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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 7 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    It’s been happening off and on now for like the last 4 years. He literally keeps failing at killing her and John and just pops back up to fail again each year.


    I feel like the blackout is ruining some of the momentum the show had been building up. I’m tired of Clyde and Orpheus.


    Still crazy to think we’re not getting an official goodbye for the character of Hope after all these years.

    It’s just ridiculous that these guys keep coming back to do the same thing time and time again — and failing. It’s maddening to watch.

  2. 6 hours ago, Chatty Cakes said:

    I thought Zoe was supposed to be a model? When she modeled that ugly dress for Zende she looked like a lumbering idiot.

    She really did, and even offering to wear that for Zende was weird. A fashion house has no models available? She’s nothing but a hoe.


    i still don’t get why Zoe went all the way over to Carter’s place to turn down his request that she move in with him. Witch.

  3. 9 hours ago, Chatty Cakes said:

    Her clothing is awful. For awhile she was always in these dumb caftans. She is extremely unbelievable as a the figure head of a fashion line. She is a disgusting person.

    Carter should leave this idiot Zoe alone. She is a slut on the come up and nothing else. Carter and Steffy would be a beautiful couple.
    I don’t mind a Finn at lease he’s not idiot boy Liam. 
    Poor Thomas is a handsome man and should have a lady in his life. Not moping after his whore stepmoms bastard daughter.


  4. 16 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Can B&B please stop playing those creepy over the top musical cues every time someone goes to hug and/or kiss the mannequin? It’s ridiculous now.

    And Carter and Zoe standing 30 yards apart while they talk about moving in together? My God.


    Are directors telling the actor playing Carter to be as dull as possible? He’s a great looking guy, and he’s playing this as drily as he can.


    Making it worse? He doesn’t catch on when Zoe and Zende give looks of longing to each other RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM.

  5. 4 hours ago, Chatty Cakes said:

    Usually they would shove a meeting full of people down our throats. There would be one special person that Steffy would take under her wing. (like Daizee and some of the other PSA storylines)

    So change the way it’s usually covered. Show Steffy going through a process — not some ridiculous descent into addiction in 3 days followed by a warp-speed recovery.


    All that only to get to what we’ve seen before — Liam coveting the woman he’s not with?

  6. 4 hours ago, Chatty Cakes said:

    Why is Hope choosing designers for her line? She is just a face for a dopey message of the moment type of line. Ridge or Steffy should do the hiring of designers. 
    The rehab is hard to shoot since they have to sit far apart and watch videos due to COVID. Although I liked high Steffy telling Brooke and Hope off, it’s best she recovers. 


    I don’t know why rehab is harder to shoot than anything else. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Ashley was spot on (although no one should be sorry if poor Victor suffers blowback)

    Yet the viewers are expected to want to watch the exploits of this vile contemptible human being everyday and feel sorry for him'

    He should be in jail and off the show.

    Thank God that every soap character who’s done vile contemptible things isn’t thrown off the show. There’d hardly be any cast left.

  8. 9 hours ago, Chatty Cakes said:

    I can’t get into this anymore. I took a break when I went back to work. Today I was home early and just can’t bother. I don’t know what it is. I don’t like Phyllis. I liked Hilary but not Amanda. I like Theo and Lola but they aren’t on today. The Newman’s are all dull to me. This Adam story is ridiculous. 
    is it the writing? Did the break with the classics ruin the current stories? 

    What’s the sense in responding? You can’t get into it any more.

  9. 22 hours ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    I think that RC has mostly been good for "Days," esp. following Griffith & Higley.  But he has crazy missed the mark on whatever attempt he thinks he's making at current events/seriously important social movements.  Last year, they literally made a soapy, funny joke out of #MeToo on "Chad and Abby in Paris."  And while I thought JJ/Theo was a powerful, compelling STORYLINE (though totally plot-driven), it wasn't JUST a storyline.  It was impossible not to read it as social commentary and the fact that anyone in charge of this show thought a Blue Lives Matter storyline was a good idea.......... I'll leave that there.


    They should not be touching this with a ten foot pole.  Tripp will likely be vindicated and, again, there's no way to not read this as social commentary on #MeToo, women accusing men, blurry consent, etc.  These are conversations we should be having with our friends and family, and in a larger social, legal platform . . . but the messaging from a soap with a BAD track record with this stuff will never move this forward in any positive way.  It'll be the exact opposite outcome.  It's reckless and irresponsible.  And if it isn't and Tripp is guilty . . . holy $hit, what a waste of Lucas Adams AGAIN.  If they actually write and produce an effective date rape story, the perp shouldn't be a character played by an actor with his potential.  Just my opinion.

    Agree completely about the rape story. It’ll be an absolute mess. I can’t see any way the story works in a responsible way. Ron’s track record is just so bad.

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