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Posts posted by GMac

  1. I'm ok with it.

    I'm in Florida, and I can tell you the Cuban population in the south aren't very happy with it. They've been very vocal about leaving the embargo in place and it's a hot button topic every election cycle.

    FYI: Typically, the Republicans support this view so the majority of Cubans in South Florida vote accordingly.

  2. Until you are a victim yourself, you can't fairly predict your reaction to an assault. How many of us imagined how we would have handled those terrorists if we'd been on one of those flights on 9/11? Playing Monday morning quarterback with someone else's trauma is unfair, pointless, gross.

    Thank you for this, you said it perfectly.

  3. Jeb is in it to win it!

    ROFL please spare me

    I really wish we could get some fresh blood in the run for president. The idea of a Clinton vs. Bush race just makes me tired and I say that as a Hilary supporter. Unfortunately, it costs so much to run for office that only a handful of people can do it and they all seem to be related.

    ICAM. I'd love to see two new faces for both parties, or better yet a viable third party candidate. As it stands now, I'll be waving the Hilary 2016 banner with ya!

  4. None of this would have happened if just one of them had simply went to the police when the incidents happened. Even if the charges would have been dissmissed, that right there would have been the game changer when it comes to public opinion.

    Seems to me that public opinion is overwhelmingly against Cosby, unless you're seeing a different newscast than I am. I, for one, am not going to sit here and point fingers at the victims. Their stories are consistent, the circumstances very similar. To say to them now "Well you should have done 'X' or 'Y'" isn't constructive.

    Like I've said before, I'm a strong believer of innocent until proven guilty. These ladies' stories are credible and support the theory that Bill Cosby is a serial rapist.

  5. Oh jeez, please no. The last thing we need is another Bush in the White House and he was barely successful as governor. The claim that he'll get the Latino vote because he's married to one is as ridiculous as the claim that President Obama got the black vote because he's black. People of color do vote on the issues, not just the ethnicity of the candidate.

  6. I've always been a die-hard "innocent until proven guilty" kinda guy, but IA, the overwhelming number of women coming forward is very damning. It's hard to believe, especially given the latest victim, that there's nothing to their claims.

    Apparently, Bill's been leading a double life for 30+ years! That's devious.

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