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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Thought they were going to go the way of "Dierdre the Hairdresser" in the Edward Goes to Hell fic.
    LOL! I didn't catch that the first time. Read it again, and found it. But isn't it Deidre? ;)

    Marland, thanks so much for posting that! Hilarious! Not too fond of the acting (considering the material, I'll let it pass), but that made it all the more entertaining. LOL!

    MinervaFan, I'll see if I can get the clips up soon.

    Regency, many thanks for the fic feedback.

    Edit: ILoveTracyQ, I'm not too big on the hair either. I'll get used to it, but I miss the curls, and I also thinks it's needs to be shorter IF she's going to wear it down.

    Breakroom anyone?






    Well, since WUBS says Dillon's career path involves ELQ, I guess it makes sense for Tracy to have her doubts. I know I have mine, LOL. Whatever. If it gives JE and SC decent material together, I'm all for it.

    SID is too funny. There's apparently an article speculating that what happened to Erica on AMC will happen to Tracy on GH. SID and fans believe Skye is Tracy's daughter *watches as MinervaFan and ILoveTracyQ run out of the thread screaming* making the SkyLo baby the Q heir.

    But, SID adds, what if it was another baby, one that was believed to be dead at birth? Like (oh, this gets too good, and it's hilarious 'cause I'm not making it up) Laura Webber Spencer. !?!?! The time frame/ages aren't exact, but GH plays with that sort of thing all the time. SID doesn't think it's a coincidence that they mentioned this right as GH is preparing to bring Laura back.

    SoapDish wonders if that's Laura's secret. That she's Tracy's daughter. And that it would be typical Guza to have Luke married to both the mother and her daughter. Heh. I definitely don't see this happening because no way is Laura's big secret going to give JE an actual SL, but I gotta give SID props for making me laugh. Any comments?

  2. nex, I'd be more excited, but GF has the option of returning if the ratings go up. I doubt LuNacy will ever progress.

    MinervaFan, ILoveTracyQ, and Lainey, much thanks for the feedback on No Going Back. Deb, you got email. And I hope to get Oh, Baby rolling again sometime soon. Early October, maybe?

    Phone conversation with an offliner: My mother (dum, dum, dum)...Of course, this isn't word for word, but I tried. LOL.

    Mom: [in an effort to discuss something else other than RL] So, your Tracy's been on a lot lately.

    Me: [shocked] We haven't talked about General Hospital in weeks... Not really. She just had 2 scenes yesterday.

    Mom: Yeah, but she was in 3 episodes in a row.

    Me: Still not a lot of scenes.

    Mom: More than usual.

    Me: [laughs] Good point.

    Mom: I really don't like her hair.

    Me: I miss the curls.

    Mom: It's too long. It's better shorter. Has more bounce that way.

    Me: I guess.

    Mom: Did you see Monica's scene?

    Me: Whoa. My mom's talking to me about the...GASP...Quartermaines. I'm usually the one who initiates conversations about them, while she goes on and on about the wonderfulness that is Jason and Sam. Yeah, she was on the phone with Emily.

    Mom: But did you notice her ring?

    Me: You know, I don't really pay much attention to anything dealing with Emily.

    Mom: It was HUGE!

    And that's pretty much all I remember. Guess I'm gonna have to find a screencap of that ring. Anyway, kinda pointless, but I thought I'd share regardless. :lol:

  3. Now don't anyone get too excited, but guess who showed off her legs today? Well, not show-off, show-off, but she did have a skirt on. ;)

    ILoveTracyQ, they're looking for you at TWoP with the bit of great Tracy stuff we've gotten recently. Just thought I'd mention it here. :)






    Luke wants Tracy to look after Lulu again. Tracy is upset that he's leaving. He can't go. Lulu needs him, blah, blah, blah. Sorry, Tracy, but shut up. Thank you. Heh. Luke wants to her stop nagging. Tracy wants him to be a "normal" father. He wants her to define normal. She wants him to because "that girl [Lulu] needs you [Luke]."

    Next scene: Tracy compares herself to Lulu. They both love their fathers, but Daddy always loses interest. Luke wants her to spare him the psycho-analysis. He's leaving. Tracy will cope. The end. She wonders where he's going. He makes a comment about looking for buried treasure. Tracy doesn't care about that; wants him to know that he's leaving Lulu this time. Luke says his "mission" is over. She says it's just beginning; it started with Lulu having the abortion, and if Luke leaves now, Lulu will bare the regret of her abortion her entire life (or something like that; I can't remember). Enter Lulu: You're leaving?

    How sad that their final scenes before GF's return were all about Lulu? I *almost* think yesterday would've been a better ending. On another note, Georgie continues to rock my world.

