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Posts posted by GMac

  1. 3 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    Uh, no.  Because Obama was handed a steaming pile of shi* to start.  Given the starting point he's been given, MOST of what was listed above should be easy.  Nor did Obama have both houses of Congress.    But I'll believe ALL of that above when it happens and then let them know.


    I want to know why he's so not in favor of the current trade arrangements that he keeps harping on - when he sourced his steel from China, and his Daughter's clothing line is all made in China.  What was so awful trade-wise for ya, Donny Boy? 


    Excellent post.  Excellent!



  2. 40 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Was it here that that NYT piece about white women who voted for Trump got posted? Interviewing a bunch of them?

    Besides the longstanding grudge against Hillary being 'untrustworthy', which was very prevalent, it all basically boiled down to existential anxiety about a changing world - feeling displaced economically was a big talking point, but to me that is just a convenient cloak, I think it all still goes back to white privilege and the delusion (whether overt or subliminal) that everything only went to hell with the black guy in charge, and that putting a traditional white, male, business-oriented face back in place will right the paradigm. The overriding throughline was we'll get the factories that sustained our families back, we'll get the businesses back! No, we won't. Things have changed.


    When those people see Trump tank things even worse, there will be a backlash among the confused, depressed middle-class whites. The question is just what kind of spiral it will be. I wish I could feel more sympathy, because someone in the DNC will have to as a profession.


    So very true.  


    A few years ago, my hubby and I were over at our neighbors house having some cocktails with them and their children when the subject of white privilege came up.  My neighbors love Duck Dynasty, and their children are in various careers in law enforcement.  One is a cop, the other is a lawyer with juvenile justice and another is a corrections officer at the county jail.


    Long story short, they didn't, or couldn't, admit that white privilege exists, and that it's a very real contributing factor in how the lives of POC.  It was disheartening.


    I no longer spend time with any of them.  I know they supported DJT and that was just icing on the cake for me to ghost them.  But it gets better.  


    When we first moved here, the same neighbors said that she was surprised at how "conservative" we were, that she thought we would have parties all the time.  You know, because we are gay.  That's what we do, apparently.  FF 10 years, a redneck family moves next door to us.  Parties every weekend.  Four wheelers up and down the street everyday.  Always something going on at that house...and guess what?  They are thick as theives with them.  


    Another reason I have nothing to do with them anymore.


    My apologies for rambling, y'all.


  3. 1 hour ago, Khan said:



    I know y'all disagree (which is fine) but I still believe the government (save for those "ride or dies" who will follow Trump no matter what) will tire of the man eventually.  If they don't impeach him, then they'll just start doing whatever the hell they want to and ignore whatever Trump has to say about it.  IOW, Trump will be a leader who isn't really leading anyone.


    I honestly hope you're right.  As much as I can't stand Ryan or Rubio, and I actually have a little respect for McCain, I don't think any of them have much patience for Trump.  And they each have their own political ambitions.  Trump is a liability to them.  Hopefully, that is the case for the majority of republicans.


    I hold no hope of Democrats gaining a majority in both legislatures, thanks to gerrymandering.  The Senate, however, might give us something in 2018.


  4. 8 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I expect the next administration will provide a jarring contrast.


    Reminds me of something I read about Trump that was backed up by that PBS documentary. Apparently, Fred his father referred to successful people as "killers" and Fred Jr. who elected to become a pilot instead of the family business was seen as a failure by Fred Sr. who never ceased to tell him so until Fred Jr. drank himself to death.

    Years later, when asked about his brother, Donald Trump, eyes slightly downcast, was said to have uttered "Fred...he just wasn't a killer, I guess".

    What a family! 


    That had to be hell for him.  A pilot = failure?!?  In what twisted world, or family, is that even possible.  Wow.


  5. 3 hours ago, marceline said:

    It's been lovely to see how effusive and loving these men are. They love each other. They love their wives. They love each other's wives and families. You aren't going to see this from the TrumpPence admin. You'll never see Donald talk about how grateful his is for his wife or kids. He'll talk about how hot and/or successful they are because he thinks that reflects on him but he'll never see him spontaneously express love or gratitude.


    :wub:  Watching these two men today was heartwarming.  I will miss them.


    And the next four years will be a complete 180.  "Family Values", yea right...


