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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Breakroom Link.

    *joins Regency*

    I'm not sure if Luke is playing Tracy either. TG played it "true" if that makes sense. I mean, there was a TON of emotion from both actors today. Goodness, they *so* brought it. However, I'm getting afraid. Reg just pointed out in the breakroom, Tracy is Public Enemy #1 now, after all the anti-LnL talk. *bites nails*

  2. Yeah, let me go "on record" saying if Luke is NOT playing Tracy, this is horrible for Luke/Laura fans. Guza's has a hell of a way of honoring a couple's 25th wedding anniversary. If Luke was speaking the truth, just wow...I'm not a Luke/Laura fan, but Guza totally spit on them and their history.

    That aside, Jane Elliot, if you're reading, and if you're allowed to submit something for an Emmy, submit THIS. Not the chapel scenes, not the Dillon/bedside scenes, submit TODAY. (Eh, she needs to turn in more than one episode anyway, but today's would be my first choice.)


    Were we supposed to get the impression that Tracy's always LOVED Luke? She had that line about always paying attention to him, and I think Luke said he wishes he would have known. I might have to watch that again though.

    Some other wishy-washy lines that I loved: Tracy was going on how Luke loves being married to her because she lets him go around the world and rescue damsels in distress, she's giving Lulu a college education, and by living in the house he gets to come home to around the clock maid service with the best booze in the state. And then Luke was like, "No, I get to come home to you."

    And then we got the whole spiel about tough she is, how she keeps him interested (there was a bunch more), and Luke said he'd stay married to her even if she didn't have a dime. Something like that. And then she's like, "I would have believed that if you just didn't announce you were marrying Laura."

    Oh, what else? Luke got up her face about how telling Laura the truth would send her back to Lala land, and he was practically screaming, I think, saying, "Do you want me to do that to her? Do you?!? I have an idea! How about you tell her!" I think he lowered his voice here, "Would you able to tell her?" And then Tracy, all teary-eyed, voice cracking, "If it meant I got to keep my husband, I would."

    Another thing, Tracy never agreed to keep the marriage a secret, so I wonder why it got cut??? Edit: I want to add that one of the segments today only had one scene (ABC here was being wonky), and I wonder if the Luke/Tracy scene was supposed to be in that segment. Because apparently, according to SZ, Luke called Tracy "Angel," and I would have caught that, right?!? Oh, and Luke called Tracy "WIFE" today!

    Now, that we're all excited, I must depress you with this tid-bit from an ABC Press Release...






    The ceremony goes off without a hitch until evil Helena Cassadine once again shows up to cast a shadow on the celebration. Luke's current wife, Tracy Quartermaine, also has a trick up her sleeve that affects the outcome of the wedding.
    Hold me. I'm afraid.
  3. OMG!!!! I want to watch the rest live, but I can't!!! I have to leave in 10 minutes! :( :( :(

    You guys, I don't want to give anything away, but so far, so good! OMG!!!! *twirls around* JE is sooooooo rocking this; I wish I didn't have closed captioning on, 'cause I read the dialogue before I heard it. *twirls some more* Why, why, why do I have to leave? Can't the interview I have to go to wait another day? Don't they know that TRACY QUARTERMAINE is on GH, and she is being awesome?!!

    Just a heads up, some people are calling their latest scene wishy-washy, but I don't care. I'm loving it!!!! I hope I'm not the only one. TG and JE...OMG, we have tears, TQ friends!!! Tears, tears in the eyes (as opposed to streaming down the face), but we have tears!!! And Tracy's voice is cracking, and it's just WOW.


  4. ILoveTracyQ, welcome back! I hope you're feeling better today. :) And yes, you must tape for JE's 2 second scene. I'm usually "eh" on such short scenes, but she was just WOW. In fact, I have to quote Hatpin from TWoP: ...JE is playing it so beautifully, with so much subtext, it hurts to look at her. That second part is so true. Yesterday was the best acting I've seen from JE in the Laura Return SL (so far).

    Lainey, I had suggested that Tracey use it for the main image on the JE site, but the final choice was her decision, and as MinervaFan posted, she went with something completely different. She will be adding my banners to the individual pages though. :)

    Once again, I want to stress how much fun I had last night. Thanks guys! Although, after I signed off, I was so psyched up after talking about all things Tracy for nearly 4 hours that I couldn't sleep! : / LOL. That's all right though.

