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Posts posted by dio

  1. Love ED as Kristen, and never had a problem with LS as Vivian,  but SH has made Kristen her own, sorry! I don't watch and imagine what it would be like with ED's Kristen, which is shocking to me. And RS is such a blinding light the second she was on screen I was freaking sold. Even tho BB's gone, I hope they find a way to keep RS/Vivian, because she's so freaking good. Her scenes with Kate were camp af, but she made it so freaking grounded and good. I love RS as Vivian and SH as Kristen, tbfh. 🤷‍♂️

  2. 3 minutes ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    You know cbs and sony have to pander to their old viewers with that mindset you mentioned


    but like... the medium is literally DYING in the US, but UK soaps are flourishing. Why? They need to look at that ish, like for real. Try something drastic (by the closed-minded US soap standard) or they're all gonna be cancelled in 3-5 years. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    I feel like that was where they were heading before Steve Kent or Angelica McDaniel intervened and we were given the sad, tragic tale of a faceless girl who drank too much at their party instead.  Otherwise, unless the girl had died from alcohol poisoning, what was the big, damn deal?


    it's so funny to me that these show-runners continue to pander to the less-progressive mindset with their stories (very few poc, practically no SERIOUS interracial romance, vanilla same-sex stuff, if any at all) even as their viewership declines. Like, the world is a rainbow, y'all... let's try something different and "edgy" ehh? I mean an epic gay love story could REALLY spark some interest in any of these shows with a younger ship-crazy audience, but nah. 🙄 And I legit thought they were gonna have Theo/Mariah/Tess in a ménage ad Sharon was gonna kiss Nate or something (to harken back to Abbey sleeping with Scotty while he was engaged to Sharon) with this Grand Phoenix drugged story like some genuine semi-interesting drama kicked up, but it was like... literally, nothing happened except Devon ended up looking like a punk again. What a joke. 😂


    even GH, they could have flipped the script with the mind-transfer SL and have Franco/Drew be gay and in the closet... have an affair with Lucas, or something? I dunno. But that would be pretty interesting. Like, how could Liz contend with that? LOL 

  4. after today's epi I'm guessing Brooke's gonna burn Bridge, which will lead to Shauna+Ridge, and Brooke+Bill+Katie (and another Emmy for Tom), Thomas is gonna be redeemed and become a real threat to Liam+Hope, and Steffy vs. Flo is gonna be what Hope vs. Steffy 2018-2019 would have been if KM had returned to the role...

  5. tbh, Theo's acting like a jealous lover and he doesn't seem to have any genuine interest in Summer, so the show should turn this whole Summer/Theo/Kyle/Lola quad on its head and add another twist to Theo/Kyle's past: they were on and off, closet lovers. That would give this sl another angle and be VERY soapy/interesting/hot, imo. Because the way things are are just freaking weird. lol

  6. 57 minutes ago, xtr said:




    I think that she comes across as too young to be hanging out with the mostly mid to late 20 something crowd. She seems like she would fit in with more Reed/Mattie/Charlie. She's maybe 19 which I think is why she was drinking a virgin drink at Society. Everybody else is at least mid to late 20's. (An exception being Lola, who I think is early 20's) I have been finding Zoe annoying and I think her role has been mostly useless. I think a pot stirrer from Kyle's past (not named Theo) could have worked. But I was hoping for someone more mature/interesting. IMO, that's not Zoe. 


    this entire age group is useless, lbr. There is no legit reason for any of them to be around except they're related to someone. It's gross. Mariah floating from job to job w/o putting any really work in is gross. 


    and tbh, them being older makes it all worse. These older peeps could help steer this "child" in the right direction or whatever, but they keeps swatting at her like a fly - when she hasn't done anything to any of them to warrant this treatment. Again, it makes me side-eye characters like Mariah and Lola, and Tessa in particular (all the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, nth chances she's had...) No one is giving her a chance... like, why?

  7. lmao, is that "mysterious" lawyer Devon keeps talking about gonna be Hillary's doppelganger? How incredibly dumb, if so. 🤣


    3 hours ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    I like zoe too. Its really nice that finally someone realises not every YR women has to be some heroine. I prefer these type of characters summer was more exciting last year even with that stupid billy story. I miss old kyle too.


    i never liked Kyle in any of his iterations. He just never felt fully realized, and MM's acting has always been lacking. I did find Summer being his "weakness" his only redeeming quality and an interesting foil, and then they killed that so it's like whatever. LOL Anyway, the way all these characters are treating Zoe like trash has me feeling for her. 

  8. the way all the characters on the show within her age group are treating Zoe like ish they stepped in, tho realistic, is very off-putting (to me, towards them) and is making me kind of root for her... like, Lola is supposed to be this amazing, sweet person but she always treats Zoe like a nuisance. Same thing with Mariah and Tess... none of these people know this girl, but they all treat her like they don't want to and Summer always commenting on how she's such a wannabe... I hope whatever plan she has for them all goes off without a hitch. What a bunch of a-holes. 

