In her private, palatial suite, Anna welcomes in the private detective she hired. He sits down and looks at her grimly, telling her that he could not locate neither Carrie nor her grandson. She drops her head in sorrow. She asks him if there is any way he could have found her and overlooked her. The detective says no. None at all. Anna starts to cry but, after a few moments, wipes the tears away from her eyes, and tells the detective that she will find her daughter herself. She thanks the detective by shaking his hand and, as he gets up, she walks him to the door, saying that she may need his services in the future.
He smiles, they shake hands, and he leaves. Anna then walks over to a picture of Tony and Stefano sitting on her glass table and says.........
Anna: Well, time to make a deal with the devil.
Anna wipes some more tears from her eyes, grabs her purse from off her bed, and heads out...
To see one Stefano DiMera.
Marlena is putting her clothes on. Belle walks in, smiling. She tells Marlena that she is happy she got released but only if Marlena promises to take her medicine and see Barbara on schedule, as she ordered. Marlena promises to do that as she kisses Belle on her cheek and salutes her like she’s in the service. Belle just looks at her, smiles slightly, and asks if she wants to stop off and get something to eat. Marlena says that with Stefano, Victor and Orpheus out there, she finds it really odd that everyone just walks around like nothing is going on.
Three very dangerous men are using Salem as a battleground and taking no prisoners while everyone just goes wherever they want. They go and get something to eat, sit in the park, go to the Pub, or whatever. Then, they are shocked when something dreadful happens. Belle just looks at Marlena silently and Marlena pauses, saying that she’s not having a relapse. She just thinks that people need to start taking all of this a lot more seriously, that’s all.
Belle then asks what does she call going to see Stefano about Roman? Marlena once again pauses, saying that it is necessary to do this, especially since Roman is not confiding in her right now. If she has to use Stefano to make Roman rejoin the human race and come back to the people that love him, she will gladly do it every single time. What if, Belle asks, Stefano tries to bring up his obsession with her. Marlena says that Stefano has always hated Roman for only one reason.....
And that is that Stefano always knew Marlena loved Roman more than her own life. And that kills Stefano each and every time.
Belle shakes her head and says that even though she doesn’t agree with her at all, she sees where her mother is coming from. But, she tells Marlena, Roman better not find out about it. If he does......she will push him farther away and, Lord Knows, what he will do then. Marlena agrees and Belle says she’ll go with her. Marlena doesn’t like this one bit but Belle assures her everything will be fine. She tries to get Belle to leave but she is insistent, saying that Marlena will not meet Stefano alone. And, if Marlena doesn’t like it, the meeting won’t take place. Marlena waits for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. As Belle walks out into the hallway, Marlena stands back and thinks to herself.....
Marlena: I HOPE everything will be fine.
The nurse comes in with a wheelchair and asks if she is ready to go. Marlena says it’s time to blow this popcorn stand, jumps in the wheelchair, and leaves her room.
Celeste watches Theo as he plays sitting on the floor. She looks at the news and sees that Abe has done an interview, updating the hit and run case that has almost killed Greta. He says that the S.P.D. has some very positive leads and, when he knows something, the press will know something. Then, he excuses himself as reporters shout questions at him and Celeste turns off the television.
Celeste sits on the couch when she suddenly gets a vision. Theo is oblivious to this as she leans forward, placing her hand on her forehead. The vision is tragic and, after a few moments, she snaps out of it. Celeste then looks around and sees Theo. She jumps up, goes and picks him up, and asks him if he would like to stay at the Bailey's while she runs out for awhile. Theo smiles and says yes and Celeste takes him upstairs to get him ready.
Later, after dropping him off, Celeste is in her car. She is still shaken by her vision, but then says to herself......
Celeste: Seems like all I do is have visions.
Celeste drives at breakneck speed, racing through the streets of Salem, as she heads to the one place where she hopes she can stop the madness before tragedy strikes once again.
Victor is now joined by Bo and Roman. He asks Roman point blank.....
Victor: Is everything set?
Roman: It is on my end. (Looking at Bo) Are you sure about this, Bo?
Bo: Just as sure as I was when you first brought the plan up.
Roman: (Looking at Victor) Good. Well.......let’s get going.
Victor: Excellent. Francois................. Take us on.
The limousine pulls out of the parking lot and heads to parts unknown. All three men are silent. Bo looks over at Roman, who is staring out the window, and asks him.....
Bo: Man, why are you doing this?
Roman: Because it has to be done.
Bo: You have never seemed like the kind of man to go to drastic steps like this.
Roman: Well........when your children are murdered by some madman and another has been given your life hell for 25 years..........changes your perspective, know what I mean?
Victor: (Looking at Bo) I think he does, Roman.
Bo grows silent, looks at Roman, then Victor, and then looks straight ahead. He says nothing as the limousine drives slowly in the night.
Cassie is trying to talk to Stefano, who is still giving her the cold shoulder. She walks over to him and speaks to him. She asks him if she can sit down. Stefano doesn’t even look up from his chessboard and still says nothing. With tears streaming down her face, she asks him if turning herself in will change his mind about her. Stefano continues to play chess and then, after a few moments of unbearable silence, stands up and says that he needs to go to the garden to think.
He walks out of the mansion and into the night, leaving Cassie alone. She wipes the tears from her eyes, silently deciding that it is time to leave this family and Salem behind. With that, she stands up and goes upstairs to pack her bags.
Byron stands in front of Steve, Hope & Tony with a gun. He tells them to get moving. He has a place where they can cool their heels. Tony takes a step forward, saying that he knows his father is behind this. Byron shoves the gun towards him, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. Byron says that his family is the most important thing to him so he will do what he must do. Steve quips about how sick he is of people holding guns on him. Hope askS him if he would feel better if Byron pulled the trigger. Steve looks at Hope with his arms raised, saying that he’ll just stand there with his mouth shut.
Byron leads the group back into the mansion and then orders them downstairs. Once they are down there, he orders them into one of the dungeons in the catacombs of the mansion. They have no choice but to obey and, once they are inside, Byron locks the door. The group shout at Byron not to leave them in there but he is gone. Tony looks around the dungeon, saying that it looks very familiar. After a few moments, he says it looks just like the dungeon that Stefano held him and Anna years and years ago during the Salem Stranglings.
Steve then walks over to Tony and asks him one question. Does he think his old man is on to them? Hope would like to know that answer as well. Tony doesn’t know but says that it will take a miracle to get out of there now.
One of Stefano’s people comes to him in the garden, telling him that Byron has Tony, Hope & Steve locked up in a dungeon at Maison Blanche. Stefano looks at this man with a look of shock, wondering out loud............
Stefano: What the HELL is going on?!
The scene freeze frames on his face as the scene slowly fades to black.
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