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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Been at a conference most of the day, which is why I haven't been around.

    FF.net is being a !@#$%, so I can't access the feedback (either through the site or email), but thanks a bunch for it. ILoveTracyQ, thanks for your kind words. Oh, and have fun this weekend!

    Clip Request: nex, do you have the June 23rd Luke/Tracy/Alice/Edward scenes (Alice puts our girl in a head lock)? I have the one where LuNacy make a deal, but not the first 2. They're "corrupted" or something.

    OT, but people are SO STUPID sometimes...Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. :angry::(

  2. *sneaks in*

    Sorry everyone. It's been kind of a long day.

    ILoveTracyQ, I love your scenario. You need to write some fanfic. ;)

    Not too familiar with EJ/Kate, but Tracy could definitely use a younger man. Or any man, really, LOL.

    Ooh...I have my PhotoShop programs back! Yay! However...For the last couple hours, I've been trying to get my Daily Clips back on my hard drive. For whatever reason, my 3rd CD is being evil (Jan, Feb, some of March 2006), and I can't access anything on that CD. There's some good stuff in there (Chapel scenes, Teen LuNacy, etc), so if I can't get it to work, I might be back later to beg. ;)

    Speaking of begging...Anyone want to upload I'll Remember or Tracy and her family (no Luke/Lulu)? The latter is the black/white video. TIA.

    *sneaks out*

    Edit: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It worked! It worked! I'm thinking it was overrheated or something. I had over 240 clips that I had to transfer, so that might explain it. And Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have the clips! And I have PhotoShop. MinervaFan, don't worry about making me a Tracy/Dillon icon. Oh, and ER is on in 15 minutes!!!! I'm a happy girl. I don't even care that I have to be up at 4:45am tomorrow! *will definitely care in the morning* But until then...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  3. This is hypocritical coming from ME of all people, but...[small voice] Why the negativity? [/small voice] It's hard. It is, but...Come on, TQ fans. I'm assuming most of us don't want to come in here and read all this sad speculation, right?

    So, let's focus on...HAPPY THOUGHTS! *throws confetti* HAPPY THOUGHTS!

    Tracy's in the spoiler pictures for next week, and she's standing next to her husband. There are what? 10 other people in that room that she could be standing next to, and she's standing next to LUKE.

    And Guza (forget that he lies) said Tracy would be one of the people that Laura interacts with. We're going to have to get something.

  4. Morning TQ fans!

    *bathes in sprinkling sparkly fairy dust*

    Oh and Ms.Q.....you asked me more specifics about my reviews.
    ILoveTracyQ, this makes me sound greedy for feedback, LOL. I just asked if you had any favorite parts. ;) But many thanks for the reply. :) I'll definitely respond to your PM sometime this afternoon when I have more time. Oh, but really quick...Ned WILL be showing up in the next chapter. You didn't think I'd leave him out, did you? :P
  5. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It's working! It's working!

    I did a LIVE Update at Live Journal. There's not much (as in: Don't get excited. Jane Elliot has ZERO dialogue), but here it is.

    MinervaFan, Regency, and I are in the breakroom.

    Love the Je T'adore!






    Luke and Robert plan to deliver Skye's baby, but Robert passes out, and Luke has no choice but to untie Lorenzo. Luke, you better be a coach and NOTHING more. *shrugs* My "Skye goes into labor during Thanksgiving Dinner" idea was so much better, was it not? And most of you thought I was nuts, LOL.

    Also...Luke/Robin scenes coming up. Luke gives the "go-ahead" on the drug. And Luke/Lainey scenes too. Something about Laura. Forgive me for not remembering.

  6. Posted for MinervaFan and Regency...

    April 2005: Jane Elliot and Deidre Hall keynote "Wise Women, Well Woman" seminar at the Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago.

    Scroll down to the end. :)

    Edit #1: For those who weren't in the breakroom...We tried coming up with "name" for us...You know how BH/Liz fans are "PEARL" (Proud Elizabeth and Rebecca Lover)? We wanted one of JE/Tracy. My first thought: JETS (Jane Elliot and Tracy Supporter), but that sounded too manly (the JETS part). Luckily, MinervaFan came up with something super awesome...

