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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Thanks for the video feedback, nex and MinervaFan! I wasn't sure if it was too simple, seeing as I didn't do anything fancy with the transitions. And there's also a clip that cuts off abruptly (Lulu's "Shouldn't I have that same right?"). But in the actual scene, Tracy cut off Lulu, and since I didn't want Tracy's dialogue included, I had to cut it there. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    knh, thanks for "Saturday." nex posted it a few days ago, but still, thanks. You all are so kind. :) And you're right about "Accidentally." MinervaFan didn't think she saved it, but she did.

    nex, downloaded Samantha's "Best of 2005," and realized I used to have it saved 'cause I really enjoyed it. Thanks for posting it! (We all know how I idiotically didn't back up videos...) And thanks for "Bad Day" too, but as it turns out, MinervaFan also has that one saved.

    And since we have Luke/Skye/Robert/Lorenzo spoilers for Wednesday through Friday, I'm hoping Tracy also shows up.

  2. Aww, I'm sorry, ILoveTracyQ. Will this bring you out of that corner? ;)

    For those interested, it's a 2 minute video, focused on Tracy, Lulu, and abortion. Clip selection is very limited. Nothing fancy. There were a lot of ways to go with this, and I tried to do it without stepping on anyone's toes. Feedback is always appreciated. :)

  3. If anyone wants the answers to the first round of "About Whom," I have them. Or we can just forget that this game ever existed, LOL.

    ILoveTracyQ, Randy Mantooth is the first one. Judi Evans and Gerald Anthony are both correct. *more ice cream for you* The next one is actually Nancy Lee Grahn, and the last one is Mary Beth Evans.







    From SoapDish: Tracy confesses to Robert that she doesn't want Luke to leave again. Robert suspects she's jealous of Skye, but Tracy refuses to admit it.

    All right. So I made that up. I'm evil. :ph34r:But it could happen, right? It's simple. It's predictable. GH could do it.

  4. Did my other post scare everyone? Heh.

    Bumping 'cause Bella is lurking in the shadows, LOL. Bella, come on back in. We've missed ya! :D

    Also...I put in a request at HellaGood for the those Helena/Tracy/Luke scenes. Geena had the scene of Luke holding Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star, as well as the Charitable Endowment ones, so I'm hoping she has these too.

  5. nex, thanks so much. MinervaFan has volunteered to send me the mvids on a disc, so you don't have to upload those for me anymore. But again, thanks! I love the Saturday video/song and played it like 7 times last night, LOL. And I can't believe I forgot about smirks's On Being Quartermaine masterpiece. And of course, you know I love your vids, especially Ohh La La. :)

    Fanfiction Update: Kind of. Went to write more of Oh, Baby last night, but then realized I needed to go back and see what's been happening before I could continue. Unfortunately, by the time I finished reading, I didn't want to write anymore. Been working on another fic though, a Day In the Life one (involves Dillon getting hurt, Tracy having to wait; other characters include Edward, Alan, Monica, Ned, Luke; some Patrick, Robin, Bobbie, Elizabeth; and mentions of Jax, Robert, Skye, and Georgie; I've seen to have forgotten about Lulu for the time being, might have to weaver her in). It's not done, but I've sent what I have to Deb for beta-ing.

    Now...We need some EXCITEMENT in here! Oh, I emailed LoveThatTracy last night, and like mercedes, there have been troubles with validation. I'm not sure if sending the "revalidation" message worked or not, but if I hear anything, I'll let you know.

    From the games that weren't as big as a success as I hoped, LOL...

    The name game: Weasel is AJ.

    The quote game: ILoveTracyQ, if you want to answer the "About Whom" ones, feel free. If not, I'll provide the answers later or tomorrow.

    Other quotes if interested...

    Who Said It?

    Hint: Both are NOT GH actors.

    "[Jane] really does bring a breath of fresh air. Tracy's very colorful. She can be a [!@#$%^&*] to you on one hand and have you laughing on the other."

    "My job is not to rewrite or tell makeup and hair how to do their thing. Jane Elliot (ex-Anjelica, DAYS; Tracy, GH) taught me that. She told me, 'Say your lines, don't bump into the furniture and go home.' They tell me to cut my hair, I cut it. They tell me to dye my hair, I dye it. Fighting about it is too much like work. You should go to work and have a good time or don't go."

    About Whom?

    After this actor/actress died, JE said she'd never be able to perform with such brilliance again.

    Upon returning to GH in 2003, JE said if she could, she'd work with this actor/actress 7 days/week.

