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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05
-A worried Hope walks through the door of the Brady Pub just as Caroline comes downstairs. When Hope meets her at the counter, she asks where Bo is. Caroline informs her that Bo isn’t even there. Hope takes a moment to let that comment sink in and then turns and starts walking towards the door, telling Caroline that she will go and find him. Caroline tells her to keep her updated when she finally gets in contact with Bo. Hope shakes her head yes and then rushes out the door. As Hope walks out the door, she runs into Roman and Kimberly, who are headed inside. They stop Hope and ask her where is she rushing off to so fast. She tells them that Bo isn’t in his room and with the tension in their marriage and all the pain and tragedy that Bo has been through, she doesn’t want to leave him by himself. Roman can understand that but, he tells her, Bo’s grown. He can take care of himself. Kimberly concurs, also telling Hope that she knows how much of a rebel he is. And, the fact that he always keeps his thoughts and feelings to himself when something is bothering him shouldn’t also be lost on Hope. Hope agrees and tells them that she understands what they are saying. But, he has been more closed off than usual and she just can’t let that slide. Hope hopes that they can also see that as well since she loves him so much. Kimberly looks at Roman and then back at Hope and takes a step forward, kissing Hope on the cheek and wishing her luck. Roman does the same and tells Hope to get in touch with him if she can’t find him by sundown so that he can put some men on it. Hope thanks them both and they separate, Roman and Kimberly going into the Pub, and Hope racing off to find Bo. As Roman wheels Kimberly into the Pub, he parks her right along side a booth and Caroline walks over, greeting her two oldest children. She asks what they want for dinner and both say bacon and eggs at the same time, which makes Caroline laugh, because they used to do the very same thing when they were kids and always used to like eating breakfast foods for dinner. Roman says: Roman: I know that, Ma. That’s why we said it. Caroline: Yes, well, you two better eat everything on your plates, instead of having another food fight like you used to, ok? Kimberly: Of course, Ma. We’re grown now. We wouldn’t dream of dirtying up your nice floor. Roman and Kimberly look at each other and smile as Caroline smiles wryly and leaves to go fix them dinner. Kimberly looks at Roman as they watch her leave and says to him: Kimberly: I thought she would never leave. I think she knows something’s up, don’t you? Roman: I never had doubted that woman. Even when I wasn’t Roman, she still could tell me what was wrong with me even without me saying a word. I know that’s not about to change now that I am her son again. And, if she knows that about me, and you....... Kimberly: Then she knows that something is up with our little brother. I wonder has he made a breakthrough yet? Roman: No, he hasn’t. Because if he had, my head would be on a platter right now and he would be holding the ax. Yours too, sis. Kimberly: I know that. You don’t have to remind me. I just hope one thing. Roman: What’s that? Kimberly: That when he does remember, that he won’t hate us........ Or worse.......hate himself. Roman shakes his head slowly as Caroline and a waitress returns with their huge dinner. She puts it down and asks if anything is wrong. Both Roman and Kimberly look at one another and say no. Everything’s just fine. Caroline tells her children that a lie may hold for now but, soon, she will want the truth....... And as their mother, she will get it. Caroline walks off to let Kimberly and Roman eat their meal in tension-filled quiet. Forty-five minutes later, after Roman and Kimberly are through eating, Kimberly says she can’t take it anymore. It’s not right to keep the truth about Bo from her. She says she’s going in the back and telling Caroline everything. Roman says fine. Go ahead. He’ll sit right out there and watch for Bo and Hope. Kimberly tells him that since their father died he is the man of the family and he isn’t leaving her to do this all by herself. He’s going in there with her, right now. Roman sighs deeply and says ok. He’ll do what he needs to do. He just hopes it goes well. He gets up and wheels Kimberly into the kitchen, where they both tell their mother there is something she needs to know about Bo and it can’t wait any longer. Caroline looks scared as she puts down her apron and both Kimberly and Roman look at their mother with fear and worry. -At Lucas apartment, both parents are worried sick about Will. It’s been a day and they haven’t heard a word from him. Sami goes and looks out the window of Will’s room and then sits on his bed holding his basketball jersey. She then sees a picture of the two of them at the last Forth Of July parade and she then breaks down slowly. Lucas comes and stands at the doorway and slowly walks over to Sami as she starts crying harder and harder. She then tries to get up so she can go look for her son. But, Lucas grabs her. He turns her around and tells her that she is in no shape to go and look for him. She asks Lucas: Sami: Are you saying that I can’t go look for my son?! Lucas: What I’m saying is with the state you’re in, you may do harm to yourself and more harm to Will. He may have just pulled the same stunt he did when he went to Chicago last summer. He has done things like this before. Sami: You think he’s acting out after what I told him about.......my....... Lucas: I don’t know, baby. This maybe his way of dealing with it. But.......you do know who your father is, don’t you? Sami: Yes, I know. But, he has so much on his plate now. With my mother acting strange and everything between Stefano and Victor and then with Uncle Bo, I just don’t want to give him anymore to worry about. Lucas: I know, Sami. But we may have to ask him for more help and soon, ok? Sami: (Crying harder) Ok, Lucas. If it’ll bring my baby home......I’ll.....I’ll do whatever I have to. Lucas: Good. Now, let’s get you cleaned up, ok? Sami: Ok. Lucas takes Sami into the bathroom and tries his best to calm her down but even he is beyond worried at what may have happened to his son. He just doesn’t want to show his lady how scared he really is. -Meanwhile, at a motel, Will is still bound and gagged and being held at knife point by Alan, who is smoking a cigarette. When Will tries to yell through the binding in his mouth, Alan tells him to shut up or he’ll have to do him like he did his mother. That makes Will violently thrash against his bindings in anger at the thought of what happened between Alan and Sami all those years ago. Alan then walks over to Will, bends down towards him, and whispers into his ear: Alan: Be still and very quiet, little boy. Or.........I’ll have no choice but to silence you myself. This calms Will down enough to where he stops fighting his restraints. Alan then stands back up and looks down at Will, as the scene slowly dissolves into....... Bo, who is walking into Dr. Barbara Harris’s office. He introduces himself and says: Bo: Dr Harris, I’m glad you could see me on such short notice. Dr. Harris: No problem, Detective. Even though you are a famous man in this city, I guarantee absolute discretion. Patient/doctor confidentiality prohibits me from talking about your case at all. So, if you’ll have a seat, we can get down to business. Bo, what I know is your case history from your doctor here at University Hospital and I want to have you tell me....when did these memories start coming to you and how have you dealt with them? Bo proceeds to tell the doctor what has happened up to now. He also tells her that this is bothering him so much, it’s starting to affect his marriage. He loves his wife and children and wants to be the best person he possibly can......for them. But, he knows he has to get past this first. The doctor suggests that for this meeting, they try hypnosis. Bo says that he has tried that before and, frankly, is sick of constantly going through the same stuff and not getting anywhere when all is said and done. The doctor tells him that what he is trying to remember is buried deep in his sub-conscious and that may be the only way to bring it out. Bo says ok. He’ll try it one more time but, if it doesn’t work this time, that’s it. No more. The doctor says that’s a deal. Meanwhile, back at the motel, Alan walks around the hotel room, staring at Will with an evil gaze. He paces back and forth at the foot of Will’s bed as Will wonders what will come next. He didn’t’ have to wait long as Alan stops dead in his tracks and says that....... Alan: I think it’s time that I taught you the same lesson I taught your mother. Will’s eyes grow wide with terror as Alan starts to slowly take off his shirt. Back at the doctor’s office, Dr. Harris has been successful in putting Bo under with hypnosis and now she begins to ask him a series of questions. When she asks him if there is someone in his dreams, Bo calmly says yes. At the very same moment, in the motel room, Alan is now partially undressed, telling Will that it will be ok. This won’t hurt one bit. He then unsnaps his pants and smiles sadistically as the scene once again shifts....... Back to the doctor’s office, as Bo is now getting more and more agitated. Dr. Harris asks him what is the man doing in his dreams. Bo says that he is walking closer and closer to him, telling him it will be ok. He won’t hurt him. Bo then starts crying, calling out for his father, his brother, his mother & his oldest sister to help him. He tells the man the same thing Will tells Alan after having his mouth piece violently ripped out of his mouth....... That he doesn’t want to do this. He wants Alan to leave him alone. Will is crying now as Alan is fully undressed and he walks towards Will in a menacing gesture. He gets on the bed and, after ripping Will’s shirt off, tells him that everything will be just fine. Alan says that he has nothing to worry about and tells him just to relax. This will all be over soon. Will screams out in terror..... At the very same moment Bo does. He snaps out of his hypnosis and announces that...... Bo: I remember. I remember everything. I now know that......... My Uncle Eric molested me when I was a child! That bastard molested me! HOW COULD HE DO THAT?! WHY DID HE DO THAT TO ME?! Bo is crying hysterically as the scene split-screens, showing him on one side and a crying Will on another, with Alan touching him all over. The camera focuses on the faces of both Bo and Will and then suddenly freeze-frames on their crying faces as the scene slowly fades to black. Next Time, On A Very Special Salem Lives.... Caroline to Roman and Kayla: What do you have to tell me? Hope: Where are you, Bo? Barbara to Bo: Where are you going? Bo to Barbara: There is something I need to do. Sami to Lucas: I am telling you something bad is happening right now. I can feel it. Will to Alan: GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!! PLEASE!!
-At the Green Mountain Hospital, Eric and Nicole return after going back to the lodge to rest. They are approached by the doctor who examined the newborn they found last night and ask about the baby's status. The doctor says the child is fine and is ready to be released. CPS has been unable to find out where he came from, however. No newborn babies were reported missing last night. Nicole asks what will happen to the child now. The doctor says that CPS will take care of it and wait to see if someone claims the child or reports a missing child. If none of that happens, they will seek out a foster or new permanent home for the child. The doctor leaves as Nicole's eyes light up. She turns to Eric and tells him that no one is going to claim the child. It's their miracle chid. She knows it. They are finally going to make their dreams come true and have the life they dreamed of. Eric tries to be realistic and tells her that even if no one claims the child, there will be many people out there wanting a child. They will face alot of competition and they aren't going to be the only ones that want this baby, Nicole realizes that but feels like this happened for a reason. They found this child for a reason. They wre losing hope and their marriage was under alot of strain. This miracle changes all that. It gives them what they have always wanted and, even though she doesn't have a job, she can be a full-time mom. Nicole begins to think everything is working out for a reason and that there perfect life that they dreamed of is finally becoming a reality. Eric insists that they wait and see how things turn out before getting their hopes up. Nicole reluctantly agrees but does think this is their miracle and it will turn out well in the end. She then asks Eric to promise her that they will do whatever they can to gain custody of the baby if it isn't claimed. Eric promises they will do whatever is possible and gives his word. Nicole embraces him and says she feels like it will all work out just the way they dreamed it. They will be a family with this baby and will live the life they always wanted. Eric says he hopes that is the case and then privately worries about how Nicole will react if things don't go as she hopes. -Jack and Billie are her office, working on their investigation of James McCluer and his connection to the MCF. Billie wonders why Marlena was with them and wonders if they should tell Roman. Jack thinks they should wait until they learn more. The police are already looking for her anyway. Billie is also worried about the MCF finding out they are on to them. She is especially worried about JJ and Angel as they were the ones that saw the MCF, Marlena, and James meet in the park. If the MCF knows or figures out they saw somehow, they could be in danger. Hell, they could be in danger from their own father and who knows if Marlena is still off the deep end or not. Jack says he doesn't know about Marlena but doesn't think James would hurt his children since they are probably a reason why he is involved in all this. Jack suggests that they meet with JJ and Angel to caution them and give them some advice on how to be careful. Billie think that is a great idea but also wonders if maybe they are doing wrong by not taking this to the ISA and SPD. Jack reminds her that it's easier to investigate this under the radar. They can find out more this way. Billie sarcastically says that Jack just wants to break the story but Jack says that isn't the only reason. This MCF scares him. Some of the things that have already happened as a result of he or she show what this person is capable of. He wants to catch the person for everyone's sakes and feels them investigating it on their own is the best way. Jack tells Billie they can take their findings to the ISA and SPD when they know more or when things get to be too dangerous. Billie agrees to. Jack asks her to call JJ and Angel right now so they can have the meeting ASAP. -Meanwhile, at the McCluer house, JJ and Angel are upstairs in his room. They discuss the meeting they witnessed between their father, Marlena, and the MCF. They wonder if Billie has made any progress. JJ isn't sure but is sure they will hear from her soon. Angel admits that she is worried about what could happen if the MCF or anyone else finds out what they know. They may be in danger. JJ doesn't think their father would hurt them. Angel says maybe not him but there are others who would just to make sure their plans aren't exposed or ruined. Meanwhile, downstairs, Jonathan is helping his mother with the dishes. Renee is complaining about another Valentines day without her husband. She was told by him that it would be different this year with him being out of jail but it's the same old pattern. Jonathan comforts her and says that they can go watch one of her favorite movies. She smiles and tells him what a good soon he is. Renee asks him what JJ and Angel are doing. They have been awfully secretive lately and are always whispering. Jonathan agrees. They are up to something. He even wonders if they know where dad is going or what he is up to. Renee tells him she wouldn't go that far but she wonders if maybe they are trying to figure out what is going on with their father. If that is the case, she is worried because there is no telling what dangerous mess their dad is involved in. The phone then rings and JJ and Angel, knowing full well it could be Billie, race to answer the phone yelling "We got it!!" Jonathan and Renee are suspicious as JJ and Angel have been answering every phone call while home, almost like they want to intercept a call to keep something a secret. Meanwhile, JJ is pleased to hear Billie on the other line but then hears someone pick up the downstairs phone and quickly hangs up. Billie wonders what is going on. Jonathan tells his mother that JJ hung up the phone but he could hear a girl on the line. Renee doesn't think JJ would be hiding a girlfriend from everyone but says it could be true and Angel knows he is dating someone else. Perhaps he is afraid they won't like her. Jonathan doesn't think so and things this is something else...something bigger. -At Lucas's apartment, Sami and Lucas are in his bed, basking in the glow of the lovemaking. They both wish each other Happy Valentine's Day and laugh. Sami can't understand how they didn't break the bed this time. Lucas laughs and says he can't figure it out either. Lucas holds her and says that everything is perfect, except for Will being missing. Sami says there is more wrong then Will being missing and that things are far from perfect. There are still some things they need to talk about. Lucas asks what. Sami: Lucas, have you really forgiven me? I mean, I kept that secret for a long time. Lucas: I know and I'm sorry for how I reacted right away. I as upset. I mean...Will is missing and then everything with Carrie and her baby...that baby could be mine, Sami. Now it's gone and that baby was something to me no matter what. A son...daughter...niece...whatever. Then...finding out that Carrie cheated on me and that so many knew... Sami: I know. Lucas: It all was too much at once. Now it's going to be very hard for me to be so understanding of what Carrie and Austin did. My mother hiding it is hard for me to condone too but, in your case, I understand. It wasn't your place and I guess I see how you believed you were doing the right thing. It's hard for me to see it that way but I understand it and forgive you for it. Sami: Really? You do? Lucas: Yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. I need you, Sami. I was so upset last night and thinking about everything...when I walked in here I was so vulnerable and I felt like my insides were being torn apart. Sami: It's been very hard. Lucas: Yeah and it all felt better when I saw you. Walking in here and seeing you...I felt a huge weight come off me. I just needed you so much and I needed to feel you close to me. Sami: I felt the same way. It's been so tough lately and we both needed each other because what is between us is meant to be. We have something special here and being together is a comfort for all that is wrong. It makes everything better for both of us. It's like our way of getting through the bad times. Lucas: Yeah...all the emotions. Fear and worry over Will, anger and rage over the baby and Carrie and Austin... Sami: Grief over what could be your child...going through all those emotions in a short amount of time...I think we both needed each other and were reaching out to each other. Lucas: Yeah. Even though I feel better after making love to you and holding you, all good things must come to an end. I feel better but I still feel so angry and...you know what? I should be thinking about Will and not what Carrie and Austin did to me. Sami: Lucas, I udnerstand. It's all fresh in your mind. Lucas: Yeah but our son is missing and I should be focused on that and comforting you. Look, baby, we will get through this. Will is going to be found. He is probably mad about something and punishing us. Sami: I should've never told him about Alan raping me. Lucas: Please, that had to happen. This is not your fault. Ok? Sami: I'm so worried, Lucas. Where is he? It's been nearly a day. Lucas: I don't know but don't worry. He will come back to us. He will be found. We will get through this. Our love will get us through anything. Sami: Yeah. We've been through worse. I love you, Lucas. I never want to lose you again. Without you... Lucas: Hey, you won't. I love you too and I'm not going anywhere. I'm in this for the long haul, just like you. This time it will work. This time it's forever...you, me, and Will. The way it should be and the way it was meant to be. Carrie cheating on me and everything...it was all because we all were stubborn and denied what was in front of us. We weren't with the people we belonged with...the people who truly own our hearts. We may have to deal with alot of pain but things happen for a reason and, now, we are where we are supposed to be. In the arms of the people we truly love with all our heart and soul. Sami (crying): Yeah, this is right. Right where we both belong. Now and forever. We can build the life we always dreamed of. We habe another chance here and I'm not going to screw it up. I just hope our son is here to share in this with us. Lucas: He will be. I promise you. Lucas embraces Sami and holds her in his arms, striking her hair gently. Both hope and pray that Will is found or that he comes back safe and sound. -At the Salem Park, a tearful Marlena and Roman hold each other after reuniting. Roman asks Marlena where she has been. Marlena says she doesn't know...she doesn't remember. Roman asks if she is ok. He reminds her of her out of character behavior towards Belle and Sami on New Year's Eve and how she aimed a gun at him and tried to smother him at the hospital. Marlena is horrified and says she doesn't recall insulting and lashing out at Belle and sami and she certainly doesn't remember aiming a gun at him or trying to smother him. Roman mentions that she seemed to revert to the Marlena they all know and love during the time she was trying to smother him and that is what stopped her from killing him. Marlena insists she remembers none of that and asks Roman what is going on. Roman asks Marlena to tell him. Meanwhile, nearby, James is