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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Morning, everyone!







    Expect the Tracy/Luke marriage to be consummated in May.

    Expect a "second" wife to re-appear soon after, in May.

    Expect Lorenzo to exit dramatically in May.

    Expect an in-shock Skye to seek comfort in familiar arms, in May.

    Well, it would be typical GH to have Laura return right after Luke/Tracy get together. And do we believe the Skye spoiler refers to Luke? Would GH give him Laura, Tracy, and Skye? These scoops came from Relative Ease, who's been accurate according to SoapDish (it's possible someone is impersonating Relative Ease though, LOL). But, considering these are set for MAY, and we still don't have concrete spoilers for February, I'd take them with a grain of salt. :)

  2. Whoa. This is so different, LOL.

    Lainey, no members were aware of the changes as far as I know.

    ILoveTracyQ, yep. "Second Chances" is the title.

    Keith, hope you had a nice birthday!

    And of course, Tracy rocks!!!


    Rumors from SoapDish involve Lucky and Lulu reopening the Haunted Star (uh, Lulu isn't 21), Tracy having Dillon arrested for embezzlement, and Tracy helping Skye much to her astonishment. There's also stuff about Skye and Lila getting into a paralyzing accident because of Sam, Edward pulling a gun, and Luke calling Lucky.

    GAH, the "complete edit" button won't work. *comes up with Plan B*

    Edit: Plan B was a success. Heh.

  3. Breakroom is working now. :D

    Anyone want to join?


    Lainey, you know how I feel about Carly. :P But if it gives me Tracy/Jax interaction, I'm all for it. Heck, I'm for almost anything that gives Tracy screentime. My main problem is that Tracy will lose if she goes against Carly. Even if it makes no sense. Carly is brave and strong and loves with her whole heart, according to Guza, and will always win. *sigh* Edit: I guess since Tracy always loses anyway, it's not that big of a deal.

    Lady Ashton, thanks for the happy birthday wishes. Next birthday as far as I know is angel's on January 23rd.

    nex, my fingers and toes are crossed!!!

  4. About She's a Lady, sorry for the confusion, MinervaFan. Have a safe trip. Sorry about the drive. Again, we'll miss you, and we'll try to keep things up in this thread. I'm not too sure about the "wallow in self-pity" spoiler since no one except Wubs had it up. Usually, Wubs spoilers coincide with Wizard's, Waffle Press's, and the magazines. *crosses fingers in hopes for Tracy*

    And well, TRACY ROCKS!!!


    Oh, TracyLuv, there's the Tracy/Luke/Skye/Coleman scene on the patio:


  5. MinervaFan, all I know is that Jim_Quartermaine loves all Q's except Tracy. He once said some not-so-good things about Jane Elliot. I don't mind it too much when it's about the acting, but when you bring the actor's personal life into it, it's just not cool. *shrugs*

    OT-knh, aww, I miss the Christmas parties with the kids (from when I used to work in a day care). Holidays were always the best part. I loved decorating my classroom, doing all those arts and crafts with them (Christmas was the best time for this. We could make SO many things). Halloween used to be good too until the director decided ghosts, goblins, witches, bats, scary, etc. were "evil" and not allowed in the center. So we had a whole bunch of pumpkins and paper pumpkin patches and happy jack-o-laterns. And that was about all. And then one year, she decided not to let us or the kids dress up anymore. :rolleyes: Anyway...LOL.

    ILoveTracyQ, ditto on the Lulu screentime thing. Whatever. No one, not even Tracy, should be on 5 days a week.

    Lainey, sorry to hear you're sick. Hope you feel better soon! Can't wait for the fic!

    Keith, hope you're having an awesome day! You deserve it!

    And now it's time for me to call out all the posters who haven't been here in a long time: kenna, angel, tracyluver, 4XCrazy, we miss you! I know it's the end of the semester, and to say things are hectic would be an understatement, but feel free to stop in and just say hello. :)

  6. Catching up...

    knh, about the oranges in NY, I noticed that too. I *think* it's possible in some places of NY, but extremely unlikely.

    ILoveTracyQ, I don't remember the last time I posted at the JE site, but I'm pretty sure it was after Sunday, and I didn't have any problems. Will try again later.

    About TG, you can relax TracyLuv. ;) Just breathe...LOL. TG's not going anywhere. Stupid magazines. It was like when "SONNY DIES!" But the "old" Sonny died, and the new emerged...or some crap like that.

    Oh when oh when is Tracy going to be on again? Ooh, that reminds me. I dreamt about GH/Tracy last night. She was in the same outfit that she wore for Thanksgiving. She/Luke had a scene at the Q mansion; I just know she was angry. And then she had one more scene at the end with the Quartermaines. They were all bickering, and I remember not being able to understand a word, LOL, but then Skye, or maybe Lulu, walked in, and they all got quiet. And well, that's all I remember. LOL.

