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Posts posted by GMac

  1. 3 minutes ago, Roman said:

    It will. just one more knot in the noose that will hang this POTUS.


    I hope so, but this hearing isn't going to be the catalyst for anything.  It's redundant and tiresome.  Both sides will claim "victory".


  2. 1 hour ago, Roman said:



    Vicente is my homey at this point :-)


    9 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:



    His self-centeredness knows no bounds.  This is funny and really fuckin sad, all at the same time.  His daddy really did a number on his ass.


    Oh - lookie here...CNN picked up the story



  3. 17 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Remembering your post last week, @GMac, I found this to be an interesting article, and it may interest you.  


    I've been saying since last year that there are schisms rising within the Christian evangelicals, between those who have decided to cast their lots with Trump and those who refused.  

    The breakaway evangelicals are young and more diverse and they are allied with religious liberals who had mostly stayed away from politics but found themselves so disgusted with Trump's policies that they have decided to become politically active.


    Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game.


    This is interesting, DD.  Thanks for sharing!  It's good to know that there are religious liberals out there speaking up.  Finally.


  4. 34 minutes ago, marceline said:

    I loved when Comey said that he took Donnie at his word when he said he fired Comey because of Russia. Comey made the case for obstruction and did it with Donnie's own stupid words. This is why, as awful as he is. we need him to keep tweeting and doing interviews. Every time he does it's a gift to the resistance.


    Trumpers believe what they are told to. It's kind of like how Trump says he doesn't watch CNN then in the next sentence says he saw something on CNN. Someone on Twitter explained it perfectly. We're in an information war. Trump and his supporters will say and believe whatever serves their purposes in that moment regardless of whether it counters something they previously claimed to believe and if in an hour/day/week/month/year later they need the opposite to be true then they'll just pivot to that. That's why pointing out their hypocrisy is a waste of time. 


    22 minutes ago, Roman said:

    GMAC...do yourself a favor.....don't feed the trolls. it's hazardous to your sanity. 


    I actually have new found respect for the man after this hearing.  He was professional, factual and fair.  I'm waiting for the outcry from the right on how "partisan" he was as a way to try to discredit him.  But he was far from it.  I was impressed.


    Y'all are right about the Trumpanatics.  I keep hoping that maybe one of them will engage in a genuine discussion about this corrupt administration and justify their support for them man.  Apparently they are unable to come up with any rational reason why they still support this criminal.


    27 minutes ago, Roman said:

    WH reporting that Trump didn't know the sun was in the sky.


    :lol::lol: But ya know what?  That may be true, too!  He's a fuckin imbecile.


  5. 8 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Constant slow-moving train-wrecks but I just keep reading about them.


    They're on Obamacare, they voted for Trump, and they're already disappointed


    If Congress follows Trump's lead, many of them will be out on their asses in '18, because look at those (dis) approval ratings.  

    I don't know if anyone has read this article, or if it has been posted but it articulates what many know.


    Donald Trump’s presidency is an American crisis






    I'm sharing that 2nd article on FB :-)


    The first article is just frustrating.  These people readily admit they aren't happy with Trump or his "health care plan for everyone" and yet, they're still going to vote Republican?!?!  :rolleyes:  I don't get it.  It does cause some concern for the mid-terms.


    The Dems need to start harping on this AHCA failure and the Kansas economy (as others mentioned up thread).  Over and over and over, to every media outlet and new person.  They need to make these things their primary talking points so hopefully someone wakes up and realizes that the republican party is not now, and has never been, a party for anyone but rich white guys.  Correction - rich white heterosexual guys.  It may not cause result in substantial gains for the dems, but it could flip a few...


  6. 49 minutes ago, Khan said:


    No offense to you OR your brother, but I'd love to see his reaction the day his bosses inform him that he's being replaced by robots. ;)



    No offense taken :-)  


    7 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    They've stuffed all that Christian doctrine in order to go for the Cash Grab! 


    When I heard that Jim Bakker had climbed out of his dark hole to say something supportive of Trump, I knew that Mango Mussolini had brought all the greedy sleazeballs out from under their rocks.



    I had forgotten about Bakker.  Thanks for reminding me (I think LOL) - it gives me another reason to despise the Persimmon Overlord (:lol: @ Mango Mussolini)


  7. 16 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Right here is the difference between real and fake allies. Maher managed to not get fired so he doubles down on his privilege and white progressive butthurt by bringing back Milo. I assume so they can commiserate on how the coloreds are the real fascists.




    I had started to tune him out more often due to his stance on Muslims.  But after this latest incident, he's off my watch list altogether and I think you've hit in the nail in the head here.  This IS a perfect example of white privilege (as if we were in need of another, but some still refuse to admit it exists).  If this were a POC they wouldn't have been given another chance. 

  8. 8 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Those who feel anyone who isn't doing well is a worthless lazy bum will lap it up.


    Very true.  My "christian" brother and his wife both support that idea.  We had a discussion on McD's employees making a livable wage and his position was that those jobs are for HS kids, not adults and if an adult had to work there, it was their fault.  He had no response to the great recession and how it necessitated some adults having no other option.  Oh, and then he rolled out the excuse that the business will automate before giving the bums a living wage.  Again, he had no response to the fact that they're doing that now.  In "right to work" states like FL, where there's no whiff or a slimmest chance in hell of these people getting a pay raise. 


    Whatever happened to that bible saying that goes something like it's easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than get into heaven?!?!  I guess he doesn't subscribe to that one like he does the gays and the poor people.  You know, the disgustingtons.