walking around. He is talking on his cell: James: Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. Marlena is with Roman. Ok, so you are going to call Roman and get him to turn his back and you want me to grab Marlena? Alright. You better hope I don't get spotted. Shutup. You have nothing to worry about. You walk around in a cloak and use a voice changer. Yeah. Fine. Bye. Roman tells Marlena not to be afraid. Marlena says she is afraid. This reminds her of when she was posessed and was being told about awful crimes being committed but she couldn't remember herself being the culprit. She breaks down and asks Roman what is wrong with her. Could she be posessed again? Roman doesn't think so. He then gets a phone call and answers it, slightly turning his back. James then sneaks out from behind Marlena and grabs her. Roman is yelling "Hello!" repeatedly into the phone, with no answer. He hangs up and turns around, just in time to see Marlena being dragged off by someone. Roman yells out "Stop!" and gives chase but loses them right away. Roman notes that it was a man who grabbed Marlena and he looked to have greyish hair. He calls the station and fills them in on what happened, telling them to send more men to the Salem Park right away. Meanwhile, James drags Marlena to a wooded area. She manages to pull away from him. Marlena: Who the hell are you and why did you kidnap me? James: Kidnap you? Marlena? What the hell? The MCF then arrives. Marlena: You...you are behind this. Your doing this to me...making me do these things that Roman told me about. MCF (with voice changer): I'm not making you do anything, doc. You are doing this all of your own free will. James: What the hell is going on? Why can't she remember... MCF: Leave!!! I will take care of this. Go home and make sure your family isn't suspicious of you being missing. You need to do a better job of keeping up appearances. I will be in touch. James: Fine. James leaves. Marlena: Why are you... MCF: Silence, dear. You know why...your mind is just a little clouded right now. I will help you clear it...not to worry. -Back at the McCluer house, JJ and Angel have taken the phone off the hook so Billie doesn't call again. They know that their mother and Jonathan were trying to listen in. Angel is worried they are on to them. Jonathan then pops in and says he is and asks for the truth. JJ says there is nothing to tell but Jonathan says they are being awfully secretive and rushing to answer the phone and, now, tonight, the way he hung up when he could hear that he had picked up the other phone. JJ tells Jonathan it's none of his business. Jonathan says he has a feeling it is and will find out what is going on. He leaves. Angel is worried. JJ says they only need to hold off a bit longer. Once Billie gets more info, they can tell Jonathan and mom and , hopefully, make things better for their family. JJ then remembers that they can turn the ringer off on the phones. This way, Billie can call and no one will hear. Angel rushes down to turn the ringer off on the phone downstairs. Angel bumps into Renee after turning the ringer off. Niether notices how Angel's arm knocked the phone off the hook when Renee scared her and she jumped back with her arm. Renee asks if she is ok and apologizes for scaring her. Angel nods and says she has homework to do. Renee reminds her that if something is wrong they can talk about. Angel says she knows and runs upstairs. Renee hopes that JJ and Angel haven't gotten caught up in James's troubles. Later, JJ and Angel see that they have a call as the light on the phone is lit. They answer and it's Billie, asking why they hung up and why the phone was busy. JJ says they had phone issues and also don't want their mother or brother to find out, which is why they are whispering. Meanwhile, James arrives home to no one being downstairs. He figures Renee went to bed and the kids are upstairs. He then sees the phone off the hook and picks it up to put it back. He hears JJ's voice and then hears JJ asking Billie where she wants to meet. Billie tells him at her office. It will be safer there. She tells JJ that this is just to give them some advice and how to be safe and to update them on everything. She tells them to be careful. If the MCF, Marlena, or their father learns that he and Angel saw their meeting in the park, there is no telling what might happen to them. JJ agrees and tells Billie thanks for everything. He says that he and Angel will see them later before hanging up. James is shocked by what he has heard and realizes that JJ and Angel are on to him and working with someone to investigate even more. James: Dear God...what do I do? If the boss find out, my kids...my family...they could all be in great danger. What the hell am I going to do? The screen then fades out on a worried and horrified James. On the next Salem Lives... Hope to Caroline: I'm worried, Caroline. I have to find Bo. Roman to Kim: It's time. It's time we admitted the truth, once and for all. Bo to Barbara: I'm ready. Let's get to the bottom of these nightmares, memories...whatever the hell they are. Sami (crying) to Lucas: I have this awful feeling. Something bad is happening...to Will. Will to Alan: If you want to kill me, go ahead. Just kill me and be done with it already.
***PLEASE PLAY THE SONG "LIVING TO LOVE YOU" BY SARA CONNORS FOR THE ENDING SCENE MONTAGE. YOU WILL FIND THE LINK TITLED AND IN BOLD. PLAY IT FROM THAT POINT ON UNTIL THE END OF THE EPISODE AS IT REALLY ENHANCES THE ENDING SCENES. THANKS AND ENJOY OUR SPECIAL VALENTINE'S EPISODE.*** -At their cabin in the mountains, Cal and Katherine are sitting on the couch near the fireplace. Cal is upset that they are snowed in as it's Valentine's Day and he had hoped they could take a ride into the village nearby to that quaint little restaurant they saw. Katherine tells him it's ok that they are at the cabin. It's quiet and intimate. Cal wishes he could do more but says he does have something for her. He explains that he used her laptop and bought something for her online. Katherine is impressed and opens the box. She is shocked when she looks at the contents" a charm bracelet. She smiles and tells Cal he should've have. Cal says he wanted he to have something. Katherine apologizes as she has nothing for him but Cal says it's fine. Katherine's then turns away as she fights back tears. Cal asks what is wrong. Katherine says there is something she has to tell him, something she should've mentioned some time ago. It's about their relationship. Cal: What is it? Katherine: I know that you look at me as more then your psychiatrist and friend. Cal: Is it that obvious? (laughs) Katherine smiles and laughs. Katherine: I have always been driven by work and my career. There was never time for men or for love. I always told myself that I wouldn't know if I was in love if my life even if I was because I didn't think I would ever find it. I don't think I understood it or knew how I would feel if I was. I mean, it's funny. I counsel people and help people sort out their feelings and deal with them and I don't even understand or recognize my own. Anyway, God...how do I say this... Cal: The best way is to just spit it out. Katherine: Yeah. I guess it is. What I am trying to say...is...what is happening between you and me now...it isn't enough. Cal: What are you saying? Katherine (crying): I want more. That is what I am saying. Being here with you today, on this day. This day of romance. I know now...how it feels. To be in love. I know this is it. I know I said I didn't want to compromise our relationship before but I can't ignore this. I can't deny it anymore. I think I knew from the moment we met. Through all the fighting and all...I think it was just a cover. My way of trying to mask it or me just not knowing how to deal with how I feel. I mean, I never felt this way before about anyone and... Cal: I feel the same way. You know that. Kat, it was you who came into my life at a time when I felt like I had nothing to live for. You gave me reason. You helped me look at what I had and to cherish it. You gave me hope and helped me look towards the future. If I remember my past, fine. I don't worry anymore about it. I have a life now. I have people in Salem who care about me, even if they aren't blood. You helped me see that and you gave me new life. You made me. After years of being someone else, you created who I am now. I don't know where I would be without you in my life all these months. Kat, I have fallen madly and deeply in love with you. Katherine (in tears): And I you. What I am feeling right now has made me feel energized. I dream about you and I wake up so happy every morning now. I used to be miserable and used to think of my patients or what new treatment method I as going to use...you changed all that. You changed me. I...love you Cal. For the first time in my life, I have found love and it's with you. I don't want to deny it anymore. I don't want to lose it. I just want to be with you. Cal: I want to be with you too. Cal embraces Katherine. They then pull away while looking in each other's eyes. Cal tells her how beautiful she is and then they kiss passionately. He then slowly lays her down and they begin to make love in front of the fireplace. -Roman arrives at the Salem Park. He is searching for Marlena and can't understand where she is. They have an APB out on her and they have been searching high and low for days. He wonders if she may have left the country. Meanwhile, Marlena is walking through the park nearby, wondering how long she is going to have to roam around Salem under the radar waiting for instructions. She looks around to make sure she hasn't been spotted and continues her brisk walk through the park. She then stops herself and hides herself in an area of bushes and shrubbery nearby when she spots Roman. She wonders what he is doing there. -In Miami, Kayla is showing Steve around a marina. She explains to Steve that he was involved in some crimes for Victor in the Miami area way back. Steve says that none of the surroundings are ringing a bell. Kayla seems upset but recovers and says that's ok. They are hear to relax too. That will help his memory and condition more then anything. They walk by many boats and yachts. Kayla looks over at Steve as they walk and sees that he is fixated on something and keeps looking back. Kayla asks if something is wrong. Steve points to a yacht they passed and says it looks familiar. Kayla looks at it too and doesn't understand at first but then realizes it resembles the yacht Steve and her married on. Kayla mentions this to him and walks him towards it. Steve wonders if it would be ok if he steps onboard. Kayla looks around and says she doesn't see a problem. Steve walks around and examines the boat. Kayla asks if any of it is reminding him of his past. Steve then has flashes to his wedding to Kayla and begins to clutch his head. Kayla holds him and tells him it's ok. She is here for him and will help him through this. -At Billie's PI office, Jack and her are continuing their investigation of James McCluer. Billie thinks they should take a break. Jack is against it as they need to get going on this case as they lost some time when they got sidetracked with the Abby and Max situation. Jack thinks he should call to check on Abby again but Billie reminds him that Frankie and Chelsea are there and that Abby needs some time. Plus, the kids need to deal with what is going on by themselves. They will only make things worse. Jack reluctantly agrees. Billie suggests they take a break and go out. It's Valentine's day and they have all been under stress lately. Jack's face turns somber as he realizes it's his first Valentine's Day without Jennifer. Billie then gets up and tells Jack she will not have him sit there and feel sorry for himself. They are going out now. She throws him his coat and pulls him up and out the door with her. Later, they arrive at the Cheatin Heart. Jack asks Billie why they are there. Billie reminds him it's a great place to unwind but Jack points out Billie's past drinking problems. Billie insists she is fine and has been sober for a long time. She can be in a bar and not be tempted. Billie orders a club soda and Jack orders a scotch on the rocks, saying he needs something to take the edge off today and hopes Billie doesn't mind. She shakes her head. They then sit silent for a bit before Jack mentions the James McClure case. Billie interrupts him and says there will no mention of work or what Abby and Max are going through. They are out to have fun and relax. Billie recomments playing some pool and places a bet: loser buys lunch. Jack is reluctant but then agrees at Billie's urging, saying he guesses he could go for a free lunch. They both laugh. -At the hospital, Austin is still by Carrie's side when she finally wakes up. Carrie asks what happened. Austin says she had some much needed rest. Carrie looks at him and asks if he was with her all night. Austin nods and Carrie says she could hear him talking to her and feel his hand holding hers. Austin smiles and says he vowed to be there for her and he is going to make sure he keeps that vow. A nurse comes in to check on her as Austin steps out. Later, when the nurse leaves, Austin asks if Carrie is ok. The nurse says that Carrie is very relaxed and doesn't seem to recall the "death" of her child and everything else that happened. Austin asks if that is cause for concern. The nurse says she may have blocked it out due to the trauma of it all or it could be she is still groggy. She will need him, though, when it comes back to her. Austin says he will be there. Austin re-enters the room and sits by Carrie, taking her hand. He says they have to talk...about their future. Carrie agrees. He asks her if she remembers admitting everything to Lucas last night. Carrie says she vaguely does. Austin confirms that she did and fills her in on how Lucas gave him his blessing so that Carrie and him can be together. Austin tells Carrie that Lucas realized he belongs with Sami and that he belongs with Carrie. They were mismatched and it wasn't right. Carrie agrees and adds that she realized the same thing when they made love behind Lucas's back. They belong together and Sami with Lucas. Carrie apologizes to Austin for staying away for so long but promises to make up for it now. They can now have a happy life and mend fences with Lucas, Sami, and anyone else that was hurt. They can be a family-him, her, and their baby. Austin realizes Carrie still doesn't remember the baby "dying" and thinks it is alive and in the hospital. Austin simply smiles, not wanting to upset her. Carrie: It has always been you. You have always been my one true love. You are the only one that is in my heart, now and forever. I am so happy to be back here, with you and in your arms. So, if you will have me and if you can forgive me for everything that has happened, I want us to make another go at this. I want us to be together again. What do you say? Austin: You already know what I am going to say. Carrie, I have been with other woman but none of them had thesame affect on me. None of them held as big a place in my heart as you. I will never feel as strongly and passionately about another woman like I do you. I love you and that is something that will never change so, yes, if you will have me, I would love for us to make this work this time...for us to finally do this right and make it last this time like I should. Carrie: You mean...you can forgive me... Austin: There is nothing to forgive. It's ok. It's all ok and I don't want to look back. I want to look forward to our live, together. Carrie: Oh, Austin! A tearful Carrie and Austin embrace and hold each other lovingly. They then pull away, look into each other's eyes, lean in and kiss. -At Lucas's apartment, Sami is pacing the floor, waiting for Lucas to arrive home. He has been searching for Will all night and was upset with everyone because of learning of Carrie and Austin's affair and the "death" of his child. She is also worried about Will, who has been gone for nearly 24 hours. The police and Lucas have been out looking for him and she is really worried. She look at a picture of Will and hopes he is alright. Later, Lucas arrives back at the apartment. Sami races into his arms and asks if he found Will. He says no and is frustrated. He can't understand where he is and why he would run off like that. Sami says it's her fault, she should've never agreed to tell him about Alan raping her years ago. Lucas tells her not to blame herself. Sami explains that she is right to blame herself. She is to blame for Will being missing and for Lucas being hurt. She should've told him about Carrie's affair and that the baby could be Austin's. She tells Lucas that she has already accepted the fact that he is going to leave her now. She promises to change and then all this happens. She tells him she will pack her things and go live with her dad until her apartment is fixed. Lucas grabs her arm as she gets up and tells her not go anywhere. They need to talk and he has made a decision. -Back at the Cheatin Heart, Billie and Jack have just finished playing pool and are now having their drinks at the table, laughing and having a good time. Jack can't believe she beat him. Billie says she will expecting her lunch tomarrow. Jack tells her her will pay up...hopefully. They laugh and he thanks her for doing this. If it wasn't for her, he would be secluded from the outside world and holding up at home or at The Spectator. He tells her he doesn't know where he would be without her these past few months. Between helping him with Jen's death, pushing him out of the house to live and work again, helping with his family...he thanks her for everything. Billie thanks him for everything too. They then toast to their friendship. A song, "Living to Love You" by Sara Connorsthen plays on the jukebox. Billie then orders Jack to get up. It's Valentines's Day and she will be damned if she isn't going to share a dance with the handsomest guy in the room. Jack thanks her for the compliment but Billie asks him how he knows she was referring to him. They laugh as Billie gets Jack up and they begin to dance. Jack: You know, being in your arms. It feels right. Billie: Yeah, it does. I guess we are such good friends it makes us feel comfortable together. Jack: Yeah...that's it. Jack and Billie continue to dance as the scene shifts to... Steve and Kayla in Miami. Kayla is telling Steve to relax as his head continues to ache. He then has more flashes of his wedding to Kayla on the yacht and yells "I remember!!!" as an elated Kayla begins to cry tears of happiness. The scene then shifts to... Lucas's apartment, where Sami awaits Lucas's decision. Sami: What do you want to say? What have you decided? Lucas: I thought about everything you said and...it's about us. Sami: Oh.. Lucas: We are all going through a rough time right now and we need to stick together and... Sami: I agree. Lucas: Please don't interupt me...you know what? Never mind. The easiest way to do this is to show you what I decided. Sami: Show me? Why the hell would you want to... Lucas then kisses Sami passionately. She eventually pulls away and asks what is going on. Lucas just kisses her again and says as he keeps kissing her: Lucas: I think you know what is going on and what my decision is, baby. Sami: So, you forgive me? Lucas: Does it seem like I have? Sami: Yeah. Lucas: Then I have. I need you, Sami. I love you and I need you right now, so much. Sami: I love you too and you have no idea how much I need you right now. Lucas then picks Sami up and carries her into his room, where he lays her down and they begin to make love. The scene then shifts multiples times as Cal and Katherine make love at the cabin, Jack and Billie dance at the Cheatin Heart, Austin lays down near a sleeping Carrie in her hospital bed and holds her in his arms, Sami and Lucas make love and then the scene shifts back to Miami where a tearful Kayla says: Kayla: I knew it. I knew this would work. This trip...I knew it would jog your memory. It's just the beginning, Steve. You are going to remember everything soon and all this will be over. We are going to get our life back. I know it. Steve (crying): For the first time in a long time, I believe it will happen, baby. I'm remembering. I remembered our wedding...how I felt. The love I had for you. My sweetness...it's all coming back. The feelings...everything. Kayla: Oh, Steve!! Kayla jumps into Steve's arms as they celebrate his big moment and the progress he has made. The scene then shifts back to Salem Park. Marlena thinks Roman has left and that the coast is clear. She makes a move but then hears Roman yell out "Who's there?" Roman yells out that he heard someone moving in the bushes and tells whoever it is to come out. He can tell they are afraid of something and aren't a normal park goer as they would not be sneaking around and hiding if that weren't the case. Roman then wonders if it could be Marlena nearby. Roman: Doc, are you there? If you are, please come out. You know me. I love you. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm your husband and I'm worried so, if it's you I heard, just come out. Marlena (whispering): I'm sorry, Roman. I can't. It has to be this way. Roman: Doc...please. if you are there, come out. What is going on? Why are you avoiding the people you love? I'm worried as hell about you....doc. Please come out. Marlena: (beginning to clutch her head and now in tears, trying to fight the tears back): I can't...I won't...It's not right.... Roman: Please, doc. It's Valentine's Day. We shared so many memories on this day in the past. It would be another nice one if you revealed yourself and everythint got sorted out. We could go back to our lives and... Marlena: Roman!!! Roman turns around and is stunned to see Marlena reveal herself from behind the trees and shrubbery. They look at each other, Marlena in tears and Roman's eyes welling with tears. They run into each other's arms as the screen fades to black. On the next Salem Lives... Billie to Jack: I'm worried, Jack. What if this cloaked person learns that we are all on to him? JJ and Angel could be in danger. Jonathan to JJ: What is going on? I want the truth. Sami to Lucas: Everything isn't perfect yet, Lucas. There is more we need to talk about. Roman to Marlena: Please, tell me. What is going on with you?
