggie fail to notice that someone is watching them from outside the courthouse. It's Orpheus, who smiles and says: Orpheus: Their all back to worrying about such trifle matters but they have seen nothing yet. I'm going to rock all of their worlds. Orpheus laughs sadistically as the scene freezes on his face and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WHAT IS SHANE'S BIG NEWS? WHAT WILL HAPPEN WITH CHELSEA? IS ABBY REALLY IN DANGER FROM FORREST? COME BACK MONDAY TO FIND OUT!!
This makes me sad. I always caught up on weekends with it and I know you had good ideas and you were just getting going. Oh well. You have to do what is best for you. I hope you still read the other blogs and continue to offer input. You are a great writer with great ideas so you commenting always helps. Your blog and writing will be missed. I hope someday you follow through with this in some capacity.
-At the Salem Inn, Katherine is getting out of the shower and finds Cal putting their breakfast tray out into the hallway. She walks up to him and kisses him, telling him last night was wonderful. Cal happily agrees and is sad that she has to go back to work at the hospital today. Katherine tells him they can have more fun later. They kiss as Katherine goes to get something in the bedroom. Cal picks up the newspaper and is shocked by what he reads. He wonders out loud how he didn't know about this. Katherine overhears him and asks what he is talking about. She takes the newspaper and is shocked to read the headline that says, "Samantha Brady Killed in Massive Explosion!" An angry Cal wonders why no one called in told him and then races out in a rage. Katherine asks him where he is going and quickly follows. -At Sami's apartment, Will walks out of the bathroom and can hear the phone ringing. Lucas is staring a picture of Sami by the fireplace. Will realizes Lucas has not left that spot since they got home last night. He then answers the phone. It's Julie, who asks Will how he and his dad are doing. Will says it's hard and they both miss mom. Julie reminds Will that they are all there for them. Will says he knows and tells Julie he doesn't think he and dad will be coming down to the courthouse. Will tells Julie that Lucas is really upset and they just need to be alone. Julie understands and tells Will to call if he needs anything. Will tells Julie he will and they both say they love each other and hang up. After hanging up, Will goes over to Lucas and asks if he can get him anything. Lucas is silent and simply shakes his head no. A worried Will looks up to the sky and asks his uncles Austin and Eric and his mother to watch over them and help them through this. -At University Hospital, Barbara walks into the room and tells Marlena her test results are in and, after a complete mental examination, she seems to be back in control of her psyche but she would like to put her through counseling and to put her in a prescription to help her relax. Marlena is silent and staring blankly ahead. Barbara asks if she heard her. Marlena snaps out of it and says she did. Barbara adds that she would like to have a session with her this afternoon. Marlena nods. Barbara takes her hand, telling Marlena she is sorry for her loss and is happy to see her more relaxed then she was last night. Marlena says she realized she needs to be strong for the rest of her children and family. She fights back tears, saying it's going to be so hard. Barbara knows she can do it and tells her to rest up and relax. She will see her later. Barbara leaves as Caroline and Belle enter. Marlena begins to cry, motioning for Belle to come over to her. Belle rushes into her arms and mother and daughter share a warm embrace as Caroline begins to cry watching the emotional scene in front of her. -On the pier, Victor is making a call on his cell to Greta. Greta answers her phone at the courthouse and asks what is going on. Victor tells her he will have to cancel their meeting this morning. Greta tells him she figured he would with Maggie and Greta's arraignment going on. Victor asks if it would be ok if they met after the proceedings were through. Greta says that would be fine. Victor tells her he looks forward to it and will call her with the details. He hangs up. As Greta hangs up, Frankie arrives and asks why she was talking to Victor. Greta says he just needed help with something. Frankie admits he feels something has been going on with the two of them lately and asks if something is wrong. He then quickly apologizes, saying it's not his business. Greta tell him it's fine. There is nothing going on. Max then arrives and interrupts them, saying he needs to talk to his brother. Greta says it's no problem and walks off. Frankie asks Max what is up. Max tells Frankie he really needs to speak with Chelsea about something important. Frankie tells him he will do what he can once she gets there. She is coming over with Abe, Bo, and Hope in a squad car. Max thanks him. He then turns to see Abby arrive with Forrest. Frankie asks Max why that man is always with Abby, saying it's beginning to worry him and he feels obligated to watch over her with Jen and Jack gone. Max tells him he isn't sure but he doesn't like them spending this much time together either. Meanwhile, Abby thanks Forrest for bringing her. She tells him her family went ahead as she changed her mind about going at the last minute. Forrest tells her it was no problem. Julie helps Alice over to Abby, who is shocked to see her. Abby tells them she changed her mind. Alice asks if she will be sitting with them. Abby nods, asking if Forrest can join them. Alice says he may. Forrest thanks them but says he doesn't have to stay. Abby asks him too, saying he will be a comfort to her. Forrest gives in and says he will stay and will do whatever he can to help. Abby embraces him as a worried Julie and Alice look on. -At the police station, Bo and Hope are with Chelsea, promising her that it will be alright. Bo embraces her, followed by Hope. Chelsea thanks them both. Abe walks in, telling them the squad car is ready to take them. Bo asks if Chelsea is ready. She says she is as ready as she will ever be. They all leave. -Back on the pier, Victor gets off the phone with Nico and looks around, making sure he listened to the directions Nico gave him properly. He looks ahead and sees Doug looking at the water in front of him. Victor calls out to him. Doug turns and rolls his eyes, asking what he is doing there. Victor: I need your help. I know you are upset... Doug: Oh, look. Underworld crime lord Victor Kiriakis playing hero again. You make me sick! Victor: I know you don't like me and I know you are upset with Maggie and Julie. I urge you to look past all that and to think about the big picture. Doug: Don't tell me what to do. I am sick of you sticking your nose in this family's business. Just get away from me! Leave me alone! Leave us all alone!! Victor: Doug...I can't do that. You are the only way to make sure Maggie and possibly even Julie doesn't go to jail. Please...think about everything that is involved here. Alice and Abby need Maggie and Julie around in that house. Abby is paralyzed and Alice needs help getting around. The Horton legacy...Tom...think about the Horton Foundation. It can't deal with bad PR right now,nor can the Horton family. Think about Lucas and Will. They need Maggie and Julie. Doug: What's wrong with Lucas and Will? Victor: Obviously, you didn't hear. Sami Brady was killed in an explosion last night by Orpheus. Doug: My God! Has the world gone mad? Victor: Doug...please!! Call the DA. Chez Rouge was Maggie's place so arson is not the issue but attempted murder is. Tell the DA you want no charges brought against Maggie or Julie. Ask for probation, counseling, AA, or whatever! The family name carries alot of weight. You can make a difference! Please...your the only hope! Doug turns away and is silent. Victor begs him, telling Doug he knows what is the right thing to do no matter what he is feeling for him, Maggie, and Julie right now. Doug turns around and tells Victor to just stay away from him and leave him alone. He then walks off. Victor prepares to follow but stops, wondering what he is going to do now. -Back at the hospital, Belle asks