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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Regency, I'm glad you liked the banner. Sorry that you're sick on your birthday. :(

    My First Official Ensemble Video: It's a Christmas one to a musical version of Silent Night. And heads up: Since it is ensemble, there's not much TQ at all. In fact, I only used one clip with her. :o







    From SON: Next week, Luke lashes out at Tracy. *TQ fans all over pause and take a moment to hate on Luke* But then, Luke apologizes. *TQ fans control themselves* Tracy leans on Edward and breaks down in his arms. All right, so we knew the second part of that.

    From Waffle Press: Tracy can't have her cake or eat it either. *Ms. Q announces to everyone that she had no idea what this idiom meant until she looked it up* Anyone want to speculate? This so has something to do with Luke, but maybe someone else can elaborate.

  2. Aww, MinervaFan, I love that your analysis, and I feel a lot better about yesterday's show now. Thank you. :)








    Next Week (per SOW): Tracy breaks down in Edward's arms.We knew about the breakdown, but it looks like we can add Waffle Press of SoapDish to the list of reliable scoopsters. He/she was the first to spoil that Edward provides Tracy a shoulder to cry on in her time of need. (He/she spilled other things as well that are now being confirmed either by Wizard or SOW). So, what do we think?

  3. Trying this again, since I didn't have much luck 2 hours ago...


    In the meantime, I am off to read MinervaFan's fic, and Regency, you do have a birthday present coming, but you'll have to wait 'til midnight. ;)

    Ooh, Regency just posted. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Get some rest, and feel better soon. :)

    Edit: This didn't happen today, did it? It's from Clarissa's recaps; she gets them from SoapNet's site, I believe, and well, it looks like more things are being cut. *pouts* Tracy admits she doesn't know if she can stand back and watch Luke pledge his heart to someone else, even Laura.

    Edit (again):



    (I used the list of your reasons for watching. ;)) Hope your special day is a wonderful one!

    And thanks knh. I wish it was just a skit, but it's a bit bigger than that, LOL. And nex, you should know that the Santana song is being used for the romance music in my "theatrical performance" for Hispanic Lit that knh is talking about. (OK-So it's not "theatrical performance" big, but it's big enough.)

  4. If anyone is interested in the breakroom tonight, post a time, and I'll probably be there.







    Possibly an unpopular opinion, but as a LuNacy fan, I found the ILY to be anti-climatic. *shrugs* I guess the beginning of the scene was all right when Tracy admitted the marriage meant something to her. (Aww.) But I don't know. I know I'm not spoiler-free, but I guess I was just expecting some more leading up to it.

    The directors or whoever could have at least given Jane more of a reaction shot. Yes, we got one, but it was from the side. Luke told her as she gulped down her drink (she made the face that people make after scotch, vodka, etc.), put the drink down, closed her eyes, and inhaled. This all happened in about 1.5 seconds. Luke went on to say that in the beginning the marriage was a financial gamble and then a joke, but it's become important to him. He likes being her husband. And then the conversation continues when Tracy asks about the kids...

    As far as recaps, it'd be better to check GHH2 or the Live Post at Hella Good. You can't access HG until you register.

    Some comments: Sweet Dillon and Lulu scene today. Dillon didn't believe that Luke got the divorce based on how Tracy was acting, and then he chalked it up to her being in denial. Lulu said that Tracy is still in love with Luke, and Dillon agrees, "Yeah, I know." Now, why didn't get I follow-up with Tracy/Dillon?!?

    For the record, I'm almost positive Luke is playing everyone but Tracy. And didn't TG say on the View today (according to recaps) that Tracy is still Luke's wife? Oh, and nex, it was actually Joy who made fun of Tracy's name, but it sounded like she was trying to be funny and failed miserably. Something like, "TRACY QUARTERMAINE? Where do soaps come up with these names?" Riiiiiight. I can't stop laughing. [/sarcasm].

  5. MinervaFan, tell Fey I thank her for the info! I'm glad it wasn't me.

    There are spoiler pics for the Week of December 4th. Luke's out of town, and guess what? Tracy is not in ANY of the pictures. Are we surprised? *shrugs*

    I didn't watch Entertainment Tonight, but a clip from the wedding was shown...A clip of our girl!


    (we know most of it)






    From a SD poster: Just saw the little blip about the wedding on ET. Tracy is looking as if she is going to stand up when the get to the objection part ... and Monica sticks her foot out, and Tracy goes crashing to the floor. A huge collective gasp is heard...and the entire wedding party, including Laura just looks. Luke cuts his eyes but he doesn't turn his head.

  6. Hmm, I'm still having trouble. I tried a different computer too. *pouts*

    Deb, have you closed out and tried to re-enter? Anyone else? Because if it's a BraveNet issue, I'll be fine. But if I *GASP* can never get into the breakroom again?!? :o Will. Not. Think. About. That.

