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Posts posted by JAS0N47

  1. 15 hours ago, GLATWT88 said:

    On a separate note, I don't understand CBS's motivation to part with SFT. Its numbers have dipped from a year ago when it was performing very well, but so have YR's. Either way, the numbers are still reasonable. It could have easily been retuned, although its dip most likely had to do with timeslot change more than anything else. 

    I wonder if demos weren't as great due to it being an older soap. 

    Search for Tomorrow
    1981-1982 TV Season Demos (as of 3/26/82, last CBS telecast)
    117 telecasts, 6.8 rating, 23 share; 5,540,000 viewers
    TOTAL: 1266

    LADY OF HOUSE: 772
    TOTAL WOMEN: 885
    18-34: 187
    18-49: 374
    25-54: 351
    35-64: 408
    55+: 452
    TOTAL MEN: 266
    18-34: 59
    18-49: 93
    25-54: 78
    35-64: 102
    55+: 155
    TOTAL TEENS (12-17): 50
    TEEN GIRLS: 35
    TEEN BOYS: 15
    TOTAL KIDS (2-11): 65
    2-5: 36
    6-11: 29

    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 4/5/82-4/9/82 & 4/12/82-4/16/82:




  2. 5 minutes ago, will81 said:

    Awesome, I had thought that was the case but could never confirm the Jan 31 pre-emption. Thank you for this

    Is it definitely Jan 27??? As I thought it was Jan 28 for the Challenger explosion. That's interesting if it was Jan 27

    The preemptions are Tue 1/28 and Fri 1/31.   The first column is always the "Week of", so it's the "Week of 1/27-1/31" The notes column states the preemptions are Tuesday and Friday.

  3. 56 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    I'm excited to see the rest of those years!! :D I think 1986 is another year we kind of weren't sure with Y&R preemptions for January, so it will be great to see. 

    I just looked at the January 1986 charts. YR preempted twice that month:

    1/27/86-1/31/86    Young and the Restless    CBS    8.6    27    206    99    Preempted Tuesday- CBS News Special Report/Friday- Memorial Service: Challenger

  4. 1 minute ago, YRfan23 said:

    you are on a role! :D 


    All the time frames are at a different point in the prep period:

    1980-1981 is fully posted.

    1982 is fully done and ready to post.

    1983-1985 charts need to be sorted & cropped.

    1986 is being typed up, with 1987 to type up next.

    So, all in all, things are moving along smoothly with the ratings!

  5. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    I wish we had demos regularly available back then.

    All of the demos (the demo average of the 2-week Nielsen time frame in each book) are available, so any specific demos needed prior to 1991 will be available. 

    1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    I wish we had demos regularly available back then.

    General Hospital Demos for Luke/Laura Wedding
    1981-1982 TV Season Demos (38 telecasts as of 11/20/81):
    12.0 rating/39 share/9,780,000 viewers
    TOTAL: 1298
    LADY OF HOUSE: 791
    TOTAL WOMEN: 857
    18-34: 437
    18-49: 613
    25-54: 461
    35-64: 292
    55+: 213
    TOTAL MEN: 185
    18-34: 88
    18-49: 119
    25-54: 83
    35-64: 64
    55+: 55
    TOTAL TEENS (12-17): 160
    TEEN GIRLS: 120
    TEEN BOYS: 40
    TOTAL KIDS (2-11): 96
    2-5: 38
    6-11: 58
    11/9/81-11/20/81 Demos (10 episode average, includes Luke/Laura wedding episode):
    13.3 rating/42 share/10,840,000 viewers
    TOTAL: 1342
    LADY OF HOUSE: 767
    TOTAL WOMEN: 835
    18-34: 411
    18-49: 611
    25-54: 460
    35-64: 303
    55+: 206
    TOTAL MEN: 208
    18-34: 104
    18-49: 140
    25-54: 93
    35-64: 70
    55+: 60
    TOTAL TEENS (12-17): 189
    TEEN GIRLS: 144
    TEEN BOYS: 45
    TOTAL KIDS (2-11): 110
    2-5: 38
    6-11: 72
  6. FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 11/23/81-11/27/81 & 11/30/81-12/4/81:


    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 12/7/81-12/11/81 & 12/14/81-12/18/81:


    2 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Excellent! That's wonderful. Thanks again! That would be 1976, If I recall correctly. 


  7. 2 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    @JAS0N47  This makes me think of something. Do you have the ratings for DAYS Doug & Julie's first wedding?  It supposedly had an audience of 16 million which was then surpassed when GH L&L had 30 million. It would just be interesting to see if those 1970s ratings support that. It's so exciting seeing L&L's. I suppose this should be in the 70s ratings thread. Sorry. 

    1978-1989 at the moment. Earlier years to come at a later date.


    Note: Names/ages/etc... in auditions are usually changed. In this one, they use the names Wendy Shin and JJ Deveraux.


