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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Hmm...TQ did have a mention in the summer previews, and we saw how well that went. <_< You don't think this is going to be JE's exit SL, do you? At least she'll get airtime out of it. Hmm...The Q's could've been left out of the spoilers completely, right? RIGHT? LOL. *tries to remain hopeful*

  2. I've edited my previous post to include more details of what Dillon said. Jerk. <_<

    Hey, we're on Page 130! :D

    Anyone else feeling "ehhhhhhh" about the latest spoilers? We're getting a business SL with TQ as CEO. Darn Guza. He takes what we want and twists it to suit his agenda. Am I analyzing too much?

  3. You're welcome everyone!

    ILoveTracyQ, I'll have to check my tape...Edit: He tells Georgie that Edward/Tracy have decided to run Lulu's life while she's pregnant, take care of the baby, and all that, even though Dillon said the decision isn't theirs, but it's always in one ear, out the other with them. He wants them to be sympathetic because it's their fault Lulu is pregnant. And OMG, I LOVE Georgie. She asks Dillon why it's their fault and he tells her about the condoms. "Oh, so it the condom's fault that you slept with her?"






    The Quartermaines: In the wake of Lulu's dilemma, a scandal develops and the Q's will have to pay for their coporate malfeasance. *sigh* The Q's are evil. They must pay. Blah, blah, crap. TM Nikolas Cassadine. Anyone remember when he said that? LOL.

    Luke/Laura have their own section at the top of the previews. The Q's section is at the bottom. Nothing new there. On the plus side, Laura will be dealing with her children and more. Dear SoapGods, please let that mean TQ. LOL. Robert/Skye/Anna/Lorenzo are also clumped together.

  4. Yeah, I figured she's be back. That summon mention happened after I typed that I didn't think she would be on anymore.

    Scene 6: Georgie/Lulu at Kelly's. Lulu is still upset. She's supposed to start college in the fall. Lulu: I lied. Dillon slept with me. This is the end result. Lulu wants this to be over, seriously considering abortion (GH didn't use the word). She hates this. Dillon arrives at the Q's. Tracy wants to talk to him. She looks upset. Tracy apologizes. She/Dillon sit on the couch together. She is very sympathetic (I don't have specifics, because I wasn't watching/typing at the same time). Dillon: Who are you and what have you done to Tracy Quartermaine? Tracy: I love you, Dillon, and I want what's best for you. Me: Awww. Dillon is kind of being annoying. He pretty much wants Tracy to cut to the chase. Tracy is about to tell him he doesn't have to marry Lulu, but Edward storms in, goes on a rant. Tracy stands up for herself and Dillon, is angry that Edward ruined their mother/son conversation. Go, Tracy, go! Dillon stops their argument. It's his baby and Lulu's. They'll make the decisions. Tracy/Edward are just bystanders, blah, blah. He leaves in disgust. Edward points out that Dillon is finally acting like a true Quartermaine, and they need to watch out.

    Scene 7: Lulu/Dillon at Kelly's. Georgie is supportive of Lulu. Lulu is visiting Laura. Not going into details 'cause I'm a bit jealous that JMB gets to do monologues and Lindze Letherman gets crap. Oh, and that Adrianne Leon never had much to do either. But that's a different topic for a different day. ;)

    Previews: Lulu shows up at Wyndemere, probably seeking Emily's advice. *pukes* Liz/Jason have no regrets. Alexis in therapy with Lainey...Or maybe she's just telling Lainey that Ric/Sam slept together, and she walked in on it. *sigh* I miss my girl already.

  5. LIVE Updates (with a bit of commentary)...

    Scene 1: Tracy on the lounge seat in the living room, holding the condoms. Edward is ranting about them. Lulu overhears.

    Scene 2: Edward places the blame on Tracy. She's CEO, she wanted to downsize, she hired incompetent peope, blah, blah, blah. Tracy says it doesn't matter anymore. The defective batch is out. The problems been fixed. No sense in recalling if they're probably already used. If they keep their mouth shuts, it'll all go away. Emily's standing around, but I'm not paying too much attention to her. Lulu/Dillon outside. Lulu wants to see the condoms that Dillon has in his wallet. They're from ELQ. She got pregnant because his family manufactures defective condoms. Tracy: "You're pregnant?"

