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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 11 hours ago, kalbir said:

    Y&R losing #1 is a clear sign that Josh Griffith needs to go.


    Not digging the Kansas rewrite to create another Victor/Adam conflict. Hopefully it'll blow up in Adam's face.


    The rest of the storylines are garbage time.

    Y&R has problems, but it did not lose #1. Those ratings last week were worthless, because Y&R was pre-empted or shortened most days. The ratings that came out today showed a huge surge for #Y&R and it’s securely back on top.


    i don’t like the Adam/Victor storyline either. They’ve gone this complete ruination route too many times. I really think the writing has let down Mark Grossman. He’s a great Adam, but his first months were just incredible— there was this mystery and strength about him that’s now gone.


    This Adam seems immature and childish and selfish, but without that mystery and strength. I blame the writing. 

  2. 2 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    They're determined to make S2 unlikable - she was written as a complete psycho in Thursday's episode. It was all over the place just today S2 mentioned loving Wyatt, saving Wyatt from 'baby stealer,' sending flowers to Flo, how easy it was to manipulate Katie, actually having real symptoms, badgering that doctor, the WALKER and makeup.


    Since B&B is literal - S2 'fake' sees a snake, we learn the only thing that scare her are snakes (really?) and Wyatt mentions that to Flo, who will like be on her way to an exotic pet store by Friday! 


    Bottom line: CH is great, despite this mess because Thally is really the goal here.   

    Yeah, crazy Sally is too much for me. B&B ruins female characters by the boatload.

  3. 13 hours ago, juppiter said:

    How many times are people gonna pull guns on each other? This is getting ridiculous. Reminds me of this South Park episode where everyone pulls guns on each other. 


    I agree. It’s just so damn ridiculous with all these guns. Also ridiculous?  Characters having their minds taken over by someone else. This show has been a suckfest.

  4. 10 hours ago, VanessaReardon said:

    That’s hysterical that B&B surpassed Y&R. It has been building for the last year since the stupid re-hiring of Griffith, who failed twice before as headwriter. Hadn’t Y&R been #1 in viewers every single week for thousands of weeks in a row?? Now that record is shattered. What have though done CBS by allowing Griffith to stay?

    I repeat, the week’s ratings are worthless and I’m guessing CBS is ignoring them.


    There is NO WAY Y&R loses over 200k viewers in one week whole BOLD picks up over 400k. The only explanation is that Y&R was pre-empted or cut a

    most every day.

  5. 8 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Wow at the just-posted ratings. And it’s behind both B&B and GH in 25-54.

    Those ratings are worthless. YR was pre-empted or shortened 3 or 4 days, and one day it aired for only 4 minutes. The ratings show an enormous loss of over 200k for the week while B&B picks up more than 400k. 

    Sorry, that makes no sense, and is proof the ratings for that week should be ignored.

  6. These ratings are completely worthless. WAY too many YR pre-emptions and interruptions to mean anything.


    You mean the same week YR loses 250k viewers, BOLD picks up over 400k? Sorry — that makes no sense. None. 

    YR hasn’t been good, but I’ll still take it before B&B, which to me is a repetitive, ridiculous POS. If YR was written that way, people would lose their sh-it over how bad it is.

  7. 13 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    No lies. I hate Kevin. I don't share the dislike for Rikaart though. Leo on DAYS was a much better fit for him. I was so upset to hear he was coming to DAYS but man was Leo a breath of creepy fresh air.

    Agree with you about Rikaart on DAYS. Kevin on YR is tired, but I’d hardly call him corrosive. I do think the criticism over his mean tweet is just ridiculous, especially since Rikaart has shown himself to be a pretty damn good person.


    As far as tired on YR goes, so is the Mariah and Tessa relationship. My God, I think it sucks, and these recent scenes made me cringe.


    i mean, Mariah walks on stage at a concert and outs Tessa for being cheated on in front of a huge audience??? THIS is a love affair??? Who DOES that? Just horrible writing.

  8. I’m sick of people going to jail on this show. I mean, it’s just ridiculous.


    And the docks? People still go there to hang with all the shootings going on? Really?


    Cam and Trina look good together, but that first romantic kiss was a big fail. Both of them pursed their lips so tight I started laughing. They practically missed each others’ lips, too. Someone needs direction.

  9. 6 hours ago, edgeofnik said:


    Is it just me, or did that come completely out of the blue? Seriously, there's been absolutely no hint. OC, I love it because it takes a lot to surprise me.


    Quote I love from next week: 

      Hide contents

    Quinn: "As they say, payback is a YOU!"


    It’s AWFUL writing, in my opinion. Why can’t a poorly treated woman on this show just walk out on a guy and give him the finger while telling him to kiss her ass? Women are always turned into horrible witches exacting revenge. 

    This is not in character for Sally and makes her seem like a rotten person.

  10. On 3/20/2020 at 12:00 AM, Paul Raven said:


    Keeping it classy Greg... let's put it down to him not feeling well.

    Greg Rikaart is a good guy, and I have no problem with him answering a rude mean girl this way. She was bitchy and he responded. So what?


    He didn’t attack her personally, but made it clear that she was ignorant. Soap Twitter can get out of hand, so why shouldn’t he respond in kind.


    There is NOTHING here to fire him for, either.

  11. I still can’t make sense out of these ratings. In the 3 listed demos, YR shows a total audience gain of +4000.  However, in total audience, it has a total of -55,000.


    So what demo has the big loss if those listed show a GAIN? Are we supposed to believe that all the loss occurred in the over-55 age demo???


    And how does it make sense that only that demo would show huge losses? Sorry, I think their sample must be reall6 small, and it just doesn’t work.

  12. 19 hours ago, Michele Soap Writer said:

    Wow! That is A LOT! Thank you for recapping all of that for me! Damn, Phyllis has really been around the block and back again many times! That is crazy! I remember JT from many years ago. I do remember vaguely Victoria with him (it was probably the first time she was). Yes, Diane Jenkins, I remember her! I think she was also involved with Victor at one point. Oh yea, I remember Nina was with Jill's son Phillip and then had his son who was also phillip. I used to love Nina and Ryan. I dont remember at all Neil and Dru adopting a child. I only  remember them having Lily. It must have been after I stopped watching the show. Well maybe this time they can make Phyllis and Nick stick? I hate it when they constantly break up couples and put them back together. Once or twice, okay, but more than that is too much.

    also I agree with you about Amanda and Nate. I cant stand Billy and they dont have much chemistry. I sense they are going in the direction of a love triangle, though. I hate Nate's hair, though. I dont know what it with the guys on this show but most of them have terrible hair lol

    You hate Nate’s hair? HUH???

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