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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. OT-I'm trying to decide if this holiday is a good or bad thing. Normally, I'd say good, but I haven't gotten anything done. It's almost 2pm here, and I'm still in my pajamas. Heh. And I think I need to do something about the windows in here because the creaking/cracking is annoying the hell out of me.

    Regency, yay! You posted some of your stuff. I love reading narrative/descriptions since I have such a hard time with it myself. I really enjoyed your story and wasn't expecting the observer to be a woman.

    Keith, I've decided that I hate cliffhangers. You can't keep ending things that good, or I'll end up begging for more. More, please. More now. ;)

    MinervaFan, now that is a spoiler I like.






    Luke's back, and his first destination? Sonny's place. Sonny tells him that Lulu is pregnant. Nothing new there, but still...Ugh. This has got to be TIIC's way of making sure Sonny plays an important role in Laura's return SL. :rolleyes: If Lulu wasn't going to be the one to tell her father, then at least Tracy should have. But poor Tracy is apparently lost in the Markham Islands again. You think she would've learned the first time. Love my girl, but come on! Heh.

  2. *joins Keith in breakroom*






    MinervaFan, I loved the lastest fanfic. I'll admit to being very confused almost throughout, LOL, but I kept reading because it was just that good. Sort of "outer-spacy" at times, but considering the plot, understandable. I really liked all the "what could have been" scenes with Brittney, Allison, Lisa....And I so believed Tracy had gone all evil on us. Oh, definitely not expecting "Sonny" to be "Tracy's" husband! LOL. And I see you killed off Laura in a throwaway line ("I swear on Laura's grave..."). ILoveTracyQ is going to love that. Heh. Anyway, wonderful job and really interesting idea (Thanks Fey!). It's about time Edward realized how rotten he was to Tracy.

    Edited because "not" is a word you shouldn't forget to type.

  3. MinervaFan, FF.net is going to be down until 4am in the morning (per their main page). Since I'm greedy, LOL, and want to read the fanfic before that, can you upload it to SendSpace? I'd say LJ except that it's probably too long to post there. Please and thank you. :)

    Edit: Hey! If you keep clicking enough, FF.net will work. Yay!

  4. The links I posted seem to be working now. Thanks to everyone for the feedback. And Keith? Still lovin' your story. :)

    MinervaFan, I caught that line of Edward's too. It's always going to be Tracy's fault. <_<






    From SoapDish: Luke and Tracy agree to end their marriage amicably after tragedy strikes. From the looks of things, I'm guessing they'll be divorced before Laura's return. And as I've posted before, where's the fun in that? *sigh*

  5. LaineyBev and ILoveTracyQ, thanks for the feedback. I was waiting for someone to view the video and mention that. For being a less than one minute video, I sure had a lot of trouble with choosing clips, LOL. And so here lies the process...

    Plan #1: Tracy and the important men in her life: Edward, Alan, Ned, Dillon, Luke (You might see when you pull it up it says TQ_men.) Actually, I do have this version saved. Will post it later if anyone is interested.

    Plan #2: Let's include ALL the men in TQ's life (the ones I have clips for): All of the above plus Coleman, Jax (I had the Trax romantic dinner clip, LOL), and Robert.

    Plan #3: Let's forget Plan #2 and add females; focus on family...Monica and Lila became part of the video. Lulu also became part of it.

    Plan #4: I kind of feel bad for not including Brook Lynn. Unfortunately, the only decent Brook/Tracy scene I have is from the morning of Lila's memorial; not exactly a "tender" moment. What other "tender" TQ scenes can I include? Ooh. Justus hugged Tracy once. Eh. Justus/Tracy weren't close. It'd be weird.

    Plan #5: Forget Brook Lynn. Forget Justus. Uh oh. The timing/pattern isn't working out. I have to get rid of 3 clips. I decided to keep it all Quartermaine. Good-bye, Lulu. Good-bye, Luke. Good-bye...Uh oh again. There are no other clips to get rid of, but I had an idea! Lila/Tracy and Edward/Tracy will just have to share the last scene (it's a bit noticeable if you pay attention to the music because the music doesn't change when the clips do). Anyway...That's really the reason I didn't include the Spencers. Technical problems. Heh. And well, that's my story! :D

    BTW, the original version was colored, but I changed it to B/W at the last minute, LOL.

