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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Breakroom, anyone?

    Video Update: Remember I said I'd make my best video yet if I got the computer fixed? I lied. WWM keeps freezing things up, and I get nervous about the computer all over again, and it's not worth it. So no more videos from me, at least not in the near future.

    Thanks nex for the feedback! It's been a wonderful couple days as far as fanfic goes, hasn't it?

    angel, read, reviewed, loved.

  2. SQUEE'ing again because I *think* the screen resolution is normal. I've been in Safe (aka EVERYTHING IS SUPER HUGE) Mode, so while the font and screen *appears* to be smaller, it's just an illusion. Or something, LOL. *dances around*

    Wonderful ideas, MinervaFan. I doubt there's going to be a "Who's Your Mama" SL for Tracy/Skye though. I love both actresses, but for whatever reasons, TIIC don't deem them "worthy" enough. *shrugs*

    Kinda OT-AIM is no longer installed on my computer. I could download it again, and it's not like getting rid of the program deletes my Buddy List, but apparently AIM had some problems recently, and the large company my dad works for ordered everyone to remove it. Whatever virus I had *could* have come from that (see Lainey, it might've not been the song...just a coincidence). Anyway, if/when the company lets its workers re-install it, I'll do the same. Until then...We'll communicate here and via breakroom.

    *needs to read Regency's latest fic*

    *also needs to use the bathroom* I'm paranoid about blacking out again (I guess there's a difference between blacking out/falling and fainting), so I've been drinking a ton of water...hence my need to go to the bathroom. And once again, too much information, LOL.

    Thanks to everyone for feedback on Oh, Baby. Will get out more detailed responses later. I do want to address the Q's praying thing here though. I figured since the Q's do the "We Gather Together" for Thanksgiving, they'd pray on Christmas as well. Hope no one found it too out of character.

    SPUMOR: Not leaving space because it came from an anonymous SD poster. Chances are it's speculation or a bunch of garbage...Lorenzo kidnaps Skye. Diego turns on his father and informs Luke of Skye's whereabouts. Tracy gets jealous. My comments: I bet it's true afterall. More of the SSDD. Yeah. It's happening, LOL.

    Guessing game...The next time TQ is on, will she have the curls? If you want to get specific, will she have the good curls or the lop-sided ones (if that's the correct word, heh). Will she be in Recycled Wardrobe? If yes, want to predict what it will be? Will it be a jacket? Or something nicer? Who will be the first person (people) she shares scenes with? My response: Yes to normal curls (my wishful thinking, LOL). Recycled jacket. It's been awhile since she wore the teal one. And Edward will who she shares scenes with. Yes, I am THAT bored. ;)

  3. SQUEE! Tracy might not be on today, but I'm ON...my now functional computer. :) The only thing is the screen resolution is messed up, and I've done the whole right click properties, settings, and pixel thing. So if anyone knows what I'm talking about, could you check your computer and tell me what the settings should be? It's too wide/blurry if I go in one direction, too thin/still blurry in the other, and it won't let me access the middle.

    MinervaFan, SID is where the Laura is Tracy's daughter rumor came from.

  4. OT-Computer: Some of you know that my dad looked at it this weekend. It was getting better, but then it got worse, but I do have GOOD NEWS. I'm on my computer right now. Of course, I also have bad news. I'm in Safe Mode (with networking), and things are so much bigger/wider (icons, windows, fonts, etc), which I could get used to, LOL, but there's no sound...

    And when I start up the computer in the regular mode, the internet and other applications move slooooooowly, Data Execution Prevention shuts down Windows Explorer to prevent damage...Although, I'm not sure what it's shutting down since I still have access to everything...And then, after a couple minutes...BAM! Blue screen appears. Serious error, blah, blah, blah. Happens every.single.time. Ms. Q is thisclose from tossing it out the window. *shrugs*

    Topic: Thanks Toups. Any chance someone can change the "Tracey" in the title of this thread to "Tracy?" It doesn't bother me as much as it does others, but I thought I'd mention it.

    Edit: Keith, whatever you come up with with will be GREAT. :) Speaking of fanfic, RL kind of mimicked part of "The Right Thing" today. The part where Tracy passed out because of heat exhaustion? I *think* that happened to me, and if that ever had to happen, I wish it would've happened before I wrote the fic, so I would've had a better idea what I was writing about (even though, I did research a bit).

