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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. It's up again!!! :D

    MinervaFan, here is the one photo you requested last night.

    Everyone else, if you haven't seen: Click Me.

    Also, I've been fiddling around in PhotoShop again, and who likes this better as a main image (if Tracey doesn't mind changing it)?

    Oh, nex, I'm becoming convinced that the photo isn't from the early 80s anymore. She looks young, but not 80s young. And while the hair is similar to her GL days, I want to say the photo was taken a little before her 2003 return. But who knows?

  2. Breathe, nex. Actually, I shouldn't talk. I watched LIVE (big, big mistake), and I about threw my remote at the TV during that scene. UGH! And ILoveTracyQ made an excellent point that I just read at SoapZone...If Laura doesn't wake up, he's going to put that ring back on and continue his marriage to Tracy like nothing happened. But he knows he can't tell her; he can't take off the ring in front of her and request a divorce, because if he did, and Laura didn't wake up, he'd never be able to go back to her (Tracy). Does that make sense? ILoveTracyQ explained it soooo much better.

    Marland, I'm looking forward to that scene when...






    Tracy and Laura first encounter each other after Laura wakes up. Tracy's going to be all, "WTF?"

    Also...Spoiler from this site: Nikolas prevents Tracy from telling the truth about Laura (Oops, nex just added this in above.) This is for the Week of the 30th, so the Haunted Star scenes the following week are probably related. He might be worried that Drunk!Tracy is going to spill all. I want to see what Regency suggested in a chat. Not Hilarious!Drunk Tracy (watch as she stands on a table and draws attention to herself), but rather Stumbling!Sick!Drunk Tracy. Like really, really sick. And then I want that scene MinervaFan mentioned to happen (Deb, can you describe it everyone else? The one in the snow, on the deck?) Oh, and her awesome idea for a line of dialogue. I'm sure she won't mind me sharing. Something like: "You saved the world, Luke. The world. Would it have been too much for you to also save me?" Aww...*sniff*

  3. I'm not sure I like the end of those spoilers. I guess if the "very important question" has to do the LuNacy marriage, fine, but if it doesn't? *shrugs*

    LIVE Update

    Warning: Not much TQ. And you're not going to like the ending. Most of you will probably really, really HATE it. I despise Luke so much right now; he should have never, ever married Tracy. He should have never, ever gave her the teeniest, tiniest bit of hope that things would be "real." I'm almost mad at Tracy for not divorcing him right from the start. Stupid, stupid, stupid Luke. Stupid, stupid, stupid TIIC for practically wasting Jane Elliot. UGHHHHHH...

    On the bright side...She does have a new outfit on, LOL. From the pics, I thought it was that long recycled orange-y jacket, but it's a shorter one.

    Edward/Tracy bicker about ELQ. Lulu and Dillon are also there. Lulu hears a baby. Skye's home with Robert/Luke. She introduces the family (Alan and Monica join) to Lila Rae. Tracy gets to react non-verbally. Everyone gathers in the den. Tracy thought Skye was going to stay away permamently. Dillon "controls" her with a "Mom..." Skye lets Alan hold her baby. Tracy's like, "Now, she's gonna cry." Edward wishes Lila was around to see this. So does Tracy (not as sincere as it sounds). There's some "oohs" and "aahs" (sort of), and Lulu walks out. She/Luke talk about the abortion. The Quartermaines are still in the den. There's a visitor. It's Lorenzo. Meanwhile, Luke stops at the hospital to approve the treatment for Laura. Back at the Q's, Skye wants Lorenzo to be part of Baby Lila's life. Later on, Tracy catches Robert sneaking out of the Q's. She raises her voice. Robert tells her she can't do that with a baby in house, and Tracy says, "Lila Mae...or Rae...or whatever Skye named her" is going to have to deal. She wants to know where Luke's gone again, what he's up to. Cut to Luke/Laura at ShadyBrook or GH or wherever. Super, super long monologue. Ending with cutesy-Spencer music and how Luke always beat the odds because of her, his Angel. She knows that Laura would want to take this risk to help her children. And then...(brace yourselves, my friends), Luke takes off his wedding ring (to Tracy). He kisses Laura's head and tells Robin/Patrick, "Let's do it [the treatment]." Later, Lulu shows up at Lucky's rehab room. Nikolas is there. Lulu says that Robin/Patirck were outside of Laura's room, and Lucky thinks Luke went through with the treatment. Lulu and Nik didn't even know about this. Cut to GH? Luke wants to do the treatment now. Robin/Patrick ask him if he wants to talk to Laura's mother or her children first, but he doesn't want to give them false hope. He goes into her room. Robin injects whatever into the IV thing. Luke, all teary-eyes, looks into Laura's eyes, and says "Here we go." (I think.) In the previews, Luke wants Laura to find her way back. Lulu: SHE IS OUR MOTHER! Nik: YOU GAVE HER A DRUG THAT MIGHT MAKE HER WORSE?!? Luke standing by Laura (who's still catatonic): Laura...