    Edit: From the chat the other night: General Hospital Video Theatre: Luke & Tracy: Lunacy-- A marriage of deception became a relationship they never saw coming. Join in on showing the "caring" or the "bickering" side of Lunacy.

  6. Bumpety-Bump

    Tracy and her family... :wub:

    So I guess next week is sort of a win-win situation for us? If Tracy is around, we get angst. If she isn't, Luke won't be able to clump her with the rest of the Q's (err...just Edward, since Alan/Monica/Ned are apparently locked in the attic). Also...If she isn't around, Luke's going to be rather curious, and when he finds out that Tracy went to find him out of her concern for Lulu, Lacy might get a bit closer before BAM! Laura wakes up.

    Because it cannot be said enough, it is NOT the condom's fault that Lulu ended up pregnant. It's called sex. Dillon/Lulu had it. The end. Was the condom defective? Yes. But, if Lulu didn't lie in the first place and sleep with Dillon, this wouldn't have happened. Ugh. And on another note, also OT, I was lurking at All Things GQ: The Source today, and it has to really suck for them that GH is doing a teen pregnancy SL, but with Lulu as the pregnant one, and not Georgie. Not that seniority matters on soaps, but I really feel for Lindze Letherman. She's been on GH for how many years? And she gets pushed aside for a newbie. *shrugs*

    Hmm, what else do I got? LOL. I'm assuming the weekend will be extra slow with the holiday. Hope everyone's enjoying themselves! :D

  7. So, according to recaps, am I correct in assuming our girl is missing in action?

    tracyluver, I am so sorry about what happened. No one deserves to be humiliated like that. :(

    The only problem I did have was how the conversation about her abortion started "what about my 3 pregnancies?" as if Lulu was suppose to know about Tracy's 3rd pg.
    nex, I didn't have a problem with it. Lulu knows that Tracy only has 2 children, so when Tracy brought up 3 pregnancies, Lulu would immediately assume she had an abortion. GH probably did it like that for shock value. Of course, they gave it away in the previews anyway, but did you notice how Tracy got the last line before the credits? Yay!

    Placing bets...Will Tracy be around when Luke "rescues" his daughter from the evil Quartermaines? I swear, the ABC Hotsheet used the term "rescue." :rolleyes:

  8. Bumping because I can. Heh.

    Had a lot of fun in the breakroom tonight. Quite a party with MinervaFan, LaineyBev, Keith, angel, nex, ILoveTracyQ, and me. One day, we'll have to get everyone in there at the same time! I'll bring the popcorn.

    Mercedes, I saw you lurking earlier. I hope you're able to post soon. :D

    Edit: ILoveTracyQ, remember when I mentioned I had been in the breakroom for 4 hours? I was um, "off" a bit. LOL. 4 hours would have been CRAZY, even though I do love talking with you all.






    Feeling a bit "eh" about TQ possibly being MIA when Luke returns. WTH is that? For those confused, it comes from the ABC.com spoilers this week. Sonny tells Luke that Lulu is pregnant. Later, while Edward is forcing Lulu to sign the papers to give Dillon custody of the unborn child, Luke bursts in.

  9. Whew! Hectic day. Where do I begin? angel's recap is perfect. So, without spoiling anything...JE rocks. We all know it. I'm kind of "eh" about this being a one-time mention, but I didn't expect otherwise. Other comments? Bring back the curls (I shall repeat that until the Hair/Make-Up department listens to me). Stop dressing her like that. Did I say that JE rocks? :P

    Oh, and MinervaFan, they were good scenes. All 5 of them. 5 out of 7 is pretty decent for our girl. Yay! And I'm still getting the feeling Tracy's going to be MIA when Luke returns. ILoveTracyQ, don't get too pumped. It's good stuff, very good stuff, but GH could've done more with it.

    One more thing...For those who watched, didn't the Tracy/Edward scene end rather abruptly? Like someone fell alseep in the editing room?

    Edit: I'll be in the breakroom for a bit.

  10. Welcome back, 4XCrazy. I'm doing all right. :)

    I'm worried about what's going to happen tomorrow...I still think it's possible that Tracy's making up the entire thing to get Lulu to have the baby. I hope not, but TIIC would soooooo do that. Ugh.

