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WEEK OF 5/13/07 EDITION VENDETTA WEEK 8 COMMENT SCORES ***REMINDER: Trivia is posted on Mondays now and due on Thursdays (which is also when clues will be sent to the 3 top scorers for the week). We are still looking for more players as we head for the end of the game so if you are interested in playing or if any current game players know someone who may be interested please let me know in a PM. Thanks. Here are the comment scores for Week 8 (5/6/07-5/12/07): 1.) daysfan- 20 pts (8 comments) 2.) Tishy- 18 pts (4 comments) 3.) psychofan, Rick, Ryan Chandler, DH23- 0 pts (0 comments) Therefore, here are the current standings (including the above comment scores) through 5/12/07: 1.) Tishy (135 pts) 2.) daysfan (94 pts) 3.) DH23 (48 pts) 4.) psychofan (41 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (32 pts) 6.) Rick (0 pts) INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SL EP/HW TIM LOWERY AND SL NEWCOMER PETER BERGMAN (FOREST) SIT DOWN TO CHAT ABOUT HIS SWITCH FROM GENOA CITY TO SALEM AND WHAT TO EXPECT FROM FOREST ALAMAIN. Interviewer (I): Hello there, Tim and Peter. Thanks for chatting with us. Tim Lowery (TL): Hello. No problem Peter Bergman (PB): Hello. Good to be here. I: Ok...the first question I and I am sure many others have is how this casting coup came about. I mean, Peter was on Y&R and has been for years. Tim, how did you manage to snatch him up and where did the idea come from? TL: Well, all credit goes to my co-EP/HW Patrick L. Ewing (Roman) on this. It was his brainchild. He brought the idea of bringing Forest on to my attention months ago. It was one of the first ideas that I beleive he pitched to me and I loved it. When he told me he wanted Peter Bergman for the role, I loved it. I thought it was flawless casting as Peter has an Alamain aura to him and would look good opposite Michael Sabatino (ex-Lawrence). However, I knew Peter was taken and I think the understanding was we really wanted him for this role. We knew the role wouldn't come into play until mid-2007 anyway so we could wait. Alot happened on Y&R in the Fall. The Abbott family practically got phased out and I heard rumblings that Peter was unhappy with the show and the direction his character was taken. I ran into Peter at an event and we got to talking and things took off from there. We came up with a deal where his exit from Y&R would come after he first started with us so no one would know about his coming on until it happened. He will be exiting Y&R soon and it works out because he doesn't work much right off the bat anyway so we were able to work around it and he will be done with Y&R by the time we need him to be featured more. PB: That is bascially how it happened. Tim and Patrick talked things over with me after my intial talk with Tim at that event he spoke of and I loved the story possibilities and the character. It seems like a good challenge and I am not in love with the direction Y&R has given me of late so it was a pretty easy choice. I can't wait to start getting into the thick of things. I like that it starts slowly. Not only does it allow me to finish Y&R but it also gives me a chance to adapt and get used to things here. I can get a good feel for the character and I think that is a benefit for all involved. I: Tim, you wanted this to be a surprise and you already explained the measures taken to make that happen. Was there a reason for that or...just explain why you felt that was the right way to do this. TL: Well, my co-EP/HW had to remind me constantly to keep my mouth shut (laughs). It was hard because I like to preview everything to get people to stick with us. These past few months I have taken extra measures personally to make sure previews and promos are as vague as possible and don't give away too much. I am still a work in progress (laughs). We plan on continuing to surprise with casting decisions from now on. It works better unless it's some kind of circumstance we feel requires it to be announced. With Forest, we wanted an impact like we had for Tony (Thaoo Penghlis) and Anna's (LeAnn Hunley) return. Those returns were secret too and I had hinted at a big surprise, much like I did with Forest, and it worked. The reaction was great and that is what convinced me my partner was right and that this was the way to go. I: Now, what can we expect from Forest? TL: Well, intrigue. Does he have an agenda? Is he good or bad? There will be lots of questions and Peter is playing him brilliantly. We have him imprisoned with Abby (Ashley Benson) and Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) and I am glad because there is that past Jennifer/Lawrence dynamic and now we are seeing Jennifer's daughter and Lawrence's brother together. I wanted to bring that into the early scenes and explore it as we go too. The other big question is why is Forest a prisoner in Ernesto (Charles Cioffi) and the MCF's plan? It's definitely going to be fun for the fans to examine everything and figure out Forest. I think what we have coming is wonderful and I feel Forrest is the most intriguing character we have had in years. I think he is probably the best new character under us but, of course, we haven't created new characters really except for James McCluer (Roscoe Born). We just brought alot of old characters back though. PB: I feel the character is like a book. You start off on page 1 and each time you learn something or get a hint or whatever, you turn the page. You will learn about him slowly and you will begin to see what kind of person he is ever so slowly as we go along. We are playing alot of dynamics...creepy, mysterious, etc. We want the fans to lean one way and then we take them another way. It's fun to play and, while we are starting slow, I know what is coming and the fans will be very into it. I am sure of it. I: Ok...just a few more. How will Forest's return affect Roman (Drake Hogestyn)? Also, will Lawrence be returning and do you have any other sccops for us? TL: Ok...Forest will definitely affect Roman because he, at one point, thought he was Forest during the time period where he didn't really know who he was. We will definitely seen some things between those two. As for Lawrence, I think we will but not right off the bat. We will acknowledge him and Carly (Crystal Chappell) right off the bat, much like we did when we explored Steve's (Stephen Nichols) past last Fall. We have so much going on that I can't say we will fit those two in right now but down the road is pretty much a definite possibility. I know I want to do it but at all has to fit and it has to be the right time. Now, I just got done saying I am trying to be better about shooting my mouth off about spoilers, especially in the next few months with so much in the way of big reveals and events coming up, so don't get me in trouble (laughs). No more scoops (laughs). PB: I know I would love to have Micheal Sabatino back as Lawrence. It would be great work with my onscreen brother and if Crystal came on as Carly, I would be in heaven. Crystal and I have talked alot in the past since we were both on CBS and so on and it would be fun. As for Forest interacting with Roman, I personally can't wait. Drake is a riot and the dynamic there, based on the past, should be interesting. I know what is coming and I can promise it's great. Sorry I can't tell (laughs). I: That's ok. Anyway, I know you two are busy so thanks for your time. TL: No problem. See you soon. PB: It was fun. Hope to talk to you again soon. COMINGS AND GOINGS COMING The Flamingos (Themselves): The Flamingos perform their hit love ballad "I Only Have Eyes For You," Carrie and Austin's special song, on the May 16 episode. Peter Bergman (Forest Alamain): The shocking casting coup was revealed on May 1 to be Bergman switching from Genoa City to Salem. The role of Forest is contract. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 5/14/07 -Will Carrie and Austin wed? -The plan to trap the MCF is put into action. -Forest and Abby bond. -Celeste's visions trouble her. -Tony makes a confession to Anna. -Alice reminisces about some of Salem's best weddings and love stories. -The MCF is cornered. -Billie risks it all. -Kate's connection to the MCF gets her caught in a life threatening situation. -Billie makes a stunning discovery. -Some secrets and lies are closing in on unraveling in Salem!! HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: MONDAY MAY 14: A SPECIAL WEDDING EPISODE DEVOTED TO AUSTIN AND CARRIE. WILL THEY REALLY WED AND WILL THIS TIME BE FOREVER? PLUS, ALICE REMINISCES ABOUT SOME OF SALEM'S GREATEST WEDDINGS AND LOVE STORIES. IT'S AN EMOTIONAL EPISODE THAT CAN'T BE MISSED!! Next Week: Kate demands the truth. Many long held secrets in Salem begin to be unraveled. Jack and Billie confide their true feelings in Frankie and Greta. Chelsea worries about Abby and Forest's strengthening bond.
-At St. Luke's, guests are filing in for Carrie and Austin's wedding. Caroline is talking with Doug, Julie, Alice, and Maggie when she sees Bo and Hope arrive with JT. Julie is so happy to see them together. Doug hopes this is a sign that things are getting better for them. Bo and Hope come over with JT to greet everyone. Alice smiles and says it's good to see them together as a family. Hope says it feels good too. Bo smiles back. Caroline smiles and whispers "Thank you" to Bo. He nods. Jack is with Frankie, Greta, and Max. Jack looks at his watch and wonders where Billie is. She is a member of the wedding party. Frankie wonders where Shane is too. Nico is monitoring the cameras at Victor's so everyone could be at the wedding. Max says he wishes he were back at the mansion. They have yet to see anything worthwhile on the cameras. They need to have a breakthrough soon or else they may never bust the MCF or bring Abby and Chelsea home. Frankie tells Max to calm down or else he is out of the operation. They just need to take it one step at a time. Max bites his tongue in frustration. Billie and Shane then arrive together. Jack asks where they have been. Victor arrives and says he heard about the lack of progress on the surveilance front. Billie says that may change. She explains that she has a plan to trap their cloaked friend. Billie explains that it's ok to talk in the church. Shane already had the church canvassed for bugs and cameras and put his own outside in case the MCF decides to make a visit. Billie explains that Shane and her set up mini-bugs and cameras at the Penthouse Grille. The plan is to get Alan's phone number from Carrie and use a voice changer to call him, acting like the MCF. They get Alan and James to come down to the reception. The MCF will get upset they are out in the open and then they just collapse on him or her. Victor thinks it's a good idea. Jack thinks they have nothing to lose. They need to do something. Everyone else agrees. Billie says they will put the plan into action after the wedding and once they get to the reception. Billie says she needs to go talk to Belle and Sami to get ready for the ceremony. She tells Jack and the others they will talk later. She leaves as Jack says he hopes this will lead them to the break they have been waiting for. In the back of the church, Kate sees Nicole come in with Evan. She confronts her, saying what a hateful bitch she is being to bring Evan there. Nicole says that Evan is her son and she is a guest. Therefore, she has a right to bring him. Plus, she thought it would be nice if Carrie sees him on her wedding day. Kate says it will torture her and Nicole knows it. She is always taking pleasure in other people's pain. Nicole resents that and tells Kate to back off. She walks away as Kate looks at her in disgust. In the bridal room, Belle and Sami ask Carrie what's wrong. Carrie says it's everything. Sami repeats what she told her earlier and says that her and Austin will get each other through the death of her baby. They need each other to heal and they need to be in each other's lives. They are meant to be. Sami explains that Carrie's baby would want it that way and is probably looking down like a little angel, smiling and happy to see his parents getting married. Carrie smiles and thanks Sami. Belle asks if the wedding is still on. Carrie says it has to be. Sami will make sure she goes down that aisle even if she forces her. Sami says she's damn right. They all laugh. Billie and Caroline enter and say they have something to give Carrie before the wedding. They are shocked to see Carrie isn't dressed. Carrie says she is a bit behind. Caroline says it's time for the traditional gift giving and she is giving her the something old. It's an old piece of Irish lace inscribed with "Brady." Caroline explains it has been a family heirloom on Shawn's side of the family for generations and she wants her to have it. Carrie thanks her and embraces her. Billie then steps up, saying she has the something borrowed. She pulls out a pair of pearl earlings, saying Carrie let her borrow them years ago when they were living in her apartment together. She never gave them back and, eventually, Carrie told her to keep them so she did but, today, she is giving them to her for her special day. Carrie embraces her and tells Billie she will just have to give them back to her on her wedding day. They both laugh. Carrie tells Billie she wishes Chelsea were here to enjoy the day. Billie says she does to and, as tears well in her eyes, she says she misses her. Belle then comes forward with the something blue and presents Carrie with a blue garter. Carrie smiles and says that will come in handy later and embraces Belle, thanking her. Sami says she has the something new. Carrie laughs and says it's saving the best for last. Sami laughs as she pulls out a diamond pin that says, "Hope, Faith, Love." Carrie tells Sami she can't accept it. Sami explains she had some extra money lying around and it's the least she could do after all the trouble she put her through. She tells Carrie that the words on it apply particularly to what Carrie is going through and she hopes they will give her the strength to get through this day and to keep moving on with her life. All the women cry as Sami and Carrie embrace. Sami notes the pin matches with Carrie's earrings and dress. She checked. They both laugh. Carrie then thanks them all and says she would like a few minutes alone while she gets dressed. She will call them all in when she's done. Caroline, Billie, Belle, and Sami leave as Carrie sits on the couch and breaks down in tears. Meanwhile, Nicole is walking in to the church after her altercation with Kate when Eric confronts her. Nicole rolls her eyes and says not again. Eric says he saw her interactions with Kate and Carrie last night. He saw how intense it was and how upset Carrie was and he wants to know what is going on. Kate sees them both talking and then overhears Sami and Belle when they go by as Sami is telling Belle that she hopes Carrie has the strength to go through with all this. She is still really affected by her baby's "death" and everything else. Nicole then tells Eric to stop interrogating her. She is sick to death of it. The two of them argue as Kate watches. Evan's stroller is turned and Nicole and Eric's backs are both turned against it. Kate sneaks over and looks to see if anyone is watching. She bends over, unbuckles the stroller, and takes Evan as Eric and Nicole argue. Roman arrives at the church and walks in with Kayla. He says it's about time they have a happy event in Salem. Kayla agrees. Kim wheels in. Shane is pleased to see her and says he has been waiting. Kim apologizes and says the call-a-bus took awhile. Shane apologizes again for not being able to get her. Kim says it's fine. She doesn't plan on staying long anyway. Most of her family hates her guts. Kim begins to cry as Shane comforts her. Bo is playing with JT when he sees Roman and Kim. Cold stares are exchanged. Just then, Cal and Katherine enter. Caroline, Kayla, Kim, Shane, Bo, Hope, Roman, Sami, and Belle are shocked to see him. Cal announces they are back in Salem for good. His treatment has progressed enough for him to be back around him. He heard about the wedding and just thought he should be here. Caroline embraces him and says he will always be a part of their family. Even if he is Cal Winters. Kayla agrees, saying that whatever he did was in the past. Kim also agrees as she notices the cold looks of Kayla and Bo. Cal is happy to hear that and says he has a big announcement to make...him and Katherine got married. Everyone is stunned. Caroline, Kayla, Roman, Hope, Bo, Shane, Kim, Sami, and Belle embrace him and Katherine and express congratulations. Cal tells Sami, as he hugs her, that he will always feel like she is his little girl. Sami says that she will always feel a special bond to him too. She tells him that maybe he should go in and see Carrie before the ceremony. She would like to see him. Cal says he would like that. Back in ther bridal room, Carrie is in tears when there is a knock at the door. Carrie asks who it s and Kate says it's her. Carrie says she doesn't want to see anyone but Kate tells Carrie she will when she sees who is with her. Carrie stands as Kate enters with Evan in her arms. Carrie smiles and runs over, taking Evan in her arms. Kate's eyes well with tears as Carrie cries tears of joy over holding her child. Kate tells Carrie that she thought she would like to hold her son on her wedding day and then tells Carrie that is why she has to marry Austin today. She knows Carrie feels guilty for keeping things from him but she needs to marry him for Evan. The day will come where the MCF will be caught and the truth can come out. She will then have her child again and she will want them to be a family. She can marry Austin today and have it all be perfect when that day arrives. She tells Carrie that Evan would want his parents married and needs them married. She tells her to do the right thing and that Austin will understand that she lied to protect those she loved, including her child. Carrie isn't so sure. Kate tells her it will be fine. Marrying Austin is the right thing. Carrie looks at Kate and then back at Evan, enjoying the moment. Back in the chapel, Maggie is lighting a candle, praying for forgiveness. She says she didn't mean to start the fire and hates covering it up but is doing it for the family. Fr. Jansen overhears and tells her if she has sins for which she wishes forgiveness, he will hear her confession. Maggie says she knows but she doesn't think she could do it right now. Besides, it's Carrie and Austin's wedding. Fr. Jansen understands and says that she can come to him anytime. Maggie smiles and nods. Doug asks Julie if everything is ok with her. He has noticed that her and Maggie have been a bit off since he woke up from his coma. Julie reminds Doug they have all been through alot with the fire and everything else. Doug understands but just wants to make sure it's nothing more. Julie lies and says that is all it is. There is nothing more to tell. Doug smiles and says he is happy to hear it. They kiss and embrace as a guilty Julie looks on. Victor comes up to Austin and extends his hand, wishing him and Carrie good wishes. Austin thanks him. Victor admits he was shocked that he was invited due to the tension between them over the war with Stefano. Austin says it's no hard feelings. It's a day of new beginnings and putting the past in the past. Victor admires that thinking and wishes Austin well as he has always been a stand up guy. Austin thanks him. Eric and Nicole are still arguing. Nicole gets fed up and says the wedding is nearly about to start. Eric tells her to mark his words...he will bust her. He then leaves as Nicole turns the stroller around to see that Evan is gone. She deicdes not to panic and looks around. She looks outside and them begins to worry that someone kidnapped Evan. Meanwhile, Carrie tells Kate she better get Evan back to Nicole. Carrie thanks her for bringing him and says it meant alot. Kate apologizes that they have to go through this. Carrie says she is glad she isn't in it alone. Carrie kisses Evan once more and then Kate leaves with him. There is then a knock on Carrie's door. She opens it to find Cal. Carrie is shocked to see him and says she knows everything about who he is now and how he was away for treatment. Cal fills her in on what he has been up to and his marrying Katherine and tells Carrie he knows they haven't seen each other since the reveal that he wasn't Roman but he will always have a special bond to her. Afterall, he thought he was her father for years. Carrie says he will always hold a special place in her life, no matter what he has done and who he is. Nothing can change her feelings for him. They embrace. Everyone begins to be seated for the wedding. Kim and Shane sit near the back as she tells Shane she feels like an outsider at a family wedding. Shane says he knows how she feels. Kim says she knows. Kate is in the back of the church and notices Evan's empty stroller still there. No one is in sight, including Nicole. She puts Evan back in the stroller and then goes into the chapel. Nicole returns and finds Evan in the stroller, wondering how he is back and what happened. Philip arrives late, as an angry and embarassed Victor looks on, He apologizes to Austin. Austin says he is glad he could make it and stand up with him. Philip says whatever and stands to the side with Will, Eric, and Lucas. Austin asks once more if Lucas has the rings. He says he does and says it's time for him to say "I do." Austin smiles. In the bridal room, Billie and Sami put the finishing touches on Carrie, who is all dressed now. Belle comes in with Claire and says the flower girl is there. Carrie, Sami, and Billie greet Claire with kisses. Sami then says that they are ready to go. Roman knocks and Billie answers the door. Roman asks if they are good to go. Sami says they are. It's time!! Belle carries Claire as Billie follows her. Roman tells Sami they are on their way. Sami says ok and follows Billie and Belle. Roman asks Carrie if she is ready. Carrie nods. Roman: You looks so beautiful. I know Austin and you did this once before and it didn't go so well but, this time. it will. You two are meant to be. You know that. He knows that. You've been through alot and I want you to know we are all here for you on this day. We are here to help and to make sure this is the happiest day of your life. Forget about everything else and just enjoy. Austin and you will get through whatever is lingering from what you've been through. Carrie: I know. Thank you, dad. Roman: I know I just found out I am your father again but you have always been my daughter in my heart, pumpkin. I never stopped thinking of you that way. I never stopped loving you that way. I am so proud of you. Carrie (crying): I love you, dad. Roman (tears in his eyes): I love you too. They hug and he kisses her cheek. Roman: Alright. You ready? Carrie nods. Roman says ok and escorts her out. The church begins to fill with the sounds of wedding music as the bridesmaids begin their march. Billie walks down first as she smiles at Jack, who smiles back. She takes her place at the altar as Belle carries Claire, the flowergirl, down the aisle helping her to drop flowers along the aisle. Sami then follows as the maid of honor and, as she takes her place at the altar, the crowd rises as it's now time for the bridal march (PLAY THIS AS YOU READ...IT ENHANCES THE WEDDING SCENE). Roman appears with Carrie at the back of the church. He tells her this is it. Carrie looks ahead and sees a smiling Austin at the altar. Roman: Here we go! Roman moves forward but Carrie hesistates and then stops. Roman asks if she is ok. Carrie, staring ahead, doesn't answer. Roman asks her again if she is ok as the bridal march continues to play and everyone in the church has their eyes fixated on Carrie. Roman: Carrie? What's wrong? Carrie continues to stare ahead as the screen freezes on her face and fades to black as the song of the bridal march continues to blare. