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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine






    Legit or not? *tosses hands into the air* I'm not good at guessing, LOL. It could be speculation, right? I just HATE the idea of doing away with Luke/Tracy before Laura returns. Where's the fun in that? ;) I do hope their marriage is a legal one. Because if it isn't? Tracy would have figured it out from the get-go. She's not stupid. *sigh* Heh. Who am I kidding? She can be as stupid as TIIC want.

    After GF leaves? If JE is still around, I see Luke/Tracy before Luke/Skye/Tracy. Looks like Skye has been moved to Robert/Anna/Lorenzo's sphere. Psh. What happened to Tracy hanging out with Mr. Scorpio? *pouts* However...If JE isn't around, RC better start planning her vacations around TG's. Luke/Skye was well received, the actors love working together, and Luke needs a romantic interest. We'll find out eventually. Whatever happens, I just want to JE to get *some* decent material out of this.

  2. Breakroom tid-bits...

    1. MinervaFan posted "5 Mornings." Tracy's husband's snore, and Tracy hates it.

    2. Keith shared bread with us all. Oh, he was also a whole 9 minutes late to the fun. *glares* J/K. The next chapter of "Chances Are" will be up soon (end the week or so).

    3. angel is hoping that the hurricane cancels school (Stay safe!) And writer's block is preventing an update on Beautiful Disaster. *kicks writer's block*

    4. nex entered the chatroom and did not get fired. Yay!

    5. And me, Ms. Q, got stuck between the bed and the wall when she was 13 or so, and she has no idea about how she's going to end Oh, Baby. Heh. It's fun referring to myself in the third person.

    Deb, the "getting stuck bed" thing was about all you missed. Oh! nex also got stuck once, but she was much younger than 13. Heh. If I was thinking, I would have attempted copying/pasting again. For some reason though, it never copies the entire thing. *sigh*


  3. Keith has very clean laundry.
    Hey! I was doing laundry too! And mine's just as clean. ;)

    MsQ willl involve a bed in Oh, Baby. Now, it may just be there to stack coats, but it's a step in the right direction.
    LOL! It's going to have more purpose than that. Heh.

    MinervaFan, sorry, I don't have any "5 Things Topic Lists" for you.

    And wow...What a slow day. *cries*

  4. First things first...tracyluver, how come you didn't tell us you had a birthday coming up? ;) I checked LJ and found out that it was yesterday!

    Happy Belated Birthday to you!

    I hope you enjoyed yourself.

    *sends cyber-balloons, cyber-ice cream, cyber-cake*

    And I might have some more chapters of Oh, Baby up later.

    7pm tonight. Party in the breakroom. Everyone better be there. Heh.

    I'm short too, Keith. :P

    MinervaFan, I don't want Ned de-Q'd either, but if it had to be done, that's the way I'd like to see it play out.

    knh, good to see you posting again.

    And maybe I'm just pessimistic, but... SPOILERS BELOW





    You know how Tracy's concern for Lulu leads to her searching for Luke. And then it's Sonny's men who actually locate him. You don't think Tracy's going to be offscreen when Luke first returns, do you? As in still trying to find him? TIIC wouldn't do that, would they?

    Edit: Page 134!

  5. Keith! Your posts are always so short. :lol:

    Edit #1: Yay to the board working again!

    Edit #2: The ABC Soap Secret thing had something about more vets returning...





    I guess clips of Sean/Tiffany, Duke, and Scotty were shown. If Scotty comes back, can we pair him with Tracy again? I'd want to see Luke's reaction to that! :lol:

  6. I used to own pom-poms. I once had a baby-sitter who was a cheerleader, but anyway...LOL.

    Interesting topic at SoapZone; kind of mimics the SOC one: "Has Tracy ever been 'the love of' anyone's life?" It's sad, but a good read.

    Going off what we've been talking about, but if Ned had to be de-Q'd, so Skye could be Tracy's daughter, this is how it should play out.

    And why do weekends have to be slow? :(

  7. All right. Time out. LOL. You're all making me sad. *joins MinervaFan in sighing* Loved the fanfic, by the way. That last line was very powerful.

    CABLE GUIDE SPOILERS (I've included all that might be relevant to TQ)





    Monday: Lucky confronts Lulu about her pregnancy.

    Tuesday: Lucky and Lulu argue.

    Wednesday: Lulu tells Dillon how she feels about her pregnancy; Dillon opposes the idea of terminating the pregnancy; Tracy tells Dillon they could force Lulu to have the baby.

    Thursday: Tracy is worried about Lulu.

    Friday: Edward plans to take legal action.

    I HATE the "force" word. HATE it. But...At least there will be 2 (maybe 3) days of TQ! :D

  8. MinervaFan, I might be interpreting your post incorrectly, but I think ILoveTracyQ is talking in terms of "How dare Dillon and Tracy try to encourage Lulu to have the baby."

    ILoveTracyQ, we'll miss ya this weekend. Also...Anyone know when LaineyBev gets back from vacation/being out of town?






