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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Calling out the TQ troops: Head over to you know where and go into the thread "Something Dillon said about his father..." thread. I tried defending her, I did, but not feeling too confident about it this time. *shrugs*

    *waves to angel*






    I'll include all related ones...

    MONDAY: Dillon/Lulu argue for the 19,458th time in this SL.

    TUESDAY: The evil Quartermaine boy lashes out at the poor, confused Spencer daughter.

    WEDNESDAY: None, but Sam is mentioned 3 times, Ric is also mentioned 3 times! Isn't that exciting?

    THURSDAY: Lulu made a decision; she's not changing her mind, blah, blah, blah.

    FRIDAY: The doting father, Luke, supports his precious princess's decision. Dillon realizes he's been evil and apologizes to the gumdrop. Jane Elliot returns from her vacation, so Tracy can throw some rocks at Luke. (Inside joke from last night, LOL). Anyway...Tracy is back, as she and Edward discuss the Georgie/Dillon situation. And please Soap Gods...You have a TQ spoiler and LS spoiler for the SAME day. You HAVE to put them on together. Please?

  2. Still in the breakroom. :)LaineyBev's been around as well as Keith.

    Edit: From Scooter of TWoP...

    Seriously, all three ABC soaps tie record lows, below DAYS and ATWT, and Frons is still employed? I'm sure he's finding a way to blame the ratings on Kevin Buchanan's "unlikeability" and the lack of Sonny. F--- it. Not buying. Tristan Rogers for head of ABC Daytime! Jane Elliot for GH Executive Producer! Tony Geary and Nancy Lee Grahn for co-Head Writers!
    That would be *so* awesome! Even more awesome if JE could pop in as TQ every once in a while.
  3. tracyluver, I hung out in the breakroom for about 20 minutes but didn't see you there. And kenna, did you get disconnected again? :(

    And UGHHHHH to certain posters another board. ILoveTracyQ, I did my best at defending you and your post, but you might want to hustle over there anyway ("Nice to see Luke home" thread). ;)

    And yay smirks! I'm so glad you posted again! So, GH had a Q breakfast without most of the Q's, huh? *kicks TIIC*

  4. It's so quiet here. :(

    CONTRACT TALK: All rumors, but with TK and IS supposedly out the door, SoapDish is speculating JE is next, and that Skye/Luke is the plan. But wasn't it nex who pointed out that you can't have a Luke/Skye romance when Skye is saddled with a baby? Makes. No. Sense.

    Edit #1: Um, checked the live post at SZ. Bad idea. Dillon is getting reamed out. Edward, I understand, but Dillon? *sends out signal for Tracy* Tracy, come home now. Your son needs you.

    Edit #2: Been thinking, and didn't Tracy send some men out to find Luke? Did she actually go with them or what? WHERE is she? And what the hell is the matter with TIIC? ILoveTracyQ, are you FreeTracyFF (something like that) at SoapZone? Because ITA with the Lulu/Luke and Tracy/Dillon commments you made. Why CAN'T we get Tracy/Dillon? Ughhh...*kicks stupid biased writing* They're not even trying to be subtle about this, are they? Psst, Guza. I get it. Luke is the best father (after Sonny, of course), and Tracy is the worst mother. Let's just get TQ onscreen, shall we?

    Also...If JE leaves, there will still be a TQ/JE site, right? 'Cause there's so much stuff from over the years that we can include, and even if she's not on GH anymore, I still think she deserves a site. :)

  5. So, Thursday was GH's lowest rated day last week. Thursday was the day Tracy told Lulu about the abortion, and part of the scene was featured in the Wednesday previews. :o I don't blame our girl, but TPTB might.







    Luke has payback on the brain and sets his sights on the Quartermaines, but is he blaming the wrong party? (Kinda icky)

    Alcazar is being killed off, leaving Skye/baby latching onto...Luke? (icky)

  6. I bet Skye/Luke is the plan if JE leaves.

    Enjoy vacation, MinervaFan.

    nex, I didn't notice, but that's 'cause I'm not watching. Heh.

    Thanks to everyone for their ideas. I'll email them to Tracey.

    Sorry for the short post. It's go, go, go, and I haven't gotten much sleep lately, so it makes everything worse. :(

  7. Lainey, we were only there for about 5 minutes. You didn't miss much, except that MinervaFan is writing a cross-over. :) Anyway, I'll be in the breakroom now if anyone wants to join.

    ILoveTracyQ, thanks for the feedback. The song was actually so much longer and just kept repeating, so I had to edit it a bit. Heh.

    And I'm so *stupid* about the delicious line. He's referring to his "time" with Holly. I mean, I got that, but I guess I was just looking at the positive side, being the fact that he "ditched" her, not the "delicious" and "doing" part. If that makes sense. But now that I've finally seen the light...UGH! *kicks Luke*

    We don't even know if JE is on vacation, but I'm with Lainey. If she is, couldn't she have taken it while TG was gone?

    Edit: Anyone have anything they want to see on the JE/TQ site? Anything besides what we've mentioned? Tracey is looking for ideas, and I told her I'd ask here.

    Edit: SPOILERS (Skye/Luke/Robert...)





    From SID...It looks like GH might be going back to Skye/Luke after Laura leaves. Or Skye/Luke/Robert. Here's a quote: "Skye's return and the birth of her baby is going to be quite an umbrella story. The baby will be born in the fall and Alcazar will make his move to keep this baby. An old flame of Skye's will be involved in this, Luke, as well as Robert." I really don't see how Tracy could also be involved, unless it's to provide the occasional snark. And it's not even like I want her involved in the baby mess, but still...I want her onscreen, you know? *sigh*

  8. In my own little world...Luke only went to Sonny because GH has to set up Sonny and Carly's very important role in the "Laura returns" SL. It has nothing to with avoiding Tracy. Oh, and Jane Elliot is on vacation which explains her absense this week.