  7. Sounds good, Deb.

    You know, I know I'm usually negative, but I don't see GH marrying Luke off to a woman who's going to back into catatonia. GH won't tie him down like that, I don't think. Plus, Tony Geary and Jane Elliot (per articles) keep suggesting that LuNacy are still married. Of course, there are those pesky last minutes changes that I am forever worried about, LOL. For all we know, GF is returning in 2 months. *shrugs* Guess we'll see.

    On a lighter note, Tracy Q. has a NEW outfit. I didn't pay as much attention as I usually do, but it was new. Black, maybe maroon colored roses on it (or some kind of pattern). Nothing outrageous. Black pants. I'd have to watch her scene again for more details, and well, my VCR is already rewound and set for tomorrow, so you'll all have to wait and see it on your own. ;)

  8. *waves to Deb*

    Don't get too excited, but Tracy/Luke get the tag. I didn't watch anything but Tracy's two second scene, but Laura/Lesley exit, Luke rests on the sofa, an angry Tracy enters: "Are you kidding?!? In MY backyard?!?" She's in the previews too: "I'm your wife." And Luke asks her something like, "What's the harm of giving Laura her last wish?"

    Also, per SoapZone, there was more talk about the divorce today (I'm assuming this is what MinervaFan is referring to). I have no idea what's going on. Luke's either lying to a whole bunch of people, or GH changed things around at the last minute, and the LnL marriage will be legal.

  9. knh, I don't remember what we talked about last night exactly, but it sounds JE is saying that she's not Susan Lucci, so instead of the show planning around her schedule, JE had to plan around the show.

    MinervaFan, other than the above, the chat was off-topic and about 20 lines, so I didn't send the transcript.


    (I wish Lainey were here. She'd put the two together and start squee'ing, LOL)






    Apparently, Jason Thompson (Patrick) told a fan at SSW that there are 2 (or 3) love scenes coming up. Scrubs isn't one of them. I'm assuming Carly/Jax, Carly/Sonny, Nik/Em, or some combination of the "chosen ones."

    However, NEW spumor: Luke and Tracy share a tender good-bye behind he hits the road. I'm not thinking sex, LOL, but you know...And please tell me this "good-bye" isn't forever. That when TG returns from his vacation, JE will still be on the show. Please, someone?

  10. 11:10 central: Breakroom? I got about a half hour or so before I want to call it a night.

    Oooh, MinervaFan's AU story!!! I totally haven't read what you emailed me yet. :o I need to do that.

    Regency, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. :( I'll keep the both of you in my thoughts.

    knh, sorry, I don't know where to find clips. I'm also sorry to hear about all the tragic events your family had to go through. :(

  11. MinervaFan, you have to TM "Internet Sobriety." I love it! LOL. But Oh. My. God. Internet Sobriety (TM Deb) is so making me nuts!!! It's so hard to stay away. I did write most of my paper on that super long conference I attended last month (I think I was complaining about it here, LOL), so it's good that I'm getting stuff done. *looking on the bright side* :)

    knh, Clip for You! Credit Geena. Clips are uploaded to SendSpace; will expire in 7 days, I believe.

    And thanks nex for the Perfect video!!! Heh, did I just make a pun? Ooh, I love when that happens, LOL.

    OT-I'm going to be out from about 6:30pm central to ??? tonight (it shouldn't be later than 10), so don't have too much fun in the breakroom in case I miss you guys in there. ;) I'll be thinking of the breakroom as I'm rehearsing El hombre que se convirtió en perro (The man who turned into a dog) for my Hispanic Lit. Class. Won't that be fun? LOL. Gah. I am so not an actress. :o

  12. Have a good night, knh!

    Deb, the transcript is about 10 lines, so I didn't bother sending it.

    In regards to JE's future on GH: From the GF/TG Press Conference, Genie Francis took part in a game of Word Association. Person says "General Hospital." GF responds, "Call me." Audience member says, "Did you hear that Brian [Frons]?" I'd say it's pretty definite that she wants to return. JFP insists they can't afford her. TG apparently has Luke professing his love to Tracy on his wedding day to Laura. *shrugs* I don't HATE Laura, and of course I don't hate GF, but as a TQ fan first, I'd really like to know what's going to happen.

    BTW, this is my new avatar at SOC (the first time I changed it since the virus SL): JE_Divine.gif

    Yeah, I know it sort of matches the avatar I used here, but still...So. Much. Pretty. :wub:

  13. Breakroom, anyone? It's 10:10 central.


    Here's hoping GH gives you tons of Tracy goodness next week!