    JE'T ADORE: Jane Elliot Total Admiration: D____ (can't remember; divine?) O____ (still can't remember) Refined! Extraordinary! Deb, help us! It's really awesome everyone, I swear! LOL.

    Edit #2: Chapter 73 and Chapter 74 of OH, BABY.

  7. nex, again, love the promo! And if I didn't mention this last night, the music is PERFECT! I think what we talked about the breakroom a few nights ago [first part of quote...arguing clips + second part of quote...kissing clips] worked super well! :D

    MinervaFan, I searched the tracy&dillon tag at Clarissa's sight and came up with these screencaps. Some of them are better for icons than others.

    Oh, while searching other sites for screencaps, I found this. It's LuNacy sitting next to each other in the helicopter from the PC Hotel Fire. It's a tight squeeze, LOL.

    Note on MinervaFan's AU fanfic: It's AWESOME! I love, love Marco!

    Per SZ: No Tracy. But there's no Skye, Lorenzo, Luke, or Robert either.

  8. *waves*

    Waiting Room: Chapter 2

    Regency, I read the first part of your post and thought, "YEAH! TQ got a mention in the spoilers!" And then I read the "spoiler" and didn't believe it, just 'cause GH would never kill of Laura. I did like the Guza comment though; almost made me fall for it. Oh, and you're still evil for letting me believe that TQ got an actual mention in the spoilers. ;)

  9. Lainey, I got the Almost video. You are so awesome! And yeah, "Waiting Room" has been mentioned in the breakroom. I'm glad at least someone was surpised though. Oh, and I don't want to disappoint, but "another student" is just a random plot point. He doesn't even have a name. In fact, he might be a she, LOL. Hmm...I might have to change that. Guess I should include something about that in the next chapter or so...

    Good news: LoveThatTracy will be able to post soon. She had to register under a different name, for a second time. When LoveThatTracy never went through, she tried TracyLove. No success with that, but she did have luck with TracyLuv. She knows it's close to our very own tracyluver, but she wanted Tracy/some version of "love" in her name. Anyway, not sure why I'm posting all the details when she could do so herself, LOL. Guess I like to be thorough.

    Breakroom, anyone?

  10. Oooh, I LOVE the new avatars!

    Quick note: I'm not sure if people skipped over the large quote in my last post, but that's a message from LoveThatTracy.

    LoveThatTracy, welcome to the fun! And if I welcomed you already, LOL, oops. Welcome again! :D As for predictions...Mine is kind of sad, but if JE is leaving this November, I bet Tracy lets Luke go once Laura wakes up. We might get a tearful good-bye scene, and then Tracy will forever disappear to Europe. :(

    Regency, adored the fanfic. I'd love to see something like that happen on GH. Or at least, have someone bring it up. I don't want Tracy to go completely sober because then we wouldn't get those rare Drunk!Tracy scenes, but I think you get what I mean...

    Lainey, I received the video. Thanks!

    Chapter 1 of Waiting Room has been posted. I have much more done, but I will hold off posting until I get closer to the ending. You all know how much I love feedback.

  11. Lainey, I got the video. Thanks so much! And I mentioned this in the PM, but MinervaFan posted both mine and nex's version of "Accidentally," so don't worry about uploading that one. :)

    angel, hope the midterms went well!

    Fanfiction Update: Yeah, so, I did more research for Day In Life Fic, and some of the medical stuff is inaccurate. The trauma room dialogue is fine (heh, I used an ER transcript as a guide), but I messed up the time frame and didn't include stuff about intubations.

    LoveThatTracy has sent me a post to share:

    Hi all at the LoveFest. Have been reading the boards. I wish I could join you but I guess there is a problem with the site somehow, but Ms. Quartermaine (Staci), is great for letting me post this note to you guys via email to her. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only major Tracy/JE fan out there. I started watching GH when I was in HS. Around the time when Leslie took the blame for the murder of David (not sure if I'm remembering the name correctly) for Laura.