  7. Yay! MinervaFan is going to write while she's on vacation! We'll try and keep this thread up; hopefully, there will be some good Tracy scenes, but I'm not holding my breath. :(

    Deb, I'll PM you in a minute, but speaking of SoapDish, QFan posted this there (from AMC):


  8. Dudu (Dillon and Lulu) stinks. ;):P I don't like this incarnation of Lulu, but I'm in no position to judge I guess since I haven't seen much of her (or GH) as of late.


    I just miss our girl.


    Edit: OMG, I totally made a pun with the "Dudu stinks." Ha, I'm easily amused.

  9. Ha, I love it Keith. :lol:

    OK-Not to depress anyone or anything, but ABC Media Net has pictures up for the Christmas episode, and Tracy is missing in action. Yeah, it's possible she's just off to the side somewhere, but come on! Mac and Georgie get pictures. So do Edward, Skye, Alan, Bobbie, and Audrey. But my 2 Quartermaine ladies, Tracy and Monica, are GONE!!! :o GH SUCKS! [/little kid]

  10. *waves to everyone*

    OT-It's SO cold here. Outside AND inside. I'm inside with a scarf and a blanket. The heat is on and working, so I don't know why it's like this. Maybe cheap windows? There's definitely more than just a draft coming from them. *shrugs*

    Regency, I'm not too familiar with the other characters JE's played, so it'd be hard to write, but we'll see...

    MinervaFan, enjoy your vacation! Glad the check was found.

    So, no Tracy, I'm assuming? What about tomorrow?

    BTW, remember when we said Geary & Elliot sounded like a law firm? A sexy, over-fifty law firm? LOL. ILoveTracyQ brought it up and suggested one of us create a banner. No, I didn't create anything, but I ran across a photo the other day of Luke and Tracy in the hospital boardroom. Might work for the law firm banner if anyone is still interested. I could try something, but it probably won't be for another week or so. Anyway, here is the picture:


    Heh. :lol:

  11. Someone tell me Tracy was in the previews. And please don't lie.

    So, I'm guessing it's going to be at least until next week 'til she's on again, and that's only if the scenes don't get cut.

    Oh, there are updated ABC Media Net photos thru the week of the 25th. Lulu's still hanging out with Spinelli, but the Jason/Lulu photos are for next week. She's gonna BREAK DOWN in his ARMS, and GH won't ever cut Julie's breakdown scenes like they did with another actress whose name begins with a J. *cough*

    And speaking of next week's scenes, why does Spinelli's grandmother have 6 photos, and Tracy can't even get one? I almost want to laugh. This is just SO. STUPID. :blink: I think Kali/Kristina gets more air time than Jane/Tracy.

    ILoveTracyQ, you know GH would never do it right. :P

  12. Thanks Keith! Now, we must get ready for YOUR birthday. *starts decorating breakroom with balloons and streamers* :lol:

    ILoveTracyQ, about the fic, I gotta finish Oh, Baby first, which hopefully won't take 6 more months, LOL. But I love your ideas! :D







    So, according to an anonymous "insider," when asked about the less talked about characters, he/she said JI/Edward, SD/Alan, LC/Monica, JE/Tracy, JZ/Bobbie, and RA/Audrey all taped mid-last week, but that's about it. This of course coincides with the date the Xmas episode will air. Are we really that surprised?

  13. To MinervaFan, TracyLuv, Lainey, and Regency, sorry I disappeared from the chat for a long time. A friend called, and then someone else, on the other line, called. And this is weird, 'cause I got a voicemail from a 3rd person in the meantime. :o


    And, now the phone is ringing again...

    *hugs to all*

    You all are GREAT!


  14. Hey--Sorry for bringing negativity here. (You all know how I feel about weekends. :P) Anyway, I really did have a wonderful day yesterday. My sister and 2 friends visited and at midnight, they sang Happy Birthday. We had a good dinner, watched TV and a movie afterwards. I got nice gifts and other nice stuff in the mail, LOL.

    So, since my internet connection is back (*crosses fingers*) and I'm no longer in the library analyzing Hispanic Literature, anyone up for the breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    Oh! Regency, that was a wonderful ending. I really enjoyed it. The toast at the end was really sweet. And YAY for LuNacy!

    I WUB you guys! :wub:

    Edit: So, I was thinking of making another video, but are there any clips of Tracy in the snow other than that scene with Jax? Or does anyone have clips of the snow in general? LOL.

    Edit #2: Part 2 of that PodCast thing is up (the bus ride). It's not a really good Part 2. It's "On set with Kirsten Storms." Still at the location shoot, and JE has a 2 second appearance at the end. I have no idea what she's saying though. It's like *mumble, mumble, mumble Scott* Then she makes a face in the camera, LOL. Maybe one of you guys will be able to hear it better.