  4. Per SZ, Luke/Lulu had 2 scenes or whatever, and Luke left. I *really* hate how the episode follows Luke around but not also the characters he interacts with. Kinda like...Oh, Luke's with Patrick/Robin! When he's done with them, they disappear. Oh, look! He's with Tracy now. Oh, all done. Tracy disappears. I wonder if the little bit of LuNacy that aired included a good-bye?

  5. Yay! A happy story by MinervaFan! Thanks Deb. :D LOL about your reaction to Edward, by the way. And I'd love to see your scenario happen; unfortunately, I'm not expecting a good-bye scene at all. *shrugs*

    Lainey, I didn't catch that the first time, but I rewatched, and you're right. It seems as though there's some handholding going on there. Darn the editing department for taking it out.

    nex, I was thinking the same thing about You Tube and "generalhospital." I'm sure you don't have to apologize. :)

    From the "Quote game..."

    "I am impressed with your proficiency. Do you watch a lot of porn?"
    Tracy to Sam after she found Sam and Jax, um, together, on the desk, in the office.
    "Stairways can be really treacherous in the dark."
    Tracy to Alan, Monica, and Edward during Murder Mystery Week. They were walking down the stairs (obviously). Tracy made the comment. Alan was all, "What's that supposed to mean?" And Monica instructed, "Stay away from her, Alan." LOL.
    "Does the prince always arrive in shackles?"
    Tracy to no one in particular as Nik arrived to his wedding in handcuffs.

    Per SZ...Luke/Robin/Patrick, Lulu seeing herself as catatonic...OMG! I just checked again. She's ON! Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Luke wants to leave; Tracy's upset. Our poor girl. :(






    The Lulu propping wasn't that bad IMO. ILoveTracyQ, are you too angry to post because of that? LOL Heh. But what is this I'm reading about Luke trashing the Q's again and needing to protect Lulu from them? <_< It must have happened in the Laura/Luke and Lulu/Luke scenes that I didn't watch. *glares at TIIC* I'm sensing some upcoming conflict. Seems as Tracy is upset with Luke (as she should be), and she's not hiding it. That scene angel mentioned; I'm not sure I'd call it sweet. She seemed sad, angered, not to mention jealous. Angst is coming, my friends. It's already here. *buckles up* I hope it's a good ride.

    Ooh, and Edward offered to take Tracy into the living room for a brandy. I need to watch the scene again 'cause I could have sworn he used the words "good, ole Dad," and that he actually escorted his daughter out of the room. :o

  7. SHE'S ON! SHE'S ON!

    Per SoapZone, our girl is ON! She's propping Lulu, but she's ON! And there's also some LuNacy! *gets out popcorn for later* Speculation of TQ wanting out of the marriage; something about how Luke is going to unintentionally break her heart. :( *gets out tissues* Oh, and the Q's are being nice to Lulu.

    And yay nex! You get a virtual appliance of your choice. :) Anyone else want to guess the other three?

  8. Glad you enjoyed the video, Lainey.

    Why is it so dead here? Does this mean there's nothing to talk about? I'll come up with something. ;)

    Maybe Tracy/Luke will have some scenes today after Robin/Luke...

    Game time...Told ya, I'd come up with something.

    Quotes: When, where, and why?

    "Sometimes I just hate being me."

    "I am impressed with your proficiency. Do you watch a lot of porn?"

    "Do not gesticulate with your cutlery!"

    "Stairways can be really treacherous in the dark."

    "Does the prince always arrive in shackles?"

    "One of the sad ironies of life it that you don't get to pick your family."

  9. Friday's Clips TQ is in Segments 1b, 2, 3b, and 6.

    Thanks for the SoapTalk Clips nex!

    And welcome back knh!

    Edit: Heh. Post 800! Yay for Tracy Q!

    Edit #2: How about a Luke, Lulu, Quartermaine Video for 800 posts? Emphasis is of course on Tracy. Very similar to the Tracy and her family video. I tried to use different clips though. Characters included: DL's Edward, JI's Edward, Luke, Alan, Ned, Dillon, Lila, Monica, and Lulu, and Tracy (but that goes without saying). ;)

  10. I don't have too much to say. :(

    MinervaFan, your video and story got me all emotional. I loved the use of the graphics of the video; and the way you ended it with Lulu and the sad face? Aww.






