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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 9 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    Or the show should write stories that they can tell with the budget they have.  There was excitement to be had for a story like this, without a train station in Paris.


    Even though Tomlin’s runs were not my favorite, with some tweaks and stories for the vets, I think what he did was smart for the type of show they are capable of producing.  I just wish he had used more of the canvas.

    Exactly right — that’s what needs to be done. If you can’t afford it, don’t try to do it without a budget. 

  2. 13 hours ago, VanessaReardon said:

    These random episodes are getting old already. Yawn!! 1998 to 2003 to 2012? WTF! Just show Y&R from the beginning. 

    You’re complaining about these episodes? Huh? I think they’re incredible. 

    BTW, I just watched a couple episodes from 1973 — and trust me, no one wants to see Y&R from the beginning. It was not the show it came to be.

  3. 11 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    So would I. Hoping that sooner or later, ABC or Frank sees what Y&R and B&B are doing and gets the picture 

    Don’t hold your breath. Frank doesn’t care what we think or want. Check his tweets about the show == he’s clueless.


    He tags actors, invariably setting them up for attacks from viewers unhappy with story or the actor him/herself. Today he said Kelly Monaco “crushed it” in her scenes with Brando. Just embarrassing.


    And he NEVER responds to comments or questions. I honestly don’t think he gives a sh_it.


  4. I hate the mob stuff because it’s so unrealistic.


    These guys go to the docks and there’s NEVER a cop around. Not a single police officer in sight — even though every shootout takes place on those docks. In addition, would mob bosses like Sonny and Cyrus show up there? They wouldn’t.


    ”It’s just a soap” doesn’t work for me. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Interesting wrinkle having Abby start to lose her mind again the day Stefan pops up.

    OK, but does the go-to plot have to be “She loses her mind” for one female character after another?


    5 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    Sonny 🐻and that damn suit. It probably smells of sweat and farts. Was it me or were Ben and Stefan/Jake giving off homoertic vibes? Oh Wow a new set. Will's rocking that polo shirt.





    I think Sonny keeps Cheetos in his suit pockets. Seriously, he looks like hell. Grinning Will needs a new jersey, because that one is tired.


    Homoerotic vibes? Most definitely. And most welcome. More to come, I hope.


    BTW, Kristen allowing Brady to take the fall for stabbing Victor? She’s scum.

  6. 12 hours ago, Errol said:


    Thanks! I just saw the same thing happening to me on Hulu. Made sure to add record. Much appreciated.

    "Becoming Bold & Beautiful" is actually quite good. Definitely gives credence to the behind-the-scenes of a soap plot that we've seen by these indie producers and former soap writers.

    on your dvr, you have to change RECORD NEW EPISODES ONLY to RECORD NEW AND REPEAT EPISODES.

  7. 9 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Yeah, I don't really like them either. But like Tristan Rogers said, it's better than the alternative

    I don’t see how these flashbacks are better than the alternative. I’d rather see classic episodes (like those on Y&R) rather than these padded episodes of annoyance. There is nothing good about these flashbacks. They don’t work and they add nothing.

  8. 4 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    We usually agree about things but why? Kristen is a murderer who doesn't deserve to be happy with Brady much less be a mother. Victor is no saint either. What happened to good VS evil in soaps? There is no rooting value for either one. I have no reason to care for this story except that Sarah should keep Kristen's offspring. 

    I think we’re in the minority, but I agree with you. Both Kristen and Victor are pretty awful people. Victor has done so many horrendous things I’ve lost count. I like John Aniston, but Victor should have been stabbed long ago.

    Kristen is a psycho bitch who pretended to be sane for a couple months. I can’t root for her, either, and to be honest, I miss Eileen Davidson too much in the role to care what happens to Kristen.


    i have to add that Stacy Haiduk makes me CRAZY with that thing she does with her voice, going low and getting guttural. She does it all the time, and I hate it. It’s not acting.

  9. On 4/22/2020 at 10:01 PM, All My Shadows said:

    No problem. My early soap education was provided by WoST, so knowledge of these things is second nature for me :lol:

    Here's Bright Promise's opening and closing credits. The GH connections are definitely strong.



    Thanks for the Bright Promise open and close, Shadows -- really interesting, but that is not the theme I remember. I must be recalling one used later in the show's run, a pretty piano (I think LOL) theme. I honestly don't recall this theme at all, although so many names in the credits have to be familiar to GH fans -- the Hursleys, Gloria Monte, Susan Brown, David Lewis, and more.

  10. Still not believable that Victor would turn over his entire company to Adam just to spare him finding out he caused a death when he was 11. At that point, he would have told the whole story, so none of this works for me.


    Also, what’s with Kyle — one day later — feeling guilty about firing Theo? Ridiculous. I also don’t accept Jack going along with the firing and turning on Theo as he did. 

  11. 3 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    That HTSAM opening is actually fan-created using an audio clip from the actual show. I don't think we've seen any clips of the actual HTSAM opening (or RTPP, either).

    There were a few soaps throughout the 50s-70s that featured a cast member's name. In the 50s, Love of Life credited maybe two or three performers in its opening each day along with acknowledgements for hair, makeup, and wardrobe. The short-lived 1965 soap Paradise Bay credited actor Keith Andes (and maybe Marion Ross, too?). Bright Promise credited Dana Andrews in the opening, and AMC credited Rosemary Prinz for her six-month stint at the beginning of the show's run.


    Thanks for the corrections, Shadows. I should know better than to repeat information I find on You Tube LOL.


    I remember Bright Promise from when I was a kid -- I loved it and was upset when it was canceled. It was set in a college town, and the main story was about a professor cheating on his wife with a student. Tony Geary is always mentioned as Luke on GH, but I remember him vividly on BP, and he even sang and played the guitar on the show. I recall the theme very well, but can't find it anywhere.

  12. Does anyone remember HOW TO SURVIVE A MARRIAGE? It ran for only about 15 months, replacing RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE in 1974 and was set up as sort of a "women's lib" soap about divorce and infidelity, etc.  I think their open was the first to use an actor's name in the open credits of a soap opera.



    TEXAS premiered in 1980 when ANOTHER WORLD was cut from 90 to 60 minutes. It lasted only about  2 1/2 years and was daytime's response to DALLAS. 




    Just a year into the show, TEXAS ran with this theme, still making Beverlee McKinsey the big draw. Ratings were never great, and when BM left, it was all over.



  13. 4 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    I like the first half of that, but they structured the ending all wrong. The music just sits there while all of this interesting stuff is happening on screen. The original arrangement was perfect and should’ve never been changed.


    I agree completely -- a change that wasn't needed and is infinitely worse. The ending sounds like it underwent an edit, for God's sake.

  14. Regarding the Corinthos kitchen....


    Will they ever buy stools so they can sit at the island and talk? Or are they forever doomed to stand at the kitchen island forever? It’s just stupid, and not simply because of that green monstrosity that they call decor. 

    Standing around and talking never seemed more ridiculous on a soap than it does in the kitchen of Sonny and Carly.

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