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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. OT-I'm around. Sort of. End of the semester here, and the majority of my time is going to reading, writing, and researching (in Spanish). But as much as I love the language (afterall, in December 2007, you'll all be looking at Señorita Quartermaine, LOL), I'm having difficulties, and this is just getting to be too much. :( So. Hard. To. Focus. Hell, I can't even focus in English half the time. And you all know me, I'm easily discouraged. Naturally pessmistic. Ah, it's going to be a fun week. [/sarcasm]

    Topic: Um, Tracy is going to be on soon, right? Next week, perhaps? It bothers me that 1/3 of the next week's ABC spoilers are Jason and Lulu. *shrugs* But that's all right, because if Tracy isn't on, I don't have to subject myself to the other less entertaining parts of GH. Hmm, what else? If you haven't yet, I would check out member's video. There's Tracy/Luke, Tracy/Coleman, Tracy/Robert, Tracy/Jax (Ms. Q squees), Tracy/Dillon, Tracy/Dillon/Ned, Tracy/Monica, Tracy/Edward, Tracy/Helena, and just a whole bunch of Tracy period. :D

    Oh, and just so everyone knows, I'm not putting down Deb's video by pimping the other one. :o I really did enjoy it, and the song is sooooooo pretty. In fact, I had it playing in the background on my computer for awhile. And I also watched the DnD one, but I must stay away from OLTL because the last thing I need is an RS/Dorian obsession like my JE/Tracy one.

    OT (again): GAH! I can't get away from the Spanish! Feliz Navidad is playing on the radio! I used to like this song. Also, I realize I'm going off topic a lot lately, and we all know that is what happens without Tracy. So if anyone wants to stop in and share what's going on in RL, I don't think it would be a big problem. Just stop in, so we know all is well (or as close to well as it's going to get). :)

    Hey, how's the weather where everyone is at? They cancelled a million and one schools out here today, even the universities. (Ms. Q smiles because she didn't have to to her Hispanic Literature class...Mwahahaha.) Oh, goodness...See what I mean about focusing? I can't even focus on Tracy in the Tracy thread anymore.

    Topic (again): Ooh, I FOUND SOMETHING TRACY RELATED! If you Google "Tracy Quartermaine" under images, repeat the search with omitted results included, and go to page 2, the last photo is my Olive!Tracy banner. How cool is that? LOL. And here is Tracy wearing the jacket that was up for auction at Ebay. (It's a Tracy/Coleman picture). And here...


    is Tracy ONE YEAR AGO. I love her earrings.

    And in case anyone was ever wondering, Allison Miller played Teen!Tracy. I just found that out tonight while searching for Tracy related things to post.

    Finally, remember that TV Guide article with the person who got to be an extra at Tony's memorial, and Jane Elliot was quoted, joking that soap characters have perfectly posed photos and that maybe Tony was a realtor on the side? Well...I found an interview with that person here. Mentions of Jane Elliot.

    SOAPDOM: Not under your professional moniker now, but under your soap fan moniker, what was it like being there on the set of General Hospital sitting in the same pew with those General Hospital luminaries?

    DC: Oh well, General Hospital luminaries! Well it was very…it was cool! I mean I had Jane Elliot (Tracy), sitting in the pew right in front of me cracking jokes.

    And well, that's all I got. I really do have to get back to my Spanish. :( And I have laundry to do. *shrugs*

  2. *popping in quickly*

    MinervaFan, I'm assuming sometime within the next 2 weeks. I guess time will tell if it's going to be an actual mini-SL or if it's just going to be a one-episode thing. Beautiful video, by the way. I loved the song, and it works so perfectly for LuNacy.

    knh, I know exactly what picture you mean. I LOVE that pic. So, I'm thinking I need to get this magazine now...Heh.

