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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Not too suprised that JE isn't on the pre-nom list, but it's not like she had much to do. :( She had what? 2 stand-out episodes? Oh well.

    I listed to the cheers; they were loud. LOL. Go Jane and Scott! :D Did you see them today? Unfortunately, the site removed Monday's Family Feud clip. I wonder if the rest of the week's will be up. Hmm...

    Today's episode? *sigh* So much for Luke/Tracy bonding.












    Sam attacks a greedy Tracy. As in physically attack? Or verbally? Any ideas why? My guess is that it has something to do with Luke going after Jason who's still in the tunnel. Bet Tracy will be the "evil" one. There's also a spoiler for the week of November 21 that says Dillon faints. Can his MOTHER please be involved? I'm asking for too much. I know. *sigh*

  2. You're welcome. It was on again this evening. JE blew SC a kiss and he jokingly turned away; the host said that was not very "nice" since SC was on the "nice team." LOL. SC answered, "Oh! You're right." Then to JE he said, "I'm sorry, Mother." :lol:

    I don't understand Tracy's sudden devotion to Luke either; perhaps she started falling for him while she was in Europe the entire summer. <_< I haven't heard interesting spoilers either.

    I liked JE's hair in the clip; not my favorite hair style, but IMO it's better than the super flat medium length she had for a while. I like her hair in this screencap:


    And I liked it in the Vegas scenes/following days; it looked similar to above but a bit longer.

  3. It is on WCIU here, but that may be the Chicago/Chicagoland station. You may get it; probably on a different network. Although, it's strange. I watched this morning at 9am, and it was completely un-soap related. I'll check tonight at 7:30 and see if it's any different.

    As for GH...I didn't watch much of today's, but I didn't have any major problems with yesterday's. Nothing too exciting, but it keep me watching. LOL.

    I was feeling better 'til I went to work. I got off early, slept a bit, and feel fine now, so who knows? Thanks for the get-well wishes though. :)

    ETA: SoapOperaFan01 posted a link to Monday's show at GH Video Theatre. Here you go. It should work, but if it doesn't, go to the main site and click on the link. Enjoy. :D

  4. Family Feud Recap:

    JE was on the "Naughty" team; SC was on the "Nice" team. JE's hair was short, reddish-brown, and flipped out underneath, and she had on a dark greenish/grayish satin jacket (maybe blouse). She looked good.

    The first question was "Name something men enjoy more than women." There were 2 strikes against the "Naughty" team, and it was JE's turn. :o She said, "Football." It was a correct answer. :D LOL. The "Nice" team ended up stealing and winning the points. When the answer "cooking," was shown, the camera flashed to JE and some other ladies and they all had this look on their face like, WTH? The men I know do NOT enjoy cooking. LOL.

    The next question was "Name something women do when they are upset." When it was JE's turn, she answered, "Shop." Correct again. :D She was so happy. LOL. The whole team was. JE was shaking the lady next to her. LOL. When it was the "Nice" team's chance to steal, it was pretty quiet, then JE started shouting, "Go, go, go, go, go!" And the rest of the team joined. LOL. I think they earned the points for that round 'cause JE had this cute "dance-move" going on. LOL.

    Next question: "Name something that is slippery and hard to hold onto." JE's answer? "Soap." Right again. *claps* LOL. The lady next to her responded, "A greased pig." JE went into "complete Tracy mode" but jokingly said, "Yeah! 'Cause the people voted for THAT!" LOL.

    Next question: It's JE vs. SC. *drum roll* (I don't THINK I'm high on my medication, LOL.) They jokingly refuse to shake hands (because "naughty" and "nice" aren't supposed to get along). JE tells SC she can make his life miserable. The host says he is now going to triple the points. LOL. The question: "Name a business/profession where you are asked to lie down." SC answers correctly (doctor's office); number 1 answer, so JE's team doesn't get to play this round.

    The two teams ended up in sudden death; the "Naughty" team win. 2 other actresses from their team played the bonus round. The first one didn't start off too well, but she did fairly well. JE hugged her. The next lady did not do very well at all, but it was all good. At the end of the show, all the actors/actresses came on stage. SC was clapping. JE may have been dancing. LOL. Then she started talking to Tracey Bregman/Lauren on Y&R (I think) before they cut the scene.

    Overall, it was very cute. I wish I had it on tape so I could watch it again, and I want to see Monday's episode, darn it. LOL. It is on for the whole week, but I don't think JE is going to be on the entire time. It comes on at 9am CST here (re-aired at 7:30pm). *hopes she is on tomorrow*

  5. Love Tracy, but in all reality, she and Skye should REALLY take their business elsewhere. Heh. This isn't reality. I get to see Tracy. Who am I to complain, right? LOL.

