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Posts posted by GMac

  1. 1 hour ago, Cat said:


    omg I'm so sorry GMac -- as a resident in the UK, I am completely horrified. I thought these attacks no longer really happen here, but clearly I am deluding myself.


    I don't know whether counselling is your bag, but if it is, talking about it with someone face to face can be helpful. The fact that you never reported it and had to keep your assault quiet is too much to bear, so I hope you have found a way to work through the feeling of helplessness you experienced that night. My heart hurts reading your story, I hope it has not stopped you from living your life fully, and with happiness.


    I also pray the thugs that did this get punished in kind.


    1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:



    That sounds horrifying @GMac! I'm glad you made it through!  It was a crime what happened to you, hopefully there is enough enlightenment that someone in your position now could feel that they could report it and be taken seriously.


    I have been to London since my days as a student and fortunately that hasn't happened again, although I've experienced catcalls, etc. what many women experience when they walk, particularly alone on streets, still unfortunate but at least I feel a bit more empowered to manage the situation.


    I had forgotten what happened to me that evening for many years until that former colleague recounted what happened to her on the Paris Metro.


    I don't think acknowledging the seriousness of a problem and expressing hurt or disappointment is being overly sensitive. I think not acknowledging it and glossing over the severity of it has ensured that these problems continue to exist and affect people.

    We need to deal honestly with what happens globally (of course, it's not just in Europe, that's a given). If we air it out in the open, acknowledge it, then that's the first step toward solving the issue.


    Laughing it off certainly won't help.


    Thank y'all.  @Cat  :wub:I love the UK.  Even after that happened, it's a beautiful country and I am dying to go back to my old stomping grounds of Montrose, Edzell, Brechin, Aberdeen... and of course Glasgow.  Edinburgh was nice too but somehow I preferred the grittier nature of Glasgow, although I have no idea if it's still like it was when I was there. 


    @DramatistDreamer :wub: 


    It's been many many years ago but I have never forgotten it.  I often wonder what happened to those Scottish thugs - were they trying to hide or fight their own homosexuality?  or were they truly that angry at a man they didn't know for doing something that they found that repulsive?  It was a lesson learned - and believe it or not, I'm not sure I would change anything about it.  It happened, I got through it and I'd like to think maybe I'm a bit better or it.  Am I crazy or what?  lol 


    Anyway, thanks again for your kind thoughts.  :-) 


  2. 55 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Um, one of my former colleagues was physically assaulted in Paris and called an ethnic slur slur in French.

    That is quite blatant and it it anything but minor.


    I myself as a student in London, had a rando white British guy literally grab me by force and fortunately one of my flatmates pulled the guy away from me and started yelling at the guy.


    Another of my flatmates, a Bangladeshi guy was followed and intimidated by two White guys while he was walking home one night. They literally surrounded him two, one on each side, standing shoulder to shoulder with him- speeding up their pace as he sped up his pace.


    I had one or two odd incidents in Spain but mostly men getting fresh, nothing like a someone I knew-she was called a "junglebunny" by someone using a very casual tone.


    These are real incidents and not examples of being hypersensitive.


    I'm glad you can laugh at what happened to you but it's not the same for others.


    I traveled through a lot of Western Europe when I as in the service and was actually stationed in Scotland for several years for the last part of my enlistment.  I was getting tired of hiding my man love (haha) so I started venturing out to some fairly local gay bars.  The part of the country I was in was fairly rural, so I had to travel about an hour or so to Edinburgh or Glasgow - usually a lesbian friend would accompany me.


    One night I ventured out alone, my friend on leave back in the states.   I stayed out fairly late, the guys at the bar were super friendly that night and I felt good when I left the bar.  I hadn't noticed that a couple of guys had been following me around the bar for about 30 minutes and left when I did.  The parking area was about 5 blocks away, when I got to my car they attacked me.  One held my hands behind my back, the other started punching me, jump kicking (!) me and calling me faggot over and over.  It was horrible.  I couldn't call the cops because they took nothing.  I couldn't claim robbery.  I was petrified I would be found out.  My glasses were destroyed.  Ribs bruised.  Eye swollen shut.  And had to drive back home to my flat, barely able to see, crying the entire time (mostly out of anger) and feeling completely helpless.


    There are intolerant people everywhere.  I guess I had deluded myself into thinking I was in some enlightened society.


  3. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    So Trump invited Duterte to the White House without clearing it with the State Department, huh? Two awful men unite.


    Trump did not clear Duterte invitation with State Department: report


    Well, here's a clue as to the timing of the meeting.


    What the hell is going on in this country?  This man is a scab and he needs to account for this underhanded bullshit.



  4. 1 hour ago, marceline said:


    I never thought of that one as a troll. The original remark...yeah.


    It's just so funny because the 2008 primary is the only time my mom and I have ever been on the opposite side of a issue. We've had issues where our level of engagement is different - LGBT rights for example - but we've never been opponents. Of course when I remind mom of that she's very quick to point out that she had nothing against Barack but she simply didn't know him while she'd been a supporter of Hillary's for decades. Hillary was family and Obama was that cousin that we'd never seen at a previous reunion. But don't dare make it sound like she likes one more than the other. She loves them both like they were made of cake.