    I hope you had a wonderful day!

    Birthday List Update (November, December, January):

    November 11th: knh

    November 15th: Regency

    December 3rd: Ms. Q (hehe, that's me)

    December 7th: Keith

    January 23rd: angel

    Also!!! ILoveTracyQ emailed me, and she *waves* to all of you!!!

  14. Guess what? From 11:20am central to 4:10pm, I didn't go to a single GH site!!! I used my email once, but no GH sites for me. Nearly 5 hours is a good enough break for me though, since internet access is (knock on wood) only a click away. Anyway, I decided I needed to limit myself a bit, and I actually got RL stuff done!!! Anyway...;)

    MinervaFan, you already know this, but I love the banner, and I wish *so* much that you wrote for GH. That Luke/Tracy scene you wrote is just wonderful. LeSigh.

    angel, that's so sweet of Jane Elliot. I totally didn't know that. Thanks for sharing!







    From the ABC.com board (the paragraph spoilers): Upset Tracy knows Luke brought Laura back because he's still in love with her. SoapDish is wondering if these are the typical spoilers from the ABC.com board, because they are noticing some things are off. So, grain of salt and all that.

    Cable Guide Spoilers: On Tuesday, Tracy urges Luke to tell Laura's kids the truth about her condition. Luke is on M, T, R, F. Laura is on M, W, R, and F. Even though there aren't any spoilers for it, I'm thinking Luke is also on W (when Laura is), and Laura is also on T (when Luke is). Am I making sense? Basically, I think LnL will be on 5 days next week. Looks like Tracy has 2. Let's hope they're good. :D

  15. It's 5:30 central. I got about an hour or so if anyone wants to join me in the breakroom. :)

    Edit: From Soap Opera Digest Online...

    The script called for a stunt double for Jane Elliot (Tracy). What's up with that? "I've done a few stunts since I've been here," she shared. "I think it's usually because [Tracy's]drunk. It's invariably something involved with alcohol [laughs]."

    Edit (again): Apparently, there's a clip of the wedding out there somewhere. Tracy doesn't collapse as TG said. She gets up to object, Monica trips her, and Alice hauls her out. Monica follows. Oy.

  16. About the article, MinervaFan, I keep wondering if all this stuff about an illegal wedding is true. We have article upon article telling us that Luke is still married to Tracy, but what if Luke wasn't lying to Edward yesterday? What if GH tossed it in in the last minute after the magazines, etc, were published? There has to be a reason the "Tracy agrees to keep her marriage a secret" spoiler was cut, right?

    Anyway...More pictures!!!

    Clearer version of the Edward/Tracy photo

    Could she be any more villainess-like?

    Quartermaines (sans Ned) in their seats; Tracy is pushing Dillon's camera away.

    Here comes the bride...The wife refuses to stand up.

    It's LuNacy after (before?) the wedding. Luke looks upset. Tracy looks supportive. And JE looks fabulous!

    MinervaFan, I went to the JE Forums. You are evil even though I was warned. ;) I spent some time on SoapDish, who believe that the Q's are mourning for Jason. (He's presumed dead after he is shot.) It didn't mesh with me at first, because it sounded like the Q's were mourning about something, and then he appears *cue angels* and cheers them up. However, I guess it's still possible that he reaches out to them on the same day they find out he's alive, right? *sigh* It is much better than your speculation. ;)

  17. Tracy's outfit:


    You know, it's not as bad as I thought. Doesn't mean I like it, 'cause I don't, but still...And Eeeeeeee to the location shoot! It's outside! Really, really outside! LOL. I love location shoots. Hee.

    Other photos can be found here. Honestly, you can tell that GH is having budget problems. Some of the women would have been better off getting their clothes from JC Penny. IMO, anyway.

    Breakroom again? I shouldn't be hanging in there so much, but I love you guys, and I REALLY want Lainey to join tonight, so I can see her react to all of this. Heh.

    Edit: Okay, I'm out of the breakroom (it's probably better for me, LOL), but I bring spumors. Not leaving spoiler space since it's unconfirmed...The Q's mourn until the "prodigal son" reaches out to them on a special day. (Um, I missed something because I'm so confused, and Jason, you stay away from the my Q's, especially if this special day is Thanksgiving! Find your own pizza.) Also, EDWARD provides Tracy a shoulder to cry on in her time of need. Hmm, do we believe THAT?

  18. So, um, Luke was lying about the divorce, right? I didn't watch, but apparently, Luke said he flew to the Dominican Republic and divorced Tracy. This doesn't mesh with everything else though, so I'm assuming he's lying. I *think* he told Edward this, when he was asking for permission to wed in the garden. Anyone who did watch have a different interpretation?