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Celeste to Abe and Lexie: These visions...DEAR GOD!! Tony to Anna: There is something I want to tell you. Forrest to Abby: You have nothing to worry about. I would never think of hurting you. Roman to Carrie (as bridal march plays): Tell me, sweetheart. Do you want to marry Austin or not? MCF: This wedding may not happen afterall. (laughs)
Milan, Italy-Lexie and her team are searching a Dimera lair that is located under the Dimera crypt. Lexie makes a remark to Hector about how creepy it is. Hector says it may be creepy but it's also effective. A short distance behind them is Abe and Celeste. Abe tells Celeste he is glad he kept that tail on Lexie. Otherwise, they would've never caught up with her and her team so quickly. Abe is still not happy with Celeste for not going home as she is still recovering from the explosion in Paris. Celeste assures him that she is fine and that wants to complete their mission. Meanwhile, Steve is lurking behind Abe and Celeste. He is quite frustrated with simply following Lexie and everyone else around parts of the world. His cell then vibrates. He finds a corner where no one will hear him and answers. Steve: Yeah? MCF (via voice changer): Steven! I call with good news. Steve: What? Is my assignment over? MCF: Sort of. You have new orders. I group of men I assembled will be arriving soon. They are dressed in black. They will coming to pick up Commisioner Carver, Ms. Perrault, and Ms. Dimera and her team. Your job is to be their cover and to help make sure they make it to port and the cargo ship that is there without being noticed. Once everyone is aboard the ship, you board as well. Steve: Wait...first off, how did you know Abe and Celeste were here? MCF: I know all, Steven. I also know you helpd save them from that explosion in Paris. No matter...I want them alive. I'm not mad. They need to be around for my grand event. Steve: I never signed on for this. You told me I would follow Lexie and her team and report to you. Now I am aiding in a mass kidnapping... MCF: Steven...don't worry. No one will get harmed. I am simply bringing them all back to Salem. I am worried about then discovering something that could affect my plans. As I said, I need them alive. You can't back out, Steven. Remember...you know what I am capable of. Steve: No. I won't do this. MCF: Steven...you are well aware of all the turmoil I have stirred up already. You know very well I won't hesistate to harm someone you love and care about. I know you don't remember but you know they exist. Let's also remember I promised to help you get your life back...your memories back. There is far too much at stake, Stevem. This is non-negotiable. You have no choice. Steve: Fine!! Alright!! But...if anyone gets hurt... MCF: Good boy, Steven. Not to worry. Now...follow the instructions of my men until you hear from me. They know what to do. Good luck. The MCF hangs up just as ten masked men appear. Steve turns and tells one of the men that they must be the men he was told about. The man nods and then motions for his crew to follow him. All ten bolt past Steve as he looks on, wondering what he has gotten himself into. -Back in Salem, at University Hospital, Cassie enters Stefano's room and is shocked to see him up and out of bed. She asks him what he is doing. He says he is leaving the hospital. He needs to find Lexie and find out what is going on. Cassie explains he just woke from a two month coma. Stefano says he has people to care for him and that he can't stay any longer. He needs to get down to business. Cassie says she won't let him risk his health. Stefano says it's not up to her. Cassie then says that, if he insists on this, she will be helping him. Stefano laughs. Cassie says she is serious. Stefano refuses to let her, saying it's too dangerous. -Back in Milan, Lexie and Hector hear footsteps...quite a few of them. Hector draws his gun and says something isn't right. He leads Lexie and the team around a corner. Meanwhile, Abe and Celeste also hear footsteps. Abe draws his gun as Celeste says she can't help but feel like this may be a trap. Hector comes around the corner and yells out, "Freeze!!" Lexie is stunned to see Hector is pointing his gun at Abe, who is aiming his gun at Hector, and Celeste. Lexie asks what they are doing there. Just then, the ten masked men ambush them all. Abe and Hector's guns are knocked loose as they are grabbed and taken away, along with Lexie and Celeste and the rest of Lexie's team. Steve watches, horrified, One of the men motions to him to follow. Steve pulls at his hair, wishing things didn't have to be like this, and then follows hesistantly. -Back in Salem, Cassie reminds Stefano that the MCF shot him and that he is the one who has been in a coma for months. Cassie: You are weak, grandfather. Look...this is dangerous. The MCF could be involved. He could have my father and aunt Lexie. I know you want to find them but... Stefano: My dear...I am the Phoenix...Stefano Dimera. I can handle this. Cassie: I know but...please let me help. Look...this is my family. I have proven myself to you that I can handle standing up for this family. No one else in this damn town likes me. My place is with you. Please...let me help you. I will follow your orders and... Stefano: I can see you aren't going to give up. Your determination is noted, my dear. Fine...as long as you listen to my orders. You may help me. Cassie embraces Stefano. Stefano: Now...what we must do first is return to the mansion and wait for my contacts to call. I have a few of them working on tracking down Alexandra and the team of men she took with her. Once we learn where they are, we can act from there. Cassie: Sounds like a plan. Stefano: Now...be a dear and get me my release papers. Cassie: Are you sure they will release you? Stefano: I'll make them. Cassie smiles and then leaves. Stefano: Hmm...there is much to be done. I need to find you, Alexandra. I just hope your safe. If I learn that you or Tony are in any danger, whoever is responsible will pay...mysterious cloaked figure...those involved with him or her. They will feel the full wrath of Stefano Dimera. This person may have shot me but...they are no match for me. They won the battle but...I will win the war. At the Brady Pub, Bo comes out of the kitchen and tells Caroline that he brought in the deliveries and handled the delivery man. Caroline thanks him and says that now they can close up and go to the wedding. Bo reminds Caroline that he told her he wasn't going and that he would keep the Pub open. Caroline tells Bo that it's his niece's wedding. It's family affair. Bo says he isn't interested in dealing with interrogations and fighting. Roman and him already went at it last night at Austin's party. Caroline begs him to do this as a favor to her. She assures him she will do her best to make sure people back off him and don't bother him about his secret. Caroline tells Bo she knows he is going through alot. She reminds him of how he has barely spent time with JT since returning and promising that he would. Bo says he plans to change that and to spend time with Chelsea once she returns to Salem. He knows he has a responsibility no matter what he is going through. Caroline explains that it's time for their family to heal and come back together and him going to the wedding would do that. She tells him Hope is bringing JT and to go with them as a family. She points out to him that people may back off questioning him about what is going on with himself if he acts normal and puts up a front. Bo still is reluctant. Caroline tells Bo he needs to try to move on and try to do something normal again. If he does this, he won't come off as distancing himself from everyone anymore and people will leave him alone and let him work through his issues. Bo realizes Caroline won't let up and reluctantly agrees, figuring it may help get some people off his back. Caroline says that even if won't, she will do her best to make sure he isn't bothered too much with questions and so forth. Bo thanks her for that and says that he is doing this more for her then himself. She thanks him and orders him to go upstairs and get ready and then to head to Hope's so he isn't late. Bo shows a slight grin and goes upstairs as Caroline smiles with glee. -At St. Luke's, Eric and Austin arrive and are greeted by Lucas and Will. Lucas tells Austin that Fr. Jansen wants to speak with them both before the ceremony. Austin says ok and follows Lucas and Will to talk to Fr. Jansen. Eric turns to see Kate enter. Eric recalls what happened the night before at Austin and Carrie's parties at the Penthouse Grille and how things were tense and emotional between Kate, Nicole, and Carrie. Eric approaches Kate and says: Eric: Kate...here rather early, huh? Kate: Well, I am the mother of the groom. I should be. Eric: Hey...uh...I wanted to ask you something...about last night. When we all caught you, Nicole, and Carrie on the terrace, you all seemed rather intense. Carrie looked like she was about to cry and then I see you and her on my way out later. She told Nicole to leave and then she broke down and you comforted her. As Carrie's brother and Nicole's husband, I just want to know what gives. Is everything ok? Kate is silent. -At the Penthouse, Belle opens the door to let Sami in. Sami asks if Carrie is awake. Belle says she brought breakfast up to her and she was rather quiet and seemed upset. Belle thinks she is nervous but that she is also thinking about her baby. Sami says she will go up and talk to her. Belle tells her to inform Carrie they need to get going or they will be late. Sami goes upstairs and enters the guest room Carrie is staying in. Sami can see Carrie has been crying and is upset. Sami asks her if she is ok. Carrie says she is fine. Sami says that she knows Carrie is a little nervous. Carrie nods and admits that she is. Her and Austin have been down this road before and this time she hopes it works. You just never know. Sami says she is sure it will. Afterall, she is not in the picture anymore. Carrie laughs and says she just wants things to go perfectly. Sami tells Carrie she also knows she is thinking about her baby. She tells Carrie that her and Austin can help each other. They can heal together. She knows how much Carrie is hurting but says that she needs to do this. Her baby would want mommy and daddy together. Carrie smiles. Sami tells Carrie that her and Austin can work through the grief together. Carrie thanks Sami. They embrace. Sami says she is happy that not only will this be a new beginning for her and Austin but also for them. She feels closer to her then ever. Carrie says she feels the same. Sami tells Carrie they must get going or they will be late. Carrie nods and says she will be right down. Sami smiles and leaves as Carrie breaks down in tears on the bed and says: Carrie (crying): How can I do this? I have this big secret that I am being forced to keep...my God...I am going to enter into a marriage lying to my groom. This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life...why? Why does it have to be like this? Why?! -Back in Milan, Steve watches from a distance as Lexie, Abe, and Celeste are boarded on to the cargo ship. Steve asks one of the men why Lexie's Dimera henchmen aren't being boarded on. The man says they have who they came for. Steve seens the men tied up and being put in an old boathouse. The man tells Steve to hurry up and get on board before they are seen. On board the ship, Lexie wonders why this is happening. It can't be her father. As far as she knows, he is still in a coma and would never put her through this. Abe and Celeste agree. Lexie wonders what will happen to her men as they weren't brought on with them. Lexie then asks why Abe and Celeste followed her to Paris and then Milain. She reminds them they nearly died in Paris. Abe explains they knew she was looking for Tony because she thought the MCF had him kidnapped so she wanted to know for sure that he wasn't still out there somewhere and all. Abe says that Tony was always known to try to clean up the Dimera name and Celeste and him had hoped to follow Lexie and find Tony in hopes he would help spill Dimera secrets and bring Stefano down. This way she would come back to them and they could protect her and Theo from the Dimera's. Lexie is outraged and reminds Abe that lives are at stake. The MCF is on the loose and he or she may have Tony and God knows who else this person is terrorizing. He or she may be behind their kidnapping and all he can think about is himself. Abe says it's not like that. Celeste tells them both to stop fighting and to focus on the crisis at hand. She tells them both she feels what they are involved in is something big...bigger then any of them think. Abe asks if she is having a vision. Celeste nods and says she is...a vision of impending doom. Not just for them...for everyone they hold dear. Abe and Lexie look in horror and bewilderment as the scene shifts to outside the room they are locked in. Steve is there, hating the fact that he is a part of this. Steve: I had no choice. I may not remember them but they exist and, deep down, I know they are people I love and care about. I need to protect them and, if doing all this helps me get my memory and life back...I am so sorry I had to do this. If anyone gets hurt, though, all bets are off. -Back in Salem, at Bo and Hope's house, Hope yells to JT to hurry up or they will be late. JT yells that he can't get his tie on. Hope tells him to come downstairs and she will try to help him. The doorbell rings and she goes to answer. She is stunned to see Bo there. Hope (shocked): What are you doing here? Bo (flustered, smiling): Wow...you look amazing. Hope (smiling): Thanks. You look pretty good yourself. I thought... Bo: I wasn't going to the wedding. I changed my mind and thought we could go...as a family. Hope: Wow, uh...yeah. I've been waiting a long time for you to say something like that. If you don't mind me asking, why the change of... Bo: No questions. That is one of the conditions. Please don't badger me. No questions about what is going on...nothing. Let's just go and try to have a good time. Nothing else. Ok? Hope (smiling): Sure. Whatever works. JT then comes downstairs. JT: Mom...I can't get it on. Daddy? Bo: Hey there, big guy. JT runs into Bo's arms. Bo: Sorry I haven't come around much. I know I promised when I came back I would and I haven;t. That all changes now. I promise I will be around more, little man. JT: Cool! I miss you! Bo: Miss you too. So...got trouble with the old necktie, eh? Well, let me give it a whirl. Hope smiles and then goes over to the phone to make a phone call as she watches Bo and JT laugh as he helps him with his tie. At St. Luke's, Caroline arrives and waves to Eric, who waves back in the middle of talking with Kate. Caroline's cell rings and she answers. Caroline: Hello? Hope: What did you do to Bo? I know it was you who changed his mind. Caroline (smiling): Let's just call it motherly magic. Hope: Well, whatever you did, thank you. Caroline: It's time the family comes together, Hope. We all need to heal. And there is no time better then a family wedding. Hope: I couldn't agree more. Elsewhere, Lucas, Will, and Austin finish talking with Fr. Jansen. Austin asks Lucas if he has the rings. Lucas says he does. Lucas asks if he is excited. Austin puts his arm around Will and says he sure is. He is ready to marry the love of his life and, this time, it's forever. In the back of the church, Kate tells Eric that what happened is between her, Nicole, and Carrie. It's none of his business really. Eric says it is if something is wrong with his sister or his wife. Kate says she knows him and Nicole are estranged and, as far as Carrie goes, she told her something in confidence and she plans to keep that. She tells Eric to back off and to just enjoy the wedding and be there to support his family. Eric tells Kate she is being awfully testy, as if whatever secret is will be huge. Kate smiles and says there is no secret. She tells Eric to enjoy the wedding and walks off. Eric: I know something is going on. What could be going on with the three of them? And Victor? Victor helped Nicole...what did she do for him? I have to find out because I have a feeling that whatever is going on is big and could change lives. I just hope it can change lives in a good way. I don't think our family can take more bad things happening. The scene then shifts to the bridal room. Belle and Sami are now in their pink, silk bridal gowns. Carrie is behind the dressing screen. Sami calls out to her and asks what is taking so long. The guests are beginning to arrive and there are things they have to do before she walks down the aisle. Carrie is silent. Sami and Belle look at each other and then can hear crying. Sami asks Carrie if she is ok. Carrie doesn't answer. Sami calls out to her and goes near the screen. She is shocked when Carrie emerges crying and is still in her robe and not in her dress. Sami: What's wrong? This is your wedding day, Carrie. I know you are nervous and you are thinking about the baby and sure I am sure you are so happy you could cry but... Carrie: Sami!! I...I...I don't think I can do this. A stunned Sami looks at Belle, who looks at her back as the screen freezes on Carrie's tear stained face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Billie to Jack (Frankie, Greta, Victor, Max, and Shane): I have a plan to trap our cloaked friend. Kate to Carrie: You have to do this. You have to marry Austin. Eric to Nicole: I am going to bust you. Mark my words. Cal to Caroline (with Kayla, Kim, Sami, Belle, Roman, and Bo): I have an announcement to make. Katherine are I got married. Lucas to Austin: It's time. It's time for you to say "I do."
Tishy, your right. You only had one comment for week 6 but you do get a clue. I had a brain freeze or something. My bad. I should know better. You always participate in some way.