    I'm sick of purity ponies screaming "sellout" whenever they encounter real world politics. I have my dealbreakers, one of which is reproductive rights, (I could and will never vote for an anti-choice Dem.) but I am one of those dreaded establishment pragmatists so I'm going to do what needs doing. Also, as a black woman, purity politcs are a luxury I can't afford, like trusting the police. It's the reason I'm sending money to Rob Quist in Montana. He was a Sanders supporter and is anti-gun control and other most circumstances I wouldn't send him a dime but every seat in Congress matters. Every single [!@#$%^&*] one.




    1 hour ago, Roman said:

    I've gotten to the point that I just ignore the purity people. they want the perfect Democrat.....then build her/him in a lab. they don't exist....I had to realize that you have to take things as they are with candidates one votes for. I was a HRC fan but Obama stayed more consistent to me. I remember the last DNC last year....every speaker was a firebrand. every single one was lighting the place up...except her. But, I KNEW she was so much better than the idiot we have in office now. Dems need work in many areas....but people not voting because the candidate isn't exactly they way they want will keep Republicans winning, because they truly don't care IMO how that person is. 






  5. 8 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    Oh don't worry. In the opening scene of Bigly, the true story of America's first CEO and his epic failures, he'll be the one switching his avatar to Mike Pence then Paul Ryan and finally Howdy Doody.


    :lol: :lol:

  6. On 3/22/2017 at 1:29 PM, GregNYC said:

    The London parliament terror attacks confrims Trump has kept America safe, while Europe is not. GOP has a good chance at a filibuster-proof 60 seat GOP Senate supermajority in 2018 and a Trump reelection in 2020.


    The London attacks confirm nothing and Trump hasn't done anything to make us safer.  Name one piece of legislation or EO that supports your statement.


    What's keeping us safe now are the policies of the Obama Administration.


  7. 3 hours ago, marceline said:


    His fans don't care. He lied to their faces and admits he lied to their faces and they still worship him. It's time to stop thinking that anything will make them see him for the fraud he is because their attachment to him is based on religious fervor not logic or reason.


    That's true, but I can't pretend to understand how evangelicals reconcile their support of a man that is the antithesis of everything they claim to believe in.  The only logical conclusion is that they are all hypocrites.




    I watched the first 40 minutes or so.  He wasn't at all impressive and given his behavior over the last year and a half, I didn't believe a word of it.  


    That being said, he did make some very lofty statements and some were a lot more inclusive than anything he's ever said.  I can understand how one might feel a little more comfortable with him after that speech.  Look, for me, I've learned to live by and find immense truth in actions speaking louder than words.  For the people on the opposite end of that belief, they will like what he said.  That's all I'm saying.  In fact, I will be surprised if he doesn't see a bump in his poll numbers in the coming days.


    He's horrible.  


  9. 29 minutes ago, Roman said:

    WH officials block CNN and other news outlets from WH briefing. 


    Grrr.  And from the article..."reporters "shouldn't be allowed" to use unnamed sources." from Trump @ cpac


    Just when you think it can't get worse, it somehow does.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Roman said:

    ok...I'm going to have to copyright "well [!@#$%^&*] fire and save the matches". that is classic. 




    momma was born and raised in the south, so on the rare occasion she said that, you KNEW somethin wasn't right lol


  11. 57 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    So Trump wants to deport all illegal immigrants to Mexico, whether they're Mexican nationals or not?  What a mess that will be!


    Trump Plan: Deport to Mexico Immigrants Crossing Border Illegally, Regardless of Nationality


    " The idea is part of a raft of immigration proposals signed by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly that are likely to spur international and legal challenges. "



    And then of course there's this, ICYMI.


    Trump’s first month of travel expenses cost taxpayers just less than what Obama spent in a year



    "Meanwhile, his budget proposal cuts programs for poor people."


    Grrrrrrr!  As my dearly missed momma would say...well sh!t fire and save the matches!


    Why do these people keep voting against their own interests??  And in the larger scheme of things, cutting programs for the underprivileged doesn't even make a dent in the deficit compared to, oh I don't know, military, fair tax of the richest Americans.  Hell, even regulating marijuana nationwide could provide a windfall.  


  12. 1 minute ago, marceline said:

    I'm following #trumppressconference on Twitter. It's amazing to see his fans acting like he's tearing it up.


    They are just as delusional as he is.  One of my friends from high school that never met a drug she didn't like is a Trumpster.  She owns a small winery in N. Florida, a state controlled by Republicans for over 15 years (or more), in a county that is as red as they come.  But it was Obama's fault her business was failing :rolleyes:


    I guess I'm still friends with her out of nostalgia but it's prolly time to end it.


  13. 16 minutes ago, Vee said:

    "Number two: Racism. The least racist person. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet! See, he lied about getting up and asking a straight simple question..."



    See it for yourself. He is ranting about the Jewish reporter lying and asking a "very insulting question". The room explodes.


    I finally turned it off, but it was so great to see some reporters keep after him.  I esp loved the one that called him out on his "largest electoral college win since Reagan" :lol:

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