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Posts posted by JAS0N47

  1. "Days" original cast member John Clarke (Mickey Horton) has just been found in the 1940 census. Clarke's census image joins many of the "Days" cast already featured. Here are the direct links for the Clarke family census: http://www.jason47.com/jason47b/images/1940ClarkeJohnB.jpg and http://www.jason47.com/jason47b/images/1940ClarkeJohnAb.JPG

    On the census form, it states that John was born in Texas, which differs from the birthplace of Indiana that has always been listed for him. This could simply be an error, however, since a search of the Texas birth records found no record of Clarke. Clarke's father, Leo George Clarke, was in the Army, and so the family lived in many states in the 1930's and 1940's. At the time of the census, they were living in San Antonio, Texas.

    Clarke's father, Leo George Clarke, received the Distinguished Service Cross for his bravery in France during World War I. Here's the info on Clarke's bravery: "The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Second Lieutenant (Infantry) Leo George Clarke, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 11th Infantry Regiment, 5th Division, A.E.F., near Remonville, France, November 5 - 10, 1918. Lieutenant Clarke set an example of bravery and self-sacrifice to his men during the period November 5 - 9. On 10 November while assembling his company, he discovered a wounded man lying in a place exposed to machine-gun fire, and, regardless of his own danger, carried him to a place of safety." Sadly, Leo George Clarke died in 1959, never getting the chance to see his son become famous on "Days."

    To check out tons of other "Days" cast and crew from the 1940 census, please visit these two pages of the site: http://www.jason47.com/days/1940census.html and http://www.jason47.com/days/1940census2.html

  2. You're welcome! I also thought Bell was finished with Days in 1975. But the magazine is definitely dated 1977. There are also discussions of events that happened in the latter part of 1976 (e.g., Doug and Julie's wedding).

    Bill Bell's final episode with Days was Episode # 3137, aired April 14, 1978. One of the provisions of Bell being able to leave and do YR was that he had to stay with "Days" for 5 years (1973-1978).

  3. Thanks Jason.Without checking,I assumed previous regime had created the character of Laura. So I guess that Bill wasn't happy with her interpretation of the role.

    Well Peggy Phillips I guess officially created Laura in episode # 165 (aired 6/30/66). But my point was that when the role of Laura was actually cast, Bill Bell was already the head writer by then.


    1. Peggy Phillips creates Laura Spencer when she writes episode # 165 (say it's written a month early, so 5/30/66).

    2. Three episodes later Peggy is replaced by Bill Bell (episode # 168, say around 6/3/66).

    3. Bill then starts writing his first episodes in early June (for airing in early July).

    4. Floy Dean tests and gets cast as Laura sometime in June (after Bill was already working for the show).

    5. They were only taping ONE WEEK ahead of airdate back then, so Floy tapes her first episode on June 22, and it airs June 30.

    Just checked the files, and that video above from the August 4 episode is only the 6th episode for Laura!

    Peggy Phillips included Laura in her last 3 scripts with the show (6/30, 7/1 and 7/4).

    Bill Bell then looks like he decided to slow down the character and she appeared just a few times during his first month writing for the show (7/14, 7/27 and 8/4).

  4. Here's a Floy scene I uploaded a few years back:


    Floy was cast probably after Bill Bell had been hired. The scripts are written a month or so in advance, so although Floy debuted on June 30, and Bill's first episode didn't air until July 5, he was already on board (and Peggy Phillips had already left) by the time Floy was cast & started airing as Laura, even though they were still working off of Peggy's last week of scripts.

  5. Read all about the early "Days" stars in this newest Jason47's From the Vault release!

    "Who's Who in Daytime TV" was an annual magazine that had details about all the stars from all the soaps. Check out the "Days" gang from the first four issues of the magazine from 1967, 1968, 1969 and 1973. They seem to have not published an issue in 1970, 1971 or 1972, since 1973 is listed as issue # 4.


  6. Carl, nice find on the Jones family pic!

    Far as I can tell, Jeff was one of the prisoners with Bill & Doug. He (and his family) were only on between May-July 1970, so that shows how far behind magazines were at the time, showing their family portrait six months after they had last appeared. The kids were basically just U/5s though, just in a few episodes. It was Jeff who was in the most episodes (24), and his wife, Gracie, had a few appearances (5) too.

  7. I don't remember Sharon so I don't think she had a major story with Mike. I do remember Jay. Again, I don't think he was a major character, just someone to cause some conflict for Mickey and Maggie.

    Sharon Reynolds, as played by Monica Gayle, was supposed to be a bigger character. They even had her do some promotional photos for the show, but she was phased out after just 4 episodes. Guess she didn't click with Mike. She only aired on 11/23, 12/4, 12/14 and 12/17.

    Jay Livingston (Larry Delaney) was Maggie's first boyfriend (whom she had dated off-screen before meeting Mickey). He had 3 brief stints on the show:

    9/73: 2

    10/73: 3

    11/73: 3

    12/73: 4

    1/74: 10

    11/76: 2

    12/76: 1

    2/79: 3

  8. Thanks Will! I didn't have any of the 1973 synopses yet, so they are a welcome addition to my "Days" archive. I have the weekly synopses from June 1976 onward, but I still need to fill in some of the monthly synopses from 1974, 1975 and the first half of 1976.