    Oh! My sister was so wonderful to me today. She called me and wondered if I have checked the AR Section on GHVT or HG recently. I haven't, but she informed me that Tracy's included in one of the videos. Anyway, I checked it out, and while I'm not a fan of the 3 other characters she used (Carly, Lulu, and Sam), it's a really well-put together video, and Tracy gets just as much "clip time" as the rest of them.

    Dani California by member.

    GHVT Link

    MegaUpload Link

    If you do post there, I would encourage you to leave feedback. :)

    *popping out quickly*

  3. Gah. I need sleep, but it's so hard to stay away when I've been working on the computer for most of the day! nex, thank you sooooooooooo much for typing that whole article out! I LOVE it so much! And SID is my new favorite magazine! *twirls around some more* Wow...I've been doing a lot of twirling lately. Heh. Oh, nex, I mentioned this at JE Online, but could you tell us the picture that SID used?

    AND EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *twirls around yet again* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *reminds self to stay focused on more important issues at hand* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *breathes* SPOILERS! *pants* All right. I'm going to stay positive about this even though the last time Wubs had an ELQ spoiler when Luke was gone, it got CUT. Staci, Staci, Staci, you are not supposed to think like that. *remains positive* Sorry guys. I've been going, going, going all day, except for that one nap I took (oh, and I took a break to watch ER), but you know what I mean...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *twirls some more*

    Oooh...About ER...Regency, they didn't show anything other than kissage (lots of it, and let me tell you, both actresses were into it IMO), but the characters were so going to end up in bed. I know it.



    TRACY ROCKS! [/fangirl]

    And nex, you are so totally awesome for cheering me up tonight...errr, morning!


    OT (sort of), but remember when I complained about overplayed Christmas songs. Well, as it turns out, if you stay up late enough, they start playing different stuff. See this night (morning) keeps getting better and better! Too bad I have to finish what I planned to But that's all right, 'cause I am almost done with what I told myself I would do. And now, I got TRACY Q. SPOILERS to motivate me!!!!!

    Why do I have a feeling that when I check this thread tomorrow, my first thought is going to be, "WHAT in the WORLD were you on when you posted this?" :lol: I just had juice!!! Honest!!! Hmm, *reminds self to check the amount of sugar in the juice*

    SQUEE! (again)


  4. Wow. :o

    No Tracy=Quiet thread.

    OT-You know what bothers me? The fact that I can do sooooo much and then still not feeling like I've gotten much done. That makes sense, right?


    MinervaFan, I'm glad you liked the newest additions. I can almost guarantee the story will be finished (and no, it won't be 80+ chapters like Oh, Baby, LOL). However, it probably won't be done 'til after the holidays. Or maybe right before. ;)

    Oh, I vote for hot chocolate in the breakroom. Heh. And totally not relevant, but I don't think we had a prize for Page 150. The ice cream maker went to the winner of the JE Trivia Contest. But anyway...LOL.

    knh, aww to your birthday count. :) I actually got some gifts today in the mail. 2 packages. 1 card. Must. Not. Open. Until. Birthday. Oh, and Tracy makes me happy too. I'm am definitely sad that she isn't on.

    In regards to the countdown, ILoveTracyQ, this site has one. It counts the days/hours/seconds 'til Christmas though instead of the day Tracy should be on. Not very creative, but maybe we could do a "12 Days of Christmas" Thing too. You know, "On the first day of Xmas, Luke gave Tracy..." or something. B)

    OT (again)-And now I must continue getting a whole bunch done. I better get that "Wow! I accomplished a lot!" feeling this time. *glares to no one in particular*

    But before I go, Lainey and Regency, not sure if you saw ER tonight, but Kerry is getting some action. ;) Not a super lot (eh, she probably got more than we saw), but more than our girl Tracy, nonetheless.