VENDETTA CLIP #16 The MCF is outside St. Luke's church, watching flowers being carried into the church as final preparations for Austin and Carrie's wedding are in full swing. MCF: (whispering via voice changer): What a special day!! A wedding...a happy day. Or it's supposed to be...ha!! The MCF's phone vibrates. He or she looks to make sure no one is around and heads further into the wooded area near St. Luke's to answer the call. MCF: Yes? Ernesto: We are nearing Salem. We should be there by midnight tonight. You sure you made sure no one in the harbor will question us being there? MCF: Not to worry. I have taken care of the harbor master and James and Alan are monitoring things. Ernesto: Have you called Johnson yet to get the ball rolling? MCF: Not yet. I am just about to. He will be conflicted but he will give in. He has to. He knows what I am capable of. Ernesto: Just let me know when are new guests are on their way here. MCF: Yes. I shall. Ernesto: Where are you? I can hear church bells. MCF: I am outside St. Luke's church. It's Austin Reed and Carrie Brady's wedding day. Ernesto: Ah, so...is she going to go through with it? Based on what you told me, she is quite conflicted over keeping the secret about her baby. Based on what little I know about Roman's oldest daughter, she has high morals and is one of those goody goodies. MCF: I'm not sure. That is part of the fun, though. Seeing her tortured by this...it's invigorating. Ernesto: So, you never did tell me what happened with Kiriakis last night. Did Philip decide to to help us go after his pops? MCF: He is quite conflicted but I got through to him. I told him he could monitor things. He won't stop us though. We will still have our way. Not too worry. Even if he changes his mind and wants out of this, I will leave him no choice but to help us. Ernesto: Excellent. Sounds like the pieces are coming together. MCF: Indeed, they are. Time is ticking away for our friends in Salem. Ernesto: Tick, tock!! (laughs) MCF: Yes, my friend. Tick, tock... The MCF chuckles with glee as the screen freezes on him or her and then fades into... WEEK 7 VENDETTA TRIVIA SCORES 1.) daysfan (only one to submit, all right including bonus)-20 pts 2.) Tishy, DH23, psychofan, Rick, Ryan Chandler- (nothing submitted)-0 pts -daysfan is the only one to submit trivia. daysfan and Tishy are the only ones awarded clues this week TOTAL VENDETTA STANDINGS THROUGH WEEK 6 AND AS OF 5/10/07 1.) Tishy (117 pts) 2.) daysfan (74 pts) 3.) DH23 (48 pts) 4.) psychofan (41 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (32 pts) 6.) Rick (0 pts)
-At the Horton house, Doug is sitting with alice. Alice asks where Julie is. He says she is over at Maggie's to make sure she gets home ok since she stayed with Victor at the Penthouse Grille. Alice says she can tell Doug doesn't like that. Doug says he is sick of Victor butting in to Maggie's life and thinks he is bad for her. Alice mentions that she can sense something else is troubling him. Doug says there is something and that is he feels something is off about Julie and Maggie. He has thought that since he woke from his coma. He just can't think of what it is. Meanwhile, at Maggie's house, Maggie arrives home as Julie embraces her, happy to see her home. Maggie says Hope brought her home. Julie asks what happened to Victor. Maggie fills her in on what happened and says that he can say what he wants. She doesn't buy any of it. Julie says that she doesn't beleive Maggie for some reason and asks Maggie what her answer to Victor's question was. Does she still love him or not? Maggie is silent and then, as tears well in her eyes, she says she didn't want to tell him then but, as much as he hurt her, she does still love him. -In an alley in the old warehouse distract, Philip is searching for the designated warehouse for his meeting with the MCF. He finds it and enters. He walks around the warehouse and calls out to see if anyone is there. He then hears a noise and, fearing an ambush or a trap, he pulls out the gun he took from his father's secret compartment drawer at the mansion and aims it ahead. The MCF then appears from the shadows and, with a voice changer, asks Philip what he is doing. Philip says he is defending himself...just in case this isn't on the up and up. The MCF laughs as Philip says: Philip: I mean it...I call the shots. I am in control. Understand? -At the Penthouse Grille, Austin asks Carrie what she wants to say and begs her that if she needs to tell him something she should just go ahead and do it. Carrie hesistates, remembering Kate and Nicole's words and, also, the words of the MCF. Carrie fights backs tears and says she just wants to say she loves him...so much that she wouldn't blame him for leaving her because of everything she put him through. Leaving him, hiding for months, losing their baby...she woud understand. Austin then grabs her and says she made mistakes and she did hurt him but he has hurt her too. It's all in the past and she is his one true love. She is who he wants to spend the rest of his life with and there will never be anyone else for him but her. Carrie begins to cry and says he is the only one for her too. Always has been, always will be. They embrace and share a tender kiss. Kate is happy to see them together but also hates that Carrie has to keep this secret and not reunite with her child. Nicole lets out a sigh of relief over Carrie not revealing the truth, which Eric notices. Belle says that she thinks that if there is nothing else to say then they should all head home. They have a long day tomarrow. Sami agrees and tells Carrie it's nearly midnight so she has to say goodbye to Austin. Carrie says she isn't sure if she can. Austin tells her they will see each other at the altar tomarrow...and this time it will be forever. They kiss and he wishes her a good night, telling her to have sweet dreams of their future together. She smiles and tells him to do the same. Austin thanks Eric for letting him stay with him at his father's old house. Eric says it's no problem. He gives Austin the keys and tells him he will be home soon. Austin smiles at Carrie as he leaves. Lucas tells Sami he and Will are going to the car and will meet her down there. Belle hugs Carrie and says she will see her at tne Penthouse and will keep the door unlocked. Carrie thanks her. Belle says good night to Sami and leaves. Sami tells Belle she could've stayed with her. Carrie says that the Penthouse had room with Marlena gone and all. Sami wishes her good luck and says she really is happy for her. Carrie says she feels the same about her since she turned her life around. They embrace. Sami adds that she hopes this is a new beginning for all of them. They all need to band together right now. Carrie agrees. -Back at the warehouse, the MCF tells Philip to put the gun down as there is no need. He or she wants to make this meeting quick and tells Philip to listen up. Philip puts the gun in his pocket. The MCF asks Phillip if he meant what he said before about doing whatever is necessary to obtain the power and influence he so desires. Philip nods. The MCF says he or she has a plan but it requires extreme action...in regards to his father. Philip asks if the MCF wants him to kill his own father. The MCF shakes his or her head but does mention he or she heard him on camera say he wishes his father never came back from the dead a few months ago. Philip admits he did say that and wonders how the MCF knew. The MCF says he or she knows all. Philip says that even so, he doesn't think he could kill his father. The MCF says that wasn't the idea. The idea was for Philip to kidnap Victor and take him out of the picture for awhile. Victor would be in the MCF's care and would just be out of the picture for a bit, long enough for Philip to get Belle and his daughter back and get a firm grasp on his father's empire. They can make it look like Victor is presumed dead or just disappeared. However he wants. Philip isn't sure but the MCF assures him Victor won't be hurt. While Victor is MIA, Philip can get what he wants and prove himself worthy. The MCF adds that Philip's hands will be clean. Victor won't know he helped to orchrestrate this. Philip asks the MCF why he or she cares so much and why they want his father out of the picture. The MCF insists Victor has been on his or her trial, along with several others, and removing him for awhile would be removing one more threat to him. The MCF promises Philip he or she won't harm him. The MCF admits he or she is not invincible and that he or she is afraid of wronging the Kiriakis family. Philip notes that the MCF shot Stefano and the Dimera's are just as bad. The MCF says that there were reasons but, ultimately, lies and says it was a mistake. The MCF asks Philip if they have a deal. Philip isn't sure this is right. The MCF asks him how desperate he is to get what he wants. He said he would do what is necessary and then the MCF asks how much Philip loves Belle and his daughter. Philip contemplates and asks for reassurance that his father won't be harmed. The MCF says he won't and that Philip can even monitor things personally to make sure. Philip then reluctantly agrees and says he doesn't have a choice. He will not stand by and watching his life and dreams fade off into dust. He is going to have what he wants. The MCF tells Philip he is making the right decision. Philip hopes so. The MCF then says he or she will be in touch with more information. He or she then reminds Philip to remember that he or she knows all. Philip nods as the MCF says he or she must go as there is much for he or she to do. The MCF exits as Philip hopes that he is doing the right thing and not causing more harm then good. -Back at the Horton house, Alice reminds Doug that both Maggie and Julie have been through alot. Everyone has. Doug says he knows and he supposes that is it but something is just bugging him. Alice tells him to just relax and enjoy life. Heaven knows it's too short. Doug smiles and agrees. Meanwhile, at Maggie's house, Julie asks Maggie if this means she wants a future with Victor. Maggie explains that he hurt her and she doesn't think she can get over that even though part of her wonders why he would sleep with Nicole all of a sudden. Julie, recalling Victor wanting to cut ties to Maggie, lies and says he must have had a reason. Maggie says she is tired and wants to go to bed while she doesn't have bad tnoughts on her mind. Plus, it's going to be a long day tomarrow with the wedding. She doesn't think she will ever get over starting the fire and pinning it on Marlena. Julie urges her to just move on with her life. Everyday will get better and it will all be a memory soon. She'll see. Maggie hopes so and tells Julie good night and to lock the doors on the way out. Julie agrees. As Maggie goes up the stairs, Julie wonders if she should tell Maggie that Victor and Nicole sleeping together was a scam. She then says that Maggie is probably better off without Victor even though she supported his friendship with her in the beginning. Julie gets her purse and leaves. When she gets outside, she wonders if she is doing the right thing not telling Maggie...and if Maggie, Victor, and her were right to cover for Maggie with the fire and blame Marlena. Regardless, Julie prays the truth about the fire never comes out or Maggie's life will be destroyed...and so will hers. -At Roman Brady's old home, Austin looks at a picture of him and Carrie and promises that tomarrow is the first day of the rest of their lives. Meanwhile, back at the Penthouse Grille, Eric confronts Nicole and asks her why she looks like she just passed a final exam or something. Nicole says she doesn't follow. Eric notes that she looked relieved when all Carrie had to say was that she loved Austin and wouldn't blame him for leaving her because of everything. He asks her what she thought she was going to say. Nicole tells Eric that she wishes he would back off. She is hiding no secret. Eric has had enough and says: Eric: Tell me the truth or we're finished. I mean, afterall, you told me weeks ago we would talk and we never did. Evan was supposed to be our son together and you make it so you are his only parent and I never even see him. I know there is something. Alot of people though. You went to Victor for help with getting a job at Titan and to get Evan. What did you offer him in return? What else are you hiding, Nicole? I want the truth or else I file for an annullment tomarrow. It will be over for us. This time...for good Nicole: I thought we already were over, Eric. The minute you stopped trusting me and started questioning every move I made or every word I said. Eric: Well, you lied first. Nicole: Really?! Who never told me they were dying for months? Huh? Eric: That was a mistake but it was also me trying to be selfless and it happened before we took our vows, which you broke with your lies. God...that is why you married me. I was dying and everything was so fast... Nicole: I did love you, Eric. I still do but you don't trust me. You interrogate me everytime we see each other... Eric: Can you blame me? You lied to me about going to Victor and about the adoption papers...I mean, come on. You say you love me but you never met with me to talk things out and...it's like you don't give a damn about working things out. Whether something changed or not...I don't know but your sole focus is now Evan and... Nicole: As it should be... Eric: Plus, I am your husband. You were supposed to trust in me to let me try to help us adopt Evan. Nicole: Oh, please. We needed power and influence. Victor had that so I went to him. Get over your bruised ego and male pride... Eric: Whatever...we really are over. We are so out of touch. My God...what happened to us? Nicole: I don't know and, right now, I don't care. I have a baby to get home too. If you want to talk annullment, have your attorney call mine. Eric: That's it. You don't even care that we are ending things? Nicole: Oh, I do but the Eric I love is gone. The minute he left is the minute this marriage died for me. Eric: Don't turn this on me and make it sound like I changed when... Nicole: Good night, Eric. See you at the wedding. Nicole leaves as Eric is left behind, silent and wondering what went wrong with him and Nicole and what she could be hiding. He vows to find out what it is and won't give up until he does. Meanwhile, insider the Penthouse Grille, Sami embraces Carrie and says she will see her bright and early in the morning for her big day. Carrie smiles and thanks her. Sami says good night and leaves as Kate approaches Carrie, saying she did the right thing. Carrie tears up and says she had no choice. The MCF threatened the lives of those she loved and he or she already killed her father, nearly killed Sami, and has terrorized so many others. Plus, he or she is the reason why her baby ended up in Nicole's hands. Kate understands how hard it is to sacrifice being with her child and keeping a secret like that but adds they can't risk destroying the lives of those they care about. Carrie says she knows. Nicole comes over and tells Carrie she made the right decision. Carrie tells her to get out of her face. Nicole says she knows it will be hard to deal with but tells Carrie she can see Evan when she wants. She just needs to be careful not to call herself mommy in front of him. Carrie tells her to leave as she begins to cry. Kate orders Nicole to go. Nicole says she will see them both at the wedding. Carrie tells her not to come. Despite her being invited, she isn't welcome. Nicole reminds Carrie she is still Eric's wife and is family. Plus, she is a good friend of Austin's. She promises to keep a low profile and not rub her keeping Evan in her face. She wishes them both a good night and leaves. Kate asks Carrie if she is ok. Carrie says: Carrie (crying): No. No I'm not. Tomarrow is supposed to be the happiest day of my life and, instead, I am keeping secrets from my groom and I am having to watch my son be cared for by a heartless bitch because some cloaked person is trying to destroy all of our lives. God...why is this happening? How can I...why...what am I going to do? Kate comforts Carrie and embraces her as Eric watches, saying: Eric: Why is Carrie crying like that? What is going on with Nicole, Kate, and her? We walked in on something tense on the terrace and now things seem to have got tense with those three again and Carrie is crying...hmm. What is going on here? Does all this go back to Nicole? What am I missing here...... The screen then freezes on kate comforting Carrie as a curious Eric watches in the background and then the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Celeste to Abe: I can't help but feel like...this may be a trap. Hector to Lexie: Something isn't right... Steve to MCF: No. I won't do this. Austin to Lucas: I am ready to marry the love of my life. Sami to Carrie (with Belle): What's wrong? This is your wedding day, Carrie. Carrie to Sami: I don't think I can do this.
-At the Penthouse Grille, Philip asks the MCF what any of this means to him or her. Philip asks why he should trust in him or her. It seems he or she is nothing but some nutjob terrorizing the people of Salem. The MCF says that isn't the case and that he or she won't explain themself. The MCF tells Philip that all he has to do is agree to meet him. They can talk about a proposal he or she has for Philip. Philip, who is still feeling the effects of being drunk, isn't sure. The MCF tells Philip he must be willing to do what is necessary to acquire the power and influence he needs...no matter what it is. Afterall, that is how people like his father and Stefano Dimera rise to the top. Philip realizes the MCF is right and says: Philip: I will do whatever it takes...to have the power I want and need. On the other end of the restaurant, Caroline stops Austin from going to the terrace to look for Carrie. She tells him, Lucas, Sami, Eric, Will, and Belle she needs their help taking the decorations down and cleaning up from the party. Hope and her just can't handle it on their own and she thought they could, which is why she told Kayla she could leave. Austin and the other agree and begin to help her as Austin says that Carrie has to be around. He notices his mother is missing and figures they are off talking somewhere. Eric notices Nicole is missing as well and wonders where she is. On the terrace, Nicole picks herself back up as Carrie attacks her yet again. Both girls are on their floor fighting when Kate pulls a feisty Carrie off of Nicole. Nicole tells Kate to give her a tranquilizer or something. Carrie lashes out at Nicole for taking Evan from her. Nicole says she didn't take him. She found him. Kate explains that Nicole is right and tells Carrie that somehow the MCF intercepted Evan from Alan and Nicole and Eric found him. Kate also notes that Nicole never learned Carrie was Evan's mother until the day she did as well. Carrie says that doesn't excuse it and she admits she is stunned Kate would hide this from her. She also admits she is stunned Alan didn't say anything to her but thinks maybe he did take Evan to a hospital to drop him off but that the MCF took him somehow and made sure Nicole and Eric found him. The MCF is hellbent on destroying lives and seems to focus alot on her family so giving her baby to her half brother and his wife would fit. Carrie asks Nicole how she can go along with something that involves someone as dangerous as the MCF, who has terrorized the lives of Salemites and even tried to harm some of them. Nicole says she has no chouce. The MCF is threatening her and, evenso, Evan is her child now and she isn't giving him up. Carrie says the hell she isn't and then looks at Kate, asking if the MCF is threatening her. Kate nods, saying he or she threatened to destroy or harm the people she loves. Carrie can't beleive this and says that she doesn't care. She is telling everyone the truth and she will get her baby back. She is not going to let the MCF interfere with that. -In another part of the restaurant, Maggie asks Victor what he wants. Victor says it's been a long time since they talked and he thinks they need to discuss what happened with him and Nicole. Maggie says she doesn't want to. She knows what happened. Victor says it wasn't what it seems but Maggie tells him to shutup. She doesn't want to listen to him. It was what happened that night that caused her to drink. Hell, she had finally gotten past her relapse and he sunk her right back down. She admits that he was bad for her. The ups and downs they had led to nothing but more heartache and now she has to live with causing the fire that night and nearly killing Doug and others. Victor says he's sorry but Maggie won't have it. She tells him to forget the ride. She will get a taxi or a ride with Hope. Victor begs her to wait and says he has one question: Victor: I still love you. How about you? Meanwhile, the MCF is happy to hear Philip say that and tells Philip to meet him or her at warehouse 21 in the old section of the warehouse district near the south end of the pier. Philip agrees but warns that there better not be no double cross and that this better be on the up and up. The MCF assures Phillip it is and says he or she needs him. Philip doesn't understand but the MCF insists all will be explained. Philip hangs up, wondering if he is doing the right thing but realizing he has no choice. He knows what the MCF is capable of and he or she may be of some service. Philip then says he can't go into this blind and that he will need protection. He goes out the back stairs to get to his car. Back on the terrace, Nicole and Kate warn Carrie to think about this. Kate says she understands Carrie wanting her child but this could destroy so many lives and who knows what the MCF will do. He or she clearly has a stake in this for some reason. Carrie says she doesn't care. She wants her child and she will do whatever it takes to have him. Carrie's cell rings. Kate and Nicole both react, saying they both know who that is. Carrie doesn't get it and answers her phone. The MCF is on the line and tells Carrie: MCF (via voice changer): I will make this short and sweet. Listen to Kate and Nicole. If you tell anyone what you learned tonight, I will make sure you never see Evan again. I will see to it that all of the people you love are destroyed. I already shot your father on New Year's, Carrie. Do you want to really test me? You know what I am capable of. You will still see your child. Eric is married to Nicole so you can be his aunt. If Eric and Nicole divorce, you can still see him. Nicole is around. Just keep your mouth shut...or else. Have a good evening and enjoy your wedding tomarrow. The MCF hangs up as Carrie's eyes well up with tears. Both Kate and Nicole ask if that was who they think it was. Carrie nods. Kate then asks Carrie what she is going to do now. Carrie is silent. -Philip returns to the Kiriakis Mansion and seems to be sobered up quite a bit. He goes into his father's desk and into a secret compartment. He opens it and pulls out a gun, saying he isn't going to take any chances with the MCF and needs to be prepared...just in case. -Back at the Penthouse Grille, Maggie tells Victor that he hurt her bad and she doesn't see how they can ever get past what happened. Victor then says that even if him and Maggie are never close again he will appreciate the time they had together and he will never regret covering for her with the fire. Maggie thanks him for that but says she feels it's wrong still. Marlena taking the blame is wrong. She needs to be punished as she started the fire. Victor shakes his head and says Maggie has been through hell and been punished enough. Maggie says she has to go and tells Victor to just leave her alone. She has enough to deal with. Victor promises to abide by Maggie's wishes. Maggie leaves as Victor says he knows Maggie is hurting and regrets doing what he did but, sadly, he can't take it back. He hopes she can someday forgive him and at least let him be in her life. Maggie comes over to Hope. Hope asks if she is ok. Maggie says she will be fine. She asks Hope if she may have a ride. Hope says she can and that she will be done in a minute. Maggie says she will meet her down at the car and says she is going to the ladies room to freshen up. Hope says ok. Hope then tells Caroline she is leaving. Caroline thanks her for her help. Hope says it's nothing but says she can do something for her to show her thanks and that is for her to give her the answers she needs. Caroline tells Hope that she can interrogate her, Kayla, Roman, and Kim all she wants. It's not their place to say what is going on with Bo right now and all the circumstances surrounding it. Hope tells Caroline that she is Bo's wife and should know about this. Caroline agrees but says she promised Bo she wouldn't say anything. Hope understands and says she just hopes he will let her in...and soon. She feels he needs her now more then ever. Belle comes over to Sami, Austin, Will, Eric, and Lucas and says that grandma Caroline said they are finished. Austin says that's good as he is worried about Carrie and mom. Sami says she hasn't seen Kate in awhile either and it's weird. Eric notes that Nicole has gone MIA as well. Austin looks over and says he thinks he sees both of them on the terrace. He stares and seems flustered. Belle asks him what is wrong. He says Nicole is there too and they all seem upset. Austin races over, saying something is wrong. Belle asks Sami if she has any ideas. Sami says she has no idea. On the terrace, Kate tells Carrie she knows this is a tough decision and tells her that, hopefully, they will catch the MCF and then she can come clean. Until then, they are all in danger. Even without the MCF, Kate admits she worries about the paternity issue with Austin and Lucas and how it will affect their relationship and her family. Carrie says she understands but it's her baby...her child. Austin, Eric, Lucas, Sami, Will, and Belle all enter on to the terrace. Austin asks what is going on. Nicole panics as Eric gives her a suspicious stare. Kate turns and looks at Carrie, who appears at conflict with herself. Her eyes welling with tears, Austin comes up to her and asks her why she looks like she is about to cry. They are getting married tomarrow. Carrie looks at both Kate and Nicole and recalls the words of the MCF. She begins to tremble as Austin asks Carrie, Nicole, and Kate what the hell is going on. Carrie looks into Austin's eyes and says: Carrie: There is something you should know. Belle, Lucas, Sami, Eric, and Will look on curiously as a stunned Kate and Nicole look on, wondering if Carrie will actually take that big of a risk and tell all. Austin looks into Carrie's eyes and she into his, as she struggles to tell him the truth as the screen freezes on her face and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Philip to MCF: I mean it...I call the shots. I am in control. Understand? Maggie to Julie: I still love him. I still love Victor. Doug to Alice: Something is off with Julie and Maggie and I just can't put my finger on it. Eric to Nicole: Tell me the truth or we're finished. Nicole to Eric: I thought we already were. Austin to Carrie: If you have to tell me something, please. Tell me.