    Lulu gets some insightful advice but will it be enough to get her to change her mind and keep her unborn baby? here is our girl, in the same outfit she wore when JI's Edward returned, and the same necklace she wore when she gave Lulu the advice. (Hello? Wardrobe? Need some variety, please.) Anyway, it's probably just me, but this screencap of her reminds me of a portrait of a late 18th/early 19th century woman...Well, maybe not that far back, LOL. Hopefully, you'll see what I mean. :lol:

  9. *waves to everyone*

    Weekends are usually slow anyway, but if it ever comes down to it, we can "invade" this site. LOL. It's called Jane Elliot Online. Not too fond of the colors/main graphic, but that's not important. There's only 3 members (all of which haven't posted since December of 2004 :(). Also...There's no longer access to the old topics, so I don't know if you have to start a new one or what, but anyway...Just sharing. :)

    ILTQ, at SOC, they're talking about Luke dumping Tracy when Laura comes back, and this one poster (who is going to be my new best friend, LOL) said something like, "Tracy is the one who should dump Luke." I was like, "Yeah!" :D






    Dillon is shocked to learn that Lulu's considering an abortion and makes it clear he's against that. She tries to explain to him that she doesn't want to bring a child into the world who is unwanted, believing that Luke never wanted her. Dillon opens up to Tracy, who suggests a legal maneuver to could/would stall Lulu from having an abortion. Aww. Dillon is opening up to his Mommy. And legal maneuvers are so much better than "panic room" (think Ric/pregnant Carly) antics. Yay! Maybe this won't be so bad. Could it be Tracy is doing this all for Dillon? Please?

  10. This is just a test. I repeat, just a test. :lol:

    The board's having problems (we've known that), and I just want to see something really quick, LOL.

    Oh, and Tracy ROCKS!

    Edit: Hmm, okay. Page 133 is showing up now. Keith got the first post on this page, but for some reason, Page 133 wasn't showing up before. I don't know, LOL. Don't mind me. RL is making me crazy. Any chance of TQ today?

  11. MinervaFan, tracyluver, why aren't you writing for GH again? ;)






    In SID, Laura's apparently coming back with a secret. According to an anonymous poster at SD, there are 2 possibilities on the table. One of them doesn't have anything to do with Tracy, but the other one is: Laura discovered the divorce papers weren't filed on time and she was going to present that information to Luke during their wedding ceremony as a 'surprise'. Hmm...that means the Lacy marriage is invalid, but I'm not too sure about this "spoiler." And why is "surprise" quoted like that? Also...Didn't Guza say there wasn't going to be a renewal of vows? I need answers to my questions, LOL.

  12. I keep forgetting to log out. :P *waves to everyone*

    I'm a pessimistic person, ILTQ. I don't have to be positive. ;) J/K. I am hoping you're right, though. And well, Guza did say he wasn't going for the Hallmark renewal of the vows with LnL. Guess we'll see...Oh, I remember that poster saying that too. Heh. *gonna try this out* Luke and Tracy? Admitting their feelings? That would rock, and therefore they'll never do it. *hopes it comes true*

    I love nex's scenario. I don't have many specifics right now, but I did love angel's "Running Away" fanfic based on the spumor: Tracy tells Luke she loves him and then blames it on the alcohol...which Luke finds out to be water.

    Edit: SID has their pre-Emmy nominations listed. Guess who is the only GH supporting actress listed? ;) SID didn't choose our girl as the winner, but yay for the mention!

  13. Page 132!

    I hate it too, ILTQ. They've lasted longer than most soap couples, and if it weren't for GF's surprise return/ratings gimmick, they'd last even longer. Anyone remember JE's quote from an SID joint interview with TG? Something about Luke/Tracy's marriage was one that wasn't supposed to be, so that means it'll last forever?

    Aaah...Memories. This is going to sound strange, but ILTQ and anyone else who has lurked at SZ for a long time, do you remember the first Luke/Tracy marriage spoiler? There was a thread at SZ, something like "GHH2 Spoilers Updated," and then inside it said the Luke/Tracy spoiler was a doozy. :lol: I followed the link, saw Tracy has something that Luke wants; what does she do when she wakes up from a drugged state to find out she is now MARRIED to him? and was all "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" :lol:

    It didn't exactly play out like that (i.e. he didn't drug her their wedding night), but still...Anyone who was around on SON at that time? We were so happy, LOL. There had been virtually no TQ for months, and then all of a sudden, she's paired with Luke, and bam! In more than half the episodes that May. Anyway...You're making sense, ILTQ. I just doubt GH plans to continue Luke/Tracy, and if they do, they're not going to move them forward. As for Soft!Mushy!Tracy...That works best when she's with Dillon.

  14. Doesn't she, ILTQ? Le sigh. :wub:

    And yay to no Holly! *thanks the Soap Gods*

    Now...If only I weren't convinced Luke/Tracy weren't going to break up over a defective condom. What? It really comes down to that, doesn't it? ;)

    *grabs microphone* Haven't heard from smirks and kenna in awhile. Wanna come out of lurkdom and share your thoughts with us? *smiles prettily*

  15. Thanks to faulty condoms manufactured by the Q's, Lulu's got a bun in the oven.
    And I quote Georgie: "So, it's the condom's fault that Dillon and Lulu slept together?" Ugh.