Marlena how she is doing. Marlena says she is better. She has to be. They all need each other right now. Marlena asks Caroline if she has seen Roman since last night. Caroline shakes her head, saying she hasn't heard from him. Marlena begins to worry. Both Caroline and Belle assure he is fine. He is a smart guy and won't be stupid, even in his current state. Caroline says he is probably in a bar somewhere. Marlena tells Caroline that is what she is afraid of. Caroline tells Marlena she will make some calls and see if she can find him. Caroline leaves as Marlena tells Belle to give her a hug as holding her makes everything feel so much better. Belle lovingly embraces her. Meanwhile, Caroline walks to the nurses station and is stopped by an angry Cal, who shoved the newspaper in Caroline's face and asks why he wasn't told about Sami. Katherine races up, asking what Cal is doing. Cal tells her to stay out of it. Caroline apologizes to Cal, saying it's been a very traumatizing time and it slipped everyone's mind. Cal finds it hard to believe it slipped everyone's mind as that is alot of people. Caroline and Katherine are both stunned by his harshness and asks what is wrong. Cal admits that he is just upset about Sami and he just feels left out lately, thinking it's because he isn't Roman anymore. He just wants to be told things and to be invited to the hospital with the family when there is trouble. Chelsea is in jail and he would like to help and he just wants to be involved. Caroline smiles and embraces him, apologizing for what happened. She tells him he will always be a Brady no matter what and she will do better to make him feel that way. She will also make sure the rest of the family stays on top of that too. Cal thanks her and apologizes. Caroline tells him it's been upsetting lately for all. She says she must get going to make some calls but asks him to stay around and visit Marlena. She would like that. Cal nods. Caroline embraces both him and Katherine and leaves. Cal's smiling face then turns serious as he turns and begins to walk away. Katherine says she thought he was going to see Marlena as he has been wanting to. Cal tells her he doesn't want to right now and walks off. Katherine is both worried and stunned by his behavior and wonders what is going on. -At the courthouse, Steve and Kayla are now with Frankie and Max. Shane comes in wheeling Kim just as Bo, Hope, and Abe arrive with Chelsea. Maggie is soon brought in as well while the media hounds the group. Bo tries to keep the media away and orders several officers to restrain the media. Julie and Alice tell Maggie to have faith. Maggie says she is trying. Just then, Victor arrives, telling Maggie she doesn't have to try anymore or worry. He smiles as he announces her nightmare is over in front of everyone that has assembled outside the courtroom. Max tries to make his way over to Chelsea but can't manage to. He then looks over to see Forrest wheeling Abby into the courtroom. Abby tells Forrest she wishes her father and Billie were here. Chelsea and her really need them right now. Forrest promises her he will do what he can to find them. Abby thanks him as he embraces her. The scene then shifts to... An island, where we see what appears to be a man's footsteps. The camera pans up to reveal the man to be Jack. His pants are torn off from the ankle down and his shirt is shredded. His face is scratched up and bruises and he is looking for food when he takes another step forward and falls into a pit covered by shrubs. Jack hangs on for dear life, looking down into what appears to be a bottomless pit. He screams out for help as the scene freezes on his face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... IF JACK IS ALIVE...WHERE IS BILLIE? HAS VICTOR SAVED MAGGIE AND JULE? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO CHELSEA? FIND OUT TOMORROW!!
-At the Salem police station, Victor and Maggie are left alone by a guard. The guard tells Victor he has 5 minutes. Victor nods. Maggie comments on how her being booked took forever. She is now in a holding cell and is worried about her fate. Victor promises her that he will get her out of this. He already has an idea. He just needs to find Doug ASAP. Maggie asks what he is up to and begs Victor not to get into trouble. Victor smiles and says he has everything under control. He kisses her on the cheek and promises her it will all be ok very soon. She will be free and then they can make some wonderful memories to help forget about all the bad ones from the last year. Maggie smiles, thanking him for everything and hoping he is right. Meanwhile, Julie rejoins Alice outside Abe's office. She tells her she just talked to Abby and there is no sign of Doug. He should be home by now and they know he isn't with them at the station. Alice urges her not to worry but Julie can't help but worry, given the way she and Doug left things. Bo, Hope, Abe, and Shane arrive. Kim wheels over. Steve and Kayla also join the group. Alice asks if the news is true about Sami. Bo nods and says it is. Julie asks about Lucas and Will. Hope says they are in bad shape and will need all of their support. Alice says they will give it to them. Kayla asks if the rest of the family knows. Hope nods and says that Roman just told Marlena. Everyone is devastated. Kayla is horrified and is comforted by Steve. Bo asks if Chelsea has been booked yet. Kim says that she just asked a guard and she is on her way to a holding cell. Bo goes to see her and to find Frankie. Hope goes with him. Steve also moves to follow Bo and Hope when Kayla asks where he is going. Steve says he is going with Bo and Hope. Hope turns around and reminds Steve they are going to see Chelsea and he has no reason to. Steve realizes he has slipped up and says he is simply concerned about Chelsea. She is a Brady and he is married to one so he wants to see if he can help somehow. Kayla and Hope thank him for that but tell him there is nothing he can do right now. Steve tells them both to let them know if there is anything he can do. Kayla embraces him, saying she is so lucky to have such a caring man as her husband. Hope notices an expression of relief on Steve's face and is puzzled about what she just saw and heard. She then walks off to join Bo. -In the hall nearby, Max is waiting around for Frankie to see if he can get in to see Chelsea. He needs to speak to her about Forrest and she what else she knows. He is worried about Abby based on what Chelsea told him. Meanwhile, at the Horton house, Forrest brings some tea out to Abby. He makes note of the rest of her family being out late. Abby says they have alot to deal with and they may be with Lucas because of Sami's death. Forrest thinks what happened to her was horrible, especially so soon after Eric and Austin's deaths. Abby agrees. She tells Forrest they have all been through alot and he has helped her so much in the last few months. Forest takes her hand and says that she has helped him immensely as well and he promises to help aid in her recovery. Abby smiles. -At the University Hospital chapel, Anna begs Carrie not to push her away. She is her mother. An emotional Carrie holds Evan and pats him on the back to comfort him as she gets up. Carrie: Oh, NOW you want to be my mother. Where have you been for over 20 years? You didn't say a damn word to me on the ship or when we first got back. What took you so long? Too busy with Tony? I just lost my husband and my brother and sister and you want to come in here and play mommy dearest after missing every single event in my life over the last 20 years? Weddings, health problems, divorces...do you know how many times I needed you? Do you know how many times I tried looking for you? When I did track you down, your secretary or whoever I talked to would say you were busy or couldn't break away from a client. Do you know how that made me feel? Anna: I'm not excusing my behavior. You are going through hell and I just want to be there for you. Carrie: Why now? Because you were kidnapped and just happened to end up back in Salem so now you want to strike up a relationship with me? Ah...I get it. You must have some mother/daughter line of clothes coming out and you need me to promote it. That would be so