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Posts posted by GMac

  1. 6 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I find myself not reading the newspaper as much as I used to because I'm just tired of the man. I didn't see the PC but all I need to do is glance at social media and see some remarks about how he's like the sad sack of a man who can only brag about scoring the game winning touchdown in high school, etc.


    It's only been a month and so many people of weary of this man!


    Had he done this outside of the Y&R hour, I wouldn't have purposely tuned in.  The man is sickening.


    He is still defending Flynn.  And saying Obama lost more cabinet noms than he has.  Jeez.  :rolleyes:


    3 minutes ago, Roman said:

    when I see his face I turn down the sound. I'm sick of this creature. 4 weeks tomorrow and he is the worst POTUS of the modern age. he so narcissistic that he keeps going on about this victory of his. DUDE.....YOU'RE PRESIDENT! MOVE ON!. we have Russian ships off our coast and he's waxing about his victory and why retail outlets won't carry Ivanka's crap? he's delusional. he's nuts.


    Yes, all of this.


  2. OK.  So, I'm not sure who the reporter was, but he called Trump out on his lie of having the largest electoral college win since Reagan!  First, the reporter sited President Obama's electoral win was larger, and Trump shot back "I meant among Republicans", the reporter got him AGAIN that both Bushes had larger margins.  I love it.


    Trump didn't answer his follow up on how can Americans trust what he says when he lies.  Trump asked him "did you think it was an impressive win?!?".


    This is maddening.




  3. 38 minutes ago, marceline said:


    I don't believe we can ever go back. Personally I can never unknow that people I considered decent had so much hate and darkness inside them nor will I forget the people who called themselves allies becoming so treacherous. There's no putting this ugliness back in the bottle.


    Yup.  I feel the same.


  4. 6 minutes ago, Roman said:

    wow......you just can't be civil? LOLOLOLOL good luck with Ryan. 

    he won't....no matter what republicans do, he will defend them to the end....which is why I am now going back to ignoring him. now where did I put my "don't feed the trolls" sign....



  5. 49 minutes ago, Roman said:

    Which proves Obama, on his way out the door, knew exactly what he was doing.....he knew Trump with run off at the mouth and instead of saying something then, he wanted Trump to have to deal with his own BS...which he has screwed up IN AN EPIC FASHION. 


    The last few days have been unbelievable to watch



  6. 45 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    You're thinking and using logic and some of those voters may have understood deep down that nothing would change but they want to believe and chose to vote for Trump.  I watched an interview of three women who voted for Trump a couple of weeks ago.  One of them said she didn't think he would deliver on the jobs but hoped he would and that she wasn't enthusiastic about him, but she felt he was the lesser of two evils. 


    The people who voted against Hilary Clinton will likely vote for whoever the Democrats run as long as that person is not polarizing with a lot of baggage.


    I am non-partisan.  I am tired of party rhetoric and all the divisiveness. 


    What the Democrats have going for them is that they seem to be for people while the Republicans are about money.  But the Democrats need to snap out of their funk and get to networking.  They should be finding ways to get people i.d. cards, working on community outreach programs, etc.  There are plenty of young people who want to belong to something purposeful and they could get something going.  And they need to offer opportunities for young people to learn how the government works so that they can keep new blood in the party because the over 70 club is not cutting it.  Right now they're squandering opportunities to start something new.


    Wales, you are, and have been, someone whose posts always strike me as overwhelmingly fair and insightful.  


    I do hope that you're right regarding the people that voted against Hillary.  Although, I simply can't understand how someone, using the argument "the lesser of two evils", would come to the conclusion that DJT is that person.  I can't conceive of it.  



  7. 48 minutes ago, Roman said:

    CNN just talked about how states nationwide have filed lawsuits against the Trump Admin. he's gotten himself in so much garbage when is going to get to the task of bringing back jobs? and I have NO sympathy for anyone who believed his lies and slander and voted for him anyway or didn't vote. 




