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SEPTEMBER 25, 2007: EPISODE #336: SHIFT PART 2 DIMERA FAMILY HOME (TUSCANY, ITALY) Tony leads Hope and Steve into the main living room. Steve asks who the decorator is. Hope smiles, asking Steve if he has any appreciation for homes like that. Steve says all he appreciates is a cold beer, a good bratwurst and the Rams playing football on television........when they ain’t stinking up the joint. Tony walks over and tells them that they should all look around separately. He says that no one will interrupt them, seeing as the only guard is standing outside. Steve looks at Hope, saying that it is weird that there would be a guard outside now.........but most of the time, back n Salem, people walk around willy nilly without a care in the world and there isn’t a guard or cop anywhere around. Hope says that’s how things are, she guesses. Tony adds on, saying that he would be surprised if a henchman is standing in the bathroom right now. While Tony heads off to search some bedrooms upstairs, Hope and Steve walk into the billiard room and Hope turns a light on. Steve tells her to keep the lights off but Hope ask how does he expect anyone to see in all this darkness. Steve says he’ll use his bionic eye, to which Hope responds that his name is Steve Johnson, not Steve Austin. Well, Steve says, he is going to keep the lights off so they aren’t found out. Hope once again disagrees. Steve asks if she gives Bo this much grief, to which she responds that of course she does. That’s why they have stayed together for so long. At that moment, Steve walks over to a shelf and starts to take one of the books off of it. Hope runs over and tries to stop him..........but the guard who was out front is now inside and presses a lever on the wall outside the room that sends both Steve and Hope crashing downward into a dark pit. Both lay on the floor, unconscious, as Tony walks up from behind the guard and puts his arm around him, only offering two words........... Tony: Excellent work. As Hope and Steve lay on the floor, the scene shifts to.................. BRADY PUB Kayla walks in and sits down in the same booth Bo is sitting in. At that moment, Lincoln walks into the Pub and takes a seat behind them. Kayla sees this and asks who that man is and what is he doing there. Bo says that he is just.............a friend. He also says that Lincoln is there to keep an eye on things. Kayla is surprised, seeing as half the time you can’t find any of Victor’s men or a cop around for nothing. Bo says he knows. She also says that they need to keep an eye on Nicole. No telling what she will do. Bo looks at Kayla and says..... Bo: What I hope happens is that someone smacks the [!@#$%^&*] out of her. Kayla: Bo! Bo: Don’t give me that “Bo!”stuff. With as much trouble as that girl has caused, it’s a wonder she hasn’t been dealt with any sooner. Kayla: But, Bo.........she feels so left out. She loved Eric so much and now this girl shows up saying that Samuel is his child? How is she supposed to feel? Bo: Kay, when are you going to start seeing people for who they are, huh? Nicole is no good and I’ve got more important things to worry about than some tramp who knows nothing but starting trouble. Kayla: Well............I guess the compassionate little brother that I had is gone now. Suppose that is what happens when you hang around Victor Kiriakis. Bo: Victor doesn’t have one damn thing to do with this. And you want to talk about compassion? How compassionate were you when you stole my X-Men comics and threw them away, huh? Kayla: That’s what you deserved for telling my boyfriend that he shouldn’t date me because I had a B.O. problem. He wouldn’t come near me for a month. Bo: Look, I just thought he wasn’t the right guy for you. I did you a favor. Kayla: Well, then............do one for me now. Keep an eye on Nicole, ok? Bo gets up, walks up to Kayla, hugs his sister, and says........... Bo: Ok. For you.........I’ll keep an eye on her. To be honest..........I’m just as worried as you are. I hope she doesn’t do something stupid. Kayla: So do I, Bo. The scene fades then fades into.......... KIRAKIS MANSION (VICTOR'S MASTER LIVING ROOM) Victor sits at a huge antique table as he, Nico, and a couple of other men read over some documents that belong to Orpheus. Roman walks in and hands Victor and Nico two glasses of vintage Bordeaux as Victor tells Roman that the documents he received will prove invaluable. Victor asks how he got his hands on this information. Roman pauses and then says that Victor has his ways of doing things........and he has his own. Victor smiles, only saying..... Victor: Touche’. As the men laugh, Maggie comes downstairs and walks into the living room. She walks right up to Victor, saying in a very angry tone.... Maggie: Greta is still laying in a hospital room, fighting for her life........and you are making plans?! Victor: Woman.........I have had it up to here with you going on about this. Seems like every time I see you, you tell me about Greta. Can’t you come up with another tune please?! Maggie: So your daughter’s well being doesn’t matter? Victor: I don’t need YOU or anyone else to tell me my feelings about my children. I’m the [!@#$%^&*] head of this family........and, if you don’t like it........THERE’S THE DAMN DOOR, WOMAN!!! Maggie: Victor.........all I’m trying to do is get you to realize that all of this.............death and destruction isn’t worth it. Can’t you see that? Victor: There is only one thing I want to see........... Stefano and Orpheus’s graves. Now...............if you’ll excuse us............. Maggie looks at Victor then turns and looks at Roman, who says not one word, and she then turns and storms out the living room, slamming the door behind her. Victor tells the men that they need to resume the meeting, to which Roman says.... Roman: Seems like you and I have the same problem, Vic. Victor: Yes, Roman. It seems that we do indeed. Roman turns back around and starts looking over Orpheus’s financial records as Victor just stares at the door...........in absolute silence. At that moment, Victor’s face morphs into............. STEFANO'S PENTHOUSE SUITE Stefano’s face, who is standing near the huge window of the suite. He looks out on Salem as one of his men walks in with a letter. Stefano puts down his brandy sniffer and opens the letter up, reading it very quickly. He gets a determined look on his face as he thanks his guard for bringing the letter in. As Stefano dismisses him, the guard walks over to the door and then looks back, announcing that Stefano has a visitor......... Stefano: Yes, show him in. The person walks in and over to Stefano, who asks him......... Stefano: So, what are the Brady's up to? Lincoln Bane: Right now, Stefano, they have so much family drama going on the last thing Bo, his father, or Roman are thinking about is getting you. Stefano: Excellent, Lincoln. You have done well. Lincoln: As usual. Stefano: (laughing) Ah, the arrogance of youth. How I miss it so. Lincoln: Well, you’re not doing too bad in that department, Stefano. Taking on Victor and Orpheus........some may say that’s MIGHTY arrogant. Stefano: (putting his arm around Lincoln) No, no. Not arrogance. Playing the averages. Something my father taught me when I was a young man starting in the family. So............the Brady's don’t expect a thing, yes? Lincoln: Not one damn thing. We’re positioning men and equipment right now. When you give the word....... Stefano: We strike. Come, Lincoln. Time for a game of chess. Lincoln: You bet, Stefano. Stefano leads Lincoln into the next room when another one of Stefano’s men come in. He whispers in Stefano’s ear and Lincoln asks....... Lincoln: Trouble? Stefano: Yes.........yes, I think so. Lincoln: What kind of trouble? Stefano stares off into the distance completely incredulous, then turns and looks at Lincoln, ordering him to...... Stefano: Find Roman Brady. Whatever you do.........do you understand? Lincoln: Aye, maybe I could...... Stefano: FIND HIM DAMMIT!!!!!! IS THAT CLEAR?! Lincoln: Crystal. Lincoln stomps out, holding his rage in check, as Stefano looks down at his chessboard, takes one step forward...... And then picks the chessboard up, throwing it against the wall and cursing Roman..... Stefano: That bastard!!! So........if he thinks removing his face and wiping out his memory was tragic..... Imagine what he’ll think when I destroy his LIFE!!!!!!! The scene then fades from an enraged Stefano to.............. JOELLE'S APARTMENT Joelle drags an unconscious Lucas into her bedroom and drops him on her bed. She looks down at him, wondering what to do next. Lucas then starts to stir but is so out of it he doesn’t know where he is. What upsets Joelle is that he keeps calling out for Sami. But, Joelle perks up when she comes up with an idea. She slowly starts to take Lucas' clothes off as the scene then dissolves into........ LUXURIOUS HIGH RISE APARTMENT (WHERE SAMI IS BEING HELD) Orpheus is monitoring what is happening at Stefano’s compound when one of his men comes in and tells him that his lady operative is about to put their plan into effect. Orpheus smiles at his man, thanking him for this latest information and ordering that Samantha Brady is not to be disturbed until Orpheus says so. The man obeys and leaves the room as Orpheus then starts upstairs to Sami’s room. Once there, he walks in and says hi. Sami turns and tells him that if he doesn’t want another slap, he better stay away from her. Orpheus says that he is tired of the threats. They need to learn how to be at least civil to each other. Sami says she can’t be civil. He kidnapped her and took her from her family. Now, how is she supposed to react to him? Orpheus agrees, saying that he was wrong to do that to her. It was never her. It was never her mother. His torment is only for one person...... Roman Brady. Sami asks him why he doesn’t give up this stupid [!@#$%^&*] with her father. Orpheus walks closer to her, telling her..... Orpheus: My dear.......your father has had this on the books for 20 years. Anything I must do to get to Roman........I’ll do. And, if that means that I go through each and every person close to him......his daughters, his surviving son, his brother, sisters, his mother, and his lady........so be it. There is a knock at the door and Orpheus excuses himself. He steps out into the hallway, speaking with one of his men. It is one of his chief advisers, who tells him......... (ORPHEUS'S CHIEF ADVISOR, MICHAEL STONE-CLICK HERE!!) Michael Stone: Your operative is in position, so to speak. Should we pipe it through to Ms. Brady’s room? Orpheus: Of course. Also, make sure that none of the other channels can get anything but that, understood? Michael Stone: Yes sir. It’s as good as done. Michael walks off as Orpheus re-enters Sami’s room, long enough to tell her that there is a special program on tonight that she just might want to see. He then bids her a good night and leaves as Sami hurries and cuts on her television. When she looks at her television...........she sees who appears to be Lucas, laying semi-consciousness in someone’s bed. It’s Joelle’s apartment and Joelle is almost done taking off Lucas’ clothes. Joelle then stops, turns around..... And looks right into the camera, smiling. She then says........ Joelle: Pity he may not remember this. Pleasant dreams.......... And turns off the feed as a shocked and now crying Sami drops to her knees. After a few moments, she looks towards the door, jumps up, runs to it, and starts banging her hands on the door, screaming at Orpheus to........ Sami: LET ME OUT!!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU SICK !@#$%^&*]!!!!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!! As Orpheus stands against the door...............laughing. The scene then freeze-frames on his face as Sami’s screams and Orpheus’s laughter can be heard as the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WILL AND MARLENA GO TO THERAPY!!! PLUS, DON'T MISS AN EXCLUSIVE FRIDAY PROMO TOMORROW!!
SEPTEMBER 24, 2007: EPISODE # 335: SHIFT SALEM PARK Kate and Miranda continue to go at it kicking, punching, rolling, slapping, etc on the grass. Philip is walking nearby and comes across the scene. He races over and breaks up the fight, asking what is going on. Kate gets to her feet and asks what he is doing there. Philip says he was meeting with a Titan client and was walking back to the office when he came across them fighting. Philip asks who the women with her is. Kate introduces both Philip and Miranda and explains that Miranda is a old friend of hers from high school who has come back for a visit. Kate explains they simply had an argument and both lost their cool. Philip asks if they are sure they were friends or rivals. Miranda claims it was her fault. She brought up a sore subject and it pushed Kate's buttons. Philip asks what that was. Kate tells him it's nothing important. A frustrated Philip tells Kate that keeping secrets from him is not the way to get back into his life. Kate says she isn't hiding anything that is worth telling as she looks at a sadistically smiling Miranda. CHEATIN HEART Lucas begins to slur his speech and becomes wobbly in his seat at the bar as he talks to Joelle about how to deal with the obstacles life throws your way. Joelle realizes the drug she gave Lucas is taking effect. Her cell then rings and she thinks it may be the hospital. Lucas tells her to take it as he clenches his head. Joelle asks if he is ok. Lucas nods, saying he is fine. Joelle goes to take the phone call in the ladies room. Lucas remains at the bar, wondering why his head is spinning. He tries to get up and walk and nearly falls over. The bartender, who is bringing a drink over to someone, notices this and races over to help. He helps Lucas back to his seat and asks if he is ok. Lucas says he is fine. He thinks he may have low blood sugar or something. The bartender then notices a fight about to break out nearby. Lucas tells him to go ahead and take care of that. The bartender asks if he is sure. Lucas nods. The bartender leaves. Lucas then reaches for his club soda and grabs the drink the bartender was bringing over to someone. Lucas notices it seems more filled but wonders if it's his imagination. He then drinks it and notes that he is having a hard time tasting, almost like he is medicated. Lucas wonders if his lack of sleep and his long hours, on top of stress, is making him lose it as he continues to drink whatever is in the glass he mistakenly picked up. BRADY PUB Caroline, Bo, Kayla, Max, Stephanie, Frankie, Belle, Will, Marlena, and Nicole are all stunned by Alyson and Jean's announcement that her baby boy, Samuel, is Eric's son. Nicole doesn't believe it. Jean assures Nicole is true. Alyson explains that Eric and her met in Washington at a cafe. He was on a photography assignment and was being paid to photograph a Congressional dinner. She remembers how she bumped into him and spilled her coffee all over his shoes. He wasn't even angry with her and they just started talking and they ended up going together to the dinner. They went on several dates after that and she thought they had something. Marlena asks what happened. Alyson explains that Eric could never bring himself to tell her that he had to leave and go back overseas to Europe, Africa, and Australia. His time in Washington was extended a great deal after the dinner and she is grateful for that. It gave them time to date and to fall for each other. Nicole rolls her eyes. Alyson goes on to say that Eric told her the night before he had to go since he had no choice and he didn't just want to leave. He also didn't want to just leave a note. Alyson admits she was angry at first but she cared about him so much it didn't matter. No man had ever made her feel so special. Jean reiterates that and says her daughter had never been so happy. Alyson explains how one thing led to another that night and Eric and her made love for the first time, producing Samuel. After she learned she was pregnant, she tried to find Eric but couldn't. She then heard of his illness and marriage and thought it best to not mess with his life. Upon hearing of his death, Alyson admits that her mother began pushing her to go to Salem and tell them all about Samuel. She was worried they would be angry she took so long to come forward and was afraid of what would happen. Marlena tells her she had nothing to be afraid of and that they understand. They are just happy she came forward. Jean produces medical records that she claims will prove Samuel is Eric's. Marlena looks at them. Alyson says she named the baby after Eric's sister, Sami. Marlena looks up and her eyes well with tears. Alyson explains how Eric told her all about his family and how much Sami meant to him. Marlena nods, saying they were very close. Nicole thinks this is all stupid and can't believe they all forgive her for keeping Samuel a secret but punish her for having Evan and not knowing at first that he was Carrie's. Caroline tells her it's not the same. Nicole thinks they have just hated her from day one and that never changed, even when they acted in front of Eric like they were given her a chance. Marlena thinks Nicole needs to leave. Bo and Frankie approach her to escort her out but Nicole backs away, saying she is sick of their double standards. She then looks at Samuel and says he has Eric's eyes. Nicole becomes overcome with emotion as she looks at him and notes the splitting image to Eric that he is. Caroline tells her not to get any ideas. Samuel is Alyson's child. Alyson then mentions how Eric told her all about his past loves, including Nicole and Greta. Alyson tells Nicole that Eric did love her and that he always felt she was a lost soul. Nicole fights back tears, saying she loved him too and still does. She adds that she is more lost then ever without him. Nicole then approaches Samuel and looks lovingly at him. Jean then comes up from behind and forcefully turns her around, telling her to back off. Nicole becomes enraged and then warns her that she has no idea who she is messing with. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Stefano tells Cassie to excuse him and Anna and tells her not to worry. He has this taken care of. He kisses her on the forehead and exits her room with Anna. Once outside her room, Anna tells Stefano her request is simple. She wants his help in tracking down Carrie and Evan. Stefano shakes his head and says: Stefano: I'm not doing a damn thing for you. Anna (confused): Why not? Stefano then forcefully grabs her and holds her tightly in his arms. Anna (nervously): Your hurting me, Stefano! Stefano: Good. You will be hurt a lot worse if you ever think about trying to blackmail me again, you little wench! Anna: I'll scream. There are people around. This is a hospital and... Stefano: Scream all you want. I have nothing to be afraid of. You should know me better then that. Besides, no one in this hospital would dare stop me. Now, you listen and listen good because I get the sense you need a reminder of who I am. I'm Stefano Dimera and I can not be threatened. I can not be blackmailed. I can not be controlled in any fashion. Anna: I get the sense your not going to help me. Stefano: Good job, Anna. I knew you weren't as stupid as your actions today. You have redeemed yourself. Now, you will never threaten me or anyone in my family. Is that understood? Anna: Yes... Stefano: The next time you cross that line, Anna, dear, I won't be as lenient. Also, if you tell anyone about what you heard today in that room, I will make your life such a hell on earth you will be clamoring for the cell Orpheus had you in for months. Again, are we understood? Anna: Yes, Stefano. Yes!! Stefano: Very well! Stefano then lets her go and pushes her away. He then tells her to run off now and to heed his words or else. Stefano returns to Cassie's room as a frightened Anna says she will just have to find some other way to find Carrie and Evan. She also tells herself she will have to stay away from Stefano and the Dimera's from now on. She's had her fill for awhile. Anna then walks off as Stefano sits by Cassie in her room. Stefano tells her it's all taken care of and Anna won't be telling anyone about what she heard concerning Greta's hit and run. Cassie is overjoyed. Stefano asks her again if she promises to cooperate and to follow his conditions. He reminds her that, if not, there will be no second chance and she is all but out of his life for good. Cassie promises to listen to Stefano and to only act on his instructions. A pleased Stefano smiles and says good. He then realizes he has to make a phone call and tells her he will be right back. Cassie says ok as he kisses her hand and leaves the room. While alone, Cassie smiles and secretly vows to do whatever it takes to make up for her mistake and prove herself worthy to Stefano as being a part of the future of the Dimera legacy, even if it means going back on her word and acting without Stefano's say. SALEM PARK Philip says he doesn't even know why he bothers and tells Miranda it was nice to meet her, despite her attacking his mom. He says he almost thinks she deserves a good beating to knock some sense into her. Kate begs him not to go and asks if they can talk. Philip says he has too much going on right now and he isn't sure if he is ready to even attempt working things out with her yet. Kate tells him to call her anytime because she would really like them to talk. Philip nods and says he will see her around and then says goodbye to Miranda before leaving. Miranda comments on how good looking and wonderful her nephew is and how she can't understand how a woman like her could produce children that turned out as well as they did. Miranda notes that it's too bad they all have to suffer having her in their lives. Kate tells her to back off. Miranda reminds Kate that her wonderful mothering skills even got her beloved Austin killed. She tells Kate that she is a prize...a Mother of the Year candidate for sure. Kate prepares to haul back and slap her but Miranda grabs Kate's arms and warns her that the WHOLE truth about her past is going to come out and she is going to be the reason why. It will be the ultimate payback for all the hell she put their mother, sister, and herself through. Kate asks why she just didn't tell Philip when he was with them. Miranda tells Kate she wants to have fun first and pull the rug out from under her when she lest expects it. She tells Kate to enjoy things as they are because if she thinks they are bad now, they will be much worse when she is done. No one will want anything to do with her. Kate tells Miranda they will see. Miranda smiles and says they sure will. Miranda then confidently walks off, leaving behind a worried Kate, whose hands begin to shake as she also tries to fight back tears. CHEATIN HEART Joelle returns from the ladies room and says that it was the hospital and they just needed some information about her mother's previous medical issues and what not. Lucas has finished the whole drink and is slumped back in his chair. Joelle notices this and the bartender tells her that it seems her plan worked as her guy friend is out like a light or at least getting to that point. Joelle hears Lucas mumbling and sees that he is clearly out of it. The bartender tells her she better get him home and asks if she needs help. Joelle says she will be fine. She then helps Lucas, who comes to somewhat, to his feet and tells him they are leaving . Lucas asks if she is taking him to Sami. Joelle stops and seems affected by Lucas's words. She then looks at Lucas and his eyes while also hearing the bartender apologizing one more time to the patron who never received his drink. The bartender tells the patron he made the drink but must have given it to someone else by mistake or someone must have drank it by mistake at the bar or something. Joelle begins to realize Lucas must have drank the patron's drink and worries about the combination of alcohol and the drug she gave him, citing that they aren't supposed to be mixed. She then tells Lucas that she isn't taking him to Sami but they are going back to her place. She needs to be alone with home just in case something happens because of the drug and the drink. Joelle helps him walk and tells Lucas they are going somewhere to make him feel better. A disoriented Lucas says ok as Joelle struggles to help him walk out of the bar. BRADY PUB Jean tells Nicole that she is not afraid of her. She knows all about her and what she is dealing with. Marlena jumps between them and tells Nicole to just leave. Nicole looks at Samuel and says she has a right to be there. Samuel is her stepson. Caroline tells Bo and Frankie to escort her out. They both then forcefully grab Nicole and drag her out. Nicole yells out that they can't get rid of her. She then breaks free of Bo and Frankie and warns everyone in the room that she doesn't care what Eric and Austin thought she could be.. She can never be the good, kind-hearted person they could see her as. She will never be "goody-goody" like Greta. Nicole notes that, even if she wanted to be, she couldn't be because the way she is treated forces her to fight for everything she wants and to fight for what she is entitled to. Caroline tells her she isn't entitled to anything. Nicole tearfully says she had a right to be allowed in to Eric's funeral and to the reception that followed. She lashes out, saying there was no excuse for keeping her out of both. Nicole looks up above and apologizes to Eric and Austin, saying she knows they wanted her to go down another path but she can't and won't. She can't with the way things are. She will not be a doormat and she will not be treated the way she is. Nicole says she is sick of it and it's been going on for far too long, only now it's worse. Bo and Frankie then grab her and drag her out as she yells that this is far from over. Bo and Frankie leave her outside and warn her that if she goes back inside, she will be arrested. Nicole tells them she doesn't care. She isn't going to give up until she has what she wants. Bo asks what that is. Nicole tells him he will see and walks off. Bo and Frankie walk back in. Caroline asks if Nicole is gone. Bo says she is. Alyson begins to regret telling the truth, saying she knew about Nicole and her past and what she had done recently but she is now afraid of what she may do to her and the baby. Caroline admits she is afraid too. Marlena says they will just have to keep watch over him and monitor Nicole. Marlena then adds that they will also keep watch over Jean and Alyson. Alyson thanks her. Marlena tells Alyson she was clearly special to Eric and he would love his son. Marlena only wishes Samuel could know his daddy but says Eric would want the family to band together to help. Jean and Alyson thank them all for their support and help. Caroline just hopes that Nicole stays away and that they can somehow keep her in line. Belle says that's easier said then done. Kayla thinks they just have to hope for the best. Marlena and the others agree. Caroline, Bo, Kayla, Max, Stephanie, Frankie, Belle, Will, Marlena, and Jean all crowd around Alyson and Samuel to interact with the newfound member of the Brady family while an enraged Nicole watches from outside, saying: Nicole: Soon...soon I will make you all regret what you did. Enjoy the peace and joy you are feeling because it will soon come crashing down. You all won't know what hit you. A determined Nicole then displays an evil grin before turning around and walking off as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WELCOME TO ITALY!!!/color]
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 24, 2007 EDITION THE WRITER'S CORNER THIS WEEK MARKS THE SECOND EDITION OF THE WEEKLY SL INSIDER FEATURE, "THE WRITER'S CORNER." EACH WEEK I, TIM LOWERY (BETTER KNOWN AS PHOENIXRISING05), AND MY FELLOW SALEM LIVES HEAD WRITER, PATRICK L. EWING (BETTER KNOWN AS ROMAN), WILL TAKE TIME OUT TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM READERS AND ANYONE ELSE THAT DECIDES TO CHECK OUR FAN FICTION BLOG OUT. WE WILL TAKE TURNS ANSWERING QUESTIONS EACH WEEK. THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE QUESTIONS ABOUT CASTING, WRITING, PAST STORIES, CURRENT STORIES, OR WHATEVER COMES TO MIND REALLY PERTAINING TO SALEM LIVES. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PM US QUESTIONS DURING THE WEEK FOR US TO ANSWER AND ALSO REMEMBER YOU CAN POST QUESTIONS VIA COMMENTING HERE IN THE BLOG. IF WE RECEIVE NO QUESTIONS, ROMAN AND I WILL JUST ANSWER QUESTIONS BASED ON REACTIONS TO EPISODES AND DISCUSSIONS WE HAVE HAD WITH OTHERS. SO, WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU, HERE WE GO: THIS WEEK'S WRITER IN THE HOT SHEET: PATRICK L. EWING (ROMAN) 1.) Why are there not hardly a mention of police or bodyguards watching the characters during this huge war storyline? Roman: That has been and will be addressed ASAP. I agree, it makes no sense for people to be walking around free as a bird while Stefano, Victor & Orpheus have taken control of Salem. 2.) Will the episodes continue to be as long as they have been in the past? Roman: We will always have episodes that will be longer in duration depending on what is going on, but as a rule, we will try our best from now on to shorten the episodes and to also get to the point in the episodes. We will work on repeat scenes, dialogue and storytelling. I know JER is not writing this blog, and that is what we want to keep out of it. 3.) Will humor become more prevalent in SL? Roman: Yes, it definitely will. It is something e have gotten away from. But, it will return. It will be the type of humor that will rise out of the circumstances of the stories and characters, and will fit into what we are trying to convey. 4.) Roman Brady is starting to do things that he would never do before. Why are you taking this route with him, and will it continue? Roman: When you lose two children, as Roman and Marlena have, it is bound to effect you. Roman has always put his faith in the law above everything else, because it has served him throughout his life and career. Now, we see a man who is broken, blaming himself for what that faith has cost him. Will it continue? Stay tuned. 5.) How do you compare SL with DOOL? Roman: DOOL, if they would balance out their show, use veterans and history, and stop insulting their legions of fans with what they give them, the show would be No.1, no doubt in my mind. They have a wonderful staff and EP in place, so it will take time, but I hope that they do listen, as we do. SL is beyond everything else, so much fun to do. You can tell in the writing and the stories. The biggest kick? The readers' views and comments. Ed Scott, Hogan Sheffer and the rest of the crew at Days needs to listen to their true, core fans. If they do that.........watch out. WELL, THAT IS ALL FOR NEXT WEEK. REMEMBER TO PM QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED IN THE WRITER'S CORNER TO ME OR ROMAN BY NEXT FRIDAY AT 8PM EST. ALSO, YOU MAY POST QUESTIONS HERE IN THE BLOG BY COMMENTING. JUST DO IT BEFORE FRIDAY AT 8PM. THANKS AND WE'LL SEE YOU NEXT WEEK IN THE WRITER'S CORNER WHERE ROMAN WILL BE ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS. UNTIL NEXT TIME!!! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: THANK YOU TO TISHY AND DAYSFAN FOR COMING TO THE SL CHAT THIS PAST WEDNESDAY. ROMAN AND I WILL LET EVERYONE KNOW OF THE DATE FOR NEXT MONTH'S CHAT. WE HOPE TO HAVE MORE READERS AT THE NEXT CHAT. ALL ARE WELCOME THOUGH, READER OR NOT SO DON'T BE SHY!! JOIN US NEXT MONTH. MORE INFORMATION ON THIS SOON. COMINGS AND GOINGS COMING Kathryn Joosten (Elma Young): The primetime vet ("The West Wing," "Desperate Housewives") began airing as Joelle's (Arloa Reton) mother on September 18. The role is recurring. Jake T. Austin (Joey Young): The young actor, of Disney Channel fame, began airing as Joelle's son on September 18. The role is recurring. Richard Steinmetz (Dr. Hector Dobbs): The daytime and primetime vet ("Melrose Place," "Passions") began airing in the role of Abby's (Ashley Benson) doctor on September 20. The role is recurring. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 9/24/07 -The tables turn on Anna. -Miranda threatens Kate. -Nicole and Jean go at it. -Joelle does the unthinkable. -Tension mounts between Victor and Maggie. -Orpheus taunts Sami. -Marlena and Will begin therapy. -Steve and Hope are trapped. -Tony makes a shocking discovery. -Abby tells her family she must leave Salem. -Steve and Hope are drawn together. -Some of Forrest's agenda becomes clear...or does it? HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28 IT'S A BIG DAY AS MARLENA HAS A BREAKTHROUGH IN THERAPY, TONY MAKES A SHOCKING DISCOVERY, STEVE AND HOPE ARE DRAWN TOGETHER, AND FORREST'S AGENDA BEGINS TO BECOME CLEAR...OR DOES IT? NEXT WEEK: Abby leaves Salem. Jack and Billie's attempt at a date turns into a nightmare. Marlena unearths the real reason behind her mental disorder. Joelle reaches a turning point and commits a shocking action.