VENDETTA CLIP #15 The MCF is in an alley outside the Titan building and is monitoring the happenings at the parties in the Penthouse Grille via his or her mini-monitor. He or she is watching Philip eavesdrop on Belle and Victor and says: MCF (via voice changer): Poor Philip...I think you are now where I need you to begin my plans for you. Fantastic...now to check on... The MCF switches the monitor to Carrie, who is on the terrace with Kate. MCF: I knew she would put it together. Clever Carrie. Good...now I just need to make sure Kate follows my orders and keeps her silent. Ah...look at Nicole. Eavesdropping...so scared. Little do they all know I am pulling the strings and all of their lives are in my hands... The MCF's cell then vibrates and he or she answers it. MCF: Ah...Ernesto. How is it going? Ernesto: Fine. The girls are resting comfortable with Forrest and the Count and Anna are rather quiet tonight. Any word on when the rest of our guests will arrive from Milan? MCF: I talked to Steve earlier and they are all there searching. I will spring my orders on him tomarrow...then he can lead the men in and bring our little adventuring friends back to Salem. Only...they won't be returning to this great town...they will be joining our lovely friends on the cruise of a lifetime. Ernesto: You sure not putting them in a cell is ok? MCF: It's fine. Just as long as they are contained. We don't have anymore cells on there anyway so just make do. The day we have been waiting for is soon arriving and we will be having more guests so it's no big deal. Nothing to worry about, Ernesto. We've come this far and we're carrying this thing true. Ernesto: Damn right!! I won't fail again! MCF: Nor will I. It's time we take our stand. This is it for our enemies. We've waited years to see this...all of our plans are coming to fruition, my friend. Our friends in Salem won't know what hit them!! The MCF and Ernesto both laugh on the phone as the camera pans on the MCF and the scene slowly fades to black and then into...
-At the Penthouse Grille, Roman picks himself off and goes after Bo for hitting him. A fight ensues and Lucas, Jack, Austin, and Frankie break it up. Bo tells Roman he will never think of him as family again. Roman is stung. Meanwhile, Victor and Belle talk about Philip. Victor tells Belle she is the only one who can save Philip from himself. Belle reminds Victor she has given Philip plenty of chances and he has only gotten worse. Now he is drinking and is a danger to Claire. She can't have him around her. Victor agrees and begs Belle to reconsider and let Philip still visit with her. Victor begs her to look past all the tension between him and her father and him, Philip, and her and to just think about Claire. Philip is her father and he needs to see her. Belle contemplates Philip's words as, outside, a drunken Philip stumbles his way through a hall and comes across Victor and Belle talking and listens in. In another part of the restaurant, Julie comes over to Maggie, who is deep in thought in a corner, and asks if she is ok. Maggie turns around in tears and tells Julie she thinks they should admit the truth...right here, right now. On the terrace, Carrie is in tears and shock after learning Evan is hers as Kate watches. Kate, who is still on the phone with the MCF, asks him or her what she should do. The MCF tells her she already knows what to do. She just needs to make Carrie keep her mouth shut. The MCF says that he or she needs to go and tells Kate good luck. Kate hangs up just as Carrie turns around and sees her entering onto the terrace. Kate sees Carrie overjoyed and in tears and asks what happened. Carrie tells her she has found her son...and it's Nicole's baby, Evan. Kate tells Carrie she thought she had said her baby died. Carrie says that is a lie and that she will explain later but she had a DNA test done and Evan is hers. She tells Kate she wants to go get him. Kate grabs her arm and tells Carrie that there is something she should know first. Carrie asks what that is and Kate tells Carrie that revealing what she learned could destroy many lives. Carrie is puzzled. -Back inside, Eric comes up to Nicole and notices she is in her own little world. He sarcastically asks her if she has something on her mind...perhaps guilt? She tells Eric to buzz off. He asks her when she intends to meet with him about their marriage issues. Nicole blasts him and says that she will do it when she is ready and walks off. Eric remains determined to learn what is going on with her. Meanwhile, a fed up Bo and Roman look into each other's eyes. Both are hurting inside. Roman, due to Bo's words, and Bo, due to everything he has been through. Bo says he is outta there and that he can't take anymore of the party. Bo goes over to Will and tells him he is sorry that he has to go but he can't take it anymore. Bo leaves as Roman walks off on his own. Lucas sees Bo talk to Will as he leaves and asks Will what that was about. The scene then shifts back to Belle, who tells Victor that Philip abused her and hurt her so much. Now he is a raging drunk and she won't change her mind. She encourages Victor to disown him. He is nothing but a disgrace. Victor says he's thought of it, especially recently with how he has behaved. However, Philip is still his son. That is always true no matter how much of a failure and and embarassment he has been of late. Philip hears all this and seethes. Belle tells Victor she has to go. Victor begs Belle to re-consider but Belle says that isn't likely and leaves as Victor follows her. Philip them emerges and kicks a flower pot, breaking it. His eyes well with tears as he then recieves a phone call. It's the MCF!! He or she gives Philip the same offer as before, saying they saw and heard what Victor and Belle discussed and they know Philip did too. Philip says: Philip: What do you want? Is this a joke? Why are you even calling me? How do you know so much? Back at the bar, Frankie can see that Max is drowning his sorrows over Abby and tells Jack he is going to take him home and they can talk in the morning as Shane and Nico are going to watch the surveilance for the night. Jack says ok as Frankie helps a hobbling Max exit the restaurant. Will tells Lucas that Bo just mumbled that he was frustrated with things to him. That is it. Lucas buys it and says that it seems the party is over. Austin comes over and thanks Lucas for throwing it. He says he is going to find Carrie so he can see her before midnight. Lucas and Will go to find Sami. Caroline, Hope, and Kayla are talking when they see Roman walking. Caroline can see something is wrong and asks Roman. Roman fills them in on the fight and says that Bo probably went home. Roman tells Caroline he is going to the station to handle some things. He needs to cool down anyway. He bids everyone goodnight as Caroline wonders whe the strife in her family will stop. Kayla agrees and walsk away with Caroline. Hope then sees Kim crying. She asks if she is alright. Kim says she's fine. Hope then lashes out, saying she is sick of being in the dark. It's obvious there is a big secret in the Brady family and she deserves to know. Kim begs Hope to leave it alone and then wheels away, fighting back tears, as Hope looks on, still determined to get to the bottom of what's going on. Back on the terrace, Carrie asks Kate what she means. Kate says that the paternity of her baby could destroy her family. Her family would be torn and taking sides and Lucas and Austin would hate each other. Not to mention the effect this will have on Carrie's family. Carrie says she isn't afraid of that. She should've never lied in the first place and adds that she needs to trust in those around her. They can all work through this. Kate grabs Carrie and begs her not to say anything. Carrie asks what's wrong. Kate says there is more going on here then even Carrie knows. Carrie asks what she means. Kate says she didn't want to have to tell her and hate's to...but someone bigger is involved in all this. Carrie asks who. kate admits it's...the MCF. Back inside, Jack asks Billie if she is ready. She says she is. She hopes to get back to Victor's and get an update on the MCF situation. Greta says she is right behind them. Julie tells Maggie they can't tells a soul. Doug overhears and asks what they can't tell. Julie says it's just something they heard about someone in their old bridge club and that is what they were talking about. Julie says she promised she wouldn't tell anyone and is swearing Maggie to secrecy. Doug says that Alice is ready to go and that he will take her to the care. Julie says they will be along in a moment. Julie begs Maggie to just let it all go. Marlena is taking the blame and it's over. They will both get over it, sooner or later. They just need to keep their mind off it. Maggie doesn't think she can. Victor overhears and tells Maggie she must. Victor asks Julie if he can have a word with Maggie. Julie says Doug and Alice are waiting. Victor then says he needs to speak to her. He will see to it Maggie gets home fine. This is important. Julie asks Maggie if she wants to. Maggie looks at Victor and says what the hell. It may be interesting or hilarious. Julie warns Victor not to hurt Maggie and leaves. Victor then smiles and says to Maggie: Victor: Long time, no see. Maggie: Cut the bull. What do you want, Victor? Lucas and Will meet up with Sami. Lucas tells Sami he has to tell her something and takes her aside. He fills her in on seeing Bo and Will talk alot tonight. Lucas says Will claimed Bo was venting to him but it seems like more. Sami thinks that it's no big deal and that Will is likely telling the truth about it. Sami then asks what reason would her uncle have to be hanging around with Will. Their family but they have never been close. Sami thinks it's nothing but them hanging around becuase they were bored at the party or something. Lucas thinks she may be right. Austin then asks them if any of them have seen Carrie. Sami and Lucas say no and ask Will, who also shakes his head. Austin wonders where she is and then remembers he hasn't checked the terrace. He heads for there. Eric sees him and says he will help him find her. Nicole is walking hear the terrace and sees Carrie and Kate talking. She wonders what is going on as it looks intense. Meanwhile, Carrie asks why and how the MCF is involved. Kate explains how he or she called her on the day Carrie held Evan at Salem Place, telling her she would learn a big secret there. Kate explains how she put the pieces together and learned that Carrie was Evan's mother. Carrie is stunned and interupts kate by saying: Carrie: You knew? You knew Evan was my son?! Kate: Carrie... Carrie: How could you?! I thought you and I were friends... Kate: Carrie...please... Carrie (in tears): God...how long have you known? Kate: Over a month. Carrie: Oh my....so...does anyone else know? Kate: Yeah...someone else that has been helping to cover it up. Carrie then sees Nicole watching from inside. Carrie: That bitch!! Carrie bolts past Kate and opens the terrace door. She grabs Nicole and slaps her, sending her flying to the ground. Carrie: You knew!! You heartless little whore. You will pay!! You understand?! You have my son and I am going to have him back....and see you lose...EVERYTHING!! The camera then shifts from Kate's look of shock to Nicole's look of terror and then back to Carrie's look of rage and the scene then fades out on an enraged Carrie's face. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Victor to Maggie: I still love you. How about you? Hope to Caroline: Please...give me the answers I need. Philip to MCF: I will do whatever it takes...to have the power I want and need. Belle to Sami: What is going on? Sami to Belle: I have no clue. Austin to Carrie (with Eric, Lucas, Sami, Belle, Kate, and Nicole): Carrie...what the hell is going on? Carrie to Austin: There is something you should know.
HERE ARE THE QUESTIONS FOR WEEK 7 OF VENDETTA. ANSWERS ARE DUE TO ME IN A PM BY 4PM THURSDAY. 1.) What is the name of the song Nora (Martina McBride) sang for Cal and Katherine at their wedding? 2.) What are Tony, Anna, Abby, Chelsea, and Forrest being held captive on? 3.) Where are Carrie and Austin's bachelorette/bachelor parties being held? BONUS (10 pts): Name the characters that were missing from Carrie and Austin's bachelorette/bachelor parties on Friday. DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE BIG VENDETTA ANNOUNCEMENT UNDER THESE QUESTIONS. NEW PLAYERS ARE NEEDED!!
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
You weren't letting me down daysfan. I understand things get busy and overwhelming. Hopefully, this will make it easier for everyone -
ANNOUNCER: MAY...A MONTH OF WEDDINGS AND MAYHEM CONTINUES... THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES... Clip of Carrie looking at her wedding dress. AS CARRIE AND AUSTIN'S WEDDING DAY ARRIVES!! Sami to Carrie: Are you ready for the day you have waited for all you life? The day that you and Austin get married and make it forever this time. BUT...THERE IS ONE PROBLEM... Carrie: Oh my God... THE BRIDE HAS LEARNED A SHOCKING TRUTH....AND HAS A SECRET!! Carrie: What am I going to do? DON'T MISS THE MOST HEART-WRENCHING DECISION OF HER LIFE!!! Carrie: This couldn't get any worse. THEN... Billie to Jack: The wedding...that is when we spring the trap. A TRAP FOR A DANGEROUS THREAT TAKES CENTERSTAGE .... Victor: Carrie and Austin's wedding day won't be just the happiest day of their lives if we catch the mysterious cloaked figure. It might be the happiest day of all our lives. BUT WILL IT WORK? Shane to Billie: This may be our best shot if we want to end this ASAP. PLUS!!! A SEARCH FOR ANSWERS OVERSEAS...TURNS DANGEROUS... Clip of Lexie turning to see Abe and Celeste. Lexie: What are you two...AAA!!!! Clip of masked men ambushing Abe, Celeste, Lexie and her men as a torn Steve watches and says: Steve: What am I doing!! MAY...A MONTH OF WEDDINGS AND MAYHEM!! MISS A DAY, MISS ALOT!! IT'S ALL PART OF...
WEEK OF MAY 6, 2007 EDITION WEEK 7 VENDETTA GAME SCORES AND STANDINGS REMINDER: TRIVIA IS NOW POSTED ON MONDAY'S SO THESE SCORES DO NOT REFLECT TRIVIA AS OF YET. THEY ARE SIMPLY THE COMMENT SCORES FOR WEEK 7 AND THEN TOTAL SCORES OVERALL. GIVEN THE CHANGES MADE TO THE GAME AND THE FACT THAT TRIVIA WON'T BE POSTED UNTIL TOMARROW. THERE WILL BE NO CLUES GIVEN OUT UNTIL I RECIEVE ANSWERS SO EXPECT CLUES FOR THIS WEEK TO GO OUT ON THURSDAY. ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS...PM ME OR COMMENT . WEEK 7 VENDETTA SCORES (COMMENT SCORES ONLY, KEEP IN MIND THE NEW SCORING SYSTEM FOR COMMENTS STARTS THIS WEEK SO THE POINT REWARDS ARE DOUBLED): 1.) Daysfan (2 comments): 20 pts 2.) Tishy and Ryan Chandler (1 comment): 18 pts 3.) DH23, Rick, psychofan (0 comments): 0 pts TOTAL VENDETTA SCORES AS OF 5/6/07: 1.) Tishy (117 pts) 2.) daysfan (54 pts) 3.) DH23 (48 pts) 4.) psychofan (41 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (32 pts) 6.) Rick (0 pts) INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: CHRISTIE CLARK AND PATRICK MULDOON (CARRIE AND AUSTIN) GIVE US THE SCOOP ON THEIR CHARACTER'S UPCOMING NUPTIALS, CARRIE LEARNING THE TRUTH, AND WHY CHRISTIE IS HAPPY TO HAVE PATRICK BACK. Interviewer (I): Hey, Christie and Patrick. Good to see you!! Christie Clark (CC): You too! Patrick Muldoon (PM): Good to here. I: Ok, let's start off with something that happened a while back. Patrick...how did your return come about and give me your reactions. Christie, you can give us your reaction too. PM: Well, I was available and they called me. Tim (Lowery, EP/HW) and I talked and he felt it was right for the story and the direction of the character so the change was made. I watched Austin (peck, ex-Austin) and he was great. I felt bad he got released so I could return but it was the show's decision and I was a part of it. I talked to Austin and he understands. CC: I am so happy to have Patrick. I loved Austin too but I understood why a change was made. The writers had a direction in mind and they felt this was right. I was ok with it and Austin handled it with class, just as I would think he would. We still talk. In a way, I am glad Patrick is here because it feels like things came full circle. We started the Austin and Carrie love story together and now so much of what we are doing now is building on that and trying to get them to a happy ending. I: Speaking of happy endings, Carrie learned the truth about Evan on Friday. What happens now? CC: Well, I can't say much but Carrie learns quite a bit more on Monday and there is a twist that really ups the ante. Let's just say things get worse before they get better. I: Ok, I know you both have to get back to taping so one more question. The wedding begins this week. How was the filming of it and what can you tell us about this blessed event? CC: I wouldn't call it blessed (laughs). Carrie is being tortured by guilt and she is just a mess. She is lying to Austin and the wedding is no slam dunk to go off without a hitch. There is alot going on and the fans need to expect the unexpected. The next two weeks are big. PM: Yeah. Like Christie said, the next two weeks are huge. The wedding is just a part of it. Every week through the summer is huge. I don't think we should spoiler the fun (laughs). I: Ah, you want to be good employees and keep your mouths shut. Ok...I understand. Well, thanks for taking a quick time out to share some thoughts with us. I am sure the fans look forward to the wedding. I know I do so we'll see around. Hope to talk with you both again soon. CC: Thanks. Anytime!! PM: Sure thing. Anytime, anyplace!! NEXT WEEK: LOOK FOR A SPECIAL INSIDER SPOTLIGHT WITH NEWEST CAST ADDITION PETER BERGMAN (FORREST) AND EP/HW TIM LOWERY. COMINGS AND GOINGS GOINGS Billy Ray Cyrus, Martina McBride, and Franc Ross (Jed Montana, Nora Montana, and Rev. Frank Stewart): All three actors have finished their limited runs and last appeared on 5/2/07 after Cal (Josh Taylor) and Katherine (Terri Garber) had wed. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 5/7/07 -Carrie must make a heart-wrenching choice. -Carrie and Austin's wedding becomes the center of a trap. -Philip gives in. -Steve is forced to do the unthinkable. -Cassie tries to stop an enraged Stefano. -Abe, Lexie, and Celeste are ambushed. -Carrie and Austin's wedding day arrives. -Cal and Katherine return to Salem. -Caroline tries to bring Bo and Hope back together. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: WEDNESDAY MAY 9: CARRIE LEARNS THE WHOLE TRUTH AND IS FACED WITH A HEARD-WRENCHING CHOICE. Next Week: Will Carrie and Austin wed? The MCF is cornered. Billie risks it all. Forrest and Abby bond. Celeste's visions trouble her.