  15. Semi-OT: Sorry I haven't been around. Power outages in the area have affected my internet connectivity to the point where I don't have any internet access at all. :( But I'm at the university library now, so here I am...ready to post. :D

    THANK YOU ALL for the birthday wishes! I'm so happy to be a part of this board/thread. You all make it worth it. And I cannot thank you enough for how wonderful you've all been. I appreciate everything you do soooooo much.

    coolkid, you don't have to speak to me in the you-formal/Usted form, but the Spanish is still right. LOL. Thanks so much!

    TracyLuv, thanks! Today wasn't such a happy day, but yesterday was, LOL, so I'll just pretend that was my birthday. LOL.

    MinervaFan, I loved your dream! I dreamt that I met Jane Elliot in the ladies room before at a restaurant, but yours sound much more fun. And I adored the fic. Like I said, today was kind of "eh," but your fic cheered me up so much. What a cute little idea, that literally had me going "aww" out loud.

    Lainey, thanks! I enjoyed yesterday; does that count? ;) Thanks for the fanfic feedback, by the way. Chapter 85 (that's the right chapter, I think) hasn't been spiced up yet, LOL, but it probably will be when I do get it posted.

    knh, thank you. You should see me in RL; I'm not always this sweet. *evil laugh* J/K. CLICK ME for June 27, 2005 clips. Member uploaded them for me yesterday. Credit goes to Misty/GHVT (I think). And I loved the birthday countdown. Maybe you should start one for Xmas, when is probably around the time we'll see Tracy again.

    Regency, aah! More Spanish! LOL. Thanks so much!

    nex, LOL @ "this time for real." Beautiful video. I'm glad you added in audio. Worked really well. And perfect music choice. Thank you.

  16. *twirls in*

    I'm going to be having company later today and into early tomorrow, so I won't be around. Thanks for the early birthday wishes!

    About the banner, I consider AJ a Quartermaine, but since he's not around, I left him out. As for Skye, leaving her out was actually an accident. I forgot all about her now that she's mixing it up in the mob squad. :o

    Regarding MegaUpload; type in the letters and then click "Download." You'll have to wait 45 seconds, and then click, "Click to download." Hope that helps.

    A little treat: May 3, 2005: At the Haunted Star, to the best of Tracy's knowledge, Luke has just been shot, and now Helena has the gun pointed at her. Tracy flips out. Luke tries to get a hold of his gun from the floor but can't. Helena turns the gun onto Luke, and then it's Super!Tracy to the rescue!!! She almost kind of dives, removes the gun, ends up on the ground. She sits up. Without her weapon, Helena flees. Luke pops up and tells Tracy to "Get down" and "Hit the floor." She listens and then Luke gets the gun away from her. Tracy is furious. Luke decides she needs a body guard, and he's just the man to do it. Tracy is not interested until later at the Q's, when she can't even walk 2 feet without fearing that Helena is watching her. She returns to the HS where Skye and Luke are, and they hear the police. Unaware to Tracy and Skye, Luke has set his latest plan into action...

    Thanks to member for the clip! She got it from Misty/GHVT, but don't quote me on that.

    *twirls out*

  17. Congrats to ILoveTracyQ on being the first post on the 200th page! Thanks for the feedback on the fanfic. And we're going to miss you! Oh, while you're gone, the cappuccino maker you won (for 200 pages) is going to be put to good use in the breakroom. ;)

    OT-Feliz Navidad is playing again.

  18. *Ms. Q is gonna laugh if this is the 200th post*

    nex, thanks for the article. I want to see more of this "incredibly strong connection" Guza is talking about. And yay for Jane Elliot quote.

    Also, I've added a new banner. Could've been better, but I was getting frustrated. I wanted to make the banner and talk in the breakroom at the same time, and everything kept freezing. Anyway, feedback is appreciated. :)

    Will it be 200? Will it be 200?


    Edit: *snaps fingers* Aww, not 200. Maybe the next post?

  19. Congrats to Lainey on 100 posts! I'm assumsing we'll find out that Luke is officially gone via a throwaway line. I bet it will involved drunk Tracy.

    knh, I wish I had the clips, but I don't.

    Videos/Clips for TracyLuv and nex...

    This link has the following:

    1-25-06: Tracy/Lulu/Dillon fight over package

    Tracy/Lulu Abortion Short Video (audio with instrumental)

    Tracy/Family Video (black/white; instrumental)

    Tracy Video (instrumental; unedited version)

    Tracy/Luke Almost Video

    And this link has...

    Tracy Bad Day Video

    Tracy/Luke Remember Video

    Tracy/Luke Time After Time Video (unedited version)

    Tracy/Family (plus Luke/Lulu; instrumental)

    Tracy/Lulu Short Video (instrumental)

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