    Edit: What does everyone think about the breakroom tonight? *needs happiness after sitting through the above* Is 10pm Eastern too late?

  4. About the photo...It's not from now. I found the photo 2003-ish, but it's not from that year either IMO (she's too young, and the hair is too long). I'm guessing 80s, between GL and AMC. And I'm am sooooo gonna be late.

    *runs out of the thread*

    Oh wait! *runs back in*

    Keith, I think she's on today too!

  5. ETA: Feeling Blue, MsQ? Cuz all the pictures of TQ in your new banner are frowning.....
    LOL, I didn't even notice that. It was totally unintentional, although I'm not sure she's frowning in that second one from the right. And that third from the right is more of an evil glare. Heh.

    Oh, SZ's done the NED!!! thing before. Fooled me too.

    And EEEEE is it crazy I'm excited about two or three itty bitty spoilers?
    I hope not because I'm excited too. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face and was all "Why am I smiling?" Then, I realized it was because we had TQ spoilers. How sad is that?
  6. And the board is up again! :D

    ILoveTracyQ, I want to say that hitting space bar sometimes gets it to work, but I'm not sure why, LOL.







    I'm almost kind of excited about that second spoiler. It sounds like *gasp* decent material. So, are we assuming that Tracy has no idea about Laura until they run into each other? Um, can we say SURPRISE? *kicks Luke*

  7. Hmm, I lied. Went to SoapEscape. Wanted to see if the Haunted Star photos were added. Nope, but there was a whole bunch more from the "Spencer photo shoot." Luke/Laura, gazing into each other's eyes (kind of like that LuNacy SID photo), Luke/Laura side by side, Laura and Lucky/Nikolas/Lulu, individual photos of Lucky, Nikolas, Lulu. Blah, blah, blah. *joins MinervaFan in denial*

    TracyLuv, the You Send It links will work if if you give it time. However, I've also uploaded to SendSpace. Click here.

    Photos for everyone's viewing pleasure...

    Aww, Tracy needs a hug. *sniff* Thanks, Alan.

    From the older Opening Credits...Looking good in red.

    No wonder why Dillon is so good looking. Check out his parents.

    Tracy entertains herself during Emily's wedding...

    We must never, ever complain about Wardrobe again. Ever.

  8. Ugh. YouSentIt links still are not working. SendSpace won't load. MegaUpload takes too long...TracyLuv, I'll try again later on.

    About the scene being cut...I don't think so. All of the photos that were uploaded over the weekend are gone. It's not the first time a big chunk of photos have disappeared. I'm going to assume technical difficulties with the site because no way is GH cutting the entire Haunted Star gathering.

    Edit: *waves to knh* How've you been?

    Also...I don't know why I feel the need to announce this, but until further notice, I am officially staying away from all sites but this one. No SZ, no SD, no GHH2, no SOC, no etc. Just this friendly bubble of TQ supporters. No one can bring us down!!!!! :D

    Edit #2: I changed the coloring/font on the banner a bit. I like it better than before. Hopefully, you all do too. Heh.

    OT-5 minutes ago, sister called. I knew it was her.

    Me: To pick up or not to pick up... Hi.


    Me: I shouldn't have picked up.

    Guess I can avoid SZ and the other places, but unless I deliberately refuse to answer the phone, I can't avoid my sister or her love for all things General Hospital (except the Q's). I so need to remind her without Alan, there'd be no Jason. Or without Tracy, there'd be no Dillon. But whatever. I'm bringing in stuff I shouldn't...again. I apologize.

  9. TracyLuv...

    Note: These files are available for 7 days.