-At the Penthouse Grill, both the bachelor and bachelorette parties are in full swing. Maggie, Julie, Alice, and Doug have arrived. Doug goes over to join the men as the women join Hope, Billie, Kayla, Kim, Greta, Caroline, and Sami. Sami races around, trying to help Caroline get everything ready as Carrie should be there at any moment Meanwhile, on the men's side of the restaurant, the bachelor party has begun. Roman and Doug have joined Jack, Frankie, Max, Victor, Lucas, and Will. Lucas says that everything is all set and it seems they are only waiting for Austin and Eric. Outside the Titan building, Carrie arrives with Austin and says that this is where they split up for a night. Austin says he doesn't want to let her go but Carrie says their family and friends went out of their way for these parties so they must humor them. They kiss and profess their love. Austin says he wants to see her later. Carrie says just as long as it's before midnight because she doesn't want more bad luck. He smiles and agrees to her request. He says he will see her later and leavs. Carrie then calls University Hospital again and asks Nurse Jean about the DNA test results on Evan. Jean says that the results will be given to her via messenger this evening. Jean says they don't usually do that but she put a rush on it and is doing it since it's for Carrie. Carrie thanks her. Jean says she doesn't know when the results will be delivered to her but she does now they are complete. Carrie says she will be on the look out and thanks Jean again as she hangs up, anxious to recieve the results. Back at the Penthouse Grille, Kate arrives and immediately helps herself to a drink. She feels guilty over having to keep the truth about Evan a secret and it's really getting to her being at the party. Nicole arrives and comes off the elevator. Kate says look who the cat dragged in and asks why Nicole would even come. Eric and her are extranged and the Brady's probably aren't too keen about seeing her. Nicole says she has a place there. She is still Eric's wife and she has just as much right as anyone to be present. Caroline sees her and comes over, welcoming Nicole. She tells Nicole despite her and Eric's estrangement, she is welcome and that she is still part of the family. Caroline adds that she hopes their marriage works out. Nicole smiles and says that it all depends and they will just have to see how it goes. Caroline agrees with Nicole and excuses herself to help Sami and Hope. Kate tells Nicole this is wrong as Eric gets off the elevator, which neither girl notices. he realizes he is on the wrong side but sees Nicole and Kate and observes intently. Carrie and everyone else has a right to know the truth about Evan. Nicole reminds her of how much hurt and pain this will cause Lucas, Austin, and Carrie. She also mentions others who could get hurt, particularly in her family as they will be forced to take sides since Evan's paternity is in question. She asks Kate if she is willing to risk all that. She adds that sometimes what seems right isn't really the right way to go. Kate then tells Nicole: Kate: With or without me, the truth will come out and you will be lucky if you aren't lynched. Kate then leaves Nicole as Eric watches and says: Eric: Something is definitely going on there. The plot thickens...just what are you up to, Nicole? Meanwhile, back to the bachelor party, Austin arrives just as Eric arrives to join the guys. Austin thanks all of them for coming and orders them all to relax and enjoy themselves. Austin thanks Lucas especially for being the best man and heading all this. Lucas says it's the least he can do and adds they are starting off with a blank slate. It's only right. Austin then makes the rounds to greet everyone as Victor worries about Philip and wonders where he went. -In a kitchen supply closet, Philip continues his cell phone discussion with the MCF, who claims he or she can give Philip what he most desires. Philip, who is still drunk, doesn't understand and asks the MCF what exactly he or she can do for him. he also asks who the MCF is. The MCF tells Philip not to worry about who he is talking to and to just focus on what is offered to him. Philip asks the MCF why his or her voice sounds weird. The MCF, who is using a voice changer as usual, says that he or she has their reasons. The MCF explains to Philip he or she knows everything about what he has gone through. He lost Chloe, his face and pretty much his identity, Belle, Claire, and now his family and friends don't give a damn about him. The MCF mentions how his own father, Victor, won't even lift a finger to help him yet he always runs to the aid of Bo and Maggie and others. Philip asks how the MCF knows all this. The MCF says to not worry about it and tells Philip he or she can help him get his revenge and the power he needs to get all that he wants in his life. He can have his innermost desires come true. A disoriented Philip thinks this is some kind of joke but the MCF assures him it's not. Philip then lashes out, thinking it's some punk on the phone playing him for a fool. He tells the MCF to stop screwing around or he will call the police. Philip hangs up as a frustrated MCF realizes this may be harder then he thought, especially with Philip drunk. Back at the bachelorette party, Bo arrives. Hope and everyone else is stunned. Caroline asks why he is there as she thought he was staying to look after the Pub. Bo says she left her other gift for Carrie and he thought she may want it. He gives it to her and says he is outta there. caroline grabs his arm and mentions to him that he may as well stay now that he is there. Bo refuses, especially after seeing Kim there and knowing Roman is on the other side. Caroline says it's time for the family to heal and begs Bo to stay and go to the bachelor party for her sake. This is a family celebration and she wants him to be a part of it. Bo reluctantly agrees, saying he can't refuse her and that this is for her. Caroline thanks him. Bo then heads for the bachelor party behind the curtain as he walks by Kim, who gets upset that he can't even look at her, and Hope, who is happy he is staying and hopes this somehow helps him open up to her. Carrie then arrives and apologizes for being late. She admits she stopped on the 2nd floor to freshen up first. Sami tells her she looks fine, given all she has been thrpugh. Carrie thanks Sami for being her maid of honor and for helping their grandma plan the bachelorette party. Sami says she is just happy they can have a clean slate. Caroline then comes up and embraces Carrie, who then greets the rest of the women. At the bachelor party, all the men are happy to see Bo. Bo warns them all that he doesn't want no questions as to how he is and all that jazz. He just wants to have a few drinks and hang around. He walks off as he coldly stares at Roman and ignores him otherwise. Roman privately wonders if things will ever be right for their family again. Jack asks Frankie and Doug what's up with Bo. Doug says he is acting very distant and no one knows why. Jack notes that isn't like Bo and wonders what is up. Victor greets Bo and asks how he is. Bo says he's fine but doesn't want to answer questions. He just wants a drink and to haver a seat. He then leaves Victor and sees Will sitting by himself at a table. Bo sits down with him and asks if he is ok. Will says he just is bored and doesn't really want to be there. Bo says he shares that sentiment but says he did it for his mom. Will says he is doing it for his parents and the family too. Bo tells Will they can get each other through the night together, just like they have been helping each other the past few weeks. Will says he would like that. As they see Bo with Will, Eric and Austin ask Lucas what that is about. Bo has never really had a strong bond or relationship with Will. Lucas says he isn't sure but hopes it somehow helps Will, who he and Sami are worried about. Lucas thinks that, perhaps, he heard from Roman or someone else that Will was having a hard time and is just trying to help. Eric and Austin admit they can see that. Sami then rushes over to get something from behind the bar that they ran out of. Lucas fills her in on Will being with Bo. Sami shrugs it off and says that she hopes whatever they are talking about helps Will through whatever he is dealing with that they don't know about. Eric, remembering the scene between Nicole and Kate he witnessed earlier, says that while they are talking about secrets, he may be on to uncovering one. He explains what happened when he first arrived and how he saw Kate and Nicole in a heated discussion. Eric then tells Sami and Lucas: Eric: Something is going on with Nicole and Kate. I am telling you...my wife is in involved in something up to her knees. Eric mentions how this started with her going to Victor for something but he won't talk. He tells Sami and Lucas he feels he is right on Nicole's trail. Sami then realizes it's time for the parties to begin and then we see a montage of Carrie opening presents, Austin and some of the men having a toast and drinking to the future, and then a male stripper showing up for the bachelorette party and performing to exotic music and a female stripper showing up for the bachelor party and performing to exotic music. Both men and women go wild at their parties. Meanwhile, Victor goes to search for Philip as the scene shifts to the supply closet where Philip is barely conscious. He recalls the words of the MCF and keeps repeating how they are some damn joke. He then calls himself a joke and a failure. While searching for Philip, Victor catches a glimpse of Belle. He goes over to the curtain and calls out to her. He reminds her that they must talk. Belle tells Victor that it needs to wait. It's her sister's bachelorette party. Victor tells Belle not to make him beg. He needs to discuss Claire and Philip with her and says: Victor: I am afraid for my son, Belle. I think you are the only one that can help him. Please...can we just talk? Belle reluctantly agrees and tells Sami she will be back as she walks off with Victor. Will thanks Bo for sitting with him and being there for him. Bo tells Will right back at him. It's good not to be alone. They both smile. Max is hitting the bottle hard and Frankie advises him to cool it. Max says they should be watching the monitors and out there looking for Abby, Chelsea, and the MCF. Max nearly falls over and Frankie catches him. Jack comments on how this is yet another reason for him to not want Max around Abby anymore. Frankie tells Jack he is just upset but Jack insists that Max is a bad influence for his daughter and that is something he feels very strongly about. Jack apologizes and tells Frankie he doesn't want trouble as they are working together on the MCF investigation. Roman overhears and asks them to repeat what they said . Bo then interrupts, getting up from his and Will's table, and sarcastically says: Bo: Hey....Frankie and Jack....be careful. Big, bad Commander Roman Augustus Brady is on the beat. If you have some sort of investigation of your own, watch out. Roman won't like it. Heaven forbid if anyone upstage him. He always has to be the sanctimonious, holier then thou... Roman: Hey!! Bo: Hey what?! It's the truth. That is why you hate when those that aren't the authorities run their own investigations. Yeah, there are rules but's about you and being afraid someone is going to put the pieces together faster and beat you to the punch, huh? It's about the pride...the ego...you just have to be he one that pulls it all off. Am I right? Frankie and Jack try to calm them but Bo says it's about time someone knocked him down a few pegs and there is something he has wanted to do for a little while now. Bo then hauls back and punches Roman as Frankie, Jack, Lucas, Austin, and Eric step in before a all-out brawl ensues as Will, Max, and Doug watch. Bo then says: Bo: Now that felt good. Back at the bachelorette party, Carrie is talking with Julie and seems distracted by something. She excuses herself and heads for the elevator, where a man is standing there with a manilla envelope. Carrie asks if she can help him and the man says he is looking for Carrie Brady as he has some DNA results for her. An anxious Carrie says that's her and signs for the envelope. She gives the messenger a tip and he leaves as Carrie says she will now learn if the connection she feels to Evan is more then just a feeling. She will find out if he really is her song, like she thinks he is deep down. She heads for the terrace for some privacy. Meanwhile, Kate is on her way back from the ladies room when her cell rings. It's the MCF!! The MCF tells Kate they have a problem. Kate's face is one of terror and she asks what the MCF wants. The MCF tells her to go to the terrace. A bewildered and terrified Kate heads for the terrace while Nicole is at the snack table when Sami approaches her. Sami asks her what she has been up to. Nicole says she has been focused on Evan and that's it. She is going to put off returning to Titan for two more weeks. Sami asks if that's it. Nicole asks what she is getting at. Sami says she's right. She will just come out and say it. Sami then asks Nicole to tell her the truth about what she is really up to or she will have to force it out of her. Nicole laughs as Sami says she will do it. She has ways of making someone talk and reminds Nicole that whatever she is hiding will come out anyway as secrets always do, something she found out the hard way many times. She tells Nicole to just admit it all now and save herself the time and trouble. Carrie makes her way on the terrace and opens the envelope. Kate arrives at the terrace and sees Carrie there and asks the MCF what he or she wants her to do. The MCF says for her to just listen to Carrie. Carrie is reading over the DNA results and her face turns from one of nervousness to one of shock and then, finally, to one of elation as she says: Carrie (with tears streaming down her face): Oh my God...Evan...Evan is my baby. The baby Nicole adopted is my son. Kate overhears this and says that Carrie knows. The MCF admits that is what he or she was pointing out. The MCF says he or she knew Carrie was about to find out tonight and would've been able to stop it if he or she knew about the test but that didn't work out like that. Kate asks what she is supposed to do. The MCF tells Kate she needs to make sure Carrie doesn't talk...or else face the consequences. Kate then looks at an overjoyed and tearful Carrie as the screen freezes on a split-screen of Kate and Carrie and then fades out. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Bo to Roman: I will never think of you as family again. Victor to Belle: You are the only one that can do it, Belle. I think you are the only one who can save Philip from himself. Philip to MCF: What do you want? Is this a joke? Why are you even calling me? Maggie to Julie: I think we should tell the truth...right here, right now. Carrie to Kate: You knew? You knew Evan was my son?!
-At the Green Mountain Lodge, Cal and Katherine are enjoying their wedding night in their honeymoon suite. Cal promises her this is only the first of many special nights. He is going to spend the rest of his life making her happy. They continue to make love. Later, they begin to talk about their future. Cal says he wants to continue hypnosis and his therapy right away. Katherine says they should wait first. They just got married and should enjoy that. Cal says he wants to prove to her that he wasn't pulling one over on her. He meant what he promised her. He wants to remember his past and feel like a complete person again, even if he learns horrible things. He tells Katherine they will face it all together. They both smile at each other. Cal mentions that he does have one request and really needs to run something by her. Katherine tells him to go ahead. Cal mentions that he knows they came out to the mountains to isolate him and to help him in his treatment but he feels that isn't necessary and they can continue his therapy elsewhere. Cal tells Katherine he wants to go back to Salem. Katherine is stunned. -On the cruise ship, Chelsea watches as both Abby and Forrest have fallen asleep. She whispers to Abby for her to get up. Abby wakes up angry, asking why she woke her. There is nothing to do in the cell they are in and she is tired. Chelsea says she wants to talk to her about this Forrest guy. Chelsea says she thinks there is something off about him. Abby says he seems very nice and seems like he has been through alot. Chelsea asks her how much they know about him. Abby says not much other then he doesn't understand why he is there either. Chelsea explains that is her point and it worries her, especially one thing in particular. Abby asks what that is. Chelsea admits what worries her is the way he looked at Abby. -Back in Salem, at the Kiriakis Mansion, Jack and Billie walk into Victor's secret surveilance room. Frankie, Greta, Max, Nico, Victor, and Shane are all there watching things. They tell Jack and Billie there is nothing to report yet. Billie tells Jack they need to catch a break fast or they may never find their children. She asks Jack what will happen if they are never found. Jack says that won't happen. He won't let it. He then takes her in his arms. Billie realizes that Carrie's bachelorette party is tonight and that she should be there. Nico and Shane volunteer to stay back and monitor things so everyone can go. Max says he wants to stay. He has no reason to party and thinks he is better off trying to help find Abby and Chelsea and bust the MCF. Shane explains that Max should be there as Austin is marrying adopted niece, Carrie. Max reluctantly agrees, saying Abby and Chelsea would want him to go. The group then heads off for the bachelor/bachelorette parties as Shane tells Nico they better catch a break soon. The MCF needs to be stopped as he or she has run amok for too long. Shane fears if they don't catch him or her soon...the worst may still be yet to come. -At the Penthouse Grill, the restaurant is divided by a curtain to separate the bachelor/bachelorette parties. Hope and Caroline are putting up decorations. Hope asks Caroline where Sami and Lucas are. Caroline explains they went to get a few missing things for the parties as they are the maid of honor and best man. They also needed to pick up Will. Hope explains that Alice, Maggie, Julie, and her father will be there soon. Caroline explains that she is so happy he has been released and embraces Hope. Hope thanks her for that. Hope then asks if everything is ok with Bo at the Pub. Caroline says he's fine. He's rather quiet but he is helping her. Hope tells Caroline she knows that her, Kayla, Kim, and Roman have an idea what Bo is keeping from her and begs Caroline to tell her. She is Bo's wife and wants to help. Caroline says it isn't a good idea and just isn't her place. She will have to find out from Bo. Hope understands she is just trying to keep her son's confidence. Caroline excuses herself to handle some things. Kayla then arrives and asks if she can do anything. Caroline says everything seems ok and explains that the men will be on the side of the restaurant with the bar and the girls will be on the other side with a makeshift bar set up. Caroline explains the men will enter via the service entrance to avoid the women. Kim then wheels in. Caroline asks how she got in and Kim mentions one of the caterers helped her. Kayla ignores Kim's presence and then excuses herself. Kim then asks Caroline when this is going to end. Caroline says she is trying to put the family together again but there have been so many secrets and lies. She preaches forgiveness but feels it's fallen on deaf ears. Caroline explains this wedding may be what the family needs. They could use some celebration and, hopefully, it leads to their family heading down the path to forgiveness and unity. Kim hopes so as she feels bad enough already and knows Caroline must hate her for her part in hiding the truth about Bo. Caroline embraces her and says she could never do that. She is her daughter and she has forgiven her. She understands why Roman and her did it. Kim says she hopes the rest of the family grows to understand as well. Meanwhile, Belle arrives and puts her gift down to get something from her purse. A drunk Philip then comes up in the elevator and comes up behind her. Belle is appalled by how he smells like booze and tells him to stay away. He lashes out at her, saying he is suffering because of her and that their daughter is too. Belle says she will be better off without him and that Philip is getting what he deserves. She says he deserves it all and so much more. Hope sees what is going on and tells Philip he was supposed to enter on the service end. She orders him to the men's side but also thinks it may be better if he leaves. Philip says he knows everyone would like that, which is why he is staying. He aimlessly walks by Hope and Belle and then turns to Belle, telling her it's not over by a long shot. Hope comforts Belle, who says she's ok. He is never going to see Claire again and it's what he richly deserves. Victor then makes his presence known, having witnessed the exchange between Philip and Belle after coming off the elevator, and asks to speak with Belle. Hope reminds him the men are on the other side. Victor says he knows but it's important he speak with Belle. Hope leaves as Victor tells Belle that they need to discuss Philip and Claire. Hope goes to put the finishing touches on some decorations as Greta arrives. She greets Hope and both women ask how the other is. Hope explains it's tough with everything going on with Bo being so distant but is happy her father is better. Greta says she was praying for him. Hope thanks her and asks how the MCF case is going. Greta says they have some irons in the fire right now and are just waiting for big break. She explains to Hope she can't go into it because you never know when the MCF is listening and watching. Hope understands. Greta swears her to secrecy once again about the MCF investigation her, Frankie, Jack, and Billie are a part of. Hope says she doesn't have to worry. Her lips are sealed. Greta then asks Hope if she ever plans on telling Bo about Chelsea. Hope says she wants to but with him being a mess already and with Billie engrossed in the MCF investigation, she doesn't feel now is the time and place. Greta says she can't disagree but reminds Hope that secrets have a way of coming out. Hope says she knows and does plan on telling Bo and Billie that Chelsea is her daughter and they aren't her parents. It just needs to be at the right time and place and she just needs to hope they understand why she has hid the truth so long. Greta says she will pray for her. Hope thanks her and runs off to handle things. Greta then tells herself to talk her own advice about not keeping secrets as they always come out somehow. She looks over at Victor and says telling him he is her father right now would be wrong, given what is going on with the MCF investigation and all. They can't afford any distractions right now. She just needs to wait until it's the right time and place, just like Hope will with her secret. -Back at the Green Mountain Lodge, Cal explains to Katherine he knows that he isn't Roman anymore but he cares for the people there and it's his home. He just wants to go back there with his new wife and settle down. Katherine says she sees his point. Her practice is there and she already has been away too long. She thinks he has come along well enough for them to go back so she agrees. Cal thanks her and says that it looks like they just made their first big decision as husband and wife. Katherine notes that they didn't even fight. They then profess their love and begin to make love again. -Back on the cruise ship, Abby asks what Chelsea is getting at. Chelsea says that it was almost like Forrest was fascinated with Abby. Abby tells her she is ridiculous. Chelsea then recalls how Abby said her mom was raped by someone named Lawrence Alamain and asks for confirmation from Abby if that is Forrest's brother. Abby says it is and that Forrest even mentioned his brother. Abby also says that Forrest was presumed dead in an accident for years and that Roman Brady even thought he was him at one point. Chelsea comments on how confusing this is and says she just gets a bad feeling and vibe from Forrest. She mentions how if Lawrence could hurt her mom like that, Forrest could certainly hurt Abby and the way he looked at her sent chills down her spine. Abby asks if this is the same Chelsea thatr went out partying with men and got stoned and drunk. Chelsea says she learned her lesson and she knows what it's like. She used to get the same vibe and feeling before with men but never recognized or did anything with it and that is how she got raped more then once. Abby says that this isn't the same situation. Forrest is a prisoner, just like them. Abby also mentions how Lawrence Alamain seems to have cleaned up and is married to Carly Manning and is living somewhere in Europe. Chelsea says she still can't shake a feeling she has in the pit of her stomach. She also wonders why they were put in there with Forrest. They must have other cells, she says. Abby thinks it was random and tells Chelsea to calm down and to stop over-analyzing. Chelsea apologizes but knows she is right. Something isn't right and it's not just because they are being held by Ernesto and whoever else. She reiterates that something is up with Forrest and she knows it's not good. -Back in Salem at the Penthouse Grille, Belle tells Victor she doesn't want to speak to him right now. it will have to wait. Her sister is on her way and she is needed. Victor says it's important and will only take a few minutes. Belle tells Victor she will discuss matters with him later. Victor agrees and tells Belle she better come talk to him later. This can't wait any longer. Victor leaves as a frustrated Belle takes a deep breath and joins Caroline, Hope, Kayla, Greta, and a just arrived Billie. On the men's side of the restaurant, Max is sitting at the bar drinking shots. He thinks it's wrong he is there and that he should be looking for Abby and Chelsea. He promises to find them and says that he is going to fight for Abby. He isn't going to let go of what they have and he feels it's not to late. Jack and Frankie are talking and wondering where all the guests are. Victor joins them and says it seems some are running late. Victor sees Philip sitting at a table nearby and asks Jack and Frankie if he has done anything else but sit there. Jack says not really and that Hope had to tell the bartender not to serve him since he was already two sheets to the wind. Victor excuses himself and goes over to Philip. Philip then gets up and walks out. Victor moves to follow but loses him when Philip goes around the corner. Victor wonders what he needs to do to snap his son out of this self-destructive pattern he is in. Meanwhile, Philip goes into a kitchen supply closet and closes the door behind him. He angrily tosses some items around in a drunken rage and lashes out about how no one cares and will help. They all think he is weak but he isn't. He is just being held back...by his father. He is limiting his power. He mentions how if his father had really been gone when he was presumed dead that he would have it all. All the power, money, influence, Claire, and Belle. Now he has nothing and has lost everything. He also knows he is losing his honored reputation as a soldier and as a Kiriakis. He complains how he is sick of being the loser and always coming out on the bottom. He lost Chloe, Belle, and his daughter on top of everything else. His phone then rings and a person greets him with a "Hello" on the other end. Philip doesn't recognize the voice on the other end and doesn't grasp that the voice is being altered due to his drunken state but asks: Philip: Who are you? MCF (with voice changer): The person who can give you all that you desire. The screen then freezes on Philip's intrigued face and then fades out. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Philip to MCF: Just what can you do for me? Victor to Belle: I am afraid for my son, Belle. I think you are the only one that can help him. Kate to Nicole: With or without me, the truth will come out and you will be lucky if you aren't lynched. Eric to Sami and Lucas: Something is going on with Nicole and Kate. I am telling you...my wife is in involved in something up to her knees. Carrie (opening an envelope): Oh my God...
