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Everything posted by ClassicsSoapFan

  1. Kim Hughes sighed. It was 2:30 am and she was wide awake. Carefully she slipped out of bed so as not to wake her husband Bob who had been sleeping soundly beside her. She loved hearing the sounds of his snoring so gently.It gave her a sense that they had did the right thing.She missed Oakdale and the time change still needed little getting used to. In the kitchen Kim put on a sauce pan to heat some milk. Sounds cliche' but warm milk did help her sleep.It had been almost six months since she and Bob had retired from their jobs,sold their home and relocated to Phoenix,Arizona. Gone were the 18 hour days of owning amd managing a television station for her and being Chief of staff of a regional hospital for him. No she didn't miss the lomg hours, the urgent emergencies and the lack of sleep and rest. Oh she missed Oakkdale. She missed her friemds and loved ones. She didn't miss their constant troubles though. And Susan Stewart.She chuckled as she sipped the last of her milk. Yes,she had forgiven Susan and put the stuff she had done far in the recesses of her mind. But that woman and her daughters were the curse of the Hughes men! She rinsed her cup and put it in the drainer and returned to the bedroom. She slipped in beside her peaceful sleeping husband and heard the sound of a train whistle in the distance. All was at peace. No worries,no troubles. No emergencies,no deadlines.Not a care in the world. Little did she know that peaceful existence was going to come to an end real soon! Real soon!
  2. Pamela K.Long 1.Jackson Freemont 2.Anabelle Sims 3.Kyle Sampson Megan McTavish 1.Reva Lewis 2.Meta Bauer 3. Quint Chamberlain Bonus Dinah Marler I am not sure about the M McT answers !
  3. 1.Sam Spencer and Marissa Spencer Randall,wife of Alfred. 2. Brandon Luvonacek (called Lujack)and Nick Mc Henry Bonus:Eden August
  4. 1. Reva Shayne 2. Sebastian Hulce Bonus: She pushed Jonathan out of the way to keep him from being ran over by a car. She was hit by the car herself. I think Alan had hired the driver to do the deed. **I think! I don't pay as close attention to GL like I used to**
  5. Good post. I think you captured his personality very well! I look forward to the next installment.
  6. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #17

    I loved the interactions between Tom and Amy,Ben and Betsy,Vanessa and Alex. I loved Ben and Betsy's argument over Tom especially. Good work!
  7. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #12

    Still another good episode. I have said before I like Megan. I like Megan and Vanessa and how they are so different. Those family scenes were well done. I liked Joy getting trash from the waitress and Tom and Amy too. I agree about the opening. The way the pictures move in and out is like they were made for the opening!
  8. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #10

    Another good week and a great Friday cliffhanger! I loved it! Also,can I say I like Megan,LOL!
  9. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #8

    At the risk of repeating myself:another good one. Loved each scene,especially Barbara's remembrances and Amy and Tom's scene. I wish you wrote from daytime tv,specifically ATWT!
  10. Good news,Dusty. I will be reading. Are you going to fix Cleo's teeth?!?
  11. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #7

    Another good one,Matt! I remember Michael Durrell from Guiding Light in the late 60's. And I remember when Zina played Barbara on the show. I loved it all,especially the family scene with Van and the last scene with the newspaper. Good job!
  12. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #6

    Another good one. I love Chaz and Eddie at his mother's grave! The Cal/Van/Rick scenes were very nice.
  13. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #5

    A perfect end to a great first week. We see more clues in to Chaz's identity and the cliffhanger with Cal and Rick at the end was great. Good choices there for Cal and Rick. I loved Andrew being supportive of Van and Ben and Van's eulogies too. The closing with the credits were well done! I can't wait to next week and THAT is what good soap opera telling should be!!!
  14. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #4

    I am glad you brought Eddie back for the funeral. I could hear the voices of the actors during that scene at the casket. I like Chaz and Joy too and am intrigued how their part in the story will play out. You got me hooked!
  15. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #3

    You are a very good writer! I love Vanessa and Megan!
  16. ClassicsSoapFan

    Episode #1

    Good job,Matt! I loved it! You have made some good casting choices. I love it that the twins are like their namesakes. The opening and closing is very good and I like the commercial billboards that change the scenes!
  17. ClassicsSoapFan


    Very good entry,Matt.I enjoyed it. You have made some good casting choices. Your stories have grabbed my interest. I loved Vanessa.One of the best soap heroines of all time. I look forward to the next entry!
  18. 1.The Lighthouse Gala 2.Michelle Bauer and Drew Jacobs 3. Yes
  19. 1. Lorelei 2. Miguel Jr (was killed by Drew or Michelle ?),Danny and Pilar. Father Ray is a cousin. 3. Alan-Michael- Alan and his grandfather Mike Bauer were enemies when the Spaulding's came to town. I believe Alan and Hope(Mike's daughter) fell in love after the plane they were on crashed on a deserted island.
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