    Heads Up: I'm not going to be home in time to provide Live Updates tomorrow. Probably won't get to watch my tape until sometime after 5-ish, CDT. :(

  11. nex, to clear things up, Tracy approached Dillon about the legal maneuver. Dillon didn't ask for her help. He just entered the den, and enter Mama Q. Unfortunately, he didn't tell her why he wanted the baby, how he wanted to be the father he never had, etc. (This dialogue was exchanged between Lulu/Dillon). Basically, Dillon just told his mother that he didn't want to force Lulu into anything while Tracy spouted off injuctions, blah, blah, blah. And the "What about my 3 pregnancies?" line aired in the previews. Hope that helps. :)

    Yay! We are all awesome! We don't sound too conceited, do we?

    I hope it's all right to mention this here, but I emailed someone from SOC (ILoveTracyQ, I'm sure you know who she is; I just don't want to mention names) and asked her if she wanted to join since she's a big TQ fan. I wasn't trying to recruit SOC's members or pimp this thread; just thought she might be interested. Anyway, she is interested, and once the semester starts to ease up a bit, she's going to register. Yay!

    Edit: Page 137!

  12. ILoveTracyQ, I need your help, LOL. If you have the time, can you go to SOC and explain the whole Tracy "kidnapping" Dillon thing? It's in the Dillon/Lulu Conversation Thread. I mean, Paul didn't even bring the authorities into it, did he? Accuse her of kidnapping? No. He was much too busy trying to start a new family with Jenny. :rolleyes:

    Edit #1: I tried defending her, but reread it, and it sounded bad, so I didn't post it. *sigh* smirks? ILoveTracyQ? Heh. Oh, and question...Didn't Dillon spend a weekend with Paul/Jenny once upon a time? I'm thinking 1996. There's a possiblity I'm making this up, LOL, because I don't know why Tracy would put him in their custody even for a little bit, but anyway...Maybe I read it somewhere. And then I confused what really happened with what the bios say. Ugh...

    Edit #2: ILoveTracyQ, if I haven't told you lately, you're awesome! Thanks for going over to SOC for me.

  13. Aww, MinervaFan and ILoveTracyQ, you're ruining my mood, LOL. Great. Now Tracy's going to be a baby-killer for a 2 second-plot point. :rolleyes: *thinks positively* JE is going to be awesome...no matter what. :D

    Edit: Um, what if Tracy's making this up to prevent Lulu from getting an abortion? Someone on SoapDish is speculating. GH would totally do it because Tracy's so eviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil, remember? *braces self*

  14. It's just a 2 second preview for tomorrow, MinervaFan. ;) The actual show today was pretty crappy if you're watching just for Tracy.

    Oh, and Lulu? Tracy did NOT put Dillon into boarding schools.

    Edit #1: Just a few comments about today...Julie and Scott were REALLY good. I'm SO glad TIIC let Dillon have a POV in all of this. He got to express his opinion, just as much as Lulu got to express hers, and while I'm rather certain I'm supposed to take Lulu's side, at least Dillon got to say how he felt. Wish we could've gotten more from Tracy/Dillon (talk about wasted potential...ugh), but before I start b-tching more than usual, I want to see where GH takes Tracy/Lulu tomorrow. *feeling slightly optimistic* Oh, and I'm not digging the hair as much as some of you. I want the curls back now.

  15. OMG!!!! PREVIEWS!!!! OMG!!!!

    Edit #1: *breathes* OMG!!!! Lulu: You have no idea what I'm going through. Tracy: What about my 3 pregnancies?

    Edit #2: *breathes again* *collects self* Today's show? Eh. 3 short scenes. Nothing big. Tracy had what? 4 lines total? No Tracy/Dillon "heart to heart" as spoiled. Dillon didn't go to her either. She went to him in the last scene, spouting off legal jargon. The previews were the ONLY thing that saved today.

  16. Night, ILoveTracyQ.

    About their relationship, I'm feel the same exact way. It's hard to explain why I like them as a couple when I hate the way he treats her. I just do. I guess the good outweighs the bad. *shrugs*

    And squee! Detailed feedback. Since there aren't a lot of clips of them, I sometimes feel like I'm using the same exact ones in each video. Heh. I've ended 3 videos with the same scene. :o *thinks about requesting some clips at HellaGood* I'm missing bits and pieces from May through October. Eh. I got enough, right? LOL.