VENDETTA CLIP #14 The MCF is outside the Titan building, watching people go inside to go up to the Penthouse Grill for Carrie and Austin's bachelor and bachelorette parties. MCF (with voice changer): Everything is going according to plan. Ernesto says that the girls are quite comfortable in their new surroundings and it seems they were quite shocked to see dear old Forrest there. Haha. Now...let's see. Cal and Katherine have married but I am not ready to focus on them yet. Ah...the young Kiriakis. He should be here tonight, I would think. God knows he is already drunk so he will be looking to drown his sorrows yet again. The MCF then sees Philip arrive and notices his having trouble walking to the door. Philip: Why the hell am I here? I don't give a damn about these people and they sure as hell don't care about me. None of them will help me. I'm losing everything and they are all going to party. The MCF watches, listens, and says: MCF: Hmm...the young Kiriakis is right where I want him. His current state of mind will be perfect for him to aid in my plan. This is so much better then the other way I was going to go about targeting the great Victor Kiriakis. Now...I just have to wait. Tonight...I will begin my plan...to lure Philip in. It will be like a seduction. I will tempt him with what he most desires until he gives in and does exactly what I want. The MCF then laughs as he or she sees Philip enter the Titan building and get into the elevator. MCF: This should be one fun and productive night. Just like the wedding will be tomarrow. All the chips are falling into place. The day of reckoning is coming. Soon, my friends. Soon. The MCF laughs as the scene fades out on him or her and then fades into...
***DON'T FORGET TO PLAY THE SONG FOR CAL AND KATHERINE'S DANCE!!*** -At the Green Mountain Lodge, Cal and Katherine's wedding reception is in full swing. Jed and Nora are dancing and so is the small gathering that was at their wedding. Cal and Katherine thank Rev. Stewart for presiding over their wedding. Rev. Stewart wishes them the best of luck in the future and leaves. Cal then asks Katherine if she heard that. He said their future. Cal tells Katherine their future begins today. It's the first day of the rest of their lives. They both smile and continue to enjoy their magical evening. Later, Katherine tosses the bouquet and Nora manages to catch it. Jed also catches the garter. Cal and Katherine jokingly say they were aiming for them and thank them for everything. They don't think they would've made it to the altar without them. Jed and Nora wish them every happiness and encourage them to trust in their love, just like they do. Nora says she has a gift for Cal and Katherine. They both say she has given enough but Nora says this is special. Nora steps onstage as Jed tells Cal and Katherine how his wife is a glorious singer. He always wondered by she never made a career out of it but says, who knows. It could happen someday. Nora steps onstage and says this is for a very special couple on their most special day. She then begins to sing There You Are-Martina McBride as we see a large montage of Cal and Katherine dancing, eating their wedding cake, and going up to their room where lit candles and a bed of roses await. Chamapigne is there too. Cal carries Katherine over the threshold and to the bed. She then goes into the bathroom and comes out in a beautiful negligee. Cal kisses her and slowly lays her on the bed as they make love with "There You Are" still playing. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip walks through the door, stinking drunk once again.. He goes into the living room, where he tries to get into the liquor cabinet. When he makes such a loud ruckus, Victor and Henderson walk into the living room and Victor asks him why does he feel the need to keep walking into his house blasted out of his mind. Philip tells him to shut up. Henderson takes that as his cue and leaves and then Victor walks over to Philip and grabs him, yanking him around to where they can face each other, man to man, and demands to know what did Philip to screw things up this time. Philip says that Belle told him that he can't see Claire anymore, like Victor cared in the first place. He then also tells him that he got caught by Belle drinking at Salem Place so that may be his last chance to be a real father to his daughter. Victor tells him that a real man, and a real father, would not spend his time getting drunk in bars. He would tackle his problems head on and do what he needs to do to make things right in his life. And, Victor tells him, the one thing a real man wouldn’t do is blame others for their mistakes. Well, a drunken Philip says, after listening to this speech from Ward Cleaver, he feels so much better now. It’s nice to get a lecture from one of the biggest mafia men in the world. He’ll remember this conversation.....if and when he ever gets his daughter back. Victor now feels that is his cue to leave as well and tells Philip that he hopes that, through his drunken haze, that he heard what he said to him. With that, Victor walks out and goes back upstairs. Philip then quietly says to himself that he doesn’t need anyone and drunkenly stalks out of the house. -At Salem University Hospital, Cassie walks into Stefano’s room. She walks over to his bed and stands over him, watching her grandfather and hoping that he wakes up. Dr. Glancy walks into his room as well and he tells Cassie that there has been no change since he came in. He is still non-responsive to any stimuli and, for all he knows, Stefano may stay like this for the rest of his life. Cassie thanks the doctor and then turns her attentions back to Stefano, telling him that she needs him now. She fills him in on what she did to Abby and Chelsea and feels guilty as hell. She laughs, saying that guilt has never been a DiMera emotion, but maybe that says that it may be time for the DiMeras to change their thinking. Maybe it’s time, she tells Stefano, to give up all of the secrets and hate that the family has for the people of Salem and move on to bigger and better things. Cassie takes Stefano's hand and tells him that she wants her grandfather back and she will pray as hard as she can to make that happen. At that very moment, when Cassie bends down to kiss his hand, it trembles. Cassie jolts back up and looks at Stefano, whose eyes have slowly started to open. Cassie screams for the doctor to come back into the room, as Dr. Glancy does. He looks over Stefano and takes his vital signs. Stefano opens his eyes up all the way and looks straight at Cassie, announcing that.... Stefano: It’s good........to be alive. Cassie bends down and kisses her grandfather as Stefano hugs Cassie. He can move somewhat but the doctor tells him that it will take some time for him to get his strength back. Stefano tells the doctor that he has the strength of ten men, which makes Cassie smile broadly. Nothing, or no one, will keep him in that bed, much less that hospital. The doctor leaves to run more tests but tells Stefano he’ll be back later. Stefano says that he’ll be right there, catching up with his beautiful granddaughter. After the doctor leaves, Cassie grabs a chair and brings it near his bed, sitting down and smiling at him. Stefano just looks at Cassie, smiling as well, and asks her what has been going on since he has been out of commission. Cassie fills him in on what the MCF made her do and Stefano tries to sit up in his bed, his anger and rage forcing him to overexert himself. Cassie tries to get him to calm down but he will have none of it. That person has done more than enough to him and his family and now is the time that the MCF knows the consequences of what happens to those who cross Stefano DiMera. On cue, those words bring Roman into his bedroom and causes him to ask The Phoenix..... Roman: So, what magic potion did you take this time to bring you back from hell? Stefano: (Looking at Roman) Ah, Commander Brady. Or is it Forrest Alamain? Or Father John Black? Romulus? Bruce Willis? Drake Hogestyn? You know, Roman, when you die they will have to put “To Be Continued....” on your headstone, just so everyone will get all of your names. Roman: Well, I see getting shot and being near death did absolutely nothing for your sorry disposition. I’m surprised that there isn’t a henchman under your bed, breathing for you, since you can never do anything yourself. Stefano: Commander, as you see, my granddaughter has come here to see me. Why don’t you run along and try to catch the bastard who shot me instead of standing here being the complete ass we all know you are. Roman: You know, Stefano, when I do catch this person, and I will, I might arrest them for only one crime......not finishing the job they started on you. Both men glare at one another as Cassie asks Roman to leave. After a moment, Roman starts to walk out but not before telling Stefano that they are not finished. Stefano remarks that they never will be as Roman stares at him as he walks out the door. Stefano asks Cassie where Alexandra is and he asks Cassie to call her and let her know the good news. Cassie says that she doesn’t know where she could be and then Stefano says that she may have went off to find her father, Tony. Cassie looks at Stefano as he orders her to give him the phone. When she asks him what he is doing, he says that his daughter must be found. This MCF is on the loose, and if any harm comes to her...... Only God Himself can stop him from seeking revenge. Cassie’s eyes grow wide with fear as she sees a very determined Stefano stare off into the distance as the scene slowly fades to black. On the cruise ship, Chelsea gets up off of the bed and slowly walks over to Forrest. She stands in front of him and stares at him. When Forrest asks her what is the matter, she tells him that there is a person who looks a lot like him. Forrest remarks that she may be talking about his wonderful brother, Lawrence. Chelsea confirms his comment, saying that she saw photos of him in the back issues of The Spectator. Forrest turns and walks away, saying that he is the last person he wants to talk about. Both of the girls look at each other. Abby then speaks to Forrest, saying that she doesn’t know why such a rich man is being held prisoner. Forrest turns around and walks back over to the bed, saying that he doesn’t know where she got the impression that he was rich. She tells him that her father once was and that she knows the type. Forrest says that she is a very inquisitive young lady, which makes Abby smile, but also makes Chelsea roll her eyes and walk over to the window. All Chelsea wants to know, she says, is who has them, and how do they get out of there. Forrest walks over to Chelsea, telling her that he has tried that more times than he can count and that there is no way out of this hell hole. He also tells both girls that the man who has them prisoner is named Ernesto Toscano. Abby and Chelsea say they both know who he is. Forrest is surprised. He says that he has been locked up there for quite some time and thought that Ernesto was just some mysterious nutcase who had a grudge against his family. He still doesn’t know why he’s there. Chelsea tells him that, no matter the reason, they need to find a way out of there......before it’s too late. What none of them know is that they are being monitored by Ernesto, who is sitting in a secret room watching them. He then receives a phone call, telling the person on the other end..... Ernesto: Yes, yes everything is going according to plan. The girls are locked up with Mr. Alamain. No, no need to come out here. Our plans are going as scheduled. (After a pause) No one will ever suspect anything. Hell, they don’t even know whose behind any of this. I know. Leave that to me. When we are through with these two young ladies, their lives will never be the same..... And Salem......will be left......in ruins. Ernesto hangs up the phone as the scene freeze-frames on his face and the episode slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Greta to Hope: Tell Bo the truth Hope. Before it's too late. Belle to Philip: You deserve everything you are getting and more. Philip to MCF (on the phone): Who are you? MCF (with voice changer) to Philip: The person who can give you all that you desire. Cal to Katherine: There is something I want to run by you but I'm not sure you will like it. Billie to Jack: What if we never find them? Chelsea to Abby (whispering): There is something off about this Forrest guy.
APRIL 2007 AND 2007 YEAR TO DATE EPISODE COUNTS (AS OF 4/30/07) SWEENEY LEADS 2007 AS ASHFORD JUMPS TO 2ND POSITION PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.) Episodes: 84 Days: 13 New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007) January 9-January 23, 2007 January 24-January 30, 2007 January 31-February 12, 2007 February 13-February 20, 2007 February 21-March 2, 2007 March 5-March 13, 2007 March 14-March 27, 2007 March 28-April 3, 2007 April 4-April 10, 2007 April 11-April 19, 2007 April 20-April 27, 2007 April 30- APRIL 2007 EPISODE COUNTS 1.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-13 2.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-12 3.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-11 *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-11 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-11 *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-11 7.)Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-10 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine C. Harcourt)-10 *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-10 10.) Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-9 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-9 12.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-8 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-8 *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-8 15.) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-7 *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-7 17.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-6 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-6 *Billy Ray Cyrus (Jed Montana)-6 *Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-6 21.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-5 *Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-5 *James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-5 *Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-5 *Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-5 *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-5 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-5 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-5 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-5 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-5 *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-5 32.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-4 *Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-4 *Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-4 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-4 *Roscoe Born (James McClure)-4 *Ron Leath (Henderson)-4 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-4 39.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-3 *Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-3 *Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton)-3=Last aired on 4/9/07 *Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-3 *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-3 44.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-2 *Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *David Tom (Jeremy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Alli Brown (Sarah Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Michael Leon (Pete Jannings)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jed Allen (Don Craig)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Blake Berris (Nick Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Martina McBride (Nora Montana)-2 *Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-2 *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-2 *Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)-2 *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-2 64.) Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-1 *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-1 *James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-1 *Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-1 CONTRACT AND RECURRING CAST MEMBERS NOT APPEARING THIS MONTH: Franc Ross (Rev. Frank Stewart) Arloa Reton (Joelle) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy) TOTAL EPISODE COUNTS FOR 2007 1.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-50 2.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-45 3.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-44 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-44 5.) Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-42 6.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-41 7.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-38 8.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-37 9.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-35 *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-35 *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-35 12.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-34 *Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-34 *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-34 15.) Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-33 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-33 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-33 18.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-32 *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-32 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-32 21.) Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-31 22.) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-31 23.) Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-29 24.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-27 25.) Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-25 26.) Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-24 *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-24 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-24 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-24 30.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-23 *Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-23 32.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-22 33.) Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-21 34.) Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-20 35.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-18 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-18 37.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-17 *Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-17 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-17 39.) Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-16=Last aired on 2/26/07 *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-16=Last aired on 2/26/07 41.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-15 42.) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-14 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-14 44.) Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-12=Last aired on 2/26/07 *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-12=Last aired on 2/26/07 46.) Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-9 *Ron Leath (Henderson)-9 48.) Billy Ray Cyrus (Jed Montana)-6 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-6 50.) Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-4 51.) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-3 *Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-3 *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-3 *Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton)-3=Last aired on 4/9/07 55.) Arloa Reton (Joelle)-2 *Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)-2 *Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *David Tom (Jeremy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Alli Brown (Sarah Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Michael Leon (Pete Jannings)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jed Allen (Don Craig)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Blake Berris (Nick Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Martina McBride (Nora Montana)-2 72.) James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-1 *Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-1