    "In my next life I want to come back as [this actress] She is the healthiest human being I've ever met in my life. She takes nothing hard. Two days before she delivered her son she did 100 pages of dialogue to cover her maternity leave without so much as a whimper, whine, or complaint. If her husband has to leave town for a few months of training- no problem! If the housekeeper catches the garbage on fire and the fence burns down-no big deal! She's an astonishing human being. We have absolutely nothing in common, but I miss having her to learn from. I miss having her around to remind m e how the other half lives, because I take everything hard."

    MinervaFan, I knew about the Best of Broadcast thing; might've even posted it before, LOL
    Aha! I did post it before, LOL.
    2003: JE's return to General Hospital makes The Best of Broadcast.
    *looks at TQ fans suspiciously* Hmm, not reading every inch of my posts, eh? ;) J/K. It came from an enormous post, and I know how easy it is to skip over things, seeing as I've done it myself. In fact, I've missed entire posts before.

    And wow...Another long post, I see. Hope everyone's enjoying the weekend!

    Edit: Hmm, it won't let us type the "B word" anymore. I don't use it myself that much, but it was part of a quote, so I kept it in, LOL.

  6. ILoveTracyQ, I think Regency's story is complete. The last part that was posted was Part 2 of 2. And thanks for posting what you did. It made me feel better how the whole Luke/Skye/Tracy thing.

    About the clip...I don't have it, but Tracy didn't kick the gun. She just grabbed it. Without the gun as a weapon, Helena ran out. Luke popped up and told Tracy to "get down" and "hit the floor." Then he said something like that "Give me that [the gun], before you get one of us killed!"

    I loved the scene, but I wish Luke would've been grateful that she saved his life. I mean, Helena was going to shoot him in the head. If Tracy hadn't done anything, he'd probably he dead. Psst, Luke. A little gratitude would be nice.

    Edit: Video Request: If anyone wants to start uploading videos for me, I'll be forever grateful. Oh, does anyone have the Dillon/Tracy "Saturday" one that used to be a YouTube? Other ones to start off (if you have the time): Nana, kenna's Not Ready to Make Nice, I'll Remember, Never Mind, and OhhLala. Thanks in advance! I know how long it takes up to upload videos, and I'm sure it's so much worse for dial-up users.

    *waves to everyone who is lurking as a guest*

  7. ILoveTracyQ gets more free virtual ice cream! I figured you'd know the answers. :)

    We're not the only ones worried about JE/Tracy...






    I'm just going to copy/paste the exact posts from SD. It's exactly what I'm thinking...

    [They're putting Luke back into Skye's story]. The spoilers are all Luke looking for Skye, Luke determined to rescue Skye, etc. They didn't need to go there, but they did. Someone wants us to get that they're not detaching Luke from Skye. May not be his story but it sure isn't anyone else's involved either.
    Next post...
    That's why I'm worried about Tracy. They could have had Luke/Tracy spoilers instead of Luke/Skye. It would make more sense that Luke tells Tracy he thinks Laura could be cured and we get Tracy's reaction to that. Instead they've got Luke going off on a rescue mission for Skye. Tracy hasn't been getting any airtime and if they put Skye back with Luke they could figure they don't need Tracy at all.
    Anyone have thoughts?
  8. nex, yep, that was TG. I'm going to see if ILoveTracyQ pops in sometime this weekend before I give the other answers. She'll probably know some of them. Until then, here are some hints if you or someone else wants to guess.

    From the "Who Said It" section...

    3 quotes came from Lindze Letherman

    1 from Alicia Leigh Willis

    1 from John Ingle

    1 from Rick Hearst

    1 from Natalia Livingston

    1 from Kimberly McCollough

    1 from Wally Kurth

    1 from Deidre Hall

    *Scott Clifton's praised her several times, but I couldn't fix anything exact.

    From the "About Whom" section...

    3 quotes about Scott Clifton

    2 about Tony Geary

    1 about Leslie Charleson

    1 about Wally Kurth

    1 about Lindze Letherman

    1 about Laura Wright

    1 about Deidre Hall

    *JE has also praised Julie Marie Berman, but once again, couldn't find the exact quote and didn't want to be too far off if I described it.

    LoveThatTracy, yes, feel free to come in. We love getting new members! Speaking of members, anyone hear from Keith, kenna, coolkid, or smirks lately? I know smirks has been busy calculating numbers for her SOC Scientific Study of MOST LOVED and MOST HATED GH Character, but I hope she comes in here soon. BTW, Tracy was #2 for Most Loved. Her hubby, Luke Spencer, came in first.