    Anyway...2 hours + Car without air-conditioning + Lugging a bunch of crap = Me, light-headed/nauseous, and a minute later, on the ground. : / Got a "Are you okay?" and a couple strange looks, but I just rested for a bit afterwards and drank 2 bottles of water, which is probably why I have to *really* use the bathroom right about now. Too much information, I know. ;) Anyway, can Tracy PLEASE be on this week?







    From Anonymous of SD: In his/her breakdowns or whatever, there is no mention of Tracy around Luke. Tracy is involved in the upcoming condom scandal though, but we could've guessed that.

  5. OT-Computer Update: Had my dad look at it this weekend. It's better than before, but I'm still not on it.

    *standing ovation for knh and ILoveTracyQ*

    knh, I'm sure MinervaFan won't mind. She's always handing out plot bunnies. Write, write away. I personally haven't written anything in almost a week, but that should change soon.

    Regency, hope things get better.

    *needs Tracy TV*

  6. *pops in and sends MinervaFan chocolate*

    *waves to nex*

    And WELCOME to keaton. Hope to see you posting more. :)

    OT-I'm tired. It's been go, go, go since I've gotten up...And I'm still missing my computer. :(

    SPOILER/RUMOR (Edward/Tracy/Dillon)





    From Anonymous of SD:

    The Q's will have to deal with the Enduro fall out. ELQ will be in trouble when they face multiple lawsuits. The Q's will come up with a scheme to get out of trouble. Dillion will be heavily involved with this story. There will be more Edward and Tracy on your screens.

  7. *joins Deb in the breakroom*

    Hi all! The place I'm at is open 'til 11 CDT, and since I've been missing the Internet and all of you so very much, here I am!!!

    ILoveTracyQ, I like the softness, but not all the time. Hmm...I suspect we're going to get Evil!Tracy upon Laura's return and during this supposed ELQ SL. Note to TIIC: That's not what we mean when we say "spunk." *shrugs*

  8. Virus Update: *cries* I miss my computer, and it hasn't even gone anywhere yet. After spending hours on the phone, problem hasn't been fixed. Going to bring it in tomorrow. And until then, I shall use the library's computers. And I SWEAR to the Soap Gods, the next video I make (note that the song I tried downloading for this video apparently caused the virus) is going to be my BEST video ever. Maybe. ;)

    MinervaFan, when (not if; see I can be positive) I get my computer up and running again, I'll send what I have completed. Going to have to resort to a notebook now...And would you be able to send me the transcripts of any breakroom chats I miss?

    Lainey, we've discussed this before, but Kerry's my favorite character on ER, and Laura Innes is my favorite primetime actress (of course, ER is currently the only primetime show I watch, but still...). Anyway, yeah, I could go for that.

    knh, some of us have had that problem before. Just add a number to knh. Eventually, knh will get kicked off, and that name will be free for use again.

    And I'm off...

  9. Kind of OT, pop-ups have decided to invade both Internet Explorer and unfortunately, Mozilla Firefox, as well. I'm not sure what's up. But it's getting out of control, and I'm going have to stick to public computers and such. I'll stop in as much as I can, but if I'm not around much the next few days, that's why. Will miss ya! :)

  10. *waves to everyone*

    Good to see a lot of posts! :D

    My Very Brief Comments About Today...

    Yay! The curls have returned! But as smirks said, it's different than before.

    Recycled!Wardrobe (I'm almost sure), but not bad. The jacket is a short one.

    TQ didn't get much to do. Edward and Dillon had most of the dialogue, and GH is evil for giving us Lulu/Dillon and Georgie/Dillon one-on-one scenes, but none with his mother.

    A NED MENTION!!!!!!!!!! And psst, Edward, she did see him in those leather pants.

    LOL at Dillon. Even though I read the spoiler ahead of time, I had no idea he was going to come out dressed with his hair combed, glasses on, wearing a sweater, LOL.

    GO TRACY!!! MinervaFan, it's Good!Tracy, not Stupid!Evil!Selfish!Tracy.

  11. Our girl's got a thread dedicated to her at SOC. ;) Title is Tracy Q. Rumor. Mentions of her being Skye's mother. smirks, your first post in that thread had me laughing out loud. As well as your post about Ned sleeping with his aunt, distant cousin, and ex-cousin, who turned out to be his sister, LOL!

    angel, thanks for taking a look at the statistics. LOL.