  5. knh, I'm not making fun of you. I'm really glad you posted that because it amused me. :D Late last night/early morning (when I should have been sleeping), I went back on and read some more, LOL. It kind of scares me though that whoever is roleplaying Carly is being nice to Tracy. And also, as it turns out, in this game, Tracy and Luke are getting divorced for real, and she and Noah are getting married. Noah wanted to set the date for November 16th. ;)

    Deb, I'm also assuming that JE's re-signed. I just hope it's not a "Monica" or "Alan" or "Bobbie" or "Mac" kind of contract.


    All right. I found these saved on my computer. Michele, you've been spoiled for these chapters. I fixed them up a bit and am deciding to post due to the lack of Tracy. Also, this is probably my last fanfic update until middle-December or so. :(

    WAITING ROOM: Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.

    From GotInfo of SoapDish (he/she is reliable):

    Question: I might be the only one that really likes Luke/Tracy? Any long term plans for them? (I know you don't know these things for sure, just curious if you've heard rumblings).

    Answer: I haven't heard of any plans to seperate Luke/Tracy. With TG's sporadic schedule it's hard to know what's planned for Luke and the character in a romantic relationship with him. Luke/Tracy are a well received couple though.

    *twirls out until late tonight*

    Think I can just do 2 posts a day? Must. Limit. Myself.

  6. Aww, nex thanks, but you didn't miss my birthday. It's not until this Sunday. ;)

    And now I must confess...

    *steps on platform and clears throat*

    nex and I were in the breakroom earlier before I got kicked off. By the time I got back in, she was gone, so I decided to PM her to let her know what happened. In the PM, I also mentioned that I didn't want to come off selfish/like a child, but that my birthday is Sunday, and that I didn't want to announce it to the thread. Now, I realize most of us already know each other's birthdays, but I sort of mentioned it to her as "back-up." Gah. I'm so stupid. Anyway, there was some misinterpretation (or my message was unclear, which is probably more likely, since I haven't been able to think straight), and so, this was the result. I apologize to everyone, especially nex.

    *hangs head in shame and steps off platform*

    knh, that is hilarious! I've seen another one before. I should try and find it. Anyway, I "broke into" my sister's MySpace account to view the additional pics. Some of the comments are cute and strange. There's a picture of Tracy/Sonny from Carly's Charity Event. The caption says "Me and my friend Sonny." LOL! And I am also amused by the captions under Noah's pictures on the first page: "I LOVE YOU NOAH!" Heh. And the comments from her friends are kind of neat too, LOL.

    Oh, heads up! I'm going to try and limit myself. I'm on the boards too much and need to take a break, especially now that the end of the semester is nearing and I'm buried in school work in addition to other real life crap. :(

    Edit: This page of Tracy's other MYSPACE has MinervaFan's Perfect Video posted. It's in the comments section, posted by "Lulu." And in the addtional pics, there's one of Tracy from April 2003 (in the red outfit; blonde highlights), and a comment posted by Luke: "Look at my beautiful...wait...sexy wife." LOL. Except Luke's main picture is of him and Laura kissing. Okay...I really do have to get offline now. :(

    LAST Edit: Jane and Tracy got press, you guys! Lots of it! *dances around* She's SID's Star of the Week for the Haunted Star scenes.

    Also...Since Jane is on the backburner, she has time to sit with SID reporters and be quoted in SID's Hottest Stories: Are Luke and Tracy Over?

    The way is now clear for Tracy and Luke to resume their unconventional marriage - but will they?

    Tracy understands no one will be able to compete with Laura for Luke's love.

    She's afraid that once Luke has had the "taste" of Laura, he won't want to come back to her.

    Guza - We tend to forget that because L&L are so strong, Luke and Tracy have their own connection. They are in love in a very real sense.

    Luke is very much an equal for Tracy (all quotes from Bob btw) and Laura's return very much forced Luke and Tracy to confirm what they have or don't have.

    Jane - It's painful for her because they have expressed their love. But she and Tony have talked about how its possible to love two people. He feels for Tracy as well as for Laura in a completely different way. Now that this has happened, she's more aware than ever how much she values her relationship with him.