    Regency, I'll provide more detailed feedback later, but for now? Wow. Just wow. I really have no words. What you wrote is just incredible! *bows down to you*

    MinervaFan, I knew about the Best of Broadcast thing; might've even posted it before, LOL, but I didn't know about the other actress's experience. Yeah, not too good of a light. Heh.

  9. OT-Sorry for not being around much today. Had some more computer problems, called Dell Support, ran a bunch of tests, and still nothing. It's working for now, but I am seriously afraid to use it, although it's not like I can lose any files, you know? They're all already gone. *shrugs*

    Despite my fear, I've looked up some things, so we can play another game. :)

    Who Said it?

    Other actors on Jane Elliot

    "She's a formidable actress. You have to be on top of your game with Jane because otherwise, she's going to bust you for being less than you should be."

    "I've love to trade barbs with Jane Elliot. She's a force to be reckoned with."

    When asked to describe Jane Elliot in on word, this actor/actress said, "Funny."

    "I love Jane Elliot. She's so funny."

    "When those two [Jane and Tony] work together…it is the hardest thing in the world not to crack up. I've been in scenes with them where I'm standing there about to pee in my pants. I want to laugh so hard, but you can't. They just take it like it's nothing, and I'm like, 'Oh my god. This is the funniest thing I've ever seen.'"

    "I respect Jane Elliot so much and find that I learn so much from her as a person as well as an actor."

    "…they brought back Jane Elliot. I loved to tangle with her."

    When asked who he/she always wanted to work with but never had the chance, this person said, "Jane Elliot would be one of them."

    "I've been able to work with Jane Elliot (Tracy). She's such a feisty character and she's so strong with her presence and her voice."

    "She's my neighbor and a really good friend. It's really great to have Jane back in my life…"

    "She makes me laugh. She makes me think. She makes me see and appreciate myself."

    About whom?

    Jane Elliot on other actors

    "Our friendship is a great boon to my life. He/she's a kind, gentle, spiritual, perceptive human being, and you can never have too many of those in your life."

    "I love working with him/her. [We] have known either other since we were teenagers in New York."

    "He/she takes serious risks. That's what makes him/her so great. He/she is willing to put himself/herself out on a limb and find out what doesn't work."

    "I like [their] work very much. I enjoy working with them and was extremely proud of the way they kept up with me and Tony."

    "…He/she was just captivating. He/she was just so…present and so in the moment."

    "He/she seems to be really, really good."

    "Fiercely loyal would describe him/her. Willing to go to any length available to prevent the people he/she loves from feeling scared, lonely, or broke."

    Don't have the exact quote for the following…

    JE said this person is a joy, and that she loves working with him/her.

    JE said this person could hold his/her own and that were good thing to come with him/her.


    While searching for quotes, LOL, I found this:

    JE speaks on Sam's role in the Dead Man's Hand SL:

    Jane Elliot, who plays Tracy says, "It's hideous. Sam is the little truck driver, this little toughie who socks people. She tries to have a physical fight with Tracy." But we know how tough Tracy is!

    Also ran into this: Deidre Hall gets help from GH Star (in regards to playing Hattie…)

    Hall did her homework. "I went to my friend Jane Elliot (Tracy, General Hospital), who is a brilliant actress, and I gave her some Hattie tapes," relates Hall. "I said, 'I have to be her next week.' Jane said, 'Okay. I'd like you not to watch the tapes. Let me see them and then we'll get into it.' I booked her for an acting class, a directing class."

    After viewing the tapes, Elliot pronounced that it would be "an adjustment," albeit an easy one. "I won't tell you what it is, because that's an actor's private information," demurs Hall. "But there were several adjustments I made that made it very easy. Then I ran it with Jane."

    Speaking of Hall, anyone know where the quote is of DH, I believe, referring to Jane Elliot as the most brilliant on Daytime, and then she had some other things to add. I've come across several things, but it's mainly Electra Woman/Dyna Girl stuff.

    Anyway, whew. Long post, LOL. Here's hoping for Tracy next week!

  10. Deb, you've got mail. ;)

    OT-Oh, I'm going to be so tired tomorrow.