***SPECIAL NOTE: A YEAR AGO TODAY, I BEGAN THIS BLOG AND THIS HAS BEEN ONE OF THE BEST EXPERIENCEs OF MY LIFE. A FEW MONTHS AFTER THIS, MY PARTNER ROMAN JOINED ME AND IT'S ONE HELL OF A RIDE THAT I NEVER WANT TO END. I WANT TO THANK ROMAN FOR ALL HIS HARD WORK AND FOR HIS FRIENDSHIP. WITHOUT HIM, IT WOULDN'T BE THE SAME AND NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE BEEN POSSIBLE. ROMAN AND I ALSO WANT TO THANK OUR LOYAL READERS AND EVERYONE AT SON FOR A GREAT YEAR. WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT AND LOYALTY AND HERE IS TO MANY MORE YEARS TO COME!! THE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION BEGINS...NOW!!! ENJOY THE EPISODE!!*** -Katherine has her dressed zipped up by Nora as she puts on her earrings. She looks in the mirror and says to Nora that she still doesn’t know if this is the right thing to do. Nora tells her to stop complaining. When Katherine turns around shocked, Nora is smiling at her. Katherine smiles back as Nora tells her that this is not the time for any of this. Cal is a good, decent man and anyone would kill to be walking down the aisle towards him. In his room, Cal has just put his jacket on and prepares to head out the door when he stops. When Jed asks him what is the matter now, Cal stands there quiet. Jed calmly walks over to him and asks if he is ok. Cal doesn’t turn around and then barely says that he hopes he is doing the right thing by her. Jed places his hand on Cal’s shoulder and then he turns to face Jed, telling him that she may be giving up too much marrying a man with no past. Jed looks at him, straightens up his collar, and tells him that she is marrying for her future not because of his past. Cal looks at Jed and smiles, telling him thanks for being a good friend. As the two men start to get emotional, Jed wipes the tears from his eyes and tells Cal in a booming voice that it’s time to get this show on the road. At that moment, the scene fades to Katherine’s room where Nora ask Katherine if she is ready. Katherine looks at Nora and says no time like the present. She then says that her daddy always told her that when she finds a good man to do everything she can to hold on to him. She intends to do just that as she picks up her bundle of flowers and stands tall, ready to marry the man of her dreams. Twenty minutes later, the scene has shifted to the cliff where a small gathering has occurred. Cal is standing at the end of the altar with Rev. Stewart and Jed as they see Nora walk down the aisle. She drops rose petals on the freshly cut lawn as she looks at Jed. They both smile at each other, thinking back to the day that they were married, as she takes her place at the end of the altar. The guest then stand as the wedding march is played and Katherine walks towards the aisle, looking stunning in her wedding gown. Cal smiles broadly as Katherine starts to walk down the aisle, unaware of how scared she really is. With each step, Katherine wonders if she is doing what is in her best interest. To marry a man with no past and no memories. What is she thinking? She can’t do this. She can’t live and love someone who doesn’t even know if he used to be in the military or was married and was a wife-beater. She thinks she is the one who has to have her head examined because if she goes through with this she feels she will making the biggest mistake of her life. She continues walking down the aisle but when she gets close to Cal she suddenly stops dead in her tracks and just looks at Cal. She stares at him, seconds away from running away on him. But Cal, who has a worried look on his face, reaches his hand out. His look then changes from one of worry to one of calm and he smiles at her. As Jed and Nora look on anxiously, Katherine hesitates then gently takes Cal’s hand as he leads her forward to stand by his side. They then both stand in front of the reverend as they look at each other and Katherine’s feelings turn to what she knows they always have been for this man..... To feelings of deep, unwavering love and devotion. As Cal looks at her and the reverend begins speaking, the guests sit down and his mind goes back to the first time he saw her........ Rev. Stewart: We humbly stand in God’s Country, looking out over his magnificent work, as two souls that He created have decided to join as one in the presence of friends. As we have gathered here today...... Cal remembers Katherine walking into the hospital waiting area as he was watching North & South. He didn’t want to admit it then but even with her hair up and wearing glasses, she was the most beautiful lady he had ever seen........ Rev. Stewart: To join this man and this woman, we bless the love that is prevalent her today. We give thanks to Almighty God for His blessings and his grace and say a special prayer for this lady, who has devoted her life to helping those of His children who have lost their way, and this man, who has the future to look forward to as he tries to regain, with God’s help, the memories of his past..... Katherine remembers the moment that Cal proposed to her. She thinks of the moment that he slipped the ring on her finger and the moment she promised to be his lady, for the rest of her life........ Rev. Stewart: And now, without further adieu, Katherine and Cal would like to express their love for one another here, in front of this gathering. Katherine turns to Cal and speaks first, saying to him...... Katherine: I want to start off by saying.....how sorry I am, my love. To almost having walked out on you....I don’t know what I was thinking. I want to say here, now.....that your past means only as much as you want it to. I am your future. Never forget that, my love. I will spend the rest of my life having you never doubt me again. No matter what you call yourself, or what your name is, all I know is that I’m in mad, passionate, unwavering love....with the most wonderful man that God Himself ever put on this Earth. And I’ll spend the rest of my life proving that to you. Cal wipes away a tear from his eye as the reverend motions him to speak. Cal looks deeply into Katherine’s crying eyes as he begins..... Cal: I don’t know what to say. The only wonderful thing that has happened in the past year to me.....is you. Period. You went from being my doctor, to my protector, to my lover, and now to my best friend. I honestly don’t know.....where I would be if God hadn’t of put you in my path through this life. Being with you, my love, is like living inside pure joy. It’s also very scary because even though I really can’t remember a thing, I know that I honestly could not go on if you were not in my life. It just......wouldn’t be worth it. So.....I’ll spend the rest of my life thanking God Almighty for joining us together. The rest of my life, my love......... The wedding is paused for a moment as Nora hands Katherine a handkerchief to wipe her eyes with. Everyone smiles as Cal takes the handkerchief.......and dries Katherine’s tears himself, before kissing her hand. Cal and Katherine then turn back towards the reverend, as he speaks once again..... Rev. Stewart: Cal, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold....for better, or for worse.......for richer or poorer.....in sickness, and in health, for as long as you both shall live? Cal: I Do. Rev. Stewart: Katherine, do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? To have and to hold, for better, or for worse, in sickness......and in health, for richer, and for poorer, for as long as you both shall live? Katherine: I Surely Do. Everyone smiles broadly as the reverend then says.... Rev. Stewart: Then, by the law invested in me and by the wisdom giving to me by Almighty God Himself, I now pronounce these two wonderful, beautiful souls..... Husband......and Wife. Cal, you may kiss your bride. Cal lifts Katherine’s veil and steps forward, as Katherine does the same, and then they both gently kiss one another for the first time.......as husband and wife. Everyone breaks out into applause as Rev. Stewart ends the ceremony, saying....... Rev. Stewart: May I now present......Mr. And Mrs. Cal Winters!!! The couple walks down the aisle as everyone cheers and applauds. But, meanwhile, an uninvited guest has shown up at the ceremony, and is very interested as they see Cal and Katherine disappear into the hotel. This person just says one thing...... Person: Congratulations. As the limousine that the person is in drives away, the scene then slowly fades to black as the car drives down the road. -Back in Salem, at the Brady Pub, Hope walks into the Pub to see Bo standing behind the counter. She slowly walks over to the counter and asks why he is there. Bo says that Caroline asked him to watch the place while she went upstairs to lie down. Hope hopes that she will feel better to which Bo doesn’t respond. Hope looks at him and asks what is the matter with him to which Bo responds.... Bo: Damn, woman! Why don’t you put that to tape and just press play when you see me. That will save you from constantly asking me the same question over and over again. Hope: Bo, you don’t have to get nasty with me. Bo: Then let me ask you.....why are you here? Hope: I just wanted to see how you were doing, that’s all. Bo: Well, I’m doing just fine. Now......would you please leave me alone? Roman: Aye, little brother, why don’t you lay off her, ok? Bo and Hope look up to see Roman standing behind her. Hope looks at Bo, who she now sees has rage building up inside him and asks Roman..... Hope: Roman, what’s up? How you been? Roman: Ok, I guess. Just wanted to come by and see my brother.... Bo: And then tell me how to speak to my wife, right? Bo walks from behind the counter as Roman tells him.... Roman: Look, I don’t want any trouble. Why don’t you just talk to Hope better then what you are. She hasn’t done one thing to you for you to treat her like this. Bo: (Pausing) You know something......bro?! Why don’t you head over to the hospital and take care of that wack job you’re married to and stay the hell out of my marriage. Roman: Now, you’ re getting really out of line. And...you still aren’t too old that I can’t keep you in line. Bo: We’re not kids anymore, Roman. Those days are long gone. So......take your best shot. Roman: You know, I think I will..... Roman takes a swing at Bo, who ducks out of the way. When Roman turns back around, Bo clocks him with a roundhouse right cross sending Roman almost over the counter. When Bo then tries to walk up on Roman, Roman kicks Bo hard enough to send him crashing over some tables. He then picks Bo up and takes another swing, connecting with Bo’s jaw and sending him over more tables but when he tries to follow up, Bo hits him in his gut, raises his chin, and hits him again with a roundhouse right cross, sending Roman back across the room. Hope and a few patrons jump in and break the fight up. As Hope tries to calm Bo down, Roman tells him that the reason why he came over was because.... Roman: I wanted to give you your badge back. We need help....(Breathing heavy) Hell, I need help trying to stop this mysterious cloaked figure from doing more harm and I need you back on the force to do that, ok? Bo: Roman.......(Breathing heavy) Go to hell. There is no way I would be in the same building with you, much less work with you again. Roman: Bo, don’t say that..... Bo: Don’t tell me what to do!! I’m not your kid brother anymore. Besides, no older brother would do to me what you did and be forgiven for it. And now.....since you won’t leave, I guess I will. Bo starts to walk out of the Pub, knocking over tables and chairs, when Hope grabs him and asks him....... Hope: Bo! What is the matter?! What did Roman do to you? Bo: Why don’t you ask him. Maybe some of that old pillow talk you two used to have will serve you now. Hope slaps Bo across the face, hard. As Bo rubs his jaw and staggers backwards, Hope looks at him with regret, saying to him.... Hope: You really are lost, Bo. But, no matter what, I’m still not going anywhere. No matter what you say or do, I’m right here.....when you’re ready. Bo: That’s going to be a long wait, Hope. And, if you want to know what happened...... Ask the cop over there. Maybe this time he’ll tell the truth.......this time. Bo storms out of the Pub and slams the door behind him. Hope walks over to Roman, who stands and watches his brother leave as he wipes the blood from his mouth. Hope asks him.... Hope: Roman, what did he mean by any of that? Roman: In time Hope. In time. Reminds me of the fight we got into when he thought you were in love with me, remember? Hope: Of course I do. But I was a teenager then. We’ve all grown from that. Roman: Well, I hope we have. Because if not...... Hope: If not, then Bo just might be lost to us......forever. Roman and Hope look at each other as they hope that one day, they are successful in reaching Bo.....before it’s too late. The scene then slowly fades to black on Roman and Hope. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Jack and Billie watch the cameras, hoping for some break that will bring their children home. Billie sits down next to Jack, who is deep in thought as he aimlessly looks at the many surveilance monitors. Billie looks over at Jack and then softly tells him how proud she is of him and the way he is handling everything. Jack turns to her and tells her that he doesn’t know what else to do. But, he thanks her for the kind words. He also tells her that she is no slouch either in the strength department. Billie smiles, saying that she thinks that with everything she’s been through in her life, she had no choice but to be strong. She thought that the worse in her life was over. That is, until now. Having a child missing is one of the hardest things a parent can deal with. She is just glad, as she looks at Jack, that she isn’t alone right now. Jack looks back at her, saying that he doesn’t know what he would do if she wasn’t there to support him right now. He then looks down and takes her hand, telling her thank you for everything she’s done. Billie smiles at him, saying that it was truly her pleasure, as she rests her head on his shoulder while they both go back to looking at the monitors, hoping that their children are ok. Meanwhile, James and Alan dock the speedboat near a large cruiseship and bring an unconscious Abby and Chelsea off of the boat as Ernesto has just arrived. James wheels Abby off as Alan carries Chelsea and Ernesto tells them to take them to the third level of the ship. They will be staying for quite some time. James and Alan silently obey as they take the girls down to the third level, while Ernesto looks out over the water in delight. When James and Alan bring the girls to that level of the ship, the noise awakens two other guests of Ernesto’s. Tony gets up out of his bed and walks over to the barred up window, looking down on the scene that is taking place. He then looks shocked as he finally sees who has been brought onto the ship. He awakens Anna. Tony then goes and gets Anna, getting her out of bed and bringing here to the window as James and Alan bring both girls up the long, winding corridor and past their beautiful cell room. Tony and Anna both look as he tries to keep Anna awake, telling her that he recognizes two of those people. When Anna starts to come to, she groggily asks him what he’s talking about. Tony tells her that he thinks he saw Alan Harris carrying Jack Deveraux’s daughter Abby into the room down the hall, along with two other people. When Anna stands up and asks him if there was anyone else, Tony tells her that he saw two other people but don’t know who they were. Then, both Anna and Tony stare out the window as they now see Ernesto walk up to it. He stands briefly and looks at both of them, and then smiles evilly at them as he continues walking down the hallway. Tony turns to Anna and then says, cryptically.... Tony: What have we gotten ourselves into this time? Anna: Beats me. Reminds me too much of your father for my taste. Tony: Well, we better figure out some way out of this..... Before it’s too late....for all of us. Ernesto walks into the doorway of the room that the girls were taken into. Both girls are starting to stir now and Ernesto orders James and Alan to put the girls down and to leave before they are seen by them. Both men silently obey and leave the room as Ernesto stands once again in the doorway. Abby, who is laying on the bed, starts to wake up and through her haze can make out Ernesto standing there, watching her and Chelsea. When Abby looks over at Chelsea, who is also waking up, Ernesto announces that both girls... Ernesto: Should be comfortable in this room. I had it designed especially for the both of you. Abby: Why? Why are you doing this? Who are you?! Ernesto: All in good time, my dear. We will have many days and nights to discuss your futures. No need to wear you down now. Chelsea: You are one sick dude if you think you can get away with this. Our familes won’t give up until they find us. Ernesto: My dear child, your father doesn’t even know you’re here. And, as for you, Abby, there is no way Jack Deveraux will find you......at least, not until I want him to. Chelsea: You sick bastard. Ernesto: Keep a civil tongue, girl! Or tonight will be your last night alive. Both girls grow silent with these words. Ernesto: Now, since I have regained your attention, relax.....and enjoy. You two will want for nothing and I promise you to make it as pleasant as humanly possible for you both while you are here. And then, maybe......just maybe, you will be released. And now.....if you two will excuse me, I have some other pressing business to attend to. Please.....make yourselves at home. Ernesto smiles at both girls and then walks out the door, leaving both girls terrified. As he closes the door and locks it behind him, the girls wonder where the hell they are. Abby says that what they have to worry about is staying alive until their dads find them. Chelsea wonders how long that will take. Abby tells her that if she knows her dad, he is working on that right now. What they have to do, she tells Chelsea, is just stay calm and do what that man says. Chelsea tells her that it will be easier said than done. As Chelsea gets out of the bed and walks to the door, both girls hear something coming from the bathroom. They look across the huge room and into the darkness on the other side but can’t make anything out. Chelsea then starts walking over to where the sound came from and, at that moment, the girls hear someone walking out of the bathroom. They can’t see this person as the darkness acts like a shroud over them. Abby reaches out for Chelsea, who then runs around the bed and takes Abby into her arms. Both girls hold one another very tight as the person who was in the darkness slowly comes into the light and Chelsea screams at the person....... Chelsea: WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! Person: Calm down now, please. I didn’t mean to scare you both. Abby: Then answer her question. Who the hell are you?! And what are you doing here?! Person: Well, I can’t answer what I’m doing here because I’m just as much in the dark as you are. But.......allow me to introduce myself. My name...... Is Alamain....... FORREST ALAMAIN! (CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHO THE ACTOR IS!!) The girls look at this man in shock as the scene switches back to a smiling Forrest and the scene slowly goes to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Cal to Katherine: This is the first day of the rest of our lives. Chelsea to Abby (with Forrest): I don't like this. Philip to Victor: I have lost everything and you don't even give a damn!! Cassie to Stefano: Oh my God...grandfather!!
VENDETTA CLIP #13 The MCF is in his or her hideaway and is on the phone with Ernesto trying to get an update on things. MCF (via voice changer): So, I assume everything is going well? Ernesto: Well, James and Alan told me they should be arriving with the girls within the next few hours. Their speedboat is being slowed by some sizable waves but they should still be here in good time. Everything is ready for the young Ms. Deveraux and her cohort, Ms. Brady. Ernesto then looks into a cell. Ernesto: You sure it's ok that we stick them in with the other prisoner? MCF: Sure. You did say there was nowhere else on the ship to put them. It shouldn't be an issue. Just make sure they don't cause a ruckus. Keep an eye on them. Ernesto: Will do. Oh, and I should tell you that Count Dimera and his little girlfriend know who I am. They figured it out and managed to rip off my hood. MCF: Eh...just make sure the girls and our other guest don't learn of it. Hell, whatever. They can't do anything while imprisoned on the ship anyway. None of them can. Just don't tell them anything or hint at our plant. No one has a clue who I am, right? Ernesto: Nope. Not a clue. Don't worry. I will keep everything to myself. No hints. Nothing. MCF: Good. Our day is at hand, Ernesto. We have worked very hard for this. I don't want anything to screw it up now. Ernesto: It won't. Nothing will stand in our way. Everything is on track. MCF: Good. Well, call me with an update once the girls arrive. Ernesto: Will do. Ernesto hangs up and then walks over and peers into the cell he seems to be fixated on. Ernesto: Your getting company soon!! Two young girls. Hey!! You awake in there? Heavens...your a quiet one. Have been since you got here. I guess I should like that. Ernesto then walks away as the scene fades to black on the cell door. The scene then shifts to the MCF in his or her hideaway. He or she is looking at The Salem Spectator, which contains Carrie and Austin's wedding announcement. MCF: Hmm...Carrie and Austin's wedding tomarrow. That should be interesting. Knowing those families, I would guess there are some bachelor and bachelorette parties tonight. These events could be a chance for me to further my plans. The MCF gets up, tosses the newspaper aside. He or she heads to the door and turns the lights in the abandoned warehouse office off. MCF: This could be a very productive and enjoyable evening. The MCF laughs as he or she shuts the door and the scene fades into... WEEK 6 VENDETTA SCORES VENDETTA WEEK SIX RESULTS!!! 1.) Tishy Comment Score: 10 pts (6 comments) Trivia Score: 12 pts (all correct including Bonus, only one to submit) Week Six Total: 22 pts 2.) daysfan, DH23, psychofan, and Rick Comment Score: 0 (no comments) Trivia Score: 0 (nothing submitted) Week Six Total: 0 Total Vendetta Standings as of the conclusion of Week 6: 1.) Tishy (99 pts) 2.) DH23 (48 pts) 3.) psychofan (41 pts) 4.) daysfan (34 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (14 pts) 6.) Rick (0 pts) ***NOTE: Since Tishy was the only one to do anything this week, she is the only one to get a clue since it wouldn't be fair to award clues without doing anything . I will be making a big announcement this week that I hope will increase participation in the Vendetta game and maybe produce more excitement as we reach the major part of the game so look out for that.***
