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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. It's a miracle!

    My family.


    Minimal GH discussion.

    No arguing (about GH).

    Although...For whatever reason, I was kind of sad today and didn't enjoy the holiday like I should have, but anyway...POSITIVITY!!!

    You all know I'm thankful for you (among a list of other things, which I won't list, LOL). :)

    Something else positive: Tracy's on next week! And Ned was on yesterday! (Yes, I'm still excited about that.) But LadyAshton, I agree with what you said. Maybe we're just supposed to assume he's been hanging around somewhere, but where was Ned for the Luke/Laura Wedding?

    Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful day! And Deb, I hope you're feeling better. And Michelle, are you trying to be cool like me with your Thanksgiving colored letters? :P J/K.

    See ya all later!

  2. tgs2.jpg
    Hope you all have a great holiday!

    Stay safe!

    Be happy!

    *waves back to ILoveTracyQ*

    Oh! Guess what? I think Tracy actually starts singing the song in the montage. If you watch the clip (at the JE site), the camera shows her mouth at the word "ask," (We gather together to ASK the Lord's blessing...), and either she's opening her mouth to burp, LOL, or she's singing with the rest of them. Then, she goes offscreen, and it looks like Skye offers her pizza, but then Skye turns around and brings the pizza back to the table. Anyway, just wanted to share really quick. I was amused.
  3. I was hoping she'd show up at the end of the episode as well, but I really wasn't expecting her to. Would have been a nice surprise.

    TracyLuv, you crack me up with your list of possible prizes, LOL.

    Edit: I got a new signature/banner. Our poor girl. :(

    Edit (again): And a new avatar!!!

    Edit (yet again): I take back what I said about cut scenes. There was a mention of it on SOC. I checked transcripts. In the first Quartermaine scene, Monica says something like, "As Tracy so clearly pointed out, we don't have a lot to be thankful for." Tracy NEVER said that. Tracy didn't speak at all in that scene. Must have happened in the scene before that was cut. Anyway, I remember being confused when I watched, but I didn't give it much thought 'til now. And with that, I say BOOOOOOOOO! GH stinks! [/immature]







    I bet Tracy/Scotty team up to destory Luke/Laura, and I bet they fail. ;)

    Or, GH goes wild and makes Scotty Dillon's father (ok, borrowed that one from SoapDish, but it was also mentioned at SoapZone).

  4. Ah, I didn't think the comforting was going to happen until next week, when Tracy finds Luke drowning his sorrows on the Haunted Star. Maybe then, we'll get our "tender good-bye" as spumored.

    I want to be pro-Lunacy. I do. But I don't think I can accept Tracy being second best. Luke can profess his love to her all he wants, but she'd be a fool to believe that she ever had a hold of his heart. *shrugs*

    On another note, my sister honestly believes Luke was waiting for Laura to go back into catatonia, so he could go back to Tracy. Said he's a jerk for doing that, but she believes it. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but then you know, she had to get her say in about yesterday's Tracy's scenes...Jane Elliot overacts. Her scenes are so forced, blah, blah, crap. TM Nikolas Cassadine. And so, that was the end of that conversation. :rolleyes:

    Um, in trying to stay positive? Yay Ned!

    And angel! I'm glad you posted! We've missed you around here. How's BD coming along? (says the person who hasn't updated Oh, Baby in a month)

  5. Yeah, I posted that I think it was Debbie's letter too. (Who's going to go out and see for sure now? LOL.) I also mentioned the Scotty stuff, and I'm worried. :(

    Michele, what scenes do you think got cut from today?

    The montage didn't strike me as a cover-up because it is a holiday.

    I also don't think she'll be on Monday. Previews are all mob related, IIRC.

    And because I haven't said it here already...EEEEEEEEEEEE! NED! :D

  6. I don't think Jane's scenes were cut. She just didn't have much to do, which unfortunately happens when you put all the Q's in a single room and only give them 3 scenes total.

    Quick Recap:

    Scene 1: Waaaaa. Jason is dead. We have nothing to be thankful for. Emily gives the turkey away to people who appreciate it.

    Scene 2: Pizza's here. Some bickering. LOL @ Tracy's face. Enter Nikolas. Tracy says if he's here for turkey he's too late. Emily gave it all away. But Nik is here to announce that Laura is relapsing, and he thought all of them should know. Can't describe Tracy's expression here, but she gets one. Ring. Ring. OMG. It's a miracle. Jason is alive, and he wishes all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! Tracy doesn't get to react.

