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Posts posted by yrfan1983

  1. 1 hour ago, AdamNewmanFan said:
    1 minutes ago
    On Monday, May 4, Nikki visits Newman Ranch for the first time as Victor tests their chemistry with help from Colonel Douglas Austin (Michael Evans). The episode originally aired Oct. 31, 1981.

    Fingers crossed to see Jack and Patty, Jill, Stuart and Liz at the Brooks house, Vanessa scheming... Had Eve and little Charles (aka Cole) left town yet? That would be amazing to see them. Oh! And maybe we'll see future Broadway star Howard McGillin as Greg Foster #4!


    You can go here https://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/vintage-y-r-voldemort-synopses-t18675-s210.html and scroll to cover date Jan 19, 1982 for a detailed synopsis of this timeframe.

  2. 11 hours ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:


    Here it is! I had a feeling the music cue was changed because the 2020 rebroadcast uses a cue not used until 1994!



    Very cool comparison, thank you!! I wonder why they had to change the cue? I think the 1990 one is more effective. Especially comparing the kiss at 1:25 to the kiss at 3:15... the music at 1:25 is much more haunting and disturbing... underscoring the fact that Adrian is violating Cassandra with this kiss and she is powerless to stop it...

  3. 2 hours ago, OzFrog said:

    Can I also just say what an absolute treasure Barbara Crampton is in all these old episodes? I’ve been watching a few of the 1988-9 Ruthless storyline episodes, and the range of acting that she pulls off is just phenomenal. She also has incredible chemistry with Eric Braeden. I wish they had kept her on a bit longer throughout both her runs on Y&R.

    I would differentiate between Leanna Randolph (1987-1989) and Leanna Love (1990-on). Leanna Randolph was a complex fascinating character, while Leanna Love, IMO, was an annoying twit :)

  4. 2 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    Apparently Veronica redd was difficult too. 

    I was so surprised to recently realize that we didn't see the last of Veronica's Mamie when she left town in '95 after her romance with John. She came back '99-'01 (or longer?) to serve as the Abbott housekeeper again. I guess she and John were able to suppress their burning desire for each other ;)

  5. 7 hours ago, OzFrog said:


    This was brilliant! Thank you so much! A few observations I had with this episode, some which I will put in spoiler tags for those who don’t want to know what happens:


    • This was the first time I had ever seen Terry Lester and Brenda Epperson together in an episode - my previous exposure to Y&R had only been seeing Peter Bergman with Brenda, and then Peter with Eileen, and then of course through the wonders of Youtube, Terry and Eileen (let’s not mention Shari). I found the chemistry to be somewhat believable and I could imagine it would have been tough for Brenda to step into Eileen’s shoes almost straight away.
    • Terry was wearing glasses A LOT in some of his later years on Y&R. Was he having any health issues at this point?
    • Also on Terry, all I could picture with his glasses and goatee was the striking resemblance to Colonel Sanders and expected him to spring out an ad for KFC at any moment.
      Reveal hidden contents



    George was murdered by Adrian (Mark Derwin), who wasn't introduced as a character until later in '89. Cassandra acted really sketchy after the murder, so the viewers assumed she was the killer. Adrian first framed Paul for the murder, and once Paul cleared himself, Adrian framed Cassandra.


  6. 1 hour ago, YRfan23 said:

    Yes! good ideas for all! I doubt they will be that clever though. We will most likely end up getting 2000's stuff like Katherine and Jill's reactions to finding out their "related" The hose fight and of course the infamous cat fight...

    I wouldn’t be mad at the show repeating the March 2003 30th anniversary week with Julianna McCarthy, James Houghton and William Gray Espy reprising their roles, as Liz reveals that Jill was adopted 

  7. 26 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    They really should do a "Jill and Katherine" week. I'd love to think they would should 70's/80's stuff with Brenda Dickson but I feel like it would be all of Jess Walton, which is fine, depending they play the right episodes.

    I'd show:
    1.) Jill revealing she payed Rex to date Katherine, and showing her all the receipts she had payed for Rex.(1988)

    2.) The brief catfight they had before Phillip and Nina's wedding. (1989)

    3.) Katherine busting Jill in front of Rex and John during her (Jill's) engagement part for John (1990)

    4.) The Courtroom Catfight (1995)

    5.) Jill humiliating Katherine at her party and revealing Phillip left her everything (1998)


    Love these - especially since these eps aren't already online :) I would add the 1989 ep when Katherine betrays Jill by admitting on the witness stand that Nina should inherit Phillips estate. And the 1990 ep where Katherine interrupts Jill and Rex's wedding to reveal that Rex and Katherine are still married.

  8. 10 minutes ago, ironlion said:

    Cool. With all the attention on the classic episodes airing, When do you all feel was the strongest period for y&r in its history. Personally I thought it was the 90s based on storylines, lighting, directing and background music. However I notice most of the affinity for the show among classic fans dates back to the 70s.

    In general, a lot of people consider "the golden era" to be 1973-1994, with a dip in quality from 1995-1997, and a resurgent "silver era" from 1998-2003. Of course within that, some years are better than others. 1983 and 1991 are peak years for me.

  9. 12 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    I bet Jerry Douglas was beyond thrilled to have Deborah back that week.  I wish we saw more to see if he seemed more relaxed around her, then Brenda since he couldn't stand her. 

    It is strange to see John and DA's Jill look so tense and uncomfortable with each other, when all the previous clips show them very loving.


    Thank you @ltm1997 and @YRfan23 - this is the holy grail of lost YouTube clips :)

  10. 5 hours ago, ironlion said:

    I wanted to see the part where Scott found out about the baby switch but Lauren took 14 years to get that explanation out😐. Given Sheila's odd behvior I find it odd Scott couldnt fathom she was capable of this.

    Scott is often written out-of-character to suit whatever plot is currently happening. I'm watching July/Aug '93 right now and Lauren is extremely frustrated because Scott is too busy with work to put any effort towards their marriage. His behavior doesn't match the character as previously established.

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