Here are the Salem Lives pre-nominations for the 1st annual SONBC Awards: OUTSTANDING LEAD ACTOR Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) OUTSTANDING LEAD ACTRESS Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady) OUTSTANDING SUPPORTING ACTOR Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) OUTSTANDING SUPPORTING ACTRESS Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) OUTSTANDING YOUNGER ACTOR Darin Brooks (Max Brady) Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts) OUTSTANDING YOUNGER ACTRESS Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux) BEST STORY The Victor vs. Stefano War The drama submission has not been decided yet, nor have the submissions for the actors and actresses. If anyone who reads Salem Lives has any ideas, feel free to comment or PM me. Also, feel free to comment or PM me if you wish to comment on the pre-noms. We also want to take this opportunity to thank our loyal fans/readers and everyone at SONBC for making all this possible. It's been great and it's only going to get better!!!
NO!!! I know I don't comment much but I LOVE your blog. I remember when you first started it and it inspired me to start my own. You are truly talented and I will keep reading to the end. Maybe you will change your mind or return after a bit of a break. Hell, maybe reading the rest of the SONBC blogs will inpire you to return. I hope you still remain a part of SONBC and read the blogs and all. Your blog will be missed. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for the final few months. Be proud of what you accomplished. You did great!!
-It is now officially after midnight in Salem and Valentine's Day has begun. Hope is at home and she looks in on JT, who is not sleeping. Hope asks him what's wrong. JT asks her when daddy is coming home. Hope promises him soon and then tells him to go to sleep. She asks if he would like her to read to him and he nods. Later, Hope comes downstairs and decides to call Bo, despite the late hour. She hasn't heard from him or seen him since he was released from the hospital and went back to his room above the pub. She dials the number. Bo in his room above the pub, unable to sleep and worried about his first hypnosis session with Dr. Harris that is coming up later in the day. he hears the phone and contemplates picking it up and, ultimately, opts to answer. He is not to shocked to hear Hope on the other end when he answers. Hope asks him if he is ok. Bo says he is fine and that he just has alot on his mind. Hope asks why he never called like he said he would. Bo says he has had alot to deal with. Hope notices how cryptic he is being and finally asks him straight out when he is coming home. JT is asking about him and he hasn't even been by to see him. Bo says he isn't sure. He has things to handle first. Hope asks him what things. His operation with Roman and Shane is over. Victor is gone for the moment. They were supposed to talk about their future and the future of their family and he is still pushing everyone away. Bo apologizes and promises her they will talk and he will be by the house soon. He begs Hope to bare with him and let him deal with some things. Hope reminds him that it's Valentines's Day. Bo says he knows and that he also knows she was hoping that maybe they could work things out by this point. He apologixzes but asks her patience and understanding. Hope asks him why he can't tell her what is going on. Bo insists she will have to accept that he can't go into things right now until he deals with everything he has to deal with. Bo tells Hope he has to go but that he will be in touch. He tells her to tell JT he loves him and to give him a kiss for him. He tells Hope that everything will work out and to just give him time and space. Hope reluctantly agrees and says "I love you" as the phone hangs up. Hope gets depressed, thinking Bo hung up but not knowing the line just went dead. Meanwhile, Bo thinks that Hope hung up as well and quietly says "I love you, fancy face" into the phone. At University Hospital, everyone continues to react to Cassie's miscarriage and the revelation of the bruises and marks on Cassie's leg that seem to be from a wheelchair. Abby explains that she accidentally bumped in Cassie with her wheelchair. She isn't used to it yet but that isn't when she fell. That was before that. Max looks away, not knowing what to think. Jack asks Max if he is seriously thinking that Abby could have intentially pushed Cassie down the stairs. Max looks at Jack and then at a tearful Abby before going back in to see Cassie, just as Chelsea is walking out. Chelsea can't stop thinking about the ultimatum Cassie gave her: make Abby feel guilty over what happened to Cassie so she will push Max away or Chelsea's secrets will be exposed. Billie comes over and can see that Chelsea is upset. She asks her what's wrong but Chelsea denies anything being wrong. She is just upset for what Abby and Max are going through. She excuses herself, saying she needs to go speak with Abby, as Billie wonders if something is going on with her. Jack is comforting Abby when Chelsea walks over. Jack smiles at Chelsea and then goes back to join Frankie and Billie. Abby is feeling alot of guilt over what happened to Cassie and says she does blame herself and can see why Max does as well. She should've walked away or called a nurse to take her away or something. She wanted to end the conversation several times, especially when people began to stare, but she let it continue into the stairwell. Chelsea, whose eyes are welling with tears over the impossible situation she is in, then says: Chelsea: Your right, Abby. You should've done all those things. You should feel guilty. You may or may not have pushed Cassie but you are still to blame for not preventing it. You know how she is and you knew she wouldn't stop so why didn't you stop it? Why didn't you wheel away before you both ended up in the stairway? There are nurses and doctors all around that you could've asked to wheel you away before you two even ended up in the stairway. No matter which way you look at this Abby you are to blame. Abby: Wow...I agree I am to blame but aren't you supposed to be on my side, best friend Chelsea? Chelsea: I am...but I have to be realistic and prepare you for what you are going to have to face. I have to bo honest Abby. Cassie is going to use this and the police will probably be involved as soon as Cassie can explain what happened and... Abby: I know all that. I know what I am going to have to deal with from Cassie and...whatever. Look, I am only worried about Max. I need to make him see that this was an accident. I am to blame but I didn't push her. That is what I need to make sure he is convinced of. Chelsea: Even if you convince him and he beleives you, can you two have a relationship? I mean, can you really survive something like this? You may not have pushed her but you were still partly to blame for the death of his child, Abby. That is something that is never forgotten. Max will have to deal with that the rest of his life. You will have to deal with it. I know as well as anyone because of... Abby: Zack? Chelsea: Yeah...do you see my point? Abby: Yeah. So, you think even if he believes me that I didn't push her and forgives me for my part in this, that it always affect us? That it will always be there as a sore spot and will cause problems for us? Chelsea: Yeah. I think that is what will happen. Abby then breaks down in tears as Chelsea embraces her, in tears herself over the fact that she chose to protect herself rather then support Abby and Max. Meanwhile, Max with Cassie. He strokes her hair and tells her everything will be ok. He will help her get through this. He hears her whispering Abby's name over and over, along with "Stop. Don't do this, Abby." Max is unaware that Cassie is awake and is saying that in purpose to turn him against Abby. A nurse comes in to check on Cassie so Max leaves. After he leaves and with the nurse's back turned, Cassie flashes an evil smile and says: Cassie: If my baby had to die, I am taking Max and Abby's relationship down with me. I will get my revenge on you, Abby. You will feel the wrath of the Dimera's. -Meanwhile, in another part of the hospital, Austin races in to Carrie's room to ask what is going on with Carrie. Roman, abe, and Caroline race in too and ask what is going on. Dr. Glancy walks in and informs everyone that Carrie got agitated over something and they need to sedate her. The nurse gives Carrie the sedative and she slowly passes out, murmuring the words, "my baby." Roman grabs Alan and asks him what he said to upset Carrie. Alan says Carrie motioned for him to enter and she was upset about her child. He tries to comfort her and she just became even more upset. Roman doesn't buy it but Abe advises him to calm down. Dr. Glancy informs them all that Carrie will be sedated all night so they may as well all go home. Abe tells Roman he will be in toucn and will meet him back at the station. He also tells him he will update him on the search for Will when they get any new info. Abe leaves as Caroline asks Roman what is going on with Will. Roman explains how Sami and Lucas told him about Alan raping Sami years ago. He then went to his room and, when Sami went to get him, he didn't respond. It appears he snuck out of his room via the fire escape and he is nowhere to be found. Caroline is upset and asks how much more can their family take. Roman comforts her. Caroline asks him if there is any word on Marlena. Roman shakes his head and says they have men all over looking for her and nothing. Caroline tells him not to give up hope. Roman tells her that he needs to call Belle and fill her in. He embraces Caroline and leaves. -On the roof of the hospital, Sami is still begging an upset Lucas to forgive her. Lucas is silent. Sami (crying): You know I have changed. Please!! I kept the secret to protect you and...Carrie wasn't here and.. Lucas: So...what? Carrie wasn't here so you, Austin, and my mother were just going to sweep it under the rug? You were never going to tell me until Carrie came back or she did it herself? Sami: Lucas...it wasn't my place to tell you. You always wanted me to do the right thing and I think I did. It really wasn't by business so why should I have said anything? I stumbled upon it. I didn't use it to my advantage like I used to do in the past. I hate that I lied to you but...I felt it was for the best. Lucas: Sami...I can't do this right now. I have alot on my mind...so much has happened. Sami: I know. I feel the same. We can't let this destroy us Lucas. We have dealt with worse. I mean, think about it, I didn't do this for myself. I need you to understand. Please!! Don't let this destroy what we have. We were given another chance here and I don't want to mess it up. We dreamed of being a family. Lucas: I know...I can't do this right now. I need to get out of here. Sami: Ok. Fine. I will give you time to cool off and digest this and... Lucas: Yeah but that isn't all I am doing. I am going out to find our son. The police are out but I want to look too. With everything that happened, we all got sidetracked so I want to check out some of his hangouts and... Sami: Yeah, I agree. I am worried sick about him and have been thinking about him, along with everything else. Let me go with you. Lucas: No. Stay here with your family or go home. The police are out there and with me looking there isn't a need. Your family may need you tonight. Sami: Ok. We do need to talk, Lucas. I want you to understand so please call me or find me when you get back and... Lucas: I will. This will give me time to think about everything. I need to clear my mind and just...think. Sami: Ok. well, call me if you find Will or have an update. Oh, and Lucas, I do love you and I am so sorry. Lucas: Yeah. I know. Lucas leaves as Sami breaks down in tears, worried about her son and what affect the events of the last 24 hours will have on her relationship with Lucas. -Caroline is on her way to her car outside the hospital when Hope calls her cell. Hope informs her that she just talked to Bo and asks how Bo has been acting around the pub. Caroline says he seems ok but like he has alot on his mind. She can't help but think he is definitely hiding something and is up to something. Hope agrees as he is being too cryptic. Caroline can't believe that he is hiding something again, especially coming off what Roman and him just put them through with the ISA operation. Hope admits to Caroline she is worried. She senses a fear in Bo's voice and is scared for what may be really going on. Caroline says she has an awful feeling about something too. Hope tells her she hopes they find out what is going on so they can help or that Bo deals with whatever it is so it goes away. Caroline agree as she doesn't think their family can deal with anymore trouble. Meanwhile, Bo looks out the window of his room, thinking about the nightmares/memories and worried about what may be at the root of them. He doesn't know what to expect or what he may find out, nor does he know if these are nightmares or memories. He wants answers but fears for what might come with them, especially if this reveals a long-buried secret he kept locked away in his own mind. He lays down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling and clearly worried about what is to come. -At the hospital, Lucas bumps into Kate, who is on her way out. Kate asks if Sami and him are through. Lucas says he doesn't want to talk about what is going on. He is going to search for Will. Kate asks if he wants her to come along but he says no. Kate informs him that Carrie will be sedated all night so everyone is going home. She is taking the loss of the baby hard. Lucas feels bad since the child could've been his. Kate comforts him but Lucas interupts her and says he needs to go. Will has been gone for hours and he is not about to stand by and lose another child tonight. Kate wishes him luck. -In Carrie's hospital room, Austin walks in and tells the nurse he will be staying with her during the night. The nurse smiles and leaves. Austin takes Carrie's hand and promises to help her through all this. He tells her they have alot to talk about when she wakes up and he hopes that, despite everything, they can still have a life together. Outside Carrie's room, Alan is looking in as Sami goes by and asks what he is doing. Alan says he is worried about Carrie. Sami rolls her eyes and tells him to quit the act and asks what he is really up to. Alan smiles and asks Sami if she and everyone else is ever going to accept that he has changed. Sami shakes her head and says that nothing can convince her of that. Alan tells her that's a shame as he would like to mend fences with her and her family like he did with Carrie. He wishes her good night and tells her he is praying for her and her family. Alan leaves as Sami looks in on Austin and Carrie in Carrie's room. She then tearfully prays that everything works out and that Lucas forgives her and Will is found. -On another end of the hospital, Jack is talking with Billie and Frankie. He refuses to beleive that Abby pushed Cassie. Frankie and Billie don't buy it either but warn Jack that none of them can get involved. The kids need to resolve this themselves. They will only make things worse. Abby and Chelsea return to the group. Abby tells her father that he should go home. JJ needs him. Jack doesn't want to leave her as she needs him. Abby says she is fine. There is nothing he can do for her right now and JJ will want him home. He may be having trouble sleeping and the babysitter will have trouble calming him. Jack reluctantly agrees but tells her to call if she needs him. He will check on her in the morning. Abby smiles and they embrace. Billie tells Jack she will walk out with him. Billie embraces Chelsea and reminds her if something is wrong she can always turn to her. She is her mother, afterall. Chelsea smiles and says she knows. Jack and Billie leave as Max returns from seeing Cassie. Frankie asks how Cassie is holding up and Max says she isn't awake. Chelsea looks into Cassie's cubicle and can see that she is awake. Cassie turns and smiles at Chelsea, almost to remind her of what she asked her to do. Abby wheels over to Max and asks if they can talk since Cassie isn't awake. Max: It's not a good time. Abby: I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I want you to understand what happened and... Max: ABBY!! NOT NOW!!! CASSIE FELL!! MY CHILD IS DEAD!! Abby (crying): I know but I want to make sure that you now I didn't force her to fall...I didn't.. Max: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! God, you are usually so selfless but now you are being selfish. Cassie just lost our child and all you are worried about is whether or not I blame you and how it will affect us. Abby: Max, don't do this!! Please, Max. Don't!! Your pushing me away. Your in pain right now and it will be ok. You will help Cassie through it and I will help you through it and... Max: ABBY!!! SHUTUP!! (clutching his head and pushing his hair back) I'm not doing anything, ok?! My child is dead. I need to grieve. Cassie and I need to grieve. Frankie: We understand that Max and I'm sure Abby does too. You know, Abby. (puts his hands on Abby's shoulders and rubs them to comfort her) Just let her talk to you so she can tell you what happened. Max: We know what happened. Cassie fell. Our child is dead. Abby: And you blame me? Don't you. I mean, I am responsible but you actually think I forced her to fall. You think I wheeled my chair into her and made her fall, don't you? (looks at Max in tears) DON'T YOU??!! Max looks at her, Frankie, and a crying Chelsea. Max: I can't do this. Not now. Max turns and walks away as Abby breaks down in tears. Frankie embraces and comforts her while a crying Chelsea, feeling guilt over being unable to help, looks into Cassie's cubicle to see her devilish grin as the screen fades to black. On the next Salem Lives... Cal to Katherine: What are you saying? Katherine to Cal: I want more then what we have. Kayla to Steve: I knew it. I knew this would work. Austin to Carrie: We need to talk. Sami to Lucas: Have you thought about it? Have you thought about us? Jack to Billie (as they dance): Being in your arms, it's feels right. Roman (in the park as Marlena hides in a wooded area nearby): Doc, are you there?