    Edit: The links aren't working at the moment. Maybe YouSendIt is having problems. When I have more time, I'll try to fix them (if they're still not working later).


    Accidentally In Love. Mine doesn't have cool flashes like nex's. ;)

    June 2005

    Leather Restraints and Trampolines: Luke has a night planned for Tracy.

    Listening In: Tracy/Skye trade barbs at the MetroCourt; Tracy enters Luke's hotel room. An appalled Skye tries to break in but Luke stops her. If Luke's outside with Skye, then who's inside with Tracy?

    Morning After Part 1: Tracy wakes up in bed with Coleman.

    Morning After Part 2: Tracy wants Coleman's help, but it'll cost her. Coleman doesn't want money. He wants her.

    ILoveTracyQ, I've tried SoapEscape, GHFF, and SoapSites for bigger pictures. No luck. SoapEscape does have the bigger pics that came out today (Alan/Robin/Patrick, Luke/Laura, Lulu/Nikolas/Lucky), but the Haunted Star ones are gone!!! :(

    MinervaFan, we're watching 'cause we have a teeny tiny bit of hope that maybe, just maybe TIIC won't disappoint, and we'll get to see our girl in all her glory at least once before she leaves...IF she leaves. :)

  10. TracyLuv...Enjoy! I'll get the Coleman ones up later if nex doesn't get to them first. :D

    November 2005

    Attack Part 1: Tracy attacks Luke.

    Attack Part 2: Tracy wants Lulu's help.

    Attack Part 3: Lulu won't help Tracy.

    May 2005

    Mrs. Spencer: Tracy wakes up married to Luke.

    Night to Remember: "Take me. I'm yours."

    December 2005

    Snowmobile Part 1: Tracy/Edward are discussing Tracy's missing $15,000 when they are interrupted by Lulu crashing a snowmobile.

    Snowmobile Part 2: Tracy knows that Lulu stole the $15,000. She takes her straight to her father via snowmobile, LOL.

    Snowmobile Part 3: Tracy/Skye/Luke/Lulu at the MetroCourt. There's a power outage.

    March 2006

    Almost Kiss Part 1: In an attempt to break up Georgie/Dillon, Tracy wants them out of the house and on their own.

    Almost Kiss Part 2: Luke and Tracy begin to discuss what it'd be like if they met as teenagers. Luke has his own version of what would have happened.

    Almost Kiss Part 3: Tracy shares her version. After some conversation, the ALMOST KISS occurs, but Georgie/Dillon interrupt.

  11. In the breakroom...

    TracyLuv, join Keith and me. We can all rant together. As for GF, it's 6 weeks with the option to extend. I love LuNacy, but I could forget them IF the writers gave JE something else, which we all know is never going to happen. :(

    Calling out "missing" posters...We miss all of you!

    angel, did you get your keyboard back yet? How's Beautiful Disaster coming along? Hope things are better with your mom.

    4XCrazy, any updates on Homelands? Hope everything's all right on the school front.

    coolkid, we haven't heard from you in SO long. You used to be one of our regulars. Hope RL isn't too hectic.

    smirks, have you gotten your laptop back yet? Hope to see you in here soon. Miss your snark.

    tracyluver, stop on in if you have a chance. I miss you and your posts.

    kenna, been making any videos lately? We miss ya.

    Lainey, ILoveTracyQ, MinervaFan, TracyLuv, nex, Keith, Regency, and I have all posted rather recently. Did I miss anyone? :oEdit: knh!!!!

  12. My post depressed everyone, didn't it? :unsure:

    Because it's been slow, what does everyone think about the breakroom at 9pm, maybe 10pm Eastern?

    Edit: I so need to get off of SZ and SD.


    What if Luke/Tracy aren't really married? I know ILoveTracyQ once speculated TIIC would do this as an easy way out. We never saw the wedding. Tracy's the only one that saw the "certificate." Now, the Tracy I know would be absolutely positively sure that the marriage was legal because if it wasn't, she would have walked out right in the beginning. But, the Tracy I know and the Tracy Guza writes are 2 different characters. Watch him dumb her down. The devious Tracy Quartermaine was scammed for the last 18 months. *kicks GH* Tell me, they're not going to do this. Oh, and the set for Laura's house is being dusted off for the first time in 4 years. LuNacy are over. Lainey, I wanted to believe. I tried to believe. But I can't. And I'm starting to think that it'd be better if JE left. Without TG, JE has nothing but the occasional Quartermaine family gathering. Is this what we want? Maybe JE would be fine with it, I don't know, but I'm certainly not. *shrugs*

  13. MinervaFan, this is not going to cheer you up, but since it's related to JE/Tracy, I'm posting. Forgive me for my negativity, hypocrity, etc.