  9. the dumbo twist is probably that Victoria killed Delia, knew the entire time, and kept it on the dl. They are clearly trying to drum up something with Chloe + Billy with this whole "I'm the only one that understands him and can halp him!!!!" bs, and I'm sure we will find out in a "shockingggg!!!" revelation that Bella's Billy's kid.


    and Kevin/Micheal are gonna be the new villains of the show, once Adam is declawed and welcomed back into the bosom of the family - because they all only hated him because he killzzord that kid, rite?! 🙄



  10. the problem with the remaining Rosales clan is that you can't have a bunch of squeaky clean characters jump in a basket of bad eggs, meanwhile continue to have them remain above the fray, because it makes the established characters looks awful by comparison and it makes people have to look at themselves, their choices,  likes and dislikes, and how much of a mess that is in broad daylight... people don't want to hear or see all that. LOL Rey and Lola are basically saints on the Y&R canvas of popular sinners. They have this secret Kyle is keeping, and his drive to keep it secret is not disappointing saint Lola, an peeps ain't here for that because we haven't been SHOWN how saintly Lola is, only been told, but are shown a very iffy character with questionable morals AT BEST.


    tbh, I honestly feel like this pairing/Lola's character would have been a lot more successful if she had ended it with Kyle when she found out the lengths he went to to get her a kidney. That's pretty disgusting behaviour, so the fact that Lola took him back ad forgave him, but we're supposed to believe ish he did before he even knew her and was a "bad boy" factors into their relationship, now? Really, girl? 


    it's like they want Lola to be a B&B Hope-like paragon of virtue character, but have shown us nothing to support that. Like, we've been SHOWN numerous times Hope making sacrifices for other people, because she's supposed to be that "good" but what have we been shown of Lola? lol


    like, I'm pretty sure Arturo was the most popular Rosales, and even Mia was more popular than Rey and Lola... but they're both gone. 🙄

  11. 9 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    I never liked the idea of turning a legacy character into the shows main antagonist for story after story. It changed the way stories on Y&R were created. Newman versus Newman never left much story or airtime for anyone else. 

    I don't expect Jason Thompson to last very long. I got the impression than Angelica was his champion 


    the familial cannibalizing in the stories is such a turn off, and they are doing what a lot of soaps have been doing in that they don't have people go to work regularly so we can see day-to-day stuffs and how peeps deal with doing their jobs on top of drama, etc. It's just drama 24/7, and they fight over these companies and it's like... none of y'all even go to work regularly, so what's good? Like, why haven't the Foresters put on a fashion show in forever or talked about business? It's just baby drama 24/7... zZZZ

  12. 1 minute ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    Yeah i see some people acting like every single fan hates adam and i looked at soap Twitter and its not like thst at all lol


    it's not hate, per se.But the way story is constantly revolving around him and his stupid angst is like... get over it already! He still hasn't paid for killing Ashley+Vic's baby and having her run around with a dead baby in her stomach for weeks. They are constantly trying to push this "sympathy for the devil" narrative and it's like zZZZZ at this point. 

  13. lmao, the show was in the pooper looooooooooooooooooong before the Rosales came on the scene. One name: Adam Newman. But tbh, it started on a downward spiral when they killed John Abbott, just to have some stupid ghost dad story... 


    i'm still baffle they haven't REALLY attempted to recast Mackenzie. I always thought they should have left Phyllis in a coma, and cast GT as Mac. The way the Chancellor legacy on the show basically consists of their maid and her kin... a damn mess. 

  14. 10 hours ago, xtr said:

    Here are a few spoilers I saw on another site from SOD about Phyllis and the Grand Phoenix opening. Michelle Stafford tells the magazine that Phyllis will show up to the event uninvited. People will think she's there to start trouble but she will end up toasting Abby/Chelsea and wishing them well with the hotel. She has planned shenanigans for the opening of the hotel.


    MS says that people will see characters like they have never seen them before and it's a really, really fun couple of episodes. And in an earlier interview from a little while ago her and MCE said that something that had never happened on daytime before would occur with the opening. I wonder what that will be. 


    poc will get front-burner storylines for longer than half a story's arc? 🙄

  15. On 8/30/2019 at 9:23 AM, xtr said:

    Here are some more spoilers from the Fall Preview from SOD. It sounds like Carter, Maya and Rick will be featured more.

    The magazine says they are looking closely at the next Chapter for Maya and what lies ahead for her and also Carter and Rick. The mag says that we will see more of the Avants in the coming months. Xander and Zoe are also sticking around for right now and will work hard to redeem themselves. Zoe in particular will work to get back into the good graces of the Forrester family. Xander and Zoe will also have concerns about Thomas's stability.


    It looks like maybe B&B listened to some of the feedback that viewers gave them on the survey. I believe that a lot of people said (myself included) that they wanted more diversity on the show. Maybe that is why they will be featuring the black characters more. 


    Now it's time for Y&R to put another survey and pay attention to the feedback on that as well. 


    lmao, this is just more lip-service, trust and believe. The Avants, Maya, and Carter will remain on the periphery/off in oblivion. And Xander will continue to be Zoe's accessory. IMO, the only poc B&B really cares about is Zoe. But I don't even think they care enough to give her any story, otherwise she would have slept with Liam or Wyatt by now, lbr. 🤢


    as for Rick... this entire Thomas SL should have been Rick's, not Brooke's, which shows how little B&B cares for him. It should have been Rick vs. Thomas, with Ridge stepping in when Thomas got hospitalised, and Brooke caught in the middle, etc. But alas... this story will end up with Brooke sleeping with Bill, and Ridge sleeping with Shauna. But it will only be a 1 night stand for both Brooke and Ridge's part, and Shauna will be obsessed with Ridge, and Bill will set his sights on Flo. Trust. And then in the middle of all that, Bill will become obsessed with Steffy again (because she will have a new man, supposedly, and that will make Bill jelly... 🙄) and that will have Liam torn, because suddenly he will want Steffy again too, etc, etc. It's all the same bs to get us back to square one (ie. Steffy/Liam/Hope front-burning story) all over again. 😴

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