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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. Yeah, the distancing is obvious, but the complaints here are too much, in my opinion. What do you want them to do? We either deal with distancing or we get more wedding repeats.


    The acting was not atrocious, unless you think it’s always horrendous. If that’s the case, why the hell are you watching the show? The acting was no better and no worse than it always is.

  2. 3 hours ago, Vee said:


    Do you really think word doesn't get around in this industry?

    I know the word gets around, and I know how tough the industry was on gay people.


    But the fact is that a Terry Lester had a good job. By all accounts, he quit that job, leaving on his own. While gay people were cheated out of roles, plenty of gay people were also hired. 

    I didn’t post here to argue about gays in entertainment. I am gay and I know all about society and the way people deal with LGBTQ+ people. My point was that there is no evidence that Terry Lester was blackballed because of his sexuality.

  3. 2 hours ago, Chris 2 said:

    Terry Lester was terrific. He should have gone on to a primetime career. His sexuality had a lot to do with the fact that he didn’t.

    Terry Lester was great, but where’s the evidence that being gay cost him a career in prime time? He wasn’t out, and there were no rumors about him. Other closeted actors had careers in prime time and movies, so I’m not buying this about Lester. 

  4. 14 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    The Ben/Marlena scene was great today. The only problem was it was about 2 years too late. 


    That was a great scene with Ben and Marlena, but what happened when she left didn’t make sense to me.


    i don’t understand why Ben then had another Jordan vision. The Marlena visit should’ve wiped that from his head, so that didn’t work for me.

  5. 15 hours ago, All My Shadows said:


    I used to have a pipe dream that Antenna TV, which AFAIK has access to the Sony library, would rerun the 70s episodes in the mornings and post-primetime. Seeing this look so beautiful on my screen, I absolutely believe it could work.


    Honestly, I’d love to watch the entire series again — beginning in 1973. Do you agree with me that there’d be an audience for it?


    I’d be willing to pay for it, too. They could upload it to CBS All Access and I’ll subscribe, or I’d pay a fee to watch it somewhere else. There are a lot of years I’d love to watch again.

  6. I think the actress playing Allie is terrific. Honestly, i don’t see how they could have cast the role any better. 

    The wedding was fine. Cliche? Yeah, but then Sami got there and did her thing. Drake’s facial expressions never disappoint. Love it when the terrible actor in him comes out.


    Jake as a twin? Predictable but acceptable. Barash gets to play a different character and seems to enjoy it. Let’s see where it goes.


    Will and Sonny are SO bad. They should both turn in their gay cards for being useless, boring, and hopeless. Sonny’s big dumpy suits look like they smell.

  7. Today’s episode was awful. I hated it when it aired and I hate it more now.


    It’s Josh Griffith at his worst as Executive Producer — a short arc that is out of nowhere and meaningless to future story. MAB was headwriter, so I don’t know who to blame more.


    Michael Edward Gross was great on Family Ties, but he is so miscast as this ashram guru. Terrible performance. What a waste to spend money on that set.


    This episode did remind me just how good Emily O’Brien was as Jana, and how they screwed up her character. She’d be great to still have around.


    The rest of the show was really low energy.  This episode should have been left in the vault.

  8. 10 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

     Olivia is a sanctimonious hypocrite towards Malcolm.

    As much as I miss Olivia on the canvas, i have to agree — she was SO sanctimonious SO often, and such a hypocrite, with Malcolm, with Nate, and with others. She’s inflexible and stubborn as hell, and often very moody.


    These classic episodes have shown us an Olivia who is REALLY hard to like.

  9. The 0.3 demo rating and 3M viewers was much better than expected. When the ceremony was last carried in 2015,  only 900k viewers watched. 

    I can’t see dumping on the audience size or on the show itself. Yes, it was largely pre-taped, but it was without glitches and treated the genre respectfully. Hopefully we get a show next year and we’re all through this virus. 

  10. Why was Ashley SO concerned about Nikki? She was with Victor, and I really don’t understand her uber-concern over Nikki’s health, sleeping in, etc.  

    This episode reminded me of how often Bill Bell’s writing frustrated me. All these scenes and conversations with Nikki, but no one tells her what they’re thinking? No one says “You were bombed and passed out”?

    Jack cried while saying he felt like hitting her, yet he couldn’t tell her what was going on when she was sober. Just ridiculous.

  11. 14 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Braeden won for his scenes with Adam/Victor Jr. 


    VR probably should have won for this ep too. Looking back it’s just criminal that neither VR and TLW ever won for their powerful work in the 90’s by the Emmys. 

    I like EB, but those scenes did not merit an Emmy. Don’t they submit scenes from two different shows? Because those scenes with young Adam don’t do it, at least not for me. They were sweet, but that’s about it.

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