you, wouldn't it? Only doing what is right for you. Anna: Carrie... Carrie: You know...I guess I am like you. I mean, I gave up Evan for what I thought were the right reasons but I guess I also did it because it was the easy way out. I've cheated on Austin in the past and I did that because being with Mike felt right. He was there for me and I needed him...God, I am like you. Doing what is right by me but twisting it to make me sound selfless. Anna: Carrie, your nothing like me. Your... Carrie: You know what? GET OUT!! GET OUT BEFORE I CALL SECURITY!! Anna: Carrie, please!! Don't shut me out!! Carrie: I already did. A long time ago. I gave up on you ever being a mother to me years ago. It's just too bad I wasted so many years making excuses for you and thinking you would come back someday soon. It's too late now. GET OUT!! Anna puts her head down in shame and leaves. Outside the chapel, Anna breaks down in tears, saying she is sorry repeatedly. In the chapel, Carrie sits back down with Evan and falls apart. As tears stream down her face and Evan begins to cry, she promises him it's all going to be alright. -Back at the police station, Victor is walking down the hallway when he encounters Nico. Victor asks if there is any word on Orpheus. Nico shakes his head, saying he has been MIA since the explosion. Victor shakes his head and says that Orpheus must be stopped. He has claimed too many lives already. Victor tells Nico to have all the men they can afford out looking for him and also for Doug Williams. He tells Nico he is going out to aid in the search for Doug too. He is the key to getting Maggie off the hook. Julie joins them, saying she couldn't help overhearing. She thanks Victor for going out to find Doug. Abby said he isn't at the Horton House and he isn't with them at the station. Victor tells Julie he and his men will find him and then, hopefully, she and Maggie will be off the hook for what happened. Julie asks what he has in mind. Victor says he will explain later but time is precious. Victor takes off with Nico as Julie yells good luck to them. Meanwhile, Bo and Hope visit Chelsea in her holding cell. Hope reminds one of the guards that Chelsea's left arm is still lacking in mobility and urges him to remember that. The guard says he will and will tell the other guards. Chelsea comments on how booking took forever and asks if there is news on her mother or Jack. Bo says there isn't and asks if she heard about Sami. Chelsea says she heard the news from an officer. It's horrible. Bo says Orpheus needs to be stopped for screwing with all their lives. He also promises Chelsea they will do everything they can to get her out. Frankie is working on things right now. Chelsea thanks Bo and tells him to thank everyone else. Hope then takes Chelsea's hand and promises her it's all going to be alright. Hope and Chelsea share a knowing look, one that is comforting to Chelsea. Both women smile at each other. Bo tells Chelsea she is not allowed visitors right now but they have to go. Her and Maggie's arraignment is tomorrow so they will be back first thing. Chelsea says ok as Bo gives her a kiss, followed by Hope. They both leave as Chelsea looks around her jail cell, praying that she gets out of this somehow. -Outside Abe's officer, Max is still waiting for Frankie. Frankie then appears and Max asks how Chelsea is doing. Frankie says her and Maggie's arraignment is tomorrow and he is doing the best he can. Max asks if she can have visitors as he really needs to talk to her. Frankie says she can't so he will have to talk to her tomorrow at the courthouse. Max admits this is an emergency and may not be able to wait. Frankie asks what is going on. Max thinks about telling Frankie the truth but recalls Chelsea saying Abby could be in danger and tells Frankie that he has it taken care of. He just needs to talk to Chelsea ASAP. Frankie reminds him he can come to him with anything. Max says he knows. Frankie tells Max he has to handle some things and wishes him a good night. Max and him embrace as he leaves and Max wishes him the same. Max worries about Forrest being with Abby right now and admits that the more time she spends with him, the greater the chance of her never getting out of whatever web he is cooking up. Max decides that he needs to talk to Abby alone ASAP. Meanwhile, at the Horton house, Abby tells Forrest she appreciates his help but doubts he knows anyone that can help her recover. She has seen many specialists and there has been so much research done on her case. Forrest urges her to just let him try. Abby smiles and thanks him for everything. Forrest says it's nothing and thanks her for being there for him. Abby tells him he can get going as her family should be home soon. She would like some time alone anyway so she can pray for her father. Forrest promises to help in the search. Abby tells him he has done enough but Forrest insists. Abby asks Forrest where he is staying. He tells her he booked a room at the Salem Inn and he will call her with the number in the morning. He kisses her on the cheek and tells her good night. She tells him to have a good night too. He asks her again if she is sure he wants him to go as he will stay. Abby smiles and nods. Forrest leaves as Abby looks at a picture of her father and mother, asking her mother to look over all of them and to bring her father home safe. Meanwhile, Forrest watches Abby from outside the window and smiles as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WILL VICTOR FIND DOUG? WHAT IS GOING ON WITH CAL? ALSO, DON'T MISS A BIG SURPRISE!!!
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
-At the Penthouse Grille, Tony and Anna have just finished their dinner. Tony makes note of how quiet Anna has been since they arrived and asks what is wrong. Anna admits that she is still having a hard time thinking of a way to help Carrie. She has suffered so much and she needs her mother right now but she hasn't been there for her in so long. Anna tells Tony she is afraid that Carrie won't accept comfort or help from her. Tony takes Anna's hand gently and reminds her to just act like a mother while also acting like herself. She should never be someone she's not as Carrie wouldn't want that either. As long as she is loving and shows that she cares, there will be no problem. He is sure of it. Anna smiles and thanks Tony for his words of advice yet again. Some tango-type music begins to play and Tony asks Anna to dance, suggesting that it may help take her mind off her problems. Anna's face turns to one of disgust as she reminds Tony about what she told him on the cruise ship and his promise to not push her into a relationship with him. Tony says he simply was asking her to dance. Anna tells Tony she knows what he is trying to do. She is vulnerable and he knows it. He is taken advantage of her emotional state and thinks that the cruise ship and their near-death experience will help bring her back into his desperately waiting arms. Tony takes offense to Anna's accusation. Anna says she could care less what he thinks and tosses her wine in his face, gets up, and walks out. Tony gives chase but loses sight of her, wondering when Anna is going to stop lying to him...and herself. -At the explosion site, a devastated Lucas has no idea what to say to Will as Bo, Hope, Kate, Nicole, Shane, Abe, and Belle look on. Lucas tells Will he shouldn't be here. Belle apologizes, saying that they saw the news report and wanted to know what was going on. Will wanted to come and she tried to convince him to stay behind but he wouldn't give in. Hope tells Belle it's fine and tells Lucas that Will and him really should talk alone. Hope advises him to be strong for his son. Lucas nods. The others leave them be as Lucas walks up to a confused and terrified Will, who refuses to believe that his mother is gone. Lucas puts his arm around Lucas and sits him down on a street corner. Lucas: Look...I know it's hard to... Will: No! She's not gone. I don't care what you or anyone else saw. Lucas: Will, I saw her in the building. There was no way she got out. She told me she loved me and then the whole place went up. There was no time for an escape or for anything else. She's...(fighting back tears) gone. Your mother is...