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2007: EPISODE #334: FAMILY BUSINESS BRADY PUB Caroline is at the bar with Bo, Kayla, Max, Stephanie, and Frankie when Marlena comes in with Belle. Marlena asks if Jean and Alyson arrived yet. Caroline says they haven't but they should be there soon. Marlena is very curious to here what they have to say about Eric and asks Caroline if they seem like the type of women to run a scam for some reason. Caroline shakes her head, saying they seem fine. Alyson got hurt at the Pub and didn't even make a stink. Caroline explains that Alyson and Eric dated and even mentioned a time when they went to a gala event in Washington. Will then walks in and asks if he missed anything. Marlena is shocked to see him. Caroline says she called him because Eric was his uncle and he is family. Marlena says it's fine. He should be there. She asks him how his father is. Will says he's fine but is working an awful alot. Marlena asks how he is. Will tells Marlena he would like to talk to her alone. Marlena excuses herself and goes off into a corner with Will. Will asks if they can meet to talk about some stuff. Marlena asks him if he is having trouble dealing with what Alan did to him. Will nods and says that the thing with this rapist on the loose in the Midwest and Alan's body not being found is just causing some horrible nightmares, on top of the fact that he has lost so many people in his life. Will tells Marlena he doesn't want to bother his dad with all this. Marlena understands and tells Will she is there for him but is also trying to recover from her own demons. Will asks Marlena if she doesn't want to help him. Marlena says she will help as his grandmother but she thinks he needs counseling from a professional. She isn't capable of that right now. She can listen and advise but he needs therapy to get past all that he has been through before it develops into something more. She tells him to see Barbara. She helped Bo and she will be treating her. Marlena adds that she is very good. Will doesn't like the idea of talking to a stranger but Marlena reminds him it's all kept confidential and it's worth a shot. She promises to also be there for him too. Will hesitantly agrees, saying he has to do something. Marlena embraces him and tells him he is doing the right thing and she thinks he will get the peace he is searching for. Will says he hopes so. Just then, Alyson and Jean arrive outside the Pub. Alyson begins to have cold feet. Jean tells her it's the right thing to do for everyone and that Eric would want her to do this. His family has a right to know. Alyson nods but admits she is nervous. Jean says she will be right there with her as soon as she gets back. Alyson asks where she is going. Jean says she needs to go get the "guest of honor." Alyson reminds her they agreed not to go that route. Jean says they will have to do it sooner or later and they may as well handle it all now and deal with everything head on. Alyson reluctantly agrees and says she will see her insider. Jean smiles and takes off as Alyson enters the Pub. Upon entering the Pub, everyone's attention turns to her as they greet her. Caroline asks how her ankle is. Alyson smiles, saying it's fine. She thanks her for asking. Marlena and Belle introduce themselves and say they are proud to meet a friend of Eric's. Alyson says that Eric was a wonderful man and she was so happy to know him. Marlena nods in agreement and then admits they are all curious as to what she has to say. Nicole then enters the Pub and says: Nicole: That includes me too. Come on, Aly? Fill us in on this big secret you and mommy dearest are keeping. Alyson nervously looks around at everyone around her and then runs out of the room and into the ladies room, shocking everyone and causing Nicole to chuckle and roll her eyes. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Cassie awakens in her room to find Stefano at her bedside. Cassie smiles and asks how long he has been there. Stefano says all night. He tells her that she is going to be fine and that Alexandra agreed with the prognosis. She just needs to get some rest. Cassie asks what happened. Stefano fills her in about the explosion and then mentions that he knows she was on her way out of Salem. Stefano mentions that they found her luggage next to her and that one of the servants mentioned her telling him she was going on a trip before going back in to get the brush she forgot. Cassie says she felt she had no choice as he had turned his back on her. Stefano sighs and says he was angry and still is. However, he had not turned his back on her. He is disappointed but still sees much potential in her. Stefano admits he was wrong to be so harsh and to give her the cold shoulder. Cassie tells him again how sorry she is. Stefano says he knows but she is in quite a mess and it's going to take alot to get her out. Cassie's eyes light up as she asks if he is going to help her. Stefano nods, saying he needs her. His house is gone and he is not going to stand for anyone destroying what is his and targeting his family. Cassie isn't so sure he should trust her. Stefano takes her hand and kisses it, saying that she just needs to listen to what he says and to not act without his permission. He feels that is the only way she can live up to the potential he sees in her. He asks Cassie if she can cooperate and do that. Meanwhile, Anna walks up and wonders how long Stefano is going to be in the room. She needs to speak with him to try to get his help in finding Carrie and Evan. Anna looks in on Stefano and Cassie and is intrigued by their reactions to whatever they are discussing. She opens the door a bit and begins to eavesdrop on what is being said. CHEATIN HEART Joelle returns to the bar, putting her purse on the table. Lucas asks if she is alright. Joelle says she will be after a few more drinks. Lucas begs her to stop. Joelle says it makes her feel good and it would do the same for him if he had one too. Lucas shakes his head in disgust. Joelle then reaches over with her shot glass and tells Lucas to down one. As she reaches over, she knocks over her purse. Joelle says oops and calls herself a klutz. Lucas says he will get it and adds that things like that wouldn't happen if she just stopped with the booze. Joelle apologizes as she slips a pill into Lucas' drink, which begins to dissolve in the drink. The bartender and another patron see this and wonder what is going on. Lucas puts everything back in Joelle's purse and puts it back on the bar. He begs her to stop and to go back to the hospital with him. Her mother needs her. Joelle shakes her head and says she is staying. The bartender then comes over after talking with the patron and asks Joelle what she thinks she is doing. Joelle is confused, as is Lucas. The bartender says that he and his buddy say what she did. A quick thinking Joelle slyly pulls out her cell slightly from her purse and calls Lucas' number, which is on speed dial for business reasons. Lucas' cell rings and Joelle tells him he better take it. Lucas doesn't like leaving her with the bartender and wants to hear what he has to say. Joelle tells him to take the call and to hurry back. Lucas walks off, leaving Joelle with the bartender, who asks her why she put a pill in her friend's drink. Joelle mentions how Lucas' girlfriend just died and how hard it has hit him. He has alot going on and hasn't been able to sleep and won't do anything to help himself so she put a sleeping pill in his drink. She hates deceiving him but feels it's the only way and for the best. The bartender mentions knowing Lucas from his drinking days and recalls how hard he can take things. Joelle says he is her boss and she knows he just needs some rest or else he and his son will suffer. The bartender says he understands why she did what she did. Joelle begs him not to say anything. She will make sure he gets home ok and she mentions she isn't driving so he doesn't have to worry about the both of them being under the influence and driving. The bartender says that's good and says he will stay silent but hopes that what she said is true. Joelle says it is. It's too horrible to lie about. The bartender walks off as Lucas comes back, saying no one was on the line and the call came from her phone. Joelle says something must have hit her cell inside her purse and dialed Lucas' number via speed dial. Lucas asks what happened with the bartender. Joelle lies and says he caught her filling her shot glass with vodka behind his back. She just couldn't wait for him any longer and she knew Lucas didn't want her to have another. She mentions the bartender thought she was trying to score a free drink but she planned on paying for it. Lucas takes her glass and says she is done. Joelle agrees not to drink anymore as long as they don't have to go back to the hospital. Lucas shakes her hand and says it's a deal. Joelle asks for a club soda. The bartender gets her one. Lucas smiles and says that she is doing the right thing. Joelle nods and then smiles as Lucas takes a sip of the drugged drink, whispering: Joelle: I'm doing this for us, mom. For us and for Joey. A pleased Joelle then continues to look on as Lucas takes yet another sip. SALEM PARK Kate is walking through the park, thinking about how she is going to get her life back on track and how she is going to get back into Lucas and Philip's good graces. She looks up to the heavens and tells Austin how much she misses him. He would always listen to her and offer good advice, even though she never listened to it. Kate says she made so many mistakes in her life and now she has nothing and has no one to blame but herself. Miranda then comes up from behind and says she's right about that. Kate turns and asks what she wants this time. Miranda: I want redemption. I want you to hurt just as much as I did. You should suffer just as much as the people you claimed to love. Kate: What is wrong with you? Yes, you have a reason to be upset with me but to be so vile and...cold and... Miranda: Me? No, honey, that's you. I can't believe you. Your trying to diminish what you did to all of us. You know, your recent behavior is pretty despicable but that is nothing compared to what you were back in your whore days. Oh, wait, your still in your whore days. Sorry! Kate: You... Miranda: When we were younger, I idolized you. I used to tell all my friends how I wanted to be just like you. God, now the sight of you makes me want to vomit. You destroyed our lives, Kate. Damnit, you destroyed yourself and you took the rest of us down with you? You deserve to rot in hell!! Kate: You don't mean that. Somewhere, deep down, you still care about me. You still love me. Miranda: That is so typical of you. You always believe you can get off scott-free and that you deserve to. You don't deserve nothing, Kate, least of all my love and my mother's love. Kate: Don't you mean... Miranda: What? "Our" mother? No. Not anymore. You lost that right a long time ago. She's nothing to you. Danielle is nothing to you. I'm nothing to you. Kate: Oh, come on, Miranda! We'll always be... Miranda: No!! No!! Don't even say it!! You stopped being my sister the day you turned your back on us and never looked back. Your no daughter to mom. Your no sister to Danielle. and, you certainly are no sister to me you cold-hearted slut!!! Kate hauls back and slaps Miranda, who coldly looks at her and says: Miranda: You bitch!! You have no right... Miranda then lunges for Kate and both women fall on the grass and go at it, slapping and kicking. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL As Anna listens outside Cassie's room, Stefano waits for an answer from Cassie. Cassie says she can do that and promises she will listen to his every word and won't act without his permission. Stefano smiles and says that's good. He then kisses her hand and says he is happy to give her another chance providing she has learned from her mistake. Cassie nods, saying she has. Stefano smiles and says he believes her. Cassie asks what they are going to do about Greta. Stefano says he will think of something as, so far, the police only seem to know it was one of his cars. They have no description of the driver. Cassie tells him she doesn't want him taking the fall for her. Stefano tells her to trust him. She won't go down for Greta's hit and run and he promises her he knows how to handle situations like this. Cassie nods, saying she knows he does. She then embraces him and thanks him for forgiving her and helping her. His giving her a second chance means the world to her. Just as Stefano is about to say something, Anna walks in and says: Anna: I hate to interrupt this heartwarming family moment but I feel it's my duty considering it seems there is a criminal in our midst. Well, other then you, Stefano. Stefano (frustrated): Anna.... Anna: Hello to you, too, Stefano. (smiles sarcastically) Anyway, it seems Cassie's become a junior felon and, wow, this has put me in such a difficult position, Oh, horrors, what do I do? So young...beautiful girl you are, Cassie (looks at a worried and bewildered Cassie). I hate to do this but I must. It's right to report a crime to the proper (pulls out cell phone)... Stefano: Ok, enough of this, Anna. What do you want? Anna: How about you and me finally have that talk I have been clamoring for, eh? I think we can hammer out terms to a nice, beneficial agreement for the both us. Anna smiles as a worried Cassie and a frustrated and angry Stefano look on. BRADY PUB Marlena and Caroline beg Alyson to come out of the ladies room but she refuses, saying she just can't do this. Marlena wonders what would cause her to be so fearful of simply sharing something about Eric with them. Nicole thinks Alyson is just a flake and no longer thinks she is anything but someone trying to con them for some reason. Caroline tells Nicole no one invited her and orders her to leave since she is the one that caused Alyson to get upset. Nicole says she merely walked into the Pub and said she was curious. She can't help the girl is oversensitive. Caroline would like to know how Nicole even found out they were gathering. Bo mentions that she probably eavesdropped. Nicole tells Bo no comments from the peanut gallery are allowed. Just then, everyone hears a cell phone ring in the bathroom and hears Alyson answer it by saying "Hello." A few moments later, Alyson emerges from the bathroom. Caroline asks if she is alright. Alyson nods, saying her mother called and is right outside so there is no turning back now. Marlena asks what she means. The door of the Pub then opens. Jean enters..... HOLDING A BABY!! Bo, Kayla, Max, Stephanie, Frankie, Will, Caroline, Belle, Marlena, and even Nicole look on, confused at what is happening. Jean walks over to near Alyson and places the baby boy, which looks about 8-10 months old, in her arms. She tells Alyson to introduce the child to his family. Everyone in the Pub is stunned. Alyson: Uh...everyone. I would like you to meet Samuel. My son. My son with Eric. Nicole: What?! Jean: You heard her. This gorgeous little boy here belongs to Eric and my daughter. He is their son. Nicole's jaw practically drops, along with everyone's at the Pub as camera pans in on a close up of little Samuel. The scene then freezes on baby Samuel and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... BABY ISSUES...AND WELCOME TO ITALY!!!
SEPTEMBER 20, 2007: EPISODE #333: MOVING ALONG UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Jack sits by Greta’s bedside as Billie stares out the window. Jack sits there thinking about what Greta would say to him right now. He laughs and says she would probably be asking him who in the hell gave him permission to go on vacation. Jack smiles, takes Greta's hand, and jokingly says that he’s sorry he didn’t clear the time first with her. Billie says that knowing Greta, she would take the attention off herself and simply worry about how they are both doing. Billie thinks she would know something was wrong. Billie then turns around and sighs, saying that it’s not a good feeling at all to come home to news that your child is in some psych ward out of state for killing two men. Billie then says that Stefano and Orpheus will dealt with for they did to her child. Billie then apologizes for going on like this in front of Greta. Jack stands and walks over to Billie, telling her that he truly understands how she feels and that Greta would understand how hard this is for her to. He then says they both will do something about it. Jack smiles and says he knows Greta would want to help if she were awake. Billie nods and then says she would love to shake the hand of the person who blew up Stefano’s mausoleum. Jack thinks he should probably do a story about that. Billie reminds them they just got back and have alot to deal with. Jack interrupts her, saying reporting is what he does. Billie wishes she could see Chelsea. Jack reminds Billie that Chelsea can’t see anyone just yet. He looks back at Greta, telling his friend to get well soon. Billie walks over and agrees, saying they all need her with them.. Out in the waiting area, Alexander waits with his mother. When Elizabeth tries to speak with him, he tells her he would like for her to leave him alone. She understands, saying that she is scared of how Jack will react as well. Alex only says that he wishes Jack would hurry up. He wants to know the truth and all this damn waiting around is getting on his nerves. Jack then walks up from behind him, saying that it’s time to get this show on the road. Jack, Billie, Alex and Elizabeth all start towards the elevators. Elizabeth and Billie wonder what will happen to them all...........if Alex is truly Jack’s son. Meanwhile, Jean is helping Alyson get her things together before she leaves the hospital. Jean asks Aly if she is going to tell the Brady family the truth, seeing as they all have a right to know. As she says it will help them in the long run, Aly thinks she is doing this all for herself. Jean strongly disagrees, saying that she would feel better about the whole situation if she called Caroline and asked to meet with her and the family as it's the right thing to do and Eric would want that too. After some tense moments, Aly agrees to call Caroline. As she picks up the phone to call, what neither woman realizes is that Nicole is standing right outside Aly’s door, listening to her conversation with Caroline. Nicole then gets very excited as she hears Aly thank Caroline for offering to call her family and have them gather at the Pub. As Aly hangs up the phone and waits for the nurse to come in and discharge her, Jean smiles at her, telling her she did the right thing for everyone. Nicole sneaks past the door and heads off to the Pub, wanting to hear what Aly has to say to the Brady's. HORTON HOUSE Abby comes into the outer room, having just finished another therapy session. Dr. Dobbs walks in behind her, telling Forrest that she is making significant progress. Forrest remarks about glad he is for her and then asks if he could speak to her doctor alone. When she smiles at Forrest and says sure, the two men walk out into the hallway. Once out of earshot of Abby, Forrest pulls out a check from his jacket pocket and hands it to the doctor. The doctor looks at Forrest, who tells him that he will receive this so long as he convinces Abby that in order to recover fully, she must leave Salem. The doctor agrees and takes the check from Forrest, who then warns him not to cross him......or else. The doctor tells him she’s as good as gone from Salem. The doctor then goes back into the living room as Forrest smiles evilly. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Max and Stephanie talk to Frankie in the cafeteria. Max asks where Jack and Billie are. Frankie responds that they are up with Greta. Stephanie then asks a question.......when will be the right time to tell Jack about Fred really being Forrest. Frankie says that with Abby’s feelings for Forrest and what he has just been through, he feels it best to not say one word to Jack about Forrest until someone can find out what his motives are. Max agrees and says that he won’t say a word about it and neither will Stephanie. She agrees, saying that she doesn’t want to add to anything negative. Frankie says that it is settled......for now, they all will keep their mouths shut. KIRIAKIS MANSION Bo is playing pool when Will walks in. Bo apologizes for changing the meeting place but felt it safer to meet out of the public eye. Bo asks how Will got across town safely, to which Will replies that Abe has cops watching his home at all times. Bo puts down the pool cue as he looks at Will, asking how he’s doing. Will says he thought it was enough to always be thinking about Austin, Eric and his mother but now with news that a rapist/killer is loose in the Midwest, he can’t sleep anymore. All it does is give him nightmares about what Alan did to him, he says, as Will sits down on the couch. Bo comes and sits down next to him, telling him that he, personally, will never be able to forget what happened to him. Then, Will asks, what is he supposed to do. Bo suggests that since she is now feeling much better, he should talk to his grandmother, Marlena, for some help and comfort. Bo tells him that she has a wonderful ear and he should know. She has really been the only one who made his relationship with his grandfather, Roman, work despite everything. Will waits for a moment and the tells Bo he’s going to do it. He’ll see Marlena and hope she can help. Will stands up and shakes Bo’s hand, thanking his great uncle for all the help. Bo calls in one of Victor’s men and tells him to take Will home. He then turns and looks at Will, telling him that he will always be there for him. Will smiles at that and leaves with Victor’s bodyguard as Bo walks over, picks up the pool cue, and continues his game of pool. CHEATIN HEART Lucas tries to get Joelle to stop drinking. Through her haze, she tells him that that is rich coming from him. Lucas knows how it feels to lose a child. He and Sami had an awful battle over Will when he was younger. And, he also knows what it’s like to rely on the bottle to make his troubles disappear. She knows that but just can’t seem to get over this pain. She then tries to get him to take a drink, to which Lucas declines. She says one drink won’t hurt and he says it will. He just got back on the wagon and doesn’t want to jeopardize his sobriety. He is also trying to deal with Sami being gone and she should respect that. Joelle says she is going to the bathroom and Lucas stands as she leaves. Once she is in the bathroom, she thinks to herself that it’s time to up the ante and pulls a bottle of pills from her purse. She smiles as she thinks about how Lucas will react to this latest incident..... As the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... TWO BIG REVELATIONS!!!
SEPTEMBER 19, 2007: EPISODE #332: WELCOME HOME!!! SAMI AND LUCAS' APARTMENT Will is still in bed, tossing and turning. He starts crying out in his sleep for help and then jumps up, sweaty and clearly affected by the nightmare he seemingly just had. Will then wonders why these nightmares are coming back after being gone for so long. He thought he was finally moving on from what Alan did to him. Will then looks at the clock and realizes he overslept and is an hour late for school. He gets out of bed and goes into the living room. He sees a newspaper with the headline "SERIAL RAPIST STRIKES AGAIN!!!" He picks it up and stares at it. Will's eyes fill with terror as he remembers that infamous night with Alan. Will begins to tremble and shakes his head in disbelief, saying: Will: He can't be back. He's dead. HE'S DEAD!! Will's hands shake so much that he drops the newspaper. He then says repeatedly he needs to tell someone and races back into his room. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Lucas brings some coffee to Joelle in the waiting area. She thanks him for staying with her. He says it's no problem and that he called in to work so they both don't have to go in. Joelle can't beleive her mother had a stroke. She was doing so well with her diabetes and blood pressure. She admits she had a mild heart attack a few years back but she has been going strong ever since. Lucas reminds her the doctor said it was only a mild stroke. She will be fine. Joelle tells him she is grateful but she doesn't know how they are going to afford the medical bills, especially if she needs physical therapy or some other special needs. Lucas asks if she has insurance. Joelle says she does but it doesn't cover everything. She doesn't know what she is going to do. Joelle begins to break down in tears, asking why life has to be so hard. Lucas says he asks himself that question everyday. He embraces her and tells her it will work out and he will help in any way he can. She thanks him for everything. A nurse approaches them and tells Lucas he has a call from someone from his office at the nurses desk. Lucas thanks the nurse. Joelle tells him to take the call. She will be fine. Lucas asks if she is sure. Joelle nods. Lucas tells her he will be back and leaves. After he leaves, Joelle smiles and says: Joelle: It's time to take this horrible situation and use it to our advantage, mother. Joelle then gets up and walks off. BRADY PUB Caroline, Stephanie, Frankie, Max, Bo, Kayla, Alice, Julie, and Maggie are all together at the Pub for Jack and Billie's welcome home party. Caroline tells Frankie that Jack and Billie would've understood if he didn't make it. Frankie tells her there was nothing to be done at the hospital and he wanted to be there. Philip then shows up and walks up to the bar, asking if it's ok that he is there. Caroline nods, saying Billie is his sister. Kate then walks up and asks if that same compassion applies to her. Caroline nods and smiles, saying Kate has a right to be present. Billie will want to see her. Kate smiles and turns to Philip, asking how he is. Philip says he could be better. Kate tells him she would like to talk with him and settle their differences. Philip shakes his head, saying not right now. He already has enough to deal with. He then excuses himself, leaving behind a heartbroken Kate. At the bar, Kayla asks Bo if he heard anything back yet from his contacts. Bo shakes his head, saying they haven't tracked down Hope or Steve yet. Kayla says she is really worried. Bo admits he is too but advises her to keep what is going on quiet for the time being, just in case Hope and Steve are embroiled in something heavy. Kayla agrees. Max and Stephanie are talking when they see Abby wheeled in with Forrest. Everyone in the Pub turns and looks at Abby and Forrest tentatively. Abby sees that everyone seems unsettled and apologizes to Forrest that her family and friends are treating him this way. Forrest smiles and says it's ok. They all just need to get used to him and to get to know him a bit. Abby smiles, saying he is taking this all so well. Forrest smiles and wheels her over to be with her Alice, Julie, and Maggie. Doug then walks in, shocking Julie. Julie walks over slowly to him, expressing her surprise that he came. She hasn't seem him in days. She asks how he is doing. Doug says he is better but that isn't saying much. Julie tells him she would like to talk. Just as Doug is about to answer, Jack and Billie walk in. Everyone in the Pub races over to them, greeting and hugging them. Jack walks over to Alice and tenderly embraces her. Alice tells him he was missed. Abby embraces her father and cries in his arms as Jack finds himself in tears as well. Abby tells him she was so scared she would never see him again. Jack tells her that won't happen. He promises her mother he would be there for her to guide her and to take care of her and JJ. Abby smiles and embraces him again, saying she is so happy he is back. Billie shares a happy reunion with Kate and Philip. Kate is so happy she didn't lose another child. Billie feels horrible she missed Austin's funeral. Kate tells her he would understand. She is just happy she is back. Bo comes over and embraces Billie. He tells her he hates to bring her bad news so soon but there is something he has to tell her about Chelsea. Meanwhile, Jack embraces Kayla and asks about Steve. Kayla says he and Hope are out of town handling something. Jack is intrigued but Kayla tells him it's nothing he would be interested in. Maggie then brings JJ out from around back and Jack takes him in his arms and shares a tearful reunion with his son. Jack thanks everyone for watching over his family. He thanks Frankie and Max for looking out for her. Frankie reminds Jack he made a promise to Jennifer. Jack nods and then thanks Alice for letting Abby stay with her. Alice smiles and says it's no problem. Bo fills Billie in on how Orpheus sent a tape of Chelsea killing her rapists to the SPD and explains how Stefano interfered to have her sent to a psych ward out of state. Billie is devastated. Bo tells her that Abe had the hospital checked out and it seems on the up and up but they can't visit her until after a certain period. They want her to get settled. Billie can't believe this. Bo comforts her and says their daughter will be fine. She's strong, just like she is. Billie smiles and says: Billie: Just like we both are. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Lucas returns from his phone call and finds that Joelle is gone. He asks some of the nurses if they have seen her and describes what she looks like. One nurse says she saw her leave the hospital via the ambulance bay and she was headed toward the pier. Lucas thanks her and takes off. BRADY PUB Jack and Billie thank Caroline for the party. She says it was no problem. She is just happy they are home. Jack sits down with Abby and says he wants to hear about everything that has happened while he was gone. Abby fills him in on how "Fred" found a doctor that found a new treatment to help her walk again. She explains she is involved in his therapy program and is taking new medication. She also mentions how "Fred" has been so good to her and how he tried to help Chelsea and to help find him and Billie. Jack is suspicious and asks how "Fred" has so much influence and power. Fred/Forrest says he just knows people in high places. He wouldn't say he has power. Max, Frankie, and Stephanie watch this scene and wonder if they should tell Jack who "Fred" is. Frankie doesn't think it's the time and place seeing as Jack just came home and Forrest is right there. It could put Abby in danger, along with everyone else. They have no idea what Forrest is capable of. Max and Stephanie see his point and agree that it's not the right time. Jack reluctantly thanks Fred/Forrest for all he has done to help Abby. Abby notes that his expression of gratitude seemed forced. Jack thinks they should change the subject and discuss "Fred" later. Forrest then excuses himself, saying he has to make a phone call. Forrest leaves as Jack tells Abby he knows he just got home but he doesn't want to wait to tell her this. Abby tells Jack he is worrying her and asks if something is wrong. Jack fills her in on how close he and Billie have gotten. Abby says she knew they would get together and she is fine with that now. She just wants him to be happy and Billie is great. Jack smiles and is glad she is happy but says there is something else. Jack then tells her about how Elizabeth and Alexander rescued him and Billie and how Elizabeth is a old flame of his. He then says that Elizabeth told him Alexander is his son. Abby is stunned. Billie interjects and says that they are going to have a DNA test done to make sure and then mentions to Jack that Elizabeth called and left the number for her room at the Salem Inn. Nearby, Julie walks over to Doug and wants to pick up where they left off before Jack and Billie arrived. She asks him again if they can talk. Doug says he isn't really interested in doing that and doesn't really have the time. Julie tells him it won't take long. Doug says he doesn't want to see or talk to her. Julie says she will give him more time. She thinks that may help and then they can talk. Julie tells him she is willing to wait for as long as she has to. Doug shakes his head and says she will have to wait a long time because he is leaving Salem...tomorrow!! Julie is stunned. Doug then turns and walks out. Maggie comes over and embraces Julie, saying she heard the whole thing. Maggie apologizes. Tears stream down Julie's face as she looks at Maggie and tells her she has lost Doug and it's for good this time. Julie then falls into Maggie's arms as Maggie comforts her. Meanwhile, Abby is still stunned by Alexander possibly being her half brother. Billie reminds her they know nothing yet and then tells Jack they should go do the test now. The sooner the better. Jack agrees. It's better to get it out of the way and to know. Billie says she will call Elizabeth to meet them there. Frankie interjects and says they can go see Greta if they want. He is on his way there. Jack and Billie think that is a good idea. Jack kisses and embraces Abby, telling her they will talk later. Abby nods and smiles, saying she is glad to have him back. Jack then gives JJ a kiss and he and Billie then thank Caroline and everyone else for the party and for being there before leaving. Abby then looks around and wonders where Forrest is. Alice tells Abby if she is looking for 'Fred" he is still outside on the phone. Abby thanks her. Outside the Pub, Jack sees Fred/Forrest on the phone and tells Billie and Frankie he does not like that guy. Frankie tells Jack he isn't the only one. They then begin to walk to the parking lot as Billie calls Elizabeth. Elizabeth is at her room at the Salem Inn when she answers and asks what is going on. Billie tells her to get Alexander and head for the hospital. They are doing the DNA test now. A worried expression crosses Elizabeth's face. Elizabeth then says she will go over to Alexander's room and get him and they will be there soon. Billi says ok and hangs up. Elizabeth then throws her phone to the ground in anger and says: Elizabeth: Billie has become a major problem. One that I will have to remove from the picture...permanently. Back inside the Pub, Bo's cell rings while he is at the bar with Caroline and Kayla. He excuses himself and answers it. It's Will, who is very upset and desperately asks Bo to meet him. Bo asks if he is ok. Will says he thinks he is but he just really needs to talk to someone. Bo tells him to meet him at the pier in a half hour. Will agrees. Bo hangs up, wondering what is going on. Meanwhile, Will looks at the newspaper and tries to convince himself he is being paranoid and that it's because of the nightmares about Alan he is having. Will hopes that talking to Bo will help. He then grabs his keys and leaves the apartment. CHEATIN HEART Joelle sits at the bar, downing shots of Alabama Slammers when Lucas walks in, looking around and then noticing Joelle. He walks up, telling her he has been looking all over for her. Joelle says she just needed to get out of there and needed a drink so bad. Lucas tells her that's the long way to think. He knows. He is a recovering alcoholic and recently fell off the wagon because of Sami's death. He tells her drinking won't help the pain. It only makes things worse. Joelle then downs another shot and calls out to the bartender for another. Lucas tells the bartender not to get her one but Joelle orders him to. Lucas shakes his head in disgust as Joelle is given another shot, which she quickly chugs, and then yells out to the bartender to keep them coming. BRADY PUB (OUTSIDE) Forrest is still on the phone. He looks in at Abby and the remaining party guests and says: Forrest: Yes. We have to move up our plans. We have no choice. With Deveraux back in town, we can't take the risk of him ruining everything. (looks at Abby inside the Pub) We need to act and we need to act now!!! The scene then freezes on a split screen of a determined Forrest's face and Abby sitting in the Pub and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... FORREST TAKES ACTION!!!