    Anyway, I always loved Tracy, but had not gotten a chance to watch the show over the years as much as I liked to, So I missed major Tracy airtime over the years. Darn how I wish they had reruns or DVD's or something on these soaps!! One of my earliest memories of Tracy was when she wouldn't help Edward reach his medication. That one always stuck in my mind. I started watching again about two months ago. I just happened to be flipping through the channels one afternoon this summer and I saw Tracy on my screen and I started watching again.

    I Tivo it everyday since then. And for the most part, I fast forward the show If the same 4-5 people are monopoliizing the show. But I'm like totally hooked on Tracy now! The day that Lulu had her abortion, in the beginning of the show where it showed Tracy in the montage hugging Edward while they were waiting, it just touched my heart. And now I'm in love with Tracy even more now! And I'm so mad at myself for missing her all these years. Sounds crazy huh? Any, I've always loved Luke, but I am beginning to get a little peeved now that he's off resucuing Sky somewhere. Geez, something's gotta give with Tracy & Luke already. Any predictions?

    Anyway. Nice to meet you all hopefully I'll be on soon.

    Nex4Ever & MinervaFan I love your guys vids on Utube. I watch them all the time. It gives me a chance to see some of the Tracy I missed and recapture the essense of a truly gifted and talented woman and actress. She always was, and still is, so beautiful! And I know I told you before Ms. Quartermaine, but I love, love, love your GH rap!

    I'll go for now. Take care.


  12. Ooh, angel has posted! What happened to your keyboard? And any chance we'll get fic from you soon? I'm slacking myself. *hangs head in shame* But...I might post some of the Day In Life story tonight. Still doesn't have a title, still isn't finished, but I guess there's no reason I can't post a tiny bit, right?

    Oh, I went to ABC.com and took the quiz. If I told you who I got, ILoveTracyQ would run out of this thread and never talk to me again, LOL. J/K. I got Robin, by the way.

    Lainey, you crack me up! I'm going to try believe too. And I hope your vacation was a good one!

    Got an email from LoveThatTracy. She and her friend both can't validate their accounts. mercedes couldn't either. She's sent another email, this one to a moderator, instead of an administrator, and hopes to post soon. Tonight, she's supposed to send me something, so I can post it here.

    Breakroom, anyone?

  13. *group hug*

    Please tell me Tracy's on today, ripping Luke a new one. Please?

    tracyluver, other than the video I posted a few days ago, I got nothing. Sorry. :(

    ILoveTracyQ, I responded to your PM.

    Edit(s): Per SZ, Luke/Robert together again. Robin's on too. Their topic of conversation? "Blaze." Next scene: Robert asks, "What about Sparky?" *hugs Robert* Later on, Luke/Sonny interaction. I am not kidding. Must. Be. Positive. TRACY, offscreen she might be, still ROCKS!!!

  14. Should be in bed, but...

    Thanks nex for your reply! I think the fact that she intentionally does it is what gets me mad, LOL.

    About the video...Heh. I changed the title/credit font, the volume of the title clip, the editing between "I had an abortion" and "So...After awhile I started to think about it," the lighting on the clips of Lulu at the end, and the editing between Lulu at the clinic and Lulu waking up. And as you pointed out, I also changed the coloring of that clip. Lots of little things, most of which are not noticeable to anyone except the creator of the video, I guess, LOL. Thanks for watching it though! :D

    *off to sleep*

  15. Thanks, nex.

    So, of course, after having a wonderful time in the breakroom tonight, I would have to deal with a not-so-wonderful phone call from the sister...

    RANT: Why? WHY?!? Instead of a "Hi, Staci. Have a good day?" I get a "Hello. Oh my God..GH was sooooooo boring today with the Quartermaines. I liked the Skye stuff and the Ric/Alexis stuff was sweet. And oh, I loved Jasam [insert more Jasam love here]. But the Quartermaines had sooooooo much screen time. And I got so heavy-eyed in their scenes! Oh, guess what? I talked to Mom, and she thought the Quartermaines were boring too!"

    Now, maybe I'm just tired, but it almost upsets me that she seems to doing this to antagonize me. I shouldn't let it get to me, but I do. And I get we all have different opinions, but she shouldn't start with me, you know? I like what I like. Let me enjoy it. She gets to see her favorites all the darn time, so she should just shut up and let me have fun seeing mine. Right? Or am I being harsh and or ridiculous?