-It's a new day as Cal's search for Katherine takes him to a train station near Green Mountain Lodge. He calls Jed to ask if he has found Katherine. Jed responds now and says that Nora just called him and has nothing either. Cal begins to get worried but then sees Katherine sitting in a waiting area. He tells Jed that he found her and to inform Nora. He then hangs up and walks over to Katherine. Katherine is reading a newspaper and trying to forget about Cal and her running away from their wedding the night before. She is then shocked to hear: Cal: Hey, gorgeous. It took all night to catch up to you. Katherine: Cal... Cal: Yep. I am glad I was able to stop you from making a huge mistake. Katherine: It's not a mistake. I am doing what is right. Cal: Why is that? Are you afraid? Is this too soon? Katherine: Cal...my train is leaving in 15 minutes. I should be going. Cal: No...I won't let you. I won't let you throw what we have away. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Jack and Billie are filling in Greta, Victor, Nico, and Shane on Abby and Chelsea's kidnapping. Billie: Our children were kidnapped by that monster. Now, not only do I want this person found, I want this cloaked one dead!!! Jack begs Billie to calm down and says they will find this person and put an end to his or her terror. They bring their children home. Greta wonders where Frankie is as he went out to get the final piece of equipment to get the surveilance center up and running. Shane volunteers to go look for him. Meanwhile, Frankie returns to the mansion and rings the doorbell. Henderson opens the door and tells Frankie to come in. Frankie is then shocked to see Max behind him, who says he saw Frankie go by him around the block and then pull into Victor's driveway. He thought it was weird that Frankie was there. Frankie says he has legal business with Victor and asks Max if there is a problem. Max says he needs to talk to him about Abby and Chelsea. Frankie insists he has no time. Shane then comes downstairs and asks Frankie if he has what is needed for the monitors to work. Max overhears and asks what Shane is doing there and wants to know what monitors they are talking about. Frankie tries to cover but can;t come up with anything. Greta then comes downstairs after seeing Frankie's car up front and asks if everything is ok. Max then asks why Greta is there and wonders what is going on. Frankie, Shane, and Greta are at a loss for words. Max deduces there is something upstairs and races past Greta and Shane, nearly knocking Shane over. Max sees the open door the Victor's secret room and enters. Frankie yells at Greta for leaving the door open. She apologizes, saying she went to get him and didn't know anyone else was there. Max is amazed by the surveilance center. Victor, Jack, Nico, and Billie ask what Max is doing there. Max turns to Frankie and asks what is going on. Realizing he has no choice, Frankie tells Max that he, Greta, Jack, and Billie have been investigating the MCF for weeks and now they have set up this trap to find him or her and bust him or her. Frankie explains with help from Shane and his ISA contacts and from Victor, they set up camera and mini camera bugs all over Salem. Frankie begs Max to keep this a secret as not staying silent would blow their cover and the plan. Billie says it's just as important now to make sure this all works as Chelsea and Abby's lives are at stake. Frankie and Max ask what Billie is talking about. Jack gives Billie a cold look for letting the truth about Abby and Chelsea's disapperance slip out. Billie apologizes. Max then pieces it together and asks Billie if she is implying that the MCF is the one behind Abby and Chelsea leaving. Frankie realizes that is what Billie means and is horrified. Billie looks at Jack and realizes she has no choice and confirms what Max said. Max is shocked and turns to Frankie and says: Max: I want in on this. If this cloaked person has Abby, I want to help bring him or her down and bring Abby home, along with Chelsea. -At Salem Place, Carrie is shopping with Sami and Belle for a wedding dress and bridesmaids gowns. Carrie says that is all she has left to do and that she is thankful she was able to get everything done before her wedding tomarrow. Carrie thanks Sami and Belle for all their help. They say your welcome and they are happy to be there for her. Their family needs something good to happen. Carrie only wishes things were better for everyone and that her mother and Marlena could be at the wedding. Carrie says she is worried about her mother as she can't get a hold of her. Later, they try on dresses and decide on the ones they want. While Belle and Sami talk to the store clerk, Carrie takes the opportunity to call Unviersity Hospital to check with Nurse Jean about the DNA tests on Evan. Nurse Jean tells her that they aren't done yet but should be sometime before this evening. Carrie thanks her and hangs up, continuing to worry about the results and still feeling as though Evan could be hers. She still feels the connection. Sami comes over and asks if she is alright. Carrie smiles and says she is fine. Carrie makes mention of having to drop off the other dress to Billie as she told her the size and the exact dress she wanted for her bridesmaid gown but couldn't be there with them. Sami asks about Chelsea and Carrie says that Billie told her she is out of town. They then leave the store. On the other end of Salem Place, a drunk Philip is walking around aimlessly. He is upset he get kicked out of the Blue Note bar and begins to lash out at random strangers around the mall, asking where he is supposed to go to have a drink. Carrie, Sami, and Belle are on their way to get coffee when they bump into him. They notice right away he is drunk as he lashes out at them, telling them to get out of the way. Belle is stunned that Philip doesn't even seem to know who they are. She tries to snap him out of his drunken stupor. Finally, Belle decides to slap him and does so. Philip: What did you do that for? Belle: Because you were out of it and you are acting like an... Philip: Now don't treat your husband like that, Belle. Philip smiles and begins to put his arms around Belle. Sami and Carriepush Philip off her and to the ground, Sami: Buzz off, Phil. Philip: Who asked for your...opinion you little... Belle: Philip, you are nothing but an embarassment. You father is probably so ashamed or he will be when word of this... Philip: He won't know. No one will tell. You better not... Belle: Oh, don't worry. I won't have to. You have been walking around here so someone is bound to have caught the great son of Victor Kiriakis walking around Salem Place two sheets to the wind. You are ruining your own image. All the good will, honor, prestige...your good name...your family's good name. What happened to you? Philip: You....you took my dau... Belle: Oh, that's it. I'm finished. You truly are lost. So much for all that progress. Philip: Wha... Belle: Let me say this as simple as I can... You will never see your daughter again!! I am going to call the court tomarrow and have your visitation rights revoked. I don't want Claire exposed to this. Philip: You can't do that. Belle: I will...you did this Philip. Not me. You. Belle has had enough and walks away. Philip tries to grab her but Sami pulls him off her again. Sami tells Carrie to take Belle away. Sami: Keep your hands off her. Philip: This isn't...you...business. Sami: She's my sister. Claire is my niece. It's my business. God...look at you. Victor would be ashamed. Good thing he never did really die. Leaving a lous like you in power would be the biggest mistake one could make. You don't have what it takes. Your weak and you know it. That is why you have to run to daddy or mommy. Whine, whine, whine. Always have to get your way, rich boy. You keep downing that alcohol if it makes you feel better and more powerful. Philip: Shutup!! Damnit...Belle can't take her... Sami: She sure can. I took Will away from Lucas too when he drank like you are right now. He was endangering Will, just like what you would be endangering Claire. Suck it up, Phil. Maybe if you clean up your act...there will still be hope. See you around. Sami leaves and rejoins Carrie and Belle. She asks if Belle is ok. Belle says she is ok but will feel much better when Philip is away from her daughter...for good. Meanwhile, an upset and seething Philip clenches his fist and says: Philip: Your naive, Sami. Everyone in Salem is. They have yet to see what I am capable of. Power or no power. Father or no father. Whatever I have to do...they'll all see...s....so...soon. -Back at the train station near Green Mountain, Cal begs Katherine to reconsider her decision. Cal: Look....I know you were never in love and that... Katherine: Your right. I am middle aged and never had love. Hell, I hardly had any boyfriends. It was always about the work. So many sessions with patients that I had focused on love and how it drove people to do these things...unbeleivable things... Cal: In the name of love...that's what it's about. That is what you need to remember. Love...marriage. It's not easy. I was having doubts too. Ask Jed. I was worried about my past. I was fearing the unknown...what I can't remember. All I kept thinking about what was would happen if something came back to haunt or hurt us. Or worse. Jed convinced me that I can's worry about that. You can't change what will happen and part of marriage is facing trials and tribulations together. Being there for one another in the good times and bad. Katherine: That's fine, Cal. That's not my problem though. Since I never felt love...I mean, the closest to love I have been is hearing about it from my patients. My parents were divorced and my father passed so I never saw the love between them that conceived me. I just never had experience in love or seeing love on display. I never had many friends. I saw couples but....I just don't know if what I feel is real. If it's so special that we should do this. I just don't understand the depth of my feelings...how deep they go. Is this worth getting married? Will this last? I can't do it!! Don't you understand!! I can't marry you!! Cal: Your not even giving us a chance. You don't anything Katherine until you try. What do you tell your patients who are reluctant about the treatment you give them? You tell them to try, right? Because that is the only true way to know if it will work. That is what you told me when I began therapy with you. To try...to wait and see if what we were doing worked. That is what you need to do here. I know you love me. I can see it in your eyes and I know you know you love me. If you are worried about it being for real or the kind of love that last a lifetime, there is only one way to know for sure and that is to give it a shot and part of that is getting married. Katherine: But..what if it doesn't work out? What if we end up hurting each other? Cal: I can could hurt you, you could hurt me. It's a leap of faith. It's a risk that people take when getting married. It can happen to the best of couples. I know this is fast and that we haven't known each other long but I love you. I love you with all my heart and soul and I want to spend my life with you. Let me ask you...how often do you think about me? Katherine: Nearly every moment of every day. Cal: How often do you dream about me and our future? Katherine: I have had you in my dreams since the day we met. Cal: Do you feel like, in this moment, you could live without me in your life? Katherine:...No. I don't. Cal: That's love. Katherine: It is? Cal: Sure is. So, what do you say? Let's take a chance. Look, there are risks. My past...your feelings. Let's just give it a whirl. Nothing will change. We will just be married. Let's just think of it that way. We can go back to the hotel and we can get Rev. Stewart to come back and we can do this later today. We will only be a day late but better late the never. What do you say? Katherine's eyes well up with tears as she smiles. Katherine: Yes!! Yes...let's do this. They then embrace and share a kiss in joyous celebration of their impending nuptials. -Back at the Kiriakis Mansion, Jack speaks out against Max joining in the plan, along with Frankie. Billie tries to calm him and reminds everyone this is wrong. They don't need fighting or tension. That leads to nothing getting done. Billie tells Frankie and Jack they could use the extra help and Max is going to want to do something with or without them so it's better having him work with them so he doesn't get himself in trouble. He has backup if he works with them. Jack and Frankie realize she's right and reluctantly agree. Victor and Shane do warn Max to not tell anyone about this other then the people in the room and to follow orders to the letter. Max agrees. Jack reminds Max not to expect any pleasantries from him because of how he treated Abby. Max says not to worry, he wasn't expecting anything. Max then says he must share something with everyone. He fills them all in on his confrontation with Cassie on the pier after leaving the Deveraux house last night and he admits his belief that Cassie may be involved in Abby and Chelsea's kidnapping. Victor doesn't buy Cassie being a part of it. She is Stefano's granddaughter and the MCF shot him so it's doubtful Cassie or any Dimera would be in league with the MCF. Shane thinks they should still keep an eye on her as anyone could be in the MCF's web of decei. Max says she acted flustered and quickly tried to cover for something she felt "bad enough about already." Max says she was definitely hiding something. Shane and Billie get the surveilance center up and running with Nico's help. Jack, Frankie, Greta. Max, and Victor are pleased as they can now monitor everything and begin to track down the MCF. Shane says they will just keep an eye out for Cassie and others who are suspicious, even if they are loved ones and friends. There is no telling how much the MCF's reach extends. Shane reminds them that they know James, Marlena, and Alan already work for him or her. They will just need to monitor everything. Jack, Billie, Victor, Nico, and Greta agree. They all watch the screen as Frankie again warns Max to stay in line. Max says he will. He is doing this for Abby and Chelsea. They have to find them and he owes it to them and their families to help in any way he can. It may help make up for the damage he caused. Frankie says that's a nice gesture and pats his brother on the back. Max says he just hopes this works. He doesn't know what he would do if something bad happened to Abby and Chelsea. Meanwhile, on a speedboat in the middle of an ocean, an unconscious Chelsea and Abby lie board. Abby's wheelchair is folded up near her. James and Alan are driving the boat and they are pleased with the good time they are making and that things went smoothly back in Salem. They tell the unconscious girls they are almost there...almost to paradise. Both James and Alan's laughs can be heard as the screen freezes on an unconscious Abby and Chelsea and then fades out. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... FOR THE PAST YEAR...YOU'VE BEEN WITH US... AND... NOW... JOIN US FOR OUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION!!! TOMARROW... THE FIRST OF THE MAY WEDDINGS... Clip of Katherine about to walk down the aisle with Cal at the end and Nora and Jed watching. AND... A BIG SURPRISE NO ONE SAW COMING.... AND THIS CELEBRATION IS ONLY JUST BEGINNING!!! DON'T MISS THE BEGINNING OF THE SALEM LIVES ANNIVERSARY EVENT...TOMARROW!!!
ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES... THE MAY WEDDINGS BEGIN... FIRST... KATHERINE WAS A RUNAWAY BRIDE ON HER WEDDING DAY... Katherine: I just can't do this... NOW...AN EMOTIONAL PLEA... Cal to Katherine: Please...don't throw what we have away. WILL SHE GIVE IN? Katherine: Cal...I... AND... WHAT ABOUT THE GROOM'S PAST? Cal to Katherine: It's the unknown that scares me. WILL CAL AND KATHERINE WED? Cal to Katherine: I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. THEN... IN TWO WEEKS...IT'S CARRIE AND AUSTIN'S WEDDING... BUT... FIRST....A BIG SURPRISE... Clip of Carrie opening an envelope. Carrie: Oh my God... THAT MAY CHANGE EVERYTHING.... Carrie: It's true... PLUS... ON TUESDAY MAY 1... SALEM LIVES CELEBRATES IT'S ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY... DON'T MISS...THE BIG SHOCK!!! IT'S ALL A PART OF...
MAY SWEEPS EDITION OF SL INSIDER (WEEK OF 4/29/07 EDITION) SL VENDETTA TRIVIA FOR WEEK 6 (4/22/07-4/28/07) **NOTE: Game players should've already recieved the questions for this week via PM. These are only posted for reference and in case you didn't recieve them (in that case, do let me know). As always, trivia answers are due by 4PM Tuesday and the quicker you send them and the more you get correct, the more points you get. The Bonus question is worth 2 points. Let's get some more participation this week . Now for the questions: 1.) What is the name of the nurse that Carrie knew at the hospital who helped her with Evan's DNA tests? 2.) Where are Lexie, Abe, Steve, and Celeste heading now? 3.) What is Jed's wife's name and who is playing the role? Bonus: What were Abby and Chelsea watching on TV when Cassie arrived? What about the show they were watching upset them? VENDETTA COMMENT SCORES FOR WEEK 6 (BASED ON COMMENTS FROM THIS PAST WEEK) 1.) Tishy (10 pts-6 comments) 2.) Daysfan, DC23, psychofan, Ryan Chandler, Rick (0 pts-no comments) IMPORTANT: I KNOW EVERYONE LEADS BUSY LIVES BUT JUST POST ONE COMMENT TO GET SOME POINTS OR SOMETHING. I KNOW PEOPLE READ BUT THIS GAME IS BECOMING A ONE READER RACE AND I WANT EVERYONE TO DO WELL SO PLEASE DO COMMENT OR AT LEAST SEND ME A PM SUGGESTING WHAT COULD MAKE THIS MORE CONVENIENT . TOTAL VENDETTA STANDINGS AS OF APRIL 28, 2007: 1.) Tishy (87 pts) 2.) DH23 (48 pts) 3.) psychofan (41 pts) 4.) daysfan (34 pts) 5.) Ryan Chandler (14 pts) 6.) Rick and Hoganstays (0 pts) INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: MAY SWEEPS PREVIEWS "It's a big month," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "May is where we will turn up the heat on the stories we have been building. The buildup to our SHOCKWAVE SUMMER has begun and May will continue to set the stage for a plethora of revelations and payoffs that we have coming. It's our one year anniversary on May 1 and we are going to do it up big this month and in the coming months. VENDETTA will begin to reach it's boiling point. Also, we will have some big reveals. One takes place on May 1. It's a shocker and one that no fan will see coming. The other big reveal comes towards the end of the month or near early June. That one will drastically effect several characters and may destroy one of Salem's most prominent families. It's a reveal that makes sense and is very in line with history. It's a big month that leads to two even bigger months. May is where the trail begins rolling and when it will stop nobody knows. Fans will definitely want in on this wild ride." VENDETTA: "The people of Salem are on to the MCF. The tension is mounting and a trap is laid at Carrie and Austin's wedding. More people get drawn into his or her web and the stage is set for one grand event that will change the lives of all of our beloved characters." Carrie/Austin/Sami/Lucas/Nicole/Eric/Kate: "This is a huge story going into May. Kate is being torn up over hiding the truth about Evan. Carrie finally gets some answers but something happens that may shatter her dreams. Carrie's guilt over the mistakes she has made will begin to get the best of her. Will Carrie and Austin wed? With the MCF and Alan lurking around along with the truth about baby Evan and his birth still waiting to come out, having the wedding go off without a hitch will be no easy task. Meanwhile, Sami and Lucas try to get to the bottom of what happened between Alan and Will. Will does his best to keep things together but he is beginning to crack. Eric is hot on Nicole's trial as she grows more and more desperate by the day. Look for Victor to play a big role in the unraveling of this story as it prepares to reach an explosion of epic proportions." Jack/Billie: "They will continue to work with Frankie, Greta, and others on busting the MCF and saving their children. They are growing closer by the day but neither will admit it or address it. There are fears on both sides that come into play and will continue to as we go along." Abby/Max/Chelsea/Cassie: "Max will help find Abby and Chelsea and becomes actively involved in busting the MCF. Cassie's guilt gets the best of her and she will have alot to deal with when Stefano wakes up. Chelsea worries when Abby gets drawn to something mysterious while they are in captivity." Frankie/Greta: They continue to work on bringing the MCF to justice but their bond is growing. Whether or not it leads to something bigger is still a question mark. Greta will try to convince Hope to come clean about Chelsea. As for when she will reveal that Victor is her father, that big moment is fast approaching... Bo/Hope: "Hope continues to try to get to the bottom of Bo's troubles but he continues to push her and his loved ones away. He just seems like he is in his own little world. He even steers away from the MCF investigation. Look for his friendship with Will to continue. Meanwhile, look for Hope to feel the pressure once again to reveal the truth about Chelsea." Roman/Marlena: "Marlena plots her escape and her revenge. The Samantha personality begins to take over completely, making Marlena more and more dangerous by the day. Roman will continue to deal with family issues and Marlena...as well as the MCF investigation. There is still some unresolved issues from his past too that will be hinted around at." Steve/Kayla: "Steve is forced to do something he doesn't want to do. He learns the true extent of what he has gotten himself into. Meanwhile, Kayla is growing more desperate to find him by the day and prepares to take matters into her own hands. Look for a BIG secret from Steve's forgotten past to be revealed as we approach the end of May. It will definitely shed more light on the missing blanks from his missing years." Cal/Katherine: "The question we open the month with is...Do they get married? I won't say if they do but they do make a huge decision early in May. Cal's past is coming back to haunt him and this all is building to the revelation of a big secret from his past. There is definitely more to this Cal story then meets the eye and Katherine will be around for the ride...married or not." Belle/Philip/Victor: "Belle has had it with Philip and her actions drive Philip to the edge. His lust for power and greed leave him in a volitile state, one the MCF manipulates and takes advantage of. It all leads to Philip doing the unthinkable. Victor and Belle better watch their backs!!! Also, look for Victor to be involved in the MCF story and in helping to cover Maggie's crime." Maggie/Doug/Julie/Alice: "Maggie and Julie's guilt eats away at them. Doug has all these things he wants to do now after being near death and Julie can't get over what she did. Alice plays a key role here as she can see something is wrong. Maggie and Julie have reason to worry as Victor is not the only one who knows their secret..." Kim/Shane/Caroline: "Kim and Shane reach out to family and friends for forgiveness but meet with loads of resistance. Caroline tries to unite her family again and reconcile differences and Kim and Shane are crucial to that. Through them, she wants to begin the healing process." Abe/Lexie/Stefano/Celeste: "Abe, Lexie, and Celeste find a boat load of trouble...literally...in Italy. They end up on close quarters and alot of the issues between them will be addressed. Celeste begins to have some shocking visions that worry her about the future of her family. Meanwhile, Stefano awakens and goes out in search of Lexie. He is not the happiest person in the world and is out for the MCF's blood." Tony/Anna: "They bond in captivity. He is the same Tony we know and love just as she is the same Anna. There is a fun dynamic between them we will continue to explore." James: "The MCF has manipulated this man's emotions in the wake of his family's death. He is lost and all he is being driven by is revenge and an desire to avenge his family's brutal massacre. This drives him to great lengths and how far he is willing to go is anyone's guess..." COMINGS AND GOINGS BIG CASTING COUP (CHARACTER NAME TBA): BE HERE ON MAY 1 FOR A BIG SHOCK... PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 4/30/07 -Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Max, Shane, and Victor set a trap for the MCF. -Belle has had enough with Philip. -Chelsea is worried about Abby, who is drawn into a mystery. -The MCF tempts Philip. -Will Cal and Katherine marry? -Stefano awakens. -Cal and Katherine make a big decision. -Carrie gets the answers she has been waiting for. -Eric tries to find out what Nicole is up to. -Greta warns Hope to tell Bo the truth. -Salem gather for Carrie and Austin's bachelor/bachelorette parties. RED LETTER DAY!!! TUESDAY MAY 1: SALEM LIVES CELEBRATES IT'S ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY WITH A SHOCKER NO ONE SAW COMING!!! Next Week: Carrie and Austin's wedding day arrives. Carrie must make a heart-wrenching choice. Philip gives in. Abe, Lexie, and Celeste are ambushed.