SEPTEMBER 18, 2007: EPISODE #331: PACTS AND PROMISES APARTMENT BUILDING ON SALEM'S EAST SIDE (JOELLE'S APARTMENT) Joelle and Lucas both walk up to her apartment door. She thanks him again for doing this. She is just so afraid with that killer rapist on the loose in the Midwest and the fact that she heard suspicious noises last night. It really has her worked up. Lucas says it's fine. He reminds her that he is ok with being friends and business associates but there can be nothing more. Joelle smiles and says she knows. She then opens her door and they both enter the apartment. Lucas looks around and notices the place is somewhat dreary but notices that it's not that bad of a size. Joelle apologizes for not cleaning up beforehand. Lucas says it's fine and tells her that her place is pretty nice. Joelle thanks him and says it serves the purpose. Just then, a young boy (played by Jake T. Austin) runs out of one of the back rooms and comes racing down the mini-hallway. Joelle introduces the boy as her son, Joseph. She calls him Joey for short. Lucas puts out his hand to Joey, who shyly shakes it, and tells him it's nice to meet him. Joey asks if he is his mom's boss. Lucas and Joelle both laugh and Lucas nods, saying he is but that he won't bite. Joelle asks Joey why he was running. Joey says he heard her come in and grandma needs her. She has been sleeping since a little after he got home from school and she is having trouble waking up. Joelle's face turns to one of worry. She then walks quickly to her mother's room, which is the second room on the left side of the mini-hallway. Lucas follows. Joelle enters the room and kneels down near her mother's (played by Kathryn Joosten) rocking chair. She gently nudges her and calls out to her to wake up. She doesn't stir. A frightened Joelle then looks at Lucas. Lucas gets the feeling Joelle doesn't want to frighten Joey so Lucas tells Joey to go out into the living room so he and his mother can help his grandma. Joey asks if grandma is hurt or sick. Lucas tells him that his grandma probably is just very tired. He tells him to just go out to the living room. Joey looks at Joelle, who smiles and nods. Joey then leaves. After he leaves, Joelle panics and tells Lucas that her mother's breathing is shallow and she isn't waking up. Lucas thinks they should call an ambulance. Joelle seems hesistant. Lucas asks her what is wrong. Joelle shakes her head and says it's nothing. Her mother needs help. She tells Lucas to make the call. Lucas starts dialong 911 on his cell as Joelle holds her mother's hand, begging her to be ok. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Kayla is at the Nurses Station when Bo walks up. Kayla tells him that Alyson has a sprained ankle and is going to be fine. Bo says that's good but they need to talk. Kayla doesn't like the sound of what Bo has to tell her. Bo takes her aside and says Hope called. He explains that the phone reception was bad but she said that her and Steve are fine but she didn't say where they were and the phone went dead. Kayla doesn't think that sounds comforting. She asks Bo if he thinks the phone just died or if something else caused it. Bo thinks it likely just died since the quality of the call was poor but he does admit being worried. Bo notes that it seems Hope is avoiding telling him where her and Steve are. Kayla admits that is a cause for concern. She confesses she has had a bad feeling about this since they both called and told them they took off. Bo regrets telling Kayla since now she will worry nonstop. Kayla tells Bo she has a right to know and she is glad he told her. She asks him what he is going to do. Bo isn't sure but thinks he will use a few contacts to see if he can maybe track them down. If they find them, he knows Hope and Steve will be upset but he just wants to know they are ok. Kayla agrees. Bo tells her it's going to be alright and embraces her. Kayla tells him she hopes he is right. Elsewhere in the hospital, Caroline walks in Alyson's room and asks how she is doing. Alyson says she just sprained her ankle and will be ok after a few days. Jean, who is with Alyson, tells Caroline she is grateful that is all it was. Caroline apologizes for what happened. Jean tells her it wasn't her fault but, rather, that Nicole woman who is to blame. Caroline nods in agreement and mentions that Nicole is a loose cannon and has been behaving worse then usual since Eric's death. Alyson tells Caroline that Eric told her all about his relationship with Nicole while they were in Washington, D.C. together. Eric had gone there to photograph a charity benefit and she was his date. Caroline, realizing Alyson's connection to Eric now, says it's lovely to meet a friend of Eric's. Caroline then adds that neither Alyson or Jean knows what Nicole has done since she returned to Salem. Caroline fills them in on Eric nearly dying last year and on how Nicole kept Carrie's baby, Evan, from her for months. Jean and Alyson are horrified. Caroline then mentions how Nicole's actions led to Eric's demise and fills them in on the cruise ship debacle. Caroline tells them that she has never been a big fan of Nicole's but the whole family gave her the benefit of the doubt early on and even did so again this time around. They can never get past what she's done now. Jean tells Caroline she can't blame her. Jean then sees Nicole hanging around outside and, rather then upsetting Alyson, Jean decides to handle her on her own. Jean then excuses herself and says she will be right back. Outside Alyson's room, Nicole looks in and tries to eavesdrop. She sees Jean coming and tries to make a run for it but Jean stops her and calls out to her. Nicole turns and asks what she wants. Jean says she wants Nicole to stop stalking them before she calls the police. Jean: I know all about your history. All your lies and schemes....impressive. Very impressive. However, there is nothing you can do to deter me so, if you ever do anything to my daughter, I will not hesitate to take the proper action I deem necessary. Nicole: Now, what in the hell do you mean by that? Jean (smiling): You better hope you never find out. Jean then turns and returns to Alyson's room as a bewildered and somewhat shocked Nicole looks on. Meanwhile, on the balcony near the ER, Stefano asks Marlena what she would like him to do about Roman. Marlena says she doesn't know. Belle watches Marlena and Stefano talking from the waiting area while talking to Roman, who asks her if Marlena is with her. Roman notices she seems worried about something and asks if she is ok. Belle says she is fine. Roman asks her again if Marlena is at the hospital. Belle nods and says they came together because mom wanted to check on Cassie. Roman says he figured as much. Roman is about to turn around when Belle stops him, asking him if he wants to go get some coffee with her. It's been such a long night and they haven't spent much time together lately. Roman agrees and is happy to see that she isn't angry with him after the last time they saw each other. Belle tells him she still hates what he is doing but life is too short and there is far too much going on to act like that all the time. Roman is happy to hear that and says it's time to get that coffee. Roman and Belle walk off as Belle looks back at Marlena, who is still on the balcony with Stefano. Anna then appears as she comes down the hall and passes the nurses station. She sees Marlena on the balcony with Stefano. She wonders what they are discussing. On the balcony, Marlena tells Stefano she just wants Roman to back out of this war and to just focus on rebuilding their lives and helping the family move on past all the tragedy. Stefano laughs saying: Stefano: Your husband would never domesticate himself like that. The man is like a rabid dog. He will not back down no matter what you have me do or no matter what you have someone else do. Marlena: Wow...the great Stefano Dimera is letting the chance to have his so-called Queen of the Night indebted to him slip away? Are you sure your not ill? Stefano: Marlena, there is nothing I can do. Do you really think Roman will listen to me or stop what he is doing because of something I do? Haha. Are we still a bit delusional? Marlena: I know you two hate each other. Your a creative man. Think of something. Think about this Stefano. You help me and I will owe you. Anytime. Anywhere. Stefano: Anything? Marlena (taking a deep breath): Any....anything. Stefano: Hmm...I can tell by your eyes that you are serious. Your determined to do this. Marlena: I have to do something. No matter what I have to do or sacrifice. My family can't take much more. Stefano: There are no limitations to this, no? Marlena: No limitations. So, what do you say, Stefano? You help me and I will owe you a favor. No matter what that happens to be. Do we have a deal? Marlena holds out her hand. Stefano looks at it and seems to be mulling over the offer. He turns away and contemplates some more before turning back around and gently shaking Marlena's hand. Stefano: We have a deal, my dear. Marlena: Alright then. You come up with some way of handling Roman and just let me know when you do whatever it is you have to. Just don't hurt him. Please don't hurt him. Stefano: Not to worry, Marlena. I won't harm Roman and I will be in touch. Marlena: Not a word about this to Roman or anyone else either. Do you understand? Stefano: Of course. Not a word. Marlena: Ok then. I must be going. If you see Cassie, tell her I will drop by in the morning. Stefano grabs Marlena's arm. Stefano: Wait, Marlena. Stefano then gently takes her hand and kisses it. Stefano then smiles at Marlena, who looks at him coldly. Stefano: Sealed with a kiss. Now our pact is official. Good night, Marlena. Marlena: Good night. Marlena goes back inside the hospital as Stefano stands alone on the balcony, smiling. As Marlena walks past the nurses station, Anna comes out from behind a corner, not wanting Marlena or Stefano to see that she was listening and watching. Anna sees Stefano come back inside and decides it's time to approach him. Anna walks over and calls out to Stefano, asking if she can have a word with him. Stefano tells her it's not a good time and that he isn't in the mood to deal with her. He needs to meet Alexandra in Cassie's room. Anna tells him it won't take long but Stefano is adamant and tells her to leave him alone. Stefano then walks up, leaving behind a frustrated Anna, who is determined to talk to Stefano. APARTMENT BUILDING ON SALEM'S EAST SIDE (JOELLE'S APARTMENT) An ambulance arrives at Joelle's just as she has finished explaining to Joey what is going on. Joey says he knew grandma was sick. Joelle promises him it's going to be ok. Grandma just needs some medicine and she will be ok. Joey thinks she is lying to him. Joelle's eyes well up with tears as Lucas interjects and tells Joey that his grandma just needs a little help and then she will be fine. Joey tells Lucas he isn't a little kid. He can see his grandma is very sick. Lucas and Joelle don't know what to say. An EMT comes over and tells Joelle they need her. The EMT tells Joelle they think her mother had a minor stroke. Joelle is devastated. Lucas comforts her as the EMT tells her they need to get her to the hospital fast. Joelle nods in agreement, wiping her tears. She asks Lucas if he would take Joey next door to the neighbor's. Lucas nods and then tells her he will meet her at the hospital. She shouldn't be alone. She thanks him as the EMT's place her mother on a gurney and begin to transport her. Joelle accompanies them and looks back at Lucas, who is left behind with Joey. Lucas pats Joey's shoulder and tells him it's going to be alright and then takes him next door to the neighbor's. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Jean returns to Alyson's room. Alyson asks where she went. Jean says she just had to make sure when she could be released tomorrow. Caroline asks about the news they had concerning Eric. Jean looks at Alyson. Alyson shocks her by saying she thinks it may be best if she waits until tomorrow. It's alot to take in and she isn't sure she is up to dealing with explaining it all tonight. Caroline understands and tells her to call when she is ready. The family would very much like to hear what she has to say. Jean thanks Caroline, as does Alyson. Caroline bids them goodnight and leaves. Jean asks Alyson why she did that. Alyson says she needed to stall things so they had enough time to leave Salem. Jean is confused. Alyson tells her hearing what Nicole is capable of and also hearing about everything else going on in Salem has made her rethink what she is doing. She isn't going to say a thing and she wants to go home...tomorrow!! Jean is stunned. Meanwhile, outside Alyson's room, Nicole paces and thinks about what Jean said. Caroline sees her and asks her why she just won't stay out of their lives. Nicole tells Caroline she is Eric's widow and will always be in there lives. A frustrated Caroline turns around and walks away in a huff as Nicole laughs. Nicole then looks in at Jean and Alyson and wonders what the story with them is. Elsewhere, Kayla tells Bo she needs to get back to work. Bo tells her he will keep her up to date. Kayla thanks him and leaves as Abe walks off the hospital elevator. Bo turns and sees him and asks what he is doing there. Abe says he came to inform Stefano that the fire from the explosion remains is out and to update him on the investigation. He hates Dimera but it's protocol. Bo wishes him luck but says he must be going. Abe tells him to wait and reminds him of what they discussed earlier. Abe: You can't have it both ways, Bo. You've been on the opposite side of the law and you've also been on the right side. Now, I have no clue what you are doing but you have to pick a side. You can't have it both ways. Think about it and choose wisely, my friend. Abe then walks off, leaving Bo behind to contemplate his words. Nearby, Belle and Roman return to the waiting area where they were previously. Belle looks out on the balcony to see that her mother and Stefano are gone. Roman looks at Belle and asks who she is looking for. She tells him nobody. She just was daydreaming. Roman laughs and says he won't take offense. Belle laughs and says that's good. Roman tells her he enjoyed spending time with her and it was a nice distraction from everything. Belle agrees. Just then, Marlena returns and tells Belle she has been looking for her. Marlena is stunned to see Roman. Roman tells Marlena about his and Belle's little coffee date. Marlena thinks that is wonderful and is happy to see Roman finally thinking of something else besides revenge and destroying Orpheus and Stefano. Roman gives Marlena a cold look and tells her that was a nice dig. Marlena says it wasn't a dig but Roman won't hear otherwise. He tells her he saw the look on her face that went with the words. Roman gives Belle a kiss and embraces her, telling her he loves her and will see her later. Belle begs Roman not to leave like this. Marlena tells Roman not to do this but it's too late as he has already turned his back on her and is hitting the elevator button. The elevator opens as Marlena and Belle give chase but Roman has already boarded and closes the door immediately. In the elevator, Roman sighs heavily and says: Roman: Damn. Why the hell did I just do that? (pounds wall of elevator with fist) Damnit!! Meanwhile, in the waiting area, Marlena feels bad about what she said. Belle tells her not to blame herself. Marlena says she does and hopes that the deal she made with Stefano works. Belle hates that she did that but Marlena says she had no choice. Marlena: I won't stand by and watch your father get himself killed. We've all lost enough. I will do what I have to do...to protect our family. The scene then freezes on a determined Marlena as Belle looks on from behind and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WELCOME HOME JACK AND BILLIE!!!
SEPTEMBER 17, 2007: EPISODE #330: BOOM PART 2 RUINS OF THE DIMERA MANSION Abe starts to stir and raises up to his knees, shaking the cobwebs out. The others start to slowly do the same as fire trucks, ambulances and police vehicles join Stefano’s men in racing up to the destroyed mansion. Fire is burning what’s left of the huge structure and everyone looks at the building, not being able to believe that a house once stood in that very same spot. Stefano slowly gets up and stands to his feet. His back is to his home and he is fearful of what he may see when he turns around. He slowly does and a look of shock and sadness comes over his face. He can’t believe that a home that has been in the DiMera family for many generations is now gone. He stands back and watches as firemen rush up to the home, pouring water on the blaze in hopes of it not growing out of control. As everyone looks on, Abe walks up to Stefano and tells him they will get to the bottom of this. Stefano laughs, saying that it would be like putting the Marx Brothers on a case. He then says that if it weren’t for Celeste, they all may be dead right now, so many thanks should go to her. Alexandra turns and thanks Celeste. She says that’s what mothers do.........protect their children. Celeste then looks at Stefano, saying that he better be grateful because, if Lexie wasn’t in the house with him,.........she would be happily dancing on his burnt corpse right now. Celeste then leans forward and kisses Lexie on the cheek. She then walks past Stefano to an ambulance to receive medical treatment. Lexie watches her leave and Abe asks if she is ok. Lexie fights back tears as she says she’s fine. She then turns and walks away, leaving both Stefano and Abe to look at one another. At that moment, a police officer runs up to Stefano and tells him that Cassie has been found. When Stefano frantically asks about her, the officer says she’s alive........but has serious injuries. Stefano tells Abe he must go to the hospital so all of this can wait. For once, even Abe understands, and lets Stefano go. As Stefano runs with the officer past Marlena and Anna, they look at each other, upset that they still haven’t gotten a chance to talk to him. Anna tells a paramedic that she is alright so she wishes he would stop poking at her. Marlena tells her to be still and let them do their jobs but Anna isn’t listening. All she wants to know is when can she talk to Stefano one on one. Marlena nods her head, hoping for the very same thing, as they watch the mansion burn. As Abe stands and watches the fire, Bo comes running up and asks him what happened. Abe looks at Bo, saying that he has a feeling that he already knows. Bo says he doesn’t know what Abe is talking about. Abe asks Bo if he knows how this explosion occurred. Bo says he was at the hospital when he got the call. Abe pauses, then tells him that if he finds out Bo is lying........stripping him of his badge will be the least of his worries. Abe then turns and starts to walk away but not before turning back around and telling Bo that he better tell his father that he is a prime suspect in all of this. Abe then walks off, leaving Bo to walk back to his car.......looking very worried. KIRIAKIS MANSION LIVING ROOM Victor walks into the main living room with Roman and Nico following close behind. Victor walks over to his wine cabinet and pours both men a drink. Nico says that all of Victor’s men are keeping an eye on Stefano’s people and will call in if anything is up. Victor looks at Roman and tells him that he hasn’t been this proud of him since he married Isabella. Roman doesn’t smile, telling Victor that maybe if he would have done something like this sooner, Isabella may still be alive. Victor says that Isabella didn’t die of nothing else but the cancer that took her home, that’s all. He then says that Roman has to stop blaming himself for what happened with Sami and Eric and everyone else. He then says that the next time he has someone like Orpheus or Stefano in his cross hairs.......he better pull the [!@#$%^&*] trigger. Roman nods his head slowly. Bo then walks in, saying that he saw Abe and hopes he believes the lie that he told him. Victor commends Bo, saying that he did what was necessary. Roman says that he’ll smooth it over with Abe later. Nobody need know what the three of them planned and carried out. There then is a knock at the main room door and Maggie stands right there looking at Victor. Bo, Roman and Nico excuse themselves and leave them both alone to talk. Maggie walks over to Victor, telling him that the explosion is all over the nightly news. And, she says, she knows he did it. Victor says of course he did and will not deny it. He tells her that she knew what kind of man he was when they met so don’t act surprised now. Maggie pauses for a moment and says that she’ll be upstairs when he comes to bed. She then walks over and kisses him on his cheek, saying that she won’t interfere in business that’s not hers, so long as he’s honest with her. He agrees and tells her he’ll be up in a bit. After Maggie leaves, Victor looks through the glass door at Bo, Nico and Roman and grimly walks out to the patio. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Stefano paces the waiting area as Lexie goes to see what’s going on with Cassie. Marlena then walks in and Stefano tells her that Cassie has a concussion but seems to be ok. Marlena is glad to hear her daughter is ok. Stefano then tells Marlena he gets the feeling she is there for another reason besides checking on Cassie. She says she needs to talk to him.........about Roman. Stefano says that Roman Brady is the last thing he wants to discuss. Marlena doesn’t care about that. She needs a favor from him regarding Roman. Stefano says that she hasn’t repaid him for the favor he did for Sami before her execution. Marlena says he didn’t do one damn thing. He lies, saying that it was he who kept her from being executed. Marlena doesn’t believe him but asks him what he intends to do about Roman. From a distance, Anna watches as Stefano asks Marlena if they can go onto the balcony and talk about this. Marlena agrees and, as she follows Stefano, Belle walks into the waiting area, having seen her mother leave with Stefano. Just then, Roman walks into the waiting area, saying that he heard about the explosion and asks if Marlena is there. Belle has a worried look on her face, not knowing if she should lie to her father..........or tell him the truth. MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Hope, Steve, and Tony talk while in the dungeon. Hope wonders how they will get out. Tony shakes his head, saying no one will even think about looking for them there. Steve says he is not going to wait around like some little dude. He is going to find a way out on his own. After a short time, they are shocked when the door opens and Byron returns. He tells them all to go. Hope asks why he changed his mind. Byron says it didn't feel right and they are good people. He knows Tony is from knowing him for years while working for the family and he can tell her and Steve are. Steve, Hope, and Tony give him their contact info and tell him they will be in touch to get him and his family protection. They tell him to go home now and to leave the area with his family for their own protection. Byron agrees and thanks them. They then thank Byron in return for having the courage to come back for them and do the right thing. Byron warns them that Stefano may know they were at Maison Blanche as one of the Dimera security people knew. He tells them to watch their back. They thank him and promise they will. They wish Byron luck and go upstairs. Later, as they are about to leave, Hope thinks they should call Bo and Kayla. Steve thinks it is a good idea but that it would be easier if she called as he might say something wrong or something and cause more problems then they need. Hope nods her head and says she will do it. She then dials Bo's number and he answers from the Kiriakis Mansion. The reception is poor. Bo asks where she is. Hope says she is with Steve right now and she doesn't know when her or Steve will be home. She just wanted to tell him they are fine and they will keep in touch. He asks her to tell Kayla and the rest of the family and to give JT a big kiss for her. Bo tells Hope she is breaking up and tries to ask her where she is. Just as Bo is about to ask her again, the line goes dead, worrying Bo. Hope tells Steve the phone lost it's signal and the reception was poor the whole time. Tony tells them they have no time. They need to get to the airport if they are going to fly out tonight to Italy. Hope tells Steve they can call Bo and Kayla again sometime later and, hopefully, they will have a clearer call. They all then head for the airport Meanwhile, back in Salem, Bo feverishly tries to reach Hope, wondering what happened to her phone and what is going on as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... MARLENA MAKES A PACT WITH THE DEVIL!!!
ANNOUNCER: A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER CONTINUES... WITH ONE BIG WEEK!!!! FIRST... Clip of the Dimera mansion exploding followed by a clip of debris and rubble. A WAR HEATS UP... Stefano: Kiriakis will regret this night.... LEADING TO SHOCKING DECISIONS... Marlena to Stefano: I need your help. AND TEARING LIVES APART!! Maggie to Victor: When is this going to stop? How many people need to get hurt before this damn war ends? Abe to Bo: You need to decide which side of the law your on! THEN... Clip of Jack and Billie walking into the Pub and arriving to a welcome home party. JACK AND BILLIE FINALLY COME HOME!! Abby to Jack: I've missed you so much!! (embrace) BUT... Jack to Abby: There is something I need to tell you. Bo to Billie: There is something you should know about Chelsea. THIS MAY NOT BE THE HAPPY HOMECOMING THEY THOUGHT IT WOULD BE...IN MORE WAYS THEN ONE... Forrest (on the phone): We have to move our plans up. We have no choice. AND... FRIDAY... Clip of Nicole followed by a clip of Kate. TWO BIG REVELATIONS!!! Clip of Jean and Alyson followed by a clip of Miranda. PLUS... Clip of Forrest looking at a picture of someone and saying: Forrest: Oh, how I miss you... NEXT WEEK... Clip of Steve and Hope being held at gunpoint. 5 HUGE DAYS... Joelle: It's time to make this happen... INCLUDING A TWIST NO ONE SAW COMING!!! Tony (looking down at something): This can't be... A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER!!!
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17, 2007 EDITION THE WRITER'S CORNER THIS WEEK MARKS THE FIRST EDITION OF THE WEEKLY SL INSIDER FEATURE, "THE WRITER'S CORNER." EACH WEEK I, TIM LOWERY (BETTER KNOWN AS PHOENIXRISING05), AND MY FELLOW SALEM LIVES HEAD WRITER, PATRICK L. EWING (BETTER KNOWN AS ROMAN), WILL TAKE TIME OUT TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM READERS AND ANYONE ELSE THAT DECIDES TO CHECK OUR FAN FICTION BLOG OUT. WE WILL TAKE TURNS ANSWERING QUESTIONS EACH WEEK. THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE QUESTIONS ABOUT CASTING, WRITING, PAST STORIES, CURRENT STORIES, OR WHATEVER COMES TO MIND REALLY PERTAINING TO SALEM LIVES. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PM US QUESTIONS DURING THE WEEK FOR US TO ANSWER AND ALSO REMEMBER YOU CAN POST QUESTIONS VIA COMMENTING HERE IN THE BLOG. IF WE RECEIVE NO QUESTIONS, ROMAN AND I WILL JUST ANSWER QUESTIONS BASED ON REACTIONS TO EPISODES AND DISCUSSIONS WE HAVE HAD WITH OTHERS. SO, WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU, HERE WE GO: THIS WEEK'S WRITER IN THE HOT SHEET: TIM LOWERY (PHOENIXRISING05) 1.) Has Marlena completely recovered from her personality disorder? Tim Lowery: No. She is in recovery and, as mentioned in the episodes, she is taking medication and will be seeing Barbara soon. However, she has also put that recovery at risk by putting her family first and she is under an immense level of stress. She has a long way to go and the headaches are still there too. Fans need to be on the lookout because her alters could come back. It's a real possibility. That's not a spoiler. Just a realistic fact. 2.) Is Alan really gone and what was up with that mention of a Midwestern rapist on the loose? Tim Lowery: Alan is gone and Paul Kersey has been let go. As for the rapist, it was simply a mention but fans will have to keep reading to see if it turns into more. 3.) Where is Philip and Will? Tim Lowery: Will will be back this week. He will become prominent again. He will be dealing with his personal demons. As for Philip, he will return soon and his story is a slow moving one. He is really in limbo but there is some stuff coming up the pike for him. 4.) Why does Nicole think she has rights to Evan? Tim Lowery: Nicole sees the fact that Carrie simply gave her son up as enough reason for her to have him since she legally adopted him. It's what she thinks in that world of hers. Nothing more. 5.) Will Sami and Orpheus have more to do in the coming weeks? Tim Lowery: Yes. We just needed to give her a rest more then anything else and also needed to establish other stories. She will be back on the frontburner where she belongs. WELL, THAT IS ALL FOR NEXT WEEK. REMEMBER TO PM QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED IN THE WRITER'S CORNER TO ME OR ROMAN BY NEXT FRIDAY AT 8PM EST. ALSO, YOU MAY POST QUESTIONS HERE IN THE BLOG BY COMMENTING. JUST DO IT BEFORE FRIDAY AT 8PM. THANKS AND WE'LL SEE YOU NEXT WEEK IN THE WRITER'S CORNER WHERE ROMAN WILL BE ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS. UNTIL NEXT TIME!!! SALEM LIVES CHAT!!! JUST A REMINDER THAT THE FIRST OF OUR SALEM LIVES CHATS WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 AT 9PM EST. IF ANYONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH THIS DATE AND TIME, PM US AND LET US KNOW. YOU CAN ALWAYS SHOW UP LATE BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO LET ROMAN OR ME KNOW AND THEN WE CAN INVITE YOU. THESE CHATS ARE A GOOD WAY OF ASKING QUESTIONS, GETTING CAUGHT UP ON SALEM LIVES, AND A GREAT FORUM TO TALK ABOUT SALEM LIVES AND EVEN DAYS. SIMPLY PM ROMAN OR ME YOUR AIM SCREENNAME AND WE WILL INVITE YOU IN AT 9PM WEDNESDAY!! HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!!! COMINGS AND GOINGS GOING Hector Elizondo (Byron): The actor makes his last appearance at Maison Blanche on September 17. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WK OF 9/17/07 -Cassie is missing. -Celeste and Lexie share a special moment. -Abe demands answers. -Victor and Maggie have it out. -Marlena wants to make a deal with the devil, as does Anna. -Bo hears from Hope as his and Kayla's level of worry intensifies. -Jean tries to push Alyson to the limit. -Will and Bo have a heart to heart. -Doug decides to leave Salem. -Jack and Billie come home. -Abby is reunited with Jack. -Forrest adjusts his plans. -Lucas comforts Joelle during a crisis. -Jack and Alexander get tested. -Miranda reveals her connection to Kate. -Joelle decides to use Luca's past to her advantage. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17: THE DIMERA MANSION IS IN SHAMBLES!!! NEXT WEEK: The tables turn on Anna. Steve and Hope are trapped. Tony makes a shocking discovery. Joelle does the unthinkable. Will seeks out Marlena. Miranda threatens Kate. Nicole and Jean go at it. Abby tells her family she must leave Salem. Some of Forrest's agenda becomes clear...or does it?
SEPTEMBER 14, 2007: EPISODE #329: BOOM PART 1 VICTOR'S LIMO The limousine drives to a darkened area and stops. Victor orders the driver to keep a look out and, when the driver exits the vehicle, Victor asks Roman one question.... Victor: You sure about this, Roman? Roman: As sure as I was when Stefano had his doctors rip my face apart. As sure as I was when he kidnapped my twins. How about when he set Andre DiMera loose as the Salem Strangler and I was on the run for those murders? Now, Victor, you tell me.......how sure should I be? Victor looks at both Roman and Bo and says..... Victor: Sure enough. He then gets a phone call. His conversation is reassuring as he tells the person on the other end of the phone.... Victor: We’re close. Everything happens tonight. Don’t worry about it. When it’s done, I’ll call you and fill you in. You take care, my friend. And give your brothers and family my best. Take care. Victor hangs up the phone and Bo ask who it was. Victor says that it was none other than J.R. Ewing. Victor and his father Jock Ewing were close friends and the Ewing's think Stefano has something to do with his death in a helicopter crash years ago. Victor says that he filled J.R. and Bobby Ewing in on the plans and was just confirming things with him. The list of people who want Stefano’s head may reach from Salem to Europe, Victor says. Bo then asks to speak with Victor alone. Roman agrees to step out and get some air. When he closes the door, Bo slides over so he can face Victor one on one. He tells Victor that this is a huge undertaking this evening. Victor says it is necessary. They were good friends once, almost close as brothers. But somehow, somewhere, Stefano changed. Victor thinks it has to do with Roman and when Stefano first arrived in Salem. Bo says he remembers some of it. He tells Victor he didn’t come back to Salem until after he got out of the Merchant Marines. By that time, Roman and Stefano were into it hot and heavy. Stefano was running a drug operation from behind the scenes and Roman tried to stop him. Victor says he knows. Stefano and him were on the outs then and he told him not to go to Salem and start that up but Stefano wouldn’t listen. Plus, Victor says, Stefano had this........deep resentment for Roman. He had heard that Roman was an up and coming cop in the S.P.D. and he guesses he wanted to prove a point. At that moment, Maggie calls Victor, asking him if he will be back in time for dinner. Victor says he can’t make it but promises to make it up to her. She is disappointed but understands. They say their goodbyes and hang up the phone. Outside the car, Roman stands with the limousine driver when a black 2007 Park Avenue drives up slowly. Roman pulls his gun as the driver's side window rolls down slightly. The car passes by Roman slowly and then rolls its window down all the way. Victor rolls down his window and looks to see the man inside. Bo looks out and sees the man as well as Victor smiles and nods his head. The window then rolls back up and the car guns it as it speeds off into the night. When Roman walks back to Victor’s window, he knocks on it. When it comes down, he asks Victor..... Roman: Ok. Who in the hell was that? All Victor will do is smile, look at Roman and Bo, and simply say..... Victor: A friend. Victor then sits back and smiles as Bo and Roman look at each other with surprise. Just then, Bo gets a phone call from Abe, telling him that they have a suspect in Greta’s hit and run. He then tells Bo that he is heading over to Stefano’s place to question him. When Bo tries to stop him, Abe says he has to go and hangs up the phone. Bo then tries to get Abe back but it goes straight to voice mail. Bo then looks at Victor, telling him that they have to get over to Stefano’s now. Abe is on his way there. Roman jumps into the car and tells Victor to high tail it to the DiMera Mansion. DIMERA MANSION Alexandra arrives at Stefano’s home, walking into the main living room. Stefano walks back in from the garden and sees her and she notices the grim look on his face. Lexie tells him that Greta is in critical condition. She has a lot of injuries. Stefano goes and sits at his chessboard with his head down. Lexie slowly walks over to him and thinks out loud, saying she doesn’t know who would do something like that to such a wonderful person. Stefano looks up but can’t bring himself to look Lexie in the face. He stands and walks over to the fireplace, saying that it was most likely Orpheus who is responsible for this tragedy. Meanwhile, in her room, Cassie picks up her bags, walks to the door, looks around one last time, turns the light off, and closes the door behind her. As Cassie reaches the steps, she can hear someone in with her grandfather. She starts to quietly walk down the stairs when she realizes that she left her favorite brush. She turns to see one of the servants ask where she is going with her luggage. Cassie replies that she is going on a trip but forgot something. When the servant asks what it is, Cassie says it is something that she has kept with her through good times and bad and she considers it a good luck charm. The servant smiles at her and walks off as Cassie turns and walks back towards her room. At that moment, Celeste comes barreling through the door. She is out of breath as she tries her best to speak to Stefano and Lexie. When Lexie walks over to her and asks her to slow down, Celeste tells her there isn’t time. They have to go........right now. When all three people turn, they stop in their tracks. Standing before them, smiling....... Is Victor Kiriakis. Victor says to Stefano............ Victor: Well, I see I have interrupted you all as you were leaving. Do tell.......where were you all rushing off to? Stefano: That is none of your business, Victor. You really have your nerve to be standing in my house after what you said to me. Victor: Yes, Stefano. I admit that the........accidental injuries..........that my daughter suffered affected my judgment. For that, I am truly sorry. Stefano: Fine, fine, fine. I accept your apology. Now.............will you please go? Victor: Oh...........don’t let me hold you all up. I’ll let myself out. Take care...............and God Bless. Stefano looks at Lexie and Celeste strangely as Victor walks out of the house, smiling. He closes the door behind him and starts walking down the huge lawn towards a waiting black limousine. Just then, Victor looks down to the road to see Marlena, Belle, Abe & Anna all arrive in separate cars. As they get out, they look over at Victor, who smiles slightly and nods his head. As he reaches his limousine, his driver opens up the car door and Victor gets in. The group then watches as the limousine slowly drives away. Abe and Anna walk over to Marlena and Belle and ask them what they are doing there. Marlena and Belle want the answer to the very same question. After several moments of talking and spelling out what everyone is doing there, Abe orders the ladies to stay put. He has police business to handle. Marlena and Anna both say they have personal business with Stefano so the police business will have to wait. The ladies then start walking towards the mansion as Abe reluctantly follows. Inside the mansion, Stefano, Lexie and Celeste start towards the front door. In the limo, which is parked a short distance away from the Dimera Mansion, Victor turns and asks a question....... Victor: So...........did everything go well? Man: Yeah..........it went just fine. The man starts to take off a fake mustache and eyebrows............ Man: I didn’t think it would be that easy. Haven’t done this in many, many years. Thought I was out of practice. Bo: Well, as long as Stefano gets what he deserves. Victor: Bo, I guarantee he’ll never forget this. The mysterious man then takes off a wig and opens up his collar, taking off his tie........ Man: Victor........how bad do you think the fallout will be? Victor: Very bad, I’m afraid. But........not like the first time I’ve been through this. I just hope it’s the last. Bo: Let’s shake on that. Bo shakes Victor’s hand and the mysterious man’s hand. Then, Victor shakes the man’s hand and, when he looks up at the man’s face, after he has removed his makeup MYSTERIOUS MAN'S PICTURE!!, he says to this man...... Victor: Do you want to do the honors? Man: No. The honor.....this time......is all yours. In front of the mansion, everything now happens in slow motion............... Stefano opens the front door and he, Alexandra and Celeste walk out........... Abe, Marlena, Belle and Anna walk towards the mansion.................. And at that very moment...............in his limousine, Victor pulls out a device, presses the red button.......... And the DiMera Mansion, which has been in the family for over a century, starts to explode!!!! Huge sections of the mansion explode in unison as Marlena, Belle, Abe and Anna are thrown backwards towards the street. The mansion is being reduced to rubble as brick, mortar and glass fly all over the huge front and backyards. After 6 massive detonations, the DiMera Mansion is no more........... And Victor hands the man and his son glasses full of the finest wine as he now makes a toast....... Victor: To the VICTOR........goes the spoils! All three men laugh as they touch glasses and the black limousine drives off into the dark night as the scene pans upward.......... And suddenly goes black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE AFTERMATH!!!