    Scene 3: Tracy/Lulu/Dillon discuss in code for about 2 seconds, until Edward demands to know what is going on. Lulu doesn't want to tell. Dillon blabs, "Lulu's pregnant, and I'm the father." Edward wants them to get married. Too many illegitimate children and all that. Tracy is against the marriage. Edward doesn't have room to talk. Lulu leaves. Emily is going on and on about being kind and supportive of Lulu, blah, blah, blah. Emily, shut up. Edward and Tracy are so evil, blah, blah. Dillon throws his condoms at Edward. Edward/Tracy are left in the living room. Edward is worried about Luke going after ELQ. Tracy says something (don't know remember what), and Edward tells her love has turned her brains to mush.

    Scene 4: No Tracy, so I didn't pay too much attention, but Emily goes to Wyndemere to tell Nikolas about the baby. Edward shows up at Liz/Lucky's house, says the Q's will take full responsibility for the baby. What baby? Lulu's pregnant. Georgie and Lulu at Kelly's. Lulu is upset. She wants Georgie to admit to hating her or something. Georgie admits it, but says she could be the one in Lulu's shoes. It's different, says Lulu, because Dillon loves Georgie. Dillon at Kelly's (I think, I'm not watching completely). Lulu doesn't want the baby.

    MORE COMING LATER...I think our girl might be gone for the episode. :(

    Scene 5: Emily/Nikolas. I hate NEM. Nik says Lulu should've been sent to prep school. They talk how she has no real family except Nikolas. He needs to be there for her. Lulu/Dillon. Arguing. Dillon is being summoned by Tracy (telephone). Lulu doesn't want Dillon to freak out. They're gonna work this out. Georgie tells Lulu that the Q's are not going to allow that kid to be up for adoption. Edward at Liz and Lucky's, still talking about marriage. Edward said it's simple. Lucky: It's not simple. No decision is being made until Lulu agrees to it.

  6. Yeah, I figured that about SOD. They weren't televised the last 2 years, I believe. I just couldn't figure out how I wanted to word it, so I asked when they took place instead of when the ballots came out. Anyway...GH seems to do pretty well with those awards. Even if they don't mean much, it'd be nice to see JE win again. Winning Best Supporting Actress as she has in the past would be better, but her screentime hardly warrants "supporting" status.

    ILoveTracyQ, thanks for the Tracy/Lulu "Thumbs Up" summary.

    MinervaFan, I am laughing out loud here. The part where Sonny goes off and rescues everyone? ROTF! Have you thought about writing more of those kind of things and posting them on FF.net? *hint hint*

    Keith, read and left ya a comment at LJ. LOVED it!

  7. Hmm...Does putting Tracy with Sonny guarantee her screentime? ;) Kidding.

    ILoveTracyQ, good point about Tracy not messing with anyone lately. TIIC were de-clawing her awhile there, so maybe it'll be good to see some Evil!Tracy. Except I don't think she's evil. *sigh*

    Hey, when do the SOD Awards take place? Could JE be up for favorite villainess again and take home her what? 7th SOD Award? Not that it means much, but still. :)

    About the spoiler, I think the "pressure" part was new. Yeah, let's dump on the Q's some more, why don't we? Ugh. I hate this so much. I wish I could be as optimistic as some of you, but we finally get to see Tracy, and TIIC are ruining it before it even starts.

  8. I completely understand, nex. It doesn't sound weird to me.

    *smiles at the all the people in this thread*

    Tracy's on tomorrow! Yeah! LOL. No matter what happens, JE will ROCK! Gosh, it sounds like I just a had cup of coffee, with extra sugar, LOL. I don't even drink coffee. I'm just TQ deprived. Heh.

  9. We are having too much fun, LOL. :lol: Anyway, I'm also loving the new style. I liked her hair on SoapTalk too, but the scenes she filmed that day never aired. <_< BTW, I can do without Luke/Tracy, so as long as JE still gets stuff to do. I mentioned that earlier, but just wanted to be clear. I'll take our girl single or with someone else provided she appears on occasions other than Christmas, weddings, funerals, Q family meetings...

    Forgot to mention this...An anonymous poster spilled a few days ago that...




    Lulu takes off after pressure from the Q's gets to be too much.