    Please don't tell me that Tracy is going to hire SONNY/his men? *cries*

    Per SZ...Lots of Robert and Lulu. No TQ. Not surprising. She used up her quota. *cries again*

    Olive!Tracy has been retired again. Any comments on the most recent banner? Oops, I took too long to post. Glad you like it, MinervaFan!

  16. *waves to everyone*

    About the condoms...Someone on another board read recaps before watching and had an image of Edward waving/tossing condoms at the entire family. Now that would've had me laughing out loud. I could see him doing that, and if I could've gotten all the Q's (speaking of, where has Monica gone? Can't even remember when she last appeared) in the same room, and Eddie Q. going on his rant, I would've been soooooooo happy. :lol:

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. ILoveTracyQ, you're scaring me, LOL. Be optimisic! :D I didn't get the common ground statement either, but perhaps it's just TIIC way (stupid way) of telling us that Tracy loves Luke. As for the breakup, I'd rather have it be Tracy lets Luke go, so he can be with Laura, but I guess GH wants Lacy torn to shreds before Laura even returns. Agree about standing up to Edward as well. I LOVED it, but when it happened, I was all, "Eh. That's kind of strange." Oh, and this is for you: Dillon loves his mama.






    I don't trust Guza with the word "adventure." Need I remind us? "This fall, Skye and Lorenzo join Luke and Tracy on a HUGE adventure." And then? Nothing? Oh wait. In the span of 4 days, Tracy goes to Miami (offscreen) to track down Luke. Skye goes to Miami to track down Luke. Tracy is kidnapped. Skye is kidnapped. No one rescues Tracy (except herself). Lorenzo rescues Skye. The end. Oh, and in the meantime, we found out that Luke can't forge Lorenzo's handwriting.

    Fall Previews from SID: Under the section titled "Baby Talk": And the whole faulty condom story claims more "victims" than first led to believe! Whoever wrote this is getting much too excited.

    And Luke is back September 7th and has words of wisdom (for Lulu?) on the 8th. *hopes for good Luke/Tracy stuff* Hey, anyone else confused how TQ is concerned about Lulu, but then in the next spoiler sentence, she is going to force her to have the baby? Kind of sounds like the spoilers are contradicting themselves.

  17. Tossing out a question: On another board, posters are choosing each character's greatest love. Does Tracy have one?

    Oh, and for statistical purposes, LOL, I've counted the number of posts here since 12:00am...We began on Page 128 and at this point are on Page 131.

    46 total posts

    ILoveTracyQ: 14

    Keith: 11

    Ms. Q: 10

    MinervaFan: 7

    nex: 2

    tracyluver: 1

    angel: 1

    We are on a roll! :D

    MinervaFan, I'll PM ya. Edit: Sent. Not sure if you got it, though. The site's being wonky.

    BTW, SoapEscape has a new banner up on its front page. It includes Luke/Tracy and Robert/Anna/Robin. Yay for Lacy!

  18. This thread has so many posts lately, and that's a good thing, but...Why? LOL. Are we getting antsy? Is the one episode of TQ every 2 weeks making us crazy? Are we afraid that if JE leaves, this thread will be no more and we'll never post with each other again...therefore giving us extra incentive to post with everyone now? (whew...that was a long sentence, LOL). Anyway, just wondering. I do love seeing all the new comments, and I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining. :)

    Tracy actually told Edward to shut up today, didn't she? Gosh, I love her, LOL. Edit: Never mind. She did tell him that (missed reading it in angel's post).

    ILoveTracyQ, you need to come up with the ideas for GH, and MinervaFan and Keith should be in charge of carrying them out. It'd be such a good writing team. :D

    MinervaFan, I never even thought about that in regards to Lulu/Dillon/no marriage. Oh, please...GH, give us lots of LuNacy before Laura returns!

  19. ILoveTracyQ, we did get a Quartermaine spoiler. Nothing good, and Not a TQ spoiler in particular, but I'm willing to bet she'll be more involved than say Alan or Monica. And hmm...Tracy's a Quartermaine, and she's a woman. Her POV means nothing to TIIC. <_< Well, that's not exactly true. She did get to speak out during the "Let's pretend that we want Tracy dead" 4-day SL.

    Keith, good attempt at trying to cheer me up, LOL.

    Edit: I missed one of your posts, ILTQ (the one where we posted at the same time, LOL). Anyway, you better be wrong about Tracy being the reason Laura goes catatonic again (if she does go catatonic again). ;)

  20. If Luke sues the Q's, he'll win. Luke Spencer vs. the Quartermaines? Does it even have to go to court?

    I'm going to be positive...The best part of about exit SL's? SCREENTIME!

    Okay. Positivity isn't working. Members of the TQ thread: (haha, that sounds so formal). Should I just call everyone "you guys?" Okay. You guys, please cheer me and anyone who needs cheering up. :D

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