    Thanks to Kelli of SoapZone.

    And last but not least, in the Speak Out section, some fans are wondering now that Luke and Tracy have admitted their love if they can make their marriage work for real.

    Oh wait, not directly related to Jane, but Tony Geary returns to the screen LATE January. Guza says he'll be back for Sweeps in a pivotal way. Mentions of Lulu's huge adventure SL. Gah. 2 months without Tracy. We can do it. We can do it. Right? We'll be fine...Ms. Q reminds herself to breathe...

  7. OT- *listening to Christmas music* And "I'll Be Home Christmas" is sooooooo overplayed. Yeah, yeah, different versions and all that, but come on already! *pouts*

    And I have that feeling too Ms.Q, that maybe the next time we see Tracy she'll make a passing comment about Luke being gone and that's it.
    Nah, it won't be Tracy. Lucky will probably have the throwaway line. It's practically a rule that we are not allowed to see Tracy if her husband isn't in town. ;):(

    Because it's been requested, and 'cause I was probably going to start doing it anyway...LOL.

    Tracy Quartermaine: One Year Ago: November 29, 2005

    Large screencaps can be found here.

    Previously on General Hospital: Tracy found Lulu stealing from Skye and proudly welcomes her stepdaughter to the family.

    Tracy sees an ally in Lulu.



    Lulu: No way would I ever want to be a part of this family.

    Tracy: Don't speak too soon, Missy.

    Lulu: And what would I call you? Ma Quartermaine?

    Tracy: Uh, not if you value your life. I like your style. I think we can be useful to each other.

    If Lulu dislikes Skye as much as Tracy does, the 2 could work together to get rid of her. Lulu agrees, but it comes with a price. As they are bargaining, Luke and Skye interrupt.


    Tracy: So you help me get rid of her, and I will give you a sizable allowance.

    Lulu: How much?

    Tracy: A lot, and a car.

    Lulu: What kind?

    Tracy: High-end, convertible.

    Lulu: And what about gas money?

    Tracy: Gas money.

    Lulu: On top of the allowance?

    Tracy: Enough! No more negotiation. Take it or leave it.

    Luke and Skye: [enter]

    Lulu: You are a lying, evil witch.

    Skye sides with Lulu. Lulu wonders if Tracy is right and that Luke doesn't want her and storms off. Tracy doesn't believe that Skye cares about Lulu; she just wants to get closer to Luke.



    Lulu: I won't apologize to Tracy, so don't ask me to.

    Skye: Oh, Lulu, honey, you were just being honest. Tracy is an evil, lying witch.

    Tracy: And she is an incorrigible brat.

    Lulu: Tracy said that once you realize that having me here won't annoy her into a divorce --

    Tracy: And it won’t.

    Lulu: You'll send me back to grandma's or Aunt Bobbie’s or boarding school. You'll never keep me here, because you don't really want me.

    Skye: That is completely untrue. Now, Tracy just says that because she's spiteful, which happens to be her only real talent.

    Luke: Don't worry about it, princess. Papa knows exactly what's happening here.

    Lulu: Tracy's right, isn't she? You don't really want me and you never will.

    Lulu storms off...


    Skye: She [Lulu] is miserable. You know, she's your daughter. How much longer are you going to subject her to this stepmother from hell?


    Tracy: You don't care about her any more than I do. You just want to get to Luke.

    Luke: And the problem there would be?


    It's Skye vs. Tracy, with Luke caught in the middle.


    Tracy: I have no intention of allowing you and this wannabe Quartermaine to live happily ever after on my money.

    Luke: My money. Spanky Buns, my money. I'm the one who stole it fair and square.

    Tracy: This scam was your idea, and if you don't like the way it worked out, don't blame me.

    Skye: All Lulu wants is to spend her life with you. Does it really mean she has to put up with this harpy?