(turns away, wiping a tear from his eye) Will: No!! I need her!! I can't...I can't.... Lucas (takes Will in hi arms and embraces him): I know, Will. I know. Hope sees the heartbreaking scene between Will and Lucas and tells Bo that this is really horrible. Bo agrees. Abe and Shane come over, saying it's time to get the media and everyone else away from the scene. Bo nods in agreement. Hope tells Lucas that they need to clear the scene and it may be best for him and Will to go. Belle offers to drive them given the state they are in. Lucas thanks her and tells Will to come on. He then catches sight of Kate and Nicole standing nearby and asks what the hell they are doing there. Kate explains that they saw the news report. Lucas asks if they wanted to see for themselves so they can celebrate. Kate denies that but Lucas reminds her of her more then decade long hatred of Sami. A drunk Nicole admits she came down to celebrate and asks if there is a liquor store around. An appalled Hope interjects and orders both women to leave. All they are doing is upsetting everyone even further. Kate apologizes and tells Lucas that she may not have liked Sami but she knows he is hurting and she just wants to be there for him and Will. Lucas gets up in her face and tells her to just stay the hell out of his life. Will and him don't need her and don''t ever want to see her face again. Lucas and Will leave as a heartbroken Kate looks on. Nicole then whispers in Kate's ear that she won't be getting any mother's day cards this year. Kate gives her a cold look as Nicole then smiles before walking off. Kate wipes tears from her eyes and then walks off as Hope tells Bo that Kate has alot of nerve. Bo shakes his head, saying that women will never change. -At University Hospital, Caroline tracks Carrie down to the chapel and tells her she has been looking for her. Carrie is in tears, holding Evan close. She tells Caroline she just wants to be alone and thanks her for her concern. Caroline nods and tells Carrie that she and the rest of the family are there for her and to call or come find her if she needs anything. Carrie smiles and thanks her grandmother. Caroline kisses Carrie on the cheek and leaves. She then thinks about Sami and breaks down in tears outside the hospital chapel as Carrie continues to fall apart inside the chapel. Meanwhile, Marlena begs Roman to tell her what is going on. Roman gets up and walks away. Marlena orders him not to go. If something is wrong, she has a right to know. She can tell he is upset and asks if it's someone in the family or the children. She asks if this has something to do with Eric. Roman, with his back still turned, doesn't answer. Marlena demands him to say something. Roman turns around, realizing he has no choice, and sits back down next to Marlena. He takes her hand and tells her this is the hardest thing he has ever had to do and he didn't think he would be doing it so soon after doing it only days earlier. Marlena is confused, asking what he is talking about. Roman tells her he has bad news. Marlena is horrified, saying the family can't deal with more bad news. Roman tells Marlena she needs to be strong. They both do. Marlena begins to panic and, recalling Roman's comment a moment earlier about having to do something again, asks what he is getting at. Roman: Marlena...there was an accident. Marlena: Oh...oh...that's what you meant by doing this again. One of our children is hurt. Belle or Sami? Or is it Carrie? Brady...oops...I meant Jonathan? Who? Roman: Marlena... Marlena: Is it bad? Oh, please...it can't be bad. God wouldn't do that to us. Not so soon after... Roman (fighting back tears): That is what is making this hard. Eric...Marlena...please just let me get this out. Marlena: Go ahead. Please, tell me. Roman: Sami saw Orpheus and went after him. Lucas and I...along with Bo, Hope, Shane...we went after them. I called in some help but Orpheus managed to get a hold of her. Marlena: So, he kidnapped her? My God! Roman: No! Let me finish. Orpheus took her to the Chancellor building. You know, the glass building down... Marlena: Yes, I know of it. Did she fall? Did she get cut by glass? Did... Roman: Marlena, please!! Let me do this! We arrived there and saw her in the building. Orpheus then played his traditional mind games and...and...(eyes welling up with tears) Marlena: WHAT?! TELL ME!! Roman: She told Lucas she loved him...and...the place went up. Marlena: What do you mean...it went up? Roman: Orpheus detonated a bomb and the building blew up with Sami in it... Marlena: NO!! NO!! There must be some...she had to get out...she must have... Roman: Mar...we checked. There is no way. There wasn't enough time. We saw her in there. She's gone. Our little is...gone. (beginning to cry) Marlena: No!! I don't... Roman (grabbing Marlena and looking into her eyes): Look at me!! Look at me!! She's gone. Our...beautiful Samantha...she's gone. Marlena begins to tear up and then breaks down in tears, hysterically beating on Roman's chest in disbelief. Marlena (crying): NO!!! NOT AFTER ERIC!! NOT BOTH OF THEM!! NO!!! Barbara then walks in, asking what is going on and noting she heard screaming. Roman tells her she had to tell Marlena. Barbara says she heard what happened and apologizes for their loss but tells Roman he did wrong. Marlena is emotionally exhausted and needed rest and no stress. This may set her recovery back. Roman insists she had to know. Both Roman and Barbara try to calm Marlena, who is still hysterical. Barbara gives her a sedative and Marlena gradually calms down, whispering Sami's name before slowly closing her eyes. Barbara ushers Roman outside the room and tells him Marlena will be out for the rest of the night and she will examine her in the morning. She lectures Roman again about telling Marlena the bad news and urges him to listen to her next time or Marlena may never completely recover. Roman understands. He just thinks this was for the best as he didn't want her to learn the truth on her own. Barbara understands and apologizes to him again for his loss. She tells him she will see him in the morning and leaves. Roman then looks into Marlena's room and then walks off in anger and disgust. -At a bar on the west side of Salem, Nicole hears another news report on Sami and raises her glass, saying may she burn in hell. Nicole then looks at a picture of Eric and raises her glass, toasting to him and their relationship and to all the good times. She then wipes the tears from her eyes and asks for another martini. Meanwhile, Kate has returned to her suite at the Salem Inn and is looking at a picture of herself with Billie, Philip, Lucas, and Austin. She lovingly caresses it before breaking down in tears on the couch. -Lucas and Will return to Sami's apartment and look around, expecting Sami to pop out from her room or the kitchen to ask where they have been. Both men silently walk further into the apartment. Lucas looks at a picture of him and Sami on the mantle and, as his eyes well with tears, Will walks up behind him and tells his father they will get through this together and promises to be there for him. Lucas turns around and embraces his son, telling him he is right. They both need each other...more then ever. Will then begins to cry, telling Lucas he misses mom already. Lucas, as tears stream down his face, tells Will he does too and probably won't ever stop. -Back at University Hospital, Anna arrives outside the hospital chapel and bumps into Caroline. She explains that a nurse saw her there and asks if she has seen Carrie. Caroline tells her she is insider but she wants to be alone. Anna insists she wants to be there for her daughter, saying she could use her mother right now. Caroline's not sure it's a good time for Anna to try to reconnect with her daughter after all these years. Anna smiles and says it may turn out to be the best time as this is a situation where a daughter will need her mother's love more then ever. Caroline says she can't stop her and wishes her luck. Anna thanks her. Anna enters the chapel and silently walks up behind Carrie. She taps her on the shoulder. Carrie is rocking Evan and turns around to see Anna. Anna looks at Carrie's tear soaked face and tells her she is there to help her through this difficult time. Carrie wipes the tears from her eyes and turns back around, telling her to go away and to stop pretending like she cares. Anna insists she does care. Carrie once again orders Anna to get out or she will have security throw her out. Anna is stunned. Meanwhile, Roman is now in an alley outside the hospital. He flashes back to seeing Eric die and to seeing Sami die. He then throws a trash can in frustration and breaks down in tears. Roman: WHY?! DAMNIT!! WHY?! WHY DIDN'T YOU SPARE THEM AND TAKE ME!! I FAILED THEM!! ALL OF THEM!!! I FAILED THEM!! Roman collapses to his knees, crying out in anguish as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WILL VICTOR SAVE MAGGIE? WILL CARRIE ACCEPT ANNA IN HER LIFE? WHAT WILL MAX DO ABOUT FORREST? FIND OUT TOMORROW!! -