    Edit: Testing: LinkBack2.jpg

    Yay it worked! Deb, I hope it's okay, but I love your idea and am going to use it if you don't mind.







    Edward suffers a heart attack. Tracy press charges. Luke is arrested for bigamy. Luke leaves town (week of November 27th). I believe they all came from different "scoopsters," but the 2nd and 3rd one seem to match. Heh.

  5. Sorry, nex, for the confusion.

    It's 4:30 central: breakroom? There's 7 people viewing this thread right now. Someone's bound to join, right?

    Edit: I bring bad news. Tracy's scene on the Haunted Star got cut. I just checked the ABC Media Net Photo. There are several other people in the background that weren't at the Spencer meeting. So, unless, there's another Haunted Star party the next night, and everyone is wearing the same clothes, and Tracy gets drunk again...the scene isn't airing. :( Tell me this doesn't mean anything. Or tell me it's a good thing.

    Edit #2: Eeeeeeee! The lovely Tracey has added a ton of new photos/articles to the gallery at the JE Forums: http://www.jane-elliot.com/galleries/index.php Want to see Tony/Jane kissing? Or Jane, barefoot in the sand, in overalls? Or Jane as Cynthia and Carrie? Those who haven't already, check 'em out. :) There's also an article on JE's hair throughout the years, "narrated" by Jane herself. (That article was *so* written for me and my hair obsession, LOL).






    Speaking of confusion, Wizard apparently spoiled that Helena IS at the wedding after SID said she's in Arkansas. SID also spoiled that Carly/Jax's wedding takes place the same day as Luke/Laura's. There were quotes from Guza and everything. Wizard, however, is spoiling that Carly steps aside and chooses not to get married on the LnL Anniversary. I'm getting kind of worried, because SID spoiled all the good Tracy stuff, so I hope it still plays out. (I'm assuming Wizard is correct/up-to-date since she gets the breakdowns 2 weeks in advance; SID gets their stuff way before hand, so it can be published and all that). Anyway, here's to hoping!

  6. Don't get too excited. No Tracy until the last 5 minutes. One scene. She walks in as Luke announces to the Spencers (plus Nik and Emily) that he's getting remarred. Enter Tracy with a drink in hand: "Oops. That could be a problem. In case it slipped your mind with all this excitement, you are married. To me." (give/take some words). It's still the same day, and so she's still drunk; I'm thinking the Nikolas/Emily/Tracy scene from the pictures will air tomorrow.

    And welcome back coolkid! Glad to see you and MinervaFan posting again!


    1. Go to My Controls (top middle-right of the page)

    2. In the left column, under Personal Profile, click "Edit Profile Information."

    3. Type in what you want where is says "Custom Member Title."

    Hope that helps!

  7. About yesterday's episode... (Some of this was posted to the JE Forums)

    Ooh! I got Trax! LOL! Very brief, and it was more CarJax plus Tracy than actual Trax, but still. She said his marriage to Carly would cost him a lot more than the tab that night. And Jax responded a rather rude, "Always a pleasure to see to Tracy. Have another drink." Not the best scene, but eh...I liked it better than the Laura/Tracy/Luke ones. And JE does Drunk!Tracy so well.

    We also had SkyLo and Tracy. She said Lila is rolling over in her grave because her name has been given to a gangster's daughter. Tracy leaves, and Skye asks, "You think she's all right?" Lorenzo and me are like, "Tracy?" Lorenzo actually said, "Tracy? No," as in she's not all right (*hugs Lo for a brief moment because he almost sounds like he cares*). And then it's revealed that Skye was talking about Lila Rae.

    The Luke/Laura/Tracy scenes were all right, I guess. I definitely got the Tracy is evil vibe; the music and the haunting "Laura, welcome home" was my first clue. I hate "evil" Tracy garbage.

    Anyway, not too much Tracy yesterday IMO. I was still kind of disappointed, but I've been having that kind of week. From spoilers and stuff, maybe I'll like next week better. Speaking of spoilers...







    Monday ~ Luke enlists Nikolas, Lucky, Lulu, Elizabeth, Bobbie, and Emily to keep the truth from Laura. No Tracy mentions, but I'm assuming she's on as a continuation from Friday. Also, Laura has an unsettling memory.

    Tuesday ~ Tracy agrees to keep her marriage to Luke a secret. She is too sweet.

    Wednesday ~ For some reason, there are no previews for Wednesday yet.