    FrenchFan posted a few awhile back from 1974, so here are a few of those that were already in my files. If you happen to get January & February 1974, that would fill in those two missing months!

    MARCH 1974

    Days Of Our Lives

    Written by : William J. Bell

    Produced by : Betty Corday

    Jim’s detective found Linda was living with a man in Boston but he is not Mickey. Bill begged Laura not to let her guilt feelings destroy their love. At “Marty” ’s urging, Maggie visited Dr. Strothers in Salem to see if her paralysis could be cured. In Salem, she overheard Laura and Tom discussing Mickey’s disappearance and realized Mickey was Marty. She learned he has a wife and a child but accidently saw Bill and Laura kissing. She came back to the farm horrified and feared Mickey might remember his life. Ironically, Dr. Strothers told Tom his patient left before he could tell her she could be helped.

    With Greg working evenings, Susan spent time with Eric for his book. She did not realize his writing is autobiographical.

    With Addie’s remission, Julie was shocked when she realized how much she wanted Doug and her together again. She told Don she then wished to marry her but he refused. She ran into Bob and told him that if she wanted her, she would marry him. Ironically, Phyllis came to Julie for advice about Bill’s divorce request. Largely on the basis of Julie’s advice, Phyllis decided to give Bob his divorce. Julie told Addie she would not destroy her future. Julie and Bob visited Doug’s place announcing ther were eloping to Portofino. Unable to explain this to Phyllis, Julie mailed her a letter. Phyllis told Laura that she couldn’t take it if Bob remarried right away. In Portofino, Julie and Bob married but their wedding night is a disaster. Phyllis found the later and hysterically smashed up Bob’s studio.

    APRIL 1974

    Days Of Our Lives

    Written by : William J. Bell

    Produced by : Betty Corday

    Maggie was having nightmares about Marty being Mickey Horton. Dr. Strothers wrote saying surgery could help her wal again but she felts she could not risk going back to Salem. Later, she saw she was late by the calendar and Marty and see were sure she was pregnant. Marty ordered a law correspondance course and Maggie fearedhe might be begin to remember he was a lawyer. Tom hired a detective to locate Mickey which upsets Bill.

    Elderly heart patient, Ivy Howell learned her sisster was ill and penniless in Paris ans asked Greg to go with her to bring her home. This angered Susan terribly. The night before leaving, Greg even spent the night with another Curtis patient, Amanda Howard whose husband’s recent death causer her deep depression. He convinced her to see Laura to discuss why she called herself Miss Howard. Neil had been telling Amanda she needed a psychiatrist because she felt guilty over the fact she was having an affair before her husband’s death. Meanwhile, Susan was resentful of Greg’s departure and her daughter, Ann was burning up with fever. Ann had a rupture appenidx and Bill was called to do the surgery. However, Ann had peritonitis and went into a coma.

    Julie’s family was quite off balance by her sudden elopement with Bob. Addie was shocked to learn that Julie did not believe she never knew Julie and Doug were in love when she married him. When Bob learned Phyllis of his remarriage, she sarcastically told him she already new. She refused his financial help. Julie was touched by Bob’s generosity. At Doug’s place, Phyllis confronted Julie. Mary, Bob and Phyllis’ daughter came home and was stunned to learn Bob’s marriage. Mary and Julie accidently met and Mary accused Julie of long range plan to trap Bob and take him everything he got.

    JULY 1974

    Days Of Our Lives

    Written by : William J. Bell

    Produced by : Betty Corday

    Doug was devastated when the police told him Addie was killed by a car. She died saving their baby Hope. Doug asked Alice to take Hope. Julie received a letter from a mother saying that despite all their problems, she loved her. Julie felt Doug blamed the baby for what happened to Addie. Jeri Clayton, a former singer agreed to sing at the club during Doug’s absence. But one night, her husband Jack accused her of having an affair with Doug.

    Neil begged Amanda to assume their affair and she refused to see that he was witholding any real commitment from her. Neil had forbidden her to tell Laura he was the man. Greg took pity on Amanda when Neil canceled a date and took her to Doug’s. She was crushed to see Neil with another woman. She even picked up a bottle of pills but Greg arrived and she told him she only took two pills. Then she told Neil she saw him with the other woman and he tried to use passion to soften her.

    Phyllis admitted to Laura that the accidental shooting of Mary was indeed an attempt to kill Julie. She admitted she needed help and realized her fear of growing old alone. She also realized the portrait she painted of Julie was actually of herself and her illness. Julie and Phyllis destroyed the portrait.

