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Posts posted by pdm1974

  1. 16 minutes ago, Darn said:

    I wonder what, other than Brad's short attention span, prompted them to have Brooke so immediately go after Ridge. I'm not kidding, it's literally the same episode. She even slyly tells Thorne (within MINUTES of signing the annulment papers) she's going to and says it might hypothetically be good for the company. That is the most whiplashiest writing I've ever seen.

    That plot twist totally threw me at the time. I thought Brooke had MUCH more chemistry with Thorne than Ridge. It was also the one time Thorne had a chance to shine as a character. her relationship with him was so different than the one she had with Ridge, too.


    But, yep, within an episode their marriage ended, and she was lusting after Ridge for the millionth time!

  2. 3 hours ago, provocative said:

    I agree that they should bring Jeremy back. If only to make sure there'll still be some last-name Hortons around if the show lasts that long. Mike'd be nice too but otherwise Jennifer/Jack could act as his family seeing as their kids aren't around. I know it doesn't seem as traditionally fitting as maybe Maggie/Someone who isn't Victor but I can't imagine anyone who isn't Jennifer being in the Horton House (when we see it once a year) at this point


    And I'm really liking all of the Allie stuff - her goading Eric about his priestly ways, Lucas flying off the handle, all the fond and not so fond reminiscing of Sami, etc

    A nice touch could be Jennifer becoming involved in Allie's life...sort of the surrogate mom Maggie was to her at times. Jennifer could be the "good mom" at odds with "Sami" the "bad mom." Have Allie live at the Horton house even. Jack and Jennifer will need something/someone to generate story for them.


    I'm liking the Allie stuff, too. I'm curious as to who the "baby daddy" is, as he's bound to show up.


    On another note, I wonder if we'll ever get Theo back. To me, him and Ciara are the true end game.

  3. 4 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    Elani's pregnancy is boring filler. I'm liking Allie. She's giving me pregnant teen Sami vibes. I liked a boring Ericole's scenes with Allie.

    I think they just don't know what to do with Eli and Lani...which is a shame since the characters have so much potential.


    We need another "Sami-like" troublemaker. Maybe Allie will be it.


    Nicole is soooooo boring to me when she's the "good one." She worked much better as a bitchy, scheming mess. In some ways, I feel the character has really run its course.

    4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Lucas’ branch of the Horton family deserves to be on the show.

    Definitely....the Hortons don't feel like a real family anymore since it's so fractured. Tom and Alice have lots of descendants but they often don't feel connected. Maybe part of that is budget, so characters end up in storyline islands and don't interact. I get a feeling most actors just get used for the minimum guarantees at this point...if they're on contract.


    There's not that unifying character which is usually a patriarch or matriarch that ties it all together. Maggie mostly interacts with just Victor's family, and she was the closest to that character for the Horton family. I like Doug and Julie, and would like to see them more just because of their history of the show. I'm not sure what they'll do with Jennifer and Jack at this point especially since their kids are gone. They can't break them up again...or kill Jack for the 109th time! Hope has no viable love interest at this point, either. If they took time to build the relationships, they could center the Horton family around Hope, Jennifer, and Lucas and their offspring...but have them interact much more than they currently do so they actually feel like a family.

  4. I wish Lucas was on full time. He's one of those characters that just makes it feel more like DAYS for me, and he's needed to beef up the Horton family.

    On 6/8/2020 at 8:07 PM, ranger1rg said:

    Marlena made me gag with her story about how Ben has changed, putting in the work with therapy, meds, meetings, etc.  Propping to the nth degree.

    I will never get over the Ben propping. You don't get "cured" from being a serial killer.

  5. 14 hours ago, ranger1rg said:


    The Katie scene with Brooke was also hilarious (and no, I’m not making light of attempted rape). Brooke’s story about the assault was a mess, and didn’t align in any way with how her dress was ripped. 

    Was she in that van or what? With two guys on top of her and all over her, how did she see all these “people across the street”? What a disaster that dialogue is.

    I wonder what the point of the attack was. I'm not sure it was ever really addressed. There was a theme of woman being victimized and manipulated in that first episode...Brooke, Ridge proposing to Caroline just to have sex with her. Caroline was absolutely luminous though!

  6. 20 minutes ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    On a side note, I've always had an inkling that Jerry Douglas had a face lift in the mid-late 80s - but I didn't realize they wrote it into the story!

    Was that what those scenes were about then. I thought they felt so odd with Joanna telling John he should have plastic surgery. It felt random...and kinda insulting on her part. :)


    Joanna never really seemed to take off as a character.


    I wonder if it's true that Bell had written the part of Stephanie on B&B with her in mind. Maybe that's why he never really invested in Joanna if he had SSH in mind for that role.

  7. 39 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I think it was although a few years later Sally was trying to get pregnant again with Jack Hamilton’s baby so that was definitely pushing it lol.

    Exactly! I could sorta kinda buy the CJ pregnancy if Sally was late 40's in the story. But, when she was trying to get pregnant by Jack....that ship had long sailed!! :)

    1 minute ago, titan1978 said:


    Also- women with money have later in life babies quite a bit.  They can afford the health costs and support raising their children.  I mean, Janet Jackson was close to 50 when she had her child.

    Wha?  This happened that late in the show’s run?  That is a lot to get past.

    It was in the last couple of years of the show. I could have maybe bought one baby minus the cancer and hurricane birth. Her son Jamie had to be pushing 40 himself.

  8. Rachel on AW takes the cake in my opinion on this. Mid-50s at least...she was pregnant with TWINS while also having a possible cancerous tumor in her uterus that couldn't be operated on because it would kill the twins. Then, she gave birth to the babies by cesarean section with no pain killers on top of a coffee table in the middle of a hurricane. The twins were delivered by Dr. Shane Roberts who had previously been Bobby Reno, race car driver. It was all downright comical! And then once she had the twins they were barely mentioned or seen.

  9. 9 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:


    I tried to block out of all MAB’s attempts to  get “the Black storyline up and pumping”.


    B&B has been even worse at such stories too. That had something decent with Lark Voorhies as Jasmine back in the day but they eventually dropped her. Maya’s story went very unnecessarily off the rails.




    What was so disappointing with Maya's story was they brought KM back after her maternity leave only to announce that she divorced from Rick...and then she disappeared. It was kind of a slap in the face to fans that supported that story. They should have just had her go back to Paris to be with Rick.

  10. 22 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    I'm so glad he said those things! It's true! ATWT was NOT good those last years. But so many just loved Pissy's years. I don't get it. (I also don't think Kreizman had enough time to make any impact, not that I think he could have saved the day, of course)

    The show seemed to struggle with direction in the end. The pace became extremely fast...so even if you liked a storyline, sometimes it would wrap up in 6 weeks! And, I remember there was one point where it felt like every single storyline had to do with wanting a baby or having a baby. Not to mention the non-use of characters like Lisa and Nancy who could have added so much with just semi-regular appearances.

  11. 19 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Are you Chris Van Etten? That's what he said on the show.

    LOL...no, I'm not. But the story aired when I was going through the same thing. It's still amazing that they did the homophobia storyline in 1992. It was a huge umbrella story that most characters were involved in at some point. Now, there's many more lgbt+ characters on TV shows, but back then it was a risky move on the show's part. Michael Malone did such a great job crafting all the beats of that story.

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