SEPTEMBER 13, 2007: EPISODE #328: ENTWINED DESTINIES SALEM TOWERS HOTEL In her private, palatial suite, Anna welcomes in the private detective she hired. He sits down and looks at her grimly, telling her that he could not locate neither Carrie nor her grandson. She drops her head in sorrow. She asks him if there is any way he could have found her and overlooked her. The detective says no. None at all. Anna starts to cry but, after a few moments, wipes the tears away from her eyes, and tells the detective that she will find her daughter herself. She thanks the detective by shaking his hand and, as he gets up, she walks him to the door, saying that she may need his services in the future. He smiles, they shake hands, and he leaves. Anna then walks over to a picture of Tony and Stefano sitting on her glass table and says......... Anna: Well, time to make a deal with the devil. Anna wipes some more tears from her eyes, grabs her purse from off her bed, and heads out... To see one Stefano DiMera. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Marlena is putting her clothes on. Belle walks in, smiling. She tells Marlena that she is happy she got released but only if Marlena promises to take her medicine and see Barbara on schedule, as she ordered. Marlena promises to do that as she kisses Belle on her cheek and salutes her like she’s in the service. Belle just looks at her, smiles slightly, and asks if she wants to stop off and get something to eat. Marlena says that with Stefano, Victor and Orpheus out there, she finds it really odd that everyone just walks around like nothing is going on. Three very dangerous men are using Salem as a battleground and taking no prisoners while everyone just goes wherever they want. They go and get something to eat, sit in the park, go to the Pub, or whatever. Then, they are shocked when something dreadful happens. Belle just looks at Marlena silently and Marlena pauses, saying that she’s not having a relapse. She just thinks that people need to start taking all of this a lot more seriously, that’s all. Belle then asks what does she call going to see Stefano about Roman? Marlena once again pauses, saying that it is necessary to do this, especially since Roman is not confiding in her right now. If she has to use Stefano to make Roman rejoin the human race and come back to the people that love him, she will gladly do it every single time. What if, Belle asks, Stefano tries to bring up his obsession with her. Marlena says that Stefano has always hated Roman for only one reason..... And that is that Stefano always knew Marlena loved Roman more than her own life. And that kills Stefano each and every time. Belle shakes her head and says that even though she doesn’t agree with her at all, she sees where her mother is coming from. But, she tells Marlena, Roman better not find out about it. If he does......she will push him farther away and, Lord Knows, what he will do then. Marlena agrees and Belle says she’ll go with her. Marlena doesn’t like this one bit but Belle assures her everything will be fine. She tries to get Belle to leave but she is insistent, saying that Marlena will not meet Stefano alone. And, if Marlena doesn’t like it, the meeting won’t take place. Marlena waits for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. As Belle walks out into the hallway, Marlena stands back and thinks to herself..... Marlena: I HOPE everything will be fine. The nurse comes in with a wheelchair and asks if she is ready to go. Marlena says it’s time to blow this popcorn stand, jumps in the wheelchair, and leaves her room. CARVER HOUSE Celeste watches Theo as he plays sitting on the floor. She looks at the news and sees that Abe has done an interview, updating the hit and run case that has almost killed Greta. He says that the S.P.D. has some very positive leads and, when he knows something, the press will know something. Then, he excuses himself as reporters shout questions at him and Celeste turns off the television. Celeste sits on the couch when she suddenly gets a vision. Theo is oblivious to this as she leans forward, placing her hand on her forehead. The vision is tragic and, after a few moments, she snaps out of it. Celeste then looks around and sees Theo. She jumps up, goes and picks him up, and asks him if he would like to stay at the Bailey's while she runs out for awhile. Theo smiles and says yes and Celeste takes him upstairs to get him ready. Later, after dropping him off, Celeste is in her car. She is still shaken by her vision, but then says to herself...... Celeste: Seems like all I do is have visions. Celeste drives at breakneck speed, racing through the streets of Salem, as she heads to the one place where she hopes she can stop the madness before tragedy strikes once again. VICTOR'S LIMO (IN FRONT OF UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL) Victor is now joined by Bo and Roman. He asks Roman point blank..... Victor: Is everything set? Roman: It is on my end. (Looking at Bo) Are you sure about this, Bo? Bo: Just as sure as I was when you first brought the plan up. Roman: (Looking at Victor) Good. Well.......let’s get going. Victor: Excellent. Francois................. Take us on. The limousine pulls out of the parking lot and heads to parts unknown. All three men are silent. Bo looks over at Roman, who is staring out the window, and asks him..... Bo: Man, why are you doing this? Roman: Because it has to be done. Bo: You have never seemed like the kind of man to go to drastic steps like this. Roman: Well........when your children are murdered by some madman and another has been given your life hell for 25 years..........changes your perspective, know what I mean? Victor: (Looking at Bo) I think he does, Roman. Bo grows silent, looks at Roman, then Victor, and then looks straight ahead. He says nothing as the limousine drives slowly in the night. DIMERA MANSION Cassie is trying to talk to Stefano, who is still giving her the cold shoulder. She walks over to him and speaks to him. She asks him if she can sit down. Stefano doesn’t even look up from his chessboard and still says nothing. With tears streaming down her face, she asks him if turning herself in will change his mind about her. Stefano continues to play chess and then, after a few moments of unbearable silence, stands up and says that he needs to go to the garden to think. He walks out of the mansion and into the night, leaving Cassie alone. She wipes the tears from her eyes, silently deciding that it is time to leave this family and Salem behind. With that, she stands up and goes upstairs to pack her bags. MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Byron stands in front of Steve, Hope & Tony with a gun. He tells them to get moving. He has a place where they can cool their heels. Tony takes a step forward, saying that he knows his father is behind this. Byron shoves the gun towards him, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. Byron says that his family is the most important thing to him so he will do what he must do. Steve quips about how sick he is of people holding guns on him. Hope askS him if he would feel better if Byron pulled the trigger. Steve looks at Hope with his arms raised, saying that he’ll just stand there with his mouth shut. Byron leads the group back into the mansion and then orders them downstairs. Once they are down there, he orders them into one of the dungeons in the catacombs of the mansion. They have no choice but to obey and, once they are inside, Byron locks the door. The group shout at Byron not to leave them in there but he is gone. Tony looks around the dungeon, saying that it looks very familiar. After a few moments, he says it looks just like the dungeon that Stefano held him and Anna years and years ago during the Salem Stranglings. Steve then walks over to Tony and asks him one question. Does he think his old man is on to them? Hope would like to know that answer as well. Tony doesn’t know but says that it will take a miracle to get out of there now. DIMERA MANSION One of Stefano’s people comes to him in the garden, telling him that Byron has Tony, Hope & Steve locked up in a dungeon at Maison Blanche. Stefano looks at this man with a look of shock, wondering out loud............ Stefano: What the HELL is going on?! The scene freeze frames on his face as the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... ANOTHER BIG FRIDAY CLIFFHANGER YOU CAN'T MISS!!!
September 12, 2007: Episode #327: OUT OF THE BLUE BRADY PUB Caroline is behind the bar while talking on the phone to Frankie. She asks him to call if he needs anything or if there is any change with Greta's condition. She tells him she loves him and hangs up. She then sighs before turning to organize from liquor bottles. Nicole then enters the Pub and takes a direct route to the bar upon seeing Caroline there. Caroline turns and asks what Nicole wants. Nicole says she knows alot has happened but she needs to know if she has heard from Carrie. Caroline: And why would I tell you even if I had? After all you did to her...honestly, Nicole. Why are you here? You know your not welcome. Nicole: Hmm...yeah. Just like I was locked out of my own husband's funeral. Caroline: Not this again (rolls eyes). Nicole: Look, Evan was my son. I didn't know he was Carrie's at first. Carrie gave him up and... Caroline: Get your facts straight, missy!! Carrie never signed rights to him away. She simply gave him to Alan because she felt she was doing what was right. Nicole: Same thing! Caroline: No! Also, you may not have known right away but you still learned who Evan really belonged to well before anyone else and did nothing about it. You worked with Orpheus and had the chance to turn him in and did nothing. You hurt Eric so deeply before his death. Nicole: Correction. We hurt each other. Caroline: Yes, well, it was the second time that happened with you two. Now, Eric is gone. Nicole: And that's because of me, right? Caroline: Look, I have a business to run. Would you just leave? Nicole: Have you heard from Carrie? Do you know where she is? Caroline: Why would I even tell you? Nicole: Your a forgiving person, Caroline. I know you are. Your whole family is...well, they are supposed to be. Anyway, I just need to speak with her and just seeing Evan would... Caroline: You expect me to believe you simply want to see Evan and talk to Carrie? I know you, Nicole. You will try something. This is all moot anyway. I have not heard from Carrie nor do I know where she is. Now, just leave. Caroline returns to organizing the bar as Nicole chastises herself for even bothering to ask Caroline. No one is going to help her and she has no idea what else to do. Nicole says that Evan is all she has left. Her phone then rings and she walks off to take the call in private. Meanwhile, outside the Pub, Jean and Alyson walk up. Jean tells her that it looks like the directions they got were right. They are standing in front of the Brady Pub. Alyson isn't so sure she is ready or if she can do this. Jean takes her hand and says she is there for her. Every step of the way. Alyson also didn't feel comfortable leaving Samuel behind at the hotel. Jean assures her it will be ok. There are qualified people taking care of him and it's said to be one of the hotel's best amenities. Alyson thinks they should have brought him but Jean thinks it's best they do this without him since he should not be around the drama that could result in what they have to tell the Brady's. Alyson sees that Jean is right. Jean takes her hand and tells her to come with her. They will do this together. Alyson takes her hand and they enter the Pub. Jean and Alyson walk up to the bar. Jean: Excuse me, Miss? Caroline turns around. Caroline: Yes? What can I do for you? Jean: Do you know where I can find anyone that knows or is related to the Brady's? I know this is there Pub. Caroline: Are you looking for any Brady in particular? Jean: No. Actually, this is probably something they should all know, I think. Caroline: Well, I'm Caroline Brady. I own this Pub, here. Jean: Ah, the famous Mrs. Brady! Your chowder is quite famous around here from what we gather. Granted, we have only just arrived but it seems like a proven crowd pleaser. I'm Jean Parker and this is my daughter, Alyson. Caroline: I'm flattered, really. It's nice to meet you both but I'm troubled by what you said was your reason for being here. You mentioned you have something to tell my whole family. I can't imagine what would be of that much importance. Is this something bad? Jean: Um...depends on how you see it, I guess. Alyson, care to elaborate? Alyson: Uh...I don't know if I'm... Jean (takes Alyson's hand): It's ok, sweetheart. I'm with you. Right here. You can do this. Meanwhile, Nicole is sitting in a booth and hangs up her cell. Nicole: There is not one private detective available other then the one I fired. I'm never going to find Carrie and Evan. I've lost Eric and now I've lost Evan too. Nicole fights back tears as she gets up and walks off just as Alyson tells Caroline at the bar: Alyson: Uh...I have news. I have news to share with your whole family...about Eric. Caroline: Eric? Nicole walks by the bar and hears Eric's name, which causes her to stop dead in her tracks. She then turns and moves back towards the bar. Nicole: Eric is dead. You can't possibly have news about him. What's going on here? Alyson freezes, not knowing what to say. MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Steve tells Hope she isn't going anywhere. They have their own investigation to finish. Hope says that what Tony is looking for could be helpful in bringing Stefano down. Plus, they promised to help him if he helped them. Tony thinks it would be best if he went alone, just in case Stefano did catch on. Hope thinks Tony will need back up and reminds Tony of the help Steve and her provided in finding the steel box in the globe. Tony appreciates the offer but thinks it's best if they go their separate ways. Steve then realizes Hope makes a good point as it is a possibility that whatever Daphne has Tony looking for could be something to bring Stefano and his empire down. Tony admits that thought crossed his mind, which is why he is desperate to get to the bottom of this and why he feels going alone is better. He doesn't want anything to happen to them. Hope reminds Tony she is a cop and can take care of herself. Steve smiles and tells Tony that Hope is not going to let this go. Tony nods and snickers, saying it seems he has no choice but to let her go as she will likely find a way to go anyway. Hope smiles and thanks him, promising he won't regret it. Tony hopes not and then tells them to get ready as they need to leave immediately for Italy. The sooner they go, the less chance of Stefano being hot on their trail. Meanwhile, a mysterious person watches Tony, Hope, and Steve from outside the study. BACK IN SALEM...ROBERTS INC. OFFICES Lucas is in his office preparing for a meeting while Joelle is at her desk outside his office, looking over a copy of the "SALEM SPECTATOR." Joelle seems focused on a headline under the one that refers to Greta's hit and run, which says "SERIAL KILLER STRIKES AGAIN!!! MIDWEST STILL IN SHOCK OVER THE KILLER RAPIST'S REIGN OF TERROR." Joelle's eyes light up as she reads the article and notices where it says that Salem is one of the only Midwestern cities not to have a victim of this madman. She then gets up from her desk and peers in at Lucas before entering. Lucas sees her walk in and tells her that he has a meeting in a few minutes. Joelle says she knows but she needs a favor from him. She thought someone was outside her apartment last night and had the feeling she was being watched all night. She told her landlord and the neighbors but they thought she was nuts. She just would like him to come by her place tonight for a bit, just in case it happens again. This way she will have a witness to inform the others. Lucas asks her if this is a ploy to seduce him again. Joelle denies that and is appalled he would think that way as this is something not to mess around about. There is a serial rapist running around the Midwest raping women and killing them when he's done and she has a child and her mother to think about. She just wants to be safe and promises there is no ulterior motive. She begins to cry as she tells him she was so scared last night and thought it was the rapist as it seems Salem is one of the only places that this nut job has not claimed a victim in. Lucas asks why she would be a target. Joelle has no clue but tells Lucas she is really scared. She even told her mother's nurse to be on the look out and to call 911 if she hears a pin drop. Lucas looks at her intently and reluctantly agrees to stop by but tells her he will be working late. Joelle says she may be too. It depends how much she gets done. Lucas makes Joelle promise that she won't try anything. He reminds her that he is just doing this to help her...as a friend. Joelle assures him she knows and she learned her lesson after he rejected her last night. She isn't going to make another play for him. Lucas is pleased and hopes she means that. He then tells her that he has to get going to his meeting but he will see her tonight. Joelle says she will leave the directions to her place on his desk. Lucas says ok and says goodbye before entering the elevator and leaving. While alone, Joelle displays an evil grin and says that baiting him was almost too easy. She then uses her desk phone to make a phone call to her mother, telling her to be ready for company tonight. BRADY PUB Bo and Kayla walk up outside the Pub. Kayla is explaining to Bo that Greta's condition is still critical and that the odds still are not in her favor. Bo prays that she makes it and adds that Abe thinks they will know more soon because of the witness that gave them the car description. Kayla thinks that is good and then admits she is still worried about Steve and Hope. Bo reminds her it's only been a day but Kayla tells him she can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. Bo embraces her and tells her they will be fine and asks if she would relax if he called them to make sure they are alright. Kayla nods, saying that would relax her quite a bit. Bo tells her that he will make the call in the Pub. They both then enter the Pub to see the scene that is going on between Nicole, Jean, Alyson, and Caroline. Caroline: Mind your own business, Nicole. Nicole: This is my business. I am Eric's widow and these two women claim to have some sort of news about him. I have a right to be involved. Alyson: Your Eric's widow? Maybe this was a bad idea... Jean: No, honey, don't... Alyson: Sorry, mom. I think we need to go. Alyson gets up and walks off. Jean prepares to get up and go after her but Nicole chases down Alyson and takes hold of her ferociously by the arm. Alyson (trying to pull arm away): What are you doing? Let go! Nicole: Tell me what news you have about Eric. He's by husband, damnit!! Alyson (struggling): Your hurting my arm. Just let go!! Nicole: No!! Nicole and Alyson struggle. Bo and Kayla race over to stop things from getting too heated. Jean tries to get in the middle and orders Nicole to let go of her daughter. Just then, Alyson finally pulls away and turns to race out of the Pub but Nicole once again grabs her arm. Alyson pulls her arm away to break free but ends up falling backward on to a table and then to the ground, bringing the table and all it's settings down on top of her. Caroline, Bo, Kayla, and Jean race to help her and pull everything off of her. Kayla tells Alyson she is a doctor and asks if she is ok. Alyson tells Kayla she hurt her leg. Alyson is in excruciating pain. Kayla wonders if she may have broken her ankle as she seems to have fallen awkwardly. Caroline rips into Nicole for her behavior and how it led to this. Nicole says she just wanted to know what news Alyson had. She put up a fight and she put herself in this mess. Jean turns around and tells Nicole she should've just left her daughter alone. Nicole thinks Alyson asked for it. Kayla thinks they have to get her to a hospital but thinks it may be awhile before she gets treatment as there was a car pileup downtown that has things backed up. Alyson says it's fine but she needs to do something as the pain is horrible. Kayla thinks they will be short on ambulances because of the accident downtown and asks Bo if he could help her get Alyson to the hospital. Bo agrees, saying he will just call Hope later. He mentions he has errands to run anyway. Bo and Kayla help Alyson up, along with Jean. Nicole says she will meet them at the hospital. She wants to know what news they had about Eric. Bo, Kayla, and Caroline all look at her, appalled. Nicole tells them she doesn't care what they think. She has a right to that information as Eric's widow. Bo and Kayla just turn around and help Alyson to his car as Jean follows. Caroline begs Nicole to back off. Nicole shakes her head and says: Nicole: No, can do, Granny!! I need to see what this mother/daughter team knows about Eric. See ya!! (walks off) Caroline: Nicole! Ugh...I better get someone to watch the Pub. I need to be at the hospital in case Nicole starts something. Caroline then races to the back of the Pub. MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Tony, Hope, and Steve walk into the living room. Tony wonders where Byron is as they have looked all over for him. Hope has no clue but tells Tony to just leave the note he wrote as they haven't been able to track him down. They need to get to the airport. Tony agrees but thinks it is only courteous to say goodbye and to tell Byron they are leaving. Tony shrugs it off and leaves the note on the table, saying it's time to go. Tony, Steve, and Hope exit the mansion and walk the long and winding sidewalk out front. Hope asks Steve if he called a cab. Steve nods and says it should be coming. Just as they have made it nearly to the end of the sidewalk and are nearing the entry gates to Maison Blanche, Hope hears something behind her. She turns and a look of horror crosses her face. Steve and Tony turn around too and see Byron facing them, aiming a gun right at them. Steve asks him what he is doing. Hope thinks Stefano must have threatened or got to him. Byron tells them that he hasn't seen or heard from Stefano but knows he would not have liked it if he just stood by and watched them digging up dirt on the Dimera's. Steve reminds him he had no problem before. Byron tells Steve he wisely thought about what was going on and realized that he and his family would be in danger if he continued to help them. He knows Tony is a Dimera and he is one who he always liked as he was nothing like Stefano, which is why he let Tony search Maison Blanche and also why he let Steve do so as well since Tony had told him to allow him too, but he has a wife and kids to think about. He can't take no chances and he can't risk Stefano finding out and his betraying him would sign his death certificate. Byron points the gun at Tony, Steve, and Hope. Steve tells him he doesn't have to do this. He can be strong. Steve tells Byron they can get him and his family protection. A shaking Byron says there is no other way. He knows what he must do. He has no choice and orders them to listen to him...or die!!! Tony, Steve, and Hope look at each other with worry as Byron holds them at gunpoint as the scene freezes on a split screen of Tony, Hope, and Steve and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CASSIE MAKES A STUNNING DECISION!!!
SEPTEMBER 11, 2007: EPISODE #326: INTRIGUE MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Hope, Steve, and Tony continue to survey the steel box they found in the globe. Tony wonders how it can be opened. Steve wonders if the key opens it. Tony tries but it doesn't fit. Hope notes that the key seems like an awkward make as the keyhole looks rather unique. Hope asks Tony if Daphne ever showed him or gave him a weird looking key. Tony thinks back and can't recall any. He then has an idea and races over to a painting on the far left wall. He takes down the painting, which is of a gorgeous sunset in the French Riviera, and examines it. Tony explains his mother loved this painting and always talked to him about how it was created for her to give her a lasting image of one of the most beautiful sights she has ever see in the world. Tony caresses the canvas and then stops, acting as if he has found something. Tony flips the painting over and asks for Steve's knife. Steve gives it to him. Tony wishes he didn't have to cut in to it but has no choice. Tony takes the knife and begins cutting into the back of the painting, only to discover a unusual jagged edge key. Hope thinks that's it. Tony and Hope pick up the steel box and use the key, which is successful in opening it. Steve, Hope, and Tony are all three shocked by what they see inside. COAST GUARD MEDICAL CENTER (LOCATION UNKNOWN) Jack enters Billie's room. He tells her that he heard she is ready to be released. Billie nods and says she is happy they can finally head home. She asks Jack if he has called home yet. He says he didn't. There was so much going on that it kind of slipped through the cracks. Billie thinks they need to call first so that their loved ones will know they are alive. Jack agrees and says they will do it together. Jack pulls out his cell and dials. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Frankie is by Greta's bedside in ICU, holding her hand. He then hears a knock on the window and sees that it's Stephanie. He leaves Greta and exits the room. Stephanie embraces him and asks how he is holding up. Frankie says he is trying but he can't stand to see Greta like that. Stephanie apologizes for stopping by but says something came to her when she heard about Greta's hit and run and she just had to tell him immediately. Just then, Frankie's cell rings. He remembers he shouldn't have it on in the hospital but sees an unfamiliar number on the caller ID and answers out of curiosity. He is shocked to hear Jack's voice. Jack tells Frankie that him and Billie are alive and they will explain everything later. He just wanted to tell him so he could spread the word. Frankie is overjoyed and tells Stephanie, who also is happy. Jack tells him they should be coming in later tonight. Frankie thinks maybe Jack should surprise Abby. This way she doesn't have to go nuts waiting and wondering where he has been and so on. Jack thinks that might work, even though he hates keeping her on the dark some more. Frankie says he will keep it all a secret from Abby until they get back. Jack thanks him. Frankie tells Jack he is glad he is hurrying back. He fills him in on what happened with Greta. Jack is devestated and relays the info to Billie, who is just as horrified. Frankie tells him it isn't good and he may want to hurry to see her just in case. Jack understands and tells Frankie they will be seeing him soon. They both hang up. Jack is upset over Greta's hit and run. Billie can't believe she may die. Elizabeth walks in and asks if everything is ok. Billie tells her a friend of theirs is near death in Salem. Jack tells Elizabeth they will be heading back to Salem tonight. Elizabeth asks about her and Alexander. Jack tells her they will be coming with them. He wants that DNA test done to further prove Alexander is his son. Elizabeth nods hesistantly. She decides she better go find Alexander as she isn't sure he will want to go anywhere. She excuses herself and leaves. Billie asks Jack if he has noticed that it seems Elizabeth is nervous about the DNA test. Jack admits that she seems agitated when he brings it up but thinks the test will give them the answers they need. Billie nods and is glad Jack is persuing this so they will know for sure. Jack then asks what will happen if Alexander is his son. Billie tells him they will cross that bridge when they get to it. Meanwhile, Elizabeth enters a stairwell and finds Alexander sitting on the top step. She tells him she has been looking all over for him. He tells her that he knows Jack and Billie are going home to Salem and that she is looking for him to make sure he is coming too since she is going. Elizabeth asks if he is going. Alexander is silent for a few moments before saying he is going. He knows he would regret if he didn't. He needs to know for sure if Jack is his father for his own piece of mind. Elizabeth is pleased to hear that. Alexander tells her she isn't off the hook. No one is. He may never forgive her for not telling him and he isn't quite sure what he will do or how he will deal with all this. Elizabeth understands. She then tells Alexander they will likely be leaving tonight so he should start getting ready. Alexander nods and says he will. Elizabeth is about to say something and touch his shoulder but stops herself as tears well in her eyes while she thinks about how she has hurt her son. Elizabeth then exits the staircase, leaving behind a blankfaced Alexander, who seems lost in his own world. NORTH SIDE OF SALEM (OUTSIDE FORMER SALEM CLUB) Maggie is still with Nico and a bodyguard as they wait for AAA. Maggie continues to be fascinated with the rundown former Salem Club property. Just then, Max pulls up. He says he saw the car as he drove by and asks if he can help. Maggie embraces him, saying she is glad to see him as AAA is taking forever. Max offers to take a look at the car. Nico tells him to go ahead. After several minutes of tinkering with things and surveying the car, Max thinks they can't do anything right now. It needs to be taken to a garage. AAA then pulls up. Max says it's perfect timing and then suggests to Nico that Maggie and the bodyguard drive with him since the AAA truck only has room for really one passenger. They can just meet at his garage. Nico is ok with that and tells the bodyguard to not let Maggie out of his sight. The bodyguard nods. Maggie and the bodyguard go with Max in his car as Nico fills out paperwork. HORTON HOUSE Forrest and Abby are at the door, waving to the doctor and thanking him for his help. They then close the door. Abby thinks the first session went well and feels she made progress for the first time. Forrest says she will do even better when the new meds kick in. Abby is so excited as she feels hopeful for the first time in a long time. She just wishes her dad was back and that Chelsea wasn't in jail. Forrest tells her it will all be ok and embraces her. His phone then rings. He excuses himself. Abby tells him she is going into the kitchen to help her great-grandma with the cookies she is making. Forrest nods. After Abby has left the room, Forrest answers the phone and tells the person not to call him unless it's at the specified time they agreed upon. He then tells the person he knows things aren't as easy as they hoped but assures the person he is already taking steps to move plans up so no one can stop them from accomplishing the mission they vowed to complete. Forrest then displays a devilish grin as he continues his phone conversation. MAX'S CAR Max is driving with Maggie in the front seat and the bodyguard in the back. Maggie thanks Max for his help. He says it's nothing. She asks about how things are going in his life. Max thinks they could be better but he doesn't complain. He admits he is worried about Abby. Maggie admits she is too. She is vulnerable with everything going on and "Fred" isn't helping. Maggie admits that he gives her the creeps. Max tells Maggie he has a feeling that "Forr...Fred" is dangerous and he hats Abby being around him but she won't listen. Max realizes he nearly said Forrest and is thankful he caught himself as no one else can learn about "Fred's" real identity until they know Abby is out of harm's way. Maggie asks Max if it's possible "Fred" may not be so bad and maybe he is over analyzing or something. Max reminds Maggie she doesn't like him either. Maggie smiles and tells him he is right. Maggie thinks he may do better off just keeping an eye on Abby from a distance and focusing on other things. Max wishes her could, especially since his garage has been struggling. He hired a mechanic to help but things are out of sorts with him not being around there much the past few months. Maggie thinks he should focus more on that while also looking out for Abby. Max sees her point but admits he isn't that into the garage or racing anymore. In between everything else, he has been thinking of doing something new. Maggie: I know the feeling. Victor and I were discussing it earlier and I told him I was looking for something new too. I figured it would just fall into my lap if I was meant to do something. Max: That's usually how it is. Maggie: And, you know, it's funny, because I think something may have fallen into my lap. The car stalled in front of the old Salem Club building. I was just talking with Nico about how great the place used to be and how the building has major potential. It just needs work and proper ownership. Max: So, your thinking of buying the place? Maggie: Well, I don't know. I mean, it's funny how I was talking with Victor about doing something different and how fate would bring me an opportunity if I was meant to have one and this happens. The car breaks down right in front of the Salem Club building and I can't seem to stop thinking about the place. Max: Go for it, Maggie. You would be great. You ran Tuscany and Chez Rouge really well. Maggie: True but I can't do this alone. I need someone to handle the alcohol portion of running a nightclub because I do not want a relapse and I just can't see myself taking on a much bigger venture like this alone. Maggie's eyes then light up as she recalls something Max said: Maggie: Wait, you mentioned earlier how you were looking for something new and different to take on. How about...why don't...why don't you and I team up? Max: Wha... Maggie: I have plenty of money and you can just put up whatever you can. We can be equal partners and we can create a club that will be the most happening place in Salem. I mean, it's going to be alot of work but it will be fun and different. Max: Maggie...I don't know... Maggie: It can be easy money, Max. If we go about this right, it could be a hit. Plus, you could score major points with Abby by working with her aunt. Max: Doubt it. Sure, it would be fun and could work out well. I don't know if I want to take such a big risk. Maggie: Like I said, put up what you can. I will take care of the rest. We will work something out. Max: Well, you really want to do this now, don't you? I mean, your serious? Maggie: Yeah. I guess I do. So, what do you say? Max: Hmm...you know what? I've always taken chances so why not? Let's do it. Maggie: Yes! Max, I promise you that it will work out. I can feel it. Max: Oh yeah. Let me guess...it's all fate? Fate setting you on the right path. Fate... Maggie: Mock it all you want. It's true. That car broke down there for a reason and you drove by for a reason. It's all coming together. Max: Whatever you say, partner (smiles). Maggie smiles back at Max. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Frankie and Stephanie are both stunned and happy that Jack and Billie have been found alive. Frankie reminds her to keep it a secret from Abby until they get home. Stephanie says she will. Frankie then reminds Stephanie she was going to tell him something about Greta's hit and run before Jack called. Stephanie remembers and says she was thinking that her and Max told him and Greta last night that "Fred" was really Forrest Alamain and she wonders if maybe Forrest orchestrated or committed the hit and run to send a message for them to back off. Frankie thinks about that possibility and thinks it's a good theory. He wonders how Forrest would know that he and Greta know. Stephanie reminds him they were all at Java cafe together and Forrest was there with Abby. He may have heard them or just put two and two together or something. Frankie thinks it's possible but reminds Stephanie they can't tell Bo, Abe, or anyone else because Abby's life may be in danger and, if word gets out all over that "Fred" is Forrest Alamain, who knows what he may do, especially to Abby. Stephanie knows that but thinks they have to do something. Frankie thinks they just have to look into the chance that Forrest did it on their own. If they find evidence he did, they can present it over to the police and bust him and it will be all over. That is all they can do. Stephanie thinks that may work. Frankie then tells her that if Forrest did hit Greta, he hates to think of what may be in store for anyone else, including Abby. Stephanie notes that the nightmare in Salem may only get worse. Frankie solemnly nods as he looks through the window at Greta in her ICU room. MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Tony pulls out a torn and faded piece of paper, much like the diary entry Daphne left but, this time, it's a bit longer. Hope asks him to read what it says. Tony: My dear Tony, to Tuscany you must go. Your father's birthplace holds the key to something very special I am entrusting you with. You must go immediately before Stefano catches on. I had no choice but to use desperate measures to evade Stefano. My apologies for dragging you down to Maison Blanche only to find more mystery then answers. I promise you that Tuscany will reveal all. My hope is that you remain safe from the wrath of Stefano. Good luck on your continued journey, my loving son. Love, Your mother. P.S. The answers you seek in Tuscany lie in the place where love bloomed but also died. Hope and Steve are stunned, as is Tony. He understands why his mother felt the need to go to such lengths to protect whatever it is she wants him to find but to send him to New Orleans for yet another clue and now to Italy. Hope asks Tony what he is going to do. Tony says he has no choice. He needs to head for Italy...immediately. He can't have Stefano catching on. The sooner he goes, the better. Tony apologizes that he can't stay and help but promises to assist in any way once he, hopefully, obtains the answers he is looking for in Tuscany. Steve says it's alright. It's understandable. Tony thanks him for understanding and asks Hope if she is ok. Hope: I'm fine with it, especially since we're going with you, Tony. Tony and Steve are both shocked by Hope's words as the scene freezes on a smiling and determined Hope and then fades to black ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... TO ITALY WE WILL GO...OR NOT?!