Yeah. I know. Between the rapes in the Fall and the car accident which she is just starting to recover from and was only released last week, your right she has been. However, she isn't in there right now. She is there for Max and Abby as they deal with Cassie's fall
Chelsea? Cassie is the one that fell Chelsea is at the hospital but she isn't being treated.
-Cassie is wheeled into the ER after the fall she took. Dr. Glancy rushes in behind her as nurses try to stabilize her. Abby, Chelsea & Max wait outside the ER room and observe everything through the window. Abby turns her wheelchair around and rolls away, unable to watch the medical staff work on an unconscious Cassie. Max and Chelsea try to piece together the events that led up to the incident. Max then hopes and prays that the baby is ok. Chelsea tries her best not to smile, knowing that even though she hates Cassie there is an innocent life at stake. Abby feels nothing but guilt at this point. Chelsea then starts worrying how, if Cassie regains consciousness, will she work this to curry favor with Max? As she walks up and places her hand on Max’s shoulder, he observes the medical crew still working to save Cassie’s life and the life of her baby. Cassie slowly regains consciousness and then starts calling out for Max. Dr. Glancy looks out at him and signals him to come into the ER room. Max slowly walks into the room and takes Cassie’s hand, asking her how this all happened. She looks up at him and gently whispers “Abby.....” before grabbing her stomach in pain and passing out once again. Chelsea walks back over to Abby, who worries that she will take the blame for this whole thing. Chelsea doesn’t see that. She tells Abby that, as far as she’s concerned, Cassie got exactly what’s coming to her. Abby just shakes her head, hoping that everything will be ok. Frankie arrives at the hospital, followed closely behind by Jack and Billie. Frankie tells him that he was in court when he got the message and feels so sorry about what has happened. Abby does as well but Billie tells her to stay out of it for the time being, even if she does mean well. She also tells Jack to stay out of it, for his own sake. All Jack is wondering, is whether Max will chose that skanky DiMera girl over his daughter. If he does, Jack swears he will make Max’s life miserable. Before Billie can respond, Jack walks over to Abby and bends down. She is trying not to cry but her father tells her that what happened was just an accident. He also tells her that she is her mother’s daughter and he knows she wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose. Besides, the devil is probably watching over that hell spawn, Jack says. As Abby hugs her father for comfort, Dr. Glancy walks out and looks at Max. Everyone stands and looks at the doctor as he tells Max that Cassie lost the baby. Max’s mouth drops to the floor and he slowly walks over to the wall.....and punches a hole into it. Jack has to run over and, with Billie’s help, stop Max from damaging himself. Max then calms down as Dr. Glancy looks at his hand and asks if he could see Cassie. After Dr. Glancy says his hand is ok, he grants him a brief visit. Meanwhile, Cassie sees Chelsea through the window and motions for her to come into the ER. Chelsea slowly walks in there and, when she gets close to Cassie, she grabs Chelsea’s arm and yanks her down towards her, telling her that she has instructions for her. She tells her to convince Abby that she is to blame for the loss of her baby and to cause Max to push her away. If she doesn’t, everyone will find out her secrets. Chelsea is torn about what to do. Can she really destroy her friendship with both Max & Abby just to keep her secrets? Back out in the hallway, Frankie takes Max to the side and is shocked when Max asks if Abby could have something to do with what happened. Dr. Glancy overhears their conversation and tells them that two bruises were found on Cassie’s leg. One on her toe, the other on her leg. They look like they could have been made from a wheelchair. That news makes Abby shake her head in disbelief, as everyone, especially Max, looks at her stunned, thinking that she could be responsible for what happened to his child and Cassie. At the Green Mountain Hospital, Eric and Nicole rush in with the newborn baby they found. Nicole asks Eric if this is the baby and miracle that they have been waiting for. Eric doesn’t know but he hopes that the baby is ok. She tells him that she never has believed in things like that before with the childhood she had, but she believes in them now. Eric tries to calm her down and bring her back down to Earth. The doctor then comes out and tells them that the baby is fine but they will keep him overnight to watch him, just to make sure he wasn’t exposed to anything. He tells them both that CPS and the sheriff’s department were both called and, if anything comes over the wire about the baby’s parents or relatives, he’ll let them know. As the doctor walks out, Nicole still believes that this is the chance they have been waiting for. The chance to be parents to a healthy baby. Eric stands behind her, worried that there is more to this story than meets the eye. -Sami stands before Lucas, begging him to forgive her for what she did. Lucas turns to Austin and tells him that he just can’t believe that he and Carrie would do this to him. He’s also sick of he and Sami being the ones who always do wrong but when they do it, everyone should understand. Austin is silent, as is Carrie. Sami grabs Lucas and tells him to lay into her as she kept the secret as well. Lucas can’t say a word to her and leaves the room in disgust. As Sami gets ready to follow him, Carrie tells her to wait, they have things to talk about. She then tells Sami that she heard how much she has changed and grown up from saving their father to keeping her secret for everyone’s best interest. She tells her that she knows what she forced Lexie to do but that is in the past. She is grateful that she has finally grown up and Sami cries as she bends down to hug her as Roman, Caroline & Austin look on and smile. Sami then runs off to find Lucas. After searching for him, she finds him on the roof. She begs for Lucas to forgive her. She tells him that this may be their last chance at happiness. She prays that he can forgive her and understand what she had to do. Lucas just stares at her in silence. As a nurse walks into Carrie’s room and tells everyone that Carrie needs her rest, Roman walks over to Shane and Abe. Both Abe and Roman tell Shane that he may have to pay a heavy price for keeping this from everyone. Caroline walks over and once again tells him that she can’t believe that a man she once thought of as a son would do something like that. She is very disgusted with him right now and doesn’t know if she could ever forgive him. Shane then quietly says that he realizes that he isn’t wanted there and excuses himself. Austin stands back and looks at everything unfolding, wondering if all of this will effect his chances with Carrie. He stands there as Kate walks over to him and hugs him gently. -The nurse finishes checking on Carrie as Carrie sees Alan watching from the open door. She motions for him to come in and he does, as he stands by Carrie’s bed. Carrie tells Alan that now that she has admitted everything, she feels that she is free of all the secrets that could have ruined everything. She tells him that she had to reveal everything and now that she has, she feels that it is time to be reunited with her baby. She admits how stupid she was and that she now knows that she can raise her baby without any worries at all. She should've trusted that Lucas and those she cares about could handle this and that they could work it out, for the baby's sake. She then thanks Alan for everything he’s done but says she needs him to do one more favor for her. She wants him to get her baby and bring him home. To her. Alan is now silent. When Carrie asks him what’s the problem, he admits that he doesn’t know where her baby is, nor does he know how to get it back. Carrie flips out, becoming hysterical at this latest revelation. She grabs a hold of him, begging him to find her baby, as the medical personnel rush in. The screen then slowly goes to black. On the next Salem Lives... Hope to Bo: Tell me. Are you coming home? Austin to Alan: What the hell did you say to her? Sami to Lucas: Please...Lucas. It can't end like this. We can't let it. Billie to Chelsea: Something is wrong and I want to know what it is. Abby to Max: Don't do this!! Please, Max. Don't!!
ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK... A SPECIAL VALENTINE'S WEEK ON SALEM LIVES... A WEEK WHERE COUPLES COME TOGETHER AND REUNITE... Clip of Austin in Carrie's room Carrie to Austin: We need to talk. A crying Sami with Lucas on the roof. Sami: What happens to us now? Lucas: Sami.... Clip of Jack and Billie dancing. Jack: This is nice. Billie: Yeah. It feels...just right. Clip of Cal and Katherine on the couch. Cal: What are you saying? Katherine: That I want us...to have more. Clip of a tearful Steve and Kayla near a harbor. Kayla: I knew it would come back. Steve: It's all coming back to me....everything. BUT ALSO A WEEK WHERE SOME COUPLES MAY BE TORN APART... Clip of Roman in the park with Marlena hiding nearby in a wooded area. Roman: Doc, are you there? Please, come out. Marlena: I'm sorry, Roman. It has to be this way. Clip of a crying Abby with Max. Abby: Please don't do this. Think about this. Please!! Max: I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do. Clip of a shocked and confused Hope on the phone with Bo. Bo: I'm sorry but I'm not coming home. AND...FRIDAY... Clip of Bo in a dark room. Bo: I remember. Clip of Kim and Roman at the pub. Kim: He is going to remember anyway. Roman: It's inevitable. It's time we come clean. AN EPISODE SO BIG... Clip of Sami and Lucas in his apartment. Sami to Lucas: Something is wrong...I just got this awful feeling... Clip of Will and Alan in Alan's motel room. Will: What are you going to do to me? Kill me? Alan: Perhaps.... AND SO POWERFUL... Bo: OH MY GOD!!!! NO!!! IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!! NO!!! YOU WON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!! AND....NEXT WEEK!!! Abe: Dear God... MURDER HITS SALEM!!! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!!! KILLER FEBRUARY!!!
WEEK OF 2/12/07 EDITION SPECIAL VALENTINE'S DAY INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: MATTHEW ASHFORD (JACK) AND JULIE PINSON (BILLIE) DISCUSS A POSSIBLE "JILLIE" PAIRING, THE UPCOMING "VENDETTA" EVENT, AND WHETHER JACK CAN LIVE ON WITHOUT JENNIFER. Interviewer: Hey, guys. Happy Valentine's day. Julie Pinson: How perfect! We get to be in the Valentine's day edition, Matt. Matthew Ashford: Yeah. Guess we are going places (laughs). I: So, it seems Salem Lives has been building a "Jillie" pairing since Jennifer's death last summer? How do feel about that? JP: I love it!!! Matt and I have talked about it and wanted it for so long. It's interesting. We love the dynamic. It's been so great. MA: Yeah. I love Missy and Jack and Jen but I like this too. The dynamic we have right now with the current story where Jack and Billie are working together on a case is very much like the Jack and Jen days. It's not going to be the same as them but what Jack and Billie are slowly building to is similar in the sense that they love adventures and thrive on getting to the bottom of these mysteries that Salem always seems to have. I: Can Jack live on without Jennifer? That seems to be the big question. Also, are you two worried about resistance from fans who don't like Billie and are hardcore Jack and Jen fans if "Jillie" gets serious? JP: There is always going to be reactions like that. I'm used to it. It's better with Jennifer off and Missy having left on her own. Before, when I was coming between Bo and Hope on screen it was hard because there was no way to beat that. In this case, Jennifer is dead and Missy is gone of her own will. People have been more accepting then we thought. I think it will be fine. As for Jack, of course he can live on. I think Matt will tell you that Jack was a interesting character prior to Jennifer. MA: Absolutely. My character has alot of layers and loads to explore. Jennifer will always be an important part of who Jack is but the character doesn't live and die on whether Jennifer is there or not. I think Julie is right about the resistance though. Most fans have been very accepting and I think Missy leaving of her own will helped, as did Jennifer being killed how she did it. There will always be resistance but the writing can beat that and convince people to have a change of heart. I: Now, tell us a bit about "VENDETTA," which begins March 1. JP: Well, it's pretty much already being played out and has been since the MCF showed up in Fall. The official event begins March 1 and it's great. It's so creative in that it draws in the whole canvas and builds to a huge event. We can't say much but it's great story and Jack, Billie, and a few others are going to piecing together the mystery. The best part is fans get to be involved in helping solve the mystery by way of the weekly clips, clues, etc. MA: Yeah, it's really great. I know Passions was doing similar things like this and one of them had the same title but the story is just great. The game and fan interactive factor is really great. It's nothing without the story and the story is fantastic. The fans are going to be really into it. I: Well, we know you are busy and have to get back to taping so, thanks again and, hopefully, we will talk to you again. JP: Yeah. They are calling us to set. It was fun and we all the fans enjoy what is coming up. Happy Valentine's Day!! MA: Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day!! We hope the fans are pleased with what's coming. COMINGS AND GOINGS COMING Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris): Marshall makes her first appearance as Bo's (Peter Reckell) psychiatrist on February 16. The role is recurring. Previews and Peeks into Wk of 2/12/07 -Nicole thinks she has received her miracle. -Chelsea is put in an impossible position. -Abby and Max reach a turning point. -Eric and Nicole vow to take action to make their dream come true. -Carrie and Sami put the past behind them. -Cassie vows revenge. -Carrie and Austin reunite. -Valentine's Day brings some couples together and sees others torn apart. -Jack and Billie share a close moment. -Steve and Kayla share a special moment as he has a breakthrough. -Passion ignites for Cal and Katherine. -Sami and Lucas vow to build a future together. -Roman reaches Marlena. -James learns what JJ and Angel know. -Hope and Caroline worry about Bo. -Kim tells Roman it's time to come clean. -Bo remembers everything. -Will bears witness to Alan's wrath. RED LETTER DAYS!! Monday February 12: Chelsea is put in an impossible position as Abby and Max reach a turning point. On this same day, Sami begs for forgiveness as Carrie has a change of heart. Wednesday February 14: A special Valentine's Day episode as Carrie and Austin reunite, Steve and Kayla share a special moment, Roman reaches Marlena, Sami and Lucas pledge their love, and passion ignites for Cal and Katherine. Friday February 16: A HUGE episode that changes everything as Will bears witness to Alan's wrath and Bo remembers everything. DON'T MISS THIS EPISODE as a shocking act is committed and a long buried secret is revealed!!! Next Week: Bo confronts Kim and Roman. Caroline learns the truth. The MCF takes action to cover his or her own tracks. Marlena threatens James. Lexie and Stefano return to Salem. Julie tries to persuade Victor to return to Salem. Maggie's drinking becomes worse. Eric and Nicole have hope. Abby lashes out at Chelsea. Carrie contemplates telling the truth. Murder rocks Salem.
