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Posts posted by pdm1974

  1. 14 hours ago, dio said:

    like... how old are y'all? 👀 You're all so messy. It's embarrassing reading some of these comments. 🤦‍♂️


    anyway, I'd put money on them being back before Summer. 🙄

    I know...all the negativity and nasty comments are so childless and energy draining just to read.  This board in general has started to become a forum for juvenile comments...not a discussion.


    Not liking a specific character or not caring for a certain actor is fine. We all have opinions on what we do and don't like. But when it falls into personal insults and "jokes" about DUIs or constant obsessions with a person's weight, it's just sad. Hint= being bitchy does not equal having a personality...and hold onto your hats...a happy person doesn't feel the need to constantly put others down.

  2. I felt that the two characters had been written into a corner in many ways...CS/Paul had better chemistry with either of them than Will and Sonny together. But, regardless, to me it's sad that there will be no lgbt presence on the show anymore. As a gay viewer, characters like Will, Sonny, Paul (and a lesser extent Evan and Leo) made me feel sort of more of the DAYS world if that makes sense.


    Now, with just Ciara and the serial killer and other stories (Stevano, Princess Gina) not doing it for me, I don't feel any compelling reason to watch. For about six months now, my viewing has been spotty to begin with after years of watching daily...so I've seen the good and the bad over the years. But, this just kind of kills any interest I have at this point and sort of deflates any excitement I felt about the show. It would have been better to maybe release one from their contract and send the remaining character on a totally new storyline path. It's also sad that Will was one of the few characters left with the Horton name.

  3. 1 hour ago, Khan said:


    I think the same could be said for MANY writers who tried to write for this messed-up show.  No pairings on DAYS have worked for me in a very long time, because the characters are just so damaged.

    I really feel that Ciara, with the current actress that is, had so much potential in the beginning...some real star power actually. But, she's been weighted down with this horrible Ben pairing that makes zero sense and makes her look delusional, stupid, etc. Ugh! That character, that actress could have been the next real star player on DAYS

  4. 4 minutes ago, Khan said:


    That actually sounds pretty good.  It's too bad they didn't write that instead, lol.


    I think Michael Filerman and David Jacobs knew going in that S14 would be their last, so it might've been nice to use that opportunity to bring back some old favorites.  Perhaps, James Houghton (Kenny) and Kim Lankford (Ginger) could have put in an appearance?  Or Lisa Hartman Black (Cathy)?  Or John Pleshette (Richard)?  (IIRC, there was a point where Mack was in trouble and needed an attorney.  Perhaps, Karen could have called Richard back to help him.)


    Maybe they could have made amends with Constance McCashin (Laura) and ask her to put in an appearance or two as Laura's ghost (appearing as a manifestation of Greg's conscience)? Or maybe Julie Harris (Lilimae) could've returned, with the story being that Lilimae comes back for Val's funeral, then stays behind to look after Betsy and Bobby?


    Moreover, it would've been great to see Patrick Peterson (Michael) and Tonya Crowe (Olivia) one more time.  (Brian Austin Green's was on "90210" at that point, so he probably would've been unavailable).  And for sure, when they knew it'd be the last season, they could've brought back Douglas Sheehan (Ben) and tied him in with Val's reappearance.

    All those characters returning would have been so great and brought things full circle. I'm guessing budget was so tight that last year. I guess we're lucky we had the show as long as we did...14 seasons is an amazing run! And, it outlasted all the other traditional primetime soaps.

  5. 1 hour ago, victoria foxton said:

    If i remember correctly. Diana only appeared in New York. When Karen went to visit her. I love the idea of Diana fighting Kate for Gary. Diana would've added some much needed spice to that lackluster pairing. I loved Stacy Galina as Kate. But Knots had no idea what to do with her. Still Gary was way better than the oceanographer. 

    Gary was waaaaaaay better than that oceanographer for Kate.