    Scene 3: We Gather Together...Tracy, with drink, has this expression, "Oh. God. Are you kidding me?" Everyone except her is singing joyously (Edit: Actually, looks like Tracy starts to sing at the word "ask"), except Leslie Charleson who seems a bit nervous. And Skye appears out of nowhere with a tray (Edit: It's a pizza box, not a tray). She/Tracy sort of disappear offscreen (Edit: I think Skye offers her pizza; then Skye returns the pizza to the table) as the rest of the Q's continue to sing.

    Wardrobe is recycled, but we haven't seen it in awhile.

    And yes, Luke will love Laura and always will, and Tracy will probably settle for being second-best, and even though I wasn't surprised with what Luke said to Laura today, I'm not really sure how I can get back into LuNacy. Whew. Kinda long sentence.

  7. The spoilers were accurate; all from reliable sources. They wouldn't have been misleading if GH didn't chop up Jane's scenes. Why? Why? Why?!?

    Edit: Deb, I think your letter is in SOD's mail bag. I don't have a description other than "letter about how great Jane Elliot is," but it sounds like it could fit your letter. So, who's going to buy the mag (or look over it in the check out line, heh) to let us know for sure? ;)


    No, it's not about Jane Elliot leaving. ;)







    Kin Shriner (Scotty) is returning.

    Speculation so far: He's the real person who killed Rick Webber (Laura's "shocking secret" is that she doesn't believe she killed her stepfather). The other speculation is that with Laura returning, Tracy brings Scotty back to break up Luke and Laura.

    Next Week: Tracy forces Luke to face his guilt.

    My sentiments exactly. The Dillon/Tracy scene was definitely a WTH. It cut so abruptly and started weird. Perkie at GHF in his/her observations mentioned it too. And I won't even get started on the breakdown that wasn't. I HATE this.

    So, stupid questions, but apparently, there's a good chance GF is returning. It's all over the net. So, my questions are: Do we get Luke/Laura/Tracy triangle? Do we get Luke/Laura trying to avoid the Evil!Foolish Tracy (think Wile E. Coyote)? Do we get Luke/Laura and no Tracy at all? Did I mention I hate this? *shrugs* It's going to be a loooooong time before I ever want to write Tracy or LuNacy fanfic again.

    TracyLuv, that tender moment is a spumor. Probably won't happen at all with our luck.


    Edit: Gah. It's late. I should be sleeping, but UGH...From GotInfo (who has been confirmed by Wizard in the past): Surprisingly, her (Genie Francis's) last day on screen leaves a return wide open, which I found interesting. And from what I mentioned above, someone from another board met GF in NJ during an event/autograph thing. She said her return is a possibility, and they're "in talks" right now. ILoveTracyQ, you soooo called it. Now, when I wake up, can I hope for an early morning post tomorrow (err, technically later today since it's past midnight, but I digress...) by MinervaFan or Lady Ashton that wil cheer me up. Please? :)

  9. ILoveTracyQ, we'll miss you!

    MinervaFan, yeah, I did leave that part out. Oops. So very Tracy though. :) And I was kind of hoping that instead of the scene being cut, Jane and John sort of just changed the scene, but I don't think they have the POWER, LOL. *shrugs* Why does GH keep cutting TQ's breakdown scenes? I had a feeling this would happen, but then my feeling had GH cutting out the Edward/Tracy scene all together (like the Mac/Tracy one from the epidemic). Oh well...

    And Regency, I love your optimism. *borrows some*

    Oh, didn't ABC.com say Luke ignores Tracy? Hmm, that didn't happen either. OK-I need someone to make a list of all the possible cut TQ scenes. Actually, that would just make me angrier. Never mind.

    And about the tree, I made up a bit of parody at SOC, kind of. smirks was amused, so I'll share it here. Did anyone else get this impression from the scene?

    Tracy: First, Laura gets my husband? Now she gets my tree?!? Waaaaah!

    Yeah, yeah, that wasn't the intention, but I couldn't resist. Ya know I still love Tracy. :)

  10. Heh, I'm as bad as the spoilers. I misled you guys. It didn't happen in a LuNacy scene. It happened in the Tracy/Edward one. He said something like, "That reprobate. That scoundrel. That...[pause] He's still my son-in-law." And then Tracy responded something like, "Just until I divorce him."

    *cue Loving!Edward*

    Edward: You deserve better.

    Tracy: Thank you, Daddy.


  11. Regency, you are being much too kind about today's episode. :P

    Did Jane rock it? Absolutely. But I didn't not see any "breaking down." Misleading spoilers? Or things getting cut? Last minute changes? There was definitely no "collaspsing into anguish" or any of that. No hysterics. No crumbling. Nothing that the Emmy people would deem worthy enough for a nomination, let alone an actual award. Nice subtlety though.