    Tracy: You know what? It's my money, he is my husband, and I will deal with his delinquent daughter, little Lulu, however I please!

    Tracy storms off.

  8. Haha! Sorry, nex! Thanks for the videos, by the way!

    So, I have this bad feeling that we've seen the last of Luke until whenever he returns, and you know what that means? No more Tracy. Wizard (now known as Merlin at the NEW SoapDish) still has no spoilers for her for the week of December 4th or the 11th. :(

    ILoveTracyQ, June 2, 2005: CLICK ME.

    Tracy: Morning, lover. You know, I always figured that Luke Spencer would be good in bed. But you are -- you were magnificent.

  9. It's kind of late. 11pm central, but I'm in here...


    Michele, the date is May 17, 2005:

    Luke: You know, there are certain women who can just walk into a room and you can't take your eyes off them. You've always been one of those women for me.

    Tracy: I love it when you flirt with me.

    CLICK ME for GHH2 Transcript.

    Oh, and smirks, I won't say this at SOC, 'cause I don't want to disrupt the challenge, but you are really, really good! LOL.

    For everyone else's information (TracyLuv knows), there's a challenge at SOC. You must choose one of your favorite characters and hate them for 24 hours. You must respond negatively to posts about them, and or start a negative thread about them. smirks chose Tracy.

    Edit: Oops. knh posted the transcript already. And yay! Page 198!

  10. Many thanks for the feedback! It was kind of an awkward situation to write, and it's only going to get more awkward. LOL.

    Hmm, SOD apparently "slammed" GH for rewriting the backstory of a couple of SLs...Most notably, Luke/Laura/Tracy and Tracy's "long hidden desire" for Luke. Tracy wasn't on canvas when LnL were married, and when she was on the show, she was too busy trying to get Mitch to marry her, blah, blah, blah.

    My comments: I might have mentioned this before, but I don't think this "rewrite" is such a big deal. Why couldn't have secretly admired Luke all those years ago? Why couldn't she have watched him from the sidelines? *shrugs*

    Oh! I'm in the breakroom for a bit:


    Edit: ILoveTracyQ, where have you been? You post at SOC and not here? *hands on hips* :P

  11. 1000 posts!

    In honor of 1000 posts, Chapter 77 and Chapter 78 of Oh, Baby. Warning: I've invented 3 of Tracy's "friends" from the charity endowment. I probably shouldn't have since these Baby Shower Chapters are going to be the only time you see the characters, but... *shrugs* Apologies if I disappoint.

    In fact, I was thrilled with them, especially since MsQ said there were three scenes and I wound up counting six!
    I didn't say that, did I?!? :o I remember 5, not 6, but close enough. LOL. If I did say there were only 3, maybe I meant 3 decent scenes since the first 2 were teeny-tiny ones. Hmm...

    knh, I had a feeling the jacket was from the Tracy/Coleman stuff, but wasn't sure. Thanks for the photos! It would have taken me forever to remember the jacket was from those Skye/Detective Donut scenes. Hey, was this also the same jacket she wore when Jax locked her in the closet?

    So...Will Tracy or will she not be on today?!?

    *crosses fingers*

  12. Heh. A jacket from Tracy Quartermaine's Wardrobe is up for sale at Ebay. How come a "recycled" one couldn't have been auctioned off? I don't even remember her wearing this one.

    And TracyLuv, I agree. It would have been a boring video without Jane. Well, the cast was cute when they were talking about the "nice bus," LOL, but...Yeah, Jane totally spiced things up.

    All right. Someone tell me we are getting a LuNacy good-bye scene. Please? Tomorrow, maybe? Or Wednesday? And is anyone else kind of sad that we probably won't see Tracy again 'til the Xmas episode? *kicks TG's vacations*

    About the clips: Luke/Tracy and Dillon/Lulu scenes are here if Something-More is having problems. The clip I posted came from Geena of HellaGood.