    MinervaFan, what a fun, upbeat video. I liked that a lot clips included weren't the ones we typically use in videos.

    ILoveTracyQ and knh, thanks for taking the poll! And knh, don't worry about the detailed response. I LOVE long posts, and I agree with a lot of what you said. I can't stand when they just put her in the background. Yeah, she's still awesome (with her facial expressions and everything), but still...Stop wasting her.

    And the "I want my mommy" speech? Aww. I'm not sure how many over 50 actors could've have pulled that off. Of course, if I'm going to be honest, I prefer when JE strays away from the hysterics. The "quieter pain" is a lot more effective IMO. But given the situation (Tracy's mother's death), I could understand.

    A little tidbit about the eulogy...Did you know that the one that aired was different from what was originally written? Whether or not it was a last minute choice by the scriptwriter or Jane Elliot, I don't know. I do know that JE didn't rehearse the memorial scenes, so there's a chance that she didn't have it memorized word for word, but anyway...The original version was in Soaps In Depth, I believe, later posted at GHH2, and I found it saved, so here ya go:

    "When I was 14 years old, I overheard two of my mother's friends

    trying to figure out how a woman as delightful as Lila Quartermaine

    could possibly have raised me. I'm sure many have echoed those

    sentiments over the years and I owe it to you to tell you the truth.

    It's all her fault. She loved me unconditionally. She never yelled

    at me. When I disappointed her - which happened frequently - she

    expressed her displeasure and imposed a punishment and said she

    loved me anyway. That love has sustained me all my life. My Mother

    was, as has been frequently mentioned, extremely generous. But she

    was no pushover. She did what she wanted and was clever enough to

    convince other people that they wanted it too. She mastered the art

    of gentle persuasion. She embodied the elegance of her class and

    Generation and at the same time she rose above them, to pursue her

    own goals. She was a true individual. She had Faith in herself, in

    her judgment, and opinions. She never stopped learning and I never

    stopped learning from her."

    Compared to what aired...

    "When I was 14 years old, I overheard two friends of my mother

    trying to figure out how a woman as delightful as Lila Quartermaine

    could have raised me – a sentiment that I'm sure has been echoed

    by many people over the years. She always saw the best in me. And,

    when I disappointed her which happened frequently – she would

    express her displeasure mildly, and then she would tell me she loved

    me anyway. That love has sustained me my whole life. She embodied

    the elegance of her Generation while at the same time rising above

    them to pursue her own goals. She had Faith in herself. She was a

    unique individual. She never stopped learning and I, in turn, will

    honor her by learning from her."

    Edit: Remember that Edward/Tracy talk about Georgie/Dillon spoiler. Here's it from the ABC13.com site: Luke, Tracy and Edward lament the loss of Dillon and Georgie's innocence. Looks like Luke was involved too. Darn GH for cutting it!!!

  12. Regarding Knots Landing, I believe she played the tormented wife of an alcoholic. A viewer's opinion? She played b-tch and nothing more and could've come out more sympathetic if she added layers to her performance. Person isn't a JE fan, but since I didn't see, I can't judge. I'm inclined to disagree though. :)

    Statistics and stuff since there's nothing else to discuss…

    I asked angel to choose a month/date; she chose August 6th, so I've decided to count the number of TQ posts from that day. As it turns out, August 6th was a Sunday, so I'll compare it to this past Sunday, September 24th. So without further adieu…

    Just a note, the posters are listed in the order of who posted first.

    Sunday, August 6, 2006

    Ms. Q: 2

    knh: 2

    angel: 1

    Lainey: 1

    nex: 1

    Total: 7

    Topics include: "Weekends are always slow" and general disgust with the lack of Tracy.

    Sunday, September 24, 2006

    Lainey: 2

    Regency: 1

    Ms. Q: 2

    knh: 1

    Total: 6

    Topics include: Fanfiction Updates and a little RL discussion.

    Doing this again…I've asked a friend, and he said June 8th, a Thursday. I'll compare that to this past Thursday, September 21st.