    LuNacy 2007? MinervaFan, I love your idea. I wish I had one of my own other than wanting them to move forward. No more of 2 steps forward, 10 steps back garbage. I want progression. I want "I love you's" to be exchanged (something big, or in Guza's terms, a "cataclysmic event" needs to occur, so this exchange happens without us going "Say what?!?"), but I don't want them to lose their spark. If they want to be traditional for a while, perhaps as part of a bet or something, fine, but nothing more than that, because LuNacy is anything but traditional (which I'm fairly certain was part of the chat this evening, that I unfortunately was in and out of). And wow...Am I being vague or what? LOL. Oh, and there needs to sex! I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's for you Lainey, and I'm serious about this; I'm not mocking you. :))

    On the side, I want Tracy at ELQ, being a SUCCESSFUL business woman. And later, I want Ned to return from his 6 month vacation at smirks' home (inside joke from SOC) and take over for ELQ when Tracy and Luke decide to go on a get-away (Ned's the only one she trusts). *allows our wonderful fanfic writers, MinervaFan, Lainey, Regency, Keith, and angel to fill in the blanks of the get-away* When Tracy returns, Ned lets her resume her position, but impressed with what he's done, she wants him to be co-CEO. Ned isn't all about the business anymore, but seeing as Dillon is suddenly "interested," he agrees (that and L&B isn't what it used to be). As co-CEO's, the responsiblities get divided, Tracy has extra time to dedicate to her husband, and LuNacy get to have more fun together! (all things lead back to them, don't they? LOL) I'm kind of reaching here, but those are my thoughts at this late, but notsolatewhenyouthinkaboutit hour. :)

  11. Will be in the breakroom for a bit.

    *hands ILoveTracyQ virtual ice cream* You got most of them.

    Old Twig is regular Luke. I remember her saying, "...or I'll break you like the old twig you are," but I'm not sure about the phrase you mentioned.

    Thieving, gold-digging tramp is Heather.

    Cookie is Skye, but she could've used it for Lulu too. I'm not sure, LOL.

    And Missy (from the double post) is Emily, but it might've been used for Lulu as well.

    I got another one if anyone is interested: Weasel.

  12. Board troubles. :(

    My other post isn't appearing until I hit "Add Reply" and view the last 10 posts in reverse order. So basically, I can't see in on the main page of the thread. Anyway, just wanted to add "Missy" to the list. I'm pretty sure Tracy's used that to call more than one person, but I'll accept whatever, LOL. Winner gets ice cream! Heh.

  13. nex, I love you! If you have any videos (either mine, Deb's, or anyone's), feel free to post them when you have the time. My video collection has been wiped out, and I didn't back those up.

    We need a game. This is nothing special, but I'll give the word/phrase that Tracy's used to call/refer to someone, and you can guess that someone. Example: Lukey=Luke. Most of them are simple. Wish I had some others off the top of my head. You can add to the list if you want. :)

    Anyway...Have fun!

    Old Twig

    Drunken Quartermaine Wannabe


    Thieving, gold-digging, tramp

    Homicidal maniac

    Blonde Ball of Fluff

    Town Pump


    Sniveling valedictorian

    Cheap Tart

    Nasty, little hooch

  14. *pops in*

    ILoveTracyQ, I'll join you in a minute. Have to use the bathroom first, LOL.

    Lainey, Lucky's at ShadyBrook? Is that also a rehab facility? Heh. Luke and Tracy are gonna get it on in Lucky's room. ;) J/K. I think we're supposed to see the set this week.

    And Eeeeeeeeeeeee to "Tracy" being spelled right!






    Lulu is coming off an abortion, Luckys is coming off a drug addiction, and Nikolas is now a father, and their mother is going to be there. Luke is married! Tracy is definitely going to have something to say about this! This is major for almost everybody."


    "Everybody's got stuff for Laura to deal with" smiles Guza. "[Her return] is going to have pivotal implications for not only Luke but also for... Lulu, Dillon, Tracy, Lucky, Nikolas."

  15. OT (for the 87,000,000th time): Hopefully, this is the last computer update. It's functioning, but I've lost EVERYTHING! Well, basic programs were re-installed (i.e. Microsoft Word, Windows Media Player), but files and folders are gone. Since most of the stuff is backed up, I won't be bugging you all for clips too much. Videos, however, are a different story. I have none at all, so if anyone wants to start uploading some, I'll love you forever. :)

    ILoveTracyQ, can we pass ice cream around instead? I love warm weather, but it shouldn't be 85 degrees in October. I guess I should just enjoy it while it lasts, huh? It'll probably be 45 degrees next week, LOL.

    So, will we see our girl before those media net pics air? The answer better be "yes."

    Lots of Robert/Luke/Skye/Lorenzo spoilers next week, I see. No Tracy. A) She's in Europe. Where else, right? Or B) She'll be on, playing jealous shrew. Is this what we want? Maybe we should be hoping JE leaves because this is just crap. I am full of so much hatred right now. *kicks TV show* I seriously cannot express how annoyed I am with the lack of Tracy on my screen. Cheer me up, guys.

