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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 42 minutes ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    I thought on paper, the Will/Sonny scenes were good because they added a little humor, called back to the baby talk on the night of the baby switch (Adrienne's death taking up so much space this week is a great dimension added to the switch reveal), and, most importantly, it was the narrative thread of the episode.  That is SO important because it adds a lot of credibility to the storytelling.  Part of why soaps are considered "low" for me is because there's very little cohesive structure... figuring out how tie disparate characters/stories together thematically in the daily shows goes a long way.  When Lorraine Broderick was breakdown writer for TomSell, she was really good at this.


    What didn't work for me was Chandler Massey & Freddie Smith... they have basically completely lost their spark.  It's such a shame.  Chandler not only smirks 24/7, but he plays Will as usually always really happy... it doesn't track for the character, and there's little variation.  But Freddie is the one who has become almost unwatchable... there's always something annoying with him--either ridiculously saccharine (like wide-eyed) or hella pouty.  I really, really used to like these guys, too.  Both of them were so much better with Christopher Sean, and when he left was when I really started noticing how unpalatable they were becoming.


    Agree with all of that, except that I find Massey worse than Smith, only because I think he has more talent -- and completely wastes it. Yes, Chandler is good looking, but if that's not enough for Brock, it's not enough for Chandler. CM and FS have been ruining scenes and episodes for a long time, and clearly no one said a word to them about it. Neither one of them respects the material -- and that means they don't respect the show.


    There are so many good actors who don't work enough or work at all, and it's a frickin shame to see these two stink up the screen. They should have been fired much sooner.

  2. 6 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I don’t remember Emme Rylan being as bad on GL and Y&R as she is as Lulu. Am I having selective amnesia? She looks like a Spencer but she’s just so awkward to watch. 


    Agree with everything @titan1978 says. 


    I have to agree with you. I think she's terrible on GH. She's awkward and I'm to the point where I even find her voice annoying. Can actors regress?

    3 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Easy, Sonny. Yes, Nikolas hurt Spencer really badly but it’s not like he shot him or slept with his girlfriend or almost got him killed. Seriously, who behind the scenes thinks that Sonny criticizing and lecturing people about the bad things they’ve done is a good idea?


    ^^^THIS^^^   Honestly, I wanted to throw my remote at the screen when Sonny stared down Nikolas and acted like Father of the Year. I wanted to throw up. The writers are doing MB no favors with that kind of writing.

  3. Every Will and Sonny scene today was ruined by Chandler and Freddie grinning and smiling through every line. It's just unbelievable how they cannot play even one scene where they show respect  to the material.


    Even in small doses, they're BAD and they ruin the scene. I know I harp on this, but neither of these guys should ever work in the business again. That Chandler grin at the end of the show was HORRENDOUS.


    And giving them another kid? Another kid they can ignore? Sorry, they're boring enough.

  4. Ingo is fuc_king clueless and ignorant about race, pretty much claiming racism doesn’t even exist enough to be talked about. He continually tells people to stop talking about it — while he stirs things up.


    His supporters (including many kiss ass soap fans) weigh in with ugly comments which he NEVER denies because he apparently enjoys the mess. He thanks people for sticking up for him and acts as if he’s some New Age man. Actually, he’s an ignorant right wing jerkwad.


    NLG had the right to block him if she wanted. Did he have to do an entire post on her? No. The dick knew his fans would weigh in and trash Nancy, which they’ve done. Of course, he’s silent about all the gross things they’re posting about her.


    Bottom line, he’s worthless.

  5. 13 hours ago, YRBB said:


    Y&R wanted to cut down her episode guarantees/money and she walked.

    Yep, she walked away from a great role — while she now is apparently fine with a lousy role that gives her a couple Emmy showcases a year (cue the sobbing, the crying, the screaming,  and the dying). The character of a Katie is all over the place, and while Heather Tom has multiple Emmys, that role is nothing to brag about.


    Bottom line, she’s been gone from Y&R for 17 years. In my mind,Amelia Heineken is Victoria, and I’m happy with her.

    13 hours ago, YRBB said:


    Y&R wanted to cut down her episode guarantees/money and she walked.

    Yep, she walked away from a great role — while she now is apparently fine with a lousy role that gives her a couple Emmy showcases a year (cue the sobbing, the crying, the screaming,  and the dying). The character of a Katie is all over the place, and while Heather Tom has multiple Emmys, that role is nothing to brag about.


    Bottom line, she’s been gone from Y&R for 17 years. In my mind,Amelia Heineken is Victoria, and I’m happy with her.

  6. 2 hours ago, Chris B said:


    I feel it works, particularly with Traci because she has always been the forgotten child. John loved her dearly, but he always made it clear Ashley was his favorite and with Jabot Jack got more attention as well. Dina has always forgotten Traci even without Alzheimers, so now I get her feeling of loss. I feel she understands the reality of the situation, but it doesn't make it easier when you don't have those good times to fall back on.

    I appreciate all that you mentioned. That doesn’t mean they have to write the Abbotts as clueless about the disease. That’s the problem I have. By now, a family this far into their mother’s bout with Alzheimer’s would be fully aware of the stuff these 3 are shocked by.

  7. Traci’s sobbing over Dina was too much. How can these people know so little about Alzheimer’s? Why are they so shocked about every single thing Dina says or does?  And where’s the full-time nurse that a wealthy family would have for their mother?


    WTF would Jack entrust Kyle and Theo come up with a plan to re-brand Jabot? Who’s writing these business stories?


    And hotels. Abby buys land to build a hotel and a week later it’s being built? No meetings with architects? No contracts with anyone?  The Grand Phoenix is built so poorly that every sound from the outside comes through the walls? I hate shi_tful  writing Like this.

  8. 10 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Jordan went to Internal Affairs and the DOJ and told them about Taggert and their partners falsifying evidence to send Cyrus to prison and he was released. And because of that he let TJ go. Offscreen, Cyrus had his men drop TJ off at GH.

    And that’s the problem with GH. Characters go in and out of jail like crazy, and in the course of a year, it seems like everyone in town has been jailed. Worse? Characters get out for ridiculous, bogus reasons.


    Molly with Brandon? Sorry, no way would he be into her. Just doesn’t work, especially with her lack of maturity and that annoying, grating whine of a voice.

  9. 7 hours ago, Michele Soap Writer said:

    What was the point of having Mariah go on tour with Tessa only to go back home to be with Sharon after only a day? And then Tessa's tour ended another day or two after that? REALLY??!!!! Here I thought we wouldnt be seeing Mariah and Tessa for a couple of months (wishful thinking)

    Just another example of Josh Griffith’s horrendous story arcs that we’re apparently supposed to enjoy for their few days and then forget about them.


    The entire Mariah and Tessa story arc can now be forgotten, I guess. Why they had Tessa go on tour at all is the question, as is why Mariah cheated. None of it matters.

  10. 12 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    I was watching the Noon news and forgot to change the channel because I was on a Con Call.  When I looked up, I saw a show that was watchable, and realized it was a rerun Classic Episode.  More of this, Please.  I might actually watch.  It might have been a little campy, but I was watching.  I've never watched anything other than CBS.  I actually think now that DAYS could romp over this.  Never would have believed it.  

    DAYS could romp over this? In what universe? How does that even happen?


    You need A LOT of changes to DAYS before it gets good, let alone romps over anything.

    9 hours ago, VanessaReardon said:

    Jamey Giddens, who I absolutely do NOT want anywhere near Y&R, would take the job in a second. There are writers out there. You’re naive. 

    And why not? Giddens did a great job on story with Ambitions, so I don’t know why he wouldn’t work at Y&R.

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