    I enjoyed Lulu during the wedding, but the yelling/bratty/rebellious teen act is becoming old. And when Dillon told Georgie that Lulu was just putting on a tough exterior (or something like that), I believe he went on to say that he understood because he was just like that to ("takes one to know one"). Anyone else hoping he would have said, "She's just like my mother?"...In that tough attitude/little girl on the inside kind of way?

    And lastly...Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton have been on Family Feud this week both yesterday and today (Naughty Vs. Nice SoapStar Week). Wish I would have known earlier. Tonight's episode was reshown much to my surprise. Note to self: Next time set the VCR to the RIGHT channel. :rolleyes: I was home though, so I did watch. Here's what I remember...

    (I'll do a separate post.)

  6. *sneaks in*

    Hi everybody! I hadn't been feeling well since Thursday or so and have spent most of my time in bed since then. I FINALLY dragged my butt to the doctor's today. LOL. Some kind of upper-respiratory infection, but I'm on antibiotics, so all is well. :) I apologize for worrying you, ILoveTracyQ. And as always, lovin' Tracy.

    *sneaks out*

  7. Wedding Fashion in Review: YAY or NAY?

    Tracy's dress: YAY and NAY: liked the style, but it was white.

    Tracy's hair: YAY; but only from certain camera angles. I prefer it longer.

    Tracy's jewelry: YAY; loved her earrings.

    Tracy's make-up: YAY.













    Lulu and Skye are going to become close. What does this mean for Tracy? Will she and Lulu have an antagonistic relationship? If I had it my way, Lulu would accuse Skye of trying to replace Laura. Meanwhile, Lulu and Tracy would bond, and then maybe the two would come up with a scheme to irritate Luke. :lol:

  8. I didn't like what Skye had to say either, ILoveTracyQ, but I still generally like her as a character. Although the writing has been making that difficult recently.

    IA about the laugh. It did seem unscripted. And I checked the transcripts, and there was no [Tracy laughs] like there was with Courtney and Emily. Why is it so difficult to give TG/JE decent material?

    And a bit OT as far as what has been happening on GH lately, but why couldn't we have seen the Luke/Tracy wedding in flashbacks? Why tease us with photos in SOW and on the show? Heh. I'm still bitter. Even after 5 months. LOL. Which reminds me...Tracy/Luke did share a scene on their 5th month wedding anniversary. Not that 5 months is anything REALLY special, but would it have been that hard to acknowledge it? All right. I'm done being bitter...

    Tracy is going to be on tomorrow, right? :D

  9. Hi Port Oak Valley. Glad to see you posting!

    Tracy got a new jacket! Tracy got a new jacket! LOL. Coolkid, where are you? ;) It was definitely outrageous, but it was NEW. I've seen posts on other boards about a new hair-cut too, but I'm not too sure. It looked the same as it did the first day that we saw Tracy was kidnapped. Anyway...LOL.

    Good to see Tracy and the other Q's today! And they were talking about ELQ (before they started talking about Emily). Tracy: "Ned! Justus! Act like men." :lol: And the bickering. Is it wrong that a fictional family makes me so happy? LOL. And I loved how Justus kind of came to Tracy's defense in regards to ELQ; that AJ, not Tracy, drove the company into the ground.

    Can't wait 'til the wedding.

  10. Hi ILoveTracyQ. SlkyCaramel (from here and SZ) posted several clips (a few of which include JE and one that inludes JE/Anjelica) in the NLG/Alexis Davis Lovers CP at SZ last night. You may have seen them the first time around, but I thought I'd share. :)












    It does sound like Tracy is falling for Luke, doesn't it? What a shame he can't also fall for her. At this point, I'll take anything that puts JE/Tracy onscreen...I think. LOL. So if Luke goes after Skye, can Tracy go after Luke? LOL. Anything to involve her in this train wreck.

    I've also read spoilers that Lulu has harsh words for Luke on Nov. 4th. That's the day after the crash, right? If Lulu and Skye are both on scene, it looks like they will be waiting together. Why can't Lulu wait with Tracy like you suggested?!?

    One more spoiler. Apparently, the Q's are going to gang up on Alan and tell him to stop inteferring in Emily's life today. Ugh. All the Q's...In one room...Wasting their breath on Emily. Eh, at least Tracy should be on. :D

  11. Hi Nikki. Good to see you posting again. :)

    About Tracy taking front and center,or the spotlight,or any prominent role in GaP's GH: it ain't gonna happen.