  9. 6 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    An article on the shameful way the Trump administration is rolling back workers' safety protections in favor of big business.

    Some recent gains under the Obama administration, such as standards to protect workers against hazardous and toxic chemicals such as beryllium and silica (which lead to various lung diseases) are being rolled back.  

    Also the budget for the Chemical Safety Board is being decimated to the point of practical elimination.


    Under Trump, Worker Protections Are Viewed With New Skepticism

    10 or 20 years from now there will be lawyer advertisements for people that have been hurt by beryllium and silica like they do today for asbestos. 


    It's infuriating that his supporters still claim he's the best man for working families and everything he's done (or grandstanded on without doing anything) is to further disadvantage, marginalize and harm them.  I'm sorry, but even the poorly educated know when someone walks up to them and hands them an apple but it's actually a banana. 


    26 minutes ago, marceline said:

    At some point even his supporters have to admit that he's trying to lose this job.




    I just saw this flash across my screen and my first thought was WTF is he thinking?!?!


  10. 2 hours ago, Roman said:

    Oh, you're one of them. 




    43 minutes ago, Roman said:

    5 people killed in orlando shooting by disgruntled worker. and what was Trump saying about gun control? 


    Right down the street from me.  Of course, he won't say shyt because it doesn't fit the Republican/NRA narrative.  Remember for YEARS they talked about how it was a mental health problem and the minute The Donald got into the WH, they dropped any restrictions based on it.  He won't say a damn thing.


    I read somewhere that Melania is having an affair and really, who could blame her?  The thought of that thing on top of me...ugh.  


  11. 9 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    None of these people cared that the Bush white house used a private server and deleted 22 million emails. Can you imagine the dirt that was there considering the illegal Iraq war. Cheney at a minimum would likely have ended up in prison and several in that admin convicted of war crimes.


    It's amazing that not one of these so called patriots give a damn about the fact that Trump and his entire dirty family owe the Russian mob and China tons of money, tried to remove sanctions placed on the Russians for tampering with our election as soon as they took office, or even care it happened. These people are only patriots when it's a democrat that allegedly does something bad.  They are willing to sell out our country to the highest bidder as long as Trump and Paul Ryan and their cronies are all in with it. They don't care about democracy or our constitution.  I have no doubt they'd have a problem selling any of us out.


    Hells yes.  Well said.


  12. 1 hour ago, OLTL #1 fan said:

    there's still zero evidence Trump has done anything illegal...probably unethical, but not illegal


    What rock are you living under?  People like you and their blind alliance to party above country is what is wrong these days.  If Hillary had half of this [!@#$%^&*] being reported, I'm sure you would be the first to say "lock her up".  It fuckin pisses me off.


    Troll elsewhere. 


    Trump is completely incompetent and offensive.  Fact.


  13. 6 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

     Who knew Governors were not part of the government.


    What they and likely other states and the 60 mayors in this country who were part of the accords and committed to renewable energy and lowering CO2 is showing the world that `most Americans are not dumbfuck Trump and the members of the GOP at the national level. Most of these states and cities have already been doing it. No one has relied on the federal level but what genius has now done is potentially jeopardize investment and jobs here. You know the big JOBS GUY. Even our dumbass GOP Governor in Illinois has slammed Trump because the state has potential business and jobs reliant on foreign investors from India to covert the state buildings and offices to renewable energy by 2027(along with Chicago's commitment to 2025). This [!@#$%^&*] move jeopardizes that investment and those jobs. Which is why state and local leadership in this country now has to do what he is too stupid to do. SHOW LEADERSHIP.


     This is science. Science is fact it's not conservative or liberal. Well it never was until the GOP branded themselves as the party of GOD. And the PENATGON you know the center of our military you so called CONSERVATIVES claim to respect have been saying for the past 10 years that Climate Change is the greatest threat to our national security. Now one would think so called CONSERVATIVES and their fearless leader would care about national security. Or let me guess, the Pentagon is just making it up.


    Coal and fossil fuels no matter how much you folks believe it will, ain't coming back. Natural Gas, Solar, Wind are all cleaner and most importantly to you who CLAIM to be conservatives, cheaper. States like Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Indiana have already converted to wind and solar and natural gas 100%. And those 60 cities and blue states likely account for probably 80% of the GDP in this country. So you should thank someone that there are still some smart people in government who see why this is important.


    And this will be my final post to you. You go on ignore now


    :wub: This is everything

  14. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    Their lives aren't better. They just 'feel' like they're back in charge because a 'strong' white man is in place. It's an existential racial/cultural thing and it will never fully go away until that mindset does (along with a lot of older folks, I'm afraid). It will take decades to breed out, or die trying.


    Even ol' Joe Scarborough admitted this the other day - said the election was a one-off, a primal scream, a last gasp. I said the same thing in November.


    @Fevuh good question - I often wonder that myself and I think this hits the nail on the head.  Nothing is any better.  It's actually considerably worse.  


    @Roman He's a modern day Herbert Hoover


  15. 2 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    ^ Our leader is a complete dolt.


    Here's another gem.  Trump's visit to Israel and he makes a remark about "just getting back from the Middle East" :rolleyes:  



    This is day two of the trip, and he’s about to do more flying. He’s only going to get crankier and more error-prone from here:

    Trump, in remarks before meeting with Rivlin, says "we just got back from the Middle East."

    — Gregg Carlstrom (@glcarlstrom) May 22, 2017

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