  10. I go away for a just a little bit and still have quite a few posts to catch up on. That's the way I like it. Keep 'em coming! :D

    *tries to remain positive*

    About the previews: Tracy, Emily, and Edward are in the Q living room (the other Q's might be too, but we can't see them). Tracy (reddish/pink jacket, curly hair) has a glass of orange juice in her hand: "If we all keep our mouths shut, this will just go away." Cut to Dillon/Lulu on the patio: "You're pregnant because my family manufactures defective condoms?" Yeah, Dillon. Way to blame your family. <_<

  11. *waves back to ILoveTracyQ*

    You're probably right. This will probably be one or two lines, over some legal matter. Nothing too crazy. I don't know. I just don't like my Q's being villainized. As for JE...I've kind of convinced myself that she isn't sticking around, but if she does and Tracy/Luke remain together, I promise I won't complain ever again. Well, that's too big of a promise, but I'll be very happy. :D






    Actually, nex, the spoiler came from Wizard (very, very reliabe). Wizard also spoiled that Tracy's concern for Lulu will lead her to searching for Luke. Seems like TIIC are going back and forth on this one. I do think it'll end Lacy, which would be fine if JE could still get something that resembles a SL. *sigh* Why do I HATE this so much? Why do I let it bother me? *kicks stupid soap opera*

  13. *waves*






    *hugs to the TQ fans* This is gonna get messy for us. Really messy. To a point where I won't even be able to defend our girl. I mean, how does she plan to FORCE Lulu into having this child? Chain her to something in the freezer? Ooh, we can have Panic Room Part 2. :rolleyes: I guess Luke/Tracy had to end because of Laura, but this is just too much. If the spoiler is as bad as it sounds, Luke/Tracy aren't ever going to speak to each other again. Luke won't even want to look at her without strangling her. Maybe I'm going too far? *sigh* This just sucks, LOL. I really don't see JE re-signing unless she needs the money. Someone cheer me up. Please?

    Edit: Post 700! And I didn't even doing anything special. Heh.

  14. Full of Grace has been re-uploaded. Looking back, I could've made it soooooo much better.

    knh about your movie...I think I tried to watch when you first posted but I couldn't for some reason.
    It's not a movie file. It's a Word Document in script format. ;)

    Many thanks for the praise of Oh, Baby. I guess I did lie a little. But I do have something even more exciting plan for later. Heh. I still haven't decided what's going to happen with the baby. Realistically, she probably shouldn't even have made it this far, but what kind of fic would I have had if she lost the baby 3 months in? And psst...If everything goes according to plan, guess who's going to re-appear in my story? Be afraid. Be very afraid. ;)

    Thanks for sharing that, ILoveTracyQ. I love it when it when other GH stars speak fondly of JE.

  15. nex, they're supposed to air this week (Wednesday to be exact, and maybe Tuesday or Thursday as well...if we're lucky) and next week.

    How they'd attribute defective condoms to Tracy's leadership is beyond me.
    Easy. ELQ's in trouble. Tracy's the CEO. ;) It's not right to blame her, but Guza is an idiot who will dump on the Q's whenever he has the chance. *sigh*

    ILoveTracyQ, I'm PM you about the other site. It's probably not proper to discuss other boards on boards (even if I have done it before :o).

    Oh, Baby has been updated by the way. Chapter 59 and Chapter 60. Nothing too exciting is happening at the Xmas party...yet. ;)

  16. [venting] Ugh...Person on another board posting that TQ drives businesses into ground...Ugh. How would we know, really? Have we seen her at ELQ once? In fact, I remember ELQ receiving a large influx of cash or something while Tracy ran it. Yeah, the money came from Helena...but still. Sorry. I shouldn't let it bother me. It's not so much the person as it is Guza and his "Wimmins are stupid, incompetent, and can't run a business" attitude. [/venting]






    It seems strange that the spoiler about Jax's return would be right in the middle of the Lulu and Tracy spoiler. Heh. SZ isn't always accurate (well, at least the "next week" section isn't always, which is where I believe that came from). I'm still waiting for Robert/Tracy to wine and dine. ;) But if it is accurate, and it probably is, I'm going with Keith's answer. Wizard pretty much said Tracy would be concerned for Lulu, so maybe this will turn out all right.

  17. *waves to ILoveTracyQ*

    Ooh, fun icons, MinervaFan.