SEPTEMBER 10, 2007: EPISODE #325: THE TIDE HAS TURNED SALEM INN As a new day dawns in Salem, Nicole sits in her suite, looking at old pictures of her and Eric. She fights back tears and wonders to herself how things went so horribly wrong. She pours herself another glass of champagne before her phone rings. She gets up and answers it. She asks the person how it's possible they couldn't find them. She then tells the person they are fired and hangs up. She then tells herself she will have to find another private detective to help her. She vows that she is not going to give up until she finds Carrie and Evan. She already lost Eric and she is not about to lose "her" son. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Jean asks Alyson if she has reconsidered going to Salem. Alyson tells her mother she just doesn't think it's worth it. Eric is dead and she doesn't feel like going to a place full of strangers and giving them news like she would have to give them. Jean tells her it's joyous news and it's what is best for her. Jean begs her to think about herself and Samuel's future. Alyson just doesn't want to cause trouble. Jean pledges her support and says she will be there every step of the way. She also points out that she would be doing what is right for the Brady's too. They would want to know what she has to say and they have a right to know. Alyson sees her point but worries she has waited to long. Jean assures her it will work out. She just has to have the courage to make a go of it. Alyson thinks about Jean's words while looking at a picture of Eric. MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Steve is holding on to Hope's arm as she dangles over a bottomless put below her. Steve struggles to hold on to her. Tony tries to help pull her up but she is slipping from Steve's grasp. Tony searches the passageway for something to help them as Steve begs Hope to hang on. Hope tells Steve to tell Bo, Shawn, JT, and the rest of her loved ones that she loves them. Steve orders GINA not to talk like that. He assures her that she will make it. Hope tells Steve he just called her Gina. Steve is speechless. Tony rushes back with curtains he pulled off a window in the hall outside. Tony and Steve tell Hope to grab on to the curtain. She holds on to Steve while grabbing hold of the curtain using her other hand. Steve asks Hope if she has it. Hope nods and then yells out she does. Steve and Tony then pull her up and, eventually, after a short struggle, they pull her up to safety. Hope falls into Steve's arms, crying out in relief. Steve: I'm glad your alright. I don't know what I would do without you, sweet thing. Hope: You saved my life, Steve. You too, Tony. Thank you both. Tony: No problem, dear. Hope (gets up off the floor with Steve's help): Well, let's get moving. Steve: Wait, you nearly died and you just want to get moving. Hope: Yeah. I'm fine. Your both fine. Is there a problem? Steve: Still the feisty little thing you always were, huh? Hope: You bet. Let's go. Steve: A real hand full that one is... Tony: I've dealt with worse. Steve: Ah...the infamous Anna? Tony: Yeah. Anna...well, let's get a move on. Tony and Steve follow Hope deeper into the passageway. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Roman and Bo walk off the nurses station balcony and back into the hospital. Bo tells him he is glad they talked. He begs Roman to watch his back and to not get in over his head. Bo adds that he could learn something from his little brother this time by remembering what he went through this past winter. Roman assures Bo he will be fine. Bo then gets a call from Abe, telling him to get down to the Salem Towers right away. He needs his help with Greta's hit and run. Bo tells Abe he is on his way and hangs up. Roman asks if there is any news. Bo reminds Roman he isn't a cop anymore. Roman snickers and tells Bo he is fine with being left out of the loop. Bo caves and says Abe didn't tell him anything but he gets the feeling something is up. Bo tells Roman he has to go but tells him to call if he needs anything and to be careful. Roman nods and wishes him luck. Bo wishes Roman the same before entering an elevator, which closes seconds later. Once Bo is gone, Roman enters the hospital staircase and makes a phone call, telling the person he is calling they need to discuss a few things before going any further. Meanwhile, Victor and Maggie get off an elevator with Nico. Maggie is trying to calm him down. Nico tries to do the same but Victor won't have it. He reminds them that Stefano is probably the reason why his daughter may lose her life. Maggie and Nico both understand where he is coming from but remind him he doesn't know that for sure. Victor thinks it's obvious. Maggie asks for some time alone with Victor. Nico goes to check on Greta and orders the two bodyguards nearby to keep an eye on Victor and Maggie. Maggie reminds Victor that Stefano always appeared to like Greta. He also thought he was her father at one time. Victor doesn't care and thinks he is behind it. Victor vows to destroy Stefano before he hurts another one of his loved ones and, this time, he intends on making good on that promise. Maggie begs Victor to leave it alone for now until they know more. A frustrated Victor reminds Maggie of her promise to stay out of his business dealings. She points out that this is not business, it's life. Maggie: This is all one dangerous game of cat and mouse and I don't want to see you or anyone else dead. This thing has gone on long enough. Victor: It's war, Maggie. Stefano started it and I am going to finish it. Same goes for Orpheus. That bastard will meet his maker soon enough. Maggie: There is no talking you out of this, is there? Victor: You should know me by now. (takes Maggie in his arms) I'm sorry to get harsh with you. This is just something I have to deal with. I can't shy away from it. It's too personal. Maggie: I know. I know I was supposed to stay out of these aspects of your life but it always seems like I get drawn in somehow. Victor: Well, maybe you need to find something to keep busy. Open up another restaurant or something. Maggie: I thought about it but I kind of want to handle something new. I believe if there is something for me out there, it will fall into my lap, just like you did. Victor: True. Maggie: Look at me. Your a mess and Greta is near death and here I am talking about my life. Victor: It's ok. I need a distraction every once in awhile. Nico then returns and announces that Greta is out of surgery but it appears she is in critical condition. Rich said it could go either way and her chances are still on the negative spectrum of things. Maggie tells Victor he should go see Greta. Nico notes that no one is with her as Frankie and Kayla just left her. Maggie tells Victor to go to her before it's too late. She tells him she will see him at the mansion. Victor nods and then orders Nico to take Maggie home. Nico agrees and tells Victor a car will be sent for him. Nico instructs one of the two bodyguards to keep an eye on Victor while the other leaves with him and Maggie. Victor and Maggie kiss and embrace as she tells him she is praying for him and Greta. Victor thanks her and they both profess their love. DIMERA MANSION Cassie enters the living room where Stefano is sitting right at his chest board. Cassie asks if he is ok. Stefano tells her that he is fine. He knew how Victor would react and he is more then capable of handling the situation. Cassie apologizes for messing things up. Stefano is silent. Cassie asks if he is going to say something. Stefano tells Cassie it is not a good time for them to be talking. He has much to think about and he is done discussing the situation with her for the night. Cassie thinks they don't have time to waste as they could both end up in trouble. Stefano laughs and points out he won't be in any trouble. Even if he is, he will get out of it. However, she is a different story. Cassie asks what he means and then asks if he is going to help her. Stefano looks at her and then back down at his chess board, saying he hasn't decided yet. Cassie breaks down in tears and begs him, reminding him that he called her "granddaughter." Stefano points out she is not a Dimera by blood and she has failed him greatly. He saw so much potential in her and now all she is bringing him is more problems then he needs. Cassie promises Stefano she will do better and that she will make up for her actions. She notes that she can't do that if she goes down for Greta's hit and run. Stefano shrugs his shoulders and finished his game of chess. He then gets up and tells her they will talk but he is tired and needs some time. Cassie asks again for assurance he is going to help her in some way. Stefano doesn't answer and walks upstairs. Alone, Cassie breaks down in tears, certain she has lost her chance to be a part of the Dimera family and that she has punched her ticket to prison. SALEM TOWERS (OUTSIDE) Bo shows up at the scene of Greta's hit and run and meets up with Abe. Abe tells Bo they collected some headlight and windshield glass a few yards away and they have a witness who gave a pretty decent description of the car. Abe tells Bo that they are putting all the info together and then they can see if they can trace the car back to any of the suspects they have in mind right off the bat. Bo thinks this is a big break. Abe agrees, saying that he thinks it won't be long before they have the person who hit Greta in custody. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Victor enters Greta's room in ICU. The color from his face drains when he sees Greta hooked up to countless machines, along with most of her face being bandaged. He surveys the rest of her as tears well in his eyes. He then sits down and gently takes her hand. Victor: I guess this is why we kept our secret, huh? Of course, you were in enough danger as a princess. (looks at Greta lovingly) I'm so sorry this happened to you. I was afraid this would happen once someone found out you were my...my....daughter. I guess that is what happened or maybe it was something else. I don't know (fighting back tears). What I do know is you have to fight! You have to show that strength of yours. I know you have it. You've been through so much already and came through...you can do this. I...lost my Isabella. I lost that chance to be a father to her. I don't want...to...lose this one. We haven't had any time, Greta. No time at all. I want to hear you talk about what you've done, where you've been, what goals you have...my God, most of all, I want to see that sweet smile of yours. The one that lights up a room when you grace it with your presence. I don't know what all of us...what I...would do if I didn't see that smile...if I didn't see you...alive and showing that vibrant spirit of yours. Your so giving and loving. You have so much more love and kindness to share. This can't be it, Greta. YOU HEAR ME?! DON'T LEAVE ME!!! (breaking down in tears) PLEASE!! NOT NOW!!! Victor then wipes his tears and looks up to the heavens. Victor: Isabella, I know you are up there, watching over us. (looks at Greta) I missed my chance to be a true father to you. I feel guilt and sorrow for that everyday of my life. Not a day or moment goes by where...I don't...think about you. (wipes away tears) I don't know what you can do, if anything, but...see what you can do about Greta. I can't lose another daughter. I can't lose another chance. I can't lose her. Please...help your father, Isabella, if you can. (looks at Greta and kisses her on the forehead over her bandage) You listen, your a Kiriakis. You don't give up. You can't. I know you are going to...you have to. YOU HAVE TO, GRETA!!! (breaks down in tears and kisses her hand repeatedly) You have to, my sweet Greta. My beautiful, sweet Greta... The camera then pans up above to show Victor as he rests his head on Greta's right side as the sounds of his cries for her can still be heard. NORTH SIDE OF SALEM (ONE OF VICTOR'S CARS) Maggie is in the back seat when a loud noise is heard and the car comes to a screeching halt. Nico orders Maggie to stay insider but she doesn't listen. She gets out and sees that the engine is smoking. Nico and the bodyguard look it over and can't seem to fix or figure out what is wrong. Nico calls AAA as Maggie leans on the car, hoping it doesn't take long as she wants to meet Victor at the mansion when he returns. He figures to be upset. Nico tells her she will as it's likely Victor hasn't even been picked up yet. Maggie looks around and notices all the old buildings around her, some still in fair condition and others in horrible condition. She notices the building directly next to the car and remembers it as the old SALEM CLUB. She remembers how it used to hop on weekends and was the place to be in Salem. She then looks at the building and thinks it's a shame as it has potential. It just needs alot of work. Nico announces that AAA is on its way. He tells the bodyguard to be on the lookout and asks Maggie if she is ok. Maggie nods. Nico then looks at the building and notes how rundown it's become. He says he can't believe it's the same place that used to be the Salem Club. Maggie says she can't either but thinks it can be great again with a little work and the right people taking over. Nico agrees but wonders who would want to take on fixing a dump like that. Maggie looks at the building and remembers what she said to Victor earlier about how if there is something out there for her, it will drop in her lap. She studies the building some more and wonders to herself if this could be it. SALEM INN Nicole hangs up the phone, frustrated that she can't find any private detectives to help her immediately. She looks at a picture of Evan and promises she will see him soon before taking another sip of her champagne. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Jean waves her hand in front of Alyson's face, asking where she is as she seems like she is a million miles away. Alyson shakes her head and apologizes, saying she was thinking about what she said and all the factors that are at play. Jean asks if she has come to a decision. Alyson nods and tells her she thinks she has. She wants to go to Salem and meet with the Brady's. She thinks it's time to knew about her and Eric. An overjoyed Jean embraces her, assuring her she won't regret this. She only wishes she had done it sooner. Alyson hopes she doesn't come to regret it and just wants it all to go smoothly. Jean thinks it will and can't see how it won't. She promises to be there to help in any way. Alyson thanks her. They embrace. Jean then says they should get packing and motions to Alyson to follow her. Alyson does and they both go into their bedrooms and begin to pack. MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Hope, Steve, and Tony make their way down the passageway. Later, they reach a dead end. Tony knows there must be a secret door or something as these passages go on for miles, at least the ones connected to the old mansion did. Tony, Steve, and Hope look for a latch or something that may open a secret entrance of some sort. Hope whispers to Steve that he never did explain why he called her Gina earlier when she was hanging over the pit. Steve says he doesn't know. It just came out. Steve looks at Hope and notices she seems worried. He asks what is wrong. Hope says it's nothing. Just as Steve is about to push her to tell him what is going on, the wall in front of them opens. Tony has pushed a cement block on the wall in, which opened the secret door. Tony, Steve, and Hope enter and find another passageway. They walk down it and find a room to the left. They can't open the door so Steve tries to break it down, to no avail. Tony asks if Steve has the key he gave him earlier for when he encountered secret rooms and passages. Steve pulls it out. Tony places the key in the lock and turns it, opening the door. Hope thinks it may be there lucky day. Steve smiles and reminds her of the pit drama earlier. Hope hits him on the shoulder as he snickers. Tony, Steve, and Hope enter what appears to be an old study. They look around. Tony begins to realize he has been in the room before. When he was little, his mother used to bring him down there for quiet time. She knew he enjoyed reading and it was also an escape from the world for her as well. Tony also mentions how the key that was used to open the door was given to him by his mother so he could have a way of breaking away from the real world, something she couldn't do as much as she wanted. She knew he could find peace in some of the secret rooms and passages. He wonders if the answers he seeks may lie in the room since it was special to him and his mother. Hope thinks it's worth a shot to look around throughly. Hope, Steve, and Tony continue to search the room. Tony looks through a shelf of several of his favorite books, opening them up to see if another message from his mother is in one. Hope walks over to a old fashioned globe and studies it. She then turns it around to look it over. Steve asks what she is doing. Hope tells him anything is possible and Daphne may have hidden something inside the globe so she is checking it out for anything unusual. Steve wonders how she would do that. Hope then notices something odd about the part of the globe where Italy is located. She asks Tony to come over. He sees it too. Tony recalls him and his mother looking at the globe and talking about all the great places to visit. They often lost track of time and spent hours talking about adventures they wanted to go on around the globe. Hope thinks they will have to smash the globe to open it up. Tony understands. Steve then takes the globe and begins tossing it around like a basketball. It doesn't bust. Hope suggests a pocket knife. Steve pulls his out and begins cutting in to the globe. Hope and Tony watch as Steve guts the globe, revealing that the globe is stuffed with bird feathers. Tony, Steve, and Hope are confused until she notices a steel box in the middle of the globe's feather stuffing. Tony pulls it out and thinks this may be what he is searching for. Tony, Steve, and Hope study the box as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE CONTENTS OF THE STEEL BOX REVEALED!!
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 EDITION SALEM LIVES: WHAT'S NEW IN FALL 2007??!!! FIND OUT HERE!! As avid Salem Lives readers already know, the blog had it's Fall premiere this past Tuesday. This means it's time for an all new season, one that will be filled with the great drama you have come to expect but will also feature some new features and surprises. The first surprise? A new layout. Readers were shocked on Tuesday to see that the text of the episodes had now been centered and the settings for scenes was now separate from the text and highlighted in color. The response was very positive and we will continue to tinker with the layout until we have one we feel is completely satisfying. We felt this was needed to rid the episodes of clutter and to make them easier to read. We are striving to keep episodes as short as possible but that is often times difficult. Our hope is that this new layout will help. If anyone has any further ideas/suggestions on the episode layouts, please PM me or Roman or comment in the blog. Now, that is something we already have going on. What is upcoming? Well, we will be introducing a new feature to the SL INSIDER. It is called the Writer's Corner. Each week Roman and I will take turns answering questions from readers. We will give readers until the Friday of each week to PM us questions or to post a question by way of a comment here in the blog. These questions can be about anything pertaining to the blog. Should be not get any questions, we will just use the space to address things brought up during the week in normal comments or that we feel must be addressed. We felt this was a much better feature then the actor interview pieces we were doing, which are now gone from the Insider. We may do them occasionally, just like we still might do some features on controversial stories, but they will not be a weekly feature here in the Insider. The Insider will still feature casting news, previews, and now the Writer's Corner as of next week. PLEASE DO REMEMBER TO POST IN HERE SOME QUESTIONS OR TO SEND US QUESTIONS IN A PM. THIS FEATURE WILL BEGIN NEXT WEEK SO YOU HAVE UNTIL FRIDAY TO LET US KNOW YOUR QUESTIONS!!! Another feature is one that we have tried in the past and failed to get off the ground. It is the Salem Lives Chats. We are going to try this again only, this time, we are going to announce chats further in advance. These chats will be a good way of asking questions, getting caught up on Salem Lives, and a great forum to talk about Salem Lives and even Days. These chats will be once a month on AIM. Simply PM Roman or me your AIM screenname and we will invite you at the scheduled time. THE FIRST CHAT WILL BE WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 AT 9PM EST. IF ANYONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH THIS DATE AND TIME, PM US AND LET US KNOW. YOU CAN ALWAYS SHOW UP LATE BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO LET ROMAN OR ME KNOW AND THEN WE CAN INVITE YOU. We will be doing many more interactive features. Nothing on the scale of VENDETTA will be occurring but we will ask readers for more input in the future, whether it be through polls or to vote on locations for big events and so on. Also, we hope to see more commenting this year. It really does help us and don't be afraid to be critical. Let us know what you think as we hear you and we will respond in some way. It's important that we know how well things are going. In addition to all this, we will be upgrading the look of some things like the cast list and banners. Plus, we may start adding some special features to episode but more on that soon. There will be a big event next month that we feel is very unique and creative. We won't spoil it but, trust us, it's something that will surely have you on the edge of your seat!! ALL THIS AND MORE IS COMING ON SALEM LIVES THIS FALL AND BEYOND!! DON'T MISS A DAY!! CASTING NEWS IN Hector Elizondo (Byron): The former Chicago Hope star has been portraying the Maison Blanche caretaker who interacts with Steve (Stephen Nichols), Hope (Kristian Alfonso), and Tony (Thaoo Penghlis) since Aug. 29. STATUS CHANGES Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault): Boyd has been upgraded to contract status. "She has alot coming up," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady): Warlock, who has been recurring since last August, is now on contract. "Like Charles Shaughnessy (Shane) and Patsy Pease (Kim), we just kept finding things for him to do," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "He is working a ridiculous amount and, unlike Charles and Patsy, we know he isn't leaving so we may as well upgrade him. He is a fantastic actor." Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (Lincoln Bane): He may have only made one appearance so far but this former wrestler is going nowhere. "He is here for the long haul," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We will start fleshing him out a bit." PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WK OF 9/10/07 -Victor and Greta share an emotional moment. -Maggie begs Victor to back off. -A shocking discovery is made at Maison Blanche. -Fate forces Maggie to make a career decision. -Max gets a business preposition. -Abby has her first therapy session. -Roman and Victor plot against Stefano. -Joelle tries to play the "fear" card with Lucas. -Jack hears about Greta. -Jean and Alyson head for Salem. -Tony, Hope, and Steve are held at gunpoint. -Marlena seeks out Stefano. -Caroline meets Jean and Alyson. -Stefano gives Cassie the cold shoulder. -A Salem family is attacked!! HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14: A SALEM FAMILY IS ATTACKED!! NEXT WEEK: Nicole gets a shock. Jean tries to push Alyson to the limit. Miranda reveals her connection to Kate. Doug decides to leave Salem. Marlena wants to make a deal. Jack and Billie come home. Abby is reunited with Jack. Forrest adjusts his plans. Tony, Hope, and Steve face further resistance.
AUGUST 2007 AND TOTAL 2007 EPISODE COUNTS RECKELL AND A SURGING HALL LEAD MONTH, ALFONSO NOW LEADS 2007 WITH NICHOLS GETTING A HUGE JUMP!! PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.), June 4-8 and June 11-15 (two week hiatus), July 5-6 (two day hiatus) Episodes: 161 (through August) Days: 22 New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007) January 9-January 23, 2007 January 24-January 30, 2007 January 31-February 12, 2007 February 13-February 20, 2007 February 21-March 2, 2007 March 5-March 13, 2007 March 14-March 27, 2007 March 28-April 3, 2007 April 4-April 10, 2007 April 11-April 19, 2007 April 20-April 27, 2007 April 30-May 9, 2007 May 10-May 21, 2007 May 22-June 21, 2007 June 22-July 16, 2007 July 17 July 18-July 25, 2007 July 26-August 7, 2007 August 8-August 17, 2007 August 20-September 7, 2007 September 10- 2007 TOTALS (THROUGH AUGUST 31) 1.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-105 2.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-103 3.) Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Horton)-99 4.) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-94 5.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-92 6.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-91 7.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-90 8.) Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-89-last aired on 8/28/07 9.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-88 10.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-87-last aired on 8/22/07 11.) Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-85 12.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-84 *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-84 *Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-84 15.) Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-83 16.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-78 *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-78 18.) Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-77 19.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-76 20.) Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-74 21.) Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-73 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Horton)-73 23.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-70 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-70 25.) Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-67-last aired on 7/9/07 26.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-63 *Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-63-last aired on 8/29/07 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-63-last aired on 8/29/07 29.) Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-62-last aired on 7/4/07 30.) Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-60 31.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-56 32.) Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-54-last aired on 8/24/07 33.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-52-last aired on 8/22/07 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-52 35.) Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-51 36.) Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-48-last aired on 7/10/07 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-48 38.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-47 *Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-47 40.) Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-46 41.) Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-45-last aired on 7/4/07 42.) Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-38 43.) Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-35 44.) LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-33 45.) Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-18-last aired on 7/10/07 46.) Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-17-Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-17-Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance 7/10/07) *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-17 49.) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-15 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-15 *George Delhoyo (Orpheus)-15 52.) Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-13-Last aired on 2/26/07(brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-13-Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance on 7/10/07) *Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson)-13 55.) Ron Leath (Henderson)-12 56.) Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-10 57.) Billy Ray Cyrus (Jed Montana)-8-Last aired on 5/2/07 58.) Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton)-7-Last aired on 4/6/07,returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Arloa Reton (Joelle)-7 60.) James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-6 *Jed Allen (Don Craig)-6-Last aired on 4/6/07, returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-6-Last aired on 4/6/07,returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 63.) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-5 *Kyle Lowder (Jonathan Brady)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe Brady)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Larry Hagman (Frank Evans)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Barbara Eden (Martha Evans)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Michelle Williams (Jeannie Donovan)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Tom Welling (Andrew Donovan)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Eric Winter (Rex Dimera)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07 *Finola Hughes (Elizabeth Dawson)-5 *Christian Bale (Alexander Dawson)-5 73.) Martina McBride (Nora Montana)-4-Last aired on 5/2/07 *Famke Janssen (Miranda Grey)-4 *Denise Masino (Angelica Steel)-4-last aired on 8/29/07 76.) Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton)-3=Last aired on 4/9/07 *Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing)-3 (Recurring guest star) 78.) Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)-2 *David Tom (Jeremy Horton)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Alli Brown (Sarah Horton)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Michael Leon (Pete Jannings)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Blake Berris (Nick Fallon)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07 *Franc Ross (Rev. Frank Stewart)-2-Last aired on 5/2/07 *Marcia Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick)-2 *Kristina Wagner (DA Patricia Cromwell)-2 *Hector Elizondo (Byron)-2 94.) Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (Lincoln Bane)-1 *Wayne Northrup (Mystery Man)-1 August (23 episodes) 1.) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-19 *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-19 3.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-18 4.) Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Horton)-16 *Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-16 6.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-15 *Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-15 *John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-15 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-15 10.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-14 *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-14 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-14 *Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-14-last aired on 8/22/07 14.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-13 *Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-13 *Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-13 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-13 *Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson)-13 19.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-12-last aired on 8/29/07 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine C. Harcourt)-12-last aired on 8/29/07 *Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-12-last aired on 8/22/07 22.) Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-11-last aired on 8/28/07 *Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-11 24.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-10 *Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-10 *Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-10 27.) Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-8 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-8 *Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-8 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-8 *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-8 32.) Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-7 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-7 *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-7 35.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-6 *Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-6 *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-6 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-6 39.) Arloa Reton (Joelle)-5 *Kyle Lowder (Jonathan Brady)-5-last aired on 8/14/07 *Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe Brady)-5-last aired on 8/14/07 *Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton)-5-last aired on 8/14/07 *Larry Hagman (Frank Evans)-5-last aired on 8/14/07 *Barbara Eden (Martha Evans)-5-last aired on 8/14/07 *Michelle Williams (Jeannie Donovon)-5-last aired on 8/14/07 *Tom Welling (Andrew Donovon)-5-last aired on 8/14/07 *Eric Winter (Rex Dimera)-5-last aired on 8/14/07 *Finola Hughes (Elizabeth Dawson)-5 *Christian Bale (Alexander Dawson)-5 50.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-4 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-4 *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-4 *Famke Janssen (Miranda Grey)-4 *Jed Allen (Don Craig)-4-last aired on 8/14/07 *Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-4-last aired on 8/14/07 *Denise Masino (Angelica Steel)-4-last aired on 8/29/07 57.) Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-3-last aired on 8/24/07 *George Delhoyo (Orpheus)-3 59.) James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-2 *Ron Leath (Henderson)-2 *Hector Elizondo (Byron)-2 62.)Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-1 *Marcia Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick)-1 *Kristina Wagner (DA Patricia Cromwell)-1 *Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (Lincoln Bane)-1 *Wayne Northrup (Mystery Man)-1 CONTRACT, RECURRING, OR GUEST ACTORS NOT APPEARING THIS MONTH Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.) Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy) Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing)
SEPTEMBER 7, 2007: EPISODE #324: THREATS AND PROMISES University Hospital Belle sits next to Marlena as she starts to stir out of her sleep. When Marlena comes to, she looks around. She looks right at Belle and then, after a few moments, looks away. She is very embarrassed by her behavior. Belle scolds her on not taking her medication, saying that she could have relapsed..........or worse. Marlena quietly says how sorry she is but that Roman has gotten her so worked up she doesn’t know where to turn........... Marlena: This is my fault. I know that. But, your father....... Belle: I know. I told him how much of an !@#$%^&*] he’s being. Marlena: You did? Damn. Hope it got through. Belle: I doubt it. He’s so into this revenge thing he can’t see straight. Marlena: Well, it just may be time to bring in some outside help for your father. As soon as I get out of here, I’m going to go talk to the one man who can stop him from doing this. Belle: And that is? Marlena: (After a Pause) Stefano. Belle looks at Marlena as if she has lost what’s left of her mind. She then stands up and demands to know....... Belle: What is wrong with you?! The last time you went to him was when Sami was about to be executed. Did he help you then?! NO! And now you want to turn Dad further away from all of us by going to the one man he hates the most?! Marlena: Belle, this is the one way.......for right now......that I can think of to reel your father back in. I don’t know what he’s going to do right now. Belle: Well, if you go to that man, you’re libel to find out pretty soon. Just leave it alone, Mom, ok? Marlena: No. For your dad’s sake........I must do this. Please understand. Belle sits back down, takes her mother’s hand, places her forehead on Marlena’s and quietly says....... Belle: I do, Mom. I do. The scene then dissolves into...... Maison Blanche Steve and Hope agree to join Tony in finding the truth behind the diary entry and think his help with their investigation would be a benefit. Tony smiles and then he leads the other two to a door off the main hallway. He opens it and they all walk through, down the stairs to the lower level of the mansion. Tony then takes them down the hallway, saying that his great grandfather actually used this lower level to help slaves escape to the North during the Civil War. Santo, Stefano's father, later inherited it. Nobody even knew who owned the house until Stefano inherited it from Santo upon his death. Tony takes them over to a bookcase and then he places his hand on the side of it, gently pushing it over. It is revealed to be a door, which has a small room on the other side filled with boxes of old books. As they walk into the room, Tony tells them to be careful. If Stefano was there recently, they all know that he is capable of setting traps for those who shouldn’t be down there. As they walk deeper into the room.......... A trap door opens up and Hope falls through it as Steve screams her name and the scene suddenly goes black. University Hospital Maggie is in the waiting room when Nico comes running in. She thanks him for coming and says that she can’t find Victor. Nico can’t believe he would leave his......and Maggie tells him that she and everyone now knows that Greta is his child. She also tells Nico that Victor is his boss and friend and understands completely why he kept that from her. Nico thanks her and then says that he is headed out to find him. Maggie says that Greta is still in surgery and Caroline and Frankie are in the chapel. Shouldn’t he look after them? Nico says there are enough police and bodyguards around to keep the peace, and then he takes off. Maggie looks around and then follows Nico down the hallway. When she catches up to him at the elevators, Nico starts to say something but knows he can’t stop her and they both walk into a just-arrived elevator. Maggie looks at Nico and smiles as the door closes. Dimera Mansion Stefano turns his back on Victor and sits down at his chess table as Victor waits for an answer to his question. Gibson, one of Stefano’s servants, walks into the living room to prevent things from getting too heated. An enraged Victor hits him hard with a roundhouse right cross, sending him crashing to the floor. He steps over Gibson and stalks further into Stefano’s living room, looking at the head of the DiMera Empire sitting at his chessboards. As Stefano turns around to see what the commotion is all about, Victor grabs Stefano, picks him up with both hands by his shirt collar, and proclaims.... Victor: This time.....you’ve gone WAY too far. Stefano: Victor, I can explain...... Victor: EXPLAIN WHAT?! EXPLAIN WHY MY DAUGHTER IS LYING ON AN OPERATING TABLE FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE?! PLEASE!!!!! EXPLAIN THAT, STEFANO!!! Stefano: (pushing Victor’s hands away) How DARE you barge into MY HOME.......and expect ANY sympathy from me?! You started this whole thing by blowing up my warehouse with my beautiful Alexandra inside......so, a daughter for a daughter, my friend. Victor: You sick [!@#$%^&*] bastard,you. Ok. So all bets are off, right? Come on. I just want to hear you say it so I know where we both stand from here on out. Stefano: You hurt my blood, Victor. I feel devastated for Greta. She is truly an innocent pawn in all of this. BUT.........you knew how far this could go. So..........let the chips fall, old friend. Victor: Well........let’s see where this chip will fall, Stefano...... And with that, Victor halus off and punches Stefano hard, sending him crashing into his chessboard. As Stefano tries to recover, Victor stalks towards him. At that moment, Nico runs in and grabs Victor, telling him to stop before this truly gets out of hand. Maggie watches the whole scene in shock. She runs over and helps Nico try to drag a beyond enraged Victor out of the mansion as Victor screams at Stefano...... Victor: TAKE THIS TO THE BANK!!! I’LL DESTROY THIS WHOLE ROTTEN FAMILY IF MY DAUGHTER DIES!!! YOU HEAR ME, STEFANO?!?! As they take him out of the house, a terrified Cassie watches from the stairs, crying at what just happened, and finally starting to realize how her destructive act may bring pain to everyone involved. University Hospital Bo stands at the waiting area desk. He sees Roman walking past, looking straight ahead. Bo runs over and stops him but Roman says he’s about to leave. Bo asks him to come out onto the balcony so they can talk, man to man. Roman agrees. Once on the balcony, Bo asks him what’s going on. They haven’t talked since the funerals. Roman tells him that Marlena and Belle are pissed at his behavior but he’s sick of hiding behind the law to do what’s right. And if they don’t understand, so be it. They don’t have to. Bo looks dead in his eyes and tells him..... Bo: I almost lost it all by doing what you’re doing now. Roman: Yeah, I know but........you know that your old man isn’t one to sit back and let other things dictate his actions. I’m the same way, little brother. Bo: Good that you remember I am your brother. Roman: I’ll never forget that. We have been through way too much. But.......I gotta do this. And I’m not waiting for folks to understand, ok? Bo: Fair enough. Well, since you feel that way........what are you going to do to Orpheus and Stefano? Roman: Little brother.........my only goal in life, right now.........is to make both of their lives a living hell. Bo: Well, sounds good to me. Let me talk to you about some things, ok? Roman: Go ahead. Bo and Roman talk about some plans that they have been thinking about as the scene then dissolves into........ Unknown Location Sami looks out the window in the room where Orpheus is keeping her. She stares at the Salem city night scape as Orpheus walks in with a gift..... Orpheus: Well, I see that you are getting along quite well. Good. I also see that you are eating once again. Don’t know why you tried that little stunt, but.... Sami: Just get on with it. What do you want now? Orpheus: I come bearing gifts. Orpheus throws some discs on her bed. Orpheus: Music. I know you get tired of watching television all day so I thought this might take the edge off your day. Sami: Oh. That’s nice. Please. Let me thank you, ok? Orpheus: Fine. Sami walks up to Orpheus, smiles at him, holds out her hand..............and then halls off and smacks him hard on his face. Orpheus stumbles backwards, screaming...... Orpheus: YOU BITCH!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?! Sami: Just following doctors’ orders. Orpheus: And what are those, my dear? Sami: “A Slap A Day Keeps The !@#$%^&*] Away.” Orpheus: You know, (Rubbing his jaw) you have the same arrogant attitude that bastard father of yours has. Sami: Why, thank you for the compliment, Orpheus. That just made my day. Orpheus: Well, this will REALLY make you happy. Turn your television to the different channels. You can see what your parents, family and friends, and that lovesick jackass boyfriend of yours are up to. The pain they must be going through.......just might make that beautiful mother of yours lose what little sane mind she has left. Sami: You sick, psychotic mother....... Orpheus: Temper, temper, my dear. As long as this stay is going to be, you don’t want to piss me off. You never know. You may just end up having some roommates soon..........or end up reading your father’s obituary. Sami: YOU LEAVE MY DAD ALONE!!! Orpheus: No, no, Samantha. The game has just started. Relax. Sleep well. And pray.........that Roman gets to me........before I DESTROY him. Well, sweet dreams. Orpheus leaves and Sami walks over to the television and starts changing the channels. Orpheus was not lying. Cameras are everywhere. At the hospital, in Marlena’s room, the Pub, and at Roberts INC., where she sees Lucas sitting at his desk. She places her hands over her mouth and starts crying, staring at him. She says softly to herself...... Sami: Oh, Lucas. I wish you could hear me. I pray that you can still feel how much I truly, deeply love you. Oh God, please.......let him hear me. Please, God. At that moment, Lucas turns on his radio. As the DJ finishes giving the weather report, he announces that he is returning to the music, by saying...... DJ: Here’s a classic song from a legendary group. For lovers only......... The song ("'IF YOU LEAVE ME NOW"-CLICK HERE TO PLAY!!) starts playing as Lucas looks at the radio. The scene closes in on the radio and then on Lucas, who then looks at Sami’s picture on his desk. The scene goes back to Lucas as he slowly stands up and walks to the window. He places his hands into his pockets as he stands at the window, looking out into the beautiful Salem nighttime city scape. In Sami’s room, she instinctively stands up and slowly walks over to her window, looking out as well. She places her tear-stained face on the window as she looks out, saying to Lucas..... Sami: One day, my love.......we’ll be together again. One day......... The scene then goes into a split screen with Sami on the left and Lucas on the right, seemingly looking at each other, as the scene freeze frames. The song then comes to an end as the scene very slowly fades into black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... A OMINOUS DISCOVERY IS MADE AT MAISON BLANCHE!!
