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This is my fan fiction blog. It'll primarily be ET, but if there are any others that inspire me, I'll include them

Entries in this blog

Chapter 8

“Coming!” Paloma yelled out as she sprinted to the door. Once she opened it, a look of shock instantly replaced the smile she had on her face. “Ethan. What are you doing here?” “I’m here to see Theresa and Jane.” “Theresa and Jane? They’re not here. She left town this morning.” Paloma fumbled as she tried to make sure that he didn’t try to take her daughter away from her again. “Paloma, nice try, but I know she’s here. The car’s still parked in front of the house. Don’t worry. I don’t h



Chapter 7

Chapter 7 The next morning, Theresa kept herself in her old room watching Jane draw in her coloring book. EJ preferred to spend a day with Miguel since he hadn’t seen his uncle in so long, so they went out to the arcade. “Mommy, look what I drew.” Jane exclaimed as she ran up to her. Theresa smiled as she saw her daughter’s rendition of their family. She fought back tears at the sight of something so beautiful. “Honey, it’s absolutely beautiful. I love you so much.” Theresa replied as she pu



Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Theresa let out a sigh as she walked around the town. It had changed, but remained the same at the same time. The sights, the smells, the look. She missed all of it, but not enough to actually want to stay there. She mostly didn’t want to be there because of Ethan. Why did he do that to her? Why did he want to bring up so many painful memories again? Did he want to punish her for leaving? She walked aimlessly until she stopped in front of the book café. Boy, was she in the mood for



Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Once the children had been put to bed, Theresa found herself restless and anxious. She didn’t want to be here anymore, but her family insisted that she stay for at least a few days. Realizing that she couldn’t just stay in bed and stare up at the ceiling, she got out of bed and got dressed so that she could take a walk. Soon, she found herself by the wharf. She remembered that this was the place where she and Ethan first kissed. So many painful memories she didn’t want to relive. Sh



Chapter 4

Chapter 4 It took all of her strength to not scream in the car, but she kept it all inside for the children’s sake. She didn’t want to scare them. Lord knows they had been through so much with Gwen’s obsessive desire to take her children away from her to punish her. That was all the more reason as to why the meeting between her and her family should be brief so that she wouldn’t have to worry about what Gwen and Rebecca may do to them. “Here we are guys. Now, we want to make this a big surpr



Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Once the funeral ended, she, Jane, and Little Ethan hid in the sacristy, waiting for the other guests to leave the church before going to the cemetery. It was just so hard to not go to her family and just pull them into a hug, but she wanted to have her quiet time with her mother so that she could say her final goodbye. When she saw that there was no one in the church, she opened the door to the sacristy. “EJ, please keep an eye on Jane for a minute. I’d like to say goodbye to Gra



Chapter 2

Ethan looked at Pilar’s coffin with such sadness in his eyes. He remembered how Pilar had been a second mother to him when he was a child. He remembered the love she had for him as if he were her own son. He remembered…Theresa. Suddenly all of the memories that he had shared with Theresa came flooding back to him. He also remembered the last thing he said to her before she left Harmony for good. “You lie, Theresa! You lie over and over and over, and I’ve defended you. But this Theresa, th



Can We Put the Past Behind Us?

This is my ET fan fic. Super excited about this fic. It's one that I'm proud of so far. Just some notes: LE is now EJ, and Luis and Migs are back in Harmony Chapter 1 It had been five years since she had last seen Harmony, and she would prefer if she had never come back here. Unfortunately, she had to. Three nights ago, she had received word that her mother had passed away. The illness she had suffered from relapsed suddenly, and taken her life before there was any chance of recovery. The



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