    On the subject to Trump voters.  Yes, there are some Dems that crossed party lines, for whatever reason, to vote for this clearly racist misogynist.  All because he made a couple of stops along the rust belt, promising the manufacturing and steel jobs will come back?!?  It was clear in the eighties when Billy Joel sang about Allentown...


    The thing is, I work in IT and those jobs have been going offshore for almost 20 years.  If the Dems put forth a candidate that said the things Trump did, and wanted me to ignore ALL of that because he/she would bring my programming job back, there is NO WAY IN HELL I would vote for them.  I would have been voting for the Republican.  So I'm with you.  No sympathy for anyone that voted for this abomination.


  8. 2 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    I am far from a Graham or McCain lover but since when are they advocating war here? There are sanctions on Russia for a reason or do you forget that. Are we supposed to release those sanctions willy nilly? I want to know what aligning ourselves with a country who is suffering fiscally, who has an economy no larger than Italy, how that benefits the United States. This is Russia not the old Soviet Union. You know who it benefits? The oil companies like Exxon who has a huge investment in Russia they can't tap into due to those sanctions and our Sec of State is now Exxon's former CEO. We are in a position of strength here and that doesn't mean releasing sanctions just because they might be nice to us. The sanctions get released when they get their asses out of the Ukraine and how about Crimea, which is why we and all of our allies put the sanctions in place to begin with. And then to likely have someone in the White House who has no issue criticizing a much more dangerous power, China, because of the election tampering Russia did in his favor along with whatever evidence they have on him, is enough reason to limit his powers here. Add that his top advisor is an admitted Leninist and I don't have any qualms in seeing limits placed on his decision making when it comes to Russia.


    Well said, JaneA!


    8 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I'm hearing that Jeff Sessions was just confirmed. Oi! Just gets worse and worse. The Deplorables are truly ensconced in the adminstration.


    Ugh.  Trump's cabinet is just as divisive as he is.  Sickening.


  9. 28 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    I don't understand the stock market well enough to get why Trump's negative comments about a company is used to drive the value down.  Nordstrom apparently dipped earlier because he went on twitter to criticize them for dropping Ivanka's line, then retweeted the criticism from the POTUS twitter account.  I saw a few days ago that there were threats to not shop there and whining about liberals not being the only ones to shop there.  I doubt that they can take down Nordstrom so his tweet having an effect seems ridiculous.


    Regardless, he should not be allowed to use his position to threaten businesses over his family's business ventures. 


    All those people who gleefully repeat his pledge to take $1 must not be able to tell the difference between the $400,000 (plus $50,000 for expenses) and the millions his golf weekend cost and the millions his wife and son cost living in NY. 


    Throw in Melania's money grab lawsuit and you've got the first family grifters.




    IA.  I don't get how this is acceptable.  


  10. 12 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Is it possible that Trump has lost Kanye? :lol:




    :o but really :lol: 


    10 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Would it be mean to use the word demented? I mean, Jesus!



    It wouldn't be mean, it would be pretty accurate IMO


  11. 17 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I'm seeing that Trump began his first ever address to the military at CENTCOM by guess what? If you said, talking about his election win, you'd be absolutely correct. 

    What a trifling individual!


    He's really pathetic.

  12. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    I saw some liberal organ houses like Daily Kos happy about this, but it's hard for me to care, because they aren't icing her based on her views or Trump's views, just on Trump trashing and humiliating them for an extended period. If they'd played along then CNN would have her on all day every day.


    That's true.


    9 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I'm not absolving them of their sins, but CNN has come a long way in a very few months. They and MSNBC have kind of swapped places, while the latter pushes out talent of color for Greta Van Sustern and Megyn Kelly. And I do think CNN (and all media) have rapidly become disgusted with Conway especially.






    Everyday, I think it can't get worse but WTF.  Its only been a few weeks and the crazy level is pegged.  Jeez.



  13. 20 minutes ago, Roman said:

    You know he is. for the first time in his life, people are stopping him from doing anything he wants. 


    Exactly.  I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the WH right now.