SEPTEMBER 6, 2007: EPISODE #323: BONDS *HORTON HOUSE (OUTSIDE) Stephanie pulls up outside the Horton house and asks Max if he is sure he wants to simply talk to Abby again. It hasn't been very productive so far. Max says he can't think of anything else right now. Frankie told him to wait until they can come up with something but time is a luxury they don't have. Abby is growing closer to Forrest with each passing day. Stephanie agrees but thinks talking to Abby again is nothing but a waste of time. Max insists he has to try and tells her to wish him luck. She does and he exits the car. Meanwhile, inside the Horton House, Forrest enters the living room through the kitchen and hands Abby some tea. Abby wonders where Alice is as she has been out with Julie for quite awhile. The guard out front said it's been a few hours. Abby says that Alice mentioned how Julie has been going through a rough time so her great-grandmother is probably trying to keep her mind off her troubles. Forrest says that Alice seems like that type of person. Abby nods and smiles, saying her great-grandmother is wonderful. Abby mentions how she would fall apart right now if not for her and her family. She then turns to Forrest and says he has been there too. She has lost Chelsea and Max hurt her so badly and is trying to convince people that Forrest is bad news. Forrest tells Abby to let him as unfounded accusations are just that. He insists he has nothing to hide. Abby smiles and says she knows. She then looks at a picture of herself with her parents and says losing her mother was enough but she can't bare the thought that her father isn't coming home. Abby begins to break down in tears as Forrest comforts her in a loving embrace, which Max witnesses from the window near the front door. *COAST GUARD MEDICAL CENTER (LOCATION UNKNOWN) Billie is in her room with her nurse and tells her she feels fine. The nurse says they need to check her vitals regularly. She has been through quite the ordeal. Billie tells the nurse that her and Jack had alot to discuss. The nurse tells her they have plenty of time but the doctor has ordered her to make sure she rests. Billie says she will rest easier after she talks to Jack. The nurse tells her that she will let her see Jack the minute she wakes up after a lengthy rest. Billie, realizing she is fighting a losing battle, agrees but tells the nurse she needs to see Jack as soon as she wakes up. The nurse nods in agreement and then leaves as Billie throws his hands up in frustration, knowing full well the course of her relationship with Jack could change depending on what happens with Elizabeth and Alexander. Meanwhile, Jack walks in to the waiting area and sees a distraught Elizabeth, who is drying her tears. Jack takes it as things went horribly with Alexander. Elizabeth nods. Jack asks what she expected. She lied to him for his whole life. Elizabeth tells Jack she doesn't want to talk about it. Jack tells her she will need to deal with the repercussions of all this eventually. Elizabeth nods, saying she knows. Jack sits down next to her and says he is glad he found her so quickly as he needs to discuss something with her. Elizabeth turns toward him and tells him to go ahead. Jack tells Elizabeth he wants a DNA test to prove that Alexander is his son. He needs concrete proof. Elizabeth asks why he would need that and then wonders why he would think she is lying. Jack tells her he needs it for his own piece of mind and doesn't see how it's a problem. Elizabeth thinks it's unnecessary. Jack asks why she is being so defensive. It's almost like she is hiding something. Jack warns her to speak up if there is something she isn't telling him. Elizabeth's face turns from one of anger and bewilderment to one of worry. *MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Hope and Steve enter the living room after many hours of searching the mansion. Hope can't believe they didn't find anything to help them. Steve says they may have to resort to re-creating the past as it may be their only hope, no pun intended. Hope snickers a bit and says she isn't sure that's a good idea after what nearly happened earlier. Byron enters the room and asks if they need any assistance. Hope says they are ok but thanks Byron for offering. The doorbell rings. Hope and Steve ask Byron who that could be at such a late hour. Byron doesn't have a clue and cautiously walks to answer the door. Steve and Hope lurk behind him and watch as he answers the door to find...Tony standing right behind it. Byron asks him what he is doing there. Tony tells him he has come for answers. Steve emerges with Hope and tells Tony to join the club. *UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Victor realizes he has just blurted out his and Greta's secret and that no amount of backtracking will help. Maggie knows Victor wouldn't joke at a time like this and asks how it's possible Greta is his daughter. Victor fills her, Kayla, Lexie, Abe, Kayla, Rich, Bo, Roman, Frankie, and Caroline in on how Princess Gina wanted to get pregnant to hold on to John/Roman. She would tell John the child was his and would tell Stefano the child could be his as a way of protecting herself, John, and her child. However, John had left so she needed to find a man to impregnate her. By a twist of fate, she ended up drugging Victor by mistake at a party rather then her real choice and Greta was conceived. Victor doesn't remember the night but Stefano gave Greta a file and Greta had DNA done. Victor says his people confirmed it's legit. Everyone is stunned. Frankie mentions how he wondered why Greta and him were together so much lately. It makes sense now. Kayla then says that they do need to get Greta up to surgery. Rich agrees. Victor says he will sign the consent forms as her father. Kayla tells him to follow her. Victor follows Kayla, leaving behind a room full of shocked people, still reeling from the reveal of Greta as Victor's daughter. Meanwhile, Victor signs the forms. Rich has a nurse go up to the records room to confirm Victor as Greta's father for their records. Victor asks Kayla and Rich what her chances are. Rich tells Victor that, in his honest opinion, it doesn't look good. Kayla agrees and tells Victor they should all prepare for the worst. Rich goes to prep Greta for surgery. Kayla follows, leaving behind a devastated Victor, who seems to be fighting back tears. *DIMERA MANSION A crying Cassie begs Stefano to understand her motives. She knows she isn't his blood so she had to try extra hard to impress him. Stefano (enraged): Your damn right your not my blood!! A Dimera by blood would not be so stupid as to go off on their own like you did. You had no plan. It was all made up as you went along. You learn Greta is Victor's daughter and a light bulb goes off in your head and away you go! That is the way the youth think today but you, Cassie. You...I know you. Your an extreme case. You act first and think later. You don't think about the consequences. Your reckless and only care about yourself. A Dimera puts the family first and you didn't do that. Now I have to think of a way to fix your damn mess! Cassie (crying): I'm sorry. I didn't know she meant so much to you! I didn't know!! Stefano (grabbing Cassie forcefully): DAMNIT, GIRL!!! YOU KNEW NOTHING!! THAT IS THE PROBLEM!! YOU JUST WENT AHEAD AND DID IT!! IF SHE DIES, YOU MURDERED HER IN COLD BLOOD!! SWEET GRETA... Cassie (trying to break free from Stefano): She's Victor's daughter. You two are at war! Stefano: I DON'T CARE!! I SAY WHO GETS DRAGGED INTO THIS!! YOU HAD NO BUSINESS DOING ANYTHING WITHOUT MY APPROVAL!! DAMNIT, CASSIE!! EVEN IF THIS WEREN'T GRETA, IT WAS SLOPPY. YOU DISAPPOINT ME!! (pushes Cassie away from him) Cassie (crying heavily): I'm sorry. I really am. I just wanted to impress you! Stefano: I would've given you plenty of chances. Have some damn patience and some sense! Ugh! (turns away from Cassie) Cassie: What are we going to do, grandfather? Stefano: Don't call me that. You have not earned the right to call me "grandfather." And there is no "we." It's what I am going to do about this. Me! Cassie: Oh. You always liked when I called you "grand..." Stefano: STOP IT!!! SHUTUP!! I NEED TO THINK!! Cassie turns around in tears, repeatedly saying she is sorry, as an angry Stefano contemplates his next move. *UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Victor emerges from the ER and Maggie asks if there is any news. Victor shakes his head, saying they are taking her up. Rich and two nurses emerge pulling Greta's gurney, with Kayla slightly behind. Both sides of Greta's face are covered with bandaged. A bandage is also wrapped around her forehead and her head is locked into a brace. Her arm is bandaged up and she has a chest tube down her throat. Rich tells Victor that everything checked out. He is her father. Frankie approaches the gurney and begs Greta to fight. She has alot of people pulling for her. Frankie gently kisses her hand as Caroline comforts him. Victor looks down at Greta and asks Rich if he can talk to her for a moment before they take her up. Rich tells him to hurry. She doesn't have much time. Victor (fighting back tears and looking at Greta): I know it doesn't look good but your a Kiriakis. You have what it takes. Fight! Greta...you fight!! We're pulling for you. We can't afford to lose people like you in this world. We don't have enough pure goodness in the world. Come back to us, princess. You are needed. Your loyal subjects need you. Your friends need you. I need you. Victor wipes away some tears. Victor: I can't lose another daughter. I lose Isabella so soon after finding her. I can't lose you so soon. We haven't had any time. I want a chance. I want a chance to be the father I couldn't be in the past. I want a chance to finish the strides I made with Isabella so don't leave me!! Not so soon!! Please, Greta!! Not so soon! Victor leans over and kisses a part of her left cheek that isn't bandaged. Victor: I love you, my beautiful girl. I love you. Remember that. Please, remember that. Victor then motions that he is finished and Rich and the nurses pull the gurney away. Kayla says she will go up and observe the surgery. She promises to keep them all up to date on all the happenings. Lexie asks if it would be ok if she comes too. Kayla says she has no time to argue so she tells Lexie to come along if she wishes. Kayla and Lexie leave. Caroline suggests to Frankie they go to the chapel and pray. Frankie thinks that is a great idea. Greta can use all the prayers she can get. Caroline asks Bo, Roman, and Abe to come. Abe tells Caroline he is leaving. Bo tells her that he will be along soon. Caroline nods and then walks off with Frankie. Maggie comforts Victor nearby and asks if he would like to go and pray. Victor shakes his head and says he is going to take a walk alone to clear his mind. Maggie thinks he shouldn't be alone but Victor says he is fine. He is hopeful Greta will be alright. Maggie kisses Victor and embraces him, saying she is glad to hear that and reminds him she is there for him. He doesn't have to shut her out. Victor says he knows and tells her that he loves her. She does the same. They kiss before he walks off as she watches. As Victor turns a corner down a hallway, he says that he can't just sit by and wait. He has to find out how all this happened and there is only two people who could be behind this...Orpheus and Stefano. Victor opts to focus on Stefano first and says it's time to pay that bastard a visit. Victor walks off. Abe tells Bo and Roman he is going back to the scene to take a look at things himself. Bo says he will go with him but Abe tells them both their family needs them. Abe says he will be in touch and tells them both to take care. He points at Roman and tells him to watch himself and to think before he acts. Roman smiles, telling Abe he can't control him anymore. He isn't on the force. Abe looks at Roman and reminds him that he is still his best friend so he cares far too much to see Roman ending up slipping further and further away. Roman says he is fine but Abe warns him not to lose touch with who he is. Abe leaves. Bo turns and looks at Roman, who looks down and then turns away before walking off, as a worried Bo watches. *MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Tony fills Steve and Hope in on the diary entry he found in his old poetry book belonging to his mother. He explains how it led him to Maison Blanche for answers as to what she wants him to discover or find there. He just hopes whatever it is can still be found given the old house burnt down. Hope makes note of how it makes sense that Daphne would trust Tony enough to leave something behind. They always shared a special bond. Tony nods, saying he adores his mother and looks back on his time with her fondly. Tony then asks Steve if he has had any success on his quest and also asks how Hope ended up with him. Hope explains she caught on to Steve's investigation and was suspicious so she followed him. Steve tells Tony they have search a good deal of the house but have nothing yet. Tony tells Steve he is sorry and asks if he can help in some way. Hope tells Tony that Steve and her would like to keep the investigation between them. Tony tells Hope he wasn't aware she had a stake in this and says he understands. They can trust he will keep things hush hush and that he will stay out of their way. His eyes then light up as he mentions he has an idea. One in which he promises not to pass any info to anyone outside of the two of them, if they agree to not pass info on to anyone but him. Hope says that is not a problem. Steve agrees. Tony smiles and says that's good as he would like to propose a partnership. Steve and Hope look at each other and then back at Tony, curious as to what Tony has in mind. Tony tells them he will help them find the answers they seek if, in exchange, they do the same for him. Hope and Steve then look at each other as Tony asks what they think and if they are on board with his proposal. *HORTON HOUSE Forrest holds Abby in his arms when the doorbell rings. Abby can't imagine who that is at such a late hour. She begins to wheel over to the door but Forrest stops her, saying he will go get it just to be on the safe side. Abby says she can do it but Forrest insists that he should get it. He wouldn't want anything to happen to her. Abby smiles and wheels behind Forrest as he goes to answer the door. He opens the door to find Max waiting. A frustrated Forrest asks what he wants as it's not a good time. Max says he needs to speak with Abby. Abby reminds Max she wanted him to leave her alone. Forrest orders Max to leave as Abby is upset enough. Max: Yeah, your right. A fact you are taking advantage of. Your there for everything, aren't you Superman? Very, very convenient. Abby (covering her face in frustration): God, just stop this, Max!! Forrest: You know...I gave you the benefit of the doubt at first but, now, I see why Abby wants you away from her. What is your problem? Max: You! I don't trust you. Forrest: Yes, well, that is obvious. You and Chelsea have been throwing out accusations against me. Of course, she probably fed you them and that is how you got on this bandwagon. I mean, what are you going to do? Form a posse to bring me down? Come on, Max! Come get me! I have nothing to hide and I will rise to whatever challenge you throw at me. Test me. I just want to put all this trash in the past. Max: Haha. Right. These mind games are a joke. You know, we Brady's have dealt with people like you. You know...the mysterious types. The ones who come to town with the hidden agendas. It may take awhile but we always come through and this will be no exception. Orpheus, Victor, the Dimera's...hell, even the Alamain's! Forrest's eyes light up. Max: I won't let you hurt Abby. Whatever I have to do... Forrest:Oh, Max. Leave, already! Abby: Please go, Max! Max: Fine but this is not over. You hear me, Abby?! (Abby and Max lock eyes) It's not over. I won't let him hurt you. Forrest (enters house and starts closing the door): Good night, Max. Abby apologizes to Forrest again for Max's antics. Forrest says it's fine. He can ramble on all he wants. He has no proof of anything. Abby is impressed by how Forrest always keeps his composure. Forrest says it's simple as he has nothing to hide. Abby thanks him for everything. Forrest smiles and tells her that he is happy to help. Abby thinks they should get back to their tea before it gets cold. She wheels back into the living room as Forrest turns and looks out the window, saying: Forrest: Clearly, I've underestimated you, Max. I focused all my attention on the elder Brady's and their merry band of associates but it seems I need to start giving you the credit you deserve. I can't let my plans be ruined. It seems it is time to push things up a bit, just in case the truth does come out. There is no time to waste now. Not at all. Forrest looks out into the distance through the window while, outside, Max rejoins Stephanie in the car, mentioning how the guards outside the houses of all those they care about is kind of annoying but it's necessary it seems. Stephanie says it is and asks how things went. Max shakes his head and says it didn't go well but he did strike a nerve with Forrest when he mentioned the Alamain's. Stephanie warns Max to be careful. This isn't anything to fool around with and he is playing a dangerous game. Max admits he isn't afraid. Forrest won't do anything to him and show his hand. He tells Stephanie they don't have much time. They need to do something to help Abby immediately before something happens they all will regret. *COAST GUARD MEDICAL CENTER (LOCATION UNKNOWN) In the waiting area, Elizabeth insists she isn't hiding anything. Jack then says that should mean she has no problem having a DNA test done. Elizabeth hesitantly agrees, saying she still feels it's unnecessary. Jack tells her to just do it for him and for Alexander and their peace of mind. Elizabeth says she will go along with it and let it happen. Jack thanks her and embraces her, saying he will make the arrangements. He tells her they do have alot to talk about though. Elizabeth agrees. Jack says they will talk later. He then leaves to plan the DNA test. After Jack leaves, Elizabeth gets angry and then gets up, walking down the hallway in a huff. She reaches Billie's room, walks in, and and looks in on her as she sleeps. Elizabeth (whispering): Sweet dreams, bitch. You won't be having any of those when I am through with you. I know you gave Jack the idea to have a DNA test. You have him not trusting me and I'm not happy. This is all your doing. Billie. I won't let you stand in the way of my future. I won't let you keep him from us. I won't. Jack was mine first and his place is with Alexander and me right now. We need to bond and to begin acting like a family unit. I won't let you stand in the way. You hear me? I won't. An enraged Elizabeth looks at Billie in a chilling way before getting up and telling Billie to back off or else suffer the consequences. She then begins to walk out but turns once more to look at Billie. She tells Billie in a low tone that fate brought Jack into her life and now it's brought him back. Jack's destiny is with her and she just needs to accept that. Elizabeth then walks out of the room, closing the door to Billie's room behind her. *UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Lexie and Kayla watch Greta's surgery from the OR observation deck. They both look down at Greta. Kayla's eyes well with tears as she says: Kayla: There is so much damage. I don't think... Lexie: I know. There's just too much. Kayla (crying): I just think it's becoming more and more impossible for her to make it. What a shame...such a sweet girl... Lexie: Yeah. It's senseless and just plain sad. It truly is. Kayla: I don't think she is going to make it out of surgery, Lexie. Look at all the blood around the brain! Lexie: Your right. I can't see it. I can't see how...it's just too much of an uphill battle. She's not going to make it. Kayla shakes his head, sadly, as tears stream down her face while her and Lexie continue to observe. The scene then shifts to... *DIMERA MANSION A frustrated and angry Stefano yells out he doesn't know what he is going to do with Cassie or about this situation. Cassie tells him to just forget it. She can start with a clean slate in his eyes and he can cover up the hit and run for her. Stefano looks at her and tells her Victor isn't stupid. Once he learns of the hit and run, he will instantly think it's Orpheus or himself. Stefano mentions he is surprised that Victor hasn't already arrived. Just then, the doorbell rings and there is a loud knocking at the door as the person behind it is revealed to be Victor. Victor: It's Victor Kiriakis! Open this door, Dimera. You and I have to talk! Stefano looks at Cassie, who is in panic mode. He tells her he told her what would happen. Cassie asks what they are going to do. He orders Cassie to hide in the back room, which she does, and then tells one of his servants to answer the door. Moments later, Victor enters. Stefano asks if there is a problem. Victor walks slowly into the living room and says: Victor: Yes, there is. I smell a rat. I would like to discuss with you my daughter's hot and run, since it seems you knew for some time she was my daughter. Stefano: Yes. I did. Victor: Alright then. Did you order a hit on my daughter? Tell me the truth!! I need answers and I need them now!! The scene then freezes on a split screen of a determined Victor's face and a worried Stefano's face as a nervous Cassie looks on from the shadows. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... VICTOR AND STEFANO FACE OFF!!
SEPTEMBER 5, 2007: EPISODE #322: FAMILY BUSINESS *COAST GUARD MEDICAL CENTER (LOCATION UNKNOWN)... Jack is still stunned by Elizabeth's revelation that Alexander is his son. Alexander doesn't believe it. Billie watches from her gurney before a nurse says they have to get her to her room. Billie insists they stay longer but the nurse insists they go. The nurse then wheels the gurney away as Billie turns her head and looks back, trying to see what is going on. Jack asks how this is possible. Elizabeth says she learned she was pregnant shortly after they broke up after college. She didn't tell him because she knew his father would hate it. He was in politics and she knew Jack wanted to be too and an illegitimate child would certainly put a black mark on both their reputations. She almost called him a few times but he married Jennifer and had a family with her. There was just too much happening on his end. Alexander is upset with Elizabeth for not telling him. Elizabeth tells him she thought it would be better this way since she couldn't tell Jack. Alexander doesn't understand but then comes to a realization: Alexander: Wait, I get it. You mentioned you kept this secret for so long for Jack and his father. God forbid their reputations are ruined by the mistake that was me. Elizabeth: You weren't a mistake. Jack and I were in love when you were... Alexander: Yeah. Well, I spent my whole life not knowing who my father was. Was he dead? Was he in a coma somewhere? Is he a deadbeat? You never told me anything, mother!! I see your reasons for keeping this from Jack but you can't use that as a reason for why you kept it from me. It makes no sense. Jack: I have to...I need some time with this...I am going to see Billie. Elizabeth: Jack... Alexander: I don't understand this. I don't understand you. I just... Alexander walks off as Elizabeth begs him and Jack to come back. Elizabeth then breaks down in tears, asking herself how she made such a big mess of things. *KIRIAKIS MANSION... Nico is in the study, looking over some layouts. He opts to turn the radio on for some music as he works and turns it to a classical channel. After a few moments, a news bulletin covering Greta's hit and run interrupts the music. Nico is stunned by the news and says he must tell Mr. Kiriakis. He races out of the room. Meanwhile, in Victor's bedroom, Victor and Maggie lie in bed. Maggie tells Victor she feels like she is on top of the world. Victor agrees, saying he doesn't remember the last time he felt this happy. They kiss and begin to make love until a knock on the door stops them. Victor yells out that he is not to be disturbed. Nico yells back that it's him and it's an emergency. Victor and Maggie put their robes on. Victor opens the door and asks what is so important. Nico tells him it's Greta. She was involved in a hit and run and it doesn't look good. The color in Victor's face drains as he turns around in shock. He grabs on to the dresser, trying to keep himself from losing his balance due to the shock. Maggie asks if he is ok. Victor says they need to get to the hospital immediately. Maggie says ok but admits being stunned by Victor's concern for Greta. It's almost like she is family to him. Victor doesn't answer and tells Maggie to just get dressed and orders Nico to bring the car around. Maggie observes Victor and wonders if he is hiding something. *STREET OUTSIDE SALEM TOWERS BUILDING... Frankie can't believe anyone would want to hurt Greta. Stefano can't see it either. Abe tells them both they will investigate and will get to the bottom of it. Greta is wheeled into the ambulance. Frankie says he is going with her. Abe tells Frankie he will call Bo and Kayla to let them know what is going on. Frankie thinks that is a good idea as Kayla can get info on Greta's condition. Frankie boards the ambulance. Abe tells Celeste he has arranged for a squad car to take her home to Theo. He may have to work late and there is no need for her to be around. Celeste asks about Alexandra. Abe says it's not the time or place to discuss those issues. Celeste agrees. Abe motions to an officer to escort Celeste to the squad car. Stefano tells Lexie he doesn't think he should go to the hospital. There would be too much tension. He asks Lexie to go so she can keep him up to date. Lexie isn't so sure her being there will be a good idea. Stefano tells her to do it for him. He cares about Greta and needs to know that she will be ok. Lexie gives in and agrees. Stefano tells Lexie he will have her dropped off at the hospital on his way to the mansion. Stefano puts her arm around Lexie as they walk off. Lexie turns and looks at Abe, who looks back at her. Lexie then turns back around and walks off with Stefano. *UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL... Barbara is in a cubicle examining Marlena as Belle watches. She asks Barbara if everything is ok. Barbara says it's just as the EMT's said. Marlena is suffering the after effects of her mental disorder and she is stressed and emotionally exhausted on top of it. She has given her a sedative to rest. Belle thanks Barbara for everything. Barbara hopes this scare will teach Marlena a lesson she should already know as a doctor. She must take her medication and pursue the proper treatment she needs. Barbara asks Belle to call her when Marlena wakes up as she would like to talk to her and to set up a session. Belle nods and thanks Barbara again as she leaves. Belle gently caresses Marlena's head and tells her she needs to take care of herself. They can't lose her too. Just then, Roman bursts into the room and asks if Marlena is ok. Belle: She will be fine. No thanks to you. Roman is stunned by Belle's statement. Meanwhile, nearby, Greta is raced into the ER. Frankie follows. Rich emerges and tells Frankie to wait outside. He will get back to him as soon as he has any news. Frankie begs Rich to help her. Caroline, Bo, and Kayla arrive and tell Frankie that Abe told them everything. Frankie tells them it doesn't look good. Kayla says she will go and see what is happening. Frankie thanks her. Caroline tells him it's all going to be fine and embraces him as Frankie says he prays she is right. *COAST GUARD MEDICAL CENTER... Alexander is outside, wondering how his mother could do this to him. Elizabeth appears behind him and says she has been looking all over for him. Alexander tells her to leave him alone. Elizabeth acknowledges she made a mistake but says she just felt she was doing what was right by him. Alexander turns and looks at her, with tears welling in his eyes. Alexander: How can lying to me for my whole life be considered right? Leave me alone, mother. Alexander walks off, leaving behind Elizabeth, who breaks down in tears as Alexander goes back inside. Meanwhile, Jack enters Billie's room as a nurse is tending to her IV. Billie is happy to see him. The nurse says she will give them some time. Jack asks how she is doing. Billie says she is doing great thanks to him. She thanks him for everything he did. Jack says she should be thanking Elizabeth and Alexander for rescuing them. Billie reminds Jack he kept her alive until they got there. Jack smiles. Billie tells him she heard every word he said and is glad she nearly died. Jack asks how she can say that. Billie (smiling): Because you would've kept pushing me away if it hadn't happened. Sure, I knew how you felt about me because you told me on the ship but I think you needed a push to realize how strong what we have is. I'm just glad we know where be both stand now and we can make a run at making this work. Jack: Yeah, me too. Billie: You seem a bit...off...you ok? Jack: Yeah. Fine. It's just been a long ordeal for both of us. Billie: That could end happily now that our feelings are out in the open. Jack: Perhaps. I'm just trying not to put the cart ahead of the horse. You never know what life might throw your way. Billie: You mean like the revelation that you have a long lost son? Jack: How did you... Billie: I was being taken to my room when Elizabeth told you. I heard everything. Jack: Oh, I see. Well, I don't know what I am doing here. I don't even know if Elizabeth is telling the truth. She has no reason to lie. Billie: You need to have a test done to know for sure, Jack. That is the first step. If it's true that he is yours, then I guess you have a son that you have to bond with, don't you? Jack: I guess. The other question is...what does this mean for me and my existing family? Billie: And for us. Jack and Billie look at each other with worry. *BACK IN SALEM, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL... Roman asks Belle what she meant by what she said. Belle: Your behavior since Eric and Sami's deaths has been deplorable. This whole vigilante justice thin you ripped from Uncle Bo's book is disgusting! Mom is paying for it. Our family is paying for it! Did you not learn anything from last Fall and Winter? Roman: We've lost so many, Belle. Something needs to be done. Belle: Then handle it like you always have. As a police officer...according to the law. Not like this. My God, you are putting yourself in the same ring as Orpheus, Victor, and Stefano with what you are doing. Roman: SOMEONE HAS TO STOP THIS!!! ENOUGH BLOOD HAS BEEN SPILLED!!! I'M NOT GOING TO WAIT FOR ANYMORE OF MY LOVED ONES TO GET SLAUGHTERED!! I COULDN'T BARE IT IF I LOST YOU OR ANYONE ELSE!! I'VE LOST ENOUGH, DAMNIT!! WE ALL HAVE!! Belle: What you are doing will only make it worse! Look at mom. She isn't taking care of herself and all the worry....it's eating away at her. Her recovery is being messed with because of you. Roman: No, it's because of people like Orpheus and Stefano. I can't do this by the book, tink. I can't. Bo was right and so was Victor. If we are going to stop these bastards, we have to attack them using the same tactics they use. Belle: At what expense? Your wife is suffering! We are suffering! Roman: You will suffer even more if I don't do this. Everything I'm doing is for you. For my family. Roman then goes over to Marlena and kisses the top of her head, telling her he loves her and to be patient. It will all be ok in due time. Roman then tells Belle he doesn't think this tension is good for Marlena or for anyone. He knows she is upset so he will go. He embraces Belle and kisses her cheek, telling her he loves her. He knows she will understand...someday. Roman walks off, wiping a single tear from his eye before leaving the room. Belle sits down by Marlena and begins to cry, wondering when they will ever have peace again. Elsewhere in the hospital, Lexie arrives in the ER and asks Caroline, Bo, and Frankie for an update. Frankie shakes his head, saying there is nothing yet. Abe arrives and says he has men combing the scene and looking for witnesses but, so far, they have nothing. Caroline just can't see who would want to harm a sweet girl like Greta. The scene then shifts to the... *DIMERA MANSION... Cassie is eating some chocolate covered strawberries, along with a glass of champagne, when Stefano enters the living room from the back. Cassie sees him and is so glad he is home. She has been waiting for him and asks what took him so long. Stefano says there was an accident. Cassie goes into panic mode and asks if he is ok or if anyone in the family is hurt. Stefano shakes his head and says he is fine. He tells her that Greta von Amburg was involved in a hit and run and it doesn't look good. Cassie tells Stefano she didn't know he cared about Greta. Stefano: She is a lovely girl. So loving, gentle...she lights up a room when she walks into it. I may have despised her mother but I can't see how anyone couldn't adore her. I watched her grow up. You know...for most of her life she believed I was one of the men who could be her father. I'm not but, if she was my daughter, I couldn't help but love her. Sure, she is not your typical Dimera but...you can't resist her charm. Beautiful girl...inside and out. Cassie: Wow...I never knew you felt that way about her. I didn't even know that you knew her. Stefano: Yes, well, I guess it never came up in our conversations. I just hope she is alright. She did not look good at the scene. Cassie: I'm sure. Stefano turns and looks at Cassie, noting her reactions to what he has been saying. Stefano: You know, you don't seem shocked that she is in bad shape and you sure didn't seem all that shocked when I told you about the hit and run. Cassie: Well, I honestly don't give a damn about her so...(sips her champagne) Stefano (looking at her inquisitively): Cassie, you seemed anxious about my returning home this evening. Is there something you needed to tell me? Cassie: Uh, well... Stefano: Something is wrong. I can see it in your eyes. Did you do something? Cassie: Well, ok. I guess I can't hide anything from you and shouldn't hide anything from you. Stefano: Your right about that. Cassie: I found something out tonight and decided to do something I thought would make you proud of me. I wanted to prove my worth to you. Stefano (shakes his head): Cassie, I told you I would give you assignments to prove yourself to me. You didn't have to... Cassie: I know. I just saw an opportunity and you have been telling me to seize opportunities and... Stefano: Ok, ok. What did you do? Cassie: I overheard Victor and Greta at the Java Cafe. Turns out he is Greta's father. Stefano: Yes, I know that. I'm the one that told Greta a year ago and gave her the proof she needed. Cassie: What? Why didn't you say something? She is Victor's daughter. You could target her or use her to get to him! Stefano: I just told you how I feel about Greta. I never told anyone because Kiriakis has many enemies. I didn't want her getting hurt and I certainly didn't want to drag her into this way. There is no reason to. Cassie: Oh... Stefano: Alright. So, you learned Victor is Greta's father and... Cassie: And...I...decided that she was...a prime target. Stefano (covering his mouth in shock): Dear God....no...you didn't...tell me you didn't... Cassie: I just wanted to impress you. I didn't think you would have a problem... Stefano (horrified): MY GOD!!! YOU HIT GRETA??!! Cassie (tears welling in her eyes): Yeah. I was just doing it for you, grandfather. I just wanted to please you! Stefano turns around in shock and then turns back to Cassie and says: Stefano: Well, you failed. In fact, you have disappointed me tremendously. Cassie breaks down in tears upon hearing Stefano's words. The scene then shifts back to... *UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL... Kayla emerges with Rich from the ER. Roman joins Caroline, Bo, Abe, Lexie, and Frankie and asks what is going on. Bo fills him in. Frankie asks Kayla if Greta is ok. Kayla: She has a skull fracture and some bleeding around the brain. She also has some severe internal injuries including a ruptured spleen and punctured lung on top of a severed artery. She has lost alot of blood. The facial lacerations have been taken care of but everything else needs to be taken care of through emergency surgery. Rich: We don't have much time, Frankie. I'm not going to lie to you. The odds are not in her favor. Caroline comforts a devastated Frankie. Just then, Victor and Maggie enter the ER off the hospital elevator and overhear the discussion going on. Kayla (holding back tears): Rich is right. There is a good chance...she won't make it out of surgery. I wish...I could tell you differently. I'm sorry. Victor: No!! Not my daughter!! A stunned Maggie looks at Victor as Caroline, Bo, Frankie, Kayla, Rich, Abe, and Lexie turn around toward Victor and Maggie and also look on in shock after hearing Victor's blurted out revelation. The scene then freezes on a horrified Victor's face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... VICTOR'S EMOTIONAL PLEA TO GRETA!!!