    I'm not sure if I believe the rumor, ILoveTracyQ. But it's fun to speculate on what could be...Love your version of Laura waking up. If GH had bothered to build on Tracy/Robert during TG's vacation, I could've seen something similar happening, but nooooo. *sigh*

    And yeah, not too much to say. :(

  18. Thanks for the link, knh.

    Regency, I agree with Keith, but I'm sure I'll love whatever you do.

    I hear ya on the "pin drop" angel. It's too quiet. Has there ever been a weekend here that hasn't been slow?

    *waves to Carolyn who is lurking* Don't be afraid to post. :)

  19. Nooooooo, coolkid, you must not allow yourself to be manipulated by Guza's evil ways. He wants you to luuuuuuuuurve Sonny. Sonny is good. Sonny is mighty. Sonny is all-knowing. *pukes* Heh. And take your time with fic. I don't want to sound as if I'm rushing you. :)

    MinervaFan, I thought about that too. Well, I was thinking more in terms of Robin/Patrick, that if they used ELQ condoms, Patrick was exposed to HIV before he cut himself on the patient. But I hope you're right and Guza doesn't think things through. He probably got tired of populating PC via accidental pregnancies, and now he can say, "See! Look! These people were smart and used condoms. Not their fault they happened to be defective." Or something like that. *sigh* Don't why it needs to be blamed on ELQ though. And don't know why all of Port Charles uses ELQ condoms anyway.

    You're welcome, knh. And sorry. Still haven't finished your movie.







    According to AdBoy of SoapDish (he's usually reliable...had the dates of the blackout wrong, but eh...), Lulu's baby doesn't make it. I guess most of us had that figured out. So...Since ABC Daytime (owned by Disney) will not go through with an abortion SL, I see Quartermaine stairs in Lulu's future. Either that or a drugged up Lucky shoots his sister in the stomach.

    There's also a spoiler that says Tracy doesn't want Lulu to get an abortion, although based on Wizard's, "The family wants her to carry the baby to term," we could have guessed that. I hate when spoilers repeat themselves. I just shared because there's not too much else to discuss.

  20. knh, I've uploaded the Dillon/Tracy Video to SendSpace. :)

    Ms.Q, Oh, Baby is perfect. It is not too long at all. I think your pacing is fine. Just don't give up, okay?
    Thanks. I don't think I'd ever give up 'cause it's so long, and it'd be mean to write 50+ chapters and never finish it. ;) I just need to start coming up with an ending...Loved your story, by the way, MinervaFan. Neat idea.

    I would love a fic written that would of course have a few touching moments but for the most part is humorous. I think that describes "Oh Baby," pretty well...which is probably why it may be my favorite out of all of the fics anyone has written. I love them all....but I think "Oh Baby," is nearer and dearer to my heart.

    So Ms.Q as far as I'm concerned you can take as long as you want with the story. It's a blast and I'm really enjoying it.

    NO, it's not too long.

    Aww, thanks. I really don't know what to say. *wipes tear* Well, not really, LOL, but what you posted means a lot to me. :) Of course, now I'm going to feel extra pressured into not messing it up, and it's all your fault. J/K. I actually think you just motivated me to write some more. Or rather fix up what I do have (but have yet to post on FF.net). Thanks again.

    LaineyBev, looking forward to whatever you come up with. Everyone's fics are so much better than the show. Speaking of fics, 4XCrazy, coolkid, can we expect updates some time soon? *smiles sweetly*

    *sigh* I wish we had some TQ to talk about. Anyone want to guess if she'll be on more than 1 day next week? And OT, but I hate the end of summer. I like fall, but the winter months seem so long and so dreary...And I hate when it gets dark out early, which is exactly what it's doing now, LOL.

  21. *pops in*

    Weekends are not supposed to be hectic. *sigh* :(

    I'm kind of getting worried about Oh, Baby everyone. :o I have more written, lots more actually (more of rough draft sort of thing), and eh...Is it getting too long for anyone? It's just the fanfic takes place over several months, and I didn't want to seem as if I were rushing. And now, I feel like I'm doing the exact opposite. Any thoughts?

    *sings* ILoveTracyQ started freewriting. ILoveTracyQ started freewriting. *sings* Thanks for the links. I'm sure whatever you do will be fine. And don't worry about not finishing it. Look at me an the whole "Removed from Reality" story. Heh.

    Per Cable Guide Spoilers, we can expect Tracy on Wednesday. Hopefully, she'll be on Tuesday and or Thursday as well. *crosses fingers*

    Glad you liked the banner, MinervaFan. I remember the quote/saying from one of my mother's old refrigerator magnets. LOL.

