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Posts posted by GMac

  1. 19 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    I agree with you and I think it has happened all over the country.  Sure, it's a little more shocking in places like NYC where you think people are more cosmopolitan. However, I've lived in many parts of this country and there was a pretty strong veneer of acceptance for the most part. Of course racism is always there, but now it's emboldened. People are just flat out coming out with it with no sense of shame and they even feel justified in committing acts of violence.



    The other day, I had posted on my FB the story of the American Vanguard poster that showed up on Purdue's campus claiming that white supremacists "we have a right to exist".  When I shared that, I added a post stating that I don't believe they do have a right to exist.


    So, a few of my "friends" took issue with that and called me out, saying "they have every right to exist".  One of them was surprising, the other not so much.  How did we get to a time when white supremacists are being defended?  It's crazy.


    I've defriended their asses in the meantime.


  2. All morning, CBS News was gushing GUSHING about Trump's "saving" the jobs in Indiana.  It was nauseating.  Gail was horrid.  Not to mention how they went on and on about Pelley's upcoming interview with Ryan on 60 Minutes this Sunday.


    The way the media are falling over themselves to kiss Trumps ass.  If Hillary would have won and held a rally like he did in Cincinnati, they would be raking her over the coals right now.  It's sickening.

  3. Yea, that Tara episode this week was horrid.  The character is a D-Lister at best, and has never been fleshed out enough for the audience to give a [!@#$%^&*] about her.  She's spoken more lines in this episode than in her entire history on the show.  


    And for me, all this episode did was expand the (already sizable) plot hole with The Saviors.  There's yet another group that they have been terrorizing for apparently quite some time, yet Alexandria was blissfully forgotten/unknown/ignored, etc.  


    I suppose Carol has been roasting marshmallows, knitting and masturbating this entire time in her little house with the white picket fence.  


  4. 12 minutes ago, ReddFoxx said:

    Look at the avatar. Only someone with that idiot in their profile picture would believe that this is actually good news. Questionable taste and judgement all around it seems.


    Gotta admit, I had to do a double take when I saw that avatar.


    11 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    The EPA was one of the few good things to come out of the Nixon Administration(A REPUBLICAN) and there will end up being someone running it against climate change


    Agreed.  Why and how did the environment become such a partisan issue.  It makes no sense.




  5. 30 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Is this supposed to be some longterm good news? Of course the energy and financials stocks have soared. De-regulating the financial industry and basically dismantling every policy the EPA has enacted is a dream come true for these businesses.  I'll remember this when the financial industry crashes like it did in 1929, 1987, and 2008.


    What a nightmare, thinking of what this clown is going to do to the environment.  It's sickening.  You would think of all places, Michigan voters would have rejected Trump on that issue alone.  


    It's scary to think just how fucked up Mother Earth will be once Republicans get going.  There's nothing to stop them, at least for the next couple years. 




    So do y'all think that Hillary was disliked, dare I say "hated", so much that people voted for DJT?  I don't understand this.  I really don't.


    How the [!@#$%^&*] am I going to get any work done today, I have no idea...

  7. 20 minutes ago, Ms. Quartermaine said:


    I cried last night, but it was a quiet cry. I am now crying, and it's ugly. I'm also fighting bronchitis which has gotten worse over the last few days, and I feel like all my coughing is gonna result in me vomiting. Sorry if that's too much information. I guess if that happens, I can at least go home... 


    Just hang in there as best you can.  Please.  We'll all get through this together somehow...

  8. 1 minute ago, Ms. Quartermaine said:

    I am so tired and upset. Gotta figure out how to get through the work day... 


    Same here.  I got like 3 hours of sleep last night, up since 3am.  I'm so disillusioned in America.  How the majority of the country embraced this hate monger is beyond my comprehension.

  9. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Yes, I am judging Trump supporters because it speaks to who they are in their heart of hearts. Trump's father Fred was aligned with the KKK (he was found to be at least one of their rallies where mayhem broke loose, where he was arrested; also Fred Trump was known to do business with Klansmen).  Trump himself has made statements that have shown him to be a racist, sexist, xenophobe and there's no denying it.


    So to me, Trump supporters have no problem supporting a man who not only has a racist, sexist, xenophobic worldview, they are willing to overlook the fact that he has swindled people and is in thousands of litigation cases- one of them an upcoming rape trial.


    So yeah, me and a Trump supporter would never be friends. I would probably have to 'tolerate' them as well.


    ICAM.  Our neighbors are mostly white families with less than a college education,  four wheeler loving, bonfire mud boggers.  My partner and I have considered them friends before but I can't.  I say hello these days and that's about it.  


    My mind goes back to when we first moved on the street (10 years ago), the wife of the duck dynasty fan said she thought we'd be having parties all the time and was surprised at how "conservative" we are.  Grrr.  Now the parties on the street are the rednecks.  I guess she's OK with them.  