    You killed off Dillon?!? Dillon?!? You are evil. But seriously...Wow. I don't even know where to begin except that I had tears in my eyes while reading. It was just so incredibly sad, all of it. Tracy hardly being able to identify him; the line about her being hysterical at the morgue; Luke comparing her appearance to Laura's...Just wonderful. GH should kill of Dillon in a dream, just so I can see how JE would portray Tracy's grief. Anyway...Wow (again). Angsty stories don't usually help the mood I'm in (I need HAPPY things, darnit, LOL), but I'll read them regardless...and did I say wow? LOL. ::amazement::


    angel beat me to some of it...Oops. *waves to angel*

    The Luke/Lulu conversation happened offscreen. We found out through a Luke/Tracy scene. :D See? Me=Positive. Quick recap: Tracy told Luke she didn't want Lulu aborting the child and having to live with that regret the rest of her life. Luke asked, "Are we talking about Lulu, or are we talking about you?" Tracy: Me?!? Luke: Lulu told me. Tracy looked up, blink back some tears (maybe) and sadly/sarcastically responded to herself, "Thank you, Lulu." And then to Luke, she said she told her not to tell. Luke is grateful that Tracy did. She's the only one in that house who allowed Lulu to explore all of her options. Luke thanks her.

    About the hair...Eh. I miss the curls. Like REALLY miss them. Looks like it's been straightened. It got really long in the last however many weeks, and even though the outside scenes weren't really outside, GH could have fooled me. Someone did a good job of making it look breezy. Heh. Ooh, hair looks soft though. :)

    Edward/Tracy's conversation about Georgie/Dillon didn't air. But, Edward/Tracy had their 2 second part (one scene total) of the montage in which everyone else got at least 15 seconds (3 or 4 scenes). Liz/Lucky got to fight. Maxie got to sit on a bed and be sad. Nik got to drive home. Carly/Jax got to sit on the couch with Michael/Morgan. Sonny got to hug Kristina. Sam got to stand there. Ric got to look evil. Dillon got stand on the patio and be sad. Luke sat with Laura. Lulu prepared for the abortion. And every 5 seconds, a clock was shown. Starting at 6:55 and ending at 7:00 (when the episode ended). 7pm was the time of Lulu's abortion...

    Anyway, LOL...In Tracy and Edward's 2 seconds, Tracy approached Edward, who was sitting on the chair with a newspaper. She put a hand on his shoulder and crouched down so they were on the same level. Edward put his hand over hers. And Ms. Q goes "aww" and forgets how evil Eddie Q. has been to his daughter. I would have liked for Tracy to have hugged Dillon, while he stood alone on the patio, with tears in his eyes, but I'll take what I can get.

    So overall? We got LuNacy! I can't complain...much. Tony made Jane laugh. It was sweet. Oh, and previews? Luke/Robin. Georgie/Lulu. I miss Tracy already. But...Staying positive. Tracy was on! And got decent material! :D

  12. angel! Glad you popped in! We've missed ya!

    Love the fake spoilers, MinervaFan!

    The Tracy/Lesley/Dillon thing is a rumor from an anonymous poster at SoapDish. Grain of salt and all that. ;)

    SOD Spoiler (Skye's return)





    Guza: "Skye's return will involve not only Lorenzo, but also Robert and old flame Luke, which then immediately involves Tracy, who's not thrilled about that (laughs)." *shrugs* I hate this stupid merry-go-round. At least we have TQ spoilers, right?

  13. *cries* When is Tracy going to be on? This is just getting stupid...once again. I NEED her on. I NEED something to look forward to. WhyAreTheyWastingHer? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

    Ooh, had an idea for Oh, Baby; wrote some of it last night (time-line wise, we're talking Chapter 80 something). Anyway, Lainey and MinervaFan keep encouraging me to write a love scene, and well, I had a little fun last night. LOL! It isn't very good IMO...But it's something. And I *think* someone might catch them 'cause I'm evil like that.

    smirks, I'm not sure if Tracey is going to use the small sectional banners anymore, but I like them too, LOL. I also like the 3rd big one, but she's not too fond of the repeating images. So...We'll see what happens. :)

    Lainey, a big "awww" to your story. SO. UGH. ABOUT. A. CERTAIN. RETURN. I wish we could get something that resembled your story, but ILoveTracyQ is right. GH will never do it. I really enjoyed your Robert/Luke scene, by the way. And of course the, LuNacy stuff goes without saying. :)

    Please dear Soap Gods, let Tracy be on today.






    From SoapDish: Tracy defends Dillon against Lesley. I'm guessing this is inaccurate. Seriously? Lesley Webber gets a spoiler? Doubt it. ;)

  14. Thanks Keith (Yay! You posted!) and ILoveTracyQ! :D

    ILoveTracyQ, I know you're not fond of the bob with blonde highlights, but I wanted to include a variety of looks/hair-styles without going really far back.