    She might get lucky and have Luke fall for her in his own way,and she might fall for him,but it'll never be a conventional relationship,and even as Luke's woman of the moment,she'll never be more than that.Not on this GH.

    You know what's so incredibly sad about this, ILoveTracyQ? It's absolutely true. I just don't get it. :(
  12. Anyone see the ABC MediaNet Photos? Good news: Tracy is at Liz/Lucky's wedding AND she is not wearing a "recycled" jacket. LOL. Can she dance with Luke? Lucky? Her sons? Bad news: JE's hair? :o Eh...She is still JE. She is still portraying Tracy. So WHY am I complaining AGAIN?!?












    Oh I agree, ILoveTracyQ, I can't see Tracy being "hands on" either; but if Dillon is involved in the rescue efforts, I can see her making an appearance and demanding that he stop putting himself in danger. Maybe. But Lulu/Tracy sounds good too.

  13. Good afternoon. :)

    That's a good point about complaining, ILoveTracyQ. It's not doing me (or the show) any good. LOL.












    Isn't WK's last airdate (until who knows when) Nov. 1st? The train wreck begins Nov. 3rd. I don't see him being involved. <_<

    As for the train wreck and it's relation to Tracy, I guess it poses the question: Will she be included in the actual event or 2 weeks down the road (in "real life" time), after everyone has been rescued? Based on ILoveTracyQ's speculation, I'm going to go with the latter. Could be some good scenes with TG and JE, but I want Tracy involved IN the action. TPTB managed to put half the town on the train. It wouldn't have been THAT difficult to also put the Q's on board.

    And what about the teens? Not that I care about half of them, but how are they going to be involved? My guess? Dillon and co. are just randomly hanging out by the train tracks; the trains collide, and they will insist on participating in the rescue efforts. If that's the case, can Tracy PLEASE be included? Heh. I'm sounding desperate. Guess we'll see what happens.

  14. ILoveTracyQ, Luke admitted to Tracy that he was using their marriage as a way to avoid committing himself to Skye. So basically to quote Tracy: So you hide behind our marriage, and every once in a while you poke your little nose out and satisfy your basic needs with your flame fairy, and then when things get too hot, you scamper back to me. Luke's reponse? Right... And he managed to call Tracy "virtually heartless." So I say go, Tracy, go! LOL.

    Yes, TG/Luke's airtime has also been minimal; but at least he's been allowed to interact with other characters lately (Lucky, Elizabeth, Lucas). If only Tracy can have a scene that doesn't involve Luke...

    As for the jacket...I don't mind it. I'm just tired of it. Time for some new ones. But I didn't know GM hated it. Did he just randomly post it one day? LOL. And GM, if you're reading, we love you!

    On Tuesday, Luke/Lucky and Luke/Lucky/Elizabeth are worth watching. Skye/Luke are decent too. And you should watch Wednesday just 'cause Tracy is ON. ;)












    That is some very hopeful speculation, ILoveTracyQ, and I hope it's correct. So...About this train wreck that will be BETTER than the hotel fire (which I didn't mind as much as some...but that's all because of the Tracy/Dillon/Ned hug)...Where do we think Tracy stands?

    As far as we know she and the rest of the Q's are not on the train. Those not on the train (according to Guza and Pratt) will be helping the victims or going into the tunnels to rescue people. Now I love my Tracy, but unless Dillon (or Ned or Alan or even Brook, I suppose) is ON that train, I don't see Tracy voluntarily subjecting herself to disaster. So are GaP lying? Since Luke and Skye are apparently involved in the subsequent disasters, does that mean Tracy is too? Am I hoping for too much? LOL. Sorry. I'd just hate to see JE/Tracy be missing from Sweeps AGAIN.

  15. Hi ILoveTracyQ! Thanks for keeping this thread up with me. :) Where have all the other TQ fans gone? Regarding Skye: I was focusing on the "I think you love her...She makes you laugh..." The good stuff.

    Nice to see Tracy and the other Q's today although 2 minutes is NOT enough, and they should have been involved with Brook/Dillion. But I need to stop complaining. LOL. I'm glad Tracy poured the hot water on Luke. He deserved it. But it looks like we won't be seeing Tracy for the rest of the week. WTH? Does Jane Elliot have a one day/week guarantee now? :( BTW, ILoveTracyQ, what upcoming spoilers are you referring to?

    Coolkid, the "recycled wardrobe" continues. We hardly see Tracy the way it is. WHY must the wardrobe department use the same jackets over...and over...and over again? Note to self: Stop complaining. LOL.