SEPTEMBER 4, 2007: EPISODE #321: SIRENS -ROMAN AND MARLENA'S HOUSE Belle walks up to the front door and begins to knock. She waits a few short moments before trying again. She calls out to both her mother and father, asking them to answer the door if they are there. Inside, Marlena continues to lie unconscious on the floor of the living room. Belle continues to knock and yell out for Marlena and Roman repeatedly, to no avail. A worried Belle opts to fore go politeness and to use the key she was given for emergencies. She unlocks the door, enters, and is shocked to see her mother lying lifeless on the floor. She races over to her, trying desperately to wake her. -ROBERTS INC OFFICES Lucas and Joelle continue to go at it passionately on his desk. Joelle kisses Lucas from head to toe, telling him she will give him a night he won't soon forget. Lucas does not resist her advances and begins to kiss Joelle's neck and shoulder in response. Shortly thereafter, Lucas looks over while kissing Joelle to see a picture of Sami and himself. Lucas then pushes Joelle off him and tells her they have to stop. Lucas: I can't do this, Joelle. Not with you. Not with anyone. It's not right. Joelle: What do you mean? Lucas: I love Sami. I just lost her and...it's too soon to be doing this. It's too soon to be even dating. My focus is on my son and just getting our lives back on track. I'm sorry, Joelle. We can't do this and your advances toward me must stop...TONIGHT!! Joelle is stunned. -MAISON BLANCHE, NEW ORLEANS Passions continue to ignite for Hope and Steve as they begin to make love on the bed in the bedroom. While this is happening, both Hope and Steve simultaneously continue to remember a night from their missing years where a similar scene was taking place at the old Maison Blanche. Steve kisses Hope all over as she does the same. Just then, a loud crash from downstairs causes both Hope and Steve to jump off each other and to their feet. They wonder what the noise was. Steve tells Hope he will go down and check. After Steve leaves, Hope looks around the room and at the bed she was just on with Steve, clearly affected by what just transpired between them both. -BACK IN SALEM, DIMERA MANSION Tony remains in one of the Dimera Mansion secret rooms, still stunned by the contents of the torn and faded diary entry of his mother, Daphne, that he found in his old poetry book. Tony wonders what it could all be about and why his mother would go to such means to keep everything a secret. He considers that maybe she had to hide something from Stefano and she wants Tony to retrieve it or information on it. Tony decides he can't wait and that he must take action and do what his mother says in the diary entry before Stefano somehow hears of this. He must go to New Orleans and to Maison Blanche, per her instructions. Tony makes a call to the Salem Airport, asking when their next flight to New Orleans is. -SALEM TOWERS RESTAURANT Stefano and Lexie continue to watch Abe and Celeste on the dance floor. Abe is trying to calm Celeste after her latest premonition. She tells Abe she is fine but hopes whoever it was about is fine too. Both Abe and Celeste now have eye contact with Lexie. Celeste tells Abe they need to talk to Alexandra right away as it's clear she saw their kiss on the ship. The look of anger and resentment on her face seeing them dancing together proves it. Abe agrees they need to talk to her. Lexie sees them coming over and tells her father she wants to go. She doesn't wish to speak with them right now. Stefano tells her not to let them bother her but Lexie insists they go. Stefano sees how upset she is and agrees to her request to leave. They both get up in a hurry and walk out as Abe and Celeste arrive at the table. Abe sees Lexie and Stefano leaving and says he is going to follow them. Celeste goes with him. Meanwhile, Frankie sits at a table and looks at his watch, wondering where Greta is. Nicole then approaches him and sits down at the table. Frankie asks if she can help her. Nicole smiles and takes a sip out of her martini, saying he sure can help her. She needs a lawyer. The scene then shifts to outside the Salem Towers. The camera then pans down to the body of a lifeless Greta lying in the middle of the street in a pool of blood. Lexie and Stefano walk out of the Salem Towers building. Lexie turns around and sees Abe and Celeste getting off the elevator. She tells Stefano they are following them. Stefano takes her hand tells her to come with him. As they turn to cross the street, Stefano sees Greta's body in the street. A look of horror and shock takes over his face. He alerts Lexie and points to Greta's body. Lexie is horrified as well and races over to Greta with Stefano as Abe and Celeste exit the building and race over too upon seeing what is happening. Lexie tends to Greta and looks her over. Lexie: She has several facial lacerations and it looks like some glass is embedded in several of them. She has a deep head wound and is bleeding from the mouth. Abe: You thinking internal injuries? Lexie: For sure. I think she may also have a skull fracture. Father, call an ambulance. Hurry!! There is no telling how long she was lying here. Stefano: Yes. Of course! Celeste: My premonition...this must be... Abe: Who it was about. Yeah. Lexie: Oh no! Abe: What? Lexie: I think she may have severed an artery. There is so much blood and she has a deep gash on her arm. If help doesn't come soon, she may not make it through the hour. Both Abe and Lexie look at each other with worry and then back down at Greta while Celeste looks on in horror. -ROMAN AND MARLENA'S HOUSE Belle tries desperately to wake Marlena up but fails. She finds Marlena's medication spilled out all over the floor. She decides she needs to call for help and dials 911. She then takes Marlena's hand and tells her mother help is on the way. -ROBERTS INC OFFICES Joelle tells Lucas he can't live in mourning forever. Lucas says he knows that but Sami just died a few weeks ago. It's too soon. He also tells Joelle that she is his employee and he doesn't want to cause trouble. Lucas: Things got out of hand tonight. This can never happen again. Your a hard worker, Joelle. You have it rough and I am more then happy to listen to you and to be a friend. Nothing more. I warned you before and this is the final warning. Let's just keep out relationship friendly and business-related. Agreed? Joelle: Sure. I guess. I'm sorry. Lucas: Hey, I gave in. I pushed this too far tonight and I regret it. I really am sorry for that. Well, I have to get back to Will and I want to get some paperwork done tonight so see you in the morning. Let's just start fresh tomorrow. A clean slate? Sound good? Joelle: Wonderful. Strictly plutonic. Lucas: There you go. Good night. Joelle: Night. Lucas leaves. Joelle then takes a paperweight and tosses it to the floor in frustration. Joelle: This is not over yet, Lucas. I will have what I want. It's just going to be a harder road then I originally thought. I'm not giving up. No way in hell. -NEW ORLEANS, MAISON BLANCHE Steve returns to Hope and tells her that Byron was doing some cleaning and simply dropped some things. Hope says she is glad he did. They got caught up in the memories and things went too far. Steve agrees, saying he has no idea what came over himself. Hope says it was the same thing that came over her. The strength of memories and the emotions that come along with them can be overwhelming, especially when you first recover those memories. Steve apologizes for losing control. Hope says she did the same. They just need to be more careful. Steve thinks they should lay off re-creating scenes from the past and stick to looking for tangible evidence right now. Hope agrees, saying they could use a break from re-enacting the past. Steve pulls out the key Tony gave him, saying they may need it to enter any secret rooms they uncover. Hope is glad they have it and tells Steve they have to get a move on. They can't afford to waste time as Stefano could always learn what they are up to and put a stop to it. Steve agrees and both him and Hope leave the bedroom and return to searching the house. -SALEM AIRPORT Tony arrives at Gate 3 and checks in. He then mentions how he is glad Stefano was out for the evening. The more discreetly he accomplished this mission, the better. He just wishes he could say goodbye to Cassie and Anna, just in case something does happen. He looks at the diary entry from his mother and wonders what the faded and torn off parts say. He just hopes whatever he was meant to find from his mother didn't burn with Maison Blanche years ago. Tony's flight is then called to board. He puts the diary entry away and hopes he soon finds the answers he seeks. -ROMAN AND MARLENA'S HOUSE The ambulance has arrived and Marlena is on a gurney. The EMT's have collected all the pills and determine that Marlena did not OD. Rather, she didn't take the pills prescribed to her by Barbara. Belle wonders why her mother would be that careless, especially being a doctor herself. The EMT's think it would be best to take Marlena to the hospital for observation but think it's likely she is just mentally and emotionally exhausted and is suffering the after effects of her mental disorder on top of lots of stress. Belle hopes that is all it is and says she will call Barbara to meet them at the hospital. The EMT's then wheel Marlena out as Belle dials on her cell phone and follows. -SALEM TOWERS RESTAURANT Frankie asks why Nicole would need a lawyer. Nicole says she wants to look into her legal rights in regards to Evan. She adopted him and Carrie gave him up. Frankie explains that Carrie is Evan's biological mother and that she never signed a legal document giving up her rights. An angry Nicole lashes out, saying she may as well have given what she did. An annoyed Frankie tells Nicole to bother someone else as he is waiting for someone and has no interesting in her rantings. Frankie gets up and walks off, leaving behind an enraged Nicole, who promises this isn't over and that the Brady's and all those who wronged her will pay for how they have treated her. Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location, a young blonde women stares at a picture as an older, middle-aged women with reddish brown hair enters the room. Older Woman (Martha Byrne): Not again. When are you going to stop sitting around here looking at his picture? Huh? That isn't getting anything accomplished. Go there, sweetheart. You go and reap the rewards you are entitled to. You and I have suffered so much and we have this great opportunity waiting in Salem. Let's not wait anymore. Let's not waste it. (gently rubs the young woman's shoulder) I will be right by your side the whole way. Younger Woman (Elizabeth Hendrickson): I don't know, mom. I don't know if I can go through with this. (looks at picture) It just doesn't seem right and I don't want to dishonor his memory. Not after how he treated me. The camera then pans around and down to reveal the picture the young woman is holding to be a picture of...ERIC BRADY!!! The scene then shifts back to the SALEM TOWER RESTAURANT. Frankie calls Greta's cell. Outside, in the street, Celeste tells Abe and Lexie that Greta's phone is ringing. Abe answers it. Frankie asks what he is doing answering Greta's phone. Abe tells Frankie there has been an accident and tells Frankie where he can find them. Frankie hangs up and races out of the restaurant. Stefano asks Lexie how bad the injuries are. Lexie: Extensive, father. It's not good. Stefano: Dear God. Poor Greta. I held such disdain for her mother but Greta...she was always so sweet and forgiving. She would never harm a fly. Just a beautiful girl inside and out...(wipes a tear from his eye) Abe: Wow...the great Stefano Dimera weeping? Stefano: I am human, you know? Celeste (looking at Stefano): Sometimes. Frankie races out of the Salem Towers building and to Greta's side as the ambulance pulls up. Frankie asks what happened. Abe says they believe it was a hit and run. The EMT's come over and Lexie fills them in on the details of Greta's condition. Celeste tells Frankie she had a premonition of this. Frankie asks who would want to hurt Greta. Stefano says he was just wondering the same thing. The scene then shifts to Cassie, who has just entered the DIMERA MANSION through the foyer. She pours herself a brandy and sits down on the sofa, smiling and saying: Cassie: All in a days work! Cassie then sips her brandy as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... WILL GRETA SURVIVE?
WEEK OF 9/3/07 EDITION INSIDER SPECIAL FEATURE FANTASTIC FALL PREVIEWS "It's going to be incredible," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "My co-EP/HW and I are so excited about what the Fall will bring. We have adventure, romance, mystery, intrigue, and great drama complete with big shocks and surprises. It's everything one is looking for and more. There will also be some big events but don't look for any cruise ships (laughs). There might also be a wedding...or two...stay tuned." ORPHEUS: "He is a marked man. Roman is going after him with everything he has while Victor and Stefano are also waiting in the wings. Orpheus will have to dodge a few bullets and will also have to face his past. Let's also not forget the infamous Sami Brady, who he is holding in captivity. A discovery she makes could really turn things upside down." ROMAN/MARLENA: "While Marlena struggles with her recovery and getting her life together, Roman launches an all out war on Orpheus and Stefano. The wedge between Roman and Marlena will widen and Marlena's mental stability will be at risk. Marlena will fight for their love and their family. She is Roman's anchor and she isn't going to let him slip away." BO/HOPE/STEVE/KAYLA: "Hope and Steve go on a journey into their past that tosses them into a mystery that involves many characters, including two characters from the past that will make longtime fans very happy to see them. Bo will deal with all the family problems at home, along with Kayla and Caroline, while also worrying about Hope. Bo and Kayla will begin to become suspicious and they have a right to be as Steve and Hope will be doing more then seeking out answers..." VICTOR/STEFANO: "Their war heats up as casualties will begin to pile up on both sides, beginning with Greta. Greta's accident will shakes things up on several levels and will amp things up to the point where we finally see the true length to which both men will go to protect those they love. This story will bring in many beloved characters once again and the level of carnage in this story will be shocking." SAMI/LUCAS/WILL: "Sami will make a shocking discovery while in captivity with Orpheus. As for when she will get home, stay tuned. Meanwhile, Lucas has his hands full with Joelle, who isn't prepared to give up on using him for her own means. Little does Lucas know the lengths to which Joelle will go to get what she wants. Lucas's life is about to become a nightmare. Look for a new criminal to play a big role in this story. Also, look for Will to seek help to deal with the aftermath of the horrible events in his life." JACK/BILLIE/ELIZABETH/ALEXANDER: "The reveal that Alexander is Jack's son shakes up Jack and Billie's relationship. There is also alot more to Elizabeth then meets the eye. This is all just the tip of the iceberg as family problems and a dark secret from the past will be further thorns in the sides of Jack and Billie as they strive to make their relationship work. You know what they say...love isn't easy." FORREST/ABBY/MAX: "Max will do everything in his power to save Abby from Forrest, who he views as a threat. The question is...is Forrest a threat? With each passing day, Forrest and Abby's bond grows stronger. Max enlists the help of Stephanie and other family members but will it be enough? Look for some stunning reveals in regards to Forrest as we approach November sweeps. Also, look for Forrest to make a stunning request of Abby by the end of October." MAGGIE: "Maggie will make an interesting purchase in September and will partner with another Salem resident on a new business venture. She will try to stay out of Victor's business but can't help being drawn in. Look for them to share a special moment toward the end of the Fall." FRANKIE/GRETA: "Frankie is right by Greta's side after her accident. Will she survive? Look for Frankie to be drawn into Jack and Billie's problems while also assisting Max with helping Abby." LEXIE/ABE/CELESTE: "Lexie will admit she saw Abe and Celeste kiss. There is definitely something brewing between Abe and Celeste. Lexie and many others can see it and it's only a matter of time before Abe and Celeste see it too. Meanwhile, Lexie and Cassie feud over the Dimera legacy and Lexie will begin to question what she got herself into by agreeing to Tony's plan." CASSIE: "She will face Stefano's wrath after what she did to Greta. She will continue to fight tooth and nail to impress Stefano, even if that means hurting those that care about her. It's success at all costs for her." TONY/ANNA: "Tony will become immersed in a mystery having to do with the diary entry he found belonging to Daphne. He will also have his hands full with Cassie, who finds herself the victim of Tony and Lexie's plan to bring down Stefano backfiring. As for Anna, she gets mixed up in a messy situation and it just might have to be Tony to the rescue." KATE/MIRANDA: "Obviously, there is a history here. We will learn quite a bit about Kate this Fall. Miranda has alot of layers to her and it's going to be fun to explore them. Look for a big reveal involving Miranda by September's end." NICOLE: "Nicole plots revenge on those who wronged her but finds her plans derailed by two new women in town. This mother/daughter team is a force to be reckoned with. Look for Nicole to come across a big secret by November's end." BYRNE AND HENDRICKSON JOIN SALEM LIVES!! As loyal Salem Lives fans know, this past Spring we had an event called SALEM LIVES: VENDETTA. This event featured a game that was based on trivia and commenting and the winner was Tishy and the runner up was daysfan. Their prize? Well, Tishy gets to write a major character for the blog that will appear for at least 8 weeks while daysfan gets to create a minor character that will last at least 4 weeks. Well, both Tishy and daysfan got together and opted to have their characters be in story together, thereby making it easier for us to write both characters into story. They also chose the performers for the roles. Therefore, on the FALL PREMIERE in SEPTEMBER 4, the characters of Jean and Allyson (Ally) Matthews will debut in the form of Martha Byrne (Lily, ATWT) and Elizabeth Hendrickson (ex-Maggie, AMC). Both roles are expected to last for at least two months but fan reaction will also be the judge of how long both stay around. "We'll see," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "Roman and I will wait and see how it goes but we thank Tishy and daysfan for creating such great characters and making it so easy to write these characters in. By connecting both characters in story together, we were able to seamlessly write these two characters in and actually enhance story we already had planned. Tishy and daysfan did a great job and Roman and I are both excited about the potential of this story and the characters." Again, both characters debut on Tuesday September 4, Salem Lives' Fall Premiere. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 9/4/07 -Greta's life hangs by a thread. -Two new women head for Salem. -Lucas sets Joelle straight. -Victor and Greta's secret is out. -Forrest panics and decides to take action. -Tony, Hope, and Steve are drawn into a mystery. -Victor confronts Stefano. -Orpheus tortures Sami. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4 IT'S THE FALL PREMIERE OF SALEM LIVES!! GRETA'S LIFE HANGS IN THE BALANCE WHILE TWO NEW WOMEN (MARTHA BYRNE AND ELIZABETH HENDRICKSON) HEAD FOR SALEM!! NEXT WEEK: Fate forces Maggie to make a career decision. Roman and Victor plot against Stefano. Abby has her first therapy session. Tony, Hope, and Steve are held at gunpoint.
-At Roman and Marlena's house, Marlena remains unconscious on the floor, with her medication lying beside her. Meanwhile, outside, Barbara walks up to the front door and knocks, asking if anyone is there loudly. Marlena begins to stir but doesn't get up. Barbara yells out to Marlena, saying they need to talk about her treatment. She then asks loudly if anyone is there again. Marlena opens her eyes slightly and is about to yell out something when she is overcome with agonizing pain, resulting in her clutching her head. -At Roberts INC, Lucas tells Joelle he has to get back to Will. Joelle begs him not to leave. She is lonely and has no one else to talk to. She doesn't get out much or have any friends. She wipes tears from her eyes and tells him she has been taking care of her sick mother for the last ten years. She also has a 6 year old son whose father took off shortly after learning she was pregnant. Joelle explains that she thinks Kate hired her out of sympathy 5 years ago. Lucas says it would make sense as he can see his mother having a soft spot for a single mother. Joelle says she is thankful for her job. It allows her to provide for her mother and son but she doesn't get out much. She just doesn't have the time. Lucas feels bad and says he is happy to lend an ear but that's all. He loved Sami so very much and he is having a hard time dealing with her death. He isn't ready to move on or date. Joelle apologizes for coming on strong but reminds him they are both hurting. They both need someone to comfort them. That is why she thinks they are perfect for each other. Joelle slowly moves close to Lucas, putting her hands on his chest. Lucas tells her that what she is doing is a bad idea. He is her boss and he isn't interested. Joelle thinks he will be once she shows him what she can do. Joelle then grabs Lucas' face and pulls him into a kiss! -At the Dimera Mansion, Tony is in a secret room in the basement. He is searching through some boxes of his own belongings...some from childhood and some from later on in life, trying to forget about his problems with Anna and all the other negative things happening right now. He finds a bunch of his old books and some childhood toys. He also finds a picture of his mother. He wipes away a tear, expressing how much he loves and misses her. He then mentions how comforting the past can be at times, especially right now with so much going wrong. Tony then pulls out one of his old poetry books, overjoyed to see he has found it after years of wondering where it has been. He opens it up and begins to turn through out, smiling in reaction to what he is seeing and reading. Just then, a piece of paper falls out of the book. Tony notices it and picks up the torn piece of paper. He begins to read it and is stunned by what he is reading. -At the Salem Towers restaurant, Lexie is dining with Stefano. Stefano tells Lexie he is glad they are getting along again and out together. Lexie smiles and says she is too. He then mentions there is something on his mind and he feels he needs to get this off his chest. Lexie tells him to go ahead. Stefano mentions how he is worried this will make her angry but he feels it needs to be said. Lexie once again tells him to go ahead, promising not to get angry. Stefano nods and notes how quickly she had a change of heart. She lashed out at him on the ship over his using Tek to destroy her marriage to Abe and how he did nothing to help her keep custody of Theo so he could manipulate her into being what she believes he wants her to be. Now, she wants back in the family after turning her back on it and him. Lexie tells Stefano she was simply angry and their lives were in danger. She wasn't exactly in her right mind. Stefano understands and says he is giving her the benefit of the doubt but he does have a warning. If she double crosses him or betrays him and his trust, he is finished with her and she will be considered an enemy to the Dimera's. He asks if she understands, Lexie hesitantly nods, seemingly in shock and very worried. Stefano smiles, pleased that Lexie understands. He then calls the waiter over so they can order dessert. Meanwhile, Abe and Celeste sit at a table nearby. Celeste says it feels good to get out and it gives Theo a chance to play with his friend Gregory. Abe says he is glad they went out. It's been a long day and an even longer couple of months. Celeste asks Abe if he has spoken to Lexie. Abe shakes his head. Celeste tells him they need to. They need to find out if she did see them kissing on the ship. Abe agrees but says there is alot going on right now. He promises to do it when things calm down and when the time is right. He asks her to relax. Celeste tells him it's all she can think about as Lexie seems very angry with them. Abe asks her to dance. Celeste thinks it's a bad idea considering what happened on the ship. Abe insists, saying it will help her relax and to stop worrying about Lexie. Celeste reluctantly agrees. They both get up and hit the dance floor. Nearby, Stefano sees Abe and Celeste dancing and tells Lexie to look who's here. Lexie turns and is shocked to see Abe and Celeste dancing. Lexie becomes enraged. -At the Java cafe, Victor tells Greta it's been wonderful but he has to get going. Greta begs him to be careful as he asks her to do the same. Victor tells her he can't lose her, not so soon after finding her. Greta says she feels the same way about him. They embrace. Frankie comes over and asks if they are bonding. Victor smiles, saying Greta is lovely and he appreciates all her hard work and dedication on their little Spectator project. He tells her he will see her later. Greta says goodbye to him as Victor leaves. Greta then asks Frankie if he is finished talking with Max and Stephanie. Frankie says he is and asks if she is available tonight. He would like to go out for drinks as it's been a long day and a tough couple of weeks and asks if she would like to go with him. Greta asks if it's a date. Frankie says it's no pressure...just two friends going out to relax and enjoy the evening. Greta smiles and says she is up for it. Frankie asks if a half hour at Salem Towers is good. Greta nods and says she will see him there. Frankie smiles as he says goodbye and leaves. Greta follows a short distance behind him as Cassie emerges from behind a bookshelf, watching them both leave. She then says: Cassie (smiling): Poor Frankie. Little does he know that sweet, angelic Princess Greta won't be making it to see him tonight. It's showtime!! (laughs) Cassie walks off. -At the Brady Pub, Bo hangs up the phone as Kayla walks in. She asks Bo if he has heard from Steve. He shakes his head, saying Hope is missing. She never showed up at JT's summer camp. Kayla wonders if Steve and Hope are together. Bo isn't sure but he is very worried. It's been hours since Hope left. Kayla says the same goes for Steve and he isn't answering his cell. Bo mentions Hope isn't either and, with Orpheus and Stefano running around, there is no telling what could happen. Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Hope is still in shock over the possibility of Steve being Chelsea's father. Steve tells her they really have no proof yet. That is what he came to Maison Blanche for. He only has some fragmented and blurred memories. Hope tells Steve they need to learn the truth and admits she is glad she came. She needs to be with him for this. Steve says he knows she isn't going to back off but orders her to follow his lead. Hope reminds him she is a cop. Steve agrees she has a point but he doesn't want Bo coming after him if something happens. Hope realizes she forgot about Bo and that she better call him. Steve thinks he better call Kayla too. Hope tells him to call for both of them and to say they are together and are following a lead about his past. Steve thinks they need another cover but Hope tells him to go with what they have. Steve reluctantly agrees. Steve dials on his cell. Back at the Pub, Kayla answers her cell and is overjoyed to hear Steve's voice. Steve tells her he is fine and Hope is with him. Kayla tells Bo that Hope is with Steve. Bo is relieved. Steve tells Kayla he had a lead on his missing years and Hope happened to be with him so they are tagging along together. Kayla fills Bo in. Bo yells into the phone that Steve needs to tell him where they are so he can join them and help. Steve says it's all taken care of. It's not a dangerous mission and they will be fine and back soon. Bo and Kayla both don't like this as the Dimera's were a part of Steve's missing years. Kayla begs Steve to tell them where they are so her and Bo can meet them. Steve says they aren't needed and mentions the reception is bad so he has to hang up. He tells Kayla he loves her. Kayla tells him the same. Hope yells into the phone and tells Bo she loves him and will be back soon. Bo yells out he loves her too and begs her to be careful and to stay in touch. Steve then hangs up while Bo tells Kayla he has a bad feeling about this. Kayla says she does too. Hope is glad Steve called them so now they both know they are safe. Steve agrees. Hope tells Steve they have work to do so they better get started. Steve says he is ready and him and Hope then begin to search the house. -Jack is with Elizabeth in a Coast Guard medical center. He hopes Billie is ok. Elizabeth says she does too. Jack can't believe she of all people found him and Billie. Elizabeth explains she has been following his life from affair since they broke up after college. She knew of his father's death and his learning he had a brother and sister. She knows of his great love affair with Jennifer Horton. She apologizes for his loss, saying how tragic her death was. Jack thanks her, saying she was the love of his life. Elizabeth seems unnerved but then says she thought about coming to see him after Jennifer died. She stayed away because she didn't want to cause problems since she was his ex but, once Jennifer died, she wondered if it was a good time. She then was afraid and kept dragging her feet until she read all about the cruise ship disaster and him being missing. She mentions how she accumulated great wealth and stature over the years so she used her connections and send her own search party out. They tracked Jack and Billie to an island after seeing smoke coming from the uninhabited island for a few days straight. Jack is glad the fires that took so much effort to start worked. Elizabeth says she was so worried. She never stopped caring about him as they shared a great love...a strong bond. Jack smiles and says they did but alot has changed. Elizabeth agrees. Jack asks about Alexander. Elizabeth says he is wonderful. He has always been on her side and is all she has. He's her best friend. She explains how he is a great writer, like Jack, and regrets how he is a bit of a recluse. She wishes he would get out more and experience life and the world but he is happy just writing and staying home with her. Jack asks about Alexander's father. Elizabeth puts her head down. Jack apologizes for bringing it up. Just then, Alexanders returns with a doctor. Alexander says there is news on Billie. Jack asks the doctor if Billie is ok. The doctor says Billie is being treated with antibiotics and they are warming her up. She will be fine. They got her there in the nick of time. Jack is overjoyed and asks if he can see her. The doctor says not yet as they are transferring her to a room for overnight observation. He can see her soon. Jack thanks the doctor and turns to Elizabeth and Alexander. He thinks them for rescuing them and saving their lives. Elizabeth says it's no problem. She just couldn't lose him. An uncomfortable Jack nods. -Back at Roman and Marlena.s Barbara gives up and concludes that no one is home. She hopes she talks to Marlena soon before she messes up her treatment even more. Barbara leaves while, insider, Marlena stirs and manages to get to her feet after a struggle. She sees her pills on the floor and bends down to pick one up as the pain in her head gets worse. As she bends, she loses her balance and falls, banging her head on the end table. She collapses to the ground as a pool of blood begins to emerge around her head as the scene shifts to... Lucas, who pushes Joelle off of him. He tells her that her behavior is not right for the workplace. he warns her to back off or action will be taken. Joelle mentions how his acting all authoritative turns her on. She then kisses him again, telling him she needs him so much right now. They both need comfort. She begs him to let her ease his pain and loneliness while he eases hers. Lucas tries to push her away but she latches on to him, telling him to just give in. Lucas struggles to resist and his resolve begins to crumble. Joelle then tears off her blouse, asking if he can resist her now. Lucas looks at her and is tempted. Joelle passionately grabs him and pulls him back into a kiss. Lucas begins to give in and hesitantly puts his arms around her. She then throws him on a desk, sending many items to the floor, as they continue to go at it. Lucas begins to get more and more into it and finally gives up on fighting her off. As Lucas and Joelle begin to make love, the scene shifts to... Jack, who tells Elizabeth and Alexander that Billie would be dead if they hadn't come. She tells Jack that Alexander saw the fire Jack made in the cave. Jack thanks him. Alexander says it was nothing. Elizabeth: Oh, he's being modest. Jack: Whatever the case, I am just thankful you both came along. Whoever your father is would be very proud... Elizabeth: Yes, he is proud. Jack: You act is if you know he is. Elizabeth: I do. I've seen him. Alexander: What? You saw him? While the conversation is going on, Billie is being moved to her room. She is now awake and looks on as the conversation continues... Elizabeth: Yes. If it makes it feel better, you saw him too. Alexander: When? Elizabeth: I guess it's just better to blurt it out instead of some long confession... Alexander: Mother, what are you blabbering about? For years, you never told me who my father was and, now, I meet him and I don't even know it. What the hell... Elizabeth: Well, you still have a chance to meet him. He's here. Alexander: I don't understand. Elizabeth: Turn around, Alexander. Turn around and meet your father. Alexander turns and looks at Jack and then turns back toward Elizabeth. Alexander: Jack?! Jack is... Elizabeth (wiping tears from her eyes): Your father.... A stunned Alexander turns around to face a stunned Jack as a shocked Billie tells the nurses to stop and then looks on at this surprising scene from her gurney as the scene shifts to... Maison Blanche, where Hope and Steve enter a bedroom. Hope mentions how the house looks just like the first one that burned down. Steve says that the room looks almost like the one in his memories. He turns to Hope and tells her he thinks they need to try to remember first and re-creating the past is the best way. That is what happened on the ship. Orpheus re-created the scene and it helped him remember. Hope tells Steve she hasn't had a memory of her missing years since the night of the mother of the year party when the chip in her brain was extracted. She has her Princess Gina memories but remembers nothing from her time at Maison Blanche. She also isn't comfortable with them re-creating being close to each other. Steve reminds Hope they have always been close friends. He thinks that is why they were drawn to each other while being held together. He tells Hope they have to find answers and this may be the only way. They can always get more tangible evidence later but there are memories that lie inside them that can help them get on their way. Hope agrees, warning Steve that if it gets to be too much, they stop. Steve nods. He opens the window, saying a light summer breeze is needed to recreate one of his memories. Hope smells the flowers from outside. Steve is glad since that was in one of his memories too. Steve finds a record in one of the dresser drawers and plays it in the classic record player. It's a waltz. Steve smiles, saying it's not the same but is quite similar to the one in his memories. Hope explains that Stefano has always been one to replace something with a close replica to the original. Steve tells Hope to dance with him. They need to re-create the memory. Hope is hesitant but then gives in. They begin to dance to the waltz and, a few minutes into the dance, Steve begins to flashback to dancing with Hope at Maison Blanche. At the same time, Hope has a blurred memory of dancing with Steve too. She is taken aback by the memory as it's the first memory of Maison Blanche she has had since returning from there. Steve asks Hope if she remembered something. She nods. He says he did too. Hope: Tell me. When you remember, do you... Steve: Feel? Do I feel like I did in that moment? Hope: Yes. Steve: Yeah. I feel an overwhelming amount of joy...and comfort. I feel a loneliness...an internal pain...fading away. I feel... Hope (eyes closed): A rush...of peace and fulfillment. I feel like... Steve: I've found the missing piece... Hope: Of a puzzle. Nothing else matters... Steve: But you and me...in this moment. The past and future... Hope: Are of no importance, unlike the here and now. Steve: You remember that night too? Hope: We must have remembered the same night. The music and the breeze and... Steve: Yeah. It brought it all back. I feel like I've stepped through time. I feel like I've become that dude back then. Hope: Me too. What I'm feeling right now...it's...surreal. It's... Steve: Strong..undeniable...(moves closer to Hope) Hope (moves closer to Steve): It's...irresistible...so strong... Steve (slowly raises his hand to Hope's face and gently touches it): So...right. Hope: So...right. Hope and Steve's faces slowly move in until they finally meet to share a passionate kiss. They begin to pull away and then look into each other's eyes and then pull each other into a kiss again, only this time it's more intense then the first. They move close to the bed as we see both Steve and Hope have a flashback of a similar scene from their past at Maison Blanche. Steve and Hope then fall onto the bed and begin to make love as the scene shifts to... Tony, in the secret room at the Dimera Mansion. He is still reading the piece of paper and says: Tony: This is my mother's! It seems to be from her diary. How was it torn out and why on earth is it in my book of poetry? (reads the piece of paper) What is mother talking about here? I can't make this out but I think this says New Orleans...Maison Blanche! She claims she left something there for me and that it lies behind one of my greatest passions. I don't understand...what does all this mean? The scene then shifts from a confused Tony to the Salem Towers restaurant, where a jealous and unnerved Lexie watches Abe and Celeste dance. Stefano notes how close they are as Lexie says she knows. Abe notices Lexie watching and tells Celeste they better stop. Celeste turns around and sees Lexie and notices the look in her eyes and on her face. She tells Abe that Alexandra did see them kiss on the ship. She can see it written all over her face. Celeste then becomes faint and nearby passes out. Abe asks if she is ok. Celeste then feels a chill and says she just had a premonition of someone...a woman...screaming out in terror. Celeste tells Abe something awful is about to happen as the scene shifts to... Frankie, who is at a table nearby, looking at his watch. He wonders where Greta is as the scene shifts to Victor, who comes home to his mansion. Maggie greets him with a kiss and says she has a special evening planned for them. Victor says he is looking forward to it. Maggie notes that he is in a good mood. Victor says he is and he is going to do his best not to think of Orpheus or Stefano tonight. He feels like things are falling into place and that nothing is going to go wrong now. Maggie is glad he feels that way. They kiss. Victor tells Maggie to show him to where their special evening will begin. Maggie smiles and tells him to come with her. Victor beams with excitement as Maggie drags him off and into the living room as the scene shifts to... Cassie, who is wearing a blonde wig and is in her car. She has followed Greta and has just watched her pull into the Salem Towers parking lot. She says she checked and security cameras should not be a problem and she should he covered with the wig and the fact that she isn't driving the car she normally does since she took out one of Stefano's backups. She then wonders what she is doing. She has never done anything like this before and what she is about to do is serious and not just some simple lie, like she told to break up Abby and Max a few months ago. Cassie then tells herself she needs to stop worrying. She needs to prove herself to Stefano so she can overtake Lexie and inherit the Dimera empire someday. Since she is not a blood Dimera, she needs to start now. She knows Stefano will be impressed with what she is about to do. Cassie sees Greta about to walk out of the parking lot and then tells herself: Cassie: Here we go! The action then moves in slow motion as Cassie starts her car and puts it in gear as Greta prepares to cross the street, having just exited the parking lot. Cassie then pulls the car away from the street corner as Greta sees it. She begins to cross, thinking she has plenty of time before the car reaches where she is. Cassie then puts her foot heavy on the gas, sending the car speeding ahead. Greta walks out into the street and sees headlights coming up on her fast. Greta then turns and, just as she is about to move out of the way, Cassie's car hits her, sending her body rolling over the top of the car, breaking Cassie's front window. Greta's body rolls off the back of the car and into the street as Cassie keeps driving. Cassie: Damn...she broke my window. I always heard she was a tough one but...damn! Oh, well. Bye bye, Princess! Cassie laughs evilly as the scene shifts back to Greta lying lifeless in a pool of blood in the middle of the street as the scene slowly fades to black. IMPORTANT NOTE: SALEM LIVES IS PREEMPTED MONDAY DUE TO THE HOLIDAY. WE WILL RETURN TUESDAY WITH... THE FALL PREMIERE!! WILL GRETA DIE! WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MARLENA? WILL STEVE AND HOPE AND LUCAS AND JOELLE GIVE IN TO PASSION? FIND OUT WHEN SALEM LIVES BEGINS A FANTASTIC FALL THIS TUESDAY!!!