    Besides Kate and Paige, the younger generation was mostly gone which I felt hampered the storytelling since it wasn't multi-generational. I always thought writing out Michael and Olivia was short-sighted, but I guess it was probably done for budget, too.


    One of my highlights those last few seasons were those Anne and Claudia scenes where they pretended to like each other but couldn't stand the other. The voiceovers were hilarious as they revealed their true feelings.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfXOHnTk8UE

  6. 5 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I think the second half of season 13 was also really fantastic, but the final season definitely ended on a high note. I honestly didn't mind the absences from some characters that year. We always had Karen to carry you through and Paige was long term enough to help carry the show as well. I much prefer that to what Dallas and Falcon Crest did in later years by simply eliminating character so the others can appear in more episodes. Knots found the right balance so by the time the show ended the canvas didn't seem like a shell of itself. I also love that they finally brought Diana back. I loved her in those early seasons and hate she didn't return sooner. It was nice to see her fully realized as an adult in season 14 as well as the reunion. 

    Imagine the conflict is Diana had been the one to fall in lover with older man Gary (versus Kate) in season 14! That would have created conflict with so many different characters on different levels.


  7. Galen has always come off as a very nice guy. So, that part really sucks. I've felt that Rafe was played out for a long time now though. It feels like he's been paired with almost every female on the show except for Maggie and Julie! The show has struggled with a post-Bo Hope. It's hard to follow that up I know. I think they should try and pair her with a character completely different from Bo (no cops, etc.)

  8. Season 14 sort of got the show back on track I thought, but they were limited by the number of times they could use the leads. I think I read that Michele Lee agreed to work for scale so she could be in every episode of the series at the end.

  9. On 2/6/2020 at 4:08 AM, Paul Raven said:

    Lemay may have written the Matthews family differently in his tenure but they were not decimated by any means.

    Yes Mary was killed off, Alice recast and Russ written out but there was nothing that couldn't have been corrected.


    Russ was brought back later as was Susan but post Lemay Mike, Marianne, Russ. Pat, Alice were all dropped.


    Subsequent regimes made half hearted attempts to revive the family.


    The late 70's/early 80's was the time the show needed to keep the Matthews in play, nowt write them off.


    But the same thing was happening to the Hughes, Hortons and Bauers.

    In the late 80's, they sort of made an attempt to bring back the Matthews family when it was revealed that Josie was Russ' daughter. They brought Russ back (for a short time) and Liz. Olivia was also introduced and stuck around for a time. Josie's last name was even changed to Matthews, but when the character came back mid-90's her last name was back to Watts.

  10. 1 hour ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    After all these months of unconfirmed news, soaps.com is confirming Casey Moss' departure. They say it'll happen during Feb. Sweeps.


    I'm devastated.  JJ was an unfocused character after his first year or so, but CM really rose to the occasion every time he got good, big content.  And he worked so well with his family.  "Days" is going to lose part of its heart.  I feel lucky we had him for seven years.

    I agree. He turned out to be a great part of the cast. They didn't always write for him, but when they did, he knocked it out of the park. Once Abby leaves, that will give Jen and Jack no kids on the show. What will they do with them at this point?

  11. 1 hour ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    Honestly I'm glad that we won't be subjected to watching Eric and Sarah raise a kid together (boooooring), but I'm a little sad that Xander was involved with the switch. I mean it's not surprising and Xander will never be a good guy, but I wanted him and Sarah to be a viable couple. I'm sure Sarah will decide she's in love with him 5 minutes before everything is revealed.


    I really don't care about Haley even in the flashbacks.

    I'm just upset we haven't seen Xander in those little gray running shorts lately.

    57 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Ron Carlivati will have no problem keeping him on the show.  He’s justified some terrible behavior on all his shows.  On this show even.  Ben was still a serial killer, correct?

    Having Victor let his grandson believe his daughter is dead and that his nephew's husband did it...wow...that's a lot! I am excited that Maggie should be getting some good material (I met Suzanne Rogers a couple of times and she's a real sweetheart) , but how is everyone going to get out of THIS MESS???