    Thursday ~ Luke and Laura decide to get married on November 16th. Is there when Tracy has the "pleasure" of walking in on the announcement? Because if it is, that's THREE days of Tracy Q. this week. Meanwhile, Laura begins to remember Rick's death.

    Friday ~ Laura begs Luke to tell her what happened that night. He is surprised by her reaction. Looks like no Tracy.







    Apparently, people do start gathering on the Haunted Star today. Tracy's obviously not going be following Luke/Laura to Beechers Corners, so I hope this means she is around after they go there. *shrugs* I have no idea. And poor Tracy. Finding out about Luke's plan to remarry Laura that way. Actually, this might be when she gets drunk as ILoveTracyQ mentioned. Eh, whatever. She's going to be on today regardless. :)

  9. So, I watched the scenes again, and yes, Jane rocks, but I wish we could've gotten more. Maybe tomorrow?

    Breakroom anyone? It's about 10pm central.

    Edit: Still in the breakroom for a little while longer. (It's 10:30 central) And *waves wildly to coolkid* coolkid, post something, please. Even if it's just to say hello. We've missed you so much!!!

  10. Aww, MinervaFan, you're so sweet. :)

    AND EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Wonderful, wonderful spoilers (for the most part IMO)!!! From Soaps In Depth!!!! (Try to ignore the "garden" part; you'll see what I mean; Luke is SO tacky, I swear.)







    From SoapZone. Thanks to Falenn.

    "Luke Races Against Time to Marry Laura"

    "I Do" or Die!

    Forever or a Day

    As Laura prepares to relive "the most romantic moment" of her life walking down the aisle on Luke/Laura's wedding anniversary...Will her past prevent her from being happy?

    Lucky wants to tell Laura the truth about what's been going on with him, but everyone convinces him not to do it, last thing his mom needs to hear and all. GF says they are afraid that they might say something that will send Laura back to her catatonic state.

    Luke convinces Tracy to not say a word about their "marriage" to Laura. AG says it's complicated because Luke does care for Tracy. They have this 'unique relationship' and it serves them very well. Tracy does warn Luke to be prepared and brace himself cause his world may come crashing down around him if at any time Laura's 'grasp' on stabilty shatters. But Luke convinces Laura that they will wed Thursday Nov. 16th.

    Laura overhears something between Lulu/Luke that something is up. She sees a pic of Ric that brings back bad memories for her. She heads to the attic (where she killed Rick) where Luke finds her. AG says Luke is terrified but Laura cant go on w/o knowing the truth. He tells her everything what happened except that her current "lucidity" is only temporary, will wear off which will take her back to her catatonic form.

    He says he took this chance cause Luke believes that Laura would have taken this risk for her children.

    Lucky finally tells her about all his troubles/life. Laura is very supportive and loving. GF says Laura sees her son stumbling in life like we all do. and has made choices to stomp stumbling. She is proud of him and she believes it's the right response.

    Tracy isn't that thrilled when Luke wants to marry Laura in the garden at the Q mansion. Tracy tries to convince Luke to tell her kids that Laura health will decline. But Luke wants to make this day special for Laura. Lucky is out of rehab and gets his job back and Nik deports Helena to Arkansas until after the wedding.

    Before walking down the isle Laura spends special time w/her children and offers them all encouragement. Expect 1 or 2 invited guests to the wedding, maybe even a drunk ....LnL wedding 'goes off w/o a hitch', except 1 will be joining them together. Luke hasn't told his kids everything and Laura will realize she has little time left.

    Also, GF's last air date is around November 22nd. It's Thankgiving on GH, but the Spencers celebrate Christmas because Laura will be in her catatonic state again by the time Christmas does come. All right. This is sad. Laura might be boring. But this is sad. And it might just be the song I'm listening to right now and RL, but I actually have tears in my eyes! Anyway...What are you thoughts?

    Edit: TracyLuv Dreaming of You is the song I mentioned in the breakroom. I would "right click, save target as." :)

  11. *waves*

    No TQ as far as I can tell, but no Luke/Laura either.

    Deb, I'd send the same letter to SOD and SOW too; one of them are bound to print it. :)






    According to Guza himself, 25 years after their first marriage, Luke/Laura tie the knot again. Guza laughs, "Tracy is not pleased."