    Trump supporters should be called out for their bullshit.  I'm sick of it.


  10. From a poll I read this morning, HRC is now up by 2 points in Texas. 

    I've always wondered how it's remained red all these years, given it's diverse populace.  Same goes for a lot of the South (my home) - this region is more than just rednecks...


  11. I see what y'all are saying, and agree with you.  But a part of me is genuinely concerned about the consequences of all of this for our country.  How can we know for certain that the fallout of this will be contained within the Republican Party?  Will it bleed out and infect other parts of the government and our democracy?  I guess I'm freaking out a lil bit, y'all.

  12. https://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/10/11/hill-trump-campaign-ceo-stephen-bannon-gave-explicit-orders-breitbart-staff-destroy-paul-ryan/213766

    Now Trump and Breitbart are going after ryan to outright destroy him. Is Trump playing TGVN, Stefano, one of the Cassadines, Carl or J.R.? 


    This is alarming.  First he threatens Hillary with imprisonment, and now any perceived political threat is removed by any means necessary.  I'm no fan of the Republican Party, but this is unprecedented and needs to stopped.  


    Its time for R leadership to remove him from the ticket.  


  13. It's almost unbelievable.  Trump talks down to vets with PTSD, the NY AG shuts down his foundation and now the thing about using steel from China?!?!?  And Vee's right.  It's just Monday.  


    What the hell is going on...


    What's going on is that a lot of the press is remembering what made them want to be journalists to begin with. Also, Trump humiliated them with his birther conference and that was the last straw.

    Well. It's about fuckin time :-)


    CBS covered his comment about vets and PTSD.  Major correctly stated that the military have, for years, tried to take the word "weakness" out of the argument regarding that horrible disorder, and now Trump uses that same word to classify those suffering.  It's just unbelievable.  Republicans have for years had the military vote on lockdown.  I was one of the very few Dems when I was on active duty.  I wonder if this will move the military needle at all.


    That terrorist bank story is damning.  Trump's "strengths" are all under attack today and I can't imagine how he comes back from this.


  14. It's almost unbelievable.  Trump talks down to vets with PTSD, the NY AG shuts down his foundation and now the thing about using steel from China?!?!?  And Vee's right.  It's just Monday.  


    What the hell is going on...

  15. I'm a political glutton for punishment. I can't help but wonder what former posters Max and Alphanguy are thinking about this election.


    I've been thinking about that as well.  I'd add Brian to the mix.


    This thread needs a conservative voice.



  16. Anything Cuba-related will lose him the Florida Cubans, and Florida.


    Meanwhile, more leaks:



    Donald Trump is angry that his aides and advisers have conceded to reporters -- largely without attribution -- that the Republican nominee struggled in his first presidential debate.


    In a conference call with surrogates Wednesday afternoon, Trump aides made clear the Republican nominee is upset that his allies publicly acknowledged they pushed him to change his preparation and tactics before his next bout with Hillary Clinton. And he wants them to stop it immediately.


    Trump wants his supporters to make an energetic defense of his performance and refuse to concede that he didn't nail it.

    This is scary.  Not that it surprises me, but this is the type of behavior that should genuinely give people of all political leanings concern.  If he wants his supporters to tow the the line about something as simple as his debate performance, what won't he concede?  He's dangerous.


    I haven't heard anything from evangelicals on how their support of this man is possible.  He is everything that they supposedly do not condone.  Somethin ain't right.



  17. Did anyone see the Frontline special The Choice on PBS? I watched it last night. It's up on their website. Despite all the years of watching and reading about the personal histories of each of the two candidates (although I have a visceral reaction to calling one of them an actual, serious candidate), there were still some illuminating aspects presented in the program.  Frontline also laid out a timeline that made the narrative fascinating.

    I didn't get a chance to watch, but it's definitely on my radar.  Maybe I'll stream it later this evening, sounds fascinating.

  18. So I've come across this little gem in my FB feed...




    What a fuckin crybaby.  He's upset because Hillary brought all the vile s.hit that's been spewing from his mouth for months, and left it in a nice lil baggie on his front stoop.  That's what a debate is, Donald. 




    That's not true (yet). Andy Borowitz writes political satire for the New Yorker. He used to have an email called "The Borowitz Report" and they offered him a job and they have always been awful about clearly calling out his writing as comedy. Why do I know so much about him, you ask? He's from Cleveland. LOL!


    The scary thing is that based on Trump's real actions, that was perfectly believable.

    :blush:  Thanks marceline.  It did have a definite The Onion feel about it, but then knowing how Trump is, I thought it sounded plausible.  lol

    In-T-Way, thanks for clearing that up for me :-) 


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