-At Green Mountain Lodge, Eric and Nicole are sitting by the fireplace talking. The conversation is romantic as they reminisce about the journey they have taken to get to this point. Nicole reminds Eric about how selfish she used to be. She still can’t believe some of the things she did to people. Eric tells her that those things and her past are all behind her. She should be happy with who she has become, especially now that they want to start a family. Nicole’s mood turns somber and Eric notices that. When he tries to ask her about adopting again, Nicole gets up and excuses herself, saying she needs some fresh air. Eric looks at her walk out of the room, wondering how they will get past these latest problems. He now feels that their marriage is falling apart and he may be powerless to stop it. -Alan walks back into his motel room. When he closes the door, he slowly turns, smiling, at a tied up Will, whose mouth is also gagged. He walks over to the bed and removes the gag from Will’s mouth. Will coughs a few times and then lashes out at Alan, calling him a bastard for lying to him and kidnaping him. He then asks if this is how he gets his rocks off. Alan jumps on the bed and holds a knife to his throat, telling him that he better be quiet.....if he knows what’s good for him. Alan then places the gag back in his mouth, right after Will asks what is he going to do with him. Alan doesn’t respond. All he does is calmly walk over to the phone and calls the hospital to check on Carrie’s condition. When he receives the information that she is in surgery, he hangs the phone up and whispers that he has got to get over there. He walks to the door and opens it and then turns back towards Will, telling him that he will deal with him.....later. He will have to find some way to keep him quiet....permanently. He then walks out and closes the door as Will squirms against his binding, trying to get free so that he can warn his family. -Dr. Glancy has come down to the waiting room at University Hospital. Everyone gathers around him as Roman walks up to him and asks how Carrie is doing. The doctor informs them that she is in critical but stable condition. They will monitor her overnight, which is now crucial to her survival. Lucas steps up and asks about the baby. The doctor pauses before telling the family.....that Carrie’s baby was stillborn. Austin almost collapses as Roman runs up to grab him. Lucas starts banging his fists on the nurses’ desk in sorrowful anger. Sami tries to calm Lucas down while Austin is unconsolable. Kate runs over to Austin and, with Roman’s help, picks him up and places him on the couch. Sami finally gets Lucas to calm down long enough to turn him around and hold him as he cries uncontrollably. Caroline stands back and witnesses everything, having walked in right before the news about Carrie and the baby was given. She can’t believe it. Neither can Roman. As Shane walks back in with Abe, Roman once again says that he can’t believe his daughter was in the hands of a madman while a man he thought of as a brother knew about it and didn’t say a word. As Caroline looks at Roman with a shocked look on her face, the rest of the group stares with cold anger and hatred at Shane. Caroline slowly walks over to Shane and asks him if this is true. Did he really keep everything from them? Shane slowly shakes his head yes. A cold look comes over Caroline’s face as she tells him that she is truly sick to her stomach. Shawn Sr. and her accepted Shane into their family when he married Kimberly and now she can’t believe he would betray them all in this fashion. Shane tells her and everyone else that he is so ashamed of himself and they all have every right to hate him for his part in this. He only hopes that some day, they can find it in their hearts to forgive him. A voice then says the very same thing. When everyone turns around, they see Alan standing there, looking sad and shaken. Roman’s eyes grow wide with anger and he runs towards Alan. Lucas & Austin follow suit with all three men being restrained form attacking Alan by Abe and a couple of his officers. Roman then pushes one of the officers away, yelling at Alan about what he did with Carrie’s dead baby. Alan looks confused and asks Roman what did he say. Roman repeats the question and that’s when Alan realizes that this is Carrie’s cover story about her child. He then straightens up and says that he buried the child, like Carrie asked him to do. When Roman and Lucas ask where, the doctor walks out into the waiting room and tells everyone that Carrie wants to see them all. She is very weak and it is against hospital policy but he will allow it.....so long as everyone behaves and doesn’t stress Carrie out. They all slowly walk down the hallway and enter Carrie’s darkened room. Sami starts to cry as she walks over to her bed and a very weak Carrie takes her hand as Sami sits on the head of her bed. She tells everyone that she wants to now explain what is going on. Carrie begs everyone to not blame neither Shane nor Alan. Both men look on as she speaks. She feels that Alan has proven to her that he has changed and Shane only did what she asked him to do because she wanted to keep the whole reason why she left and stayed in hiding a secret. Austin then steps forward, asking her why she went to all this trouble to do this. When Lucas wants to know the answer to the very same question, Carrie says that she just can't take it anymore. She can't take the lying anymore. Sami looks over at Austin, who gives a deep sigh as he and Sami both know what she’s talking about. Austin stands there, almost wanting Carrie to not say what he knows she’s about to say. She says that she left out of fear. Fear of how much she had hurt Lucas and everyone else. When Lucas asks what does she mean, all Carrie can say is that she is so sorry. She is so very sorry..... For cheating on him......with Austin. Lucas steps back in shock, as Sami pats Carrie’s hand. She continues, telling Lucas that she slept with Austin while they were engaged to be married and when she found out she was pregnant, she didn’t have a clue who the father was. Everyone is stunned at this news. Alan and Shane look at each other while Sami, Austin and Kate don’t look stunned in the least. That’s because they knew all along what Carrie’s secret was. Lucas walks around the room, looking at Austin and Kate, who bow their heads in shame. He then turns towards Sami, who slowly stands up. When Lucas says.... Lucas: No. Not you too. All Sami can do is look at him, with tears coming down her cheeks. -Back at Green Mountain Lodge, Nicole is walking in a wooded area in tears. She looks up to the heavens and asks why she can never have the perfect life. Something always has to go wrong. She then hears a baby crying nearby and begins looking around as it sounds very close. Nicole notes that the child sounds like it is in pain or something. She follows the sound of the cries near some bushes and is shocked when she looks down to find what looks like a newborn baby lying on the ground. Eric catches up to Nicole and asks if she is ok. He is stunned when she turns around holding the baby. Nicole explains that she heard him crying and found him near the bushes. Eric realizes that the baby appears to be a newborn and still has blood on him. They need to get him to the hospital. -In the cafeteria, Max and Chelsea run into each other. He asks how she’s doing and she says that her arm is getting a little better. When he tells her that she looks like something else is bothering her, Chelsea has another flashback to the blackmail threat that Cassie laid on her. She lies to Max, saying that there is no problem with her. She then asks him a question. When Max says what is it, she wants to know if he meant what he said about staying by Abby’s side. Or, were those just words? Max tells her that he likes Abby a lot. He would never hurt her. He is very committed to her and their relationship. She then asks even with a baby on the way? He says that Cassie is just the mother of his child that’s all. He will do the proper thing by the baby but that’s it. Chelsea smiles, glad that he said those things but, once again worried about what Cassie will do to break up Max & Abby. -Cassie now arrives at the hospital. She is telling herself that she is adamant about not giving up on getting Max away from that witch Abby and have him be a father to her baby. She has many ways of removing Abby from the picture and getting Max all to herself. What she doesn’t notice is one of the nurses looking at her as she talks to herself. She turns and asks the nurse what is she looking at? The nurse just walks away. Just then a nurse is wheeling Abby to the cafeteria. She tells the nurse that she is tired of always sitting in her room and in therapy sessions so this is nice to finally get out. The nurse is almost to the cafeteria when she gets paged. Abby says that’s alright, she’ll wheel herself there. At that moment, she bumps into Cassie, who tells her they need to talk. Cassie wheels Abby to the side of the hallway and starts in on her, telling her that she is weighing Max down. She goes on and on about how Abby almost ruined her life being Chelsea’s shadow, the bad choices she made when she was drinking, the car accident that landed her in the hospital, and how she now is his burden. Cassie reminds a now tearful Abby that he should be with her and her baby at this time but can’t out of obligation to her. Cassie then tells her that she owes him for sticking with her through all this, which she feels isn’t fair to Max. When a now crying Abby asks Cassie what she should do, Cassie tells her, in the best interest of Max and the baby....give him up. It’s the only decent thing to do. The conversation grows more and more heated. Abby wipes away her tears and now regains her strength, telling Cassie that she is nothing but a manipulator who is using this entire situation to her advantage. When the hospital staff start to stare, Abby says that either they can move this conversation to a more private setting or end it outright. This is getting ridiculous, Abby says. Cassie says ok, Ms. Goody-Goody, and wheels Abby into the stairway. She asks is this private enough? When Abby rightfully asks her what is her malfunction, the two girls then start shouting at each other.....about Max, the baby, and what he should do. After Abby tells Cassie that she is just like her grandfather, she starts to wheel herself past Cassie, but hits her leg and runs over her toe. When Cassie yells out, Abby apologizes, saying that she isn’t used to the wheelchair just yet. Meanwhile, Max and Chelsea go to Abby's room and see that she is gone. They go to look for her. The scene then shifts back to Cassie and Abby, who continue to fight. Cassie thanks Abby for the bruises she now has thanks to her inept wheelchair skills. Abby scowls at her and says that before she felt for Cassie, despite her being mean to her and Chelsea about their conditions but, now, she feels bad for the baby having her as a mother. She tells Cassie that she can't manipulate her anymore. She is going to fight for Max and not let him go. Cassie then tells her then it looks like they are at war and she is a Dimera. Dimera's always win. Abby says not this time. Cassie mentions she has a secret weapon. Abby asks what it is and Cassie smiles, saying wouldn't you like to know. Abby is finished with the argument and about to wheel away as Cassie continues to tell Abby she is fighting a losing battle. Abby just tries to turn her wheelchair around. Cassie moves to get out of the way, saying she isn't going to get another bruise from that thing. As Cassie backs up to get out of the way, she backs up too far and loses her balance and falls down the stairs. Abby wheels over and looks down just as Max and Chelsea come into the stairwell and look on in horror. The screen then splits into four separate boxes with Cassie laying unconscious at the bottom of the stairs, Lucas and Austin staring at one another, Nicole and Eric walking off with the newborn baby....... And The MCF, celebrating the tragic fate that awaits many due to the events now set in motion. The MCF then gives off an evil, echoing laugh as the screen then slowly fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Sami to Lucas: Can you please forgive me? Carrie to Alan: Now that the truth is out, I want my baby back. So, find him. Find him and bring him to me Nicole to Eric: Maybe this is our miracle. Maybe this child was brought to us to be our's. Max to Cassie: How did this happen? Abby to Chelsea: This is bad. This could be the end of Max and I for good.
She lied Tishy because it was her spur of the moment reaction to Roman sending people out to find the baby. She doesn't want them looking for the baby so that is why she said it. She is definitely going to regret all of this though.
-At the McCluer home, J.J. & Angel walk quickly back through the door as Jonathan looks up while sitting on the couch. He asks him where they have been. Renee walks into the living room and wants to know the answer to the very same question. She also remarks that dinner has been on the table for four hours. Both siblings lie, saying that they were working on Angel’s school project. Their mother is upset but tells them to call the next time before she walks into her bedroom. Jonathan stands up, telling them both that he knows they are lying. He also tells them that they better not be getting involved in their father’s business or they may get something they can’t handle. Before he walks down the hallway, he turns around and says that no matter what they ARE involved in, he’ll figure it out anyway. Both Angel and J.J. look at each other and say.... Angel & J.J.: Not this time. They both then go into the kitchen to sit down and eat. As they do, Renee comes back out and stands at the kitchen entrance, silently watching her two children eat dinner. She hopes that they haven't done anything to find out if James is up to something. She hopes the bad feeling she had earlier isn't true and that they haven't gotten themselves into something that may have consequences down the road. -At the Spectator, Jack and Billie go over a file on James McCluer Sr. They read that after he enlisted in the military when he was a teenager, there is hardly no mention of his activities for 7 years. It then lists that he was discharged honorably from the service, having gotten many medals and citations for what is being termed “Covert Activities”. He met his wife, Renee Sommer, when he got out of the service, marrying her one year later. They had three kids named James Jr., Jonathan, and Angel. He then was arrested and incarcerated for ten years for an undisclosed crime, which remains sealed to this day. The rumor about his charge is that he killed a man in self defense. There was apparently enough evidence to have him end up in prison. Jack also tells Billie that after he got out of prison, he did odd work for the Kiriakis family, which continues today. No one has even known that he was a member of the organization until recently. Jack then puts the file down and tells Billie that James Sr. is trying his best to turn his life around. He’s doing what he has to do for the well-being of his family. Jack can see all of that. Then, Billie says, that must be why he may be involved with the MCF. He either wanted money to help his family or, Billie says, he was threatened or blackmailed by someone. Jack asks could this someone be this MCF, to which Billie doesn’t respond. She just looks at him and crosses her arms. Jack says that they now have enough to work with. Billie calls him partner and suggests that there is no telling what they may uncover once they start digging further into this whole situation. -The Brady family rushes into University Hospital, with paramedics rolling an unconscious Carrie into the ER. Dr. Glancy comes into the room and confers with the ER staff and paramedics, as Roman stands by listening. As loved ones look on through a mirror, Roman slowly walks up to his daughter and gently takes her hand, asking her to please wake up. Carrie starts to slowly regain consciousness and Roman quietly begins to ask her a few questions. Meanwhile, Shane is catching complete and utter hell from everyone in the waiting room. Kate can’t believe that he would keep Carrie's whereabouts a secret. Lucas walks up on the other side of him and just says that he should be ashamed of himself. Shane turns around to see Sami standing in front of him. Before he can speak, she halls off and slaps him hard. Shane rubs his cheek as Sami lays into him, saying that of all the rotten things she’s done to her sister in the past, she never would think HE would do something like this. Austin just shakes his head and can’t even speak to him. He walks over to the phones and sits down, not believing what is happening. Kate walks over to Shane and tells him that for the first time in her life, she agrees with Sami, who is holding Lucas and comforting him as he stares daggers into Shane. Abe walks in just in time to hear Kate lay into Shane, telling him that she has also done some despicable things but she never expected this from him. She wonders what he was thinking not telling Roman or any of them where Carrie was and that she was in the care of some ex-convict psychopath who hates her and her sister and has caused nothing but pain to everyone? Shane finally speaks up, saying that he knew the whole time what he was doing was wrong. He had tried on so many occasions to convince Carrie that what she was doing was wrong but she wouldn’t listen. Kate says that’s just rich. He’s now trying to place blame on Carrie. Shane says that is the furthest thing from his mind. When Kate says that all he is caring about is his career, Shane becomes upset saying that he would turn his badge in right this second if it meant saving the lives of Carrie and her child. Abe comes up and takes Shane by the arm, telling him that he feels it would be best if they left and gave the family some space. Shane looks at him for a moment and then agrees, saying that he doesn’t want to be the cause of all this animosity. He and Abe walk out under the glare of the Roberts and Brady family members. Sami takes Lucas and sits down next to him as Austin gets up and goes to look in the ER window. One of the nurses comes over, smiles at Austin, and then slowly closes the drape. Austin puts his head down and slowly turns, looking at his mother, and then breaking down crying. Kate rushes over and grabs Austin before he falls to the floor, and holds him tightly as he lets his sorry flow. Back in the ER room, Roman reacts as Carrie tells him that this whole thing is not Shane’s fault. She forced him to keep everything from them. When Roman asks why, she replies that it is bad enough that her baby was stillborn, to which Roman gasps in shock. She then asks for him to please don’t make her go back over everything. She wanted Alan to bury the baby before anyone found out what was going on. Before Roman can ask her another question, she slowly loses consciousness. Dr. Glancy pushes past Roman and the ER team once again goes to work on her. The doctor then announces that she is losing too much blood and that they have to get her to the OR stat. As they rush Carrie out, her family looks on in horror and Roman comes out of the ER room visibly shaken. He slowly walks over to the nurse’s desk and leans up against it as Sami comes over slowly to see how he is doing. Roman turns to her and wipes the tears from his eyes as he calls Abe to check up on the search for Alan and his stillborn grandchild. When he tells Abe that the baby is dead, Abe sighs deeply and expresses his condolences. He then tells Roman that he and Shane are back out at the cabin and will do all they can to find out anything. Roman thanks him and, as he hangs up, turns back to Sami, who takes him in her arms and holds him as he sobs deeply. Meanwhile, as the OR is being prepared, Dr. Glancy walks over to Carrie, who has regained consciousness. He bends down and asks her one question.......why did she just lie to her father? When she says she doesn’t understand, the doctor tells her that other than her excessive bleeding, there is nothing to indicate that something harmful occurred to her baby. When he then asks her if her baby was bleeding or crying after birth, Carrie doesn’t answer his question. All she can do is ask him to keep her secret to himself. She then passes out for the third time. The doctor tells everyone to get ready.....they need to save this woman’s life, pronto. At that very same moment, Alan is racing through the night with a very much alive baby sitting next to him. He turns to the baby and says...... Alan: Don't worry, baby. You will have it easy, unlike your parents and everyone else in Salem, who will feel like they are living through hell on Earth. Alan looks forward, just in time to slam on his breaks. He is stopped in the middle of the road by a person standing there. His headlights are fixated on this person, who then slowly walks over to the side of the car. Alan looks terrified as he comes face to face with....... The Mysterious Cloaked Figure. The MCF slowly bends down and looks into Alan’s car window, telling him, with the use of a voice changer, that.... MCF: There has been a slight change in plans. Time for you to remember whose in charge.......ME! Got It?! Alan shakes his head quickly and, when the MCF holds his hands out, Alan reaches over to the passenger seat, picking up the baby......and handing it to the MCF. The MCF slowly stands back up and slowly walks off in the middle of the street with the baby, saying to the infant....... MCF: It’s ok, little one. We are going on a little trip. Alan slowly gets out of the car and watches as his headlights illuminate the MCF walking off into the darkness with Carrie’s baby, as the camera pans up. The screen the slowly fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Nicole to Eric: I just to leave...I need some air. Eric to Nicole: Nicole...what's happening to us? Alan to Will: I am just going to have to make sure you still quiet. Carrie to Austin and Lucas: It's time you know the truth. Chelsea to Max: You are going to stay for Abby right? That is your final decision? Cassie to Abby: We have to talk.
Oh, I know it's hard to believe but it's also in character for Carrie too. She always makes personal sacrifices for others. She doesn't want to cause problems between Austin and Lucas and she doesn't want to hurt Sami. It's a double-edged sword because, on one hand, Carrie would never do this but, on the other, she would for people she cares about. It's not clear cut out of character. It's understandable and it's something I conflicted with while writing the story. Keep seeing how it unfolds though because it will probably make you feel better about it.