    Edit: Page 197! And 2 more posts 'til I reach 1000! :o

  13. MinervaFan, oy is right. Love me some Tony Geary, but remember his quote about when he compared acting to bungee jumping, saying somethings you fly glorious through the air, and other times you crash into the rocks? Tony defininitely crashed IMO. Maybe if I watched again, I'd feel differently.

    Hey, nex, thanks for the feedback on the missing scene!

    Hmm, about today's episode...Tracy had an interesting last 2 lines. "That's it! I'm done!" I just assumed she was done trying to get through to Luke, but could there be more meaning to this? *thinking too much* LOL. So, did the cards spoiler get cut, or is that later this week? Or was that what happened today? And didn't SOW say Tracy tries to comfort Luke? That hasn't happened either. Oh, and Tracy, I love you, but you are in NO position to tell Luke when and when he cannot drink. ;)

    Edit: Tracey has added more scans to the JE Online Gallery: http://www.jane-elliot.com/galleries/thumbnails.php?album=20 If I haven't said it before, JE is definitely one of those women who get better with age.

    And someone tell me "Tracy trying to comfort Luke" did not get cut. Please. We can't even trust reliable spoilers anymore. :( And, speaking of, I'm getting tired of "tricky spoilers." Not that I really thought LuNacy would play strip polker, LOL, but it made sense, didn't it? Whatever played out today didn't go with the spoilers IMO.

  14. Ongoing recaps here.

    Our girl does good, Deb, but she left the Haunted Star at the half hour break. And now Luke is back at the Spencer house with Lulu. Come back, Tracy! Come back!!! And the make-up/hair in the first couple scenes is "eh." Looks better in the couple afterwards. And NEW jacket. It's black. Gold designs or something.

    Edit: Last segment: Cue "Angel" music. Luke is at the Spencers house, looking sadly at the Xmas tree. He takes an ornament down and crunches it in his hands. Time for tilted camera work. (like a bad horror movie) Full of rage and sadness, Luke knocks down the tree. He picks the angel up from the tree, holds it to chest, cries loudly and falls to the ground. So, he hasn't announced that he's leaving yet, so maybe we'll get LuNacy tomorrow?

    Edit (again): No LuNacy previews.

  15. :D Congrats Deb and Fey! :D

    I wish you two all the happiness in the world!


    Lainey, you'll love this, if um, one thing leads to another, which I doubt, which is fine, because I'm convinced you're still going to get a little something (not sex, but...). Anyway, if that doesn't make sense, I apologize. LOL. Just scroll...







    From Waffle Press: Tracy really ups the ante during Luke's card game, and he could wind up losing the family jewels.

    Ha. LuNacy is going to play strip polker, or at least that's what Regency and I speculated.

    Keep in mind her spoilers are literal: "Tracy can't have her cake or eat it either." Any other ideas of what this most recent spoiler could mean?

  16. Oh. My. God.

    Special thanks to jackie of JE Online for posting this...


    If it doesn't load, click General Hospital Podcast - Bus Ride Part 1

    Scott Clifton films the bus ride to the location for Luke/Laura's Wedding. Included on this bus: Scott/Dillon (obviously), Kirsten/Maxie, John/Edward, Stuart/Alan, Leslie/Monica, Jane/Tracy, Bergen/Alice, Maurice/Sonny, and Laura/Carly.

    I don't want to spoil anything from the clip, but I think you're all going to LOVE it. As you know, I DESPISE weekends, and this video (less than 4 minutes) really cheered me up. :D Oh, God. How lame am I?

    So...Any takers for tonight at 8pm central? ;)

    knh, I started Don't Wanna awhile ago, but I lost it when my computer needed to be reformated. Although, at that point, I kind of gave up with that video. It was a permanent works in progress. ;) Anyway, I'll look into the other song. Thanks for posting!

