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Posts posted by yrfan1983

  1. 50 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The scenes where Veronica finally had enough and shot Nikki were incredibly done - in writing, acting, and direction.

    Yes, the scenes were posted recently where Nikki was flashing back to "Sarah" shooting her and it was really disturbing. Sarah acting strange... Nikki ordering her to leave... then Nikki realizing something is really wrong. Even more creepy to think that dead Joshua was upstairs.

    I think that clip and the other late-90s clips were copyright-deleted 😕

  2. 40 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Oooh!  Speaking of Josh and Veronica Landers, there's an actor whom I saw the other night on a Hallmark Channel Christmas movie (yeah, I know, lol) and thought would be PERFECT as Josh and Veronica's son.  You know, should they ever go there?  He could come to GC, seeking revenge against Nikki or something.  Anyways.  Here's the guy:



    Wow, he does look like Heath Kizzier's son! He could be as deranged as his mother and think that Nikki "bewitched" Joshua away 

    10 minutes ago, Broderick said:


    It was as dreadful as Y&R's other "I'm-in-disguise" storylines.   She basically put on a pair of eyeglasses and draped a mop head over her hair, and that fooled them. 

    Ha! Sort of like how Flo Webster made love to her new husband "Jim" aka David Kimball without any of his make-up foundation rubbing off on her

  3. I’ve seen a few clips of the ’96-’98 Joshua/Veronica story and am very intrigued. Sadly I was taking a YR break during the original airings and missed the whole thing. But it all seems very gothic and creepy in the best way. This is not the usual type of the story that the writers would involve Nikki in (excluding pre-Victor Nikki who was involved in a cult and stalked by Edward).


    I was surprised to see that Tracy Melchior played the role before Candace Daly. I wonder if TM quit or was replaced. My impression is that TM doesn’t have the acting chops to tackle a complex role like Veronica. Sad to see that CD passed away at a very young 38.


    Was anyone watching during this time period? What are your thoughts on this story?

  4. 5 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    yes!!! :D  So much more goodness to watch! 

    I took a sneak peek... 11/9 is the “Guam” episode! I have never forgotten from the original airing how funny it sounded every time Jess W said the word “Guam”. In a recent interview, she mentioned these scenes as one of her faves

  5. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Thanks @DRW50, great find! If this was 8 months after ED debuted, that would be winter 1983. I felt a little bad for the interviewer. ED seemed a bit halfhearted with her responses and he kept having to drag answers from her. Interesting that she was certain that she wouldn't be one of those actors who stayed on a soap long-term... :)

  6. Anyone curious to see David Hasselhoff and Lynn Topping together can find them on Amazon Prime Streaming... she guest-starred on Knight Rider, Season 1, Episode 18 "Chariot of Gold" which aired 2/25/1983 - filmed about 6 months after they both finished on YR. That was nice of David to arrange Lynn's guest spot.


    I downloaded the ep for $2 but couldn't make it through the whole thing - not my style :) Lynn's scenes are around 16:00, 19:30 and 38:30. She looks stunning.

  7. @Broderick , I'm wondering if you remember the 1981 story of Chris' suburban-wife malaise? Where Snapper caught Chris using Stuart's money to update their furniture. Chris' excuse was that she needed some activity to brighten up their humdrum poor life. From reading the synopses, it sounded like a retro cliche story. This is also when they toyed with pairing Chris and Howard McMillan's Greg... I assume their chemistry was non-existent?

  8. 12 hours ago, will81 said:

    I've noticed though that Bell didn't always stick to convention with such things. He often used those on recurring as almost contract players and vice versa. I believe Roberta Leighton was on recurring in 1986, but seemed to be right in the thick of it almost like a contract player as a result of the Nikki/Victor/Ashley triangle. Joy may have been on contract in 1983 and just not used.


    I think this happened to Beth Maitland as well. She was brought back on contract at certain points, but was almost recurring in terms of her appearances and story.


    Pretty sure he had run ins with Betty Corday (I think) over this same issue on Days in the 60's.


    Maybe I am wrong, but that's what it seemed like anyway.

    That's definitely true. On a Bill Bell show, contract vs. recurring does not always reflect a character's amount of story.  A great example is from 1991. BB kept Beau Kayzer on contract for months, even though Brock had no story. Meanwhile Marilyn Alex as Molly was always recurring, but Molly was essential to a front-burner storyline, and it would have been damaging if Marilyn opted to move on.


    Occasionally I read about an actor who prefers not to go on contract, like Tracey Bregman and John Aniston, but it seems the vast majority opt for a contract.

  9. Amazing research @FrenchFan ! It all looks very on-point. The only one I wonder about is Joy Garrett going on contract in June '83. Reading the synopses, there's only a few mentions of her during the summer of '83, related to Nikki's porn tape story. Then IIRC nothing more until summer of '84, when Tyrone's story starts. I remember an ep that used to be on YT on Jazz talking to Boobsie about Tyrone, just as Tyrone is coming to town.  

    So I wonder if Joy was recurring summer of '83 and then on-contract summer of '84. Perhaps May, as you show Phil Morris joining in May.

  10. 2 hours ago, Jagger1966 said:


         I remember watching that Dana Delany interview!  It was on Later with Bob Costas and she was talking about the acting on soaps and taking shortcuts with the acting or something like that.  And later I remember Jeanne Cooper saying in TV Guide that she was so angry she wanted to reach through the TV and grab her by the throat!  That Jeanne Cooper, she did not suffer fools gladly!

    Ha! I'm torn because I loved Dana on China Beach and she quite deservedly won 2 Emmys for it. Also enjoyed her on Desperate Housewives. But how dare she put down our beloved soaps!

  11. 50 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    What did Dana say that annoyed Jeanne Cooper, do you remember?

    Oh gosh, this is going off a long-ago memory... I just tried googling it but nothing came up.


    I think it was the Tonight Show in the late 80s or very early 90s ... Dana dissed her experiences being on Love of Life and ATWT. Something about soaps not requiring or empowering "real acting" - just memorizing dozens of script pages.


    Jeanne responded, perhaps in SOD? saying that Dana was very mistaken and soap actors are the most talented and hardest-working actors in the biz.

  12. 7 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    ATWT really took a nose-dive when it made drastic and delirious changes in a lame attempt to capture the youth market. Only mindless idiots who did not understand the show would allow Helen Wagner to drop out of the series.

    Would that lame attempt include the pairing of Peter Reckell and Dana Delany? Both future stars, but my impression is that they both tanked on ATWT.

    I remember when Dana hit it big on China Beach, she appeared on a talk show and spoke disparagingly of soap operas. Jeanne Cooper was not pleased.

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