    Per Steve Burton's event...General Hospital cut $2 million from its budget. My guess? Jane Elliot takes a HUGE pay cut, is sent to recurring, or leaves all together.






    Steve Burton reported that Luke and Laura are getting re-married. In a recent interview, Tony Geary spoiled that LnL are getting a location shoot. (could be for the marriage...) *tries to be positive* Perhaps LnL just get married in their hearts. ;) Nothing legal, official, etc.

    Edit: GH spent a bunch of $$$ on Spencer Family Photo Shoots. Why do that when the budget's tight the way it is? Doesn't make sense for a one time return. I think GF is coming back (again) down the road. So, um, I guess we enjoy whatever LuNacy and whatever Tracy we get in the meantime. And wow...It is so dead here today. :(

  14. Per Cable Guide Spoilers...Skye is on Monday through Wednesday. Luke is on Monday, Wednesday through Friday. Tracy's going to show up more than 1 day this week, right? RIGHT?!?

    nex, many thanks for the videos/clips! :D

    Lainey, I checked the order, and it's "Sparky, Spanky, Spooky." Hope this is all right. The orange sort of became bland when I saved it as a merged image...


    TracyLuv, I'll try and get more clips up later. Here's the addition to the poem (I won't upload to FF.net until I get closer to October 2006 Tracy...)

    Force him and his wife to live on their own

    From the house, you would have them thrown

    To your surprise, the kids did not fight it;

    In fact, both of them seemed rather delighted.

    Then, you and Luke imagined what it'd be like…

    …Had you met as teenagers; you’d tell him to take a hike.

    But your husband had his very own vision.

    He could still make it happen; it was your decision.

    Closer and closer, your lips did move…

    Of his actions, you certainly approved.

    But then Georgie and Dillon entered the room,

    And viewers like me definitely did fume.

    Soon, Skye's pregnancy was announced,

    And your husband you could've have trounced.

    But as it turns out, he wasn't the Dad.

    Skye moving on had Luke quite sad.

    He re-opened the casino as a result.

    Being the hostess did not cause you to exult.

    You didn't do your job too well night.

    And on the stairs, you and the pregnant Skye had a fight.

    She fell down, and blaming you, Lorenzo grabbed your arm.

    "Get your hands off my wife," Luke protected you from his harm.

    Some weeks later, you received a surprise—

    A birthday party from Luke, smiles did arise.

    Until local mobster Sonny Corinthos ruined it all…

    If he needed to talk to the Q's, couldn't he have just called?

    More weeks passed, and Robert returned, wanting to take Luke away.

    And you agreed to renew your vows, to buy your husband time to stay.

    The others thought the ceremony was a joke.

    But when Luke left you at the altar, your heart probably broke.

  15. Regency, you and your comments in Spanish CRACK. ME. UP. :lol:

    Edit: Caption This:


    Tracy: Ugh. Please don't tell me Alan is singing again.

    Monica: Just ignore him. That's what I do.


    Jane Elliot cannot believe that Wardrobe dressed her in that.


    JE peeks at next week's script.


    And, she reacts...

    All right. I know you guys can do better than that, but I tried, LOL.

    TracyLuv, I have most of my clips back, and I started uploading for you, but SendSpace is going really slow tonight for some reason, and I didn't have the patience to wait. I'll try again tomorrow.

    Lainey, are you still interested in the Spanky, Sparky, Spooky Icon?






    No large ABC Media Net Photos are available yet, but...TRACY IS ON THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 6TH!!! She's in that red jacket, black shell, hair isn't curled, but almost looks disheveled. Now, keep in mind this photo is VERY tiny, but from what I can tell, a slouched over Tracy is pointing a finger at Nikolas, and Emily's there too, looking all, "WTH is your problem?" I'm guessing Tracy's drunk, but I could be totally wrong. There's also a photo of what I'm assuming to be a "concerned" Nikolas and Emily talking to Luke. Thoughts, anyone?

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