  6. 1 hour ago, Juliajms said:

    Even if Trump finds some way of coercing Mexico into paying for the wall (and I don't completely rule out that possibility), that will make us terrible bullies.  I find it so ironic that the kids at that middle school got in trouble for shouting "build the wall" at their Latino classmates when all they were doing is imitating the adults around them, including the President! I just can't...ugh!


    It's sickening what that man's election has done to this country.  Hate and discrimination has the endorsement of the Oval Office...



  7. 17 minutes ago, Khan said:

    IKR?  But he speaks the truth.  No one will take Trump (or the U.S.) seriously for as long as he is in office; and Vladimir Putin, for one, is pleased about that.


    At this point, I'm just praying that God keeps up safe for the next four years.  So much discord and peril awaits us, and it's likely that whatever Trump does or doesn't do, it'll take the next several presidents to fix it.  But as long as it doesn't end in a nuclear blast, then we'll be alright...I hope.


    Same here.  It's honestly terrifying to think of what is possible with Trump's unbalanced ass in the Oval Office for the next four years.  


    For the life of me I still can't wrap my head around how he was elected.  I'm still super fuckin pissed about it.  Grrrr.  (Sorry for the outburst)



  8. 6 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Rubio just got re-elected for a 6 year term. He's betting that Sunkist Stalin will be impeached or dead by the time he's on the ballot again.


    True, he's an opportunist.  I voted for Murphy.  


    Sunkist Stalin :lol:




  9. 1 hour ago, Roman said:

    The whole thing was just silly. He was a buffoon, there was a cheering section, he went off on CNN's Jim Acosta, calling him fake news but let Breibart get a question in....t5his is just ignorance on many levels. 


    Agreed, my friend.  The cheering section in particular was a WTF moment for me.  I couldn't believe it.  Of course, Trump acted like an incompetent petulant child.  


    9 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    There were times that there were reporters that got pushy and wannabe-bombastic with Obama, he just handled it a whole lot better by taking quiet command without belittling or threatening anyone.


    In fact, I've never seen someone handle themselves as poorly as Trump handled this PC and that includes Donald Rumsfeld, who I thought was pretty contentious with the media. 


    Just a poor representation by someone who will be in such a high position.


    He is an embarrassment.  It's scary that this man is the leader of the free world.



    On a different note, Rubio impressed me with his questioning of Tillerson during the confirmation hearings today.  I still can't stand his hypocrisy, but at least he's not blindly towing the Republican line.



  10. 26 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Nobody actually ever "released" this information to the general public.

    It was leaked (and most likely with a pointed purpose), which actually makes a difference.


    ETA: I missed the press conference today. After such a late night and early rising this morning, I couldn't imagine trying to actively seek a livestream to listen to all of that! Nope.


    From what I saw on the live feed, it was bizarre.  There was some representative there, supposedly from an accounting team, that talked to how Trump was going to remove any conflicts of interest as far as his business goes, all the while spouting off "Make America Great Again" bullshit. 


    The less said about the "Q&A", the better.  In short, he didn't answer any question directly and the press didn't call him on it.  :angry:


  11. 6 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Please note that I specifically called out the "Bernie or bust" crew. Not all white progressives.


    CNN will never call Trump out on anything. This is the same network that debated whether the Malaysian Air crash might have been the result of aliens. They hired Corey Lewandowski as a commentator. If you're looking for someone to hold Trump accountable, CNN is not the place. Truthfully, broadcast media will never hold him responsible because they care about ratings first. It's no mistake that the real reporting about Trump came from print journalists like David Farenthold and Kurt Eichenwald. The Washington Post found it's spine again after he banned them from his press pool. The NY Times came around at the last minute but IMO it was too little too late.


    Oh, we cool marce.  I know what you meant.  :D


    Good point IRT CNN and broadcast media.  I'll have to start watching BBC or something...


  12. Well, I'm a white progressive that supported Hillary.  And many of my friends are the same and did the same.


    CNN has me fuming right now.  Trump claiming he was responsible for over 8k jobs from two different companies.  Announced before the election.  And this morning it's all over the news that Trump did that.  GMAFB.  Will they ever EVER call him out on his bullshit?


    Oh, hold up.  They just asked a right winger if that claim is valid.  Fancy footwork by the pundit (not answering the question) and...commercial break!