-In New Orleans, Hope tries to find a way into Maison Blanche. She looks around the mansion and finds a locked door around back. She opts to try picking the lock, realizing that the caretaker is there so the alarm is likely not set. Hope uses a hair pin to pick the lock and manages to unlock the door but then hears an alarm go off. Steve, who is on the second floor, hears the alarm and wonders what is up. Hope races into the house, searching for somewhere to hide. She is then caught by Byron, who grabs her by the arm and reminds her he warned her. Hope begs Byron to just let her explain but Byran won't hear of it. Byron pulls her into the living room and begins to call the police just as Steve comes downstairs and tells Byron not to call. The lady is with him. Byron puts the phone down and says that Steve didn't mention anything earlier. Steve says that Hope was supposed to stay at the hotel but, obviously, she didn't. Byron asks Steve if she is his wife. Steve shakes his head. Byron says that's good to hear as she seems like a hand full. Steve smiles at Hope and says she sure is. Byron says he will leave them both to their searching and asks them both to let him know if they need anything. He apologizes to Hope, who says it's ok. She then apologizes to him for the inconvenience. Byron nods and leaves. Hope thanks Steve for the nice save. Steve says it was no problem but then asks what the hell she is doing at Maison Blanche. -On the island, Jack realizes the storm is not getting any better and Billie's breathing is once again getting worse. He looks at her and notes that her eyes have been closed for awhile. He tries to wake her but she doesn't stir. He begins to worry and tells himself he has to build a fire and find something to try to treat her for the poison. He tries to move away, realizing he has to act now. Billie then grabs his arm and begs him not to leave. Jack tells her he didn't think she was awake. Billie struggles to say something and Jack tells her not to speak. After a few seconds, Billie finally manages to say: Billie: I'm not scared of dying. I'm scared of dying alone. Don't leave me, Jack. Please. Jack: But I...need to warm you and the poison...Billie...you will die! Billie: There's nothing you can do. Stay with me. Please! Jack agrees and sits by her side once again, holding her in his arms. -At the Roberts INC officer, Lucas enters off the elevator and is shocked to see Joelle there. He asks her why she is working so late. Joelle says it's force of habit. She always stayed late and prepared for the next day's work. It made things more efficient and his mother loved that. it was just her way of staying on his mother's good side. Lucas laughs. Joelle says it's not like she has anything else to do. There's no one at home. Lucas is sorry to hear that. Joelle thanks him but says she has accepted it. Joelle's cell then rings. Lucas tells her to go ahead and take her call. He needs to get some things from his office to work on at home. Joelle tells the person on the phone that she will be home soon and that she is working on things. It may take longer the expected but she is going to up the ante a bit and go after Lucas full force. She can't afford to waste time. She promises the person on the phone that she will accomplish what they need to ASAP and will begin her efforts tonight. She tells the person she will see them later and hangs up. She watches Lucas in his office and, as Lucas is about to turn off his lights, Joelle tells him to wait and to not leave yet. They have to talk. -Tony tails Anna to the pier. She turns around and demands he stop following her. He has been following her since she ran out of the Pub. Tony says he is worried about her and reminds her he is following her the same way she followed Carrie around. Anna tells him to just leave her alone. Tony says he is not going to leave her in the state she is in. Anna tells him he should've thought of that before interfering. Tony looks at Anna and says he did not interfere. Anna says she heard Carrie thanking him for his help in making her decision when she walked in to the Pub. Tony says he went to Carrie to give her advice and to help smooth things between Anna and Carrie. he just told Carrie to follow her heart and to do what is best for Evan and herself. Anna: Yes and packing up and leaving Salem is just that. I wanted another chance, Tony. I missed so much time with her. I wasn't there for her but I could've been now. I just needed time and now I won't have that because she is gone. All because you had to give her some stupid advice that sounds like it came from a Brady Bunch script. Tony: I was just trying to help. You both were upset and...I didn't tell her to leave town. Anna: You may as well have. You set the wheels in motion. You steered her in that direction and now my daughter is gone. Tony: Anna...your being absurd. Now, let's... Anna: No. I'm through with you. You just couldn't leave it alone. You just couldn't leave us alone. Well, congrats Tony. Now, any tolerance I had for you has gone out the window. I can't stand to look at you. You took my daughter away from me. Carrie is going to hate me for the rest of her life and I will never have a relationship with her. Tony: Anna...please...stop this! Anna: I hate you, Tony. Any feelings I had for you are gone. Any chance of us even being close in a friendly capacity are gone. Tony: You don't mean that. Anna (with tears in her eyes): Yes, I do. Leave me alone. Get out of my life and stay out of it. Anna runs off as Tony begins to give chase but stops, realizing he just needs to give her time and, hopefully, she will come to her senses and be rational about all this. Meanwhile, Anna reaches the harbor and sits on a park bench. She takes out a picture of Carrie as a little girl and breaks down in tears, holding the picture close to her heart. -At the Java cafe, Frankie is with Max and Stephanie and they are talking about Forrest. Max reminds him to keep it down as Forrest is sitting nearby with Abby and they can't let him know they all know who he is. Frankie says he knows and reminds Max that Greta and him will keep everything to themselves until the time is right. They can't afford to put Abby in any more danger. Stephanie thinks they need to tell Bo or Roman but Frankie thinks it's not the right time. They need to find out what is going on with Forrest and what agenda he may have. Bringing the cops in won't help but, if they do it personally, they are under the radar and much more able to dig up info without being caught. Max agrees with Frankie and Stephanie begins to see his point. Frankie, Max, and Stephanie watch Forrest and Abby at their table from nearby. Abby is thanking Forrest for bringing the specialist to see her. He seemed optimistic and she hopes he will continue to be after looking at her chart. Forrest is sorry he couldn't do more to help, especially with her father and Chelsea. Abby says it's ok. He's done enough. She just has to pray that Chelsea, Billie, and her father are ok. Forrest then gets a phone call and walks off to take it. Abby sees Max, Frankie, and Stephanie watching her and wheels over to them, telling them to either leave or to stop watching her. She tells them she can take care of herself and Forrest is not dangerous. He has helped her a great deal and still is. Max says that could all change as he may just be getting her under his thumb. An annoyed Abby tells them all to stop with their accusations and to just leave Forrest and herself alone. She then wheels away and returns to her table. Frankie tells Max and Stephanie that Forrest has already sucked Abby in and, if he does have a secret malicious agenda, she is in a world of trouble. Forrest returns to Abby and tells her he has good news. The specialist just called and told him that he will be able to treat Abby with some new meds and a new form of extensive physical therapy. It will take awhile but it seems she will walk again. An overjoyed Abby embraces Forrest, thanking him for all that he did as Max and the others watch. Meanwhile, Cassie walks in and sees Victor over with Greta. She opts to keep an eye on Victor for Stefano as she needs to being to prove herself to him. At their table, Victor tells Greta he is happy they could spend some time together. Greta is too but tells Victor to be careful as Frankie is here and he keeps asking questions about why they are spending time together. She told him that they had some business to discuss pertaining to a Spectator feature she is working on. Victor understands, saying he knows she isn't ready to deal with the attention of being his daughter. Plus, if anyone learned she was his daughter, she would be in more danger then she is right now. She would become a much bigger target to Orpheus and Stefano. Greta agrees and is glad they understand each other. Both are unaware that Cassie is at a bookshelf right behind them and has heard everything. Greta goes on to tell Victor that they may not have been father and daughter for very long but she wants the chance to have a relationship with him. She thinks he needs to ease off on his wars with Stefano and Orpheus. She reminds him of everything that has happened in the past year. Victor understands where he is coming from but tells her he has to do this for all of his loved ones, including her. He won't stand by and watch Stefano and Orpheus pick off all the people he loves one by one. Greta begs him to just ally with the police and ISA instead of doing it on his own. Victor insists he isn't doing it on his own. He has his own people assisting him and he does have minor assistance from the authorities. There are just things he can do that they can't. Greta just doesn't want to lose him as they have missed so much time already. She blames herself partly due to her waiting so long to tell Victor he was her father. Victor gently takes her hand and tells her it's all in the past and all they have is right now. They need to make the most of the time they have and the time they have to come. Greta says they may not have time if he keeps up with what he is doing. Victor reminds Greta that she wanted no part of his business and that she also promised to not fight who he is. This is what he does. He is protecting his family and those he loves, including her. He is not going to stop until he ensures their safety and protection. Greta understands and says she will drop it. She is just worried something awful is going to happen. Victor takes her hand and assures her everything will be fine soon enough. Cassie watches from nearby, stunned that Greta is Victor's daughter. She notices how deeply Victor seems to care for Greta and then says she has an idea...one that will be sure to please Stefano and show him that she is indispensable to him, moreso then Lexie. She says her plan will send a message to Victor and his loved ones not to mess with the Dimera's. She watches Victor and Greta and wickedly smiles at the thought of what she is about to do. -On the island, Jack holds Billie in his arms and looks up to the heavens, begging Jennifer to spare Billie. He never thought he could feel love again after losing her but he did. He found it with one of his best friends. Jack tells Jennifer he needs her to put in a good word with the big guy and tell him to spare Billie. Her daughter and family need her. He needs her. Jack then looks at Billie and says: Jack: I'm sorry for pushing you away. I was just....afraid. Afraid of screwing up again. Afraid of hurting you...losing you as a friend. You were right...those same old demons. Jennifer knew of them and now you do too. What I said...(fighting back tears) on the ship...was true. I love you, Billie. I love you. Do you hear that? LISTEN TO ME!!! (crying) I LOVE YOU, BILLIE REED!! LIVE FOR ME!!! LIFE FOR THOSE WHO LOVE YOU!! LIVE FOR US!! FIGHT BILLIE!! FIGHT!! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!! I'VE LOST SO MUCH AND...DON'T DO THIS TO ME!! DON'T... Jack then hears voices and turns around. He hears the voices getting closer and closer and is shocked by the sight of who has just entered the cave. It's Elizabeth and Alexander!! Jack is shocked by the sight of Elizabeth and asks what she is doing there. Alexander asks how Elizabeth knows Jack. Elizabeth says he is an old friend...a very good old friend. She smiles at Jack. Elizabeth explains that she heard Jack was missing and had her own people searching for him. Jack wonders what people she is talking about. She says she will explain later but they tracked him and Billie down and her and her son, Alexander went out in a helicopter to get to the island. She notes they crashed it on the island due to the storm but their pilot is radioing for help. Jack says that Billie needs medical attention as she is near death. He mentions how she was bitten by a poisonous spider and he thinks she may have hypothermia. Alexanders goes to radio to their pilot to let him know. Jack kneels down near Billie and tells her they are going to be ok. She is going to be ok. They've been rescued. Jack holds Billie in his arms as Elizabeth watches with great interest. -Back in New Orleans, Hope explains that she knew something was up with him when he started showing more concern then Chelsea then what he should be. Steve wonders why she and Kayla keep harping on that. Chelsea is his niece and she just felt bad for her. He can relate to what she is going through. Hope says she saw Steve meet with Tony and heard their discussion. She also heard him book the trip to New Orleans and lie to Kayla about "running errands." Steve asks if she is stalking him. Hope shakes her head and then tells Steve that she heard him tell Chelsea that he would find her father. She heard what he said to her and asks how he plans to do that. Steve asks if Hope is channeling Nancy Drew. Hope asks him to fill her in on what is going on as it seems he knows alot more then he is letting on. Steve, realizing he has no choice, says that Orpheus gave him a drug while he was with him on the ship. He started remembering pieces of the past from when he was missing. He says he remembered being at the old Maison Blanche. Steve says he doesn't remember much as alot is blurred but he hopes to get answers now. Hope asks what that has to do with Chelsea. Steve says Orpheus told him that Hope is her real mother. Hope is stunned. Steve then says that part of what he remembers is him and her being together at New Orleans. He was her caretaker in a way. Hope: I don't understand, Steve. Caretaker? Steve: We spent a long time together and, even though we didn't remember who we were, I think the friendship we have always had could still be felt. I think that is why we still managed to connect. Hope: Wow... Steve: That's not all. You and me went through alot together. I saved you, you helped me...we grew close. Very close. Hope: What are you saying? Steve: We danced...we kissed. I don't remember alot but I do have some blurry memories that suggest we did much more. Hope: What? Steve: Yeah. I don't know for sure but there is also what Orpheus told me. He told me, Hope, that I was Chelsea's father. That is why I'm here...to find out once and for all if that is the truth. Hope: Oh my...you! You and me!! My God... Steve tries to calm down a shocked Hope as she shakes her head in disbelief while the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... DON'T MISS THE EMOTIONAL SUMMER FINALE!!! HOW FAR WILL JOELLE GO TO GET LUCAS? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MARLENA? WHAT IS CASSIE'S PLAN? DON'T MISS THIS HEARTSTOPPING EPISODE THAT HAS TONY MAKING A OMINOUS DISCOVERY, HOPE AND STEVE HAVING A SHOCKING BREAKTHROUGH, AND DON'T MISS ONE OF THE MOST SHOCKING ENDINGS OF THE YEAR!!!
-At the Pub, Katherine and Cal are talking with Caroline and Kayla when Katherine realizes they need to go as they need to run back to the suite to get the rest of their things. Caroline and Kayla embrace both of them, wishing them well. Caroline reminds him that his home will always be Salem and that they will always be his family. Frankie, Max, and Bo come over, embraces both Cal and Katherine, and reiterates that statement while Stephanie watches. Frankie uses him and Max as an example as they aren't blood Brady's but have always been treated as part of the family. Cal smiles. Kate and Abe then come over to say their goodbyes. Abe says he still considers him one of his best friends. Cal thanks him. They embrace. Kate tells Cal that some of the best times of her life were with him and it doesn't matter who he is. It's the person he is that matters and a part of her will always love him. They embrace, followed by Kate giving him a kiss on the cheek. Kate tells Katherine to take care of him. Katherine smiles and nods. Marlena then comes over and wishes both of them well. She tells Cal they spent alot of time together and him being Cal doesn't change a thing. She still cares about him and wishes him the best. They embrace. Cal thanks her. Katherine says they really have to go. Cal agrees. Everyone at the Pub waves and says goodbye as Cal and Katherine do the same before exiting the Pub and shutting the door behind them. -In New Orleans, Steve is at the airport, having just made his way off the plane. He looks at the directions Tony gave him and tells himself it's time to do this thing, unaware that Hope is right behind him, vowing to find out what is going on with him. -Cal and Katherine walk through their suite, packing things up. Cal then gets a phone call on his cell, telling him that the Toscano Jet is fueled and ready for takeoff. He thanks the captain and hangs up, telling Katherine that it’s time to go. Katherine walks over and hugs Cal, telling him that everything will be just fine. A new life and wonderful times await for them and they better not waste any of it stuck in that cramped hotel room. Cal smiles as he kisses Katherine and, after he does, there’s a knock at the door. When he opens it up, Angelica stands in front of him, telling him that everything is set. Cal instructs her to make sure that Katherine gets down to the limousine ok. Angelica obeys and she walks in and picks up Katherine’s suitcases. As she walks out, Katherine walks past Cal, placing her hand on his cheek and telling him to take his time. She closes the door as she leaves and Cal stands in the middle of the room, thinking to himself. His mind drifts back to times past...... Of when he first came to Salem during John/Roman and Marlena’s aborted wedding. Being a pawn of Kristen Blake’s. His love affair and marriage to Kate. The arguments he had with Sami. The horror of the SSK and the Captive Island tragedies, losing his identity as Roman Brady, his work in the police force, his friendship with Abe, his lost family..............and last, but not least, seeing the greatest love of his life for the very first time...........his wife, Katherine. And now, everything is now in the past. His life in Salem is over.......for now. He goes and looks out the window one last time on the city he called home for the last 10 years and then turns to walk out. He stops, looks around, places the key to the room on the end table, clicks off the light, and quietly closes the door. Thirty minutes later, Cal walks on board his private jet. He looks at Katherine, who is busy watching a DVD. When he asks what it is, she says that it’s her all time favorite mini series.........North And South. Cal asks why she loves it so much. She says she never honestly knew but then says that she is a huge fan. When Cal asks who her favorite character is, she says she likes them all........but that Ashton Main is one evil bitch. Cal laughs at that and kisses her on her cheek. He then walks over and pours himself a beer, looking at Katherine and saying how old habits die hard. Angelica then walks in and says that they are ready for take off. As they all buckle in, Cal receives a phone call from a man. When he answers the phone, he can’t make out the voice but the man tells him..... Man: Sir, everything in San Francisco is prepared for your arrival. Cal: Good to hear. Man: It will be a pleasure working with you again, sir. Cal: Oh........we know each other? Man: Well, sir, I think you will recognize me when we see each other. Cal: Sounds mysterious. Man: No, no, sir. My apologies. I didn’t mean to come off that way. Cal: No need to say you’re sorry. I’m just glad that I’ll have someone who’ll know the family business. I’m going to need all the help I can get. Man: And you’ll get it from me, sir. Well, see you in a few hours. Cal: Looking forward to it. Cal hangs up the cabin phone and Katherine asks who it was. Cal says someone who worked for his father. Katherine gets up and comes over to him, sits down next to him, and asks him.... Katherine: So, honey. Ready to start our new life together? Cal: As ready as I’ll ever be. Cal motions for Angelica to tell the captain it’s time for takeoff. The plane taxis onto the runway, guns the engines full throttle, and takes off into the beautiful night sky. In San Francisco, the man Cal was talking to turns and starts to order everyone to get everything ready. The head of the Toscano Family is coming to stay and everything has to be just right. As the servants and assistants leave, the mysterious man turns around. And, thinking out loud, can only say one thing......... MYSTERIOUS MAN---CLICK HERE!!! This will be a welcome home Cal and his lovely bride will never forget. The man then walks over to a table, pours himself a brandy, and downs it in one gulp, placing the glass back on the table, and walking away. -On the island, Billie slips deeper into unconsciousness as Jack picks her up and holds her in his arms. He says that the storm is too strong to go out there and search for something to help treat the poisonous bite. He doesn't know what else to do so he just keeps talking to her, telling her that he hasn’t felt like this about a woman since..........and Jack can’t finish his sentence. He tells her that the storm is getting worse but the cave will protect them. Billie comes to long enough to tell Jack to shut up and just hold her. Jack smiles at her as she rests her head against his chest. Jack grabs a blanket and wraps her up in it, rocking her back and forth as she relaxes somewhat in his arms. He tells her she will be fine. Then, Jack looks towards the heavens, asking God for one favor...... Jack: Please, God. Don't let Billie die. Please. I can't lose her like I lost Jennifer. At that very moment, a helicopter carrying Elizabeth and Alexander drops down over the ocean. Alex tells his mother that it would really be a shame to die like this. Elizabeth agrees, saying that this wasn’t the greatest idea. The pilot has control of the helicopter but then announces that engine No. 2 is going out. He doesn’t know how long he can keep the plane flying. A few seconds later the helicopter drops suddenly, causing Elizabeth to let out a violent scream as the lights in the helicopter go out........ -Back in Salem, at the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor sits in his study, watching his favorite movie. Nico and Bo walk in and Bo says out loud that he always did love The Godfather. Victor agrees, saying that Brando was wonderful in that role. Bo wants to know why he’s watching this movie now. Victor says he’s just thinking. He then gets up and turns the DVD player off and tells Nico to make sure the door is locked. As Nico checks the door, Victor tells Bo to have a seat. Nico then walks over and pours drinks for everyone. Victor asks if Cal and his wife got off ok, to which Bo says he made sure Cal and Katherine are fine. He’s just glad they are now out of harm’s way from both Stefano and Orpheus. Victor says that that doesn’t matter. Orpheus got to Sami, Eric, and Austin. No telling whose next. Which brings Victor to the next phase of his plans. Bo asks if that is what the blueprints are for. Victor nods his head. He tells both men that they have an operative working on something very special for Stefano. Once everything is in place, he’ll fill them in. Bo agrees with that and then Bo says that he has to call Hope and make sure she’s ok. He tells Victor he will also call Steve since he didn't answer before. Bo feels that he is a part of this too. As Bo gets up and leaves, Victor stops Nico and tells him to shut the door. When they are alone, Victor tells Nico..... Victor: You watch over my son. He is very, very important to the future of this family. Nico: And what about Johnson? Victor: If he has to be sacrificed.........so be it. He isn’t blood anyway. Nico: Understood, sir. Victor: Good. And make sure you get in touch with our operative. The time is drawing near. This war is about to reach a brand new level....... And we better make the first strike before it does. Nico obeys his Godfather and walks out of the room, leaving Victor to grimly contemplate what lies in front of all of them. Meanwhile, at The DiMera Mansion, Stefano orders one of his men, Petrov, to come in. He says that being the son of one of his most loyal men gave him an inroad into the DiMera family but his work is not done. Stefano knows that Victor and Orpheus will both be after him and now is the time to make sure that all of their men are in place and ready to strike when the moment comes. Petrov asks if that time is near, to which Stefano replies..... Stefano: Of course it is. I’ve lost too much in my lifetime to be defeated by ether of those men. Renee, Megan, and Andre. Tony hates me and my son Benjamin...........I haven’t spoken to him in years. Alexandra can’t even breathe the same air I do. All I have........is power. And I intend to use it to CRUSH each and every person that dare stand in my way! He orders Petrov to get in touch with his personal bodyguard and tells him to make sure that Orpheus, Victor Kiriakis, and especially Roman Brady are kept under surveillance until the right moment. And........when that moment arrives....... All three men will know what pain and suffering is truly made of. Petrov obeys and leaves Stefano to bask in the glow of the symphony that he is listening to at this very moment, as he laughs at the destruction that will fall on Salem. -Back in New Orleans, Steve arrives at Maison Blanche. He walks up to the door and rings the bell. The caretaker answers, asking who he is and what he wants. Steve says he is a friend of Tony Dimera. The caretaker understands and says Tony called and let him know he would be coming. He introduces himself as Byron Muldoon. Byron mentions he always had a soft spot for Tony as he is much more giving and kind then his father. Steve agrees and asks if it's ok if he looks around a bit. Byron says that's fine as Tony told him he would be searching the house. He tells Steve to take his time and to let him know if he can help in any way. Steve thanks him and begins to look around. Meanwhile, Hope comes to the door. She wonders if she can somehow convince the caretaker to let her in since Tony didn't give her permission. She rings the bell, causing Steve to wonder who that could be. Byron tells Steve it's probably just a delivery or something. Steve nods and goes into another room as Byron opens the door. He asks Hope who she is and what she wants. She introduces herself and says she is a friend of Steve's and has come to help. Byron thinks for a minute and tells her to leave the premises or the police will be called. He then slams the door in her face, leaving Hope to wonder what she is going to do next. -At Roman and Marlena’s, Roman sits at the dining room table looking over some plans. Marlena comes downstairs and sees what Roman is doing. She walks over to him and asks him why he left the Pub before saying goodbye to Cal and Katherine. Roman said he had things to do. A frustrated Marlena then asks him...... Marlena: Are you going out again? Roman: Maybe. Maybe not. Whose to tell. Marlena: Do we have to get into this again? Roman: No. Not really. If you would just leave me alone, we don’t HAVE to get into anything, now do we? Marlena: I thought I was supposed to be the one who was nuts in this marriage, not you. Roman: Funny, Doc. Very funny. How funny was it when your sister was buried, hmmm? How funny was it when you and the family thought I was dead? How funny is it now that we have to see our children at their graves? I’m sick of this [!@#$%^&*], ok? From now on, ANYONE [!@#$%^&*] with my people........ Better have their life insurance paid up. And now........if you’ll excuse......... Roman gets up and walks out the house once again. Marlena tries to follow but suddenly gets dizzy. She looks around and sees the room spinning out of control. She then tries to walk towards the phone but stumbles.......and then falls forward in one huge heep on the floor. As she hits the floor, a bottle of pills falls out of her pocket. It is the same medicine that she was supposed to be taking for her illness. At that moment, the phone starts ringing. On the other end is her doctor, Barbara, trying to get in touch with her. As the phone rings, the scene slowly starts to pan upward, and as the scene shows an unconscious Marlena on the living room floor, the scene keeps rising slowly rising upwards as it fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... MYSTERY IN NEW ORLEANS...CASSIE LEARNS A SECRET....ANNA LASHES OUT...BILLIE IS AT DEATH'S DOOR!!