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Posts posted by GMac

  1. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    After a rambling litany of procedural nonsense, Spicer opens his first press briefing with questions - first questioners are the NY Post and the Christian Broadcasting Network.


    Now the Fox Business Channel!


    Jonathan Karl of ABC is easing Spicer into admitting he was lying about the inauguration on Saturday. Spicer is rambling about how everyone makes mistakes, and they had other stats from "an outside agency," but it was definitely the most watched inaugural!


    "Do you want to dispute that? Well, I do! If you're questioning my integrity..." Oh, my God.


    They're laughing at him. Spicer is rambling about Nielsen ratings and streaming. And still raging about the MLK bust thing. "Where was the apology to the president of the United States?"


    They're reminding him he accepted the apology. "I'm just saying!" And now he's bitching about John Lewis.


    This has now devolved into him arguing with journalists about his behavior and with the administration. He's rambling about the majesty of the fake CIA audience. Now back to the fifth-string journalists...


    That sounds like a train wreck.  Is there anyone in this administration that isn't a liar and a hack?  


  2. 8 minutes ago, Roman said:

    The two most depressed people in DC on Friday. she looks like she would rather been in the hills with mountain people than sitting next to him as FL. she never wanted this.



    ROFL  That is very telling.

  3. Thanks for sharing your experience, @MissLlanviewPA.  I would have loved to be there and heard the speakers.  How was Van Jones?  I really admire him.


    BTW, lived in S MD for several years when I was stationed in Pax River.  You near there?  I really liked that area, esp around St Mary's College...my old stomping grounds lol



  4. 17 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    Spicer had nothing to say about the size of the Women's March crowd.  Tomorrow the Trumpkins will probably go on all the Sunday show's whining about the media and how they didn't praise his speech.  Any mention of the Women and they will try to twist it into how the anti-abortionist group was not welcomed.


    Trumpkins are on a mission to gaslight the thinking public and divert people from the truth.  I'd be an alcoholic if I took a drink every time one of them called the ACA a failed Obama policy when asked what their replacement plan is.




    16 minutes ago, Vee said:


    There's a difference between letting him dictate the coverage and countering it.


    Ignoring his first press secretary's briefing opening with this would be normalizing his behavior and letting it become a matter of day-to-day course. That cannot be allowed to happen. And no, not all the media wants to feel cool - some are genuinely shocked and appalled by this behavior, as we are, and want to shine a light on it. If we don't call it what it was, we don't combat it.


    In Russia, Putin and his people's boldfaced lies are now just a daily occurrence. We can't let that happen. We don't have to follow the tail that wags the dog on his other stunts, but this is not an engineered cover, this is Trump being Trump and him and his people not knowing when to stop.


    Again, absolutely true.  We can not allow Trump's numerous, daily lies to go unchecked.  And the MSM have to pressured into doing the same.



  5. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:


    Try harder to make it easier to tell you apart.


    Day 2 is going great. They're already a laughing stock with the media.


    I caught some of Spicer yelling at the "press conference", it was honestly disturbing.  It's only Day 2 and THIS is the benchmark that this administration wants to set?  Not to mention, Trump going to CIA headquarters and...blaming the media for what HE SAID.  


    9 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Yeah - it's easy to forget now that he's been out of the spotlight for so long how petty much of his first term in particular was. 


    But I think on some level he was a decent human being - the problem is when you surround yourself with people like Karl Rove, that doesn't matter. 


    I agree that Rove was probably more responsible for the hate speech than GWB was, but he still took the torch and ran with it.


    I'd like to think the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and I actually like his dad.  The less said about Jeb the better.


  6. 1 hour ago, Juliajms said:

    A lot of people would take W back because he wasn't a mean spirited bully.  He did a huge amount of damage to the people and especially children of the middle east though.  Something close to half a million children are dead due to our wars over there. Trump says "they hate us", well some of them do and not without damn good reason. So while stupid never feels as dangerous as pure evil, sometimes it is. In fact that's how I feel about a lot of the people that got Trump elected.


    Except he was mean spirited.  The man tried his damnedest, and built his campaign around, writing discrimination into the constitution.  


    His denseness is entertaining, though.  It does make me laugh.


  7. 2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Trump is putting Black Lives Matters on notice: 


    http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/01/20/donald_trump_puts_bl ack_lives_matter_on_ notice.html




    I truly hate this man...


    Grrrrr :angry:



    1 hour ago, YRBB said:

    We shouldn't be surprised, should we?


    White House removes LGBT and Climate Change Pages


    No, not surprising.  Grrrrrrrr



  8. 9 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    They all are starting off the day early covering him. I hope people protest his ass and don't watch. I know I am not. There's a familial ban in the house that no TV to is to be turned on a news station tomorrow. He won't be getting any ratings up in here!


    3 minutes ago, Roman said:

    It did...actually some channels started at 7am eastern.


    3 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Honestly? Yes, it did. Obama's inauguration was covered all day and every second. Basically because a lot of us expected him to get assassinated.