    *pops out*

  22. Optimism is good, knh. Can I borrow some of yours? ;)

    nex! Thanks so much for the link. Yep. It's a new jacket. Not sure if it's more pink than red, but I like it. Her hair is still curly. I'm thinking it's permed, but I like that too. LOL. And JE's delivery of "You're pregnant?" Better than usual. Maybe I'm just JE/Tracy deprived, but wow...Now, I really can't wait for these scenes. And OT, but instead of saying Jason and Sam, Kassie DePaiva said Josh and Sam, which cracked me up for some reason.

    ILoveTracyQ, thanks for your comments. Sorry about the lack of romance. I didn't want to go too far because it was really about Tracy doing the "right thing" and divorcing Luke's sorry butt. And I was afraid if I tossed in more romance and Tracy went along with it, then it'd appear that she was going to decide not to end the marriage after all. And that made so much more sense in my head, LOL. Anyway, I do have plans for Oh, Baby. :)

    I'm not sure once Jane leaves that I could promise to still visit the thread...I think it'd make me too sad. I might do it every now and then. I don't know.
    *goes into the corner and cries* I understand though. But on the bright side...If she doesn't re-sign, she won't be being wasted anymore. Of course, then we'd probably just complain that TIIC should've utilized her when they had the chance. Heh. And you should really try writing fic. I'm sure you'd do a wonderful job.

    Graphic art?
    Click Me. Kind of came out darker than I hoped, but it's something.

    And wow...some of this post contained too much rambling. LOL.

  23. *waves to MinervaFan and coolkid*

    The Right Thing has been completed. Thanks to MinervaFan for looking it over for me! Chapter 7, Chapter 8, and Chapter 9.

    Your comments about GH are so much interesting than the actual show, MinervaFan. Not that I watch enough of the show to know, but you know what I mean. What you said about Sonny reminds me of what someone wrote at SoapZone. It was a parody that had most of the couples going to couple's therapy, and in the end the counselor that showed up turned out to be Sonny. LOL.

    According to SoapZone...lots of Lulu, Dillon, and Georgie. Mommy dearest is running around Port Charles trying to find everyone's stash of condoms, so she can replace them with non-defective ones. (can't take credit for that...came from SoapDish) :lol:

    Hmm...Haiku's go 5 syllables, 7, 5, right? *thinks*


    Where did our show go?

    Oh, please give it back to us.

    We deserve better.

    Yes, I know that was a rhetorical question, but heh. I couldn't resist. I do know that one of us in this thread is working on a vid. She told me the other night. ;)






    Regarding ELQ: It's about going out their way to make the Quartermaines "evil." I hate it, but it's the truth. Edward/Tracy don't want Lulu to have the baby for the baby's sake (or even because it's a potential heir). Oh no. They want her to have it, so they can avoid a lawsuit. Whatever, GH. And ILoveTracyQ, that is an excellent point. After this all plays out, and the Q's get the blame, one of us needs to write the mags again and point out the 95% effective thing. Never thought I'd consider writing a letter about condoms, LOL. *sigh* If Lulu is the nuCarly, Dillon is the nuAJ. Uh oh…

    This is apparently the quote from SOW for anyone who's interested: "Tracy and Edward start conspiring after realizing Lulu's pregnancy is their fault. ELQ manufactured the brand of condoms that Lulu and Dillon used. They want Lulu to have the baby and not make a big deal about the condoms so they can cover up the whole thing and not be sued by other pregnant women." Doesn't sound like the exact quote, but it's probably pretty close.

    You know, I do love that Edward/Tracy are conspiring together since it means they're on the same side. But…WHY must it be about ELQ's defective condoms? Out of all the possible things…*shakes head*

    About Laura's return: Well, we're not exactly getting much Tracy now, but we tend to overlook it since Luke is gone. Once Luke is back, and sharing most of his scenes with Laura…*sigh* The lack of Tracy will be much more noticeable. Okay…Whatever happens, promise me you guys won't completely abandon this thread. Even come November if JE leaves, we can still come up with something. We can do a "Clip of the Day" that features our girl. We can still do fanfic. We can still do a lot of things. I guess, eventually, the thread will die no matter what (:o), so how about we promise to keep it alive as long as we can? :)

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