    And the "breaking down" took place outside. Never ever would I have guessed. I also didn't think the LuNacy scenes would take place outside either, so I guess GH gets some points for being creative with their use of sets. I thought for sure the Edward/Tracy scene would be in the mansion.

    Dillon and Tracy scene is a nice surprise. Aww, he gives his mom his coat!!! Oh, but the editing is way off. It's cuts too soon or something. Anyone else think so? MinervaFan, Dillon approached Tracy, who's sitting on some stone wall on Q property and realizes, "You knew about Laura." There's about 2 lines inbetween, and she makes a comment how Luke's heart will always belong to Laura.

    Tracy, Tracy, Tracy. You need better clothes. Seriously. These are the boathouse clothes, the outfit JE had on for SoapTalk. They look like pajamas. I had a feeling that she would be wearing this, LOL. Speaking of feelings, ILoveTracyQ, you're so right. You called the "wife" line, which brings me to...

    The "lashing out" scene. Totally not what I expected. Did he hurt Tracy? Sure. But from the spoilers, I was expecting him to be a lot meaner about it. He definitely didn't rip her apart as he could have.

    The apology? Eh. It was an "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," kind of thing. Very brief. He did put his coat on Tracy (see * below). And it wasn't supposed to be funny, but I laughed at Tracy getting so upset that Luke was cutting down a pine tree from the Quatermaines. Tracy, it's only a tree.

    * Oh, Luke? I don't think you were standing far enough away from Tracy. [/sarcasm] Goodness. You put the coat on her shoulder and then stepped away from her like she was going to go psycho on your ass.

    Previews: Jason on the phone: I thought I would call you all and let you know that I'm alive. Monica (on the other lines) is all smiles. Edward, Alan, and Emily are there too, also smiling. Um, can Tracy PLEASE be somewhere nearby?

    Edit: BTW, Tracy wants a divorce, and I think she's serious this time.

  12. Ooh, tons of posts!

    Lady Ashton, yay! You got the avatar. Welcome to the thread, btw.

    Deb, loved the fic, as usual. I wish we could have seen Tracy and Luke dancing as you had in the photo description. And cute title, LOL.

    And I hate how some are acting as if Tracy has no right to feel real emotions, just because she knows it's temporary. She does THINK Laura's return is temporary, because that's what Luke has told her, but I'm not sure she completely believes him, and besides that, even if Laura's return is temporary, that doesn't mean Luke will stay with her afterwards, and even if he did, it's like she'll always know she's the consolation prize. I totally "get" Tracy in this.
    Oh. My. God. This reminds me of my mother!!! Yes, we've discussed GH again against my better judgment. (Note to self: Staci, do NOT do this again. Change the subject) Anyway, give/take...

    Mom: Tracy knows this is temporary. Why did she have to act so mean to Luke the day of the wedding?

    Me: You really think she was mean, huh?

    Mom: Your sister did too.

    Me: Ughhhh. Okay, the day of the wedding, Tracy was upset. Was she NOT allowed to be upset that the man she loves was marrying another woman in her own backyard?

    Mom: It wasn't legal.

    Me: (tries to come up with something good) It was in every way in that counts.

    Mom: Well, Tracy should know that Luke loves Laura and always will.

    Me: And she does. She said so herself. But that doesn't mean she has to be all right with it. She'll never completely own Luke's heart. She knows that, but is she supposed to just smile and say, "Aww, it's okay. You marry Laura, and when she slips away, I'll be the consolation prize?"

    Mom: Well, if she really loves him, she will be there.

    Me: And according to spoilers, she is going to be there.

    Mom: Okay then, but she still didn't have to be such a b-tch.

    Me: Well, this is going well. [/sarcasm]

    I ended the conversation with something stupid about her opinion meaning nothing to mean if she can't validate it. Gah. I guess she did validate it (i.e. Tracy knows this is temporary), but still. That was a crappy validation, LOL. IMO, anyway. And there we go...In my opinion. Ugh. Opinions can be dangerous. Why, why, why am I so wrapped up in a fictional character? Why????

    Oh, for the record, we all know Tracy can be a b-tch. She can be downright cruel. BUT! I don't think those scenes with Luke before the wedding were a shining example of this. Now, who's with me? LOL. Oh, 10 bucks says after Luke lashes out at Tracy tomorrow, my mother goes, "She had it coming." Gah. I'll stop. I'll stop. Thanks for letting me complain. *hugs to everyone*


    Edit: Aww, Regency, you used the birthday banner in your signature! I'm glad you think it's special enough to go in there.

