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Posts posted by JAS0N47



    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 6/27/83-7/1/83 & 7/4/83-7/8/83:


    5 hours ago, tybuki said:

    @JAS0N47 OK then, I have 2 for Saturdays. The Saturday Morning lineup for 9/17/83, as well the averages for "I'm Telling" on NBC in 1987-88.

    I'm Telling season ratings as of 1/2/88:
    16 telecasts; 2.7 rating; 9 share; 2,350,000 viewers
    1/2/88 episode data:
    107 affiliates; 57 percent coverage; 2.5 rating; 8 share; 2,220,000 viewers
  2. 59 minutes ago, DM James Fairbanks said:

    @JAS0N47Thank you so much for the work you did digging up these statistics.  It does make things much clearer.  Question, is there anymore information going back to 1970?  Coverage is an extremely important measurement.  In Oct 1976, Daytime TV came out with the Daytime TV's Star Directory.  The most important aspect of this book was the number of affiliates that carried a show.  Considering the data is about six months old (based on the copywrite date and how long it takes to publish), it is interesting that at the time, these are the numbers.


    1978-1989 is available at the moment. The 1955-1977 data will be coming in more slowly, but over the next few years, that should be available. Just not sure when that will be. Also, not sure how far back the affiliate data goes (if they list that sort of thing in the 50s or 60s) but I believe it may go back to at least 1970, so you will have that info in the coming years.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    I had done the same thing for Calendar Year 1980  (1/4/1980 - 12/26/1980 - 52 week period), but I was too lazy to do the shares.  

    1.   GH -- 10.4 -- 46 weeks at #1

    2.  AMC -- 9.4 -- 6 weeks at #1

    3.  OLTL -- 9.0 -- 0 weeks at #1

    4.  GL -- 8.1 -- 0 weeks at #1

    5.  Y&R -- 8.0 -- 0 weeks at #1

    6.  ATWT -- 7.8 -- 0 weeks at #1

    Remember if you do those, Nielsen only counts the 48 weeks. The 4 "fast national" weeks don't count, and are only preliminary data, not the final #s, which may change a little. 

  4. 48 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:


    A personal thanks for posting the unseen ratings from the 80s.

    It's great to look back at them.

    The current soaps left are terrible and there's not much to post about them.

    I do if you can believe get tired of commenting on how hot a guy is or posting a pic but there really isnt anything else to post about where current soaps are concerned.

    It's nice to have something to enjoy and talk/post about on the board again.

    Glad you are enjoying! Rest of 1980's coming, then slowly but surely, going backwards from 1977 and before. This will be my last week or so of not being too busy, so a reminder, if anyone has a random 1978-1989 game show or Saturday morning cartoon that they want me to look up, let me know in the next week and I will try to post those ratings for you!

    34 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Capitol not full clearance either so that maybe played a part. I believe we'll see near the end of Capitol's run that their clearance dropped.

    Just a few percentage points really, hovered in low 90's at the end.  194 affiliates (93 percentage clearance) in its final week:

    3/16/87-3/20/87    Capitol    CBS    5.6    20    194    93

  5. 8 minutes ago, robbwolff said:

    I had watched the movie back in 1983 and remember Dorothy's preview. Here's a video of the segment with Dorothy followed by most of the first episode of the serial.


    Thanks, I just checked the timings of it, and the recording cuts off a little early, but if it hadn't, it would have filled the full 10 minutes, so that's why it wasn't rated. There were no ads during it.

  6. 6 minutes ago, robbwolff said:

    If I remember correctly, after the movie ended at 10:50 p.m., the last 10 minutes featured Dorothy Lyman from All My Children giving a preview of Loving.

    I checked the rest of that fast national week, since they don't have them in nightly chart form like the usual books. Whatever aired from 1050-11PM was considered "sustaining" and did not get a rating. If it had aired in any of the other 48 weeks of "normal" ratings it would have listed that program somewhere in the book. But the fast nationals are only a few pages and just the bare minimum of info. 

    Thanks for figuring out what aired for those 10 minutes, because the Nielsen book left me wondering!

  7. 6 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    ATWT at #3!!  

    Days finally showing some life.

    That's too bad. Would've been nice to see.

    That may be one of the reasons ABC didn't mind showing Loving in primetime. It was one of the 4 weeks per year that didn't count toward any yearly averages, such as the ABC Sunday Night Movie package, which is what it officially aired as. I did notice that the Loving timeslot was only from 9 to 1050PM.

  8. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    Trapper John and The Jefferson's were Loving direct competition that night. NBC had the movie Evita which finished last in its timeslot with a 12.0 ranking 33rd for the week.

    I was going to provide the quarterly hour ratings for that matchup, but 6/20-6/26/83 is a fast national week, so those are not available.

  9. FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 5/14/79-5/18/79 & 5/21/79-5/25/79:


    So, that wraps up all of 1979! The charts have also been added into the correct portion of the thread, so you can read all of the 1978 and 1979 charts in order.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    That's just fantastic!

    On a DAYS question, wasn't Friday's episode the longest we've ever had? 52 minutes? 

    I subtracted the Suzanne Rogers tribute at the end, which wasn't technically part of the episode, but even with that, at 49:57, yes it is the longest episode.

  11. 3 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Is there a story to go with the discovery?!! I admit I am fascinated with your process. Finding 6 previously missing weeks from 44 years in the past is so freaking amazing! 

    The word's been out asking if anyone has the Nielsen books that were still needed. So, someone responded this week that they did have the needed 1979 issues. Simple as that! 


  12. Great news...it didn't take as long as expected, but the missing 6 weeks of 1979 have been found. Still waiting for the remaining 4 weeks, but will post those when they arrive. I am also going to edit these in to the correct thread so these charts will be posted in order. 

    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 5/28/79-6/1/79 & 6/4/79-6/8/79:


  13. Exciting news! The 6 missing weeks from 1979 have been tracked down!  Two weeks of new data has been posted in the 1970's thread. The other 4 weeks are yet to be delivered, but expect them soon!

    Update on data: Fans will now have full weekly data (Nielsen ratings & preemptions) available from 9/4/78-10/11/87 except for 2 weeks: 12/25/78-12/29/78 and 8/24/81-8/28/81.
  14. 1 hour ago, watson71 said:

    Does anyone know the exact date when NBC canceled Texas and The Doctors?  Their new daytime lineup debuted the first week in January 1983.

    The earliest articles I could find in archives have columnist Gary Deeb breaking the Texas cancellation news on October 14, although NBC didn't make its official cancellation announcement until 11/16/82:

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