  16. *pouts* Had a post all typed out, and then the computer went all blue screen on me. I thought Dell had fixed the problem, but I guess not. It's gonna need to be brought in. I'm in Safe Mode right now, and most things have been backed up, so that's good. I'm just tired of dealing with this, and I'm sure you're tired of listening. Heh.

    Anyway...Good to see TQ in those ABC Media Net pics. Not sure if she'll get more than 2 lines in, considering all those people, but some is better than none. And I guess since Skye has the baby in her arms, there go my plans of having her go into labor during Thanksgiving dinner, LOL.

    Hair/Wardrobe: Still missing the curls, but it's all good. Jacket is recycled, but Tracy better watch out. The first time she wore it, Heather slapped her, and she took a dive into the rose garden. And the second? Alice held her in a head-lock, denying our poor girl of oxygen. Looks like Monica's in recycled wardrobe too. I'm thinking she wore that green robe for Xmas.

    Other comments about the photo: *misses Ned so much* GH is just stupid. I kind of miss seeing Georgie around the Q's. And nex, that link you provided us to the larger versions, LOL at Jason in that photo with Carly. He's like sucking in a bunch of air, or something.

    About love scenes and closed sets...Yeah, I guess that'd make sense, LOL. If Lacy get one, it's only going to be so Laura can walk in. Oh well...

  17. OT-I HATE people. Not all people, of course. ;) Yesterday, I deliberately asked the computer tech. people, "So I can pick up my lap top tomorrow?" "Yes." And it WILL BE BACK TO NORMAL?" "Yes." And what happens when I go in this morning to get it? "We're sorry. We couldn't fix the problem. You should call Dell Support." Need I remind them they once told me Dell wouldn't be able to help this sort of thing? *raises fists*

    Ooh, pretty, screencaps, MinervaFan. Le sigh. But Sam as Tracy's daughter would make Sam and Jason cousins. Eh, well, this is Guza, but still, LOL.

    Anyone got scoops?

    Please let Tracy be on today.

    *twirls out*

  18. ILoveTracyQ, that's interesting about Coleman/Tracy. I remember we used to joke about GH putting them together, and then BOOM! It happened. Oh, and telling us that TQ was on? Mean. Very mean. ;)

    SOAPDISH SPUMOR: I'm not gonna spoiler space. It's SoapDish. It's an anonymous poster. Chances are it's crap, but...*drum roll* If we ever wanted that site to be accurate, now would be the time: Tracy & Luke are supposed to have a love scene. *waits for SQUEE'ing from Lainey and MinervaFan* It could be true though. Yes, I'm probably one of the most pessmistic people here, but it would be classic Guza to have Laura make her entrance back into Port Charles by catching Luke/Tracy in bed. If it does happen, I'm guessing FTB, since TG and JE aren't too fond of "love scenes." Plus, I'm pretty sure Guza considers them "old and wrinkled." Or was that Frons who used those terms?

    And that's all I got except for this OT stuff: Computer should be up and running "for real" later tonight, and I should have it back in my hands and back to normal tomorrow morning. *crosses fingers*

  19. OT-I spoke too soon about the computer. I had a dream last night that it stopped working, and what do ya know? I shut it down last night, started it up again this morning, and BOOM! Evil, evil blue screen. Can't get it to run in normal mode without that happening. Windows encountered a serious error, needed to be closed, blah, blah, blah. If this the first time you've seen this screen...blah, blah, blah. *cries*

    I had another dream last night about Luke/Laura/Skye/Tracy though. It was better than the computer one, 'cause I got to see Tracy, even though I wasn't too fond of her part. I just remember bits and pieces. Before seeing GH in the dream, I read magazine spoilers that said Tracy's role in this SL was going to be played for the laughs. : / I wasn't too happy about that. Heh. And then came promos for the upcoming SL. There was stuff about Luke admitting that Tracy was his "rock" and that he wanted to be with her, and even though she didn't believe it, she was almost, dare I say "desperate," to hold onto him and accepted. (Oh, Tracy!)

    But then something happened (can't recall), and Luke ended up proposing to Laura, who we only saw from behind; she was wearing white (what else? LOL); and almost resembled Anna Devane (which was just weird). And then I remember a clip of Skye saying, "Laura gets a bridal shower [for the remarriage to Luke], but I don't get a baby shower?" LOL.

    ILoveTracyQ, Regency hasn't posted "The Lovely Bones" yet. ;) She plans to post it tomorrow.

    MinervaFan, short, interesting Skye/Tracy fanfic. Thanks for the challenge ideas. We'll see if I come up with anything.

    tracyluver, heh. I'm evil like that. She suspects that he knows. In fact, she's almost sure of it.

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