  13. MinervaFan, if you or someone else can upload a copy of the song, I can see what I can do for the video.

    ILoveTracyQ, ditto on the LuNacy friendship. I LOVE it. I like what we've gotten of Robert/Tracy too.

    Regency, wow, what can I say? I loved the story. Loved it. And I thought it was neat how we didn't know exactly what happened until a few paragraphs in (unless that was just me, and the answer was obvious from the beginning, LOL).

    nex, SoapZone has an interesting way of wording spoilers that make you really want to watch. LOL. I mean, of course I'm going to watch TQ's scenes regardless, but after reading that, I'm more psyched than before, LOL.

    So, I'm assuming no Tracy today. I watched the previews. Looks like Tracy won't appear 'til the second half. First half is a very merry Spencer Christmas with Luke in his deep Santa voice, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!" (as he lugs in the Xmas tree)

    *waves to angel who is lurking*

    Edit: *waves to ILoveTracyQ who is posting*

    Anyone got time for the breakroom? It's 4pm central. I'll be around for a half hour or so...


  14. Wow! I go away for a few hours, and there's a ton of posts! You guys are awesome! :D

    Did Drunk!Tracy exist before Guza? I imagine she did, but part of me can't for some reason.
    She got drunk and and talked to Edward's portrait before. She was usually sober when she talked to it, but not that one time. I personally never saw the scene, just read about it somewhere. And on Valentine's Day after the SS Tracy (or was it ELQ Tracy) ship had been sunk, and the Q's didn't have insurance and were going to lose all their money, Tracy got drunk. I didn't see the scene when it first aired, but it was on an edit tape, and Tracy was dancing for Larry, LOL. "I just wanna daaaaaaaaaaaaaance!" :lol: And then she eventually passed out, Larry caught her, and he and Kurt's Ned laid her on the ground for the night, I think. ILoveTracyQ might be able to come up with more instances.

    MinervaFan, I was fine with Friday's episode 'til I talked to TracyLuv. (Haha, TracyLuv, I'm blaming you. :P) You know, I think I was just frustrated with Luke's attitude towards Tracy as of late, and I just decided that I wanted her to divorce him. LOL. I'll be pro-LuNacy again next week. You'll see.

    Regency, looking forward to the fic, as always!

    About the breakdown...I don't know what I want anymore other than it BETTER be more than 1 scene. I want follow-up and all that.

    And knh, I agree. Luke gives Tracy screentime. It shouldn't be like that, but it is, and it is one of the main reasons I will never completely leave the LuNacy ship (ignore the temporary icon, LOL).

  15. In the meantime, Ms. Q , your avtar is HILARIOUS! :lol:
    Thanks, Lainey. But I'll probably change it come Tuesday, if Luke proves himself to be worthy, LOL.

    Oh, I've been in the "Insider's Lounge" and SoapDish, and some of the spoilers that were listed with "Tracy can't have her cake or eat it either" have aired. So...despite the fact that the timeline for these spoilers didn't match with the first timeline, I now believe this was referring to the cake/closet thing. So much for the spoiler idioms I kept complaining about. Turns out it was literal. :blink:

    Edit: Last night in the breakroom, Regency shared her dialogue for the upcoming Edward/Tracy scene. It's really good, and I hope it's all right that I share with the rest of you...

    Edward: He was wrong. Luke was. Now, that I know the whole truth, I can say you've been nothing but kind throughout this whole...Laura debacle. I'm surprised at you, though. This isn't your modus operandi, putting your needs aside for others. It's a good things you've done. And I'm proud of you.

    Tracy: Well, this is a surprise for me as well. The day I get my feelings stomped on my father decides he's proud of me...What a trade-off.

    Edward (pats her thigh comfortingly): At least you're rid of him now. You can finally find yourself a more..."suitable" husband.

    Tracy (scoffing): I don't want "suitable." I want Luke.

    Edward: Then, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Tracy, but he *doesn't* want you.

    Tracy (tearing up against her will): I'm just beginning to get that. (shuddering) I sure know how to pick 'em, don't I, Daddy?

    Edward (strokes her back): You love too much and then you can't stop. They simply don't love you. They're the idiots.

    Tracy (dropping her head as Edwardy pulls her to him): And I'm their fool, as always.

    Edward: You have been many things in your life. You have been young. You have been disgraceful, you've even been an embarrassment...

    Tracy: Thank you, Daddy.