    ILoveTracyQ, I'm reading transcripts, and I'm confused, LOL.

    Luke: Hey. Your errand boys were very polite but uninformative. They said it was urgent that I come back here, so -- you know, I know you don't panic or exaggerate, so I ditched the delicious dish I was doing and here I am. I hope this is good.


    Luke: Who's the father?

    Sonny: Dillon.

    Luke: Oh, man. No wonder Tracy sent her bloodhounds out after me. She must be chewing tenpenny nails.

    I think GH contradicted itself. First, it sounds like Sonny's men track him, and in the next scene, it seems like Tracy did. And does the "come back here" refer in Port Charles? I think "delicious dish" has to deal with whatever he was doing on his adventure. So he had to ditch Holly. ;) See, I can be positive about all of this.

  9. Not watching GH; don't plan on checking live updates 'til after the show. Just a heads up. ;)

    Thanks for sharing that, ILoveTracyQ!

    We were happy to help, tracyluver.

    Edit: I lied. I checked SZ. Sonny/Luke scenes. Sonny/Carly scene(s). *pukes* What the hell is wrong with GH? SERIOUSLY?!?






    "...Laura is going to have to deal with [what Lulu went through], and the fact that one son is a drug addict and another son just became a father," outlines Guza. "She's going to find out her husband is married to, of all people, Tracy! So there's a lot to play..."
    Do you know what this means? Luke/Tracy are still married when Laura returns! *breaks out champagne*

    ...Particularly with Luke. "Think about it," poses Guza. "Luke was in love with Skye. At this point, she'll be returning to the canvas pregnant, with Alcazar determined to be a part of this kid's life. Not only will Luke be dealing with Skye being back, but also Tracy, whom he has grown to love. So Luke will have all sorts of problems."
    So, it's not the first time Guza or whoever said Luke loved Tracy, but eeeeeeeeeeee anyway!

    Also: Week of September 18th: Luke sets out on a mission. Does this mean TG is leaving again until October? So...If JE is offscreen this week, that leaves us only 1 week of possible Lacy goodness. *decides to focus on "grown to love" spoiler*

  10. Rumors came from SoapDish. Of course, all rumors are from there. Grain of salt and all that.

    So, I guess Dillon is evil because he DARE wants to keep his child, because he DARE wants to be the father he never really had? :rolleyes:ILoveTracyQ, who else defends him besides you? Linds? Mirage? I'd try if I posted there, and I'd post there if it were free. Heh.

    Man, I wish that thread hadn't been deleted. I was so proud that I defended Tracy, LOL.

  11. ILoveTracyQ, I'll PM ya.

    nex, thanks for the feedback on the TraLu video. I was wondering if anyone had watched that one.

    Pilar! You should join in on the TQ love more often. :)






    Tracy and Luke won't be divorcing. But Tracy lets Luke go to be with Laura. Explain it to me like I'm 3. She's going to let her married husband be with another woman? Wouldn't it make sense if she filed for the divorce, so Luke could be with Laura legally?

    Laura's secret and the fact that she kept it from Luke will be one reason the L&L reunion will be less than rosy. Tracy and Luke's connection being another. Luke's neglect of his children being yet another. Hehe. That's right. Tracy and Luke's CONNECTION. I hope this is true.

    Both Jax and Lorenzo decide that ELQ is ripe for the taking but Edward will get an unexpected offer from Sonny. Oh. Dear. God. SONNY is going to save ELQ. *prepares to toss TV out of the window* You know, if Sonny had to be involved, I kind of wish he was going to Tracy. She wouldn't stand for his "generosity." And Edward shouldn't either, but...I just don't know. Hmm. Jax...ELQ...Can I get some Trax please?

  12. Good morning TQ fans.

    *refuses to mention spoilers* Heh.

    ILoveTracyQ, I checked my website history and clicked on the link to the thread, and it's invalid! :o It might've been merged, or a moderator deleted it because instead of discussing spoilers, Person A and I were debating whether or not Tracy is a blackhearted soul who has never done anything for anyone unless it was beneficial to her. Heh.

    MinervaFan, you analyze things more than I do, LOL, but wow...You are so right.

    Keith, that line had me cracking up too, and I really love your Tracy/Robert scenes.

  13. kenna! We thought you got kicked off. We should try again another night. :)


    Poster 1: Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson and Jane Elliot were all outraged Sonny's child was going to be named Lila especially after Anna Lee's passing. Their outrage coupled with that of the fans plus Steve Burton's complaints made sure it was never mentioned to be Lila again.

    Poster 2: Outraged? You seriously think they even knew the name of SamSon's baby?

    Poster 1 again (or Poster 3?): They made a big deal of it during the time of Lila's funeral on the show. The fans wrote in and the vets complained when they saw it in their scripts. The ladies who play Monica and Tracy were very vocal about it.

    Interesting. I'd be vocal too. Actually I was. On the message boards, LOL. But I bet if Liz is having Jason's baby, and it lives, it's going to be named Lila. That's okay though, I guess, since Jason is *technically* a Quartermaine.

    Edit: TQ needs help at SOC (in the thread Spoilers: Week of Sept. 4). I'm kind of proud though. I defended her once, the person struck back. I defended her again. And I'm still waiting...Hehehe.

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