    I wonder if it's still wired.  That's what brought Nixon down...


  14. So, our default is CBS.  I know they have their faults but we like our local news on that channel, and tend to leave it there for Scott Pelley.  I can tolerate their evening news a helluva lot more than Charlie/Gayle/Nora in the morning.


    This week I have noticed a change in the way they are covering the Trump administration.  Tonight, Major Garrett reported on and called out the latest: Bowling Green, Turnbull and ... well damn.  Anyway, they are at least calling them out on the lies.  Now, if they can actually be journalists and report on EVERYTHING that this charlatan racist [!@#$%^&*] is up to...



    11 minutes ago, Roman said:

    A Federal Judge has halted Trump Travel Ban EO nationwide.




    He has got to be so so soooo pissed right now



  15. 36 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    ^ That did the trick thanks Vee.


    Wow. I believe it too. Trump must love seeing people riot in the streets. We have millions of children in the system and this SOB wants to make it harder for LGBT people to adopt. I have a friend and former roommate who adopted two siblings out of the foster care system. One a three years old boy and the other a 15 year old girl. Their mother is in jail for life.  She totally changed their lives for the better in every way.  The oldest is headed off to college in the fall. Also, my friend did two tours overseas and is one of those vets Trump claims to love so much. 


    I have always tried to have a basic respect for the office of the president, but I just cannot. I hate this man so much.


    I am honestly disgusted.  And heartbroken.


  16. On January 27, 2017 at 11:32 AM, DramatistDreamer said:

    If people remember the Emmitt Till murder case (it was one of many events that touched off the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s), there is an upcoming book in which the woman at the center of the murder case, whose husband and another man were acquitted (but later admitted guilt in a magazine interview) in the grisly killing of the teenager, has admitted that SHE LIED in court!


    Anyone with a conscience knew that she lied, her husbands lied and they all got away with it by benefit of a racist jury and legal system but how does someone live with this knowledge and for so damn long??!


    How Author Timothy Tyson Found the Woman at the Center of the Emmett Till Case



    12 minutes ago, slick jones said:



    She said it ruined her life, living with the secret. I feel so much worse for her than...The guy who lost his life thanks to her lies.


    Now that woman is "Deplorable"


    Honestly, she deserves anything coming her way.  It's despicable and yes, deplorable.  How anyone can do something like that to another human being - a child even - pisses me the [!@#$%^&*] off.  


    She KNEW the ramifications of her accusations.  She made them anyway.  Fuc.k her.


  17. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    Like I said, I'm done with rationalizing with them and their points-of-view.  They are hypocrites who cared only about getting another white man as president.  Nothing more.


    Yup, I think that's pretty spot on.


    It's interesting that during this joint press conference, PM May refers to Trump as "Mr. President" or "President". And Trump refers to her by her first name.


    That was a SHORT press conference.  


  18. 7 hours ago, Wales2004 said:

    I don't think any Democrats in California want the border wall. 


    Anyway, I don't think the border obsession is part of any playbook for him.  I think he seriously wants to build this wall and find any little thing he can to claim that Mexico paid for it.  And I don't think he's going to get anywhere with that.  I guess the form of negotiations that he uses in business is not the best approach but he has yet to figure out that only his base and some wimpy individuals in the media and on the hill will give in to him. 


    It was positively idiotic for him to say that the president of Mexico has to say that he won't pay for the wall, as if there is no way that anyone in Mexico would know he said that. 


    He may actually end up weakening the global position of the U.S.


    The media seems to be pretty quiet about it being called the opposition party and being told to keep its mouth shut.


    CEN Scott Pelley started off the newscast last night with this.  It was the first I had heard of what Bannon said and I was floored.  But you're right, I haven't seen much about it since, even on social media.  IMO, this is shocking.  A senior WH official emphatically states that the press is the opposition and there's no widespread outcry?  


    News agencies worldwide should be putting this at the top of their broadcasts, but most of them are still preoccupied with the inauguration and The Wall.  I don't get it.


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