    Edward: But you have never been a fool. What you are is Quartermaine and we are survivors. You are, I am. You will survive Luke Spencer. (somewhat uncomfortably) His careless way with your heart. Or I will destroy him myself.

    Tracy (pulling herself together): Thank you, Daddy. Those are some of the kindest things you've said to me I think ever.

    Edward (bringing their moment to a close): Well, they'll be the last if I catch you blubbering over this no-good hood again. You're too good for him. Remember that. Make him beg for your hand. He deserves nothing less than Hell for this, of which you are more than capable

    Tracy (drying her face and sitting tall): Of course. I love you, Daddy.

    Edward (before he turns to leave): And I you, my dear

    (Tracy nods and sets to regaining her composure. Edward looks back once more.)

    Edward: Never make it easy for him win his way back into your heart. Or he'll do it again. And I won't stand for that.

    (Edward shut the door behind him and left Tracy alone. Hesitating only momentarily, she removed her wedding band and sat it down. Then, she stood and poured herself a drink.)

    Tracy (lifting her glass): To never again. (She drank.)

  16. Breakroom? It's 10:20-ish central.



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  17. I am concerned that our two biggest LuNacy fans have walked away from the ship--that seems unfathomable to me.
    It might just be temporary. I want to see how next week plays out, but for the time being, I think I'm just frustrated. It's like when I was rooting for JE to leave last month ("Run Jane Run" avatar). I didn't really want her to go. Just making a statement, I guess. I don't even know if that makes sense, but I'll probably be pro-LuNacy again soon.







    Cable Guide Spoilers

    Tuesday: Luke apologizes after lashing out at Tracy.

    Wednesday: The Quartermaines wallow in their misery.

    From Wizard: Q's get pizza because Emily donates the turkey. GH couldn't have come up with something actually entertaining, now could they? *shrugs* PLEASE let Tracy provide the snark. PLEASE!!! It's bad enough they're going to mourning Jason's "death," but add in this Emily garbage? UGH.

    From About.com: Surprisingly, Tracy is there to help Luke get through of all his pain.

    Edit: Not a TQ spoiler, but Dillon shares his feelings about Georgie with Carly. Meanwhile, Georgie shares her feelings about Dillon with Jax. All right, someone explain to me how this makes any sense. Not that Dillon would want to confide in his mother, but CARLY?!? How does this even happen? And doesn't she have 4 other story lines going on? *shrugs*

  18. Breakroom? It's 8pm central.


    Also, MinervaFan, I know you were looking for this. It's follow-up to the 1996 Trax Kiss. Sound quality isn't very good.


    Credit AfterGlow.

    Taking bets...smirks mentioned this last night, but you don't think Thanksgiving with the Q's is going to be all about Jason's "death," do you? *shrugs* Tracy better be around to provide the snark.

    Any guesses on how the Q's will end up with pizza this year? Again, last night, nex hoped it wasn't something stupid like Cook is so upset about Jason that she refuses to cook. I laughed out loud, and then realized that could be the reason. *shudders* Someone give me good news. :)

    Edit: Page 188!

    Edit again: NEW avatar added. And Reg, I'm glad everything is ok.

  19. ILoveTracyQ, you're back!!! And Lainey!!! So are you!!! (kind of) :D

    Here are the clips. Credit to Geena of HellaGood. The hamburger scene is missing, and so is the scene where Luke sets Tracy free. She was supposed to get them up later, but I guess she forgot.


    April 27, 2005: Luke drugs Tracy

    April 28, 2006: Luke holds Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star

    April 29, 2006: Luke/Skye/Tracy on the Haunted Star

    So, um, I guess Tracy's still in the closet, huh?







    From the ABC.com spoilers: Tracy reacts when Luke totally ignores her and then breaks down in Edward's arms. I wonder if he's still lashing out at her? Ignores her first? Lashes out later? I get that he's hurting, but ugh...I HATE him sometimes. And per SOW (I think), Tracy tries to comfort Luke after Laura slips away and wants him to get his butt in gear for Lulu. But Luke leaves PC to deal with his grief.

  20. Breakroom? It's 5:45 central. nex and I are there.


    smirks, you came out of lurkdom!!! :D

    My thoughts on today?


    The LuNacy scenes in the beginning were fine. Nothing bad. Nothing good. IMO, anyway.

    Drunk!Tracy and Edward amused me. So did Dillon, Tracy, and the camera.

    But the interruption? The closet?



    Tracy should have saved her dignity and not showed up at all. B!tch Tracy would have better than Foolish!Tracy. But, Jane Elliot still gave it her all, and I love her for it. :)

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