  12. 2 hours ago, j swift said:

    The SB historical timeline continues to evoke questions.


    Given that Channing and Warren were the same age, how much older do you think Mason was supposed to be?


    After three re-casts Mason seemed to de-age, but he had to be 4-5 years older than Channing, which would make him 7 years older than Eden.  


    Also, given that they went to high school together, what do you think was the age difference between Cruz, Victoria, & Keith versus Eden?  


    I ask because if Santana went to high school with Cruz, (and secretly dated Channing), while living in the Capwell home with her mother, was she supposed to be the same age as Mason and therefore older than Channing?  Was Santana dating an under-aged-closeted-gay-man while in her 20's?  

    Sophia's timeline was also confusing. I always got the impression Sophia was more of a B-movie actress. That would explain why she wasn't so easily recognized in my opinion.


    It makes sense that Mason was at least 6 to 8 years older than Eden. I'm not sure we ever got clarification on how long CC was married to Pamela.


    Ugh, Pamela...a character that was sooo mishandled. She should have been the show's Alexis Colby IMO.

  13. 15 hours ago, John said:

    More Family for Mags




    Actress Marie Wilson will reprise her role of Summer Townsend on Days of our Lives later this month. Wilson last appeared on the NBC soap opera in July 2016 in a storyline that revealed her character as a troubled young woman that Maggie Horton had given up for adoption as a baby. Soaps.com can reveal that Wilson will be back onscreen as Summer on January 21.

    Hmmmm....I wonder if this has anything to do with Sarah's baby being sick.


    I feel like the initial idea for Summer sounded good on paper, but didn't click somehow.

    Will see how it plays out...

  14. On 1/4/2020 at 8:52 AM, Neil Johnson said:

    Jensen and the writers turned Vicky into AW's female romantic lead, which was great for Jensen, but not good for the character.  Vicky should have remained a bad-girl causing trouble for other characters, as Rachel had done for many years.  Jensen's version of Vicky behaved more like Marley, in my opinion.  Then when Marley returned full-time, the writers had to make her bonkers, because there was no room for another "good" twin -- Vicky was, by then, the good one.   

    I agree that Vicky became very watered down when played by JB. I thought she lost all of that "sprak" the character had before. She became another generic romantic lead.


    Didn't JB refuse to play Marley after a bit? That's when it sort of felt like the characters merged into one.

  15. I agree that DAYS has been VERY plot heavy lately. There's little attention paid to the relationships between the characters that make a soap special. Neither the Hortons nor the Bradys feel like a family anymore because characters' don't interact with family members often and plot beats aren't played out. I'm all for a brisk pace, but if we don't care about the characters....so much feels like wash and repeat. The constant propping of Ben (which I've never gotten the appeal of after his serial killer days), Nicole in a constant state of repeating the same storyline over and and over (Brady or Eric), no one noticing Hope is acting weird, Lani not just taking Gabi's phone from her....I had high hopes for the time jump, and the first week caught my attention...but follow-up has been soooooo bland. The numbers are just plummeting...

  16. Wow....Remember when DAYS used to get a holiday boost??


    I can't help but be worried that TPTB are thinking twice about their renewal decision. I wonder if they have wiggle room to still get out of it.


    I'm not sure why people, including myself, are having trouble getting invested in the show. I haven't watched in weeks. I think the time jump was a good idea on paper, but after the first couple of weeks it started to drag. And, having things like Will and Ben being BFFs is just too much. I'm sooooo tired of "crying Nicole." I miss when she was a martini drinking bitch. Now, she just cries and whines and bounces back and forth between Brady and Eric. "Stevano" was kinda a last straw for me. Stefano should have permanently been laid to rest with JM. We didn't need him, and to be honest, the DiMeras at all. The one suprising thing I sort of enjoyed was Lani and Kristen's friendship. All of the rest, I just can't get into it.

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