    Thursday, June 8, 2006

    nex: 1

    MinervaFan: 4

    ILoveTracyQ: 3

    Ms. Q: 2

    Total: 10

    Topics include: Tracy's "gams," comments on "Oh, Baby," disgust with the lack of Tracy, plot bunny for Tracy/Ned, problems with WMM.

    Thursday, September 21, 2006

    ILoveTracyQ: 2

    Regency: 1

    MinervaFan: 2

    nex: 1

    Ms. Q: 2

    Lainey: 1

    Total: 9

    Topics include: Comments on Perfect and the Q video, mentions of "A Wicked Wind Blew Yesterday" and "No Going Back," Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Tracy withdrawal, whacked out "Tracy is Laura's Mother" speculation, courtesy of SID.

    Feel free to discuss. :)

  13. Really quick...Computer virus is back. Won't be able to have someone look at it until later next week. : / Good news is that I'm on Mozilla Firefox now instead of Internet Explorer, which *seems* be working. And hopefully, if the Computer Gods are very, very good, it'll continue to work. *crosses fingers*

    knh, RL has prevented me from updating Oh, Baby recently. I expect to get back on it in early October.

    Sorry about that, lainey.

    Regency, left you a comment at LJ on Something Wicked Blew Yesterday. Wow. Just wow. Enjoyed Chapter 2 of European Express as well.

  14. Aww, nex. Thanks for making my weekend "Brighter than Sunshine." Heh. Get it? I'm so done, LOL. Cute video, but I think "Ohh Lala" is my favorite. :)

    TQ Line/Speech? You want me to pick one? You're ridiculous.
    You can choose more than one. Or the first one that comes to mind. ;)

    coolkid, good to have you back! Now if we could just get knh, kenna, tracyluver, angel, and the others...

    Regency, looking forward to the rest of the fic!

    FANFIC ALERT: The Clincher by LSpencer. Tracy might be the only who can put Luke in his place. LuNacy, Laura mentions, bit of Dillon.

    Lainey, I got my hands on that song we were talking about last night for a video. I've actually heard it before, LOL, and I'll see what I can do with it. Kind of OT, and it's not your fault, but my computer ended up with a virus after I tried downloading the song from one site! :o

    The VirusScan wouldn't remove it for me (said it couldn't or some garbage like that; I mean, what kind of VirusScan detects viruses, but doesn't remove them?). Anyway, I deleted it manually, ran whatever software I have twice, cleared the internet history/temporary internet files, restarted the computer, so hopefully, we're good to go. If I'm not around in the next couple days, that's probably why. *crosses fingers*

    MinervaFan, are you still looking for those clips you requested the other day? What clips were they again? Heh. Sorry.

    OT-Did laundry today. Had to handwash some dressy blouses (been putting that off), but they're still not clean. And, not only that, but despite my best efforts to wring them out, they're still dripping wet. *pouts* I'm ready to take out the blow-dryer, LOL.

    Topic-Tracy ROCKS! Dillon/Lulu spoilers for Tuesday, so Tracy might be on that day too. Hmm, what else? Oh! Found this from a few years back:


    The rumor mill is abuzz that Jane Elliot (ex-Tracy) is being wooed back to General Hospital to reprise her role, and Elliot is open to the possibility. Well, half that statement is true. "There haven't been any calls, but I would love to return," Elliot tells TV Guide Online. The veteran actress recently moved to the northwest part of California, where she's concentrating on a slower, gentler and quieter pace of life. "I'm making hemp necklaces and selling them on the street," she jokes. Since traveling to GH's studio in Southern Los Angeles would be a bit of a trip, Elliot admits that any stay in Port Charles would be a short one. "My fondest wish would be to drop in for a little while, make a lot of trouble, leave town and then come back again."

    She cracks me up, LOL!

  15. Well my theory is that the chat/breakroom is one reason why
    Ooh. Good point. I love it too, but if we discuss all things TQ in there, what does that leave for here?

    My Response to the Poll


    Favorite: Justus's memorial hair and this one.

    Least Favorite: Oh, nex! I forgot about Xmas. *shudders* But this from a month earlier might take the cake.


    Favorite: I almost want to say the Green Dragon Lady Outfit. ClinkBoom might be the only fans of that, LOL. And I also kind of like the teal one. Heh.