  17. Keaton, I'm almost completely pro-LuNacy again after your post. Welcome to the fun! Hope you continue to post here. :)

    knh, ITA about the faults. Laura puts him on a pedastal. Tracy doesn't. And I love her for it!

    ANNOUNCEMENT (well, not really, just trying to get your attention...LOL)

    What does everyone think of the breakroom tonight at 8pm central/9pm eastern?

    Here's the link (which I had to go back 4 pages to get ;)):


    Edited because "to" and "you" is not the same word. Heh.

  18. Thanks for the banner feedback. :D

    And it's a miracle, isn't it, Keith? I thought he was gone forever.

    All right. I shouldn't have done this, but I made a list of all of TQ's cut scenes (mainly from recently). I guess someone can turn any one of these into fic. ;)

    -The Q's wallow in their misery (that 2 second scene might have counted, but there's that "not a lot to be thankful for" line from Tracy that never aired).

    -Tracy breaks down in Edward’s arms/Edward provides Tracy with a shoulder to cry on in her time of need.

    -Luke ignores Tracy.

    -Dillon/Tracy outside; something was definitely cut there.

    -Tracy agrees to keep her marriage a secret (was implied, but never really aired IMO).

    -Drunken Tracy and NEM on the Haunted Star (ABC Media Net photo).

    -Edward and Tracy discussion Dillon and Georgie (was set to air the day of the "It's Already Over" montage).

    -Sometime after the Markham's…ABC Media Net photo with $20 bill that never aired.

    -From the MI: Tracy sets out to find Luke (guess it makes sense it was cut, since she set out to find him 2 weeks earlier).

    -From the epidemic: Mac comforts Tracy when she fears Dillon is going to die.







    Per Cable Guide Spoilers: On MONDAY, Tracy berates Luke. So, um, is this before or after she tries to comfort him (per SOW or one of the mags)? Hmm, my speculation:

    -Tracy tries to comfort Luke; he pushes her away.

    -Tracy lets Luke have it; forces him to see his guilt.

    -Luke wants to take off to grieve; Tracy tells him Lulu needs him.

    -LuNacy get their tender good-bye. ;)

    Or maybe the 2nd and 3rd one are reversed. *shrugs* This might be the last time we see Tracy until Christmas. Luke's out and about grieving for Laura. Lulu's out and about with the mob (Lorenzo, Jason, Spinelli...blah). Dillon's out and about getting advice from Carly. The Q's are practically non-existent. This. Is. Just. Not. Good. :(

  19. knh, I have a clip from 2/9/04. It includes some of 2/10/04 too. I'm uploading it now (about 28% complete) and will edit it in when it's done.

    *waves to coolkid*

    Edit: CLIPS! Credit Arie. Oy to Tracy screaming and waving at the helicopters like Monica and Emily. HELP!!!! WE'RE DOWN HERE!!!! (something like that) Ay.

    And to LuNacy fans who post at SOC, our couple was doing pretty good in the "Who do you prefer Luke with?" thread, but not so much anymore. Go support your couple. ;) Or just defend Tracy when she needs defending (that's what I'm doing, since I'm having a hard time supporting LuNacy).

    Also, is there too much LnL love in my banner, so that everyone is pretending that it doesn't exist? ;) Sorry, I'm greedy for feedback and all that. I do have to admit; I love the picture I used of Tracy. LOL.

    And MinervaFan, I'm supposed to remind you to download the Helena/Tracy Witches clip. If you haven't yet, and it it's expired (I don't think it is), I can upload them for you.

    Ensemble Video at YouTube: She's Everything. LuNacy clip about one minute in at the refrain: "She's everything I ever wanted; everything I need." I think you'll like that part.

    And finally, anyone want to set a time for the breakroom tonight? It's been 3 or 4 days, I think, and I miss hanging out in there with all of you. Speaking of missing people...Keith...tracyluver...4XCrazy...kenna...and anyone I forgot to include. You know we miss you. Post if you get a chance. :)

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