  16. Semi-long post ahead...

    Ms.Q what makes you think the story is Luke/Skye?
    This is an interesting question; I'm not even sure I have an answer especially after today's scenes.* LOL. I guess it's because Luke/Skye have the romantic relationship, and the audience accepts them. That's not to say the audience wouldn't accept Luke/Tracy; I just don't see us finding out with these writers. IMO, TPTB don't consider JE a viable romantic lead for TG. Maybe he change that. Maybe not. But until Luke/Skye are broken up for more than 3 days and until Luke starts treating his wife respectfully, I don't see Tracy serving much of a purpose other than to provide angst for Luke/Skye. But then TPTB throw in something like those Charitable Endowment scenes, so who knows?

    *Today's Scenes: No Tracy, but she sure was talked about.

    Luke:"...We're really good together, in a convoluted, perverse kind of semi self-destructive way. I mean, that's what keeps it interesting."

    Skye: "Luke, what you just described...That's what you have with Tracy. I think you even love her in your own way. I do. She keeps you busy. She makes you laugh. She fills the void. You never have to drop your guard around her, much less open your heart."

    I'd almost say the writing was in Luke/Tracy's favor, but like I said earlier, Luke/Skye need to remain apart for a little while before I start seeing things differently. Oh...And for those who didn't watch, Lucky does know his father is married to Tracy. I was wondering when that would be acknowledged. Took TIIC long enough. :rolleyes: And if it was acknowledged in the past...oops. LOL.

    About the spoilers...GaP say the "entire cast" will be involved. Ahem. GaP lie. So far no spoilers indicating that Tracy and the other Q's will be involved (or the teens for that matter, but I'll gladly pass on about half of them.) No Bobbie or Mac either as of yet, but that's not a surprise.

  17. Hi ILoveTracyQ. IA. There weren't enough Tracy scenes and they were too short. But I will try not to complain because Jane Elliot is receiving airtime.

    where do we see their marriage headed,and where do we WANT to see it go?
    As of this moment, I don't see their marriage going anywhere. Same old. Same old. Luke/Skye is the story; Tracy is just there to spice things up, but she IS good at it. :lol: As for where I WANT it to go? I'd like Luke and Tracy to fall in love but hide their feelings from one another at first. And then something happens that forces them to admit their true feelings. Oh I don't know! LOL. I just want it to go somewhere...anywhere. But can Tracy please win in the end?












    Any speculation on the train wreck? Will Tracy and the other Q's be involved? If so...Will they serve a purpose or will they be limited to glorified extras?

  18. I have no idea, coolkid, but I hope so. There can never be too many Tracy/Jane fans. :)

    ILoveTracyQ, ah yes, I know family on GH is a long-shot, but I am still hoping for something. LOL. And you are making sense to me. :)

    Do we want that,is the question?
    My answer: Yes because it gives JE screentime when TG is on canvas and despite the ridculousness of their SL, Luke and Tracy usually entertain me...drama or no drama (although I'd REALLY appreciate it there could be *some* drama more than every 3 months, but I digress.) And no because I don't like watching Tracy be humiliated, and JE will have no SL when TG is not on canvas. Hmm...

    Lots of LOL moments during today's show...

    Tracy: She's not going anywhere until you give your wife -- that would be me -- some satisfaction.

    Tracy: This is not good forgery.

    Luke: That is exactly how he makes his A's.

    Tracy "shaking"

    Tracy: Life just isn't fair.

    Lorenzo: You two are still married, right?

    Luke: Life just isn't fair.

    I also enjoyed the kiss and "take a bus." LOL.

    ETA: Page 2!

  19. Ah, I loved the Charitable Endowment scenes. I thought those scenes meant "Lacy" was moving forward. But 3 months later: Tracy could be killed; and Luke doesn't care?!? :rolleyes: Guess I was wrong.

    Just a random question: Will we see Tracy with her family sometime in the near future? And if Tracy isn't with the entire family, which family member should she be with? Tracy/Dillon could probably use a scene...or 2...or 3...LOL...considering the teens latest SL. Although I'm fairly certain Dillon has been cleared. Or he will be after today.












    Whatever happened to Luke having something that everyone...including old enemies...want? And IIRC the spoiler was worded, "Luke and Tracy JOIN Skye and Lo on a huge adventure. I haven't seen any "joining." LOL. Or any signs of an adventure for that matter. <_<

  20. It's good to be here, Nikki. :)

    Nice to have JE and TG back in scenes together today. I just wish the SL wasn't so ridiculous. And why is it moving so quickly? Tracy's kidnapped. Tracy's released. Skye's kidnapped. At this rate, it will be over by the end of the week. :rolleyes:

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