    Least Favorite: Not that good of a photo, but this robe from June 2005? No. No. No. Also not fond of the gray/black/white swirl thing. And the orange pumpkin jacket. And this thing. *shakes head in disbelief that she wore that to her engagement party*

    "Normal" Outfit

    Favorite: I loved the 2 that go with "Favorite Hair." As well as this business suit. Ooh, her hair is cute here too, LOL. Hmm. What else? The pastel outfit she wore with Coleman (as well when she was doing inventory for the Haunted Star) was nice.

    Least Favorite: Monkey!Fever and TrainWreck Outfit.

    TQ Line/Speech

    Favorite Line: "Sometimes I just hate being me." And really, anything that comes out of her mouth, LOL.

    Favorite Speech: "...For some peculiar reason I won't pretend to understand, I still need my family. Now, I know that they are card-carrying lunatics, but they are my card-carrying lunatics, and I still need to be connected to them. I need to know that I can show up on that doorstep anytime, no matter what...If I have any part in Alan and Monica's precious daughter getting killed, I won't be able to show up on that doorstep ever again. I will be exiled for life, and that thought doesn't appeal to me. And I don't particularly want Emily killed. She's harmless. Annoying, maybe, but if annoying was a reason to die, then there'd be nobody left on the planet. You need to come up with a plan." I also liked the one she gave to Luke about why the charity position meant so much to her.

    Least Favorite Speech/Line: "Jason's not married, and I'm willing to bet he hasn't made a will, which means that all that money will revert to this family once we get official confirmation of his death." This whole scene was just ugh...She was practically ecstatic about Jason's "death," and yeah, she would go after his $$$, but not so soon. She'd support Alan, keep the family together, and then she'd go after his assets.

    Acting Partner

    Favorite: Pick a cast member, any cast member, LOL. I guess TG and SC are at the top of my list.

    Least Favorite: I guess this was a trick question. Heh.


    Favorite: Olive!Tracy...Anger, sadness, vulnerability, sexiness, humor...all in one. Runner Up: Tracy by Dillon's bedside during the epidemic.

    Least Favorite: Tracy interrupting the GQ Wedding in the hospital room. It could've been so much more, and instead, it was one line. At least, during Lulu's surprise party, she had some interesting facial expressions.

    Anything Else?

    How about Formal Wear?

    Favorite: Oh man. This is hard. Really hard. I guess that black outfit she wore for the PC Hotel Fire. And I don't think the hurricane outfit was too bad either. And, I guess the piece for the Haunted Star re-opening was good. Oh! Totally lurve this top, but if IIRC, the ruffled, black skirt was "eh." Loving this blouse too.

    Least Favorite: Nik/Em's Wedding. Liz/Lucky's Wedding. NYE 2005. Not!Renewal of the Vows.

    Heh. Guess I got carried away with the outfits. I have a whole bunch of favorites and least favorites, LOL.

    Edit: Breakroom, anyone?

  16. Last night in the breakroom, Lainey and I briefly discussed the inactivity on this board. I'm assuming RL issues (wishing everyone happiness on that front) and the minimal TQ? MinervaFan, I forgot to copy/paste the transcript, but there wasn't much. Just the inactivity, some comments about NBC's ER, and Fanfiction.Net troubles. (Mainly off topic from JE/TQ) Anyway, does anyone else have any theories? It's kind of sad that we're not the talkative bunch we used to be. Haven't heard from a lot of posters in awhile...smirks, 4XCrazy, coolkid, kenna...If you have a chance, drop in, even if it's just to say hello. :)

    Informal Poll (I'm sure we've done some of the questions before...)

    Favorite/Least Favorite...

    Hair Style?


    "Normal" outfit?

    TQ Line/Speech?

    Acting Partner?

    Scene (Jan. through September 19th)?

    Anything else?

  17. In the breakroom for a bit. :)

    In the latest SID, Jane Elliot gets a mention, courtesy of Tony Geary!

    TG on Laura: Luke shouldn't turn into something he's not out of guilt when Laura wakes up.

    TG on Jane Elliot: Nothing we haven't heard before, but he first met her during his audition to play Mitch Williams and knew from that moment she'd be a formidable partner.

    Almost sounds good for us, doesn't it?






    October/November/December Temperature Check for GH's Couples...

    Luke/Tracy: Warm/Cold/Warm

    Um, interesting? Sounds plausible, doesn't it?

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