    Well, of course, she isn't, but what's with the "laugh" Guza? You got something evil planned for her? Anyway, I feel like all these spoilers are contradicting themselves. Luke and Laura don't renew their vows. They do renew their vows. It's a fake wedding. It's a real wedding. Tracy agrees to keep the marriage a secret. Nikolas prevents Tracy from telling Laura about the marriage. *head spins*

  12. Wow. Slow day. I wish I could've been enjoying the holiday, but no...*shrugs* Been busy with other things.

    Happy Anniversary, Deb and Fey!

    ILoveTracyQ, I did the same thing when I posted the addresses however many months ago. (I went straight to the SkyLo CP at SZ, LOL, like you did) And thanks for the Emmy tribute clip. coolkid originally posted it at one of the Old SON's, but I lost it when I had to reformat my computer. And ditto on the hair. *shudders*

    Breakroom, maybe?

    Edited because I can't type, LOL.


    Click Me to see Helena/Tracy dressed as witches. The site with the better caps of this scene has been taken down, but this is still something. Anyway...Just trying to do something Halloween-y in the thread. ;) *passes out treats*

    And, ooh, I love all this optimism. :D

    Can't wait to see Tracy Thursday! Any chance we'll see her before then?

  14. Kind of OT, but I won't be around as much as usual. :(

    Let's see...I have this to share. It's a larger version of the media net photo. From her posture, I'm still guessing she's drunk. And looks like JE's had her hair done again. It's shorter and reddish.

    MinervaFan, oooh pretty to the avatars, and I love the fic as well. Hopefully, I'll have more detailed feedback later this week.

    ILoveTracyQ, so you think it's a good possibilty that the upcoming LnL marriage isn't a legal one?

    Oops, I forgot to add this: Apparently, someone from SD went on a set tour on Friday with her mom and 2 sisters, and when her mom got on the Quartermaine set, she got all choked up and completely lost it when she met Jane Elliot and John Ingle. The person said it was rather humilating, LOL, but that Jane and John were nice about it. Anyway, thought it was cute and figured I'd share.







    I vote the latter, MinervaFan. :(

    Lainey, I have some wonderful, wonderful spumors from SD. See, some spumors can be good:

    Insider, what happens in the Laura and Tracy scenes? Or the Laura and Lesley scenes? What happens between Luke and Tracy now that Laura is semi back?
    Clarification: The drug mirrors the same effect as the one in Awakenings.

    As for characters in TQ's "circle," Robert will be involved in the mob scene because of his involvement with Skye. The involvement is not romantic, however. Nothing on Robert/Luke or Robert/Tracy.

    Is the LuNacy stuff to good to be true? I read all the spoilers (Click the link if interested) the person posted. He/She is either right, or very good at speculating based on what we know because everything sounds realistic to me. Even the LuNacy bits (or that could just be me getting excited, LOL).

    A tid-bit of info. from the insider that I found hilarious: Most of the clothing is backslash on the actors.

    There's another another spumor from a different insider: Laura has some questions for Tracy.

    Any thoughts? I won't be around as much as I would like to be today, so when I come back, I better see a whole lot of posts, LOL. ;) Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

  16. Just a spumor Lainey, just a spumor, and the "insider" didn't even spell "Tracy" right...if that helps. On the bright side, if true, at least Tracy isn't being evil and refusing to step aside. And if there's a divorce, that means the marriage was acutally a legal one. And maybe, just maybe, once they're divorced, they'll realize how much they miss each other. How am I doing? :D

    Breakroom? Yes? No? Maybe?

    *waves to tracyluver who is lurking* We've missed ya!!!

    Edit: It's 8:35 central. I'll check back in the breakroom later since no one's around now.

    Edit #2: It's 10:30 central. I'm here.

  17. *tries not to get too excited*

    But...This could be GOOD for us.






    From a recap of a set tour (originally from SZ, reposted at SD):

    Actors that were present (either filming or around set): Tony, Jane, Ted, Becky, Steve, Natalia, Bergen, Sonja, John Ingle, Julie and Scott.

    The week these scenes will air: November 20th. Recapper believes it to be a Thanksgiving centric episode.

    No mention of Genie. And I find it interesting that the person listed TG and JE next to each other. Gives me the feeling that they're in scenes TOGETHER. Then again, I seriously doubt we're getting Epiphany and Edward scenes, so I guess there goes that theory, LOL.

    As far as the contract goes, JE returned on November 14th, and November 20th is close to that. Too hard to tell if she's re-signed or not. But...This is still something to hold onto right? Unless of course...Nah, I won't even mention it. Well, maybe...





    Unless JE was only around to unpack her dressing room. :o Darn it! Why do I even go there?!?

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