-At the former Chancellor building, emergency personnel and police are running amok, trying to investigate and survey the explosion site. Shane returns to Bo and Hope, telling them he can't find Roman anywhere. Bo says that considering they saw Roman toss his badge, it would seem he is disgusted with himself and the system, much like he was. Hope tells Bo that his brother and family need him now. Bo insists he knows but isn't sure if he can get past what Roman and Kim did. Shane asks where Lucas is. Hope Looks around and sees Lucas all alone and walks over to him. Bo advises Shane to get the media and the helicopters above out of the area. If anyone they love sees it, it will be very upsetting. Shane agrees and walks off. Hope sits down by Lucas and tells him to remember his family is there for him. Lucas is silent. Hope asks if he wants her to call Kate. Lucas shakes his head. Hope tells Lucas that she can call Belle to make sure Will doesn't see the news. Lucas is still silent. Hope gets up and tells Bo she fears he may be in shock. Lucas then opens up and tells Hope that Sami is gone. She really is gone. He then breaks down in tears. Hope sits back down and takes him in her arms, telling him to let it all out, as Bo watches. -At University Hospital, Will and Belle are still in the waiting room with Carrie. Will tells Belle she needs to tell Carrie about Sami and Orpheus. Belle doesn't think Carrie can handle it. A nurse then comes running in, telling Belle that her grandmother needs her. Belle races out. Carrie overhears and races out too, taking Evan in her arms. They arrive outside Marlena's room and find a distraught Caroline, who directs their attention to the news report of Sami's death. They are all stunned. Will insists it can't be true. Belle agrees and says she needs to get down there. Will wants to go too as his father will need him. Belle doesn't like the idea but Will refuses to let up so she agrees, reluctantly. Carrie wants to go to but Caroline thinks taking Evan out is a bad idea and urges Carrie to stay back. They have no idea what is going on yet. Carrie agrees, realizing it's what is best for her son. Belle and Will then leave, telling Caroline and Carrie they will update them with what is going on. Caroline prays it's a mistake or that Sami survived somehow. Their family can't take another tragedy. Carrie agrees, saying she has lost enough and can't lose her sister too. She then holds Evan close as Caroline embraces the both of them. -At the Salem Inn, Kate is at the bar, staring at a picture of Austin. She remarks at how it's all her fault. A drunk Nicole is on her way back from the ladies room and appears to be wiping tears from her eyes when she overhears Kate. Nicole agrees that it is all Kate's fault as she had the power to put a stop to what was happening. Kate reminds Nicole this whole thing started with her scheme to keep Evan. Nicole nearly falls over as reminds Kate that she didn't even know Evan was Carrie's until later on. Kate counters with the fact that Nicole still schemed and plotted to keep Evan even after knowing and helped Orpheus and Alan, both of whom were criminals. Nicole is sick of the argument and tells Kate that her interference led to all this. Kate: I realize I have made mistakes. I don't need you reminding me. Nicole: What an understatement. You have put your nose in your children's lives for years and it's well past time it came back to bite you in your ass. Philip wants nothing to do with you and Lucas and Will even changed their last name to avoid being associated with you. Austin is dead now and Billie may very well be too. Kate: You bitch!! (grabs Nicole's arms) Don't you say that! Billie could still be alive! Nicole: Not arguing the rest, huh? Tell me, Kate. You have focused so much attention on Lucas and Sami...are you other kids jealous? When will mommy dearest let her rapidly shrinking flock grow up and make their own decisions? Kate: You should've died on that ship. Not Eric and Austin. Nicole: Yeah..well, we can't all be so lucky. What's done is done. Live with it. Just remember you have alot more to live with then me. I loved Eric and cared for Austin but Austin was your child and so was Billie. That's quite a ways different then the connections I had. You helped the events along that killed your own children. Isn't that a heartwarming thought! Kate: Bitch!! Kate hauls back and slaps Nicole and a brawl ensues. The bartender tries to stop the two women, who are on the ground fighting, but fails. Just then, both women overhear the news of Sami's death during a news break and stop fighting. They pick themselves off the ground while listening to the breaking news of the explosion. They then look each other, stunned. Kate then pays for her drinks and leaves. Shortly after, an inebriated Nicole does the same. -At the police station, Celeste arrives with Theo to see Abe. Alice, Kim, Kayla, Steve, and Julie are all waiting around as Frankie is still with Maggie and Chelsea, who are still being booked and remark on how big and handsome Theo has gotten. Julie tells Celeste that Victor has gone to check in with Frankie and the DA to see what is happening. Abe is in his office when Celeste enters, saying he had to leave so fast that she thought she would bring Theo to him as he has yet to reunite with his son. Abe shares an emotional reunion with his boy and thanks Celeste. Celeste says she has been calling Alexandra but she won't answer. Abe notes that Lexie said not to call her until morning and that she wants to be alone. Celeste tells Abe she is worried about her and that they need to learn what is going on. Abe promises they will. Celeste also insists they talk about what happened on the ship. Abe reminds Celeste that he thinks the issue should be dropped. It was a mistake in the heat of the moment and nothing more. They then hear screams in agony outside and race out of his office. Abe and Celeste join the others and hear the breaking news of Sami's death. Abe yells out why no one told him about this. An officer says it just happened and everything is crazy right now. Abe says he needs to get out to the scene and tells everyone to stay there. They will be kept informed as news comes available. He leaves a room of stunned people behind. Steve comforts Kayla, who is worried about Roman. Kim is also worried about Roman and the rest of the family. Julie tells Alice she is worried about Lucas given his history with alcohol. They all saw what happened to Maggie this past year. Alice agrees and hopes that he is strong and resists. He needs to know that they are there for him. -Back at the hospital, Caroline and Carrie are outside Marlena's room, both in shock over what is happening. Carrie is now rocking Evan, who has begun to cry. Caroline remarks on how babies always seem to know when bad things are going on. Carrie nods. They are both stunned when Roman comes walking out of the elevator. Both women can see how distraught he is. Caroline begs Roman to tell her it's not true or some sort of misunderstanding. Roman shakes his head in disgust, filling them both in on how they saw Sami in the glass building and then the explosion happened. Roman tearfully admits there is no way she could've made it out. Caroline begins to tremble in shock and breaks down. She embraces Roman. Carrie turns away and breaks down in tears, holding Evan tightly. She then walks off. Roman is about to go after her but Caroline