  16. All good is about to be lost. :(


    Don't get excited. No TQ mentions; just related stuff she SHOULD be a part of...






    Luke is torn between saving Skye from Alcazar and approving Dr. Lagasse's treatment for Laura.

    Not sure about the accuracy of this one, but Luke will go to Sonny to get information on where Alcazar would take Skye. Luke will also talk about Laura.

    Meanwhile, Tracy remains on the backburner, appearing once every 2 weeks, so GH can remind us that it's all her fault that ELQ makes defective condoms.

  17. Yay! nex has Seasons of Love!


    Hair: Straight, might be darker than before.

    Wardrobe: Blue, almost "shiny" jacket; the same one she wore when the "evil Q's" cornered Lulu, and Tracy told Lulu that she'd regret having the abortion.

    Recap: Not too much since all the Q's (sans Ned) are hanging out in the den. But Edward is angry that the front page of the paper is missing. Monica, Alan, Tracy enter. Tracy holds up the front page: "ELQ Distributes Faulty Condoms." Monica and Alan (I think) want to take responsibility. Tracy and Edward don't. Dillon has an idea. It's possible that people just used the condoms improperly. The press is here. Dillon is going to provide a statement. Edward is excited, thinks it will help the company. Tracy doesn't want Dillon subjected to this. She decides to make the statement instead, but Dillon is set on the idea. Offscreen, he supports ELQ. Edward is still ecstatic. Dillon is showing his true Quartermaine colors. Monica's kind of like, "Well, that's not's anything to be proud of." Tracy tells Edward that Dillon isn't going to get back what he lost. Meanwhile, Georgie shows up at the Q's. She's mad that Dillon lied. Lulu, surprisingly, sides with Dillon. Edward walks back in. While Dillon had some good words, the press conference didn't go according to plan. Someone has filed a lawsuit and he/she is on their way now...

    Edit #1: Tracy and Edward are inside with Dillon. Tracy doesn't want the person here. Send whoever to the lawyers. Monica and Alan enter from the patio. Monica wants to accept responsiblity and settle. Tracy actually agrees. ELQ needs to keep a low profile. Alice re-enters with Maxie. She's the person who's filing the lawsuit. She wants the Quartermaines to pay. Edward's face is hilarious, LOL.


    It's pretty big news, so I can't complain, but it looks like I won't be able to recap the last segment. (The last Q scene was shown in entirety; the report cut 2 seconds into a Ric/Alexis one...or maybe it was a Lulu/Diego one...I'm not sure. I only watch Tracy, LOL.) But YAY that Tracy was on! *hugs Quartermaines* *misses Ned*

    Edit #2: Someone from SZ got the previews: Lorenzo and Skye. Skye's in labor. Robin and Luke. They talk about the doctor Luke went to see. I wonder if he's even going to stop at the Q's before taking off in search of Skye.

  18. Keith, surprisingly, I haven't been checking the thread every 10 minutes like I usually do, LOL, so I didn't notice that the Love/Hate thread disappeared.

    This might be a long shot, but does anyone have becangle's (bec's) video "Seasons of Love?" It's on You Tube, but I'd like a downloadable version if possible. :) There's not a lot of TQ, but it's a good ensemble video to a good song, and well, I liked it, LOL. *kicks self again for not backing up mvids*

    Newer Version of the Lulu/Tracy Abortion Video. I have a bad habit of going back to vids after I post them. Heh. Not much is changed. I fixed the editing, the volume in the beginning, and I added some effects. If you want to check it out, feel free.

  19. Hmm...Previews give us Alan on the phone with Skye. Good news is that he's a Casa Quartermaine, so his sister can sister (Psst...Tracy, that's YOU.) can pop in at any time. Lorenzo and Robert are also in the previews, and from spoilers, we know that Luke is on too. PLEASE SOAP GODS!!! PUT TRACY ON OUR SCREENS!!!

    Edit: Received an email from LoveThatTracy. She thanks everyone for the waves and wants me to tell you that she's dying to post. She re-sent the validation letter for the 3rd time and is waiting on replies from an administrator. Hopefully, she'll be able to join in on the fun soon. :)

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