    So, per previews, I guess Luke/Lulu are on tomorrow at the clinic. TG's fifth day onscreen since vacation, and still no sign of JE and therefore Tracy. *sigh*

    Edit: SPOILERS (Luke/Laura/Lulu/Edward/Tracy/Dillon/Robin)





    From this site:


    Robin brings to light an experimental drug treatment that may be able to bring Laura out of her catatonic state, but Luke is reluctant. After witnessing LuLu's desperate need for her mother, Luke agrees to Robin's help. Luke is hesitant to leave Port Charles in search of the doctor who created the drug that may help Laura, but does so, for LuLu. LuLu surprised by the kindness she receives from Dillon, Edward, and Tracy.

  15. Tracy needs to get her butt onscreen soon, so this thread can get some action, LOL. Where is everybody?

    nex, I'm glad you liked "One Year Ago." Also...Here are the 2 stories that MinervaFan accidentally forgot to list: Let It Be by LSpencer (features a good amount of Tracy Q. TQ isn't the center of the story, but she's one of the 4 characters in it: Edward/Lila/Tracy/Alan). And Thanksgiving With the Quartermaines by me. (title is self-explanatory, LOL)

    And for those wondering, LukeTracy_Fan is angel.

    Another banner...


    ILoveTracyQ, is this what you meant? About including other characters, I need to ask Tracey about that.

  16. I know what the medulla oblongata is; I just didn't understand why you chose that as your username. ;) Thanks for the graphic feedback. So basically, you think I should use the main photo (as with Banner #1 and Banner #3, and instead of the repeated images/images in groups of 3, I should use the polaroids instead?) Oh gosh, I hope that makes sense, LOL.

    So...Per SoapZone. Dillon/Georgie are on, and Dillon HIT Georgie (with a box???). I'm so confused. And from reading recaps, Dillon is relieved that Lulu is getting an abortion?!?! Dillon, I love you, but hypocrite much? *shrugs* I uber-hate TIIC. Oh, and Tracy? Please. COME. HOME. NOW.

  17. MinervaFan, I like Banner #3 as well, but I talked to Tracy, and she's not too sure about the repeating images. She likes the polaroid one though. :) Anyway, I read your story, and you're so evil for giving us that much LuNacy love. *sigh* What could have been...Oh, and Edward can die. I might have more detailed feedback later.

    ILoveTracyQ, what's the meaning behind your new username at SoapZone? LOL. Just wondering. As for Luke, I'm still not watching. Maybe there's a reason we're not seeing Tracy. GH doesn't want Luke trashing her...yet. Gotta put LuNacy together and then BAM! Break 'em up so Laura can return.

    *grabs microphone* angel, coolkid, ClinkBoom and anyone else who hasn't posted in a really long time, WE MISS YOU!!! :)

  18. Sloooooooooooow day. :(

    Thanks for the feedback on the graphics. You probably all got Tracey's email that we're going to settle on one main banner, so those other ones don't matter anymore. Heh. They're still pretty to look at, right? LOL.

    About the fanfic...I liked her first one better that had Monica/Tracy teaming up and saving AJ. Oh, and I think Tracy got to threaten Sonny (By the time I finish with you, you'll be nothing but a grease spot on the docks.) Something like that. Anyway, I don't have the link at the moment, but I'll post it when I find it. :)

  19. Really quick, but about the clip sites. You can't access Daily Clips at HellaGood until you have a total of 5 posts (just read the introduction/announcement forums, and post "I agree to the rules..." "Read and understood" something along those lines). As for GHVT, clips are achived at the end of each week, and I believe only vidders have access to them. Deb, if you've posted 5 or more vids there, they'll adjust your settings, and you should be able to get them (Reply in the thread "Attention all Vidders"). If not, I'll be on the look out. RL is being a b-tch; sorry it's taking me so long to do everything. :(

  20. ILoveTracyQ, I sent the email to you, Deb, and Tracey, asking for feedback on the graphics I made so far. Oops. Nevermind, LOL. What did Luke do?

    MinervaFan, wow! That's a lot of fic! Congrats on 500! :D

    Some comments: Not that this matters, but once I posted the second batch of the "Second Chances" chapters, the summary was changed to: Tracy ends up trapped in an elevator with someone she has no interest in listening to, but with her life on the line, she might not have a choice, but if you like the other summary better, that's fine.

    Also...Let It Be by LSpencer features a good amount of Tracy Q. TQ isn't the center of the story, but she's one of the 4 characters in it. (Edward/Lila/Tracy/Alan) And Thanksgiving With the Quartermaines wasn't included in your list. ;)

    About Dillon's movie, he dreamt it that night (he was watching another black/white movie right before bed); he wasn't comatose or anything, LOL.

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