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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 3 hours ago, pdm1974 said:

    I remember way back then thinking CN was much more handsome than Ronn Moss. CN was downright dreamy. Even though he wasn't the best actor, I hated it when he was replaced.

    I agree with all of you. CN was really good looking. Mentioning his acting seems ridiculous to me, because Ronn Moss was SO much worse. I was LOL at how bad Moss was in this episode. Just tragically bad acting.


    The Katie scene with Brooke was also hilarious (and no, I’m not making light of attempted rape). Brooke’s story about the assault was a mess, and didn’t align in any way with how her dress was ripped. 

    Was she in that van or what? With two guys on top of her and all over her, how did she see all these “people across the street”? What a disaster that dialogue is.

  2. 40 minutes ago, te. said:


    And this is the main issue - I don't have a problem with them going there (soaps of ye olden DAYS did deal with sensitive/contoversial issues after all), but as someone said: if they were going there, they needed to do it properly. And in all honesty, it's not the budget that's the issue here, but the fact that Ron's writing doesn't exactly lend itself to devle into this sort of introspective writing. It's a bit like trying to run before you can even crawl in his case.


    I guess it's a small blessing that he didn't have Ben run into there, shirtless and trying to resuscite her, Ciara screaming in the background and Maggie waking up exclaiming "My hero and everyone's hero of Salem! I'm completely cured of my depression by the power of your salicious lips", which at least shows some progression in the writing. Small steps, small steps.

    NONE of them reacted with Maggie with enough emotion except for Xander. To me, the others seemed laid back in hearing the truth and in worrying about her. Just ridiculous.

    7 hours ago, victoria foxton said:



    Freddie left out that his scenes with Chandler were cut because they’re so damn boring.


    Speaking of Chandler, he GRINNED today when talking to Maggie after her failed suicide attempt. And no, it wasn’t an appropriate acting choice.

  3. Harping on Shemar Moore’s acting as green is ridiculous, in my opinion. Just what did you want him to do? To show? To be?


    As many have said, he’s Hoyas he’ll — total eye candy. He plays cool and smooth, and he’s believable. What more did you want?


    i loved those Malcolm. And Neil scenes, but there weren’t enough of those two. The courtroom scenes were deadly and boring. I wish they had cut those and had done 40 minutes of Malcolm and Neil in the beginning.

  4. 9 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Lol these 1991 episodes revolving around Eric & Brooke’s wedding and then now Eric & Brooke’s honeymoon are hilariously over the top with too much pompous grandiose, especially since the would end up divorced they following year. 

    Agree completely. I feel that way about all of their weddings— just ridiculous, and the vows are hysterical because we know none of it lasts or means anything.


    This episode LOOKED really old and dated, too — those long, lingering looks, the camera pans that lasted forever, the hot air balloon that’s supposed to give you the feels while it’s a cliche from hell.

  5. 8 hours ago, ironlion said:

    SOAP net did that for GH classics back in the day.


    Cable went out and didn't record today's episode, found out it was from 2014 so not a tragedy😂😂😂

    The 2014 episode was nothing special. Competent, and that’s it. Poor music, far too many storylines in one episode, dialogue that was nothing special at all, missing any energy or urgency. I didn’t care what happened on the next episode.

  6. 10 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    As much as I'd prefer a classic, or a non-Frank episode of GH in general, I will admit that I really did enjoy the flashback episode that they're showing today when it was first on. I thought it was done really well, and that it tried to include those classic family and friend moments that you don't often see on soaps a lot nowadays.

    The trouble was that those classic moments in flashbacks were WAY too brief. Most were cut off before viewers could feel any emotion.

  7. 14 hours ago, VanessaReardon said:

    So you surveyed Every single viewer? rme

    That’s not what I said, and you know it. The episodes from the first couple years don’t represent what the show became or is known for. The show’s history is not there — not in production or acting. 

    I watched those eps out of curiosity, believing they’d be interesting, and good. I was bored. I think you have to go to the late ‘70s  to see the good stuff.


    But thanks for the snark. 

  8. On 5/11/2020 at 7:22 PM, Antoyne said:

    Mike's finally dying? Jesus.

    It’s beyond ridiculous. Even worse? Sonny sayin* to Mike “I want to know what you want” and “Tell me what you’re thinking.”


    isn’t this asswipe supposed to have an understanding of Alzheimer’s? Instead, we’re told to feel bad that frickin SONNY isn’t getting what he needs. Awful.

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