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Everything posted by ClassicsSoapFan

  1. Love the baby's name! I like the twist of Holden being VP Lots of stuff happening!!!! Good job!!!!
  2. Very good episodes posted today. I like the character of Grant. Looking forward to the Lyla connection to Katie's kidnapping.
  3. Love the wedding stuff.Loved all the interactions between the characters. I am looking forward to what Josh has to say at the wedding.Next week in my blog is the grand reopening of Mona Lisa. Some former characters will be back and there will be a shocking cliffhanger on Friday.
  4. Just read 201 and 202. Margarita? LOL! Leave it to Henry to become involved with a woman named Margarita! Now,who can Erin be?Good work!
  5. Good episode! Congratulations on making it to 200! I know this type of episode is hard work.You did good structuring it and the characters you used were wriiten very well. Thanks!
  6. That is exactly what Kim on the TV version would do! I am enjoying what you've got going on!
  7. Good entry. Love the balance of older,in between and younger characters.
  8. Good episode,Dusty. I like the paragraph style.It is easier to read ! Grant and Emma! That is a surprise,LOL! Emma is no longer just a shoulder for her family to cry on. Love the slow build to Will having flashes of memory about the accident. The scene with Emily in the car is good too.Here comes Andy to the rescue!! I liked Meg and Dusty too but the Emma story is my favorite. Looking forward to the next TWOO ! Keep it up!
  9. Emily getting car jacked is an interesting twist! I am liking the Emma storyline. Love the Meg/Dusty/Lucy storyline. Both ladies are having baby problems. I like that Roxie is not a good-girl.Good work!
  10. Good job,Dusty. Some nice touches bringing back so many people!
  11. You are doing a good job handling Hal's death!
  12. Both episodes (Mon and Tues) were good. I liked the bbq at the Hughes. I didn't do a Bauer BBQ in my fan fic! I forgot I am glad you are keeping Jennifer alive.I think the real ATWT will regret killing her off!
  13. I am glad your bringing back Carly and Jack to your fanfic. I love your TWOO banner. Good job!!!!!
  14. Dusty,I am so sorry for you and your family.You will be in my prayers!
  15. Good job! I like Nora.I'd like to see her and Carly tangle.LOL! Kevin's feelings about Lucinda are sure going to put a crimp in things. I like your style! Keep it up.
  16. Interesting previews,Dusty. I like them all. Gotta admit that I am intrigued with the Henry preview too!
  17. Good post. Lily's reaction to Kevin and Holden's reactions to Lily and Luke were so true to character. I liked the end when Kevin realized Luke's grandmother was the same one who took his dad's job away and is the root of his father's problems.
  18. I like the Dusty-Meg-Lucy connection.Good stories all around,keep it up!
  19. Lucinda sounds like Lucinda,well you captured her character is what I mean! The promise of a Hughes story and Lucinda getting back in the groove @ Worldwide. Love it! It is great to see two good ATWT fanfics on the board! James
  20. Your a good writer! Keep it up.I hope you do stories for some of the other characters too!!
  21. Good story. Can't wait to see what happens with Lucinda and James.
  22. Congratulations on your 100th episode.I am enjoying the way your World turns!
  23. I am enjoying your fanfic! You are really good at this! I wish you'd write more often but I understand if you can't. They can take up a lot of time,LOL!
  24. I'm still reading and still enjoying!!
  25. Kim gets the best of Katie and Henry and Nancy pulls Roxie aside and gives her a warning. I love it! Can't wait to see what Jess and Curtis find out at the new cult home. Good going ,Dusty!
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