-At Chez Rouge, Julie is still stunned by what Maggie just told her...that Victor is still alive. Julie tries to wake a passed out Maggie up but she doesn't respond and what little she says is in gibberish. Realizing Maggie is too drunk to help her, Julie wonders if it is true and Victor is alive. Julie then recalls that on the evening of the day Victor died, Doug and herself found Maggie outside in the backyard of Alice's house. She was in the cold and devastated, almost like something had happened to put her in that state since she had been fine and composed when they last saw her. Julie realizes that it would be very much like Victor to fake his death. He always planned ahead in case his enemies were on his trail. He may have set the whole explosion up to get away. Julie realizes that Victor may have visited Maggie to say goodbye that night and that is why they found her outside alone and a emotional wreck. Maggie overhears Maggie murmuring in her sleep about Victor and how much she misses him. Julie also hears her say she already lost Mickey, she can't stand losing him too. Julie realizes that she needs to do something or Maggie will self-destruct. All the drinking and guilt is eating a way at her. Julie realizes there is something she can do but first she needs to make sure that what Maggie said about Victor is true for sure. Julie then calls Doug, who answers the phone with Alice sitting in the background. Julie lies and tells Doug that Maggie is fine for the moment but it's going to be awhile before she comes home. Doug says ok and asks her to call if she needs anything. They say I love you and hang up. Doug tells Alice that Maggie is doing fine. Alice tells him that she hopes and prays that it stays that way. Meanwhile, Julie puts a blanket on Maggie and tells Uncle Mickey to watch over her. She hopes that Maggie doesn't stir any more trouble while she is gone and then races out the front door. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip arrives. Henderson greets him and tells Philip how nice it is to see him up and around. He expresses his condolences concerning his father but adds that he is happy to serve him. Philip: Good. Now, Henderson, Spare me the pleasantries. Let's get down to business. This empire is mine now and it's time for me to run it my way. Therefore, I don't want constant reminders of how my father did something. I am not my father. I am Philip Kiriakis. I command respect and, if I don't get it, there will be hell to pay. Henderson: Of course, sir. Is there anything I can get you? Philip: Yes. Have cook prepare something. My wife will be here soon and I would like to sit down and have a normal meal with her. Oh, and Henderson, one more thing. I probably don't have to tell you this but I will anyway. This goes for all the staff as well. If anyone in my employ doublecrosses me or betrays me, they will suffer a horrifying and unimaginable fate. Do you understand? Henderson: Yes, sir. I understand. Your the boss now. It's your house. It's your rules. It's... Philip: My empire. Mine. I am glad you understand. I knew there wouldn't be an issue. Now, run along. Belle will be here shortly. Henderson walks away, looking up to the sky and saying to Victor that he longs for the days when he worked under him. Philip is out of control and just plain cold-hearted. It's like he doesn't have any feelings within him besides hatred and a desire for revenge. Henderson leaves as Philip sits down with some brandy and toasts to the sky. Philip: To you, father. As horrible as your death was, it gave birth to a new era. It's my era and my time. I now have the power to accomplish my goals and get exactly what I want. Those that crossed me will pay dearly. Very dearly. -At the cabin, Roman is trying to keep Carrie conscious. Austin and Lucas want to know what happened with the baby. Kate goes over to Shane and tells him this is all his fault. Alan ran off with the baby and it would've never happened had it not been for his discretion. Carrie yells out that it was her decision to go into hiding. Everyone looks at her stunned. Carrie says that she had her reasons and begged Shane not to say anything. Roman asks why she would do that and why she would stay with Alan. He is dangerous. Carrie insists that Alan has changed. He saved her on the island and brought her to the cabin. He nursed her back to health and took care of her. He saved her life from the falling debris the night she called Sami. She then returned the favor and mended his wounds. He is different now and wants to repent. Sami doesn't buy it and either does anyone else. Austin asks her about the letter Shane gave them, about her leaving town with the baby because Salem was unsafe with people like Stefano around. Carrie says it was all made up so they would all give up looking for her and leave her be. Lucas can't understand why she would take off like that being pregnant. Carrie says she had her reasons and then begins to pass out. The ambulance arrives to take Carrie. Roman notices all the blood and realizes she has lost alot. An EMT says it appears she just gave birth and that she isn't clotting. There is definitely something wrong as she is hemorrhaging. They need to get her to the ER ASAP. They put her on a gurney as Roman assures her that he will find her baby. He knows Alan is responsible and will make sure he is brought to justice. Carrie continues to insist that Alan didn't do anything she didn't tell him too and that he has changed. Roman calms her and agrees just to relax her. He promises her that he will find her baby and that they will deal with the rest later. As he walks away, Carrie screams out "NO!! You can't." Roman and everyone else is confused and stunned. -Outside the cabin, Alan is holding Carrie's baby as he officers close in. Abe comes outside and orders his officers to canvas the area and to phone in for more manpower. If Alan or anyone else has the baby, they are going to find them and they are likely still in the area as it appears that it hasn't been long since Carrie gave birth. The officers agree to the orders and begin searching the area again as Alan keeps lurking and moving about in a state of confusion and panic. -Back at the Kiriakis Mansion, Belle arrives. She rings the bell and Henderson answers. Belle says hello to him and he does the same back. He then takes her aside and warns her to be careful and not to tell Mr. Kiriakis he said that. Belle thanks him and says she of all people knows what her husband is like, especially now. Belle walks into to the living room and finds a note asking her to meet him in the dining room. She does so and is shocked when she enters the room to find a well-set candlelit table. Philip then enters behind her and welcomes her to their home. He hopes that tonight can be the first of many wonderful evenings and meals for their family. He asks where Claire is. Belle: She isn't here. You really think with all the hell you are putting me through that I would bring her here? I had no idea what I was walking into and if I wasn't so damn afraid of what you might do... Philip: Claire is my daughter. This is her home. She is my heir. She belongs here and you can't keep me away from her. I would never hurt her and you know that. Belle: Maybe but I know you would hurt me. You already have and I don't want her exposed to that or any of this tension. This meal you have arranged is nothing but a charade. We will never be a family, Philip. You can try to force it but it changes nothing. I can't stand the sight of you and I will do everything in my power to make sure you never have full custody of Claire. I don't need you influencing her or molding her into what you have become. Philip: You really think you can fight me. You have always underestimated me. Everyone has. I am the head of the Kiriakis empire and with, so much power on my side, I can't lose. I will never lose. I will have everything I desire. That includes Claire and you, my darling (cresses her face as she turns away in disgust). No matter what I have to do. Belle: Go to hell. Belle tries to run away but Philip grabs ber and pulls her close to him. Philip: Not a good idea, Izzy. You tell me to go to hell but I've already been through it. Now, it's time that my enemies felt the pain and agony I have. You, my beloved, will be immersed in your own personal hell and I will enjoy every minute of it. Belle: Let go of me!! Belle kicks him and runs out the back door and off the Kiriakis grounds, crying and worried about Philip's threats and what she may have to face when he unleashes his wrath. Meanwhile, inside, Philip looks out the window. Henderson asks if there was a problem with dinner. Philip tells Henderson to put it away as there will be no dinner tonight. Belle had other plans but, he says with an evil smirk, that will all change in the future. -Outside the Kiriakis Mansion, Nico is watching the happenings inside. He can't believe how much Philip has changed and thinks that maybe he should inform Victor about how cold and calculating his son has become. The power and prestige is really getting to his head. Nico then hears footsteps and races in the bushes. He then hears a voice call out to him. It's Julie, telling Nico she knows he is here. Julie admits that she saw him as she walked up. She parked down the block so she wouldn't be heard, knowing full well that Nico would be lurking about so she would have to sneak up on him. Nico reveals himself from the bushes, saying she knows him so well. Julie reminds him that knows Victor and his operation very well from her time with him and she remembers the way Nico operates too. She knew if she wanted to catch him she needed to be discreet and smart. Nico smiles and Julie smiles back, as she asks him if he still has a crush on her. Nico remains silent as Julie laughs and says she will take that as a yes. Nico asks what she is doing at the mansion. Julie realizes that in order to get what she wants she needs to act like she knows Victor is alive for sure. Julie tells Nico she knows Victor is alive and needs to get in contact with him. Nico tries to refute the fact that Victor is alive but Julie is adamant and says she knows and so does Maggie. She needs to talk to Victor now. Nico tells her she can't. Julie touches his face lovingly, using his crush on her to her advantage. She tells Nico she only needs to talk to him. It can be on the phone. There are matters they need to discuss. That's all. Nico gives in and agrees but says she only has a few minutes. Julie understands and thanks him. -At the cabin, Roman asks why Carrie doesn't want him to find her baby. Carrie looks at Roman, Austin, Lucas, Kate, Sami, Abe, and Shane. With tears in her eyes, Carrie says there is no reason to look for her baby because there is no baby. Her baby died. Roman looks on stunned, along with Abe and Shane. Kate, Lucas, Austin, and Sami's reactions are similar as they can't believe what they just heard. Roman asks Carrie what she is talking about but Carrie then passes out and the EMT's reveal that her blood pressure is dropping and they need to get to the ER now. Carrie is wheeled out to the ambulance. Roman goes in it with her as Abe offers to drive Kate, Sami, Austin, and Lucas and Shane agrees to drive in the other squad car. Abe tells the officers to keep searching until they know for sure if Carrie was really serious when she said her baby was dead. The officers agree. Meanwhile, Alan manages to find another cabin in the woods. There is an old truck outside of it. Rememebering that the officers are searching the area and he can't get to his car, he realizes this is his best way out. He gets in and lays the baby down. He then hotwires the truck and gets it started. He drives away as the owner of the cabin comes out, screaming for whoever stole his truck to come back. Alan puts his foot on the gas and sees nothing but open road ahead as the baby cries. Alan rubs the baby's stomach and tells him it will be ok. It will all be over soon. Back outside the Kiriakis Mansion, Nico is using his cell and manages to get through to one of Victor's operatives. Nico tells the operative to put Mr. Kiriakis on the phone. Victor picks up and asks Nico what is going on. Nico tells him someone wants to talk to him and gives Julie the phone. Julie: Hello, Victor. Maggie was right. You are alive. Victor: Julie? Nico: So, you didn't know for sure? Julie: I had to make it seem like I did or there was no way I would get what I wanted. Nico turns away, shaking his head. Victor: Julie, what is the meaning of this? How do you know... Julie: Maggie was drunk. She told me and I just came to the conclusion she was telling the truth. That doesn't matter. We need to talk, Victor. About Maggie. Victor: Look, I know she is going through a hard time but... Julie: Victor, just hear me out. I think once you hear what I have to say you won't be so quick to dismiss me. Victor: I know better then to argue back and forth with you. I don't want to continue this on the phone. There is too much risk of someone in Salem overhearing you despite Nico being there. I will arrange for you to be brought to me tomarrow. Just be ready and I will have Nico take care of the rest. Julie: Ok. Will do. Thank you Victor. I appreciate this and you won't be sorry. Victor: I better not be. What you have to say better be good. See you soon. Julie: It will be. Don't worry. Julie hangs up. Julie: He is making arrangements for me to see him in person tomarrow. He should be in contact with you to give you instructions. Now, I have to go home and think of something to tell my husband. Thanks for the help and you have a good night. Julie kisses Nico on the cheek and walks off but, not before Nico calls to her, and says: Nico: Hey!! Remind me never to mess with you. You are one smart, resourceful lady. And pretty tough and beautiful to boot. Julie: Thanks. You keep telling yourself all that and there shouldn't be any problems between you and me. Julie smiles as Nico smiles back. Julie leaves and, as she walks off, says: Julie: I have to convince Victor to come back to Salem and then help him get the charges against him dropped. Maggie needs him or there is no telling what may happen to her. I just have to make sure Doug never finds out what I am up to or him and I may never get past it. I hate lying to him but I need to do this. For Maggie...before it's too late. The screen then freeze frames on a determined Julie. On the Next Salem Lives... Lucas to Austin and Sami: I can't believe this. The baby...can't be gone. Roman to Carrie: Tell me the truth. Is your baby really dead? Alan: Don't worry, baby. You will have it easy, unlike your parents and everyone else in Salem who are going to feel like they are living through hell on earth. Angel to JJ: So, do we tell Mom and the others what we saw or not? Jack to Billie: Looks like we have something here to work with, partner.
Thanks guys. Yeah, King, it is out of character somewhat but considering she is doing this to spare Sami, Austin. Lucas, etc because she doesn't want to shake up their lives given the paternity of her baby and all it explains why she would consider this. However, she will have regrets very, very soon.