stops him, telling him to give her time. She's been through alot. Roman nods, saying he has something he has to do anyway. He asks Caroline to go to the Nurses Station and have someone call Barbara. They may need her here. Caroline is confused. Roman says he has to tell Marlena before she finds out in some other way. It's his responsibility and Barbara may be needed. Caroline thinks it's a bad idea and reminds Roman she needs to rest and doesn't need stress. Roman lashes out at Caroline and tells her to just do what he asks. He then apologizes. Caroline says it's fine. She will have Barbara called. Roman thanks her and then enters Marlena's room. He sits down by her, saying he will stay until she wakes up. He kisses her hand and is stunned when she slowly stirs. She opens her eyes, asking where she is. Roman explains she is at the hospital and reminds her of what happened with the ship and the aftermath. Marlena recalls all that and the fact she has been in and out of consciousness. She admits being tired but feels like she is really back in control. Roman is pleased and says that Barbara will examine her in the morning. Marlena nods and mentions how they have so much to deal with. She tears up as she mentions Austin's death and Eric's. Roman begins to break down but fights off the tears, telling Marlena they will work through it. He then mentions he has to tell her something. Marlena sits up a bit and can see Roman is upset and asks what's wrong. Roman is getting choked up as Marlena asks him what has happened now. Roman can't get any words out and doesn't answer as a confused and worried Marlena looks on. -Back at the explosion site, Abe has now arrived and tells Shane, Bo, and Hope that everything was burned to nothing in the explosion. Bo doesn't know how his family will deal with this. Hope comforts him. Lucas then comes over, still in shock, and asks if there is anyway Sami could've made it out. Kate then arrives with Nicole a short distance behind. They both watch what is going on in front of them. Hope puts her arm around Lucas while Bo looks him in the eye and tells him he would like to say there is hope but there isn't. They all saw it happen. They saw her in there and then the explosion. Hope reminds Lucas that Sami even told him that she loved him. Lucas tears up and can't believe this is happening...that Sami's really gone. Belle then arrives with Will, just as Lucas shouts out that Sami is really dead. Will: NO!! It can't be true!!! Not mom!! No!!! Lucas then turns and faces a horrified Will as Hope, Bo, Shane, Abe, Belle, Kate, and Nicole all look on while the scene freezes on Will's face and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... HOW WILL MARLENA REACT TO ROMAN'S NEWS? HOW WILL LUCAS AND WILL DEAL WITH SAMI'S DEATH? PLUS, TONY PUTS HIS HEART ON THE LINE AGAIN FOR ANNA!!!
ANNOUNCER: LAST WEEK... Clip of Sami saying "I love you" to Lucas before the Chancellor building explodes with her in it. THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENED... Lucas to Hope: She's gone. She's really gone. NOW...THIS WEEK...SALEM MOURNS... Marlena (crying) to Roman: No!! Not her too...NOT MY SAMI!!! Carrie: First, Eric. Then, Austin. Now...this! THE LIFE OF SAMI BRADY!! Clip of Will comforting Lucas, who is looking at a picture of Sami. Will: It's ok, dad. I'm here. A WEEK YOU CAN'T MISS!!! SEISMIC SUMMER!!!
WEEK OF JULY 22, 2007 EDITION SALEM LIVES CAST SHAKEUP CONTINUES!!! SWEENEY OUT?! Has SL's Sweeney run out of LIVES? Last week, the Insider provided a summary of the casting bloodbath that has hit SALEM LIVES in recent weeks. Setsiders reported last week that more cuts were on their way and it looks like they were not kidding. In addition to the exits of Jensen Ackles (Eric), Paul Kersey (Alan), Patrick Muldoon (Austin), Charles Cioffi (Ernesto), and Roscoe Born (James), comes word that as many as 6 more cast members could be out by the end of September. On top of that, fans were stunned after yesterday's episode where one of the popular characters on Salem Lives, Sami Brady (Alison Sweeney) was killed off in an explosion set by the diabolical Orpheus (George Delhoyo). Now, we go to EP/HW TIm Lowery for more on these cuts and the answer to the big question of the weekend...Is Sami Brady really dead? Interviewer (I): Ok...let's get right into it. It's been a stunning couple of weeks and we will talk more about the stories at a later date but, in regards to the casting, the big question is based off of what happened in yesterday's episode. Is Sami Brady really dead? Could you really get rid of Ali Sweeney? Tim Lowery (TL): Getting rid of characters can be difficult, especially one of Sami's caliber. She is a fantastic character and very dynamic. It's also difficult to lose one of our best actresses but sometimes a story just jumps off the page and me and Patrick (L. Ewing, co-EP/HW) feel that opportunity is too good to pass up. We know there will be an uproar but we want that. It builds investment in the story and Sami's death spawns story for all of her loved ones and also adds to the character of Orpheus and his aura. We were concerned about overkill, especially with the decision we already made to kill off Eric. Losing both of Marlena (Deidre Hall) and Roman's (Drake Hogestyn) children is a major risk but we just feel this is the way to go. We just hope the fans stick with us. We didn't take this decision lightly and this has been in the works for months. We feel it will provide a great reward and that the story will be riveting. We aren't afraid to take risks. We have proven that. It's all about the characters and story with us. We don't just do things to shock. It has to be right by the characters and history. If that is the case and it provides good drama, we go with it. I: So, she is dead? TL: Well, Ali is also doing "The Biggest Loser" so we knew we would have to write her out a bit so she would've been on and off even if she were still around. Whatever the case, Sami is gone. She won't be removed from the cast list yet as Sami will appear to loved ones in visions and dreams so she will still be around in spirit for awhile but she is gone. No joke. This isn't like last summer when we went back and remade Captive Island. The deaths we have had over the last month or so are real. Yes, we never did find Alan's body so that is a loose string that could come into play down the line but there won't be widespread resurrections. I: I was just about to ask if this was heading down the route of another Captive Island-like plot, given there have been so many deaths and exits? TL: I can see why one would think that after last summer but we won't do that ever again. I was the only writer at that time and I felt I needed to remake that story. I felt strongly that it needed to be done to get things to where the canvas could be mine to work with and I think that is how it came out. Another thing is the next wave of exits upcoming won't be deaths or big shocks. They will be more generic. They will certainly be emotional but we aren't going the route of a serial killer or anything like that. I: More cuts are to come. What can you tell us about that? TL: Well, what is to come is more like trimming the fat. Some of those exiting next will be people who we just feel like we won't be using much for awhile and would like to bring back. There will probably be some announcements next week on those. After that next wave, there will be some more exits down the road which will be much bigger but we are far away from that. We just feel the need to trim the cast. We have worked with a big cast for over a year and it's hard to have a well-balanced show with that many around. Plus, little things fall through the cracks. I still feel the need to apologize to my co-EP/HW for the way James' grief was handled. I dropped the ball big time on that. It's also important to note that we always planned to write out Eric, Ernesto, Alan, and James. They were always meant to be short-term and Eric stayed on far longer then we thought. Jensen just couldn't do it anymore and we were pleased to have kept him around for as long as we did. I: So, Eric would've stayed on had Jensen not had a problem? TL: I don't know. We may have just had him leave town. My