    Im so sick of this.  The media need to grow a pair and call him out on this or else their ass kissing will result in another term.



  13. I think you'd be right, J.  


    Maybe im simplifying this, but there is room for homelands for both Jews and Palestinians.  Great example is the Sinai, it's been relatively dispute-free for almost 40 years.  Granted, the distrust wasn't as deep between Egypt and Israel, but there has to be a way forward here.  


    The US and the UN have to approach this without playing favorites and come to some iron clad agreements.  Actually the US should stay completely neutral.  Let the UN get the work done.


    Im not naive, this won't happen in my lifetime. 


  14. 16 hours ago, quartermainefan said:

    Republicans cornered the market on religion through branding I guess.   This all started 40 years ago but remember it was Jerry Falwell (whose departure from this mortal coil made the world a better place) who had the so-called "moral majority" as if to not be with them meant somehow you were not moral.   And then there is the whole ridiculous label of "values voters" which the media signs off on.   Is there anyone anywhere who doesn't vote with their values in mind?   I voted my values:  I voted against the guy who the KKK supported.  


    Forty years of branding takes hold, but this year the religious crowd showed themselves to be the hypocritical, values-free, cynical charlatans they always were when the family first crowd voted for the guy who kicks all his wives to the curb when they get too old, rather than vote for the woman who despite her earlier dismissal of Tammy Wynette did indeed stand by her man for 40 years.    I truly find all conservative christians to be the most odious people in America--up and down the line.   My radar is up the moment I hear people mention that politics are being discussed among church goers, because that means somewhere in that discussion is a crooked minister trying to sway his flock to do what he says.


    ICAM with all of this.  So, so true.

  15. 8 minutes ago, marceline said:


    What's amazing is that 9/11 happened because Bush ignored a briefing that said "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" but now we've put this cretin in office who doesn't even attend briefings. I predict will have another 9/11 or Oklahoma City in the next four years.


    I agree, marce.  The prez elect is more concerned with VF than intel briefings.


    9 minutes ago, GregNYC said:

    Kate Hopkins: How many MORE atrocities before our leaders stop lying to us and admit that, thanks to their immigration policies, being mowed down while doing your Christmas shopping is simply the new normal?




    Well thank god you've voted for a xenophobic racist :rolleyes:


    Hopkins is only concerned about grabbing headlines.  Her reports are routinely subjected to lawsuits and the editor's apologies.  


  16. 4 hours ago, Huntress said:

    I'm still in shock about the attack in Berlin. This is my capital, this is my country.



    Christmas markets are such a big tradition here in every city, and these places are always crowded. I was at a Christmas market myself yesterday – for the 8th time in 3 weeks –, and I always had so much fun meeting friends. On the subway home I read about the attack, I just couldn't believe it.


    I'll be going again on Friday, but it'll surely have a different vibe...


    And of course this attack will play into the hands of the right wing parties and their followers all across Europe... :(


    Sending good thoughts your way.  So sorry to hear about this.


    1 hour ago, AdelaideCate007 said:


    Also, stop with the "America is so much safer now!" nonsense. America has always been the safest country (aside from the gun violence which is America's doing) and I think most Americans know that and would agree. Until you've had to actually live in some place that was under real threats of violence, all of these Trump supporters claiming they're "so much safer now" can shut the [!@#$%^&*] up. They've always been safe.




    @GregNYC It baffles me why the republicans think they have the corner on the market when it comes to national security, patriotism and religion.  You don't.  The worst terrorist attack in America happened when a republican was in the White House.  Not to mention how many of our young men and women were sent to their deaths for an unjust war.  That's not patriotism, that's lying.  A truly Christian president or president elect doesn't talk about women, migrants, POC or any minority the way trump has.  Give it a rest.  


  17. 4 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    And that was what many liberals said when it came to Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan and they were right. The Syrian civil war is nothing like World War 2, it's a lot more like the last three pointless, unwinnable wars. Hell, I guess it's four if you count Korea.   The weight of the world is on the United States if we continue to be arrogant enough to think it's out place to stick our nose into ever regional skirmish that comes along. That hasn't worked out so well for us over the last 60 years and I don't see that anyone has been better for it, including the people we were supposedly trying to help.  It's time to stop making the same mistakes.


    On point, Julia, and so true.  Nothing good has come from these wars. 


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