-Eric comes home from work and says a loud hello as he enters their suite. He then realizes after a few moments that Nicole isn’t home. He starts unwinding from his day when he hears the door opening. It’s Nicole and she isn’t in a good mood. After they greet each other with a kiss, she tells him how she was looking once again for a job but now it seems like one has to know someone or be related to someone to find something that isn’t flipping burgers. Eric tells her that it is a noble profession. It’s what got him through high school in Colorado. Nicole asks why he had to do that with a famous father as a police commander. Eric says the he and Sami were staying with their grandparents and he didn’t want to bother his father, who was still getting over the death of their mother. Of course, he says, she wasn’t dead, but that’s another story for another time. He then smiles at her, saying that he has a proposition. He knows how upset she has been with everything that has happened and what she had to give up for him. He has made reservations at Green Mountain Lodge as a big Valentine’s Day present for her. It is also to tell her how much he loves and respects her and appreciates her taking him back after the foolish mistakes that he’s made. Nicole stands and walks towards the window. Eric follows and says that it is there if she wants to go. She is reluctant but soon warms to the idea. She says they both could use the break from everything and everyone here in Salem. Eric smiles, happy that she accepted. Nicole pastes a half smile on her face and turns around to kiss Eric once again. After they do, he starts telling her about how exciting it is to work at Roberts & Associates, which causes her smile to disappear quickly. Eric goes into the bathroom and takes a shower, going on about his job and, unaware that Nicole is once again depressed. -Back out at the cabin, Alan walks up to the cabin door and opens it up. He calls out to Carrie and, as he closes the door, calls out again. When she doesn’t answer, he gets worried and starts going through the cabin. He runs through looking for her and then happens to look down to see her unconscious on the floor. He picks her up, hoping she is alright, and takes her into the bedroom. Once he places her on the bed, Carrie starts to stir but then places her hands on her stomach, saying that the baby is on the way. He asks what she needs and Carrie instructs him on what items to get. Alan is now a madman running back and forth through the cabin, getting everything she may need to give birth. Once he gets back into her bedroom, he gets his cell phone and tries calling her doctor from the clinic at home and at his office but gets his voice mail both times. He gets frantic, telling Carrie that he can’t reach her doctor. Another contraction wracks Carrie with unimaginable pain but it soon subsides. She then looks up at Alan, sweating and out of breath, and tells him news that he already knows....... That he will have to deliver her baby. They both stare at each other as Carrie starts breathing heavy once again and Alan looks off into the distance, terrified at what he must now do to save their lives. -On the highways of Illinois, Roman is racing through the night at a dangerous pace. Samantha, Lucas, Austin & Kate are in the car with him, as Shane, Abe and two officers follow behind. Sami turns to her father and sees the look of terror and desperation on his face. She fights back tears as she tells him.... Sami: Daddy, this is not your fault. Don’t beat yourself up about this. And please.....(Placing her hand on his forearm) you have got to slow down before you get us all killed. Roman glances at Sami, then looks over at her. He silently hears her words and starts to slow down on the cold, slick highway. Kate, Austin & Lucas give a silent sigh of relief as Roman tells Sami....... Roman: Thank you, baby. You know this is driving me crazy. My child is out here all by herself with that madman and I don’t know what he could do to her. Sami: Then that’s why we’re heading up there. So we can see for ourselves and bring Carrie home, ok? Roman: Ok, sweetheart. Sami turns back and looks straight ahead as the car dissolves into the car behind them. Abe tells Shane that he should know what this means. Shane says he knows. He still can’t believe he let Carrie talk him into keeping everything a secret from her family. He also says that he hopes that the Brady's can see what he was up against and find it in their hearts to forgive him. Abe tells him, in a stern tone, that what the Bradys are feeling is the least of his problems. Shane asks what does he means. Abe informs him that he broke several laws by withholding this information and if Carrie or the baby doesn’t survive....... His career as an I.S.A. agent just might be over and he may be looking at some serious jail time. Well, Shane says, lets worry about that later. Right now, the only thing that is important is getting to Carrie and making sure Alan spends the rest of his days locked up behind bars. Abe turns to him and tells him that he better hope they aren’t cell mates. Shane looks at Abe and then slowly and silently turns back to focus on the road ahead, hoping that his niece will be alright and caring nothing for himself in this matter. Inside the cabin, Alan slowly stands up and walks around the bed to Carrie’s side. They look at each other and then Alan slowly bends down........and places her newborn son into her arms. Carrie looks into his baby blue eyes and softly rocks him back and forth. Alan walks into the bathroom and washes his hands. He lets out a sigh of relief, proud of the fact that he helped Carrie through this alright. Back in the bedroom, Carrie stares at her son, trying not to let the tears flow. She marvels at the life she brought into the world and starts to talk to him, telling him that..... Carrie: I didn’t want this for you. Oh my, you are so very precious to me. The most important person in the world. But........I can’t keep you. (Crying) One of two very fine men could be your daddy and to keep from ruining everyone’s lives, I have to let you go. Oh....this is not what I want. And, I hope and pray you find it in your heart to forgive me when you get older. But always know this, my sweet, precious little boy........I love you more than life itself. I’m doing this because you will have a much better life with people who will also love you like their own. I hope you know that, my wonderful boy. Oh, how I love you so........ Carrie wipes away the tears from her eyes as Alan walks back into the bedroom. He looks down at her but she keeps staring at her son. Alan bends down and softly tells her that now is the time. As much as it kills her, she has to let him go. Carrie looks up at Alan slowly and, with tears once again streaming down her face, she tells him that..... Carrie: I’ll never be able to let him go. Carrie then slowly puts her son into Alan’s arms and kisses him on his forehead, telling him over and over again that Mommy loves him. Alan slowly stands up and takes the baby out of the bedroom and into the living room as he bundles the baby. He then puts his coat on and prepares to take the baby away, as Carrie instructed. As he finishes getting ready, he hears the sound of cars coming closer and closer. He goes and looks out the window and sees two police cruisers headed in the direction of the cabin. He turns around suddenly and takes a moment to take everything in and then goes to the bedroom to warn Carrie about the company they are about to receive. Carrie looks at Alan, who has a terrified look on his face, and asks him what is wrong. He stutters at first and then blurts out that the police are coming down the road. Carrie is stunned and she rationalizes that Shane must have told her family where she was . Alan asks what are they going to do. Just then they hear cars screeching outside. They both stare at each other in shock. Abe, Shane, Roman, Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Kate arrive at the cabin, unaware of what has transpired inside. Roman races up to the door after jumping from the car, with everyone following him. Abe has the officers surround the cabin. Shane runs to the back as Lucas & Austin stand behind Roman. Roman pulls out a walkie-talkie and coordinates with Abe & Shane. When Abe gives the word, Roman bursts through the door and, with his gun drawn, calls out and searches for his daughter. He looks around and then turns to the bedroom, where he sees her laying in her bed, losing consciousness. Roman calls out to everyone that Carrie has been found and Sami, Lucas & Austin rush into the bedroom to comfort Carrie as Abe, Shane & Kate look on from the doorway. Abe then turns and walks away, ordering the two officers with him to search high and low for Carrie’s baby. Kate stares at Shane with cold anger as Sami lays down on the side of her sister and cradles her head, wiping the sweat from her brow. Roman tells Lucas & Austin to call for paramedics and tells them to hurry. Roman then gets up and slowly walks over to Shane. He then stares at him and, with his rage barely concealed, tells him that if Alan gets away with Carrie’s baby not only is their friendship over,.....he will make sure that Shane ends up in jail for what he kept from his family. Shane looks at Roman with sorrow in his eyes as the scene slowly dissolves to...... Outside the cabin, in the woods, as Alan holds Carrie’s son in his arms and looks at the police officers who are now searching for him. He sees them getting closer and closer and says to himself that he hopes he can make a break for it.....before he ends up back in prison. -Back at Alice’s home, Doug, Julie, and Alice sit back and talk about Maggie. Julie remarks how she is afraid she may have fallen off the wagon again and that it is once again gotten out of control. Doug asks that they don't know that but Julie insists it's a feeling she has. Doug asks what they are going to do this time, if she is drinking. Alice says she doesn’t know about anything yet but does know that if nothing else, they better find her right now and bring her over before she does some serious damage to herself or someone else, just in case she is turning back to the bottle. They need to be sure and they haven't seen her much so they need see for themselves that she is alright. Both Doug and Julie agree and, with Doug volunteering to go look for her, Julie stands up and tells him that maybe it would be better for her to look. Doug asks if she’s sure and she smiles, saying that it’s better that way. Doug agrees and says he’ll stay with Alice while she’s gone. They kiss and Julie rushes out. Sometime later, Julie gets to Maggie’s restaurant and goes up to the front door. She uses the spare key that Maggie gave her awhile ago to get in. When she calmly walks through the doors, she turns towards the bar where she finds Maggie.......almost passed out drunk, sitting on a barstool and drinking Vodka from the bottle straight. Julie runs up to her and snatches the bottle from her. Maggie laughs, telling her it’s too late, she’s already nice and bombed. Maggie then tries to stand and almost falls out of the chair. Julie catches her and tells her about how she is destroying her life. She then asks her, while holding her by the chin, would Victor want her in such a condition. Maggie says that it really doesn’t matter in the least....... Since Victor is alive anyway. Maggie passes out in Julie’s arms, while Julie stands holding Maggie in utter shock at the news that Victor survived.....and is alive and well. -In a high-rise futuristic office building in a big, metropolitan city, a very powerful businessman has just been told by his secretary that the man he has been waiting for is now here. He tells her to show him in and then tells her that she is done for the day and to have a great evening. She smiles and tells him to do the same. The man enters the businessman’s office and they shake hands. The businessman offers the other man a drink, witch the other man declines. Then, the businessman says, lets get down to brass taxes, shall we? Businessman: So, did you find that information that I wanted? Man: Yes, sir. Stefano DiMera is once again in hiding. We have a pretty good idea of what part of the country he’s in but can’t pinpoint him. He is one crafty devil, sir. Businessman: Yes, yes I know. He wouldn’t have gotten away with what he did to my family for all these years if he wasn’t. Now, like I told you, I just want you to locate him. When you do, you contact me. Man: Yes, sir. Will do. And Victor Kiriakis? Businessman: He’s a family friend. He and my daddy went way back. He’s also a man who definitely doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty when the situation calls for it. And neither do I. Man: I understand. Well, we just leave Kiriakis alone.... Businessman: For now. If he needs to reach me or my brother, he knows where he can find us. Plus you don’t exactly where he is, do you? Man: Honestly....no sir. (Smiling) He’s just as crafty as DiMera. Businessman: True, but it’s DiMera I want. Find him........and keep it quiet. You report directly to me. My brother isn’t to know a thing until I’m ready for him to know, got that? Man: Yes, sir. Understood. I’ll get right back on it. Businessman: Excellent. The businessman walks the man to the door, shakes his hand, and wishes him luck. He closes the door and then turns around, walking to the window. He stands in front of it, looking out into the night city skyline, and makes a vow, a vow promising that...... Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy): Whatever I do, or whatever it costs me........I will make Stefano DiMera pay for killing my father. Bobby the picks up his drink and takes a sip, as the scene dissolves into........ A condo safehouse, in another major metropolitan city. Stefano is there, with Alexandra, and they are sitting down to dinner. One of his lieutenants comes into the dining room and whispers into Stefano’s ear. He excuses himself and goes into his private chambers to converse with this man. This person tells him that the MCF that has infiltrated their family has been a very busy person. When Stefano asks about the damage he’s done, the man tells him that every single piece of information on John Black is now missing. Stefano asks if the briefcase is also missing, to which the man shakes his head yes. Stefano looks on in shock, saying that everything in that briefcase proves that John Black is really Roman Brady. The names of the doctors who performed plastic surgery, the psychologists who wiped out most of his memory, and the mercenaries who retrained him. If Roman gets his hands on that information......Stefano may actually go to jail for the rest of his life. His lieutenant also tells him that this is the same person who blew up Samantha Brady’s apartment, trying to put the blame on Stefano, and who was with them during the shoot out on New Year’s Eve. He tells his henchman to prepare everything and everyone...they are returning to Salem, so that he can help his daughter with some personal issues. Stefano also tells his henchman to redouble their efforts. They must find this person before he/she does more damage. As the man walks out, Stefano turns and sees Lexie standing there. She has overheard everything. When Stefano walks over to her, she tells him that she no longer cares what he has to do. Everyone in Salem, including her former husband, are now enemies of the DiMera family. And they will all suffer for what they have done to her......and her father. He hugs his daughter, promising that he will get back everything that belongs to both of them, including her son, Theo. She pulls away slightly and smiles, saying how happy she is at that news. They hug once again as Stefano’s face turns to a look of concern. It now fades into....... A mansion on the coast. Victor Kiriakis is standing on the balcony, looking out into the ocean, and holding a glass of Brandy. An operative of his enters his spacious bedroom, informing him that the information he requested is now there. Victor tells him that was great work. He then says that he wants all of his men to redouble their efforts to find this person responsible for his supposed “death” and that little game he/she played when they called the police, Hope, and the I.S.A. to inform them on his & Bo’s whereabouts. He then asks, by the way, how is his son doing. The operative says that Nico has reported back in and says that Bo is doing fine. Good, good, Victor says. As long as he is doing well, that is one thing to be grateful for. But, as God as his witness, he will not rest until this MCF is found......and dealt with once and for all. He takes another sip form his glass, as the scene splits into three separate vertical boxes. One, on the left side, with Stefano tuning his head and looking to his left, as Lexie stands behind him, Victor on the right side of the screen, looking to his left........ And the Mysterious Cloaked Figure in the middle. The scene freeze-frames as the scene slowly fades to black. On the Next Salem Lives... Julie: I think I know just the thing to help you, Maggie. Belle to Philip: Go to hell. Philip to Belle: I don't think so, Izzy. You are the one that's going to be in Hell. Roman to Carrie: We'll find your baby. Carrie to Roman: No!! Don't!! Alan: How the hell do I get out of here with you, kid?
Tuesday's episode of Salem Lives will be delayed. Therefore, we will post two episodes tomarrow. Expect Tuesday's show posted tomarrow afternoon (before 5PM easterm time) and Wednesday's show posted later in the evening as always. We apologize for the inconvenience. It will be worth the wait though.
Same here.
-At University Hospital, Max keeps trying to reassure Abby that he still wants to be with her. He will talk things over with Cassie so there aren't any issues. He will still be able to be a good father and still be with her. Abby has her doubts but Max asks her to trust him. He tells her he will send Chelsea in to be with her while he goes to talk to Cassie. Max hugs her and promises her that everything will work out. Meanwhile, Chelsea is stunned to learn that Cassie knows that she killed Jason and Barry, the two guys who raped her. She had already known that Cassie knew about Hope being her mother. Cassie warns Chelsea that the choice is her's, help her win Max from Abby or see her secrets blown sky high. Her life will be over and she will end up behind bars or worse. Chelsea begins to shake and turns away, as tears stream down her face. She tells Cassie that Abby is her best friend and despite the past Max and her share, she cares about him and doesn't want to hurt them. They have been through enough. She has been through enough. Max comes out of Abby's room and asks to speak with Cassie alone. Max asks Chelsea if she would sit with Abby and she agrees. Cassie agrees to talk and walks off with Max but, not before turning to give Chelsea a look to remind her of the choice she must make. Chelsea goes into Abby's room to find her crying. Chelsea hugs her and asks what is wrong. Abby tells her she is afraid of losing Max now. Cassie has a tie to him that will last forever. Abby can see that Chelsea is also upset and tells her that she knows why she is upset but not why Chelsea would be. She asks her what's wrong. Max and Cassie sit down in the waiting area. Max starts off by telling Cassie that he is happy to be a father. Cassie tells him that makes her happy and that she knows he will be a wonderful father. Max promises her that he will provide for her and the baby and that he will give this child a better life and home then he had growing up. Cassie says that she is sure that Max will keep to his word but reminds him she has the Dimera money and power. Max doesn't want his child brought up like that and tells Cassie that he thought she wanted to stay away from the Dimera empire and it's influence. Cassie lies and says she will never be like them but will utilize what is provided for her, which is the Dimera money and power. There is no reason why her child can't be exposed to that. Max says they will discuss all that later. There is something else they must discuss first. It's about their future together. -At the park, JJ and Angel are still shocked to see their father with Marlena and the MCF. They are both confused as to what could possibly be going on. JJ says he gets the feeling their father is in alot of trouble. Angel agrees and says that this time he may put their whole family in danger. Marlena and James urge the MCF to get on with with what the meeting is about. The MCF pulls out a device of some kind and puts it under their cloak James asks what the device is. MCF: It's a voice changer, you idiot. We are out in public. I must be careful in case anyone was to walk by or hear us. Marlena: Oh, look at that. You cover your own ass and leave both of us like a couple of sitting ducks. What about us getting caught or seen? Huh? (Marlena pushes the MCF) MCF: Don't touch me. You know better. You two need to remember who is in charge here. I decide when things go down, I decide the meetings and the meeting spots. I decide everything. Got that? Marlena: Whatever. James: Look, what Marlena is trying to say is that this isn't the wisest idea. It's so easy for someone to see or hear us. Of course, you don't worry about that. You have this voice changer that you use on the phone and in public. Then, there is the cloak and being all in black. MCF: Well, why don't you and doc over there cover yourselves up if it makes you feel better. Now, on to bigger things, some things have changed. It's time to up the ante and start pushing forward with the plan. We have much to accomplish and so much has already failed to go the way we need it to. Marlena: Well, then let's stop procrastinating and get moving. Our failures so far have been due to a tendency of taking too long to execute strategy. MCF: You mean...your failures, dear. You and James here. James: Alright. Let's just move this along a little quicker. What's the next step? MCF: Well, the next step is... Angel then falls back a bit into the bushes nearby, getting the attention of the MCF. MCF: I heard something. James: Probably just the wind. Marlena: It's never just the wind. The MCF tells Marlena and James to spread out and canvas the area. JJ helps Angel off and they manage to sneak away, right before James goes over to the area they were lurking in. JJ and Angel race to the other end of the park. JJ says they need to tell Billie what they say. It might help convince her to take on the case. -At The Spectator, Jack is cleaning up from the celebration earlier in Greta's office. Billie comes in and tells him that Frankie and Greta left and that Frankie drove. Greta was a little tipsy. Jack laughs, saying she has a tendency of drinking too much when she does drink. He recalls the time he, Greta, and Jennifer got drunk at the Horton House. Jack says those were good times. Billie can see they were by the smile on his face. Jack then asks her about JJ and Angel. Billie fills him in and Jack asks her if she is going to take on the case. Billie tells him she isn't sure that it's something that is worth the time and that there isn't enough to go on yet. Just then, JJ and Angel burst into the office and tell Billie they have something to tell her. They fill her in on what they say in the park between Marlena, James, and the MCF. Billie and Jack are stunned. JJ asks if this is enough for Billie to take on the case. Billie asks JJ and Angel to let her have a minute alone with Jack. When they leave, she remains silent. Jack asks if she is ok. Billie nods and says that this mystery could behuge. There is no telling who is involved. They already know the MCF is a major threat. This James person is very mysterious. The SPD and all of Marlena's loved ones have not been able to find her. She has been acting weird and now is spotted with the MCF and this James guy. Jack wonders if JJ and Angel could be making this up. Billie says she doesn't think so. She reminds Jack of how reliable and level-headed he said that JJ was as an intern. They don't seem like the type of kids to exagerate or fabricate something like this. Jack asks if what JJ and Angel saw is enough reason for Billie to take on this mystery. -At the police station, everyone is still in shock over Shane announcing he knows where Carrie is. Shane apologizes and says he knows that he is going to take alot of heat for this. Roman asks where she is. Shane explains she is in a cabin outside of Green Mountain. She has been there all along. Alan took her there after the island, nursed her back to health, and she has been there ever since. She saved his life and took care of him too after the debris incident and that is when he found them. Roman remembers the day he went into the woods and brought back the letter from Carrie. Shane explains that Carrie wrote the letter and made him vow to keep her secret concerning her whereabouts. She had her reasons and they will all have to ask her what they were. All he will tell them is that she is at the cabin and that Alan was there with her for most of the duration, except for the times he has been in Salem recently. He adds that Carrie believes he has changed. Sami doesn't buy it and says that there is no telling what Alan will do to Carrie or the baby. Lucas and Austin agree. Roman