idea to kill him came from the fact that he told me he couldn't do it anymore and then I just opted to kill him and my co-EP/HW agreed so we went with it. I was actually thinking of killing him during his brain tumor story in December but I wanted the holidays to be happy for the most part and stayed clear of it. I: What about Jack (Matthew Ashford) and Billie (Julie Pinson)? Where are they...or are they dead? TL: My lips are sealed (laughs). All I will say is Julie's contract is up next month so draw whatever conclusion you like... I: Are you saying SHE is gone? TL: Not saying anything. The fans just need to wait and see (laughs). I: Other then these cast cuts, can you give us some teasers of what is coming? TL: Well, not really. We are trying to cut back. All I will say is Sami's death leads to tremendous story for Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) and Will (Jeremy Sumpter), as well as the rest of Sami's loved ones. Roman is going down a path no one would expect and Marlena's attempts to put her life back together will be made more difficult by the news of Sami's death. We also have some funerals coming up, obviously, and perhaps some guests associated with those. Those will be announced next week. I: Sounds good. We will speak more in-depth about stories and such as the weeks go on. Thanks for joining us. TL: My pleasure. Have a good one! COMINGS AND GOINGS STAYING Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady): Despite the death of Sweeney's character, Sweeney will remain with the show indefinitely as Sami will appear in visions and dreams to her loved ones. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WK OF 7/23/07 -Word of Sami's death spreads through Salem. -Anna can't bring herself to comfort Carrie. -Roman pushes a devastated Marlena away as his guilt eats away at him. -Will tries to help Lucas. -Victor saves Maggie and Julie. -Doug is missing. -Steve puzzles Hope and Chelsea. -Shane gets huge news. -Max seeks Chelsea out for advice on Forrest and Abby. -Forrest impresses Abby yet again. -CaL's behavior worries Katherine. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK-MONDAY JULY 23 WORD OF SAMI'S DEATH SPREADS THROUGH SALEM. MEANWHILE, ROMAN PREPARES TO TELL MARLENA ABOUT THEIR DAUGHTER. NEXT WEEK: Carrie and Anna have it out. Alice comforts a devastated Julie. Tony gives Lexie some advice. Greta tells Victor the whole story about him and her mother. Philip considers leaving Salem. Chelsea and her loved ones get bad news. Steve realizes he must take action.
July 20, 2007: JAW-DROPPING TWIST!!!
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
We knew it would be shocking and even upsetting. Just keep on reading. The story is just heating up. We love Ali too but sometimes the story is too good to pass up. Plus, cast cuts were needed. I just don't think people expected this but it was a can't miss opportunity to set up some big stories. We promise you all won't be disappointed with what is coming -
-Kate sits alone in her suite, looking at old pictures of Austin. She sips champagne as she cries over her lost child and the huge mistakes she made. She thinks to herself that Austin still turned out to be a splendid man, despite everything she did to control his life. And now.....he’s dead and she will never have the chance to tell him how sorry she is for everything that she did.... And how proud she truly is of him. Kate sits on her bed and presses the picture of Austin against her face as she sobs uncontrollably........alone. -Meanwhile, downstairs in the bar at the Salem Inn, Nicole sits in a corner seat and goes through her third martini as she consoles herself. All she can do is mull over Eric and Austin’s last words to her. Nicole begins to think that she is the way she is and that nothing will change her. All she cares about is herself and, if anyone gets in her way.......family, friends, even the man she loved.......they do so at their own risk. Nicole then looks up at the door and sees Kate walk into the bar. Nicole stares coldly at Kate as Kate slowly turns around and spots Nicole sitting in a corner by herself. Kate slowly walks over and places a martini that she just ordered on the table. Kate then leans in and, with tears still streaming down her face, quietly tells Nicole that they are exactly where they should be and have no one to blame but themselves. Only this time..... Two of their dearest loved ones paid for their selfishness.....with their lives. Kate then slowly stands back up and walks off, leaving a sad Nicole to admit to her self.... Nicole: We sure did, I guess. We sure did. A distraught Nicole takes the martini and sips on it quietly. -At the hospital, Roman sits in Marlena’s room, holding her hand. Caroline quietly walks in and tries to convince him that he has been there since they all came home. He needs his rest just like Marlena needs hers. Roman tells Caroline that he just wants to make sure that his lady is back before he tells her the news about Eric. Roman is scared that it may make her revert back into her Samantha personality. Caroline tells him that she has him and she has her own strength to get her through. It’s what got Caroline through when she thought that Roman was dead all those years ago. Roman sees what Caroline is saying and Caroline volunteers to sit with Marlena so Roman can go home and get some sleep. Roman tells her that he doesn’t know how he can close his eyes and not see his dead son but he guesses he’ll give it a try. Caroline gives Roman a hug only a mother can and Roman looks at Marlena once more before kissing her on the forehead and walking out of her room. Caroline sits down next to an unconscious Marlena and hopes that this may be the end of all of their tragedy. Outside Marlena's room, Sami’s look of shock and horror has made Orpheus panic and he starts to run for the elevators. Sami starts to sprint after him but Orpheus reaches the elevators and jumps into a elevator as the door starts to close. He then smiles evilly and blows a kiss at Sami at the door shuts right in front of her. Sami bangs on the door, causing a small scene, as Will comes running around the corner towards her. When he reaches her, her tries to calm her down and have her tell him what’s wrong. Sami calms herself long enough to tell Will that she just saw Orpheus get on one of these elevators. Will is shocked, saying that he truly has a death wish after everything he’s done. Sami tells Will to not waste one second and for him to go find Lucas and Roman and tell them that she just saw Orpheus and that she is taking off after him. Will asks her what does she think she can do to him. Sami tells him she hopes she can get close enough to snap his neck for what he has done. Then she demands that Will take off and, after he runs down the hall, a very determined Sami turns and jumps into an open elevator as the door closes in front of her. Will rounds the corner and sees both Roman and Lucas resting on some couches in the waiting area. They both jump up and want to know what has Will all fired up. Will tells them that Sami saw Orpheus and took off after him. Lucas looks at Roman as pure hatred comes across Roman’s face. Roman pulls his gun out and then radios in for back-up as Belle walks into the waiting area and asks what’s wrong. Roman tells Will to stay with Belle as he takes off after Orpheus, with Lucas in tow. Both men sprint down the hallway as Belle and Will look on. Belle rests her head on Will’s chest as he hopes that his family will finally stop Orpheus...... Once and for all. -At the police station, Bo and Hope get word that Roman called in for backup. An officer tells them it had something to do with Orpheus. Abe tells them both to go, along with Shane, as Maggie and Chelsea are still being booked. He needs to deal with some stuff at the station and will be along when he can. Victor insists they take Nico to help. Victor tells Nico to check in with word. Bo says whatever and rushes Hope and Nico along with him. Alice, Julie, and Kim wish they luck. Kim begs Shane to be careful. He promises he will and races off after Bo. Hope, and Nico. -Will and Belle walk into another waiting area and find Carrie sitting there talking to Evan. They stand at the