  19. It's great, isn't TracyLuv? *smiles prettily*

    But back to our regular scheduled programming (for a minute)...

    I believe TG is returning in the beginning of 2007, as in January. We'll have one month of limited Tracy, I suspect. She'll appear in the Xmas show (provided that JE is still around). Sorry, shouldn't have gone there. JE IS remaining on GH. She IS. She has to be. ;)

    Kind of OT, but Michele (ILoveTracyQ) has PM'ed me, informing me that she is going to take the next month or so off from the boards. It's a combination of GH and RL, but she wants you all to know, it's not because of us. She loves us all, and talking about Tracy Q. has been so wonderful. In any case, she needs a break. She is accepting PM's and emails, and if you don't have her email address and want it, PM me and I'll PM it back to you. Does that make sense? LOL. Also, NO SPOILERS in the PM's; she's going spoiler-free. But ranting/gushing about Tracy when she's on, or any news on comings/goings, or if JE is performer of the week is welcomed. Michele tells me she WILL be back and that she will miss everyone.

    Edit: This week's SOW has a spread on Luke/Laura's Wedding. There's a picture of Tracy. SZ'er say she looks like she's dressed for a funeral (I so called this, either in the breakroom or in my head, LOL), and she's wearing a hat. SZ says she resembles the Mad Hatter. Oh dear god. Poor Jane Elliot.

    Edit (again): From GotInfo of SoapDish; confirmed by Wizard: Week of November 20th: Tracy breaks down. I wonder if she's *really* breaking down this time, or if this is another misleading spoiler. Also, we ARE getting a Quartermaine Thanksgiving, pizza and all. :)

  20. Bad News First:





    Tracy's getting locked in a closet again, but this time it's not by Jax. Tracy is about to object during the Luke/Laura Wedding but then passes out from being over-intoxicated. As a result, Monica and Alan lock her in a closet for the duration of the ceremony. But Tony Geary states, "...We get some nice comedy there, but it's coming from a great deal of pain. That's the best kind. The best kind of comedy is tragic." Any thoughts?


    OH. MY. GOD.

    Attention LuNacy Fans: You are going to uber-love Tony Geary more than ever after reading the following. It's going to be fun in the breakroom tonight. Lainey, you are not going to be able to control yourself. No, it's not LuNacy sex, but still. ;) Without further adieu...






    LUKE TELLS TRACY HE LOVES HER. It's in one of the mags that CarolineSpencer summarized at SoapZone. It wasn't part of the script. Tony Geary added it in; the writers let him. Here's what was posted:

    "It's a great place to be for this man because he really cares for both of them. I even found a place to tell Tracy I love her, which hadn't been written but it seemed appropriate and the writers agreed. When we got there, I said, Luke should say I love you. Because he does. He does in his way."
    I left out the oohing/aahing over Laura parts. Tony explains that Luke loves both women, etc, but I'm just including what's relevant to us. :)

    All right. Let the squee'ing begin. Of course, if this does air on Luke/Laura's WEDDING DAY? Oh man, LuNacy fans, arm yourselves, LOL.

  21. Morning, folks.

    Bad news first: Tony IS taking another vacation at the end of the month. Looks like those "Luke heads out of town" spoilers are true.

    Now, for some other news...

    We got confirmation that Luke/Tracy are still married during the Luke/Laura Wedding. In the latest SOD: Jane Elliot laughs, "Laura may be the bride, but Tracy is the wife." It's amazing. JE gets to be quoted!!! LOL. Here's the article (JE/Tracy related parts):

    From Caroline Spencer of SoapZone

    25 years to the day, Luke/Laura walk down the aisle one more time on Nov 16th.

    "The emphasis is on romance and nostalgia." Says Tony. "They're not the same wedding vows, but there is an echo. The network wanted to give the audience as much of a nostalgic feast as possible."

    But there is a hitch, The groom has a Mrs. "When Laura comes to after 4 years, the one thing she wants to do is pick up where they left off and remarry," says Tony. "Naturally, he can't say no to her. He fears that their time is limited, and so he moves about getting it going. The only person he has to get to agree to this is Tracy."

    "Laura may be the bride, but Tracy is the wife," laughs Jane. "But this is a moving train that she can't stop. She would if she could, but she can't. She tries along the way to stop it, and she can't."

    "Tracy is not going to take this lightly" says Guza. "Edward who was always fond of Laura, would like nothing better than to get Luke, who has been freeloading at the Q's for a while now, out of their house. So the Q's are going to be prominent in this."

    Also (from SOD): Why is Tracy taking Luke's wedding plans so calmly?

    JE: "I'm not convinced that her selflessness isn't a manipulation to make herself worthy to Luke because were she to come at him with knives and guns, it wouldn't get the result she wants."

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