    First scene:
    WOMAN: What's going on here?
    MAN: She's seizing.
    WOMAN: She's barely breathing. What's her name?
    MAN: Wendy. Wendy Shin.
    WOMAN: Wendy (shakes her). Wendy, can you hear me? Wendy wake up. What did she take? I need to know so I can help her. What did she take?
    MAN: I don't know.
    WOMAN: Okay, Wendy. Wendy, come on open your eyes. Let's go.
    MAN: Is she going to be okay?
    WOMAN: How old is she?
    MAN: I'm not sure. Maybe 22.
    WOMAN: I've got a possible OD. Back-loading dock of The Bistro. A female, early 20's, Non-responsive. Pulse is low. Seizure and vomiting. Request paramedics and ambulance. Come on Wendy, come on, sit up. Can you sit up? Come on, Wendy, open your eyes. Can you hear me? Breathe, Wendy.

    Second scene:
    WOMAN: I'll take those. Hand over the bag now. I asked you if you knew what she took. What are these?
    MAN: No idea.
    WOMAN: Do you know how many she had?
    MAN: No.
    WOMAN: Okay, I'm going to need to see some ID.
    MAN: He's my son. His name's JJ Deveraux.
    WOMAN: I need to see your driver's license, JJ.
    SECOND MAN: What's going on, Macauley?
    WOMAN: Early 20's, female, overdose. Non-responsive. Two doses of Narcan on the scene. She's en route to University. This young man was with her...with these.
    SECOND MAN: Okay, we'll take it from here.
    WOMAN: Yes, sir.



    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 8/31/81-9/4/81 & 9/7/81-9/11/81:



    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 9/14/81-9/18/81 & 9/21/81-9/25/81:


  10. 7 hours ago, fivethej said:

    Steve Blackwood (Bart) isn't a fan of Farah Fath.


    bart post.jpg

    I had the exact opposite thing when I met Dee randomly. She had just finished a long signing of her Marlena doll in NYC. I was arriving for a later signing of a group of actors, so I hadn't expected to see her. She came out a side door of 30 Rock as I was arriving for the other signing. As soon as I saw her, I ran over and asked if she would sign my "Days" book (which I had with me for the other signing). The NBC security with her was trying to push her into the waiting car, but she brushed them off and said she would gladly sign my book. Then a mother and young son walked by and asked for a photo with her, and she gladly obliged, all the while as the security was annoyed that she wouldn't get in the car. So, my one fan experience was very nice with Dee. So, I can say for certainty, that for myself, that woman and her son, she did not snap at anyone of us for speaking to her. And this wasn't even at a fan event, this was just on the street where she could have just simply walked into her car as the security was telling her to do so. 

  11. 2 hours ago, GLATWT88 said:

    In Feb. during its transition to one hour episodes, it was head to head with AMC from 1-2pm. In June, it shifted to an earlier start time of 12:30, putting it up against the low-rating Doctors at the time and Ryan's Hope which was performing reasonably but not at the height of the rest of the ABC lineup. This half hour lead might have been an advantage to YR.

    I would be curious to see what the half hour ratings for YR would be at this time. 

    Quarterly hour averages for these two weeks:

    2/23/81-2/27/81:  1-2PM
    AMC...8.1, 8.8, 9.2, 9.2
    YR...7.6, 8.0, 8.3, 8.7
    DAYS...5.5, 5.7, 6.1, 6.1
    RYAN/AMC...6.9, 7.1...8.9, 9.6
    YR...7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5
    DOC/DAYS...3.7, 3.6...5.5, 5.7
    2 hours ago, JoeCool said:

    I think Y and R competed against All My Children in June 1981.

    @kalbir What were the CBS schedules in June 1981 after June 8?

    Not Kalbir, but I already had this file open for the above question, so CBS schedule for June 1981 is thIs:

    Jeffersons 10-1030

    Alice 1030-11
    Price Is Right 1 11-1130
    Price Is Right 2 1130-12
    (Local) 12-1230
    YR 1230-130
    ATWT 130-230
    Search 230-3
    GL 3-4
    One Day at a Time 4-430
  12. 2 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    Wow, thanks for typing that all out. It's crazy how detailed that is to the minute.

    That is Nielsens one purpose! To accurately rate everything on TV. And to do that, they need an accurate record of the exact times everything aired. 


    Tomorrow, Janet Spellman-Drucker begins her stint as just the fourth woman in 58 years to be an Executive Producer on "Days of Our Lives."

    Betty Corday, the widow of "Days of Our Lives" co-creator Ted Corday, took over as Executive Producer of the show when her husband passed away in July 1966. Betty helped keep her husband's name in the credits, always being billed as Mrs. Ted Corday, until her death in November 1987.

    Shelley Curtis was Supervising Executive Producer at "Days" from March 1989 to December 1989, during Al Rabin's brief departure from the show. She remained with "Days" as a Supervising Producer and director until 1991 She was most recently a director at "The Bold and the Beautiful" in 2020.

    Lisa De Cazotte was Co-Executive Producer at "Days" from January 2012 to July 2015. She had been the long-time Executive Producer of "Passions" and, after leaving "Days" was a Supervising Producer at "The Young and the Restless." She passed away in December 2019.

    Janet Spellman-Drucker joined "Days" in 1984 as a production associate and was named Co-Executive Producer on August 4, 2023.
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