door as she tells Evan how sorry she is that he will never know his father. Austin was such a good man and she hopes that Evan will not hate her for being the cause of his death. Belle wipes the tears from her eyes as she and Will walk into the room and sit on either side of Carrie. Will begins to tell Carrie about Orpheus but Belle shakes her head no. She feels that Carrie is dealing with enough right now and doesn’t need the added burden. They just sit and comfort Carrie as she rocks Evan to sleep. -Sami pulls a gun from her purse as she heads down in the elevator but then she starts coughing. She clutches her throat and can’t seem to breath. She staggers over to the elevator controls and starts pushing the emergency button but the elevator continues it downward descent. Sami looks up as the floors roll by and she continues to try and activate the emergency release so she can get out of there. -When the elevator reaches the garage level, the door opens up to reveal an unconscious Sami lying on the floor as Orpheus walks into the elevator and stands over her. He looks grimly at her as he orders some of his men to take her away. Two men pick Sami up and walk over to a black van and place her inside. Orpheus looks around and then goes to take his seat inside the van. Just as he instructs his man to drive off, Roman and Lucas, who are now joined by Nico, Bo, and Hope, reach the garage area. Orpheus looks into the rear view mirror and smiles as the van takes off into the night. Roman, Shane, Bo and Lucas jump into a waiting squad car as Hope and Nico jump into one of Victor’s private cars and they all take off after Orpheus. The chase is dangerous through the city streets of Salem as the three vehicles drive at speeds of up to 90 mph. As the van turns a corner, it barely misses hitting a parked car. While it slows down a bit, this gives Hope a chance to pull out her gun, point it out the window, and fire several shots at the speeding van. Nico looks at Hope and is very impressed, to which Hope looks back at Nico and smiles. In the other car, Bo takes his wife’s lead and draws his gun as well, firing several more shots at the van. Orpheus orders his men to return fire and now there is a shootout on the dimly lit streets of Salem. The van turns off and Roman seems to have lost it for a brief moment until he spots it fly around the corner. He picks up the chase again as Hope and Nico follow closely behind. The chase finally ends up in front of the Chancellor Building. The van is sitting quietly as both cars pull up and slam on the breaks. Lucas and Shane jump out, followed by Bo and Roman. Hope and Nico jump out and run up to the group as they all look around for Orpheus. Guns drawn, the group splits up and goes around searching the outside of the building. When Lucas walks up to the almost completely glass structure, he tries the door, but it is locked. He looks inside and begins to turn around but something catches his eye. He focuses in on a person standing in the middle of the hallway. To his utter fear and shock......it is his beloved Sami, who is crying uncontrollably. Lucas tries the door and calls out to the others that he has found Sami. They all race around the building to see Sami standing completely still inside the glass building. Bo, Shane, and Roman look around and find a small bench . They both grab it and pick it up, getting ready to throw it through the window. But, just as they sling the bench backwards, a voice from over a loud speaker interrupts them, telling them that..... Orpheus: I wouldn’t do that if I were you two. I don’t think you have the insurance to pay Katherine Chancellor for any new doors, do you? The group turns and look around frantically and then Roman spots another black van sitting on the opposite side of the street. He then sees Orpheus get out of the van, slowly walk around the front of it.... And show the group a sight that makes their blood run arctic cold. Orpheus holds in his hand the detonator to an explosive device. He stands near the driver side of the van as he instructs the group...... Orpheus: Ok, ladies and gentlemen. Time to play Orpheus Says. Orpheus says........GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THE BUILDING!! The group look at each other and then silently walk slowly away from the building. Lucas walks backwards, looking at Sami and mouthing to her that she will be alright. A distraught Sami clutches her fist and shakes her head slowly. Lucas does not take is eyes off of her as the group make it back to their cars. Then, Orpheus speaks, saying.... Orpheus: Good. Good. Nice to see that you all listen. Apparently my show aboard the ship wasn’t enough. Time for you to learn another lesson. Roman: (Yelling across the street) Really? And what is that? Orpheus: To remember just how dangerous I really am. The events then happen in slow motion. Orpheus smiles evilly and looks towards the building. The group look at him and then tragically realize that Orpheus has wired the entire building to explode. Lucas turns and looks at Sami and then starts to run with all of his strength and speed towards the building. Bo sees Lucas take off and follows after him, along with Shane. Roman turns and looks at Orpheus and runs towards him, while Hope aims her gun and fires at Orpheus. The van door opens up and Orpheus jumps inside. Lucas looks inside the building to see Sami mouth three simple words to him....... I Love You. As Orpheus dodges Hope’s shot, he looks dead at Roman as Roman leaps towards the van...... And Orpheus pushes the button on the detonator. A red button on 1,000 pounds of explosives detonates as one as the glass building explodes, sending Lucas, Shane and Bo flying backwards. The force of the blast knocks Hope over the back of the car and Roman stands and watches in shock and agony as his precious daughter Samantha is killed in a powerful blast that sends glass and steel everywhere. Orpheus closes the van door and the van starts up, with Roman reacting on pure instinct. As the van pulls off, Roman grabs hold of the driver side door and jumps on the side of the van, trying to grab the steering wheel and push the van into the river. The driver pulls his gun and bashes Roman again and again until he lets go, almost falling to the street before regaining his balance and running after it. When he realizes that he can’t catch the van, he stops in the middle of the street and slowly turns, with tears flowing down his face. Roman starts walking back towards the building as Bo and Shane run over and stop Lucas from entering the burning remnants. Nico and Hope run up and try to hold back a hysterically sobbing and almost uncontrollable Lucas. Bo holds him from behind and, with tears coming down his face, tells Lucas that.... Bo: I know! I know what you’re going through! Oh God, Lucas.........I know. All Lucas can do is bury his face in Bo’s chest as he cries out........ Lucas: WHY?! WHY HER?! HE DIDN’T HAVE TO KILL HER!!!! Shane watches as Hope wipes tears away from her face as Nico turns and looks at Roman, who can only stand in the street and watch the remains of the building burn. Roman then flashes back to another tragic moment in his life and now feels that life does go in circles. First Marlena.........now his darling Samantha. As Bo holds Lucas and Hope and Nico look on, Roman turns and starts to walk away while Shane calls in for some help. The burning building is in the background as Roman takes out his gun......and drops it on the ground. He then takes out his badge and, without even looking at it....... Flings it into the Salem River. He slowly walks up the dimly lit street, saying to himself only one thing. With tears streaming down his face, he makes a promise....... Roman: Orpheus......no matter where you are.......or where you go........I’ll find you. And when I do..... May Almighty GOD have mercy on your soul! The scene then pans upward as we see Roman walking into the night by himself as Bo and the others comfort Lucas and the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WORD OF SAMI'S DEMISE SPREADS. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ROMAN? WHAT WILL THE BRADY FAMILY DO WHEN THEY LEARN OF THIS LATEST TRAGEDY? COME BACK MONDAY TO FIND OUT!!