    Thanks, y'all.  I was prolly so caught up in the moment 8 years ago, I didn't realize.  But yea, looks like TV tomorrow will be DVD only.  I ain't fixin to watch a second of this train wreck 


  9. 49 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Don't know if anyone post this, but Trump is taking the weekend off after being sworn in and will start on Monday:




    I saw that.  What happened to "getting to work on a Day One"?!?!  haha Another promise he broke.


    CBS is saying that beginning at 8AM tomorrow morning, they are covering the inauguration ALL DAY :o. WTF is that?  Did that happen for Prez O?


  10. 7 hours ago, Vee said:

    I think you can see the real Hillary when she talks to people one on one. Most of that doesn't end up on TV, or is caught by accident. I don't think it's that far removed from the Hillary we see in the public eye, but speeches have never been her forte. I just don't think there's that intense a divide. I don't think people have ever given her humanity enough credit. She wouldn't be just a wife, so people decided to make her into a thing.


    We have a retired Army soldier living across the street from us.  She served in Desert Storm and Hillary came by to visit the troops and she talked to her.  She was a fan of HRC ever since.  She said exactly what you mention above, that was compassionate, warm and friendly during that one on one.  She even has a picture of her and HRC.  


    One of the best speeches of her career was when The Orange Menace hired Bannon to his campaign, and Hillary spoke to his character and what Breitbart stood for.  I really thought that speech would seal things up for her.  Come to find out, people are OK with a racist running a campaign.  Sigh.



  11. 46 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I'm watching President Obama's last press conference in tears. He's such a classy, distinguished, articulate, and yes elegant man. We have been lucky, regardless of some of his failures, to have this man lead us.  People don't realize how much he's going to be missed. And this is the last normal press conference we will see for years if not ever. And with someone who may be guarded with them but certainly not combative.


    IA, Jane.  Honestly, he and his family are inspirational.  He's really been an amazing leader and I'm proud to have cast my vote for him.  



    18 minutes ago, Roman said:


    Hmmm I wonder if the MSM will make this the headline / top of the broadcast at 6.30 this evening like they did when he rolled his big orange azz up there the first time.  Something tells me they won't.  Grrr



  12. 43 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    Healthcare is going to spiral out of control, no doubt. People who are healthy will go to plans that have high deductibles. Young people without families will go back to not buying insurance, which leads to high premiums as the healthy bow out of the system until they need emergency care. There will be a lot less of the kind of preventative care that cuts healthcare costs overall. I'm really sad for the poor and the chronically ill.


    True story.  As it is now, I've opted for the cheapest coverage HSA "bronze" because I simply can't afford the Silver and Gold options.  High deductibles.  The next step after this will be the "safety net" plan - it's as bad as it sounds.


    But you hit the nail on the head IRT the healthy dropping out of the system.  It will be one big azz nasty slimy snow ball effect.


    10 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Another Kent State is inevitable at this point. It may not come this week but it's coming.


    Lord help us.



    I'm one of the whiners I guess.  LOL.  But you're right, premiums will skyrocket.


    I've been with my employer for 20 years now, and they only offer one traditional PPO/HMO plan these days, are the premiums are exorbitant.  Most everyone now opts for an HSA, and most if us feel that decision is made for us because of the price.  



  14. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    So the Center on Budget and Public Priorities (non partisan) released a report this AM showing the catastrophic result of overturning the ACA. First is, and I chuckle while I cry) that premiums will double once repealed while the top 1% get 7 million dollars on average in tax breaks a year. And young people will suffer the most as their premiums will increase as much if not more.


    People didn't want to listen. This is coming from someone who was self employed for years and knows how expensive health coverage was for non employer plans for years. It's only going to be worse now and employer plans will continue to be downgraded also.


    27 minutes ago, marceline said:


    And those costs will get passed on to everyone including people with employer-based coverage.


    :angry: I can barely afford my employer based health insurance now.  If they succeed in repealing the ACA, we're screwed.  


  15. 4 minutes ago, Khan said:



    Yeah, but first, they have to get rid of the Jeff Zuckers and Les Moonveses.  Those idiots see only rating points.  They'll never understand the mess they created from normalizing and legitimizing Trump's vicious campaign.


    You're so right.  


    CBS has a new, polished up promo for Trump's inauguration and it's pretty sickening.  Talk about normalizing him!


    They've positioned him as some inspirational change agent.  :angry:


  16. 1 hour ago, Roman said:

    He now is entering office with the lowest approval rating of any incoming POTUS since polling began....37%. the little punk did this to himself. and the TVMSM doesn't know how to handle it. Carol Costello just said that the Dems should at least try to work with Trump...funny how the MSM didn't cover the true story of Reps having a meeting the night of Obama's first inauguration and discussing about how they wouldn't work with him AT ALL.


    The MSM double standard is infuriating and now that Trump isn't going to play ball, what the [!@#$%^&*] are they going to do?  

    Despite their kissing his ass, his approval level is the lowest ever.  I love it.  The MSM have to start being truly unbiased and report the truth about this racist [!@#$%^&*].


  17. 17 minutes ago, Skin said:


    Those jobs are forever gone.




    Just to be clear, outsourcing to India has been going on for at least 17 years now.  I think *most* of us know that, but the fact it was thrown into a proTrump ramble, I thought it wouldn't hurt to point it out.  




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