    About Laura returning/Videos...The "I'll Remember" one got to me while I was creating it. The part where the lyrics go, "Back when our love was strange," and then there's Tracy/Luke "fighting" with her tied to the wheelchair. Le sigh. They were so wonderful together, and now it'll all be no more. Even if Laura doesn't stick around, how the heck are you going to go back? "Oh, Spanky. Laura's catatonic again. Wanna remarry me, so I can can continue to mooch off you and your family?" Whatever. It'll be even worse if Tracy AGREES.

    And yes...TG and JE do make the most out of the less than stellar material. *sigh* Getting a bit upset about GF's return. I know. I know. Just a soap. LOL.

  17. Aw man! I forgot to put the title of the song in the video! MinervaFan, the version your downloading won't have the title, but I'm going to fix that right now. New version will be edited it. :)

    ILoveTracyQ, does that mean you liked it? ;) It's kind of sad, I know. *gets teary eyed* When Laura returns, we better have our tissues handy. Eh. Maybe. I'm not one to get that emotional over a TV show. The last time I needed Kleenex was when Lila died, and I think that might be because Anna Lee passed away. Anyway...Bottom line? Tissues or no tissues, it's gonna be a bit depressing to watch. *braces self*

    Edit: Almost WITH the title. Heh.

  18. Most posters at TWoP LOVE the Q's and hate all things Corinthos, Jason, Sam, etc. I love it there. Just not as much as I love it here. Heh. Besides, I'm not snarky enough to post there. But smirks? MinervaFan? You'd guys be awesome. (You're awesome too, ILoveTracyQ!) We ALL are. And I *think* I've seen Regency around there. You had a comment about NL's "acting" once, I believe, and it had me cracking up. :)

    Sure, GH, put TQ on 4 days but with 2 scenes/day. I see what you're doing. <_< It's just not about the episode count. It's the segment count as well.

    I'm gonna be in the breakroom for a bit if anyone wants to join.

  19. We're not the only ones not buying "the Q's are evil" garbage...

    Lucky and Dillon both pissed me off, but not as much as how the show is going to have Edward and Tracy be the OMG EVUL Qs in trying to pressure and force LuLu to have the baby. It's not that I don't think both Edward and Tracy can't and won't be ruthless, especially when it comes to family, but I hate the heavy handed writing that merely has them trying to hurt the teary young girl.
    Hope becauseIcan is all right with me using their quote.

    I HATE this too. *tries to be positive* Tracy told Lulu today that if she has an abortion, she'll regret it. She said it in a softer, concerned voice. So! Can this please come up again? Sure, Tracy could just be saying that because she wants Lulu to have the baby in order to avoid a lawsuit, blah, blah, blah. But...Could TIIC be going somewhere with this? I doubt it, but it's nice to hope. :) *gets another idea* Ooh! Perhaps when Dillon goes to Tracy to "hash" things out, we can find out why he wants this child so much, and maybe even a Paul mention. Or...going back to Lulu for a second (I'm going to give you all whiplash...LOL), can we get a scene where Tracy tells her that she knows what it's like to be pregnant with the child of man who doesn't love you? UGH. SO MUCH POTENTIAL. And all will be wasted in favor of portraying Tracy as a b-tch, the queen villainess. It's her way or no way because she's evil like that. *throws barware at TIIC*

    Edit: I doubt becauseIcan is reading this, but if you are...You're my new TWoP hero. Tracy/Q fans, click here, and scroll to post #59618.

  20. Um, should I be happy that Tracy was on today? 'Cause I'm kind of not. Tracy wasn't as pushy as Edward, but still...The Q's are being villainized, and I don't like it. You can even see it in the blocking of the scene (if that's the right term). You have poor Lulu, alone at the bar, flashbacking back to when she told Dillon she was pregnant. Enter Edward through the patio. Lulu doesn't want to deal with old man. She turns around, about to exit the other way. Enter Tracy. Like they're "trapping" her/forcing her to listen. Maybe it's a good thing it was a "blink and you miss it" appearance. *shrugs*

    Some other things...

    Attention Hair/Make-Up: BRING BACK THE SOFT CURLS! Thank you.

    Attention Wardrobe: *high-five* You got her a NEW jacket! That blue is a nice color.

    And, angel, I hope you stay safe.

    Edit: Woot! Party in the thread! *waves to nex, MinervaFan, angel, and ILoveTracyQ*

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