can't believe that Shane would lie to him all this time about his daughter. He was a trusted, loyal friend. Shane apologizes and urges him to wait until he hears what Carrie has to say before passing judgement. Roman tells Shane that he will deal with him later. Kate asks what they are waiting for. Abe asks Roman if he wants to bring some men along. Roman says to bring along some but there is no need to bring many. Lucas and Austin wonder why Carrie would do all this and stay nearby to Salem while they all worry about her. Austin thinks this validates his claim that he wasn't imagining...Carrie was at the ball on New Year's. Kate, Lucas, Austin, and Sami tells Roman they are going to the cabin with him. Roman is ok with it, providing they stay out of the way should Alan be at the cabin and try something. They agree. Roman tells Shane to come along to. They may need him for directions and other info. Shane follows Roman and the others out as Abe motions to four officers to follow him and walks out behind the others. -At the cabin, Carrie is on the floor in pain. She cries out for someone to please come and help her. She feels like the baby could come at any moment. -On the pier, Will is still stunned after learning his friend "Ace" is really Alan Harris, the man who raped his mother. Will: All these months...you saved me from getting in trouble with the principal. You let me tell you my secrets. Was that all an act? Oh...I get it. You needed me for info. Now you are going to use what you know against me...against my family. Right? Alan stands silent. Will: Tell me the truth now!!! What are you up to.? What do you want with me. man?!!! Alan: You don't want to know. Will: What's that mean? Damnit, answer me!! Why did you lie to me? You needed me for something right? Wait...back when mom's place blew up, she was talking about a guy named Alan. She was really upset. That was you. I just never caught you with my mom or dad so I never figured out who you were. I remember...mom and dad and Uncle Austin...they said that this guy, Alan, had disappeared when I showed up at the scene. You didn't want me to find out...you did need me for something. Alan: Perhaps. The less you know the better, Will. Will: Great!! I out you for who you are and you don't even tell me what the hell you are doing? Why you used me? Why did you act like my friend? How stupid!!! I should've known. Kids my age never are friends with guys as old as you. It's always seen as creepy and I never felt like it was because I trusted you!!! You were there for me every time. With the principal...my God, I told you I was gay!!! I told you so much!! Damnit!!! What the hell, man!! Will looks at a stoic and silent Alan. Will: Say something, damnit!! Alan: I wanted you to say what you wanted to. Get it out of your system. Look, Will. I don't have much time and I am kinda in a rush. I don't have to give you a detail by detail analysis of why I did what I did and all that other great stuff. I have someplace to be...like now. However, we will talk later. Will: No, we won't. You can tell everything to the cops because that is who I am calling. They can tell me everything when they are finished with you. Will turns and begins to run but Alan grabs him and pulls him close to himself. He then pulls out a pocket knife and begins to scream in his ear: Alan: IDIOT!! Telling someone you fear and view as dangerous that you are going to tell the cops. Your just asking to be subdued and silenced, aren't you? Will: Let go of me!!! What are you going to do to me? Alan: Right now I am going to take you somewhere for you to relax and wait and, then, I have a little business meeting of sorts to attend. After that, I will be back to deal with you. Now, come on!!! Alan drags Will, who remains silent due to the knife being held right to his back, off. -Back at University Hospital, Abby asks Chelsea again if something is wrong. Chelsea lies and says she is fine and is only upset for her. She is afraid for her and Max too but is sure that it will work out. Abby hopes so. Meanwhile, Cassie begins to get her hopes up. She tells Max that she would like to see if things can work out between them two. They had a passion between them and, obviously, that passion created a child. Max tells Cassie she is misunderstanding. He vows to take care of her and the baby but doesn't think a relationship would work between them. He wants to be with Abby, whether she walks again or not. It wouldn't be fair to her to be with her just because of the baby and try to make something work that he already knows won't. Cassie is stunned and silent. Max asks if she is ok. She nods and tells him she's sorry. The way he was talking made her think that he wanted more. That he wanted to make things work between them. Max apologizes and asks her again if she is ok. She answers yes. Max tells her that they will have to talk more but he wants to get back to Abby. He reiterates that he is happy that he has a baby on the way and thanks her for understanding. Cassie says it's no problem. Max leaves. Cassie throws her purse and hits the wall in front of her. She vows that this isn't over and that she is not going to lose Max. She has his child and that is more then anything Abby can give him. Chelsea comes up behind her, saying that Abby can give Max what he wants and, what he wants, is Abby. Cassie gets up and takes Chelsea by the arm, telling her she is going to shutup and listen to her. She is going to help her break up Max and Abby or she her life crash and burn. Cassie lets go of her arm and walks away while Chelsea looks on, worried and confused over how to deal with this. Max then returns to Abby and tells her he talked to Cassie. It's all going to work out and she took it well. He tells her that she has nothing to worry about. Abby smiles and says she is very happy. Max promises her that everything will be ok and that things are going to get better from now on. Abby knows that everything will be fine, just as long as he is with her and by her side. They embrace as a jealous Cassie looks on outside. -At the park, Marlena and James meet back up with the MCF after finding nothing and no one in the area. The MCF suggests ending the meeting now and tells them both that they will be informed of their next instructions soon. The MCF warns them both to remain vigilant and to be careful. No one can catch on to their plans. As the MCF leaves , Marlena tells James she is sick of this and wishes things would just get moving. She is almost ready to pull out of this but the consequences of such a move prevent her from doing so. James tells her to be patient and just hope that they get everything accomplished and that this all ends soon. They both then leave. -Back at The Spectator, Billie tells Jack that what JJ and Angel say makes the case a whole lot more worthwhile and interesting. It just seems like it could lead to something huge. It's time someone got to the bottom of all this. Jack asks if she means them. Billie smiles and asks Jack "why not?" Jack says that it could be a big story since there is no telling where all this may lead. Jack tells Billie that he's game if she wants to take on the case. They can work together and blow the lid off this mystery. Billie then agrees to take on the case. She walks out of the office and tells JJ and Angel. They thank her and hope they can find out what is really going on. Jack tells them there is no need to worry, you have a PI/former ISA agent and an ace reporter on the case. They all laugh. -Roman is driving Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Kate up to the cabin. Meanwhile, Shane is following in the back with Abe in another car. Shane feels horrible about the lies and knows he will have to make up for them. Abe says he has alot of making up to do and better hope Carrie or her baby hasn't been harmed because, then, his ISA position may be in jeopardy. Back in Roman's car, Sami tells Roman he better hurry. There is no telling what Alan could do as he hates Carrie just as much as he does her. She then begins to worry about Will again. Roman assures her he has men in Salem and around it looking for Will. They will find him and everything is going to be fine. Sami hopes so but can't shake a terrible feeling she has that something bad is going to happen. The scene then shifts to a broken down hotel room. The camera pans up from the floor and slowly reveals an unconscious Will tied to a bed. The scene then shifts to Alan in a car, on his way to the cabin. Alan: Hang on, Carrie. Don't have that baby yet. I'm on my way! -At the cabin, Carrie is still on the floor sweating. She tries to get herself up but yells out in pain again. She wonders if something could be wrong with the baby. She then has another sharp pain and screams out for help before passing out as the screen fades out on her motionless body, lying on the floor of the cabin. On the next Salem Lives... Victor: This cloaked figure...maybe it's time that I start thinking of getting rid of you. Stefano to Lexie: I think it's time to return to Salem. Julie to Maggie : What are you doing? Oh my...you are drinking again!! Eric to Nicole: I have a preposition for you. Carrie to Alan: It's coming. Alan to Carrie: Push!!!
Announcer: THIS WEEK... KILLER FEBRUARY CONTINUES ON SALEM LIVES... WITH ONE BIG WEEK OF HUGE TWISTS AND TURNS!!! FIRST... A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT... Cassie to Max and Abby: I'm pregnant. AND A BLACKMAIL SCHEME.... Cassie to Chelsea: You do what your instructed to do or your secrets come out and I blow your life sky high. LEADS TO ONE DRAMATIC FACEOFF... Cassie to Abby: We need to talk. AND A HUGE MOMENT NO ONE SAW COMING!!! Chelsea: Oh my God!!! THEN... A MYSTERY DEEPENS... JJ to Angel: Why is our father with Dr. Evans and that cloaked person? AS A PLAN BEGINS TO BE PUT INTO MOTION... Marlena to MCF: It's about time we get this thing going. James to Marlena: Let's just get all this overwith. BUT SOME ARE HOT ON THE TRAIL!! JJ (with Angel) to Billie: We have to tell you something we found out...about our father. Billie to Jack: This mystery surrounding this cloaked person is big, Jack. Really big. It's time someone gets to the bottom of it. Jack to Billie: Like us? AND... A RACE AGAINST TIME... Roman to Shane: Why didn't you tell us about Carrie? Shane to Roman: There is no time. We need to get to her now!!! Sami to Lucas: There is no telling what Alan could do to Carrie or that baby. TO GET TO A WOMAN IN LABOR... Carrie: Help!!! The baby is coming!!! AS SECRETS ARE REVEALED... Will to Alan: You the man that raped my mother? You bastrard!! You lied to me!!! AND LIVES HANG IN THE BALANCE!!! Will to Alan: So, what are you going to do to me now? Huh? Carrie: It's coming!!! Argh... PLUS...A SHOCKING TWIST THAT YOU WON'T BELIEVE! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!! KILLER FEBRUARY!!!
2007 EPISODE COUNTS (UP TO DATE) PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.) Episodes: 21 Days: 4 New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007) January 9-January 23, 2007 January 24-January 30, 2007 January 31- 1.) Suzanne Rogers(Maggie Horton)- 17 2.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-16 *Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-16 4.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-15 *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-15 6.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-13 7.) Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-12 8.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-11 *Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-11 10.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-10 *Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-10 *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-10 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-10 *Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-10 15.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-9 16.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-8 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-8 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-8 19.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-7 *John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-7 *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-7 22.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-6 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-6 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-6 *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-6 *Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-6 *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-6 28.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-5 *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-5 *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-5 *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-5 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-5 *Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-5 *Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-5 *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-5 *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-5 37.) Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-4 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-4 *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-4 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-4 41.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-3 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-3 *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-3 44.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-2 45.) Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-1 *Arloa Reton (Joelle)-1 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-1 Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver) Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen) Ron Leath (Henderson) Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)
JANUARY EPISODE COUNTS SUZANNE ROGERS LEADS THE PACK WITH 17 OUT OF 21 POSSIBLE APPEARANCES!!! PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.) Episodes: 21 Days: 4 New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007) January 9-January 23, 2007 January 24-January 30, 2007 January 31- 1.) Suzanne Rogers(Maggie Horton)- 17 2.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-16 *Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-16 4.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-15 *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-15 6.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-13 7.) Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-12 8.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-11 *Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-11 10.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-10 *Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-10 *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-10 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-10 *Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-10 15.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-9 16.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-8 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-8 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-8 19.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-7 *John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-7 *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-7 22.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-6 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-6 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-6 *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-6 *Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-6 *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-6 28.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-5 *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-5 *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-5 *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-5 *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-5 *Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-5 *Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-5 *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-5 *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-5 37.) Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-4 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-4 *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-4 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-4 41.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-3 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-3 *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-3 44.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-2 45.) Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-1 *Arloa Reton (Joelle)-1 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-1 Contract and Recurring actors not appearing this month: CONTRACT Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver) RECURRING Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen) Ron Leath (Henderson) Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver) (MONTHLY EPISODE COUNTS WILL BE MOVED TO THE MONTHLY EPISODE COUNT CATEGORY A DAY AFTER THEY ARE POSTED. YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND TOTAL EPISODE COUNTS FOR THE YEAR UNDER THE YEAR TO DATE CATEGORY ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE BLOG.)
WEEK OF 2/5/06 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SALEM LIVES' ALISON SWEENEY AND CHRISTIE CLARK (SAMI AND CARRIE BRADY) OPEN UP ABOUT WHY THEY WERE SAD AND ARE NOW HAPPIER THEN THEY'VE EVER BEEN, HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT THE RETURN OF PATRICK MULDOON (AUSTIN), AND ON WHAT IT IN STORE FOR THEIR CHARACTERS. Interviewer: Hello girls. Thanks for taking time to chat. Alison Sweeney: Oh, no problem. Christie Clark: Yeah. We weren't doing anything. I: Let's start with you Ali. Tell us how it feels that Sami has now grown up and matured. AS: THANK YOU JESUS!!! (laughing) When Tim (Lowery, EP/HW) told me that maturing and redeeming Sami was one of his main focuses, I was so happy. Sami has been in the same rut for years. The fans can only take so much of the same stuff over and over. I can only play so much of the same stuff over and over. I needed a change and so did the fans. I just love how they did it. It happened slowly with Sami making little strides like being brave and being a hero during the island story, slowly letting down the walls when it came to John, telling everyone that Carrie had called, and things like that. The big change was slowly built up and we finally saw it in December when Sami finally realized how much John loves her. The reveal of him as her father was crucial and the floodgates opened when she saw him trying to save Eric. Then, of course, her saving her father was the major turning point. I loved every minute of it. CC: The writers did a great job with it. The fans will love the fact that we have some great Carrie/Sami scenes coming. They have covered every aspect of sami's redemption but the Carrie angle so that is coming. I: Sounds good. Ali, how do you like the Alan story? Does it meet your expectations and what you always thought it would be like when Alan did return? AS: Oh, yes. That first confrontation at the Halloween Ball was amazing. Paul (Kersey, Alan played it great. It's been great. I like the way they set it up with him convincing Carrie he has changed. She would so buy that kind of sob story. I am so happy that it's really picking up now. There is some powerful stuff coming. CC: Yeah. Carrie is a sucker. Just look at what happened with Highstyle (laughs). I agree with Ali, though. The story was set up well. Carrie is so trusting and she would totally buy any act that Alan puts on. We don't know if it's an act yet or what is going on. That is what I like. No one knows if Alan has changed or if he is faking for some reason. No one can call Carrie stupid yet (laughs). I:We have talked to several of your castmates who have been overjoyed since the new regime took over in May of last year. They have praised the stories and writing yet, I hear you two weren't happy. What gives? AS: Well, everyone was and still is happy about the writing and the new regime we have in charge of the show. It's not that some of us were unhappy but we had to say goodbye to some people like Judi (Evans, ex-Bonnie), Kyle (Brandt, ex-Philip), Missy (Reeves, ex-Jennifer). For me, it was especially hard when the decision was made to recast Will. Saying goodbye to Chris Gerse was hard but Jeremy Sumpter has been great. We also lost Austin Peck (ex-Austin), which was hard because I've worked with him for so long. It's great having Patrick (Muldoon, Austin) back. Brings back old memories and he brings something special to the role. CC: Yeah. It was difficult, moreso for Ali because alot of those who were leaving were people she had worked with while I was off the show. I feel what she is saying about Austin Peck though. We all had worked together for so long. I hated that he had to leave but the show made the decision and they felt it was right. It happens. Having Patrick back as Austin is great. Like Ali said, he brings something different to the role. It feels like old times between him and I. We know each other well from when he was first on the show. It was easy getting back into the groove with him when he returned. The only think I hate is I haven't worked with him much and never really got to work with Austin Peck much before he left too. AS: Yeah. That is another thing that was hard to deal with the past few months. I know I was sad about it and so was Bryan, Austin, and Patrick. We missed having Christie around. Even when she was taping, she was always in a scene with Alan or just by herself. We haven't had scenes together in ages and that is why taping what happens this week and beyond was great. Finally we were all reunited onscreen and off. It felt good to work together again. CC: You can say that again. I think the closest I had to scenes with Ali, Bryan, and the others was in early Fall when they were all searching for Carrie and she was watching nearby. Everything else has been with Alan and Shane (Charles Shaughnessy). We have such a big cast so I understand. The story was very slow-moving and I knew from what I was told that nothing would really happen until Carrie had the baby. On the positive side, I had alot of time off between appearances to rest up for what is to come. I am excited. I: Any hints of what is to come: AS:Sweeps is huge, especially for our story. The whole Sami/Lucas/Carrie/Austin mess is resolved and there is some great LUMI stuff coming. Sami and Lucas will work to be together and will face a huge crisis in the weeks ahead. The Alan story will heat up and how Will plays into it is big. I am also happy, like Christie said, about the upcoming Carrie and Sami scenes. It's one of the last angles to play in Sami's redemption and the scenes are well done. CC: Yeah. They really are. The fans will love them. Carrie has a big week coming up as she is in labor and there is a big twist coming involving the baby that sets up some good drama down the road. Carrie and Austin fans have some great stuff to look forward to. The story is really moving and I am excited. It's great to be back in action!! I: Thank you both for sitting down with us. You gave us some great scoops. AS: Your welcome. CC: Anytime. We just hope the fans enjoy what is to come. COMINGS AND GOINGS Renee Jones (Lexie Carver): Jones returns from hiatus as the character finally makes her first appearance sicne December this week. Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera): Mascolo reappears for the first time in over a month this week. John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis): Aniston returns after a brief two week hiatus this week. Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico): The actor reappears as Victor's henchman this week. Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris): The soap vet will play the role of Bo's psychiatrist. She will first appear next week. The role is recurring. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 2/5/07 -Will learns the truth. -Shane confesses and faces the Brady's wrath. -Chelsea gives in to Cassie as Abby wonders what is wrong with her. -Max's words sting Cassie. -It's a race against time to reach Carrie as she prepares to give birth. -The mystery of the MCF deepens. -Julie catches Maggie in the act. -JJ and Angel tell Billie about James and Marlena. -Julie learns Victor is alive and prepares to take action to help Maggie. -Jack and Billlie warn JJ and Angel. -Victor and Stefano are fixated on the MCF. -Philip wields his power as Kiriakis heir. -Stefano decides to return to Salem, with Lexie in toll -Carrie's secret comes out -Billie and Jack investigate James. -Eric and Nicole hit the road. -Carrie tells another lie. -Cassie and Abby have a tense faceoff. -A stunning twist occurs in the aftermath of Carrie giving birth. Next Week: Eric and Nicole vow to take action to make their dream come true. Valentine's Day brings some couples together and sees others torn apart. Abby and Max reach a turning point. Cassie vows revenge. Carrie and Sami put the past behind them. Carrie and Austin reunite. Bo remembers everything. Will bears witness to Alan's wrath.