    Tom was sure that the farmer in the newspaper could not be Mickey but after learning the farmer Marty Hansen was from Brookville, he travelled there. He confronted Maggie and when Marty arrived, Tom recognized his son. Maggie begged Tom to let Mickey alone after she admitted she knew he had a wife and a child. Tom talked to Mickey who said he did not care about the past. Tom couldn’t help but see how happy Mickey was. He left very unsure of what to do. Meanwhile, Michael was getting used to the idea of Laura marrying his uncle Bill. Tom told Laura about Mickey’s new life and she said things had to remain like that but she felt she had to see him herself. Maggie was making initial application for adoption of a five-year-old boy when Laura arrived at the Hansen farm and Mickey told him how happy and contented he felt with Maggie as his wife.

  9. That was the entire contract cast when the show went to an hour. Mary Frann & Joe Gallison were upped to contract status that day (April 21, 1975). By the end of the year (1975), they also added Robert Clary, Margaret Mason, Jed Allan, Richard Guthrie, Brooke Bundy, Adrienne LaRussa, Susan Oliver and Patty Weaver to the contract cast.

    Susan Flannery decided not to stay with the show once it went to an hour, but she stayed on a few weeks until May 27.

  10. This goes along with the above ad. I just was looking through the Variety archives, and here is the text of the ad they placed in Variety for April 21, 1975:

    What's better than a half-hour "Days of Our Lives"?

    A full hour "Days of Our Lives."

    Today, April 21, 1975, "Days of Our Lives" expands to a full hour each weekday. And we couldn't be more pleased...

    With its ten successful years on the NBC-TV Network.

    With executive producer Mrs. Ted Corday.

    With Corday Productions' executive vice president, Karl Price.

    With producer Jack Herzberg.

    With William Bell, long the head writer, now story editor.

    With Patricia Falken Smith, the show's head writer.

    With alternate producer-director, Alvin Rabin.

    With assistant producer, Gail Kobe.

    With regular cast members: Peter Brown, Macdonald Carey, John Clarke, Corinne Conley, Wesley Eure, Susan Flannery, Mary Frann, Joe Gallison, Bill Hayes, Edward Mallory, Frances Reid, Suzanne Rogers, Susan Seaforth and Mark Tapscott.

    And with the entire Corday Productions Inc. organization with whom we look forward to another ten years of happy association. Nothing could be better than that.

    "Days of Our Lives"

    A Corday Productions Inc. Presentation in association with Columbia Pictures Television A division of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

  11. I don't know if this was mentioned (I tried to read all the replies, but it was a lot to read and I might have missed a few comments), but in 1989 Rhonda Aldrich was a temporary replacement for Mary Beth Evans as Kayla on DAYS. She was absolutely awful. MBE was pregnant and Aldrich was there for about a week, I think.

    Also in 1989, Shelley Morgan Taylor did a few episodes as Angelica Deveraux, Jack's stepmother, after Jane Elliot had left the role, but before Judith Chapman had arrived to take over.

    Yes, Rhonda did 3 episodes as Kayla.

    As for Shelley, she was hired on contract as Anjelica. But then they fired her after a few weeks and hired Judith Chapman.

  12. Were these temp recasts for DAYS' oft-recast Mary Anderson?

    Nancy Stephens 1975

    Carla Borelli 1975

    Susan Keller 1980

    The first two were between Karin Wolfe and Barbara Stranger and Susan was when Stranger was still in the role.

    "The Susan Keller recast was another story.I'll have to check why Stanger was replaced,returned and replaced again(By Melinda Fee)."

    Here are the correct airdates for the Mary Anderson actresses:

    Brigid Bazlen 3/29/72-7/4/72

    Karin Wolfe 7/12/72-3/5/75

    Nancy Stephens 4/16/75-5/7/75

    Carla Borelli 5/15/75-late 1975

    Barbara Stanger late 1975-10/29/80

    Susan Keller 11/3/80-11/20/80

    Melinda O. Fee 1/12/81-3/1/82

    Many books erroneously list Stanger & Guthrie still playing Mary & David into 1981, but Guthrie last appeared on 8/25/80 and Stanger last appeared on 10/29/80 (she and Josh Taylor hated each other, and as soon her contract ended, she left, never to return). Susan Keller was signed to a contract in November 1980, but just as her storyline got started with Josh Taylor (Chris), he bolted for his primetime series "Riker." Not knowing how long Riker would be on the air, "Days" immediately released Keller. By the time Josh Taylor returned in 1981, Melinda Fee was signed to a contract and stayed with the show until Mary was killed off in 1982.

    So none of the Mary actresses were temporary recasts.

    To my knowledge, Randolph Mantooth never played Mickey Horton. I've never seen that listed in any book, nor is he listed in any cast list that I have.

    In the 1960s, Harry Lauter (Craig Merritt), Stephen Mines (David Martin) and Ed Prentiss (John Martin) were all one-day replacements.

    Dick Gittings stepped in for Mark Tapscott for a few months as Bob Anderson while Tapscott recovered from a heart attack in the summer of 1978.

    In more recent times, Rhonda Aldrich (Kayla Brady), Allyson & Jillian Bull (Abigail Deveraux), Marj Dusay (Vivian Alamain), Anne Howard (Kimberly Brady), Kitty Moffatt (Savannah Wilder), Emily Montague (Abigail Deveraux), and Peter White (Bill Horton) all filled in briefly while actors were ill or on maternity leave.

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